8 minute read
How to radically improve your positioning in your niche through the 9 Graces.
Ten years ago, the word 'visibility' conjured up driving foggy roads with the headlights on.
Now the word is the holy grail of online marketers, especially coaches with big messages, change-makers and visionaries. If we are not seen, we potentially don't have a business.
Why is it so critical for visionaries to be visible? A seer must be seen (visionaries are seers who see, know and understand, and believe that new ways are possible), but unless seers are seen and seen to be heard and believed, their seeing is not worth much!
The online market is vast, and Visibility is a crucial skill to master.
In the same conversation often comes the necessity for PR, press recognition, acquiring publishing notoriety and accolades, and finding opportunities to present and speak. These are acceptable and valuable ways to get our messages out there.
But the Highly Visible Woman will be everywhere because she's created her Visibility by not hiding. Being visible is not just a tactical and technical move; it's the energetic opposite of hiding. And since energy creates everything, it's beneficial to understand how service providers hide so you can stop it! Change-making is an aspiration that requires you to be highly visible! Making an impact is hard to do when nobody knows you or sees you!
9 Ways Change-makers Hide And How To Stop It!
Hiding under limiting beliefs
This is a biggie with service providers who cannot transition from obscurity to claiming a position on the world stage as an authority in their topic.
There may be a limiting belief that you're not good enough to be an authority, that every position on your topic is already taken. That there aren't enough clients to go around. Comparisonitis will be prevalent, and all the sneaky little voices of self-sabotage will convince you that you're not enough!
The Grace of Excellence, if you let yourself be guided by a solid aspirational spirit, will not let your highest self get in the way of getting your message out there so that many people see, hear and benefit from your wisdom. The Grace of Excellence will keep reminding you of your Greatness, potential, duty to your soul's purpose and desire for positive impact.
Hiding behind your heart
This is a subtle but pervasive one for heart-centred entrepreneurs and women in general!
Women as natural carers, givers, lovers, healers, and nurturers…often hide behind their hearts. They do that by making their mission, message, and impact more important than being well paid. Altruism can be a trap which can cost you dearly. Heart-centred entrepreneurs generally overgive, underprice and spend too much time on how many people they can reach rather than creating solid foundations for a sustainable business. Having a mission is a fine and noble thing, but it's natural for you to be handsomely rewarded for sharing your gifts with the world.
The Grace of Peerlessness and Prestige will enable you to hone in on what is unique about your brand and message to reach a maximum number of people. Being in your unsurpassed zone of genius will help you and your message be visible, effective, and impactful. Prestige must be the natural result. Stop being too nice.
Hiding in appearance
Once again, heart-centred entrepreneurs seem to be the least bothered by the importance of image and appearance. Many of them privilege their nurturing side over any desire to be polished, sparkly, unique and professionally presented. Many lack a personal style.
They generally love the 'I just want to be me' argument, preferring to play down any of their extravagant or charismatic potential. As a brand and messenger, any blandness is anti-visibility. You don't have to be permanently dressed up as if going on the red carpet, but you do need to be coherent to turn up as your greatest self when you present yourself with your unique style and panache! Drum roll for the Grace of Distinction to help you do that! Image and appearance are critical to Visibility.
Hiding in mediocrity and fitting in with the crowds
Many change-makers, coaches and consultants don't even realise that they are hiding out at a 'less-than' level - except when they reflect on their bank accounts. Homogeneity is a killer in this pressured, complex, multi-pressure online world. If you look and sound like everyone else, no one will see you hear you or buy from you. Don't let your business be a cookie-cutter model for your mentors or anyone else out there.
Don't fit in when you need to stand out! Embrace your difference in your brand message and business model. Make your USP outstandingly memorable and magnetic! The Grace of Excellence will have you becoming a beacon of inspiration along with Distinction and Renown.
Hiding behind excuses and procrastination
Stuckness, excuses and procrastination are three great places to hang out if you want to hide. We're talking 5- star, hide-out luxury. You could crawl into any of those and hide forever. Many do.
But you will never ever bring Greatness to the world, which is tragic.
The Graces of Transcendence and Endurance will help you to get over it. They will be tough, clear and decisive and may bring you an ultimatum on which you have to make an essential decision for your business. In the end, what's more important? Your excuses or your mission? Get over it! And keep going! Even if you don't know what to do next, do something different.
Hiding behind someone ' bigger and better.'
When we're mentored by people who are further along the journey, it's really easy to hide in their light. Working with a top mentor can feel like we are going places - a feeling of prestige and privilege and settling for our own smallness. We put them on a pedestal, tend to give them superpowers and forget that all they did was master a part of the equation that you're still working out. Again comparisonitis will rear its silly head. As we work near someone we perceive as better than us, it's tempting to automatically hide in their light.
The Grace of Renown will help you grow your own 'Know Like, and Trust' dynamic, which is equal to or even surpasses some of those people to whom you have given your power away. We love to be near their shadows, hovering around to try and emulate their success. If you believe in your own Greatness and power, don't stay in their shade for too long, it can obliterate you.
Hiding by not showing up
In this land of social everything, the sometimes oppressive pressure of showing up has us all running to hide away and get away from the overload of information and tension at some point. Understandable - it's tough out there in the crowd..especially if you're an introvert, as are many visionaries. But if you are hiding, you are not leading. And leadership is what visionaries must do to effectively share their messages. The temptation is there... you can take years to build a website or create a funnel or get a program off the ground. Social media can make us squirm sometimes and want to hide forever. But we will not make a difference or build sustainable revenue if we don't show up. Even showing up for ourselves. Being a changemaker is being a leader. Wanting to set an example is being a leader. So lead without a title if you must but get out of bed, get out of your way, and get out there.
Hiding behind busyness
We live in a world where we could be busy for 90 years and never achieve anything. How tragic. And yet it is a genuine danger for entrepreneurs who privilege the secondary parts of business-building over the primary part, which is making sales. And again, with the complexities of online marketing, we could hide behind the busyness of perfecting our brand, strategy or anything else and never come out of hiding again! Busyness is an excuse as well as a misaligned use of your energy. When you should be sharing your genius and superpowers, if 'you doing stuff you could outsource or hate doing, it is kryptonite to money!
Take up the shield of the Graces of Distinction, Renown, Peerlessness and Leadership.
Let them sit you down and get help, support and clarity. Let them help you get space on your agenda to make money. These are all Graces of Preeminence, and Preeminence is your ticket to Greatness!
Hiding in your brand and message.
How many invisible brands are there out there?
Hundreds of thousands! Brands that have nothing new, outstanding or worthy to say or offer.
A bland brand is an anathema for changemakers, but, unfortunately, in this current market, it seems that only the very well-resourced can afford the titans of copywriting and design.
And so, a bland brand, message, USP and web presence is a feeble representation of someone who surely has a fine and worthy mission and vision.
This is when all the Graces come into play - all working together with you to support your Preeminence. Providing one single thing is in place.
That you are aligned with your vision and message, and that your brand is in alignment with you.