Your Future 2023

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YOURFUTURE 24th Edition 2023 • PRICELESS 84 PAGES PACKED WITH GREAT JOBS, SCHOLARSHIPS, CONTACTS & TIPS Accountancy Healthcare Insurance Law Technical Trades and more AMAZING CAREER OPTIONS How to land a scholarship Which School or College? THE CAREERS GUIDE FOR YOUNG BERMUDIANS FUTURE 24th Edition 2023 • PRICELESS 84 PAGES PACKED WITH GREAT JOBS, SCHOLARSHIPS, CONTACTS & TIPS Accountancy Healthcare Insurance Law Technical Trades and more AMAZING CAREER OPTIONS How to land a scholarship THE CAREERS GUIDE FOR YOUNG BERMUDIANS

You have the talent We have the opportunities

Robert Clements Scholarship

The fully-funded Robert Clements Scholarship is awarded to a qualified Bermudian student studying full-time towards an undergraduate or graduate degree in insurance, risk management, actuarial science, or other insurance related disciplines. The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, books and airfare in addition to offering employment opportunities.

Application deadline: 30 April each year

Bermuda College Education Award

The Bermuda College Education Award is offered to a qualified graduate of Bermuda College, enrolled in at least the third (junior) year of a 4-year (or the second year of a 3-year UK) degree program at an accredited university. The Award of $15,000 per year, assists with tuition and fees for up to two years immediately following graduation.

Application deadline: 15 April each year

Chubb Select Internship

Chubb Select is a 10-week paid insurance internship. It is designed to provide Bermudian university students with foundational experiences to help them build successful careers in the insurance industry. Interns must have completed at least two years of university at an undergraduate level.

Application deadline: 30 September each year

For more information, please visit or

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Visit Call 299 5959 *Terms and Conditions apply. Principal payments can be deferred and interest only payments allowed for a maximum of 2 years. The maximum term for this is 7 years. Issued by HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited, of 37 Front Street, Hamilton Bermuda, which is licensed to conduct Banking and Investment Business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority. Give their goals a head start with an HSBC Education Loan • Save $200 by applying online • Competitive variable interest rates • Choose a repayment term from 1 – 7 years Opening up a world of opportunity Scan to learn more about our Education Loans Which direction will they take if all directions are open to them?


24th Edition 2023

Enquiries to Director of Marketing, Lissa Fisher. Email:

Published by Bermuda Media. PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda Tel: 441-292-7279. Email:

Printed in the US

Cover image: Sihlé Sharieff-Hayward, KPMG

10 Social media How to avoid online blunders

12 Phone etiquette Unwritten business rules

14 Construction Put your career under construction

16 Drugs and college The dangers of vaping

18 Technical trades Your future in energy

20 A gaming career Government supported programme

22 Entrepreneurship

How to be your own boss

24 Healthcare Careers in caring


28 Service

A musical career in the Regiment

29 Accounting Hard work but exceptionally rewarding

36 Scholarships and Internships

The right one for you

54 Women in business Extra ordinary woman in non-traditional jobs

56 Educational Opportunities

Making the right choice

You’ll find the best opportunities at these companies, local and overseas educational institutions

Albert College 60 Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC)

44, 45


BELCO 18, 19

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 24, 25

Bermuda College 58, 59

Bermuda Dental Association 26

Bermuda Economic Development Corporation 22, 23

Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies 39, 40

Bermuda Hospitals Board 27, Back cover

Bermuda Institute 61, 63

Bermuda Waterworks 47, 49 37, 38

BF&M 13

BHS 62

Bishop’s College School 62, 64

Blue Ridge School 62, 65

Branksome Hall 63, 65

CedarBridge Academy 64, 66

Cardigan Mountain School 64, 65

Centennial Bermuda Foundation 47, 48

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3, 29

Chubb Inside front cover

Construction Association of Bermuda 14 Cox Hallett Wilkinson 42, 43

Dalhousie University 66, 67

Deloitte 11, 34

Department for National Drug Control 16, 17

Department of Workforce Development 36

Durham College 66, 68

Eagle Hill School 68, 69

Economic Development Department 20, 21

EY 9, 33

Flagler College 68, 70

Government of Bermuda, Department of Employee & Organizational Development 46, 50 Gow School 70, 78

Green Family Scholarship 42 HSBC First right hand page, 52

King’s University College 69, 71

KPMG 15, 32

Lakefield College School 69, 72

MJM Limited 41, 46

Mounts Saint Agnes Academy 70, 73

Nicholl Scholarship 46

Ontario Tech University 70, 73

Orbis 41

PwC 7, 35

RenaissanceRe 47

Rosseau Lake College 71, 74

Royal Bermuda Regiment 28

Saltus Grammar School 73, 76

Schools to Know 77, 79

Sheridan College 75, 78

Somersfield Academy 59, 80

St John’s University 72, 75

The Berkeley Institute 61, 77

Trafalgar Castle School 78, 83

Trinity College School 81

University of Guelph 71, 79

Warwick Academy 80, 82

Wakefield Quin 41, 46

Washington Academy 80, 82

Your Future 2023 4




TheCharteredProfessionalAccountant(CPA)designationpreparesyouforalife-long,rewarding careerwithunlimitedpotential.ACPAisyourgatewaytoaworldofexcitingopportunities.

TheCharteredProfessionalAccountant(CPA)designationpreparesyouforalife-long,rewarding careerwithunlimitedpotential.ACPAisyourgatewaytoaworldofexcitingopportunities.

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ThevalueoftheCPAdesignationisrecognizedbyorganizationsworldwide.AsaBermudianCPA, youhavemanycareerchoices-multipleopportunitiesinmanyrolesandinallsectorsofthe economy,athomeandabroad.h



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Thesestudentsareuniversitygraduateswhohavecompletedademandingprofessionalprogrammeofstudy whileparticipatinginanextensivearticlingprograminpublicpracticefirmsandcompanies.Theyhaveproventhat theyhavewhatittakestobecomeBermuda'sbusinessleadersoftomorrowandknowhowtoturnobstaclesinto opportunities.Congratulations!

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A brighter future for all Bermudians

safe and have employment, education, career, and financial opportunities at home.

McKenzie's speech aligns with Government's commitment to develop and create opportunities for our youth to want to reside and flourish in Bermuda.

To address the labour market's current and future demands, the Ministry of Economy and Labour has developed a strategy. The Youth Employment Strategy (YES) outlines the Government's commitment to implementing initiatives to address unemployment by facilitating greater opportunities and educational pathways for all young Bermudians between 18 – 26 years old.

Bermudian McKenzie-Kohl Tuckett, a former Youth Premier, delivered a speech in the British House of Commons to mark UK Youth Parliament Day 2022.

In her speech, McKenzie stated, "When I think of home, I think of a place that provides safety, security and stability. Our investment in our young people, and our future leaders is important. With the work that is being done, I am hopeful that Bermuda will become a more opportunity rich island. I extend sincere gratitude on behalf of Bermuda's young people to our Government, local organisations and those in our community who are actively fulfilling our social responsibility to ensure that Bermuda's youth can call home, home."

We share her sentiments. We recognise that Government and local organisations have a collective responsibility to ensure our youth feel

Over the past few decades, many Bermudians have left to reside in other parts of the world in search of job opportunities and a lower cost of living. While a portion of this exodus is standard worldwide, there are ways to minimise this to prevent the 'brain drain'. As outlined in the Youth Employment Strategy, it is the Government's goal to facilitate the repatriation of young Bermudians by encouraging them to return home to work.

There are still exciting job opportunities available. It is important to research current job trends so that your studies and experience are relevant to the ever-changing job market.

Your Government is committed to supporting you and will continue to work to encourage and assist in the creation of new businesses, new jobs, and a brighter future for all Bermudians.

Your Future 2023 6 FROM THE PREMIER
Research current job trends so that your studies are relevant to the job market
© 2023 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. All rights reserved.

A new era of education in Bermuda

young people into Signature Schools to undertake Signature Learning Programmes.

On the first day of school, the community rallied alongside our incoming S1 students and clapped as they entered The Berkeley Institute and CedarBridge Academy to undertake studies in Health and Social Care, Financial and Insurance Services, STEM, and Trades and Professions.

In September 2023, we will see further expansion with the opening of our first two Parish Primary Schools at Purvis Primary in Warwick Parish and Francis Patton Primary and Lyceum Preschool in Hamilton Parish.

In September 2017, the Government committed to transforming public education so that each and every public school student would receive a highquality public education.

As we welcome all of the possibilities that 2023 will bring, I am delighted to share that 2022 marked the start of a new era of education in Bermuda.

Despite the onset of COVID-19 and the challenges it brought to our education system, we witnessed community building and perseverance amongst our students and their families, educators, and school support staff.

The Ministry of Education continued to focus on our children and our future by moving forward with our Education Reform agenda.

In September 2022, we celebrated a new chapter in Education Reform as we welcomed the first cohort of

As we continue to move forward with Education Reform, I am delighted that our promise to the children, families, and broader community, is being supported by our powerful vision for learning.

We will continue the work to help our children follow their passions and interests, build on their talents and capabilities, and achieve their career and further aspirations: creating schools and a school system where each and every child has great learning outcomes and life opportunities — for them, for our economy and the future of our nation.

Your Future 2023 8 FROM THE MINISTER
We will continue to help our children follow their passions and interests

Oops! Did I really post that on social media?

Online blunders can affect your chances of success. So tread carefully

Like it or not, when you apply for a scholarship, college entry or job, those that are considering your application may search for you on social media. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and other social networking services have become an integral part of the recruitment process, and what recruiters find out about you on social media may be a lot more meaningful to them than your CV. What they find may sometimes be good, sometimes harmful to your prospects. Although it’s called ‘social’ media, there’s no doubt that it plays a significant role in all aspects of work life and career progression, and you need to manage your online presence accordingly. After all, you are leaving a trail of personal information about yourself whenever you post anything online that could exist forever. You may be able to remove the post, but others may already have shared it, or saved it.

Some things are best kept private

There is a horror story about an HR Manager finding a picture online of a job candidate climbing a lamppost on Front Street at the end of boozy night out. Not only does this paint a job applicant in an unfavourable light, but the company would be concerned about its corporate image if this was one of its employees and representatives.

Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident. There are many similar circumstances where a prospect’s chances have been harmed by their social media presence.

Some argue that social media provides a platform for people to express their views and be themselves. However, the reality is that in the business world, recruiters can and do use it to assess job applicants, and to get a fuller picture of the candidate. Google yourself and ask “what would a potential employer think of the online

content about me? And would I hire myself?”

Be in control

The good news is you have control of what they find. Make use of any privacy settings related to your accounts to hide anything that might not be appropriate for recruiters to see. Change things such as your Facebook profile picture to make it “business friendly”, make sure any photos put you in the best light. Always err on the side of caution. Before you post something online, ask yourself “would I be happy if my grandma saw this?” If not, don’t post it. Make sure you approve any photos posted on your timeline and be careful about others taking your picture. If a phone is pointed at you, think about where that photo might end up?

Don’t automatically add everyone who sends you a friend request on Facebook. If they are not someone you would want to spend time with, or be seen with in

real life, it’s fine to politely ignore their invitation.

Showcase yourself

Social media can also be used positively to boost your employability. If you have a talent, show it off. If you volunteer for a charity, or support an important community cause, share that. And share other relevant positive posts, comments, and articles.

You can also connect with companies and recruiters, adding comments to their page and get on their radar. Always be respectful of course, and don’t get into arguments. You may also discover an opportunity with that company that interests you. If you do, take action, get in contact, and let them know of your interest.

LinkedIn is something students should consider using. You can search for your dream job, stay up to date with whatever professional areas interest you, make business connections, and even showcase your resume.

Your Future 2023 10 GUIDANCE
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more. Deloitte Ltd. is an affiliate of DCB Holding Ltd., a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. © 2023 DCB Holding Ltd. and its affiliates. Your career is ringing. Awaken your potential with a career unique environment to prioritize your learning and development. We offer summer and co-op internships, scholarships and graduate opportunities for Bermudians interested in Financial Services. To learn more, visit our website at at Deloitte. Our student programs provide a

Dnt rite lyk dis

Be thoughtful about how you use your phone — there are unwritten rules in business that can make a big difference to your success

It’s not just the way you answer the questions at an interview for a scholarship, college or job that makes a difference. The interviewer is also picking up subtle signals from several things your do, including your phone etiquette.

The way you set up the appointment over the phone, what you do on your mobile device in the waiting room before the interview, or if you’re heard calling from the office bathroom (which can be deeply offensive) can all make a difference between success and rejection.

Don’t initiate your first meeting or

introduction by texting. A phone call or email is always the preferred method in business. Only once you have an ongoing, more familiar relationship in business, is WhatsApp appropriate.

Think about what your ringtone says about you. If your phone rings during an interview, that’s a big black mark against you. If the tone is offensive, you can almost guarantee you won’t be called back for a second interview. And don’t put your phone on the desk or table and look at it longingly during a conversation.

Wearing headphones will, of course,

ensure you don’t disturb others around you, but be careful that you’re not sending out a message that you’re cutting people off. In some situations, headphones can make you look like a moody teenager.

Phones play a complex role in modern business interactions. You may not have thought before that that little device you carry around with you can cause such offense. So be aware of these issues, and others, and try to develop good habits and etiquette around the use of your phone in business settings.

Should I wear my nose ring to the interview?

Every job, not matter what the field, requires professionalism and organisational skills. And you should present yourself to reflect as professional an image as possible. Just because the position you’re applying for doesn’t require you to wear a suit, that doesn’t mean you can show up for the interview dressed in an unprofessional manner. No matter what the purpose of the interview, you should arrive on time, well dressed, well groomed, and well prepared to articulate your skills and experience in a confident, organised way. Which brings us to another body piercing. You’ll be wrong

if you think your tongue stud will go unnoticed, because apart from the look, they can sometimes make the speaker sound slightly odd.

Unfortunately, we do not live in a nonjudgmental society. Some people may be able to look past your appearance, but in the real business world, most will not.

At the very least, piercing jewelry can be distracting, and remember, you’re not (hopefully), trying to make a personal statement, but to get a job, scholarship, or college admission. So, cover up those tattoos, leave the studs and rings at home, and dress up a notch.

Your Future 2023 12 GUIDANCE

Realise your future

Withyou can.

We are pleased to announce a new scholarship opportunity in recognition of our former CEO, John Wight. The BF&M Postgraduate Scholarship, valued at $20,000 USD, will help support one deserving student in achieving their postgraduate academic goals.

At BF&M, we believe that everyone should have access to higher education. Applicants are invited to learn more and apply online at Deadline to apply is April 30 th , 2023.


Career under construction

A career building Bermuda provides limitless possibilities: good pay, opportunities for continued education, and potential for advancement and growth

Think about the people involved in building homes, offices, and hotels. A single building requires many different skillsets. From the design involving architects, engineers, and surveyors through to construction with estimators, project managers and various skilled tradespersons – masons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and mechanics. Some of these positions

require college degrees while others involve a combination of classroom learning and hands on work experience. All require specific skills and knowledge and can lead to successful and rewarding careers in Bermuda. Indeed, the local construction industry is in desperate need of qualified engineers and tradespersons.

The Construction Association of Bermuda (CAOB) is a registered charity

that is dedicated to making the construction industry safer, more efficient, more competitive, and better able to contribute to the development of Bermuda. The CAOB is the Accredited Training Sponsor for the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). This leading US based organisation provides standardised construction and maintenance curriculum and assessments with portable credentials that are globally recognised. The CAOB oversees NCCER programmes in the secondary schools and Bermuda College. We also arrange specific courses for companies and organisations such as health and safety in

the workplace.

The CAOB Scholarship fund was established to provide funding for students enrolled in a construction related field, either at university or an applied technology programme. This includes fields such as engineering, surveying, construction management, masonry, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and welding. The fund currently provides for three awards of up to $5,000 each. Applications can be made online at

If you are a young person looking at career options, the construction industry can provide you with an interesting and financially rewarding career.

14 Your Future 2023 CONSTRUCTION
Learner today. Leader tomorrow. Let us invest in your future with the KPMG Scholarship! Application deadline is April 30, 2023. Apply by visiting the Bermuda Scholarships website at: Start here. Go anywhere. Let your next career move be with KPMG! We are looking for Staff Accountants to join our team. © 2023 KPMG, a group of Bermuda limited liability companies which are member firms of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Contact: Courtney Simons Assistant Manager, Human Resources E: © 2023 KPMG, a group of Bermuda limited liability companies which are member firms of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
impacts VAPING BODY BODY the Suite 304, Melbourne House 11 Parliament Street Hamilton HM 12 Bermuda 441-292-3049 heart Chest pain Increased heart rate Higher blood pressure brain Headaches Dizziness Sleeplessness Addiction lungs Coughing Wheezing Increased breathing rate Lung damage mouth / throat Dry mouth Irritation Bleeding gums Sore throat eyes Irritation Blurry vision skin Rashes Itchiness Dry skin sinus Congestion Nose bleeds Vaping is more dangerous than you think and leads to dependence especially in youth. If you or anyone you know is vaping and want to stop call 441-292-3049 or text 441-535-4038

Your future in energy

You can be on the move with many opportunities available at BELCO

As Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited (BELCO) transitions to a sustainable Company there are many current and future opportunities for Bermudians through scholarships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training and employment.

