free copy Friday 31-01-2014
Volume 1 Issue 3
Abu Simbel
There are some specific dates in Ancient Egyptian history that can’t be ignored at all. One of these dates is the Abu Simbel Sun Festival day, which
Sun Festival gathers everyone
takes place twice a year, in February and October, and is considered one
of the wonders of Ancient Egyptian civilization.
visitors gathered on the day of the
Abu Simbel Sun Festival on Oct. 22, 2013, around the area of Abu Simbel Temple
city of Aswan to witness a rare and exquisite
phenomenon, where
sun illuminates the inner sanctuary
of the temple. Everybody wonders how Ancient Egyptians could manage
to do it on this specific day with the measurements of the sun and its timings in the sky. Celebrations this
year are considered as a message to
the whole world, as it shows how safe it is to come and watch this unique
astronomical phenomenon of the sun
falling on the face of Ramses II, in which it is a good indicator that the tourism movement will return to the Egyptian archaeological sites despite the critical circumstances in the country. The sun
has been falling on the face of Ramses II on Oct. 22, 2013, 20 minutes in
the presence of 2200 Egyptians and foreigners along with Hisham Zaazou and Aswan Governor, Mostafa Yousri.
Top Stories City Life
Cairo Nightlife
Valentine’s Day
Cairo is different from any other country in the world. It
Let’s get red and ready on February 14 for Valentine’s Day,
is warm and tender, and once you get in, you will have the
which is approaching. Did you prepare yourself for it? Do
feeling of never leaving it again. Everything has a different
you know much about its historical background? Do you
taste. Even the people are friendly, lovely and helpful.
know why it is celebrated and how it grew different with its
Spending a night in Cairo makes you feel that you haven’t
presents, cards and flowers? Here in the City News we will
known much about your country as it has a totally different
tell you about its history, why it’s celebrated and how you
feeling in the evening and at night than in daytime. Try
could celebrate it differently. We will also help you to go on
having a long walk along River Nile at night and you’ll really
the budget and make something new you might not think
fall in love with every detail in the city.
about doing.
City Arts & Culture
City Technomedia تطبيقات جوجل الحديثة
2014 كأس العالم
في أيامنا هذه نعيش في زمن التطورات و التطبيقات السريعة التي تساعد اإلنسان على .معرفة أشياء لم يكن يعرفها من قبل
إن كأس العالم للكرة يعتبر من أهم اإلحتفالت التي ينتظرها كثير من الناس كل أربع سنوات و .هذه المرة سوف تقام في البرازيل
8 لملزيد صفحة
10 لملزيد صفحة
The secret of being remarkable
Cairo International Book Fair was held in the area of Ard El Ma’ared in Nasr City. It’s important for everyone to pass by and have a good chance of discovering the books’ treasure.
In this article you will know some useful tips about how you can make yourself remarkable. None of us wants
City Automotive
City Sports
City Business
Book Fair
to live and die unnoticed.
Biker Zone Event Biker Zone event is held in Cairo and attended by a great number of visitors. It’s important for those who are fond of bikes and motorbikes and their accessories.
Volume 1 Issue 3
Friday 31-01-2014
Your shoe can tell youمسميات جديده your age…try this and seeم���ن م��خ��ت��رع��ات العصر ثريوقراطيه :حمك رجال الدين
امليكيافيليه :النفعيه (شعارها الغايه تربر الوسيله) البارامجاتيه :الواقعيه
الرنجسيه :مدح النفس و الثناء الدامئ علهيا الشوفونيه :الغلو ىف حب الوطن
دمياجوجيه :سياسة متلق الشعب
4- Multiply by 20.
1- Take your shoe size.
5- Add 1012.
2- Multiply it by 5.
3- Add 50. 6- Subtract the year you were born. The first two digits are your shoe size while the last two digits are your age. !TRY IT…YOU WILL BE SHOCKED
دمجاتيه :التعصب الشديد للرأى
برجوازيه :الطبقه احلامكة ىف املجمتع الرأمساىل يوتوبيا :املدينة الفاضلة عند أفالطون
-1خيوط احلرير األقوى من الصلب :ينتج عن طريق دودة القز املعدلة وراثيًا وقد مت تطويره من ِقبل العملاء يف وايومنج بالواليات املتحدة األمريكية ،وهلا طيف من االستخدامات الواسعة، مثل خياطة العمليات اجلراحية ،وصناعة سرتات واقية من الرصاص .وذلك ميثل ثورة عملية حقيقية و جيعل مغامرات الرجل العنكبوت قابلة للتصديق اآلن. -2عباءة االختفاء :مت تطويرها بواسطة HyperStealth Biotechnologyوعرضها أمام مجهور من القوات العسكرية من الواليات املتحدة وكندا يف عام ،2012ويه عبارة عن غطاء من مادة Quantum Stealthتعكس الضوء احمليط هبا بنفس الدرجة ،ومتتص اآلشعة حتت امحلراء مما جيعل من يرتدهيا خمتفيًا عن األنظار. -3اجللد الصنايع :الغرض من هذا االخرتاع عالج حروق اجللد اخلطرية ،ويمت رشه بصورة
سياسة توزيع الفقر
سائلة عىل اجلزء املصاب بنفس درجة لون اجللد الطبييع املفقود ،مث يكمتل اسرتداده بعد أسبوع.
معرها 52عامًا وتعاين من شلل يف الرقبة وشلل سفيل ،وبعد اسبوع من العملية بدأت املرأة يف حتريك أرجلها واجلزء السفيل بواسطة عقلها.
-4إطالة العمر االلكينييك للحياة :بواسطة زرع خاليا جذعية شابة من نفس نوع الاكئن احلي. متت التجربة عىل فرئان ال تعمر أكرث من 21يومًا ومت حقهنم خباليا جذعية من فرئان صغرية بعمر أربعة أيام واكنت النتيجة مذهلة :أهنم عاشوا 71 يومًا بدلًا من 21حفسب.
-8روبوت أطلس :منوذج روبوت برشي مذهل حتت إرشاف واكلة داربا ،وقادر عىل القيام حبراكت معقدة وامليش واجلري واحملافظة عىل اإلتزان عند اجلري والتغلب عىل الكثري من العقبات.
-5طابعات املجمسات :وقد مت تطوير مرشوع طابعات املنازل اجلاهزة بواسطة "انريكو ديين" واكنت قادرة عىل بناء بيت اكمل يف أقل من يوم واحد .اجلهاز يستخدم ألياف كونكريت خاصة. -6السيارة ذاتية القيادة :يف عام 2012مت إطالق السيارات ذاتية القيادة بشلك قانوين لتعمل يف واليات نيفادا وفلوريدا واكليفورنيا، ومن الغريب أهنا مل تتسبب يف أي حوادث إال مرتني ,عند تشغيل نظام القيادة اليدوي لتمت قيادهتا بواسطة سائقني. -7األطراف املوجهة احلركة بواسطة التفكري اإللكرتوين :زرع فريق عيمل من "بيتسربغ" رشحية Microelectrode Arraysيف اجلزء األسفل من العقل املمسى ب left motor cortexتعمل عىل ارسال اإلشارات احلركية والعصبية إىل األطراف يف معلية جراحية إلمرأة
City Life Everywhere By Mohamed Aziz
Mohamed Aziz, a touristic, cultural and
media counselor earned his bachelor’s
degree from the Faculty of Arts, French Section. In 1996, Aziz obtained
a diploma in the Social Psychology of Tourist Behavior. He also obtained a diploma in Organizational Culture and
another in Hotel Management from
International Aziz
general information and interesting
topics about life in other countries in
“City Life Everywhere” category of I am Cairo City News. mohamed.aziz@iamcairo.com
بروليتاريا :طبقة الاكدحني
الغرب تقدم وعلم ...والشرق إلى أين؟؟
عندما تشاهد ما يفعله العامل الغرىب مث تعود إىل كتاب هلل "القرآن" جتد أهنم يفعلون معظم ما جاء بالكتاب ،وحنن الذى وهبنا املوىل لك شئ جند أن الرجعية وبدائية الفكر ىه مرجعنا ىف لك أمورنا ويا للعجب!!! معوما اليوم سرنى ماذا فعل الغرب و الذى حول أساطري اخليال العملى اىل حقيقة و واقع ,وطبعا ذلك مل حيدث باألمنيات و الدعاء و إمنا بالعمل الشاق واجلاد، ويارب نتعمل...
City Life
…Look what China is doing China’s new Sheraton Hotel
-9مركبات فضائية أرضية تصل إىل حافة النظام المشيس وبرش يولدون ويعيشون يف الفضاء :وصل فوياجر 1يليه شقيقه فوياجر2 إىل حافة النظام المشيس ملجموعتنا ،واكنت هذة املركبات الفضائية قد مت إطالقها يف عام 1977مع بعثة إلستكشاف كوكب املشرتي وزحل ،لكهنا وصلت إىل أبعد من ذلك ،واجليل احلايل من البعثة عىل منت هذه املركبات متت والدهتم وتربيهتم يف الفضاء من آباهئم الرواد الذين غادروا األرض شبابًا وأجنبوا أوالدًا مل يروا األرض حىت اآلن! -10اإلنتقال عرب األثري عن بعد :يف مايو 2012 جنح االنتقال اآلين عرب األثري يف حتريك الفوتونات ملسافة 88ميلًا ( 143كيلومرتًا) برسعة الضوء ( 300ألف مك يف الثانية) بني جزر الكناري ،ليصبح بذلك أطول مسافة انتقال آين معروفة.
In keeping with its status as a rising global superpower, China is showing off its new wealth with an increasing number of landmark buildings. This could be the most incredible yet. The 27-storey Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort looms on the skyline of Huzhou, near Shanghai, in the shape of a massive glowing donut.
The White Gown
Set on the shores of Lake Taihu and offering 321 spacious guest rooms, including 44 suites and 39 villas, it’s an ideal destination for China’s newly affluent business class.
Amany El Cherif Fashion Designer
هشام عادل
أستاذ اجلراحه العامه ىف قسم عني مشس
اذا ختيلنا رب أرسة حمدود الدخل يريد أن يوفر ألرسته أفضل مسكن وملبس ومالك وتعلمي و رعاية حصية وهذا حق مرشوع له.و لكن ﻻن الدخل حمدود سوف ستكون النتيجة فرد مل حيصل عىل القدر الاكيف من التعلمي اي جاهال مريضا .لكن اﻻب سوف يكون راضيًا ألنه أمام املجمتع أدى واجبه .هذا هو ما حيدث يف الدولة و بالتحديد يف القطاع اليحص والتعلمي .فبالرمغ من أن مزيانية وزارة الصحة حمدودة; مع ذلك ترص الدولة عىل تقدمي لك اخلدمات الصحية من طب طوارئ ايل طب عاليج و طب وقايئ .فاكنت النتيجة انه أصبح لدينا الفتات للك اخلدمات لكن وراء هذه الالفتات ال يوجد إال اهلواء .و مبا أننا ال نستطيع زيادة املزيانية يف الوقت احلايل فاحلل أن نركز اإلنفاق يف جمال واحد و ليكن طب الطوارئ الذي خيدم قطاع عريض من املجمتع.و ذلك ;حىت ميكن أن نمتزي يف هذه اخلدمة اليت متثل %70من اخلدمات الصحية حيث أن الكثري ﻻ يعرف أن الطوارئ تمشل غري حوادث السري أزمات القلب و اللكى والكبد والعمليات اجلراحية الطارئة .و عندما تمتزي مستشفيات الوزارة يف الطوارئ ميكن أن تتفرغ املستشفيات اجلامعية للطب العﻻيج .و يف الهناية جيب أن نعرف أنه ﻻ يوجد ما يمسى بالعالج املجاين ألن املجانية يه ملتليق اخلدمة وليس ملقدمها.لكمة أخرية خارج السياق و لكن األحداث يه اليت حتدد اللكامت.
