15th edition | 2021 | Priceless
Tourism Developments l Schools expansion l Energy plants Commercial construction l Airport update
Is Your Water Making You Sick? In Bermuda, we all share the same method of water collection and storage. We know that without proper disinfection and water filtration, our most important resource is vulnerable and prone to microbial activity, bacteria growth and more. In fact, over 75% of Bermuda’s water storage tanks that are tested, failed due to high levels of Coliform, E. Coli and other potentially harmful constituents. Point of Entry Water Filtration and Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems
Th his sys yste t mu te usses e the mos o t ad dva v nced UV technology y on th the he ma m rk rkett and is designed to provide yo w you yo wiith yea ars of troubl blebl e free operation on n an nd d minimal al mai aint nten enan a ce req an quired to protect your d in dr nki king ng g watter from m mi m cr crobiologica al co ont nta aminants. With h the use of a ce erttified d Ultravi viol olet let e dis i infect c ion n sy syst stem st em m, ba b cteria, pesticides, and ot other ha arm rm ul su rmfu ubsstances are re removed wit itho hout ho u sac ac acri cri rific ficin fic iin ng qu quallit i y, safety and taste of your po ota tabl blle w ble wa ate terr.
Point of Use SuperiorOsmosis
Bllue uewate er Sp pirrit is a po owe werrful rf l, ye et compac ct wa wate wate terr pu p ri r fie fier. r.. It us u ess Bluewater’s efficient Su upe eri rior orOs or Ossm sis™ Osmo ™ tec chnol hn no ogy to t rem mov ove e cont co ont ntam min nan ants t suc ts uch ass mic icro ro op pllastics, bacteria ia and viruse se ses, e hea avy met etal et alss li al like ke lead, and ke d pha harm rmaceuti rm t ca ti al or ch he emi mica c l re resi siidues. Safeguard your u hea alth and alth d that ha at of o yourr fa fami m ly y with water that’ss up to o 99% fre ree e of wat at aterborn r e impuritiess. Purification n ta takes pl take p ace on deman nd. Eve very ry minutte, up to t thr h ee e lit ite ers of pure, delicious wat atter flows thr h oug hr gh h the Blu luewater Spi p rit and d outt of you ur fa auc ucet et,, wa et ate er di disp sp penser, refrigerator, ice mach hine ine or or chiiller. ll No tan ank an k is req equi eq u red. Comp pac pa ctt yet e hig ghl hye effi fficien nt, the h Bluew water Spi p ri r t fitts neatly und nder you nd o r si sink nk. Trrus nk u t the e Bl Blue ue ewa w ter Sp pir irit it to de d liive verr he ealthierr wa ater to your home.
Natural Choice ION Water Dispensers
Be goo od to o you ourr bo b dy, an and d make the hea ealtthy y cho oic ice e to o switc witc tch h to o ION N, a heallthy alternative to o sug gary dr drinks. Wi W th a sim im mpl p e press of a button n, en n, njjoy joy y an en e dl dles esss su supp supp pply l of co c ld, hot, amb mb bient o spa or p rk pa kli ling ng wa atter. Enjo jo oy th he te tech chno ch hno ology of pu ure reffre r shme ent witth th he Na atu tural Choi tura oice ION™ Bott t leless s Water ss err Co ool o er e . Design gn ned to fi fitt on mo ost st cou unt n er erto t ps ps, th he IO ION™ ™ mak akes e a gre eatt water e dispenser e for ho ome e, in i the he office or where he e spa ace may ay be e liimi mite ed. d. The e ION ON waterr disspenser can also be m un mo nted d on a matchin ing in g re r mo m te sta and nd. B good to Be t yourr po pock cket ck e bo b ok o . An A ION O wat ON ater e dispe er ens nse er wil er illl us usua usua uall l y pa p y for itself l in less than o e ye on y ar whe h n co omp par a ed ed to bo ott ttle led wa le w te er co cost sts Sto sts. st top p bu uying ying bottl otttl t ed water, help protect the en nvi v ro r nm ment ent an nd le eav a e ro oom om in yo your u fri ur ridg dg d ge fo or mo more re e imp m or o ta ant ite tems.
Alkaline Water
Itt is kn nown n to red educ uc ce pa p in n cau use s d by arrtthr hrit ittis and can n alsso he h lp in re egu gulating g blood sugar llevelss. It con o ta ain ns a go good od d num umbe er off ant n io ioxi xida xi dant da ntts, and nts d the h re reffo fore fore re,, it may a have so s me me ant n i-aging benefit fits. t Tha ank nkss to t the pre r senc n e of electroly lyte ly tes, te s, alk kal a in ne wa w te terr al a so hel e ps in main nta t in nin i g the natu t ral ene ergy levels of ergy of the bod o y an nd re redu d ce cess th he fr f eq eque uen ue ncy off acid nc cid re ci reflu fl x. By boosting the me etabo ta abo boli lism li sm, it helps in sm n lo losi s ng wei si e ghtt natturall lly ll ly. y. Alka Al kali kali line ne watter e is wa w te er th that’s less ac cid dic c tha an re r gu gula la ar ta tap p wate wa ater te er. r. This me m ans ans it is rich in an alka alka ali lizing com o po oundss, includ uding ud g ca calc lciu lc iu um, siilic ca, a, pot otas asssi s um u , ma magn g es gn esiu iu um, m, and n bicarbo onate. Impr p oves the pH off you o r wa ate terr, add ddss up dd p to 20% % mo more re e oxy yge gen th than an norrma an mal wa w te er, and adds an nti t ox oxid dan antss to he ants h lp you ou recover energy. y. Visit and Follow us:
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Building Bermuda 15th Edition 2021
From the CAOB
Opinion from The Construction Association of Bermuda
Heron’s Nest
Luxury waterfront at affordable price
Solar Energy
8 12
Bermuda’s biggest installations
Ettrick Expands Animal hospital upgrade
Timely upgrade
44 48 50 54 58
Sessions house renovation
Marine Science Lab Warwick’s new facility
Point House Bank building takes shape
Publisher Ian Coles Director of Marketing Lissa Fisher Art Director Tim Parker Editorial Contribution Jeremy Deacon, Don Burgess, Peter Backeberg, Annabel Cooper Editorial, Advertising & Distribution: PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda. Tel: (441) 292-7279. Email: hello@bm.bm. Website: www.bermudamedia.bm. Building Bermuda is published annually by Bermuda Media. © 2020 Bermuda Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.
14 20 22 25 29 36
Welcome to BDA Airport readies to open
Bigger Barn Charity store expands
Success story Whole-ownership resort
BELCO’s new engines New plant finalised
St. Regis Leading tourism’s renaissance
Large scale solar Solar plant completed at
Cleaning and Covid-19
Reducing the risk of infection
Building leaders Innovation House at BHS
Ever expanding supermarket
Lindo’s grows and grows
Built for speed
NSC sets the bar higher
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Opinion: From the Construction Association of Bermuda he Construction Association of Bermuda (CAOB) was founded in 1968 with the aim to make the construction industry safer, more efficient, and better able to contribute to the development of Bermuda. Recently, the CAOB focused its efforts on education and technical learning programs to support the trades. At a time when Bermuda needs to encourage and nurture the future of young Bermudians, however, it has found itself stranded. The CAOB and its membership are grateful for Bermuda’s leadership, which has done an outstanding job navigating the first phases of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Through strong leadership, hard work, and discipline, Bermuda has allowed those in the construction business to be “last out” prior to shelter in place and “first back” to the workface after lifted restrictions. However, we foresee major adjustments on the horizon. This isn’t something to be dismissed as a potential casualty of the COVID-19 battle but a challenge to overcome by Bermuda’s third economic pillar. A key component to the continuous work pipeline is the support CAOB provides through its technical and education programmes. The fact is, there is a significant and unfortunate lack of interest in Bermuda for jobs in the construction industry. Ironically, in the hard-working community of Bermuda, construction work is not seen as the challenging, career-building industry that it is. The result is that young people are seeking roles in other sectors. This drought of talent is leaving a gaping hole in the workforce. Given the COVID-19 impact on Bermuda, we foresee a major opportunity for our young people, and recently unemployed, to embrace the “upskill” narrative with technical training offered in Bermuda, as mentioned by Premier Burt during his numerous press conferences. With a local offering for training, the money spent goes where everyone gets the biggest “bang for our buck” – that is on the materials and
instructors. Through local training, we don’t spend wasted money out of country for flights, room, and board. More than 80 training areas are available under National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). With some interest, the small number of courses currently offered could grow and expand into other areas. We currently have technical programmes in Cedarbridge Academy, Berkeley Institute, and Bermuda College. There are close to 50 qualified instructors across the island available to teach NCCER technical courses. The potential for further training programmes is thus immeasurable. A major risk factor for the CAOBadministered technical education programmes is lack of funding. The CAOB has an $80,000 annual grant from the Bermuda government brokered through the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) for technical education. It was with this small amount of money that CAOB became sponsor
representative for the NCCER. Through this role, the CAOB offers a curriculum for technical training to the current workforce as well as the technical programmes at the learning institutions mentioned above. Unfortunately, the impact of COVID-19 has meant that the funding grant was suspended in March 2020. To date, we understand the DWD budget is not yet approved, and no funds are available to continue the CAOB offerings. While we wait for our grant approval, we remain at a standstill. In the meantime, the CAOB is actively seeking separate funding and new partnerships; however, these are not yet secured. Until the CAOB role can be supported, these education programmes remain at risk. With disrupted programmes, present interest will fade and the programmes will be discontinued. The shame is that, given the momentum of our first apprenticeship programme, we believe there is a future for technical training in Bermuda. Q 5
Luxury waterfront at affordable price 8LI ǻREP PSXW EX XLMW MGSRMG [EXIVJVSRX IWXEXI EVI SR WEPI RS[
nly two lots, both of a generous size of more than half an acre, remain for sale at this prestigious waterfront estate, with prices reduced to only $465,000. Owners can build a significant size family home up to 5,000 square feet with a pool if they choose. Or they are also ideal for a younger couple looking to build a “starter home” with room for expansion. For retirees, you could have a smaller cottage and enjoy lots of garden area around the home. There is access to the water from both lots. The protected waters of Riddell’s Bay means you can leave a boat there all yearround. A private mooring comes with each lot, plus the use of a floating dock for all Heron’s Nest estate owners. Six extremely attractive new luxury homes at Heron’s Nest estate in Southampton have already been completed. “The quality and standard of new home design and construction has added immeasurably to the stately manor of the estate”, says master developer
Steve Thomson. “The main house was sold for millions, and millions more has been spent on completely redeveloping that waterfront property. The new owners have created something special there that has significantly enhanced the overall estate and added to the value of the homes that have already been built – as well as adding to the value of the two remaining lots”. Heron’s Nest is an exclusive estate soaked in history, dating back more than 200 years. For more than half that time, it was in the hands of just one family, the Mitchell’s, whose fortune can be traced back to the founding of General Motors in the United States. In 2011, Thomson, well-known as the entrepreneur behind Mailboxes Unlimited and Just Shirts Dry Cleaners, purchased the estate. Thomson grew up on Riddell’s Bay, and his attachment to the property goes back to his days as a young boy. “I used to play and swim close by
Heron’s Nest, and even back then I admired the property,” reminisced Thomson. “When I heard the estate was coming on the market, I felt I had to save it from developers who didn’t value Bermuda’s open spaces. I was deeply concerned that someone might be tempted to overbuild the whole area with condos. I decided to do whatever I could to retain all the charm and grace of the original estate. We only created seven lots, each of more than half an acre, plus there was the main four acres. My vision was that Heron’s Nest would become a tranquil area where a fortunate few could create what I call the ultimate Bermudian lifestyle — your own beautiful piece of the rock with gorgeous views and waterfront access for boating, fishing, and swimming. I am so glad that vision has become a reality”. For more details on Heron’s Nest contact Rhonda Casling of Rego Sotheby’s International Realty at 335-9517. Q 7
Gorham’s, St. John’s Road
olar power is expanding rapidly in Bermuda, with hundreds of homes and businesses having invested in solar energy and thousands more ready to join them. AES leads the way in the clean energy revolution in Bermuda, with more solar PV capacity installed than all other local providers combined. It has been responsible for all of the largest commercial installations as well as more than 120 homes. Its installation at Dockyard for WEDCO is the largest on the island, followed closely by Gorham’s, Lindo’s, and Gosling’s — all AES projects. Other major AES commercial installations include Saltus, BELCO, Greybar Building (Mill Creek), Vallis Building, Bermuda Veterinary Services, and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo. AES is also the chosen provider
The largest solar
in Bermuda for residential properties, with many Bermudian homeowners choosing to tap into the proven cost savings of solar energy provided by AES. Its installations cover the whole Island, from east to west, from small installations on the roofs of modest homes to larger properties and grand mansions.
