The 13th InDPanda International Film Festival

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8 Sep - 14 Oct 2017 Media Partners

開幕節目 OPENING Programme 1

開幕節目 OPENING Programme 2

《城中小故事》LITTLE STORIES OF OUR CITY 29 September 2017 (Fri)  9:45pm* Festival Grand Cinema


THE ISLAND THAT ALL FLOW BY 28 September 2017 (Thur)  9:45pm Festival Grand Cinema

導演Dir: 詹京霖Chan Ching-Lin/ 台灣 Taiwan/ 2016/ 98’/ 高清數位檔 HD digital format/ 國語及台語對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese & English subtitles 我們曾經為大家帶來詹京霖的短片《狀況排除》,震撼人心。他的首 部長片《川流之島》以象徵台灣歷史記憶的國道收費站事件為背景, 奪得今屆台北電影節最佳女主角(尹馨);西寧FIRST青年電影展最 佳演員(鄭人碩);2016年金鐘獎最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳編劇、 最佳女主角和最佳新演員。 2013年,台灣國道從人工運作轉為全面電子化收費。中年、失婚的 阿雯(尹馨飾)與900多位收費員同時被政府裁員。在工作權被剝奪 的前夕,愛情賀爾蒙萌發的兒子被控性侵,讓阿雯揹負賠償壓力。此 時,貨車司機志豪(鄭人碩飾)駛入阿雯的生命,提供性交易援助。單 純的金錢與肉體的關係卻起了質變,志豪補足了阿雯對於家庭原型 的想望。川流而過的車子能否能永恆停留?站在生命的中途島的阿 雯,不知何去何從。 Debut feature by the filmmaker of A BREATH FROM THE BOTTOM, In 2013, Taiwan bade goodbye to its toll booth system as it launched a new electrical device eTag. With the new system, Chia-Wen, a middle-aged divorcee working at Taiwan’s National Highway’s toll booth, is about to get laid-off. Her financial burden increases when her teenage son is charged with sexual assault. At this difficult time, Chia-Wen met Chih-Hao, who promises to help in exchange for sex. Chia-Wen knows deep inside that Chih-Hao is like a stream of cars that never stops flowing but could not stop wondering if he could stay in her life. Standing at a crossroads in her life, Chia-Wen is uncertain which step to take next * Best Leading Actress, 2017 Taipei Film Festival * Best Leading Actor, 2017 Xining FIRST International Film Festival * Best Feature, Best Director, Best Screenwriter, Best Leading Actress & Best New Performer, 2016 Taiwan Golden Bell Awards


108’/ 包括5部短片including 5 shorts/ 香港Hong Kong/ DCP, 高清數位檔 HD digital format/ 粵語對白,中、英文字幕In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles * (《太平地》男主角游學修先生,《細葉榕下》導演邱子毅先生,《開學》導 演董小慧小姐,《命懸一念》導演章彥琦小姐和男主角黃定謙先生,《成老 師》導演張小菲將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Mr. Neo Yau, the main actor of COCKROACH, Mr. Ross Yau, the filmmaker of UNDER THE CHINESE BANYAN, Miss Tung Siu Wai, the filmmaker of BACK TO SCHOOL, Miss Cheung Yin Kei, Ashley, the filmmaker of LIFE ON THE LINE and Mr. Himmy Wong, the main actor of LIFE ON THE LINE, and Miss Zhang Xiao Fei, Wendy, the filmmaker of IN PRAISE OF TEACHERS will attend the screening.) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 鮮浪潮Fresh Wave, 香港演藝學院HKAPA, 香港 社會服務聯會HKCSS,香港知專設計學院HKDI) 5部香港短片,提醒我們這個城市的一些事,一些情,一些存活的意義。 Five Hong Kong short films remind us what is important in our life.

《太平地》COCKROACH 導演Dir: 歐文傑Au Man Kit/ 7’/ 2016 中產少年 (游學修飾)意外地在夜墟找到他的「真愛」! A middle-class teenager unexpectedly found his “true love” in a night market!