Weather forecast
General info
Sun, 09
Sat, 08
Fri, 07
Thurs, 06
Wed, 05
Tues, 04
Mon, 03
Sun, 02
& Cloudy Sunny
& Cloudy Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Partly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours Time zone abbreviation: EET - Eastern European Time No daylight saving time in 2013 Official language: Standard Arabic National and spoken language: Egyptian Arabic Frequently used languages: English & French Cairo International Airport +20 2 2006 Statistics: 9 million Cairo-Helwan: 17.8 million Islam: 90% Coptic & Christian: 10%
The white gown, your white gown, should tell a story – a story of love, happiness and new beginning. The first step in finding your gown is to settle on the setting and theme of your big day. If you walk to a great grand hotel in a breathtaking white gown or rock up to an open field, you could wear a simple gown. From our 2014 collection, we love to share with you these two unique gowns: First one is mixing the tulle with organza and putting the final touches with the elegancy of lace. Second one is going deep into layers of organza, which gives you a fresh spring look. Whatever your fantasy is, we will find you the dream white gown.
Local time UTC/GMT offset
Language Airports Dialing codes Population Religion
Friday & Saturday
)Egyptian Pound (EGP) or Livre Egyptienne (LE
1 USD = 6.96 EGP 1 GBP = 11.49 EGP 1 EUR = 9.52 EGP
Exchange rates
Police: 122 Ambulance: 123 Fire Emergency: 180
Useful numbers
220 V,50 Hz, Type C Electrical Outlet
Egypt electrical outlet
City Life
Friday 31-01-2014
ال��رئ��ي��س ال��ق��ادم ح��دي��ث ال��ش��ارع... المصري
محدى خبيت/اللواء خبري أمىن و إسرتاتيىج
يف هذه األوقات العصيبه من تارخي أمة عظميه وبعد ثالثه وثالثون عاما من الضياع يف مرص بني فقدان الرؤيه وعشوائية التخطيط وفساد اإلداره وضياع هيبة وريادة مرص داخليا .وخارجيا يف شىت جماالت القوه والقدره وبعد ثورتني متتابعتني بفاصل زمين غري مسبوق يف التارخي املعارص مبا هلا وما علهيا من آثار وتداعيات عىل متاسك وصالبة وإرادة شعب مرص وما عاناه خالهلام من اإلنفالت األمىن وجرامئ العامله والتخابر واإلرهاب الفكري والتدمريي الذي مارسه نظام ومجاعات ... وتنظميات من داخل وخارج مرص حان الوقت أن يقف الشارع املرصي مع نفسه وقفة صدق ليعلن عن شديد إحتياجه لقائد وزعمي قبل الرئيس ليقود سفينة حبجم وماكنة مرص عرب هذا اخلضم من األمواج العاتيه ....الىت إن طالت أكرث من هذا فلن تنبئ خبري لقد تأكدت مجيع الرؤى عىل أن الرئيس القادم جيب أن حيمل مواصفات معينه قبل أن حيمل مؤهل اإلختيار عرب صناديق اإلقرتاع وهو منوذج مرصي حديث يعمل الدنيا بأرسها أن اإلراده احلقيقيه لألمه يه املقياس األدق إلختيار بدمقراطيه قبل الصناديق اليت دامئا ما تكون ملوثه جبرامئ كثريه تبدأ بالزتوير .وتنهتي بالقتل
Volume 1 Issue 3
Understanding Diabetes Cairo and the magic Clinical A/ Prof George Albert Medical Practitioner & Director of the Shellharbour Medical Centre, Australia Diabetes is a complex condition, which can affect the entire body. Understanding diabetes is important even if you don’t have it. You most likely know someone who has diabetes; maybe a family member or a friend. This is because diabetes has reached epidemic proportions globally. Community awareness of the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is still surprisingly limited. As a community we need to foster a culture of shared understanding of what diabetes is and be part of the solution that turns the diabetes epidemic around. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition. This means that it lasts for a long time, often for someone’s whole life. For our bodies to work properly, we need to convert glucose (sugar) from food into energy. A hormone called insulin is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy. In people with diabetes, insulin is no longer produced or not produced in sufficient amounts by the body. So when people with diabetes eat glucose, which is in foods such as bread, cereals, fruit and starchy vegetables, legumes, milk, yoghurt and sweets, it can’t be converted into energy. Instead of being turned into energy the glucose stays in the blood. This is why blood glucose levels are higher in people with diabetes. Glucose is carried around your body in
your blood. Your blood glucose level is called glycaemia. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach, stops making insulin. Without insulin, the body’s cells cannot turn glucose (sugar) into energy. Without insulin the body burns its own fats as a substitute. Unless treated with daily injections of insulin, people with Type 1 diabetes accumulate dangerous chemical substances in their blood from the burning of fat. This can cause a condition known as Ketoacidosis. This condition is potentially life-threatening if not treated. To stay alive, people with Type 1 diabetes depend on up to four insulin injections every day of their lives. They must test their blood glucose levels several times daily. The onset of Type 1 diabetes typically occurs in people under 30, but can occur at any age. About 10-15 percent of all cases of diabetes are Type 1. Cause of Type 1 diabetes The exact cause of Type 1 diabetes is not yet known, but we do know it has a strong family link and cannot be prevented. We also know that it has nothing to do with lifestyle although maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important in helping to manage Type 1 diabetes. At this stage nothing can be done to prevent or cure Type 1 diabetes.
To be continued...
دعوه للغناء
عندما تسأل املواطن املرصي ما يه صفات ... الرئيس القادم فإن لسانه ينطلق وبرسعه يستمكل العدد القادم
وال خنتلف ان مجيع.ويغنهيا الشعب ويرددها االغاين الوطنيه واالناشيد مازالت عالقه يف مكا أننا،اذهاننا؛ بل وحنفظها عن ظهر قلب .مازلنا نرددها يف لك مناسباتنا
هناك العديد من االغاين القدميه اليت اكنت
نادي الكتاب 2014 لشهر فبراير
Feb. 02 2014 04:00 pm- 02:00 am Tahrir Lounge 5. El-Bustan street Downtown from Talaat-Harb
مبثابة حتفزي عىل العمل فعندما غنّا معنا الراحل سيد درويش " احللوه دي قامت تعجن ! يف الفجريه والديك بي ّدن كوكو يف الفجريه فاكنت تلك.. "!يال بنا عىل باب اهلل يا صنايعيا ِّاالغنيه ُت ل شك تفاعل ملشاعر حتث عىل العمل ويف املعارك احلربيه يف العصور،واالنتاج القدميه اكنت ال تبدأ إال بعد دق الطبول فاكنت .مبثابة انذار وحتفزي للجيوش لبدأ احلرب
تطورت تلك األغنيات بعد ذلك إيل أناشيد وطنيه تذاع اثناء احلرب؛ ويتوىل ذلك ادارات التوجيه املعنوي للقوات املسلحه سواء اثناء احلرب او يف اوقات الراحه للجنود بغرض .حشذ اهلم
نتذكر يف ظل االحداث اليت متر هبا مرص أننا تغنينا واستدعينا االغاين الوطنيه الرائعه فاكنت تتوجه مشاعرنا وتقوى عزميتنا وتعطينا .الطاقه والقوه للصمود يف أحلك الظروف ال نتوقف عن الغناء فهو اكسري حياتنا رمغ .السنة املغرضني ورمغ كيد الاكئدين
of night
Type 1 diabetes
هكذا بات إختيار رئيس من األمهية مباكن يفرض علينا مجيعا أن نكون عىل مستوى احلدث من حيث الويع والضمري الوطين ودقة املشاهد والتحليل حبيث نتفادى أي إخفاق يعود بنا إىل (مربع الصفر) مره أخرى وهنا .جيب أن نتأكد أن العوده تعترب شبه مستحيله إن الذاكء اإلجمتايع لدى املواطن املرصي وخاصه من كبار السن ومن الشباب إستطاع عىل مدى الستة هشور املاضيه أن يبلور رؤيه واحضه يف شلك رشوط حمدده ترمس معامل خشصية الرئيس القادم فال خيتلف هيلع إثنني وال يتجاهل وجوده حىت القله القليله بإستثناء هؤالء الذين حيملون اجلنسيه واليعرفوا معىن اهلويه ومه قلة تهتم بالغباء السيايس تاره وبالعامله تاره أخرى وباإلرهاب وهؤالء أدىه فعندما تسأل رجل الشارع البسيط... واأل َمر عن الرئيس القادم فإنه ال يتلعمث وال يمتهل يف التفكري ليصفه لك فالصوره واحضه ماثله .جممسه يف وجدانه قبل رؤيته
رشيف أباظة خبري تمنية برشية
من منا مل يدندن بصوته يف بعض األحيان وفقا لملود النفيس له – فعندما يطرق احلب قلوبنا جتد اننا نتغىن ببعض االحلان الرومانسيه الرقيقه دون ان نشعر – وحىت يف حاالت الصدمات العاطفيه جتدنا كذلك ولكن بأحلان وما... او اغاين عن جرح احلبيب او الفراق اما عن، هذا عىل اجلانب الخشيص،اىل ذلك اجلانب العام فنحن شعب حيب الغناء يف لك املناسبات؛ يف مناسبات النرص او االنكسار ينفعل الشعراء وكتاب االغنيه باالحداث فيكتبوا احىل ما عندمه ليتناوهلا فنان ملحن يصيغ تلك اللكامت مبوسيقاه وينقلها اىل امساعنا و كثريا من تلك االغاين ما،بصوت جشن اذن تلك االغنيه اصبح هلا.زال عالقا باذهاننا دورا كبريا يف ترمجة املشاعر الداخليه للشعب فاكنت االناشيد الوطنيه امحلاسيه،املرصي .ومهنا ما تنادى حبب مرص
حىت ان كثري من االلسنه املغرضه اعرتضت بأنه ليس هناك شعبا يف العامل يغىن لبلده مكا فمل نمسع ان الشعب،يغىن الشعب املرصي االملاين او االمرييك او الفرنيس يغين حببك يا امرياك او الفرنسيون مهه و حيويه وعزم .وقوه وهكذا وانا اختلف مع تلك االراء الغري حصيحه فاالناشيد الوطنيه ما يه اال مشاعر جياشه خترج من القلب بانفعال لالحداث احمليطه
Colorful feluccas illuminating River Nile A foreign friend of mine traveled to Egypt two years ago. He was fascinated by it despite all the tension that happens now and then. Every time someone asks him about why he loves living in Cairo, he says, “Because Cairo nights are incomparable to any place I have visited.” And you have got to agree with this; Cairo nights have their own flavor. It doesn’t matter what social class you come from or how much money you have. In Cairo you can afford going out at night, and not only this, but actually enjoying every single moment of it. You can choose from a luxurious hotel bar or restaurant overseeing the Nile to downtown coffee shops filled with people from different backgrounds and ages. Passing through Nile Corniche, you will see the little boats and feluccas with all these bright colors, which can be disturbing to the eye because they are very bright, yet you still sense the harmony between these boats and the Nile. When moving in the river, it feels like the Nile is dancing to the melody of the music played. Going inside the city, you will smell the scent of “shisha” with its different flavors, and people are laughing, talking and discussing different topics with smiles on their faces, listening to music and watching the satellite channels while drinking a cup of Cairo’s famous tea. Cairo night simply enchants you to the charming atmosphere it has. It will embrace you within its beauty; it is unforgettable.
