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Harnessing The Power of Colour In A High Vibe Business Lifestyle by Jenni P.

When it comes to colour and business, most people think of branding on a website and social media graphics. Branding tends to be considered an 'external' process that, applied as a strategy, should result in attracting sales. I say should. Branding is an art and a science that is hard to master as a client-attracting strategy, even for huge companies.

How we perceive and interact with our world is largely impacted by the colours that surround us. While not necessarily something we are aware of consciously, as we go about our daily lives, the psychology of colour and social media branding is continually affecting consumers deeply. Colour moves us. It invokes hormonal changes in us. Perceiving and responding to colour is something we do on a second-to-second basis. Particularly when it comes to marketing and the internet world. Colour influences the mood and decisions of consumers - that means your ideal clients!

According to Aristotle, the original colours sent from God were Black and White, and all the other colours stemmed from these two. Newton opened up new perspectives on that, and the colour spectrum as we know it was defined.

As scientists began to understand and analyse lightwaves and define the visible spectrum of light and colour, it became clear that black and white didn't fit anywhere - "If colour is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcasts and don't count as true, physical colours." Encyclopedia Britannica

The power of colour in business is inescapable. Colour affects client behaviour, moods, thoughts, consumer choices, and sales. Our reactions to colours are deeply personal and rooted in our culture and experiences. A particular shade can soothe frazzled nerves, agitate a hostile adversary, motivate and empower you to take action, and bring healing energy when needed.

As Wassily Kandinsky proclaimed, "Colour provokes a psychic vibration. Colour hides a power still unknown but real, which acts on every part of the human body."

Emotions are powerful and (whether we like it or not) drive our decisionmaking.

As a brand, you must cultivate a strong emotional connection with your customers. Branding colours provide a shortcut straight to your clientele's hearts.

When you combine them in both your personal style AND branding and they accurately represent your message, mission and energy, you become a coherent, distinctive, client-attracting powerhouse.

In this series, we'll take the colours of the spectrum and beyond since the blending of colour is as infinite as the number of brands coming onto the market!

In my Divine Branding approach, colour is much more than a strategy. Colour is a language, a vibration and a powerful tool for supporting your vitality (which has a frequency that affects everything you do!) and your business mission and vision.


Let's take silver. Yes, silver is a colour. Symbolically, silver is associated with prestige and wealth.

It is seen as a sophisticated colour related to female energy, prosperity and modernity. Its shiny, reflective qualities relate to intuition, clairvoyance and mental telepathy, traits and skills that many women hold!

Physiologically, silver is calming and soothing, a fluid colour, ever-changing, calming, and purifying. It is the colour of the moon with its ever-changing moods relating to emotional and sensitive energies - it is compassionate. It has a degree of mystery about it - like the moon itself. More feminine traits!

Silver is associated with patience, reflection, perseverance, dignity, self-control, organisation and responsibility. It is illuminating and balancing (neither black nor white).

Best loved for its dazzling sheen, silver is a hue unlike any other. Much like gold, the colour silver is most commonly associated with affluence. Symbolic of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune, those wearing silver are considered to be dressed in the trappings of royalty. Silver prevails as one of the most powerful shades, making it a prominent member of the colour wheel.

In spiritual terms, silver is believed to be a mirror to the soul, helping us to see ourselves as others see us. Associated with strength, clarity, and focus, this true colour of purity asks us to look into the mirror to see our strengths and where we need to improve.

Used as growth and spiritual aid, it reinstates qualities such as hope, unconditional love, and meditation and enhances mystic visions, tenderness, kindness, sensitivities, and psychic abilities.

This royal colour is said to draw the negative energy out of your body, replacing it with positive energy as it pulls from the energy of the earth and the moon.

Using silver in your business is a superb idea. Whilst many women look incredible in silver, even just with silver jewellery. Silver doesn't work well on websites because it just appears grey which can be cold and impersonal. However, combined with other warmer, more vibrant colours that are appropriate for your target market, grey will take on the messages associated with the different colours, which will work well for your website. Those who want to be their higher selves are urged to connect with the colour silver.

So if you can't use it on your website (or rather, judiciously), how can you use its allure?

Graphic supports - since the explosion of the love of visuals in the online world, think about how Rose Gold became a colour that never seems to disappear. Rose Gold has a beautiful vibe, but it is ubiquitous now; you see it everywhere! Silver can be a timeless complement to your primary brand colours and works better on PDF and photos than on a web page. So you could embellish your social media assets with this dazzling energy and magnetise attention!

How the Colour Silver Can Affect You

You are considered gentle, kind and sensitive if you like silver. White and silver are colours associated with the higher self and spirituality.

Where gold has a yang masculine energy, its opposite, silver, is considered feminine energy. It is associated with the moon and the ebb and flow of tides. Silver colour can be regarded as cleansing, illuminating and showing the way forward.

Those drawn to silver are often highly artistic, creative and imaginative, making them good poets, writers, artists and innovators!

It is generally held that success comes easily to those who like this colour. This may be because such people are more open to new ideas and possibilities while being resourceful.

On the downside, silver-loving people can be moody, as their moods are reflected by the changes in the lunar cycle. The extreme of that is tending to spend too much time fantasising and not taking action!

Your environment. Creating or improving your workspace with some silver will put it in a different league. Silver draped over a desk, a silver curtain backdrop to your lives or some kind of decorative arrangement with silver near you will elevate your surroundings' stature and vibe. That connection to spirit, the moon's feminine cycles and wealth cannot help but uplift you, creating an atmosphere of luxury and magic.

Wearing silver. Wearing jewellery during your presentations is always a good idea - even if you're not going in public, it's still a good idea because jewellery embellishes your beauty and charm. Silver clothes suit just about every woman. No need to go over the top; silver teeshirts, scarves and accessories are fabulous to add some 'bling' to your appearance and vibe! Silver never dates! Silver sparkle can be added to the simplest outfits or even in your makeup!

Remember, your brand is not just your website colours! It's your whole message! Do you wish to convey your feminine, goddess, magical nature? Do you want to exude and communicate an easy vibe of wealth and prosperity? Do you wish to stand for luxury, innovation, creativity and new thought? Then bring some silver light into your whole world!

Use something silver to meditate with, get clarity, or bring some light to your journaling. Dazzle your dinner guests with some silver decorations on the table. Silver is not just for Christmas, but to imbue a sense of the miracle of life to all your lifestyle. Surround yourself with the inspiration that silver can bring, and watch your vibe and vitality rise!

I highly recommend buying The Secret Language of Colour by Inna Seagal. Inna is a doyenne on the power of colour as a therapy and powerful life guide. You will find some worthy resources here https://www.innasegal.com/

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