││ │││││ │ │ │ ││ │││││ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
― ■ 十■ 二 上二_上 __L二 塁 二 上 _l
1+││ 十 寸 十卜 │十 H十月 一 ―― │
vl - oot
Anぃnaリ ダ,42強 cυ よ n寸 ヽ nで 、 防 いο a柚 く hο υ Cいけけ
十 CD"ds l,、 bollclty,s ら
ぃつス暖ン はの責ガd牡瀬 さり、 え訴し了尉■に射♭ 雌 、 、 ‖ 、 lL― 臓燻ハ蚤 Qゴ し ■ してつ メ 期 次t鶴 D。 ンっ `7で シい 肌辱 扇吼LLュ 7び り1っ 71よ つ4tの 。 衆勧孜な のル0 ヽ Cつ η L3外 a編 徹極tヽ ヽ )_ 戦爾1斗 。,ヮ 毛 は ゎもじ、 ` ヽ が るくみ鵬′ ・ 癒汀 颯b秒 で 1・
CP 96/75
修ギ 211つ │)ら り難 ヴf榛 ヒ 鶏飛キ動 か解斉
υF― θθ
S J Melinek,BSc,PhD,MhstP and S Booth 艦
Data on the movernent of crowds are reviewed. The evacuation of buildings to a protected area represented b5r a staircase is considered and a theory for the estimation of the total evacuation time from buildings is presented.
ツ Building Research
Fire Research Station Borehamwood
bySJMelinekandSBooth A = ″
i澳 駕 塁鰹 器営槻麗tミ_Ъ mce ぬ eltti雷 ぶ 島 鷺お 雷 ま端出鮮淵 ∬ 1:電 躍嵐Ⅷ 観器 鮒器 艦 機 ei 漱 :露 .Thi8 m鱗 m祖 emagenり procedures. The ame for
α aCuatiOn
etr response to an alarm. dependS On how alertぬ e occupants are andぬ
Cyわ anottr.For examplヽ
early,mob■ ity and ttiVお
轟 留 勝電 the response of hOSpltal paients躍諾 礎:思欝 ained serVICe personnel. The
cal faCtOrs and by the presence of smoke or
evacuation‖ 7ne COuld also be ttfected b psyChO10」 e eVacuatiOn is orderly and assume tatユ OW hOt gases.Current regttations aim tO ensure ttatぬ en be rates on the usable e2dt rOutes are not ttected W the f"e.The ime for evacuation canぬ calculated from lmOWn data on the moVement of crov7ds.
脚雷 鱚 :r:鮒 f憲」 り
属 ぷ撃題 凛1躁 器 ::庶:訛官
estimation of evacuaion imeS tO a place of Safeち
In SectiOn m a formula is der市 ed fOr
ime for the tOtal evacuation of tall hildlngs. Evacuation imes calCulated frOm this formula are found to be in reasonable agreement w■
th ObServed Value,「
鑽 縦鋼 掛舗榊瀞轟 撚
あ 可多
by the fOuowing measures:
ぬe 〕 faCiitation of smooぬ ユow Such as町
proviSiOn of barriers8
andぬe avoidance of bOme=necks
饉 e 1鳳 請 ぶ ll憲 乳 雛 冒 ∬ 1:選 露 :露 闊 ξ席 :■ 1登鶴 1:電 雷
rapidly or reach and enter a safe area(See SectiOns l and III) 二i)mtttenance
of CO―un■ catlon宙 th the bdlding occupants.A public address system
can be used for ths purpose iV) prOViSion Of emergency lighting。
It is assumed極 t
e fire. the■ OW On StairCaseS and oぬ er exitS Where usable iS not affected Wぬ
e ambiCnt conditions.
The veloCites and f10W rates cOuld be reduCed by any deterioration hぬ In pamdarD eSCape iS likely tO be made more diffiCdt by any reductiOn m宙
slbiliけ due tO
smoke. SECT10N l‐ CR¨
棚 宙撚 盤剛 膿 鐸 Ч蹴 盤 山e 掛 酵櫨 ∬ 鮒胤総減£席 導Tl篤 塙」£:鰹 撤 鰹お 酷 y翼 わbe c理 ∝ d tm years.■ On and pOSSible arlse because Of the SiZe― diStribユ ■
tions in Briね 山 ,althouま differenceS l醒 十 ,nts Of Japan and Britain. differences in bё ha宙 our between the inhaЫ
cro組 moVement in buildungS COnsists Of three general lnotions8 i) movement along corridors
movement up and,/or down staircases
navcr.csf +{}o$h {4t*.
These cases、 vlul nOw be considered for a cro、 だr of people all moving in one direction. LIore
CuL A re宙 ew dぬe tteow of crowd mⅣ ementお
en W
be assumed that the data presented in this section are applicable to any croud of people. No clifferentiation between persons is made in terms of sex or age and no allowance is made for the possibility that some of the brilding occupants will be disabled. Provislon needs to be made for such persona, particularly in buildings, such as hospitals in which there is likely to be a large number of disabled people. In the USA about six per cent of the population suffers from a serious disabilityr. There will also be a proportion of pregnant women and other people suffering
It will
from temporary disabilities.
The age and sex of individuals in a crowd will make little difference to their velocifles since the velocity is determined by the speed of other people in the crowd. For unimpeded individuals the velocity does vary with age and sex. For example, men under thirty descend stairs about forty per cent quicker on average than wornen of over fiftJy'. there is less dlfference in the speed with which stairs are ascendd. Most of the-data presented in tlis paper are for adults' eg commuters. Some of the data are for school chifdreJ. Tbe flow rates for school children appear to be less than for afults hrt notmuch less. Baggage has beenfotrnd to have little effect ouwalkingvelocityl.
It will be aszumed that the naximun flow rate througb escape routes is propordonal to the widthIt has been found that tbls nrle is approxlmately correct forwidths of one to tlqee metres6. Most exlt widths fall within this range. lbe smallest recommended orit widtbS is 0.?6 m.
l. H
Motion along a corridor
value --t"-t, as showtr in Table 1. Thisflow and of velocitSr variation people. I showe_the Figure of rlsh large can be exceeded for a rate witb crowd densigr for corridors of 1.1 m to 3 m width2. It can be seen that there are three states whlch are determined by the density. At low densities (under one person per square metre) the speed of individuals is equal to their free walking velocity. The flow rate is a maximum when the crowd densit5r is between one and five persons per square metre. This state is that most likely to occur in an evacuation and is the case usually considered. For crovrd densities greater than five persons per square metre there is congestion and the flow rate decreases as the crowd density increaseg. The normal cE)acity of corridors is about 1.5 people
r 2
中 , ∽ E
ヽ 、
> 。 。 Φ 。 ∽
: : !
´/~ k__´ ヽ
′ ′
、 、
C 。
● ・ 0 1 1
o O
ワ 0
` `
│ :
一 ● し ヽ , 1 0 一
、 ヽ
● ヽ
ヽ 、 、
Density-Person m-2
6 oassages
Table l
Meagured rates of flow
ofpeqile (fron reference
Rate of flow, Persons Per second per metre width
British data
1.o-1。 5
French data Amerlcan data Cinema cmstnrction
9‐ 2.1
North American Transit Authorities
Paris metro Lodon TransPort Board
by TOgaWa3 ~0・ 8 V=Voρ
The fo110Vmg forinula was deriVed experlmentany
○ vJhere V iS tte crowd WalHng vdociサ v。 ls a constant(1・
ρ is the densittr in persOns per Square metre
The■ OW rate,N is given by
N=ρ V
ぬ erefOre
_1 _1 . =
This fOrmula giveS Values of N of about l.3 to l.7 persons m s .
rdendiesmChare耐 凛監 w鶴翼② ヽ
Wiぶ 棚
yanme 。 hrgeぬe tOtal aov7お 叫 わ
輩∬ 1脂 I強l響鑽 選 lμttS on the inside Of the bend. On the Outside the spec 棚 : 淵 Ъ
lis ume change in the width Of Stepe HOWever.
[Fe=猛 :驚1」臨 瓢 蹴i乱 :
tsed. FOr larger doWnward gradients the speed
for a dOWnward gradient Of approxlmЦ y seven
庶判 蹴 霊』
糧器 e pers∬ 鶴 FT思 l∬ 雷
鵠e 鴛織 量 lncreases tte
The caSe of Staircases is very similar to that tt COrridors.As the croWd Wヤ densiサ r bendS hぬ e
∬:::L脚 :f瑞 :■肌 電 皿:重re:∴ 五器 ぶ牌爆
rhere possュble.
穏 11器 ∴導葛晶 等毬 脚l翼11ぎdo― ward travel, the firSt 12 m. 14‐ 6チ in口 _ foで
S配 .me shdy6 r∝ om‐
:こ fOr each 6 m of vertiCal distance eiまt per cent "be"av∝
Movement on gtalrcases
Densitye people -9
Mean velocit5l Vl (along line of slope)
- "-1
Rate of量 ow・ N'
::[sonsfl)s l
05 1.94
ヽ r
贅鑢 聖椰 ・ "
W ¨
t i t t ● ■ 一 一 1 .
The time taken for a crowd to move frorn one end of a stalrcase to the other is given bV;the mean velocity. Table 2 shows that the mean velocity along the line of slope is about 0.5 m s-^. Measuiements by Paulsl0 confirm this conclusion. Pauls found the ma$.mgm velocity to be
about0.Sms-I. Takingthevelocltyalongthelineofslopetobe0.Sms-'givesanestimateof is, however,
the ma:<imum time to descend the stairs for an unimpeded srovd. lbis velocity likely to decrease if a large number of flights have to be traversed
Motion through an
For an exit of widtb b (metres), the time T for a crowd of Q people to pass through the opening is given by
where N is tbe flow rate per metre.
This formula works until tbe e:<it becomes congested. Nis apout 1.7 persons ateragezrg with a ma.:<imum value of about 2 persons m-r s-t.
--1 "-1 oo
ie tSrpe of exit rnost closely studied is the top of a staircase leading downwarde from an open space. Tbis sihration is very similar to a crovd pushing through a congested doorway since those wishing to descend the staircase cannot see the bp of the stairs in front of them dtre to the crowd blocking their sight.
For heavy congestion the crowd density is higher at the top of the staircase than at the bottom. may be e:<pejcted that a smooth flow will not be established until one or two steps from the top of the staircase. The delay is theu mostly due to congestion at the top of the stairsS. In the middte the crovnling is evened out and the speed lncreases towards the bottom. Free flow at the head of the staircase can be assisted by a suitable system of baniersS.
At bigh densities the flow of a crowd can become blocked by a series of arches formed at a doorway or the head of a staircase. People coming from both sides of the exit form a wedge which gradually changes shape into an arch. The arch then collapses, allowing two wakes of people throrgh. The process is then repeated. As a result the evacuation rate as a function of time has the form of a saw tooth wave. The rnore frequently arches are formed the lower the flow rate. The likelihood of arch formation depends on many factorsll including width of exit, the slope of , the approach and crowd density. For exit widths irp to 1.2 m very stable arches can be formedrr. This tSpe of sihration can be very dangerous and can lead to the crorvd trampling over people who have fallen down. The eSistpnce of an arch action becomes conspicuouso when the flow rate reaches 1.8 persons m-ts-^. The frequengy of arch formation is approximately inversely proportional to the square of the exit width'^.
SEC10N n
th some E対 sting standards for means of escape are su7n7n,'ised in ais section and compared宙 at an the Occupants of a hilding can meOretica1 lormulae. Ex■ sting standards aim to ensureぬ ぬ ln an acceptable period. For ids purpose enter a protected area,usuany a staircase,w■ specifica饉 o,s are given for the fo1lowing factors:
1) maXimun dis'・ "ce to a staircase u)=inimum vldtt for corridors,exlts and stalrs.
Esc"e shOuld
pssme w nOrmal mems d話
霧跳Fe 漱 s:鶴蹴葛胤胤Tttl話 cmd亜 dead
墨 乱電四 :拠 』 ギ認智 :盟 FT盤 出麗
mrrors h podims whiぬ
p∞ple about the directlons of cor三 dors and edtso Evacuation can be facilitated by a commu‐
盤 " 轟よ 謝 r織1棚 般 電 麟 蝉 憔 響 警
7ninimlltn time and at the minimum rlsk tO Jttre b〕
The recommended mttmun■ direct distance to a staircase depends on tte occupancy and the fire
presence of Ob8仕 uCtions such as intemal、 熙工ls and fi績 士lgs. Tコ piCal mx‐ lmum values for shOps and offices are 12 to 18 m whereぬ ere is only one exit and 30 m where
nsk,and i"reSぬ e ぬere are two e2dts5。
Omng to intemal waus and fittingsぬ e acttal travd dlstance wm exceed
the direct distance. The travel distance to a staircase should not exceed l.5 tlmes the maxim― dlrect diS● ・ nce5。 │
7譜 態 ヽ 轟 識島町1駅 :縄of 翻 轟貯器 ■ staircase. British
assumedぬ atぬ ere is a fLow of forty persons per mnute per unit wid■
留盤乱肌T翠ぷ蝋 盤 F庶寵ぶ常 蝋 鳴綱 塩∬1よ 』 冨 期 approximatdy 80 persons per metre widul per=
it is assurned ttt any one staircase may be unusable in a fire.
欝鯉 題 i膜 貯 i:1薩桑 i遊 算 驀ユ pr the life of occupants after a period of two to m a fire w」 u depend Onぬ e size of the fire when it is discovered。
FOr a s'赫 ctt Of輌dぬ b serving n■
ぬ e sttrcase m a permittd
∞ rs,機
maXim― number Of people,M,who can enter
time,t,isぬ e mmb高
出継 肌星:驚│』 議凛rlよ
stalrcase plus the n― ber WhO Can be accOmmく x peOple can be accommodated on the stairway between one stOrey and the next then,assuttg a :種
uniform population density,
It is shOWn inぬ e Appendix that s is given approximately by
s=18b+14b2 where b iS tt Staircase widuLin metreS.
Subsi恒 血 g the value Of S in equatiOn(1)and talcing N'=80 perstts m~l min-10t=2.5 min gives the maximum number of people who call enterぬ
e staircase宙 ぬ h the acceptable ime to
M=200b+(18b+ 14b2)(n - 1)
Another formula which can be used is
(3) M=200b+ 50(b -0・ 3)(n-1) buildings not This formula is that represented by Table 2 of the GLC code of practiceo for
exceeding 30 rn in height. 亀ル
of a b2 For staircase widt}s up tO 2 rn equations (2) and (3) are in good agreement' The absence the standfor allowance less term in equation 1f1 implies that flr wide staircase widths it makes ing capacity of the landing (see Appendix)'
For buildings without compartment floors between storeys a draft Department of the Environment
gives the maximum number of people who can enter the staircase to be
∽ 0 ● 属 0 ヽ 0 C 0 0
負 O ρ 口 口 0
o 8 晉 工 ふ 島 z
餞 o 魚 o 0 日 0 Q 。 ロ O n
∞ . H O . 守
∞ . N O . 0
H 0
∞ 0 日
∞ . 守 崎 . ■
∞ ∞ H
0 . 0 0 . ゆ
0 . ∞ ● . 0
∞ . 卜 一 。 ト
0 0 H
∞ . い 0 . 0
い 0
守 . ∞ 0 . 寺
∞ ∞
∞ 。 0 崎 。 ト
∞ . い 0 . N H
0 . O N 。 N H
0 ゆ
崎 ヾ
■・ 島 ・ 1■ 11
1 旧■ E , I V
0 0
負 0 卜 と 0 ヽ
, ヽ
錮 漏 日 3 3
O 日
■ ■ ■
卜 H
子 一 N
ゃ 1 〆 凡 ソ
. o > o
颯 £ I 選 8 b 翼 0
目 ● o 口 o > o O C m o o 痙 姜
″ ゝ
n d
this code permits a populadon hrildings with compartrnent floors between all upper storeys
M=11l b n population, ag shown bY Table For office tnrildings the GLC code of practiceS permits a
3 of that (6)
lmrnediate evacuation of two floors only Eqtration (5) and (6) are based on the assumpdon that
wilf be required.
lbe number of people requtrilg-to use a staircase
5: . tottoruiog popufation densities4' Shops 0.14 to 0.50 Persons m-'
normally be estimated assumlng the
Offlces and factories 0.10 p"""oo" rn-z' always less tha! tb€ that the population density in shops is usually trrt not "6or" valuesrecommendedfordeslppuryoses.Staircagewidthscalcrrlatedontheaesumptionofa per sqqare rnetre are t'berefore ltkely to be population density ru elqs of O.i+ to O. SO persons adequate in normal clrsumstances' Two strdiesl8rl9
IU .
tme of In this secflon formnlae are derlved for the evacuation values' observed some tlese formulae are cornpared wib
ffilrlings' lte
values given by
value lt evacuation 6ure of a fui[dlng occeeds an acceptable go event in 1he people can which to hrilding the will be lecessary t" p;;;;" places of retuge tn (see Secficr tr) and chosen ls minutes 2! of time .J""pt of a frre. For orample, lf an acceptable storey then no hdlding with ten or more it is assumed tlat a crowa takes 16 s to descend onethe accgltable escaPe time' An acceptable storeys above grornd level can be errasuated wltbin place of retuge wiff ln nost cases be a protected staircase'
In those eases where
r 口 F
tle estiuat€d
be fornd by splitting the hrilding lnto cells' The The evacuation time for a partioilar hrilding can This rnodel c"u is calculated o-"rog tl" formulae given tn section I' evacuation time for or disovercrowding to due ".cl or hold.ps works well ln practice provided there are no Ulict<ages nrption of flow3.
Considerasirylemodetofamrrlti-storeyhrllding.Itisassumedt}atallt.hepeoplearewaitfurg ttre gound floor do not reduce the rate of flow at the exit statrs *t"tlt *i O"t people ieaving from the uPPer floors. The following sYmbols
be used:
Q" = PoPula6on of floor r 1 arod r \, = staircase widtl between floor r stalrs Nr = rate of flow of people per rnlt width down t'he
t" = tlme for member of unimped crowd to descend population of floor r and above g
= L t=r
one storey'
= (\l i
Ti"l: f:" tail of crowd to reach
e')/tN'br-r) I
ground floor
16 seconds' It is shown in the Appendix that ts is typically about Therefore, from equatiotls (7) and (8) ,I \ r- = ( tr et ) /t u' trr-1) +
Equation(9)glvesnvaluesofT"(r=rtoP.TheminigrumevacuationdmeT.forthewhole T"' U,titAi"g is equaf to the higtrest of these values of
If there are several staircases then b" will be the total width of tle staircases considered. It is usually assumed that where t'here are two or more stalrcages, any one staircase will be unusable in a fire.
If the staircase width or the number of st^ircases increages as one descends thenthe evacuation
time may depend on the order ln which the people are evacuated.. For erample, if \-1>b" then the flow rate on the staircase down from floor r ls Nr br-1 only {vhile there are people waihng on floor r. It tben drops to Nr b1r which is the maximum rate at which people can descend the stairway from the floor above. Ihe evacuation time is therefore minimised lf people from any floor enter the staircase only at the maximum rate at which tley can do so wlthout redtrcing the fl,ow rate from the floors above. It is likely tlat any evacuadon will take place in thig rnqnnsl since the people already descendlng the stalrcase wlll not wish to be hafted.
the populadons and the staircase widths are the game all r, and equadon (9) becomes
for all floors then Q" = q
Tr=(n― r+ln/o'り +r ts
lf Qム N'D>ts
then Tr is a― Ximum when r=1.In this case
Te=nQ/tN'り +ts
rQ/(N'Dく ts then Tr is a maximum when r=n. 任iS Case Ъ =Q/tN=D+n ts evaCⅢ m ime Ъ 宙 ぬ Qム Vい 住
‖ ぼ 糞 ぶ
ShOWn h Figu
づ 稚
Calculated minimurn total evacuatlon times, T" for h.rilding with n floors above ground'level
Congestion occurs when the van of people from a floor, descending the staircase, meets the erowd entering the staircase on tbe floor below as illustrated in Figure 3.
No congestion
Flpe 3 Conditlons for congestlon
The time for■ Ю crowd fromぬ e upper floor to descandぬ e statrs toぬ e n00r bdow is ts. nat fOr■e crov7d from the lower■oor to enter ttЮ 8'■ 1'S,aS― lng no congesは on lower dovm. 18Q(N'D v7here Q lS the populaion of the lower■ oor,N'18ぬ e■ OW rate downぬ e staircase per ・ ・‐lt、減dぬ and b is the w■ dぬ of the staircase down from」
be congestiOn if for any two n∞ rs
he lower storey. There w」は ぬ erefore
Q/N・ り >ts
EOtlon(11)cOrresponds to the case Where■ ere is conges● on and equatlon(12)toぬ e Case
whereぬ ere is no congestion. It can be seen from Figure 2 that when ttere is congesion the 7ninimum evacuaion ime increases rapidly,ほ ■ ■Ю b■ ilding populaion.
Observed evacuatlon imes for eleven office
gs10,20,21 are shown tn Table 3 togeter
述電avdue r卜 F筆響現 1営 樹 署蝋翼盤1離 landt121as譴 cabdated values. h those cases where tЮ
1.l persms
,served evacuation imes are greater manぬ e evacuatlon tlme exceededぬ e predicted value the average difference between the observed and predlcted evacua■ on tlmes was abouttwo mutese
ms tt appears tntぬ e evacuatlon times of hlldings are likely to be up to ahttlt two mlnutes longer man the values predicted by equatons(11)and(12).
ndding■ l in Table 3 wasぬ e Commercial Union Headquatrs Bllilding in London.ロ ヒe evacua‐ tlon ime shown is the average for four evacuaionso During one of these evacuatlonsぬ ere wtts a simulated rescue.The 4 minute extra朝 はch this took has been ignored.■ has been assumed 饉 at the populaion of the 25ユ ∞ rs above podium level was 2400.The calculated evacuation ime h Table 3 has been increased byら mnute to anow for the ime requlred to descend the twO storeys fromぬ e podlum to ground f10or levd。 The dlfference between the observed andぬ e predicted evacuatlon times shown in Table 3 is
亀輩 為
翌 器
:L::翼 覇
電 撃
respond.Loudspeaker communication cm add to the credibiliけ of an alarm.Itis a180 uSem t。 have a systen■ of fire marsha13 0n eaCh floor l″ hose responsibilitr it iS tO See thateveryone leaves.
1 2
normal capaclty per unit width for corridors and stairs ls approximately 1.5 persons and 1.1 persons m-r s-' respectively.
m-r s-t
Vdocitles of l.31m s~l along cor五 dors and O.5ms~l on stairs(a10ngぬ e line of the statr8)
can be ass― ed for耐 mpededユ ow。 3
The=ロ ロdmum population M which can be evacuated to a staircase, assuming a perコ αltted evacuaion ime of 2告 mnutes,is given apprぬ mately by
M=200b+(18bキ 14b2)(n-1) where b is the staircase wtdth in metres n is the number ofstoreys served by ttЮ staircase.
4 The mmimum total evacuation ime Te for a multi― storey httding is given by
(Σ 〕
Qi1/(Nt br-1)+r ts
where r is the■ oor number(lto n)WttCh gives the ra濾 mum value of Te
Qi iS the population of■ ∞ ri br_1■ s the widぬ of the stalrcase be● 腱 en floors r-l and r
N'is the■ OW rate of people per un■ t width downぬ e stairs 1囁
ts is the time for a member of an unimpeded crtt to descend one storey.
r the pOpultton,Q,and the sね ircase width,b,are the same for each i∞ rぬ en Te iS the larger d Tl and Tn tVhere
Tl=崚 /● :り
Tn=Q/1N'D+n ts Tl corresponds to congesion onlall i∞ rs and Tn to no conges● one Typical values of Nl and ts are
N'=1.l persons m「
ts=16s 5
1fぬ e sttrcase、 減dぬ orぬ e number of stalrcases lncrease as one descends then the evacu‐ ation time is罰 匝 mised by givlng prlority at landings to people already onぬ e statrcase.
(_)「 :」 ふ1ぷ温 協 2
1蹄 "di範
Ass∝ iatl∝
ばUrban Ded"rs
Second report of the 9perational research餞 = m onぬ e capaclけ of f00tways.
Londbn Transport Bbard Research]RepOrt No 95. London, 1958.
Toga■■ .K. Study on ire escapes based on■
le Observation of multittlde currents.
Japanese Btlilding Research lnsitlte RepOrt No 14.Tolwo,1955。 4 Code of basic data for tte desitt of薗
Chapter Ⅳ Precautlons against fire.
Bdish S'Ondard Code of Practice CP3.London.1968 and 1971. British Standards hstl籠 饉on. 5
COde of practice― Means of escape in case of flre. Greater London Council, London,1974.
6 Fire grading of bttdingso post_war mding Studies No 29.Mは
stw of Wbrks.London,
1952. HM StatiOnery Office. 7
La Pattque?Qudle importance?Auo 18,1971,(珈 hrCh1 1■ 20.
mde tO safety at sports grounds.Home Orice/scottsh Home and Healぬ London,1973. HM Stationery Office.
9 0
Predtetschensld,W M and詢皿 Insu・ Al.Personenstr6rne m cebatten.Kohn― Braunfeld, 1971. rO Bt11lding 26 June 1969。 Natlonal Research lding Research. Building Research Note No 80. Ottawa, 1971. 直 Council,Division of]腋
Pauls,JL.Evacuatlon dtt held in the BC Hメ
peschl,IA SZ. Doorstro血 gs― capaciteit 2662
van deuropeningen pameksihl・ tes. Bcuw, 1971.
Farren,D. Student's Notes― Means of escape in case of fire. Britlsh Fire Ser宙
Association,Fire Safeサ Legislative Course, 1974. 13 V7oOlley,EL. Fire protectiOn ll. Means of escape in the case of fire. Bldg TTades」 1973, 167(5019)131-9。 14
Preparation et ex6cution de l'6vacuaton de personnes en cas de shistreo Revue tech. Feu,
1971, 12(105)7-12. 15 Evacuation from hiま
―rise l■ dlding8. Fire prev。
16 Shorter,G Wo etal. The St Lawrence tttms. Natn.Fire.ProtoAss.Q.,1960,53(0300-16. 17
Means of escape in case of fire. Department of the Environment,Draft]Design Code.
18 Norぬ ,MA.The number of people in shops.Building Research Establishment Current Paper CP 10/74. Borehamwood.1974.
19 mrchant,EW. U饉
versity of Edinhgh. Private communlcation,1974.
20 Calbreaぬ .M.■ me of evacuation by stairs in high rise ttdingso Natlonal Research Council of Canada.Di宙 slon of lmiding Research. FiFe Research Note No 8。
2l 22
Private communlcation. Commerclal Unlon, 1975.
Backer, G W and trrlack, R W. The occasion instant. National Academy of Sciences Dlsaster 15. Wasbington, 1960.
M. A survey of exit facilities in trigh offlce buildings. Canadian Nadonal Research Corncil, Division of Brllding Research. hrilding Research Note No 64. Ottawa, 1968. C'albreatb,
Eetimatlo of paranetera In this appendix typical values of t" and s wtll be estiurated where t" = tine for member of unimpeded crowd to descend one storey
=number of people that can be accommodated on the staircase between one storey and the next
Descot 6me fime to descend one storey (igrroring landinga) = d,N' where d is the dletaJrce down tlre stalrE between one floor and the next meagured along line of slope and ignoring landings (-
Vr ls the croq/d velocity along the llne of slope
Gatbreath2S gives the total travel distances for ten offlce brildinge. Assuming distances across the landings of four times the staircase width the average dist^nce up the stairs for these hrildings, measurd along the line of slope and igroring landings, was about six metres per storey. As shown in TaEe 2rVr is typically 0.5 ms-r. It therefore seems reasonable to take a value of d/Y'of, 12 seconds. Ttre staircase
will include landings. As the flow is constant round a coraler we can consider straiglt corridor.
landing to be a
tlrE'di"tance across Two possible staircase conflgurations are shown ln Figure 4. In each """" the landings (dotted lines) is approximately 4b or more where b is the staircase width. If the distance across the landings is 4b and the walldng velocity ls V then the time taken is 4b/V.
-tF ││││││││
兆 1
一 一 一 一 一 〓 │││││││
Possible gtaircase configurations
At this flow rate the croud The normal capacity of the stairway is about 1.1 person *-1 "-1. velocity acrosa the landings will be near the free walking veloclty (see Figrrre 1). A wandng velocity V across the landings of 1.3 m s-r will therefore be assumed. A typical staircase width is 1.2 m. Assumtng this value of b and a walking velocity V of 1. 3 * s-1 gives a time to cross the landings of about four seconds. lbus, including the time to eross the landings
t" =6f1t+4
time to descend'bne storeY =
= 16 seconds This value of t" is the -time for an individual in a descending crowd to travel one storey, An individual desdending dhe stairs alone can of course travel much more quicldy.
Standing capacitJr
The number of people who can be accommodated m stainrrayszo and landingsl ls about g.5 persons per square metre. lbe horizontal staircase area, excluding landings ls d cos 0 where d is the distance along the line of slope and 0 is the slope. As showu abve' d is typically 6 m, per storey. Ite landing width is likely to be about four times the staircase widtb. d is uzuallyr
about 30o
From these flguree
s=(bdcos0+4b2lp =18b+t4b2
s le the nurnber of peqile that can be accommodated per etorey b ts the etalrcase wldth and p ls the density of peqile per unit aree
Ttris equatton assumes a denstt5r of 3.5 peraons --2 cao be accommodated on landlngs and staircases. To avoid psychologtcal discomfort and to minimise tbe rlsk of panic a lowerrdensi$t is deslrable for prolonged aJays. A value of 1.5 persons m-2 has treen recommendedr.
キ ー ■ 一 争 覆 曇 書 警 懇 露 晨 露 群 憲 静 群 ,一 一 ■ 二 ■ .
史らてこ λミ
■口 ` 人でバ どJ∫ ,一
作 秘 F/1(.、
―上、 二 1ス \13、 ■、 3 CT‐ 、 =′
.'. ufl') {r' -i, L.:a t r' i'
レ 藤■′暉1
、 ヒJ(「 lc tti13
13 ホキ 」 ことす― 、 1盤 二
1` 1。
′ ヒ〔 1,t iLく 人 L■ ■ ` k〔
:口 k,JI、 │_
■【)ア │[ビ
卜貸→ rふ ヒ
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` メ 柏´11イ だ句 、 ■Fiつ 」17ギ セlin tヽ ‐ 民111l
Jガ い て ン
)F'「 tlし ti l、 │〔
` 「 F i1 1 し11ょ Z ピリ 切 ・ ・ヽ っ 行う t
イ ││ ボ iに
`, fヽ
ズネず。え しらか泄ι だ喧がい ボ起 ,お
` ぢtら る小
小=l'lt つ 崖メ ィo小 晨Ь
` 暑がゎひЭょ っ 電気が 、 ゝ 徹か な)し 何I Ёlた F′
j,か う植:毛 口}乞 す、
ヽっ デ 足と(艦 長 てヽ た汽 ち采 t‐
ー 、 ド で シ ボ の Llf虻 キ た る美 」 予テ 13す 。 丁` ゝ し 1/1Nさ
ιtt、 打多なく1えじぞ■7_η `動か引 つでりЧいす りヽ 」 が │す
そk7J` コ
シし■u,7こ りヽ■で:で ,
` ミの劇友 、 た面牧 J、 だ
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ヽぞたそ│■ に ヒ │[大 た 1三 昴っ ヾ たぃ lイン)、 曖曜‐ 寺 人くη 名¬み勃 レ 渠義争 とうてl■
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ηび術ろわ■■t.た P
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` いうした(31し マι聰膨みの外η'じただZヽ 多ウ すしム 、何人力 ` 、 λ ιl)リ バt 了 、 _ に %■ 、 そづが ミてのり ヽた て 、` ■ 拝ちU口 、 旬効 に関 L~71」 かか)拳 純 イ して麒マЧ弓す。 そに 人血ヒ ` ` ツ こそ均 い 1楓 τ た しらてぁろう1熟 作 つ、 )■ 0ユ し しヽ てあl) tha 2務 ■れ障のだ災 にょ5ヌ ト し 入 ヽ マ3バ ヒ衡つぅ の 手1が 、こ ヽ ヽ B-3ぬ い マも,V「 につ マば勇,λ 毯以て、 │`で ん。 t」
` :嘉乳 プ 焔 曽 [徽 の 寵 お る ふ ′ 家 オ 乱 ` ヽ ヒぃっ マ∩船子 ら 小 を いぃ夕の た ■ハ め 、そ ■を (名
Lttt,の 3た
ヽ ‐久1懲 牡吃翼み ■部み し そした。 ィ(マ う 、 `幌
ι ヽ期角氷上に フ″
tこ マ多1)盛 旧bワ 幻雌 tひ る` オ 、 、 3い う0事 ■唆 乞 ,ら ず 鞍 い 又ヽ1を ぃとぃぅl` ζ■貝 )l■ 」し 。 このイ)り ご乙~ 暉とたて 露っ ― f・ =│― フ■鶴晰 t7■ で し も易こンの多ハ¬ ォ 」に■ぃ つ■う、 す(ll末 詳で }ら ヽ _(1・ 気が つ(プ 後 tl]、 こ 人陽本 たた点 ひ,7_ ` ` ざ号、ザがZ ttkド だ 13で ■ン1断 13ゝ ?為 瑠安、 の うと で っ に、 あ3こ てて` 不足》tを 77考 ィ 1]わ いヵ す。 フこ 、 {・
^Rも い禾■レマ、 、 、 し bご て小 、 穫 ≧ ` │プ 可 Zム と■じめ来
ヽ `ぜQ形 で襴耗ヽマ ヽ \ 、動 ガ bて て Ч3aモ ぅ ィ 、かうスの打つも
ヽ ι Й` た すフトル%で ぢ ` のハ け少t■ る3た さ由がЪです。 薇 解―
、 2 ヽ ジ っ
しム│ず すれ 襴牢行しド` 一たし 火安であつとる里i化 し たЬ.特` ヽ tり 4吋 政は 43`(42じ て たに t頃 、 ま ttプ マヒし 乏わ(22 Ctつ て゛ 竿 ムの初めに 感暑 魂 tル しc艦 ポ て´ 、 ヽ ` ′ ・わη .こ tl、 ■)で lt)` し難 が そ こ へB々 多Ktり ヵ昨Ъ陥1鮭 ヾ洪ゴにもてこ(ざ ヒtラトし ヾ 可 ィ´″ てt(7■ . もしプじィ uっ 了 しょぅ Stて ,7■ て■ 式 L6達 家 ア れ tら く 動 な 行わ` ″枢にあbて V痙 聾狂麟 'kL tl手 . 釧〕 ■ I・
わ石 ッゃすЧ こうに 入さu}す 。
ヽ 臓腸の ラク乱 囲せ M2し 手 '颯
` V鴻 ゆ伝て` 1_怨 静(め る可カ ム 、 キ_Lt_い うように ハ 班スt_「 」 ■てヽ オ■U県 女3し た。チ )し ヽ 独 笥喜 bィ 娘 選 五換機ブ aF匁 ラ らに1‐ 1つ に ` `ρ カ年 ヽ 7レ ム10 人賀 ttレ 11か ,711畿 ぃ●`:準 ■む橘 )や ばtる ここ 』イ ~//tム ■籠 徴iい 御サ 乏あうようもお■)ヽ イカDBな ,猥`お、 'も ` 通身 てに け っここが で■]●■ 年Lム │」 マン時 わ113行動 t ヽ 訪δ cl専 つ て。 おもヽろQztttす ぃ │・ ヒ■tも ヽ 直■て` TILっ て 1■
`人マ′ 文たよブ η鞣つ建ソ 均q2薩 秘ヽ こで ヽ、 (ム )豫 10し てムぐ ′
c イtマ tlこ っoあ 考通ぅЪlブ リ巧l・ 暉ヽБ予芙贅 嗽Ъ¬:商 何藪もヽ ` 、 たもa■ ヵバーで きるじ)IL m乃と0山 っっふリワす、著斐多 ぃ[│ざ ーの て 、うフ(」 (1す Ь漱了 lフしイヤ `が コ〕ピ2-7ヒ つをげBさ て よっ ` ヘ ヽゝ ↓ カカ 礁 t ut人 2ヽ 1 燿2の う ■■ シミ2し +ヒ ■ta■ じ `可 えニ マー 在ヽ 年や象の、 ムヘヤ に市2ぅ xttЪ ヒてtで ヽ D とのポす ざぅl■ 得らて 」しごう。 )っ
` ご①ザシリヽ ツ リー1専 、コtン 化にこ た
つ、美再 の ‐
外テした抜_zい 人υヵ、 て,1■ obt,3を 行 む力I 可ての/t臥 て さ。 ` ‐ て フ つレにテ、 Qつ 2も7危 │. ずご )を tt h傷 たハ こい '恥か? tT~ら ` 誦ゴ,cィ や│ミ ン じたを 行 しつ乏て ]可 ヽつ し よ● と‐ lЪ 6っ ハ外ランの)ち みこ ご ど、 最 初 にもレメ ■ ´ い。 ノ・∠■ ー 又 下で >で と ぎ寺火(7ヽ 1ス カつてこ■ 「 \ 7ワ トと ` ` ` ,て `うブ(」 FIす 3● Fk_41ク でD(り て ′ しらヽ ?)R下 てい。 午刀'て tノ
designed by CSTC, and compared.
supply sufficient documents. nc sub-contractors not named ai the Of In order to es\blish the magnitude and tender, failure to understand the t of approxrmate locdl.ion of other leakase :on, and paths, the team \used the .quipr"ii t;Ъ ttaltti:漁 wrngs. especially designed Ind developeO f.i,: if,i, Although the new I take two As part of their research into how people purpose by the prince\,Risborough Labora- years to complete, results are behave tory (see BRE News 33). It was inticipateO _in .a fire, a team of scientisis? Surrey University has devised gu.n", in that the high standard\ana pre-fab;il;i;;
-./and.a agarn the result\were
Pfaying with
test individual reactions to a- fire. fhe board consists of an array of Uuttons anA lights representing a fire in a t ot"L fii"
TttII[臨 ご鷺犠ぷ瞥ぽ im 「i:電pf鳳へt¥濡
player is told that he is awoken Auringit-e night in his fifth floor room Uy .ttre siunC
CSTC/BRE paper.
divided i
Survey on information needed for tendering
the form of a fue scenario display"
construction of the test hbusei would make them.relatively .tighter' than most
be able
one or two projects which have
of breaking glass'- what would he do? He selects a course of action by pressing one of rhe buttons. A visual dirpluy f.urni then lights up to show the results'of thai choice and the state of the fue, presentinc him with his next choice. fne oi,tcomi oT his sequence of choices is shown ;1h;
board in terms of how successful _ or unsuccessful - his attempt to escape has been: whether he would irave got &
;: This- development forms part of a research contract placed by the Fir; harmed, been injured or even died.
Pre-construction information needs of contractors- will be the subject of a two-year
ng and tendering, difficulties in
彙 』騰畷躍啜ey∬ 犠:1 EⅢ l眠 ご a.ll info{nation probtems associated
Research Station, aimed at trying
out what people actually do in a
to find
pared with what they are commonty with expected to do. The success of support from the Institute of Buitding. Th any fue ぬe.Ы IⅢ nd sttncations ol~theF i轟 safety system depends survey follows a pilot study in wtricf, for/r not only on the k』 building's construction unO construction projects were Uui F also on the behaviour of the"onients through the estimating and peopte wt o occupy it. Research into human behaviour procedures. i1 fues is difficult because the fire is The problems revealed by the pilot physically complex, and because ,"ly are not new. They concern the ner small.minority of people have had dieci" better communication between b d」 expenence. of the building team through iぶ The game is based on the detailed bills of quantities and specifilati 嘔 WhCh正 :3~c温 缶 品 analysis of an actual hotel fire in which problems are many, including f T h e 」:晰 :11臨 譜 ヽ several people died, but the situation and survey
to be carried out by BRE
讐撃臨愛 曜■轟ぽ貰 器£
弾 鞭 盤簿
:轟 1難 躍 ゝ ヽ滉躙 喩酔
Wind tunnel test on nevu' grandstands Models of three-new spectator stands pro_ posed for the Glasgow Rangers football ground at Ibrox park have been tested in tfe BRE Boundary Layer Wind tunnel. Ai the design height the stands will be taller than most of the surrounding buildings and will have to withstand coniiderable-winJ loads. There are no design data for grand_ stands in the Code of practice, th" designers, Thorburn and partneri, "n=a decided that this would have to be obtained from model-scale tests. Studies were made on a l/300 scale model including rhe existin! grandstand and terracing, tfie new standi which will be added in three stages, and ali the surrounding buildings up to a radius of 260 m. The data obtaineA from ttre tests, in particular the cladding loads, will be incorporated into the final designs. ' The designers also wanted to make sure that the new stahds will nor generate areas of high windspeed at ground level which
じF― クク′
ditκ nt wlり _Speeds On a thh layer Of painting a suspension of pigment in paraffin on the playing area and photo-
sand sprinkled over the playing- area. Except -at the very corners-of-thJ pitch,
caused by the wind. where the maximum wind speed incrlased gr.aphtnS rtow otrectrons were found to chanse by.,25 per cent, might- affect play. The wind flow was wrr glv_e-rncreasingthe phased devetopmeni progressively during the three stages of tf,e shelter over the ptaying development from rnvestigated by studying the effect of area. Wind the incideit wind directions were visualised b! direction to a circulatory pattern.
lossible actions have been greatly simpli_ to a person in a fire situation. Many cases fied. It illustrates the possible intlractions indicate that strange noises and even which can occur between people, fue and odours are frequently misinterpreted. the building, although it does not, of a wisp of smoke may be interpreted asThus the course, reproduce the stresses of a real fire family next door or upstairs cooking or the time scales available to take action. something, and the odd sound of glass _ The Surrey University team, led by smashing perhaps as yet another rumpus Dr David Canter, has studied a number oi outside the pub down the road. actual fires in dwellings, hotels and Once it has been established that there is hosp-itals, aiming to interview
a[ the people a fire, the game demonstrates that a fue Uiigaae number of decisions may have to be taken
occupants, staff,
personnel, neighbours, passers-by, etc. The on inadequate information. A correct team found that people coutd remember choice of escape route at the beginning of much more than might be expected, and the game will lead to a 'clean' escape, but with little apparent distortion in spite of there is no information available to help
the time lag. From the analysis of the it has been found that the ability to recognise immediately that there lb a fue is one of the major factors in determining what will eventually happen interview data
make the choice. If the player engages on some delaying tactic, like getting dressed, a clear escape route may be blocked. The importance of time is thus demonstrated.
tions and conferences, the
display has generated a great deal of interest within fire brigades and the press. [n its present form the display can be used as an
educational tool to complement films, talks, demonstrations or lists of instruc-
tions by enabling people to participate directly in a fire situation. It has demonstrated that a game is a good toot for complementing the study of behaviour in fires. The. technique is being developed to cover a wide variety of building types, people, fire types and expected actions with several possible scenarios. Eventually it is hoped to link up the game with a computer so that actions by successive players can be recorded and also possibly to incorporate simulations of smoke movement
and other aspâ&#x201A;Źcts
Already shown at a number of exhibi- game.
of real fires into
This decision tree summarises, in simplified form, the various actions taken by the pâ&#x201A;Źopre caught in an actuar hoter fire. suppose you had been in the Sth-floor room marked in the ptan: what would you have done? start by selecting one of the g buttons in the first option array and follow your choice through to the final outcome to find out whether you would have escaped unharmed. First array of buttons
Outcome oJ tirst choice
Second array
of buttons
Oulcome of 3econd choico
of buttons
End of game
fl] El
escapemas$stance nmdcd
Assrsred dowrladdet
St,ghr,nlulerperhaps shosk
@j @l
Subsranrral rnlurra
Serere rrlury.pshap3daath
鸞` ・ dr鳥 筆
Bureau Of
The National Bureau of Standards' was established by an act of Congress March 3, 190t. The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's science and technology and facilitate their effective application for pubtic benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts
research and provides: (l) a basis for the Nation's physicat measurement system, (2) scientific and technological services for industry and government, (3 ) a technicat basis for equity in trade, and (4) technical services to promote public safety. The Bureau consisti of the Institute for Basic Standards, the Institute for Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology, the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, and the Office for Information Programs.
basis within the United States of a complete and consistent system of physical measurement; coordinates that system with measurement systems of other nations; and furnishes essâ&#x201A;Źntial services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. The Institute consists of a Center for Radiation Research, an Office of Measurement Services and the following divisions: physics Applied Mathematics Electricity Mechanics Nuclear - Heat - optical Sciences" Applied -Radiationr -Quantum Electronics'Electromaglreticsr Time - 3 Laboratory Astrophysig5 3 and Frequency Cryogenics ".
THE INSTITUTE FOR IIIATERIAIS RESEARCH conducts materials research leading to improved methods of measurement, standards, and data on the properties of well-characterized materials needed by industry, commerce, educational institutions, and Government; provides advisory and.,Iesearch services to other Government agencies; and develops, produces, and distributes standard reference materiats. The Institute consists of the Office of Standard Reference Materials and the following divisions:
Analytical chemistry Radiation
Physical Chemistry.
Inorganic Materiats
THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provi<les technical services to promote the use of available technology and to facilitate technological innovation in industry and
Government; cboperates witn puUIic and private organizations teading to the development of technological standards (including mandatory safety standards), codes and methods of test: and provides technical advice and services to Gove'rnment agencies upon request. The Institute consists of a Center for Building Technology and the foilowing divisions and offices: Engineering and Product Standards Weights and Measures Invention and Innovation Product Evaluation Technology Electronic Technology Technical Analysis Measurement Engineering structures, Materials, and Life- safety' Building -Environment { Technical Evaluation and Applicatisn. Fire Technology.-
THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY conducts research and provides technical services designed to aid Government agencies in improving cost effectiveness in the conduct of their programs through the setection, acquisitibn, and effective
utilization of automatic data processing equipment; and serves as the principal focus within the executivq branch for the developmenr of Federal standards for automatic data processing equipment, techniqires, and computer languages. The Institute consists of the followin! divisions: C.omputer Services
tion Technology.
Systems and Software
Computer Systems Engineering
THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION PROGRAIVIS promotes optimum dissemination and accessibility of scieotific information generated within NBS and other agencies of the Federal Government; promotes the development of the National Standard Reference Data System and a system of information analysis centers dealing with the broader aspects of ,tbe National
Measurement'System; provides appropriate services to ensure that the NBS staff'has optimum acccssibility to the scientific information of the world. The Office consists of the following organizational units: Office of Standard Reference Data Office of Information Activities Office of Technical Publications Library Office- of International Retaiions_
Hcadqusrtcrs ald Iiboratotics at Gaithersburg, Maryland, untcss othcrwisc noted; ---r Washington, D.C. 2t234. I Part of thc Center for Radiation Rcscarch. t Locatcd at Boulder, Colorado 80302. . Part of the Ccnter for Building Tcchnology,
Occupant Behauior in Building Fires
Arthur I. Rubin i
Buililing Environment Division Center for Buildiug TechnologY and
Technical Analysie Division
Inetitute for Applieil Technology National Bureau of Standards 'Vashington, D.C. 20234
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Frederick B. Dent, Secrelory NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Richord W. Robcrtr, Director fssued
tebruory 1974
Nadonal Bureau of Standards Technical Note 818 NaL K、
Stand。 (UoSめ ,TedL
Note 31鶴 28Pages Oreb.1974)
For 8ale
Бシthe supe」 ntendent of Documente.usocovemment hdコ 嘔o鍮喝 V30LingtonD DK■ 20402 :81め .ndce 60 CenL 40rder by SD Catalog No.C13
GENERAL BACKGROUND 。 。 . . . ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2。 1。 Performance Approach . . 。 . . . . . 0 0
e . .