BELCO has committed to achieve Net Zero by 2050 through the implementation of renewable energy technologies as well as making changes to the Company’s operations such as switching to an electric vehicle fleet.

BELCO is also nearing completion of major improvements to the underground transmission grid that will serve all customers into the future with more reliable, safe and cost-effective electricity. The upgrades will ensure that BELCO can accommodate large and small-scale renewable energy to be safely fed into the grid which will assist in reaching Net Zero.

To support BELCO’s sustainable energy future, the Company needs qualified and skilled workers and is continuing a long history of supporting education and developing talent. Each year,

BELCO provides a host of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students within various fields of study.

The annual scholarships include a $25,000 engineering scholarship, a $25,000 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) postgraduate scholarship, a $25,000 business postgraduate scholarship and an internal scholarship valued up to $20,000. Additionally, BELCO provides $1,000 Bermuda College bursaries to graduating seniors of Cedarbridge Academy and The Berkeley Institute, as well as STEM education awards of varying amounts.

Each summer, BELCO also offers employment opportunities to college and university students, enabling them to gain invaluable work experience. Students are matched to the departments that most closely align with their studies. Available departments typically include sustainability, bulk generation, transmission and distribution, information technology, and human resources.

The BELCO Apprenticeship Programme

provides on the job training to young Bermudians pursuing careers in the energy sector with 15 new apprentices joining the Company in December 2021. The programme offers the opportunity to train in a structured way towards a successful and rewarding career by blending technical training and academic study with work-based learning to kick-start careers in Bermuda’s evolving energy industry with apprentices earning as they learn.

Upon completion of the programme, successful candidates are assessed for progression to graded positions and placed in designated areas of the business including as Electrical Fitters, Mechanical Fitters, Line Workers and Electrical Jointers. BELCO’s Apprenticeship Programme has evolved over the last 30 years and many of the Company’s skilled workforce are past apprentices that graduated from the programme and are now employed fulltime at the Company.

To learn more about the opportunities available at BELCO, please visit

Your Future 2023 18 TECHNICAL TRADES

Energy for Generations

Are you planning for a sustainable future? We invest in young Bermudians who can develop our energy future in ways we have not yet dreamed.

By providing scholarships, nurturing the love of STEM education, and offering employment opportunities to students and apprentices, BELCO is lighting the way for future generations.

To learn more about what BELCO can do for you, visit

Ever Wanted to Create Your Own Video Game?

You can learn how to develop a video game right here on the Island

Government’s Economic Development Department (EDD) sponsors Bermuda Island Games (BIG), coding bootcamps and you’re invited to register.

BIG is a Bermudian company working to promote Bermuda through video games, and helping to build a video game development industry on the Island, including starting a community of like-minded gamers, artists, and programmers.

Over the past 3 years, BIG has been growing its fans. Prior to COVID 19, it helped found the Bermuda E-Sports League which has since hosted several local tournaments, including Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Super Smash Bros.

In March 2022, BIG held the Island’s first Video Game Design Challenge, a free event that tested and developed the participants’ creativity and ability to apply what they learned into creating a game concept. That was the first of several BIG events, which welcome anyone aged 13 and up who has a keen interest in video gaming. Some participants have been as young as 7 years old – and the oldest contestant was 25.

To keep things new and unexpected, each event had its own theme, starting with ‘Sharks’. And to keep the prizes interesting, BIG incorporated an ‘Easter Egg’, a hidden object that no one knows about until they find it. Separate from the grand prize, one Easter Egg prize was a PlayStation 5 game.

BIG events are based on an extensive

game development curriculum that covers game development concepts, including monetisation. To give everyone a fair chance, BIG provides the participants with a standardised outline. Regardless of background, experience, or prior knowledge, everyone follows the same procedures and covers the same core areas.

First place bootcamp winner, Macen Outerbridge says “I had the best time and look forward to the next one. Thank you for a wonderful event” His game

The Bermuda Government Department of Economic Development (EDD) facilitates the exploration of innovative trends and the development of appropriate policies in support of Bermuda’s economic development and diversification goals. It also promotes Bermuda as the optimal jurisdiction across industries. In addition to housing the Office of Fintech, the EDD provides a wide range of services including concierge and engagement as well as education and training. It is also responsible for the Alien Land Licensing and the Incentives for Job Makers processes. Instagram: edd_bermuda/ Facebook: EcomonicDevelopmentDepartment

LinkedIn: The Economic Development Department

idea, Secrets of the Island, was a mystery adventure game.

Second place winner Jakeem Edmead developed a game called Shark Mist, where you try to survive as a shark with hunters interested in your shark oil.

Adrian Lodge, BIG founder, describes the events as opportunities to more than just code: “In addition to the thrill of the competition, a positive aspect of our events is that everyone learns and socialises, not just the participants – but the volunteers as well.”

BIG is one of many efforts island-wide that the EDD supports. Together, they contribute to developing a sustained, informed, skilled, and connected talent pool seeped in tech and innovation and ready to become active members of Bermuda’s tech ecosystem where everyone has a role to play.

So, if you ever wanted to create your own video game, this is where you come. Look out for BIG’s next bootcamp, and sign up.

Your Future 2023 20 TECHNOLOGY
Young coders at BIG video game boot camp
a career in technology. Join the team that keeps things running.

Make Your Own Money. Be Your Own Boss.

Deshun Simmons, Assistant Communication and Development Officer, Bermuda Economic Development Corporation, says it’s easier than ever for young people to start their own business

In recent years, the trend of young people starting their own businesses has been on the rise. With a desire to chart their own course as well as to pursue their own passions and create something they genuinely care about; many young people see entrepreneurship as the avenue to make this a reality.

With today’s technology and how easily it is integrated into our lives, it is easier than ever to turn that idea into a potential business. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Shopify have accelerated the opportunity to start a business. Whether taking online payments or accessing analytics and data on whom to market towards, the tools are there to help. Although these tools are more easily accessible, one must still understand how entrepreneurship works, what it entails, and the mindset that comes with it. Self-paced entrepreneurship courses and local incubators are the learning choice of the younger generation, so schools and businesses must adapt to this type of learning and support however they can.

The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) hosts a student incubator programme called the Summer Student Entrepreneur Program (SSEP) for eight weeks. SSEP aims to nurture that entrepreneurial spirit within those between the ages of 13 and 22 by combining entrepreneurial education with real-life entrepreneurial experience. Between ten to fifteen students are given two weeks of training, which helps to foster that entrepreneurial mindset and provide the tools and knowledge needed to take their businesses to the next level. After the training workshop, students spend the next six weeks running their businesses and selling their goods and services to the public.

“The SSEP provided me with an exceptional foundation to begin running my business. This was made possible through various workshops and

opportunities to market my products to the public”, says Antoine Jones, a 2022 SSEP student and owner of Capsule, an upcycled clothing brand. He continued, “I am very fortunate to have been able to sell a number of my products, placing me as a top earner and I can’t be more grateful to have been a part of the SSEP program.”

Zen Marley Mello, a 2022 SSEP student and owner of Zenimations, an animation company, says, “The programme was an amazing experience for me. Though I have taken entrepreneur courses in the past, SSEP was the first to give me an in-depth look into what it is like to be an entrepreneur, and it was the first big step for me and my business.”

The BEDC also hosts the Rocket Pitch Competition during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), and within the competition, there is a Youth Pitch category. Youth Pitch is a competition where young people under the age of 18, pitch their business ideas and compete for fantastic cash prizes. The framework

of the Youth Pitch presentation is simple, the presenter, or team of presenters, has five minutes to tell the story of their business idea and then respond to questions. The main goal of a Youth Pitch is to illustrate a business opportunity. A pitch must be clear, straightforward, and not overly technical. Those that enter the competition have a chance to win a cash award ranging from $2,000 to $5,000, in addition to a package of startup services that can help them launch their business.

The BEDC was formed to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, and the SSEP and Rocket Pitch programmes are just two examples of significant pathways to success. We have found that graduates of the SSEP leave with a unique mindset. They can solve problems, invent solutions, and make the world better. For more information on the SSEP, the Rocket Pitch Competition, and the other programs that BEDC offers, visit, email: or call at 292-5570.

Your Future 2023 22 CAREER ADVICE

BEarn Money & Win Prizes

Earn your own money by selling your products and services. Compete with your peers! The three participants with the most profit will earn additional 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place financial rewards.

, Be Your Own Boss

Why spend the Summer working on someone else’s dream when you can be building your own! Learn how to be your own boss and build your own business.

Summer Student Entrepreneur Program


WReceive Start-up Funds

All students will receive a weekly financial stipend and startup funds to get their businesses started.

KReceive Support & Training

All students will receive, quality educational training, resources and support to launch, grow and sustain their own enterprises during the programme.

Register today at
Learn more today at WWW.GEW.BM

Careers in Cancer Care

Cancer is a leading cause of death globally and, unfortunately, Bermuda is no exception. Since cancer transforms normal cells into tumour cells in a progressive process, early detection and treatment can reduce the risk of cancer mortality. Even better, a substantial percentage of cancers can be prevented.

If saving lives through cancer prevention, detection or treatment sounds like your calling, there are multiple career opportunities right here in Bermuda to let you do just that.

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered local charity that provides the highest standard of early detection, radiation treatment, support, care and education for cancer. An important part of the Centre’s mission is equal access care, which means that its services are provided free of co-pay, regardless of health insurance status. Community donations to the Equal Access Fund enable the Centre to subsidise services for those in need.

Clinical services include diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy, as well as patient services. In addition to the clinical service teams, the Centre employs public health educators and professionals in the areas of marketing, fundraising, accounting and compliance. The diagnostic imaging team

includes a radiologist, mammography technologists, sonographers (ultrasound technologists), bone densitometry technologists, medical transcriptionists and nurses. This team carries out 3D and digital mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsy and bone densitometry.

Within the radiation therapy team, there are patient navigators, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiation therapists and radiation oncology nurses. This team works in

clinical affiliation with Dana-Farber/ Brigham Cancer Center. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre was the first facility outside of the United States to be accredited for radiation oncology by the American College of Radiology, which is the gold standard of accreditation.

Patient service staff ensure that the Centre meets the needs of its clients. This team includes front desk staff, transcriptionists and clinical managers.

If you are wondering if any of these careers are right for you, think about your strengths and what sparks your interest. Professionals in the clinical services tend to have a high aptitude for biology and/ or physics and an interest in healthcare with a focus on patient care. They are logical thinkers with good teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills. In particular, technologists are also interested in using state of the art technology.

Based on which area you choose to pursue, there are many educational options available to earn a certificate, diploma, degree or professional certification from an accredited institution.

To learn more about Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, its team and its work to prevent, detect and treat cancer in the community, visit

Your Future 2023 24

Choose your


Radiologists, Mammography Technologists, Sonographers (Ultrasound Technologist) Bone Densitometry Technologists, Medical Transcriptionists, Nurses


Patient Navigators, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists, Radiation Oncology Nurses


Public Health Educators, Marketing, Fundraising, Accounting, Administration, Compliance

Find your calling with us! At Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, our goal is to prevent, detect and treat cancer. We provide our patients in Bermuda with equal access, high-quality diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy and support. Our team includes a range of professionals, all helping to save lives in unique ways. Learn more about our team and how to get involved at | | 441.236.1001 Bermuda Registered
career with care.

Become a smile maker

Explore the many roles in dentistry that are available to you

Using a team approach, dentistry is led by a dentist, which is a doctor specialising in oral health who has earned either a doctor of dental medicine (DMD) degree or a doctor of dental surgery (DDS) degree, with a minimum of four years training at an accredited university. Members of the team include dental hygienists, dental

assistants, lab technicians, and practice/ office managers.

Dental teams in Bermuda strive to promote continuity of care that is comprehensive, convenient, cost effective, compassionate, and efficient. In addition to the core team, the profession also offers several dental specialists that general dentists

collaborate with on a regular basis. They include endodontics (root canal specialists), pediatric dentistry (children and special needs), periodontics (gum and bone specialists), oral and maxillofacial surgery (complex extractions, implants, invasive surgeries), prosthodontics (full month rehabilitation, complex restorative cases), dental public health, oral and maxillofacial pathology (complex diseases of the head and neck), and orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics (facial reconstruction)

If you think a dental career might be in your future or are interested in learning more about dentistry, visit the Bermuda Dental Association website ( to send an email with your questions. Better yet, ask your dentist and his or her team if they are willing to share their dental journey with you. You could even take it a step further and ask them to be your mentor or if you could job shadow. It is never too early to explore dental career options. Through personal interactions with dentists and their team members, you will find that, for each individual, dentistry is an opportunity to serve patients through art and science in a rewarding, continual learning, and enriching profession.

26 Your Future 2023 HEALTHCARE

Making a di erence in social care

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) is one of the largest employers on the island and offers a myriad of health services. If you have an interest in healthcare, joining the organisation offers you flexibility to expand your knowledge and even change your career down the road

Almost as soon as Tenik Burgess discovered social work was her passion, she came to BHB.

“I first became interested in social work when I was working at the Department of Corrections,” she says. “I was in my early 20s and was working in the Programmes Department as a case management assistant and a programmes clerk.”

Becoming acquainted with the inmate cases, Tenik says she quickly realised that being a social worker was her calling.

“I’ve long had an interest in science and medicine, but I wasn’t going to be a doctor,” she says. “I discovered that being a social worker was a great way to assist people in need.”

Tenik completed her undergraduate degree at the University of the West

Indies’ Barbados campus and her master’s degree at New York University. On her breaks from school, she enrolled in the BHB Summer Student Programme. When she finished her studies, she joined BHB as an intern.

Tenik then spent eight years as a medical social worker assisting patients in almost all areas of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, including long-term care, palliative care (Agape House), emergency, dialysis, oncology, acute care and surgical.

“I think maternity and the children’s ward are the only areas I have not been assigned to,” she says.

Keen to increase her knowledge, build her experience and progress within her field, Tenik says she was looking for a

change when the Community Intellectual Disability Team was forming in 2021.

“The Community Intellectual Disability Team was created to more effectively address the needs of this oftenunderserved part of our community,” she recalls. “I was drawn to the potential of what the team would provide and applied for the case manager position I currently hold.”

Tenik says her social worker skills are applicable to the job, which made the move seamless.

What does her new job entail?

“I coordinate intake assessments from clients in the community who require our service,” she says. “I help develop standard operating procedures, organise family meetings, and liaise with our community partners, including Aging and Disability Services, Child and Family Services, and The K. Margaret Carter Centre, a government-managed facility that provides support and training for adults with learning and physical disabilities.”

Tenik is also developing key processes for the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute as they relate to the intellectual disability population. These include policy guides that consider the complex needs of this population and how they transition between services.

As part of the Community Intellectual Disability Team, Tenik is working to determine what support is needed for clients at every stage of their development. She is also making sure the identified support is available and everyone knows about it.

“One of the most fulfilling parts of my job as a case manager is advocating for our clients,” says Tenik. “They are a population that oftentimes have been overlooked. I am proud to be part of a team that is moving them to be more integrated, visible, and confident members of society, and helping them to self-actualise and have a good quality of life.”

Tenik says BHB has nurtured her in her career pathway.

“I have been encouraged, mentored, guided, and given the opportunity to grow, be challenged and develop meaningful programmes and guides that will benefit our Bermuda community. I love my job and the support I’ve had working at BHB.”

27 Your Future 2023 HEALTHCARE

Music on the march

Bermuda is not only safer because of the Royal Bermuda Regiment. It sounds better too

Corporal Kallan Thomas and Lance Corporal Azar Morrissey combine their passion for playing music with opportunities to travel, meet people and serve their country as members of the Royal Bermuda Regiment Band and Corps of Drums.

They became RBR Junior Musicians when they were teenagers and have performed for crowds at home and abroad.

Cpl. Thomas, now 30, is a drummer who has paraded on May 24 and performed with a British Army regiment in the UK and Germany.

He says: “I got to know other services within Bermuda, so I’ve worked with the fire service because

we also had members from the fire service in the Band; I worked with the police service because we had members of the police service in the Band, same as corrections, same as EMTs.”

Cpl. Thomas believes the


Junior Musician programme is a great option for young people to develop in a way that fits around schooling.

“The biggest thing is that you get paid,” he adds.