City Travel & Tourism
Friday 31-01-2014
Take it from the roamer
“General travel tips”
Volume 1 Issue 3
)1( وزي�����ر االث����ار إلي اهرامات الجيزة يفتتح مزارات اثرية سياحية يفتتح- ]االقرص [وزارة الدولة لشوئن اآلثار دمحم ابراهمي وزير االثار عدد من امجل.د واروع املواقع االثرية مبحافظة االقرص أمام ،حركة السياحة العاملية الوافدة إيل مرص ىف مقدمهتا معابد اإلله موت بالكرنك ومعبد ،دير شلويت وقرص العجوز وقربت بالربالغرىب حبضور طالب رفايع أمني عام منمظة السياحة وسفراء،العاملية وسفري دول االحتاد األورويب . المنسا ولتوانيا وسلوفاكيا وكورواتيا
Traveling is without question the best life coach and experience you’ll get. Everything surrounding you is new and different. It’s an incredible feeling to leave your everyday bubble and hear new sounds, see new faces and figures, eat new food with different tastes, get exposed to a new kind of climate and learn about a history that doesn’t seem remotely connected to yours. When you get out of the box, the world starts to get wider in your eyes to a broad universe out there filled with endless sounds, tastes, colors, faces and scenes. When gearing up for a trip, take into consideration what means of communication to use while traveling abroad even if you’re traveling solo. Your cellular phone has to be usable and available in case of emergencies, aside from connecting with family and friends back home of course. It’s also recommended to have Internet connection most times, especially when visiting a place for the first time; maps will come in handy in case you get lost. Other than that, Internet is indispensable to be
able to access any sort of information anytime anywhere. The bottom line is SIM cards are better to be reviewed in advance to decide which option is the most suitable during the trip. You can do this by searching online, asking a nomad, consulting natives and looking over forums and blogs; find what the common opinion is, using more than one source. Sometimes it happens that a communications service provider is good in one place but weak in another. Avoid just buying the first thing you stumble on at the airport because those are the priciest. When searching for SIM cards, bear these criteria in mind: trip duration (how long are you staying there?), usage frequency (do you need it for making international or local calls?), network coverage (is the signal reception strong and providing coverage over a wide area in case you travel out of town?). Make a wise decision, and don’t be rash, otherwise you’ll find yourself wasting time, trying to figure out how to use it and paying a visit to a mobile phone shop every day.
ُ فيف بردياهتم جند،تمكن عمظة احلضارة املرصية القدمية يف لك يشء تركوه خلفهم للبرشية لكها قصص حيكوها و أخري محتل وصايامه ملن خيلفهم و لك األجيال و احلضارات اليت تتايل عيل أرض و من بني تلك األماكن اليت هشدت و مازالت تهشد عمظة احلضارة املرصية القدمية.مرص العظمية .يه منطقة "اجلزية" اليت حتتضن يف أطرافها األهرامات و أبو اهلول
و مازالت متثل حيت اآلن، من جعائب الدنيا السبع، و مه خوفو و خفرع و منقورع،ُتعترب األهرامات تمتثل عمظة األهرامات يف جحمها المخض و الذي يفوق.لغز يف العمل و التارخي القدمي و احلديث فارتفاعه،بتخيل كيفية بناءه ُّ و تبدأ،» و خاصة اهلرم األكرب «خوفو، عندما تقف امام احدمه،اخليال و يبلغ طول لك ضلع من اضالع قاعدته حنو، فدانًا13 مرتًا و مساحة قاعدته متثل148 ميثل حنو ُ . مرتًا230 قطعة2300000 تبلغ مكية احلجارة اليت استخدمها الفراعنة يف بناء اهلرم األكرب حنو . طن تقريبًا5500000 جحرية تزن يف مجموعها حنو ،نسب لمللك خوفو ثاين ملوك األرسة الرابعة َ مت بناء اهلرم األكرب يف مدة ال تقل عن عرشون عامًا و ُي و قد قام املهندس مح أونو ببناء هذا اهلرم ليكون،و الذي توليّ حمك مرص بعد وفاة والده امللك سنفرو و هنا،اهلريم الشلك هو مبثابة مقربة و لن يتخيل من يقف أمامه أن هذا البناء املهيب،مقربة لمللك ّ ُ مكا أننا جند عيل الناحية الرشقية منه ثالث.تمكن عمظة ملوكهم و عملهم الذي حيرّ العملاء حيت اآلن .أهرامات صغرية لزوجات امللك خوفو أيضًا
...تستمكل العدد القادم
وذلك من خالل فعاليات ورشة العمل اليت تنمظها وزارة السياحة مبدينة األقرص يف الفرتة حتت رعاية، من الهشر اجلاري11 – 9 من يف إطار املسامهة،منمظة السياحة العاملية ،يف تنشيط حركة السياحة الوافدة إيل مرص والعمل عيل مواجهة ما تهشده احلكومة املرصية من حتديات الستعادة حضورها عىل اخلريطة .السياحية الدولية
دمحم إبراهمي وزير اآلثار أن افتتاح.أوحض د هذه املواقع األثرية أمام الزوار يأيت يف إطار خطة وزارة اآلثار خللق عنارص جذب سيايح جديدة تعمل عىل تنشيط حركة الساحة الوافدة مؤكدا أن اختيار هذا التوقيت،عىل تلك املواقع الفتتاح مجموعة من أمه املقابر واملعابد املرصية القدمية ليكون مضن فعاليات ورشة معل يشارك يعد هو االختيار،هبا عدد من سفراء دول العامل األمثل مبا يسامه به من تروجي عاملي هلذه املواقع وما يبعث به من رسائل مطئنه ملختلف دول العامل تؤكد استقرار الوضع األمين داخل .مرص
مكا اشار وزير اآلثار عىل رضورة املشاركة الفعالة يف مثل هذه الورش العملية واملؤمترات الدولية واليت تسىع إيل حبث اكفة احللول الفورية املتاحة لتنشيط حركة السياحة الوافدة عىل شىت املواقع األثرية والسياحية املرصية األمر الذي يؤثر بشلك مبارش عىل العديد مكا يؤثر عىل،من القطاعات العاملة بالدولة اسمترار حركة العمل باملرشوعات القومية اجلارية مع فقدان واحدة من أمه موارد مرص .املالية
Tourism is the development motive of Egypt Mohamed Aziz
ورشة الميكروفون المفتوح
open mic workshop
Feb. 03-25, 2014
Beit El Raseef, Villa 9
street 151 from Hur-
ت��ج��دي��د ات��ف��اق��ي��ة ال��ت��ع��اون السياحي بين مصر و اليونان
reya square- Maadi.
،أكد زعزوع عيل أمهية دمع سبل التمنية للحركة السياحية و التعاون السيايح بني البلدين بشلك عام ،يف ضوء اللقاء الذي مجع بني الرئيس عديل منصور ورئيس الوزراء اليوناين إنتونيس ساماراس حيث أهنم أوحضوا أمهية التعاون الدويل و،حبضور وزيرة السياحة اليونانية أوجلا اكفالوينيس ،التسويق املشرتك مع بلدان أخري مثل اليابان والصني والواليات املتحدة األمريكية وأمرياك الالتينية من خالل حتديد براجم مشرتكة يف األسواق السياحية املرصية واليونانية حبيث يكون نصيب مرص .من هذا الربناجم يومني أو ثالثة
Let’s imagine that a European tourist sitting at home, watching TV and changing channels found an advertisement about tourism in Egypt. So, he decided to go to a tourist activating office to get more information. He was provided with all the information he needs. Then, he decided to have such an experience and travel to spend his leave in Egypt. He booked through EgyptAir and was cordially received by the employees with nice smiles.
وأوحض زعزوح أنه مت االتفاق عىل جتديد اتفاقية التعاون املشرتك يف املجال السيايح اليت مت باإلضافة إيل تجشيع االستمثارات السياحية اليونانية يف مرص2005 توقيعها بني البلدين يف عام .وبصفة خاصة يف جماالت املارينا البحرية اليت تمتزي فهيا اليونان خبربات ممتزية و واسعة بالتعاون مع مرص،وأشار إىل أنه مت االتفاق عىل تمنية سياحة اليوم الواحد بني مرص واليونان للطريان و اليت سيمت وضع من خالهلا براجم مشرتكة للساحئني القادمني من اليونان لزيارة .األهرامات واملناطق األثرية و السياحية يف القاهرة
Before arriving to Egypt, EgyptAir Company has got benefits from that tourist by booking his round trip ticket on the national airlines through the foreign offices; also taxi driver, employees and labors of hotel benefited from him. Even the Ministry of Antiquities did through the tickets he paid in hard currency to enter those tourist shrines.
تناولت زيارة وزير السياحة هشام زعزوع برفقة رئيس امجلهورية املستشار عديل منصور لليونان ملف السياحة الذي معلوا من خالله جاهدين عيل فتح آفاق جديدة للتعاون يف جمال السياحة بني . و أن من املتو ّقع ظهور نتاجئ ممتزية مع اجلانب اليوناين،البلدين
وأشار الوزير إىل أنه مت االتفاق عىل تمنية احلركة السياحية القادمة إىل مرص من اليونان بصفة ، وزيارة مدينة سانت اكترين، من خالل تنشيط ملف مسار العائلة املقدسة من اليونان إىل مرص،عامة و ذلك،باإلضافة إيل تنظمي رحالت حبرية تربط بني مرص و اليونان يف املومس السيايح الصييف .عن طريق وضع برناجم لليخوت البحرية
Imagine with me for a moment all these individuals and companies, big or small, that got benefits from this tourist as an individual. How about when this number is doubled and this tourist becomes consecutive tourist groups? We will find the individuals, companies, shops and factories work all together and produce and make profits from such a tourist or groups coming from many countries. There is an instant question: Is there any sector in Egypt that can provide work opportunities whether industrial or commercial and assure salaries, except tourism? Let’s move to another point, which is extremely important, namely, growth and development of human behavior. Human behavior is reflected on those dealing with the tourism sector, by gaining some developed cultures without affecting our beliefs, original eastern and religious habits.
This is also extended to other sectors, such as hospitals, development of roads and airports, opening new facilities to serve this field, and hence provide new work opportunities for youth. Let’s imagine that all this has actually taken place. So, how will it be in ten years, whether for the country or individuals? We can’t forget that we are a consuming and unfortunately a nonproductive country, and hence the foreign currency controls all prices inside the country! When we provide the hard currency, the rate of exchange will be settled, and the Egyptian pound will be stable before other currencies, and hence prices will be stable in general. Everybody benefits from this, even those who do not work in this field. The question now after all these facts, which are actually real, isn’t tourism worthy to be the national issue of Egypt? Shouldn’t it be changed into a national security issue, which affects the people and country alike?
City Travel & Tourism
Friday 31-01-2014
Volume 1 Issue 3
Ramses II illuminating face shows genius of Ancient Egyptians Fatma Elsayed
The future of tourism 2014
Hisham Zaazou, Minister of Tourism Remarkable efforts have been exerted by Egyptian Tourism Minister, Hisham Zaazou, who served as Chairman of Egypt’s Tourism Federation between 2003 and 2007. Zaazou has appeared to be one of the most active ministers nowadays, as it has been highlighted by his ongoing trips back and forth to achieve the highest rates of governmental interaction with other countries, so that Egypt would bring back its tourists.
Zaazou has declared that more than 50 percent of tourists to Egypt come from Europe and America every year, and the operators of these countries had no intention of talking about the future during his visits, as a result of the international warnings that had been put on Egypt; however, he has also added that 21 countries, mostly in Europe, have lifted their warnings, in addition to Japan and China who also have issued tourist warnings against Egypt. Meanwhile, some of his efforts were exerted in his last visit to Greece, as he has been reaching agreements with his Greek peer to fix itineraries between Greece and Egypt, in addition to using some of their experiences in constructing ports. Moreover, Zaazou is aware of the importance of working on achieving the goals and targets of reaching the tourism levels of 2010 of 14.7 million visitors, as he announced in a recent press conference in Berlin, quoting “My target is to at least reach 14 million by the end of 2013,” adding that he maybe a dreamer, but he is working very hard.
In celebration of Ramses II birthday
Sunlight streams through stone, enlightening the statuettes of Ramses, Ra and Amun.
