City News | volume 1 issue 2

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free copy Wednesday 15-01-2014

Volume 1 Issue 2

There are a lot of places all over Egypt

Discover hidden

gems of

that we don’t know anything about.


These touristic places are full of surprises and we’ve never been to before. Visiting those obscure areas will take us through a mesmerizing journey of exploration. Let’s go there for a sightseeing adventure and learn about Egypt’s gems. Here are some glimpses of very interesting spots. The first glimpse is from the Petrified Forest in Maadi. There you can find remains of petrified wood, washed out by flooding ages ago, which is a rare n atural p hen om en on . An other glim p s e is dugongs, a breed of marine mammals residing in Red Sea’s Marsa Alam. These species are at risk of extinction though. Als o G ab al El Mawta is a cone-shaped mountain, a little to the north of Shali Fortress, dotted with tombs from the 26th dynasty and the Ptolemaic period. Many of these tombs are still very well-preserved. Moreover, from Gabal El-Mawta, you can catch amazing views of Siwa Oasis. Finally, Kitchener’s Island, which is located in the River Nile in Aswan, is also a magical island overlooking lush botanical gardens. That’s not it; still there are

Dugongs marine mammals, Marsa Alam, Egypt

more treasures to explore in Egypt…

Top Stories City Life

City Travel & Tourism

Celebrations around the world

Cairo Egyptian Museum

There are many countries with zillions of different tradi-

It’s one of the most interesting touristic destinations in Cai-

tions, even in the way the country celebrates its events.

ro. Many of the Egyptians do not go there because it’s kind

Each country has its own way to celebrate special events

of boring for them but they do not know that this museum

like New Year’s Eve. Some of them are not on the same day

is not just a home of antiquities collection. What you don’t

but yet their ways are still unique even if they are too sim-

know about this place is that it’s full of other activities which

ple. The diversity in how each place celebrates its events

you may not have known till now. These activities are for

is another way or a mirror to show the country’s traditions

different ages, not only adults and not only children. It has

and culture. Inside the City News, you’re going to see some

120,000 items, with a representative amount on display. The

pictures showing how people around the world celebrate

two mummies’ rooms are amazing with their details and

New Year’s.

also the gorgeous Tut Ankhamun golden mask room.


City Arts & Culture

Egyptian short film The short 2013 film “Fardy” or “Odd” directed by Egyptian Director and Writer, Karim El Shenawy, is to participate in London Short Film Festival taking place from Jan. 10 to 19, 2014.


City Technomedia

City Business


City Automotive

City Youth

‫إرتفاع البورصة المصرية‬

‫الصالون الثقافي لوزارة الشباب‬

‫إرتفع��ت مؤش��رات البورص��ة المصرية ف��ي بداية‬ ‫ و‬،‫ ارتفاعًا جماعيًا‬2013 ‫تعام�لات آخر يوم في ع��ام‬ ‫ذلك بس��بب الدعم الذي س��اهم المصريون فيه‬ …‫عن طريق مشترياتهم‬

‫تنطل��ق فعالي��ات الصالون الثقاف��ي الذي تنظمه‬ ‫ علي‬،2014 ‫وزارة الش��باب يوم الثاني من يناير في‬ ...‫مسرح وزارة الشباب تحت شعار‬

7 ‫لملزيد صفحة‬

10 ‫لملزيد صفحة‬

Samsung’s Smart Home

Schumacher in critical state

Samsung offers another futuristic technology to make our life easier. Smart Home is a central control system that enables users to control home appliances by giving quick, easy commands.

Formula 1 legend, Michael Schumacher, is lying now in hospital after sustaining serious head injuries in an off-piste skiing accident on Dec. 29 at a resort in the French Alps.



City Life

Wednesday 15-01-2014


Volume 1 Issue 2

Celebrating New Year's Eve 2013/2014

Oosterdok, Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Red Square, Moscow, Russia.

Zojo-ji Temple, Tokyo, Japan.


KLCC Park and the Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Champs Elysees, Paris, France.

A camel rider is visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

How to Say It in Arabic “Your guide to everyday Arabic phrases”

Times Square, New York City, United States.

General info Today,15









Local time UTC/GMT offset

Language Airports Dialing codes Population Religion

Omar Khairat @ Weather forecast MUST Opera Hou Sat,18 Sun,19 Mon, 20 Tue, 21 Wed, 22 Fri, 24 Thu, 23 se Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Jan. 27, 2014 25°C-15°C 25°C-16°C 27°C-15°C 29°C-16°C 27°C-16°C 27°C-15°C 28°C-16°C 7 p.m. Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours MUST Opera Hou Time zone abbreviation: EET - Eastern European Time se No daylight saving time in 2013 6th of October, G iza Official language: Standard Arabic National and spoken language: Egyptian Arabic Frequently used languages: English & French Cairo International Airport +20 2 2006 Statistics: 9 million Cairo-Helwan: 17.8 million Islam: 90% Coptic & Christian: 10%


Friday & Saturday


Egyptian Pound (EGP) or Livre Egyptienne (LE)

Exchange rates

1 USD = 6.96 EGP 1 GBP = 11.47 EGP 1 EUR = 9.46 EGP

Useful numbers

Police: 122 Ambulance: 123 Fire Emergency: 180

Egypt electrical outlet

220 V,50 Hz, Type C Electrical Outlet

Catherine Exists Exhibition by Rehab Eldalil

Jan. 11-18, 2014 tiful About the beau erine city of St. Cath in South Sinai Villa Beit El Raseef, di 9, 151 Street, Maa


Formal Arabic


1- What’s new?

Ma al gadid?

Eh el gedid?

2- See you later!

Araka laheqan!

Ashufak/ashufik ba’dein!

3- Can you help me?

Hal yomkin an tosae’doni?

4- One moment, please!

Lahtha min fadlak/fadlik!

5- Come with me!

Ta’ala/ta’ali ma’i!

Momkin tesa’edni? Sanya wahda,min fadlak/fadlik! Ta’ala/ta’ali ma’aya!

The Cairene Dream

City Life

Wednesday 15-01-2014

Volume 1 Issue 2


Talk of the town Don’t be fooled by ‫خارج نطاق‬ delusions

Salma Magdi


Salma Magdi

‫فامطة السيد‬

،‫يتنايس معظم الناس أنفهسم وسط مسوئلياهتم‬ ‫ تاركني ال‬،‫ و أصدقاهئم‬،‫ و عائالهتم‬،‫و أمعاهلم‬ ‫ سوي ضغوطات احلياة و التوتر‬،‫يشء ألنفهسم‬ ‫الذي يصيهبم يف مجيع األحيان و ألسباب عديدة‬ ‫ يسيع املرء‬.‫ترجع إيل لك خشص عيل حدى‬ ‫ و كأنه‬،‫ و مطوحاته‬،‫ و آماله‬،‫خلف حتقيق أهدافه‬ ‫ترس من الرتوس اليت تدور يف حلقات ال تتوقف‬ ‫ مما‬،‫ أو ما فاته‬،‫لربهه حيت يتأمل فميا حققه‬ ‫أدي إيل اعتياد البعض عيل تلك احلياة الروتينية‬ ‫و كأنه مل خُيلَق هلا بديل؛ و لكن ال يبحث معظم‬ .‫الناس عن بديل لتلك احلياة املزدمحة‬

Every once in a while a craze would pop up and become the talk of the town with a lot of hype surrounding it. Our society is constantly seeking what’s new whether clothing lines, electronic devices, TV shows, etc. until something else comes along to replace it. Such interventions help grow new interests and create an atmosphere of change – change is certainly good. Photography, the skill of picture-making, has without a doubt become the talk of the town these days. Maybe it’s because people feel like it’s an approachable medium to communicate their thoughts or because Cairo is so beautiful and worth taking every photo. The recent changes also force people to somehow feel morally responsible for occurrences to be stored in albums. Others see it as a craft and are simply fond of taking headshots or photographing landscapes to quench their

thirst of creativity. Reasons may vary but this art has remarkably evolved in Cairo where the simplest things that carry meaning are captured, not just historical landmarks. Everybody young, old, amateur or professional has a camera. Manipulating photos using software has become so easy as well. It is noticed that most photography enthusiasts are well-acquainted with camera accessories and using lens. Also photography schools and online communities have become pretty rampant. This skill started to develop as a profession as well, not just a hobby. The downside however is going overboard that taking photos has become the sole purpose of meeting friends to post them online. For whatever reason photography may have become an integral part of the Cairene society, it’s just nice to see change and to offer tools that boost talents.

‫العلم و اإليمان‬ What to do when you're bored...

The culture we grew up in forms our beliefs and character. Sometimes things get mixed up along the way though and we start to misunderstand some notions and get the wrong end of the stick. Those notions need to be corrected, like when someone tells you that black cats bring bad luck. In Cairo where word travels fast, really fast, misconceptions are pretty much everywhere. This article presents the truth about misconceptions that we’ve lived with for a long time. Everybody has definitely heard, “I’ve been working out for months now and I’m not losing any weight.” That’s because we’re doing it wrong and spreading it all around so others do it too. There are many misconceptions surrounding exercise and weight loss, by and large. First of all, aside from the

‫مرمي رشف‬

Salma Magdi

1- Mute TV and make a dialogue. 2- Look at yourself in the mirror and stare. 3- Google yourself.

6- Make a prank phone call. 7- Exercise. 8- Practice a fake accent. 9- See how long you can hold your breath. 10- Sing. 11- Visit a sick person and make their day. 11- Open your closet and try on all your clothes. 12- Spin till you’re dizzy. 13- Read a magazine. 14- Look outside the window.

This is a fragment of the everyday conversations between your inner self (conscience) and the two little creatures (angel and devil) on both your shoulders. At the end of the day, life is made of choices. C: Why is he questioning and resisting all I’m offering him? They’re just pills. Shouldn’t he trust me with whatever I give him?

4- Organize your computer data and delete old files. 5- Make ridiculous faces and take pictures of yourself.

Salma Magdi

‫الدكتور الراحل مصطىف محمود‬ ‫يلتصق ذلك العنوان ىف اذهان املرصيني بصورة‬ ‫املفكر و الفيلسوف الراحل الدكتور مصطىف‬ ‫محمود و سوف يسعد القارئ عندما يعمل بأن‬ ‫الدكتور مصطىف محمود سوف يطل هيلع يوميا‬ ‫عرب شاشة التليفزيون من خالل مسلسل حيىك‬ ‫سريته الذاتيه حيث جيسد خشصيته الفنان خالد‬ .‫النبوى‬ ‫و قد ذهب الفنان خالد النبوى ايل مزنل املفكر‬ ‫الراحل باملهندسني حيث شاهد مزنله و غرفته و‬ ‫لك ما يتعلق به باستضافة ابنة الراحل األستاذه‬ ‫أمل مصطىف محمود و مبساعدهتا ىف رشح‬ .‫الكثري من التفاصيل للفنان الشاب‬ ‫املسلسل من تأليف وليد يوسف و من إنتاج أمحد‬ ‫عبد العاىط باإلتفاق و التعاقد مع أرسة الراحل‬ ‫و سوف يكون املاكيري دمحم عشوب هو املسؤل‬ ‫عن معل املكياج للفنان خالد النبوى ليصل به‬ .‫ألقرب هيئه لملفكر الراحل‬

D: You’re not the only pharmacist that prescribes that kind of medication. Doctor X, who’s a millionaire now, has done it and his patient is still alive and well too. A: These are not just “pills” simply. They cause insidious side effects that could seriously compromise his life and you are not being honest with yourself. C: I hear you; on one hand that could put me in turmoil of legal trials and destroy my career. On the other hand, everything might go smoothly and I’ll live the life of the rich and famous. D: Exactly, that’s what we’re talking about. Your only role is to treat a patient with pain killers and sedatives and the rest is out of your hand. A: This would be taking the patient’s life into your hand. You ease people’s pain and they resort to you for comfort. Diagnose the patient’s case meticulously to preserve your integrity. C: I’m stuck in the middle. What should I do?

deep desire to lose weight, the point of exercise is to be healthy. The “no pain, no gain” is totally misperceived; we don’t have to strain ourselves and be in physical pain for exercise to be effective. Another thing is that we keep track of calories burnt on the cardio machine but the readings are not likely to be accurate most of the time so it’s no ground to count on. Those cardio machines are usually overcrowded with women thinking that they shouldn’t lift weights or use other exercise equipment because it’ll make them bulky; but part of being healthy is building body muscle and toning it. Lastly, for some reason, we all run for a protein shake by the end of the exercise routine, which is considered low-quality food. There are other cheaper and healthier alternatives that do the job.