“The Regiment Band’s a no-brainer. You get to do something that you love to do with people who also love to do it.”

RBR musicians perform at military, ceremonial, and public events, including the Peppercorn Ceremony, King’s birthday, and Remembrance Day parades.

Cpl. Thomas, a teacher in training at the Whitney Institute Middle School, says a “passion to play” is all that’s needed.

“We do get a lot of young people that come in, and eventually go off to school, then they come back in while they’re on school breaks,” he adds.

“Even before going out to school, they can take the opportunities to develop in something other than academics.

“A lot of our young musicians who have gone away to university are playing with university bands, which they may not have been able

to do if they didn’t get the extra practice and the extra time learning in Bermuda.”

The Junior Musician programme is open to students aged 15 to 22, who take part in weekly rehearsals and performances as needed.

LCpl. Morrissey, 22, enjoys the interaction between Band members.

“I know it’s traditionally an army setting, but everybody’s like a family, everybody’s close,” he says. “You can have fun when you’re there.”

The saxophonist joined at 17 and soon after travelled to Colorado to play in a military tattoo. In 2021, he joined the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment band for ceremonial performances in Gibraltar.

LCpl. Morrissey says: “As clichéd as it sounds, it prepares you for life – time management, discipline, all of that.

“It’s what employers are looking for.”

Anyone interested can contact Band Officer Lieutenant Sheldon Fox, Tel: 444-2317, email:

For more information about the Regiment visit:

Your Future 2023 28 SERVICE
LCpl. Morrissey majoring in music Cpl. Thomas (right) on parade

The career that opens doors

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation is a great way to open the door to a rewarding career. Here, five young Bermudians share their stories about their CPA journey

accounting meant Rebecca had to work hard to catch up with her peers.

“I had to take prerequisite classes for the Canadian CPA programme and then the CPA courses later on,” she says.

“There were countless evenings and weekends spent at the office studying. But, looking back, putting in the work was completely worth it.”

She began her career at PwC Bermuda but has since moved to Athene, where she works as an accountant.

“At Athene the culture is very inclusive,” she says.

“We have many opportunities to interact with colleagues in different departments through social and volunteer opportunities. Also, being an accountant at Athene provides stimulating and interesting opportunities, such as working on the technical accounting behind our recent merger.”

Many students on the Canadian CPA programme have already completed a four-year undergraduate degree in accounting.

Demi Wright, however, opted to gain her educational requirements through a master’s programme at York University, Toronto, instead.

This route may have been quicker – within eight months she had all the requirements to sit the final CPA exam – but it was much more intense.

Rebecca Gibbons didn’t think she would pursue a career in accounting.

She changed her mind when she went to a job fair while studying at Acadia University, where she was impressed by the Bermudian representatives of the “big four” accounting firms.

“I had already chosen a major in finance over accounting, so I didn’t think a career path in accounting was for me,” says Rebecca, 26.

“But hearing each firm speak about the different opportunities available really changed my mind. I made sure to email each company the next day to thank them for their time, which led to multiple interviews and ultimately my first full time job at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).”

Having a major in finance rather than

Your Future 2023 29 ACCOUNTANCY
Demi Wright Rebecca Gibbons

“It required a lot of time and commitment to my studies,” Demi says. “You really have to find the love for the subject and enjoy studying overall.”

Demi had previously obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration at York, where classes included business law, statistics, marketing, business management, accounting, economics, and finance.

“I found this to be really helpful as it allowed me to learn about many different aspects of business administration before selecting my specialisation” she says.

Now 26, Demi is enjoying life at EY Bermuda – the firm which gave her a scholarship back in 2016.

“EY played an integral part in pursuing and achieving my postsecondary and post-graduate educational goals,” she says.

“The financial assistance allowed me to gain both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, which in return allowed me to jump start my journey towards becoming a CPA.”

In addition to financial support, she was offered full-time employment upon completion of her studies.

“It was a major relief to know I had a job awaiting me once I completed my degree, which in return allowed me to fully focus on my education,” she says.

“During my time as a full-time employee at EY, they continued to offer support while pursuing my CPA designation.”

Some people choose accounting because they’re good at maths, others because of the career options in Bermuda – but for Andrew Brookes it seems to be in the blood.

“I’m actually a fourth-generation accountant” Andrew says. “My father and grandfather inspired me to be an accountant growing up.”

Andrew, 25, says his own pathway opened up when he got a high school award from PwC.

“That’s what kicked off my interest in accounting firms and accounting as a serious career,” he says.

“Accounting is a career path that is always relevant and gives a really good base understanding for business and financial markets.”

He attained a bachelor’s degree in business administration at Trinity

Western University, near Vancouver, and also did maths courses at university and a specialisation in accounting.

Studying for the CPA exams was not an easy ride, but Andrew insists: “If you spend ample time studying, the exams are very achievable.”

Having previously worked for EY, Andrew is now at Prosperity Life, a life reinsurance start-up in Bermuda.

“Accounting firms have a different culture than insurance and reinsurance companies,” he says.

“Big four firms focus on working hard, learning as much as you can and equipping you to understand the industry. Insurance and reinsurance companies are typically much more hands off and expect you to apply your understanding of accounting rules and regulations.

“Both cultures have distinct positives.”

Qualifying as an accountant is hard work – but the learning process doesn’t end there.

Mica Johnson completed a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance at the University of the West Indies in her home country Barbados.

Having also acquired the professional designation, she works for Grant Thornton Bermuda, but says: “The life of an accountant requires ongoing study.

“The initial step is the professional designation which takes approximately two to three years to complete.

“From there it is an ongoing process every year to refresh your knowledge and remain up-to-date on changes in standards and introduction of new standards to meet market needs.”

Accounting was a natural career choice for Mica, 30.

“I enjoyed mathematics in school and initially I wanted to be an actuary,” she says.

“However, when I was considering programmes to enter university, I found that I preferred the subject offerings under the accounting programmes more than the actuary programmes.”

Grant Thornton Bermuda has provided excellent support, resources, and access to coaching to help with her studying and general progress.

“My office has a very supporting culture and was willing to assist me

Your Future 2023 30 ACCOUNTANCY
Andrew Brookes

management at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Neil decided to specialise in accounting. He went on to complete a master’s degree in accounting at the same university.

Overall, Neil studied accounting for a total of five years to earn his CPA, as well as racking up 30 months relevant accounting experience.

He works for PwC, which was the perfect place to launch his career.

“You are learning a lot of stuff,” he says.

“It has a good culture in terms of training to improve your knowledge base and is always trying to encourage employees to keep expanding their knowledge and grow your own career path.

“A lot of the higher ups try to check you and navigate your career path.”

The CPA also gives Neil a wide range of future options, such as continuing to work for a big company as an accountant, or consulting and advising businesses.

“There’s a lot of different pathways you can take as a CPA,” he says.

The CPA of Bermuda helps make the study programme simple. Plus, there are many opportunities for scholarships and work experience while you earn.

Visit or call 292-7479 for more information.

when I needed and checked with me regularly to see how I was progressing in my studies,” she says.

“They asked if I felt prepared and offered me time off from work, even during peak season, to ensure I had all the tools I needed to be successful in my exam.”

Neil Kothari was destined to get a job involving business and maths.

“A lot of my family members have their own businesses,” says Neil, 24.

“Whenever I went to family gatherings, I always ended up talking to them about it – what they were focused on day-to-day and what successes they had. So I always wanted to work in business.

“I’ve also always been into numbers, and maths has been one of my stronger suits.”

While studying for a bachelor’s degree in accounting and financial

Your Future 2023 31 ACCOUNTANCY
Neil Kothari Mica Johnson

See the world with KPMG

A world of possibilities is open to you with KPMG

KPMG in Bermuda is always looking for ways to expose its upand-coming talent to new opportunities so they can see what is shaping the global market. As such, each year, our scholarship recipients and Staff Accountants have the opportunity to travel to two conferences, the KPMG Global Advantage Programme and the One Young World Summit. Here’s what two KPMG employees have to say about their experiences.

Rickie Williams, Staff Accountant, KPMG in Bermuda

“I’m currently a Staff Accountant at KPMG in Bermuda. In September 2022, KPMG offered me the opportunity to attend the One Young World (OYW)

Summit in Manchester, England. I was delighted to go as the Summit allows young adults, like myself, to come together for a higher purpose, and participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. The Summit consisted of five major pillars: Conflict Prevention, Gender Equality, Ethical Leadership and Health. There were multiple workshops and presentations on these subjects. The highlight of my experience was meeting young leaders from around the world and learning about their initiatives. Some initiatives that stood out to me were Soraya Fouladi’s Jara Device, Jin Dawoud’s Peace Therapist app, and Lemn Sissay’s Christmas Dinners. With limited

resources, these individuals created educational devices, mental health apps, coastal reef restoration plans, and different community outreach programmes. As a graduate of the One Young World Summit I have joined the OYW Ambassador community which is an impactful network of more than 13,000 young leaders committed to making a difference in their communities.”

Sihle’ Sharrieff- Hayward

“As a 2020 recipient of the KPMG Scholarship, I am now working full-time as a Staff Accountant in the Banking and Asset Management (BAM) department within KPMG in Bermuda.

In June 2022, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in KPMG’s Global

Advantage Programme in Copenhagen Denmark, along with 120 students from across the globe.

I was able to engage in a variety of workshops focusing on the value of leadership skills, social styles, and cultural awareness. I was also able to explore this beautiful European city in its most raw form — from getting around like the locals, getting a taste of Copenhagen’s cuisine, cruising the canals and a client visit to Den Blå Planet (Copenhagen’s National Aquarium). In addition to that, I was able to meet and connect with many professionals within KPMG who were so enthused to answer any questions I may have had and to share their own experiences with me. I also cannot forget about the new friends I made from attending this programme. Lastly, I am so grateful to KPMG in Bermuda to have had this once in a lifetime educational and explorative experience and I’m looking forward to bringing what I have learned with me in my global future with KPMG.”

Your Future 2023 32 ACCOUNTANCY
Rickie Williams Sihle’ Sharrieff- Hayward

Learn what EY can do for you

Three young people explain the exceptional experiences they enjoy with EY

has recently submitted work experience information required to gain the CPA designation. Demi encourages young people to take full advantage of the internship experiences while in school as it allows you to expand your professional development and network.

his career. Reflecting on his experience, Aaron says “Beginning your career can be intimidating, but a piece of advice that I think goes a long way is to trust in yourself. Once you’ve gotten a role, just know your background, skills, and experiences have gotten you to this point and you were selected for a reason. You can do it. Work hard and find a mentor or two to guide you as you go”.

Demi graduated from Saltus and began post-secondary studies at York University before becoming the EY Gil Tucker scholarship recipient in 2016. Demi was introduced to the subject of accounting in high school. When applying to universities and deciding which programme to enroll in, she remembers wanting to pursue a degree that would be in high demand when she came back home, hence her obtaining a degree in business with a specialisation in accounting. EY played an integral part in her pursuit and achievement of post-secondary and post-graduate educational goals. The financial assistance allowed her to gain both bachelor’s and master’s degrees at York University and jump started her journey in the Canadian CPA programme. During her time as a full-time employee, EY continued to offer support whilst pursuing her CPA designation. The firm provided access to supplemental CPA preparation courses and paid time off to study and sit exams. Demi passed her last exam in the fall and

When selecting his career path, Aaron wanted to be in a role where he would be client facing and could upskill to expert level. At EY, he’s had the opportunity to lead client meetings and discuss topics directly with C-suite executives, while learning the ins and outs of risk management consulting and internal audit. Starting his career with the firm, his goal has been to learn as much as he can, sharpening and refining the skills needed as a successful business consultant. EY is a diverse community of people with different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives, many industry leaders, and experts in their fields. Working in this dynamic, global environment alongside senior team members has allowed him to grow into a better consultant than he would have anticipated at this point in

Philip Hagen

Philip began his relationship with EY as an intern. He joined with very little expectations, thinking that he would spend most of his time filing paperwork or making photocopies and was very quickly proven wrong. He was involved in preparing files that were used within the audit and each summer that he returned he was given more responsibility. The internship allowed him to learn helpful skills that he was able to apply to university and allowed him to apply what he had learned in the classroom to what he was working on at the firm. Philip acknowledges that the coaching provided to him was very critical in his success as an intern and eventually when he started full-time. Currently, Philip is on track to finish his CPA exams by year end and that is the main goal for right now. “EY offers endless opportunities for growth in the firm and if I enjoy the work that I am doing I don’t see myself going anywhere else. In end, if you’re happy with what you are doing that is all that matters.”

Your Future 2023 33 ACCOUNTANCY
Demi Wright Aaron Ruiz

Growing her future with Deloitte

Sierra Cabral started with Deloitte Bermuda as an intern in 2012 and is now a senior manager within its Audit & Assurance practice. We caught up with Sierra to learn how Deloitte’s Graduate programme helped her to launch her career

What made you choose a career in accounting? I have my nana to thank for piquing my interest in accounting as she held a CA. She has always been an important female role model and showed me that anything is achievable if you put your mind to it. It became evident during my high school and university courses that I would thrive in accounting. The opportunities available with a CPA designation are limitless and I can take this globally recognised designation anywhere.

How did you pick your university and major? When my top choice, Saint Francis Xavier University located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, accepted me, there was no question that I would attend. It is a great university and made a positive impression on me during my university tour. In addition, it is a smaller campus and has a homey feel with a close-knit community. I entered the Bachelor of Business Administration programme with a Major in Accounting. However, after my first year, due to personal reasons, I transferred to Dalhousie University and obtained my Bachelor’s in Management with a focus in Accounting. Selecting Accounting as my focus aligned with my goal of obtaining my CPA professional designation following graduation.

Why a CPA? Highly qualified accounting professionals are always in demand. The CPA designation affords individuals with critical knowledge and analytical and decision-making skills. Following my university graduation, the obvious next step based on my immediate professional goal was to obtain my Canadian CPA. I had the end goal in mind. While at university, I connected with the CPA academic advisor to ensure that I had all the prerequisite classes to enter the CPA Professional Education Programme (PEP) as soon as I started full-time employment.

Why did you choose Deloitte Bermuda?

I initially worked at Deloitte Bermuda

as an intern in 2012 and was offered a full-time position upon graduation from university in September 2014. Accepting the position was a no-brainer as I had established a great relationship with the firm and thoroughly enjoyed the internship. Accepting the position ensured my five-year goal to obtain experience within one of the ‘Big 4’ global accounting firms while completing the Canadian CPA programme was fulfilled. I successfully completed the CPA programme in December of 2018. I have the leadership and coaches of Deloitte to thank for my success within the firm.

Why is a typical day like for you? No two days are alike, which I enjoy as I am constantly challenged and engaged. I enjoy supporting and coaching my team members, communicating with our clients, and addressing their needs, performing audit file reviews, and collaborating with the HR team to support our students’ needs while continuing the development of my skills and knowledge which will allow me to advance in my career here at Deloitte.

What is the most challenging accounting problem you’ve had to solve? A recent challenge I’ve encountered involves the upcoming implementation of the IFRS 17 standard, which became a reporting requirement

in January 2023. Due to the complexity of the implementation for one of our clients, the audit team required the appropriate involvement from our actuarial specialists and the client to develop a solution for them. Using resources and the Deloitte global network, we provided our clients with meaningful insights and tools to finalise their analysis by researching accounting solutions.

What is one piece of advice you wish you had been given when you started your career? Ask questions and utilise the knowledge of those in your network who already have many years of experience.

How have you made an impact at Deloitte? Since being promoted to senior manager, in addition to providing quality audits to my clients, I have had the opportunity to involve myself in various aspects of our student programmes. My involvement includes co-leading the Deloitte DEEP Summer internship, recruiting graduate hires, and mentoring those within the firm working towards obtaining their CPA designation. Supporting students at Deloitte and helping them shape their career paths is just one of the ways that I make a real impact through meaningful, value-added work. I encourage students to apply for the student opportunities available at Deloitte Bermuda.

Your Future 2023 34 ACCOUNTANCY

You are the architect of your success. Build something great with PwC

Since 2008 PwC’s HeadStart programme has helped to produce the next generation of Bermudian leaders, through co-op, internship, scholarship, and associate programmes

Alex Mason was awarded the 2020 PwC Peter Mitchell Scholarship and joined PwC full time as an associate after graduating from University of Exeter in 2021. Since joining PwC Alex has been promoted to experienced associate and is pursuing his ACA exams. Alex regularly visits local high schools to talk to students about what a career at PwC could look like and we sat down with him to learn a little bit more about his success.

Tell us about your experience in the HeadStart programme: The HeadStart programme has been a fantastic learning opportunity; working with individuals who have contributed their experiences to help me to grow and develop my skills cannot be quantified. The HeadStart programme is a brilliant starting point for Bermudians and the financial support offered through scholarships ensures that financial need is not a barrier to further education.