Thousands of tourists and Egyptians come every year to this area to observe how the sun sends its stream of light that sneaks gradually to the inner sanctum of the main temple enlightening the statuettes of King Ramses and sun gods Ra and Amun while the statue of Ptah, the God of Darkness, remains in shade during these two times of the year. Ramses II built his temple at Abu Simbel so that the internal chamber would light up two times a year: once on the anniversary of his ascension to the throne on Octover 22, and once on his birthday on February 22. On the other hand, the whole world considers these two days as a unique astronomical phenomenon, which occurs twice a year, in which it stands along with the other wonders and mysteries of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
A very interesting 13-day schedule has been fixed for those who were planning to visit Egypt during February to be able to witness this wonder, in addition to visiting other historical sites like the Pyramids and Saqqara, Philae Temple, the High Dam, Kom Ombo and Edfu Temple and Valley of the Kings. On the other hand, tourists are to witness the Sun Festival — Temple of King Ramses II, Abu Simbel, which is the aim of fixing this itinerary. Among these historical sites are other places to be visited like the Egyptian Museum, giving the tourists the chance to go on a Nile cruise, in addition to visiting the Red Sea after taking off in Luxor.
Abu Simbel is not only a group of massive temples in the southern Egyptian city of Aswan that were built by one of the most famous kings in the Ancient Egyptian civilization, Ramses II, but also their significance lies behind the reconstruction and removal, because they were threatened by the
submersion of Lake Nasser, during the
7000 years, we have to restore them
result, the temple was moved to higher
and monuments are considered to be a
construction of the High Dam. As a
ground and later became a UNESCO
World Heritage Site after it was saved by International Campaign launched by
UNESCO from the Nile rising water. Also this site is essential not only for
Egyptians but for tourists around the
world as well who love and enjoy coming to see these fantastic historical monuments. Since it’s a very important
site, a worldwide attention is paid to these examples of monuments, which
you can’t find easily. The great and important effort done by the UNESCO
to save the temple and moving the temple to higher ground so that it would not be inundated by the waters of Lake Nasser is appreciated by Egyptians
and everyone around the universe for its great importance and for sure its historical and cultural significance. If it
weren’t for the UNESCO, this site would
be destroyed and gone with the wind. All the people around the world should keep their heritage safe and clean in
order to make it last longer. Although
these monuments lasted for more than
from time to another. These temples mirror of the country, which has these monuments, and they also show their
culture and they spread it around the
world. We should protect our history and culture in order to be ready for our
future and never forget the past. The past is the basis of today, tomorrow and forever. These temples are the
Temple of Re-Harakhte (The Sun Temple of Ramses II), which is the main
temple that was dedicated to Ramses
II and to the four universal gods Ptah, Re-Harakhte, Amun-Re and Ramses
II himself. Of the seven temples he built, Abu Simbel is considered to be
the most impressive. Meanwhile, the
second temple is Nefertari’s Temple of
Hathor (Abu Simbel — Small Temple), in which Hathor was the wife of the Sun God so in a symbolic way, the two temples, that of Ramses II and that
of Nefertari, brought Ramses II and Nefertari and Hathor and the Sun God together as one.
City Arts & Culture
Friday 31-01-2014
Cairo International Book Fair
Volume 1 Issue 3
ربـاعيــات صـالح جـاهين أن���ا ال�ل�ي باألم���ر احمل���ال اغتــــــــــــوي ش���فت القم���ر نطي���ت لف���وق يف اهلـــــوا طلت���ه ما طلت���وش إي���ه ان���ا هيمنـــــــــي م���ا دام بالنش���وة قل�ب�ي ارتوي.. ولي���ه !!وجعـــــــىب أن���ا مش تب���ع خملوق ي���ا س���يدنا البيه أن���ا ُح���ر يف ال�ل�ي يق���ول مض�ي�ري هيلع ج���وا ملكوت���ك حُ�ك�م وإن كن���ت ت ّ الش���ارع الواس���ع ف���احت يل إيدي���ه !!وجعـــــــىب ن���ورك لي���ه ك���ده بريجت���ف؟.. ي���ا جن���م ه���و ان���ت قندي���ل زي���ت؟ أو ختتل���ف ب���س ع���ايل ق���وي...أن���ا جن���م ع���ايل ولك م���ا انظ���ر حت���ت اخ���اف احن���دف !!جعيب
A book a day keeps the doctor away! Of course we’re tending to be sarcastic, because it’s not really easy for someone to start and finish a book every day; however reading is as crucial as eating healthy food. Although many people drop this case out of their minds, when it comes to daily life responsibilities, and how they are engaged with their lives, yet others are still keen on reading, and they are those who chase books in bookstores, kiosks or even buy them on different sidewalks. Cairo’s bookworms are rolling their sleeves up and getting ready for the Cairo International Book Fair, as it’s one of the most important and well-known cultural festivals in the Middle East, in addition to the whole world. It’s taking place in Cairo Fair Grounds in Nasr City.
uniFrance Films launches My French Film Festival online Jan. 17-Feb. 17, 2014 Noha Mostafa
It’s considered as the biggest book fair in the whole world after Frankfurt’s, and so it welcomes around three million visitors every year. Moreover, the opening took place on Jan. 22 in its 43rd edition, as it will be taking three weeks.
The movie will also include the history of this dance and how it underwent
After the movie, there will be an open discussion with the presence of the famous stars Farouk El-Fishawy and Iman El-Bahr Darwish along with Mahmoud Eissa leading Tannoura team, and then the protagonist of the movie will perform a dance.
Enaam Ali
Shady Ahmed is a young Egyptian artist who offers the kind of music that simply penetrates your hearts. Shady has been playing music for many years now, and what is so special about him is the fact that he is also a songwriter; the music he plays is coming from deep within, which gives his songs that special flavor. Shady mostly plays pop and rock ‘n’ roll music, which is available to download on iTunes and Soundcloud. His music is very powerful and strong, words are impressionable and his rich voice completes the whole experience. Put your headphones on and listen to “Drive Faster” or “The Way out” and indulge yourself in another world of really gratifying music. Bands and performers are plentiful in Cairo, but the ones with Shady Ahmed’s talents are few. The up and coming musician plays from the soul and that is why his music is listened to with your heart. Shady develops himself like international superstars and that is why this young artist is making his way to stardom.
يمُ ين هشام
حيىك عن أحد احلاكم الذى شاهد محارا وقد فأمر بإحضار امحلار الذى مل،دخل إىل بستانه فهمس الوزير ىف،يكن له صاحب وأمر بإعدامه !!أذنه إنه محار ياموالى فأمر احلامك عىل امحلار أن يتعمل األصول …ويراىع األوامر امللكية وأذن مؤذن ىف املدينة بدعوة من ميلك القدرة .عىل تعلمي امحلار وله من املال ما يشاء
حىت تقدم رجل وقرر أنه،هتيب الناس من األمر سيعمل امحلار برشط أن مينحه السلطان قرصا يعيش فيه وماال وفريا وبستانا كبريا ومدة للتعلمي عرش سنوات؛ فوافق احلامك وأخرب الرجل املعمل ،أنه سيقطع رقبته إن مل يفلح ىف تعلمي امحلار وانطلق الرجل إىل زوجته خيربها باالنتقال من الكوخ إىل القرص ومن الضيق إىل السعة ورغد العيش ولكن املرأة عندما سألته عن مصريه احملتوم بعد انهتاء املدة ألن امحلار لن يتعمل ،واحلامك سوف ينفذ فيه قطع الرقبة إن مل يفلح :جاء الرجل بالرد املعروف لنا مجيعا "بعد عرش سنني إما سميوت السلطان أو " أموت أنا أو ميوت امحلار
هنى مصطىف
Myfrenchfilmfestival.com presents 10 features and short films in its fourth edition broadcasting worldwide in 13 languages. This annual event promotes French cinema outside France under the auspices of uniFrance Films shedding light on the new generation of French filmmakers. Cinema lovers can get access to all the movies with affordable prices — like cinema tickets — through the website and 20 platforms in 80 countries. Furthermore, movies will be available on several airlines. progresses till this day. The movie will highlight some of Amin’s unknown habits and how the Tannoura is important in his life all those years as well.
An Egyptian singer with an international quality
ق����ص����ة م��ث��ل مـــوت يا حمــــار
جولة في معرض رعي الوهم
Cairo Opera House to show Tannoura dancer documentary
Cairo Opera House decides to make and show a documentary about one of the most important arts, which is the Egyptian Tannoura. This movie will also include a real life story of a man whose life is dedicated to this type of art till now and he keeps dancing this historical dance. This man is called Hany Amin and he is considered to be the world’s best dancer in this specific art of dancing and now he’s 55 years old and dances till this day.
Shady Ahmed
The participating films are competing to win prizes that will be awarded by the end of the festival. The announced prizes are as follows: Filmmakers Award, Audience Award, Social Networks Award and International Press Award. For the Filmmakers Award, the jury is headed by JeanPierre Jeunet and a number of directors from various countries. Audience and Social Networks Awards will be given based on the online viewers’ votes and 100 selected Facebook and Twitter influential users’ votes, respectively. As for the International Press Award, the jury is composed of 11 foreign journalists. Two of the competing films are French-Belgian coproduction: Mobile Home and The Lobster’s Cry. Moreover, there are three other films out of competition: two Canadian movies and a restored version of “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)” all in French. My French Film Festival is the first online film festival that allows viewers from all over the world to watch new, ultimately chosen French films online and to have the opportunity to vote for their favorite ones. For a whole month, you can enjoy the beauty of the French cinema between features and shorts at your home. Do not forget to check out the films’ list, leave your comments and watch the exclusive interviews of the filmmakers on the website.
املوسييق الذي يرى العامل من خالل آلته:الصور ،املوسيقية فهو يرتمج ما يراه حوله إىل أحلان الرسام الذي جيلس مقلوبًا يف ركن األىس متذكرًا حبيبته يف املطر موحضًا لنا أننا حيمنا نحَ ِ ن إىل ماضينا ال ننتبه إذا انقلبت دنيانا فقط...رأسًا عىل عقب وال نأبه للنوافذ املغلقة ،نركن إىل ذكرياتنا يف حماولة للرجوع بالزمن والاكتب الذي تتطاير أوراقه يف اجتاه النافذة وكأن إهلامه يترسب ببطء للخارج؛ أحببت غرفته البيضاء واحلرب األسود الذي خيرج من جسده .عىل هيئة ومش وحروف
وهكذا أضىف ريع الومه — خيال ممزتج بالواقعية متسم باحلقيقة — معىن جديد لعاملنا الصامت امليلء باملشاعر واألفاكر اليت ال ميكن .كبهتا
،مل يكن جتسيد الومه يومًا من األمور املمكنة فأن متسك خبياالتك وترتمجها باللكامت واأللوان وأن تلتقط بعدستك روح االنسان الاكمنة أمام الاكمريا لهَ و اخليال بعينه؛ اخليال الذي دفع ً .شيائ مملوسًا ثالث فنانني لالحتاد جلعل الومه الومه يف أعىت صوره—بني األصوات املكبوتة —واإلنسانية حني تعجز عن التعبري عن نفهسا وشعر، صور فوتوغرافية،حتول إىل لوحات فنية .حيمل بني طياته الكثري من املعاين الضائعة
قدم الفنان املرصي النويب معرو عاكشة والفنانان السويرسيان أوليفييه جاشوند وأنتوين مارتيزن دي ماسيدو معرضًا حتت عنوان "ريع 2014 من يناير31 و18 الومه" يف الفرتة ما بني . للثقافة والفنون املعارصة1718 يف مركز درب رأى عاكشة أوجه التشابه بني واقع السويرسيني واملرصيني رمغ االختالف املزعوم وعرب عن ذلك ".1765.8 يف مرشوعه "نقطة يف كيلومرت اتمست لوحات عاكشة باحليوية وكرثة التفاصيل اليت تدفعك لتفقدها مرة بعد مرة يف عامل آرس صاحبت اللوحات لكامت.شبيه بالدوائر الكهربية دي ماسيدو مما أضىف عىل املهشد لونًا من احلركة وكأن اللوحات تنطق مبصداقيهتا معربة ُ اجتذبتين لوحة م.عن الومه "قع" مبا فهيا من تناقض بني عنرصي املاء والنار واليت تصور فتاة جمسها ميلء مبحلول مايئ بيمنا حترتق ،يدها "ألسنة اللهب تلعق وجهي وعيل فعل يشء اآلن يدي يه اليت،دالء املاء ترصخ تاكحف " .حترتق لكام حاربت اللهب
أما جاشوند فقد جلأ الستخدام الومه «لكغة بديلة» للتعبري معا يعرتينا من خيبة أمل نتيجة .الفشل يف التعبري عن األفاكر إال بالصمت صور جاشوند الفوتوغرافية منحتنا الفرصة من بني.للتعرف عىل عامل الفنانني عن قرب
City Business
Friday 31-01-2014
Volume 1 Issue 3
Organizational Environments تشكيل لجنة دائمة لتطوير domain, and it can be divided into subenvironments or sectors that contain similar elements. Each environmental sector represents an important segment or the environment that has the potential for influencing the survival and effectiveness of the organization. Eight of the most important sectors according to David J. Cherrington and Laura Z. Middleton 2013 are the following.