。 。 ● ●o ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ◆0 ● ●o ●o ●
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4.1. Popular rAccounts of Fl re Emer.gencies . . 4.2. Non-Behavloral Inforna tion .
4.3. Behavioral 4.4。
● ● ● ● ● ● ●0 ● ● ● ● ●o ● ●
6 6 6 7
Other Sources of lnformation . . . . . . . . .
● ● 0 ● ● ● ●0
● ●●●
RELATED PROBLEMS . . . . . . 。 。 0 ● ● ● 0 5.1. Stress Research . . . . . 。 。 。 0 0
5.2. Panic Behavlor . 5.3. threat Behavior . . . . . . . . . 5.4. Dlgaster Studlee . . . .
● ● ● 0 0 ● o o ● ● 0 ● ● ● ● ● ●o ● ● 0 ● ● ● ● ●0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
9 9 10 11
. . . .
Design/Managetnent Probletns e .
Individual Behavioral Problems
4 。 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●0 ● ●0 0 0 ● ● ● 1 15 . . 。 。 。. . 0 ●0 0 0 ●0 0 0 ● ● ● ● ● ‐ Psychologica l . . . 。 . . 。 ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 8
RAT10NALE FOR A RESEARCH APPROACH . . . . 。 . . . ● 0 0 ● ● ● 0 7。 1。 Human Factors Applications for Fire saFety‐ Recommendation3
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Arthur I. Rubin and Arthur
Flre oafety
buirdlngs ls important in building design and the formulation of'ncodes ani standards. no"".r"a, an er<amination of the information concernlng the nee{s oi o""up"iis
in fire emergencies (as opposed to ensuri-ng a'ae!re;-;Fstructural integrity for the building) indicates thJt the"sclentlflc rnrorroairon' base is woei.rrry lnadequate. The increasing prorninence of tigt ir"_" buildings havrng EEny occupants lntensifles the need ror uetili ^Fire information about the behavior of-occu.pants during fi.re eurerge;;i;;: researchers have indrcated that it is oiten not feaslbr" io L.r"".r"te buildings because of time constraints. rnstead, designeis use techniques guch as safe areas within buildlngs aia-."qiiri"g people to respond differentially, based on thelr particurar iocation. This approach enrphasi-zes
cornnunications and warning systems to transmit messages. as roud nolses or-brinktng rights should be designed to ,take advantage, of the usual respon."" can actrvery be a part of the Jlre w".rrirrl ,ia"-iy peopte. occupants lnstead of berng ur,wllltttg'.rrctiis."-rti" possibiltty "iJ righarrrg and a human factors approach is taken to suggest some meansis pursued'y'tem of better ur,a"."i"rriing the capabilltles of occupants. Ttrese s]-stems such
l,rords: Disaster research.r high rise building fires; occupant safety. 'r*ooouarro"
A fire breaks out in a buildingl
do the occupants typtcally find out about lt? llhat _is their reaction to the fire emergency? How
do they usually escape?
Are present fire safety systems in bulldings responsive
to the occupants. needs?
in anT::pl:::::[e l:li』 :llicin::la::duξ :d :;r:i:s:h::ic:li::i
:: :::::::if::i:ileilii::::[:il safety in bulldings.
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DiscussiOns cOnducted with members of the staff of the NatiOnal Bureau of standards and others familiar with fire research activities indicated that the assumptiOns made i::i::::lili:i:iよ :i:i:::ii::li::lili::::i:::f:[:b::lye::ξ
approplille l::Iodttalla:::le:[ili:ti:::t::。
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Safety problems warranting Sepali::::i:ili:i::i:;h::::a:ntli:le::i: :u::11:i:it :::8:: fire
It is lmportant to note at the outset that fire research associated with the behavior of people during emergencles poses a dilenrma for the researchet. It ts not'feasible (or desirable) to artiflclally establish an experimental sttuatlon where subjects are in any real danger. ltre data must therefore be developed as real situations arise with the researcher having virtually no control over the I'experimentrt being conducted. Ihe best that can be done is to make careful and systematic observatlons and measurements of events Judged to be critical. 2.
Ttre flre problem is one of stgnificant magnitude and many conflictlng facets. Although this study does not purport to investlgate the entire range of problernsr the following cornments from Ahern and Morgan (1) and Amerlca Burning (2) provide an indlcation of the studyrs scope and ramlficatlons: . More than 121000 persons have been killed in fires in each of the past slx years ln the U.S. (1). Only motor vehicle accidents and falls rank higher arnong the causes of accidental death (2>.
'In the Unlted States, the death rate attributed to flres on a per capita basis is twlce that of Canada, four times that of the United Kingdom, and 6 l/2 tlnes that of Japan (1). . As a n€tlon, the United States spent about $5.5 billion tn 1971 on flre-related actlvities: $2.7 billion on fire protection, $2.8 billton due to ProPerty - losses (1). . In 4gg!g4s!!g (2) one finds that the United states leads all the rnaJor tttatretii-attzeanations in per capita deathe as well as property lbss froo fire. ltre total cost of destructive fire is estimated to be $11.0 blllion Per year. by sorne experts. Both of these estimates are thought to be .rygllgg There are many fire-related problems which become increasingly critical in htgh-rise bulldings3 distance to exists, safe areas wLthln the bullding, fire control and extinguishment, detection and alarm, etc. Ttrese factors ralse a number of questions. Is total evacuatLon wlthin reasonable tirne llmits possible in a high-rise butlding? Hqr doee one deal wlth disabled occupants? Are exite appropriately designed-? Are conventional fire alarm systemrt adequate for high-rise buil.dings? As a result of the fire problem, more governmental and publtc atterltlon ie being given to try to control, and perhaps reduce, the needless personal suffering and human loss from ftre. I$ere ls sox1e-evidence that efforts designed to imProve the exlsting sltu'ation during the past several years have been somewhat effective although ln the case ofrhigh,rise builiings the problemg reoal.n severe. In the words of Ahern and Morgan (l)rof the National Flre protectlon Agsoilatlon (NFPA) rrNo single organization or grouP of organizatlons has been responslbte for the galns. A large part of the credit oust 8o to ProPerty orners and r"r,"g"tr, from corporate heads to small homeowners, who have had'the interest and taken the lnltiatlve to do soroething about fire protection and preventl.on in aieae under their authority. !t Aelde from organizations, other contributlng factors have an impact on flre Protectlon. There are new methods and materiats avaitable to the architects and builders who are responsLble for buildlng construction. lhese heve resulted in improvenents in some instancea whlle adding to the problen in other cases, especlally with tespect to smoke generatlon assoclated wlth some products. Finally, there have been some iuprovements in flre department apparatus, although serl.ous deflciencies exlgt in the abillty to fight high rtse flres.
lFigrrr"" in parentheses lndlcate the titerature references at the end of thls paper.
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However' the buildlng industry today is somewhat different from what it has been in the past. Although many builders appear to be following a I'business as usualr' approach, there is conslderable impetus to speed up the con3truction process to neet the denand for more and better homes. As a result of tlUDrs Operation BREAKTIIROUGH and similar programs, a variety of lnnovations have been introduced. these innovatlons encompass materials, comPonents, bullding subsystems and housing construction technology in general. In some ways, they can be consldered revolutionary in their impact on fire safety research and applicatlons. For example, the slorly accruing empirical data base associated with fire safety may become rapidly obsolete when innovatlve buildings are under evaluation, because tnany major deslgn psrameters w111 differ from those traditionally enployed. If it is not posslble to tely on past experience, innovative design solutions should- be evaluated froro the etandpolnt of fire sefety of the occupants. ' 2.L.'Performance Approach
ltre rate of appllcation of building-related innovations, coupled with the need for more better houslng, has resulted in a sense of frustration among those concerned wlth applying these new technologies to bullding problems. The lnstitutions and processes assocLated with building construction activities appear to be designed to resist change. Ttre traditionat methods of deslgnlng and testing building components and materiats make use of tlne conguming, parametrlc, tria_l and error procedures. After these tests have dernonstrated the feaslblltty of an-innovatiori, building code rnodifications are often necessary, before builders can apply this nell technique. . lAese modlfications further lengthen the tlne span between the development of an innovation and its ultimate large-scale use. As e resutt of this traditional procedure, many domestlc and foreign organizations concerned with buildings have become dissatisfied with the rtstatus-quorr and have taken a new look at the methods currently used by butlding deslgners. ltrls reexamination has reEulted lrr the use of the concept of performance, based upon the requirements of the users. Slnce ultinately the function of butldlngs ls to serve their occupants, performance requirements Eust be defined in terms of user needs and wants. and
As generally used by building research organizatlons ln the United States and abroad, the perforrnance concept begins with a. performance statement whlch has three essential partg requirement, criterlon and test. A requirement is a qualitatlve statement which ldentifies a human need. Ilre crlterion ls a quantltative desctiption o.f a requirement. It provides specific levele for attaining conpliance wlth the lntent of the requirement. lh. !gg.!. lndlcateg a method to assess the degree of compliance with the criterion. lae methods Lnclude analysis, physlcal measurement, snd expert Judpent. the prinary purposes of the performance approach are to point the way for the developnent of netr products and techniques, and to promote impartiality to the acceptance of lnnovationg. Lt was formulated particularly to overcome the constralnts inherent ln the prescriptlve approach whlch largely stifles Lnnovative solutions.
Inherent ln the'perfomance approach ls the use of a systems orientation to the solution of probleos. thle situatlon ls especially true when de consider the llfe safety systen of a buildtng where the primary requirement lg the adequacy of all subsystems in minlmizing tnjury and death due to a fire emergency. The performance approach fot BREAKIHROUGts houstng.recognized this problem and iurposed performgnce requireuents for all of the folloring fire safety characterlstlcs: detectlon, 8larm, exlting, design of passagenays, and control of materials.
!!r. lI. Finger, a former Assistant Secretary for Research and Teehnology for HIID, at a wlth the performance concept in buildings (17) pinpointed several speclfic probleos assoclated with fire safety of occupants. He noted that the standard ASI,I /1119 fl.re test (Fire Test of Bulldtng Constructlon and l,laterials) makes no provision for measurLng the amount of enoke and toxic gasea assoclated wlth the naterlals used ln constructlon. As long es tradltional materials are uaed, the test is valld, but wlth the lntroductlon of nerr materlals such ae flberglass-re.Lnforced polyester, neq, problems arise but the tradittonal test method renbins .ln use desplte Lts evident ahortcooings. Ttris discrepancy becomes especially eig-nificant whenwe consLder that lnnovation.is now being encouraged in the use of chemical and plastic construction naterlals rind that smoke and toxic gases have always been a major oource of inJury and death ln fires. !8. Finger also indicated that generally, flre alarns have not been partLcular_ly effectlve b_ecause the lncidence of drills snd false alarme encourages a feellng of-safety rather than danger anong.occupants. Ee then slimposium deallng
二 重 鷺 層 著 麟 曹 塁 蓮 l 心
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questioned the adequacy of a be1l atarm system as compared uith other possible approachesvisual signals, voice corrnunication. He concluded that more knowledge was needed in ttre design of warning systems.
Mr. A. F. Sampson, Conmissioner, GSA, in a talk recently rnade at the InternaLional Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings dealt v,ith the design, use and management of buildings as they relate to fire safety: lAs all of you know, the present system of codes, standards, and criteria have been developed over the years and certainly contain many sound requirements. However, we can at1 agree that the present concept of unitized performance requirements (i..e., a door, a beam, the wldth of a corridor) fitting together by a series of go/no-go acceptance requirements lnvolved both safety inadequacies and elements of overdesign. We fa11 down because qte usually do not have a total safety system for the total butldtng. Analysis or attack on this problem ls difflcutt because of the Lack of an identlfied goal (a way of identifying a level of safety in a building) and a way of measuring this goal. In many instances present flre safety concepts and requirements are grossly conceived and grossly applied in a manner that provides an overall, though undefined, degree of safety in-a typical building. This results in a sLtuation $here lt ls virtually lmpossible to evaluate the potential of a specific eLement or the inpact of a proposed change. Itris inabtlity to evetuate the potential of change is a major factor in both the plesent problem and in the frequent charges that fire safety professionals are reluctant to accept new deslgn concepts and materials and ale an obstructlon to progress. Building design, use and operational concepts must change rapidly and drarnatically to be responsive to current requirements. Stil1 another maJor inpedirnent is the well known time consuming process reguired to changed any code -and fire regulations are not an exception. Conference on
Ttris presents a dllenrna. Most current fire safety requlrements are based on experience and since building concepts are rapidly changing, much of this experience is of questionable value. Fire safety planning must have a better base on which we can predict the success of a design or the potential risk in an existlng buildini, and from this evaluation, develop the appropriate actions to achleve the desired level of safety. the answer to this dilenrma rests in the development of sound basic concepts and fundamentals that w111 a11oq, the analytical measurement of the 1evel of sif.ty and comparative evaluation of alternatives. lhis will provide truly realistic evaluation of alternatives. thts will provide truly iealistic inputs to the ultimate problern solutlon.t'(20).
Unfortunately these and other user requirements are often described by qualitative statements of the attributes desired frorn buildings. In order for the performance approach to work, these qualitative statements must be translated into quantitatively defined scienttfic engineering statements which fu1fi11 the loeanlng and lntent of the human needs.
the objectives of the present program are both long and short range in nature. Xtre long term obJectives of the work are to provide flre safety criteria in performance terms based defensible quantitatlve data base describlng user requirements. Howupon a lcientifieally ever, it is recognlzla ttt"t this ioal is very ambitlous and that a great many lntermediate steps are required. perhaps the iirst step ln.this process is to better understand the many problemj associated with the response-of pLople to iire emergencies. The process of ,rpgt"ifrrg our culrent data base ls a lengthy one and in the meanwhlle, there are fire emergencies occurring daily and it ls necessary to devise interim solutlons. As the flrst etudy of a research ftogr"., one of the prlmary obJectives $as to better understand the probiems and then suggest techniques of coplng with then.
In determining the ttstate-of-the-artrt in the problem arear a number of standard .A literature gearch of both technical and non-technical approaches *"t".rfloyed. publications was made. Interviews erere conducted with researchers as well as adminlstratorg expertd in fire 6afety. Correspondence sras also initlated with several foreign rho "t" reeearchers who are pursuing siurilar goals.
The information compiled durlng the literature survey presents a mixture of findings. Eowever, since the rnajor study objective was defined in very general terms, and we consider this work to be largely that of trying to first define the problern, this resutt is not very surprising. lAe source material examined ranged from Itpopularr accounts of flre emergency behavior, stress behavior in laboratory investigations, disaster studies, to theoretical work designed to improve existing conrnunications capabilities in fire fighting actlvitles. Because of the dlversity of source material, it is difflcult to identlfy corcnon themes which can be employed to coherently organize. this section of the report. Consequently, several topics have been ldentifled as being of partlcuLar relevance and wilt be treated separately. Whenever lnterrelationships can be ldentified, they will be explored in some deta i 1.
4.1. Popular Accounts of Flre
A major source of information was thought to be anecCotal and narratl.ve accounts of fires appearing in the popular press, magazines and other publicatlons. Fires are an everyday occurrence in most cornnunities and receive extensive treatment in the neus medl.a for several reasons. they often are spectacular visually and therefore lend themseLves readily to photographs and televiaion coverage. Fear of fire seems to be a unlversal phenomenon and when combined rcith the perceived vulnerability of most homes to fire, it can be readily anticlpated that accounts of fires creâ&#x201A;Źte strong empathic reactions among vl.ewers and readers. In other words, they are ner^rsr.rorthy events from several standpoints.
lAere is no disagreement about the avaLlability of information from t6e news media. The major probLems are the technical adequacy of the information for research purposes and the anticipated payoff for a determined effort to explore these sources. The sheer mass of available information poses a forrnidabLe obstacle because its form does not lend itself readily to compilation. Rather, in most instances it is a case history gf a single event, resulting from an intervielr designed by a reporter seeking a "good storytr. Simple, straightforward and objective accounts of behavior (which might prove useful to researchers)
are ltkely to be considered not nehrsworthy and would therefore not appear in print. Investlgators concerned with fire safety have been very reluctant to use nelrspaPer accounts (6, 22> ln their studies. Interviews conducted with dlsaster study researchers have resulted in similar conclusions about the adequacy of the press information for research purposes. Iheir primary caution Ls concerned with the urajor sourees of bias inherent in collecting information for the mass media: the selection of cbntent as lre1l as format, and the inability to draw conclusions about the representativeness of the dvailable sampLe of behavior.
ttre personal drama .inherent in a major fire also lends itself to extended narratLve treatment, in the form of both non-fiction and fictional accounts of disasters. Ttre account of the Coconut Grove fire (4) ls an especially compelling exarnple of this type of treatment. the author expended conslderable effort in detailing nany of the factors adsociated with the fire and describing the activities of many of these who experienced the fire. I{o$evert despite this evidently exhaustlve description of the fire. the book is not useful. as a scientific source document. Although rnany individual and group behaviors are treated Ln some detail, it is almost impossible to attribute any causat links between environmental (flre related) events and individual or group behavior. lltre inferences nade by Benzaqul.n are based prirnarily on a single fire. lbey are reasonable, but not researchable in any meaningful way since it is extremety difficult to translate the individual circumstances described into generalizable and testabLe hypotheses.
4.2. Non-Behavioral Information lhe s- dy of fire research programs was limited to those which focused prlmarily on the behavior .f people in fire emergency situatlons. Obvioustyr this undertaking is enormous in ^.:self. Only a curgory examination was made of some general reports whlch summarized the current status of the t'fire problemt'. .ltre obJectl.ve was to detâ&#x201A;Źrmlne the 6cope of the problem by obtaining relevant statistics and to develop an insight lntp the type of data available and its applicability fof, use in'-d'esigning Programs which are directed toward studying human behavior. 6
The Federal Fire council produces a summary of federar fire'losses annually, which indicates the number of fires, dollar 1g:::", i"3"ii"" and deaths in fires associared with Federal Government property. The t967-;"";;i-;;;ort (1r) pio'ioes case history studies of rrajor fires and iteti" in some detail the causes and"r"o progress of the fires. the most recent Directory FT: Research (21) presents- a comprehensive overview fire research activities in tfre"funiiea of states. e., volume is revealing. rt demonstrates the lack of irri"* of the subjects incruded in the attention to the human behavioral component of the problem. It is as follows:
- Chemical aspects of fire - Gombustion engineering - Detection of fires (primarily - Fire
damage and salvage
- Instrumentatlon and fire . Meteorologl.cal
- Model studies and scaling - Operations research
and mathematical methods
- Physlcal aspecte of flres - Physiologlcal and psychological aspects of fires - (of 34 studies problems of building occupants)
none mentlon
- Prevention of fires - Propagatlon of fires - Suppression of fires 4.3. . Behavioral
rhe material prevlously covered ln-this be described as being only tangentially related to human behavior in firereport can best Horvever, it is hoped that this inforroation proves "r"rg"rr"i"". a perspective for those few studies which have been -useful in providing directed toward understanding human behavior in fire emergency situations. Behaviorar tesPonses to fires has been treated depth by tero researchers, Dr' J' L. Bryan of the university ofMaryland, Mr. J.inL.considerable pauls of the iutlding use section from the National Research Council of Canada. Iheir work serves as a,ajor Uasfs for the follorlng discussion.
Dr. Bryan has focused his attention on panic behavior (6 and 7), but in contrast to the Disaster studiee of panic (see sec, s.g), ne has concentrsted on fire emergencies. Ttrerefore the research I's covered in this r""tion. iry"r, cr"irs panic is rnanifested in two different !'ays :- the lndividuar response of a person iuring a threat, or a râ&#x201A;Źaction by a group of people causing a crolsd panLc response. He notes that the responses of lndividuals are a withdrawal reaction and a hyperactivetwo extreme behavioral reaction which elght be a prereguisite to runntng from danger. Dr. Bryan conducted a study in the aftermath of the Arundel park which he interviewed eurviving victims of the fire. IIe was concerned Hall fire (6), during with the effectlveness of the illunlnation and urarkings of exits in the building in leadlng people to safety. Approxlmately 867" of the people interviewed did not notlce whether exit lights $ere present and ln working conditlon. Especially interesting is the fact that eight piotessional flrenen and policemen lrere Present, and they weri unable to recal1 wtrettrei they noticed these llghts.
In a study perforned for Dr. Bryan by l.l. L. Cannon (8), an interview was conducted in a departurent store to determlne the effectlveness of exit oarkings. The priBary purpose of the investigatlon.was to determine the degree of publlc awareness of exit locations and of the sensitivlty to danger of fires ln departurent stores. Almost 927" of. the shoppers interviewed rrere not at all concerned about the possibility of a fire. Darley and Iatane (10) have developed an experlmental situatlon wher.e an emergency situatlon ls simulated. r.{hile subJects are involved in conpleting a guestionnaire, smoke ls introduced lnto the test room. If a subject leaves the room and reports the smoke, the .experlment is tenninated. Ttre authors q,ere prlmarity interested in determlnlng the effects of social pressure on the responses of a subject to the simulated eoergehcy. ltrelr results were quite drametic. lAey found that subjects alone in a room reported the srnoke 757" of the tirne. l{hen tno passlve individuals were ln the room with the subJect, only 107" of the subjects reported the presencg of smoke. The authors of the study suggest that the snoke represented an anbiguous threat cue. Under these circumstances, the behavlor of an tndtvidual is readlly influenced by others around him. Therefore, when the other occupante of the roocr do not respond to the smoLe, the subject wlll tend tc interpret the smoke as being nonthreatenLng and will ignore iis possible danger. Gatbreath (13) nade a survey of ten office buildings at least seven stories in helght in order to determLne how tong it pould take occupants to evacuate the buildings in a fl.re emergency. (Data were collected during a series of fire drills.) His study was performed in the context of evaluating the adequacy of some of the f.ire safety requirements of the Natlonal Building Gode of Canada. Els naJor experimental interests concerned the number of occupants as well as the exit and the stair widths in the bulldings. Ee found that the drop ln travel rate eith increasing denslty ln the stainrell posed a major problem durlng evacuatLon whtch took as long as 12 minutes ln'some lnstances. On the basis of hLs lnvestigation he concluded that, trit is not realistic to attempt to provide for evacuatton of high buildings by stairs in a llmlted time.t' He noted that hls findings wete in close €greement. wlth a elnllar etudy performed for the London Transport Board.
J. L. Pauls explored the relationship betveen b-ehavloral requirements and design eolutions in the emergency'-egress'of buildlngs (22). this study, which ls very sinitar ln lts prinary objective to the present lnvestigatiotr, w111 serve as the rnajor reference source for the rdmainder of this -report stnce the treatment of the froblem by Mr. Pauls was the rnost detailed and relevant account found. Ttre maJor focus of attentlon was the hlgh-rlse offlce bulldlng. ltre investigatorrs major concern vras to..r'e;plore how emergency'provisions night be deslgned tf the designer worked logically from clearly stated premLses or principles through to design conclusions..... Adplying this concept to design of emergency provisions, the designer nould have to- clarify the behavioral goals relevant to the occupancy and building characteristics. He would also need theoretical knowledge of some form of tdsting to be able to predict whether an environment would satisfy the behavioral goals.rl Itr. Pauls ldentified three classes of behavioral goals: 1. Traditlonal Rapld Egress from Buildings. -- Within a few mlnutes after a fire danger alaru. 2. Ttre tlluster-Sle.lE:Leqtr-.lg9ngegq. -- Occupants assemble at various polnts ln the building before taking further acJion. 3. Nin-Egrese. -- Most occupants would suffer only mlnimat dlsruptlon of usuil activitl.es because of the localizatlon of emergency conditlon. For example, when an elevator ts temporarlly renoved from servlce for lnspection or repair PurPoge9.
l.tr. Pauls perforned a number of Lnvestigatiorrs durlng fire drllls to determlne whet&er auditory alar,m slgnals ehould be suppleurented by visual signats ln facilitatlng egress frotn bulldlngs. Ee adnlnlstered questlonnaires to occupants, made observations of behavior, and varied th6 ltghting conditlons by tnak{ng the lighte fllcker. Although his findtngs were lndeteminater.the rationale and approach ate intetestlng and wtl1 be treated. ln eoue detalt ln the discusslon sections of this report (22). 〓 導 甚 鷲 ふ 雄 一 ゞ 遂 繹 子
4.4. Other Sources of Information rn an effort to augment the lnformatlon which was avallable in the open llterature, a number of discussions were conducted with NBS Fire Research personnel members of the criginal Disaster Research Group from the National Academy oi sci".r"u"and (NAS) who $rere still engaged in similar research sctivities. As a result of these discusiio;" it b"".*" evident 'that little current research was directed toward the probrem of concern.ih" Disaster Research center at ohio state unlverslty has agsfunilaied many of- the functions performed by the disbanded Dlsaster Research Group of the NAS, but their interests are primarily concerned !tlth developing improved connnunicatlons among the organizations concernea wittr combatting fil:": - they employ'a systems orientatlon to bette! understand the necessary interactions of lndividual's and organlzational units (whether government ot private) during the many processes associated wlth fire emergencies (detectlon, control, evacuati.on, et".). ' contact was also nade wlth a number or research organizations Ln foreign countries. These include:
Tte Japan Fire frevention Equipnrent rnspection Association Japanese
Building Research Institute
Natlonal Swedlsh Institute for Buildlng Natlonal Research Councll of
Flre Research Station, Eerts, United
Unfortunately, these contacts lfere no more frultful in identifying relevant research - were than the dlscussions. Hcrirever a number of questlonnaires laesignJa by others) were made avallable. lttese provided a starting point for the present study of tehavioral teltPonses during fires. Ttre type of study ls typtfied by a report by the Fire Research Statlon in the United Kingdom (9) which provides sunrnâ&#x201A;Źrry information on flre deaths in 1971. The data are Plesented in tabular form and are of the type available from insurance companies and the Federal Fire Council in the United States. 5.
In view of the lack of concrete tnformatlon on the behavioral aspects relevent to flre enoergencies we broadened our sutvey to lnclude a numbe-r of topics that are only lndirectly related to fire emergencies. lhese include work on the general r"ihodology used in disaster situations, studies of stress, paoic and threst behavlor and finalLy ror"-"t,rdies of speciflc disaster sltuations. Ttrese topics are discussed in the following slctions. 5.1. Stress
human behavior duting I fLre emergency as a special instance of stress has been a subject receiving conslderable attentlon recently. Eor,rever, streas ls one of those concepts which has been deflned ln aLnost as many ways as there are researchers working on the problen. Sqciat scientists have expended najor Lfforts in trying to better understand lndlvldual and collectlve behavlors under stresgful condltions; therefore lt would be prudent to consider their findings.
One can
phenomena, which
Slnce there are a multiplicity of dâ&#x201A;Źfinlttons for stress, it would be useful tc consider of these before pursulng the topic.
Kllerr et al. (6), in sutnnarlzlng rnuch of the avallable stress research, indicate that Itthere does appear to be a basic deflnition of stress in terms of a disturblng condltion tthlch impels an individual to restore some sort of deslrable balance or equtlibrluo betrreen himself and the sltuational environment, either by a general rise in his ievel of notlvatLon or by changing specific behavlor modeg so as to make hls response more suitable.tt These authors sumarl.ze the definttions of cther lnvestlgators concerned wtth the sane toplct 9
H. R. Schaffer indicates that: t'A stressfut situation may be described as one iri which a maJor disruption of the relatlon of the organism to its environment has taken placel it is brought,about when a highly motlvated organism is unable to -find an adjustive response to the probleur confronting it.il Selye views stress in a physiological context and sees it as a condition whose functiqn is to restore the organlsm to its normal state of homeostasis. I{e cal1s this response the ttgeneral adaption syndromerr.
Glass and singer (15) propose the concept of psychological stress which they define I'the threat or anticipatlon of future harmr'. Ttib d;finition is perhaps the most appropriate for the purpose of the present report.
Stress as a research area is almost unique in that it is associated with a range of difficulties that lnvolve not onLy technical and adurinistrative judgments but moral ones as well- I1re research possibilities encompass both tbell controiledt' laboratory investigations and field studies. Slnce the subJect matter of an investigation is behavior unier stresi, it is necessary either to locate and study a stressful situation or actually produce such a sltuation experimentally.
Klier, et 41. (6), summarizes three experimental rnethods often employed in stress research, the flrst tno are laboratory methods while the third ts a fteld investigation: a. Imoos-ed Stress - Experirnental subJects are placed into trro groups which perform a task under different conditions - stress and non-stress. Ihe performance achieved under the tlto conditions is then cornpared. Tbe stress conditions take a vartety of forms -- distraction by extraneous stimuli, physical discomfort) working at an accelerated pace, physical or psychological threat. b. Manifest Anxietv - By means of psychotogical tests, subjects are divided into two grouPs -- those who are anxious and those who are not. A11 subJects then perform a standard task and the performance of the ilanxioustt subjects is compared orith th"t of the Itnon-anxlousrt oneg. c. Field Investigations - lAe nilitary has sponsored research to define stress in a combat situation. Psychological and physiological measures l,ere taken of soldlers shortly after they were engaged in combat. the conduct of these field studies poses another problem for the investigator -- a one, aonethat akin to the moral one noted earlier. Ihe researcher in a dangerous situation is not lmmune to the threat that the subjects of the study are exposed to. Under these circumstances-r hqr is lt possibLe to maintain objectivtty and not be subJect to the stress encountered by. everyone sharing the experience? How valid arq data collected even by highly trained scientists under these conditions? human
the Leboratory approach also faces criticlsm. Lazarus, et a1. (6) have seriousty questloned the validity of experimental situations designed to sioulate atress. They argue that one can never be certain that a situatlon ie truly stressful for the subjects becauie thie evaluation is htghly subjective. Stress research in most instances has been performed ln unlverslty or governmental laboratories using rather sophisticated volunteer suLJects. Under these circumstances there is likely to be an elrareness that a situation which appears to be dangerous li actually sinulated, and not real. 5.2. Panic Behavior Another concept which has received attention from researchers is panic. Although panic is a dramatic term, it is also an ambiguous one. It has been used to describe-nany dlfferent kinds of behavior -- ranging from a wild outburst of flight to paralysls of acilon. lherefore, its meaning has become vague. Sometimes the word is enployed rnerely as a colorfui telm to rnier to any type of behavior which occurs..nhen peop.Le feel especially afrald or worrie,. A wldeLy used definition of the term panic is as follows:
tt... highly emotionat behavior which is excited by the presence of an inrmediate severe threat, and which results in increasing the danger for the self and for others rather than reducing it.rr(18) For example, in accordance with this definition, flight is not necessarily panic since flight may result in reducing the danger. According to Turner and Killian (18)rthere are four main factors which are characteristlc of the panic-producing situation. They are: (1) Partial entrapment -- one or a limited number of escape routes from a percei.ved threat siEuation, (2) Perceived threat - physicalt psychological or a conrbination of both, and usualLy regarded as being imrninent so only escape is possible, (3) Breakdown of the escape route -- route becomes blocked off, Jaumed, or is overlooked, and (4) Front to rear coltrnunication failure -- false assumption thet exit is sti1l open, people at the rear of a nass exert strong pbl'sical, or psychological Pressure to advâ&#x201A;Źnce toward it causing those at the front to be smothered, crushed, or trampled.
5.3. ltrreat
Glass (14) presents another formulatlon of behavior under emergency conditions. First, he indicates individuals have a present attitude to an emergency. He notes that uncertain threats might be categorized as mi1d, moderate or severe. A mild threat to one person rnlght be perceived as being severe to another. For example, travelling as a car Passengel night constltute a severe threat to someone who has just recovered from injury due to an autosroblle accident, while for another person, the same experience rnight hardly constitute any threat jt all. A threat might lead to the readlness for flieht from the scene or to;!!g!.! the cause of the threat. Glass indicates that one type of fltght reaction is the refusal of many drivers to u6e seat belts'thereby denying that any danger exists. A contingencv response ie satd to be the most effective one in the face of danger. fhis conslsts of gathering additional lnformation and preparing for appropriate behavior without indiscriminate worry.
Itre same author discusses variations in ability and speed of perceptionr comPrehension t and action. the most appropriate behavior Ls characterized by jntelligent promp analysis and reaction. ltis behavlor is typified by those who can utilize available ffionstructive1yforthemse1vesandothers.Anestimated10-257.of lndividuals have been recorded as scting in this manner in civilian and military situations. Most people are said to have adequate perception but irresolution in actiin in emergency situations. Such persons do not knoq, llhat to do. So their behavior is often described as irresolute, vacillating er suggestible. lAey are ready to follow others' either Productively or destructively. Another smaLLet group of people do not perceive the situation sdequately I'shell and are quite hl1p1ess. Even when 1ed, they have difficulty responding. ltre term pattern situations. in military shockil evolved from this characterlstic behavior
5.4. Disaster Studies A group of studies were conducted under the auspices of the Disaster Research G?oup the National Academy of Sciences. In all, nineteen studies were completed betlteen 1956 of and 1963. Ihey were designed to provide information whlch could be used for plannlng purposes 1n thl event of a nuclear attack in order to reduce the number of deaths and inJuriee. lhe studies encompassed a broad range of topics ranging from theoretical discussl.ons of stregs behavior, to methodological problens in field studies of disasters, to studies bf many actual disaster situations. ltrese studles probably constitute the best available source of information concerned wtth collectlve behavior during disasters, but unfortunately they reacts ln a disaster. barely address the questlon of how the sji@! Before examlnlng the "disaster studies[r it mlght be useful to explore the difference in viewpoint between the psychologist-qrho is prirnarily concerned with individual behavior and the soclologist who focuses his attention on group behavior.
the study of group behavior, especially as related to disasters comprised a maJor effort by researchers. Surveys developed for fire emergency purposes have also frequently reflected the viewpoint of the sociologist. In these instances ihere has been an abundance of data grouped in accordance with various classiflcation .schemeS, providing a composite overview of data such as flre inJurles and deaths. However, limited information ls provided in a form lghere behaviorally related causes can be associated r^,ith these casualties. The study of leadership activities in fire disasters has also been of lnterest to investigator6. Other research toPics have been an investigation of the roles played by individuals in an organization as well as the characteristics of the organizatlons themselves. For example, a fire in a department store cen be contrasted with a similar fire in an office buildlng occupied by nilitary personnel. In a department store fire it would be difficult to idintify anyone I'knowledgeablel or rrin charger'. It is like1y that indivldual actions will be based upon what each person conceives to be in his or her best interests; i.e., basieally each person fbr htmself. S.one leaders might emerge, but it ts difficuli to piedict in what form or tbe degree of acceptance by the group. In the other exampte, that aifectlng military personnel, the situation is likely to be quite different. Military personnel are trained to carry out coumands by people ln authorlty who are in turn trained to deal oith energencies ahd provlde leadership; In thls cl.tcumstance, it is antlcipated that organizlng to act approprlately as a group to combat the fire emergency w111 entail only a minimum effort in contrast to the departnent etore fire where thts might be an almost impossible task. In contrast to the soclologlst who is concerned with roles, group characteristics and organizatlonal lnfluences, the psychologist focuses hi.s attentlon on individ'ua1 capabilities and limLtations. In a fLre emergency sl.tuation, the ablltty of a person to respond in the correct way a comblnatlon of inherent and learned characterietics. A fire atarur signal must be intense enough to be sensed but not so intense as to cause permanent damage. Ttre eignal urust be interpreted approprietely or it will not be effective. the individual must indicatihg what should be done in the event of a fire emergency. Alternative -have .1!fsj19!g courses of action are often open to him and he must exercise iudgment as to the palticular behavlor to pursue. In naking this Judgrnent it is often helpful to obtain information from others who nlght be experts in fire emergency situations -- the best eay to accomplish this transfer Ls by oeans of verbal communicatioq. In mgving from an area affected by fire to a gafearea,e,.il-roo'enta1@r1ightsarere1iedon.1tresesignesmustbe sensed de.splte the presence of flre and smoke. Fire drills are often used to tral-n peopte to respond approprlately and therefore ln the ctress of an ai:tual emergency a lEii6n wtll be toore likely to reach eafety. In such an emergency it can be,anticipated that children, the agedr and the infirm should not be expected to behave in the,same way as'normal healthy adults; for each group, actlvities shguld be consistent wlth ablltties end needs. depgnds uPon
Killtan (18) notes tliat when signlficant psychologlcal and soclological variables are analyzed to determlne how they affect behavior durlng and imediately after i disaster, special Dethodological difflculties arise. Bts work is'addressed speclfically to field studies of disaeters.and does not deal with laboratory techniques. s The first and most iuportent constralnt facing the researcher ls hts lack of control over the situation that he is studylng. The fact that the research is lg.g-@. rather than a result of careful preparatlon makes the tining of data collection a critical element. Itre inveEtigator must be on-the-scene as soon aa possible lf he intends to obtain valld first hand impressions of the occurrenies during the disaster. 1\ro factors are often present which tend to seriously inpalr the validity of ftndings obtained long after the event. The first.is the general tendency of uemorles of events to become less clear with the Paltsage of tioe. Ttre other circurngtance whlch'tends toward lnvalidatlng survey data ls the tendency of people experlencing the same uraJor event /,llsaster) to compare impresslons unttl there ls a general concensirs ae to what ilreally happenedt'. TtrLs process introduces biases because of the dominance of sooe people and the susceptibility of othere to such influence i.e., retuctence to express a nlnority vlenrpoint.
- Atso, in a.post hoc disaster study, the poputation is not Ln, anil probably will never gulte return to, Lts norna.l preidisast€r state. Any analysis of the soclologlcal and psychologlcel. charactertsticE of the population.before the dlsaster uust be nade ln retrospect. ltre fact that those who did not survlve cannot tell their stories can create a signiflcant gap ln the date on survLval behavior. t2
^ ! ヽ 揺 ¨ 薔 轟 ● ´ 一 二 I 驚 お ■ 一 ヽ 一 一
Any disaster experience leaves the person with emotional scars. I'lany Persons are highly ego-involved in their experience. llris involvemenE raises the question of whether the interview responses of fire victims may be subject to faulty memory' repression, and retrospective distortion and reconstruction. For these reasons, careful attention must be given to the design of the research, the selection of subJects, the collection of field data, and the data analysis.
Although studies of disasters have been made at various intervals of time aften"rard, it ls generatly agreed that lt is best for field srork to begin as soon after the occurrence as.prafticable. Iti. *""n" that a speclfic research design must be hastity conceived, with
of the signiflcant characteristics of the situation. However, if valid conclusions are to be produced, the design stage for the research must begln prior to the occurrence of a specific fire which is to be studied. ltre hascily designed study is not likely to make a significant contribution to the knowtedge of disaster ffilfe
as laboratory investigations' If planned field disaster research is ,o be as sophisticatedtypes of disasters' These for specific be developed several flexible research designs must and questionnaire intervier'r basic of by the creation be supplemented should models and designs staff is a when addition, questions. In Permanent schelules and retiable as well as valid required the shorten considerably would tasks pre-assigned with observers available, trained illead time', in responding to disasters. Since many disasters, of differing types and these past magnltudes, have aiready-been studied, the research-designs and the findings from planning. It of kind this for e*ieri".r"es should pro,oid" a satisfaciory point of departure questionand interview the to addition in tlchniques research is desirable to expiore other personal screening nalre schedules. For example, intgrviewers shoutd undergo conslderable aftemard' trainlng and/or bias guard against to before being selected as researchers (3) investigated behavlors In a report entitled rrThe occasion Lnstantr', Mack and Baket were sounded. they signals warning iaid air unanticipated where in situations exhibited ilfa1se the signals were where in situations behaviort' ataim found that people exhibtted inadequate to totatly is alone signal the warnlng hearing that concluded real ones. Ihey information addltional people sought Most action. stlmulate people to lmmediate protective verification of sources ltte signal. the original of interPretation the refute to valldate or of the interPretations that lndicate authors were usually infornal and unofficial ones. ltre response' appropriate the rnaking people in guide to event the durtng signal rnight be required factor in elicitlng Ttrey further note ihat the orginizatlonal coniext is the most important place of business by a in directive official an is there if is, tbe correct resPonse. Itrat of the because attitudes their despite lthe bossl to perfori an actio;r then peopte act aPproPriately. acting of not event the ln be applied sanctions.that nlght factors must be considered in In summarizing their findings, they note that lr seriesinof the context of the overall an emergency. The receipt of a watning message is treated but one factor ln this is reality obJective p"t"oo. situation that is evaluaied by the also. The interpretation be considered must ihe sane silnal with past experience -evaruation in the environment' others of behavior the of made also depends largely on the observations factor' lte determining strong another are authorlty of positlons people in of the responses oners with Being factor' an important is type of group preserrl at the onset of the signal the of, status educational lte seri-ously. a silnal taking of ltketihood family adds to the like1y are more educations 1evel rniiate with person has been found to be relevant aiso. Ttrose the experience' schooling levet high or low people wlth than to respond approprlately factor. signals received characterl.stic of an organlzation ls another imPortant determining than those occurring in a be-believed to litely are'more in a large and cornplex organization as a threat are environment the Bmaller instttution. Ftnllly, those people who peiceive others' than slgnal nore llkely to believe a warnlng of threat ln his Withey (26) provides a theoretical formulation of the characteristics evaluation of disaster research:
the probpbilty of occurr nce of a threatened event. He notes that as a person perceives an lncreased likelihood of a threat, the attempts to escape the threat will intenslfy. A threat with a low probability of occurrence w111 be ignored if a maJor effort is needed to prDtect oneself against thâ&#x201A;Źt event.
2. lhe irnrninence and duration of the threat. The rnore imnediate the threat, the more anxiety and stress is likely to be created in the individual -- thereby lncreasing the probability of inappropriate behavior. 3. Thg posslbllitv of escape or adaptation do the threat. When escape is perceived as being posslble, the behavior tends to become adaptive for the conservation of the organlsm. Withey also identifies a number of ways that an individual nay attenpt to structure situational threat cues.
and evaluate
Recognition. ltre individual must become aware of the warning stLmulus. The threat cues in a fire are usually continuous in nature with an increasing intensity due to the dynamics of ftame, heat and smoke. 1l^ro factors tend to obscure these warnlng signals. First, there is an attempt to pattern and structure cues ln faoltiar terms, thereby discounting the threat. Second, people are less likely to predLct unfavorable events than favorable ones. Therefore a harnrless plausible explanation ie often accepted as the truth in splte of evidence of the contrary. Validation. Validation consists of efforts to verify the information greviously received. In most threat situatLons individuals cornmunicate with neighbors to help assess erhether the perceived threat is a valid one, 3.
Definition of the situation. lAe indlvidual attempts to obtain informatlon better describing the magnitude, tiuring and possible losses threatened by the event. The Igb concept adopted by the individual is a very important factor. lAe fire offlcer in a threat situation with his entire farnily may rea.ct very differently from his expected professional role. In many instances, roles nay conflict thereby uraking it difficult to even define the appropriate one for the sl.tuation (e.9., which takes precedence: being a father or a fire official?).
4. Evaluatlon. Evaluation ls the preparation phase for action. Lt is the step ln the decislon process where a decislon is made to behave in a pattlcular nanner. Ttre behavior of others is often a determining factor. 5. Corlmitment. Commitment is the action taken in response to the threat and results in success or. failure in alleviatlng threat. 6.
After the failure of a'previous actLon to arreviate ttre ihreatr mote lntense effort ls often expended' At this stage the lndivldual is most susceptlble to nonadaptlve behavlor' As successive failures are encountered, frustration increases and adaptive behsvl.or is more difflcult to achieve.
Reassessment and Overcomnitment.
Much of the dlsaster study reeearch was performed ln the context of the need for lmproved The ptoblens methods of organizatlon and comunlcation to avert large scale lose of life.
priuarily addressed were analogous to the I'cosmand and controlr'-concerns of the uritltary, which are often those of translating decislons lnto appropriate actions. A priurary goal ln these investigatlone is the proper planning and coordinatlon of actLvities to Elnimize losses during fires. PROBLEM LIMITAT塼 ONS AND SCOPE
The preceding sumurary treatment lndlcating the'breadth of the occupant fire safety probleur polnts towards the need to linlt the ecope of the present lnvestigation. Out expreesed goals are the logical crlteria to employ in selecting relevant naterial to be covered. These goals are defined as follows; 14
better understand individual behavior during a fire
in a building.
To investigate a limited number of building design features as they relate to
occupant safety.
3 4
To suggest research approaches
to better understand the fire safety problem.
To suggest possible nethods of improving current design methdds as they aPPly to safetY.
ltre particular focus of attentlon is therefore timited to the resPonses of the individuai to his environment in a building fire emergency and conversely' the relationship feaiures to this behavior. oi "otiror,mental Fire safety will nol,r be considered from the ttro orientations felt as being the most relevant for the present study: lAe design/management orientatlon and the psychological orientation. 6.1..
Design/Management Problems
(20) resulted in a lhe recent conference on fire safety in high-rise buildings serves as the basic meeting this of proceedings The subJect. of the treatrnent thorough source for the material presented. ltrey indlcated The attendees of the conference operated from a number of assumptions. to evacuate takes it that time the on others (13) and by Galbreath that the data compited other than evacuation high-rise buildinls makes tt lmperative that fire safetyofapproaches I'safe areasrr in a buildlng and design the is method such one be carefully considered. meetingwas that a adequate access routes to these areas. One concept proposed at the To some conmunity' a self-sustaining being of as thought high-rlse building ls best constitute bulldtng a managing designing and extent, therefore, those t""po.rrible for ttsystemtt. The treatment of fite emergencies using an i'portant component tn a iire safety approach was emphasized tn the conference' . "yri"*t Three basic and available methods for fire limitation were considered: 1. control over the potential. fuel for.flre-. Tltt method encomPasses the direct co.bustio''rthedeve1opmentofsmokeandtoxic bullding destgn gases. Building codes and construction contracts deal withis the considered' not occuPants the of aspects of the prob!.em, but the behavior of the furnishings characteristics the over exercised no control or There is tittle constitutes often this and occuPants which ,r"-i.o,rght lnto the building by the a rnaJor hazard. aI e the 2. Parts has inPlications for tl:^::tl::lu-i:t:::::.Ol a zone in are ltho occupant safety. Ihe individuals "t with the degree of consistent safety to access multiple and ready have must fire I'safe nust be ^both building the ln areas' isolatlon of the flie. Sitnilaily, from a butlding the of sub-sectlons of tndep".ti"tt". The and safe. accessable constltute also may sub-sections the of each standpoint irnplies ihat ,ii""l"t"f will be a need for separate socLal cosmunlties. D'ring the fire emergency there eaeh of the contact can location, a central comunications systems that, from feaslble a considered longer no is evacuation total since many cormunities. be approprlate' not olght signals of alarm approach, general Eessages by means mes'ages would have to Instead, instructlons wiuld b. *ot. complex because-many particular buitdtng. the of , ltre be sent not just one calling for evacuaiion of the zone loiation the zone, fire the of location the on message would depend a variety and building the in contacted, the number and placernent of safe-areas many others have and rese-archers Management factors. of other safety related if they are only one-way' expressed the view that comounications are not effective the capabtllty to have to occupants for ltrerefore, it will also be neceesary contactmanagement'firefighters,andoccuPantsoccupyingotherlocatlone. another' Sintlarly, these oiher gto"f," tottid need to contact one 15
Because of the population density in.a high-rise building a naJor concern is the avoidance of panic behavior which could result in many casualtles. one of the ptftnary Justiflcaticns for a comprehensive verbal communications system to avert panic. It is antlcipated that if rrfire vlctins" can maintaln close andis continuing twg-way contact wlth fire safety expertsr c31n and rational behavior wtll be maximized and panic hehavior avotaed.
Verbal warnings can also be pre-recorded, especially if a zoned warning technique ls adopted. This would entail r""s"g"s such ast ,'..r fire has been leported-on the fourteenth floor of the building. Please go to the twelfth ftoor without delay and analt further instructions.r' The recorded announcements readily be used in conjunction .with either real-time voice conrnunication or can traditional alarm signals. It is noi surprising therefor'.that communications requirements ltere a maJor topic of discussion at the conference, which covered problerns such as: the deslgn of general alarm systeras, tr^lo way comunications ' systems, characteristics of a centralized control, and cornrunitations rrcommand postrr for emergencles.
3. The prompt-and earlv extinguishment of fire. Ilris rDeasure was largely considered in terms of automatic systeitrs, but the role of building occupants was-also thought to be an important component. Mr. Innamoritl of GSA wis espicially concerned the general neglect of the occupant ln developing'fire fighiing pLans from a aiout systenatic vlewpoint. Can we expect occupant participation in fire control? If what resources should be nade avallable to nake pirticipation rnaximally -"9reffective? Mr: E. G. Haletead of the NFPA outlined the occupant protecti.on safety requirements tir htgh-rise buildings. Ee noted that three methods of .orrer"rrt are available -- stairways and elevators for vertical transpolt and horizontal exits to fire safe areas. since smoke and flre will elimilate some of the paths to areas of refuge and escape, alternate paths ere loPortant. Finding the.se alte.rnattve routes might be qulte difficuit under sone clrcumstances and mlght necessitat6 coritact rsith a- comunications center in the building (or-lts,equlvalent). lhe inadequacy of elevators ior fire emergency evacuation has recelved considerable a'ttentlon recently. The Washington post of Decenber I, Lg7Z. presented a typical example of the problen in a descriptron-oFa-Tire wttich occurred in a htgir-rtse butliling in New Orleans. The elevatora were brought to the floor where the fire wag in progreos due to a heat sensing t'calllngtt device. The doors r,rere then kept open by the smoke whlch trlggered the electrl.c eye door opener. Ilre victlos were thereby iirst taken to the flre and then trapped there because. of the pariicular deslgn features incorporated in the elevator. !Ir. Ealstead also suggested the need for a t'public confidencetr system which incorporates Eany of the comrunicatl.ong needs mentloned earlier. Ee further lndicated that a satety and tralning plan ehou'ld be prbpared for a butlding and its features would depend sorneihat on the occuPency -- shether noroal, elderly, sick, dlsabled, ete. Ee notes the importance
of having a central.control polnt for providlng infornation and reassurance to fire victims. ltre'aesr.rmption lg tliat the roole that ls known by occupants about preventlon and control prograns availabler butldlng deslgn safety features, and alternat- escape routes -- the uore likely thet occupants will act responstbry during emergencies. Smoke Presente a parttcular problen in,high'-rise stluctures because the pressure dtfferentiale betwe_en the top and bottom of the buildiog lead to "stack effecist' (the funnellng of enoke) durlng a fire. Consequently, durlng a flre emergency there are YFafd likely to be great concentrations of soke and noxtous fuoes ln the upper storiee of a bulldlog. l{oveneit to safety ls extremely dlfflcult and tlme consuning under these clrcumstanceg for tuo reasons. Flrst, fire safety.iofornatlon is usuai-ly presented by means.of vlsual cueg such as llghts and.eigns. Second, actual rloveoent, rrirether by siatrs or corrldors, is also largely depeadent upon vleual perception. Esgeciilly difficult is vertical eoverEent because the gtack effects are most prominent in such places as stainrells.
A review of the conference ftndings on design/managemenr problems indicates that a major area of-concern should be the clear delineation of responsibllity among those psrtlcipants directly involved in fire safety activities. Tabte 1 lndicates some of the activities of various responsible people grouped by fire-related functions. In any systems orlented approach to the flre probler:r it will be necessary to:
-- Define all relevant activities and then -- Assign peopte responsibillties for Performing those activities After these activities and responsittilities are better understood' lt is anticipated that apptopriate fird protection systems wt1l be easier to develop. Only after decisions .r" *"iL a6out g@g should be done and who should beai major responsibilities, does the problem of @ to acconpllsh the objective take on nraJor irnportance. In the design of i'systemst'aealing with ftre safety activitles, a maJor decision point concerns the rnanner in whlch the system ls supposed to operate -- manual or automatic, or a combinatLon of the two. Naturalty, this deterrnination wllL be largely dependent on the activities and responsibilitles which have been identified prevlously. TABLE l
Activities of Various Responsible
people Crouped by Fire― Related Functions
Fire― Rela ted
Functions (aCtiVities)
Occupants 工nSpeCt
lmmediate area
Regular cleanup
automated alarms
Links to building, police
COmbatting Fires
Code lnSpectOrs
building & fire dept.
Provide extinguishers
fire fighting (s prinklers)
6.2. Individuat Behavioral Problems - Psychological The research approach employed in the Disaster Research Group studies is almost universalty adopted in fire research investlgations. lhat is, the focus of attention is on Itmassrr and Itgroupil behavior rather than on individual response. Ihe investigations of panic behavior are another instance of a concern primarlly with col.lective rather than individual behavior. It is lnteresting that both ln their publications and during personal interviews, the researchers responsible for much of the disaster investigatlons made the point that panic behevlor is a rare phenomenon. Iltey were unable to document many instances where behavior in a dlsaster coutd reasonably be classified as typifying panic conditions. Instead they emphasized that the behavior of most disaster victims is both reasonable and approprlate. lherefore safety systems that are designed primarity to prevent and reduce panlc may not be optlmaL.'
the selection of the level of behavlor to be analyzed and quantified has profound in terms.of conceptuat models needed for both understanding the phenomena and for ldentifylng possibte soLutlons to probtems. If the group is the snallest unit examined, then conrnunication and organizational variables are llkely to be highlighted. On the other hand, if individual behavlor is under study, perceptual responses to visual and auditory signals will receive conslderable attention. For any real understanding of the behaviot of peopLe ln fires,lt is likely that both lndivldual and group responses must be considered. Since group responselr have received considerable attention, we will constder the individual only. ltrie focus on the indivldual is not meant to preclude an examination of 'the g!g! forces acting 6gr the person and the lnfluences of these factors on individual behavlor. consequences
-lhe conference on fire safety did not cornpletely neglect probleus based on occupant characteristics and behavior. lhey consldered both psychologi.cal and physiologicaL data requirements in their deliberatlons. One such interest area was the tolerance of {ndlviduals to heat. fumes and smoke before any serious impairment sould result. IhiS infornation would be very valuabLe in naking meaningful tradeoffs between alternative behaviors in a fire emergency. For example, should ilfire victimstt expose themselves to relativety known concentretions of smoke rather than risk trying to move through a fite in getting to an exit? l{lthout information about the relative dangers of a given flre or smoke emergency, lt ls difficult to make lnformed declslons about rescue -- especially when a large number of possibilities are aval1able. Another question posed was the willingness of people to use safe areas in a bullding to sit out fire emergencies, especially when they percelve possible routes gut of the building. This situation can be interpreted as one aspect of defining individual responsibillty for safety and its relationship to preconceLved emergency rplans.
Pauls (22) presents a detalled discussion of many of the relevant individual parameters that rnerit consideratlon Ln a fire emelgency. One such factor is the awareness that g@j!g an occupant safety problen associated lrith fires. He ooted that lntervletrs with many fire officials confirued his hypothesls that most people feel conpletety safe ln modern htgh-rise buildings. He was told that watnings of hazardoue condltlons are often disregarded or rationalized away because of the feeling that the bulldinga are lnvulnerable to flres. Ttre author indicates that this behavior of ignorLng danger warnings night be appropriate in necr stluctures which are designed to coopartmentalize fires, but could be dtsastrous in traditional bulldings where fire spread is more likely. As noted earller, even in nesr consttuction the hazards bssociated with srnoke have not been sufflciently considered. lae attitudes of the occupants are therefore an important factor in designlng
fire safety
Pauls further notes thst an understandlng of basic perceptual processes night suggest of facilltating egress from a buildtng. One such rnethod might enploy a phototroplc response (a reflex orientation of the eye to an area of higher luminance). Blinking lights which are rather unpleasant could then be used to discoutage people from remaining in a particular area. IIe then notes that stalnrells are rather uopleasant places because they are often not well Llt, have rough surfaceg, and are qulte noisy due to the hatd surfaces. As a result of these factors, people tend to avoid stalnrells. and therefore they are relatively unfanitiar to most building occupants. Durlng a fire emergency, therefore, when the stairs must be effectively used, this strangeness wlll likely have a detrlmental means
effect on evacuaring the building ln a timely fashion. If stairways wgre attractively designed, pauls suggests that they would be used more frequently and their effectiveness during fire emergency conditions vrould thereby be improved' of psychological In summary, the most striking feature which resulted from the review bascd on multifamily informatton for search The data. of relevant dearth the material was dwe1.ling fires was almost totally fruitless, and therefore the subject atea was expanded have received to inclide high-rise buildings. In recent years' high-rise building firesinformationthe considerable attention and nuch of the present report is based upon this the step ln be a major to aPPears context a systems in treatment of fire-emergencies the difficulty from the direction of understrr,Iirrg the probllm in all of its complexity. factor (whether as a human the that ls report present the of point of view of the authorsItactivert ;,passivet, occupant or:â&#x201A;Źs 6n fire fighter) has not received sufficient attentionasasy6temscomponent.Thisdifficultywillbetreatedindetaillater. 7ă&#x20AC;&#x201A;
approach taken by fhe authors of the Present report are in agreement with the basic on the charactetistics environmental of effect the abolt information obtain Pauls -- to based systems design safety then and behavior of individuals in fire emergency situations on this information. However, since there ts 1ittle consistent and systematic information concerning in fire either the responsibilities or the activities of all those directlyIs involved an active assume to he situation. precarious a in is emergency situations, the occupant and respond to passive basically to remain is he or emer8ency the with dealing role in Under what clrcumEtances instructions by experts whethlt pianners' managers or fire ftghters? do? In a situatlon he should act, what to uPon called and if action an perform be should be some degree of must there that logical ;;;;;-" p"rror,rs tife is at stake, it appeais where he a placed in be may the indiviauit Ultimately, se1f-reliancel -situation or relies on his expert6 by established unquestionlngly follows instructions or directions of the a combination upon be based will response the that likely judgment. more It is own oners saving experts. by the provided two -- a personal evatuation of the alternatives -- is it reasonable own life can be considered the most lmportant decision made by a person to expect that this decision will be left to others? fires in the uPper The difficulty for fire fighting organizations to gain access to to have a clear particiPants for need the eiphasize to seems levels of high-rise buildings their actions how and emergencies, understanding of what they are exPected to do in fjre organizations on Reliance others. of the to safety as well relate to their own safety as in many high-rise behavior occupancy current overtooks building-*"rr"g".".rts by set up complexes often buildings. It has often been stated that peopte dwelling in aPartment with other closely socialize do not neighbors-and with contact personal tend to avoid and soclalize anonlnnous remain compatatlvely to building occupants. Instead, they Prefer bulldings office of occuPancy lte surrounds. living iunediate thelr of with people outside another' one with in common little have which of enterpriJes ls aLso often a random selection |tneighborsrt have f.ittle in common and, therefore' have 1ittle are people who consequently reasontointeract.Underthesecircumstances,itislikelythattheorganizationofthese be extremely diverSe rtindividual.s" for any cotrnon PulPoSe Such as fire drllls would little and neighbors his when a person has timited association with difficult. |teach man for hinselftt. of an attitude demonstrate to llkely knowledge about them, he is emergency. Since this rather than undergake Soint effort with others to fight a co*mon flre safety systems design to important very aPPear attitude is quite pru',ri1"nt, it would of a complex availabllity the asgume rather-than capabilities individualrs the to suitable by groups resPonses organized and safety system t.q.ritirrg a great deal of conrnunlcation for deslgned buildings for important especially be would of people. This consil"r"iio. or mental physical people with and specialized occupancy such as homes for senior citizens a valuable Ilhe individually designed safety system would in any case serve as disabilities. to comtmrnications' access without backup for those people isolated froi other iniividuats and
the design approach of compartmentalization in fighting a fire would be effective in preventing its spread, but what about those people.directly affected by the fire and smoke? These ttvictimstr would need passage to safety and would require sensory cues (lights, alarms, etc.) to lead them away from danger to safe areas. In dealing with the fire safety problem from the vantage point of the tndividual, the concern ls to ldentlfy those environmental characteristics which can be used to facilitate egress to safety. Before proposing deslgn solutions, questions must be posed in a manner which can provide action in a useful. form. For example; -- I{hat features of the environment either assist or retard the ability to leave the building? --
How much
lllumination is rqquired to safely descend the stairs during a
-- I{hat information is needed before a fire alarm is regarded as a real one rather than a test? -- llhat is likely to catch the. attention of most people and therefore mtght be used for an alarm signal? -- l{hat exlt rnarkings are appropriate? does the presence of smoke affect the ability ar.d/or auditory alarm signals?
to respond to visual
do lndividuats differ in their needs in fire emergency situatlons -aged, handicapped, children? How
An inspectlon of the subject matter covered by these questions provides some indicatLon of the range of lnfornratlonal requirements needed. 'In orderi to obtain the necessary anslters, research whlch spans both fundamentat and appliqd problems will have to be perforrned. thg basic data requirements ni1l lnclude information concerning';the functioning of the sensory processes of vision and auditlon during emergency situations. The interactions among these senqe modalitieg are especially televant in the design of complex detection and signalling systems. Another fundamental alea not well understood is nhat constitutes Inormalrt behavior in an emergency. If we knew @ an indivldual typically responds in an emergency and what (fttis starement he responds to, the deslgn of safety systems could be greatly facilltated. assumes that most people would respond in a corItrnon way and even fot those who are atypical, the newly designed safety systems would be no worse than those ln use at present.) ltre applled research ca1ls for a better understanding of the situational requirements typical in fire emergencies, lncluding the social forces that operate on an occuPant. It is extremely inportant to identify the tasks that an occupant can perform and to determine how he can best function as an integral component in the design of a conplex fire sefety syitem.
In formulating.a aysteoatic prograrn of research in fire safety, an investigator concerned . with hunan responses to emergencies operates under a nurnbet of foruridable constraints. Unlike the engineer, the socidl scientist cannot produce destructl.ve experiments at wiLl. Soclologists aib psyctrologists fortunately must stop short of inducing experiences that con6tltufe a real thleat to the existence and health of the subjects. Fires do not rrstop short,rt Flres, like other disasters, provide'the social scientist with advantages that cannot be duplicated in the study of hunan behavior under normal circumstances. Ordlnarlly' the differences one finds among human beings reflect the sociat differentiation and cultural elaboration which attach to the various statuses and roles in society. Firee and disasters cut acrose nany of these social and cultural distlnctions and requlre victims to nrake chsices under sinilar conditlons. For this reason, such studies provide the--so-cial scientist $ith peihaps his best opportunity to develop genetalizatiocs about some of the basic Pracesses of social interaction.
Factors Applications for Fire
fe ty-Recorrnenda
Is lt necessary to wait for the results of a long range research program before being able to do anything about the fire safety problern? repor
llre answer is t.
if one considers the already-available information in this
Although the literature review did not polnt the way to many innrediate design solutions, it reveal.ed that a systems oriented apptoach to the problem has nore been adopted by the many groups concerned with fire safety. In a sense, thl.s otientation represents a conceptual and methodol.ogical breakthrough because it enables us to tap an inforrnation base which has been exptored in the context of many comptex milttary and civilian systems. Since a high-rtse building has already been likened to a cornnunlty, lt appears that past experience wlth other complex systeos urtght welt provide useful insights. lAe special concern here, slnce lre are deallng with behavioral problems, ls the individual occupantts relationship to the system. lhis study area has often been termed rthuman factors.rr
In the deslgn of conunand and control systems for mllttary use, the tradltional method of attack is to flrst describe overall systen requirements, then subsystem requirements and finally the functions that must be performed to satisfy these requirements. lten, on the basis of the abllity of man or machine to best perform a particular function' a system design ls established, utillzing the particular capabilities of man or machine, ln the most effectlve manner possible. McCorrnick (19) provides a surrrnary comparison of the capabilitles of man and machine. rrEuman
beings appear to surpass existlng machines in thelr ability to:
1. Detect small
or light
2. Receive and organlze patterns of light or 3. 4ă&#x20AC;&#x201A;
Iurprovlee and use flexible procedures
Store large amounts of information for long periods and recall relevant facts at the approprlate tine Reason
6. ExercLse
7. Devetop concepts and create Existing nachlnes appear to surPass 1.
in their ability to:
guickty to control signals
2. Appll' great force smoothly and precisety 3.
Perforu repetitive routine taske
Store information briefty and then erase it cornpletely
5. Perform raPid 6. Petform
different functions stmultaneously.rt
It would appear loglcal in the deslgn of any rrsafety systemt', that these factors should be carefully consldered. If one lrere to use this approach, requl.renents of the occuPant must first be deflned, since presunably the system is desLgned to meet these needs. ltren these goals would be explored to determine the design the available meens oi """o.p11shing Natuially, during this process Judgnents will be made based tradeoffs whlch are possible. on an understanditg of the assets and liabllttLes that the huroan factor brings to a fl're eoergency. Zl
Perhaps the most imPortant reason to consider the occupant is although he can constitute a potentlal asset in any fire safety system when properlythat, usea, t; tls ;;.;--largely neglected thus far. Itre flexibility, se.riiti.rity, irrlorr"li""-" processing capability of a human beirig cannot "a"itruifity, be duplicatld by of automatl.c devices that could be designed to detect smoke and ltre and ti.r"" "rry "ortir,"tion iigil-iii" .*"tg"ncles. With a fully automated system there is an assurnption that every possible contingency has been accounted for and that everything will operate reliabty auring the emergency. Is this a realistlc assumptlon? Once we consider man as an lmportant system component whether as a detector, a communleator, a fire fighter or ln any of the diverse roles that he can play, the fire safety problern attalns a new dimension. The choice does not have to be eitirer/or between manual and automated systems. Instead, under many circumstances, m:tn selves as a nanual backup system that can be used to either supplement or override an automated one. For example, the heat sensing device at elevator landings has been identtfled as a major contrlbutor to inJuries and death in high-rise butlding flres. During a fire emeigency Lt would be far better to bypass this automatic system and provide for nanual control.
lhere has already been a demonstrated need for complex communications systems hlghrise buildings because of the difficulty Ln evacuati.rg ih". rapidly. Many differentin typ;s of will probably be sent l-n an emergency sltuation. InstructLonl to people aiiectly -messages affected by the fire and smoke are likely to be different than those sent to people in are€s remote fron the fire. If a master comounications concept is eoployed, p"oit" night be asked to first assemble at one tocation and then recelve detalled instrultioni later. Because of the compartmentalization, a hlgh-rise fire rntght be seen as several different types of eltuatlons which occur simultaneousl.y in the saroe building -- each one requirlng special response. For example, one rtcompartmentil mlght be affected by smoke, another by a fire, and a third not affected at all. l{tren all of ihese complexities are taken into account, there appears to be a great need for feedback information by occupants aB well as detalled Partlculat lnstructlons for the valious groups affected by the e.irgency. Under all of these circumstances, i-s it reasonable to expect designers, and building op.r"io"s to develop flre safety systems whlch are lndependent of the occupants and which wi.ti safety take posslble contingency into account? ".r""y Aside from those systeurs which are primarLly dependent upon an important contributlon by man, there are many instances where ful1y automated systems are logical design solutlons, but a manual backup system is also required. lfhen a crltical function must be terformed (e.9., the activation of a sprlnkler systern) and lts failure could have catastrophlc conaequences, alternative means of operatlon are highly deslrable.
In reviening the capabilities of man as compared with that of a machine a najor advantage possessed by roan is his abl1lty to function effectively under unexpected circumstances and the flexibllity of responses that are availabl.e to him. Aientt these characteristlcs crltical
in getting to safety in a fire
Lf the occuPant ls to be an actlve participant durlng the various phases of a f1re eoergency, the fire safety system must be designed in a manner to optimize his contrlbution toward his own safety. It appears very important to determine hos this end can best be accomplished. 8.
and Morgan, C. S., rr1he National Fire ProfilerrrFire Journal, (l{arch L972>, pp. 7-11.
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2, Amerlca BurninR, ltre Report of the National Counrission on Fire Prevention and Contol, May 4, 1973. 3.
Baker, G. Wo and Mack, R. W。
NAS, 1960. 4.
The OccaSion lnstant, Disaster Study 15, llashlngton, D.C.:
Benzaquin, J., H01ocaust, New York: Henry Holt, 1959。
Contro 1rr, 6.
r ttlhe Evaluation Program of the National Fire Journal, 66 (Ju1y 1972r, pp. 18-20.
Bl.and, R. E.
Commission on
Bryan, J. L., t'A Study of the Survivors Reports on the Panic in the Fire at the Arundel Park Ha11 in Brooklyn, Maryland, on January 29, L956.t' Unpublished Investigation.
-.- , "Is Panic Inevitable in Department Store Conference Paper, Ruschikon, Swltzerland, 1970. 8.
Flre prevention
Man and Behavior
L., "A study in the Effectiveness of Exit Markings in Multistorled Department Storesrr, unpublished study, University of Marytand, 1968.
cannonr W.
chandler, s. E.'and lfoolley, J. E., Fire Deaths in the Third euarter of_1971, Fire Herts, Eng.: Joint Fire Research Organization, 1971.
Research Note 902, Borehamwood, 10.
Darleyr J. M. and Latane, 8., t'Group Inhibltion of Bystander Intervention in Emergenciesr, Journal of Personalitv and Soc-ial psvchology, e. 3, 1968.
Fire Exoerience. Annual Reoort Fy 1967, Federal Fire Council,1969. t2. Fox, G., tFire Protectlon Deficiencies in Building Codes From An Archltect rs Vierpolntr', Fire Journal, -!,!, (May L972>, 9p. 666-7O. 13. Galbreeth, M.r A Survev of Exit Facltlties ln Hish Office Buildings, Bullding Research Note 54, Dlvlsion of Buildlng Research, Ottalre: National neslaiitr Council, 1968. 14. Glass, A. J., rllass Psychologyr', t{orkshop on l{ass Burns koceedlngs, llashington, D.C.: 11. Federal
15. Glase D. c. and singer, J. E., urban slress, 16.
Bibliographv of Publications, Alexandria, Va.:
Academic press,1972. HUMRRO
17. Jolnt RILEI'I-ASII{-CIB Sprpoelun Proceedings, Performance Conceot in Buildlnesr Speciel Publlcstion 361, Vol. 2, Washlngton, D.C.: NBS, L97t.
18. Rlllian' Louis M... and Trrrner, Ralph H., Collective Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.! Prentlce lta11, 1957. 19 20
E. J.,
Engineering, New York: McGraw
Book Company,
National conference on Fire safety ln High-Rise Buildings, Airlie House, warrenton, Virginia, csA-Public Building Service, April 12-16, L972.
21. National Research. Council, llashington, D.C.3 NAS, 1972. 2 3
Pauls, J.r tResponses to Emergencles in Buildingsr', Diss. Univ. of British Columbia, Sampson. A. F.r rrl,ife Safety Systems for.Iltgh-RLse Structurestt Fire Journa1,, 65 (July 1971).
Second Report of the Operatlonat Research Team on the Capacitv of Foot,ways, Research Report No. 95, London: London Transport Board, 1958.
25. Selected Abstracts from the Literature on Stress, Technical Report: Port lilashington, N. Y.: U.S. Training Devices Center, 1960.
26. l{lthey, S. 8., I'Reaction to Uncertain lbreatil, Man and Soclety in Disaster, C. I{. Baker and D. W. Chapman, New York: Baslc Books, 1962.
27. Workshop on ltass Burns Proceedlngs Cornmittee of Fire Research, tfashington, D.C.: Dept. of the Arrny and NAS, 1969. 23
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DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE VASHINGTON,DoC.20234 2. Spoosoring organization Name and Addtcss-
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ntFta正 銅認臓踊静r追:懸 :lぉ ,燎 :認ぶ聖懇61 msぃ ヒ
ion If document includrs a signilica.nr
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^^_^● _^`_‐ _
l::::::i:[;ti:::uifriligi:I:ifI:i::1:[:y:[:i approach lls::::I:igbi:i!:ilil:::ig is taken to suggesti::[:│:l::Tlis sOme means Of better understanding the capabilities Of oこ cupants。 ヽ _
17. KEy voRDs (Alphabcticat ord.r,
!.p.r"t.d bl ,.-i"ol.r"r)Disaster research; high rise building fires; occupant safety. 8.AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
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Causes and
Prvention of
勁目 勁曜覇 ~~~bブ
JOh五 Jo Fruih
To erysuyg personal safety at large gatherings, facilities managers need to bmploy a systematic approach to crowd control rowding occurs nomlally in many human activities. High volumes or
f L
"crowds" of persons are processed daily ihrough rransportation terminals, high-rise buildings, schools, auditoriums, thearers, :radiums and at various types of public svents. Efficient crowd management and control is not only a determinant of the quality of the human experience in these environments, but more importantly, can ':ecome a crirical life safety consideration. There have been numerous crowd disasters where uncontrolled crowding has reiulted in significaut casualties and loss of Liie. Fortunately, the major crowd disaster is a riue occurrence, but there are frequent acciden's and injuries relared to crowding. "The Who" 1979 concert disaster in Cincinnati. in which ll persons were killed,
dramatically rernindd auditoriurn managers and campus programmers of the potentiai dangers where large crowds gatirer; in l9El, crord control probtems resulting iu spectaror injuries occurred at an Easter egg hunt in New York City's Cenlral Park and at rock concerts in New Orleans and Chicago.
Many of rhe incidenb reported could have been avoided by relatively simole crowd management and control strategies. .{ systerns analysis model is preseneri in lhis article to help crowd managers underitand the facrors. contriburing to crowd disasters and to establish a framework for developing preventive measures. This modcl was i'lrsr used by the author as a consultant ro the rask force investigating ..The Who" concert disaster.
The crowd disaster'.syslem" Systenas models are useful
for reducilg a
process ro its simplest form. tsy classifying the elements of a system in the forin of a
model and clarifying their contribution to J8
its function, the
is more easily
understood. The model used in this discussion has been successfully apptied to other Ilm31 traffic processcs. A crowding disaster at a public event such as a rock con-
cert or footbdl game is not unlike other pedestrian traffic processes in which certain
critical performance limits have been exceeded.
Esentially, the model consists of four
fundamental elenents: time, space, informadon and energy. The time elemenr is simply defined as the period in which the process occurs; space as the physical setting
in which it functions; information as the communication or stimuli governing the process; and energyas the motivating force
required to sustain the process. In this context, energy is the crowd pressure created by closely massed pedestrians that cau renrlt in injuries and deaths.
The element of tlme A review of crowd disasters shows that most developed in relatively shon tirne periods, often within a few minutes, after a m?$ movement of pedestrians converged at some capacity bottleneck in a pcdestrian
circulation sysrem. E.ramples of such borilenecks are doorways, corridors, stain, escaliators and elevators where
largg sud-
den uaffic denands cannot be
modated, creating a dense crowd. The role of tiae can be illustrated by the pedestrian tral-fic process at theaters and staciiums; the aniving patrons are not subjecred to the same crowding, delays and
queuing as departing patrons because the arrival traffic is typically spread out over a
longer period
of time. In this case rhe
departure demand is alnrost insta[taneous, with all parrons desiring to exit immediarely
atler the perlbrmance. Typically, capacity
of the pedestrian traffic
s.vsrem is
temporarily exceeded, pedestrians
delayed and queues form.
simple crowd incident
at the
Exposition illustrates the potential
dangers of a too rapid queue buildup. A pedestrian tripped and fell ar the outlet end of a long mechanical walkway, blocking the
exit and causing a pileup of following
pedestrians. The pileup resulted in injury to 42 persons, but none fatally. Moving walk systems have a practical traffic capacity of about 100 persons per minute, indicating the entire incident occurred within a relatively short time before the walkway could be stopped.
The elEment of space Another common characteristic of crowd disasters is the development of critical
crowd densities, which are approached
when the floor space per person is limited to about 1.5 square feet. When personal area occupancies reach this level, the pedestrian becomes immobile and incapable of indivi'
dual movement, although surges, "shock waves" and other uncontrolled group movemen$ may occur.
The relationships of average personal to pedestrian traffic movement and individual personal mobility are easily understood. Pedestrians moving in a traffic strenm require average areas of 25 square areas
Causes and Prevention of Crowd Disasters are associated rvith crorvd ,ngress (entering).
We use the word panic ro define many :;-pes of human behavior, but a more :pecific definirion relating it to the crowd disaster is a group behavior involving flight
:rsm a real or perceived rhreat, in which personal escape appears to be thE only ef:eclive response: normal behavioral re,:rainr deteriorate because the escape route is perceived to be inadequate to accom;rodate the group. It should be emphasized
that the initial flight from a real source of danger is a vcl-v normal human reaction, and that panic hehavior is really a result of a frustration of that escape. The disintegration of behavioral structure society's routin€ courtesies are - when may forgotten result in impulsive choices - escape of individual tactics without regard to realities of the surrounding environment or to reasonable concerns for personal safety and the safety of others. The role of information in panics can be illustrarcd by
two classic crowd disasters involving a group perception of a threat, when in fact no substantial threat existed other than that from the uncontrolled group action. The fint is the Brooklyn Bridge panic on Decoration Day, May 30, 1883, six days after the bridge opened. The day was wann
and sunny, and an estimated
pedestrians were walking across the bridge. The incident began at the Manhattan end of the bridge staircase that became
at a
jammed with pedestrians moving both up and down. Oncoming throngs' from both directions kept shoving those who wcre immobile on the steps. A woman. lost her
footing on the steps, falling on those beneath her, and causing others to fall. The excitement and cries of the injured attracted others, and in the confusion, some shouted that the "bridge was falling." This incited the crowd into a movement to escape, and
in the resultant crush, 12 persons were
killed and scores were injured. The other famous case of group panic is the lroquois Theater fire of 1903. In eight mingtes 500 patrons perished, mostly in crowd crushes at stairways and inadequate
exits. In this incident someone
smoke and loudly yelled "fire," causing a spontaneous mass exodus. The actual fire damaged only a few seats in the auditorium and probably was never a serious life safety
threat to the audience. The theater
back in business after a few days. The Iroquois Theater disaster may have prompted the famous quotation by Supreme
Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, "The most stringent protection of free speech rvould
not protect a man in
'fire' in a theater and causing a panic" (U.S. Supreme Court, March 3, shouting
1919, Schenck v. United Stares). A craze is defined as a group behavior in
a temporary, short-lived competitive rush by a group toward some at:raction or objective. The normai group behavior disintegrates into a temporary abandonment of established personai values, caused by a complete, short-term fixa:ion cn the cbjective. Iirformation is involved in a craze by creating or disproportionately enhancing the artractive vaiue ot the objective to the group member, or as shown in the panic examples, by inciting the group :Lr action by false information relating to the attainment of, or access to. the rvhich there is
Trvo crowd-disaster incidents occurring during the 1980 world tour of the Pope and the December 3, 1979, Cincinnad Coliseum disaster illustrate e group craze. During the Pope's \{ay visit to Kinshasa, Zaire, seven rvomen iind trvo children rvere trampleC to death. .:nd 72 persons were injured trying to get into :n open-air Nlass. A crowd rvaiting to attend the Mass surged toward an iron STUDENT ACTⅣ ITIES PROGRAMM:` 911■ ・ =■ ■■
'causes and Prevention of Growd Disasters practically accommodared by the facilities and available personnel. It is particularly applicable to a nuseum exhibit or art show. where crowding rvould affect aesthetic ap. preciarion. Control measures based on
limiting dernand
arrivals are called "metering" by traffic engineers. The management of New york City,s
-\Iadisoa Square Garcien employs a pedeslrian metering program at the four escalator groups in the 18,000-seat facility. Attendants conrrol patron feed into the escalator iandings in much the same way €rs a traffic officer controls an intenection. The procedure became necessary after some of the frrst events ar the Garden produced potendally da.rgerous crowding at escalator land-
Metering must be exercised with caution lecause !r also produces a queue; but ideall;-, metenng controls crowds better than if rowd flow was undisciplined. To prevent
;rowd buildups, the processing rates of
:icket-takers, checkroom personnel and alt
;edesuian traffic should be known and ;arefully baianced. This will require em;irical observations using counters and ::opwatches. Ticket-takers under a cons:atrt queue can process up to a ma:rimum cf one patron per second per portal in a rimple pass-through siruation, but it takes :tro seconds per parron if the ticket must be
torn and occasional questions answered. Processing rares are les if arrivals are intermident. More complicated ticketing or
security procedures will naturally take more time, entrances and personnel. A free swinging door, open portal or gate can accommodate up to one person per second with a constant queue, but turnstiles and revolving doors would be half this rate or even less. Corridors, walkways and gent_ ly sloped ramps have a maximum pedestrian traffic capacity of about 25 persons per minute per foot of clear width in dense crowds. Stain have a maximum practical
traffic capaciry of about
16 persons
in the
upward direction. Narrow stairs, less than five feet in widrh, can reduce these maximum producrivity rates. The typical 48-inch wide escalator or moving walkway operating at a speed of 120 feet per minute catr carry 100 persons per minute under a
consmnt queue. Stairs are often poorly designed, creating crowd control and safety problems. A National Bureau of Standards study of stair design and safery estimated that 3,gfi) persons a year are killed in the United States
stair-related accidents, and more than
500,000 stair-accident victims require hos pital treatment-
Stair widths in all public assembly areas should be based on pedestrian lane width
multiples of 30 inches. Railing configurations and desirable dimensions can be obtained from recently developed design
for the handicapped. Stairs should be well lighted but not in a way that standards
would cast disorienting shadows. Carpeting and other stair coverings should be carefully evaluated, since they are a frequent cause
Spatial crowd m:rnagement
must consider the architectural configuration of the event site. The convenient, safe
and practical levels of human occupancy at every assembly area and the traffic capacity of pathways between entrances and exits should be established. Architectural design involving several dispersed entranccs and exits rather than single, centralized processing points helps to avoid large accumulations of patrons. Well-designed facilities are characterized by their direct lines of patron flow, clear sightlines and unambiguous ar-
chitectural statements. Cirnritous and in-
adequate pathways, ..dogleg,' routes and obscured doorways, stairs or other simitar architectural designs create confusion, and in a crowd panic, the potential for a disaster.
The objective of
crowd management strategies is to use all the various forms of communication media to modify the time and space elements of
■ :: 瞬
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COVER NOTE Illusuation by Leigh CosbY
Causes and Prevention of Crowd Disasters ra
″ ′grso″ ″ ψ り α′
棚 脇 協 郷 sysra‖ αr,c appraα
crt rο
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by John J.Fmin
Drodudt, broglam5 s3 5slvice arc dircctly ielated to the field of colleS,iatc crlrlcurrlcular
acii"irie: uJ to f7s of thcit mcmbcrship fc
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Cliaracteristics 'and Seryice R equirements of Pedestrians and Pedestrian Facilities Bv lTE Tcchnical Council Committee 5‐
D. Navin (lt); Stcven C. Protost (A):
ccntrulcd areas sucb as prssSgcla\s. strir$a\s. plazas. sidcnllks. etc.. and lo inrestigate thc {lorr characterislics of pe-
thc aid ol John J. Fruin. matcrial from
A Caution. To a great extenti Committec 5-R has adopted Dr. John J. Frurn's concepts and methodology in thc identiiicutron oI pedestrian levels of scrvice. While it is felt that these are
total plrrnning. design and control. Since the objcctircs of thc committcc did not corer lltis total rienpoint. plannirrg. de-
acknos ledged.
only iocal practitioners could aflirm or denv. There will also be national differ' ences based on the differing reactions in various ethnic groups to the concept of
hc objectives of Commiltee 5-R were to prepare an irtformationrl rcport relating lo lhc characleristics and scrrice requircments (rf thc movt'tnent of pcople in cr)n1
destrians. inclurling spccd. r olume and densitl or its t'quiralent' llotrevcr. these s:ipccts nrust be considcred itt tcrms of
sign and control are discusscd
brie ff1 .
Two con:mittees hare precede'd the presen(: l' -F / '6J ) and 5-l{- I' ('68 ). Comnrittee ii-F produccd the rt'porl "l'edestrian ( h:rractcristics aud Space Require' mcnts." uhich har nerer been puhlishcd. Honerer. nratcrial from
Vukan R. \'uchic (Il): and Frederick J. Wegmann (A ). l'hc prescnt report !+ati prepared with
rhose book. l'('dcstritn Planning-jlnd t)rilg!. has becn used exlensircly nith his nermission. .\ddirional comments and suggeslions frorn Scott Rutherford of \orthnestern Lnirersity' are gratefully ('ommittce 5-R. as organized in l\larch l9?1. includcd Donald S. Berrv ( I ): Rob-
ert l-. Elol ( Fl: ohn J. Fruin (lVl): Barnard ('. Johnson ( F); Littleton C. IlacDorman (ll ): lrancis P. t). Navin (Il): Stoen ('. l'roros( (A); James E. ,.1
\\'att J r. ( J: ): and Frederick J. \'\'egmann )' Edmund J. Cantitli ( F )
is includcd in
the pretcnt, rcport. \lcmbcrs of Comnrittcc ll-lj includctJ [<rchard l. Strickl:tttd II"). ( hairnr:rni \orntln (. llrrrrttt ( F ): I lernran l](ttzow (i\l ): J ohn l'' ('ar allero Jr. (\l ): Ilonuld J. Fishcr (A): Barn:rrd ('. Johrrson ( F); F-ugcnc J. l-essicu ( I ); \\'allt.r S. ll:rinrille Jr.; and Darid \1'.
Schoppcrt A report produccd b1 ('onrmittcc 5-R-T
'l'his com' has bccn crtcnsivcl) rtrised.
nrittcc inclurlcd Jonrcs E. \\'att Jr. (F).
(h:rirmnn: Robcrt 1.. Blol(t't: Ralph N. llrcsciit ( \l l: John P' Carallcro 'Jr. ( Il ): John.t. Fruin {ll): Jtck tr|. (irtcnspan (\l): Roe l'. llendrick (F): lhrnard C.
Johnson (I): liu[enc J. l.cssicu (l"): l)onald \\'. l-outzcnheiser (1").; l.ittleton C'. trlacl)orman ( \l )l \\ illirrm \larcorti ( l ); Robert ll. i\lurph.v (r\l ); !'rancis l'.
is such u
fundatncntll meuns of
trlvcl thlt it is often trrken for granted rurrd ovcrlookcd Virtuull)' ull ntodcs ol truvcl rec;uire sonte pcdestri:rn trip link' ugcs. Circulrrtion uithin mujor uctivity cuntcrs. n]()dal trilnsl'ers ntlrdc through
tcnnirrul lircilitres und ucccss to tlrbrn
puhlic transportittion systcms are lll ex' lunrplcs ol pcdcstriarr uctivities that requirc the increuscd attention of trallic cnginccrs lnd trunsportation Plunners. This rr:port dcals only rvith the most blsic upproach to ovcrall pcdestriun sys' tcnr plunnirrg' thc collcction und consolidutron ol krrotr n cliaraclerislics con' ccrning both pcdcstrilns and their llcilitics: antl thr.lsc purarrretcrs which nrrght hc callcci.rert'ice r&luiretrrenls of
dcsign critcria. With consolidation of suclt nru!,cri:rl. thc dcvclupnlcnt oI u sys-
tcnrrtic nlcthodologv for
plunning. dcsrcn und control
pcdestrian posstblc;
upplicable throughout the United States. thcre nray bc rcgional differences which
"pcrsonrl spacc." Fruin's work, how-
cvcr, represents a brelkthrough, and the ITE must recopnize this work for its value und utilitv to the profession. 'l'he re lationships Utitity of thc Report. betrrecn the '{dequacy of walkways and the adequacy of roadu'a)'s are clear in
thc urban context. ln the citY.
udcquate sidewalk spuce spills pedestri' uns into the road. and inadequate crossing time at crosswalks affects tramc
movcment as well irs creating safety problent
Plunners and engineers have not al\\'3vs seen themse lves in the role of designcrs oI sidcwalks. They should. how-
evcr. be ntore cognizant
of the basic
nrode ol. trunsport: walking. This is not onll' bccause u alking is busic. but also bccause it constuntly interacts with. and
nrany respects conllicts with, othcr
modcs oI trrnsportation.
Thc udcquucy ol walkrvays, hallways and stairways in und around terminals and trip gdnerutors allecls the entering and cxiting capacity of other traflic. ln'
Points to Be(・ ons:dcrcd in:
sYSTEヽ 1lELEヽ lEヽ liS o
o inedical limitutions. handicups o user mix: scr. ilgc
o physical linrits
. trip purPose
o pedestriun dcnsities o desire lines o impedanccs
surfacc grade
orotection from elements:
. comfort . convenlence
b) other pedestrians
densitics o applicabilitY of demandactuated sYstems o new technology
maintcnance and control for an interesting. Plclsing.
o interference
r terminll
including platforms. r
holding areas. ticket and
Oeitn of. and transition .'tith
ramls and vertical lift nrcchanisms
. entrunce und cxit design o physical obstructions
* ith
pedestrian transition on
continuous slst: ms
o cror* ding
bagguge qucues
o intcrlcrence with other oedestriun [lows . pedestriun'vehiclc scparution
o regulutions
o cost etlcctivcness
o efliciency o continuitY
r enforcement
o economic feasibilitY
o hurdn'ure
r flexibility
cllicicnt sufc cnvi ron nrcnt
o transitions involving other modes
. oedestrian
Total Plan
r r lighiing
o need for continuous flow o pedestrian uork mcasures
r guidunce
ientncruture. hunridity control
o ethciency
o in motion
o olcasunt visual, :-rudir.l cnvirons
lnterface with a) other travel modes . at rest
pcrcL'ptlon rcuctlon o comprehension o salbty
iover und shade
o esthetics
よ (・ 0`
. .
o ph1 sicirl sclle and diltlcnstotts . humi.In bodl dinlcnstons o locomotion chlractcristics r ps1 chologicul Preferenccs
alignment width
o relationship lo total triP PuthwuY
認:1淵 ::Li輌 ぃ
o fi nancial considerutlons
o esthetics o social considerutions
o zon:ng
::T;.X'flili1;:'*1":o-.1uate spaces. wulkwuvs and escalirtors' He
p"lcstrian circurirtion rlii.ni exiting from aren;rs. srut1iums und uiririqr rt"ii. up u purt. and thcir imp,ct on uy, oorts. for insrancu. ur. l-oit,'"rrr.o lsuvcl it' u tbtul tran.sportrrion plan and a cuuss of, relutcd n,',uu.n,',.nt, plan). given "nj city u on pluce(or. indccd. s)-stcnl ocdcstriirns lcaving thc l.acilitics. f"i--^irpr-.-rhc luitur! ro att;act pir' ment and dcsign ol.p.,r*liiiun lu.iriti.. rrons to u public tr.nrpurtution ,yti.* phcwill have obvious cllccts on propcr u.. due,. in purr.-19 incrlicicnt or ing and design of trre vihicurar tiatric ",rf . uttt"
bc.consicJcred in the context of con' trolli.g nrechurtical m.dcs' Pcoplc cun be controlled through chunnclizution' propcr regulutory mechunisnrs,nd their tnlbttttint' proPcr inl'ornrutionrlsign-
deed, pedestrian capacities and must not only be gi,,-en to '1,ll1Ll:ici.": the consideration te ristics of movement may determine the s1 stcm but ulso to of elcments ti,. characteristics or.transport peuking. to un1 gi".n .o;pr.,. The peaking .t"ru.t.iiitili-ol trarnc their rerurionship ul *nicn
'1'opcruiion ur rujor'crivir)' ..r,"ii is c'ontinviding the prtrfessionar thc sputiui ,,ti"n!.nt.n, .or' cdgc thur wiil hcrp in undcrsruncrrng s;n, ,n rhe eusc of moicnrcnt bcund ictivrtics unl n.,ou.r.nt pedcstrun the naturc of mr;dcs' uctivitl r , t**"n lcal.urcs in providing a<Icquiltc rJcsign pcrJcstrian tircilitics ol' o*rign iii. rvurkrvu:-s Dcsigning for th't nlovcnrcnt. thc inrcr' coniide'riion iiro rn.,si-tu[c for a proper lcvel of ,.'rrici is as imelcfund.mcrrtll thr.. r.i",l,...iii,ii of porrant as dcsigning roudways ro a the humlrn' thc slstcm: ih of ments propcr level ol' servicc. ih. ,1.' whilc this rcport rcrutcs onlv ro chur- ;;;;,rt. 'nd thc .nuir.r'iu,"n,. thc r.irlc. pr,iri."i .u'.,ri.t", rcqurru,'rcnrs. ;L;;;r 'lirrt scrvicc ucrcrisrics -controt pllthwu)"' thc r1e ol' charitctcr ur:'J surlucc 'nd must planning. dcsign tnd physicirl. ltnd topogritphic inrpcdanccs' givcn considcriltion.
prowirh buiic knowr-
This report rcprcscnts ir stcp in
"npttl-U i:l::l::f tcirrs. Thc succcssr'ur prarrning unrJ
:: h::
s;: :fi :i : ;
"' cr:tl utrlity itnd convctttcnce ol' thc
should arso cvuluate the lc'el of scrvice' muy necd to chcck the cost'elrcc' 1nd,hc oi' ulternative designs within 1]lt-lttt lin.ncial constraints' giwn
controlling pedcstriun
in-'. und
movcmenL may
c.ntror devices und pcdestriun
educ'tion progrltms' Ho''vevcr' pcdestri' urls ure considcrubrl' mtlrc llcxiblc und
unpredictuble in thcir movemcnts than automohilcs or othcr modcs' where dis' ohcl ing ccrtuin rulcs could inrpair thc sultty und wcll'ure ''rl'hunran lilc: i'c" the p.ttcrns ol'pcoplc in the wulk modc ure tnttch nlor€ irrcgulur' [:igurc I sunlmurizcs pcdcstrian facility dlvclopmcnt considcrations' dividcd
Suhdivision of Avrragc I'cdcstrir=ii-Sfecd. Standard l)eriation
pcr Fcet per i\leters per i\linule Scdond l\linule
:: ven i■ ・ 、
pcr i\Ietcrs per Sccond l\l inu.e
fect per l\linute
Wo men
2 60
27 0
ilm()ng thc thrcc nlitj()r clcnv:nts of pe' dcstrian systcnrs. Elch ccll ol the frumc' wrlrk prcscnts uspccls and exunrplcs of thc pcdestri;rn.prohlcm that must be rec' ognizcd and considcrcd. It al.so illus'
trirtcs thc intcrrclirtionship of all pedes-
trian lacility dcvelopnrent
\\'alking Specds. Walking sPeeds are allccted by a variety o[ factors. including:
Table 2. Speeds Crossing a Roadway. Number of ObserYations
Average Speed for All Observations Feet per iVtinute
Men Women Combined
Fcet per
Meters per
r personal (hunrirn) characteristics o path$a)' characteristics o environntent 1 tnP purPose o trulllc density o personal comfort and safetY. Leuel Pathways. A wide range of wulking speeds muy be found among pe-
2 00
destriuns. lvlany of thc dillerences in speed can bc ultributed to personal char' acteristics. such as age und sex. For ex' umplc. one survey (MacDorman) shows r,r'alking speeds
Table 3. Speeds Obscrved, Based on the Horizontal Distance'
Ascending and
per Feet per l\linute Second
Feet per
per l\lcters Per Second Nlinute
lnch Riser and
I | 7:-lnch
6-lnch Riser and | 2-lnch Tread
ハ V
idth Obser■ ations or ll Stal『 sin Newヽ ork City. Table 4.1` ′
\\'idth of Stair Center-to Center of Hand Rail
Nominal Number For Pcdestrians nith tew Hand Packages, This \\'as: of Lanes
Inudequatt (Scldom l-u o Abreast undcr One-WaY Use)
49 to Sl
S a t i.s-[a
63 to 64
Sante <' t o r.r' ( Some Th ree- Lanc Use Whe n Pcdestrians Are Not
uns but
I nadequat e ( Except
Pedcstrians Are Not ExactlY Abrcust ) Adequate (NormullY OnlY Two Abreast. But Some'f hree'Lane Use ) Satis factorv
to 280 feet
ctn nornrallr be expected to
ubout 270 fpm (82 mpm) or 4.5 fps (1.4 mpm). Walking speed is increused or decreased b1' the length of the stride and by alterirtion of the ccnter of gravity, which occurs u'hen one takes a forward stance' like leaning into the rr'ind. A linear rela' tionship hus been found benr'een walking spced and puce length. This would indicute that space is un important ele' mcnt in humun locomotion. Pedestrians not onl)' necd suliicicnt spuce lor normal pacing but rlso to sense obstacles ahead, or to avoid conflicts with other pedestri' ans. ln dense crowds. normal human locomotion is signiticantly restricted. forc' ing peuple into an uncomfortable,
shullling gait. Thc usual travel sPeed for persons in
prssagc\r:lvs ut on lsvcl. unobstructed lrcc-llorr rng; srdcrr alks is conservativell estimuted ut 2'10 fpm (73 mpm)
.1.0 fps (1.2 nrpnr) for most design purposcs. This represents the average specd at a "comfortable" design vol'
Exuctl;" Abreast 163
on the mix und composition of pedestri-
minute (46 to tl5 meters per minute) or 2.5 to 4.7 feet per second (0.76 to l'43 meters per second) for elderly women, and 250 to 185 fect per minute (76 to I l7 meters per minute) for Young men.t The averuce free'flow wulking specd for any purticular population depends
li漱 ‖ tよ C` PCゞ
,密 l:I(1'I電
ぶ ヽR
d th● t. for longcr distunces, W● lki● 8 Speed
ume. This uvcragc pcdcstrian specd,cirn bc subdivicled as shown in Tlrhlc l''
The distribution ol' wulking.
seems to',ltrllow.u' normal puttcrn: thus. the rtnge of spectJs (deiigncd ,b.t- = one standxrd deviution ubout thc average) includes about 6li perccnt ol'ull pcrsons. Womcn wulk more slowlY thun mcn
when crossing
a roadwuy. The datit
shown in Tablc 2 wus rccorded bY DiPietro for a 29-foot (lJ.lim)wide strcct. As expccted. pedcstrian rvalking speed
varies as a function of the tin:c bel'ore the arrival oI the next vchiclc. Rcscurch completed by the Roud Rcsearch Labo-
ratory (England) indicates that
nearer the vehicle. the greuter the walking speed. Grades. On PathwuYs with under t0 percent of grade, thcre appears t.o.be verv littie increuse or decreuse in walking spe;d due to sloPe. A controlled e.rperiment of soldiers walking on a variable' grade treadnrill (Wuyne) for the purpose
developing fatiguc lactors 5[er'red
that an increase in positive treadmill
grade. from 5 to l0 percent. decreased walking speed by only I 1.5 percent. and increasing the grade 1tt +20 percent (which iJ not too common) decreased speeds by 25 Percent. ' Slopej of l0 percent or more '*ill affect speed and volume. At 12 percent. speed drops from 260 to 2'10
"".rag. fpm 179 to 7J mpm). or 4.3 to 4.0 fps ( 1.3 to 1.2 mps). The maximum pedestrian volume gocs from about l0 Persons per foot width pcr minute (PFill) to 7'5
PFlvl (33 persons per mcter width per minute IPfvlNll to
]5 PNlM).
However. thesc dccreascs are less than what can be expected just on the basis o[ uge. sex or trallic densitY. 2. Stairs. Movemcnt on statrs ls more
structured und restricted than wulking because of the rcstraints imposed by the stair steps and the need to overcome
gravity in asccnding or to control it safely in descending.
Thc use of stairs in the circulation pattern must be bulanced agirinst the reul or potential needs of the hundicapped' the necd to minimize travel distances and the geometric limitutions of thc sitc' Eiergl'. Thc totill cncrgy expcndcd in ascending sttirs is l0 to l5 times Sreat€r
than thui uscd in wulking a horizontal distance equal to the height oI the statrs' Unlcss spctilicd, 'llow.
ligures given arc for ons'wuy
The encrgy crPendcd in dcscending stairs is only onc-third grcltcr than thut uscd in.walking u h,;rizontul disiunsc equd to the hcight oI thc stltirs.
served (buscd
I shorvs somc specds obon the horizontul dis-
tancc) in uscending und descending. Ri' scr hcights havc a significunt cllcct on spced. Slightly lowcr riscr hcights tend to producc fastcr pcdestrian spceds. but cxtremc variations rcduce cllicicncy' Thc approxinlutc average spccd to (rilversc a horizontul distunce is 100 l'pm (J0m) or 1.7 fps (0.5 mps) when climbing, and 120 l'mp (37 mPm) or 2.0 fPs (0.6 mps) when descending'
Length. There is no available informa' tion on the ell'ect of thc lcngth oI stairs
both ascending und dcscending. remain relatively normul, down to un uvcrage
pcdcstriun arca occupancy of l0 square fcct (0.9nr'z) and thcn are reduced due to
trallic density -fhe
volume and density curves in Figurcs 2 and J illustrate thc relationship ol volume and average pedestrian arca occupuncy. The up direction is generally uscd for dcsign purposcs because of its
lowcr capacity vulue. Maxintum flow volunres-15 Pcrsons pcr minute per loot of stair width (50
pcrsons per minute per mete r) ascending nnd 20 (66 per meter) descending-werc developed.
The critical areas derived, of 2.9 and 3.2 square fiet (about 0.1m':) cerng vert
to a t'r'o
stair'treud. shoulder'
on the rate of flow, but extremely long
Width. Observations of I I stairs in New York City are shown in Table 4' Voluntes. Voluntes of 30 to 40 persons per 22-inch (56 centimeter) lane per min'
trian zone is about fouf to five treads
stairs evidently slow traffic further.
ute have been repor'.eC. Descending
ratcs are slighly greater than ascending rates.
Observations from a study of a 5-foot wide (1.5m) stuir under 1's1ggd flsw (after o train had discharged) are shown in Table 5. This studY was made at the Union Turnpike station of the IND line of the Nerv York City subway system' Counts were mude only while the stairway wus in use. 3. Speed-Density Rclationships. Figure 2 compares levcl walks and stairs. in relating thc size ol the pedestrian "mod-
ule" (area kept clear of intrusion
most walkers) to wulking spced. Figure J relutes the sume module to volunres. ln both instances, it is appLrrent that stairs have a lesser capacity than equivalent level wulkways (upstairs movement ls
taken us the "worst case"). Leuel ll/alks. Maximum florv volumes of 26 pedestrians per minute per ioot (85 Der meter) of walkrvay havc been meas' ured (Figure 2). The reciprocal of pcdestrian density (square fcet per pcrson) ls used for convenicnce in visualizing relu' tive levels of pedcstrian lrcedom' This curve conlirms that normal human walking specds rcquire signilicunt anlounts oi pcdcstrian area. and th11 slowding causes restricted human locomotion.
This capucity value occurs ncar the criticul region of pedestrian arca occu' pancy. which is shown to bc approxi-
width area. The zero-movem€nt area, of 1.5 and 1.6 feet (about 0. l5mr) is equiva' l€nt to occuPancY o[ one tread.
At l0 squarc
feet (0.9m2), the pedes-
long and 2t/: feel (0.8m) u ide. This gives
sufficient room for reasonably normal stair location. but not enough area to by-pass slower walkers. Using the two shoulder width-spacing criterion for by' passing. lateral spacing would have to expand to 4 or more feet. giving a re' quired area for by-passing of about 20
square feet ( l.llmt) Per Pcrson. 4. Sidewalks. Volunte. A *ide range
of volumes has been reported during counts ranging in length from five minutes to l2 hours. ln most cases. only the total sidewalk width, not the effective
width. was reported. Tablc 5"shows the variations summarized by pedestriuns per foot width Per hour (PFH). The
maximum flow reported was
Francisco, with a pre-Christmas count oi 13,138 persons per hour on a 22'foot (6.7m) wide sidewalk, having an effcc' tive \,lidth ol'16.5 fect (5.0m). Efeaiue ,Yidths' RePorted widths uary from l0 to 25 feet (3'0 to 7.6m) lor
totil width of sideu'Lrlk.
The ellective width. which is more meaningful. was reported by only two out of l0 cities in thc survey and are shown in Tablc 7.
The common obstructions rePorted
arc polcs. signs, tlower stands and mail boxes. Supplcmentary studies of volumc
vcrsus density for various sidewtlk widths did not show signficant varia' tions: an 8-foot (2.4m) ellective width hud about the sume rate pcr foot as a
nrateiy 5 squure feet per person (0.5m'z)' Usc of such a value for design would gire a vcry poor standard of pcdcstrian
foot (4.9m) ellective width.
.Sloirs. Bcr,ause o[ thc limitations imposed by stair tread and riser rcstrictions und considerutions oI pcrsonal safcty. avcrirgc pcrlcstriun urea hls a lcss signil'rc:rnt ellect ott pcdcstriurt spccds on stairs
process is illustrated by the kind of mass
traffic flo*.
5. Arrival Processes and Queuing. Fruin has identified two arrival proc' esscs: bul/< l;,nd intermittent. Thc bulk
than during lcvel walking' Stuir spceds,
Table 5. Observrtion of a S-Foot Stair under Forced Flow.' 'l'imc lnterval ( illinuies )
per jllinute 70
15 L5
122 102 106
Pcrsons per
Persons per
r*'idth per l\linure \\'idrh pcr l\linure 46
14 i3.6 14:2 9.2 14.5
68 71
45 47 30
73 09 67 tTrirflic in onc dircction, moving up thc stairs at a rate ol ll0
steps Per ntinute.
Table 6. Pedestrian Volumes EfFective VVidth
per Pedestrians per Hour i\leter Pcr Hour
per Pedestrians per Hour i\lcter per Hour
Foot per
Foot per
Chicago. CTA
Chicago, CTA Chicago, CTA Seattlc St. Paul
289 299 309 396
1,0:0 1,300
450 1,000
650 608
2,130 1.990
Seattle San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco
4.6 4.6
3.4 5.0 2.7
ヽ idth of()bstruction
Efrective vvidth
[\l eters l.5
5.0 5.5
60 80
A verage
Table 8.Summary or Levels oF Service Standards forヽ ″aikways. Level of Service
Normal Arerage Tralfic Volume per l\linute 14'alking Reverse Per Foot Per Meter Speed Flow
Average Areg Module per Person Sq. Ft。
(Or greatcr)
(Or leSS) F
723 (or less) 826
39 56 17 72 22 Variable up to 12
Rclatively free. minimum of restrictions or inconvenience. Restricted. higher probabilities of conflict and inconvenience'
¨ ・ 一 一 S 〓
Severely restricted.
first-come, first-served priority syst€m
(an example is u tickct line): or as bulk. rvhich is unordered and lacking in any
considered in two \A a) s: those which contain persons *ho stand and wait,' with limited movement rvithin thc qucuing areu (such as at the foot of a motor stair): or those with people who combine waiting with some reasonably free internal circulation through the queuing urca (such as on a sub'*ay platform). No standards are uvailablc for thc design of queuing spcces. but standards can be suggested that are based on hu'
Table 7.EIFective Side■ alk Widths. Total Vゾ idth
Queues can develop in t'*o ways: as lineal or ordered, with the conventional
discipline. Bulk queues can be further
304 606
San Francisco San Francisco
minals and oflice buildings. s'here therc are: multiple sources of demand with short-term surges called "micropcaks." These are illustrated in Figure 4. As Fruin notes, "the distinctio' in arrivul proccsscs can be important to the dcsigncr, since the assumption of an 'average' design period. which is not truly r€prescntative of the uctual pattern, may produce an inadequate and inconvenient
Total Width City
exodus that occurs after a sporting cvent. or at a railroud platform when a loldcd passcngcr train discharges. The intcrmittcnt proccss is the common arrival process sc€n ut trtnsPortatlon ter'
man bodl' dimensions and
space prefcrences.
6. Signalized Crossings. At signalized intersections. pedestrian crossing opportunities ure creuted b1 the signal phusing. A high percentage ofpedcstrian violations ma-t' be an indication that the signal does not adequatell reflect pedes' triun necds. (lt mal srmpll' reflect min' imal enforcentent. or local custom, but this must be the judgment of thc engi' ncer/plunncr.) Cood signal timing includes a minir,rum green time, allowing rredestnans to cross thc roadway. I n
nlost cases. the pedestrians usurp prior' itv ovcr right-turning vehicles because the lutter do not have adequate tlme to start the turn before pcdestrians havq startcd to w'ulk with a gre"n signal.
Nlalcr hls studied "de-indiriduu-i tion" ol' pedestrians observing a traffic signul. ll is h1 pothesis is that a pedestrian ucting individualll ma)' conscien-
tiousll observe u DON'T WALK signal indicutitln. bu1 s'hcn thc same pedestrian is in u group observing the samc signirl. und another pcdestrian begins to
cross. the entire group
uill follow. Based
upon u studl' of one sile, lr'layer con'
cludcd Ihut the dc-individuated bchavior
is at a rutc of 9.ll pcrccnt. Individual violalors ilcc()untcd lirr 60 pcrccnt ttf thc violations. Nlcn hrrd il grcutcr pftrpcnsit-v towrrd. bcing.viohtors thun wonren. In it scpafate study. Ntunnrng has concludcd thar childrcn sho*: l highcr proprrrtio4 of observ;lnce thun udults. Tlie rcsults of such studics must bc ircceptcd \,r'lth cirre. ho,*'ever. sincc pcdcstrian disciplinc * ill vary from rcgion to rcgion in thc U.S..
just as it most certainly vuries from country to country.
l\lechanical Stairs. Walks
Ramps. Moving stuirs. rvulks und rantps
offer convenicncc to pcdcstrians and tend to movc thcm in an.orderly manner. .Except for variablc-specd moving wulks. they are not currently designed to save time beclusc they tl picully move .tt rates rvhich urc slorver than norntul
walking. Their initial artd maintenunce costs limit their use to special design problems. or to high-service and highconvenience installations. By dcfinition.
these conveyances ure power-driven and arâ&#x201A;Ź arranged like endless belts. with tr+.o moving handrails within closed bulustrades. ln[ornration has not been found to develop pructical cupacities of moving walks as conrpared to rated capacities. but queuing characteristics in advance of
the facility will usually determine vol-
A stationilry walk is usually provided adjaccnt to a moving walk: short ovcrloads will naturully divert to the stationary'walk. Pedestrians entering and exiting movumes.
ing ramps mul crpcriencc some discomfort and dilliculty bcc:rusc of thc abrupt change in planc as thcy stcp [rclnr a lcvcl
surface to un inclined moving surface.
or vice versu. M:rnufacturers are developing moving ramps thut will start out hor-
izontally before climbing and level ollto a horizontal pcisition. ullowing pedestrians to step off.
Rated capacities o[ motor stairs assume that each step is occupied. Peak
five-minute actuul flows were only 63 percent of ratcd cupacity lor stair pperation at 90 feet (27.{m) per ntinute. and only 53 pcrccnt lor stairs operating at 120 fcct (J6.6m) pcr nrinutc. z\s a corollary. it was found that increasing the
of the motor stair from 90 l-eet (27.4m) pcr minutc to 120 leet (J6.6m) specd
per minute (u 33 pcrccnt increase) raised the cupacity of thc stair by only l2 percent (see Scrvice Requiremcnts, Secticn
4, Peaking).
Service Requirements
l. l,evcls of .Scrvicc. [jruin hls dcvcloped lcvcls ol'scrvicc l'or pcdcstriun llow and qucuirrg. sinrilar to those described in lhc Highray Capocittr il{anual lirr vc-
hicular trallic. Thcse estuhlish standards that allow u prcdctcrminution of trilllic chilri.rcteristics resulting l'rom ditlerent allocutions of pedcstriun space. In areus rvhcre somc lrccdom ol' design is allowed, such us shopping malls. high lcvels ol' scrvice can be providcd, resulting
in improverncnt in thi pedcstrian environmcnt. In restricted areas with cx-
treme linritations. such as comnluter ter-
minals. problcms can be anticipated and perhups ollset by ultelnative designs or
operating procedures. lValkv'a!'s. A levcl o[ servicc standard
rvalkways and ramps provides a of determining thc quulitative aspccts of respective dcsigns. However. it does not elilninate the need for designer judgment. Dcsigners should care fully examine ull aspccts of prospective walkways, including such trallic charactermeuns
istics as projccted magnitude and duration of pe:rks. us well as all the rumifications of space usc and cost. When
designing lor peak demands ol'short duration. lower levels of servicc standards may be tolcrated to provide the basis for more economical dcsign. Added consideration must be given to the selection o[ design standards near maximum capacity levels. since the critical pedestriun
is likely to be exceeded inter-
mittently. Whcn critical density- is
excceded, llow volumcs l'ull below the spcc-
ilied design levcl und pedestrian delay and buckups ure likely to occur. requiring determination of the adequacy of holding or queuing space at the approuches to the critical section. These levels of service standards are based on a range of area occupancies per person. Design volumes are presented us
a ran8e ol pedestrians pcr foot of walkway width per minute (PFIU). lf unidirectional traflic is comprised ol'commuters or workers, then the higher design volumes in a given range may be safely assumed. The lorver rangc ol'design volumes would be recommended if truflic is comprised lurgcly ol shoppers or pcrsons carrying bagguge. or il' the trallic pattern involves cross movements, reverse flows and othcr conflicts. The following conclusions have been
Normal mean walking speed may
uttuiniid at an :rpproximatc pcdcstrian urca occupuncy ol'25 squarc fcet (2.lmr) psr Pcrson. The prohabilitv. o[ crossing conflicts,, rqmuins at 100 pcrccnt virtuully up to un uverxge areu occupancy' ol ubout l5 squure l-eet ( l..1mr) per person. It remains at ubout the .iC-percent lcvel bet'*'cen l0 to 35 square l'ect ( 1.9 to J.2mr) per person. beyond which it drops to
Level ol service stundards for walkways are described below und summarized in Table 8. Pedestrian volume and area relationships are shown in Figure 5. Leuel of Seruice A. Averuge pedestrian area occupancy: 35 squure feet (3.2m'?) per person or g
rea tc r.
Average flow volume:
PMM) or
Sullicient urea is provided for pedes: trians to freely selcct their own walking speed. to by-pass slower pedestrians and
to avoid crossing conflicts rvith others.
Application: Public ouildings or
plazas without severe peaking charaqteristics or space restrictions.
Leuel of Seruice B.
Average pcdestrian area occupancy: 25 to 15 square feet (2.3 to 3.2m2) per person.
Average flow volume: 7 to l0 PFM (21 to ll PMM). Suliicient space is available to select normal walking speed and to by-pass other pcdestrians in prinrarily one-directional llows. Whcre rcvcrse direetion or
pcdcstrian crossing movcments e.\ist. minor conllict will occur. slightly lowering mean pedestrian speeds and potential volumes.
Applicution: Reasonably high-type design for transportation tcrminals and buildings in which recurrent, but not severe. peaks are likely. Leoel of Seruice C. Average pedestrian area occupancy: I5 to 25 square Ieet ( 1.4 to 2.Jm"l per person.
Avcrage flow volume: l0
to {9 PMM).
15 PFM
Freedom to select individual walking
speed and freely pass othcr pedestrians is restricted. Where pedestrian cross move-
ments ond reverse flows exist. thcre is a high probability of conflict requiring fre-
o The ;ritical pedestriun area occu'
pancy in peoestrian trallic flow is about 5 sluare fcet (0.5mr) per person: below this area oc:upuncy. wulking speeds fall within the shr llling rangc.
qucnt udjustmcnt of spced and direction
to uvoid contilct. llclsonubly fluid flow. 0 ¨ , C 〓 ≧ O α ∽ 0 一 O Σ O ● ● 0 ∽ 一 〇 C 一 〓 一 > >
80 60
o ,一 C 〓 2 o O ● 0
0 ● 0 0 め 一 〇 C 一 メ 一 0 > ≫
bul consiclcrrblc l'riction und interaction anrong pcdcstrians. : Applicution: Heavily used transporta-
tion terminuls; public' buildings;
open spuces whcre severc peakinS plus space
rcstrictions limit dcsign flexibility. Leuel oJ Seruide D.
Avcrage pedestrian area occupancy:
l0 to l5 squure feet (0.9 to l.4mt)
Average flow volumc: (49 to 66 PM M ).
100 50 0ど
(M) Module in Square F6et per Pedeslrian
O 一 っ C 〓 2 O α O C o ∽ 0
0 0 0
cross-flow movements. Volumc
C 〓 2 O L の C O φ 0
slorver-moving pedestrians. Extreme difficulty is experienced in reversing flgw or
・0 2
for the most
ling. Area is insutficient to
0 0 L 20
Application: Only
Average pedestriar, occupancy; 5 to l0
〓 0 ■ 5
O α
con flicts.
square feet (0.5 to 0.9m'?) per person. Average flow volume: 20 to 25 PFM (66 to 82 PM M ). Virtually all pedestrians have normal walking speeds restricted. requiring frequent change of gait. At lower end of range. forwurd progress is only by shuff-
Majority have normal walking speeds restricted and have difliculty in by-passing slower pedestrians and avoiding conflicts. Pcdestrians in rcverse flow and crossing are severely restrict€d. Multiple
rmportant movement. Leuel of Seruice E.
Figure 2. Speed uersus module.
0 ¨ ● ヽ こ
l5 to 20 PFM
crowded public areas wherc forward progress for individuals is not the most
(M) Module in Square Meters per Ped€strian
0 ■ 5
proaches maximum capacity
\\.ay. Frequent stoppages and
Application: Only for short peaks in most crowded area. Occurs naturally
Porl Authority Bus T€rmina,
mY 〔
der S'uγ e Rl pα 1.5
35 :
(M)MOdulo in Square Meters per pedestrian
Figure 3. Persons uersus ntodule.
nl 賞ほ
ll 4.5
with bulk arrival traftic pattern. Recom. mended onlf ior sport stadium design and rail transrt facilities. Adequacy of pcdestrian holding areas must be considered.
Leuel of Seruice F.
Average peak area occupancy:
square leet (0.5m'?) per person or less. Averugc flq*' volume: variable up to 2-i PF Nl (t{2 Pr\'l lvl ). All pedestrian *'alking speeds are rcstricted. Forward progress is only by
shullling. Unavoidahle contact with
othcrs ilrc frequent. Reverse or crossing movements are impossible. Traffic flow is sporudic. movenrent is based on those in iront. Represents loss of control, complete breakdown in tralfic flow.
Application: Not recommended.
In designing stuiru ays. increuscd consideration should be given to Stair.r.
the role of human factors becausc of thc
greatcr su[ety hirzards and energ]
penditure rcquircd in stuir locomotion. ln adclition. to thc crcrcise of dcsigncr 'j0dgnrcnt. in' evuluuting' tr;.rtlic patt;rns' ;and pcak ch'uructeristics rccommcnded' in using wulksuls stundards. thc l'ollow-
1200 0 0 こ Φ
ing Lrctors should be considcrcd in dc-
Stairs should be rvcll lighted. provided with sullicicnt heud rr.rom. und
0 一 っ C 〓 2
with properly designed rnd maintaincd
ヽ ∽ C O ゛
Stairs should be locutcd so as to
Stairwa!'s should
be otfset
ヽ の C O ∽
8 l0Noon 2
Hour ol the Day
Nloderatc riser heights reduce human energy expcnditures and increusc tratlic efficiency. Six inches (15 cm) may be a desirable standard.
O 一
0 ,
readily visiblc und identifiable as I means of dircct access to the levcls they are designed to interconnect.
C 〓 2
riser and treud contigurations and ruil-
0 0 ■ っ L
Hour ot the Oay
Fipre 4. Pedestian door counts (source: Lower Manhattan Plan, Figure 2'34).
mainstrearn corridor tratiic to avoid pedestrian conflict. o Clear areas. sutllciently large to allow for queuing pedestrians. should be provided at the top and bottom of all stair-
When u stairway is placed directly
within a corridor. the lowcr c:rpacity of the stairway is the controlling factor in the dcsign of thc section. Level of 5slvice standards for stairways aie described below and summilrized in Tablc 9. Pedestrian volume and area relationships ure shown in Figurc 6. Leuel of Sercice A.
Average pcdestrian urea occupancy:
20 square leet (1.9m!) per person or greater.
Average flow volume:
PMM) or
5 PFM ( l6
Sulficient arca provided to freely select locomotion speed and to by-pass others. No serious difliculties with re. verse traffic flow. Application: Public buildings. plazas with no severe trallic pcaks or space lim.
〓 0 ■
、 o 一 ● ヽ 60 こ O L O 一 ョ 40 C t ヱ
Commuter Uni-Oirectional
O C 20 n C 0 0 0 0
(M)Modul● in Square Feet per Pedestrian
(M) Module in Square Meters per Pedestrian
itations. Leoel of Seruice B.
Average pcdestrian arca occupancy:
l5 to
20 square feet (1.4
to l.9m')
Average flow volume:5 to 7 PFM (16
2l Pfvll\l). This level of servicc rcpresents a space , about 5 trelds long and -1 to 4 I'cet (0.9 to I .2m ) rvide. Almost all persons can freely select locomotion speed. In lower range of orea occupuncy sonrc difli' to
culties are experienced in passing slower'
Figuoe 5. Leuel of seroice standards
walkways uolunre uersus module.
Table 9. Summary
of l.cvels of Serrice
A verage Area ヽlodu:e per L`vel o「
sellit` A
sl.IFto M8
(Or greater)
Average Traffic
Volume per i\linute Per F'oot Per l\f eter
6 8
8 0.7 5 0.5 4 04
Normal Stair Locomotion
16 (Or iCSS)
pcak dcmands und no serious spacc limiLeuel
20 26
l0 to
1ntermittent up to
)evercty restncted.
of Sert,ice C.
Averuge pedestrian area occuPancy: 15 sguare fcet (0.9 to l..lm?) per
Application: Transportation terminals. public buildings wirh rccurrent
Relatively lree, minimum of restrictions or inconvenience. Restricted, highcr probabiliries of conflict and inconveniencc.
一 一 一 一 〓
movlng persons. Revcrsc llow5 1r6ul6
causc nlinor trullic conflicts.
(Or leSS)
Standards for Stairwavs.
Average flow volume: 7 to t0 pFM (23 ro 33 PMM). This level of scrvice represents a space
about 4 to 5 rreads long and J fect (0.9m) wide. Locomorion speeds are slightlv resrricted. Slower-moving pcrsons cannot be passed. Minor reversc tra flic flows cncounter diffi cultics.
Application: Transportution terminals, public buildings wirh recurrent
peak demands and some spacc limita-
Leuel of Seruice D. Average pedestrian area occupancy: 7 to l0 square feet (0.7 to 0.9m2) pcr per-
〓 O S
son, F_│「
Average flow volume: (33 to 4l PM M ).
_lpl C I B
l0 to l3 pFM
This represents a space about 3 to 4
0 一 0 ヽ こ
treads long and 2 ro 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9m) wide. Locomotion speeds are restricted
O α
[or the majoritl, due ro limired
O 一 , C 〓 2
tread spuce and inubiliry ro b1-pass. Re_ verse flow encounters significant difficulty and trallic conflict.
O α
Application: More crowded public buildings und transportarion terminals subjectcd to relatively severe peak de-
∽ C 0 0 o
(M) Module in Square Fe6t per pedestrian
0.5 1.0 (M) Module in Square M€ters per pedestrian
Figure 6. Leuel of seruice standards
stairw,ays uolume uersus nrodule.
mands. Lecel of Sercice E.
Avcrage pedestrian occupancy: 4 to 7 square leet (0.4 to 0.7mr) per pcrson. Averuge flow. volume: ll to 17 pFM (43 to 56 PMM).
This repres"rts a
space about
2 to
treads long and 2 llct (0.6m) wide. rhe minimum possible urea for locomotion on stairs, Almclst all have normal speed
reduced because of minimum tread length space and inability ro by-pasq others. lntcrmittent stopprrses occur as
critical pedestrian densitl. is exceeded. Rcvcrsc lloss huve scrious conllicts. Application: Occurs narurally with
bulk arrival traHic pattern that immediutcly excecds available capacity. This is the onlv situurion lor uhich it is recomrnendcd: sports stadiums und transit facilities with large. uncontrolled. shortterm e,rodus of people.
Leuel ol Seruice F. Averuge pedcstrian area occupancy: 4 squarc fect (0..1m ) pcr pcr person or less.
Avertgc florv volume: Variable to l7
PM (56
This reprcsents u
about I to
trelds long und I lcct (0.6m ) *'idc. Complete brcukdewn occucs' in tnrtlic llow: many stoppuges: forwurd progcess de-
in l'ront. Applicution: Not recommendcd.
pends on thosc Queues.
Leuel of Sertice Zone).
Average pedestrian area occupancy: l3 square leet (l.2nr':) per person, or Averagc interperson spacing: (1.2m) or more. Spacc is provided
ior standing
area without disturbing others. Applicution: Pussenger concourse areus: baggxge claim ilrcas. Leuel of Sentice I ( Resticted Circulation Zone). Average pedestrian area occupancy: l0 to l3 square tcet (0.9 to 1.2 m'?) per
perion. Average interperson spacing: 3rt to 4
(l.l to l.2m).
without disturbing others. Application: Railroad platforms: pasSenger concourse arcas.
Leoel of Service C (Personat.ContJbrt Zonet.,
Average pedestrian area occupancy:
to l0 square feet (0.7 to 0.9m'z) pcr
Average interperson spacing: J to 37: fcct (0.9 ro l.lm ). Space is provided for standing and restrictcd circulation through the queuing
area by disturbing othcrs. Within the range of personal com[ort.
Application: Ordered-queue ticket-
sclling areas: elevator lobbies. Leuel ol Seruice D ( No-Touch Zone). Average pedestrian urea occupancy: J to 7 squure feet (0.3 to 0.7m'!) pcr pcrson.
Average interperson spacing: 2
feet (0.6 to 0.9m ). Space is provided for standing without personul contuct with others. but cir-
culation through the qucuing arcu
rs se-
verely restricted und l'orrvurd movemcnt is only possible as a group. M
Sptcc is provided {br stunding. but
uble. Circulutio:: * ithin the que uing ureu is not possiblc. Spuce cen only bc
sustaincd for short pcriods ol'time without physical and psychological discom-
lort. elevutors. Leoel of Seruice F ( the Body Ellipse). Average pedcs(rian area occupancy: 2 square fect (0.2m:) per person or less. Average interperson spacing: Closc
contact r,r'ith surrounding persons. Space is appro.rimutcly equivulent to the areu of the human body. Standing is possible, but close unavoidable contuct with surrounding persons cuuses physical and psychologicul discomfort. No movement is possiblc. ln hrgc crowds, the potentiul for punic exrsts.
Applicution: Not recommcnded.
Space is provided for standing and rcstricted circulution through the queue
. r\vssxgl; inturpcrson spacing:
(0.6m ).or
Applicution: Recommcnded only for feet
free circulation through the queuing
pcrsonul contuct with othcrs is unuvoid-
A (Free Circulatiotr
Lerels of Seruite E (Touch Zone). Avcrugc pcdcstrian lreu occupancy: 2 to J square lcct (().1 to 0.Jmr) pcr pâ&#x201A;Źr-
que uing
areas: pedestriun salety islunds: holding ureas ot crossr*alks. Not recommendcd
lbr long-term pcriods ol'waiting.
2. Design of Sidewalks,
and Ramps. These facilities should be availuble to all persons. The design should not be such as to preclude use by the handicupped. Therefore. where possible. sidewalks should be constructed to allow the easy passuge of wheelchairs. Such provision will olten be a requirement ol'law. rcgulation and building codes. The height of the sidcwalk should provide sutiicient definition between the
strcct and 11'ts lsndrva| to insure the safet-v of pcdcstrians. The minimum width o[ any lacility
(where not excludcd by larv) should probubly be the width ol' u w heelchair plus a person. with allowances made for cleurance. This design also ullows for the passing of thc slower pedcstrians by the faster. und gives a total walk width of 6 l'eet ( l.8m ): 2.5 t'eet (0.8m ) for u person and 2.5 fect (0.8m) for the wheelchair, plus I foot (0.1m ) for cleurunce for the wheelchair. Thc old standard was a 22inch (56cm) lune. but this was found to be too nilrrow lbr l'ree-fiow pedestrian
use. Some authors suggest 24 inches (6lcm) but others. using lield obscrva-
tions. huve found l0 inchcs (76cnr) to be a morc uccurate description ol'what humans requrre.
ll' the facility is to be enclosed, then the sumc minimum width should apply. Larger fucilities should bc dcsigned so that each anticipatcd liine ol'pedeitrians is 2.5 feet (0.8m) in width.
Thc National Board of Underwriters recomnrcnds a slope of l:10 for rumps
within buildings. The mujor dcp:lrture of rumps lrom thc othcr I'ucilitics in this subgroup is thut hund ruilings should be
provided.at slopes. grcttef thun l:12. Slopes less than l:15 and l:10 appear to have very little inlluence on speed and volumc, rcspcctivcl!'. 3. Design of Stairs. Stuirs require considerubly lcss space than ramps. but they impcde the flow ol people. Stairs may reduce the llow through u passugeway by us much as 50 percent. Thus, a sidcwulk
with one person pcr l0 squarc
(0.9mr) has a conservative capacit.'" of 20
PFM (66 PM M ).r The "maximum l'orced" flow for stairs is 20 PFM (66 PM lvl ). at conccntrations of one person pcr 3 squurc leet (0.Jmr) of stairs, To maintain a comparable density of persons on the stairs, the capacity of the side walk would have to be approximately l0 PFM (ll PMM). lt is apparcnt. thercfore. that stairs have a smaller capucity than comparable walkways. This means that the stli; width must be widened i[ volume is critical. A good design value for the average stair is l2 PFM (40 PMM) going up. Minor flows opposite the main trattic should be given
u separate tratlic (76cm ).
of 30 inches
The minimum width of stairs for the most part is regulated by codes. but rvhere it is not. the minimum should not bc lcss than ubout 5 fcet ( l.5m ). Other-
wise. stairways should be designated
with 2 7:-foot-width (0.8m)
und uscd as the control point in a corri-
dor-stair linkage.
Vulues of l9 and 2l PFM (62 and 69 PfUM ) havc been recommended by
Hankin and Wright as design criteria for
the London subwuys. The New York City Transit Authority uses a design capacity of 1.000 PFH (3.281 PMH) for stairs. or 16.7 PFM (55 PMM). and the M assachusetts Bay Transit Authority uses a design value of 20 PFM (66 PNIM
All of these values, with the e.rception of the New York Transit Authority's, occur at the critical rcgion oI stair loco-
motion flow. Pedestriun area
occupancics are about 3 square feet (0.1m) at this volume lcvel, at the borderline of the "touch zone" established in queuing studies. Use of design values for pedes-
triun trutlic flow at this levcl of pedestrian area occupuncy shows little rcgard
lbr the human requircmcnts of stuir locomotion. which ure considered to bc a minimum of 3 stair treads in length and
The design of ranrps must consider the
of slope on
pcdcstriun vol-
umes. as well us clinrutic and gcornetric construints. Sltlpcs ol'l:6 und l:E uppeur to bc the most frcqucnt uscd outdoors.
This is thc
fow at
which queues will
a, ,he bottom o[ stain.
to lorm
Table 10. Maximum Theoreticar and Nominar rlrororsrair capacities. Nominal Size
Width at Tread
tl:::llヽ li:, 32 1.25 Persons,/
陥 1,r
l― _FPM
Per l lilll,「
i\l inutc
Step 90
2 Persons/
27 37
Ste p
Source: Strakosch,
C. R., Vertical Transportation, Elevators
3,750 5,025
8.000 10,700
6,000 8.025
68 89
and Escalarors, New York City: John Wilcy and Sons. 1967.
Turnstile Capacity. and the elliciency of the inrernal circulation s1'stem. Examples of thc peaking
Persons per lllinute
rund direction of flows for rwo majoi building in New York City are shown in
Registering Free Admission A Ticket Collector Cashier Operated Coin-Operated Low Single Coin Slot M ultiple Fare Coin-Operated 7 Feet High Nonregiste ring Low Traffic Controllcr
Figure 4.
40_60 25-35
5. ,\lotor Srairs and l\loving Walks. Nlotor stuirs manufacturcrs rate thc theoretical capacity ol their units on the
busis of speed. assumed occupancy per
stcp und 100 percent step urilization. Since the lattcr is never obtained. even undcr the heaviest traflic prcssure with use by pcdestriun commuters, nominal
:5-25 10-15
7-Foot High Traffic Controller
40‐ 60
or uctuul dcsign c:rpucit1, has been recommcndcd by thc Trafic Engineering Ilandbook as 80 percenr of manufaCturer's capucity for 90 fpm (28 mgim) motor stlirs. lnd 7_5 pcrccnt ior 120 fpm (37 nrpml moror sruirs. Strakosch iecommends the use of 7-5 percent ol theo-
Source: Trafic Engineering Handbook,3rd Ed., John E.Bacrwald,Ed.WashingtOn. D.C.: lhstirute of Tralfic Engineers. 1965.
a humun shoulder breadth in width. or approximately 5 to 6 square feet (0.5 to 0.6m'z).
.1. Arrival Processes. Queuing and Peaking. Thc pedcsrrian holding capacity of public spaces is related ro the ap-
proximate limits of human occupancy of conlined spaces: All females: 1.5 square feet (0. l4mr) per person. l\1i.red: 1.8 square leet (0. lTmr). Contuct with others: 2.75 square leet (0.26m'z).
Uncrowded: J.5 square feet (0.33mr).
queues (escalators or
crosswalks): 5 square leet (0.5m2) avera8e.
Current lirerature gives little recognition to peuking rvithin short periods of
the peuk hour. Often. the peak-flow rate experienced during a live-rninute ratc flow is onc-und-one-half timcs srcilter than thc hourlr' llow rute. Thus. a 1,200person hourlv llow would probablv includc tlow at un l.ti00-pcrson rate during the peak live minutes.
u single pedesrriun group. such as commuters, are likely to havc higher peaking than those which serve multipurpose tflps. Employee charucteristics must be considered in the design of pedestrian facilities for emplol'menr ccnters. The peaking ol the arrivul rate ubour the startine
timc. ior *'hitc-collar *orkcrs. is suci
thut upproximurcly 20 percent of the cmployees enter ubout five minutes early.
The l5-minutc arrival time. from
minutes bclirre to five minutes ufter the oflicial starting time. includes 60 percent of the urriving cnrplovecs. A building thut docs not hilve all persons of thi same cmploymcnt group may have only 20 to 25 pcrccnr of ull urrivuls bcfore lb
A.M. in u singlc l5-minurc period. The dcparture ratc rs even more
peuked. wirh .10 ro 50 pcrcent leaving ar
thc nomini.rl quirring rirnc. Eight-v pcrccnt ol' all dcpurting cmplovees leave within six mrnutcs (earl1' or lote) of the
depcnding on the .sizc
retical capi.rcitv. as sho\+n in -Table 10. Eased on his studies, Fruin was ablc to drlu, the follorving conclusions about the dcsign of motor stairs and moving
Peaking of pedestrian tralfic is deoendent on the t-vpes of pedcsrrians composing the traliic. Faciliries rvhich serve
norninal quittrng tinre. Thcse virlues may be rcduccd to J0 to .10 pcrccnr ut rhc cxii.
Table l
ヽ10、 i:num l・ :leo・
of the building
Munufirctufr,fs r€coffi fnended capaci_ ties of fiotor .,tarrs and moving rvalks arc based on the mechanical capacity of these units. and are unrcluted to the hunran capabiliries and trut'lic patterns which dctcrmine actual use and capaci it)'.
lJuman ch:.rractcristics. traffic densityi urrd thc prcscncc of bugguge have ail been found to have un elTect on motor stair use. . Computer simulation of the use of nlotor slairs and rnoving walks, based on observed boarding characteristics und trallic dcnrund. produccd a morc mcuningful and logical approach to desrgn.
' Based on the computcr simulation. a clcar queuing space for 98 persons, or about -i00 squilre feet (47mr) is needcd for u 90 lpm (:U..t
ll2crn ) u idc nroror stair ut rhe practical working cupuciry of the unit: if this ca. pucity is exceedcd. a lurger spacc is re-.
Nloving ramps arc gcncrally uscd on lS-dcgrce slopcs or lcss. ut a rttuximum specd rrf l{Lt tpm (-13 mpml lbr short .dista-nr;cs. und (tn 7- toll-dcSrcc slopes or .lcss with l nturittrum spccd <.rl' ltt0 l'pnr
(55 nrpnr). Thc width.ol' thc witllwrv
dcpcnds on thc sl()pc: thc stccpcr sl()Pcs rcquirc pusscllgcrs to havc i.lcccss to :: least onc handruil. Thc *idth is linrited to .18 inchcs ( l2lcmt for.u slopc grcutcr than 8 dcgrces. or a specd greutcr than 140 fpm. For ir slope ol'5 tr-r I degrces, and speeds less than lJ0 l'prn (4J mprn)
the width may be up to 70 inchcs (l78cm). l-or a slopc of 3 to 5 dcgrecs. the width may be 100 inchcs (254cm). and for u slope of 0 to J dcgrees, the rvidth is unlinlitcd il'the spced is less than
140 fP"n.
6. Trrrnstiles and Revolving Doors. The cupacity of turnstiles depcnds on the type of turnstile. and if and horv money or fares are collected. Thc capacities of various turnstilc des.:ns ure given in Table ll. The runge o'capucity valucs reflects such elenlents as commutcr ver-
noncommutcr trullic. age of the users and other ph.v-sical dillerenecs, The max-
imum value should onlv be used for
groups, such as conrmutcrs. who are familiar with the operation of most of the equipment. Truly- noncommuter. or casual. trallic should:probably- be lssigned the lo*er valuc. Fucilitics uscd lor sporting cvents and other l'orms of entcrtainment should probubly be given un uvcruge between
the two cxtrenles. since the
putrons probubll represcnt u mi,ring of those familiar rvith all thc details ol'such equipment and those unl'amiliar with their op'
eration. Revolving cjoors huve a theoretical capacity ol' 60 pcrsons per minute each way.r The actual ctliciency (buscd on the maximum l5 revolutions pcr mirtutc) is upproxinrutely E0 to 85 pcrccnt. und rcpresents a cupucity ol' ubout 50 pcrsons per minute cuch rvuy. The ntore usuul
obscrved value. for rclatively busy revolving doors. is about 25 pcrsons pcr
minute. which is thc suggcsted lowcr design cupucity, und a maximum of l0 persons per minute.
Eased on conslunl tralnc denand ond
retulutions per innult.
a door hou-
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Quurnrby. C.A.. "Choiee rrl Trlvel lVlodc lor thc Journcv lo Work." Jownal ol Tnn.rport E<'onomics und Poli<'1', Vol. -1. PP. 17.l-.lll,5"n,. Rcgional Plan Associatron; "t'l ulking ''r6t.Spacc in Citv Ccntcrs: lnterrm Renrn Summarv." \ew York. N.Y,: Rcgional Plun Associatron. Nlay 17. 1971. Rosenhcrg. Ccrhrrd. " lhc tllcct ul thc l.ocltrun ol Trunsir Statrorrs un Buildrng Drnrrrv in Inner City ,\rers." Hish Speed Gruund Transportution Journol. pp lt5-!$9. Ilul l9{:9. Strrkosch. C. R.. Verticol Tran\noilation, Eltdtors an<l Escalators. \c* Yr.rrk. N.Y.: John Wiley and Sons. lnc.. 1967. \l u1nc. E. O.. "Thc Lll'eut ol Trcrilmill Crudc on Pcrlbrmunce Decrenr<nt Using u Titratrun Sched-
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lccturc und Urbln Plunnirrg. l9?0. Crucn. Victor. The lteart ol Ow Citics. l4ew York. N.Y.: Sirnon rntl Schustsr. 196'1. llrus. R. C. C.. und l'. l'. Nlorull. "Pcdcstrirn Circulation Through u Tunncl Net*ork." fra1fic :19. ,\nr. lu67 Ouorterlr, - llunrburu.o. Jtlhn R.. "\\ rlk lo \\ urk Tript in thc C,\TS Arei." CATS Reseorch Nrrs, Vol. tl. fio. lt. t95r.r.
llankrn. B. D., and R. \. \\'nght, "Pedcstriun f-lorr rn 5uhurbs." Operatiuns Rcsearch Quarterly'.
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llrqhtar (upa.irt',!/anual. Wurhingtun. D.C.: lligh*ar Rsseurch Borrrd (Spcctrl RcPort lJ7). 196S.
llucl. L. A.. "l'cdcrtrrrtt l rilvcl Rutcl tn Cctrtral Burincsr Dfslrfcts,' TroJlic EngineeritS. PP. lU'lJ, Jun. l96lt, Inghs. Puul. "A !lultrrnudal Logit !ludcl of Mrrdul Spht fur u Short Journey.' pitpcr prcscntcd ut SJrd Annuul illcctirrg. llightuy Research Board. Wr\hrntton. D.C.. 197J. Kunu'iani. Adib K.. "Lueuttutt i\lutJcl lirr Purkrng
f- ucrf itrcs," Trunslrorluti,rn Engrneering Jounal ol' zl.S('8. Vol. 9l{. Nu. l 1-1. l cb. 197(). Lanrbc. T.r\.. ".Ihc Chorcc ul l'rrking Lutiution by Workers in thc C BD." Trolltc Quartarl.y. pp. J97'
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ljhr* of
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υ手 ―′′ ζ
lN Pら NIC Sm,Attα ttS
僣黒 群 黒 :計 畠 iご 驚 Lげ凝 正 、 斑 、 れl=1的 人ぬ0■ ■4チ ヱ ゅ颯疑し Ъ .ら薗 マttЪ てこ3づ ゛ . 汎 曝t′ _ Q番 ■■.ヤ lll itさ ユ 亀付け3藪 ■ ■ 十マクリ、ン ■ )マ ス ` ■`│し ヒ肇塑Qヒ ぬ駄Jtt tイ 〒,■ 、 16 (1) 4」 し つヽ .
PRFrrr SlruRTrtrns" I*Fi"" Enpncrrv a{gggJr* i!-Eory_r Vnu. ?6r flo) Er 1971r e, 6e-t7. (r* Durcx)
■麟 む
s;TurrtEs; ltFIE FTEBUEHTLY E:lt-ltrTEf,i Fg EltrDENtrE ElF THt Ae=cnu's lor.""o=LEHs l'tHrtrH couLB l?EguLT FnEH F PFlNrc srTURTrtrN. Hg T:こ
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o{'lreoplc jrr at br:i.ltiirr6.i5 l-tc).\'i!..ltr.y!; lili'rll} tjruc's 6r'e:rtcr t}r:ln itr tlre pl;st. gne orr)..y lr:.r.g to thj.nl: of'tlrr.: croi:,i|.$ 1;llt.herccl in a nroderrt (:irrtnrirr Lh,rlrtrcrs;Lor.rrr;1tcl1gl11gntr lluildi.rrgrot'f.icc blcc:li or sl,orts I'jr:ltl. iivsn ai.rer:rft nr.u trcirr6 s136lgr to climcns,ioris sjrnj.lur Lo tl:or:e of a tli-atre. fr::r1.1 thcge ci,sclt ii j.s irnpor.tarrL to l:no.,r' hori rrui.ci'.l.y tlrc cror'.'(l.5 6.r]'c ilbLo to l.e€ive the btrildin6S in the evcnt of an elner{:encY i.rtrj.lc th.c f.1o..'r pr.opcr.li.es of' g1rs(:srf i:-uids anci p'l.rrstiC'a)ly viscOus mctterials (perhaps trave been exiiaustiveL;r investigartecl.rj.t lrls lrot co far bc:en posliblr: it lrag not even beerr aLte:rnpteci) to esteb.l.isi, tli<-:laTi goverrrirrg tlre Pt:tjtiace of pcol)Le ip large ntmbcrs tlnotrgit <loors irrxl nat'l'or,r l)erssa6es. Tirj.s 5.c l:robo.bIy &lso due to the fac'., ttrat there is a sPirituaj. r'esistanc:e to tire seplration of hrrman behaviour froin the hulrnn yri1l r:nil to strb;ecting it to n:-'tttral lalrs. '['he nunber of Jreople sta.r'ing j.tr an object suctr as cr 1::r'1.;c noC.ern sports staclium '.ltith this increase hsrs rnulti1,LJer1 by a frtctor.of ten in the last fc:'; dece.Jes. i' the nunLer. of people the d.ange'r of crol,/deci conditions I'nd in special- cases that of er parri.c s:ituatibn hac alrio bcen increasucl, Ln the case of a lnnic can one rely on ,nalr s reasorl? Unf'ortutte,.'ue1.y 'rhis tloes not aP}c€tr to be thc ca.se ariJ. af.ter discussj.on i;ith a srrf'ety l;pecialist -'r.t is noreover clea} to tlle author that a parric gitiration is often I'irich rnorc serious th:'.rr one-cottld ev.rr irrrag;irre. ?ake for e>:om1,}e a sc[oo1 in r','hiclr thcre are over a thousatrd chilclrel v..ho 5:rve to get outsicle throrrglr a cioor oftc'n uot rriort: than 1.5 to 2 m nirle. :'jhat .;.'oulo h::ppen in the case of a fjre'i Tt surely happens to arrybocl'y sometir,res thaL *.1cn lca-ving a cincta.'.1. or thecrtr.'e lre bcccrto;-rs s(.ueez,ec[ in t]B cro:sd.rbut this is lhen nrurcly a d"trscl.y cro'.';riecl situation in iJrich ihe }eople remain calur.so tlrat the.y:rr.c able to 5ct out of thc squeeze a.6;ain. Onc shoulci try to ima'ine xhsrt r.;oul<I happen jf ittsteacl of ar crush of peoPle a i'anj'c r:'ouLd[ be ct.ca,,;ed e.nci crll urc l)cor)l{} u'otrlC lrtrai.n to get to tlre e>:it rrt thg clms noncnt in l.ear of tbeir']i1'e. For.trurirtcl.y 1;:rnio sitrt::t:ions arise rarely encl the dis€rsters r,,hi.clr re$ul t ther.cf'r'oiu hi.rl')l.e n cven r.ol'e re.rcl..y. If a clisastcr occur$ as & resplt of fr pir[5-c rp)xicrorr.: cirriur,lii.cs !t).'c inun,;'iljrrteI.y lccorclecl: getrcr:il1y it is Latet uror.rght that thc rlis,aster couLd h:rve heen prcventeclri.f in tlcsigning tlre 5uiltli1g sorrre thotrillrt lru.l buctt civet'l to'.;he 1;ossibi.l.it.v of a patti.c. Tht:s irr Lirna (gA, lrun<h.ccls of yreo;ri.e ii'oulti not. have bec'n ct'ushcd to ciceth if tlte docrr of.' thc st:,r1 :itrnt hull o; ctrcii ottt''ilrr.'l ' in (:iijci::;o th': livcs <,t 5'lZ t)eoltls cor,tlci t13.\.1: lccp .iil\:(.;.i.lrr tlr",; f.it'.'i,t tlrr: Tr'.il:o:i:: ifhuater jrr'i ?Oirj('tlr': t'i.Ls o1'cliscilai';ctlrrcrtt;ltt'lt"'ilo<'t'sha'ittutl)r;rJtll'trtltlcc(ltoitfrlrcti'ottc'ft;lr'r rror.1r31 r.irt.c (.s ir r.r.rltglt o1' 1r:rpi.c. 1 .!lir':ittg thc r'irc rrt tht: iiirri;t:ltcnttir ut ViC,p:r:r:i.rr 1i,ii1 lrrrp.jrutl:i a;1's111iull.l Lj.r!:i iroulri trot ltr.v(: bCr-rtl bttt'trL itli'lCr.if t.hcr ,Jl1e nulrrlrcr
Llrtr tlcl<lr'::
jtt :ltt c,l.clrocl ftrrlnirtj'on,tittl..i b]crckini! lrll:l ttoi; lrucr.lIli,.. ..,;cJ{'(:d
rt;r tltu t: r:i L.
Itl:tr;;llct:ttfctuttr]tlro.tthl.,ll,,r..rr:^viottrol.lrccrl.llcj'rral,snicis;rttr1lr.ecl!.ct:tb]c irr.ltltct.e;,;9r.rlnCtluot'eno(-llt:ln(:(:tcclstlll.lj.:;lratltcot..yf.clr.it./rtrilrvrl..rtitSlrpossibl'e ,;tiLltr.rr.tt stagilrl; ar djsast+r an,i ;1c,gr:1ltin6 c: inrllcssi.l.r} tj.on is tltri.ti: lro}i:5si":ritif'j'e' rip'r'ovjtrt;t':i-oti is t'lrrrc {r coir})l'cl',Iy (:tL:juirlt:i.c..J: tltc car,e f.'a jnrpossjb.!.c tcr brirrg tlri-s lroblern llrlars'to a r.lrritu j.sr 1.xg! in r*ss one. rt js rrljr'l'c to r:'3rtr'l peoplc €ts rtcop]'e jn ftrl'l posefL'ort Cll ir.s lotrg solut.lonras l'lacaP:tc:ity' Can ont': not: i'init scnrc other anJ mcntlrl 1''lr'ysir;a'1 o1'the1r secsiott trrra]'pltuttotirutttltr...;j.tltr.l}t:!clr|,lrcrol.ttliirofl)uoIl.!c{.lceinci:1>atrtccirnbuaf)j)roabeetr e>:presrri:ry r:;e]]. be possible,as has tlti; tlrat cclttsit<ier's auilror Tlrr: clrt.:d? irt butt]:ers" ' 'Lire f'or':rr of a prololiitlotr in his [hr]'sic "li'rcirirrg cecl by h:i.ru j.n are bcixtvilrg like ir 6;l'atlulr'l- nlass r".hcn a in leople 1:arric eltcitpil'tg as fol.loi'rs: I'lor:ring out of a br'ltll:et'r ' j's not a btrn":er'br'r'b lrhen lteoFle €''11'I a hr'lI I,tatr.rr.a1ly peopl.e af€, oo'v 6rainr cio not convey thcrl at tlrtl ciesirea rtc lonScr. usc tlre-ir l'e&son itnd, tl:e:i:'feet s'peerl.endj.nthetlegirer].],irectj.o:l'(tSj.si|heci!$cin'tv(:ryc.r'o'.r1.!'erlorpa:ric sit.ualiiorrrtheyareno.!.o116-r:rc1i:trtctl'cr)ofthctotelc'oe;:ingdt'finit'f)l€tt';s'
Solne6elreralc}te.rrcter.is.i;lcsofanassofpcoirieirrltetrlccou]d.be'6ivcn t'c disch:rrde of a grarrukrr n.rss frorl coi.u):rxi.<.i:n...ri,r justify're r.:oul.d rvhicrr pani-c sj.tuation cert be il:istinguicrheil ,r.r*llel.s arxl b.y ulriclr l,co,):lc in a cr.o',,rc1eii u5.thr:especttotheirbclri:viout'i''tolt:thatinnorililsitriatiOtrs'Ttrrrplnj'c as t'uj'ci'J'y sts poseible' If'a larp builciing iba of out get to i:ants cver..-vborly to *n racctu'u"g-tiolrr of 1'"cbu:irci'gr^ulii:r thr, i.n ar.e pcople oi nnr:lbcr 'r:arrl; Plcnclar.tltetr;<itl;.Pcopi.eurepttsireisoclosctogetiier:tlr:rttlr,..lylraveno -r'i'ot'e. effcct tnet'e alor:5 i"it' tire strel'ti' to ltetve t:uci rriovetaent of freedoiu closer tttey tlrc to orte a*otirer"tlta vrill tire' be encottnt::r'ei.nrrrrely tlr::t t'e j.:r trr,-, tresiretl ilir,.r-:ctior oI'rnovencnt. Tlris less a,rc tlrcy a're to o'cn out inic iu lr'*rsctl c''rll l:love olrly if h": citn 6;et tlurt fitct by'uhe ezplai-trocl be cirn titet hc ci'r1 u'cil'iz:e'"lr': f'ricti-ou f'o::'cc bctan incli'el1 st,srrlt'I.i.*g 吐 'o.';'i"ict:,so Tirc {'act t'itrti; ti llclicc ccrl'iorr is {'or.r't'o;'tt1gj'ot't' floor tlrg irtrtl u,cen thc sol-cs 午 ori ilri.:i l,!r(:nour.:non. lilrt': ci'oiiil is cierrsel'"'r birricti is ci.oi.rJ a b:.rck irold to :rb]-e 一 u**ble to get star-Letl. iloir'ovc'rrr 一 tht tirirt so 1:.copl.tr in ii irr.C to;ct,iier. 学 ]rfr:sliecr i.ts croi';tl ir.trJ is tirtr:: nble !o dcr'eloir j's irSai.rrs.L.Llre 1t:*rr:i15 co}..1on t}rc ltolici) fnl1 lioxer. lo itl tt lヽ :iniC j]_]こ iゞ ビ at thiら C()llCllt,ヽ ioll tll:tt P::。 ・ :"t'grrti:15 irr t'l:il; rffty,い
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itrtllef.,vt.,lltolle.nc|llgrcencyis;t}rc:r.t:(.or.t:oI.1lr.e.,rtitIrpoi.tt.,'nccr.Itisobvj.ous jn n'i.clr t)re irrrli.vj.{urrrs irl'c rurll'rirr6 at a $'acing of co'':rrr l,,joprc a Llrrt
ol's.:vcraltrtr:tl'csbchirrioncutrotlrerisablct':li'ovcvel-yt'ttickly'buttltnt stcp-by-stc:p' Itr oth':r jn a cn-rrirlcd sho|iri.tr6 street onc ctln aclvunce on1'y uj'tlt irrcruitl;i116 dcnsity of the croYrrjof clecrcasr:s sperr-d vl).!:irr3 tlre i.;orrLs: sllcetl,tlre passtr6e rat.e tlrrotrglr i;a1}:irl6 ].o'...ci. the of t,.ic,,,..| In l,coi,].e (},5.o.t;. dec'cases u'til at n:i)::inurnratte'r'ihic'it defi.rriLu a to i.ncz..iases tlrr: rioor rate bcc.rt'js zero'as s'ot'tn in t'e !'e hi5'est possible dennj.ty the Pas:j*Ee t'ttt ti"""ri.6ations in Japonrbut in this f'clrr. hi,.vc been ".trrthtnnar..,icu'arly itr the street or under comParable cirexclusively f.'or situations prevailing of t'e p&ssage is con{.inr:c[ to tire risin6 1ra't stucy thc ,rat so cuustarnces, rninicase o{.msz.i:iirrnn ctensity and. hence s is it situations panic rn rate, fDont of a d'oor only th"': peoirr crush a In speed. llaLl:in;; - trnurr or even zero pler.;irohavereacheo.apositionirrlinev;iththr:cioorarestSletoruna.;ay free space)rr':hicir reduces t5e c*oi';diness' (erssucrinS tir.lt they a'e then in a tile presstlre e:lflried' by the throu6ir rnainly aclvgnce j.n nass a cro.'rdecl Peoiile pcoPle in tlrc ro",li belrirr'i' of an arc h (n.utuar i...e,l.- _--.,,,,r {!-,,r {a6i-n In vii:ii' of the Jcr trall:iug specd.rtlLtt'otmation on the passage thro*gh an.:tit ging i' in gru forn of a bo'r) f,n" ntiiiieci (t.'ig.z).Jrrstli},.ethei*rcltalroveaeoorr.,ay,tiledoneofac}rtt:.chort}e in the vi1ic5 tle st'oucs 5ave be'en ($ig.1),in b'i'i5e stotle a. of arch 'Iacecl the l-oadrpeoi:re iroving to.,'rards suupcrt to c.ble tlrus are anrl sh:rpe of an arcrr to';ral'1'acting as a d'ome over the vaII from rutrtring arch an foi'irt an exit can door.,ablutosup..ortt}repl.es$urefrcrrntheremirirritrglsass.Asaresu].tt}te e):itc:rnbecnl:ir:corlpletcJybloc!:r:tl'foi'aslrorttinre':'rlrichisagreat5'rnped'ipe.ple (:rig't*) nerrt to tirt: r.ii;ri-ci piistjage of anil cgrtt such in arclr cicl:1.:rrtis on nratr;; f.:ctors The charrce or. 1>e<lp'e I.o:.ii:itl' this pltenot':cnon is ir very corr!'1:lcatcd not be pr*dictci tlreoreticall.yrbr':uatt::ie bc obtained orrl.y lry experitrt]Dt$. iio...;cvcr' catr t."'sttlts t,ttr:trtit&tj.vc oot) BIld r.ril1 g;et tircrtrar1'r.re1;s tr chattce tirat 1lt:o1l'e otre ttritr5 is cerL::in: tlrcn: is tlt;rt tlre chattce of arch fo:'rnetion is cvicient iri It j.rrbo arclt. trn selves crc:ri;8I.{:ljtil\):rr.Gl1:rtcir:il[)o.sctttu.1.e;,J,-:1.].eolrl'e'$ittccrii-i:lr:r..tirletloctl. tiurrr:'.itlr a snllrll tli,: *r.clr irls to rrc n:lrJc u''y ir f.*r.gcr'r-u,rlre:'o1''eo1,lg
tlr'rt')l'r'lL''r'L r'"
(lrl(.i- l't uiLl ll.tio L(! b].r::rr 11i{'l1rr''rt .....,-. lli!l'l'o''? ()t1(:' t';i'til il,^ r..rr.r.rr., tirrtrt r}Oor iriut: r' lr.:g:: li'itir .':,tlri': -"'lrtt:n::u i'r'clr ui'Il' lt:'vt: il ----.-"-,.: t'it:rL c'i'''!uttu": of' trelrl (iruu'r' jts lr:-vir:3 Lo l'l't'dttcc il t,rt..,,i,ilir;ir jtr virlvl rrf otirur. tltr.: Ljllrt '.611-j1ir:;r.|:ittlt1,e t,.,.rt.u j,rlul.l ;;urr:1r..'Lr.ic h* precaflnot b'iriSing 'i'iri':; ilo"rrr:i'ilrorL tjl;'t':' trr'.rll: *lill corrst''ctiott to trgl:cl tlrr: tlools clt(;u'i'r'tl ";lt';Lircr it is 1'oss:ill1c onl:/ c:'rn on'J i:l)'] vont(:r\ v;ithsuclrclillr{-'rrsi'orrs'c):lrtrrrr$t;;bJ'cttlg}1c:;'lolri;Jlor'nt'':rl'ttsLtr.g$tlltcrI'l'lhicir cri:atecl' the f'tiglrt of irrclt 'is tiynr'rrt5'c ir the ezit srortlltl be blocl<ccl' "'i'rcircvur pcopl.cisclol;6ctltt1l.(}lr1et!.rr.:dyriailic:lrcliitirsb,.:etrbl.o!:cn\u}1lco1r1e$l.cth: rr 1.:.csir ci;,.nltitic arc!r is l.or.'rtoci. trnltitrt]|,re(i'rr:rti.' outgicle ab].e to rttn tecthr" oI. tirrc t,en trrkes thr-: {'or.n of "rir"rr functic' a as rate evacrration rate occttrrth.;Qot'er) is t1e passlrge tiynamio frecuent:1..y less t5e 'rchDs the ntrnrlrer d peop).e nees.ruller r,lic]'th,thc rloor t}re srrurl}er (rig.5). The of rilnauric gree.tcr thc frc'1uc:i(:y of form[tion thc archr'..:'ce an forn to decl stallle arcires,r.;iriclr lorrer tlre plrsstige r'ate. J,s reg:*<Is
arches atrrl tlte naylreregard'eclasaspt]cialcs.$eoftl;-neinicotres,itwil.lbefourrd'that i-f tl'e rrrch str.uott*.,:r:.;ir'i.s!r i-s essential i...c*r, ress or nore a of charrce - the jncrcesinS <'roor-.;;irl,r. 'Jri.t, a snfc rij.rlti'r of vrjth is to be str.br-crd.ecreases r.rilL b.l;co:.c ?,ut'o. rt is vety ilnr''cr'uatrt ar.clr str:-.Le o. of chancc tlrc <tocr 're thatthiscri-Licalliiathshoul'dbr:l:tlouna:iacctlratel;laspossib)'e'sincer:'ith foi,tn:rt.iorr,tirougit sna}I,nay ]eacl ar.ch of ch,,itrce tlie <]'ocr a sl.ightly sr,ra13.er be fotrnecl inrr'r::c1ia'terl)'nfter the to h:'il>etrs errc:h stltrle a if to a ciisariter
Peol)lehavestelr.ter]'tol.unout.Itj.snotpossillletod.eter:nirlo-thjscriby â&#x201A;Ź>:pcr5't;tr:nts rrit'h ste*I balLs eitltert irccurac'ytnot cotrPl's-te tical lridth'.'rith j'ti thr': vici'ni'ty of thcse critiertl l'utcly etrcotttrtcred bccause stLble archcs
extena. ovc). a cal vrioths a'd 3,. e:r]rel.iurent'as to str'l11e a'ch is possible' Ui:'enc that cr'''jttre to ot'.j.e' itr infirrit.:1y lo116) fornted'' tirc rrresr in i'rhich stebLe'arches are in orlly conducte'l be can rj-ments
I.rornr:lhictrther.ljotlroftlrettoor.(or.tlru,ui.6t!roftlreotrttetirrtlreo:iseof of' cxtr*1:oJ'r'tccfitt utr:i'c' t'e ch'l.ce catr trells) stci:1. cxpcr.irne'ts'nit' 'e s:airl'I' verY is arch formation E x qe
:ccl'f Lc:
Thccxl:erir.rentalsbutlies.;.,5.t1t1,...o1:1ci.;er.ccg::r.ietlout..',iththevolutrt:try '.rith thr: r.c':r'Liv:r.y sn.rll rrtrnbi:r' o{' 1'eop1c strr,ie^tS. 1!O of corl*boratio,
itr.;csrlcce.g$eltyt<lfor.rnnC:Jtlsedci.r.cultofi,lr.:str.r0:ttofpeopl.esoesto :"o!' 1:llis l-\lll'ilojit:!
tlr.' ilrro' fo:' r [";; ir;ittr'tl;":s' proilrrec: c.O'.';ri:il11; irt f'r'ottt' clf | otl L'ri tt t !''ir 6"'rr')l'i ltTrnt::"1 t':' tttoJ i t'"t l.\:i t,(;l'l-cor::1-i i'.,i,i:i lr-ll-.!. "tl tlru iu ii1;. ii.
ir"' ortt:
/ 1'
otlr| ig c:'lo::ed '::liilu '''ir": "' 'rl rr''' ol i'lrc cr'Irtl':t tn irid"lr' i'! t c'f c't rr---''" ":":-.; ' tioc'rs ') ,r.irc: Lslr lrll; th'.t.'; '.ir'!(rrs rrr:trrrll ftrrrDr d(io'!.' r'irtjP';t:tivcl'y' .t dool't :rtri ,,.,.i t1r:t'tlfll """ l1'1;':i'-lltlr'ilrl: rlrri'::'-l:tlr'lI1I.:^:";:',.,r.,.,r-.,,,r.r.j.r,a1. rlli fri'iths: ':"- rr''rlrl used o!i orc, oul,:..:i.l.h tlrrce d'oor ("trl.i''''d' (tu' llrr: otirui. r.,,'., tr(:rc e oI' trcop'l ,llrt: r;reuliulultl(:tlt!J crf tltr': f'l'orr
ion i s not poso'",'o"" ll.J'"'\Y:13;:'''"'visurr lbsc'vr^t nt otr f ilra' uilm cr:inecr't:r'i'rir: r;lror.c ir j.t urris accj.derl. to rc'cor.. eibl.crso t,rit: r€ts,tittr.J2lrad'afixctil.)o$it:ioll€[l'(icontitit..ous}yf.i}rllcdtlrecyjttl.oor.Clrncr&
' i;ii';',,1i*' i
of r:::;r: T;x;"" 're crush 1,cop)c::.::::'::il:
orong:^ti'!re as possible'
itvtasncccligi'ry,invie.*oftit.:srr.ttlltrtttttberofpt,oplc,toc{rn-,1-l.trci€rnitl.l.o'.., those stuntriing of 2.2 ttt' lrrrseagG d.oor (r,,li:.6) to herp r!^-:.-1 xr,'irrrt 're
.i*lo';:';::"""::'::::'Jl;:'l:": jrfi:;::*:n::'"::"::J",:':
iury' . --r- of a4 thc' *.rrr:r exl cX'cririrant the - I'rior to the s'Lrirt
toore 1>lacetl as tiglrtly
gctlrirr.aslro::si.bleitr,.lrc|1.r1ssa1!er.Atthestctrtingsignaltlreylravetopush incr''cafor;..rrd.torttrrcistheclool.astrardaslrossi.b].eanr].tortrnit\..ayasquiclllyas thcn follo* the circuit <loorr:.ntl ti"ra porsible orrcc tlicry arc rpass&6;c:r 'rr.otr1;h of 1'reople in crttslr thc': re.ioirr teci to
fel-l or
Iiitlral..l.r]oor.r.rj.tltlrsithi:ppcrn<rclteryfreciucntlY+,hatpeoplcfe].lorstttnt. clocr" -^-.,.in the rlvv" to cattse passirrs 'chrottslt l'Irt^i are likel-y ;t:;:" are q.' tSey they blec' blec. after passirrg'chrottglt thc.t i: :-"".:t;:i:#';:ttill; the't ai;cin'so no e'h"ule'e to 6ct up the cLoor' 'r,he flo'r' tlrrotrgh f'all.ctr i'rottl<i ha've eff'ects <1oi;'r*'i.c' s.clve!.se1.y be'incr the cl'oo' rTit'kr nor:e people to far.r $o'r3b.c1.y 5ot stuck that very f.re,,'.lniJ.y t'uic'J"1;"'so t}ret rt suf'cj:t":::1 cgain ttnable t'o gc:t i'ree 'appc',.,cl *r. irrrr or.{.oot nri:.i*s jnterru-.lteil. Thj.s trstrc.).}y lrappeneil .[:Ire exl.,erimcrrt tv:rs also
in thlt
to be discour,lltctrtlrc,dool.tliisl']oc};etlbyt,lrcforinlrtironof:rtt!..rclr.S,j.r.c*irr.5tlg5.rr5}clao-s rrn<I trre expcr'5r're't'C'o c.ee$ lrrost i.rr r:i.tr:r.Liorr to a ~~ ・′ ・げ‐ ncr l'V・ ■ ・ lossibLct::.""::''','l'",J],1;: ':rz:irr.tro*sirr thisr stutl;r trcit'her lt tlle lla,tlra lrar; in しintlea,it T:3S tiutretl,it is fOI.1■ ea,11(ヽ
al` l
r tO b
of b].00kピ :[;e3 01う
thiS Stutly t10■ こ 00rS
tO assOrt thC OPPOSi・
3tateri(■ lts abOヽ C On tl10 basiS C a■ l P。 3Sib■
a= a rCStl].t Of l)riagi.l13 a)・
inCc1 91 4か 。 熟'Ot・ ■ i‖ prOsSiOllS ι
r■ OI′ G● acity Or Circtit I(Fi3o6)was inStll .l・
it a aoor、 riath Of 105 1:l tllё 1'iCiCnt,30 tllttt 30■
Of P● OP]C Was led tllrOush tlC litlCll]Onょ 10 tr tllご Stror.‖ (:t tly
ci rcuit,(11,Fi36).
∴5 ●1・ (1さ tll t tilt・ て ` だヽ 〕
t tl10 utll lttiol1 0f tllじ ュ‖、 l・ ctltlcCa L・
・〕C:lu].t3 0r llleュ
la lゝ ot tll・ ヽrllttll t,1 001■
'i til・ ・ 0ヽ Vtt ill rrC,nt, Or tllc dO`)r ilこ ・::Ot t (〕 tiht,rt.,3()tililt, thC ■
tillt rrtS ill
ヽ nfl■ y3Ctl Witll ':tlfi l)0 こ
じ ¨
iCiCtlt acCtlじ 。Cy`
/2 1・
:卜 '・
´ 1・
2 :n tllo
レ∂ :bttl'1・
or ulc a"・ r cOu]a bo m.缶 VL・
く ,OntlitiOlli ■ert: ::lttC:ヽ ゛ 〔 し1ゝ :
Cri・ 1ヽ :lCi
dOor WOu]d bC・
ty,30 tltriし
丁 し ■:3.y
Cuit I,lThi Cn
Crush Or l,じ ol'〕・O itil.I「
vc l)OeA Ob:lcrV eti. Lr`〕 l10S ll :ュ 1ly stal)1● こ
vi31la1 01)301`
1)C ttt:r.
∵ incd fOr a roir]y10ng thlじ・ ‖ ■ 10■
.Ciじ nt i う
`=3 3110rt・
l)O COnoluaCa
i.11 1・ rOlit
i∬ li二 11
rccOras t}1・ t in Cnn cnCttlrtl PAniC "ittFttiOn tl10 'tiOn3 and tllO ri]r、 b10CkC・ d lly arCll i=01TILtiOn.
・ricicllt tO a j.dth Or C086 m was acri.nite].y insu〔 Tllc dOOr ▼ LS Very f・ rotuC・ 1lt alla vot、 rCh l'O rillt.tiCIn W〔 peoPle tO Iだ tS 3・ ・ fOrtrftS it l)。 33il)].C tO gOt Out Or tllo al with tl10 CrCa.toSt Oi tO b)tli SCOntinuOrte 0250S the C・ Xl10riliOrlt ht:こ ・OCOras that the paSSagO rato O,the human Strcam ■ u■ a be lt rolloIIs frOn tl10 rilliゝ 00r wiatll(Fig。 7).It Sh ar runctiOn ofこ illじ oor is a■ OCCtlr― tl口 ,Ough ul。 こ LSttrOa Only betveell tll● ,assage Can bO mc〔 〕 rith not。 こ ,hOWOVer,that thiS ratO Or rcanCe or atLllじ orOus SituatiOns,aSEOCiatOa with a VOrv Stable arcll,SO that l・
ceF・ tain
a00r wi.atl15 011C h3s tO reckOn With the posSibility Or a zero hi passage ll there In riじ .6 the zOne i.n t′
OCk。 こ by a stab10 arCll・ hi133● ratO,ir tl■ e c100r iS b■ ・iagillι iS illl10atOa by hatじ tlle dOOr b)b■ is a ribk Or l1locl=■ 60 01・ ST
n 口 r l l
`)i00r Wiで
ttll ●
毬 Xt」 正 Л 1霊I∫ ∬
ぶ 』 点1' 鷲‖ i∫
iber Of FCOP■ e.
・0` こing
Wiat1l of 10う n thC Cl´
in r]Ont of thO aoCrs iS alsO reau
ricicnt sPcOa or return f■
cea because Ofi tlle insu[・
,30 that a lliJ10r Fas― e haa been
sage ratO raS E10aSttrea than if O Stlf`ricicnt]y ]arge nulill)Or 01' 1)00P■
Tl10rcfOro,it iS t110■ crowaeti to〔 Ctl10r in frO:1 0r tlle a00re the FlleaSu■ ilヽ g POintS f resPOn,s t tllat tl10 dorrect SFCCa c01ヽ
2 an■
wil■ have tO be carriCa Ollt with a 13rger ntt」 it a c10。
:lt prollab■ e
r a00r Fiatlls of
0.30 m in rig.7.
lltO tllis l)llonOli10nen Can be ctlinca rroF. thO FrOtucnCi・ 8. It i better i.nSiこ ht i・ rccOl'as ●ncl itlaiCated ilt Fig。 ircll f・ 。rl■ 1lti_on 01)titinea rroln tho ri11■ 。 こ iasing iS tllO greater thO Om tlliS that tlle fretitletlcy Or bl・ CS becOine lvi■ l be seon fl・ 1。
al■ Or is tllC aoor wiatll.
nlore st'b]_C,as tlley al・ noteri tllat What
ヽ TC
C100r tlle arc:■ OreOVじ 1・ ,With a narroW01・ :「 こ■■Cr ntllibOr Of pcO,le. I t Sl1011■ f・ Ormca by a sl■
tO bo thO ]_ilij.t t1 0rDr
ヽ イiatl■
at l.Ollich :10 b]・
Cl lDO
Ocl〔 in3
inci.■ ごS With tl10 break ill tl10 atiOn T〔 13 to bO O>l'CCtO`i C 'Ves in rigs。 7 SO bC COnclutica frOn the cll■ arch rrcqucnCy curVC. It ilay a■ 1ly aCrO,■ n SSa80 rこ tte is VllStll■ a 8 that at a tio(pr Wiatll or O.6 n tllo l` ■ i' i't'':ir f i'rt": r":i'crt't' :lli t・ 1 13 vi.*.; oi' f.i,:r \'.':.';,' "". 11;'i1 CrTo iぃ・ ′ ■ ltfi Ol':、 :: Lr":iit't 。r li(ヽ ()Plc
duC tO arcll fO■
:: 1'tt1 :l:r'l'irt;; '.1 j Lh .'rL.l. rilrrlt' "ri'iiilr: iil'cll'::l' tln.r to tit..: r'l;,'tx'tnlc ( ti'l:l ['-i)i'i'rrl:irtl;) ‐ 7¨
■ll(.ll a a)1lniliC art'lL iS fO〕
/ / た
W urou♪
ha3 1'00n brokじ
ll tlp
鋼 ●
tl〕 1, Cl・
07a Of・
1(: itヽ
:Ti;:;l "i:il";:""":;;"";,'.u '"
3晩 ■ Cい 1
。 こしOr
1)10 t()1)よ こ
r'rruヽ ′
:':3 tilroll【
lllllb:ι :::llr:rc.1,′ t3
crva dy 、 .^^11″ 、 ′ 、fintl brピ tlk`10Wl1 0r i'l
I'o;l!t$i-n-l'-9i:::l':r':!:r1l!:ii:!rr-"-*9-l'-"r'!ii-ll4-!J''t'r'j Inor.jurtocrtittrlr.:i1gr;1|pitl.i:;orltobr.;t;rotiebet'.,1.;ctrtlrcneasttl.ctlrcsu}ts, tlre plrenc'!rlr'.'''[r' xere ce'ive,r,r;iricrr charircterj'zc
Tl10 ChitractCri"tiC P:lrttiOt(:1` N =F101rr l'ate in l)OOPl・
3 :11'C:
e/Sec Or ba■
01' a porSOn Or l,a].1 a = Intan dう ■Ino tC・ Ot D = aoOr wう こしl1 0r dialitOtOr 01'h01)1)er Out■ 1`
6 = accelcratiOn dtle tO grav■
giililき μ 五 君 :翼 l二 藍
= cOnst
111ぶ 視 二 誕 』 t重
:il塁 urlt∬ N
= 00nst ■■S中
l thc rOSu■ tS OF stlldies With StOCl bれ Ln bO CalCu■ atCa fro・ 〔 0とう Tlle l・ actOr.ノ tC・ ・ bO rOuna that/7-= ・ 2 ana O。 8 m it wil■ r a00r wiatlls or l。 ana peol)1●・I「 t■ inoこ ,but, uO Or/1・ Wil・ be olヽ :hel` Vtt■ 1.う n a SliChtly hi〔 or tL こ001・ Tittl1 01・ aoor are cll■ a as alrCa■ y:nentiOl10■ ,thO rcsultS Of lleasurCillCnt rOr tlliS Tiath of・ idtllS e TFitll tlle ractor/Xa thils Ca■ 110r d.00rツ nOt as reliab10 as rOr sm・ rr● こ tO th, l ba■ lS Can be tranSfじ tea a■ l rcsu]・ tS Or rleasurelnotlts tiitli Ste● coI】 ].e tllrOttこ h aC,Ors. Tlll_lS,it f Passing Or a croTa Qr I、 KPOnt:nti じC times as どrOat at an C・ throtlsh a こ00r i_S thr・ Oar tlle aoor th〔 l a rOundCd Wall ■ 2。 3 ti les faStCr wit〕
at the d00r.
ba■ lふ anこ 1,00Pl e
■ Or thO rOSu].tS rOr steO■ frOm a cOml,ari=つ C― It rol■ a1 0r O.023' tililes the accC]・ C has a ■10Ve:itllt POtCllti‐ tllat a croTC1 0r pcol)■ all inclination Or the lrinan bOdy⊃ rュ tiOn aue to gravity,Thi.S COrrcsPOnis t riCtiOn be in l・ elatiOn tO tllC VOrtical. Tll0 1・ 。131.ゞ PasSac Ll■ CXtellt・ こ O ll■ y tO a Silt〔 ■00r oこ ビユ be tltiliZ。 ■eanint, POSiti n Or tllc bOay. :ι in■ y on the ■
o・ s
sloPCS tOlだ
thO CXit Pl・
tholl atltOlllati Cally i・ こravit〔
roctiOn of t工
0:10tcfヽ a llicll ratO Or PASSて
in a lar〔 :Or 。こ
fith thO airocti011 0r action or thc an310 `
tlon ill tl10 ai.¨ OIICtitS O〔 まCCC]Cl・ tι
rOrcos arla rOcCiVO lartior COlll「
(iiricllii:i;; 5':r 1' 6.u'.;u1.('vc'lrrtitr,l; l'tr !runlir!r'li l''clicl)!, i :;::truri b;' Litu'J.ii.;;. -8-
i .:rs )
r': l-'i
:) lr.y !)r'
-)' :r;;' J''
l" S'
t':il:clj! !,{'cii ol)ell ort'!l"'irrtl$o 1. tr]I crit tloor's g):trttl'd 2.,ttrclregiiott}rltrunot;tct,uorgtr.ir.uotrtlrctrtaine'jctti)cl.out.Ji}. J.tlrctllirj.nt,5ct|,1ler.otttcr;;i1.i1t'[[1lru(.t:t.i'blys}<r1,cto'.il.t.ci!'tit,Jci:it. r'ritir ei:lr:!'licrto/ iro]'t3 or b'cnkin6 lrr? 1tl'orr:icioil :;ltou'[cl cloors . l;. A1I ezit
possitrS'e ' doors sirou'ltt be as lticic as
Stu0+ntcn Rondrr the offer 'uy the "Delf'tsche stutlents' e:<pcriment lrith 1!O C-'yuar the orSr:nlze to (nerft iituient Union)' use olt)'y ' so thnt the iLlugtrai'utertraL for fil'm's the lltos have rcl.easucl
The sttrtiy nas nacle possible
tionsor.igirratecrclusivc3yfror.irfi]nsiiotstlrl:enil.ithcrunerii}. '!9.?' e>:perinrcrr't on lotir liCyrterbcr the of iruilurrary |I issneci tt03 have
!ls!r:tit: 1) ant ltittr.lit;r o[' 1r''o1,le (2) ;ri'.r;;;i.lti; tlrrorrl;ir lr r.e:iLrict j.orr ir:J il frttt/jLi.rrtt c,{' tlttrli:i.L.y (l'"rl;c'tr5 l'"" "') (VCr.l,i.C;rl lj.rru j.rr (:,.;titr.c ti.rrriir.:;;t,.,(i cr:rt.jt,,itrn <iurt:;:it..7rLlt:rl; on th,: c>:trcme :'!.i'lrt, rrxr:ti.tatrt.t cicn:;i.ty (1r:.nio) ) I':i.3.2. iii:tu;,pJ.c 6{' byj.ri6irr;; at a'r out{'lo'.'.' *tr.jJ'tl of 9Uo Iri6..l . !lorrr(,:l ir(,uidllct at tlir,ir:sr15.1 l:ln ).on;rdiv!sj-otrL: ovrjr tirc $r.:'rti 2'o9 ttt 3.o1gr11! n lt:i.lltra::cr'!}''-',i to iri;l'il)i:!-\ 6J y,C. to 12 i"D' i'i.6.1s. ii::u:nllLe oi'rtt.clr l'orrncci a:j a ct'o!.r.I of l,coplt: afc ltirs:iinS tlrrough a door of 0.8'5 m :rrtit one of 4, .2 llr aidth I'ig.5. Vrrr.:li.tion in speed. of tirr: u:ass I'ltri'rirt5 out ite it f'ttnction of titnc ,'nt- = ti-me of troutr1e("t'ec passirl; tiirougir Tn = time betl'lten tr:ro cl.ytlali-c :il'chco ' tL = tinra beiore C.i'trcrrnic arch j.s bro!:en up ir:ii;.1 .
!.:l.o..r {,1.}.j('1[ (
i:nent,-rl. la.i,otrt
(t) strort circuit
(t) rirrn carilera (i;cs) (z) tii.t.n' cair,r-'r'a (t:os) Q) !'ilrn cirmei'a (tti.i)
(4-) l:eesuring door
(ti) Uevice for sign,',r11i.rrg the bcgi.nning anrl encl of an cjlerirrent . (A) iiuS.pers to assis;t tl.oc,: stuu$ling Zaa1- = 11ill-1.: T:.&tr - rrtair.s: Oilllciil.; = rnoilj.I'ied. ccnstlucticn: 6atrg = passagsj IIof = yat'd; 0arder:bbc = closl:r'oont l'iS.7. Pn:,:uag;g r-at.e of ir cl'o'.';'.,I of 1>,-'oir!.c throu;;h cocrs l.ituribcr of p.:ople Pel' $ecoti,i.vct'stts tlocr tzi.citir (crn) r-isl: of 1'ormi'.tiotr 01' $titb-]-c arcir #+H+ troublefrce pl>.sssgts o lneasured. Pci:tts ilig.8. rrer.guency of 1or.i::atj.orr of clJ'rr,::nic erch $hen ir Cl'oiitl. of people ar'.i J)(rs* sing throui;h the tioors Irretinenc.T 9f 4r.ch i'o:'t.retion (nu,,rl;er ler n'Lntit'r.:) vcrstts cloor riirlth (crn) Fig.9. llynanric at.cir i'orrnaiion i';ht.rrt ir ct'oi?,.i oi ut',olrlc iirc 1::issilrg firroul5h cl<tors: extrscts l'r:o.1 a fi.lnt rr-:corct Lirron;1ir cicors o{' tirc ss$t?'wiJ't.h !'ig.1o. lietc oi' prrsl;age o1' :r crot';ci of L'. t !:'.r .'o]': i i't'c,:'r f,q'1i tt1 boLi.cr::r) lrtrt clii,'i'e]'cr:t $li..t:c,:; oi' i'r.'i1.1 :'' t')rl' ilt : ! t: t' :;it:t1ic I c i i't::.t.1..': :' '.i
l,-,i r'.r
Vcrt.iclr.l. irt't'o.'rli ilrrl ie.lrte tlit'r:.:t ir:tr <'i' !jtt'.:rurr ol' ;rcop-tt, (it/lt"c) vr.']':itlij t'lo(,1' -10-
!. 't
_― ―~=■ ■ r'il
′ ぁ′ 一 ●一 ¨ ● つ ¨ ´ 工 ′■ ・ E ● o ● 〓 し 一つ ・ ′ 〓 ′ し 一 ,〓 一 。 〓 ¨ 〓● C 一 C〓 , 一 C り . ´ 。つ ″ 奮 ¨ ¨ ●。Nン一 C ●一 ″ 一′ 〓ヽ ′一 ● メ● ¨ ● ″ ´ 一 一 。 ・′ コ 0■o 。つ つ 。 言o一 > 一 ■ o ■ ′ o ■ ン ′ 〓 〓 ″ ′ ぃ o〓 一 。 一 ψ〓〓 一 ● o E■ ´ o ● 二 一 ¨ 〓 〓 一 ■ ■ ●¨ 〓 っ ″ 〓 り 2 〓 ま 〓 〓 , ● ′り 、・ 一一 〓
・ 0 0 C ● > 〓 O o こ 。 。 。 3 ・ 3 C ● 0 い O C o > 一 o 3
C 〓 o ・ 〓 工 仁 ● ¨ C タ ¨ ″ ヱ ● 一 ● つ o r 〓 C C つ・ ● 。 c O 一 L o L と 。 0 ぃ ● ″ ゛ 0 o 一 0 一 一 ■ o r ′ 。 O ¨ い 0 C 。 C , り 一 ● ■ ´ C > 一 C 〓 。 C 。 ● E ● C O 〓 O つ 。 ● ● 〓 o 。 。 > ぃ た ¨ ″ 〓 0 一 ● ′ 。 。 ● っ 一 一 O 〓 N 〓 J 一 ′ ■ 〓 o 〓 ● つ 〓 0 o r ′ 一 。 ′ 〓 一 C . ● 。 一 〓 > ● 〓 ● 壼 。 。 L 〓 。 o o ● ョ 二 〓 一 ´ ¨
c ● > C ● 0 一 ● 0 0 o o ゝ ´ ゛
0 0 0
● O C o 一
C ● > 倒 E0 一 0 0こ 0一 ち 0 。 > 0 。 0 。 0 こ
L 0 0 0 C O ● C 。 E 0 0
● 一 。 C O O C t S p ● C ヽ 0 >
0 0 C ● > o 〓 。 C コ
0 一 0 こ 一 。 一 つ
(t.tucd) 9taqlct!P al.{lrc$l
・.メ i C ・ ・ 一 C o メ ゛ o , 一 一 っ υ ● o C っ ¨〓 つ ● C 。 。 C´ 一 o C ● C O 。 一 レ 0 C 一 . 0 一 N っ ″ o一 リ C C 。 二 ゥ ● 口 一 0一 〓 ● 。 ● 〓 ′ 3一 0 〓 ′ 一 ′ 一 ● 口 り 0 〓 一 〓 0 コ 0 っ C o 0 ● ′ 〓 ● ● 一 ● 〓 0 C O ¨ 一 . 一 ● ´ a 〇 ● 。 C 。 ● αO ● 一 ● ¨ ´ 0 C ●一 F ョ 〓 メ ン ● ● ″ ′ っ つ ′ っ 、 ■ 引二 ● ● ∵ υ ■. J0 ´ 一 つ 3 ¨ 一
ヽ し 、 . 。 . 。 . ● ヽ 0 一 ● 一 υ 一 〇
aql aa^ ao{uoo.
t. oo g t-
C O ¨ 0 ● >
・ a c ¨
0 〓 C ● >
手 メ 〓 0 一
〓 O F 0 メ o
J o O ● C 一 一 > ¨ ρ 0 0 ● 0 o 0 。 ∽
o o
一 一 o メ 工 一 o ¨ t L ン 。
. ● o 0 一 o 。 E
い o 一 . c C ● .α ■ 0 一 ∽ ・ O E
・ 0 0 り ´
∽ 一 〓 0 . c
O マ . O c ● 一 F
・ 〓 0 ● o 一
0 0
0 一 0 こ 一 O C ● E o 。 ¨ い
一 O o o こ E
・ 富 〓 〓 0 o 一 N ● C ゛ C C
・ F 3
0 0 ン
o つ o
り 0 一 >
0 〓 一 0 ¨ ¨ 一 ¨ o ′ C N 一 O 。 千 C E っ ¨ 一 E ● 一 。 。 。 0 L α O
C O C C 0 ア
り 0 0 一 〓 工 り り 。 。 っ 〓 。 。 N 一 N C
0 〇 一 0 o ハ 。 O L C > 。 〓 ぃ 一 0 〓 o 。 0 ● 。
C 〓 6 o こ . 。 劇 C 中 ● . 一 C 〓 L め 〓 ¨ > . 一 め 0 . 0 ● ● C 。 L a フ t 一 。 o イ 、 c 。 ぅ ● 0 O ● C ぅ Φ 0, 。 ● ヽ ● こ C 0 一 。 0 E 0 0 O 0 ∝ 。 め
・ ● 0 C o O O C E C ●
C . 一 ● 一 ● ■ 〓 っ 一 ● E C 一 。
o o つ
。 C 一 0 一 〓 〓 〓 。 一 一 L つ
一 o
● C 〓 。 一 一 。 0 一 ¨ 。 た ● N ′ 〓 〓 C ・涎 o ● 口 0 r 。 つ ヽ ¨ 0 〓 c 〓 ● ・ ′ > 〓 っ 一 ■ 一 一 一 . コ, C 〓 一 ゛
o C 一 O つ 一 £ C ● o 0〓 〓 ●メ ¨ C¨ 。 。 C o C二
C . ¨ 一 工 C し ■ 〓 つ ● 〓 ● 。 一 N ■ ■ 。 F N 声
● ●一 o っつ ● 0 つ 。 Cつ ● 0一 ′ o 3 , o 宝 > 嗜
. ■ 一 o つ r
C 一 一 C ● 口 一 . ● o
・ 0 0 C ● > 〓 0 。 二 。 o 。 〓 一 D C ● 0 い O C ● , 一 o 3 ● O c ● > C ● 0 一 o ● 0 。 0 > 一
′ t ● 一 つ C 一 3 0 O つ C ′ C ´ ● 。 一 E ● じ C 工 E り 一 . E つ C ョ c ● N 0 一 ′ ● こ E C メ ● τ E C 3 〓 ● o コ 〓 。 〓 つ ¨ α o 一 ● ¨ O シ 0 ■ ● a ゛ ゛ C ● ¨ ● ● メ 。 メ 。 〓 E 0 。 。 0 o 〓 ■ E ¨ ェ っ 。 。 メ. ● 。 。 F ● N c ¨
一 p ・ 5 。
〓 ● ● ′ 一
。 。 ン ″ ¨ 。 o と ′ C O C C コ メ
・ 〓 0 ● o 一 o 3 ● C o ● c 一 c O ∽ g 。 E ● 一
o 〓
C o L o
。 . 一 ■ 0 一 ● o 0 一 o ン 。 r > ● ¨ C
0 r
0 0
一 〓 0
C ● 0 0 た ″ 。 一 C
〓 o 一 ぃ 〓 C o O r 。 。 。 〓 メ ¨
冨 E . C
´ o o ン
・ ・ 一 ぃ 二 一 o つ ∞ ヒ o ´ 。 ン o o O E C 〓 ● 〓 コ O 一 ぃ E 〓 コ o
ヽ . 、 F 菫 I . 。 L 一 ● 一 ●
つ E 。
I::鷲 11lF:蒙
0 C ● ′ 一 0 o o o 〓 a c o o o m . 0 0 N 一 0 ∽ C い 〓 0 一 リ ン
C ●
C O r 〓 0 0 x O
O C O C ● 0 〓 C O 〓 ● ゛ 。 。 > 。 〓 〓
E O マ . O c O 一 F 一 〇 0 一 0 o 6 o O o > o メ 一 0 〓 O o つ o O
〓 い ● C
. O C ● 一 C E ユ ¨ . ●
N ¨ ・ L 〓 0 ,
. 0 0 C t フ o 一 0 コ 0 ● D σ ● O C 一 。 E O L
0 0 ● α 。 こ 。 ご ヽ C ● ● C ● > 。 し 工 0 0 0 0 ● o
O ・ ・ ・メ 0 o C ¨ 0 ● 0 o O . C 一 C つ 0 o 一 o ● 0 一 a 0 工 〓 C O 一 o C ● o α つ o O C C 暉 O 一 ● . E 。 ゛ 。 α N C 一 o 0 一 。 。 C ・ c 〓 C 一 一 っ o 。 一 O 0 0 〓 0 ゛ 二 ● ¨ 〓 ∽ c 〓 0 口 0 二 0 o 一 0 〓 0 一 一 C 0 0 。 ∽ ¨ C C 。 o o 一 O 0 。 一 o ∽ 3 一 。 N o 一 0 0 〓 0 上 c X o 。 ∞ 。
i C C ¨ 0 工
¨ a O O L
0 ● 聖 ¨ ¨ 0 ∽ F ぃ C 3 。 O ■ 。 〓 5 〓 一 ¨ ニ
高 論 、
I C ● ´ P
一 O o o こ
つ 0 o● 。 r 0 メ ン 0 。 0〓 N● ゥ ゥっ 0
0 0 0 0 〓 ぃ o ● 3 〓
C ● > 0 こ ● フ
O ¨
〓 C 〓 ヒ ¨ υ ´ C
> ∞ C
0 0 一 っ ニ
● C 0 ¨ 0 つ C 0 ● 工 一 〓 メ 0 一 一 。 N 。 。 0 N っ o 一 。 0
一 〓 0 一 o ・ o
O C 。 一 . C 一 。 一 o C 一 ∽ 一 。 > 0 0 α o 0 L 〓 。 ヒ 0 > 一 コ
∽ 一 コ ぃ 。 N o 一 つ o C C O α O o, ∽ ● 一 。 ● c t ″ L ′ ・
・ C N 一 C C ● O ゛ 〓 o C o 〓 。 一 N F ぃ o C 。 ● 一 O 一 C 。 C 。 ∽ , C 。 0 メ E 0 ● C 0 。 一 > 。 日 o 0 O . ∽ 。 o C ¨ 0 じ 。 o 一 0 い 0 C 0 L 一 C ● o 一 事 C ∽ ヒ 。 o o o 一 o C ン 〓 > O 〓 0 0 P ● 一 っ ウ 一 り っ つ 〓 ′ ¨ ´
0 0
~ 1.丁 す‐~~
¨ o 工 一 一 0 一 o ● α ゛ 0 一 。 工 一 o C ′ α 。 。 一 o L 一 0 一 〓 0 0 。 > 一 〓 っ
・ 一 ψ L 工 O 一 C 一 一 ● 工 ン ´ 一 ¨ O o ● o ン 一 。 C o , 0 一 0 0 . 工 0 C O ・ o O ● C C ・ 一 C 一 ● 。 ● 〓 。 C m 。 O 〓 コ C L o 〓 0 。 ヒ 0 つ o C c > ● 。 〓 一 っ っ ■ ヽ 一 ・ o
L O O C ● ン 一 O C . 0 0 。 っ . 一 ¨ o α C O ● C O ン C 二
八 . 二 一 , ● ¨ 〓 二 C O C O ¨ ′ C ● O C C ン 鋤 O o 一 0 つ o
一 0 ′ ≧ ´ っ っ 一 イ
0 o ・ O 0 た ヱ ′ ¨ ´ 0 〓 ● 0 o 一 ヽ 0 o C 0 o O ¨ r C ● ′ C C C O o ´ , つ C N F r C 一 O 一 r ● C C ● ● 。 。 一 ´ ′ ゛ 一 0 〓 ″ ● C o 〓 一 C c 〓 ∞ 一 o 0 L o つ O O 〓 ● C, ウ ● O ● ¨ 0 ∽ 一 C C 0 。 っ C 〇 o 一 . C 一 0 一 ゛ ¨ O ● ● ● L 〓 一 ′ ア ¨ 一 o
っ り つ o C ● 一 o C 一 〓
o O ¨ ′ 0 0 つ C ョ ン っ
つ り ヽ
。 C つ
コ 5 E c > ● O L 2 ●
O o o 一 〒 一 . C o
o 0 メ 一 ● ● 一 C
つ い 一 o o 一 ¨ C 〓 C O C O つ 。 。 3 。 。 ン
o O C L F い 0 一 〇 O o ア
C O 。 C ● o o 工
。 ● つ 。 た ∞ o ″ 仁 o メ 〓 ¢ 一 O ● 〓 a C コ C 一 O C 0 o o ● 。 つ メ O o C C C ン っ ● o ち つ い ・
′ ― ―ニ ト‐ ・‐――――― ―
'TTttTttT~~‐ ヨ9,:編 E婁 瑾 菫 :菫 多 ぜ言軍0」 雇ξ挙三七瑾二重予 _
r ● ン c o c C ′ C O ● 〓 。 L ′ 一 0 〓 C C > 一 r C
パ ヾ お こ
一 卜 一 一 ・
c 〓
・ 一
0 >
● o E
に 一
O つ
F .″ 〓 ¨ L ● L 目
こ つ 0 0 0
っ つ υ メ L o ∽
E 壺 o 3 o 0
〓 ● ● ● 〓 一 0 一 〓
〓 り ● ゛ 0 ● 3
つ 一 r C 0 0 一 ∽
¨ 一 C O コ o
r・ ―
¨ o C 一 一 一 〇
■ 、 タ コ c r
こ . 二 ● C 一
● ´● 〓 ■ E ● . N O い ● . ¨
一 〓 ●一 ¨ っ O F C一 o ● > 0 ● 0 〓
″ 〓 一 o ″ C ● 0
一っ 。 ¨ 。 一 一 〇
′ C O ¨ ● O o 0
● っ 一 N り C く
口 ‐‐口田暉 e "只 t¬
` り
c o ● C O E O ∞ . O c ● > 。 一 。 ● 0 O C O ● 。 F 、 っ C t C O 。 。 。 つ
コ 〓 ∽ 〓 。 一 C C a コ コ 〓 o o c 一 E o o ヽ コ ● 一 C ン 一 ● 〓 O C a 0 ∽ O c 〓 ヒ 0 o 0 0 0
0 0 一 C ● E C 0 0 c ● 一 C O ●
, ′ 〓 ■ ■ ■
′ ′ C り 0 7 0 0
● 一 0 ] ´ >
・一 ● ¨ ゛ > 〓 0 0
¨ C 0 0 L コ o 0
t ● ■ ¨ Q o ● ト
o 〓 F バ
コ L 9 o >
一 ¨ 。 こ ゛ C ●
, o C
● 〓 c 。 ● 一 C C 0 O ● O 一 L 〓 t C X o ● ● 0 ゛ ¨ ● 一 0 0 一 ト 〓 一
´ 2 ∽ C 〓 0 く
ヽ 一 一. 一 椰 ● り 、 ヽ 詳 夕 o 一 一 C o ● り 誡 o r ● 〓 o ・ O O 耽 E a o E ま o り ゛ 一 一 一 ♂ ● ■ 一 〓 〓 ・ 一 っ 一 E り c 軍 O c 、 。 メ C 。 3 礎 C ¨ 。 ´ 0 誤 メ 〓 一 0 農 c コ 0 e コ > 〓 0 ≒ ′ 0 ● 。 翼 〓 一 E C O ¨ N
r 、 N . ¨ c ● >
0 0 3
〓 ゥ コ ′ 一 ′ C ● 0
C ●
゛ E a 0 一 C 0 o ● 。 一 r 〓 面 c ● o 一 メ ● 。 N 一 X 僣 . o ● ¨ . C ● ぉ o 、 こ C 一 ≧ . ´ 〓 C 〓 C 一 り つ も 0 C つ 一 ´ っ っ o〓 0 一 エ O N ョ 二 ´ コ ● ● 0 ´ 一 o 3 一 ● ● 0 ■ 。 一 一 O っ り m 0 一 0 。 一 C 冨 0 0 ● ● E ● ¨ ● L ● ゛ ヱ L o 。 c 。 N ●
C 0 0 0 3 一 コ
C O ● F O
¨ 。 こ ぃ 0 0 F 〓 o ヽ ● O C ● > 一 〇 3 ● o c ● > C o O 一 〇 〇 0 。 。 >
, 0 3 っ ● 〓 c り ヽ 。 C . 一 一 っ プ o C ● E ′
L o ● o ≧ ′ 一 0 。 C C O ● C O E
0 0 C
一 コ
り っ 。 っ 。 綺
修 輝 碑 輩 装 荘 轟 轟 一 螺
I 一 聾 一 誕 ] 艶 異 c ¨ 押 華 難 ・ 0
3 〓 c > c 。 0
0 一 o 一 0 ● 一 一 一 一
っ O O っ つ o C ゛ 〇 o¨ つ 3 一N 。 。 O 〓 一 . C C 。 コ 一 。 ● L O 。 ¨ o ¨ 一 0 一 ■ 一C ぃ CE 。 〓 ● 。> ヒ c ゛ 0o F レ o メ。 〓 一 3 , 3 メ リ ● ¨00 ∞● > つ L 。 o O。 ■ 一 C 2 C。 ● 〓メ N
誕 ¨ 翼 醜 瞳 一 電 幹 卍 妻 震
。 つ い L ′ 一 0 ′ ¨ ● 一
〓 ● c ヒ 二 ″ 一 ■ ● 0 。 。 C C
ョ 一 ■ ,安 〓
ぃ い ¨ C ¨ o 一 o O N
o 一 一 o ● r O ン 。 〓 一 メ 。 N 。
一 o 一 〓 o C ¨ 0 〓 ● ● ゛ C O
。 〓 一 コ
0 C ● 一 0 〓 C ● O C O r r O 〓 一
コ 0 0
c o 。
シ o 一 o 二 一 一 o ゛ 〓 o E 。 C ● も 〓
、 F ぃ 0 > ● 〓 り ∽ 一 ¨ 。 E
噴 一
夢 許
轟 r . C ● C E . . 。 メ メ 0 C ● 汗 C メ ン a ● E ¨塾 。
ぃ 0
0 コ
頼 . 疑
C ● ´ C ● C
・ 0 0
0 ■
′ 一 C 一 o 一
o 。 一 。 一 一 。 一 C 0 0 ● C o ¨ o メ O o C 0 つ
c o ●
炉 鍾 ¨ 羹 一 発 欝 苺 ≒ 押 疑 鍾 . ギ 詢 期
勁 P,一 円 0 に 〓 ´ い 一 に 〓 コ に 一 o ヽ > ● 一 旧
っ υ r コ リ つ 0 一 0 0 一 0 一
c F ′ 〓 o E ぢ E
0 。 C C > C ● ● 0 0 0
¨ ′ 〓 ョ 0 〓 C ● 一 N o 鋤 C く
● C ● ● を ´ り 一 っ っ ′ ¨ > C 〇 一
. 〓 ● 一 〓 一 0 C ● o 鋤 鋤 レ ′ ● 一 C っ ● ¨ 〓 ′ ″ 0 一 >
C ● ´ ] ● ● 一 α O ′ > C 0 0
一 〓 ● 鋤 コ C 〓 C C O コ 0
. ′ 一 ● ● 一 σ >
c ● > c O e c ● E O ∞ . O c ● > 0 一 一 ● O L O
′ 一
C O ● 一 Φ E じ っ O τ c 0 0
一 ■ ・
0 0 0 0 0 こ O E c ● ∽ L O E
C 0 0 C ●
c 0 0 〇 一 5 一 ● こ ヽ 一 〇 O E L o > 0 0 c ● 2 ● す o O c ● , c ● 0 3 ● 0 o 。 >
o こ 一 っ 一 . C ,
N ″ 一 一 っ 一 〓 ′ 一 ● 3 ● 鋤 ″ 一 o O 一 ■ つ 。 C o ● 一 一 一 o ● ′ っ 一 つ 〓 C ● 一 N り 〓 ′ ヽ つ・ ¨ υ ¨ ′ つ 勁 〓 つ r C ● ′
E り o コ
a C
′ 〓 ● ま り ・ ′ つ 一 り ¨ C
o キ ′
勁 り コ 一 0 つ つ り o 0 工 〓 o ■ 0 一 0 一
L O ン ● 一 一 ● υ 0 ●
F 一 ● ● C
り ま O N
C o
り O
声 ュ o C E c つ ′ c ● E 0 ● E 一 ヨ
っ 〓 ′ ¨ o 鋤 . C っ 3 〓 〓 0 ¨ E o o O > C ■
●, O ′ N 二 ヽ り 、 F 0 一 C O 一 O ∞● F 〓 り 0・ 一 O oう a 一 0 0 X ●ま O ′ ● 〓 一 一 o ● 〓 こ E O 〓 o O N 0 0 C . ´ O 一 o C E m c ´ メO メ ¨ o c コ c ● コ > 一 ●0 c ′ O 0 つ つ o 一 o E 一
´ 一
E c コ っ つ っ 一 E ゛ C ● 0 〓 ″ 〓 J
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, り
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メ ● C ■ C 鋤 。 〓 一 ″ 〓 ´ 〓 ¨ ^ ′ ′ っ 〓 一 つ つ 多 0 ● つ 鋤 二 っ 3 一 C っ っ つ 3 す ″ ¨ つ 0 っ い ¨ 詮 り o N ■ つ o ″ ¨ o ´ 〓 0 り う 〓 o 一 〇 > ′ .
υ 〓
^ 雲 ・ ¨
● 鋤 C o
, o こ 0 ∽ 事 ヒ O C 、 つ
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, 〓 つ ″ C ● つ 〓 ● . ′ 一 〓 〓 ■ 一 〓 o ′ 〓
● ′ 一 っ 0 ¨ 0 ● ′ 一 C ● 一 つ り o
α つ 二 一 り 3 一 o ● 〓 つ ・ ′ a ● 〓 C C 〓 〓 ¨ 〓 〓 J 日
¨ ● ■
´ C O ●
′ ● 0 ●
鋤 一 ● > っ 一 ● 〓 C ● つ 勁 ¨ ● 〓 ・ 〓 ウ ″ C C C ● 鋤 ● ● ´ ´ ″ 〓 C C ¨ a C ● ∽
= 〓 ・ ニ フ
. ′ 一 〓 ゥ ン 一 っ 夕 ● 鋤 一 り つ こ つ
〓 〓 つ 。 一 ● ● ¨ ′ ¨ C O 一 0 お ●
● 0 一 0 、
0 〓 0 一 I C ● C ^ C > ,
〓 o ′ 〓 L o c ^ つ
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E E O E 一 い ● 〓 0・ o り ● つ C 〓 も ゝ o レ
C ●
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一 ヒ
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Technology Report 79・ 5
D l',│‐
R:CHARD L.FRANCiS,Professor The University of Florida Gainesv‖ :o,Florlda
AUじ 301979
Boston,Massachusetts 02110 price S3.50
::∵ ″ ・
of this
is to address
the question, "1,/hat i s the m'inimum time to evacuate a bujlding?" It is not too uncotnmon, i n bui I di ng evacuations, to f i nd that some evacuation routes are used more than others, in vrhich case it may be clear, i f I ess evacuees used such routes, wh'il e more evacuees used other routes, that the time to evacuate the bujlding could be reduced. In order to determ'ine just how much the time could be reduced, it would be necessary to know the mjnimum buiiding evacuatjon time. (Since the term "building evacuation time" appears often, we
abbreviate'it subsequently as B.E.T.)
of thjs
time would prov'ide a benchmark, or standard of comparison, enabling a better evaluation of actual B.E.T.'s. For example, if we knew that the m'in'imum B.E.T. \4as l0 mjnutes,
s, Professor ', ty of Fl ori da , -:. GainesviI le, FloriOa',,a,"
Franc j Unl vers i
being designed, the design chosen will ., ' certainly affect the m'inimum B.E.T., and ,,i '
The purpose
and observed that an actual trial evacuation took 20 minutes, then we m'ight want
to consider what steps could be taken to reduce the actual B.E.T. 0n the other hand, if the actual B.E.T. was ll minutes, then we might conclude the evacuation was sat'isfactory. Further, when a building
may be
of interest to compare minimum:'.::,
B.E.T.'s for alternative designs undel,,
, . '.,1:,,'
' '
In what follows we develop and illus-. trate a simple graphical model whjch, given specifjed assumptions, permits the computat'ion of minjmum B.E.T.'s, as well i as allocations of evacuees to evacuation routes which
result in minimum
tjon time. In order to develop'insight,
consider the s'imp1e l'inear case where the tjme to clear a specified evacuatjon route is just the ratjo of tlte ',' number of evacuees using the route to the -1;r, fl ow capaci ty of the route. Thi s i nsi ght .. permits us to state the general graphical..g: solut'ion procedure. We then iilustrate... :;i, the use of the procedure by considering .1,_ the more realjstic case, based on actual evacuation data of Pauls, where the time to clear a route is a nonlinear function of the number of evacuees us'ing the route.. we
At the end of the paper we summarize general i nsi ghts and concl us jons obta'ined, poi nt out 'l jmi tations of the graphi cal model, and djscuss briefly means of elim-
'inating such I jm'itations by using detailed models.
a bu'ilding has several different evacuation routes, the relat'ive numbers of people usjng each route can affect the B.E.T. As a simple example, suppose a bu i I d'i ng wi th 420 evacuees ha s two d i f ferent evacuatjon routes, I and 2, having flovr capacities of 42 and l8 evacuees per l.lhen
nute respecti ve'ly.
route, then 'it to "clear" that is,
210 evacuees use takes 210/42=5 minutes empty, route I, whiIe
takes 210/18:l I .67 m'inutes to cl ear .l.|.67 route 2, resulting in a B.E.T. of m'inutes. However, 1f 294 evacuees use .|26 route I wh'ile use route 2, then it takes 294/42=7=126/18 ntinutes to clear each route, giving a B.E.f. of 7 minutes. fle now verify the intu'itively acceptable conclusjon that using both routes to capacity for the duration of the evacuation activjty yjelds a m'in'imum B.E.T.; 7 minutes in this case. (a) If x., evacuees use route l, then the tjme to clear route 1 is given by likewise, t^(x^) t,(x.) = x^/.|8 t I't' l' l' = x./42'. l' i s the t'ime fsr xZ evacuees to cl ear route 2. These two f unct'ions are 'il I ustrated 'in Figure 1. Provjded that ,l + xz = 420, the larger of t.,(x.t ) and js the B.E.T. t^(x^) t' l' -4-
) denotes the number who can clear route I in a
Now i
・ 一 r . 一 一 一 一 一 中 一
p.' (2.,
then 2., = pl (21)/42. and so pt(tt) = 422,. Likewise P2(zr) = 182, i s the number of evacuees who can cl ear .: route 2 in a time of zr. (c) if we denote the total number of - メ rぎ 鼻 ■ 1 evacuees who can clear the building (using both routes) in a time of z bY P(z), then P(z) = n1(z) * pZ(z) = 422 + l8z = 602. Graphs of pl (tl ), O2Qr), and P(z) appear jn Fjgure 2 (d) If z* denotes the t'ime to clear the building by using both routes, then z* can be computed from 420= P(z*) = 602*: giving z* = 7 m'inutes (e) t^le can see from Figure 2 that 7 minutes is the minimum B.E.T., fon in a t'ime of z, with z less than 7, P(z), the total number of people evacuated in a t'ime of z by using both routes to capaci ty, j s I ess than 420, so that 'it woul d be imposs'ible to evacuate all 420 people in less than 7 minutes. ´ (f) Note from Figure 2 that we can read the allocation of evacuees to routes ` ■ giving a B.E.T. of 7 minutes, with xf = R., (z*) = pl (7) = ?94 evacuees usl ng route l, and x! = pz(z*) = o2Q) = 126 evacuees using route 2. 2.,
鎌 . :11
Several parenthetjcal remarks about
the example seem appropriate. It is the case, of course, that there is a time 1agbetween when a building evacuation starts'
,t.t"li xrf r, for each route j. It can be demon-,;r.$ :i:.rf,i J J strated (l ) (using much the same approach'"iil;
and "hen evacuees actually exit the build―
it would be necessary to know this
for the example) that the minimum B.E.T.:, js K/R, which can be intepreted as the , :i',,
time lag, and add it to the BoE.丁 .:s com― puted above, to obtain a total BoE.T。
However, fOr our purposes this time lag
t jme
can be om¬ tted, both in this and subse―
people use a single - hypothet'ical - route' ';:,
quent discusslon, as it only changes re―
of flow capacity R. Further, the building;..
sultant times by an additive constanto
l K ': ,
of the
for.4ii,t evac;.{,: :
In other , ,'i;.t: '" words, the number of evacuees to use eacl r:i:, route j yielding a minimum building eva-j'.i'" cuation time 'is given by xj = rrK/R. t.-.,.. cause r,Ki R may not be an integerr SOn'r€ :,.'
approach we are developing does not guar―
antee integer allocations of evacuees to For example, if there were 435
evacuees, the value of z★ would become
435/60 = 7.25 minutes, 91ving xl
be evacuated
each route i, the propontion uees using route j is rrlR.
second point to keep in mind is that the
to evacuate the bui l di ng i f
pl(7.25)=304.5,and xゥ =p2(7.25)= 130。 5, so that some (minOr)rOunding
to integers may be necessary...,To.
the proportionality djscussionrr-, l :. we state the Route Flow Proportionality lr'i Rule: When route evacuat'ion flows remain,; ' constant (at their capacitjes), the build-,.. ing will be evacuated in mjnimum time if,r the proportion of evacuees using each ・ Υ′ route j is approximateiy the ratio of ther i route j flow capacity to the total of all:` the route f I ow capac'iti es. summarjze
error ls lntr¬ nslc to the approach。
It is worth noting that the example i1lustrates what may be considered a mpro― pOrtiOnality result‖ 。 IVe observe that
the proportion of the 420 evacuees uslng route l is 244/470 = .7 = 42/60, which is
the ratio of the route l flow capacity
(42)to the total flow capacity for both routes (60)。 Li ke、 vise the proportion using route 2 is 126/420 = 。3 = 18/60, the ratio of the route 2 flow capacity to the total flow capacity for both routes.
that the propor輌 onality rule gives an二 11 intuitively agreeaЫ e result:evacueesFFI
This proportionality result is no coinci―
are allocated evenly among all n routes,1111
so that the proportion using each route llll:_:
It is interesting to note,when all ,1,I:│ the route flow capacities are the same, 1111:
For the more general problem, sup―
pose a building has K evacuees and n evac―
is approximately 1/n.For examplqぅ
uation rOutes:
the route flow capacities, and the time
=11 there are two routes, each with a flow ´.:農 す capaclty of r, then R = r+r, so the pro‐ メ portion a1located to each route is givep,〔
for xj evacuees to clear route j is
by r/R = r/2r = 1/2.
if rj is the flow capa―
city for route j, R is the total of all
nol general ize the graphicaf insights obtajned to this point, and state the generai graphical solution procedure. l^le
The evacuation problem
of interest is
follows: there are n evacuation routes, xj people (a nonnegative number to be de-
tlrrn'ined) wjll be evacuated v'ia each route j, and K people will be evacuated in total via all n routes. For each route j we assume that the tjme to evacuate x., peop'le vja route i is given by a knowi'.toute evacuati on time f uncti on, say t. (x. ) . Si nce the bui 1 di ng j s not JJ evacuated unti I al'l the routes are evacuatecl, the t jr're to evacuate tite bu j I ding, say z, is the longest of the route evacuatjon times t., (x., ), ... , tn(xn). The problem
Graphical Solution
say xf, min'imum B.E.T.
;' '
'l'::,;,.'i,l :t'' i
ts of
by a dashed I i ne.
(2) In the first
quadrant defined by the axes just constructed, graph each route : evacuat'ion time f uncti on . Cal I thi s graph ;i Graph l. (See Fjgure l.)
, xf;, vi el di ng a
Several assumptions are needed about the route evacuation time functionso
0n one side of a p'iece of transiu- . ..G cent paper, graph the axes, representing "U the horizontal axis (whjch has units of ' number of people) by a dotted'ljne, and representing the vertjcal axis (which has
of interest js to compute
the mjnimum B.E.T., say z*, as well as the corresponciing "route al locatjon," that is, the al locat'ion of people to routes
c'ity Assumption (A-3) that if V, js greater than x, , then ,j (rj ) i s greater'- ' than t. (x. ) : 'in other words , each route JJ evacuat j on time f unct'ion i s stri ctly 'i ncreasing. Assumption 3 may be paraphrased as follows: the larger the num- .:', i ber of people using a route, the greater ' :,-,u.. the time to evacuate the route. In order,:i'-ltii for Assumptions 2 and 3 to hold, 'it is t ,t.'1ii:;,i 'ir't suffjcjent that the slope of each route ,': .::;'i evacuation time function always be posi ,ij.i tive. (Figures I and 3 il'lustrate route t .-".i evacuatjon time funct'ions satisfying all . ,:.r-; three assumptions. ) I-Je can now state tne .,. :
For (3
each route j we make an lnitializati咀 Assunlption (A-1)that tj(0)= 0, that is,
Turn Graph 1 face down.
Assumption (A-2)that tj(Xj) iS a cOntinu―
ing Graph I face down, rotate the graph ". so that the vertical axis as seen throughi, the transl ucent paper i s now the dotted ' : line (people), wh'ile the horizontal axis I
ous function.
is now the dashed line(time)。
zero people are evacuated in zero time. For each routO j we make a Continulty Also, we make a Monotoni―
t''', ,.':
-6‐ :∴
:liF: ず:r.
jll 手
丁ime inや Minules l
7J │
6¬ │
5J │
1は │卜
り =籍
21 1」 │
2m Fi gure
400 Example
.---) ftople
People↑ 囲
Plz)=60z 400■
´ ・ 一 一 一 一 . 一 一 一 r 一 一 4 一 一 一 一 一 . . ・ 一 一 彎 一 ュ . ¨
一 ヽ
xl=126 ~可
--t---' Exampl e
Graph 2
7 Time
一 .
thi s
I in the position jt
again the case where there are two evac∩ uatjon routes, route I has an evacuation fiow capacity of 42 people per m'inute, and route 2 has an evacuation flotr capac'ity of 18 people per minute. We have seen that the number of minutes needed to evacuate 一 一 *l people via route 1 is g'iven by ,:i. 一 t.,(x., ) = xl /42, wh'tle the number of mjn- 一 漱 〓 utes needed to evacuate xZ peop'le via 一 卜 route 2 is given by tr(xr) = xr/18. 一 一 ,・ Figure I illustrates Graph I for this 一 example. Figure 2 illustrates Graph 2 for
now has from
Notjce that the graph er each route j evacuat'ion time f uncti on - urhen vi ewed through the paper - gives the number of people, say p.(2.), who can be evacuated JJ via route j in a time of zr. For each route j 'it i s conven'ient to cal I p., (2. )
the people evacuat'ion function for route j. Call Graph I - as viewed through the paper
(See Figure 2.
example, showing the people evacuation functions p., (2., ) and p, (rZ). For route l, since 42 people can be evacuated per m'inute, the number of peop'le who can
(4) 0n Graph 2, construct the total (over all routes) of the people evacuat'ion functhjs function by P(z). P(z) is just the total number of people who can be evacuated via all routes in a tjme of z, so that P(z) = p1 (z) + ... + pn(z). tions,
and denote
Using Graph 2, jdentify the point K on the people axis, and use the function P(z ) to f i nd the poi nt z* on the t jme ax'is for which K = P(2"). The time z* is the m'inimum B.E.T.
Contjnuing to. use Graph 2, for each route j read on the peopl e axi s the number of people, saV xj, for which *j = pj(z*). The route allocation xf, ..., xf; gives the minjmum B.E.T., z*: any other allocation wjll give a bujlding evacuatjon tjme greater than z*. This ends the statement
of the graphical solution As a
o^(z^) '1' a' = lBz^. ( Thus the total
〓 ■ ●
people who can be evacuated via both routes in z minutes is given by P(z) = n1(z) + O2(z) = 422 + l8z = 602. If the bujlding has K = 420 people, then the time z* for which K = P(z*) is computed from 420 = 602*, giving z* = 7 minutes as the minimum B. E. T. Figure 2 i I I ustrates P(z), K, and z*. From F'igure 2 it also follows that xf = pl(z*) = 422* = 294, rvhjle xl = OrQ*) = l8z* = 126, and so the al'locat'ion of 294 people to route l, and 126 people to route 2, yields a minjmum bui 1d'ing evacuatjon time. NONLINEAR ROUTE EVACUAtt10N ttIME FUNC丁 10,lS
sinple I inear example,
be evacuated i n 2., mi nutes i s just P1 (2.' ) = 422r. Likewise, for route 2,
ヽ 一 ヽ 一 t ´ ¨ ¨ o 一
In the examples considered to this point..O
we have assumed each route flow capacity is independent of the number of evacuees
using the route. This assumption led to I inear route evacuatjon time functions, ljke those illuscrated jn Figure 1. However, there is considerable evidence to
jndicate that jn reality this
assumpt'ion may be
To find pl(zl)l:::::│li
the number of evacuees who can clear l llキ
jnval'id. In part jcular,
f.,(x.,) = (.206)(wr)(f) JJ
width from the actual vrjdth. Pauls'
ratjos of x, to
one except'ion, l'ie in the interval between .l00 and 550: cautjon is recommended in using the equatjon when
ratios are not in this interval. Let us 'il I ustrate the graphical
(角 )二
sol u-
procedure usi ng Paul s' equation. Suppose a building has two stairwell evacuation routes, I and 2, wjth wjdths of 66 'inches (l .68 meters ) and 44 i nches ( I . I 2 meters ) respecti ve1 y. For routes
and 2 Pauls' equatjon simplifjes to ,-7 ,'l r.,(x., )t(.26.| )xt " and fr(xr) : (..|782)xr'' respectively. Thus if t.' (x., ) js the time to evacuate x5 people vii r6ute i, then
(2日 ¬
route 2, We haVe p2(Z2)二
The term w, in Pauls' equation is the ef f ecti ve sta'irwel I rvi dth , i n meters , obtajned by subtracting .3 meter of "unused" based on observed
Thus the
= (.206y(vrr)'73x.'27
w, which,
sumptions l, 2, and 3.
Pauls (3) gives the foliowing emp'irica11y determined equation for the flow, in people per second, tj(xr), when x, evacuees use a stairwell route j:
tion js
we can see that the functions satisfy As‐
kttξ e,foril
people who can.
building in a time of z
given by P(z) : pl(Z)+p2(Z)
1 ● 〓
[(2田 f7丁
十(J782)丁 ア 乃z爾
If the building
has 800 occupants, we can' determine the minimum B.E.T. by reading..r.;
from Fjgure 4 the value z* for which ':.'.. 800 = P (z* ) . Equi va1 ent1y, we can so]ve ri 800 = P(z*) analytically for z*, obtaining z* : 359 seconds, on about 5 mjnutes and 59 seconds. The model allocates xf| = p,(z*) = 502.23 = 502 evacuees to . | Ir route I .'aand x*, : 297.77 , 298 evacuees ! to route 2. .,. Consider now the use of Pauls' flow equation for a problem with n routgSr , where w. is the effectjve width of each J route j jn meters, and l,l is the total of all n effective widths. For each route evacuees to clear the the time for x; J
● J
Time in I Seonds;
(XI)= ヽ
.261 X2・
t21X」 =
│∞ 1
品 轟Ю ∵ 輌 Functi ons 一 i T e m
400 Fi gure 3. Exampl e of Nonl i near 200
一 73 ,
80 0
ロレ)圭 253)z
・ .
′ i l ヽ.
上 7 1782z2) 3
2∞ e of
3OO z* 40O
Nonl i near Peopl
- t0 -
- - - -1
e Functions
route, t.(x..), 'is given JJ
(x., ) = x ./f .(X, ) = (x./w, )'73 /(.206). t.JJJJJJJ
there are K evacuees, then by going through much the same procedure as before we find that the number of evacuees to use eich route i vrhich yields a minimum B.E.T. is given by xj = (w,/W)K. Thus the number of people the model allocates to a route i s directly proport'ional to the effective width of the route. Hence we can state the
uees alloCated to routes l and 2 are givenl 7:falleI:/1r: i3:(:Ole:;::ill: l羊
ees, the model a1locates xi=(W1/W)K■ 5021: and X, = (W2/W)K
l and 2 respectively.
evacuees to route,i‐
丁 he
minimYtt bui111lf
ingziV]CI:::;:.:IT'3;i.:::inttb首 ::isi:ic.:1::i:
Additional insight can be obtained by cOnl_ sidering the equation for z★ , the minimumll evacuation time, as a function of K。 _Tり ,,: equation implies that z★ increases aslK:│:
increases, but at a nsublinear:: rate, be.1
ll'idth Proport jonal jty Rule hJhen route flows are determined by Pauls' equation, the bu'ilding vri11 be evacuated jn minimum time jf the proportion of evacuees using each route j is approximately the rat'io of the route i effective vridth to the total of all the route effective widths. Route
cause the exponent .73 is less than one。
Put another way, the equatiOn demonslrateS
there are"economies of scale"in K9,solチ :: that, for example, the time it takes toi=:: evacuate 800 occupants, 5 mlnutes and 59111■
seconds,is less than twice the time it'す takes to evacuate 400 occupants, 3 mlnute,
and 36 seconds,(keeping in mind the factl that we are computing the building evacu■
Further, the mi n'imum
B. E.
T. i s gi ven
ation time from the moment the first occur, lit「 pant ex'its the bu'i1di ng ) . :ノ
z* = (K/l.t) . ," /(.206) ,
whjch is the time Pauls' flow equation would predict if all K PeoPle used a single - hypothetjcal - stairwell route of effective width W meters. As an 'i I I ustrat i on , cons i der aga'i n the examole with two stairwell evacuation routes, of w jdths I .68m' and I .'12m. , respect'ive'ly. The ef f ecti ve wi dths are
given by wl = 'l .38m. and w, = .82m. ' so that W = 2.2m. The proportions of evac-
At this point it
seems usefu'l
two additional rather model assumptions, the first of wel I be more stri ngent than the ''i A-l 2, and 3. expl
Note that the model does not specify which .uuJu.., should use wh'ich routes:' rather it simply specifies a number of'
auuau.a, to use each route. Thus, to app1y the model to a specjfjc building evacuatjon, it must be the case that at least as many evacuees have reasonable access to each route as the model wjll specify. This leads us to state the Reasonable Access Aisumpt'ion (A-4): each evacuee has reasonable access to every evacuation route. This assumption seems acceptable 'if a bu'ilding has fairly central stai rwells, or stairwel'ls whjch are relatively cl ose to one another. However, 'if a bui I d'ing has, for example, 3 wings, with stairwell evacuatjon routes in each vring, it seems unljkely that evacuees in wing vrould have reasonable access to routes in wing 3. In such a case, in order to use the mode1, we might decompose the building evacuat'ion analysis into 3 problems, one for each wing, and consjder each rving to be a "bui1ding. " [.,1e rvould then expect the reasonable access assumption to be val jd, prov'ided evacuees use only routes in the wing which they occupy. 1
assumptjon we
icit is the fol low'ing Route Independence Assumpt'ion (A-5 ) : the t'ime for
make expl
a route to clear
only upon the number of evacuees using the route, and is independent of the number of evacuees usjng other routes. As an exarnple of a situation where the assumption might be violated, cons'ider a building having two sta i rwel I s (evacua t'ion routes 1 and 2 ) whjch open onto a common lobby having depends
only one row of adjacent exit doors. If route 2 evacuees reach the lobby first, then the time for route I evacuees to clear the building may depend not only on the number of evacuees using route l, but a1 so upon whether or not route 2 evacuees are passing through all the exit doors .' when route I evacuees arrive in the lobby. In this case the lobby exit doors might ' effectively constitute a bottleneck. Hopefu11y such bottlenecks wll be precluded by good building design, but it is important to realize that the existence of such a bottleneck which 'is common to more than' , one evacuation route may make jt difficult to apply the graphical solutjon procedure. .,
jdentified two assumptions which restrict the applicability of l^Jhile we have
the model, in another way the model is really more general than is 'indicated by the exarnples we have seen. In part'icu1ar, the example route evacuatjon time functions we have considered have been ejther linear functjons or power functions. However, the model provi des an optima'l al I ocation for any I inear or nonl'inear t jne functions whatsoever which satisfy assumptions A-1, 2, and 3. More details concerning this matter are prov'ided jn reference I , as'
well as the necessary analysis to justify the fact that the graphical solution procedure provi des an a'l I ocat jon of evacuees to routes which evacuates the building in mi nimum
There -12â&#x20AC;?
is an additjonal
useful general
we can obtain from the model,
At the expense of an increase in model
柿fact pos■ Ы∈,9,1難
over and above the proportjonal ity princ'ip1e and the econorn'ies of scale princiole identified earl ier. Recal I that once the mjnjmum B.E.T. z* 'is determjned,
COm口 e爛
the correspond'ing number of evacuees to use route i js iust pr(z*), the number of people who can evacuate route j in a time z* . Thus, not only i s the B. E. T . z* , but the evacuat jon time of every route is al so z* . Thr's I eads us to the statement of the Uniformjty Prjnc'iple: suppose the assumptions A-l through 5 are valjd; if a building 'is evacuated 'in mjnimum time, then the times at which the routes clear are all the same, that j s, there i s a un'iformi ty of route clearing times. llote that the uniforrnity principle is easy to mot'ivate: if some routo, sdy route h, is cleared later than other routes, then the reasonable access assumption guarantees that jf less people were to use route h, then
:l:::ielllltiり iall:lel:。
reference 2), to cOnstruct buildingl,y,'む
ation models which identify specittclworヽ 三
elevators, and exits,
;:, :::1芯 ili雌
Such models irftr=ギ
a ha11), as well as travel times betWeen various parts of the building of interO,t: ff
e ne w o r ct a di p ro v i d e d a , g s fl Ow al g o r n t wrk l t e t h e re s u S v o l le 恥 e s O u tl o n ・ > < 。 im e h o w e v a e rt
n e i b u be a d s e u m 詢 te h t 。 鰤 th r ・ 叫 vaua a st 晰 h i t e thre m such people would have reasonable access 四 ios to other routes, so that the tinte to a s s u clear route h, and thus to evacuate the k o w r build'ing, could be reduced. A more t t e n extens'ive d'iscuss'ion of this uniformity e v e pri nci p1e appears 'in reference I Final'ly, jt should be recognized that the model incorporates 'informat'ion about T the building being evacuated oniy to the い extent needed to determi ne the number of h t e routes, n, as weli as the route evacuaf o r t'ion time f unctions (as i I ustrated by h t e the stajrwell widths jn Pauls'equation). -13- 叩 ⋮
ta n t n e t
・ d o b t al n e
c ue e s C a
n e t wo r
e w o r kpl a c e s
on k r e p r e s e n t l
. . i ⋮ a ・ 一 b e n 一 耐 . 叫 砕 ¨ i d u . ,b ・ 書 噌 〓 ・ ¨ 一 ¨ 一
● o nd reaal ot hm s c a l
f no い h e nt k o r w m r a nt h e gt i x s e i i n m m i n g 型 c ss u
・o ・ ハ t1 s c rl ν
t o t,n e 一 ・ d . . l h b t te l ng l n e ul k mo oe s u c h a n e tw o r
no n e e
m a,K e
t h ro u g h
5 ,
Ti nu
一 一 二 一 ■ ム ず 一 一
s, R. L. ,
"A Uniformity Principie for Evacuation Route AlIocation," s ubmi tted to Journal of Research of the Nat'iona'l Bureau of Standards,
Francis, R.L. and Saunders, P. 8., "EVACNET: Protype Network Optimization Model s for Building Evacuation," to appear as NBSIR 79-.|593, National - Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC 20234
Pauls, J. 1., "Building Evacuation: Research Findjngs and Recommendations," National Research Council of Canada, Divisjon of Building Research, ' Ottawa, Canada, May 1978, submitted for pub'lication in the book on Behavior and Fires, edited by D. Canter, J. l.liley & Sons, Publishers.
l;r ,
・ 一 一 ■
・′ う ・ .
- t4 -
0 ぃ
bu j I d j
ferent evacuat'ion r0utes ' of people us'ing the routes can affect the
ng has several
the relat'ive numbers
d'i f
time to evacuate the buildjnq. A simpie graphical procedure
presented which determines the number of people
the building
is to be evacuated jn
use each
time' The
procedure also determjnes the mjnimum build'ing evacuatjon tjme'
一 〓 一 一 一 一 一
∽ 0 ● O C ● 一 ∽ 一 0 一 ∞ コ O 0 つ 0 m つ V 一 ● 0 C 0 o 1 一 ¨ ● 0 2 0 E 0 二 O 一 一 0 一 0 ● ∽ 工 0 . 一 ∝ く 〇 Ш 2 ∽ . Ш 0 ∞ 一 0 0 > コ く Z ∝ つ O つ
四 0 中 〓 0 一 L ¨ υ 〓 ¨ L 、 一 〓 〓 0 一 一 〓 コ 一 〓 ″ ヽ
〓 0 ¨ ¨ ● D υ O
〓 o ¨ 菫
卜 一 一 ● L O
ま 〓 0 〓 ● o O 〓 イ 0 ↑ 3 0
0 一 υ E ● L 。 J つ し ● 〓 0 一 ∝
¨ ● つ
、 ぃ ● ¨ o ● ● 一 ¨ ぃ ● ● W J ● E 、 Ь ● ● 〓 t 一 , ■ ぃ ぃ ● ● ¨ 一 ● ● 0 ● ¨ 0 ■ 一 o ● ¨ 一 o 一 ● ● E ■ ■ o L o ●
E ■
∝ o E 〓
■ じ ⊇
F p
一 o
〓 弓
3 o
L o L ● o L
o ●
o o
0 一
´ ε
¨ E
ε ■
■ 〓 い
o L ∽ D 工 ¨ ¨ ■
驀 華
● 〓 ε
一 ヽ 工 一
E ョ 日
一 c F
一 一 ● E
ョ ビ
o 一 8
> ●
一 E 一 ■
一 E
o 一 一 黒
C 咤 し E
5 ●
● 葛
〓 も
5 0
´ . ´
〓 〓
L 一 o
一 ● 一 r 一 ■ ● く
■ 目 ●
一 ε ヽ o F 一 C ´ £ o
F c 一 ¨ 讐
し ●
. ● 躊 o ヒ 一 う L 0 x o 0 一 ■ ● ■ ● ● ■ コ じ ■ F
〓 一 工 o ● 0 〇 一 o O 一 ぅ o L ● ●
¨ 襲 中 誠 劇 響 詳 響
套 一 筆 一 疵 爆 一 砒 華 蓑 華 一 詳 一 馨 一 畔 章 幽 轟 率 葦 毬
。 o 一 一 ¨
> ●
こ L ヽ 一 ,一 一 ¨ モ 8 ≧ バ し
● o 一 一 υ D O L 一 E 一 . F
0 > o ぃ C 一 つ 〓 ョ ´ 一 ぅ o 一 > o 工 一 0 ¨ ● 一 〓
, ´ o 〓 一 ● 一 o 一 。 o ぃ o 〓 一 o ● ● ● ● O o 〓 ● o
¨ 口 o 工
請 一 メ 議 藝 砕 卍 お 疑 曜 慶 詳 盤 肇 ¨ 一 ¨ ¨ 一 ¨ 轟 〓 試 〓 菫
一 一 0 > 聖 〓 。
e E 0 0 0
● や ● ● 一 0 ● o 0 E 喜^
¨ ● 〓 僣
目 o 一 一 ぅ o ● , 0 ¨ 目 一 一 ● E ,
E 一 目 ¨ E o 4 一 〓
日 〓 ゅ 目 ● ´ り o ¨ > ● 一 一 工 一 o り ● ● 0 〇 一
● ε 一 o 一 卜 O ● o ● o 〓 ¨ E 一 ¨ メ ● 0 E ´ o 一 〓 ど F
め 、 ● E E E 〓 事 . 暉 ● ● 2 〓 一 o っ, o o ● >, o ● 一 ¨ o ● っ 一 一 つ 〇 0 一 一 ● 目 綸
喜 . 。 メ 轟 鷲 臨 一 り 醜 聾 ¨ ¨ 霊 姜 卜 〓 繋 海 ¨ 為 詳 ギ 一 跳 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ F ゃ ¨ 轟 彙 % 一 諄 議 議 響
一 華 藝 羹 轟 華 難 羹
1 ¨ 0 〓 ξ f く ,2 ∞ Z E E o . 1 1 暴 誰 菱 裟 睦 睦 ´ 疑 一 . 葬 築 薙 景 一 ・ 誕 姜 静 一 ¨ ■ ≡ 距 一 一 軽
し 〓 〓 ■ ■ ヽ c t r o ■ ¨ ι o ● L と ヒ し 一 〓 〓 ● 〓 ● ● 〓 E ● t 一 ● 〓 F F 〓 〓 ・
O O い
鎌理 一 ¨ ¨ 一 謹一 ^ キ 妻砕 一 ¨ ¨ 一 型¨ 一 。 コ ¨ 一 一 . 十 み一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ヽ 篭一 熟一 一 語¨ 一 ¨ 鷲 吟・ 凱 ¨ 一 蒔N 卍 譲一 。 ・ ¨ 賞一 一 調¨ 一 ギ対 一 劇 型 諏゛ 鷺¨ r 鷲一 ¨ 一 一 ¨ 一 鐸一 昨 ¨ 議. r 嗜一 一 凱] 一 一 ¨一 一 弱 ぶ
o ´ 。 一 。 。 。
゛ 工 E 一 つ 〓 ,
´ ● O o ●
〓 o ¨ 一 o E 。 い ■ 翠 、 E く ・ N ・ 一
L ,
o .ヽ 〓 o 一 一 卜 一 ● E り 。 0 一 目 一 0 日 o 一 ぬ 。
ヽ V
。 ∽
・ ヽ
拳 響 織 蛾
一響 押 難
喜 竜 一 ュ 覆 こ 選 虐
V l
く モ
C ¥
← R ヽ
+ .
と t =
奮 ミ
じ ¨ L =
F が ヽ こ
や E
E 選 言
= 一
つ E ● 重 ぜ
じ ヽ 導
鷲 二 響 凱 ¨ 疑
一 舗 獅
一 鮮 粋 墨
葉 調 一 、 快 一 奨 萎 バ 換 漱 ・ い ¨ 理 ¨ 議 一 憂 一 一 蛇 ¨ 一 一 鴫 塾 鶏 一 ¨ ・ 一 ¨ 一 打 試 辞 . 委 一 ¨ 誕 一
・ ヽ 卜
o ぃ o 口 ■ 一 ● 。 事 ● ● o
> 。
口 ¨ 〓 ● ´ 。 二 一 つぃ 。 一 っ 。
塾 等 量 一 華 摯 準 一 墓 一 ¨ 嚢 嶽 謡 難 一 一 轟 農 棄
口 。 ■ ● っ o ● 卜 o O 〓 一 0 ● 一 ∽ 〓
> 。 0 ∽ 0 一 っ O L O 工
. 僣
一 ぉ 2 H ● ● 一 一 っ 。 ● > ● 0 一 つ 0
〓 ● 一 ● 0 ● 工 一 や 。 0 一 . ぅ ち 。 。 ● ∞ > ε ● ● 一 0 o ● 〓 ヽ ¨ ¨ r ● 目 一 一 ^ 〓 日 ● 一 妥 E 。 一 工 κ g 一 っ 燿 。 . 。 工 一 ∽ 一 溜
. 容 ← ご
一、 日
r i
← 三
一 ● 〓 一 。 ■ ● げ 。 L 。 〓
薔 E = 、
ぃ 。 一 o o L
, ,
。 一 0 う 0 に 0 ● 一 一 目 ● 〓 O o 督 一 ∽
+ f
o 工 ´ 〓 2 ■ 一 。 ● 目 ● ● 。 〓 。 O L 一 ∽ 苺 o 一 ■ ´ げ 0 増
o り 一 。 ● 一 け っ o 。
● 。 。 一 一 ´ ● O 一 ■ 〓 ¨ ● . 0 〓, つ 。 一 う 0 ● ● 0 聖 L 0 0
¨ 。 日 ● ´ ● 一 。 一 日 O L
目 ● o ¨ O ● E ¨ ∽ ● ぅ C o ■ 一 一 o ● ● 一 ヽ 。 〓 一 一 一 . し 僣 ´ ●
一 ェ 一
日 っ ロ
6 ヽ 2 5 2 C S
0 一 ● O C 〓
、 ´ ● o > 一 ∽ 一 、 o 一 っ C L ,
0 一
メ 辞 一 一 豪 群 詳 ・ 凛 。 鷲 ¨ 一 識 牽 麟 A ピ ゞ F 三 . 翌 ご A I 一 摯 一 ギ 理 ざ A l 議 f ・ 鵜 ¨ 一 詳 霙 ・ 能 麟 一 ・ ¨ お . ,展 亀 こ
¨や 、 o
→ じ ヽ
う o C > ●
= r じ 、 ヽ
0 一 O F 〓 一 0 一 一 ^
ε 聖 8 a r ヽ ミ = や
o 工
r O L =
ョ o 一 o o
H +
〓 一 一 の じ
5 0 ●
・¨ R
0 し
ヽ 晏 ヽ 〓 ● 嘔 S 〓 ヽ 0 ヽ 〓 o 、 o ヽ o ● 一 〇 ヽ ●
● o
● 一
, C ∞
´ C 〓 一 一 o ぅ ∽ o ● ● ´ つ 〓 ●
目 o ■ ● 0 0 〓 ● o 工 一 0 , 〓 い
F 饉 瞥 だ 。 鈍 質 辞 ギ 翼 r 一 義 炉 誡 鎗 課 鳴 ¨ 義 韓 辞 撃 誌 勇 藤 韓 醐 ザ . 案 2
騨 覇 層難 姜 鮮 疑 菫難轟 癖 ≪ 駆難 薄葺 一 事難 中 曜 獣 理警 一 難警 轟 。 い r ¨ o 弊轟 華〓 じ c o 誕一 一 自 ¨ ■ 桑嚢鐸¨ 0 0 業 〓 工 0 ¨ .彙群薬 〓 , ぉ じ
● o 一 L E o x 。 で
壌 〓 一 o o 一● 煙 葺 一 難 華 饉 轟 難 華 華 嚢 還 築
二 一 o 嘔 2 ■ ■
9 o 涯 一 o 綱 → 3
日 0 0 ■ o 日 0 ■ 日 一 3
8 ● あ ヽ ヽ
〓 っ o E も ● 。 日 卜 0 0 f o f 。 〓 ● 日 、 ■ 電 一 も 。 つ ● 〓 む 一 む 。 I ■ o ● ゼ ロ 一 ヽ ■ o 。 f
鍵 響 華 一 難 薮 難 嚢 驀 聾 一 難 椰 嘩
● D , O o o a g O 〓 D 一 o 一 . ● 一 ¨
0 理 ´ ● I 、 o 一 3
0 も 目 0 ■ 〓 。 一 3 & ヽ 3 日 ヽ ● 0 ● 一 遇 っ 0 ス N一 > ミ
。 一 一 ● 2 。 0 、 嬌 ビ 一 つ ¨ o ト,o ・ > o お
→ で S ゛ = ヽ 一 一
O い
0 も o ゅ f 5, 目 2 o o ● f 一 o o N . E ■ o 聖 o 2 Z 一 。 バ ぃ 。 さ. 。 . つ 2 ● 。 ● ■ 2 も 一 電 ち o ● こ ε ● o 工 貧 o o ● 工 o 0 一 o o ■ ∧ 2
〇 一
N ← 0 = 一
0 卜 0 目 目 0 0 ■ o o 喜 一 ■ 一 ぜ 髯 ● ■ E
● 日 一 o 〓 ε ● 8 一 o ヽ o , ● Ⅵ ● 0 9 E o 0 含 理 0 じ ε ● o T o L o ¨ ● 〓 o E 目 ぃ 工 ● o 〓 〓 一 ● 2 一 + ● 二 ● 一 つ ε ● o 5 ● + o げ o ^ 〓 ● o ● ¨ じ ´ 2 ミ ざ 聖 一 ● ´ 場 P = 一 o 3 > ● も o o L り ● o こ じ 日 . 0 o ● 〓 一 〓 o 含 o , ・ 0 0 一 ¨ こ o 〓 o o ● ^ E E ● E o 虐 E 嗜 ∽ o て 〓 o F ● E 8 2 o o 工 o つ 0 も 〓 や 2 ・ ● 0 o こ . 捏 〓 ● 一 ″ も b o 一 ・ o 〓 つ こ 椰 ● 督 螢 o ● ¨ → o ● , 工 一 o 0
・ 萎 躍 ド 謳肇 . 詳罐 ¨ 中一 疑 ♯ 覆 聾 種 評 中 建 一 叫 嘩萎 撃 詳 嵩・ 蟷 . 疑 一 駆 郷 一 ¨ ¨ ≒ 一 ¨ ギ 妻ぁ 〓 訴 2 一 2 島 配 ¨o ず ざ2 霙 詭● E 。 ¨ 。 露 一 増 勇一 嬰 議ゞ I 一 疑 砕諄 評一 o 疑 卜ざ ・ 精 ・ = ¨ 疑8 角 .o▼
二 Ⅵ ゛ v l o . こ
= s t ・
o o 〓 f
υ も
o こ
聖 〓 L o 一 o E 響
、 ミ
O ゛ 〓 貧 ● o ● ・ o , 日 一 . ●
o ● 2 じ ■
F E, む 日 ´ 薔 ● り ヽ c 漱 聖 o C ヽ 一 E ミ ゎ g o o f や 目 o o ´ 工 2 い
虚 o ● や o 9 o o 〓
。 一 、 目 〓 o の o 日 ョ く ● 、 ● り o 2 o 一 ぅ ■ ョ o げ L , c 目 〓 う o 口 > o o o 〓 ¨ I o e 〓 ´ r ■ ● じ ´ 一 ゛ 晏 E N = ● o E 当 C ヾ I 一 一 目 ¨ E o 涯 o 一 一 も 〓 ョ 一 ● 一 、 o 0 ´ E, 0 o 2 げ ● ● っ o ● L
。 L 、 ミ
5 f エ o . 〓 L 計 ¨ o 一 〓 o ´ 一 旨 ● ¨ 1 o ¨ 目 8 ¨ o ● ё 一 0 ョ o 8 つ o t 一 c ど o ¨ ■ e 一 o 3 コ 電 ∽ 〓 3 0 ● 8 t ● こ む o ぉ 〓 も 事 3 & 針 め
ち 目 o o
3 ミ
] ´ 8 o o L ● ● 。 8
一 2 ■ ち ● ヽ ● o 目 ぅ o 遍
ミ r o N 一 ミ 0 場 0 日 ミ ふ o 暉 選 口 ヽ ¨ ヽ o 日 ミ o ■ f 綱 颯 〓 o 場 o ´
∽ 一 一
〓 ε く 上 o ぉ 〓
ε 目 日
一 卜 一 一 〆 摯 T
τ O い ● 〓 く L ∩
い 0 ● E O L ● 一 0 。 一
→ じ む 〓 c V ● 〓
´ ● や ● 8 一 〓 o 〓 増 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ¨ 〓 こ ・ つ 3 一 ぅ 、 o H ∞ E ヽ, 8 2 。 ・ o o 工 , L 一 o o む ● 一 ● c 〓 一 一 L o o , o む o 工 い o 一 ´・ o E ■ ¨ 電 o ε 〓 、 っ 一 い ミ o ● ュ , ヽ 響 o ミ に o f ミ ヽ 〓 ´ 聖 ミ S ・ o 〓 ● 一 ● o ト り ヽ 、 ● ´ 電 め
懺 醐 曜 緊 審 一 灘 駆 鞭 朧 酢 響 慶 灘 灘 懲
目 ● E
葬 奎 轟 翌 亜 諦 藻 [ 灘 講 羹 翼 彙 ュ 一 菫 曇 黎
あ 八 S 螢 一 g 営 o ● し
一 ざ c O F ¨ o Z 一 o E ヽ 聖 . r e o c L τ 〓 ぅ 〓 ∽ ■
工 ● 〓 じ ¢ 色 〓 o 工 ↑
● ● 〓 ∽ o ¨ 5 o
″ → o ∽ τ 。 二 ■ こ つ ■ o も ● の 、 ロ ニ o ■ も う ∽ 、 o ^ 〓 E あ 口 C I ¨ ¨ o u く c 〓 〓 一 F ● つ コ ピ Z ¨ g 2 O 〓 L ¨ ● o ● 一 o 一 ● ぅ 一 ● 一 o 〓 ● ● ● 〓 > c 9 〓 ● 〓 L ■ V ■ S L 一 ● 一 一 一 一 一 〓 ゛ ● ヨ a0 ● ■ 一 一 共 っ t と ョ あ o ● い ● 〓 〓, 0 o い 一 0 ● 2 一 、 ● し 〓 〓 ● 〓 E E 。 τ E ● 一 口 E ビ ■ 一 コ コ ● E な 3 , E ざ E ε ■ τ ´ ど 一 〓 〓 ε ¨ ● ュ 日 一 ● ● ● く o 〓 夕 ε ● c
■ ピ 〓 o
o ■ ぁ E 〓 一 一 L o o ●, 〓 L o ● い ∽ o E ● 〓 。 資 ュ ∽ ■ 2 ¨ ヽ 〓 工 ∞ 一 〓 一 綱 ∝ 〓 . I 0 c 〓 F τ 〓 〓 L 中 t ∵ o く 0 一 O 目 0 コ 日 L J 〓 o O ′ 日 L ヽ し 日 ■ ● ● 5 0 二
r N
〓 ち E o な o 一 0 Q ¨ ↑ 口 2 0 く > い ●
ヽ ∽ ざ 卜 2 一 あ 〓 o 〓 日 む 3 ■ ● 安 ■ ご 〓 o ● ●T 〓 〓 じぅ ● 目め い ■ E● 増 〓 J o も > 8 〓 ヽ
〓 o ● c ∞ o
¨ ¨ 囃 評 辞 罐 .一0う 。 朔 00 一 一工 崚 o 中 計 一一一 議 一〓
一 〓 ■ Z ¨ τ o ●
ら 卜 一 L o つ o τ O 滲 ひ ¨ . 一 ひ n [ い 卜 一 ∽ 餞 Z
∽ お 社
の い Z
工 o ご 嗜 ■ ■ つ c ● E E o o t
∽ つ V 一 E E ∽ ョ 一 Z
∞ ∽ ∞ じ 卜 ● E G ´ ● Z 〓 C 〓 〓 一 〓 o , 一 一 0 ■ ヽ
〓 〓 ¨ ¨ 3 日 0 と
コ o
一 2 っ 〓 し ぃ
● > ● ● 卜 い ・ 〓一 ■ い Φ , 日 歌 〓 〓 O 二 〓 3 ∞ c 一 0 省 ● 2 ● F 、 g じ 当 o Z め お 饉 E o 5 P 〓 c ● E 言 も う し 〓 o F > 〓 o o ン ∽ 2 ち ト 〓L . 工 ト t 一 ひ 〓 ● c [ う 一 だ ハ E ■ ● 〓 日 蒙 ● o Z 0 y ∽ P > o ● 一 一 E
τ 〓 ■ ● E し ぃ 〓 〓 コ
お 一 ● お
綱 聟 3 ● c r F ■ 〓 ● ご E ● 0
〓 ∽ o ∽ 0
∞ ″ ● 〓 ● ¨ ● ぉ 3 ●
● 0 ぃ 。 ^ o ε o い o E ● 〓 o ● ● ´ 2 〓 P E 〓 o 3 o 一 ¨ o 一
o 日 0 . 8 日 ′ 一 〓 ● 2 0 ● 〓 ● く ´ら 毬 、 に ご ●
ヽ も 一 〓 ヽ
∞ い
o く ¨ L ご 〓 E ∽
● お g ´ o ´ 8 〓 含 ゴ 一 ミ
一 L
6 じ
屋 一 畔 艶 。 嵯 ¨ 一 ヽ 謡 評 崎 澤 義 郵 配 醜 ¨ 躍 蟻 ■ 一 一 義
o 一 ■ 〓 3 o O
一 瑯
一 攀
¨ E 聖 ´ ●
● 0 一 一 ¨ ● o L o ● ● 一 っ O L ● E ■ つ ¨ O C 一 . 0
0 3 ● 一 3 ● o c ョ o 一 目 。 ● ヨ ロ 堀 ■ o ● o 。 む 一 o ● o い 目 一 〓 2 一 ε o f
¨ E 矩 ヮ E ¨ 卜 ´
Ⅵ 一 ぃ T τ Ⅵ f r i S ざ Ⅵ f ・ ギ
E 聖 漁 ●
。 ´ 2 ● F ち も り
一 。 ■ 一 一 o こ ● 。 。
ざ ■ E ● メ o L o L
t f ● o . 一 ● ● L ぅ や 8 o 。 E ● o O ´ δ じ ■ f
. 3 〓 ・
. o り o 一 ● 一 。 δ 。 じ 颯 一 。 一 = 日 0 一 じ や o ゛ 〓 つ o o ・ 一 o ゛ ● 一 メ 0 E 。 。 つ 〓 ロ 〓 ョ 0 ■ 一 ■ 一 一 2 o ● ● Z 一 。 目 一
一 ∽ 目 ● ● む ち ● o い 三 8 〓 o ● o o
. 聾
● o 一 〇 2 ● 2
む ● 〓 E 。 一
一 8
り 0 計 〓
一 日 8 一 一 冒 電
ε O 暉 ● ● 2
¨磯 疑 ド 塑一 ] 司 一 ¨ ¨ 識羅 が一 轟 ¨ 撃∝ 誠 ]繋 誼 ¨ 一詢 一 ¨ 一 ≒ 一 詐黎 ¨ 中 疑誠 ¨メ 一 ・ お評 一 ¨ 略 ゴ疇 一要 斡 ぎ拠 嘘 訴い わ 一一 銅 詳 メ 躇 一 憂3v 萎ぉ 曖 日建 。 義 郷
〓 〓 ,
。 ´ 日 ● ●
、 ■ 〓
2 8
つ 一 r ■ 。 F ぃ
0 口 一 0 ● 8
一 撃 i
g ヽ
o 〓 ヽ 3 2 一 0 一 o
〓 、 Ⅵ o ぃ で む 一 ● ・ じ N ミ い ち E ,日 ■ ¨ E = じ さ 。 一 . 一 r ∵ r
せ い O ゛ n , 一 卜 ・ F 一
。 イ ヽ 一 ヽ ´
∽ ¨ G づ
ε ¨ GH ●
I 饉 I lC 可 L l■ 可 ● ■0 0 1 . 1 1・ 〓 匡 O 3 , 0 C ヽ0 一 1 〓 ・ U. L o d 1m L m d O ´ い E 配 O 可.■ 〓 o 3 可 ´ 一 一 〓 〇
m C ぉ o o 編 卜
〓 ∽ o N 一 C ∞ 一 一 > o O こ 〇 F 一 一 〇 o o 一 こ 二 0 〓 ⊃ 一 〓 ∽ ∽ ョ 一 ¨ ト C コ o 一 〓 卜 N 一 一 C o 一 一 E 〓 N ●,一 > 0 ● 一 〓 o o
、 ∽ 0 こ
〓 ″ ∽ C o 〓 o O つ 筍 G 0 餞 で。 だ 。 ヽ ′
o o
ハ ト t/b
¨ P ,I
I 、 ■
ど 一 之
ヽ ヽ 嗅
υ つ
上 ・ す
ヽ も ヽ 一
▲ ζ S I o
い や 0 ヽ ρ い ヽ 士 S 塁 く 疑 Z α ヽ く 。 ヾ と
, 1 1 2
一 峯 旨 嘔 Σ 〓 . く
∽ ∞ 〓 ∽ 〓 一 コ 一 ● N 〓 一 ∽
一 一 ∽ 一 . 〓 0 一 ∽ o 〓
c 場 ∽ に E O ● 聖 ∽ c ト
∽ 一 ● っ 一 っ 一 ∞ 0 〓 o 〓 ● 〓 o
ご 〓 ● E E o 一 い 0 c 一 E 〓 o o 口 ∽ ω
∽ 一 〓 ∽ 〓 ∞ 一 〓 コ L ヽ つ
. 0 . 0 . C O 一 C 一 〓 ∽ ∞ ≧ ′ . C O 〓 c D O 0 一 一 一 一 o ∽ 一 C 〇 一 ● 〓 一 〓
〓 ち 一 ・ 3 一 2 、 も コ 〓 o o 一 涯 〓 一 ´ コ 涯 い ● E く 、 一
∞ 卜 一 一
[ ¨ 一 一 ¨ ´ 繁 口 0 く ロ ビ ヽ
一 ぶ ¨ 一 一 辞 一 一 摯 一 鵠
o 〓 0 コ ヽ o ・ ∽ 〓 ∞ 場 o 一 一 コ 一 〇 0 〓 〓 0
〓 属 0 0 0
〇 一 C 0 0 0 〇
F 〓
〓 0 o ∽ o 一 C ● O C 一 に ∞ 一 ∽ 〇 〓 ∽ r O ¨ 一 c o F o コ 一
一 〓 た ′ 一 〓 一 ● 〓 0 ■ 一 つ 〓 0 0 ● 一 一 ン o
ヽ ミ 、 Q ミ ■ く い ヽ ヽ 日 ヾ F ■ 漁 % ヽ ミ さ 0 ヽ ヽ ヽ ミ ・ t ミ ヽ R ヽ ヽ ◎
・ 〓 一 ミ ぃ れ ぎ 黙 ¨ 翁 読 磯
ま 8 ポ い い 総 ざ 軋
ヾ ミ ゞ 0 ミ ヽ ■ ヽ ミ ヽ こ 3 と ヽ ミ ヽ , ミ ヽ ミ ミ
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ . . . . . ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ C ∞ 一 ∽ 。
∽ 卜 Z ロ ト Z 0 0
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ∽ o O づ ∽ O C ∽ 口 一 一 〓 ぅ O
L 一 0 一 。 〇 ∽ 2 一 ∽ 一 っ 一
= υ く L 口
0 O C ∽ C ∞ ∽ Φ O ¨ 〓 ¨ つ 〓 ● 0 〇 一 ● o 口 o > O Q 口 〓 ・ 〇 ヽ 、 ″3 0 〓8 お ∽ 〓房 O Qo Of 一 一o Φヽ と 一0 Fョ ヽ ヽ Φ∽ お ミ 〓 一f 、 ∽ こ い oこ
一 議 肇 毎 一 轟 難 節 詐 銀 舞 擁 難 藝 一 壕
Z O 〓 じ ・ ⊃ O O L 卜 Z
C C o o F ■ ¨ 0 O > C 0 コ ヽ L 。 . 一
O ● C O 〓 一 ● 一 0 〓 嬌 〓 a 写 〓 電 飩 一 。 一 0 し 螢 〓 F い 。 口 〓
L 卜 o L o E い 安 一
. 〓 ∽ ∽ く
″ 三 〓
. 0
8 下 0
. ∽ 〇 一 0 口
. C 一 O 一 一 N 〓 O 一 > づ ぬ 〇 一 〇 要 0 2 . 〓 ぼ
∽ ∽ o
o こ ト
ヽ o r o ¨ 望 F o O こ 一 〓 O C
0 つ 0 目 。 、 一 一 だ 〇 o 一 0
C 一 一 0 0 0
0 > O C
0 ∽ 0 〓 ち 。 ∽ 〓 一 o o 一 C 0 一 ∽ ∽ 〓 〓 い . い 。 ・
. 〇
・ ・ ∽ ・ ・ ,ヽ ・ 0 ・ 0 ・ L ・ ・ O ・ ・ L ・ L ・ く ・ ・ ・ ト ・ ト ・ ・ O ・ O ・ L ・ ・ L ・ O ・ ・ Z ・ O ・ ・ 卜 ・ ・ O ・ S ・ ・ L ・ O ・ ・ ∽ ・ ・ ロ ・ ∽ ト ∞ ロ 口 Σ 一 o 一 く 〓 ぼ ● ρ く L 〓 一 . 一 〓 C っ ビ Я ロ 〓 く ・ 〓 o
〓 0 日 日 o o 、 r
o > 一 8 〓
o 一 つ 舅 ● o ■
> 〇 ∽ 串
o O 〓 ま
一 一 一 嘔
. 一 0 一 〓 0 一 0 。 一 一 ぃ o 一 日
∽ o 0 f 〓 一 o 一 o 一 〓 〇 い O Q ∽ o
〇 ぃ > o ∽
・ 0 ・ > ・ O ・ E ・ ・ ・ O ・ c ・〓 ・ ・ 口 ・ 一 ・ 。 ・ ・ 一 ● ∽ ・ ・ 〇 ・ ・ ∽ ・ O ・ a ・ 、 ・ 一 ・つ ・ C ・ ・ ・ ∽ ・ ≧ ・ ′ ・ o ・こ ・ 0 ・に ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 一 0 ・ ・ 0 ・ ・ ● . o ∽ 一 口 コ 0 ∽ 一 つ 0 C 〓 O ● ヽ
卜 Q X . く o O 。 ∽ 卜 一 ∽ ∽ o 〇 o 〓 〓 一 ¨ ● ●
ぼ ロ エ い O Z < ∽ ≧ ′ O 口 L O L L く ビ ト ト 0 0 L L O R Y ∽ 口 卜 ∽ ン ピ ト ロ 〓 ト 一 υ ビ く ロ だ ト く し 〓 く0 〓 0
。 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 一 ・ ・ ・ ● C O 壺 0 > 〇 ″ 〓
O c
0 〓 付 一 o 〓
∽ ヽ 多 0 口 L O L L 卜 く L く ト 〓 υ
. ´ く . ヽ ′ . 一 o ∽ . 〓 O p 卜
● Z く L O ン 0 っ 卜 の 〓
C 〓
〓 ・ 〓 ・ ∽ L ● 〇 〓 〓 ●" 〇 ・ 〓 一 ∽ o ∽ づ ●C ″ ・ 一 ∽ 〓 O ⋮ 〓 〇 〓 o い J ⋮ ∞ ・ 0 ⋮ ω ∽ C ω 0 ⋮ ぼ 一 ● 0 0 ■ 一 〇 . 。 o ● 0 八一 ・ 一 〓 じ 〓 〇 〓 一 〓 口 掟 c 0 0 〓 > 一 イ ∽ 一 Z 。 〇 ゝ t > 〓 0 ∽ ・ e o O 一 o口 c o0 〓 ち 一 、 D o コ O E 八 < 一 〓 。 ■ ≧ r E あ 凸 O ∽ じ一 く oヽ . 〓 3 ン ヨ。 ∽ .Σ c F ぉ 0 ン 〓 2 E く 。3 3 〓 一 o 、 ぢ 〓 o こ 一ち 0 ^ 一 ● 毬 〓 3 一 0 〓 、〓 o 、 0 o 一 ¨ 0 E o ∽ Σ ∽ り も ● o つ 一 〓 。 〓 巳 つ ご O o ぃ o 8 。 一 n 〓 こ L ¨ぢ ト く ∽一 一 ・ . 。マ 。n ト ´ ・ 〓
卜 O O L L O ∽ Z O 卜 く コ ⊃ 0 コ く り L O ∽ O O 〓 ト ロ Σ
ざ 0 ∽ 一 〓 o o o 一 o 選 目 o L 巽 要 蟹 ・ 螂 ¨ 聾 鋼 囃 一 ¨ 主 ¨ 一 一 凝
:_ _1
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ∽ 〓 一 Q
ヽ 〓 ∽ C o O O C O 〓
≧ O
> o
∽ o 〓 ∽ 一 。 一 0 〓 O C ∞ 一 ∽ 0 0 〓 ● 0 Q 0 0 。
∽ 、 F O O に O r E O 〓 一 > 一 o o O ∽ O o 〇 一 〓 0 一 属 0 0 > O 0 r 、 ぃ o O 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 〓 ∽
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. . あ お o c o E 一 一 o O o バ 〓 ∽ C o ∩ . 一
R R=
> ち ヽ 、 、 ヽ 、 も い . . .
● 〇 〓 ト ロ Σ , 一 ロ エ ト
〓 ● O o υ く 〇
0 o o
〓 ¨
い 。 〓 ∽ 〓 〓 卜 〓
。 ∽
場 o ●
0 〓 0 o 〓 一 ∽ 0 専 .
・ ・ ∽ ヽ
0 日 L ● O Z L く L く ∽ ン く 卜 3 い 国 O 0 O く L ∽ L ∽ O く L Z L O O 卜 ∽ O ロ Σ ト く ロ 卜 ェ ∽ ト 卜 ● 〓 Z 2 日 J 卜 く . 〓 D > O J ピ く ロ り ↑ ら L く 0 〓 0
〇 い つ い 一 ユ . 〓 F . 〇 . 口 E . ∽ 〓 . ・ o . 〓 一 。 . 0 一 . 一 っ ∽ 〓 ・ C O O ∽ ∞ O o r o L C t ∽ 一 つ つ 0 ∽ 〓 r 〓 > O い ′ 〇 O c O 0 C r o O ∽ 饉 t ≧ 。 ″ 一 〇 ヽ 一 0 つ ¨ O C o o E o C 。 o O 0 口 〓 ■ ヒ α O 0 一 〓 一 0 o 一 C o 〓 L O 0 E 〓 0 〓 〇 ∽ o 一 ご L 。 一 L ■, 0 一。 o ∞ a ∽ 3 協 0 一 c 〓 0 〓 O 一 0 F コ ao O 0 〓 〓 0 つ 一 c o 〓 , ∽ 。 o 0 0 〓 ■ こ o 一 0 o 0 O 〇 モ い , げ つ C 一 aコ o o o O E E 9 E 口 o 0 〓 O ヽ F F 四 。 L R ● . 。 0 い い い
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ● ● ∽ 0 一
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い 0 一
め [
∞ つ
サ い N
い N N
O [ N
い い N
口 く
. . . . ∽ 0
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い 0 ∞ ● 一 ヽ
ぃ o 一 0 0
P r く 〓 0
0 口 L ∽ O Z く
∽ ∽ → w 。 a
、 シ o 理 一
こ C t 0 o 一 〓 ● 一 口 a 〓 E L 0 0 0 5 一 一 〓 ● 3 o 猥^ I o S 〓 〓 ∽ υ
Z 口 Σ 一 口 = J く
〓 ´ o
つ 卜 υ コ ピ ↑ ∽
● ・
. X
鮮 卜 ヽ く 〓 0
. 。. 卜 R 一 一 ・
0 L
∽ 国 ビ ⊃ い く 国 L
∽ ヽ F O 口 L O L L く ビ ト ト 0 0 L L O ↑ Z 日 〓 ロ ン O 〓
∽ O Z O a ⊃ ∞ 0
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 。 ・ ・ . . . . ∽ C ∽ 一 O X 〓 O っ 一a 0 C F 一 0 ■ 〇 一 い 一 コ o
∽ 0
口 ⊃
一 0
い ●
い 0 ∽ 0 と
つ い く 口 L
E c 0 3 一 つ 、 O c O ∞ o E
一 一 、 o L L ゛ 〓 ご 0 o 菫 0 o ハ F ロ ¨ . 0 . ¨ マ マ ‐ で
口 〓 卜 O 卜 0 ロ ト く コ ロ L
ぃ ∽ ∞ C 〓 ¨ 一 つ 〓 〓 コ コ 0 0
O 覇 口 0
一 一 0
o 口 〓 0 に o 0 υ ロ
. 一 X = ヒ
中 r O 〓
∽ 0 一 ● 0 〇 一 C ● F 口 一 o 一 ● 四
a ∽
く 〓 じ
く ば ト ト O O L L O ∽ ぼ ロ ト ロ Σ く ぼ く L ビ O L ロ ロ ● く 卜 Z O 日 ∽ 四 0 . X ● Z 口 ヽ く
⋮ ∽
⋮ ⋮ .
ロ ト ∽ ロ く Σ 日 く D ぼ Σ く ピ ヽ O 0 L L Z L O く 卜 に く ト 卜 ト ⊃ O O, L 0 ビ 0 O 日 L く ∽ 卜 Z , 一 口 く だ Σ O く O O Σ Z O つ Z L , 〓 〓 〓 X X ∽ シ O ● O Z Z J 口 日 L ヽ 一 L く く
∽ 田 O Z ロ ピ 四 L 目
イ .11:
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墨壺 壁 墨昼頁汽罠
ト ト 一
つ 0 0 Q ∽ . ヽ
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つ 一
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一 一 o o L
o 一 o こ 一 o 〓 ε υ
CP 74/74
A S1lcock,ARIBA and P L Himey,FIFireE
On 6 - 7 August 1973 a team frqa the Fire Researcb Staticn carrled qrt an investigation d the dlsastrcus fire d $rmmedand in which 50 lives were lost. Following the investig'atio a report on the canrses a.nd means of rapid fire spnead, and o the escape problems was produced ln Nove'nber 1973. As an ofEcial equiry was to be held on the ffre, and the matter was therefore strb judice, thie report cculd nd be prblished openly at tqq+ tins
The official report of the Fire Commission has noqr been prblished on l the ieport of the FRfi investigatlng team is now reproduced as a BRE Orrrent Faper. Some phdographs and footnotes have been added as well as an appendix on the fire darm system in use at Srmmerland at the time of the fire, but the report is substatially as it was originally written.
Building Regearch Establisbment
Fire Research Statiou Boreharnwood
Hentfordshire WD6 2BL
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ F 壁 撥 騰 聰 圏 ■ ■ F 駒 熙 園 副 留 ■ 闘 圏 曰 I I I = l , = = 1 国 圏 日 ■ ■
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」 I凱 懇nsぶ ご こ :Ln量 lLl鰹
Ottawa,tlDntariO,Hl■ oR言 ,Canュ ごこ
NBS― CCR 77‐ 92
1:i甲 Ч lotingi:リ
リ甲an Beha宙 Or
RIse Buildlng Fires:
MOdeling Occupant Mlovement 丁hrough A Fire― Floor from
initial Alert to Safe Egress
t B I F I E ξ
Prepared for
Center for Building Technology Institute for Applied Technology National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 and
Department of Health, Education and Welfare Washington, D.C.
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これe pau15: 良ボ,17日 I Bldョ M― 告│ ・ Naticlnこ l Research C口 undl carlada
Ottawa,Ontario,Xl■ oR8,Canada
NBSIR 82-2480
Time‐ Based Capabilities of
Occupants to Escape Fires in Public Buildings: A Review of Code Provisions and Technical Literatu re
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Bureau of Standards
National Engineering LaboratorY Center for Building TechnologY Washington, DC 20234
Apri1 1 982
Prepared for:
Home and Public Building Safety Division U.S. Fire Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, DC 20472
Pelform:ng Organ.Report N。 13・
NBSIR 82-2480
5.AUttHOR(S)Fred Io Stahl,
i. FFnronNtNG oRGANlzATloN
Jo CrosSOn, Stephen To MarguliS
f ioint o, otnu
l. CoavacdGrant No'
thon NBS, see instructions)
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::I11∵ llttliF:」 VLlltlDARDS W ASHl‖
o(Report&PeriOd COVered
GTO■ ,DoC。 20234
ty,S tCte,
@oN Home and
Public Building Safety Divislon
¥と :Lrilrim:lEき llit轟 :il:lment
Washington, DoC._
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:35,F:PS電 。ftWare Summary,iS attached.
t includes a Signi″ COnt
bibliog「 o,"yo「 litercture sur
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litieS Of bu■ lding OCCupants 鸞
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a are exam■ ned in relatiOn tO COde prov■
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are evaluated。 lie
3isions are presented,
dⅢ ∝Ce■ y
S""市 d¨ り
EmergenCy egress; fire prOtectiOn3 'ire Safety3 human be,aViOr in fireS; human
factOrs;:Lile Salety Code, means of egresS` 14.NO.OF
13Jvatuegtutrr ││:嵐ltT:I」l:1lillギ 目」 │::InmentPrmT:fflT'WashlngtOnl ttG 重露 露 il£
order From National Technica!lnfo「 mati,n SerViCC(NTiS),Springfield,VA。
168 15。
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page vii vili ix
ABSTRACT ......。 .● 0● ●●●●●●0● ●●●●00000● ●●●●●●●●●●0● ●000● ●●●●●● ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...。 。。。.● ●●00● ◆0● 0● ●●●●●●●●0● ●●●●●●●●●00● ●00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..。 。.0● 0● 0● ●●●●●●●●●●●0● ●0000● ●●●●000● 0● ●●●
o....... o........... o o...... INTRODUCTION ........................... l. I Pf Oblem . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1
o...... .... ..... . . ........ o................ 1.2 .. . . ... .. ... . . . .. r. .. . ..... .. the Report ....... 1.3 QrganlzatLon of o . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .4 Tgchnlcal Approach . . o . o . . . . . o . . . . o.. ..... ............. 1.4.1 Study Deslgn and Tagk Organl.zatLon .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . I.4.2 Llteraturg Rgvigrr . .. .. .... . .. . . . . . . .... .........' 1.4.3 Behavloral Assurnptions Peer Revlew Procedures
ObJectlve and ScOpg
l a5
4 4 5 5
a.. a................
........ o....... o...... o.. o... 2.L Appltcable Code ProvlslonS ............. 2.2 Underlylng BehavLoral AssumPtlons .... . o.... . o. . . .. .. .. .. . . '... 2.2.2 Assunptions Relatlng to the Transfer of Responses Learned During Drll-l-s to Actual Fire Sltuatlons ........
7 8
Comrngntaf] o o o.. . t. o.... ..... .. o... .. . ..... ... . . . ... .. . ... . . .. . o 2.3. I Problgm ... o.. o.... o o o.. o. o............................ o.... o o....... 2.3.2 tlnderlying Behavloral ModelS ............. 2.3.3 Assessment of Behavioral Assumptlons Based on the
Technlcal Lltgratur€ o....o.......o..................... 2.4 Summary of Gaps ln the Technlcal Literature roo...........o.... 2.4.I Research on the Predictlons of Occupantsf Responses DurLng Real FlrgS ... . . .... o. .. . . .. .. .... .. ... . . .. . o .. .. 2.4.2 Reeearch on the Transfer of Training .... .... .........., 2.4.3 Research on Occupantsr Attltudes Toward Exit Dril-ls ...o 2.4.4 Research on the AcconrnodatLon of Tralning Programs to SPecLflc Oecupancy Requlrgments ...............o.....
o........ o.....................
PROVISIONS AFFECTING TI{E PERCEPTION OF THE EMERGENCY O ENVIRONMENT AND TI{E RECOGNITION OF EGRESS FACILITIES ......... " " .... o.... ..... .. o.... .... ....... Provtglon8 r o. Appllcable Code 3. I
' o
o. . o........... 9.2 Underlylng BehavLoral AssumPtlons o............. and of Door the Effect Relatlng to 3.2,L Assurnptlons Wlndow DesJ.gn Upon Egress Route Perceptlon .. .... o...... 3.2.2 Assumptione Relating to the Affect of lllumlnaElon o. Level Upon Egresg Route Identlficatlon .............. and 3.2.3 Asstmpti.on Relatlng to the Role of Visual Slgnage Dlrectlonal- Infornatl-on ln Egresa Route RecognLtlon and the Fomatlon of Energency Egrese Strategies . . . o . .. o
8 8 9 3 8 8 9 9 9 2。
21 21 22
う 乙
0 0 4つ
Relatlng Eo the Abillty of Audlble ::d Vlsual Alarn Signals to Effectlvely Alert Bulldlng : 0CeUpaAtS tO a Flfe Thfgat ......o....................... 3.3 COmmentaf] .. .. o... ...... . .. . .. ... . . .. .... . ...... .. . .. t. .. .. ... 3.3.1 PfOblgm ....... .. .. ... .. . .... ..... . .... ..... .... ...... ...
Research on DirectLonal Slgnage ..'..................... Rgsearch on Alarm Slgnals ..r...........................
IdgntlflCatloo .
a.. a...
a. a...
' ' ' "'
t. " " " '
5.1 Applleablg Code Provlsloag .or................................. 5,2 Underlylng Behavloral Assumptiong .................o........... 5.2,L Assumptiona concernlng the Influence of Designated Leaders Upon Egreee Tlme Durlng Flre EnergencLes " " " ' 5.2.2 Assunptions Concernlng Pedestrlan Movement' Under t{igh Denalty OCCUpanCy CgnditLgns .....,.,.............. 5.2.3 Assuuptions Concernlng the Effects of Building Configuratlon and Architectural ObsEructions on Efftcient Crowd MovemenE .....o............"..'"'
5.3 Commentary ... r.. o.. r.o....................t......... "r " "t" t... '. ' "' 5.3.1 Probleo .... r.... o............................ .o .......... . o .. t. . ... 5.3.2 Underlying Behavloral Models '.... Ehe on Based 5.3.3 Assessment of Behavioral Assumptions TgChniCal LltgfaLUfe .....r............................. ■V
38 38 38
PROVISIONS ASFECTING EGRESS STRATEGY FORMATION .... t... .. o....... . .. 4.1 AppltCable COde PfOvlSlOnB . . . .. . . . . ... . o. . ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ...
PROVISIONS AFFECTING DISCIPLINED EGRESS BEIIAVIOR AND CROIID . .. .... o.... .. ...................... ICIVEMENT ..............
4.2 Undeflying Behaviofal ASSunPCIOnS ..... o....................... 4.2-,2 AssumpElons Relatlng to occupaaEsf Ablllt'les to Det,ernlne the Safest and }lost Accesslble Escape Route Under Potentially Streesful CondlElons .. . .... . ... .. " " " o.........................." 4.3 Cormentary ............... . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . o . . . . PfOb lem . . . . . . . . . . o o . . 4 .3.I .o......................... Modelg 4.3.2 Uoderlylng Behavloral 4.3.3 Assessment of Behavioral Assunptlons Based on the TeChnLCal LlEgrature ............r...................... 4,4 Suonary of Gaps ln the TechnLcal LLterature .... ......... ...... 4.5 Sumary .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' 5.
24 24
3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5
UndeflyLng BehaviOfal !1ode18 . r......................... Aseesement of Behavtoral Assumptions Based on the TeChOlCal tLtgfatut'g .............o..................... Surnnafy of Gaps ln the Techaical Llteratufe .... . . .. .... . . .. . .. 3.4.1 Reeearch oo the Effects of Door and Wlndow Design ...... 3.4,2 Reeearch on lllunLnatLoo Requlred for Egress Route
3.3.2 3.3.3
40 40 40
4l I
46 2? >4
55 55 55 56 56
55 57
ln the Technical Literatur€ .... o........ ' 5.4.i Research on the Effectiveness of Trained Leaders in Facilitating Rapid Emergency Escape and in .. . .. . . ....... . .... Avoiding "Panic" .. . .. .. .. . 5.4.2 Research on Lhe Effects of Occupant Loading and Discharge Behavior on successful crowd Movement ........ 5.4.3 Research on the Effects of Archltectural Inpediments
and Physical Obstacles Upon Crowd Behavior and DisclpJ.ingd MOve'mgnt ................................... c..................... .......... o......... SUfmafy .............
PROVISIONS ACCOMI'{ODATING OCCT,PANTIS CAPABILITIES TO SAFELY AND RAPIDLY NEGOTIATE EGRESS WAYS .. ... . . ... ........ . .. ... .. .. . ... . 6.I Appllcable COde Provlslons .......................o............
COrrtmentaf| o. o .. . . . .. . o. o. ...
. . . o .... .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . o . .. . . ....... ..... ....... o. . .. .........
.. o.. ... . .... .... . . .. .. . .. . ...... 7 .L Appllcable Code Provisions o................ 7 .2 Underlying Behavioral Assumption6 o........... 7.2.L. Assumptie:-s Pertainl-ng to the Influence of Architectural BarrLers and Other Obstruetlons Lo Egress Flow ........ . . . .. ......... o..... r ...... r..... r.. r..
6.3.1 Problern ... r... ... ... .. 6.3.2 Underlying Behavioral- l"lodels ........................... 6.3.3 Assessnent of the Behavioral Assurnptions Based Upon .. .. r. the Technical Literature . . .......... .. . .. ... ...... . ..... nary .. ... .. of Gaps in the Technical LLterature 6,4 Su on Deslgn 6.4.f Research on the Affect of Stalr and Rarop Oceupantsr Capabilitles to Safely and Rapidly NegOtiate EgfeSSWayS ......r............................ t,he Affect of Stress and Fatigue on 6.4.2 Research on Occupants I Capabll"itles to Safely and Rapldly NegotLate EgfeSSwayS ...........'...................o..o 6..4.3 lleseareh on the Ef f ects of Doorway and Door Hardware oa Occupantsr Capabilltles to Safely and Rapidly . ' o.... .. ... Negotiate EgresswayS .... ......... ....t . . .... . .. ....... .............. 6.5 Sunnary .. r... o...
6.2 Underlylng Behavioral AssumPtions ............................. 6.2.L Assumptlone Relat.ing Eo the Effects of Stair and Ranp Design on Occupants' Capabil-ities to Safely ....... and Rapldly Negotlate Egress Ways .... ..... o Effects of 6.2.2 Aseunptlons Relatlng to the Phystologlcal and Psyehological Stress UPon Occupants I Capabillties to Safel-y and Rapldly NegotLate Egress WayS o.........r....................... 6.2.3 AseunptLons Relating to the Biomechanics of Exit ... ...... o. o... ...... . Door Operation .... .... ........... 6.3
69 69
12 I
72 13
73 73 78 86
, 0 0′
88 88
90 92
....... ........................................... 7.3.1 Problen .. .. .. . .. . . .. . o .... o .. ... . . . . . ...... . . .. .... . . . . . 7 13.2 Underlylng Behavloral Modgls ........................... 7 .3.3 Assesgment of Behavloral Assumptlons Based on the TgchnlCal Lltgratufg ................................... ..... 7 .4 Sunmary of Gaps ln the Technlcal LLterature .............. Barrlers Archltectural of Influence the 7 .4.L Research on and Other PoEentlal Obetructlons to Egress Flow ........ 7 .4.2 Research on the Flow CapaciEy of Egrese Channels . .. .. .. 7 .5 Srrtnmafy . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 7.3
............................................ 8.1 Sglgction of Code ProvLslonS ............................. 8.2 Underlylng Behavioral AssumPClons ............................o 8 .3 TgChni.Cal Connentaflgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 PfOblgn StatgmeotS .o................................... 8.3.2 BghavlOral MOdels ...................................... 8.3.3 Assessment of Behavloral AssumpEions Based on the Technlcal Lltgrat'ure ..............................t.... 8.4 Sunmary of Gaps ln the Technical Llterature ................... 8.4.1 OvgrvLgw ... . ... o. ... . ... . ..... . ... .... .. . .. . .... ... .. .. 8.4.2 Pre-emergency TrainJ.ng and Preparatlon ................. 8.4.3 Perceptlon of the Emergency EnvLronment, and r........... Recogoltlon of Egress FacllltleS .......r... o..'.........o..o....o........ Formation 8.4.4 Egress Strategy 8.4.5 Dlsclpltned Egress Behavlor and Crowd Movement ..... . ... 8.4.6 Occupantsr Capabillties to Safely and Rapldly NegOtlate EgresS Ways ............................o..... 8.4.7 Ttre CapaCity Of lleanS Of EgfeSS ........................ o.. .. ..... 8.5 Conclusions ...... r.... . o...................... 8.5.1 Ovgrvigw r....... ..... ....... ..... ...... o. .... r.. ... ... . 8.5.2 Provislons Affecting Pre-energency Training and SUI,IMARY AblD CONCLUSIONS
PfepafatlOn . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5.3 Provlslons Affectlng Perceptlon of Ehe Emergency Envirocment, and Recognltlon of Egress FaclllEles ...... 8.5.4 ProvLslons AffectLng Egress Strategy Formatlon ......... 8.5.5 Provislone Affectlng DisclPllned Egress Behavior and Crowd lttovemgnt ................r....o................... 8.5.6 Provlsions Accommodatlng Occupantsr Capabillttes to Safely and Rapldly Negotiate Egress Ways ............... 8.5.7 Provlslons Governlng the Capaclty of I'Ieans of EgfeSS .....
93 94
1ll 111
112 112 113 113
114 115 115 117 119
128 128 128
129 130 130
l3l 131
132 132 132 133 133
134 134
●●●●000● ●●00● ●●000● ●●●00● 00● ●●●●●●●●0000
APPENDIX A: MEMBERS OF PEER REVIEW PANEL .e c c.● oo 0 00000● 00● ●●●●0● ●0000● APPENDIX 3: INSTRUCT10NS TO REVIEWERS 。。。。。。..。 000000000000● ●●0● ●00● 0● O
。.00● ●●●000●
P― S
lntemational Conference on Building Use and Safety Technology
Hosted by:
Locotion: Sheraton Interaationd Gonference Genter
"t internadonal conferenceg are 'ligcqrragd. at previous papart may addrees a broad range of topical issuss induding. but not linited to. the economics
of ioae+hince recommendationi. liability igeueg, risk aesegsment modale, techaology tralsfal' .giog f aisaf,itity fectors, public education, hazardg of building producte, etc. Participa$oo-dJ6oot"""o"e 6v individualg in the fietde of building design, code anforcement, standardsnatiqg, product ianufacturiag, governnent, b-uilding operation & maintenance, Earageqsrt' niilier education is actively 6ncouraged. Coneuneigroupe and the public at-large wiU be ""a welcome gession attendeeg. Papert are now invit6d from interegted individuals on subfect a1eas euch ag: 6.Human Factors&Beha宙 or During 1. Orientation & Path Findiry E■ ergency Situatons Management & 2. Crowd Dynamics 7.Egress perfomance Criteria 3. Aseembly Seating 8.Ar&Noise QuaLty 4. Movement Safety 9.Per30nal Se(■ nty a cOmfort S. Alarms & Communication Syrtens Participante from many countries will b€ attending tha thry+day event. A eeesion is planned for briif preaentationaof current rrsearch initiatives and priorities within foreigp reaearch
ゴ重 ず庸 妻鯛 懇 CA 必
・ 日 CALl l CAI 側 l
The International Confer€nce on Building Uge and Safety Technology to be held ia November of iSSe -iU bring togetber a broad crnss€ection of ressarchere and other experte m aubiecte relating to building uge end building safety. The obiect of thig confercnce ie to exenine uew information and technical findings in eciences wbich inlluence the use of buildinge. The confer€nce orgaaizers recogaize that eome rt'stBt+ pt"ri"* information."y-b" nscsssary ar a poiat of departure, but papere preeeated .*i
Novembet 78,1984
― ‐‐
一 〇
Authors are requeeted to subnit 5 copies of a 250 word abetract identifying and explaining_the sigaificance of iheir topic. Abetractg ahould mention tbe sponsorehip of thsir author's worl ae -6U ae deta rworrcei and regsarch methodologfes. A ecreening comnittea will male final decisions on pep€rs to be prceented. Subrbdo dcrdtbo: March 1, 1984. Acceptance letters will b6 igeued bry March 30, 1984.
翻 ∬ 聯 C
For addiflonal infornaton csll Stwen L. Biege! AIA at the Nadoad Ingtitute of Building sciences. 1015 Fifteenth strest, N.w., washington, D.c. 20005{2021347-5710.
Gmlcrucr Co8porcr:
Natmal Fire Pmtection Associailm. lnterastional r TheAnarica! In86tute of Architestg Foundatim o
o National Research Couacfl of Canada o U.S. D,epartnent of Hougiag aod Urban Dravelorpmeat o Building Ownem and Managare Asgocieton hteraaflooel
r Envirmmentd D,Bsig! Ressercb Aggodaton n_F
_____=nЮ ttL_____― ―――――
Atteldatvt6iling I&tplr' dotrch .ad 1g5a thb Docdj6 of tlc olmloon [t o 106 .r Dcdbb. fir wll.m! rl.qsrrlt enotorcocc dhlbodo [rL scod cmphtrd lqn to: NIls, rolt lltb s[lt"], N.w., s[ft. ?lto, wrr&tto, Ir.G loot SPealer-
υ片 Cl′
ARENCE Lo NICODEMUS & ASSOC IATES 255 No. Lincoln Street Centor Complex, Suito l Dixon, CA 95620 (916) 678-4949 March 4, 1982
Richard Seaton School of Architecture University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada v6T 1W5 Dear Mr. Seaton:
This is a follow up to our brief meeting during the International Seminar on Lrfe Safety and Egre at the UniverAt thac Eime I spoke of the need to perceive the population as a continu-m of people with varying needs. In the specific case of people _in that continum who have disabilities, the actual numbers of people varies over time, depending on seasons of the year (winter skiing accidents decrlase t[e numbers of people able to ambulate well for example) BBe, wars, disease, etc. On a shorter time scale, many people who are involved in a building fire situation, esPecial!Y a high rise-ltilding fire, bec5me temporarily unable to function as well as before the iire. The reasons are manifested, but are a direct result of the anxieEy, the smoke and its associated contaminants or the physical changes in the environment. Anxiety induced psychological and physiological stress are tolerated differbntly by each member of the population the resulEant effective ais-aUitity can be mental (disorieitation, confusion, uncerEainty, indecisiveness) or physical (cardiovascular dysfunction; stroke or heart attack). Combustion products like smoke, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, etc. aiso have different effects on people through ailergic reacEion or sensitivity to-_minute quantiEies in the breat[ed air. These Physiologie effects can be so dibilating as to render a Person- unable to walk or speak or even dial a
Finally, as the Physical environment changes, 19"s planned they move information becomes available to direct people as(and therethrough a building. Smoke obscures the ceilings (and therefore fore iights;, the tops of door waYg and halls exit si[ns) and even door knobs and "crash" bars (which can
~′ /θ
March 4, L982 page 2
serve Lo indicate exits) as the smoke volume increases. The effect of this physical change in the environment, changes the "rules" governing egress; visual crues or even vision are gone (as with a person who is blind or near brind), the breathable air space does not permit walking at a brisk rate, but rather crawling (not unlike the rate of a person with severe arEhritis). My purpose in reiterating these rather obvious facts is to help crear away some of the "smoke" that tends to confuse the question of who is the "handicapped group"? It is a large group (as much as 307. without fire involvement), it varyi wich time, and it especially increases in numbers during an actual building fire involvement. My hope is thar your thoughts about building design and retrofit or egress requirements will include the total conEinr$n of population. ,:
Along that same idea, the use of the "safe area concept" (or compartmentation) as an integral plan for protection of elevator lobbies is an extremely attractive one for dealing with the disabled. If total building evacuation can be avoided, and the occupants protected for a period of time then'rescue'can be effected from a protected area (i.e. the elevator lobby). In addition, fire and smoke are denied the remainder of the building via the elevator shaft, and fire surpression personnel can addreis fire fighting activities from a prorecred staging area (i.e. the lobby). The 'safe area'concept is not new, of course, but it has been associated with high costs, inflexible design, eEc. That is not the case any longer. Thankfully, free enterprise has moved into the area and produced a product that makes low, flexible comPartmentation a reality in new construction, but especially so in reLrofit and building rehabilitation. This product is a flexible fire barrier, fully tested and listed by Underwriter Labs (carries a I and L-L/2 hour rating). It is a mulfipass barrier with wide open (up to 400 feer)'applieation and is automatically deployed when smoke is detected. It is self contained, does noE depend on building power and does not interfere with normal HVAC operation when not deployed since it stores in the wa1l. The enclosed literature provides additional information. Please contact the manufacturer directly for specific questions on cost installation, etc. I bring this to your attention because I think it ean help to resolve the question of need for persons with disabilities involved in a high rise fire. I have used the fire barrier in a retrofit building and I know it works. It has recently been smoke tested under the auspices of ICB0; the test supervised by Gus Degenkolb. I am certain that he will be willing to express an opinion on the potential usefulness of Ehe fire barrier.
March 4, 1982 page 3
in Maryland - it was a for attending !h".seminar in your area of expertise and pf""!rri"--f'or *" to meeg pe[ple weil. rf you have.quesrions ro be able ro"'Jnii";t-i'deai as noE hesitate to write or call' do of me in this *"ti.t,'please 1 am looking .forward- tb a continuing involvement with the Thank you
egress grouP.
Sincere . NICODEMUS tation Engâ&#x2013; neering Consultant Rehabil
n high safe彎 五
ttise St a matter bu重 lcttings is no ttongeF j■ ■
of conscience or codes。 ¨
一 脳 一 r ギ
ら t ふ It'sこ ュロ ■ natteF
Of Su籠 田van.
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Photo counery ol D.lly lieus
o do醜電Ⅷ「 馨證t atty岨 1壼 血蠍.abovo
People around the worid tte
thatthe ne対 ble fire barriers necessary
becoming increasinglソ aware that
to create these sale areas were proba‐
mostlives lostin high rise fires are a
result ofSMOKE,TOXC GASES, and PANIC.Three prob!emsthat are
ing smoke and toxic gases One
Fire ottcials have agreed for some bundingS depends on: 1.rapid isOla・ tion or olovator si、 afts to
that passes tha low back‐ face tempera‐ ture rise test in other u′ ords,one that、 vin remain cool on one sido
、 vhile an inferno rages out of cOntrol
on the other An automatica‖ y acti‐ vated.easy to operate(even for the handicapped)multiple pass‐ through, continuous closing barrior that operates on its own fail‐ saFe power supply.(Dne that can alも vays be ovor ridden manua‖ y,retracts into theし va‖
and nover intorferes with the nol‐ rnal
trattc or usage of the btllding (Dne
that can span unhmited widths.is remote!y contro‖ able from central 1:●
‐ 卜 li l゛ 手=il・ 1:l`:.1■ ■ ・ ==IF111だ ■千
smoke,2.in‐ place protection or・ SaFe
Refuge''areas for those who And themselves trapped on the upper 100rs.
Unfortunately,most alsO agreed
申 n 0 ①r ,W 耐 0 一
refuge and elevator isolation, but for a wide variety of applications for both life and property safety. Says State Fire Marshall Grant Walker, "ln my judgement, the flexibility and fire protection advantages of this new flexible barrier represent one of the most significant breakthroughs in recent memory." Fire code analyst John G. Degenkolb, says, "The model building codes are in basic agreement in requiring clevator lobbies of high rise buildings to be separated from the remainder ol the building by fire"rateci barriers. This UL R6799 Fire-Guard barrier is the best means for accomplishing that requirement."
engineering spaces and can assuro contamination‐ free safe areas irom
[:<'r f urtlter itrforll: r,licrrt contact
central status monitoring prevont vertical spread of ire and
their use not only for high rise
That is,a UL tested,l and l%hour
diricult to resolve.
tirne that life/6re saFety in high rise
Fire officials and analysts who witnessed the testing of the barrier at Underwriter's Laboratory, are seeking
iabeled retractablo Flre barrier that is alsO exceptiona‖ v eFfective in block・
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The National Task Force onlife Safery and the Handicapped, in conjunction with the AIA Research Corporation, is presenting the 1980 Conference on Life Safeqv and the Handicapped. This national confbrencewill rake place ar Howard Universit-r'in V'ashingtorr, DC., from Sunday, Z6 October, to Vedne sday,Z9 October. Ia maior goal,lies:in the dltimate creation of a life-safe environment forthe disablecwhich■ 11l a13o benentthe able_bodiedcommuniwinⅢ e .
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ding Research Establishment Information Paper
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The incidence of residential fires in London-the effect of housing and other social factors S E Chandler, BSc The Fire Research Station has used data for residential ftres in 1972 in 32 Greater London boroughs in order to see to what extent fire incidence is related to housing and social
conditions. ξ L
towards protecting these groups if this was thought to be desirable. It may also be desirable at a later stage to deter. mine to what extent conditions in London mirror those in the rest of the country, so that nationally, consideration may be given to the most effective use of available resources.
INTRODUCTION lVhile studies have shown there to be relationships between multiple fue fatalities and age of buildingr, there has been
little published work on the relationship between fire incidence and social factors in Britain. American studies have, however, established relationships between residential fues and types of urban neighbourhoods2'3.
In a recent study, data for residential fires in London in l972have been analysed in relation to a number of 'social indicaton'to see to what extent fire incidence and fire casualties are related to housing and social conditions. Iondon data were used as they were readily availablea in a suitable format for analysis; 1972 was chosen as it is the middle year used in other sociological analyses in progress. In the full study, the following factors were considered.
FIRE DATA There were 8284 fires in dwellings in Greater London in 1972. These fires have been analysed for each borough and related to type of dwelling (house or flat), sources of ignition, circumstances leading to ignition and other factors. The City of london is excluded as relatively few people (four to five thousand) actually live there. Figure I shows the fire incidence n 1972 in dwellings per thousand population for each borough. The average
Housing tenancy (owner oocupied, private rented etc), density of population in residential areas, lacking basic amenities (hot water, etc), shared households and rateable value per person.
Sociat sociocconomic group, unemployment, country of birth, age groups, family stability. Family stability was considered to be reflected by the proportions of children in care and illegitimacy.
The factors chosen were those that could be reasonably expected to influence fire incidence and for which data were available. This report considers only the more important initial results; it is intended to publish a detailed paper later.
Three quarters of all fire deaths occur in dwellingss. One objective of this type of study is to seek those sections of the population that are at higher than normal risk from fire. This would enable any national resources to be concentrated Euilding Fesearch Station Garston
Watford VVO2 7JR Telephone: Ga.ston (Herts) 74040 Telex:923220
Fire Research Station Borehamwood Hertfordshire WDO 2BL Telephone: 01 -953 61 77
Fires per thousand population
For reasons of claraty, borough names are omitted
Fires per thousand population in Greater London boroughs (1972) (Inner London boroughs shown by dotted lines)
Princes Risborough Laboratory Princes Risborough
Euilding Research Esrablishment Scottish Laboratory
Aylesbury Buckinghamshire H P17 9PX Telephone : Princes Risborough 31O1
Kelvin Road, East Kilbride Glasgow c75 ORZ Telephone: East Kilbride 33001
fre incidence in the GLC area was l.l3 lires per thousand population, the figures for Inner and Outer London being I .42 and 0.88 respectively. The domestic fire frequency in the whole of the United Kingdom in 1972was 0.95 fires per thousand population. domestic
Hackney. Camden
The ten boroughs with the highest incidence of residential
Iires per thousand population were all Inner London boroughs and are as follows:
Hackney l.9l Camden 1.88 1.86 Tower Hamlets Kensington & Chelsea | 39 Islington 1.62
Wandsworth Hammersmith
1.60 1.59 1.47 1.47 1.37
In the following analysis, the above data are related to some
C O 一 ● 一 ● 0 0 0 C ● 0 っ 0 工
0 0 ● 0 一
of the social indicators listed in the Introduction. Details of these indicators are contained in the GLC Annual Abstract of Statisticsa.
(a) Orvner occupation The boroughs with thehighest level of non-owner occupation were:
Hamlets Westminster Hackney Southwark Islington Tower
〔 -
20 r .
98Vo 89Vo
Percentage of non-owner occupation
Inner London boroughs Outer London borouqhs
Relationship between fires in dwellings per thousand population and non-owner occupation in London boroughs
All these boroughs are on the list of those with high fire incidence. The average level of non-owner occupation in Greater l,ondon was 60 per cent, the proportions in Inner and Outer London being 82 per cent and 46 per cent respectively. Figure 2 relates fire incidence to the percentage of nonowner occupation in the 32 boroughs and shows a strong relationship significant at the I per cent level between the two variables (conelation coefficient 0.91). The notable exception is Barking where there was large-scale council development in the inter-war period and it is possible that tenants in this development had similar behavioural characteristics to owner occupiers. However, the existence of the correlations in Figure 2 and elsewhere in this paper
The average population density in the GLC area was 135 persons per residential hectare. The correlation coefficient between fire incidence and residential population density over all32 boroughs was 0.86, also significant at the I per cent level of significance.
(c) Lack of basic household amenities The measure used was the proportion of households in 1971 that lacked the exclusive use of hot water, fixed bath or inside WC. The boroughs with the highest proportions of such households were: Islington
Newham Hammersmith Hackney Haringey
4s% 39Vo
do not imply direct causal relationships between fire incidence and social or behavioural facton.
Density in residential areas The residential population density is classified by 'persons per residential hectare'(260 hectares I square mile). The most densely populated boroughs all appear in-the list of those with high fire incidence and were:
notable omission is Tower Hamlets, where as a result of major redevelopment, provision of basic amenities by the council had been considerably improved, but the fue incidence was high. This suggests that the provision of amenities will not in isolation reduce fire incidence. However, the consequences of fire, in terms of fatalities may well be less serious than before such amenities were provided. Earlier unpublished work showed a correlation between fire fatalities and the lack of basic household
441 Kensington & Chelsea 368
Hamlets Hammersmith lslington Iower
Apart from Newham (formely West Ham and East Ham) where domestic fire incidence was l.l0 per thousand population, these boroughs had high fire incidences. A
The correlation coefficient, significant at I per cent, between the 'lacking'factor and fire incidence was 0.82.
In the whole of Greater London, 24 per cent ofhouseholds lacked exclusive use of one or more basic amenities in 197 I .
(d) Children in care It is posible that there
is a relationship between fire and family instability. To examine this theory, the proportion of children in care is used as a measure of family instability. The borouglrs with the highest proportions were:
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A number of housing and social indicaton are shown to bc statistically correlated (at the I per cent level) with lrc incidence in dwellings. However it is not possible to establish direct causal relationships. Although such relations mry exist, further analyses are necessary, using more sophisticated statistical techniques, to attempt to unravel thc complexities of these relationships- It is also possible that the real underlying factors which give rise to the housing and social conditions considered are economic6'?.
Kensington & Chelsea 2.477o
Hammenmith Camden Westminster
The social indicator most strongly correlated with lire incidence is the proportion of children in care, which is thought to reflect family instability.
2.07% l.98Vo 1.967o
these boroughs have high fire incidence. The average proportion ofchildren in care varies sharply between Inner London (1.77 per cent) and Outer London (0.57 per cent). The corelation coeflicient with fire incidence is 0.94 and statistically significant at the I per cent level.
(e) Country of birth It is believed that the life styles and cultures ofparts ofthe community might possibly increase or decrease the likelihood of fue. Preliminary examination of the data showed no correlation between fire incidence and the proportions of people bom outside the British Isles. A similar result was also shown for people bom in the Indian sub+ontinent. However, there was a statistically significant correlation at the I per cent level (correlation coefficient 0.64) between fire incidence and persons born in the Caribbean or Africa. The boroughs with the highest proportions of people born in the Caribbean or Africa were:
Brent Hackney Iambeth Haringey Wandsworth The average
8.lVo 8.lVo 7.5%
Fire frequency appears to be independent ofrateable value per person and the age distribution of the population. However, the incidence of casualties is generally highesl amongst the young and elderlys. Casualties will be discussed in the
full report, which will also examine the most prevalent types of fire and their relationship with socioeconomic goup.
The assistance of a number of members of staff of the Building Research Establishment, the Greater l.ondon Council and the Home Office Statistical Department in the detailed statistical analysis and interpretation of the results is acknowledged by the author.
proportion bom in
these areas living
London was .5 per cent in 1971 3
Of the housing variables examined, owner occupation and the lacking of amenities are the most strongly correlated with lre incidence. If the real underlying cause of fire is carelessness, it is feasible that people who own their own homes may be more careful than those who live in rented property and therefore may be less likely to have fires.
in Greater
TYPES OF FIRE Some relationstrips between fue frequency and types of fire are investigated in the full report. There are indications that in areas where high fue frequencies occun, the following types of fre are more frequent than the United Kingdom average:
(D fires attributed
to children, matches, smokers materials, malicious ignition or unknown causes
REFERENCES Chandter S E- Multiple death fires. Fire Research Technical Paper No 22.lnndon, HMSO, 1969.
Munson III J. Residential fires and urban neighbourhoods: an empirical analysis of Charlotte, North Carolina. Princeton Univenity, I 977. Munson Ill J and Oates W E. Community characteristics and the incidence of life: an empirical analysis. Princeton University, I 977.
Intelligence Unit, Greater London Council. 1972 Annual Abstract of Greater London Statistics. London,
(ii) fres where
things were overturned, flared up, spilt,
carelessly placed or carelessly disposed-
Home Office. United Kingdom Fire Statistics 1977 -
Iondon, HO,1979.
If the proportions of fues recorded in these categories in Inndon boroughs could be reduced to national level, there would be a reduction in the annual number of dwelling fires in london of about 600 (8 per cent) most of this reduction would occur in Inner London.
Ash M. A guide to the structure of London. Adams
Dart, Bath, Somerset, 1972. Department of the Environment- Policy for the inner cities. Cmnd 6845. London, HMSO, 1977'
structure hit, load peaks of very short duration were not of
very much significance, the average force largely determin-
ing the extent of damage. 'Corrsiderable damage might however be expected to result from vehicle impacts of this
kind'he warned. A colourful reminder of the hazard to tall buildings from aircraft collision was given by Dr Mainstone in his reference to the infamous case of the 825 Mitchell bomber which flew into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in 1945. This had caused considerable damage at lhe point of impact and in a lift shaft'down which one engine fell', but no progressive collapse. Again the author sounded a warning note.: 'Bearing in mind that the structure of this building is very substantial with all the continuity desirable to permit the bridging of local damage, and that the impact it suftered might easily be exceeded in severity more than tenfold today, there is now a real possibility of a far more
He considered that the basic hazards could be reduced
in obvious ways such as safer gas installations, and a greater concern for safety in road-traffic management,
aircraft operations and construction processes. He noted that one of the simplest provisions in building design that
could reduce the risk of major damage lrom runaway
vehicles was to protect vital load-bearing elements of i structure by bollards or banks (as recommended in BS Code of Practice CP 110).
The chiel way of limiting the gas explosion risk was, he said, the provision ol adequate ventilation and vents -the first to limit accumulation of flammable gases, the second to vent any explosions that occurred at a safe pressure: ,As yet no statutory requirements have been laid down but some guidance is available and research on the factors determining the build up of pressure is continuing at BRE,
catastrophic accident.'
Looking at the likelihood of buitdings being hit by aircraft, the author based the foltowing conclusion on some estimates in a recent paper published by the US Department of Commerce. 'For a tall building near a city centre the risk during a GGyear life might be between 1 in 10c and 1 in 104 depending on size and location.' 'lf presenttrends continue' Dr Mainstone added, referring to the pressure for heavier road transport in the UK, .the chief change to be expected in this country is an increase
The fire risk
in the proportion of seyere impacts from heavy vehicles'.
Safer building design
To conclude the paper, the author
commented . on the implications of accidental loading on building design. He thought that, on the evidence he had found, even gaseous explosions might sometimes result in loadings greater than those that had been envisaged by Regulation D19 of the 1972 Building Regulations and that still higher loadlngs might arise from aircraft impact: 'These hazards must be given special consideration if protection against them is thought to be necessary'.
3 Measured (upper curves) and estimated (hottom curves) loadings from horizontal impacts with a building by a heavily laden lorry and an aircraft, and a vertical impact by a heticopter. Loads are plotted non-dimensionally as reactionlstatic weight
uT -ots-
The risks of fire and the measures that can be taken to reduce them were the subject of a conference paper by Margaret Law, until recently a research worker at the Firi Research Station of BRE and now with Ove Arup and
Partners. She concentrated on the 'human' aspects of fire hazard, for example, the social acceptability of various types of fire risk, the amount of money that should be spent on fire protection, the attitudes of people to fire hazards, their behaviour in fire situations, and the role of education and publicity in promoting fire safeiy. ,Until recenily'the author noted 'these aspects have received litfle consideration compared to the physical aspects of fire protection'. Fire risk and society
considering the risk of death by fire, the statistics prepared and published annually by the Fire Research Station were quoted. These revealed that between g00 and 1000 people died each year in the UK, mostly in small domestic incidents, and about three-quarters of them in fires where there had been only one fatality. Comparing these figures with those for other causes of accidental death, it was clearly shown (see Table) that there was a much higher risk of dying during road, air or even rail travel than in a fire.
The importance of society's attitude to comparative risks was emphasised: 'There are certainly indications, from recent public disquiet in this country, that the risk of death by fire in hotels, which is an order of magnitude higher than in dwellings, is not acceptable even though it is still lower than the risk of death from travel by car. The special problem posed by tall buildings is the possibility of the loss of a large number of lives in one incident, that is, there is a potential disaster should a fire occur. Judging
by public reaction to previous disasters, society demands that considerable effort be devoted to preventing their
reoccurrence, and indeed most building regulations can be
traced back to disasters.' The author added that this presented the fire engineer with the dilemma of anticipating
the special degree of economic fire protection that would be demanded for tall buildings, taking into account people's feelings that death by fire was particularly horrible.
Reducing the fire risk 'Does the specific quality of tallness affect the risk of fire occurrence?' In posing this question, the author thought that it could be argued that special measures were needed to reduce the chance of ignition and fire growth because of the number of people likely to be at risk and certain other leatures that tend to accelerate fire and smoke spread.
sprinklers are required for life safety anyway, then why not exploit their value in saving the structure?' She went on to suggest that what was needed was some means of tradingoff active against passive protection on a rational basis so that the optimum level ol fire protection, which minimises the sum of costs and expected losses, could be provided, Criteria for assessing the trade-off ol passive against active protection have been developed at the Fire Research Station. Commenting on these, the author said that before they could be put to practical use it would be necessary to undertake an analysis of the costs ol sprinklers and detectors and of providing fire resistance of the structure. lt had been shown that the important factor was the cost of reduc-
ing the probability of failure, which had received some attention so lar as structural protection was concerned, but little had been done in defining improvements to active
Regulations could be strengthened by placing controls on
protection and the costs. lf loss of life is to be included in calculations of the above kind, a monetary value must be placed on saving a human life. A tentative estimate of â&#x201A;Ź50 000 was given in the paper tor the overall value of life as calculated by the Fire Research Station allowing for the risks that an individual was pre-
extra hazard.
pared to take.
the amounts of flammable contents such as furnishings and fittings used in tall buildings but the author speculated whether occupants would be prepared to allow ihe regular inspection of their premises that this implied and whether they would agree to discard contents deemed to create an Another approach suggested in the paper was to reduce fire incidence by giving people a better understanding of fire hazards and safety requirements. Little measurement had, however, been made of the effect of education and publicity on fire safety (unlike road safety) and such information was needed if the best advantage was to be gained from limited resources.
'There is a strong argument, from a fire safety point of lor making sure that a tall building is provided with trained staff, possibly with an internal fire brigade, who would play a positive role in fire prevention and control', the author thought. 'Conversely, where there is a policy of reducing staff, serious consideration needs to be given to increased automatic detection and extinction equipment'. Despite the long-standing aim of the fire engineer to compartmentalise a building to contain a fire, problems of smoke and fire spread still remained for tall buildings, cautioned the author. For example, there was the risk of external spread ol fire from floor to floor because ol flames emerging from the windows, and also accelerated smoke spread in tall buildings caused by the stack effect that occurred when there was a large difference between inside view,
and outside temperatures.
ln view of this, many people considered that, for life safety in tall buildings, the basic aim should be to attack fire automatically at its source by the use of sprinklers. 'The great advantage ol a properly designed sprinkler system is that it restricts the size of a fi re so that the amou nts of heat and smoke are limited and the measures to deal with them can be designed accordingly'. Although doubts about the reliability of such systems were often expressed, the author added, there were weaknesses in all systems, whether active or passive. The work of Roger Baldwin of the Fire Research Station in this field was referred to, in particular his suggested levels of design reliability for fire
protection systems
for different types of
occupancy industry, houses and storage lor example. He suggests that a return period of '10000 years (the average time elapsing between occurrences of structural failure caused by fire) would be appropriate to set the level of fire-protection design reliability. This has been adopted for other potentially disastrous lailures such as the flooding of dams in Holland. The values thus obtained make quite reasonable demands on the systems.
Active or passive Since sprinklers reduce the size of a fire many people have argued that if they are installed, there can be a corresponding reduction in the passive methods of structural fire protection - in the compartment walls and floors for example. In line with this thinking, Miss Law posed the question .lf 14
Behaviour of people caught in a fire 'When an attempt is made to assess the effectiveness of methods ol assisting people to escape the fact must be faced that little is known or understood about how people will actually behave when confronted with a fire situation'. To illustrate this point, the author added that it had only recently been realised that currently-adopted escape provi-
sions might not be suitable for holiday centres specifically designed to provide separate entertainment areas, since people would not go to the nearest exit if a fire occurred but would try first to locate their family. 'Some thought has
been given to possible methods of communicating with the occupants of tall buildings, but even if a satisfactory way could be devised, would these people accept instructions or reassurance from the fire brigade or would they panic?' Miss Law considered that the limited amount of data available on people's behaviour in fire was not adequate lor assessing the various possible measures {or control such as education, fire drills or regular visits lrom fire prevention omcers, Types of building which gave rise to increasing public concern over fire safety were pinpointed in the paper's concluding remarks. They were the covered shopping mall in a town centre development, the large holiday centre and not least the tall building. 'The problems were not only the physical ones of providing fire containment, structural
protection, detection and extinction, but also those of
assessing the effectiveness of various protective measures
when human reactions to fire conditions in these new situations were not understood,' Risk of
latal accident (UK)
Accident rate fatal accidents/ person/l@
exposed hours Fire
All accidents
in home in hotel
in home able-bodied man in home
British industry coal-mining travel by car travel by train travel by air travel by motor-cycle rock-climbing
40 57 5
240 660 4000
HOWE :li彗 横
織 滞欄
棚 麹協認
Joe never travels by air. Fred forbids his son to enter an amateur boxing contest. And Bill gives up hunting after reading about a fatal accident. In each case, they're scared of the risk. Yet Joe smokes a pack a day. Fred lets his son swim at the cottage. And Bill goes on a canoeing trip. None of these activities scare any of them.
The hard facts tell a different story. Smoking is about six times as dangerous as air travel. Swimming is about
five times as dangerous as
boxing. And canoeing is abotit l0 times
as dangerous as hunting. Surprised? We all go through life
worrying about the risks we take. Yet seldom do we do it intelligently. We apply a mixture of fact, fancy and superstition, add a large dose of misinformation, and then make our choices. The result: most of us end up trading off the risks in our lives with all the precision of a drunken goat. There's a more sensible approach, and that is to develop a pragmatic individual attitude to risk. You simply dismiss all risks below a certain worry threshold as not worth worrying about.
levels, you weigh or other benefits against the risk taken. You know, for instance, that the automobile is a highrisk method of transportation. But because o[ convenience and comfort you continue to favor -its and habit use. And if- you wish to risk your neck
For higher risk
pleasure, convenience
一 コ キ 一 C り 0 ハ ″ 一 > ● 2 〇 一 く 卜 り っ J J 一
Living beside o nucleor power plont
Wolking in the
Deoth in hGd:odults (house fires only)
ー 農轟■協 港翼
. ヽ `.
NBS|R 81-2438
B41Jι h ra. tr.J stah('.
Human Behavior and Fire Emergencies: An Annotated Bibliography
December 1981
Sponsored by
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Bureau of Standards Center for Fire Research washington, DC 20234 and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Washington,. DC 2O2O1
?af'nrs '
u.S,OEPT・ 0「 COMM・
BIBL10GRAPHIC DATA SHEET (Sae instruction s) こ
crform in t
tan. Rcport
December 1981
NBS13 81-243旦
:嵐 五 ali B: v・ oI′ 島1子 ire herge,C iel:‐ : :=AniAnnotated Bib■ i6gl五 phy
5.AUTHOR(S) R.Lo Pau■ sen t- FenronmlNG oRGANlzATtoN (lf ioint or
thon NB5' see inslructions)
Convacy'Grant No' en od Covered
llltlDARDS Lillil:」 習 ‖ :倉 II鷺 ∵ WASHl‖ GTON,DoC. 20234
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Sponsored by the HHS/NBS Life/Fire Safety PrOgrArn a':ta;l:;dj proeram; Sr-rAS' eres' Soi:t'w?r: Documcnt dcscribes a comeuter is!rlgill'':=is ω merlt lnClud‐ O Slgnlll 雇孫 荷 。m 鷺 ま七 Irv'Y er literct,re bi bliOgra,hy or olollotrsPrtf
_● to Pertainlrg references selected 161 of llsting cover This reporr, contalns an annotated The scoPe ls broad: the referencesfire energencies' and-fire human behavlor the dlfferent stages of a lnstituthe fulL range of behavlor"r ,"lpoo""" ofthrough occuPancy settlngs-'- Ilealth careapproaches emergency ln thl co'text of ".'"tfety o"""pti"y typ"' Many research of large tions are the nost frequently t"pt""t"tta incidenrs, "orrly srudies situation' srudi;;';;-iiar.ria,r.l case e.8., lncruded; are i"pi""""tations tr ttt" fire popuranumbers of incidlnts, rheoreril"r-r""iy."" p"y"ioiogical "rrj studies of selected compuger moders, riterat,rr". ".rI"v", "rra nationsl :-ncludlng the united sEates' fron many is tlons. The woric of researchers France, Belgium, and the u's's'R" Geroany, vtrest Japan, Brltain, Great canada, referenced.Agrnotationsforp"|"'"frorntheflrstt!'ointernationalconferences 1978) are contained in this O"toltt and 1977 fl-res tUarcft in on human behavior to pto't'rae the reader with a preliminary .bibltography. There is a topical lndor occuPancy tYPe' research approach' provides guide to those reference" ,"g.rirrrg a particular t""pot'"t' L,-introductory essay design feaEure, or cateqot' :f behavloiat common some fires and develops an overvl-ew of'ti" fiefd of hurnan behavlor..ri Eheoes found in the literature' ´
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A Brief AppraiSal. In: :filelllirin:::eliliS' 1-HII:l:lilittL `BSIR
. P3 80 204738。
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. :. BFIRES/ Dtscussed are several linltations Lo the use of th9 prSvious Ehe on vERSION l; (see stahl, F.I. NBSIR 79'L7L3, Final'Report Egress Behavior "SftngS/VERSION 1" Computer Sinulation of Emergency these are Durlng Fires: caltbration and Analysis.) chiel among during fire ai" pi"gtr-'s Lnability t,o slmuLate rescue activitiesoccuPant eveots, and to slmulate direct interactions betweenThis reportbehavior and toxlc qualitles of suoke-ftlled envlronments. ne\'t documents a revised progran, BFIRES/VERSIgN 2, which contains subroutines These problens. subroutioes develop"i to address these designed to are grouped lnto two roodules: (1) a "sEoke" module environment' slmulate the experience of inhabltlng a smoke filled of physicaliy CZI a "rescle" module lnrended to pernit the rescue "ij fuonobile occupants. .
publieation' As Thls report ts meant as a comPani-on to the earlierFORTR]\I{ llsting of a complete a convenlence to the reader, however, BFIRES is provided in the appendix'* *Annot,atlon is based on author's abstracc vtith addi.tions' Index Words: Computer nodel; egress rnodel; handlcaPPed'
Fires: 128. Srahl, F.I. A Computer Slmulaclon of lltiman Behavlor in Building 78NBSIR No' Report standards Interlm Report. uati.onal Bureau of l5l4.IssuedSepteober1978.March13,L978.NTISOrderNo.PB289
This interim report Present,s the conceptual development' structure' andfuncEionofBFIRES'acomPuterprogramdeslgnedEosimulace It can aid in the human movemenE behavlor during bulldlng fires ' occuPanEs fredlctlon of escape gimes and escape routes of building dur{ng fires. a non-stationary' The baslc nodel underlying BFIRES is derived frorn that occupants postulates process. This model discrete tine Markov dynamically' decisions construct thelr emergency resPonses and behavioral information in response Eo conttnually changlng social arld environmental the fields. The siroulatl.on of this-pr-"."" is accomplished through BFIREScomPuterProgramwritteninFORTMNV.Thereporteontains subrouE:nes the flow diagrams for the executive Program and the various aswellastheFORTMNVlistingoftheprogram.* *Annotatlon is based on the author's abstract with additions' Index Words: Computer modeL; egress nodei'
I'BFIRES/Version 1" Computer Simulation LZg. Stahl_, F.I. Flnal Report on the of Eoergency Egress Behavior During Fires: CaLibration and Analysis. Natlonai gureau of Standards Int,eragency Report No. NBSIR 79-L7L3, . : . ocrober .15; 1928. Isgued Mareh L97?,,. Fl-na1 Report. NIIS order I...-,--i'-::..;...:..'',....
This report ls the product of an effort to develop and anaLyze a computer simulatlon of human egre-ss behavjr-.rr during fires. IE docu,Eents compuE,er slmulatLon experlments designed to calibraEe and an'aLyzethiscotoputerProgran(BFIRES/Verslonl).
callbration and sensitivity of BFIRES are dlscussed. In pariicular, it is shown that: (a) a variety of general egress situatLons raay be sinulated through the appllcation the of BFIRES; CU> every such event ls unlque, and is deflned by set of user-supplied 1-aput pataneter values whlch describe the in building, the threat, and the occupants; (c) BFIRES may be used and simulated environnents of known (or desired) sPatial dimension, evenr,s of known (or desired) teoporal duration; and (d) BFIRES sisulation outcoEes are sensitive to varlations tn a number of parrmeters of irr,rnedlate interest to the buiJ-ding design and regulatory
The flnd.furgs concerning the
coumunitles . *
ls basbd on authorrs abstract'
Index lJords: Couputer nodel; egress nodel'
130. stahl, F.I.
Ilumaa Response
to Flre: Three Designs for
Natlonal Bureau of Standards Interageoc)' Report No. NBSIR 78-1508' March 1978. Interim Report. NTIS Order No. PB-284959.
feels Ehat there ls a need for more rigorous exPerimental deslgns in studies of occupant response to fires. He accordi-ngly developed three sample research designs, utlli-zing both exploratory and field experimental approaches' The roLe of the experienee survey and structured interview as exploratory aPProaches which nay serve to identLfy hypotheses for further more focused studies is dlscussed
The author
detalled' one would for varlous responses io fire "t"tg"t"ies attd conslder factors such as sex, functional ro1e, location withln a bulldlng, aad context, 1.e., at home vs. at work. (An indlvldual-ts predlspositlons for response to an emergency could vary tr'ith dif f erent contexts. )
Two posslble field-experiroental designs are anaLyze building occupants' predlspositions
A second field-operlmental design would relate to the general question of the effectiveness of pre-esergency training in Promoting
', "1, ' .appibprlate, bghaviors qurllg acEual fire emergencies. In parricular,
ihe problem of life safety in the oceupantsr own building) training prograas on occupantsr egress kno-*,-ledge for buildings of sinpJ.e and of couplex physlcal layout and deslgn uight be cested. Index Wordsl Experimental studles; tralnlng and educatlon :1.31. Stah1, F.I. Prelinloary Flndlngs Concernlng the Valldity of "BFIRES": A Cooparlsoa of Sinulated rrith Actual Fire Events. In: Second Internaclonal Seninar on l{uman Behavlor in Flre Emergencies, October 29Nor,'ember 1, L978 -- Proceedlngs of Semlnar, pp. 249-258. li{ational Bureau of Standards Report No. NBSIR 80-2070. Issued June 1980. NTIS Order No. PB 80-204738.
Thls report presents prellnlnary findings regarding the valldity of BFIRES/ VERSION 1, a coaputer progran developed at Ehe National Bureau of Standards to gllqulate egress uovement by building occupanrs durLng fires. A computer slmulatlon experlment was conducted ln order to compare outcones from BFIRES runs wlth data selected from an archlval file sunmarLzlng accual flre results. Flndings from this experlment suggest that BFIRES ls eapable of reproducing such important flre outcones as loss-of-llfe aod nurnbers of persons ultlnately escaping. In addltton, patterns of egress behavlor produced by BFIRES \rere coopared wlth those found ln the llterature, wlth professlonal oplnlone, and wlth fuopresslons gat,hered frorn anecdotal accounts. Wlth few exceptlons, these comparisons illuscrate agreement between siuulaEions and ot,her dat,a sources.*
*Annotatlon i-s authorr s abstract,. Index Words: Cooputer nodel; egress rnodeL; flre incldent statisEics.
"12. Stahl, F.I.
Sirnulating l{unan Behavlor ln lllgh-Rise Bullding Fires: Modellng Occupant l'{oveoent Through a Fire-F1oor from Initial Alert to Safe Egress. Natlonal Bureau of Standards Report No. NBS-GCR77-92. Issued August L977, June 25, L975. NTIS Order r\o. PB-273L66.
There are difflcultles involved in the use of field experinentation for testlng hypotheses about emergency behaviors. These lnclude the relatlve infrequency and lrregularity wlth whlch building fires occur and questions of the validlty and rellabil1ty of Ehe dara obtalned from partJ.clpants. Thls report ocplores an alternative approach, the use of sinulatLon modeling technlques, through which to predlct emergency behavlors and describe buildlng fire systems. Sinulatlon models allow the exaninatLon of the life safety potential of building designs whl1e these are sti11 on the drawing board.
â&#x2013; â&#x2013; 2
onesectlonofEhereportdescrlbespreviousresearchlnvolvlng sPatlal fleld' The slmulatlon of hr:m"o tb.'.tent behavlor in a of a loosely logjor Portion of the rePort presents the statement a high-rise in .structured hypothetlcal model of hunan behavlor' t.:1f1"" of this dynanlc bulldlng: f.ire, a descrtption o! the rnlta for its use' The model and the ";t1;;-".rUtorrtfrres, and prosPects floor in a model would operate wlihin the boundarles of a slngle of indlvidual slmulatlon high-rlse offlce bulldlng. It would pernit containing information field or group decislon-naklng Ln a spatlal resPonse to sudden interruptions about an advancing flre threat and in to goal-dlrecced behavtor' building. Index Words: Computer modell egress model; high-rise 33.
Literature on stahl, F.I. and Archea, J. -An AssessEent of the Technical EmergencyEgressfromBuildings.NationalBureauofStandards grder No' PB'273944' Reporr No. igsrn 77-L3L3. gciobet L977' NTIS determine the extent to This literaEure search was conducged toegress in facilities regulated which curreot standarcis for emergency (osllA) were by rhe o".,-rp"tronal Saf ety and tiealttr Administratlon basedonempiricalresearch,andtodeterminetheadequacyof
availableresearchfindj.ngsfromwhichosllAemergencyegressregulaticns be develoPed.
egress were identified: (1) Three areas of research on energency and rhe earryi"g-""n."ity oe exttwals, (Z) slgnage, llgh:ing'
vlsibilltythroughsmokerandcgloccuPantresPonsesto'andexperiences inbuildlngfires.TherePort.analyzesandshowsthehistorical research--the developoeni or two dlffer"r,t .pproaches to egress capacity" school and the "human lnitial physical sclence "carrying aPProach assumes occupants response,, school of research. The forroer (1lke water or gas particles) respond iumediately to ti"-"t".g"o"y and density during and are affected only by spatiai configuratlon also considers aPProach the actual evacuation proclss. The latterhuman factors as decisionthe influeoce on evacuation time of sueh makinginanambiguoussituatlonororganlzatlonaLfactorssuchas systems ' the presence of tiatned supervlsors or commr:nications TheproblemsinherentlTlthevartousEethodologiesforstudying designs' post-hoc egress {fiel-d based guasi-experi'rnental research survey and laboraEory deslgns) are assessed' carrying capacity of The author concludes that onLy research on thecurrent 6SttA regulations' on exitways appears to have had birect imPact whicharebasedlargelyonempiricalflndlngsrePortedin1935.A tableanalyzingvariousOsllAregulatlonsw.ithreferenceEothe for future research available data base and provlding recorTnendatlons is contalned in the rePort' evacuation; literaIndex words: codes and standards; cornounications; ture review' 113
134 -
ja. Stah1, F;I.:,
J.J. and Margulis,.S.T.
Provisitns and the Technical Literature' In Press' research Pertaining This report reviews both the avallable technical design and the emergency escaPe provisions of the to exit facllityprogection Associatlonis Life gafety Code Q976National Fire Edition),inordertodete:minethetechnlcalsupportforsuch of provislons. The report focuses oa the time-based capabilltles bulldingoccupantstoeffectrapldevacuations,lnrelationto of functional evacuation tlme aval1ab1e durin! fires. A number crlteria(e.g.,maximurntraveldlstance,buildingconfiguration' andbarrierstoegressflow)areexamlnedinrelationtoCoce fire pro*ri"iorrs which influence the deslgn of means of egress and proEectionandProtectlveslgnallingsystemsforplacesofassernbl;*' residentlaloccupancies,mercantileoccupanciesl.?odbusiness building occupaneies. provisioi" "tr"criog flre exit drill and rsanagement Practlces.are also considered' discussions Thls report organizes code provisions and related technical and training impact: Pre-emergency under these areas of potentlalpreparation, percepti;n of the emergency environment and recognition ofegressfacilltles,egressstrategyformation,dlsciPlinedegress to safely and behavlor and crowd movemâ&#x201A;Źnt, occupantsr capabilities rapidlynegotlateegress*.y",.odth.capacityofmeansofegress. .wlthineachsectionofthereport,provisl-onsoftheCodewhich behavloral assumptions have a cofinon area of potential itp""i, and human underlylngtheseprovisions,areenumerated.Thetechnicalliterature bearlngontheseprovl.sionsandassumPtionsisalsopresented.The validityandgeneralizabilityofthefindingsinthisliteratureis discussed,andthedegreeoftechnicalsupportcurrentlyavailable for egress provisions of the Code is evaluated ' code provisicns preliminary conclusions abouE the supportabllity ofbehavioral for hurnan are presented. where technical ",rppottis elther weak or unaccainabie' provisions rt""e assumptlons underlviig or otherwise modifying the authors do not relommend eliminating ls suggested ihat these provlslons. n"iter, in such instances it further technical investigations be conducted'*
,cAnnotatlonisderivedcLoselyfromtheauthorstabstractand executive sumnary. evacuation; fire drill-s; rndex words: ALarmsg codes and standards;