‫ميكن للبديل أن يصبح يف ساعتان يوميًا يبحث‬ ‫فرغ‬ ِّ ‫ و ُي‬،‫فهيام املرء عن ما حيدث من حوله‬ ‫طاقاته السلبية اليت أخذ عيل اإلملام هبا عيل‬ ،‫ و اليت تؤثر عيل أمزجته بالسلب‬،‫مدار اليوم‬ ‫و عيل ادائه يف العمل أو حيت ُتقلِّل من درجة‬ ‫احمتاله ألشياء عديدة أصبحت اعتيادية من حوله‬ .‫يف احلياة اليومية‬ ‫تعددت األشياء اليت متكننا من حتقيق هذا‬ ‫ و اقتناء تلك الفرصة عن طريق انتشال‬،‫اهلدف‬ ‫ نتوقف فهيا عن متابعة األخبار‬،‫ساعتان يوميًا‬ ‫اليت تزيد من التوتر الذي أصبح خيمي عيل‬ ،‫ أو قراءة كتاب ينتشلنا إيل عامل أخر‬،‫حياتنا‬ ّ ‫تنشط الضحك و الفاكهة‬ ‫أو مشاهدة مرسحية‬ ‫ أو اإلسمتاع إيل املوسييق املفضلة‬،‫يف داخلنا‬ ‫معا يمكن يف‬ ّ ‫لدينا حيت تنتعش أنفسنا و تر ّوح‬ ‫ أو اجللوس يف ماكن هادئ للتأمل و‬،‫داخلنا‬ ُّ ‫التفكر فميا حققناه و ما نريد حتقيقه يف الفرتة‬ ‫ و أشياء أخري عديدة تكون يه الوازع‬،‫املُقبلة‬ ‫ فلنعترب‬.‫بداخلنا لإلجناز يف العمل و اإلنتاج‬ ‫أنفسنا خارج نطاق اخلدمة لبعض الوقت حيت‬ ‫ و نستعد ملا قد تأيت لنا احلياة به‬،‫نق ّدر ما لدينا‬ .‫من إجنازات‬

City Travel & Tourism

Cairo tower Nehal El Zoheiry

Wednesday 15-01-2014 It is one of the most fabulous places in Cairo that you can ever go to. Cairo tower offers an amazing panoramic view of the Egyptian capital. The tower was designed by the Egyptian architect, Naoum Shebib, and its completion took five years, from 1956 to 1961. The perfect time to go up to the tower circular observation deck is the late morning or the late afternoon to enjoy the clearest views of the city. People searching for relaxation can also visit it in the sunset time and get pleasure from watching the colors of the sky and its reflection on River Nile. It has been the tallest structure in Egypt and North Africa about 50 years as a free standing concrete tower at 187 meters (614 feet). Being one of Cairo’s well-known modern monuments, standing in the Zamalek district on Gezira Island in River Nile, close to Downtown, made it a very admirable place for Egyptians. When you go there, you will always find loving couples, families and even school trips. They all share this charming portrait. In the 1960s, Egyptian President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, announced that the funds for the construction of the tower came

Volume 1 Issue 2

from the government of the United States, which had provided $6,000,000 as a personal gift with the intent of currying his favor. Affronted by the attempt to bribe him, Nasser decided to publicly rebuke the U.S. government by transferring the whole funds to the Egyptian government in order to build the tower. The design of the tower is intended to evoke a pharaonic lotus plant as a symbol of Ancient Egypt, and this attracted the tourists more and more because they are fond of the Egyptian civilization. They come from everywhere just to live a few moments in such atmosphere. Moreover, the tower’s visitors have the chance to dine in an unusual rotating restaurant with a view over greater Cairo. The rotation takes about 70 minutes.

Chinese tourism Three things delegation visits Egypt I love about Cairo

This is an adaptation to the “I am Cairo Love Campaign” emphasizing all the reasons why we love her. If you love Cairo and you know it, get t he “ I love Cairo” stickers from 1- Diversity of the city Whether you’re a pharos fan, a sucker for art or an oriental food taster, all the diverse areas are alive in Cairo. 2- Cairo’s versatility You can do a lot with very little throughout the day. Cairo’s simplicity allows you to enjoy its various entertainment platforms without the need to be loaded with money.

The Egyptian museum


3- Fast delivery It might sound odd but because Cairo is continuously alive, food delivery is uninterrupted and running whenever you need it. Send us reasons why you love Cairo at

Yomna Hesham

Doctor Nasser Abdelal, Consultant of the Minister of Tourism for Asian Affairs, has received a delegation from China consisting of CEOs of companies that function in a Chinese area, which is considered to be one of the most important spots for travelers. Abdelal has confirmed that this delegation especially came to Egypt to assure to their people in China that Egypt is a safe place and it’s ok to visit the touristic destinations in Egypt. This came after the Chinese decision to lift the travel ban to Egypt and this also shows the trust between the two countries and the faith that Egypt is able to handle its inner situation. Abdelal also praised the performance of the ministry to revive tourism in Egypt and how it works harder and harder to restore the normal percentage of tourism coming to Egypt again. He also added that what happens in Egypt is an internal matter and has a little to do with tourism. According to the reports of the World Tourism Organization, Chinese tourists are among generous tourists in terms of spending in 2012 and it’s worth mentioning that in the same year 67,000 Chinese tourists visited Egypt.

Take it from the roamer

“General travel tips”

Salma Magdi

Yomna Hesham

Salma Magdi

The Egyptian museum is not just a museum like the other museums you might have heard about or visited before. This museum is not all about mummies and ancient monuments. The most important point is that this museum is full of other activities you might be interested in. The museum makes arrangements with schools to make them come there because the administration itself wants to let the children grow with their passion toward their country’s culture and be aware of how precious it really is. Also this makes the child more loyal to the country they belong to. There are other programs not just for schools but also for young adults like those who are at college. Students of different colleges go there for having sessions in drawing, sculpturing and so on, especially those who are in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Art Education and Faculty of Tourism and Hotels. Other specialized lectures are also there in that historical museum. These specialized lectures are in mummifying, museum education and other focused lectures in all the departments of the museum. There are also training courses to know more about the monuments and the recent technical and scientific methods for restoration of the mummies and monuments. The curators of the museum explain the museum to the delegations coming from all over. Not only does it offer training courses but this is a place where you can visit and spend a very nice time and it’s worth visiting many times because only one time is not enough to see all its beautiful historical contents.

Before buying souvenirs and similar objects to be kept as mementos, ask yourself this question: Will I be able to haggle? The point of haggling is not being cheap but those kinds of products are known to have very flexible prices, which go up and down depending on the season and partially on the tourist’s nationality. Also, everything you buy has a value, which is determined by its price. Why on earth would you, for instance, buy a keychain for EGP 30 when it’s actually worth EGP 10? This is not a bargain. Haggling, however, would require a little bit of negotiation skills. Khan el-Khalili, in particular, is one of the most common areas where a handful of haggling takes place. You’ll definitely hear a lot of back-and-forth negotiating as you wander the alleys of Khan el-Khalili. You can settle this issue by doing a couple of things. First, set your budget and shop accordingly, then break the ice with the salesperson with some friendly conversation, listen if there are offers before setting the price, express your fondness of the item you want to buy, keep asking questions without giving away your maximum budget and start talking numbers smoothly without causing conflicts. The salesperson will offer a discount for sure but you have to be persistent and cool.

Traveling is without question the best life coach and experience you’ll get. Everything surrounding you is new and different. It’s an incredible feeling to leave your everyday bubble and hear new sounds, see new faces and figures, eat new food with different tastes, get exposed to a new kind of climate and learn about a history that doesn’t seem remotely connected to yours. When you get out of the box, the world starts to get wider in your eyes to a broad universe out there filled with endless sounds, tastes, colors, faces and scenes. Part of the pleasure of traveling derives from the trip and the anticipation that comes in your way till you reach your destination. To have a nice and comfortable trip, try as much as possible to travel light and also pay extra attention to your carry-on or handbag – the traveler’s indispensable asset. When you pick a handbag, keep in mind two factors: size and functionality. Concerning size, this is a carry-on, which means it should not exceed a certain size to allow mobility. Also some airline companies – not all of them – prohibit

oversize handbags so check the terms of the airline company you’re traveling with and adhere to them. In addition to size, weight could be a real hassle, so always ensure that you don’t fly carrying excess weight. That brings us to our next point: how are you wearing the handbag? Does it have straps? Shoulder straps are recommended so that your hands are not idle. Does it zip up? Is the material strong enough? Does it securely hold all your stuff? Make sure it doesn’t become the source of annoyance throughout the trip. You don’t want to lose your documents or your passport, which is the worst of all. Speaking of travel documents, packing your handbag is the most important phase in packing, in general. This is where you put all the money, cards, phone, passport and important documents so they must be accessible at all times. Make a checklist of the stuff you’ll need all the way starting from the place you leave to the airport then on the plane and back where you’ll be staying. That way, you’ll make traveling an enjoyable experience.