Dr. Hanan Abdel Moniem Human Resources, MIDOR PH.D, CM, C.T.O.L All organizations are required to interact with their environment. Organizations depend on their environment to provide the necessary resources and to consume their services/products. The services/products must be acceptable to society, and organizations need to obtain a favorable exchange so that they can recycle their services/ products and convert them into new resources. The survival of an organization can be threatened by public disapproval. An organization can be terminated, or drastically restricted, if society disapproves of its products, the way they are produced, or its failure to comply with social expectations such as safety requirements, environment pollution standards, tariff agreements and other legal requirements. The environment of tobacco companies, for example, has become increasingly hostile because of adverse scientific research, changing social customs and anti-smoking laws. In a broad sense, an organization’s environment is infinite and includes everything outside the organization. This is called the organization’s
1- Human Resources Sector: The human resources sector includes the labor market and all the sources from which potential employees may be obtained, including employment agencies, universities, technical schools and other educational institutions. Employees can also be enticed from other organizations. Having a thorough understanding of this sector is an HR manager’s primary responsibility when participating in strategic management. 2- Raw Materials Sector: Raw materials must be obtained from the external environment. These materials include everything from paper and students for a university, patients for a hospital, iron ore for the steel mill and insecticide for a farm. The raw materials sector for the auto industry includes a large number of suppliers and parts manufactures. 3Financial Resources Sector: Money is an essential input for most organizations and an especially crucial input for a new company. The financial resources sector includes places where needed money can be obtained such as banks, savings and loan institutions, stock markets and venture capitalists. 3- Financial Resources Sector: Money is an essential input for most organizations and an especially crucial input for a new company. The financial resources sector includes places where needed money can be obtained such as banks, savings and loan institutions, stock markets and venture capitalists.
5- Technology Sector: Technology is the use of available knowledge and techniques to produce goods and services. The technology sector includes scientific research centers, universities and the research and development efforts of other organizations that contribute to new production techniques and the creation of new knowledge. 6- Industry Sector: An industry encompasses all the organizations in the same type of business, most of who act as competitors to an organization. The size of the industry and the number of other competing firms create a unique industry sector for each organization. An industry dominated by one or two major corporations, such as heavy-equipment-manufacturing, is much different from an industry characterized by hundreds of all small companies, such as the fast food industry. 7- Economics Sector: Organizations are not isolated from economic conditions. The success and effectiveness of an organization is influenced by the health of the overall economy and by such factors as whether the economy is expanding or contracting. Some of the most important aspects of this sector include economic growth, unemployment rates, recessions, inflation rates and the rate of investment. 8- Government Sector: The sector includes all the local laws, as well as the regulatory agencies that administer these laws and the judicial system that resolves disputes.
صناعة األجهزة التعويضية
ىف بيان له بتشكيل جلنة فنية دامئة لالرتقاء، وزير التجارة والصناعة،رصح منري خفري عبد النور ّ مبستوى صناعة األجهزة التعويضية يف مرص والعمل عيل تنفيذ املرشوعات البحثية إلنتاج اجهزة تعويضية مطابقة لملواصفات الطبية والصناعية العاملية برائسة الدكتور محمود اجلرف رئيس اهليئة العامة للتمنية الصناعية وعضوية ممثلني لملجلس القويم لشوئن اإلعاقة ومركز الطب الطبييع والتأهيل بالعجوزة ومركز حبوث وتطوير الفلزات واهليئة العربية للتصنيع واألمانة التنفيذية إلزالة و أوحض أن القرار قد جاء يف ضوء.األلغام ومؤسسة مرص اخلري واهليئة العامة للتأمني اليحص حرص احلكومة عىل العمل عيل توفريالرعاية الالزمة لذوي اإلحتياجات اخلاصة من املعاقني بدنيًا .طبقًا لنصوص الدستور اجلديد و اوحض أن اللجنة ستقوم باستخدام اساليب عملية يف تصنيع مكونات االجهزة التعويضية من و انشاء جسالت صناعية لورش تصنيع األجهزة التعويضية و ذلك لتقنني أوضاعها،اخلامات احمللية واستخدام تلك الورش مكصانع صغرية للصناعات املغذية لصناعة األجهزة التعويضية بعد القيام تقدمي الدمع الفين واخلربة التكنولوجية والصحية هلم والتأكد من إلزامهم باالنتاج طبقًا لملواصفات .القياسية العاملية
موظف13 تعيني، وزير التجارة و الصناعة،مكا قد تضمن القرار الذي رصح به منري خفري عبد النور %5 جديد بديوان عام الوزارة من ذوي اإلحتياجات اخلاصة و ذلك يف إطار إلزتام الوزارة بنسبة ال مضن قوامئ التعيينات اجلديدة و قد مت تعييهنم وفقًا ملؤهالهتم الدراسية يف الدرجات و املجموعات .النوعية املختلفة بالديوان العام حيث تباينت مابني مؤهالت عليا ومتوسطة وحمو أمية
Accordingly, managers need to examine each of these sectors to discover any competitive advantages they can exploit or weaknesses they should avoid.
The secret to being remarkable recognized photograph” in the history of the National Geographic magazine. This one photo is what made Steve McCurry so remarkable and famous.
Mohamed Tohami Why do some people do impressively great work, while the majority live and die unnoticed? Are you scared of the idea of being average and unnoticed? There is a secret that can increase your chances of being remarkable. But first, let me tell you a little bit about a photographer named Steve McCurry. He took a photo of an Afghan girl named Sharbat Gula. That photograph became very famous and brought her recognition when it was featured on the cover of June 1985 issue of the National Geographic magazine. At that time Sharbat was only 12 years old! This one photograph has been linked to Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa and sometimes referred to as “the Afghan Mona Lisa.” In addition, the photo was named “the most
Now, would you like to know the secret of being remarkable? You’ll easily discover the secret when you know that beyond that one photo, McCurry has shot over a MILLION IMAGES spanning 35 years! A million images and 35 years of continuous effort and passion to capture stories grounded in people and the experience etched on their faces. Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t know their true passion and purpose in life. They waste year after year wandering between dozens of paths without experiencing the true feeling of happiness and fulfillment. Even those who know their passions can’t devote their heart, mind and soul to their passion for very long. They give up too early and that’s why they never become remarkable. Being clear about your PASSION, being committed, being patient and willing to devote your life to your field of passion are all important factors for doing great work. But here is THE REAL SECRET…The real secret to being remarkable is: BEING PROLIFIC!
You can find many people who are passionate and focused, but they are not remarkable enough: simply because, they are not prolific. You must
be prolific and produce a sheer volume of work and value without being hindered by the illusion of perfection. You can’t predict the epic work that will make you remarkable; being remarkable only comes unexpectedly after continuous, dedicated passionate and prolific work. In Steve McCurry’s example, out of a million good images only ONE became his lifetime landmark or epic work. You don’t have to be perfect — you just have to be prolific. Produce work and value in abundance, and one day, unexpectedly, one of your life works will become a worldwide sensation!
About Mohamed Tohami
Mohamed Tohami is a bestselling author and motivational speaker who helps individuals and organizations grow and prosper by unleashing the power of passion-driven work. He is the author of four internationally highly acclaimed books, including The Pharaohs’ Code, Amazon’s #1 bestselling motivational book in May 2009. For free resources on how to restore your passion for life and work, please visit www.Tohami.com
عي��ن عل��ى مص��ر خالل جوليت يف شوارع القاهرة استشعرت اآلمال اليت يعلقها العديد من املواطنني عىل مرحلة ما بعد إقرار الدستور اجلديد ومسامهة هذا األخري يف عودة االستقرار واخلروج من حالة الركود االقتصادي اليت معقها تراجع عائدات السياحة وتقلص جحم االستمثارات فقد تساعد تلك ال"نعم" يف خض.اخلارجية أموال واستمثارات جديدة دخل السوق املرصية عرب منح الثقة لملستمثرين األجانب سواء إلقامة مشاريع جديدة ىف البالد أو تطوير املرشوعات لكن ذلك يبىق مرتبطًا باحنسار.القامئة بالفعل .موجة القالقل واالضطرابات األمنية املتناقض مع،وميكن تفسري تفاؤل املواطن ّ ليط صفحة النخب برغبة جارفة،الوضع األمين ،اإلسالمية اليت هلثت وراء املاكسب السياسية ً متجاهلة البنية التحتية ،مضن أطار فكري ضيق واملتطلبات االقتصادية واالجمتاعية للشعب واملمتثلة حتديدًا يف حتسني الظروف املعيشية .ومضان حتقيق التوازن والعدالة اإلجمتاعية
عن سعـادة الصــابـري
مسؤولة القسم االقتصادي يف إذاعة مونت اكرلو بباريس تقدم نرشات االقتصاد اليومية واملجلة االقتصادية األسبوعية معلت يف منمظة اليونسكو يف قسم العلوم اإلنسانية واالجمتاعية كباحثة ومستشارة يف ."برناجم "القضاء عىل الفقر
سعادة الصابري ،بعد ثالثة أعوا ٍم من االضطرابات السياسية تعاين دول الربيع العريب من تفامق الضغوط ويف ظل.املالية اليت هتدد استقرار االقتصاد توترات اجمتاعية متصاعدة قد يبدو التعايف إال أن الغد الذي حيمل.االقتصادي بعيد املنال ،به املرصيون حتاول بعض مالحمه االرتسام منح وسط الدمع العريب الذي ظهر عىل شلك ٍ ٍ ومساعدات نفطية مكنت الدولة و ودائع بنكية من توفري املواد المتوينية والوقود وإعادة تكوين االحتياطيات الرضورية لتحقيق األمن باإلضافة إىل اتباع سياسة إنفاق،االقتصادي توسعية رمغ ندرة املوارد وارتفاع جعز املوازنة .إىل مستويات غري مسبوقة
City Technomedia
Friday 31-01-2014
Volume 1 Issue 3
The power of Facebook marketing اصدار تطبيق جديد من جوجل للتحكم في الحاسوب عن ُبعد and how to stand out Here are a few of my own tips. Content calendar Proactively plan the content you’re going to share and when you’re going to share it. A plan will help to create a schedule you can commit to, and give your audience an idea of what to expect from your posts on a regular basis; also be spontaneous, don't get boring.
Be social
Lara Fawzy Have you seen how many brands are using Facebook pages in Egypt to market their products? International companies, small businesses and celebrities are all leveraging Facebook including I am Cairo, Mona Zaki, Azza Fahmy, BMW Egypt, Emaar Misr, Mercedes, Basem Youseff and many more. It’s a crowded market. It’s no surprise, with over 13 million users; Egypt has the largest number of Facebook users in the Arab World. As the figure shows, that doesn’t include all Egyptians and there are still many other diverse ways to market and reach audiences. Before participating in social media marketing, it’s important that your target audience is defined and clear goals are set, whether they include selling, raising brand awareness, market research or customer care — this will improve effectiveness, ensuring social media is used as a serious marketing tool.
How do brands stand out on Facebook? I am Cairo has organically grown their page to 173,908 likes (with no advertising) and maintains a great 'talking about this’ rate of over 30 percent! That’s an amazing figure in a crowded market and beats some international brands hands down.
