7 minute read

The Visionary Woman by Dawn Grossart

She has the Ability to See a Better Future and the Personal Power to Create It

"Visionary" has been part of my empowerment language for many years -for without Vision, nothing else can follow.

It is the guiding light of creation, manifestation and the outcome we seek to experience.

Importantly, a Vision without power is just an idea.

These times we are living in require VISION and the power to make them manifest.

It's true that navigating these disruptive times requires courage, Sister. They call for the harnessing of all of our feminine resources to create a new world that we want to see and build for future generations,

The path of the visionary Woman is the path of fierce love-based leadership, and that love is first nurtured in YOU and for yourself so that you hold the beliefs and the energies to create something different in your life and in the world.

Cambridge University defines the Visionary Woman as a Social Reformer.

"a person who is able to imagine how a country, society, industry will or should develop, and to plan a suitable way to create it".

The Visionary Woman in 2022 exists in many guises, and in some way, she is an activist in life, with her own unique passion-filled mission to create change.

Many impactful visionaries bringing change to the world today are humble, potent and simply driven by service to others, and they also know that prosperity consciousness is a must. They are not always highly visible, but they are committed to making a difference in their own unique way.

Sitting with the question "what does it mean to be a visionary woman" it's crystal clear that three core traits must exist - clarity of a vision of a "better way" and the commitment to take action on making it happen, PLUS the willingness to feel uncomfortable and take risks along the way. There are, of course, other traits, but these 2 are absolutely non-negotiable.

The potency of feminine visionaries and change makers really comes into its own with COLLABORATION. When greater numbers of women embrace Vision + action together, THIS is how the western Woman changes the world.

It doesn't mean you have to be a media darling (if you don't want to be), or sacrifice your personal life; it means that you get to create change on your own terms.

What does being a Visionary Woman look like for you?

Allow yourself to sit with all of the ideas that come and let them fully expand in your mind…what speaks to your heart the loudest…?

What do you want to create in the world that makes a positive difference?

What would you do if fear did not get in the way?

What would you do if you could not fail?

Now, look at your character traits and identify which of the learned behaviours and beliefs you live with currently getting in the way of your progress.

What would you need to evolve and change?

Who would you need to BE?

What traits would you need to develop, and which would you need to let go of?

Let this be an exciting vision of the version of you who lives FULLY and expresses herself freely!

What new emotion would you feel, and what up-levelled energy would you live?

What would you love the most about yourself, who you are now being and what you are doing?

Now let's play with the expanded idea of the Wealthy Visionary Woman.

You know that you have a vision of the life you want to live, the world you want to live in, and the LEGACY impact you want to create.

There is a phrase you have most likely heard before - "broke people can't help anyone"…

It's harsh but true.

If we want to be visionary change-makers, we MUST be willing to evolve and become wealthy.

Prosperity and living with a greater flow of money are a must. Changing your relationship with money is a must.

Trusting that you can attract it, and be a good custodian of it, is a must - and learning that you can handle it with grace and responsibility is a must too.

One common feature of the Wealthy Visionary Woman is that she has grace - she is calm, organised and lives from a level of mind that trusts. She trusts herself and is connected to the creative power that allows her to be in flow. Divine feminine prosperity is a blessing that we have access to because now, there are ways that we can be paid without the HUSTLE.

Love-based leadership means that relationships are the driver of impact in the world, and money can become a vehicle for tremendous potent change when in the hands of women who fiercely commit to their own Vision.

I look to women in our times who have had great Vision lighting their paths.

An early inspiration was Anita Roddick, Founder of the Body Shop - she knew there was a way to create business differently and to responsibly source responsibly, recycle and contribute to the people in communities she worked with and sourced from.

Now, whilst I hold a clear personal vision of the impact I desire to make in the world and environment in the coming years, I know that having MORE women who take action on a smaller scale is what will shift the planet into more significant positive change.

I imagine a world where every Woman has all her basic needs met. Every Woman has access to money to provide for her family and community. THIS Vision is now becoming possible because we have access to new ways to create wealth - and share it globally.

Although, for the most part, the financial world still does not work in favour the individual Woman like us, we have discovered a mechanism that exists and creates true wealth.

If we are all willing to embrace new possibilities, we can create a powerful impact on the world and take a stand for the future of humanity and the planet.

The world needs YOU to be a wealthy visionary - committed to bringing your light and impact to life.

If you know you are meant for more but feel stuck or unclear, is it now time for you to move forward?

How much more FUN would life be, liberated from your mental and emotional shackles and stepping into your full wealthy, visionary power?

Join us in the Ripple Wealth Group, or reach out if you'd like to explore how you can be supported to live your own Vision of life and impact.


Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Coach

Transformational Business Coach & Women’s Financial Freedom Mentor

After a career in a global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women’s freedom and fulfilment as a personal empowerment coach, business coach and leadership mentor.

She has helped thousands of women to create change and establish a path to financial independence.

Her greatest passion now, is helping others to create their best life - especially helping them build confidence, self-esteem AND become financially generative with ease.

Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path of their choosing.

She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personal development world in her online events and is committed to leading women to new heights in personal and financial freedom.

With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multi-million global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creating impactful marketing and a resilient, success-oriented mindset.

Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100%passive income in a post-Covid economy, which facilitates greater personal autonomy and true time freedom.


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