City Travel & Tourism

Wednesday 15-01-2014

.. ‫معبد فيله‬ ‫يحكي األسطورة‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬

.‫ أسوان‬،‫معبد فيله‬ ‫ إايل العام‬1436 ‫ منذ بناءه يف عهد امللك حتمتس الثالث ما بني العام‬،‫ُعرِف معبد فيله عيل مر التارخي‬ ‫ميت عيل أرض‬ َ ‫ و حيت يومنا هذا؛ و تعددت أمسائه مع تعدد احلضارات اليت ُأق‬،‫ قبل امليالد‬1490 ُ ‫مرص‬ ‫ و تعين‬،"‫ فقد أطلق هيلع املرصيون القدماء باللغة القبطية "بيالك" أو "بيالخ‬.‫بلغاهتا املختلفة‬ ‫ أما‬،‫ و اليت اكنت مت ّثل العامصة ملرص القدمية‬-‫ األقرص حاليًا‬- "‫احلدود اجلنوبية نسبة إيل "طيبة‬ "‫ بيمنا أطلق هيلع العرب "أنس الوجود‬،‫اليونانيون فقد أطلقوا هيلع "فيالي" أو "فيله" و تعين احلبيبة‬ .‫نسبة إيل أسطورة أنس الوجود يف ألف ليلة و ليلة‬


Volume 1 Issue 2

Dear Read er,

Letter from an expat

It’ s th at fee lin g of not

kn owing if it’s no rm al or not. It’ s lik e you ca n’t live ign ore th e fee lin g ins ide th ere an d at th e sa me you th at te lls you, “Y ou tim e you ca n’t do mi ss this country.” Y es, I’m ta lki ng about Eg ypt! This is al mo st how eve ryo ne, wh o lea ve s Eg ypt to an oth er country, fee ls lik you are going ba ck, it fee e. An d wh en you get th ls lik e th e sp irit of ho lid at ticket th at sa ys ay . Ev en if yo u are go ing on reg ula r da ys of pictu re in your head th th e year, you dra w th at at bring s ba ck all th e me mo rie s ag ain. My heart ache s wh en I fee l ho me sick es pe cia lly wh en I rem em be r my gath eri ng s, vis itin g th e da ys wh en I wa s youn gra nd pa rents’ old hous e, g, ch eri shing fa mily pla yin g do wn th e street wit h my fri en tim e in Ra ma da n. ds an d th e fee lin g of sp en din g I ca n’t hid e how spe cia l it is to spen d Ra ma da n in Eg ypt, wh ere th e str de co rat ion s are hu ng up eet s lig ht up wit h co lorfu outsi de hous es an d eve l lig hts, tra dit ion al ryo ne bu ys this spe cia l kin d of la mp th at is ca lled “Fa noos” or lante rn. Reality hit s you rea lly ha rd wh en you co me ba ck to it, an d se e how me sse ity, kin dn ess an d th e se d up th e sit uatio n is. Th ns e of hu mo r of th e Eg e wa rmth, fa milia ryptia n pe op le are th e sw tive be ha vio rs th at are eet sid e; th e bit te r life could be in th e ne res ult ed fro m th ose poor gaco nditio ns. Th an k God nowa da ys, th ere is a rea Eg yptia ns. Th ey ha ve sta l awak en ing a mo ng rted to think th at it is no w th e tim e to ad opt a po sit ive ch an ge. No rha n Essa m Vi rgi nia, Un ited St at es

،‫نسب هذا املعبد إيل اآلهلة إيزيس و يه من أهشر الرموز يف أساطري احلضارة املرصية القدمية‬ َ ‫ُي‬ ‫ فهم أيضا يع ّدوا من أمه تلك‬،‫ و حورس‬،‫ كذلك أمس أوزوريس‬،‫و مكا أرتبط أمس إيزيس مبعبد فيله‬ .‫ ف ُتعترب أسطورهتم من أمه و أهشر األساطري يف التارخي املرصي القدمي‬،‫الرموز الفرعونية‬

ّ "‫َصب له أخيه "ست‬ ‫خفًا‬ َ ‫حتيك أسطورة "إيزيس و أوزوريس" قصة امللك الصاحل أوزوريس الذي قد ن‬ ‫ اكن امللك أوزوريس‬،‫ عن طريق إقامة ولمية للعشاء‬،‫للتخلص منه و قتله لإلستيالء عيل عرش مرص‬ ِ ‫ إذا ناسب قياس جسده يف التابوت؛ و قد مصم‬،‫ و إهداء تابوت ألحدمه‬،‫من أمه حارضهيا‬ ‫ست‬ ‫ و بالفعل تتايل احلارضين عيل‬.‫ و تلك اكنت خطتته‬،‫هذا التابوت فميا يتناسب مع جسد أوزوريس‬ ‫ و فوجئ احلارضين أن التابوت قد تناسب مع جسد‬،‫النوم يف التابوت و جتربته ملعرفة املُهدي إليه‬ ‫ و لكن الزوجة املخلصة‬.‫ و أنه من املفرتض إلقائه يف النيل و هو بداخله كقربان ُي َق َّدم لآلهلة‬،‫أوزوريس‬ ،‫"إيزيس" مل هيدأ هلا ساكنًا إال عندما وجدت التابوت الذي ير ُقد زوجها بداخله يف أحراش الدلتا‬ ‫مث قامت مبامرسة الحسر هيلع حيت جاء إيل احلياة مرة أخري لتنجب منه ابهنام "حورس" ليخلّد‬ ‫ ليصبح الوريث لعرش مرص بعد أبيه‬،‫قصهتم و يت ّوج عمظة اسطورهتم اليت ُع ِر َفت عيل مر التارخي‬ .‫امللك أوزوريس‬

‫ مت مجتيع لك املعابد الغارقة حتت مياه النيل حول جزيرة فيله؛ اليت مل‬،‫و يف ظل بناء السد العايل‬ ‫ و اليت َتب ُعد مخمسائة‬،‫ و نقلهم إيل جزيرة إجيلياك‬،‫ بل عدة معابد أخري‬،‫يقام علهيا معبد فيله حفسب‬ ‫ و اكنت تلك من أمه‬،‫مرت عن جزيرة فيلة؛ و ذلك لملحافظة عيل اآلثار املرصية من الدمار و الغرق‬ .‫اخلطوات اليت متت يف مرشوع بناء السد العايل‬

If you know an expat and would like to share an experience living abroad, please send at

Sharm El-Sheikh with different eyes

Noha Mostafa

me: climbing “Jabal Mousa.” I hurried

to make a reservation at the hotel’s re-

‫ و اليت من خالهلا يمت رسد أسطورة‬،‫ُيقام بني أمعدة هذا املعبد الحسيقة عروض للصوت و الضوء‬ ‫إيزيس و أوزوريس و حورس من خالل تلك العروض اخللاّ بة اليت تأخذ احلارضين آالف السنوات يف‬ ‫ بل يصبحوا جزء من تلك‬،‫املايض و كأهنا رحلة عرب التارخي الحسيق ليعيشوا تلك القصة من جديد‬ .‫األسطورة املرصية العظمية‬

ception where I faced an unexpected obstacle. The receptionist tried his best to dissuade me from the reservation

arguing that as a girl I won’t be able to

make it to the end. Although I was not

Winemaker's tomb discovered in Luxor

quite physically prepared, feminism forced me to go to the ends of the earth. On the way to “Jabal Mousa,” the tour guide gave us information about

Yomna Hesham

this holy place and how it was men-

A team of archaeologists have found an ancient tomb in Luxor, which goes back to three thousand years ago. This tomb is for a winemaker who worked in the court of the pharaoh. The tomb was discovered as a group of Japanese archaeologists were restoring another cemetery by coincidence.

I loved the idea of being surrounded

tioned in the Torah, Bible and Quran. by tourists from different countries, cultures and religions united for the same purpose. We started climbing at

Luxor is known for its most adorable places to visit, and it has the highest percentage of the world’s monuments. Most of these tombs were established in King Amnemhoteb III and King Ramses II, who died in 1354 B.C., eras. Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of State of Antiquities, said that this area is very wellsecured till the rest of the restorations are finished and it will be available for the public later.

2 a.m. to make it to the summit by sun-

rise. It was a mind-blowing experience regardless of me being devastated and about to cry. The view from the top of

White canyon, Sharm el Sheikh. Traveling is the optimal treatment for the boredom of everyday life. To travel, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and time thinking where to go and how. Just take a week off for a vacation and enjoy being drifted away from the dull version of you. Searching for balance in my soul, I determined to head back to nature. Sinai was the first place that popped into my head. Actually, Sharm El-Sheikh was not my ultimate choice at first as I was sick of corny stuff including newlyweds’ photos inside the resorts and people screaming NAAMA BAY. However, I decided to go there with the spirit of adventure. I had a misconception concerning “fancy” Sharm El-Sheikh where I would be besieged by luxurious resorts. But,

unexpectedly, I found that this magical city has dual nature. Besides being sumptuous, it really represents the ideal mixture of water and mountain. Tourist guides will offer you a tempting schedule with plenty of activities, which may leave you quite confused. So if you don’t have enough time, stay focused and pick different activities. As for water activities, I enjoyed a beautiful boat ride to “Tiran Island” where I went snorkeling to see the stunning underwater world. Coral reefs were a blaze of color, and I was amazed by the spectacular scene that I unconsciously broke the “don’t touch” rule and had skin scratches. After that, the desert called my name out loud. Checking the schedule, an eye-catching trip captivated

the mountain was breathtaking. Then, we visited Saint Catherine’s Monastery

— the most beautiful place on earth. Ironically, I met a nice Egyptian newly

married couple at the monastery, which made me realize that some of them do things other than taking photos

by the swimming pool. Moreover, I liked

“Naama Bay” but loved the “Old Market” even more, and the safari trip was also remarkable.

Sharm El-Sheikh is a very enchanting city and it suits all kinds of moods. You will definitely find there what you are searching for regardless of your personality: luxury, desert, and water are waiting for you to exceed your expectation of having a wonderful vacation.


‫‪Volume 1 Issue 2‬‬

‫«نقد»‬ ‫أيام وليال أو «ضحكة سارة»‪ :‬هل‬ ‫تبحث عن الحب حتى في األحالم؟!‬ ‫هنى مصطىف‬ ‫"باألحالم اكنت اآلهلة يف املايض ختاطب أولئك‬ ‫الذين اختاروها‪ ،‬وباألحالم تعطينا ذكرياتنا القوة‬ ‫للنظر إىل األمام‪ .‬يف أحالمنا يمكن مفتاح قدرنا‪".‬‬ ‫هل تساءلت يومًا معا إذا اكنت احلياة حمل طويل‬ ‫سوف تستفيق منه ذات ليلة؟ ماذا لو اكن الواقع‬ ‫هو اخليال واحلمل هو احلقيقة؟ ماذا لو وجدت‬ ‫احلب يف أحالمك يف حني جعزت عن العثور هيلع‬ ‫يف حياتك الواقعية؟ يف حماولة لإلجابة عن هذه‬ ‫التساؤالت يصحبنا الاكتب جيلربت سينويه يف‬ ‫روايته الساحرة أيام وليال أو «حضكة سارة»‬ ‫ويطوف بنا يف عامل من الفانتازيا والرومانسية‬ ‫عابرًا اخلط الوايه بني الواقع واحلمل‪.‬‬

‫جيلربت سينويه هو اكتب فرنيس ولد بالقاهرة‬ ‫عام ‪ .1947‬من أهشر أمعاله اللوح األزرق‪،‬‬ ‫ابنة النيل‪ ،‬وإخناتون اإلله اللعني‪ .‬يمتتع سينويه‬ ‫بأسلوب رقيق جيذب القارئ من أول وهلة وميتاز‬ ‫ببحثه الدامئ عن احلقيقة وتقصيه املسمتر ملا‬ ‫وراهئا وولعه بالتارخي واألساطري‪ .‬حييك لنا‬ ‫سينويه يف هذه الرواية قصة عاشقني تفصل‬ ‫بيهنام األساطري‪ ،‬واألزمنة‪ ،‬والواقع‪ ،‬واملوت‬ ‫ويقص علينا كيف مجع بيهنام القدر ولكن يف‬ ‫عامل األحالم؛ ترمجها إىل العربية عدنان دمحم‪.‬‬ ‫تنقلنا الرواية إىل عامل رياكردو األرجنتيين الذي‬ ‫حييا حياة مثالية يف رخاء وثراء مع خطيبته‬ ‫امجليلة يف مطلع ثالثينات القرن العرشين‪.‬‬ ‫جتتاح رياكردو الواقيع والغري مؤمن بالقدر‬ ‫سلسلة من األحالم حيث جيد نفسه واقعًا يف‬ ‫احلب مع امرأة جمهولة ويتحدث بلغة ال يعرفها‬ ‫يف زمن حسيق تكتنفه الغرائب‪ .‬اكنت األحالم‬ ‫تتصف بالدقة وتكسوها احلقيقة لدرجة أفقدت‬ ‫رياكردو الثقة مبعتقداته اجلامدة وحولته إىل‬ ‫إنسان حامل‪ .‬ويف حماولة يائسة ملواجهة طوفان‬