《細葉榕下》UNDER THE CHINESE BANYAN 導演Dir: 邱子毅Ross Yau/ 13’/ 2016 《金不換》導演葉劍峰監製作品。入院產子的妹妹請求離家多年的 阿松(梁健平飾)放下恨意,帶患上腦退化的媽媽去覆診。在這段小小 的路程上,媽媽走失了…… Produced by Bill Yip, the filmmaker of CURE. Chung’s sister pleaded him to tend to their dementia mother while she was laboring in the hospital. Chung, hated and refused to see his eccentric mother for years, unwillingly escorted her to a medical appointment. However, she wandered away midway. * Best Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress & Best Editing, Asian On Films Festival 2016 * Phoenix Film Festival 2017

閉幕節目 CLOSING Programme 1

《命懸一念》LIFE ON THE LINE 導演Dir: 章彥琦Ashley Cheung/ 25‘/ 2017 章彥琦編而優則導,找來「獨立電影女皇」蔣祖曼和《點五步》的黃 定謙合演了這部扣人心弦的精彩作品。張念是防止自殺熱線的資深 輔導員,剛遇上喪女之痛。某天,她接到一通求助電話,意圖自殺的 竟然是害死她女兒的人。一念間,報復還是救贖? A directorial effort from Ashley Cheung, a promising and up-andcoming scriptwriter. With the brilliant performance of Joman Chiang and Himmy Wong (WEEDS ON FIRE). Nim Cheung is a senior counsellor of the Suicide Prevention Hotline. She is still suffering from the death of her little daughter. One day, she receives a phone call of a young man who is attempting suicide. She finds out that he is the one responsible for her daughter’s death. * Udine Far East Film Festival 19 * Kaohsiung Film Festival 2017

《開學》BACK TO SCHOOL 導演Dir: 董小慧Tung Siu Wai / 27‘/ 2017 鑒於青少年自殺風氣愈趨嚴重,教育局制定出「抗壓能力指數」去評 估每位學生的抗壓能力。卓妍被測出抗壓指數過低,要進行一連串 的特別抗壓輔導,之後再接受評測,她能否順利通過抗壓測試? In light of the recent tragedies of adolescent suicides, the Education Bureau has implemented an “Anti-Stress Quotient (ASQ)” test to assess every student’s ability to cope with stress. Yin, upon discovering her ASQ scored below average, has to undergo various special treatments and rehabilitations before redoing the test again. Will Yin be able to pass the test? * International Premiere

《成老師》IN PRAISE OF TEACHERS 導演Dir: 張小菲Zhang Xiao Fei, Wendy/ 37‘/ 2017 被Band 3中學解雇的成志達,突然獲聘任教一所Band 1小學。除了 教授視藝科之外,達也開始管理校園電視台興趣班,並帶同學們拍 攝短片。可新學校的工作,並沒有達所想的那麼簡單。 When Shing Chi Tat got fired by his school, he luckily got into a primary school to continue his teaching career. He was assigned to manage the campus TV while teaching visual arts. But this new environment wasn’t as wonderful as he thought.

《搖搖晃晃的人間》STILL TOMORROW 13 October 2017 (Fri)  9:45pm* Festival Grand Cinema

導演Dir: 范儉Fan Jian/ 中國China/ 2016/ 88’/ DCP/ 普通話對白, 中、英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese & English subtitles * (范儉導演將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Mr. Fan Jian will attend the screening.) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 優酷YOUKU, 范儉導演 Mr. Fan Jian) 范儉到目前最精采動人的紀錄片作品,看似旁觀卻其實與被記錄者一 同活著,兩者之間的那份互信,展現出紀錄片最珍貴難得的情,奪得 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節評審圑特別獎。這部作品更開創國內觀影的 新模式,以「眾籌點映」的方式,先後在國內超過一百個城市放映過。 余秀華,一個農村女性,從小患有腦癱,在2015年成為中國最有名的詩 人。她寫出《穿越大半個中國去睡你》,強烈的情感與欲望引人注目。 20年前,余秀華的母親將懵懂無知的她嫁給了一個比她大十幾歲的 陌生男人,這段形同陌路的婚姻成為她一生的疼痛和遺憾。余秀華 寫詩,試圖與自己的命運對話,寫殘缺的身體,寫她對真愛的渴望。 隨著余秀華的成名和經濟上的獨立,她想通過離婚來重新掌控自己 的命運,結束這段沒有愛的婚姻。然而她的老公強烈反對離婚,她 的父母和兒子也並不支持她。更糟糕的是她的母親被檢查出患有肺 癌,余秀華面對的阻力越來越大,她能實現自己的心願嗎? A village woman, despite not having finished her high school education, has become China’s most famous poet in 2015. Her book of poetry has become the most widely distributed and sold poetry book in China for the past 20 years. This poet is YU Xiuhua, a 39 year old woman living in a remote village in the middle of inland China. Though she has a bright mind, she walks unsteadily and speaks unclearly because of her cerebral palsy. She wonders if she’d done something bad in a previous life to deserve the suffering she endures in her present life. Attending school was so difficult that she dropped out of high school. When she was 18 years old, her mother married her off to an old man with whom she has never connected. The relationship has become the biggest pain and source of regret in her life. With the popularity of her poems has come fame and financial independence. This has emboldened her to start anew. Her husband, however, vehemently refuses to grant her a divorce, and her parents and her 20-year-old son disapprove of her life choices. To make things worse, her mother has just been diagnosed with cancer. What will she do? * IDFA Special Jury Award for Feature Length Documentary, IDFA 2016 * Hot Docs 2017


