B U ILD I N G A B E TT E R B U SINESS Once you have identified who you between you and your potential customers, especially those who don’t think your target audience is, you then look beyond Facebook for information. need to check you were right, and how best to target them. This can be as This underlines that the better you simple as trialling various messages – know your customers, the better you including simple posts, complex polls can target them. or even Question and Answer sessions One of the most important first and private messaging, and seeing steps for any business wanting which ones get the best response. to grow, is to identify your target And as you grow your audience, you audience – something that is often create a perfect free sounding board easier said than done. But start with those who are already your customers; for potential new business ideas and if they like you, there is a good chance market research. With a Facebook Page, you get a that others who are similar will like direct line to anyone interested in your you, too. In the same way, people business that you won’t get almost who like products such as yours are anywhere else, so it is crucial not likely to fit your target audience; for hy? Love it or hate it, only to have Facebook is the largest example, a Facebook people social media platform, If someone is looking for a Page, but also who like offering almost every fine wine target market and millions of people business that’s open till 7pm and use the tools and resources often like who could potentially fit your perfect can’t find this information on your available to good food. customer profile. It is therefore Facebook essential that your business not only Page, they’ll surely keep looking communicate your message has a Facebook presence, but that you can help until they find another place that’s effectively with you here. make the most of the impact it has. (I feel another Here’s how to make the most of the With its more forthcoming, rather than risk itarticle soon Business opportunity: coming up!). Pages First and foremost, a Facebook wasting their time I could Insights presence is an instantly-recognised spend some time talking you through reports, which gathers the data of validation that you are a legitimate the various benefits of a Facebook the people who like your page, and business, and a Facebook Business the more likes you get the clearer the Business Page and how to best utilise Page, in particular, helps you to immediately establish a broader reach. picture becomes of who your potential them but, as I underlined in my last article, video can be a more effective customers might be. By clearly identifying you as a medium for this. There is a wealth of You may be glad to learn that business – and not just another social very good walkthroughs available user – it creates an additional channel Business Page not only helps you on the internet on how to set up a to identify your target audience, it beyond your website or any business successful page, so instead I am going also creates the ideal platform to premises you may have. It therefore to focus on some key points that are communicate with both existing and gives your business more visibility, best made in writing. potential customers. and it can provide the ideal conduit
Why not start the New Year with a resolution that’s easy to keep and your future-self will thank you for forever? Learn how to maximise your business’s social media presence...and what better place to start than Facebook, says Jason Granville
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