Why are so many wise Bermudians choosing AES? The answer, says Tim Madeiros, founder and CEO of AES, is because not all solar panels are created equal, and AES is the agent and distributor for SunPower panels, the world’s most efficient and powerful panels.
either generate up to 50% more power or require up to 50% less roof space when compared with other solar panel options on the market, simply because of the advanced SunPower technology.â&#x20AC;? The other big advantage AES has over competitors is the SunPower 25year warranty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Other manufacturers may offer a 25-year warranty on power output, but SunPower includes a 25year warranty on workmanship as well,â&#x20AC;? explains Mr. Madeiros. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In other words, the SunPower warranty covers not
only the power output but the entire panel. So if the panel somehow loses its structural integrity, which hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happened in my 12 years of installing SunPower systems in Bermuda, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s completely covered by the warranty. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a combined warranty â&#x20AC;&#x201C; power and workmanship. You truly get a 25-year warranty that includes shipping to Bermuda and the labour to replace. No other manufacturer offers this coverage, and no other company in Bermuda is able to offer this value.â&#x20AC;? Q
â&#x20AC;&#x153;SunPower holds the world record for power and efficiency, as tested by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and in fact keeps breaking its own world record,â&#x20AC;? explains Madeiros. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So our clients The largest commercial solar installations on the island supplied and installed by AES WEDCO 585kW Gorhamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 500kW Lindoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 213kW Goslingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 136kW Saltus 70kW
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astel coloured homes, white stepped roofs, pink sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters surround our 21 square miles of paradise. Why and where did our unique roofs structures come from? It turns out they are designed this way to harvest rainwater. The steps on our Bermuda roofs slow down heavy rainfall helping the gutters to collect the water and store it in a tank under our homes. Although all of this sounds great, potable water quality and controlling water contamination in our tanks is a serious challenge. In Bermuda, treatment for potable water involves the removal of contaminants from raw “tank” water to produce water that is pure enough for human consumption without any short-term or long-term risk of adverse health effects. Testing of untreated tank water is recommended to confirm or deny microbial presence. In general terms, the greatest risks are associated with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or animal (including bird) feces. Feces can be a source of pathogenic bacteria such as coliform and E. coli, salmonella and other potentially harmful waterbased viruses. Disinfection of our tanks is critical to control microbial growth which involves the use of (chlorine), filters and ultraviolet light to mitigate such contamination. Recent research carried out on Bermuda rainwater tanks found the chemical quality of the water to be good.
Water Treatment Solutions
The studies of microbial contamination of household tanks in Bermuda, however, have indicated very high rates of contamination with coliforms and E. coli. Certain segments of the population may be particularly vulnerable to such microbial activity, namely young children, older adults and people with fragile or compromised immune systems. The Bermuda Health Department recommends that tank water be considered as “raw water” requiring treatment by disinfection before using for drinking or food preparation. Disinfection can be via techniques such as chlorination, boiling, ultraviolet light/filtration or a combination of these.
Landlords and Tenants Landlords have a moral
and legal responsibility to ensure that “tank” water (potable water) is safe for human consumption. An analytical water test should be completed as part of the rental agreement. Tank maintenance records should also be available. This record should include tank size, volume and configuration. When was the last time the tank was drained, cleaned and disinfected? Finally, it should be confirmed if all rain leaders and roof down spouts have protection in place to reject foreign particles from entering the tank. Landlords and tenants can have water tests performed at any time by several labs in Bermuda. Any issues with water quality can easily be mitigated with current equipment and proven methods.
Commonly referred to as ‘whole house water filtration”, point of entry systems are installed on the main water line where the first entry point of water is received in your home. You can further improve your water quality standard with a point of use drinking water system which eliminates the majority of contaminants. ClearWater Systems Ltd., a Bermudian company, has over twenty years experience in water filtration, water treatment, ultraviolet sterilisation and chlorination among other applications. Much of this experience includes solving unique Bermuda water problems commonly associated with tank water sources. ClearWater Systems Ltd. has been an active member of the Water Quality Association of America (WQA) since 1999. The WQA is the largest association of water treatment experts in the world with resources to assist and support any type of water quality issue. ClearWater Systems supports all staff in their pursuit of water treatment certification and professional accreditation. Clearwater Systems Ltd. mission as a water treatment company is to meet and exceed clients needs and expectations. Possessing extensive commercial and residential expertise, the company has a proven track record in responding promptly and honestly to all inquiries while providing a lasting solution to your water treatment challenges. Q BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
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E rick Expands ;EV[MGO JEGMPMX] YTKVEHIW XS TVSZMHI IZIR FIXXIV GEVI JSV 'IVQYHEƶW ERMQEPW fter years of fighting for electrical outlet space, having to down tools when an X-ray took place, and using rooms for multiple purposes, Ettrick Animal Hospital is expanding to create a modern, high-quality animal care facility for the benefit of patients, their owners and the staff. “We are adding on two brand new extensions, then joining and gutting the whole existing building,” explains Ettrick’s owner, Dr. Andrew Madeiros. “At the end we’ll have a whole new facility.” The renovated building will have three exam rooms, a treatment room, surgery and dental room, main surgery, X-ray room, grooming room, separated dog and cat recovery rooms, as well as runs and considerable utility, storage and office space. There is also improved security and flow throughout the building and it’s outdoor areas because “you need to avoid two rottweilers meeting each other unexpectedly,” he points out. Building an animal hospital is a particular challenge explains Madeiros, because “animal hospital grade” is higher than just “hospital grade” due to the “nature of the animals and contamination. Things like air conditioning, flooring, and sound proofing become very important when you have animals housed.” To meet the needs of their patients,
the new building will have upgraded ventilation systems and sound proofing, and all the floors have been designed with hygiene in mind: “All the tile is porcelain, which is non absorptive, with epoxy grout, which is also non absorptive,” he says. “If an animal urinates, none of that can be absorbed into the grout. “In our medical areas we have hospital grade vinyl flooring, which again has sealed seams and covering at the walls,” he continues. This means the vinyl bends at the walls creating an easy to clean curve, instead of difficult to clean right angles. The new ventilation system has been engineered to reduce the transmission of aerosolised disease, such as upper respiratory tract diseases, which can be spread through animals coughing and sneezing. He explains that cats in particular are more prone to upper respiratory disease. “We have special cat cages,” he says. “The cages have a built-in exhaust system that pulls air through the cage. Fresh air enters the cage and dirty air exits the cage. Dirty air goes through the vent system and outside, which reduces the spread from cat to cat in the same room.” There is a similar system in the dog housing area. A lot of research has gone into how to make the animals comfortable and relaxed, especially if they are recovering from surgery, including subdued colours,
dimmable lighting and heated flooring in all the recovery cages and dog recovery runs. The dog and cat cages have glass fronted doors, but the cats also have horizontal slats because research shows they don’t like vertical bars. “We’ve focused on disease control and animal comfort,” he says. Upgrading the Ettrick Animal Hospital has been a 15-year project for Madeiros who has taken courses and attended lectures at veterinary conferences about laboratories and buildings: “you talk about all of the interior workings, fits, finishes, paint – things that cause less stress for animals. I’ve taken all of that and am trying to incorporate it in this, and tried to budget so we can afford this.” Madeiros received advice from Scott Learned of The Design Learned, Inc. group, which is a Norwich, Connecticut based engineering firm specialising in veterinarian practices and animal care facilities. “I had a lot of advice from him on plumbing, electrical, engineering and sound proofing.” He adds that Heather Lewis of Animal Arts Architecture in Boulder, Colorado also offered helpful advice. Locally, Madeiros used Ocean Interiors Ltd., and engaged CTX Design Group who he says have “done a great job understanding what we’re doing and incorporating that.” “We require a massive amount of electrical outlets,” he says. “We use a lot of equipment now. We are constantly fighting for outlets. In our surgical room we have 10 outlets now. You need somebody who understands that.” BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
In addition to electrical needs, other specialised design considerations included wider corridors to accommodate large animals or owners carrying a cage; separate entrances and routes to keep the boarding animals away from the sick ones therefore preventing contamination; a door at the side, with direct access to the parking lot for more temperamental animals or if an owner is upset, especially
after a euthanasia: “it gives a little extra privacy and flexibility,” he explains. There is even a new ‘pass through’ for surgical instruments so they can go directly from the preparation room, where they are cleaned and sterilised, to the main surgery without having to go in and out of the rooms, and the X-ray room is windowless, has concrete walls and a lead door. “Safety is huge for us,” he says.