閉幕節目 CLOSING Programme 2

《柏林 INTERFILM 動畫突襲》BEST ANIMATIONS OF INTERFILM 14 October 2017 (Sat)  2:30pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

83’/ 包括12部短片including 12 shorts/ 高清數位檔HD digital format * (interfilm電影節創辦人兼電影節總監Heinz Hermanns先生,更會專程來港出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Mr. Heinz Hermanns, the Festival Director of interfilm will attend the screening.) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: interfilm, Mr. Heinz Hermanns) interfilm是柏林最歷史悠久的國際短片節,自1982年至今,成為了歐洲最重要的國際短片節之一。每年大會收到超過7000部片長20分鐘以 內的國際短片,最後精挑細選出大約500部作品放映及競逐多個獎項。今年,我們再度跟interfilm合作,為大家帶來12部動畫。 interfilm is the most historical international short film festival in Berlin. Established in 1982, it is now one of the most important short film festival in Europe. Approximately 500 short films are selected out of 7000 submission every year. This year, we bring you 12 animations of interfilm.

《優柔寡斷大頭症》ANALYSIS PARALYSIS 導演Dir: Anete Melece/ 瑞士Switzerland / 2016/ 9’/ 無對白No dialogue 每當Anton需要做出就算是最小的決定時,他的頭便開始膨脹,有 時變大得令他頭也側了。當他在公園裡想找路人陪他下棋時,他注 意到Lily在抱怨她的花圃被人踐踏了。 Every time Anton need to make even the tiniest decision, his head starts to swell and sometimes becomes so big that he can’t keep it straight. While looking for passersby willing to play a game of chess with him in the park, he notices Lily complaining about her trampled flowerbed.

《獨坐酒吧中》BETWEEN BAR 導演Dir: Pauline Flory/ 德國Germany/ 2016/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 一名女子在賓客喧囂的酒吧裡自得其樂,但彷彿有一道透明的牆, 把她與身邊開朗的人分隔。她獨自與酒作伴,墮進了流動的圖像裡。 A woman is enjoying herself in a bar in the hustle and bustle of the guests. But like a transparent wall, she is separated from the


cheerful people. She seeks accompaniment in wine and slides down into a whirl of fluctuating images.

《告別》FAREWELL 導演Dir: Leon Vidmar / 斯洛文尼亞Slovenia/ 2016/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue Lovro憶起他跟爺爺一起釣他第一尾魚的那天,回憶與現實混而為一。 Lovro is remembering the day he caught his first fish with his grandfather. Memory and reality merge into one.

《庭園中的派對》GARDEN PARTY 導演Dir: Florian Babikian, incent Bayoux, Victor Caire, Théophile Dufresne, Gabriel Grapperon, Lucas Navarro/ 法國France/ 2016/ 7’/ 無對白No dialogue 在一個荒蕪的富有房子裡,兩隻兩棲動物正在探索四周的環境,順 應著他們原始的本能。 In a deserted rich house, a couple of amphibians explore their surroundings and follow their primal instincts.

閉幕節目 CLOSING Programme 3 《墨西哥回收再造》MEXICO RECYCLERS 導演Dir: Nikki Schuster/ 德國Germany/ 2016/ 7’/ 無對白No dialogue 在墨西哥這個城市的藏身之地,一些小動物出來了,它們是由街上收 集回來的廢物和當地產品組合而成的呢! Mexico - mariachis, marimbas and vivid skeletons. In the urban hideouts of this city little creatures come to life. These are digitally composed with collected waste from the streets and typical local products.