Too many brands use Facebook as an advertising and sales tool. Ask yourself this, do you log on to Facebook daily to be advertised to? Probably not — you are more likely to be looking for the latest news and updates from your friends and family and of course to socialize. Brands also need to be social; brands need to present personality and engage with fans. So if you own a page, don’t just sell, advertise, sell advertise — socialize! Post interesting stories that are relevant to your target audience and your product while encouraging interaction. Social media is a two-way conversation: ask your fans relevant questions now and then make your brand appear more human.
Pictures Pictures can be a great way to cut through all the noise in the newsfeed. Photography should be high quality and professional. The photos should follow company-branding policies, present a unique brand identity and be engaging so that when fans scroll though their newsfeeds they will want to stop at your posts. Get creative; don’t just use images, use text and videos too.
Post frequency You want to aim to be in your followers’ newsfeeds fairly regularly; experiment posting at least twice per day if not more and monitor engagement. You shouldn’t only post when the time suits
you, you should aim to have a regular ongoing dialogue with fans — that’s why some companies hire full-time social media managers. If you don’t have time, you can also schedule posts in advance.
Check your insights to find out when your fans are online and try posting just a few minutes before and after these times to start to gain comments, likes and engagement before most of your fans are online.
Test, test, test Test content, statuses, questions, frequency, images and times and learn from the Insights tool about what’s working best for your page.
احلواسب اليت تعمل بنظام ويندوز باإلضافة إيل .حواسب أبل اليت تعمل بنظام ماك أكد أحد مط ّوري جوجل أن الرشكة تعمل عيل إتاحة نخسة من تطبيق كروم رميوت ديسكتوب و اليت مت،املتوافر لنظام كروم عيل أندرويد .الكشف عهنا يف يوليو من العام املايض
مكا أوحض القامئون عيل املرشوع أن التطبيق يتيح ملتصفحني الكروم العمل عيل االتصال بني حاسبني عن ُبعد دون اتصال سليك بني و قد قاموا بتربير إطالق هذا التطبيق،احلاسبني لملستخدمني بأنه يعمل عيل توفري طريقة آمنة و ذلك عن طريق،للتحمك بني حاسبني عن ُبعد استخدام حساب ملستخديم جوجل و االتصال عرب خمدم خاص واحد ال ميكن ألي طرف أخر .التحمك فيه أو الوصول إليه
يعمل فريق التطوير لدي رشكة جوجل عيل تطوير التطبيق اخلاص باألجهزة الذكية اخلاصة بأبل و و الذي يتيح ملستخدميه،iOS اليت تعمل بنظام .خاصية التحمك باحلاسوب عن بعد يعمل فريق التطوير لدي رشكة جوجل عيل تطوير التطبيق اخلاص باألجهزة الذكية اخلاصة بأبل و و الذي يتيح ملستخدميه،iOS اليت تعمل بنظام .خاصية التحمك باحلاسوب عن بعد
مكا أشارت الرسالة إيل عدم إماكنية طرح النخسة املخصصة بالتطبيق العامل عيل نظام ،" لملستخدينApp Store" قريب ٌا يف متجر،iOS و يه النخسة اليت ينتظر مستخدمهيا أن تكون .جمانية يتيح تطبيق كروموتينغ ملستخديم هواتف األي فون و حواسب اآليباد اللوحية التحمك يف
About Lara Fawzy Her book is called “Emerging Business Online, Global Markets and the Power of B2b Marketing.” She is a marketing & PR guru, social entrepreneur and has worked for successful multinationals including Cisco and Telefonica. Lara has over a decade’s experience.
Basheer Jan. 01 2014 8 p .m. Jan. 02, 2014 2 a.m. Cairo Jazz Club 197, 26th July St., Agouza, Giza
So Damn True! @SayingsForGirls
LifeFacts @LifeFacts
014 06:00 -08:00 pm. Cairo Opera H Elborg - Elge ouse zira
23 Jan
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits.
The Notebook @Best TextMsgs
شعرية غنائية أمسية ن حداد شاعر أمي Feb. 0 ال 4 2
23 Jan
You meet thousands of people, and none of them really mean anything to you. And then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever
23 Jan
Never cry for someone who hurts you , just smile and say “thanks for giving me a chance to find someone better than you.”
@dorar_elkalam درر الكالم
23 Jan
جربان خليل جربان--" أما عدم اإلكرتاث فنصف املوت، "الرغبة نصف احلياة
Promise @TheLifeDiaries
23 Jan
It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life and you can’t remember how you ever lived without them.
“Cairo” application to help knowing more about Cairo
Tracing Haggagovic… Facebook/haggagovic
Cairo application is now available for iPhone users. This application is made to let you know more about the Cairo governorate and all the places of services all over the governorate like the metro stations, bus stations, malls, restaurants and hotels.
٤١ إستقبل وزير السياحة الكرواىت الشاب داركو لورينسني صاحب ال عام الرحالة املرصي أمحد جحاجوفيتش و ذلك من أجل تنشيط السياحة يف هناية اللقاء قام جحاجوفيتش بدعوة داركو لزيارة مرص.بني البلديني يف زيارة خشصية و اليت قبلها داركو بالفعل حيت يمتكن من الظهور يف اإلعالم املرصي و إرسال رسالة من مرص للعامل لكه تفيد بأن مرص .مازالت بلد أمنه و عيل امجليع زيارهتا
How can I download this application? 1- Go to the app store on your iPhone. 2- Be sure that you installed the application correctly. 3- Open the application after downloading it. 4- Once you open the application, you’ll find a detailed map with the routes and bridges located in Cairo.
The Croatian Tourism Minister, Darko Lorencin, welcomes Haggagovic in order to stimulate tourism between Egypt and Croatia. Darko and Haggagovic discuss during the meeting tourist relations between the two countries. At the end of the meeting, Haggagovic invites Darko to visit Egypt to a personal visit and Darko accepts his invitation. On the other hand, Haggagovic confirms that the meeting was excellent.
P.S. This application works with the assistance of the GPS
معرض بإي اليدويه
دينا لألعمال
الجم فبراير14 عه 29 عمر زعف را ن م ن شارع – الطيران مدينة نصر
City Sports
Ahmed Hossam officially trains Zamalek
Friday 31-01-2014
Why is playing sports important?
Mido is very excited about this experience especially that it is offered to him at a very young age. He says, “Youth should be given a chance, and this will open the door to new opportunities.” The decision to hire Mido opened the door to a controversy; some believe as a young footballer he might not have the sufficient experience to train a big team like Zamalek. Others believe that with Mido’s international experience, he will add a lot to the team. Mido has a big challenge ahead of him. He will be the leader and trainer for the first team of a strong African club. Will he be able to take this responsibility, or will his attitude ruin this for him? We will find this out when the season starts.
tel Expo Hace Ho 2014
014 Feb. 04 t2he Cairo inheld at ce l Conferen ternationa center . ww.hace http://w com.eg/
2014 كأس العالم
ّ يرتقب الكثريين من ،عشاق الساحرة املستديرة كأس العامل املرت ّقب اقامته يف الربازيل هذا العام ّ ُ و تقام يف،حيث يعتربها الكثري من شعوب العامل ظاهرة رياضية ينتظروا حدوثها لك أربع سنوات "دول خمتلفة طبقًا ملا تتقدم به تلك الدول من براجم تتوافق مع رشوط احتاد كرة القدم الدويل "الفيفا ً .بناائ عيل ذلك يمت األختيار و
Ahmed Hossam Zamalek football team has been facing much turbulence in the past few years. It seems that the football club is moving toward its young people. The club announced that the 30-yearold international footballer, Ahmed Hossam, or Mido, will be training the first football club team.
Volume 1 Issue 3
Have you ever wondered why we should exercise daily? And why should it be a habit? Well, let me tell you why: because your body is meant to be healthy anyhow. Your way of living should contain at least one exercise daily like walking, for example. As we can see nowadays, the trend is being more aware of playing sports daily and keeping our bodies healthy. That is exactly what all of us need, not just want. We need to be healthy. Practicing sports makes our mood way better and makes us think better
and eat better. Only walking for 30 minutes every day will make us feel happier and better. It also takes us far away from doctors and helps us be fit. Fitness is not just in sports; it’s a way to live our life. Take care of your health and keep in mind that your body will pay back if you don’t protect it. Protect your body from diseases, common flu and cough. That’s only one small example of what sports can do to your body. So be fit in order to be healthy and active.
واقرتح املرصيف اكرل.1904 تأسس احتاد كرة القدم الدويل " الفيفا " يف باريس مايو عام هريمشان ممثل هولندا يف املجمتع التأسييس لالحتاد اقامة بطولة العامل لكرة القدم و لكن مل حيظي هذا املقرتح بتأييد بقية األعضاء وذلك لعدم توافر اإلماكنيات املالية اليت تتيح لالحتاد اقامة بطولة .كهذه
و اليت اكنت مضن،1922 حصلت أوروجواي عيل أويل املراكز يف أول بطولة لكأس العامل يف عام . حيث اكنت كرة القدم مضن دورة األلعاب األوملبية،الدورة األوملبية اليت اقميت يف باريس هذا العام و قد بدأ املنمظون و القامئون عيل احتاد كرة،أصبحت كرة القدم ذو شعبية مخضة منذ هذا العام ُأقميت بعد ذلك بطولة كأس العامل لكرة القدم يف.القدم بإعتبارها رياضة منفصلة منذ ذلك احلني أوروجواي و اليت قد حاذت عيل شعبية كبرية بني الدول املق ّدمة بعد حصوهلا عيل كأس العامل يف .الدورة السابقة
استئناف الدوري و الدور األول فبراير25 ينتهي في و خبصوص العرض الرمسي الذي تلقاه إحتاد الكرة إلقامة مباراة ودية بني املنتخب الوطين و مكا أوحض رئيس اجلبالية أن إرتباطات,روسيا األندية احمللية باملشاركة يف البطوالت األفريقية .اكن السبب يف اإلعتذار عن إقامة هذا اللقاء
و عيل صعيد أخر يدرس إحتاد الكرة فسخ التعاقد مع الرشكة الراعية بسبب طريقة التعامل و املامطلة يف سداد املستحقات املتأخرة عيل ماليني جنيه6 الرشكة و اليت تقدر حبوايل .مرصي عيل جانب أخر نيف إحتاد الكرة رحيل أمحد حسن عن اجلهاز الفين لملنتخب الوطين بعد أن ترددت أنباء قوية عن وجود خالفات بني شويق غريب املدير الفين لملنتخب و أمحد حسن بشأن .توزيع اإل ختصاصات و الصالحيات
قررت جلنة املسابقات يإحتاد الكرة برائسة عامر حسني استئناف الدوري املمتاز يوم الثالثاء و يبدأ الدوري مبباراة بني2014-1-28 املوافق و يلعب الزمالك مع,برتوجيت و تليفونات سويف املنيا يوم األربعاء بإستاد السالم و األهيل و .2014-1-30 املقاولون العرب يوم امخليس
و قد أرجأت جلنة املسابقات البت يف عقوبة إقتحام مجاهري الزمالك إلستاد القاهرة أثناء .مباراة فريقها أمام حرس احلدود
و قد أكد حسن فريد نائب رئيس إحتاد الكرة أن هناك إرصار غري عادي عيل إنتظام مسابقة و أشار ايل أن تأجيل.الدوري هذا املومس مباريات األسبوع السادس و السابع اكن حفاظًا عيل مصلحة البالد يف ظل إحتفال الشعب . ينلري25 املرصي بالذكري السنوية لثورة
2013 Formula 1
Biography Rania Elwani
Sebastian Vettel
RANK Rania Elwani is considered the first
Egyptian and African female to win two
golden medals in the history of swimming in the Mediterranean courses from its first ignition since 1951. This is in addition to 77 medallions on the international, African
and Arabian levels. And she has been classified among the top 11 in the world
swimming race in the first 100 m and breaks the record in less than a minute barrier in the 100 m freestyle race.