“The building is designed with three things in mind – clients, staff and patients,” adds Madeiros. “When it is finished, it will probably be the most engineered specific vet building around.” Q
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Welcome to BDA 'IVQYHEƶW RI[ EMVTSVX MW KIXXMRK VIEH] XS [IPGSQI TEWWIRKIVW ooking at it now, it seems like a long time ago when all you could see were massive steel pillars pointing skyward. Now, it’s a gleaming, modern structure looking as if it is ready to receive its first aircraft. Before it does, however, there is still a lot of work to do. Although the majority of the exterior work has been completed, final landscaping remains to be done, airside asphalt is to be laid, and portions of the interior are still to be fitted out. According to Shazar Hack, technical director, Skyport, work has been interrupted by Covid-19 pandemic, as overseas companies with workers in Bermuda requested that their staff return home due to countries’ border closures. It also interrupted supply lines to the island.
Exterior Patio Area of Whistling Rum Bar & Grill
“It means the airport will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2020 and the actual opening will be dependent on the remaining testing and commissioning of building components, and how well the Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) integrated trials perform,” he said. Among the work still to be done is the fitting out of two airside restaurants — one for international and one for US — as well as one groundside restaurant which will be open to the general public. Two departure duty free shops, one each on the international and US sides, and one arrivals duty free are remaining to be finished, and retail specialty shops will also be fitted out. According to Mr. Hack, the tenant fitout work is also expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of this year. If you have wondered what the work at the airport roundabout is, you will see soon when an LF Wade International airport sign will be erected. To bring a sense of Bermuda to the 16
Installation of Departures Hall Curtain Wall Base
A worker assembles building materials
airport, ‘Sense of Place’ elements are being installed throughout the terminal. Mr. Hack says many airports are doing something similar and in Bermuda’s case, this means suspended elements such as kites and local species of birds, and imagery on the walls featuring local architecture and landscape, as well as Bermudians. Two things that have not received much public attention are the cargo and courier areas. The cargo shed is being redeveloped – consolidating the cargo area with courier area. Construction of that will start in the fourth quarter of 2020. The fate of the old airport which was built in three phases – in 1947, 1967 and 1987 - has not yet been decided. Mr Hack said: “Once the new terminal is opened, everyone in the existing terminal will be relocated.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • Air Pro Ltd • Atlantic Water Development Ltd • BAC • D&J Construction Co Ltd • D&J Excavation & Landscaping Ltd • Horsfield Landscape & Design Ltd • Noesis Energy Solutions • Options Electrical Limited • Perfect Pass Welding & Diving Services • R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd
Inner Curbside Access
Preparation of Stainless Steel Wall Base
Congratulations to the New Airport; Azura; BHS Innovation Centre; Lindoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Group of Companies; BELCO New Power Station and The Barn. We are proud to have been involved with all of your projects. AWD has proven experience in commercial and residential drilling projects together with water treatment services and will work closely with you every FOOT of the way! Tel: 441.293.8916 Email: general@atlanticwaterdevelopment.com Member of
A Bigger
pace” and “storage” is what Tiffany Looby and Grace Petty, both assistant managers at The Barn, are most enjoying having more of now the renovation of Bermuda’s largest thrift store is finished. The expansion of this charity shop and community icon, managed by the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (HAB), began in November 2019. It involved demolishing the two smaller buildings, which housed larger goods such as furniture, electrical items, kitchen
equipment and children’s toys, and replacing them with a large warehousestyle retail space, with increased storage, two new bathrooms and a spacious undercover drop-off area. The renovation has more than doubled the available sales space to 7,735 square feet. “The whole plan was just to make it a very simple warehouse style retail outlet, recognising that this is for our community,” explains Jane Wright, assistant manager of the HAB who has
managed the whole renovation project. “We don’t need flash. It’s to help the community and in turn help the hospital.” The plans were drawn up by Ted Wood at Botelho Wood Architects and everyone who works or helps out at The Barn was asked for their input. The overarching goal was to improve the customer shopping experience and to make life easier for staff and volunteers when receiving donations. There are three full-time managers at The Barn and depending on the day there can be anywhere between 5 and 15 volunteers on site. The new space has been developed using the same steel building materials as the older existing building, so the two join together seamlessly. A new coat of striking, bright blue paint smartens up the entire building, making the whole site look as good as new. A greywater borehole has been added in front of the new building and at present, it takes all the rain water from the new roof. “It’s basically a grey water disposal
borehole,” says Wright. “This was done as the new building does not have a fresh water tank because the existing building’s tank is so large that we cannot keep up with the use of the water.” The interior of the new building has deliberately been left “industrial looking,” continued Wright. “It’s not something we felt we should be spending money on – putting up dry wall and ceilings and things, because this is for charity and our charity supports the Bermuda Hospitals Board. It’s really cool and we’re moving to that sort of style so we felt, as an organisation, that it could actually look quite trendy.” When complete, this new area will once again house the larger items and the older space will continue to sell clothing, books and other smaller items. Behind the new retail space is an additional sorting area for electronics and there will also be a cage for more expensive goods while they’re being tested or repaired.
In spite of having to down tools during the Covid-19 lockdown, Wright says the whole renovation process has gone “very smoothly,” and she spoke highly of contractors Crisson Construction. “Where there have been issues, we’ve sorted them out. It’s been seamless, which for this sort of project is unusual.” She also pointed out that had it not been for the shelter-in-place restrictions they would have finished a month ahead of schedule. “It’s larger than we imagined and the space feels a lot more open and a lot less claustrophobic,” adds Wright. “If you look at the bag area, I think that was the total footprint of the last Barn that was here. We’ve significantly increased the space.” “Customers are excited about the expansion,” continues Petty who explains that The Barn is always very busy on shopping days. “Everyone is excited and looking forward to it. The flow will be a lot better,” she says. Q
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Azura: A Resounding Success Story
he development and successful sale of Azura’s first phase of 15 hotel residences, centered around the pool and bar, were completed last autumn. Construction on the second phase building, called Edgewater, which sits oceanfront on the cliff immediately above the beach, is well underway.
Edgewater will be structurally complete by the end of the year and is scheduled for total completion in spring 2021. All available hotel residences in Edgewater have sold. Six further residences are planned as the final phase of the development, in a new building located on land above and behind Edgewater.
These will also have exceptional ocean views. Work on this final phase is expected to begin toward the end of 2020 or early 2021. Azura is a whole-ownership condominium resort property with a business strategy that has proven successful. “We have very low debt; in fact, we will be fully repaying our development lender in 2021,” says John Bush, developer and president of Clearwater Development Ltd., the investment group behind the resort. “The Azura business model is unique in Bermuda, and we are well on our way to establishing a critical mass of propertyowning clients and hotel guests, which will support the profitable operating requirements of the development’s hospitality aspect. The Azura Hotel can and will be a sustainable hospitality product for Bermuda. What’s more, given that each Azura hotel residence owner will own their own residence plus a BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
pro-rata share of the common areas, as a group, they will ‘control their own destiny’ going forward.” Bush continues, “There are those out there who still confuse Azura with the fractional ownership model, but we are very different. We offer a fantastic alternative to buyers who would have traditionally looked at fractional options but who want more time in Bermuda, more flexibility in scheduling, and who value home equity and the ability to generate income through hotel rentals. The most recent market trend for vacation properties is toward whole ownership real estate, which can cover its own running costs and then some. Azura recognised this early and created a product type to specifically address that demand segment. Our residences are also available to Bermudians, non-Bermudians, and work permit holders, which offers flexibility should a purchaser ever decide they need to sell on.” BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
“We have a great community at Azura, with a couple of owners who live here full-time, while others have purchased so they can come and go from Bermuda as they choose,” says Bush. “All owners, including those living at the property full-time, will put at least one bedroom into the hotel room base for half of the year (each bedroom can be ‘locked-off ’ which makes fulfilling this minimum requirement easy). When owners are not in residence, they make part or all of their unit available as hotel inventory and then receive income from the hotel rentals.” “A home at Azura provides full ownership of a property but without the hassle of dealing with the maintenance,” continues Bush. “We take care of the upkeep and maintenance, in addition to providing hotel services. The Azura Hotel had its soft opening in January, and this summer we are offering owners and guests the amenities of the stunning pool and pool terrace, private beaches, and
newly completed fitness center. Bar and catering services are still by private events arrangement and based on hotel demand, until the full hotel launch, which is now in spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 travel impact.” Alex DeCouto, president of Greymane, who is both an investor in and builder of Azura, says, “Seeing the physical manifestation of our hard work at Azura come to life has been incredibly satisfying. The phase one site and buildings have created an amazing space for the owners and visitors, thanks to the vision and execution of John Bush at Clearwater Development and Jacob Hocking and his team at CTX Design. It is also a testament to the management, staff, and subcontractors on the Greymane team who have executed with professionalism, dedication, and a commitment to quality that we have come to be recognised for. “We are extremely excited to see the next phase rise out of the hillside. 23
Typical interior of new homes
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We have worked with the Azura team and gone to great lengths to isolate the construction site from the hotel operations. The new residences are going to be spectacular.â&#x20AC;? Azuraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final real estate phase includes six residences perched at the highest point of the property, with exceptional views overlooking the ocean and featuring an infinity-edge rooftop pool. Architectural work by the CTX Design Group is nearing completion, and floorplans are now being released to the market. There are two, three, and four-plus bedroom options available for purchase, and building could begin as early as the end of the year once permits are in place. Q
KEY CONTRACTORS â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
A-Z Fire Protection Ltd Air Pro Ltd Cabralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s General Contracting ClearWater Systems Ltd Commercial Office Environments â&#x20AC;˘ Furniture Flair â&#x20AC;˘ Island Glass
The new BELCO power station
BELCO fuels up new engines 3I[ TPERX FYMPX [MXL IQTLEWMW SR EZSMHMRK RYMWERGI XS RIMKLFSYVW n May 2019, many people turned out to watch four huge MAN 51/60 dual-fuel diesel generators
being transported from Front Street to BELCO’s plant on Serpentine Road with a self-propelled modular transporter, or
SPMT— a specially imported, remotely controlled vehicle with 112 wheels. A carefully planned 5km route was followed 25
CONGRATULATIONS TO Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) is proud to have delivered to Bermuda Electric Lightning Company Limited (BELCO) the state-of-the-art North Power Station. Designed to provide reliable and fuel-efficient power supply. While also providing a platform for enabling more renewable energy to be added in Bermuda; without compromising the stability of the electrical network. BWSC, after having worked with BELCO and in Caribbean utilities for more than forty years, knows the region well and can deliver customised energy solutions meeting the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs. Our solutions range from engine-based power plants to waste-to-energy and various renewable technologies. Whether it is additional capacity, upgrades, refurbishments and services, or integrating solar power or batteries into your system, BWSC is your energy partner in the Atlantic and the Caribbean.