《兔子兵》POILUS (導演Dir: Guillaume Auberval, Léa Dozoul, Simon Gomez, Timothé Hek, Hugo Lagrange, Antoine Laroye, David Lashcari/ 法國France/ 2016/ 4’30/ 無對白No dialogue) 「Poilus」是法國第一次世界大戰中步兵的術語。一片平靜。兔子兵 正等待離開戰場。其中一隻年輕的野兔Ferdinand演奏口琴。一聲 哨子聲,進攻開始。 In the French trenches, calm reigns. The “Poilus” are waiting to leave for the battlefield. Among them, Ferdinand, a young hare, is playing the harmonica. A whistling signal is given, the attack begins.

《聯合利益》UNITED INTEREST 導演Dir: Tim Weimann/ 德國Germany/ 2016/ 9’/ 無對白No dialogue 一輛穿過二十世紀初舊金山的纜車,向靠不住的資本主義祝福告別。 A cable car ride through the San Francisco of the early 20th century marks the background that bids farewell to the alleged blessings of capitalism.

《請君入甕》LURE 導演Dir: Linda Luitz, Wunna Winter/ 德國Germany/ 2014/ 4’30/ 無對白No dialogue 胖男孩和一個坐著輪椅的老婦人偶然相遇,因為一隻小狗,令他們 二人走在一起。 A casual encounter of a small fat boy and a wheelchair-bound old woman, both isolated in their own way. Finally, a small dog brings the two of them together.

《惡搞預告片》TRAILER 導演Dir: Mascha Halberstad/ 荷蘭The Netherlands/ 2014/ 2’/ 荷蘭語對白, 英文字幕In Dutch with English subtitles 對美國戰爭電影預告片惡搞之作,這是戰俘時代,敵人無處不在,攻 擊和爆炸破壞一切,幸好有一個人前來救援!但並非所有人都認真 對待他。 It’s wartime. The enemy is everywhere. Attacks and explosions destroy everything. Luckily there is one man coming to the rescue! Unfortunately not everyone takes him seriously.

《野孩子與野豬》THE WILD BOAR 導演Dir: Bella Szederkényi/德國Germany, 法國France, 匈牙利Hungary/ 2016/ 13’30/ 無對白No dialogue 一個無家可歸的孤兒,一個野孩子,從大城市逃到陰暗的樹林裡, 在那兒遇上了一隻意想不到地大的生物。 A homeless orphan, an animalistic little kid, escapes the big city into the darkness of the woods. It is there that the kid meets a creature mightier than ever imagined.

《室內單車場》VELODROOL 導演Dir: Sander Joon/ 愛沙尼亞Estonia / 2015/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 香煙抽光了,單車手決定參加比賽,因為獎品是香煙一包。 After running out of cigarettes, a bicyclist decides to take part in a race. The prize is a free pack.


導演Dir: Tomer Eshed/ 德國Germany / 2016/ 3’30/ 無對白No dialogue 變色龍生活中的短暫時刻。 A brief moment in the life of the common chameleon.


WORLD AMAZING ANIMATIONS 14 October 2017 (Sat)  4:45pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

98’/ 包括10部短片including 10 shorts/ DCP, 高清數位檔HD digital format * (《意馬心猿》導演黃麗明小姐和《CROSS BLADE KILL》導演麥少峯先生 將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Miss Emily Wong, the filmmaker of TRUMPET MAN and Mr. Mak Siu Fung, the filmmaker of CROSS BLADE KILL will attend the screening.)



導演Director: Sergiu Negulici/ 羅馬尼亞Romania/ 2016/ 15’/ 羅馬尼亞語對白,英文字幕In Romanian with English subtitles 安錫國際動畫節得獎作品。一名年輕人在一家古董店裡,發現一幅有趣 的繪畫,背後藏著在一封70年前寫下的秘密情書。當他知道這畫家還 活著,已經105歲,為了求證故事的真僞,他展開了一段不尋常的旅程, 去見這位在20世紀初期,認識很多重要羅馬尼亞藝術家的老女士。 Entering an antique shop, a young man finds an intriguing drawing which is hiding a secret love letter on the back, written 70 years ago. After finding out that the author of the drawing is still alive, 105 years old, and persuasive in finding out if the story is real, the man goes on an unusual journey to meet her, the painter who befriended many important Romanian artists at the beginning of the 20th century. * Jean-Lux Xiberras Award for a First Film, Annecy International Animation Festival 2017