‫عامل األحالم مكا سحَ َ ر رياكردو وانطلقوا سويًا‬ ‫يف رحلة محمومة لتفسري رموز األحالم وحتليلها‬ ‫حىت صارت حقيقة‪ .‬مكا أرسل له القدر إشارات‬ ‫يف شىت الصور ووضع يف طريقه احلكمي يانبا‬ ‫الذي نصحه باالسمتاع إىل حمله إذا اكن يريد‬ ‫العبور للخلود مؤكدًا له أن الزمن " َو مْه اخرتعه‬ ‫املساجني‪ ".‬بات رياكردو مع مرور األيام يقرتب‬ ‫أكرث فأكرث من حمله ويبتعد عن الواقع ملبيًا‬ ‫نداء احلب مما وضع عالقته مع خطيبته وثروته‬ ‫عىل احملك‪ .‬هل سيرتك لك شئ وراءه سعيًا‬ ‫وراء احلب؟! هل سيتعقب طيف حبيبته من عامل‬ ‫األحالم أم سيتجاهل رسائل القدر ويصم آذانه‬ ‫عن صوت قلبه؟!‬

‫ترتكنا الرواية أمام سؤال أزيل‪ :‬أين يه‬ ‫السعادة؟ هل السعادة يف الرثاء واالستقرار‬ ‫والزواج بأي خشص مناسب؟ ماذا لو أدركنا يف‬ ‫يوم من األيام أن هذا ليس اكفيًا؟ هل سيكون‬ ‫تعقبنا ألحالمنا رضبًا من اجلنون‪...‬هل الرضا‬ ‫مبا رمسته لنا األقدار ُي َعد خنوعًا؟ فلرنى كيف‬ ‫حاك سينويه مصري رياكردو يف هذه الرواية‬ ‫البديعة الزاخرة باخليال والرومانسية يف جو من‬ ‫التحليل النفيس اآلرس‪.‬‬

‫ ‪Wednesday 15-01-2014‬‬

‫ربـاعيــات صـالح جـاهين‬ ‫عــــــــــجبتين لكـــمة مــــن كـــالم الــــــــــورق‬ ‫النـور رشق مــــــــــن بيــــــــــن حروفها و برق‬ ‫حــــــــبيت أشـــــــيلها ف قليب ‪ ..‬قـــــالت حرام‬ ‫ده أنـــــــا كــــــــل قــــــــلب دخـــلت فيه احترق‬ ‫أنـــا شـــــــــاب لكن معـــــــري ألـــف عــــــام‬ ‫وحــــــــيد لكـــــــن بني ضـــلـــويع زحــــــــام‬ ‫خــــــــــايف و لكــن خوفــــــــــي مين أنـــــــــا‬ ‫أخرس و لكــــــــــن قليب مليــــــــان كــــــــــالم‬

‫معرض الرسوم‬ ‫الكاريكاتورية‬ ‫‪Jan. 22 2014‬‬ ‫‪05:00 pm.‬‬

‫‪Tahrir Lounge 5.‬‬ ‫‪El-Bustan street‬‬ ‫‪Downtown from‬‬ ‫‪Talaat-Harb‬‬


‫‪Hodoom Masrya‬‬

‫‪Dec. 25, 2013‬‬ ‫‪Cairo‬‬

‫يمُ ين هشام‬

‫اكن أحد الرجال مزتوج منذ وقت طويل‪ ،‬واكنت‬ ‫زوجته ال ُتنجِ ب‪ ،‬فأخذت ُتلِ ُّح هيلع ذات يوم‬

‫ً‬ ‫ثانية يازوىج العزيز؟‬ ‫وقالت له‪ :‬ملاذا ال تزتوج‬ ‫فرمبا تنجب لك الزوجة اجلديدة أبناء حييون‬ ‫ذكرك‪.‬‬ ‫فقال الزوج وماىل بالزوجة الثانية‪ ،‬فسوف حتدث‬ ‫بينمك املشالك و ُتثار الغرية بينمكا‪.‬‬ ‫فقالت الزوجة ‪ :‬كال يا زوىج احلبيب فأنا أحبك‬ ‫وأو ّدك وسوف ارعاها ولن حتدث أى مشالك‪.‬‬ ‫واخ�يرا واف��ق ال��زوج وق��ال هلا س��وف أسافر‬ ‫وأتزوج امرأة غريبة عن املدينة‪.‬‬

‫"ج ّره"‬ ‫وعاد ال��زوج من سفرته اىل بيته ومعه َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وغطاها‬ ‫كبريه من الفخار وقد ألبهسا ثياب امرأة‬ ‫بعباءة دون أن تعمل زوجته‬ ‫وجعل هلا جحرة خاصة‪ ،‬وقال لزوجته األوىل ها‬ ‫انا معلت بنصيحتك وتزوجت من أمرأة أخرى‪.‬‬ ‫وعندما عاد من معله ‪..‬وجد زوجته تبىك فسأهلا‬ ‫‪ :‬ما الذى يبكيك يا زوجىت ؟؟؟‬

‫فردت هيلع وقالت امرأتك الىت جئت هبا شمتتىن‬ ‫وأهانتىن وأنا لن أصرب عىل هذا‪.‬‬

‫وإذا هبا جره خفارية ‪..‬فذهلت زوجته فقال هلا‬ ‫‪:‬ها هل أدبهتا ليك ؟!!!‬ ‫فقالت املراة ‪ :‬التملىن عىل ما حدث ‪...‬‬

‫"فالضُرّ ة مره حيت و لو اكنت َج ّره"‬

‫‪Noha Mostafa‬‬

‫جعـــــــىب ‪!! ..‬‬

‫الضـرة ُم َره‬

‫عصا ‪..‬ورضب هبا الرضة املزعومة عىل رأهسا‬ ‫فتكرست‬

‫‪Cairo Opera House‬‬ ‫‪announces the January‬‬ ‫‪2014 schedule‬‬

‫دخل الشـتا وقفـــــــــــل البيـبـان ع البيـــــوت‬ ‫وجعـل شـعاع الشـــــــــــمس خيط عنكبوت‬ ‫وحـاجـات كتري بمتـــــــــــوت ىف ليل الشتا‬ ‫لـكـن حـاجات أكتـــــــــــر برتفض متـــوت‬

‫األحالم الذي عصف بواقعه‪ ،‬جلأ رياكردو إىل‬ ‫التحليل النفيس‪ .‬وجدت حمللته النفسية—تمليذة‬ ‫اكرل ياجن—صعوبة فائقة يف الدخول إىل عامله‬ ‫حيث اكن يعاملها مكا لو أهنا خترتق حياته‬ ‫اخلاصة وتستكشف نقاط ضعفه؛ ولكن سحَ َ رها‬

‫أبتسم الزوج ىف نفسه وأظهر الغضب وقال ‪:‬أنا‬ ‫لن ارىض أن هيينك أحد مث تناول‬

‫‪City Arts & Culture‬‬

‫‪GOZOOR Cultural Development organized an event at the Greek Club, Downtown‬‬ ‫‪Cairo on Dec. 25, 2013, to showcase Egyptian clothes inspired by the Egyptian identity‬‬ ‫‪and heritage. The event was held in search of an answer to the question, is there‬‬ ‫‪a so-called Egyptian fashion? The Egyptian fashion is inspired by both ancient and‬‬ ‫‪contemporary styles and also some local clothing covering areas like Nuba, Delta,‬‬ ‫‪coastal areas and Bedouin culture. The event’s mission is to apply these folkloric‬‬ ‫‪characteristics in daily life through innovation and promotion of Egyptian fashion‬‬ ‫‪in production and design.‬‬

‫‪Cairo Opera House, Zamalek.‬‬ ‫‪Cairo Opera House strikes the new season with dazzling concerts and perfor‬‬‫‪mances that will be presented in its theaters during January, 2014. The schedule‬‬ ‫‪features various types of performances to meet the different tastes of audiences.‬‬ ‫‪Between musical concerts, operas, etc., Cairo Opera House tries its best to guar‬‬‫‪antee you perfect evenings and weekends.‬‬ ‫‪Cairo Symphony Orchestra is giving a concert on Jan. 25 (Saturday, Main Hall, 8‬‬ ‫‪p.m.). Moreover, after its marvelous performance last year, the Egyptian Sinfonietta‬‬ ‫‪(Egyptian Chamber Orchestra) is coming back to give a mind-blowing concert‬‬ ‫‪on Jan. 17 (Friday, Main Hall, 8 p.m.). Cairo Opera Company and Cairo Symphony‬‬ ‫‪Orchestra will present one of Mozart’s masterpieces: Opera “Così fan tutte” Jan.‬‬ ‫‪28-31 (Tuesday to Friday, Main Hall, 8 p.m.). “Così fan tutte” is a “must-see” opera,‬‬ ‫”‪so try hard not to miss it. Also, El-Gomhouria Theatre is presenting the “New Birth‬‬ ‫‪opera (Jan. 15-17), Young Choreographers concert (Jan. 22-23) and other great‬‬ ‫‪concerts. This month is full of fascinating events, which should not be missed,‬‬ ‫‪indicating a very promising start in the 2014 season.‬‬

City Business

Wednesday 15-01-2014

Changes in ethics over time or guidelines that managers can use to decide whether a specific business decision is ethical or unethical. Finally, we consider the sources of managerial ethics and the reasons why it is important for a company to behave in a socially responsible manner. The nature of ethics

Dr. Hanan Abdel Moniem Ethics is the inner-guiding moral principles, values and beliefs that people use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is the “right” or appropriate way to behave. According to “T.L. Beauchamp and N.E. Bowie (Eds.), Ethical Theory and Business: University of Notre Dame Press” we have to pay attention to the nature of the obligations and responsibilities of managers and the companies they work for, toward the people and society that are affected by their actions. First, we have to understand the nature of ethics and the sources of ethical problems. Second, we have to understand the major stakeholders groups that are affected by the way companies operate. Third, we will look at four rules

Ethical issues are central to the way societies, companies and their managers make decisions, and they affect not only the efficiency and effectiveness of the way societies operate but also the prosperity of a nation. The result of ethical behavior is a general increase in company performance and a nation’s standard of living, well-being and wealth. An ethical dilemma is the quandary people find themselves in when they have to decide if they should act in a way that might help another person or group, and if it is the “right” thing to do, even though it might go against their own self-interest. Ethical beliefs alter and change as time passes, and as they do so laws change to reflect the changing ethical beliefs of a society. Stakeholders and ethics Stakeholders are people and groups who have a claim on and a stake in a company. The main stakeholder groups are stockholders, managers, employees, suppliers and distributors, customers; and a community, society and nation. Companies and their man-

agers need to make ethical business decisions that promote the well-being of their stakeholders and avoid doing them harm.

Ethics and social responsibility A company’s stance on social responsibility

is the way its managers and employees

view their duty or obligation to make

decisions that protect, enhance and promote the welfare and well-being of stakeholders and society as a whole.

Approaches to social responsibility There are four main approaches to social responsibilities: obstructionist, defensive, accommodative and proactive. The rewards from behaving in a socially responsible way are a good reputation, the support of all organizational stakeholders, and thus superior company performance.

‫فامطة السيد‬

.‫اليت قد جتاوزت األوضاع الراهنة اليت تهشدها البالد‬...

‫ و ذلك لتحقيق ماكسب قد‬%0.41 ‫ ارتفاعًا بنسبة‬EFX30 ‫يجسل املؤرش الرئييس للبورصة املرصية‬ ّ ‫ حيث مي ّثل هذا املؤرش املقياس األسايس الذي‬،‫ نقطة‬6810 ‫ نقطة ليصل عند حد‬27.85 ‫تصل إيل‬ .‫ رشكة يف البورصة املرصية‬30 ‫يرصد أداء أنشط‬ ‫ و ذلك لتحقيق ماكسب‬%0.17 ‫ ارتفاعًا بنسبة‬EGX70 ‫جسل مؤرش األهسم املتوسطة الصغرية‬ ّ ‫مكا‬ .‫ نقطة‬546 ‫ نقطة وصولًا إيل مستوي‬0.91 ‫قد تصل إيل‬

‫ ليحقق ماكسب قد وصلت إيل‬%0.17 ‫ قد ارتفع بنسبة‬،EGX100 ‫أما مؤرش األهسم األوسع نطاقًا‬ .‫ نقطة‬926 ‫ نقطة ليصل عند مستوي‬1.61 ‫ مليون هسم بقمية تداول‬18.126 ‫ حنو‬2013 ‫بلغت نسبة جحم التداوالت يف بداية آخر يوم يف عام‬ .‫ صفقة منفذة‬2.9333 ‫ مليون جنيه مرصي و ذلك من خالل‬47.849 ‫حنو‬

‫ بنسبة‬2013 ‫تص ّدرت أهسم العربية ملنتجات األلبان أراب ديري أعيل االرتفاعات يف آخر يوم يف عام‬ ‫ و‬%7.41 ‫ تالها أهسم العربية لالستمثارات والتمنية القابضة لالستمثارات ارتفاع بنسبة‬%8.75 ‫ وأما أهسم العامة ملنتجات اخلزف والصيين فقد وصل‬%6.29 ‫أهسم العبوات الطبية ارتفعت بنسبة‬ .%4.32 ‫ وأخريا هسم العربية لملحابس ارتفع بنسبة‬%5.22 ‫إيل ارتفاع بنسبة‬ ‫ تالها أهسم القاهرة لالستمثارات‬%1.94 ‫و من ناحية أخري هبطت أهسم مطاحن مرص العليا بنسبة‬ ‫ أما عن أهسم البنك املرصي لتمنية الصادرات فقد خرس بنسبة‬،%1.73 ‫والتمنية لترتاجع بنسبة‬ ‫ وأخريا أهسم رياكب‬%1.59 ‫ وعن أهسم املتحدة لإلساكن والتعمري فقد هبطت بنسبة‬%1.71 .%0.97 ‫لالستمثارات املالية اخنفضت بنسبة‬

Surrendering to challenges is a recipe for disaster


‫خريطة طريق‬

‫ الجلسة الصباحية‬:‫البورصة المصرية‬ ‫يخيم علي أسهمها اللون األخضر‬ ّ

To determine if a business decision is ethical, managers can use four ethical rules to analyze it: the utilitarian, moral rights, justice and practical rules. Managers should behave ethically because this avoids the tragedy of the commons and results in a general increase in efficiency, effectiveness and company performance. The main determinants of differences in a manager’s, company’s and country’s business ethics are societal, occupational, individual and organizational.

‫اقية الصاوى‬ ‫ م‬06:00 - 2014


Volume 1 Issue 2

 Ill-treatment by banks Banks are notorious for not giving small business owners their due credit. If you are just starting out, expect challenges in getting additional funding. There are a lot of banks that will make unreasonable demands yet offer little in return. A number of entrepreneurs are forced into using their personal credit card because they cannot get small business loans.


181 ‫اعة الكلمة‬


“ ‫ى االتصاالت‬ ‫منتد‬ ‫دنى لالتصاالت‬ ‫المجتمع الم‬ ‫حمد أبو قريش‬ ‫ م‬/‫مات” مع م‬ ‫والمعلو‬


 Employee theft

Digital economy applications in entrepreneurs' ventures your website with suitable features for your customers and users. You should consider the e-payment option in your website and the availability of PayPal payments. Also, online customer support and ticketing system are important for serving your customers within 24 hours. Catchy designs and offers will increase your website traffic if you created a professional blog. All these features can cost you $100 only. It will help you to monitor your work anywhere from your mobile or tablet with real-time analysis and statistics about your orders and purchases.

Today we want to talk about using the digital economy concepts and its applications in launching or rescuing your venture if you have a small business with less cost and few numbers of employees and service providers.

Do you know that you can manage your team online and collaborate with them easily and totally free? Then you need to google collaboration tools like,, mailchimp. com and more. There are thousands of successful and free tools that can help you to grow and rescue your business for zero cost.

After creating your idea and finishing your business plan, you need to build

Yay, that’s awesome! You can start your venture with $30 only.

Mohamed Samir Shabeeb

Simply this is ABC of e-commerce concepts. So where are the digital economy benefits? The answer will pop up when you think deeply about the benefits of using and for the Egyptian economy. Why would you like to use these websites instead of visiting any mall to buy your needs and do some shopping? In Egypt the answer is easy: to solve problems of traffic and bad transportation conditions, the regular weekend demonstrations and finally the poor offers of some outlets and stores. All these problems are solved by those websites, which help you save money, time and efforts. Also you can pay for your order when you receive it without using Visa or MasterCard. These websites are pioneers in the digital economy field because they broke down the fear of the people of shopping online and built big awareness campaigns on the benefits of using them. At the end of this article, I would say that the main factor of business success is gaining customers trust. I call it “GCT factor,” which we will talk about soon.

Ahmed Essa On e thin g is cer tain in b us in es s : challenges are inevitable. The key to success is forging ahead despite the difficulties. Some challenges are easy to see or predict. For instance, it is a common fact that many small businesses struggle with their cash flow, branding and finding good employees. But it is the unexpected challenges that ultimately threaten the existence of a b us in es s . If you wan t to b ecom e a successful entrepreneur, it is important to expect the unexpected. Below are some things most new entrepreneurs struggle with.  Short sleeping hours To be successful, entrepreneurs and small business have to work long

hours. If you’re used to a 9-to-5 job, then adjusting to this lifestyle may be a struggle. Depending on the kind of

business you run, you may be expected to get up in the middle of the night

to solve a crisis. Somehow, you will be expected to deal with the business

problems whenever and wherever you are. Think of yourself as on call 24/7.

It is especially important for entrepreneurs to hire employees they can trust. Small enterprises are highly vulnerable and if an employee steals a significant amount from your business, this can cause it to close down. If this happens to your business, the worst thing you can do is to give up. Pursue a case against the employee and seek additional funding.  Everything on the line You’ve probably heard about businessmen who used their home as collateral to get capital. Most of the time, you’ll hear about success stories about how they put everything on the line. What you don’t hear about are countless other businessmen who lost their homes and had to start from scratch because their previous venture hadn’t worked out. In times of extreme stress, it is important to keep your head on your shoulders, figure out what you’re doing wrong and start running your business the right way (or scrap the venture altogether and start anew). It is important to realize that surrendering to challenges is the worst thing you can do in running a business. If there is a chance to overcome the difficulty, take it! Giving up before you even try is a recipe for disaster.

City Technomedia

Wednesday 15-01-2014


Volume 1 Issue 2

Smart Home: Samsung’s new technology

Yomna Hesham

The Korean company Samsung has launched its new smart technology, which is called Smart Home. This technology is made especially to connect all the machines, electronics and even the system of your home directly to you to be able to control them all at once through this smart watch. For example, if you forgot to turn off the lights at home before going out, you could simply do this action through saying simple words like “I will go out now.” Samsung said that till now this technology is made for Samsung’s products but the company promised that this technology can be spread to reach even the non-Samsung products too, but this is still not approved. This technology will be disclosed in an annual electronics fair in Las Vegas, United States. This annual fair will also include all the new technologies, which are made by different international companies.

Reading: books versus e-books

Noha Mostafa

Do you feel more comfortable with books? Do you love the odor of papers, touching the cover, etc.? If so, which books do you choose to take when you travel? Do you prepare two suitcases, one for clothes and the other for books? I think this is quite confusing, and here comes the importance of e-books. It isn’t about which one of them is better, but e-books let you take your library with you anywhere. Being emotionally connected to books doesn’t prohibit you from using both options. Additionally, e-books differ a lot from tablets as they are designed deliberately for reading. With the special lightening technique and long battery life, e-books are considered the best reading device. Moreover, some ebooks give you the impression of reading from a printed paper book under a lamp, which is more soothing for the eyes. Although some people are quite biased toward what they are used to, merging some technology into our stagnant thinking will make life easier.

Asser Yassin @Asser_Yassin

8 Jan

Merry Christmas and happy feast to all our beloved copts  

Majida El Roumi @majidaelroumi

8 Jan

‫ (حمىب‬..... ‫ صباح الورد‬.. ‫ ويف ديم ذوب وردتني‬.. ‫ذوب يف الفنجان قطعتني‬ ) ‫ماجدة_الرويم‬#

Maya Diab Official @mayadiab

8 Jan

A boy speaks, a gentleman acts....

Mohamed Mounir @Mohamed_Mounir

Cairo Captions:

4 Jan

‫يابو الطاقية انا قلىب معاك‬ ‫تعتب عليا وبرتجاك‬

Capturing the Real Cairo

‫ومن شباك لتاىن شباك‬ ‫اركد وراك اركد وراك يابو الطاقية‬ ‫منري‬#

Enaam Ali

Going through my Facebook home page, scrolling down the usual news of what is happening in Egypt and around the world, feeling neutral toward every piece of news, all looks the same; suddenly Cairo became gloomy and dark. I decided to give up on social media and shut down my laptop, but I stopped at a picture of a little boy from Egypt, from an area that seems a bit modest, carrying on his face the most beautiful smile ever. I decided to open the page and scroll between the posts. And here it was ladies and gentlemen: I found myself going through photos that represent the real Cairo, the one I fell in love with. “Cairo Captions” is a Facebook page that presents the real heart of Cairo, the people and the stories behind them. The page is created by Amina Mansour, a 30-year-old freelance copywriter and photographer who was inspired by the Facebook page, Humans of New York. Amina’s passion is to roam the streets of Cairo and dig for real stories. Through her camera and stories, she presents the real Cairo people, the simple people who pose with their enchanting smile in front of the camera. Through her Facebook posts, Amina managed to bring the real part of Cairo to the virtual world of social media pages. She presents the real Cairo that lately people seem to have forgotten.

Tracing Haggagovic… Facebook/haggagovic

‫ ألف جنية مرصي ) هشريًا ده ببساطة أقل مرتب‬٥٧ ‫ألف يورو ( حوايل‬ ‫ يورو يف‬٣٠( .. ‫مبديئ للجزارة يف سلوفاكيا من غري حوافز أو ماكفائت‬ ‫ يوم معل يف الهشر = حوايل‬٢٦ x ‫ ساعات بس معل يوميًا‬٨ x ‫الساعة‬ )‫ أالف يورو هشريًا‬٦

‫ سنة‬١٩ ‫جحاجوفيتش قابل جزارة يف سلوفاكيا إمسها مارتينا و عندها‬ ‫ و كيلو اللحمة هناك‬.. ‫ سنني‬٨ ‫و يه جزارة مع أبوها من ملا اكن عندها‬ !! ‫ جنية مرصي ) يعين أرخص من مرص‬٥٦ ‫ يورو ( يعين حوايل‬٦ ‫ب‬

Haggagovic with a butcher in Slovakia called Martina...the price of meat is about €6 per kilo!

Nancy Ajram @nancyAjram

‫ و الكشف‬1 ‫محركات فورميال‬ ‫عن ماكينة لصنع القهوة‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬ ‫رصح مصنعهيا أن أنابيب العادم اليت يمت من‬ ّ ‫ قد مت ابقاهئا يف مادة‬،‫خالهلا صب القهوة‬ ‫ ليك‬،‫ ساعة‬18 ‫الزركونيوم اململعة ملدة ال تقل عن‬ ‫ُتصبح المعة و ليك حيصل مستخدمهيا عيل‬ .‫أنسيايب و ب ّراق اكملرايا‬ ‫مملس نامع هلا و شلك‬ ّ ‫و من ناحية أخري حصلت األنابيب عيل حملة‬ ‫ و ذلك ليس بسبب التخسني و احلرارة‬،‫زرقاء‬ ‫ بل ليك ُتصبح أشبه بأطراف أنابيب‬،‫حفسب‬ .‫العادم يف السيارات أيضًا‬

‫تبس��يط ضواب��ط‬ ‫الخصــــوصــيـــــة‬ ‫بالفـيــــســــبـوك‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬

‫حفل موسي‬ .. ‫قى عربية‬ ‫على الحجار‬

4 ‫يناير‬ ‫ م‬08:00 - 201 ‫قا‬ 29 ‫عة النهر‬


‫قية الصاوى‬

2 Jan

Good morning!!! Feeling full of positivity and energy! I hope your 2014 is starting off well..

‫استجاب القامئني عيل ادارة موقع التواصل‬ ، ‫اإلجمتايع الهشري و األكرث أستخدامًا‬ ‫ للشاكوي املقدمة من مستخدميه‬،‫الفيسبوك‬ ‫للقيام بتعديالت لتهسيل الضوابط املتعلّقة‬ ‫ و من ناحية‬.‫خبصوصية اعضاء هذه الشبكة‬ ‫ كشف فريق العمل عن نيهتم بإلغاء ما‬،‫أخري‬ .‫ُيعرف بالشباكت اإلقلميية حماولني تنظمي املوقع‬ ‫أكد رئيس قسم محاية اخلصوصية عيل املوقع‬ ‫أن اإلدارة قد وجدت أن اإلجراائت و الضوابط‬ ‫ حيث‬،‫اخلاصة خبصوصية األعضاء كثرية جدًا‬ ‫ صفحات‬6 ‫أهنا متأل عند طباعهتا ما يزيد عن‬ ‫مرة واحدة و هو السبب وراء جتاهل املستخدمني‬ .‫هلا جتاهل اكمل‬

‫رصح أحد مديرهيا أن الضوابط اجلديدة‬ ‫و‬ ّ ‫ و أهسل لالستخدام‬،‫ و أقرص‬،‫ستكون أبسط‬ ‫ حيث سيمت وضع‬،‫بالنسبة ألعضاء الشبكة‬ ‫ مما سوف يتيح‬،"‫خيار بأمس "األدوات اإنتقالية‬ ‫لألعضاء حتديد املواد و مك ّية املعلومات املراد‬ ّ ‫سميكن األصدقاء من‬ ‫ و‬،‫نرشها عيل صفحاهتم‬ .‫مشاهدهتا‬

‫و قد أكدت ادارة شبكة التواصل اإلجمتايع‬ ‫ و اليت تتيح‬،»‫أن استخدام «الشباكت اإلقلميية‬ ‫املجال أمام احصاهبا إظهار أماكن اقامهتم‬ ‫ هو أمر نافل يف املرحلة‬،‫بالنسبة لملستخدمني‬ ‫ حيث أن هناك الكثري من املستخدمني‬،‫الراهنة‬ ‫الذين يضعون أماكن إقامهتم بشلك عشوايئ‬ ‫ يف‬،‫ مفهنم من خيتار مدينة بعيهنا‬،‫إيل حد كبري‬ ‫حني أن األخرين قد يضعون البلدان اليت يقطنون‬ ‫ و هو األمر الذي َخلَق بلبلة عيل موقع‬،‫هبا‬ .»‫التواصل اإلجمتايع األكرث هشرة «الفيسبوك‬

‫ املصنّعني لينتجوا‬1 ‫أهلمت حمراكت فورميال‬ Espresso Veloce ‫ و يه‬،‫ماكينة لصنع القهوة‬ ‫ مببلغ يعترب مبالغ فيه إيل‬Serie Titanio V12 ‫ و لكن إذا كنت عيل استعداد هذه‬،‫حد كبري‬ ‫ دوالر لرشاء‬15.000 ‫األيام للتخيل عن مبلغ‬ ‫ فإن أفضل صفقة لك ستكون تلك‬، ‫يشء رائع‬ ‫ مفع أعتبار‬.‫املاكينة لزتين هبا مطبخك اخلاص‬ ‫ بيمنا يه تستحق هذا املبلغ‬،‫سعرها مبالغ فيه‬ ‫ مك ّون دقيق صلب‬90 ‫ألهنا حتتاج ما يقرب من‬ ‫ و الفوالذ‬،‫ إذا مت صناعهتا بالتيتانيوم‬،‫لتصنيعها‬ .‫ و األلومنيوم‬،‫املقاوم للصدأ‬ ‫جدير بالذكر أن املصنّعني قد أسلهتموا هذا‬ ‫ و سيمت صنع‬،1 ‫املاكينة من حمراكت فورميال‬ .‫ س ُت َق َّدم يف شلكان فقط‬،‫ قطعة مهنا فقط‬500

.. ‫البري��د اإللكترون��ي‬ ! ‫في سطور‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬ ،‫مل تعد وسائل اإلتصال عيل الشبكة العنكبوتية‬ ‫ يشء صعب بل أصبحت من أمه‬،‫اإلنرتنت‬ ،‫وسائل التواصل بني الناس يف وقتنا احلايل‬ ،‫بغض النظر عن أماكهنم أو الفرق يف التوقيت‬ ‫فقد أصبح من الهسل إرسال الربيد عرب اإلنرتنت‬ ُ ‫ليصل‬ ‫ فمل تعد‬،‫لملرسل إليه يف أقل من دقيقة‬ ‫ أو اجلغرافية حائلًا دون إقامة‬،‫احلدود الطبيعية‬ .‫هذه النوع من التواصل‬

‫األجيال السابقة من التقنيات‬ ‫قد ُتذهَ ل‬ ‫املستخدمة يف تلك األيام حيث اكن من الصعب‬ ‫التواصل هبذا الشلك الهسل و الرسيع يف‬ ‫ أعمتد لك من هؤالء عيل إرسال‬.‫العقود السابقة‬ ‫ و اكن اخلطاب يأخذ‬- ‫ حمليًا أو دوليًا‬- ‫اخلطابات‬ ‫زمن يرتاوح بني أسبوع إيل عدة أهشر حيت‬ ‫ و‬،‫ بنا ًء عيل ماكن إقامته‬،‫يصل إيل املرسل إليه‬ »‫لكن اآلن ال يسعنا سوي الضغط عيل «إرسال‬ .‫حيت يصل ما ننوي إرساله إيل املرسل إلهيم‬

‫أصبح اإلمييل "الربيد اإللكرتوين" اداة إثبات و‬ ‫ خاصة يف األمعال و العالقات اليت‬،‫نيف أيضًا‬ ،‫ و خاصة يف الرشاكت الكبرية‬،‫تتطرق للعمل‬ ‫حيث يعمتد موظفهيا عيل اثبات لك أو معظم‬ ‫ أو إرسال املرشوعات‬،‫اخلطوات اليت يقوموا هبا‬ ‫املشرتكة بتفاصيلها إيل مجيع األقسام املنوطة‬ ‫ جكزء أسايس من مهامهم‬،‫بتلك التفاصيل‬ ‫ حيت أنه أصبح روتني يويم للك موظف‬،‫اليومية‬ .‫أن يتف ّقد صندوق الواردات اخلاص به لك صباح‬


‫‪Volume 1 Issue 2‬‬

‫الزومبا‪ ..‬اآلن في مصر‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬

‫‪City Sports‬‬

‫ ‪Wednesday 15-01-2014‬‬

‫‪Caroline starts‬‬ ‫‪a happy new year‬‬ ‫‪Nehal El Zoheiry‬‬ ‫‪Caroline Wozniacki, the Danish tennis‬‬ ‫‪player, started the new year of 2014‬‬ ‫‪with a great joy after declaring her en‬‬‫‪gagement to the Irish golf player, Rory‬‬ ‫‪McIlroy, who also confirmed this news‬‬ ‫‪on Twitter. He wrote that he wishes a‬‬ ‫‪happy year for all and that he feels the‬‬ ‫‪new year is going to be a great one es‬‬‫‪pecially when he won Caroline’s agree‬‬‫‪ment to his proposal.‬‬ ‫‪Caroline also said on the same social‬‬ ‫‪site that she said yes and they started‬‬ ‫‪2014 with a grand decision. She also‬‬ ‫‪put a picture of the engagement ring‬‬ ‫‪in her hand.‬‬ ‫‪The two players have started their re‬‬‫‪lationship more than two years ago,‬‬ ‫‪but unexpectedly they declared their‬‬ ‫‪engagement when rumors started to‬‬ ‫‪spread the last few weeks about their‬‬ ‫‪separation.‬‬

‫أصبحت رقصة "الزومبا" يه الرياضة اجلديدة تلك األيام‪ ،‬ليست للنساء حفسب‪ ،‬بل لألطفال و الرجال‬ ‫أيضًا‪ُ .‬تعترب الزومبا التطور الريايض لأليروبكس‪ ،‬حيث بدت األيروبكس رياضة روتينية و غري متطورة‬ ‫و مملة عند البعض‪ ،‬لذلك قام ألربتو برييز‪ ،‬أو "بيتو" بإدخال حراكت جديدة و إحداث تغيري يف طريقة‬ ‫المتارين ل ُتصبح أكرث مرحًا‪ ،‬و إمتاعًا ملتدربهيا‪.‬‬

‫ظهرت الزومبا يف منتصف التسعينيات يف كولومبيا‪ ،‬و منذ عام ‪ 2001‬و قد بدأت باألنتشار يف كثري‬ ‫من دول العامل‪ ،‬و قد دخلت مرص يف السنوات األخرية‪ .‬يري الكثريين أن ممارسة رياضة الزومبا يشء‬ ‫ممتع للغاية‪ ،‬ألهنم جيمعون بني الرقص‪ ،‬و ممارسة احلراكت الرياضية اليت ستوصلهم إيل احلصول‬ ‫عيل أجسام رياضية مثالية أيضًا‪ .‬فرتجع أمهية تلك الرياضة الراجئة تلك األيام إيل أهنا تعمل عيل‬ ‫تنشيط الدورة الدموية‪ ،‬و تمنية روح املرح و امجلاعة‪ ،‬و التخلّص من التوتر‪ ،‬و حرق السعرات احلرارية‬ ‫خالل الرقص‪ ،‬و تعزيز الثقة بالنفس‪ ،‬ذلك ألهنا مجتع بني الرياضة املهمة و املوسييق الرائعة‪ .‬ينصح‬ ‫املتخصصون مبامرسة "الزومبا" عيل األقل مرتني أسبوعيًا‪ ،‬مكا أوحضوا وجه األختالف بني "الزومبا"‬ ‫و "األيروبكس" أنه ليس بكبري‪ ،‬و لكن يلزتم املتدربني مبامرسة حراكت مع ّينة تقليدية‪ ،‬أما "الزومبا"‬ ‫فهي مجتع بني لك هذا باإلضافة إيل الرقص يف آن واحد‪ .‬ميكن ألي خشص ممارسة تلك الرياضة‬ ‫اجلديدة عن طريق متابعة بعض القنوات عيل األنرتنت اليت تبث تلك النوع اجلديد من الرياضة أو‬ ‫اإلشرتاك يف النوادي الرياضية اليت ُتقدم هذه الرياضة اجلديدة املعروفة بأمس "الزومبا"‪.‬‬

‫‪Caroline was born on July 11, 1990. She‬‬ ‫‪is a former World No. 1 in WTA Tour. As‬‬ ‫‪of January 23, 2012, she has been hold‬‬‫‪ing this position for 67 weeks. She was‬‬ ‫‪the first Scandinavian woman to hold‬‬ ‫‪the top ranking position and 20th posi‬‬‫‪tion overall.‬‬ ‫‪Wozniacki is the daughter of Polish‬‬ ‫‪Roman Catholic immigrants, Piotr and‬‬ ‫‪Anna Wozniacki. Anna played in the Pol‬‬‫‪ish women’s national volleyball team,‬‬ ‫‪and Piotr played professional football.‬‬ ‫‪The couple moved to Denmark when‬‬ ‫‪Piotr signed for the Danish football‬‬ ‫‪club Boldklubben, 1909. Wozniacki’s‬‬ ‫‪older brother, Patrik Wozniacki, is a‬‬ ‫‪professional footballer in Denmark.‬‬

‫‪2013 Men’s Tennis WTA Rankings‬‬

‫‪ Biography‬تريزيجي��ه و ش��هاب في‬ ‫‪ Karam Gaber‬انتظ��ار ع��روض رس��مية‬ ‫للرحيل عن األهلي‬ ‫‪Yomna Hesham‬‬

‫فامطة السيد‬

‫‪Rafael Nadal‬‬

‫‪POINTS‬‬ ‫‪13030‬‬ ‫‪12260‬‬

‫‪COUNTRY‬‬ ‫‪Spain‬‬ ‫‪Serbia and‬‬ ‫‪Montenegro‬‬



‫‪Rafael Nadal‬‬


‫‪Novak Djokovic‬‬


‫‪David Ferrer‬‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬




‫‪Great Britain‬‬

‫‪Andy Murray‬‬



‫‪Juan Martin del Potro‬‬




‫‪Roger Federer‬‬



‫‪Czech Republic‬‬

‫‪Tomas Berdych‬‬




‫‪Stanislas Wawrinka‬‬




‫‪Richard Gasquet‬‬




‫‪Jo-Wilfried Tsonga‬‬


‫‪*Rankings provided by ESPN‬‬

‫‪The Wrestling‬‬ ‫‪Pharaoh‬‬ ‫‪Not many Egyptian wrestlers are‬‬ ‫‪well-known as the Egyptian wrestler‬‬ ‫‪Karam Gaber. His full name is Karam‬‬

‫‪Ibrahim Gaber. He was born in 1979,‬‬ ‫‪Alexandria, Egypt. He’s a Greco-Roman‬‬

‫‪wrestler. He’s an international champi‬‬‫‪on who won a lot of gold, silver and‬‬ ‫‪bronze medals. For example, he won‬‬ ‫‪the gold medal in the Men’s 96 kg‬‬ ‫‪Greco-Roman 2004 Summer Olympics‬‬

‫‪and the silver medal in the 2012 Lon‬‬‫‪don Olympics.‬‬

‫هشاب الدين أمحد‬ ‫رصح ولكاء األمعال لالعبني محمود حسن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تريزجييه‪ ،‬العب خط الوسط‪ ،‬و هشاب الدين‬ ‫أمحد‪ ،‬العب خط الوسط يف النادي األهيل‪ ،‬أهنام‬ ‫سيقومان بالعمل عيل إجياد عروض رمسية ّ‬ ‫للك‬ ‫من الالعبني خالل األيام القليلة املقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫يرغب لك من الالعبني الرحيل عن األهيل و‬

‫خوض التجربة اإلحرتافية يف أوروبا خاصة‬

‫يف ظل عدم األستقرار يف األوضاع اليت متر‬ ‫هبا البالد بِشأن انتظام مسابقة الدوري‪ ،‬و اليت‬ ‫بالتأكيد قد تأثرت بتلك األوضاع‪.‬‬

‫أشار هشاب‪ ،‬و الذي يبلغ من ال ُعمر ‪ 23‬عامًا‪،‬‬ ‫إيل ما رصح به وكيل أمعاله بأن هناك أندية‬

‫محمود حسن تريزجييه‬ ‫يف الربتغال و فرنسا ستتقدم بعروض رمسية‬ ‫لألهيل ليك تتعاقد معه بعد اإلنهتاء من عطلة‬ ‫الكريمساس يوم السادس من يناير احلايل‪.‬‬

‫و من ناحية أخري‪ ،‬أوحض تريزجييه البالغ من‬ ‫ال ُعمر عرشون عامًا‪ ،‬أنه ينتظر عرض رمسي من‬ ‫سيلتيك اإلسكوتلندي و الذي عبرّ عن أنضامم‬ ‫العب خط الوسط املرصي إليه خالل الفرتة‬ ‫الصحف الإلجنلزيية‪.‬‬ ‫املُقبلة‪ ،‬مكا أعلنت بعض ُ‬ ‫هذا و قد حصل لك من الالعبني تريزجييه‪ ،‬و‬ ‫هشاب‪ ،‬عيل وعد من ادارة النادي األهيل بإبداء‬ ‫املرونة حيال التفاوض مع أي نادي أورويب يأيت‬ ‫للتعاقد مع أي من الالعبني‪.‬‬

City Youth

Wednesday 15-01-2014


Volume 1 Issue 2

Youth and tobacco

Nehal El Zoheiry

Egypt is now shedding light on a very serious problem that faces so many countries which is smoking. The fact is nearly 90 percent of adult smokers begin smoking at or before the age of 18. If someone has not started smoking by the age of 21, it is not likely they will. In fact, the addiction rate of smoking is higher than the addiction rates of marijuana, alcohol or cocaine. Most long-term smokers start smoking in their youth, so delaying the age of first smoking experience can reduce the risk of becoming regular or daily smokers; it also increases their chances of successfully quitting. It can take a heavy smoker an average of seven quit attempts before quitting successfully. Smoking is a very common phenomenon that we all suffer from, both smokers and nonsmokers who turn to be negative smokers. Although they believe it is extremely harmful and causes death and they read it every time they buy a pack of cigarettes, they do not have the willingness to conquer such fatal habit! If smokers are not keen on their health, so who is? Most smokers also believe that smoking a cigarette while being nervous makes them calm and gets rid of their anger, which is totally far from the truth. In Egypt, some smokers find that the water pipes (Shisha) have less damage effects than ordinary cigarettes and they enjoy smoking them in coffee shops with several flavors and they smoke them not only outside their homes but also in front of their children at home. Nearly 40 percent of all men in Egypt smoke while the percentage of reported women smokers is about two percent ONLY. This is due to social taboos that push female smoking into private areas; many of them still lack this courage to appear in public holding a cigarette.

it also leads to the lack of oxygen and shortness of breath. That’s why smokers run slower and can’t run as far as nonsmokers and as a result it will affect your youth activities and athletic performance. Smoking also causes other big disasters. It is never too late; save your life and quit smoking.

Entrepreneur ‫ في سطور‬2014 of the Issue ‫فامطة السيد‬

Here’s a sneak peek inside I am Cairo Magazine issue 1 of October – December 2013. Take a look and read the full article at or get it at your nearest distribution point. To know more about our magazine, go to “…it is about trial and error: a force that drives you forward even when at times you feel like you hit rock bottom. There is such a thing called persistence, the will to fight your way through obstacles. Persistence is a priceless value that must not be taken lightly. You will come across many famous figures throughout history who shrewdly understood what this word meant. But they did not just get success on a silver platter; neither did they have supernatural powers. People like…” A New Horizon

Frustration is the key to breaking the mold

Dear smokers, you ought to know that nicotine is poisonous; it can be used as a pesticide on crops, and a drop of pure nicotine is quite enough to kill a person. Tobacco also narrows blood vessels and puts a strain on the heart;

‫ل����م����ح����ة ع���ل���ي‬ ‫الصالون الثقافي‬ ‫لوزارة الشباب‬ ‫فامطة السيد‬ ،‫ حيرض عصام جحي‬."‫ ابداع‬..‫ قمي‬..‫"ثقافة‬... ‫ مع خالد عبد‬،‫املستشار العيمل لرئيس امجلهورية‬ .‫ وزير الشباب يف افتتاحية تلك الفعاليات‬،‫العزيز‬ ‫تبدأ الفعاليات مبجموعة من العروض الفنية اليت‬ ‫تقدمها مواهب شابة من مؤسسات خمتلفة؛ مثل‬ ‫ و مؤسسة النيل للدراسات‬،‫مؤسسة النور و األمل‬ .‫ و جامعة الهنضة‬،‫األفريقية‬

‫يقوم لك من وزير الشباب و املستشار العيمل‬ ‫لرئيس امجلهورية بإفتتاح معرض لملبتكرات‬ ‫ و‬،‫ عيل هامش افتتاح الصالون الثقايف‬،‫العملية‬ ‫الذي سيضم أفضل املبتكرات اليت قام بإبداعها‬ ‫الفائزين مبلتيق اإلبداع العيمل و اإلبتاكر‬ ‫العيمل اللذان سبقا و أن ن ّفذهتام الوزارة خالل‬ .‫العام املايض‬

‫و يف ختام فعاليات الصالون الثقايف سيمت‬ ‫تكرمي إحدي ناشائت مرص يف العزف عيل‬ ‫ و اليت سيمت أختيارها مضن‬،‫آلة الفيولينة‬ ‫ متسابق عيل مستوي مرص للتسابق عيل‬48 ‫مستوي العامل يف املسابقة الدولية الرابعة عرش‬ .‫لصغار املوسيقيني بروسيا‬ ‫وهذه الفعاليات اليت يمت تنظميها تعترب من أمه‬ ‫الفعاليات املرصية و اليت يشرتك فهيا شباب‬ .‫متعدد الثقافات من مجيع أحناء امجلهورية‬

ّ ‫استقبل العامل‬ ‫ بآمال‬2014 ‫لكه العام اجلديد‬ ‫و تطلعات مل حيالفهم احلظ لتحقيقها بالعام‬ ِ ‫ تمكن‬،‫ و من بني تلك اآلمال و التطلعات‬،‫املاض‬ ‫بعض األفاكر اليت عبرّ عهنا بعض الشباب‬ ،‫ بشلك عشوايئ‬،‫عند سؤاهلم عن العام اجلديد‬ ،‫و عن أحالمهم و األشياء املُراد حتقيقها فيه‬ ‫جائت لكامهتم لتعبرّ عن لك ما يعتقده لك فرد‬ ‫ عام" أهنا‬23" .‫ن‬.‫ فقد قالت ز‬.‫فهيم عيل حدي‬ ‫تطلع إيل احرتام اآلخرين لرغبهتا يف العمل‬ ،‫ و هو أن تصبح طاهية‬،‫يف املجال الذي تمتناه‬ ‫ و ألاّ يكون‬،‫و أن ختلوا الشوارع من القاممة‬ ‫ مكا أهنا أعربت عن‬،‫هناك من ينام يف الشارع‬ ‫ حيت و إن اكن‬،‫رغبهتا يف السفر إيل اخلارج‬ .‫يصعب حتقيق هذه الرغبة‬

Political leaders have either stepped down or promised drastic reforms.