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BELCO construction in progress
to avoid damaging trees or the overhead utility infrastructure. The engines had been manufactuered in Germany, then loaded aboard the MV Fairlane in Rotterdam and shipped to Bermuda. The four engines have now been installed to replace eight engines scheduled for decommissioning over the coming months, as they are at the end of their useful life and have become costly to maintain. The maximum rated electrical output of the new plant will be 56 MW. To put this in perspective, the new engines can generate around 50% of the island’s peak power consumption during the summer months. Each new engine weighs 280 metric tons. An alternator weighing 65 tons will be connected to each engine, so creating a suitable site on which to locate these new engines was a unique challenge. The main powerhouse structure erected around the engines, alternators, and auxiliary systems is a steel frame building with a cast concrete roof and a multi-layer noise-attenuating cladding wall system. On the north side of the site is a threestory electrical annex, which is a field cast concrete structure. These structures have been built on what was a reclaimed marsh. Prior to construction, geotechnical engineers BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
conducted surveys to examine the site. Augered micro piles were used to minimise the disruption to neighbors during construction, rather than using driven piles, which can be quite noisy and disturbing. A specialist contractor also built a new concrete stack. “Some of the older engines at BELCO, such as those that were installed in the early 1980s, are two-stroke engines and have created issues with ground-borne vibrations due to the local geology, and this has caused a nuisance to our neighbors,” explains Blair Smith, principal engineer – power generation, at BELCO. “Since that time, BELCO has been constructing its plants with engines mounted atop large concrete seismic blocks which are in the order of 15 feet tall. This block sits on what we call air springs, which are basically inflated rubber cushions. This system essentially eliminates ground-borne vibrations.” The new powerhouse foundation constructed for these engines has a similar design, but a difference exists in that the seismic masses have been reduced from 15 feet to five feet tall. The new engines sit on a steel spring support system, similar in some respects to a car, because it’s made up of shock absorbers and steel springs. These springs absorb more than
95% of the engines’ vibrational energy, with air springs under the concrete blocks absorbing any remaining energy. Thus, the dynamic loading effect on the ground is considered to be negligible. “A lot of engineering has gone into this aspect of the plant,” states Smith. “The importance of avoiding any nuisance to our neighbors from the operation of this new plant is critical to BELCO.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • Air Pro Ltd • Alternative Concrete Solutions • Atlantic Water Development Ltd • BAC • Bate’s • BELCO • Bermuda Waterworks Ltd • BWSC • ClearWater Systems Ltd • D&J Construction Co Ltd • First Class Electrics • Highland Sanitation • Marshall’s Maintenance Company • Perfect Pass Welding & Diving Services • SunRise Construction Limited • Wilmott’s Trucking 27
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n 2014, BHS embarked on a pioneering journey in launching its “Leading the Way” capital campaign, which raised $11.5 million for the construction of an Innovation Centre to house a STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) curriculum. A further $500,000 is being raised for additional furnishing, fittings, and equipment. The new facility, which is on target to open for the upcoming school year, is a two-storey 14,000-square-foot structure with an array of modern learning spaces and technology. The new building also connects to the school’s adjacent Butterfield Building, which has been extensively renovated to house new music, art, drama, and math areas. “It has been a long but rewarding journey to get to this point,” says Linda Parker, head of school at BHS. “With
the immense challenges over the last few months due to the pandemic, we definitely wondered if we would be able to complete the project for the start of the 2020/2021 academic year.” Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the building is the convergence of the disciplines needed to build it and the subjects that will be learned within it. “I think BHS should be commended for realising and fulfilling the goal of building an educational facility that was specifically designed to facilitate a STEAM curriculum and approach to learning – one that I believe in,” says Gary Simmons, partner at Linberg & Simmons, the architectural firm for the project. As an all-girls school (through year 12), BHS has a particular commitment to ensuring girls are prepared to take leadership positions in Bermuda and
around the globe. The Innovation Centre is the first of its kind in Bermuda, which Mrs. Parker says is “an enormous leap forward for BHS.” “We have a responsibility to prepare our girls for the jobs of today as well as to anticipate future trends,” she says. “A strong STEAM education meets this challenge.” The design of the building not only supports the goals of this curriculum but also reflects the principles of the school itself. “An important part of the design process was to explore the ideas of expressing ‘Purity and Strength’ (the school motto) in the built structure,” says Germano Botelho, chairman of the Buildings and Ground Committee and co-chair of the STEAM taskforce at BHS and an architect by profession. “This has been achieved, for example, by not 29
STEAM centre as it is today
Architectural rendering of STEAM centre
hiding some of the structure elements, leaving steel beams exposed and polishing the concrete floors to a finished product.” Mr. Simmons adds that, “Deliberately exposing crude parts of the structure and systems in a playful and aesthetically interesting manner allows that the structure and systems can become tools for learning.” This learning process has been going on 30
throughout the design and construction of the facility. The school has also sought feedback and input from students on both the design of some of the spaces and the furnishings within. “Over the last four years, students have been working with Linberg & Simmons and Botelho Wood Architects during our annual STEAM Weeks, gaining
experience and an understanding of architecture and design,” says Catherine Hollingsworth, head of secondary at BHS. “One year, nine student spotted an issue (in one of the bathrooms) with the hand dryer being placed on the opposite side of the entrance to the sinks and thus causing the potential for the floor to become wet and slippery. BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
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“It has also been essential to work closely with the specialist teachers throughout the design of the spaces and selection of the furniture.” The students have also been proactive in raising money for the installation of solar panels, the structure for which is in place, and they will be installed over time. “The students are always keen to ensure the school is as eco-friendly as possible,” says Ms. Hollingsworth. Of course, a state-of-the-art STEAM Centre must feature technology to support the learning, which Mr. Botelho says required a lot of coordination, miles of cable and significant resources. The result is seamless, and largely hidden,
connectivity throughout the facility and out into the world. Interestingly, Mr. Botelho notes that there is an age-old piece of technology connecting the spaces and serving the collaborative learning environment. “The most interesting technology used in the building, and in between classrooms, is one of the simplest – glass,” he says. “We used glass to connect between classrooms and corridors. Glass connects the old buildings with the new and the exterior with the interior. Teaching and learning are on display Innovation House features large collaborative spaces
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everywhere you turn.â&#x20AC;? And that teaching and learning will extend beyond BHS and into the wider community. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From the very beginning of this project, we were adamant that girls across Bermuda should benefit from our facility,â&#x20AC;? says Mrs. Parker. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The building will house a purpose-built leadership centre that will provide new opportunities for partnerships between the public and private schools.â&#x20AC;? BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
With the tremendous upheaval caused by COVID-19 at the end of the previous school year, there is, understandably, great anticipation for the new year and new building at BHS. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feel immensely proud of all the work that has taken place to get us here and to everyone who has been a part of that process,â&#x20AC;? says Mrs. Parker. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In my mind, I can see the students in the reading nooks, I can hear the machines in the MakerSpace, 33
and I can feel the excitement of the students discovering science through experiments in the labs. “Students will be inspired to dream and imagine, explore their sense of curiosity, showcase their talents and hone their skills, and prepare for the remainder of the 21st century and beyond.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • A-Z Fire Protection Ltd • Air Pro Ltd • BAC • Bate’s • BCM McAlpine • Commercial Office Environments • Horsfield Landscape & Design Ltd • Island Glass • Linberg & Simmons • L&S Design Ltd • R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd • Solid Rock Construction
What can you do with a professional supply chain designation? 'IVQYHE (SPPIKI SǺIVW E LMKLP] VIWTIGXIH WYTTP] GLEMR QEREKIQIRX GSYVWI JSV GEVIIV QMRHIH TVSJIWWMSREPW f you’re in construction, you know the importance of supply chain management. The timing of the importation of materials is critical to the construction schedule and budget. That’s why the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP™) accreditation is one of most sought-after and widely held designations in this field. It’s well respected around the world and is considered the highest achievement in the industry – a mark of strategic leadership. Students from many different industries enroll in the course. Just about everything is imported to the island, so supply chain management applies to most industries
here, and this designation is an asset to anyone whose business involves the importation of goods of one sort or another. Basil Cary, who is the purchasing and inventory administrator at the City of Hamilton, is a recent student. Mr. Cary is responsible for ordering all materials for the city – everything from street light
bulbs to cement to work clothes. He is also responsible for controlling the inventory of these, and hundreds of other items needed on a day-to day-basis to keep the city’s operations working smoothly. “This course gave me a complete vision into my career path and helped me directly with my daily work,” he says. “It was tremendously advantageous, and I learnt some very practical things that I was able to implement straight away. It touches on all aspects of supply chain management, with modules such as logistics management, procurement, inventory management, and much more. The most interesting parts of the course for me were the seminars. Experienced professionals in this field joined us and shared their expert advice – the Bermuda government’s procurement office for example as well as presenters from abroad.” The course takes up to two years to complete and involves several modules, including general management and finance. It is offered through Bermuda College, and more details are available by calling the recruitment office, telephone 239-4099 or email: padmin@college.bm Q
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The amazing, expanding Lindo’s
'IVQYHEƶW PEVKIWX WYTIVQEVOIX GSRXMRYIW XS KVS[ ERH KVS[ he first Lindo’s store was opened in the 1960s, and since then the Lindo’s Group of Companies has continually expanded and upgraded its
premises. Sixty years on, and the family firm has not stopped improving its appeal to shoppers. “We borrowed £100,000 from the bank
for our first expansion in 1971. We had further expansions in 1980, 1988, and 2003,” says group president Giorgio Zanol, “and now this latest expansion. So we have BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
come a long way.” Today’s construction has been completed in several phases; brand-new offices, a new warehouse, conversion of the old warehouse to create a new bulk sales area, the installation of a customer service BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
elevator, additional parking on the upper level, and the replacement of an older part of the roof. In addition, the wall of the west side of the store has been pushed out by 9 feet to create more space. But that’s not where it stops. Planning
permission has been granted to add an additional storey above the newly created bulk sales area — not something that was envisaged until recently. The bulk sales area will open once the work in progress taking place around the property is complete. 37
“All the recent construction at Lindo’s has been designed to allow another floor to be added — including the car parking” says Peter Carfoot, senior architectural technologist at Linberg & Simmons. “It’s been challenging from the point of view of keeping the store open while the work progresses. The other challenge was demolishing the older building. So we built the new building over the top of the old cottage, made the new building and roof water tight, and then demolished the older building inside the new one. We did something similar in creating the bulk
sales area. We built the exterior wall first, and then formed the roof over the top. We got it water-tight, and then removed the existing mono-pitched roof.” The expansion of the upper-level parking has nearly doubled the amount of parking space, which has also created covered access between the lower parking and the main store at ground level. Powerful LED lighting is installed to brighten this potentially darkish area, and a skylight above the customer entrance ramp to the store provides natural light. A new customer elevator will serve
those who want to move between the lower parking and bulk sales and upper parking. Some of the other smaller, but no less significant, areas of improvement include an expanded pharmacy; relocating the shopping cart nesting area; the ATM’s for HSBC and Clarien have been relocated; and a new cool room has been created as a ‘holding’ space for online orders
You take care of the look. We’ll take care of the feel. The BAC Group is proud to have been a part of creating the indoor environments for the following projects appearing in this issue: BHS Innovation Centre, L.F. Wade International Airport, Lindo’s Group of Companies, Point House and St. Regis.
Let us build yours. Together, we’ll make sure it’s perfect. A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G • P L U M B I N G • R E F R I G E R AT I O N • F I R E P R O T E C T I O N • E N G I N E E R I N G • S H E E T M E TA L • S O U N D R E D U C T I O N R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y S O L U T I O N S • I N S U L AT I O N • I N D O O R A I R Q U A L I T Y • E N E R G Y M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M S
that have been ‘picked’ and bagged and waiting for pickup or delivery. Recharging stations for electric vehicles are also being installed in the new parking area. A 20,000-gallon water tank already existed and second new 20,000-gallon tank has been completed underneath the parking. This additional tank was required to satisfy fire regulation requirements to supply the newly installed sprinkler system. Pre-cast, as opposed to “cast in place” concrete which would typically be used in Bermuda, minimised disruption. The large slabs were dropped into place, and a 3-inch slab poured on top. The solar panels that were installed in phases beginning in 2011, have been removed, cleaned, and re-installed on the brand-new roof area that covers the newly constructed warehouse. AES is responsible for the solar energy work. The solar system has now been increased to 231 kW, one of the largest commercial installations on the island. Tim Madeiros, founder and CEO of AES says: “Using SunPower’s world record setting technology, Lindo’s was eager to maximise its solar capacity and to continue to substantially reduce its electricity costs.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • • • • • • •
BAC D&J Construction Co Ltd Furniture Flair Island Glass R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd Linberg & Simmons L&S Design Ltd
Built for speed – and local pride
he National Sports Centre has seen two significant projects completed recently, putting Bermuda’s premier sports facility in world-class condition. The cantilevered roof over the 2000-seat grandstand required urgent maintenance, as the
harsh realities of being so close to the ocean was leading to inevitable rust and deterioration. Michael Kirkos, civil engineer at Brunel Engineering Ltd., explains that the grandstand was built in the late 1990s, and no maintenance had taken place since
then. He says the roof framework consists of 21 trusses and structural members spanning between the trusses to support the roof deck. The trusses are fixed to concrete posts with long hold-down bolts anchoring the roof structure in place. “The column posts receive uplift and BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
download forces under wind conditions. The trusses connect to the post via a baseplate and six 1-inch diameter bolts,â&#x20AC;? Mr. Kirkos says. The baseplates and bolts were showing signs of heavy corrosion. The steel truss members also exhibited corrosion. BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Mr. Kirkos also says Brunel designed the remedial works, and SunRise Construction Ltd. carried out the rectification work. The proposed remedial works involved removing all rust from plates and anchor bolts using sandblasting and
strengthening baseplates as necessary. It also included the replacement of all bolt nuts. A two-part paint system was applied to all structural elements, including a surface-tolerant epoxy primer and final coat, both of which were suitable for hand or spray application. This paint system 41
is frequently used for offshore platform applications. The second phase of the project was work on the trusses, “and that was quite a challenge,” the engineer says. “After the scaffolding was built, SunRise Construction Ltd. sandblasted the steel, applied a base coat followed by the final paint.” He says the most difficult part of the process occurred during the sandblasting and painting. In both cases, there needed to be low humidity and fair winds for the work to proceed. “Some days were good, but there were days we had to stop. One day, despite the protective curtain erected around the active area, a light dusting of paint carried to the cars in the parking lot, and the contractor had to rectify that. To prevent a recurrence, SunRise Construction elected to apply the paint by hand in the future.” Brunel had to ensure the right thickness was applied evenly throughout the truss. With the scaffold in place, Brunel was able to identify areas where corrosion needed remediation. In these areas, repair works to the trusses were designed to ensure they would remain structurally sound for the future. Another challenge was the stadium being used for events. Usually, this could be accommodated by securing the equipment safely. However, Bermuda qualified for the CONCACAF Gold 42
Newly laid XVEGO EX 3 (
Cup. Because these were high-profile international events with television coverage, it was decided that the scaffolding should be removed and taken away from the site, so that it wasn’t visible, then reassembling it after the event was finished. This added time for the project to be completed. Also, for the Gold Cup, minor projects around the eastern side of the facility were completed. This included painting the bleachers, buildings, and gates and making cosmetic upgrades and plumbing in the restroom facilities. Another major project was resurfacing the 400 m track ahead of the Carifta Games. Craig Tyrrell, National Sports Centre’s SVP operations manager, says,
“There were some issues due to wear and tear, but instead of patchwork it made sense to resurface the track once we knew we had to make changes due to redefined relay exchange zones.” Beynon Sports Surfaces Inc. first laid the surface in 2000/2001. It was contracted to update the surface and used a self-levelling, poured-in-placed system that eliminates minor deviations in the substrate to achieve a full chemical bond to the old surface. To prepare the site, Strike Force Construction raised the outer perimeter concrete base, and Ornamental Ironworks also redid the inside metal perimeter to allow for the new height of the track. The whole process raised the track by 8 mm. BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Mass Limited and Strike Force Construction helped redo the long-jump pits by addressing the concrete perimeter and metal grates, respectively. The track was power-washed to remove sand and grit embedded into the surface. Polyurethane was then poured on the old surface, and then the granules were dispatched by shovel until the desired levels were achieved. Mr. Tyrrell says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;This was a laborious job, and with weather irregularities, took a little longer than originally estimated.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had an option of keeping it all red,â&#x20AC;? Mr. Tyrell adds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Or making it two-toned. We decided to add the blue, as it visually helps the runners and officials easily identify the relay exchange zones.â&#x20AC;? He says that refurbishment is not yet complete, as ongoing projects are being addressed to improve the overall experience for users of the facility. Q
The newly renovated stadium roof at NSC
KEY CONTRACTORS â&#x20AC;˘ StrikeForce General Construction & Maintenance â&#x20AC;˘ SunRise Construction Limited
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Sessions House restoration governed by time 'IVQYHEƶW 5EVPMEQIRX FYMPHMRK YRHIVKSIW ER LMWXSVMGEPP] WIRWMXMZI VIRSZEXMSR his year Bermuda’s legislature marks its 400th year, making it the oldest parliament in the Commonwealth outside the British Isles. Fittingly, the home of Bermuda’s elected legislature is nearing the conclusion of a much-needed facelift as the first part of a two-phase restoration and upgrade project. Sessions House was originally built in 1819, and Bermuda’s House of Assembly and courts have been meeting there since 1821. Over the years a number of additions were made to the original Georgian building; today, that original structure is completely surrounded by these additions. Perhaps the most significant modification began in 1886 when members of the House of Assembly decided to honour Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee with the addition of a clock tower. This initiative ultimately resulted in the installation of the distinctive Florentine-style façade across the entire southern side of the building, complete with terracotta arches and details, a turret, and the aforementioned clock tower. Today’s restoration began in 2016 with a plan to replace all the windows in the building. That project has also since expanded into a complete restoration of the exterior of the building to include patching and sealing the walls, replacing the lightning rods, roof works, and restoring the clocks. This exterior work, while delayed a couple of months during the recent Shelter in Place, is scheduled to be complete by the fall of this year. Phase Two will see the administrative spaces of the building updated as well as a complete overhaul of the HVAC, mechanical, engineering, and plumbing
at the facility. In a previous renovation, some of the windows had been replaced with aluminum versions. This time it was determined to return the building to its historic origins and revert to wooden windows. To this end, CNC Automated Carpentry was contracted to fabricate 99 custom windows of various shapes and sizes, all of which had to match the specification details of the original windows. Made of Accoya, which is a specially modified wood for stability across a variety of climate conditions, the windows took nine months to build using the company’s CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology. Installation of the windows was done by Limestone Construction over a period of three months. For owner Audley Campbell, this is one several restorationtype projects for Limestone, including subcontracting to build up the pillars for the Railway Trail bridge at Police Beach and restoration of the footbridge at Fort St. Catherine. He says projects like these are interesting, and he continues to be impressed by the workmanship of those who came before him: “You can tell they were some master builders (at Sessions House). They wouldn’t have had the tools or measuring equipment we have today, so to see the joinery is pretty amazing.” The façade also needed special treatment to address the impact of Bermuda’s climate over time. Designed by Bermuda’s governor at the time, Sir Thomas Gallwey, who was an engineer by trade, the Italianate style and use of terracotta reflected the trend in London, despite the material not being BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Sessions House undergoing renovations
Sessions House showing the natural brown-orange terracotta
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We are proud to have been chosen as General Contractor for the Sessions House renovations.
Our Services:
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We are proud to be involved with The New Airport, BELCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Power Station and Sessions House projects.
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Pass me on for a greener Bermuda
The ultimate sourcebook for proud homeowners seeking to improve every room in their house.
particularly well-suited to Bermuda. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Terracotta was popular in London for civic buildings in the 1890s and was adopted for the Sessions House design with the terracotta supplied by the Doultons of Lambeth, London,â&#x20AC;? says Steve Conway, chief surveyor for the government of Bermuda and former executive director of the Bermuda National Trust. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Considering the age of the building, the terracotta has fared well, but it has suffered from the exposed location in Bermudaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salty atmosphere.â&#x20AC;? To address this problem, the project managers took advice from an expert in the United Kingdom but restoring with the original material was determined to BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
be excessively expensive. “Because of the cost we have used an alternative method of patching and repairing the terracotta with cement coloured to match it,” says Dalton Burgess, project manager and building surveyor for the government of Bermuda. “The technique has worked well and should stand up over time.” Limestone Construction was also hired to complete this work, which included cleaning the areas that didn’t require repair. The result is a noticeably brighter colour defining the details of the façade. As an old Bermuda building, the walls, which are a combination of BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Bermuda stone and concrete block, and the roofs, which include both Bermuda slate and flat concrete sections, required the regular treatment for patching and sealing them. The final part of the exterior works has been the restoration of the faces of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Clock. Measuring seven feet across, all the glass has been replaced, while the metal face and parts were rust-treated, primed, and painted by Perfect Pass Welding & Diving Services, who specialise in metal work. The original mechanisms of the clock were previously replaced with electronic versions and are in good working order.
In addition to the unique construction aspects of the building, its historic and social importance have not been lost on those tasked with restoring it. “The House of Assembly had to relocate for this project, so it’s not every day something like that happens,” says Dennis Reid, project manager and building surveyor for the government of Bermuda. “We’re really quite honoured that it’s being done on our watch.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • Limestone Construction Ltd • Perfect Pass Welding & Diving Services
Diving deep into marine science
arwick Academy has recently completed its new marine science facility, built on campus property along Harbour Road in Warwick. Jessica Young, who teaches environmental systems and is department head at Warwick Academy, says, “The harbour is a diverse ecosystem, and this facility provides many opportunities for study. The lab is not just exclusively for use by our students: We are also in talks with Bermuda College who are interested in offering a degree in marine science; BIOS (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences) has said there are some things it would like to do at our dock; and we are also inviting government schools that can’t get all the way down to BIOS to use our facility. We want it to benefit the whole community and to be inclusive.” Ms. Young says two ongoing activities would be storm surge monitoring and a coral storage holding facility, which will be used for artificial reef-building. Prior to construction, BIOS and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo (BAMZ) volunteered their time to discuss their facilities so that Warwick could learn from their experience. Roz Wingate, Warwick Academy’s science technician, and marine center coordinator, attended and took notes from those
meetings and passed them on to Jonathan Gaugain, owner at JAG Construction, and Gary McCullough, Warwick’s facilities manager to help with the blueprint of the project. The building required a plumbing system similar to the ones at BIOS and BAMZ, and this was one of the major focuses of the design and construction. Ms. Young says they had to get creative as this wasn’t a “regular house design with regular plumbing. These basic designs don’t work. It has to be specific, to provide for the tanks and lab facilities the students use.” Mr. Gaugain says of the plumbing system: the saltwater gets picked up and sent to the first of two 1,000-gallon tanks with baffles. The system requires industrial and higher-pressure water flow Schedule 80 PVC pipes to make the transfer. “We had to go with a bigger pipe because of marine growth,” Mr. Gaugain says. “If we went with a smaller one, it would get growth, which would starve the system and strain the pumps. We used Schedule 80 pipes for durability and longevity.” There are blank flange ends on the pipes to make cleaning easy. He adds: “The system is designed so all the ends come off. You stick a bottle cleaner down
the pipe and push the growth out at the other end. That will have to happen every six months to a year.” Mr. Gaugain says union joints on the pipes make it easy to disassemble part of the system. The system also uses two 2-hp pool pumps. One is the main, and the second functions as a backup in case of breakdown or maintenance. The water flows to a pipe sticking up through the middle of the first tank to allow the water to spill in it. Once the water reaches a certain height, it flows through another pipe to the second tank. This allows for sediment to remain in the first tank. The water from the second tank then flows underneath decking, then up to the lab’s eight workstations in the pagoda. This system allows the water to be clear rather than cloudy. Each of the workstations has 1-footdeep plastic bins, in which the students will conduct their experiments. The pagoda has 12 cement-filled fiberglass columns to hold it in place against hurricanes. Because the lab sits at the water’s edge, there were hurricane protection considerations that needed to be met. “When it was originally designed, it was 4 or 5 feet closer to the water’s edge,” Mr. McCullough says. “We had to pull it back and up to make BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Marine science lab on Harbour Road
sure we weren’t going to be hit by waves. We also had to recap the face of the dock with reinforced concrete, so we don’t have anything breaking away.” The new wall is 18 inches thick and 8 inches taller than the previous one. “The whole process of building along the waterfront was quite restrictive from planning as to what we could build, and how much we could build,” Mr. McCullough says. Underneath the loading bay, excavation helped create enough space to build a science equipment storage unit and a bathroom. The storage room also holds a storage tank for sewage. Mr. McCullough says, “Because of the caves under the ground, the sewage has to go into a storage tank and then is pumped out by truck. That was one of the problems we faced, as we didn’t want to put pollutants back into the harbour.” He adds that one of the most challenging parts of the project was having to map out where the caves were before construction began. That involved close cooperation with the government to gain approval for the marine centre. “The plumbing was the biggest challenge,” Mr. Gaugain continues. “I’ve been a contractor for 22 years. After a while, it is just work, so it is nice to do something different, interesting, and to have a new challenge. It’s not BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
just throwing up block and mortar, as we can do that in our sleep, so it was enjoyable to do this. The design was done well.” Q
KEY CONTRACTORS • JAG Construction Ltd
round the world, impractical bank buildings with grand banking halls have lost their purpose due to ATM’s and digital payments. The former Bank of Bermuda building at Albuoy’s Point was no exception. It was put up for sale and bought by the Green family in 2019. Point House, as it is now named, is the latest commercial complex to be built by the Green’s. They also built the stateof-the-art Waterloo House, completely renovated The Hamilton Princess and Beach Club, and also purchased Dorchester House and adjacent Hemisphere House on Church Street. Hemisphere House was subsequently demolished to create car parking for tenants of Dorchester House. One of the challenges in redesigning such a building, is what to do with the old bank safes. And surely Bermuda has come up with
one of the most unusual uses – a new life as office bathrooms. An integral part of the original construction and therefore prohibitively expensive to remove, the four huge Bank
of Bermuda safes have been extensively repurposed as part of the work to turn the building into 80,000 sq.ft. of prime office space, with retail and leisure units on the ground floor.
It was not a simple conversion. As the name suggests, a safe has to be safe and in this case that meant the safes were encased in 18-inch walls and ceilings. To enlarge the space and put in the pipework meant drilling and cutting through the concrete. It was a huge project. Given its location, it is a high-profile site and passers-by will have seen the different stages â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from stripping the building bare to exterior cladding and glass being added. Those passers-by, however, would probably not have seen how all the vertical columns were stripped and then completely recast to give clean lines and how the old arched windows were also remodeled and recast. As the windows are added, any resemblance to what the building used to look like completely disappears. Where once there was a gym, underground parking is now taking shape. But perhaps the biggest change people will see when the hoardings are taken away is the entrance. When the bank occupied the building there was only one entrance. Now there are two â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one for the office users and one for the public which will lead them into a vast space on the ground floor. Originally it had been hoped that the mezzanine floor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the one above the main
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banking hall where you spent your lunch hour queuing to cash your pay check â&#x20AC;&#x201C; would stay, but the designs changed and instead a new ceiling was added, increasing office space by 4,000 square feet. The impressive new entrance is oneand-a-half stories high and will have floor to ceiling windows, adding to the natural light that will flow through the area from
The original building
KEY CONTRACTORS â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Atlantic Construction Ltd BAC BUE D&J Construction Co Ltd D&J Excavation & Landscaping Ltd â&#x20AC;˘ Island Glass â&#x20AC;˘ HorsďŹ eld Landscape & Design Ltd â&#x20AC;˘ R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd
the windows overlooking Albuoyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point. It will also be covered by a balcony, where artwork will be installed. Like most projects, it has been affected by Covid-19, but Jason Mackertich, a partner at architect firm Botelho Wood which is overseeing the project, says â&#x20AC;&#x153;we will be fitting out later this year, Under construction
the ceiling will be going up and some common spaces will be created. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a trend towards smaller office spaces and remote working now and, if need be, the office space can be easily partitioned.â&#x20AC;? He adds â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a great project to work on. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not been without its challenges, such as the safes, but it is going to be a stunning looking building. It has breathed new life into a tired looking 1960â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s building and provides Hamilton with a focus.â&#x20AC;? Q
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St. Regis leads tourism renaissance
Bermuda newest hotel and resort residences readies to debut in April 2021
t’s been a strange sight for some time – the bright green and yellow cladding on the walls of the new St. Regis hotel. It stands out from its surroundings and is thought to be a first for Bermuda. The cladding is an exterior board called Secure Rock. It is waterproof and once fitted, it is covered by a very hard type
of foam. Once that is done, a finish is applied. It is impossible to tell that it is not concrete and plaster. Juan Pablo Cordova, the Project Manager for Hotelco Bermuda Holding Ltd. which is building the hotel, says: “The Secure Rock is a US design and will stand up to a hurricane. It helps to speed up the building process as well as saving BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
St. Regis construction from the air
money, as the foam acts as a form of insulation. It is the only hotel to be built like this in Bermuda and we are building one using the same technique in the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Despite an enforced break for Covid-19, 100 of the 120 rooms are ready to be fitted out. Some are tiled and painted, and the rooms will be finished BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
by December ready to receive all the fittings, which are scheduled to arrive in November. “All the rooms will be finished by February,” adds Mr. Cordova. “Then staff will be trained, and work will be done to get everything perfect before we open in April 2021.” When it is open, those arriving will
drive up to the entrance and be able to see straight through the hotel to the sea beyond. The lobby area will be huge with high Bermuda tray ceilings and beams, as the hotel keeps to a Bermudian theme. “We want to maintain a Bermuda style,” says Mr. Cordova. Walking through, there is a large balcony area that looks down on what will 55
have a children’s pool and an adult’s pool, as well plentiful space for loungers. Next to the hotel — and in a separate building with a yellow cladding rather than green – are the residences, which come with their own pools, even if they are three stories up. The view from both is breathtaking. As part of the hotel development, the St. George’s golf course is also undergoing a renovation and redesign. The old 18th hole will become the new Interior of the residences
Golf course under renovation
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St. Regis is right on beach
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first hole with the new 18th now being down near the hotel. The 10th hole, which will follow the coastline will be the course signature hole. It will be a relatively short course of about 3,600 yards with 12 par three holes and six par fours, with a total par of 60. Mr. Cordova adds: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are close to finalising the course. The irrigation system is in and we are working on the shape of the greens.â&#x20AC;? The course is expected to open for play in April 2021 at the same time as the resort opening. Q
#65141.3147 64'),7#-/53.472/7 65* .47+65 3'6
Proud to be a part of the St. Regis Hotel project.
KEY CONTRACTORS â&#x20AC;˘ Atlantic Water Development Ltd â&#x20AC;˘ BAC â&#x20AC;˘ BCM McAlpine â&#x20AC;˘ BELCO â&#x20AC;˘ BUE â&#x20AC;˘ D&J Construction Co Ltd â&#x20AC;˘ Fast Forward Freight â&#x20AC;˘ SISL â&#x20AC;˘ DTS Services â&#x20AC;˘ StrikeForce General Construction & Maintenance BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
Bermuda’s first large scale solar farm ;MPP WIRH YT XS SJ '*1(4ƶW XSXEP GETEGMX] XS XLI KVMH ocated on a 19-acre piece of land known locally as “The Finger” — a small peninsula at right angles to the airport runway that was formerly a munitions pier for the US Navy — the 6 MW solar power project on St. David’s Island is all but completed. This is an entirely separate project to the new airport terminal, and the solar power generated will not offset the airport’s energy use. Rather, it will be delivered into the national grid under a 20-year contract with BELCO. The 6 MW that the solar farm will generate represents about 4% of BELCO’s total capacity of around 80 MW. “Saturn Power develops and builds utility-scale or large-scale solar projects,” says Larry Henry, project manager for Canadian-based Saturn Power, who developed the plant. “This project for Bermuda on a 19-acre site will generate 6 MW from 24,150 individual solar panels.”
“This installation is what we call ‘a fixed rack.’ The panels are oriented so that they point south, and they’re mounted on a steel racking system that holds them at about a 15 degree tilt. We’ve calculated that as the optimum angle to catch the maximum sun,” explains Henry. “The foundation system for this racking we call direct-drive pile. We drive straight steel piles 9 feet into the ground, which creates the foundation and anchor system. There are 40 piles. Then above that is galvanised steel racking bolted together. There are 120 rows of racking, and then all of the modules, or panels, are mounted to that steel racking system. “The racking is designed for a 144-mph wind – it’s been designed to withstand a category-four hurricane. We have concerns about the environment, the salt, and the humidity, so our racking system has had extra galvanising treatment. “There was no special treatment for the surface – we’ve driven the piles right
through the old asphalt surface. It wasn’t removed. We hope and believe that will lend itself to minimising some of the site maintenance long-term.” The local installation and commissioning company is Noesis Energy Solutions. It is responsible for all the high-voltage equipment and underground cabling as well as laying a
The 19-acre solar plant has almost 25,000 individual panels
submarine cable from the solar plant to connect with the new BELCO substation located by the roundabout at the airport entrance. Q
KEY CONTRACTORS â&#x20AC;˘ Noesis Energy Solutions â&#x20AC;˘ Options Electrical Limited
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commissioned the 6MW Solar Farm.
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he business of home building in Bermuda has been changing subtly over the past 30 years. An older Bermuda cottage was constructed of Bermuda stone, lathe and plaster ceilings, and wood floors on floor joists, with crawl spaces below that to keep the rooms cool in the heat of the summer. Fast forward to the present day, where the inspiration to build a customised home is becoming increasingly popular. Renovating existing properties is also on the rise. Designing your personal version of an island dream home can be exhilarating and daunting at the same time. But knowing what you’re up against and gathering valuable tips from subject-matter experts can go a long way in easing some of the uncertainty.
Cut Cost, Not Corners For independent, cost-effective quotes on renovation work, speak to contractors and your designer or architect early in the process. Waiting to budget until after completing your design is not the recommended way to start a project. A quick budget analysis of your design options early in the process will allow you to determine if you can or cannot achieve your entire wish list. If this is the case, a redistribution of the most 60
critical components of the project can be established – and not at the end when cash has run out. Factoring in a 10% to 15% contingency to cover budget extras or renovation unknowns is a rule of thumb that should always accompany your estimates. With some strategic thinking about design, materials, and timing, it is not so hard to cut costs without cutting corners. The truth about renovations is that every little thing adds up, so researching your material choices and vendors for deals will save you in the long run.
Keeping It Real Efficiency, not size, is what matters most in today’s home. Gone are the days when all the “nice to haves” overtake the “needs to have.” If you can reorganise and equip your home, kitchen, or bathroom for maximum utility and growth for your later years, you may not need to create more space but rather use the space you have more effectively. A designer can assist in providing up-front advice just by looking at how your house is arranged on the inside. You may come to realise that your home might already have sufficient space for what you want do; it’s just currently not suited for your style of living.
Do (some of) It Yourself Reap big savings by doing some of the work yourself. Demolition of kitchen cabinets or items that you could do yourself will save you on labor cost. Recycling used fixtures and building materials can sometimes pay off, but look out for builders who won’t guarantee their work if they have to use salvaged items because they don’t want to assume the liability if something goes wrong. Knocking down may not be as costly as rebuilding, but you can still shave dollars by doing some of the demolition yourself – as long as you proceed with care. Before you decide to take a wall out or, worse still, sawing through live wiring or plumbing, ask someone for advice, or know when to stop the “do-it-yourself ” work and consult your architect or contractor.
Build It Up or Knock It Down Major renovating can cost more than building new. Carefully weigh the best approach to renovating and determine if demolishing and starting again are efficient options. Don’t schedule your renovation in the height of peak demand times for builders – wait until there is a lag and get the best price from numerous contractors. Be prudent to make sure BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
you check references and obtain a firm price with a final contract and schedule. Using stock sizes in cabinets, doors, and windows will save you time and money. While planning and designing your home, it is also helpful to confirm if your essential materials are available on-island or if they need to be imported, In addition to an increase in cost, imported material may have an impact on your building schedule and budget. Timing the delivery of your materials is an art, and your contractor, architect, and interior design team can be critical in ensuring it all flows smoothly
throughout the entire process.
Good to Know Depending on the scale of your project, your architectural commission will vary in meetings, site visits, and construction drawings for planning and permits. You might be able to tap into an architect’s design savvy by having him or her undertake a one-time design consultation. For example, for a flat fee, some architects will meet with a homeowner, examine the opportunities, and sketch out a few solutions that can then be budgeted and utilised for
banking discussions if loans are required. A Small Works design program is the way to go here with a set fee for design and drawings for necessary permits. For larger renovations, planning and building permits may be required, thus having a qualified firm to undertake your drawings is a real cost saver. Ask about its drawings sets, review others it has done – and remember that you get what you pay for. For more tips, the latest design trends, and architectural news, sign up for the OBMI newsletter at bdanews@obmi.com. Q
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eopening Bermuda requires all of us to move forward together by practicing social distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Reopening the island also relies on public health strategies, including cleaning and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and your home. Every Bermuda resident has been called upon to stop the spread of the virus through social distancing and prevention hygiene, such as frequently washing your hands and wearing face coverings. Everyone also has a role in making sure our community is as safe as possible to reopen and remain open. The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed if you use the right products for cleaning. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled a list of disinfectant products that can be used against COVID-19, including readyto-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes.
Each product has been shown to be effective against viruses that are harder to kill than viruses like the one that causes COVID-19. Here’s a framework to follow for cleaning and disinfecting your facility — or your home. Normal routine cleaning with soap and water will decrease how much of the virus is on surfaces and objects, which reduces the risk of exposure. Disinfection using EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19 can also help reduce the risk. Frequent disinfection of surfaces and objects touched by multiple people is important. When EPA-approved disinfectants are not available, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions). Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together — this can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children. A few important reminders about Coronaviruses and reducing the risk of exposure: • Coronaviruses on surfaces and objects naturally die within hours to days. Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunlight will reduce the time the virus survives on surfaces and objects. • Normal routine cleaning with soap and water removes germs and dirt from surfaces. It lowers the risk of spreading COVID-19 infection. • Disinfectants kill germs on surfaces. By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, you can further lower the risk of spreading infection.
• Store and use disinfectants in a responsible and appropriate manner according to the label. • Do not overuse or stockpile disinfectants or other supplies. This can result in shortages of appropriate products for others to use in critical situations. • Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used when you are cleaning and disinfecting. Additional personal protective equipment (PPE) may be needed based on setting and product.