《生與死的邊緣》AMALIMBO 導演Dir: Juan Pablo Libossart/ 瑞典Sweden, 愛沙尼亞Estonia/ 2016/ 15’30/ 瑞典語對白,英文字幕In Swedish with English subtitles 威尼斯影展參展作品。五歲女孩Tipuana心愛的父親剛死去不久, 她試圖通過「另一方」去悼念他,經歷靈薄獄的景況。 Tipuana, a five year-old girl who experiences “the limbo” when she tries to pass to ‘the other side’ in her desperate urge to mourn the recent death of her beloved father. * In competition, the 73rd Venice International Film Festival 2016 * Best Avant-garde Film, Saint Cloud Film Festival 2016


《HAND COLORED NO.2》 導演Dir: 雷磊Lei Lei, Thomas Sauvin/ 中國China/ 2017/ 5’/ 無對白No dialogue 2013年,我們選擇了一些來自中國歷史中的黑 白老照片,並想像這些照片都來自於同一個虛擬 的中國人。通過對照片反覆手工上色、掃描、列 印、再上色的過程,我們用拼貼和描摹的方式將 這些老照片聯繫起來,經過兩年的工作,重複上 色後的1168張手工上色照片製造了時間流逝的 效果,使得虛擬的主人公在流逝的時空中獲得 生命。 In 2013, we collected number of black-andwhite photos from Chinese flea markets and imagined that all of them belonged to one fictional Chinese person. Through rendering, collage, and a cyclical process of hand coloring, scanning, and printing, we created connections among the photos. We spent two years repeating this process. These 1168 hand-colored photos invoke the passage of time, injecting life into the imaginary protagonist as he ventures through time and space. * Annecy International Animation Festival 2017 * Zagerb International Animation Festival 2017

《巴特》BART 導演Dir: 黃勻弦Huang Yun-Sian/ 台灣Taiwan / 2016/ 17’/ 國語對白,中、英文字幕In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles 美好鎮鎮長的殘暴讓貧窮的鎮民紛紛逃跑,大家 逃的太急,忘了獨居拖車裡的孤兒巴特,恐懼的 巴特心情十分絕望。在撿拾垃圾勉強維生的困頓 中,巴特許下一個願望,讓她再造的垃圾玩偶們 有了生命。 The cruel Town of Wonders mayor forces her poor and sick residents to leave. Orphan girl Bart survives by living in an abandoned van collecting garbage. One day she brings the garbage dolls magically back to life. * Special Mention Short Animation Movie, the 16th Euganea Film Festival * Best Animation, the 39th Golden Harvest Awards

《CROSS BLADE KILL》 導演Dir: 麥少峯Mak Siu Fung/ 香港Hong Kong / 2017/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 殺手不會主動要殺人,他殺人亦非為酬勞,或許 他純粹喜歡,或許他為主子討回公道。而這次他 主動要殺一個佈局者,理由不重要,重要的是, 他最終要告訴這個佈局者:「你所發出的子彈會 回到你的頭上」。 Killer does not kill proactively. Neither does he kill for money. Maybe he simply likes it. Maybe he pays back for his master. And now he will proactively kill a trap-setter. The why does not concern him. What counts is that finally he will tell the trap-setter, “the bullet you shot will hit back at your brain!”

《意馬心猿》TRUMPET MAN 導演Dir: 黃麗明Emily Wong/ 香港Hong Kong/ 2016/ 14’/ 無對白No dialogue 唱盤轉出一女子名週旋,週旋搓出男子名尋寬, 尋寬發現心愛的小號,吹奏出戀愛和激情,驟變 驅使尋寬變身發狂,穿越女人的身體消失去。友 愛在五個男人中發酵,友愛轉變成連環的衝突, 尋寛和週旋不了了之,尋寛尋找一條寛濶道路。 A turntable springs out a woman named Avocado, out of Avocado’s instinct creates

a man called Soul. A sudden passion joins and swings them in a trumpet mood. An uncertainty madness strikes Soul heavily. Seed of passion continue to breed conflict amongst five men without control, which eventually leads Soul to the fact of life. * