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Personal Branding in theNew Paradigm by Jenni P.

Even if you know what Branding is and can recognise it when you see it, sometimes it can be difficult to articulate precisely what Branding involves.

Many people automatically think that Branding is merely about images, colours, logo, font, company values, and mission. But it goes much deeper than that.

Your brand is how you articulate and communicate your unique brilliance, heart, soul and frequency with the world through the offering of your gifts (services and offers). It's a very two-way thing with the world.

In fact, a personal brand has a third dimension - that of the energy and vibration and how it engages your audience's attention in the business marketplace.

You Are Your Brand. You have an identity composed of hundreds of aspects - your personal story, culture, beliefs, values, personality, gifts, aspirations and personal image and style, along with your energy and frequency. Your brand identity is no different. Each of those aspects also applies to your brand, and it pays for your identity to be cohesive with your soul identity and deepest truths.

Rather than 'having your branding 'done', focus on the idea of you being 'the means to the outcome' your client desires, as in my quote above.

When you're building any cohesive brand identity, certain elements are non-negotiable. These elements clearly express who you are as a brand, what you have to offer and who you're for. In large companies, these elements work together subtly and in some instances, one or two might be missing, but for the most part, you'll see each element on this list present and working with the others to communicate the brand.

When it comes to you as a solo entrepreneur, you can't afford to be subtle. And you can't afford to be misaligned! YOU must be aligned as a whole - a holistic brand which joins purpose, persona, presence and propensity for prosperity!

So why is it Divine? Most people create a brand by what they do, what they sell and how they sell it. If a heart-led entrepreneur is savvy, she'll ensure that her values, purpose or 'why' are prominent in her messaging and communication. Connecting soul to soul or heart to heart through this kind of deep communication takes client attraction to a whole new level - a quantum level!

Since we know now that everything in the world functions in vibration and energy, it follows that everything success, marketing, selling, achievement, money and well-being do too!

That goes for every part of your business process - from the Branding to the sales, from messaging to presenting, from funnels to coaching - it's all interconnected!

Now, my work doesn't have you work with just any old energy but that of your highest, most aligned and successful self.

When you're building any cohesive brand identity, certain elements are non-negotiable. These elements clearly express who you are as a brand, what you have to offer and who you're for. In large companies, these elements work together subtly and in some instances, one or two might be missing, but for the most part, you'll see each element on this list present and working with the others to communicate the brand.

When it comes to you as a solo entrepreneur, you can't afford to be subtle. And you can't afford to be misaligned! YOU must be aligned as a whole - a holistic brand which joins purpose, persona, presence and propensity for prosperity!

So why is it Divine? Most people create a brand by what they do, what they sell and how they sell it. If a heart-led entrepreneur is savvy, she'll ensure that her values, purpose or 'why' are prominent in her messaging and communication. Connecting soul to soul or heart to heart through this kind of deep communication takes client attraction to a whole new level - a quantum level!

Since we know now that everything in the world functions in vibration and energy, it follows that everything success, marketing, selling, achievement, money and well-being do too!

That goes for every part of your business process - from the Branding to the sales, from messaging to presenting, from funnels to coaching - it's all interconnected!

Now, my work doesn't have you work with just any old energy but that of your highest, most aligned and successful self.

"Branding by Divine™ is an energetic and strategic blueprint that I have developed to align your soul-infused, personal brand with the level of abundance you desire, the people you want to serve and the most exquisite way that you make your impact."

I help passionate change-makers go from best-kept-secret to highly sought-after super leaders through Quantum Coding and market-relevant, personal branding so that they can magnify their message and channel more wealth into their soul-driven movement.

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