DEVELOP YOUR PLAN Evaluate your workplace, school, home, or business to determine what kinds of surfaces and materials make up that area. Most surfaces and objects will just need normal routine cleaning. Frequently touched surfaces and objects like door handles will need to be cleaned and then disinfected to further reduce the risk of germs on surfaces and objects. Examples of frequently touched surfaces and objects that will need routine disinfection are: tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks, touch BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
supplies and has not been proven to reduce the risk of COVID-19. You should maintain existing cleaning and hygiene practices for outdoor areas. The targeted use of disinfectants can be done effectively, efficiently and safely on outdoor hard surfaces and objects frequently touched by multiple people. Certain outdoor areas and facilities, such as bars and restaurants, may have additional requirements. There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread directly to humans from water in pools, hot tubs or spas, or water play areas. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (for example, with chlorine) of pools, hot tubs or spas, and water playgrounds should kill the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there are additional concerns with outdoor areas that may be maintained less frequently, including playgrounds. If your workplace, school, or business has been unoccupied for 7 days or more, it will only need your normal routine cleaning to reopen the area. This is because the virus that causes COVID-19 has not been shown to survive on surfaces longer than this time. Q screens, ATM machines. You should also consider what items can be moved or removed completely to reduce frequent handling or contact from multiple people. Soft and porous materials, such as area rugs and seating, may be removed or stored to reduce the challenges with cleaning and disinfecting them. It is critical that your plan includes how to maintain a cleaning and disinfecting strategy, keeping it flexible with your staff or family, and adjusting as guidance is updated and if your specific circumstances change. Some surfaces only need to be cleaned with soap and water. For example, surfaces and objects that are not frequently touched should be cleaned and do not require additional disinfection. Additionally, disinfectants should typically not be applied on items used by children. Outdoor areas generally require normal routine cleaning and do not require disinfection. Spraying disinfectant on sidewalks and in parks is not an efficient use of disinfectant BUILDINGBERMUDA2021
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iĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;`>Elite Â?i>Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192; THE BEST CHOICE FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CLEANING
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL UĂ&#x160; >Â&#x2C6;`Ă&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;Vi]Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} UĂ&#x160;-Ă&#x152;i>Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160; Â?i>Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;ÂŤiĂ&#x152;Ă&#x192;]Ă&#x160; 1ÂŤÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â?Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;`Ă&#x160; Â?Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;v>ViĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; UĂ&#x160;*Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;7>Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; Â?>Ă&#x192;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; >V>`iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x2030;7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x192; UĂ&#x160;9>VÂ&#x2026;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160; i>Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;wV>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; UĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2022;VĂ&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; Â?i>Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;1ÂŤ
OfďŹ ce: 234-1043 | Jackie Cell: 705-8821 | Email:Ă&#x160;L`>VÂ?i>Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;JLĂ&#x152;VÂ&#x2DC;iĂ&#x152;°LÂ&#x201C;
s the Covid-19 virus continues to spread, we are committed to the health and safety of our community. Protection of employees and safety is our number #1 priority, so that our clients, their families and others feel safe. We offer sanitising services for companies, schools, workshops, warehouses and other businesses, to help reduce the risk of exposure to this deadly virus. Our trained and certified managers will arrive on-site to perform your disinfecting and sanitising service wearing the proper PPE and N95 respirator masks. As we learn more from the CDS, EPA and other experts, we practice the best measures to ensure your safety. Transmission of corona virus occurs more commonly through respiratory droplets than through objects and
surfaces, like handles and doorknobs, countertops, keyboards and toys.
16 Market Lane, Pembroke HM07 Office: 236-4051 Mobile: (Allen / General Manager) 333-4050 Mobile: ( John Ferreira / Chief Executive Officer) 338-1958 info@atlanticcleaning.bm www.atlanticcleaning.bm
However, current evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;best practiceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings. Having a clean office is important to our clients and their employees. The first impression for any client is based upon how clean the office area is. For your staff, to have peace of mind that their workspace has been not only cleaned but sanitized, allows them to focus on their work and be more productive. In addition, a clean work area reduces the number of allergens and bacteria that settles in the building, and keeping a clean area also helps employees stay healthy throughout the year. www.atlanticcleaning.bm. Tel: 2364051. Email: info@atlanticcleaning.bm Q
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Green GreenCleaning Cleaning for foraaSustainable Sustainable Future Future
Castile Castile soap: soap: foaming foaming all-purpose all-purpose cleaner cleaner Olive Olive oil:oil: great great forfor polishing polishing wood wood andand ridding ridding surface surface dirtdirt Baking Baking soda: soda: effective effective scrubber scrubber reacts reacts with with vinegar vinegar andand lemon lemon hether hether forfor commercial commercial Washing Washing soda: soda: effective effective stain stain remover remover space space or or home, home, Bermuda Bermuda thethe perfect perfect laundry laundry supplement supplement Cleaning Cleaning LtdLtd (BCL), (BCL), voted voted andand Bermuda Bermuda Best Best Cleaning Cleaning Company Company 2019, 2019, Bottle Bottle Bank. Bank. Reuse Reuse your your plastic plastic is your is your one-stop one-stop callcall forfor environmentally environmentally bottles bottles whenever whenever possible. possible. This This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tisnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t friendly friendly cleaning cleaning andand janitorial janitorial supplies. supplies. justjust forfor cleaning; cleaning; reuse reuse all all those those take-out take-out containers containers andand plastic plastic shopping shopping bags. bags.
What What is green is green cleaning? cleaning?
Call Call thethe professionals. professionals. Bermuda Bermuda Cleaning Cleaning LtdLtd specialises specialises in all in all levels levels of of commercial commercial andand residential residential cleaning. cleaning. It has It has a wide a wide range range of expertise of expertise andand thrives thrives on on building building its its environmentally environmentally friendly friendly ethos. ethos. Its Its trained trained team team cancan answer answer questions questions or or meet meet forfor a free a free sitesite visit visit andand consultation. consultation. And And its its retail retail store, store, Bermuda Bermuda Janitorial Janitorial Supplies Supplies Ltd, Ltd, stocks stocks a wide a wide variety variety of green of green cleaning cleaning products, products, equipment, equipment, andand supplies. supplies. Tel:Tel: 295-1378; 295-1378; www.bermudacleaning. www.bermudacleaning. n n bm;bm; 21 21 Serpentine Serpentine Road, Road, Pembroke. Pembroke.
Green Green cleaning cleaning hashas many many definitions, definitions, butbut its its main main goal goal is to is to useuse solutions solutions andand methods methods that that keep keep us us andand ourour environment environment healthy. healthy. How How does does green green cleaning cleaning benefit benefit ourour environment? environment? TheThe green green cleaning cleaning movement movement encourages encourages people people to to livelive in ainmore a more Been Been there, there, cleaned cleaned that... that... again! again! environmentally environmentally friendly friendly way. way. Going Going OFFICE OFFICE CLEANING CLEANING ONON SITE SITE AREA AREA RUG RUG CLEANING CLEANING green green hashas positive positive side side effects effects forfor thethe CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CLEAN CLEAN UPUP (PICK (PICK UPUP & DROP & DROP OFF OFF AVAILABLE) AVAILABLE) environment, environment, including including cleaner cleaner water, water, RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL CLEANING CLEANING CARPET CARPET & UPHOLSTERY & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CLEANING cleaner cleaner air,air, preserving preserving natural natural resources, resources, WINDOW WINDOW CLEANING CLEANING POWER POWER WASHING WASHING andand reducing reducing thethe impact impact of global of global GREEN GREEN CLEANING CLEANING METHODS METHODS GREEN GREEN SEAL SEAL CERTIFIED CERTIFIED PRODUCTS` PRODUCTS` warming. warming. Reducing Reducing chemical chemical usage, usage, cleaning cleaning with with sustainable sustainable products, products, andand saving saving plastic plastic bottles bottles forfor reuse reuse areare among among thethe simple simple ways ways to to protect protect ourour environment. environment. These These easy easy tactics tactics cancan start start right right at home at home or or in your in your office. office. Five Five easy easy steps steps to to clean clean green green Declutter. Declutter. Take Take a look a look around around to to
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295.1378 295.1378 obsolete, obsolete, reusable reusable or or able able to to pass pass along along BERMUDACLEANING.BM BERMUDACLEANING.BM to to a friend. a friend. Plastic Plastic containers, containers, bottles, bottles, clothes, clothes, equipment, equipment, andand other other knickknickknacks knacks cancan always always be be helpful helpful to to others. others. The The Basics. Basics. Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly products, products, microfiber microfiber cloths, cloths, mops, mops, dusters, dusters, andand Hepa-filtered Hepa-filtered vacuums vacuums areare all all basic basic tools tools to to help help kickkickCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL CLEANING CLEANING PRODUCTS PRODUCTSCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL & RESIDENTIAL VACUUMS VACUUMS start start your your green green cleaning cleaning movement. movement. HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD CLEANING CLEANING ALLALL PARTS PARTS & ACCESSORIES & ACCESSORIES Remember, Remember, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s absolutely absolutely nothing nothing CLEANING CLEANING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT & TOOLS & TOOLS ECO ECO FRIENDLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS PRODUCTS wrong wrong with with buying buying commercial commercial green green GREEN GREEN SEAL SEAL CERTIFIED CERTIFIED equipment equipment or or products. products. These These areare ourour personal personal preferences preferences because because thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no no mixing mixing or or measuring, measuring, andand they they do do a great a great uum cu cm au VaV rld or! ld! jobjob with with lessless â&#x20AC;&#x153;elbow â&#x20AC;&#x153;elbow grease.â&#x20AC;? grease.â&#x20AC;? However, However, WoW ComCm om erm cier alcial there there areare alsoalso multiple multiple household household Steam Steam MopM op remedies remedies that that work work safely. safely. s s Green Green Cleaning Cleaning Products Products Lemon Lemon juice: juice: disinfects disinfects andand easily easily degreases degreases 295.1378 295.1378 White White vinegar: vinegar: loosens loosens dirtdirt andand BERMUDAJANITORIAL.BM BERMUDAJANITORIAL.BM disinfects disinfects
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