How has PwC Bermuda supported you to achieve your goals? PwC ensured that I was supported while studying at university through its financial support

in the form of the Peter Mitchell Scholarship. This, accompanied with a structured learning environment to help me work towards my Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) designation and effective support from successful PwC professionals ensures that I have the freedom to choose where I’d like to take my PwC career in the long-term. Whilst the ACA is a relatively new pathway in Bermuda, PwC ensures that sufficient support and mentorship is provided from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) to help achieve this goal.

How has a flexible working environment benefited you? PwC encourages a healthy work-life balance through offering a flexible work environment. Whether you choose to work from home or from the office, the assistance received from those above you ensures all your questions can be answered. This flexible working environment has afforded me the opportunity to volunteer as part of the junior golf programme in Bermuda.

My team ensures that when I have commitments outside of work, that I am afforded the time to be able to continue to do what I enjoy.

What is your favourite part of working at PwC? It has been the fantastic team spirit and camaraderie that is built through working with a variety of professionals, from a wide range of backgrounds, while auditing on some of the biggest clients that Bermuda has to offer. When you join the firm, you are welcomed into a strong social environment designed to bring people together.

What advice would you give to students graduating from university? Take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you. PwC offers limitless opportunities to passionate, aspiring Bermudians, including networking events, that provide you the opportunity to gain additional insight from experienced professionals in the field you are passionate about.

Your Future 2023 35 ACCOUNTANCY

You’ve graduated. Now what?

Graduate trainee programme helps develop employability skills and provides industry experience

As part of the Bermuda Government’s Economic Recovery Plan Youth Employment Strategy, the Department of Workforce

Development Graduate Trainee Programme has provided more than 30 recent college and university graduates with coaching, employability


We offer training, apprenticeships, internships, scholarships, professional development, and career readiness programmes in areas of high demand to support Bermudians throughout their education, training and employment careers.

We want to hear from Bermudians, employers and business owners. Register or enquire through the following channels:

GENERAL ENQUIRIES or call 297-7714








Department of Workforce Development

skills training and one-on-one support to develop their personal brand. The programme has also provided these young people with the opportunity to gain industry experience in their area of study. Many have been successful in obtaining full-time employment and are beginning to thrive in their field of work and become successful in their careers. The Department of Workforce Development is committed to supporting Bermuda’s young people as they begin their career journey. For more information on the Graduate Trainee Programme, contact the Department of Workforce Development, Tel: 297-7714.

How to succeed as an intern or on a trainee programme

1Be selective. Choose the type of organisation you would like to pursue a career with.

2Know what you want, identify your priorities and what you wish to achieve.

3Ask for feedback. Request a review of your performance.

4Be positive. Remember that your attitude speaks volumes, and you still have a lot to learn.

5Develop business networks. Take every opportunity to network and to develop mentoring relationships.

6Show appreciation. Remember to thank everyone who has and is helping you.

Jason Hayward, Minister of Economy and Labour, stands with recent Graduate Trainee Programme participants

How to pay for college

There are hundreds of scholarships available to Bermudians. Here’s how to find and apply for one

Finding funding for further education

With rising fees for many colleges and universities, the cost associated with post-secondary education is daunting for many families. However, there are literally hundreds of scholarships available to Bermuda students to be found on Happily, most scholarship providers today take financial need into consideration, which is all the more reason to apply online in order to be considered for awards. Whether you are studying math or art, science or dance, accounting or horticulture, scholarships are offered for every discipline.

Searching for scholarships

The website allows you to conduct a search to find scholarships you are eligible for without even having to log in. Then once you have decided on which scholarships are of interest, you can go ahead and

create a profile by registering, after which you can log in at any time from any PC or laptop wherever you are.

Your profile

You will be asked to complete various fields including education, academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and community service. You will also need to upload various documents that award providers require such as essays, references, and tuition costs. There is also a Statement of Means form that must be completed in the finance section of the student profile. A short instructional video is embedded in the ‘Files’ section that will assist in completing the form.

Required Documents

Essays – most award providers require an essay, which is a very important part of your application. You may be asked to write on a specific subject so be sure to research. A well-written

essay is critical for your application to be considered, so make certain to have it vetted for accuracy and content by your teacher, a friend or family member. It is unfortunate that some applications are not considered because a deserving student provides a personal statement instead of an essay on a specific topic. If you are asked to write 300 words, try to do so, and please be sure to use paragraphs – there is nothing worse than being presented with a solid block of ‘words’ to read.


Along with the various documents to upload, you will also be required to provide a school or college transcript. Bermuda students should request their school to upload an official transcript to their profile. This ensures confidentiality and the transcript can only be viewed by award providers who receive your application.

Your Future 2023 37 SCHOLARSHIPS


Overseas students should request their college to send an official transcript directly to the bermudascholarships. com administrator for uploading to their profile.

Useful resources

The site also contains other useful information such as interview tips, FAQs and choosing the right university. There is even a section for parents and educators which may be found useful, and several other links that are helpful.


Shortlist all the scholarships you wish to apply for, then once you are satisfied that you have uploaded all required documents, you can click ‘Submit Application’ and will then be asked to upload documents required by award providers. Once done, confirm that you wish to submit your application by pressing Okay and you will then receive a notice advising that your application has been submitted successfully. You will also receive an electronic acknowledgement from the award provider(s).


A number of scholarships have deadlines of March 31st/mid- to end-April, etc. so hopefully you are already on track in researching scholarships, uploading documents, short-listing, etc. If not, you still have some time left and are encouraged to start the process as soon as possible in order to be considered for scholarship funding for the coming academic year.

In the Resources section of the website, there is a spreadsheet that can be downloaded which you will find useful in keeping track of all your scholarship

applications, ensuring you have all documents required, deadlines, etc. We strongly encourage you to use this tracking tool.

And finally …

Many students eagerly look for summer employment each year. Please be sure to check out the Student Employment section as this lists many summer internships and jobs as well as entry-level positions for graduates.

Please address any questions or queries to

38 Your Future 2023
Finding money for college has never been easier
take the first step with Bermuda’s scholarship website listing all awards available in Bermuda - and apply online!

Interested in an insurance career?

BFIS can take you there

If you are interested in a career in Bermuda’s insurance industry, know that BFIS will support you every step of the way.

Our unique programmes are designed to engage you with the opportunities the industry has to offer, provide scholarship funding, as well as a network of mentors and other industry professionals who will take a sincere interest in your progress, development, and success.

We also provide internships and can help you find employment once you graduate from post-secondary studies.

Founded in 1996 with the express purpose of ensuring that a talented pool of Bermudians would always be available to the industry, BFIS has evolved to take students from start to finish through its 5-step programme: career guidance; mentorships; scholarships; internships and job placement.

High School Students

Chances are that you have already connected with BFIS’ Schools Outreach Committee (SOC) when they visited your high school in the Fall. Each year the SOC provides students such as yourselves with insight into the insurance industry

with presentations to showcase the many career paths that are available.

What if you would like to hear more? Attend our Lunch & Learn sessions and chat informally with professionals about what they do. Speed networking with professionals – by their area of specialty

39 Your Future 2023 SCHOLARSHIPS
BFIS 5-steps: career guidance; mentorships; scholarships; internships, job placement
BFIS awards at least
scholarships annually

– is offered in February, an event hosted by our Mentor Network Committee. The insurance careers represented are Actuarial/Law; Accounting and Finance, and General Insurance.

BFIS’s SOC also supports graduating seniors with scholarship applications. Committee members return to schools in January/February to provide guidance on the scholarship process, sharing their professional insight and experience in creating a stellar application on These young industry professionals are there to advise, guide and support you through this important but at times stressful process.

College students

Scholarships: At least 10 scholarships are awarded to Bermudian students by BFIS annually. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the insurance industry you are encouraged to apply. Covered studies include risk management, insurance; actuarial science; math; economics; finance; accounting; business; computer science, law, and now environmental sciences. For more visit

Mentor Networking: BFIS matches

both its scholarship recipients and other insurance-focused students with industry professionals, who can give you advice and guidance as you progress with your studies. BFIS organises several networking lunches and other educational opportunities for students throughout the year, during the summer and winter vacation breaks. These events are great opportunities for you to meet and chat with industry professionals in informal settings. For more visit https://www.bfis. bm/mentoring

Internships: Annually, BFIS organises

BFIS assists with job searches for summer employment and entry level positions

short, intensive Intro to Insurance programmes in the insurance markets of Bermuda, Chicago and London for those students who have completed two years at college/university. For more visit

Job Search: BFIS can also assist you with resume reviews and finding summer employment and entry level jobs upon graduation.

We are here to walk the path with you. To learn more, visit the BFIS website: or contact us on



40 Your Future 2023
Thanks to our donors, BFIS has been providing educational funding and other opportunities for students interested in careers in the insurance industry since 1996.

MJM Legal Scholarship


Application deadline: 1 June 2023


WQiscommittedtoinvestinginBermudian studentswishingtopursueacareerinthe legalprofession.

WakefieldQuinofferstwoscholarshipstostudentspursuinglaw degreesthatleadtoaCommonwealthlegalqualificationand subsequentadmissiontotheBermudaBar.






The MJM Legal Scholarship provides financial award to an outstanding Bermudian or PRC holder who aspires to enter the field of law and return to Bermuda to practice.

The scholarship is renewable subject to satisfactory academic progress and other conditions, for up to four years.

Contact for more information or to obtain an application form.

Sarah Medeiros - 2022 Scholarship Winner Jonathan Jervis - 2022 Bursary Winner


Peter, Alexander and Andrew Green

are pleased to announce that we will be doubling our scholarship amount to students studying subjects considered important to Bermuda’s future. All recipients will still receive $5,000 but those studying fields considered important to Bermuda such as medicine, nursing, hotel and hospitality management, finance, insurance, solicitor, etc, will receive an additional $5,000 a year.

Applications can be found at:

We would like to remind candidates that they must apply for the Knowledge Quest Scholarship in order to be eligible for the Green Family Scholarship.

The Green Family Scholarship will be awarded to ten students each year who will then receive $5,000/$10,000 annually for a period of no more then four years towards education and tuition costs to an accredited college or university abroad, subject to receipt of satisfactory grades at the end of each academic year.

Applicants, who must have demonstrated financial need, shall have first applied for a scholarship through Knowledge Quest, a registered charity, inorder to be eligibile for the Green Family Scholarship.

Applications for the Knowledge Quest scholarship must be received by April 30th. For applications, please visit the Knowledge Quest website at

For further inquiries, please contact Knowledge Quest at:

The Green Family reserves the right to determine which degrees are considered important for Bermuda and the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time.

CHW is recognised as one of Bermuda’s leading commercial law firms. We have a proven track record advising on a full range of corporate and commercial matters. We provide outstanding and efficient service, pragmatic advice, and our experienced attorneys are solution-oriented. We aim to meet our client’s needs and exceed their expectations.

Let us introduce you… BERMUDA IS NOT JUST ANOTHER OFFSHORE FINANCIAL CENTRE. T +1 441 295-4630 | E |

CHW: Developing legal talent

If you’re reaching the end of your law studies, it’s time to think about a pupillage at CHW

and in the Private Clients Team under the guidance of their pupil mentors over the course of 12 months. During this period pupils will work alongside directors, senior associates, and associates on a variety of legal matters, attend client meetings and hearings, draft various correspondence for clients and other counsel and assist in the drafting and preparation of various legal documents.

After the first year, the pupil will be called to the Bermuda Bar and become an Associate. In year two, the newly called associate will be offered their choice of 2 seats in which they will spend 6 months under the supervision of a senior attorney.

Cox Hallett Wilkinson (“CHW”) is one of Bermuda’s leading commercial law firms and provides a range of legal services to local and international clientele, focusing primarily on corporate and commercial, litigation and dispute resolution, private client, estate planning, real estate and intellectual property related matters.

CHW invites qualified Bermudians or PRC holders to apply for a legal pupillage.

The firm is committed to developing talented, committed individuals who have completed the relevant academic qualifications from a British

Commonwealth jurisdiction.

Potential candidates should have obtained a 2:1 Bachelor of Laws or Qualifying Law Degree and have successfully completed either the Professional Practice Course, the Legal Practice Course, or the Bar Professional Training Course. Successful candidates should be motivated, well-spoken, committed to the training process and development of their legal career.

CHW offers a two-year pupillage programme. Initially pupils will undertake seats in each of the Dispute Resolution and Litigation team, the Corporate Team

Raising the bar

Evin Mosley, a current pupil at CHW, will shortly be preparing his application to be called to the Bermuda Bar. Evin says that “CHW’s pupillage programme has allowed me to develop my problem-solving skills and legal knowledge. CHW is an opendoor workplace which is invaluable for seeking guidance comfortably in a relaxed environment. My pupil masters have been very encouraging in my training, and it has been amazing having one-to-one access with mentors who genuinely want to see one improve and thrive.”

This is a rolling application process, with a deadline of 30 June 2023 at 5pm (Bermuda time). Incomplete or late applications are likely not to be considered. If you would like more information regarding this programme, please visit

Bermuda’s law firms are generally very supportive of young Bermudians interested in a legal career. There are numerous legal scholarships and bursaries available. Networking is especially important on an island as small as ours, and several of the firms host student receptions to do just that. Summer employment is a good way to get a feel for a particular career. The educational and practical sides of a career can be very different, and a summer placement will allow you to experience aspects you cannot learn in school. It also gives you the opportunity to meet experienced people in your career field. Most people are very receptive to assisting young people and will go out of their way to give you their time and guidance — all you have to do is ask, ask, ask.

Your Future 2023 43 SCHOLARSHIPS

Bermuda’s largest academic scholarship fund

The Association of Bermuda International Companies offers Bermuda’s largest academic and needs based scholarship fund for Bermudian students. For more than 46 years its scholarship programme has supported promising students at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels leading to careers in Bermuda’s international business sector and supporting services.

The ABIC Education Awards are supported by more than 50 member companies looking to encourage young Bermudians to join the international business sector. In the past decade the programme has given more than $6M to 190 Bermudian students pursuing full undergraduate or post-graduate degrees at accredited colleges or universities abroad.

• Scholarships are awarded based on financial need, academic ability, good character, and field of study.

• Approximately 60 applications are received from Bermudian students each year with 18 – 20 students being awarded undergraduate twoyear scholarships valued at $30,000 and one post-graduate scholarship valued at $20,000.

• In 2010 ABIC partnered with several other scholarship providers to launch a comprehensive online scholarship resource, that gives students the ability to search for available scholarships and apply directly online.

• On the 35th anniversary, ABIC announced a new scholarship, the Shernelle Outerbridge Memorial Award sponsored by Zurich for an additional $15,000 for undergraduate business or finance studies.

• In 2016 ABIC partnered with PwC to provide a separate annual award to support a Bermudian student excelling in accounting at the undergraduate or post graduate level who can demonstrate

financial need and who is studying accounting at an accredited international university.

• Each year PwC provides the shortlisted students with an interview training workshop prior to their interviews.

• Each awardee is assigned a

mentor who will provide one-onone support, knowledge sharing, perspective and wisdom that will help students with their education and career choices.

The submission deadline for the ABIC Education Awards is March 31st, 2023.

Your Future 2023 44 SCHOLARSHIPS
Larrissa Simmons, recipient of an ABIC Education Award and the Shernelle Outerbridge Memorial Award, is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance at Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama.

Moving the world forward

That’s what AXA XL Scholars are working on doing and we are proud of them for it.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Actuarial, Claims, Risk Management or Underwriting, consider applying for an AXA XL Scholarship.

• Visit to apply

• Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2023

• For further information or questions, please contact Jorene Crockwell at 294 7641 or

Global reach starts with the help of

ABIC Scholarship.
DEADLINE Available to students pursuing studies related to international business. Selection based on financial need & academic merit. Undergraduate scholarships are valued at $15,000 per year for up to two years. Graduate Scholarship is valued at $20,000 for one year. Adriana Burchall 2020 Recipient St. John’s University United States Studying Actuarial Science Ywione Darrell 2021 Recipient King’s College United Kingdom Studying Economics Eligibility • Bermudian or PRC Holder • Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above • Acceptance into university or college Criteria • Academic excellence • Community commitment • Strong character and leadership skills • Cultural, athletic or other interests Scholarship • Full tuition, room, board and related expenses at an accredited institution for a maximum of 4 years
For more information contact Malinda Jennings at 441-293-4600 or March 31,
Daniel Osset 2022 Recipient University of British Columbia Canada Studying Business
2023 Scholarship ad_AXA XL_7x4.875_3 scholars.indd 1 1/17/2023 11:57:06 AM

MJM Legal Scholarship

MJM Limited is one of Bermuda’s leading law firms. The MJM Legal Scholarship was established in 1998 to provide financial award to an outstanding Bermudian or PRC holder who is enrolled in law school or a post-graduate vocational course or equivalent that leads to a Commonwealth qualification and subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar.

Wakefield Quin Legal Scholarship

Wakefield Quin offers comprehensive onshore and offshore legal services on matters of Bermuda Law and is committed to investing in Bermudian students wishing to pursue a career in the legal profession. The Directors of Wakefield Quin offer two legal scholarships providing up to $15,000, annually, to students pursuing law


The Scholarships are awarded in honour of the late Albert E. Nicholl who was interested in the education of young Bermudians and gave much of his time and talent to education in Bermuda, particularly to Dellwood School.

The funds for these scholarships were provided by the deceased in his Will for the higher education of young Bermudians at accredited universities in the British Commonwealth and the United States of America.

Scholarships will be awarded in 2023 for either undergraduate or postgraduate study at a per annum value of $25,000 for the length of the course up to a maximum of 4 years (reviewed annually for performance).

Applicants must demonstrate superior academics, strong character and leadership skills, community service and extra-curricular activities and skills at a high level including but not limited to sports, music, dance and art.

Please apply directly online at

Deadline for applications: 9 June 2023

For further information or questions, please contact Tina Nusum at 295-2244 or

degrees that lead to a Commonwealth legal qualification and subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar.

Are you interested in a career in the Public Service?

The Government of Bermuda offers Bursary Awards to Bermudian citizens, 40 years of age and under, who have been accepted into an institution of higher learning or are currently

46 Your Future 2023 SCHOLARSHIPS

undertaking courses leading to a professional, specialist or technical qualification in areas related to hard-tofill posts.

For more information, or to apply, contact The closing date for submission of applications is 28 April 2023.

Centennial Bermuda Foundation

Centennial Bermuda Foundation wants you to apply for a scholarship.

There are more than 20 scholarships for you to consider. We believe all individuals should have the same access to opportunities. Our focus on equity stems from a core belief to provide scholarships for those who demonstrate financial need, while meeting academic criteria.

We support Bermudian students pursuing a wide range of overseas study programmes including vocational and trade certifications, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. To learn more,

A Mouth-Watering Opportunity

Bermuda Waterworks produces a utility water supply by desalination. The company also produces bottled water via distillation. If you are interested in engineering, says a spokesman, why not consider a career in the water industry. Water is the oil of the twenty-first century.

47 Your Future 2023 SCHOLARSHIPS

What to do after a scholarship interview?

When you’re waiting to hear whether or not you’ve got stressful, frustrating, and agonising time – and just doing nothing doesn’t help. You may feel that the decision

is out of your hands and that you’re powerless to do anything else without appearing desperate. However, there are actions you can take that will not only help your mental health but also provide you with an advantage over other applicants.

Before you leave

As the interview comes to a close, courteously ask about the next steps: when will the committee be making a decision on awarding this scholarship and, if you were interviewed by more than one person, with whom you should follow up with. Before you leave the building, ask for business cards from the interviewers or contact details from the receptionist. If the interview was conducted via Zoom or other digital platform, you can ask for email addresses.

Send a thank you

One of the first things you should do is send a thank you to those who interviewed you. Personalise your message by mentioning something specific from the interview. It’s always a nice touch to send an old-fashioned paper note; if that’s not possible, or it’s a high-tech company and mailing a letter or card seems inappropriate, an email letting them know that you appreciate their time is also acceptable. Another possibility is to send a message of thanks through LinkedIn.

Additional material

Another way to follow-up is to send additional material. Perhaps something came up during the interview around which you could send pertinent information that the interviewers may not be aware of. Or you may now be clearer about what the interviewers are looking for. But be careful about making this a “re-do” event. Only send new information and don’t use it as an opportunity to correct the answer to a question you may have flubbed or explain what you think may have been misunderstood. It’s critical that your approach here is appropriate and professional. Be respectful and don’t push too hard.

Keep positive while you wait to hear about your application, and good luck!

48 Your Future 2023 SCHOLARSHIPS
So you’ve just had that interview. What should you do next? Achieving more, together. ARTS • BUSINESS • TRADES • MEDICINE • LAW • & MORE Scholarship Opportunities for Bermudian Students Apply by April 30, 2023 Over 20 scholarships available for Vocation and Trade Certifications, Undergraduate and Graduate degrees Proudly supporting PeerForward and Mirrors

Make your video interview great

down or looking up when speaking.

Make sure you are in a quiet place and that no one will disturb you. It will be distracting for both you and the interviewer if loud noises or other people interrupt the interview. Put your cell phone on ‘do not disturb’ of course.

You know that occasionally technology isn’t always perfect, so ensure you are in a location with a reliable Internet connection. Test all the connections well in advance of the time of the interview. Dress appropriately, as

Drink More Water.

Video interviewing is being used more and more. It’s especially useful for scholarship committees and Bermudian employers wishing to interview Bermudian students who are studying overseas, or for Bermudians who may be applying for post-graduate courses or other training overseas. Some employers also use it to screen applicants before deciding whom to invite for a face-toface interview.

Here are some tips to help you make a success of your video interview.

If the video interview is going to be taking place over Zoom, Teams, Skype or a similar messaging application, remember that your interviewer will see your user name, so make

sure you choose something professional.

Choose a professionallooking location for the interview — not your bedroom. Check the background behind you, where your computer’s camera is pointing, to ensure there is nothing inappropriate or distracting in the shot.

Check the lighting in your chosen location. You don’t want it to be too harsh on your face but not so dark so that you can’t be seen clearly. Choose to face a window if possible and not have light from a window shining in behind you.

Your computer, ipad or phone’s camera should be at eye level so that you are looking straight into the lens. It won’t make a good impression if you are looking

Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day will help you get clearer skin, feel more energized, lose weight, and keep you hydrated.

Start by simply bringing a refillable bottle to keep at work, and opt for water when dining out.

if you were attending the firm’s office for a face-to-face interview.

If the company asks you to send in a pre-recorded video where you talk about yourself, ask a friend to act as the interviewer; he or she can also provide valuable feedback on what to say and how to say it.

Last, practice. Set up a “mock” video interview, ideally with a mentor or experienced businessperson. You’ll be better prepared and be able to handle the real video interview with greater confidence.

49 Your Future 2023 SCHOLARSHIPS

Ace that interview

Top tips to get you fully prepared for that scholarship, college or job interview

First, pay attention to your image. Dress better than what you think the interviewers would expect. It is always better to dress higher than dress lower. Be presentable; think about what you are wearing.

Business attire is always appropriate for an interview, no matter what position you are applying for. For a man, business attire includes a smart pair of trousers worn with a belt and a plain white-, blue-, or pastel-coloured buttoned shirt. A jacket or blazer is also ideal. If you don’t have a jacket, then wear a tie. Make sure everything is coordinated, including your shoes – polished of course.

For a lady, wear an outfit that is not too sexy or revealing but is business-like. Make sure that it fits you, and that it is not too tight. It can be a dress. A jacket over a dress is a good look. For your shoes, no 10-inch heels! Wear comfortable shoes that look attractive with your outfit. Slacks are fine, too, as long as they are neat. Wear slacks with a fairly plain, smart shirt. A jacket over the shirt would be appropriate. Wear only earrings that are the size of a quarter or less – nothing dangling or too ostentatious. A useful guide to jewelry and accessories is the rule of 10. That is, wear a maximum of 10 items. Your eyeglasses

count for one, a bracelet is one, a ring is one, and so forth.

Hide your tattoos. The interviewers haven’t gotten to know and care about you yet, and if you walk in with a lot of tattoos, a judgment might be made. Hide your tattoos with long slacks and a shirt with long sleeves. You may love your tattoos – but not everybody will share your passion.

Your wardrobe doesn’t have to be flashy or expensive, just neat and professional. The interviewers will be looking at you and deciding whether you will be someone who is going to be on time to work, someone who is professional, someone who would get along with other people. Our image and how we look translates to all those things. Further, dressing well shows respect for the interviewers, says that you are taking the interview seriously, and that your application is important to you.

Perhaps the most important tip about dressing appropriately for an interview is this; always wear a smile.


For more details and to apply, contact

When you arrive for the interview (early of course), politely wait until the receptionist is done with a phone call or anything else she is addressing, and then introduce yourself. You might say, “I’m here for the interview, my name is Alex. Where would you like me to wait, please?” While you are waiting, do not pull out your cellphone and start making calls or texting. A cellphone can be a terrible distraction, and if the interviewers see you using one on this important occasion,

they’ll be thinking that on the job you will always be on your phone. Leave it at home, in the car, or lock it in the box on your bike.

You may want to do some “mind settling” before you get in the interview room –whatever that practice is for you. Positive affirmations can be extremely helpful. Say to yourself, “I am successfully navigating this interview today to the best of my ability.” Make your brain think that you are already doing it. Another example might be, “I am currently enjoying my interview today for my new job.” Put in the action step that you are already doing it. Affirmations can be powerful.

Be ready for the interviewers to call you so you can jump right up and look enthusiastic. You could be reviewing the notes you have prepared for the interview while you wait patiently. Which is another good tip – always have a pad of paper and pen. It looks professional, and you may need to jot something down during the interview.

A bottle of water (not coffee) also may be helpful. If you get nervous, or you find your mouth dries up during the interview, a quick sip will help you relax.

When you are shown into the room, smile and be gracious and polite. Give a good handshake to the interviewer – not too firm, not loose, just right, comfortable. Practice this with a friend or relative and ask for their feedback on the strength of your handshake.

Here’s something you could

Your Future 2023 50 GUIDANCE
The Bursary Award Scheme identifies qualified individuals who will meet the future needs of Government Departments. Bursary Awards are valued at a maximum of $20k per year, available to accredited post-secondary programmes of study both local and overseas.
GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA Department of Employee & Organizational Development
13576_Public_Service_Bursary_Awards_Scheme_2023_1/4pg Ad.indd 2 1/30/23 12:36 PM

say, “Thank you for inviting me to this interview. My name is Alex; I am so happy to be here.”

When you are offered a seat, don’t sprawl out. Sit upright with a straight back. Look the interviewers in the face; don’t start looking around the room. Focus and listen carefully to everything they say. Here’s where you may want to make notes. The interviewer will

be looking at you and saying to himself or herself, “Are they making notes? This is important information.”

The end of this article features a few commonly asked interview questions. Study these and prepare your answers. Remember, the interview is not about you; it’s about the scholarship or the job – it’s always about

Most commonly asked interview questions

How have you been a leader or displayed leadership?

What is your greatest strength and weakness?

Who is a role model for you?

What is your favorite book?

Why did you choose this scholarship/college/job?

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

What is a meaningful academic class, project, or other experience?

Why do you want to enter this career?

With what activities are you most involved?

Tell me a little about yourself

Why should we hire you/give you this scholarship?

Tell me about a challenge or conflict you faced and how you dealt with it

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What’s your dream job?

Are you interviewing with any other companies or scholarships?

How would others describe you?

the client. For example, if you are asked, why do you want this scholarship or job, you need to frame your answer in terms of the benefit, not to you, but for the company or the scholarship fund. Your answer should not focus on you needing the money or that the job is only 9 to 5. You should tell them what you will contribute to the company, what talent and benefits you will bring to help make the company even more successful. Tell the scholarship committee that you will represent the scholarship with pride, that you will give back to the community with the learning that this scholarship will make possible.

Once the interviewers have finished their questions, be prepared to ask a few of your own. If you’ve done your research, you may know the answers to most of the important points, but you can still ask. For example, you could ask, “Just to clarify, when will you be making a decision on this scholarship or job?”

or “How soon would you be needing someone to fill this vacancy?”

One of the most delicate subjects is, of course, money. You may know exactly how much the scholarship award is worth, or maybe the job salary was advertised, but if you want clarification you could phrase it as follows: “I know we haven’t talked about it, but I am wondering if you were going to cover the value of the scholarship/salary compensation for this job.”

Don’t leave the interview with any questions in your mind. Ask, and when you do, use “I” messages as much as possible. For example, state, “I am wondering when a decision will be made,” as opposed to “When will you be making a decision?”

It is critical to remain polite during the interview – always says please and thank you. After the interview, send an email or a thank you note and say you look forward to hearing from them.

Now, go ace that interview!

Your Future 2023 51 GUIDANCE
Always wear a smile

HSBC Bermuda o ers some money saving tips for teens

As a teenager, there are lots of things you'd like to buy if you had a little more money. The latest trainers, a new phone, your first bike — or car.

Saving up for these things can sometimes feel like a challenge, but it doesn't need to be. By following a few simple tips, you can start building up a pot of money to spend on whatever you want. And, you'll still enjoy a little disposable cash to spend on day-to-day expenses.

Here are our best savings tips for teenagers.

1. Open a savings account

A savings account can help you to keep a pot of money separate from your main account, reducing the temptation to spend it. Many savings accounts also offer better interest rates, meaning you can grow your money pot faster.

The best way to manage a savings account is to add to it on a regular basis and withdraw as little as possible. Set up a direct debit so that the same amount is taken out of your pay or allowance every month. That way you're less likely to miss the money. By setting up a direct debit you save without thinking. It is easy to make a plan and have good intentions, but you might just forget to save or send that transfer. Taking ‘human error’ out of

the equation with a direct debit makes saving more successful.

Different types of savings account offer different benefits and restrictions, so make sure you check the terms and conditions carefully to ensure your account will be a good fit for your personal goals and saving habits.

As a teenager, you may need a parent or guardian to be present in order to open a savings account, and you may need to meet some criteria in order to be eligible.

2. Figure out how much you can afford to save

Setting a regular savings target each month is the best way to consistently build your money pot. So if you have a regular income from a part-time job or allowance, it might be a good idea to add a percentage of it to your savings account each month. You can leave the remaining amount for everyday expenses and treats.

Obviously, the more you can save, the more quickly you'll reach your goal. But it's important to be realistic. Try to find a balance that maximises your savings while also giving you enough disposable cash to treat yourself from time to time.

3. Set a savings goal

Setting yourself a specific goal to reward your saving efforts can be a great

incentive to stay on track. This might be something specific that you want to spend the money on, such as a bike or a trip overseas, or it could be an amount you want to reach by a specific date. Knowing what you are saving for is important, it gives you a ‘why’. Understanding the reason you are saving will motivate you to keep your savings plan.

Make sure your goals are ambitious but realistic. You'll quickly become discouraged if you leave yourself so short of everyday cash that you're frequently running out of money or being forced to miss out on fun events with friends.

Whatever your goal is, keep track of it and remember to note down your progress. You'll find that this encourages you to stick to your plans and hopefully achieve your goal even faster.

4. Review your spending

Before you start saving, it's a good idea to look at how you currently manage your money. Do you tend to run out before the end of each month, or do you often have a little left over?

Make a list of all the things you regularly spend money on — such as food, clothes and nights out. Are there any areas where you might be overspending? Could you potentially cut back a little so that you have more left over to put towards your savings goals?

5. Keep going

Saving money can feel like a long road at first, but it's important to stick with it. Don't be disheartened if there are challenges along the way. As long as you're consistently putting money aside and resisting the temptation to dip into it too often, your ultimate savings goal should be within reach.

6. The earlier the better

It’s never too early to start saving for your future. As a teenager you have time on your side and can take advantage of compound interest (interest on interest). Starting early is a real asset. Investing can be a good way to make your savings work for you, and saving to invest, to grow your funds for a specific future goal is a good place to start.

To find out more about opening a savings account visit, email, or call HSBC on 295-4000.

Your Future 2023 52 MONEY MANAGEMENT

How to look good on a budget

You don’t have to spend in excess to be appropriately dressed for that important interview

Whether it’s an interview for a job, college, internship, or work experience, the first impression must be the best, and you will only get one chance to make it. How you appear at that interview is, therefore, crucial.

When you’re just starting out and too young to have a sufficient work wardrobe, getting that ‘I mean business’ look can be expensive.

Wanda Armstrong has been helping young people navigate interviews for nearly two decades. Currently human resource and culture manager at BHS, she was previously senior manager and head of the graduate programme at international, ‘Big 4’ accountancy firm, KPMG, for 17 years.

Ms. Armstrong has extensive experience from both sides of the interview process, so we asked for her advice about how to dress for success on a budget.


Before deciding what to wear, she says you must do your homework and research the company or school you are interviewing for. Some will have a more formal dress code; others may be more relaxed. If in doubt, it’s ok to ask.

Regardless of what you are interviewing for however, you should always look professional and polished.

Too formal better than too casual

It’s easier to take off a jacket or tie than it is to magic one out of nowhere. If you’re unsure how smart to be, go formal.

For ladies, Ms. Armstrong recommends a dress or skirt

with a jacket. If it’s not a suit, be sure that the jacket matches the rest of the outfit.

The dress or skirt must not be too short. If it’s above the knee, stand up, put your hands down by your sides, and if it falls above your middle finger, it’s too short. You never want to have to pull down a skirt during an interview.

Shoes must not be too high. It would be embarrassing to trip up in front of someone you are trying to impress. High heels are fine, but not stilettos. If you choose flat shoes, avoid sandals or backless shoes. Enclosed shoes provide the most professional look.

Men can’t go wrong in a pair of blue or black smart trousers

with a matching jacket. The ideal shoe style is tied-up lace shoes, but moccasins or loafers are also acceptable if they are polished and not worn out.

Ties are becoming increasingly optional, but if your interview is with an international company, a tie always looks business like and professional.

When it comes to colours, Ms. Armstrong advises against anything too flashy.

Hair and Accessories

The same applies to hair and jewellery. You don’t want anything to distract the interviewer. A watch, rings, and earrings are all fine, however she recommends removing

other piercings such as nose rings or multiple ear piercings before an interview.

If you have visible tattoos, Ms. Armstrong suggests you cover them up for interviews. For some types of positions, tattoos may be perfectly acceptable if they are not offensive. But in other industries they may not be appropriate, or match the vision and image of particular professional firms.

Hair, whether long or short, must be brushed, combed, and secured in place.

Finally, always have a notepad and pen, and therefore something appropriate to put it in. All interviewers will ask if you have any questions and, says Ms. Armstrong, you must always have at least two questions to ask. To help you remember them, write them down on a notepad. Never bring out your phone in an interview. It doesn’t give a good impression.

Where to Shop

If your budget is tight, Ms. Armstrong recommends The Barn, Red Cross, or Salvation Army thrift shops, which nearly always have a great selection of business clothes and shoes. Location and opening hours are:

The Barn, 53 Devon Spring Road, Devonshire

Open: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9am – 2pm

The Red Cross Thrift Shop, 9 Berry Hill Road, Paget

Open: Tuesday, Friday & Saturday, 9am – 3pm

The Salvation Army Thrift Store, 44 King Street, Hamilton

Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 3pm

53 Your Future 2023 GUIDANCE
Wanda Armstrong

I am woman, hear me roar

Not yet too big to ignore, but an increasing number of women are working in traditionally male-dominated IT

Coral Wells says that if there’s a message she wants to get across, it’s that “if you’re a girl, a young woman, or a woman, you shouldn’t shy away from building a career in tech — whether that be IT and the computer sciences, an HVAC engineer, an auto mechanic, working in construction or maintenance — the ‘trades’ should not be meant only for men, jobs should not be based on gender. Women can do anything they want to do, and they should pursue anything they’re interested in, even if traditionally these have been male dominated job fields.”

Coral runs Connectech, a charitable endeavor committed to teaching kids and teens to be creators, innovators, and

thinkers by offering classes on coding, gaming, and robotics. Coral is also the manager of the Technology Leadership Forum (TLF), another charity, offering Bermuda's future IT leaders, internships, mentoring, youth development and educational programmes.

There appears not to be any statistics on how many women work in technical industries in Bermuda, but Coral says there is sufficient anecdotal evidence to know that women are badly underrepresented. “When Connectech started in 2016 our classes would have only one or two young girls, and in meetings on IT I attended, there would be very few, if any, other women in the room with me. The number of women in IT is still very low,

but it has been slowly improving. I think some of that growth has come about through the increased focus of STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) teaching in local schools. Connectech also has a programme in all the Government primary schools, where attending lessons conducted by our own rising woman in tech, Chloe Baron is part of the regular curriculum. This normalises the experience of being exposed to IT, where it’s not just for boys, but the girls are learning right alongside them in a fun and interesting environment that we create.”

Coral says that the same programme is in some, but not all Middle Schools, and hopes that it can be extended to the other schools that haven’t already included

54 Your Future 2023 WOMEN IN BUSINESS

IT in the regular curriculum. “It just makes sense”, she enthuses, “because Bermuda is in dire need of software engineers and programmers to fill jobs in the general computer tech field. I get calls every day from companies looking to fill vacancies and asking if I know of anyone”.

So, what more can be done to encourage women in this field of work? “I would say most, but unfortunately not all, women feel comfortable in IT, but my view is that it’s a two-way street to ensure genders work together seamlessly. I would like to encourage men to be open to listening more. The women I know who work in this industry are equally as knowledgeable as men, and I would ask men to be cognizant, aware and accepting of that. I personally have been sat around a table at meetings — and I have heard the same story from other women — where I have offered a solution to an issue, but the discussion continued, and my idea tacitly dismissed. Then several minutes later, a man would make a similar suggestion and it’s hailed as a good idea.”

Coral says women should take an active role in a situation such as this. “I tend to speak up in these circumstances and point out that I said the same thing earlier in the meeting. It’s not a question of looking for praise or accolades, but about being effective and efficient. We could have saved a lot of time if what I said had been accepted as easily as the man’s ideas. Sometimes it’s not appropriate to call this out in the meeting itself. It’s important to be able to read the room, and it may be more appropriate to discuss with the meeting leader afterwards”.

Advice Coral would give women is to “not go into such a meeting with a chip on their shoulder. Don’t expect all men to be dismissive. There are many, many men who are supportive, treat women as equals and want to see us succeed. So don’t consider yourself invited to meetings as a token gesture. Accept that you are there on merit and know that you are bringing valuable knowledge and expertise to the table. Try to keep your emotions in check and be confident, speak up.”

When it comes to education, Coral believes real world IT experience is just as important as gaining a degree. “I like to encourage students to think about their career, at least from a tech perspective, as early as possible. This is a very fast-moving field, and it’s important to keep current with changes as their occur. I’m not saying college or university is not important by any means, but I’m of the belief that you don’t always have to go to college in this field of work. By the time you complete a four-year degree, technology will have undoubtedly changed, and you may need to hit the books again. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t study. Life is a continual learning process. And as I said earlier, the Island is desperate for programmers, for software engineers and to fill other areas in the computer science field. So, my message for young ladies is, come and join us.”.

When a ceiling reached becomes a floor

Facilities management may seem like a male dominated field, but Annette Fitzmaurice, VP Facilities at Sompo International says “I don't know if my experience is different to anyone else, but I have never felt any resentment or had any unpleasant experiences just because I’m a woman working in this field. Everyone I’ve worked with — contractors, plumbers, electricians, locksmiths — has been happy to help me, happy to explain things to me if there’s something very technical or new that I haven’t come across before. I don’t feel that being a woman, colleagues look down on me or question: what is she doing here in that position?”.

“Sometimes in meetings, the room might be full of men, and I am the only female, but I have never felt that I don’t belong in that room.”

Annette recently took a facilities management course developed by BOMI (Building Owners and Managers Institute) and offered through Bermuda College’s PACE division. (Professional and Career Education). “There were a couple of other women on the BOMI course with me, so I’m not the only one looking more widely at career fields that may have traditionally been dominated by men. I would definitely recommend this type of work, and the Bermuda College course to others — men and women. I didn’t think that I would end up working in facilities management, but I am enjoying it a lot. No two days are ever alike.”

55 Your Future 2023 WOMEN IN BUSINESS

Study in the USA

US Consul-General Karen Grissette says there are opportunities for all Bermudians to study in the US

From insurance to engineering and anything else in between – whatever you aspire to be, the United States has the educational opportunity to help you achieve your dream.

The US Consulate in Bermuda is ramping up local interest in its multitude of schools, colleges, and universities through its Study with US campaign.

Bermudian students and alumni have been sharing their success stories through online videos as part of the project designed to make young people aware of the boundless possibilities across the States.

US Consul-General Karen Grissette says: “There are endless opportunities in the US, and we want to make sure Bermudians are considering taking advantage of them.

“We have heard that some people believe there are not opportunities to study in the US because it’s cost


“We want to make sure Bermudians know schools in the US often have grants and scholarships that can help them pay for their fees. There are a lot of opportunities on Bermudascholarships. com and in Bermuda generally.”

Locals who have taken part in the campaign so far include Commonwealth Games athlete Emma Harvey, Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art executive director Risa Hunter and BELCO managing director Nadir Wade.

Grissette says: “When we look around and see who has studied there, they are having success and moreover they really love their education experience in the US.

“We want to make sure Bermudian students keep the US on their radar and take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.

“This campaign allows prospective

students to hear directly from their peers about how they were able to achieve educational and professional goals by choosing to study in the US.”

Numerous Bermudians have benefited from a US education.

“Since I have been here, I have heard from many leaders in Government, international business and the non-profit sector who are so proud of their US educational experience,” Grissette says.

The US has strong connections with Bermuda’s insurance sector, which is great news for those pursuing careers such as actuarial science, accounting, or risk management. There are also opportunities at leading technical and engineering schools.

“We have every speciality, every type of study, every major in the US,” Grissette says.

“Even if you’re not sure what you want to study, having the ability to change

U.S. Consul General Karen Grissette, welcomes Lt. Justin Nease of the US Coast Guard Cutter Lawrence Lawson

your mind is another key benefit of the US education system.”

But university life is more than just academic studying.

In her video, which was uploaded to the Consulate’s Facebook page, Emma Harvey reflects on how she was able to get involved in community work at Penn State University.

“There’s always a way to get involved. I’m really involved in sustainability, and I’ve really enjoyed that,” she says.

“There’s a lot of cool options to meet some really amazing people.”

Risa Hunter explains how she was able to develop as a person at University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

“University really is the time where you discover yourself for many people,” she says.

“I think creating an environment and then being in that environment that allows you to grow and nurture that growth is so important.”

Nadir Wade notes how, despite “coming from little Bermuda”, his time at Howard University in Washington, DC, led to a job as a federal government contractor at a major power plant in the US capital city.

Grissette says: “I think some people don’t realise just how rich the US university experience is. It’s so much more than just going to school.

“Students in US colleges and universities get involved in clubs, sports, performing arts, learning new activities, environmental interests, editing college newspapers and other social groups.

“Whatever the student is interested in, there are opportunities to explore that. Students are engaged in those activities with diverse and inclusive groups of students. Volunteer experiences are big in a lot of colleges.”

Grissette says the campaign, which launched last November, has won support from all sectors.

“We have also received interest from

students and graduates who want to participate, which will hopefully happen in our next series,” she says.

In most cases, Bermudian students do not require a visa to study in the US, but for information on the visa process, including setting up a visa appointment, visit the US Consulate’s website at nonimmigrant-visas-study-exchange/ how-to-apply/.

For more information about the Study with US campaign, follow the US Consulate General on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Risa Hunter Nadir Wade

Transferable skills: your ticket to a better job

With more than 20 professional external certificates, professional training and designation programmes, and 100 online courses to offer, Bermuda College’s Athora Division of Professional and Career Education can help you prepare for your next promotion, or secure a new job.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the way we work. One trend that was already manifesting in the workplace, prepandemic — greater flexibility shown by employers and employees — has accelerated even faster due to the jolt in the way companies manage staff as they emerge from the disruption of the last few years.

At the Athora Division of Professional and Career Education at Bermuda College, experienced industry professionals say it’s becoming increasingly critical for those seeking to retain their jobs in an increasingly competitive marketplace, or who are wanting to move up in their organisation, or who are looking for an entirely new profession, to improve their skill set – more specifically, transferable professional skill sets, that can easily be a deal breaker to a potential employer gaining a critical competitive edge.

Adaptability and flexibility are two skill sets more important than ever. You’ll need such skills to pivot you into a new role or change fields, seamlessly. A data analytics course will help you identify

and interpret statistics that may bring new or additional insight into business operations. Employees who have such skills will find that they can transition with greater ease and confidence because they are more marketable.

Other examples of transferable skill sets include project management, team leadership, workplace communications, and the full gamut of IT and computer competencies.

Medical billing and coding, and the medical administrative assistant have become high-in-demand healthcare specialists because of a global shortage of those trained in this vital industry.

APACE courses vary in length, and are offered with flexibility in mind, with regard to course start dates, times and instructional platforms.

So, who is the typical APACE programme student? “The average age of students that take APACE courses through Bermuda College at the moment is 35”, says APACE Director, Tawana Flood. “But since the pandemic, we’re seeing more and more registrations from those in the 18- to 25-year-old age group. Sometimes, a high school student might want to

take a gap year before going overseas to university. Some just don’t feel they want to continue with weighty academic studies. These courses are great gateways to short-term workforce, or longer, professional certification opportunities for employment. We also have those who are looking to explore and connect with the emergent ESG (environmental, sustainable and governance) model in their career searches; or those who are content where they are, but want to keep abreast of latest trends in their fields – whether its technical mastery and practical skills, or latest trends in social media marketing, or discovering the latest trends in anti-money laundering.

Importantly, Government funding is available for these courses to those that qualify. For any Bermudians with a desire to learn, but who may need some additional funds to assist them in their journey of discovery, there’s a financial aid office on campus at Bermuda College to help them navigate their way through.

For full details on available programmes and courses check Or email:

Your Future 2023 58 EDUCATION

Yusef Bushara shaped by Somersfield

“My sisters Hana and Reem also attended Somersfield. I attended from 2005 until 2018, and Hana and I are ‘lifers.’ After I graduated from Somersfield, I spent two years at Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific. From there, I moved to Menton, France to complete a degree in Political Science at SciencesPo (The Paris Institute of Political Studies). The degree had a Middle Eastern and Mediterranean studies concentration, which I decided to do so I could learn Arabic. Our father is from Sudan so connecting academically with my heritage has been a priority of mine. I’m currently doing

a second degree in English Studies at the University of Hong Kong.


My academic life and much that’s happened outside of it, Somersfield


Foundations in Accountancy

The ACCA Foundations in Accountancy is an entry-level suite of awards, including certificates, diplomas and a revised Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification.

•Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting

•Intermediate Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting •Diploma in Accounting and Business •Certified Accounting Technician Qualification

has had a hand in everything — it shaped me, paved my journey.

Having such a large network of passionate Somersfield alumni who double as friends has been fulfilling. I’ve seen Somersfield students make the most out of the communities they’ve not only joined but formed in the places they’ve moved to post-graduation.

If there’s one thing that Somersfield has taught me, it’s that kindness stretches and infects people so positively. In my most difficult moments, that’s the lesson I learned at Somersfield that I carry closest to my chest. That’s what I’m most grateful for.”

59 Your Future 2023 PROFILE
This suite offers students the ability to enter the programme atvariouspoints,allowingflexibilitybasedonknowledge andexperience.


There are many exciting opportunities in Bermuda and overseas. We look at the best schools, colleges and universities

Albert College

“I was ready for an adventure, ready for more independence and looking for a new experience.” These are just some of the reasons that Skye Backeberg decided to come to Albert College for Grade 10. In her first year at Canada’s oldest co-ed boarding and day school, Skye is already enjoying the benefits of Albert’s 5 ‘A’s – academics, arts, athletics, active citizenship, and adventure. While the Ontario curriculum is different from her studies in Bermuda, she feels she is learning a lot with support from her teachers when she needs it. She is involved in the school’s drama production and its choir, and is delving into painting watercolour castles in visual arts class. Skye competed with the school’s volleyball team, and at a national tournament with the basketball team, and is looking forward to soccer

and swimming in the spring. Despite the colder lake water, she fully immersed herself in an adventure camp in Ontario’s Algonquin Park to start the school year.

Perhaps most of all, though, Skye decided to join Albert College because it felt like it was the right place for her. “It’s really diverse here, and I’m living with people who speak so many different languages and share their cultures,” she says. And Skye has also brought her Bermudian culture to Canada, giving a presentation to students about celebrations like the Good Friday kite festival that she loves so much about home. Her advice to Bermudian students thinking about coming to Canada? “Do it,” she says, “it’s different, and yes, the winters are cold, but there are so many amazing people here.”

Discover an exceptional Albert College education.

At Albert College, our students are inspired to excel in the 5 ‘A’s: Academics, Arts, Athletics, Active Citizenship and Adventure.

Albert College is Canada’s oldest co-ed boarding and day school.

Up to $40,000 in tuition assistance available to Bermudian students with the Frederick Sydney Smith ’31 scholarship.

Learn more at

60 Your Future 2023
Skye Backeberg

Bermuda Institute

Dylan and Adrian Fox It has been an interesting and exciting journey to watch these two young boys who entered our gates twenty-three years ago, grow and develop into the exceptional young men that they are today. Dylan Fox and Adrian Fox are unique siblings because they are fraternal twins. It is true that twins can be very close because they have lived their whole lives together, in the same home, and have done almost the same things. However, at first glance one can distinguish one from the other. You will not find Dylan finishing Adrian’s sentence, nor Adrian making the same choice as Dylan, but you will at first contact with them, notice two quiet, different, yet well-mannered and polite individuals with a mind of their own. If the need arises, they will help each other without question. They are somewhat connected telepathically, yet, they have their own hobbies, different interests, and even different friends. The difference in personality is what makes them special.

Both Dylan and Adrian are currently in their senior year at Bermuda Institute, feverishly working towards graduation in June. They are planning to go on to university and pursue completely different career paths. They hope someday to make a difference in society in the field of science.

Dylan’s dream is to become an ophthalmologist. He heads to La Sierra University to begin this journey. He enjoys science and is fascinated by the eyes. Though not a member of a track team currently, he enjoys running, like his dad. He is quite involved in the

community. One of his favorite things to do is to participate in the feeding programme at his church. He has served as prefect for two years and this academic year was selected the Head boy, a role that he takes seriously.

Adrian hopefully will be heading to Salford University in England this fall. He is interested in becoming an aeronautical engineer. His love for physics and passion for airplanes are the elements attracting him to this field. He recognises that such a career cannot be achieved in Bermuda, but

states confidently that Bermuda is his home, and no matter where life takes him, he will always come home. He too enjoys running like his dad, and playing basketball.

These two young men say without apology that one main thing that keeps them going, and that they fully embrace, is the strong family bond that holds them together. They enjoy being twins, and love to play games together, but they mostly like to be recognised as distinct individuals.

61 Your Future 2023
Dylan and Adrian Fox

Ava Gibson plans to complete her Bachelor of Laws degree in the UK, with a focus on human rights law and hopes to return to Bermuda to practice as a lawyer. Ava has a passion for public speaking, and is currently a student debate leader, leading the Middle School debate club. Ava has participated in numerous debating competitions, most recently winning best finals speaker at the Bermuda National Debate tournament in November 2022.

An environmental activist, Ava

was elected to the Youth Climate Advisory Board of the inaugural Youth Climate Summit in 2021. Through this experience, she has been able to engage with young people from around the island, and is part of a pilot project to introduce reusable lunch containers into Bermudian schools. Her enthusiasm for sustainability and conservation was solidified after spending a week at sea, sailing to Grand Turk aboard the Spirit of Bermuda. Ava is extremely thankful to her school community for their continuous support throughout her 13 years at BHS.

Your future begins with a solid foundation, and spending your last two years of high school at BHS will prepare you for success at university and beyond.

100% of BHS graduates go on to tertiary education around the world and we look forward to helping you achieve your goals in an innovative, engaging and supportive community.

To learn more about BHS or the co-educational Senior Years Programme, please visit

Bishop’s College School

Sarah Francoeur (Grade 12) is a fourth year boarding student at Bishop’s College School. “I chose BCS because of recommendations from family friends, as well as their IB Diploma Programme. My favourite part would have to be the people and support. Living in a campus setting and especially in the dorm, you spend a lot of time with these people and create genuine and incredible bonds. I have made lifelong friends from Germany, Mexico, Colombia and more — something I never expected before coming here. It really opens your eyes to other parts of the world that may not be so widespread, especially on an island like Bermuda. You will come to learn many phrases and cool anecdotes from all sorts of languages and cultures.”

Blue Ridge School

Boys from around the world come to Blue Ridge School in Virginia, USA, for a supportive academic community that challenges them to reach their full potential. The strength of this community comes from our commitment to being all-boys and all-boarding. Students form the “Baron Brotherhood” through their shared

62 Your Future 2023
Sarah Francoeur front middle
The co-educational BHS Senior Years Programme now offers A Levels and the IB Diploma Programme.
Your Future_2023_syp.indd 1 1/24/2023 1:35:15 PM

experiences of dorm life, athletic team competition, twice weekly Chapel services, meals with friends and faculty, and more. More than 80% of BRS faculty live on campus and get to know many sides of each boy’s personality. Boys learn best from teachers who really know them, that’s why Blue Ridge School is “Built for Boys.”

Branksome Hall

Branksome Hall is Toronto’s leading International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for girls. Founded in 1903, the school educates approximately 900 students from JK to Grade 12 on our 13-acre campus in the heart of the

city. We offer a Boarding Programme beginning in Grade 7 and an immersive Study Abroad Programme with our sister school, Branksome Hall Asia, in South Korea. More than $1.5 million is available in financial assistance for students in Grades 7 to 12.

Our inquiry-based Liberal Arts curriculum is enriched by our four core values: Sense of Community, Inclusiveness, Creativity and Making a Difference. Branksome Hall’s state-of-the-art facilities include an

award-winning Athletics and Wellness Centre, Innovation Hub, and indoor rock-climbing wall. Our graduates are welcomed by leading universities around the world, most with scholarships.

With today’s exponential pace of change and the complexities of our current global context, tomorrow’s leaders will need to think differently. Branksome Hall is preparing leaders who will not only meet this need but are already shaping that future.

63 Your Future 2023
Blue Ridge
Branksome Hall

Cardigan Mountain School

Cardigan Mountain School is a boarding school for boys in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade, located in Canaan, New Hampshire.

Cardigan understands and appreciates boys at this great age and stage of development, and they have created an environment designed to nurture not only their academic achievement, but also their physical, social,

ethical, and personal growth.

Everything at Cardigan— from teaching and learning to arts, sports, and fun—is geared toward helping boys reach their potential. The school offers boys just the right amounts of structure and independence, challenge and support, and a focus on both individual growth and a strong, positive sense of community. This time-tested, comprehensive approach

to the education of boys prepares Cardigan students for success in secondary school, college, and beyond.

CedarBridge Academy

Anaya West is a student who is an outstanding role model. He is respectful, cooperative, and caring. Anaya is always ready and willing to assist anyone. He exemplifies integrity while maintaining a humble, unassuming spirit. As a result of these qualities Anaya is well liked and respected by his peers and teachers and was appointed Head Boy this year.

Anaya has also set high standards for himself academically. He has been an Honor Roll student for his entire 4 years at CBA, and is currently in the top ten of his year. He was inducted to the National Honors Society in S2. He plans to pursue a degree in computer science and has taken a variety of rigorous courses to prepare him for this path of study.

Anaya also has a strong sense of community, and this is reflected in his involvement in many activities, both in and out of school. He is a member of the Peer Forward programme, where he helps to plan college awareness activities for the school body. In the community he is an assistant youth football coach, where he mentors young athletes, teaching them values such as hard work, teamwork, and dedication. He also assists with cross country events, food drives, and community cleanups. He has a strong desire to contribute to the betterment of his community.

Bishop's College School

Anaya embodies the CedarBridge student affirmation: “I am a CedarBridge Academy student, all that I think, say

and do will be excellent because I am an individual of excellence.”

Kisaye Bell is a Principal’s Honors student involved in drama and the performing arts. Kisaye’s love for the arts originally developed when she won first place in a poetry competition. From that point she was invited to further develop her skills and enroll in drama, where she was taught playwriting under the direction of her teacher, Mrs. Patricia Nesbitt. She was also invited to be a member of the Noire Youth Theatre Company which is a registered charitable trust that was formed by students in the arts. Noire Youth Theatre Company was driven by the students under the artistic direction of Mrs. Nesbitt. Kisaye also performed a monologue on an original television show called, “Loud Souls”. Her monologue titled “That one Black Woman” is due to be published in June 2023 on Kindle.

Kisaye is a student of many talents that has done well balancing her Advanced Placement course demands and drama activities. She is a Prefect, member of the Gavel Club and Peer Leader.

Your Future 2023 64
40+ countries represented 270 students 85% boarding 15 students per class 55+ co-curriculars Sign up for a personalized tour today!
Anaya West Kisaye Bell An English all-gender boarding and day school for grades 7-12 located on 250 acres in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
250-acre campus Cardigan Mountain School
ALL BOYS. ALL BOARDING. ALL COLLEGE BOUND. WWW.BLUERIDGESCHOOL.COM Blue Ridge School is built for boys and how boys learn best. But it is also built for character education. For traditional values, lifelong bonds, and global citizenship. They come to Virginia from around the world to prepare for college. They leave prepared for life. BUILT FOR BOYS WE KNOWMiddle School Boys A Boarding and Day School for Boys in Grades 6-9 in Canaan, New Hampshire 603.523.3548 Smashthe ceiling. Take the stage. Fiercely Independent Boarding from Grades 7-12.

Kisyae has also represented Bermuda internationally in track and field, specifically shot put and discus.

Kisaye has plans to further her studies and attend university in the UK in the fall, enrolling in a performing arts programme.

Dalhousie University

Reanna Bassett answers important questions about ‘Dal’.

What are you studying? Accounting and currently in my Third year.

Why did you choose Dalhousie? Because of the Commerce Co-op program.

What do you want to do with your degree? My Accounting degree is going to be used as a foundation for my future career as I plan on continuing my education and gaining more experience.

How will you use your degree to make your difference in the world? Becoming an emerging leader, I want to take the knowledge that I have gained not only from an educational perspective but from all my experiences to help guide and mentor future generations.

Tell us something about your Dalhousie experience that has been meaningful for you. At Dal I was able to break out of my comfort zone, try new things and meet like-minded people with whom I will share lifelong connections.

Durham College

Photini-Dawn, student in the photography programme at Durham College (DC).

“I am so grateful to have this opportunity to study abroad in Canada and to pursue my creative passion. The journey to get here was challenging at times but it makes the destination so much more rewarding.

I can confidently say that I am really enjoying my time studying at Durham College and living in Canada. Admittedly, it is a huge culture shock adjusting to a big country coming from such a small island, but the experience has been a good one. Living independently forces you to grow and experience life as your own person.

I find that inside and outside the classroom, Durham provides you with many opportunities on networking and

66 Your Future 2023
Reanna Bassett Photini-Dawn

improving your professional skills which is vital for your successful transition into industry upon graduating. I am also greatly enjoying my programme because it incorporates different facets of the photography and videography field. Which is an amazing advantage when you are going into the ever-evolving industries of film and photography. In addition, the programme is very hands on where we learn from both theoretical and practical teaching methods. I believe this allows us to have a better

understanding of industry expectations once we start working.

My experience of studying at Durham College and living in Canada has been truly enjoyable. I have adapted to my new life at DC and feel very content with my time as a college student. It is also very fulfilling to be able to pursue an education and career in what I love. I am so thankful Durham College has been a big support in helping me achieve my dreams.

Eagle Hill School

Ryan Fleming ’22 made Eagle Hill his home away from Bermuda for four years. He brought his quiet leadership to the classroom and athletic fields, where his quick feet had an immeasurable impact on the cross country and ultimate Frisbee teams’ successes. Ryan’s dream was to fly, and with science teacher Dr. Bacigalupi’s expert tutelage in the aviation field, along with hours in Eagle Hill’s flight simulator, they continued fueling Ryan’s dream of becoming a pilot. And now he is. While a first-year student at Florida’s Lynn University, Ryan is on his way to earning his solo piloting license. Ryan is one more example of Eagle Hill’s ability to design school experiences to enable students to pursue and expand their interests, and realise their hopes and dreams.

Flagler College

Bermuda College students have a new opportunity to expedite their path toward a bachelor’s degree, and it’s waiting for them in St. Augustine, Florida.

Flagler College, a small liberal arts institution situated on Florida’s historic

Flagler College Ryan Fleming

coast, recently signed an articulation agreement with Bermuda College. This agreement will streamline Bermuda College graduates' path toward obtaining bachelor's degrees

What makes articulation agreements like this an especially attractive pathway for students is the contractual guarantee between institutions that applicable credits will be properly transferred toward the degree they’re seeking.

Bermuda College Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Phyllis Curtis-Tweed, says this agreement is a “two plus two” pathway with Flagler’s business administration, education, hospitality and tourism management, and coastal environmental science programmes.

“The student who completes their associate’s degree at Bermuda College can then matriculate into the related Baccalaureate programme at Flagler, and it will only take two years to complete the programme,” Curtis-Tweed says.

Lakefield College School

Kassia Didyk is a Grade 11 student at Lakefield College School and says it’s the right choice for her. "I came to Lakefield after being at the same school for eleven years, hoping for a positive change and more opportunities. I was nervous to move away from my parents, friends, and everyone I knew, into a totally different environment than I was used to. So far, in my one-and-a-half years of being at LCS, I have made some of my best memories, friendships, and connections that will last a lifetime. All the staff and students

King's University College

Solomon O'Connor, a Berkeley Institute alumnus from St. George, is a first-year Business Management and Organisational Studies (BMOS) student at King's University College in London, Ontario, Canada.

King’s came highly recommended to Solomon, and he found the BMOS programme to be very appealing.

Solomon wants to start his own business one day. King’s has allowed him to study many different aspects of business to help him achieve that goal. There are many resources, including helpful faculty, to support students with their studies, which Solomon appreciates.

He adds that “meeting so many different people in and around campus never gets boring.”

Solomon O'Connor
Eagle Hill School is a premier college preparatory boarding school for students in grades 8–12 with diverse learning pro les such as ADHD and dyslexia; and is an authorized IB World school o ering the IB Diploma Programme. | Hardwick, Massachusetts | 1-413-477-6000 Confident minds grow here. Where diverse learners achieve success.
Kassia Didyk (left), recreational sailing programme, Lakefield College School

have created such a welcoming and fun environment throughout my time here. I’m excited for the rest of my high school experience at Lakefield."

Mount Saint Agnes Academy (MSA)

Kyra King joined Mount Saint Agnes Academy in Kindergarten. “Mount Saint Agnes Academy has become my second family,” says Kyra, now a senior at MSA. Kyra has maintained honors with distinction for all high school. Kyra is involved in her school as she is a member of the National Honors Society. In her time at MSA, Kyra won the Garry Madeiros Leadership Award. She has also completed her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Kyra’s success has been led by the close-knit and supportive family at MSA. Outside of school Kyra also volunteers for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society’s Loaves and Fishes programme, and has also received the Center of Philanthropy junior volunteer of the year award for Bermuda Gymnastics Association. Kyra plans to study biomedical science in Canada and has already received acceptances

to universities. “MSA has provided me with the tools I need to succeed in the future.”

Ontario Tech University

Located in Oshawa, in the eastern Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Ontario Tech University has grown out of a bold, ambitious vision: Take on the grand challenges we face as a society, and find solutions to meet and exceed tomorrow's needs.

There are two campus locations

in Oshawa, offering undergraduate, graduate and college-to-university transfer programmes to suit a variety of needs, while forging hundreds of partnerships with industry and community partners. Areas of study include degrees in business, computers and technology, education, engineering, medicine and health, science, and social science and humanities. Our unique and technology-rich teaching and learning environment challenges students to push the boundaries of innovation and discovery, and prepares them to excel in

Isaeva TO LEARN MORE, VISIT WWW.FLAGLER.EDU On average our students come from: 25 states 20 countries
Kyra King Yulia
Come visit us! To learn more contact the Admissions Office at or 716.687.2001 155 Students Day and boarding Grades 6-12 3-6 average class size Orton-based remediation 4:1 Student to faculty ratio 100%College acceptance Class of 2021 was awarded $5 million in academic scholarships A five week summer program designed for students who struggle in school
A coed college-prep boarding and day school for students, grades 6-12, with dyslexia and similar language-based learning disabilities. Gow provides not just another opportunity to try again, but a real opportunity to succeed. Somers P. '26 Paget Sira C. '26 Smiths Jack G. '25 Smiths Set on 125 acres of lush woodlands Kate C. '26 Smiths

the global, knowledge-driven economy of the 21st century - the possibilities are endless.

Ontario Tech has a growing reach for excellence in research and teaching. The university currently appears in the world’s most influential global university rankings including Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.

Yulia Isaeva, Second-year student, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechatronics Engineering, says “Ontario Tech University has given me the opportunity to pursue my engineering degree, which is truly my passion. The university provides the support I frequently utilise. As an engineering student, these resources help me to stay on top of my workload while studying. As an international student from Bermuda, being able to experience new activities like ice skating has been special—we do not have that at home. Joining the extramural volleyball team has also given me the opportunity to make new friends outside of my faculty.”

Rosseau Lake College is an independent co-ed day and boarding school offering Grades 7 to 12. Located along the beautiful shores of Lake Rosseau in Ontario, Canada,

our campus is a home that inspires deep connections to the environment. RLC’s natural surroundings educate and inspire, and the outdoors is a unique extension of the classroom experience.

Generous entrance scholarships. Quality degree programs taught by award-winning faculty. Graduate with a Western University degree.

Rosseau Lake College
KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE A PLACE TO BE. A PLACE TO BECOME. London, ON Canada1-800-265-4406 The King's Difference Get to know your professors in smaller classes.
community makes you
at home.
Rosseau Lake College

The approach is challenge by choice, encouraging students to reach further in terms of their academic, physical, and social development. The school prides itself on graduating students who have gained a sure sense of their identity as learners and can reflect on their experiences.

The school community reflects the global nature of learning. Rosseau Lake College is a school of choice for students looking to be conscientious stewards of an ever-changing world.

St John’s University

Dejanee Hill-Edwards My experience at St. John’s was rewarding and inspiring. I received a quality education that provided me with a strong theoretical and practical foundation. My lecturers challenged me to think critically and ask questions; something I practice every day in my role as an Assistant Underwriter, analysing and assessing complex risks.

I was also able to network and build connections. Located in one of the world’s leading re/insurance markets, I

was afforded the opportunity to attend industry conferences and events. Now, an exciting aspect of my career is traveling and connecting with brokers and other re/insurance professionals. I highly recommend studying at St. John’s. They equipped me with the necessary tools to successfully begin my career and beyond.

Indio Francis St. John’s University has provided me the opportunity to develop and blossom into a confident self-starter who is not afraid to dig deep to pursue my dreams and goals. All decisions are pertinent in life and the right ones can propel you to the highest level possible. After much research and deliberation,

72 XXXXXXX XXXXX Your Future 2023
Dejanee Hill-Edwards Indio Francis

I chose to pursue a career in Actuarial Science, and I chose St. John’s University in New York. The opportunity to have small, intimate class sizes, allows me to build personal relationships with my teachers who encourage me while sharing their journey to inspire infinite opportunities.

As a multicultural school, we have many opportunities to network and socialise within and outside of school with like-minded ‘Johnnies’ as we are affectionately called. St. John’s has opened doors and my perspective on the industry of insurance, and finance, and exposed me to one of the best financial districts, New York. It continually provides me with opportunities to grow and excel in my career choice whilst also providing the foundation needed for success to prepare me for my actuarial exams.

St. John’s has readied me for any challenges or obstacles that I may face in life, and continues to prepare me to successfully navigate my future work environment and challenge me as an individual to be ready for the global world.

Saltus Grammar School

Honor Minors “I am in my final year of the SGY programme at Saltus Grammar School and if you told me at age 10 that I would be graduating from Saltus, I wouldn’t have believed you. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to complete and excel in my studies throughout the years here. The classes I’ve taken over the last two years of SGY are media studies, performing arts, sociology, AP art, AP english language, and geometry and statistics. I’ve learned so much from every one of them. Since Middle School, I’ve been involved with the arts and school productions, and I think my passion for these projects translated into discovering what I want to do after high school.

I plan on studying commercial dance in the US. My future career goal is to refine and become stronger in my dancing technique; create and perform in projects and shows that represent who I am as an individual.

I’d like to thank my mother who has recognised and acknowledged who I am as a person and is always rooting for me. I’d also like to thank my Saltus

Strong Foundation for Success

Success takes many forms, each as unique as the students we teach.

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A place to learn and a home for life.

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Extraordinary learning is in our nature.

Rosseau Lake College is an independent coed day and boarding school offering Grade 7 through Grade 12. It was established in 1967 in a region of Ontario, Canada, dotted with pristine lakes and tracts of hardwood forest. Our lakefront campus provides a unique environment for an innovative academic program that immerses your child in powerful experiential learning that’s impossible to gain in traditional classroom settings.

teachers for always providing a listening ear throughout my journey here at this school.”

Christopher Davidson “For my senior year, I have taken AP french language and culture, AP human geography, AP calculus, AP english literature, AP language, AP psychology, and AP physics 1, as well as world issues. I am a student leader through my roles in Gold Key, the Saltus debate team, and as a Head Prefect.

My favourite course I have taken this year has been french language and culture. Language is a fascinating field of study on its own; it is a key that allows you to open doors to completely new and different experiences. In university, I look forward to pursuing the humanities in the United States or the United Kingdom. From there, I plan to study law and follow what makes me happy.

Finding out what to do in life is a journey, and like most journeys, it is impossible to do alone. I owe so much to all the people who have helped me along the way—to my great friends who have encouraged me, to my dad and grandmother, and to the approachable, passionate

teachers who’ve influenced me and helped me discover my passions. I am thankful for the education that I have received and am proud of my accomplishments as a student.”

Sheridan College

Zoë O’Connor Coming from Bermuda in 2018, all I really knew was that I would gain a deeper understanding of how to sing, dance and act in music theatre. The programme at Sheridan has boosted my versatility in all aspects of musical theatre. I’ve gained a lot of confidence and trust in myself as a performer. However I’ve also had the opportunity to extend to other facets of the arts. This has ranged from writing my own musicals to acting in plays to singing pop music with a band. I’ve learned more about myself as a young Black woman in theatre and what I

One of America’s leading Catholic universities, St. John’s offers world-class academics and BIG EAST vitality in the world’s most exciting city:

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Our Vincentian, Catholic heritage emphasizes excellence and service. The Peter J. Tobin College of Business is accredited by AACSB International–The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and has been designated a Center of Actuarial Excellence by the Society of Actuaries.

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Christopher Davidson Zoë O’Connor

can add to the theatre community and to the world through my art. Although I came to the programme only wanting to be an actor, I have been influenced and challenged to change the current notion and ideas of what we think theatre is. Throughout the four years I also received a community full of actors, writers, and directors who are willing and ready to work with you and aid you in creating art that is surprising, joyous and magical. This has extended outside of Sheridan and I have made lifelong bonds that I will carry through my career.

The Berkeley Institute

Kriston Adams “I am a principal honor student, Head Boy of The Berkeley Institute, and a dual enrolment student at Bermuda College. I’d describe myself as a driven, capable, and determined young man, in an everlasting quest for knowledge. I like to follow the idea of taking a leaf from each tree as I go. A reflection of this idea is my drive to tap into new opportunities life has to offer. I’ve tapped into fields such as football, STEM camp, cricket, business, boxing, construction and much more. I take fragments from each area to help discipline myself and shape my character. I became a member of The Peer Forward programme, which directly complements my charisma and has helped me to guide others on their endeavors after secondary schooling. I encourage people to surround themselves with likeminded

Schools to Know

people with devotion to flourish. It undoubtedly creates an environment that inevitably leads to success.”

Keren Smith “I am the Head Girl at The Berkeley Institute. I am currently a dual enrollment student at Bermuda College, enrolled in the Associates of Arts and Science programme. I am a very committed, respectful dynamic student, who has received various awards and opportunities, based on the leadership qualities that I portray. One opportunity was representing my school in the Mirrors Super Camp Training at Stanford University. Some awards that I have

Schools to Know has been helping boarding schools and families connect for 30 years.

“Why boarding schools?”World Class Academics: To foster academic exploration, feed curiosity, and challenge students as independent learners and thinkers. Athletics: Athletics at a boarding school is about more than wins and losses. No matter what your path in life, physical activity plays an important role in your health and well-being. While many students choose to play team sports all three seasons, each school offers athletic alternatives and recreational sports. Arts: The opportunity to engage in creative endeavors like music, dance, theater, and visual arts is one of the hallmarks of a boarding school education.

“How do we find the “right” fit?” On April 27th and October 1st and 2nd, come meet boarding school and junior boarding school representatives from Canada and the United States for conversations about the signature programs and 21st century teaching and learning these schools provide.

received have been for my leadership, citizenship, character, and spirit. I always aim to better myself as a student and as a leader. A few ways that I have accomplished this, is by taking part in the SHE-LEADs programme, and becoming SCARS certified. I have been a part of organisations such as, Mirrors, Hamilton Rotary Interact as president, the National High School Model United Nations, and Peer Forward as the outreach manager. In the future, I wish to attend school in the United States, receive my PhD in psychology and open my own practice.

Kriston Adams Keren Smith


The Gow School

After spending four years at The Gow School, Jack Gazzard knows magic happens on campus. The Gow School has a long history of helping students from Bermuda fulfill their dream of getting into college, and that legacy is still going strong. The Gow School is a coed college-prep boarding and day school for students, grades 6-12, with dyslexia and similar language-based learning disabilities, located outside of Niagara Falls, NY. Jack is one of four students

from Bermuda on campus this year and is a member of the golf, basketball, and tennis teams.

Jack attributes his success at Gow to the small classes, assistive technology, and personalised attention from teachers. “If it weren’t for being in a room with three other students, the 1:1 laptop programme, and teachers that know me and my learning style, I would not be the student and leader I am today.”

One of Gow’s trademarks is “Hope with Action”, providing students new hope

Study at Sheridan College in Canada.

+ Practical, hands-on, career-driven education.

+ Work experience through paid co-op programs.

+ Entrance scholarships available for new students.

+ 8,700+ international students from 110+ countries.

+ We o er: Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, Post-Graduate programs and University transfer options.

+ Location: Campuses in Oakville, Mississauga and Brampton – a 35-minute drive from downtown Toronto.


that they can succeed both in and out of the classroom, and Jack is attacking that challenge head on.

Trafalgar Castle School

Trafalgar Castle School has been educating girls and young women for nearly 150 years as one of Canada's oldest all-girls' schools. We are differentiated by our size, location, and the strength of our community. Located in Whitby, one of Canada’s fastest growing regions, our campus is conveniently situated 30 minutes east of Toronto, offering easy access to all its amenities and direct international flights. With only 245 students from grades 4 to 12, boarding is available for students in Grade 7 to 12. Trafalgar Castle offers a home away from home that provides unique and personal experiences as students and teachers

Trafalgar Castle School

Your Future 2023

interact in meaningful ways both in and out of the classroom.

We focus on developing strong and independent young students who approach life with determination, thoughtful insight, compassion and kindness. We offer exceptional academics, strong student supports and the ability to individualise programming based on our students’ needs. Trafalgar has both a strong arts and STEM programme, making it ideal for wellrounded students. We pride ourselves on challenging each student's mind, strengthening their voice and nurturing their hearts.

Our small-school advantage means we are agile enough to provide the most up-to-date learning environment and intimate enough to cultivate a strong sense of belonging. With 100% of our graduates accepted to the university of their choice, we provide exceptional academics within a warm and welcoming community, while helping to build women of strength and character. Our academic programme challenges each student to know their mind, contribute ideas and question assumptions, while enriching the Ontario curriculum with global competencies that will help prepare students for an ever-changing world.

In all we do, Trafalgar’s small and unique approach ensures that no student falls through the cracks. We build confidence, foster a strong sense of community and develop resilience and strength within each of our students.

Our Castle is a place like no other, where students learn to make meaningful contributions in the life of their school and beyond.

University of Guelph

Isabella Murdoch is a third-year student at the University of Guelph, in the Environmental Governance programme. She chose Guelph for the stunning campus and the specialised programme which is allowing her to pursue her true passions for the environment. Unfortunately, she was unable to stay in residence during her first year as the COVID-19 pandemic made it very difficult. However, she is

now living off campus and has found it very easy to make friends and feel a part of the campus community. She makes a point to say that joining clubs is a great way to meet people with similar interests and is just a lot of fun. Isabella also says that the food provided at the university is unlike anywhere; with so many different cuisines and cultural foods offered, making it perfect for international students. Lastly, Guelph may be cold in the winter, but if you get the right winter coat and boots you will be on your way.

Boarding School Fairs International

Thursday, April 27, 2023

4:00 – 6:00 pm: Boarding School Fair

at BUEI, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute in Hamilton 6:00 pm Presentation in the Tradewinds Auditorium: Why boarding school and review the application process.

4:00 –

Monday, October 2, 2023

Isabella Murdoch
boarding school representatives for conversations about the signature programs and 21st century teaching and learning these schools provide. Visit: or Email: To learn more about these schools and to register for these events and the schools attending
The Hamilton
Sunday, October 1, 2023 3:00 – 5:30 pm: Boarding School Fair at
6:00 pm: Boarding School Fair at BUEI, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute in Hamilton Presentations in BUEI's Tradewinds Auditorium 5 pm: Learn more about Junior Boarding Schools 5:30 pm: Hear about single gender education 6 pm: Why boarding school and review the application process.

Warwick Academy

Malikah Tankard is a Year 13 student at Warwick Academy in the International Baccalaureate Certificate Programme. During her years at Warwick Academy, she has obtained various leadership positions such as being a Prefect, captain of the netball team and a member of the 2022-2023 Student Leader Team as the yearbook editor. She joined Warwick Academy in Year 7 after being drawn to the food and nutrition class, the positive community within the school and the school’s push for her to be a better learner. Warwick Academy offers a wide variety of clubs, teams, and activities such as the Human Rights Committee and the netball team which piqued Malikah’s interests. Warwick Academy provides various pathways which allows Malikah to continue the right path for her. For Malikah, the IB Certificate programme allows her to balance her rigorous schoolwork and her passions outside of school, specifically netball and cooking. During IB, Malikah believes the support from her teachers helps her to achieve her academic goals. Malikah hopes to continue her education in the

US or Canada studying marketing and international business.

Washington Academy

Washington Academy is where academics and athletics coincide for Senior Kenori Simons. Kenori joined WA as a freshman

in the fall of 2019. While working hard in the classroom, Kenori has managed three consecutive years of conference recognition in varsity soccer, a 100-meter dash track and field state championship, and a New England championship qualification.

Kenori enjoys hands-on learning and

Malikah Tankard

After graduating from TCS, students from Bermuda are ready to


At TCS, students gain a lifelong appreciation of learning, continuously bettering their whole selves and making a positive impact wherever their journey leads them.

Co-ed boarding/day school for Grades 9–12 in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada


 Abby ‘20 Queen’s University Ontario, Canada Allie ‘21 Northeastern University, United States  Mason ‘20 Dalhousie University Nova Scotia, Canada  Olivia ‘21 University of Bristol, England

an interactive classroom environment. Science teacher Mrs. Colleen Maker has enjoyed teaching Kenori science for three of his four years: Their teacher-student relationship is strong. Mrs. Maker often cheers for Kenori on the soccer sidelines and remarks, "Kenori is genuine with his passion on the playing field, in the classroom, and with his friends. He is always curious and loves to learn new things." He is doing just that in Mrs. Maker's marine biology class.

Washington Academy is located on Maine's coast,

making marine biology an exciting experiential learning opportunity. Kenori enjoys exploring local shorelines, identifying marine life, and measuring water salinity. This outdoor classroom is where Kenori truly thrives. He says, "It is easier for me to learn science by doing fieldwork and applying the knowledge in the classroom. I appreciate Mrs. Maker's knowledge of outdoor science and the ecosystem."

Kenori Simons has been accepted at the University of Maine at Fort Kent, Maine, for fall of 2023 admission.

Uniquely You Uniquely 100 + Classes 20 Athletic Teams 20 After-School Clubs A Private Co-Ed High School +, Ext. 210
Kenori Simons
OpportunityAwaits Grow with a team that cares about excellence FOR MORE INFORMATION: | | OpportunityAwaits Grow with a team that cares about excellence FOR MORE INFORMATION: | | Searching for a rewarding experience in your chosen career? You will find it at Bermuda Hosptials Board. Registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs), registered nurses (RNs), x-ray technologists, sonographers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and medical technologists are specialists in high demand. In addition, we offer a broad range of employment options and career opportunities. Accountants HR/OD professionals Nursing assistants Clinical dietitians Imaging technologistsPharmacists Dietary technicians IT professionals Physicians Educators Laundry operators Psychiatrists Engineers Medical transcriptionistsRadiographers Environmental Services aidesand coders Human Resources Programmes Department Tel: (441) 239-1987

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Articles inside


pages 81-83

Boarding School Fairs International

pages 79-81

Study at Sheridan College in Canada.

pages 78-79


page 78

Strong Foundation for Success

pages 73-75, 77

Bishop's College School

pages 64-73


pages 60-64


page 59

Yusef Bushara shaped by Somersfield

page 59

Transferable skills: your ticket to a better job

page 58

Study in the USA

pages 56-57

I am woman, hear me roar

pages 54-55

How to look good on a budget

page 53

HSBC Bermuda o ers some money saving tips for teens

page 52

Ace that interview

pages 50-51

Drink More Water.

page 49

What to do after a scholarship interview?

page 48

Global reach starts with the help of ABIC Scholarship.

pages 46-47

Bermuda’s largest academic scholarship fund

page 44

Raising the bar

page 43

CHW: Developing legal talent

page 43


page 42

Interested in an insurance career? BFIS can take you there

pages 39-40

How to pay for college

pages 37-38


page 36

You are the architect of your success. Build something great with PwC

page 35

Growing her future with Deloitte

page 34

Learn what EY can do for you

page 33

See the world with KPMG

page 32

The career that opens doors

pages 29-31

Music on the march

page 28

Making a di erence in social care

page 27

Become a smile maker

page 26

Careers in Cancer Care

pages 24-25

Make Your Own Money. Be Your Own Boss.

pages 22-23

Ever Wanted to Create Your Own Video Game?

pages 20-21

Your future in energy

page 18

Career under construction

page 14

Dnt rite lyk dis

page 12

Oops! Did I really post that on social media?

page 10

A new era of education in Bermuda

pages 8-9

A brighter future for all Bermudians

page 6
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