Wedding Trader - Issue 27

Page 56

Peta’s Picks Sleeves themselves are no big news, but the styles and detailing in the 2022/2023 collections move arm cover into a very different dimension




ow I love a sleeve! Not only does it keep you warm, and I know love can keep you warm, but in January in the snow? Having pictures taken? Sleeve me up, as not only does a sleeve help in the cold, but it adds style and gravitas to a dress, and they are a crucial element of a garment’s look and silhouette. Okay, so here are my current favourite sleeves, but they are subject to change, because I’m fickle!

56 ♦ W E D D I N G T R A D E R ♦ J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2

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