City News | volume 1 issue 3

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free copy Friday 31-01-2014

Volume 1 Issue 3

Abu Simbel

There are some specific dates in Ancient Egyptian history that can’t be ignored at all. One of these dates is the Abu Simbel Sun Festival day, which

Sun Festival gathers everyone

takes place twice a year, in February and October, and is considered one

of the wonders of Ancient Egyptian civilization.




visitors gathered on the day of the

Abu Simbel Sun Festival on Oct. 22, 2013, around the area of Abu Simbel Temple





city of Aswan to witness a rare and exquisite

phenomenon, where


sun illuminates the inner sanctuary

of the temple. Everybody wonders how Ancient Egyptians could manage

to do it on this specific day with the measurements of the sun and its timings in the sky. Celebrations this

year are considered as a message to

the whole world, as it shows how safe it is to come and watch this unique

astronomical phenomenon of the sun

falling on the face of Ramses II, in which it is a good indicator that the tourism movement will return to the Egyptian archaeological sites despite the critical circumstances in the country. The sun

has been falling on the face of Ramses II on Oct. 22, 2013, 20 minutes in

the presence of 2200 Egyptians and foreigners along with Hisham Zaazou and Aswan Governor, Mostafa Yousri.


Top Stories City Life


Cairo Nightlife

Valentine’s Day

Cairo is different from any other country in the world. It

Let’s get red and ready on February 14 for Valentine’s Day,

is warm and tender, and once you get in, you will have the

which is approaching. Did you prepare yourself for it? Do

feeling of never leaving it again. Everything has a different

you know much about its historical background? Do you

taste. Even the people are friendly, lovely and helpful.

know why it is celebrated and how it grew different with its

Spending a night in Cairo makes you feel that you haven’t

presents, cards and flowers? Here in the City News we will

known much about your country as it has a totally different

tell you about its history, why it’s celebrated and how you

feeling in the evening and at night than in daytime. Try

could celebrate it differently. We will also help you to go on

having a long walk along River Nile at night and you’ll really

the budget and make something new you might not think

fall in love with every detail in the city.

about doing.


City Arts & Culture

City Technomedia ‫تطبيقات جوجل الحديثة‬

2014 ‫كأس العالم‬

‫في أيامنا هذه نعيش في زمن التطورات و‬ ‫التطبيقات السريعة التي تساعد اإلنسان على‬ .‫معرفة أشياء لم يكن يعرفها من قبل‬

‫إن كأس العالم للكرة يعتبر من أهم اإلحتفالت‬ ‫التي ينتظرها كثير من الناس كل أربع سنوات و‬ .‫هذه المرة سوف تقام في البرازيل‬

8 ‫لملزيد صفحة‬

10 ‫لملزيد صفحة‬

The secret of being remarkable

Cairo International Book Fair was held in the area of Ard El Ma’ared in Nasr City. It’s important for everyone to pass by and have a good chance of discovering the books’ treasure.

In this article you will know some useful tips about how you can make yourself remarkable. None of us wants


City Automotive

City Sports

City Business

Book Fair


to live and die unnoticed.


Biker Zone Event Biker Zone event is held in Cairo and attended by a great number of visitors. It’s important for those who are fond of bikes and motorbikes and their accessories.


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