Sebastian Vettel
Fernando Alonso
Mark Webber
Lewis Hamilton
Kimi Raikkonen
Nico Rosberg
Romain Grosjean
Felipe Massa
Jenson Button
Nico Hulkenberg
City Youth
Friday 31-01-2014
ح فل كايروكي في ساقيه الصاوي ya Cairokee At Sak Culturewheel
The Egyptian entrepreneurs’ next war and challenges
Feb. 07, 2014 3:00-8:00 p.m
CulSakia El Sawy amalek ture Wheel, Z
وزارة الشـــــبــاب تستعد لالحتفال بمئوية الكشافة
Entrepreneurship starts at an early age – true or false?
of the business, the bulk of the work will be done by you. So do you have what it takes and are you willing to go through with the business when the going gets tough? Ability to accept mistakes – Committing mistakes is an inevitable part of starting and running a business. The key is to accept when you’re wrong and work toward making it right instead of being stubborn. Otherwise, you’ll just waste precious time and resources.
Ahmed Essa خالد تلمية – نائب وزير الشباب
يف اطار تدشني وزارة- ][وزارة الشباب الشباب احتفاليات موئية الكشافة اجمتعت اللجنة املختصة باالحتفالية برائسة خالد تلمية – نائب وزير الشباب وعضوية بعض ولكاء الوزارة واالحتاد العام للكشافة واملرشدات ومجعياته والعديد من قامات العمل الكشيف .مبرص جاء االجمتاع للوقوف عىل االعداد والتجهزي الحتفالية واليت من املقرر ان تقام بدءا من ومن املقرر أن تتبلور مظاهر2014فرباير االحتفالية ثالث فاعليات قومية جبميع احملافظات وتنظمي خممي كشيف عريب واخر عاملي وذلك عىل مدار عام من بداية االحتفالية باإلضافة اىل تنظمي حدث خضم جاري االعداد .له وسيمت اإلعالن عنه خالل عام االحتفال
يناير28 هذا وتنهتي اللجنة بتحديد يوم الثالثاء مكوعد لالجمتاع الثاين للجنة والذي2014 يهشد التفاصيل األخرية الحتفاالت موئية الكشافة واليت توايل الوزارة االهمتام البالغ هبا لتكون عىل النحو الالئق باحلركة الكشفية .املرصية والعربية والعاملية
Mentor & Independent Business Consultant, Founder & CEO, InveNst Ventures LLC, Ideaneurs Magazine and ByPlink solutions Does entrepreneurship really start at an early age? One thing is clear: starting out young has significant advantages. It is exceedingly important to take your children more seriously; kids are curious about everything and are easily excited about learning. Help them achieve their potential early on by encouraging them to think like entrepreneurs! Help them acquire the following. Risk-taking attitude – Some people don’t have the stomach to take on risks. While there is nothing wrong with that, this also means that your chances of attaining astounding success are limited. As they say, “high risks will yield high reward,” however the reverse is also true. Independence – It is important to be able to think and work independently as an entrepreneur. In the initial stages
But at the end of the day, becoming successful is not just a factor of age – that is only one part of it. There are some young people who have the drive and creativity to create a business because they see an opening in the market, a new trend or just as likely, they have few other options in the traditional jobs market due to a perceived lack of marketable skills. Starting out young provides distinct advantages and it heavily influences the type of business in which the entrepreneurs become engaged in and their ability to detect an unmet need among their same-age community that makes a lucrative business opportunity.
Gas Tech Cairo 2014 Feb. 10 2014
Cairo International Conference Center http://www.wpcexh.com
What not to do in an interview Yomna Hisham
Many of us don’t know what to do in an interview and what not to do, so here are some things that will help you when interviewing for a job. These points will be helpful for you and give you new ideas about the interviewers and the interviewees. Don’t talk too much or too short The interviewer always asks you in order to listen to what you’re saying, so don’t answer with very long answers, neither too short. And don’t laugh too much, only if needed is better. Don’t give a wrong answer You should listen carefully to the question otherwise you will give the impression that you don’t concentrate.
Volume 1 Issue 3
Don’t dress inappropriately You have to dress formal and never go in jeans or sneakers. This gives the employer a bad impression of you. Don’t sit down before invited Never sit before being invited by the interviewer. Don’t be late for the appointment Bear it in your mind that punctuality is the key. Never come too late, and you have to respect time. Don’t forget to keep your mobile silent Never enter the interview room without keeping your mobile silent, and if someone called you, never try to get it out of your pocket and answer it.
Mohamed Samir Shabeeb Entrepreneur, Economist and Start-ups Coach Entrepreneurs are suffering from the lack of providing support, information, market statistics and funds to the new startups and ventures. It seems that governmental support is only available for the big investors or any business that has a capital starting from EGP 10 million: no conferences, no information, no industry insights or market analysis. The American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt is providing the industries with insights and advice, unlike some ministries. The only solution to this poor performance is establishing research centers like NGOs.
من الشباب املغامر الذين قد مت القاء القبض حيث يقفز،علهيم لتعريض حياهتم للخطر ممارسهيا من عيل أسطح املباين الشاهقة أو الكباري و يربطوا حول وسطهم حبل مطايط .مث يقومو بالقفز
The government is pounding entrepreneurs in the legal processes of business establishment. I sometimes wonder why entrepreneurs should rent a place for establishing a company in Egypt while developed countries like US, UK, Canada, Australia and others are depending on a personal postal code and website domain for establishing your own business. Why does the government put so much pressure on youth in startup establishment to pay many unreasonable or realistic overheads? This question made many youth follow concepts of developed countries and they established something called Coworking Space that aims to gather all new entrepreneurs under one roof to launch their own businesses with the lowest costs as possible. If you were to pay EGP 2000 for rent for a useless apartment, you could join any coworking space starting from EGP 600 only. Try to join The District in Maadi or AlMaqarr in Heliopolis. Entrepreneurs wouldn’t feel safe without a law that recognizes the sector of entrepreneurship and technology. Currently all entrepreneurs are working together as the three musketeers; all for one and one for all.
! هيا بنا نقفز
أشهترت تلك الرياضة بني األوساط الشبابية و ذلك،بني املجمتعات املختلفة حول العامل حلمتية متتُّع ممارسهيا بلياقة بدنية عالية إيل . و حصة جيدة خلطورة تلك الرياضة،حد كبري و يقوم القامئني علهيا بقياس ضغط الدم ملن ينوي القفز و التأكد من بعض احلاالت الصح ّية للتأكد من عدم تع ّرض ممارس تلك الرياضة .بآثار حصية سلبية عند القفز
و من ناحية أخري ُتعترب تلك الرياضة من أمه األنشطة اليت يقوم هبا الشباب يف األماكن السياحية لمت ّثل عامل شديد األمهية و.من عوامل جذب الساحئني الشباب أيضًا من هنا جائت فكرة إقامة مواقع ملامرسة تلك لتنترش بشلك كبري بني،الرياضة يف مرص الشباب املرصي الذي أظهر إقدامه عيل هذه مما أذهل الكثري،الرياضة و روح املغامرة لديه من الشباب املرصي و الشباب من الساحئني و العمل عيل،عند تنفيذ فكرة ملرشوع مثل هذا إقامة رشوط اجلودة و األمان خلطورة الرياضة يف حد ذاهتا و لتكون وجهة جيدة للرياضات مكا أن اختيار تنفيذه، و األنشطة الشبابية قد حاذ هيلع الساحل المشايل حيث أنه ُيعترب .القبلة الصيفية لكثري من الشباب يف مرص
سامهت العوملة بشلك كبري بنرش الثقافات يف و،العامل لكه خاصة بني األوساط الشبابية ذلك إلستخدام معظم الشباب لإلنرتنت مقارنة و من بني الثقافات..برشاحئ املجمتع املختلفة اليت انترشت ايل حد كبري يف مرص يه الرياضات اليت تمتتع بكثري من روح املرح و من أهشر تلك..و املخاطرة بنفس الوقت الرياضات يه رياضة "البيجن جامبينج" أو ! رياضة قفز البيجن
و اليت1979 بدأت رياضة البيجن يف عام قد قام مبامرسهتا أعضاء نادي الرياضات و مه مجموعة،اخلطرية يف جامعة أوكسفورد
Don’t forget to be well-prepared Before going to any interview, you should be very well-prepared and you should do research on the company you’re having interview at. You will impress the interviewer and give the idea of being well-prepared.
very nice gesture of you.
Don’t ever chew gum Never try to enter an interview with a gum in your mouth because it gives a very bad impression.
times before hiring you. Badmouthing
Don’t forget to have a hard copy of your resume Before going to an interview, you should have a hard copy of your resume with you even if you’ve already sent it by email. Do it even if you don’t think it’s necessary. Don’t forget to thank the interviewer for their time After the interview, even if it didn’t go smoothly, you should thank the interviewer for their time. It’s simply a
Don’t say any bad words about your previous job or boss If you’re asked why you left your old job, never say any bad words about
your previous job or boss anyhow. The interviewer might think a thousand is a very bad mistake.
Don’t pretend you know everything If you’re asked about something you
don’t know, simply answer, “I am sorry, I don’t know.” Don’t be ashamed of not knowing something because being honest is a very valuable potential.
Don’t keep your eyes on your watch Looking at your watch is really an
unpleasant gesture of you while you’re being interviewed. It’s very annoying
for the interviewer and gives the impression you want to leave as soon as possible and that you’re bored.
City Automotive
Friday 31-01-2014
Volume 1 Issue 3
Cairo holds Biker Zone Expo & Show event
ت��ف��ع��ي��ل راب���ط���ة مستوردي وموزعي وتجار السيارات
Salma Magdi
املهندس حمسن طالئع رئيس جملس إدارة مجعية تمنية جممتع السيارات توفري مناخ آمن وإصدار ميثاق رشف لتقنني العمل يف قطاع السيارات احلكومه السابقه أصدرت قرارات عشوائيه أرضت بصناعة وجتارة السيارات يف بلدنا مرشوع قويم إلنشاء مدينة متاكمله للسيارات خارج القاهره
Professional Spanish stunt rider, Emilio Zamora, waving to fans at Biker Zone Expo & Show event in Cairo Festival City.
Salma Magdi The Spanish stunt rider, Emilio Zamora, dazzled us with his outstanding skills and moves during the Biker Zone Expo & Show event so there was no way that we would miss an interview with him. We exchanged conversation about his short stay in Cairo and about his love for motorbikes. 1. How long have you been riding bikes? I’ve been a bike rider since I was 5 years old and now I’m 31 so that makes 26 years of bike riding. I started to perform stunts at the age of 14 then with regular and hard training, I did my first professional stunt show when I was 18. I’ve been with Ducati since 2005. I love motorbikes; they are my life. 2. Is this your first time in Cairo? Yeah, and it’s very exciting. I’ve never been to Egypt. It’s a beautiful country, with beautiful and friendly people, which is very nice. Here in Egypt, all people smile. I’m very happy to be here. I’ve been to only few parts of the city but I like it so much. The best thing is that I can ride my motorbike in the city and have a very exciting and fun experience. 3. What do you think about the motorbike community in Cairo? I don’t know so much about it but this event in Cairo and the people who attend and participate in it make a great community. I think it’s good, especially Cairo’s sunny weather allowing you to go by motorbike anytime anywhere. Also, in the small parts of the city, you could ride your motorbike and move at high speed. This event is a thumbs up for the motorbike community and industry in Egypt. 4. You have ridden many bikes. Tell me about your most preferable ones. CAIRO FESTIVAL CITY - Phenomena Creative Spot organizes Biker Zone Expo & Show in an event starting from Jan. 16 to 18, 2014, hosted by Cairo Festival City in 5th Settlement. The 3-day event for the first time in Cairo brings motorbike enthusiasts and riders together featuring the world of motorbikes, scooters and bicycles, given the late increasing awareness, in addition to a group of fun activities and stunt shows. On the first day, the event kicked off at 6:30 p.m. with an opening speech by Ibrahim Farid, Vice President of the Motorcycle Union of the Mediterranean Countries, followed by Zumba dance performance, musical performances by Egyptian underground musicians like Lamo2khza Band and Glass Onion, DJs till the end of the day and finally a stunt show. On Jan. 17, a
number of exhibitors showcased their products on the catwalk besides music performed throughout the day, which was the same for the final day that also ended with stunt performances by Saudi Ahmed Albakri and Spanish Emilio Zamora, professional stunt riders. A lot of young attendees and families were present from morning till evening at the event enjoying the stunt shows, musical performances, food chains and snack kiosks, kids and games zone and mingling with groups sharing their interests.
For me, all bikes are a favorite. Maybe Ducati Multistrada is the perfect bike because it has four different riding modes. This bike is suitable for a lot of things: for the city, for travel, for the road, etc. It’s the perfect motorbike. 5. Do you have any upcoming events? Soon we’ll be doing shows in Milan, Italy, and there are also two or three events to be held in Spain.
I am Cairo, We are Cairo, You are Cairo My first trip to Egypt as a tourist was in 1989. After several tours over the years in the land of “A Thousand and One Nights´,” I fell in love with Egypt. Today active in Cairo as an entrepreneur, I consider myself a Cairene.
I am Cairo, Biker Zone Expo & Show Guide Media Partner, sat down with Ducati Stunt Rider, Emilio Zamora, to discuss his love for motorbikes and his visit to Cairo and also conducted an interview with a diving group that is to be broadcasted on I am Cairo Online Radio.
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سعيا لتنظمي العمل داخل السوق املرصي للسيارات قام مستوردي وجتار وموزيع السيارات بتفعيل الرابطه اخلاصه هبم واليت مت وتقوم عىل توفري2009 أبريل22 تشكيلها يف مناخ آمن مجليع العاملني هبذا القطاع وإصدار ميثاق رشف ينظم العالقه بني مجيع املتعاملني يف سوق السيارات سواء املسهتلكني أو التجار واملستوردين واملوزعني وبني أجهزة الدوله واحلمك احملىل والعمل عىل عدم إصدار أو تعديل أي قرارات أو قوانني دون الرجوع اىل الرابطه ملناقشهتا والتأكد من عدم إرضارها باملسهتلك أو العاملني يف هذا القطاع؛ بعيدا عن القرارات ..العشوائيه اليت ترض بسوق السيارات املرصي عالوه عىل أن الرابطه متثل مجيع العاملني يف .هذا القطاع أمام أجهزة الدوله وقد أشار املهندس حمسن طالئع رئيس الرابطه اىل ان هناك العديد من القرارات العشوائيه اليت أرضت بسوق السيارات املرصي واليت وقد حاولت.مت إختاذها خالل الفرته املاضية الرابطه خالل احلكومات السابقه تقدمي بعض االقرتاحات اخلاصه بتلك القرارات العشوائيه لالرتقاء بصناعة والسوق املرصي ولكن اكنت هناك صعوبات للتواصل مع احلكومه وظلت تلك .االقرتاحات حبيسة ادراج الوزاره القدميه
وأضاف املهندس حمسن طالئع أنه بعد ثورة يناير اكن البد من العمل لإلرتقاء بصناعة السيارات ل ُنصبح قادرين عىل منافسة غرينا والبد أن يكون..ودفع جعلة األقتصاد القويم لدينا سوق سيارات يقوم عىل أسس ومبادئ .ثابته بعيدا عن القرارات اليت تعيق جعلة االنتاج مكا أضاف أن الرابطه تسىع اىل انشاء صندوق لرعاية العاملني يف هذا القطاع وتوفري تأمني حصى هلم لتوفري مناخ جدي لالرتقاء بسوق السيارات وتقوم الرابطه باصدار هشادة مزاوله مث مواصفات خاصه لتجار ومستوردي السيارات وذلك لتنظمي العمل يف هذا القطاع بعيدا عن العشوائيه ومحاية لملسهتلك وذلك حتقيقا لشعار .»الرابطه « حقك عندنا
وأكد حمسن طالئع أن الرابطه تقوم بدراسة بعض العروض املقدمه من بعض املستمثرين النشاء مدينه متاكمله للسيارات برشق القاهره خارج زمام املدينه تضم معارض للسيارات والبنوك ووحدات املرور ورشاكت التأمني ومراكز اخلدمه وميثل هذا املرشوع نقله حضاريه لتجارة وهو مرشوع استمثاري خضم ونواة..السيارات لثالث مرشوعات أخرى متخصصه للسيارات رشق القاهره وجنوب القاهره وهذا ملنافسة .األسواق العاملية such as tourism, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports, technology, science and other contemporary issues. We hope you enjoy reading our innovative bi-weekly newspaper and happy to have your feedback. You are welcome to sent your ideas, upcoming events or other topics to my personal email. Luuk de Waardt CEO, Founder & Publisher l.de.waardt@iamcairo.com
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Friday 31-01-2014
Celebrations around the world Valentine’s Day
Valentine Trends There are many trends followed and everyone has the ability to make their own new trend but most of all there some specific well-known trends. For example, there are people who celebrate it privately at home with spouses. Think of something you never did before or long time no do. You can wake up earlier than your spouse and prepare a lovely breakfast and try to change the location of your breakfast, for instance.
Want to get it on the budget? No worries, we can help you to celebrate your valentine’s day on the budget. Let me tell you something that
could cure his jailer’s daughter from being blind and he fell in love with her. His last letter to her was signed “From your Valentine” and this marked the very first valentine greeting. In order to honor him, a famous pope at that time made February 14, Saint Valentine’s Day, a day to honor him in 496 A.D. Some believe that the choice of this particular date was an effort by the Christian to curve the celebration of pagan fertility festival called Lupercalia taking place between the 13th and the 15th of the month. This festival was celebrated to honor the Roman God and the founders of Rome and the rituals of sacrifice and feasting. The association of romantic love with Valentine’s Day did not actually emerge until the Middle Ages when a poem by the English poet Jeffrey
Chaucer linked February 14th with the start of the mating period for birds. Valentine’s Day grew popularly over the centuries. People automatically adopted the traditions of exchanging romantic hand-written notes with one another. Then in the 1800s a woman named Ester Helen became inspired by the fancy cards made in England. By spearing the mass production in the US, she became known as the mother of American Valentine. During the next century the celebration of valentine expanded to include gift-giving of chocolates, jewelry and flowers. These tokens of affection are exchanged not only between romantic partners but also between loved ones and friends. Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world.
Your Royal Valentine’s Dusit Thani LakeView... Celebration at the Cairo Marriott Hotel
Valentine’s Day at InterContinental, Holiday Inn and Staybridge Suites Cairo Citystars
Did you know that Valentine’s Day is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day? Have you ever thought about this special day and what really happened for it to be celebrated all over the world? And why should we have a spouse to celebrate this day with them? Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February every year. People on this day exchange greeting cards, flowers and presents in the name of love and Saint Valentine.
History Valentine was a priest who went against the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius II by conducting marriages between soldiers and their loved ones. These actions ultimately led to his execution. But before his death, he
Volume 1 Issue 3
Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift at Four Seasons Hotel Cairo Nile Plaza
you can do. You can indulge yourself to the regular valentine gifts like chocolates and you can only decorate the space where you’ll be celebrating. One other thing is to make your own handmade card. Cards are really loved and remembered even after years of this event and collecting them and introducing them all at once with one new card has the ability to change the mood completely and make both of you remember the days these cards were gifted to you. Try to have your own photo album. Photo albums with the happiest events, hangouts and remembering these events are a superduper gift and of course on the budget.
Romance at the Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah SO US WITH SOFITEL Spend Valentine’s special day with your loved one at So Spa. Enjoy a playful treatment , couples are given mud to apply onto each other before enjoying the private steam room . Next delight our Aroma massage while you lie side by side leaving you feeling peaceful and totally relaxed . Only 1650 LE
SO HIM WITH SOFITEL Pamper him with a day of serenity at So Spa with a direct view of the Nile River . Start with a dip in our exclusive steam room , followed by a black soap scrub . Then relish our North-African massage who will blow away all your tensions and muscle pains while promoting a state of pure wellness . Only 800 LE
Valentine’s Day is a day to express your love. The Cairo Marriott Hotel will make it happen by giving you a chance to inscribe your own unique love story with your sweetheart. Options are numerous for all ages and budgets; the Cairo Marriott Hotel is offering a package for a 1-night accommodation and dinner at one of our signature restaurants with a unique set menu tailored for that special day. Choices are diverse from the JW’s Steakhouse fine offerings to the succulent Ristorante Tuscany Italian specials and from the royalty and romance of Saraya Gallery to the authentic atmosphere of Egyptian Nights. Your deluxe room, special dinner for two at any of the above dining destinations and breakfast the following day are all for only EGP 2000 including service charge and taxes. It is always your dream that drives our creativity and innovation.
Valentine’s is the time for couples to express their love their own way. Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo offers a bouquet of sweet deals for couples looking to spend quality time together this year. Rediscover romance and treat your loved one to an intimate candlelit dinner and heart-shaped sushi at Izumi Sushi Bar. Your absolute delight is also guaranteed at Branizo with their Valentine open buffet and surprise treats. If you plan to make it a night to remember, dine out at Ruen Thai restaurant featuring Valentine’s Day special menu alongside enchanting violin tunes. Or better yet, pamper your loved one after a long week with our lavish massage packages oriented with a special romantic twist for you and your loved one. Save the best for last! And enjoy a soft indulger with love-shaped chocolate delights from Dusit Gourmet and much more sweet temptations.
When it’s time for a little love and tenderness – including chocolates and roses! – there is nowhere better to be than the InterContinental Cairo Citystars. We will create the perfect atmosphere for an evening of romance with your sweetheart, adding irresistible cuisine to an atmosphere where love overflows. And for those who want to really pamper their loved ones, the LifeStyles Health Club and Spa has wonderful offers to guarantee that this Valentine’s Day will provide glorious memories. For her...the rose scrub and chocolate wrap is part of a personalized, made-to-measure massage followed by rose tea and chocolates for just EGP 950++. And for him...the coffee scrub is an anti-stress massage to smooth away the cares of the world ahead of an evening of delectable cuisine in our specially prepared restaurants. Plus couples can enjoy their massage together in one room.
This Valentine’s day, Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza is the place to be, offering exceptional surprises with extravagant dining experience, while you show that special someone how much you care. Divine 8-course specially created set menu at “8” Restaurant, the nouvelle Chinese cuisine with awesome Nile views, to create a total gastronomic enlightenment of senses. For more Romeo and Juliet style experience, Bella is offering private dining rooms with candlelit dinner and stunning views of the Nile. Zitouni, the Egyptian cuisine restaurant, offers a bountiful buffet with a range of mouth-watering delicacies and delights. For an intimate evening, The Bar is the ideal venue. Beymen Café and Lobby Lounge offer a superb array of Valentine’s specialties including handmade chocolates. For a trendy modern party, it’s Cairo’s hottest lounge, Graffiti, the hip night spot with spectacular views of the Nile and live entertainment.
SO HER WITH SOFITEL Make her feel like a Queen with our Cleopatra milk bath to start and next indulge our Ko Bi Do lifting and plumping facial treatment a Japanese Ritual associated with unique anti-ageing active complex who will leave you with a fountain of youth sensation . Only 1000 LE
SO Sofitel… For someone so special this Valentines Day
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Celebrate with loved ones !
Your contact at Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah : Geraldine Merendet Telephone : 02-2737 3737 Ext: 8114 Email : h5307-th@sofitel.com
Why not stay !
It’s difficult to find a more romantic spot than over the Nile at the Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah. As one of Cairo’s finest venues for luxury accommodation, it is your place to relax and enjoy. Add to this a touch of romance by booking one of our very special Valentine’s offers, and be dined in these luxurious surroundings with your loved one. Sofitel Cairo El Gezirah is offering a great variety of special romantic deals, all of which are very tempting! A Valentine’s special deal from us is just the thing to celebrate! Visit any of our restaurants along the Nile Promenade or enjoy a specially designed 4-course dinner menu from EGP 800 in the Buddha Bar Restaurant. Or, take this opportunity to enjoy a romantic stay of pampered luxury over the Nile, with our Valentine’s package.