Ahmed Essa In Egypt and across the Middle East, the staggering lack of opportunities has led to frustration amongst youth. Entrepreneurs who have political connections find it difficult and unfair to compete with more established businesses. Corruption and economic stagnation can be traced as some of the potent factors that led to massive street protests across the region. It is also a fact that unemployment among youth in the Middle East and North Africa is highest among any region the world. The reason can be traced to an anemic private sector. It is not surprising then that frustration is rife in the region. Why frustration may be a good thing On an individual and societal level, frustration has been the key to sweeping changes that have shaped our world today. When people feel frustrated, they feel the need to do something – which is exactly what happened in many parts of the Middle East. The young have broken from the mold.

The changes that the MENA region went through up to this date is only the start. With better governance, transparency and streamlined bureaucracy, more businesses will be given a fighting chance. The entrepreneurs of today will be given the chance to shape their own future. Here are some guidelines that can help you take things one step further. Uncover entrepreneurship opportunities There are a lot of untapped opportunities in the region. In fact, a report from the World Bank noted that firms in the MENA region are older than other parts of the world. This basically means that when it comes to information technology, software development and social net wo r k ing, t h e road is c lear fo r entrepreneurs who want to make money from these types of businesses. Learn from the models in other countries In the Middle East, it is noted that business managers are older and incumbent firms face little competition. For this reason, businesses in the region don’t tend to be as innovative as they can be. Fortunately, you can take inspiration from foreign models! Companies such as Google and Facebook didn’t become successful by being “hierarchical.” They invest in people, work in teams and prize innovation.

Amr Ashraf from Alexandria is currently studying for his senior year at the Faculty of Computer Science at the AUC. Education and being busy with exams does not stop this young man from going after his dreams at a younger age. At school, Amr used to practice lots of extra activities to sharpen his skills. Amr then founded TEDxAUC, a franchise from TED global. He wanted to give more exposure to the AUC community with the people outside the university. TEDxAUC turned very successful as the biggest TED event was held in Egypt in October, 2013, with around 1500 attendees. This year, Amr has founded his new company, Engezni, a food ordering app and web portal designed to save people the hassle. According to Amr, it also helps you choose what to eat and spot the best places of food in Cairo, places you actually did not know were there.

things to avoid in job interviews  Going blank when asked tough questions

‫ عام» فقد أشار إيل رغبته‬22« .‫ع‬.‫أما عن أ‬ ‫يف معل يشء مفيد لملجمتع و البرشية حيت‬ .‫و إن مل يقرر بعد ماهية هذا اليشء‬

‫ عام" أهنا تتطلع إيل‬18" .‫ ع‬.‫و أوحضت ن‬ ‫ و إجياد‬،‫إجياد حل لألزمة املرورية بالقاهرة‬ ‫ و أن تنتظم يف النوم و‬،‫عالج ملرض األيدز‬ ‫أن تنام المثاين ساعات الاكملة لك ليلة مثل‬ .‫بايق الناس‬

‫ عام» أهنا تمتين أن ُتهني‬22« .‫ح‬.‫مكا قالت أ‬ ‫ و أن تقوم برحلة حول‬،‫دراسهتا للغة الفرنسية‬ ‫ و أن‬،‫ و أن تبدأ يف دراسة األم يب أي‬،‫أوروبا‬ ،‫ أما عن حال البالد‬،‫ُتصبح عائلهتا خفورة هبا‬ .‫فتمتين أن تنعم مرص باإلستقرار‬ ‫ سنة" و الذي أوحض‬25" .‫ أ‬.‫باإلضافة إيل م‬ ‫أن آماله و تطلعاته للعام اجلديد تمكن يف‬ ‫رشاء تيليسكوب ليساعده عيل ممارسة هوايته‬ ّ ‫املفضلة و يه متابعة لك ما يتعلّق بالفضاء من‬ .‫أخبار و دراسات‬

‫ عام» فقد قالت أهنا تمتين أن‬22« .‫ ن‬.‫و عن أ‬ ‫ و أن تقيض‬،‫تأخذ دورة يف اإلسعافات األ ّولية‬ ‫اجازة نصف العام يف تدريب مبستشيف‬ ‫ مكا‬،‫ و أن تري أصدقاهئا القدايم‬،57357 .‫أهنا تمتين أن تأخذ دورة يف التمنية البرشية‬ ‫و من اآلمال و التطلعات املضحكة اليت‬ "‫ عام‬22" .‫ ع‬.‫ اكنت عيل لسان أ‬،‫مسعهتا‬ ‫فقد قال أنه يمتين رشاء لكب من فصيلة الاكن‬ ُ ‫ و رشاء د ّراجة خبارية و ألك‬،‫كورسو‬ ‫"كنافة‬ ."‫باملاجنو‬

‫ عام» فهو يمتين أن يقيض‬26« .‫ م‬.‫أما عن ج‬ .‫اجازة و يزور أهله‬

‫فهكذا تتعدد آمال و مطوحات الشباب املختلفة‬ ‫ و تلك‬،‫ أو الخشصية‬،‫عيل األصعدة املهنية‬ ‫معا يحمط إليه بعضهم للعام‬ ّ ‫اكنت حملة‬ .‫اجلديد‬

 Arriving late to the interview  Doing too much talking and getting too personal  Forgetting the interviewer’s name  Not running a background check on the company  Being over- or underdressed  Mainly focusing on the funds  Using cell phone  Lacking enthusiasm  Badmouthing past employers  Joking around and not taking it seriously  Lying about resume

Egyptian Power and Electricity Summit 2014

Jan. 27-28 2014 Heliopolis, Cairo Fair

City Automotive

Wednesday 15-01-2014


Volume 1 Issue 2

Top Gear Corner ‫فيات اإليطالية تستحوز‬

‫علي كرايسلر األمريكية‬

Salma Magdi


in critical state Nehal El Zoheiry

‫فامطة السيد‬

Bugatti Veyron. Top Gear is one of the world’s widely watched British shows about automobiles and cars. It is a factual TV series presented by Jeremy Clarkson and his co-presenters James May and Richard Hammond. They take cars for test drives to review them and make comparisons. If you’re a big fan of cars, watch the show on BBC. This article demonstrates segments of random episodes. Have you ever wondered what the fastest car in the world is? It’s the Bugatti Veyron manufactured in Molsheim, Alsace in north-eastern France – the fastest, most powerful and most expensive car the world has ever seen. When we say most expensive, we’re talking £840,000. British Pounds. In season 9, James May, or Captain Slow as they call him, takes the fastest car in the world for a test drive in Volkswagen’s test track in Ehra-Lessien, Germany. This is a five-mile flat road, in which you stand in the middle and don’t see the end of it. The target is to go 407 kph. But first, what happens when you get into the car? This is no ordinary car. You insert a special key into the slot by the door, so the diffuser flats close, the rear spoiler retracts and the whole car descends to be as slippery as possible. James uses a telemetry box to measure the speed in kilometers and miles. It looks out of the ordinary when he starts the ignition and the camera goes to the speedometer showing the number 420! As James accelerates, the engine gets louder and louder that it’s so hard to even speak. That must’ve been an experience of a lifetime. In very little time, the speed then starts to fluctuate at 404 going like this 404, 405, 404, 405, 406…and voilà 407! It looks like the roads were shaking. This car is faster than a Formula 1 car. James describes it saying that it’s phenomenal with ferocious power and also incredibly stable. In another episode, the Bugatti races an airplane and if you think about it, it’s fair play for a Bugatti to compete with an airplane.

‫أعلنت مجموعة فيات اإليطالية أهنا عيل وشك اإلنهتاء من امتام تعاقدها و املوافقة عيل رشاء بايق‬ ّ ‫ من مجموعة كرايسلر األمريكية بعد استقالة‬%41.46 ‫ال‬ ‫ عملا بأن تلك الرشكة اكنت تو ّفر‬،‫موظفهيا‬ ‫ من هشر‬20 ‫ ستنهتي فيات من توقيع تلك الصفقة حبلول يوم‬.‫تأمينات حص ّية لعامل صناعة السيارات‬ .‫يناير يف العام اجلديد‬

‫ مكا أعربت‬،‫ مليار دوالر‬3.65‫احلصة املتبقية من كرايسلر األمريكية ب‬ ‫قامت فيات برشاء تلك‬ ّ ‫ مليون‬700 ‫كرايسلر أهنا وحدها ستسمتر يف دمع احتاد معال صناعة السيارات مببلغ قد يصل إيل‬ .‫دوالر سنويًا‬

Michael Schumacher crashed in ski accident in the French Alpine resort of Meribel. ... The 44-year-old racing driver is fighting for his life when he was airlifted to Grenoble after falling heavily and hitt in g his head while skiing on the unmarked slope at the Méribel resort with a group of friends and his 14-year-old son. People worldwide were worried about the seven-time former world champion’s condition especially after hours of silence, which raised concerns about Schumacher. The Grenoble hospital issued a statement at the night of the accident describing his state as “critical.” The statement stated that he was in a coma on arrival at the hospital suffering from “severe brain trauma” and had undergone surgery. The French Grenoble-based newspaper Le Dauphiné Libéré reported that Schumacher’s injuries had worsened and were now “life threatening.” The good news is that Schumacher showed slight improvement after a two-hour operation but we cannot say he is out of danger especially that he had been skiing at an altitude of 2,100 meters. He was rescued by two ski patrollers who requested helicopter evacuation to the nearby valley town of Moutiers, before he was subsequently moved to a bigger facility at Grenoble. A great champion like Schumacher, who won seven world championships and secured 91 race victories during a 19-year career in Formula 1, needs us to pray for him.

The German retired in 2006, but returned in 2010 with Mercedes. After three seasons which yielded just one podium finish, he quit the sport at the end of 2012.

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Wednesday 15-01-2014

Volume 1 Issue 2


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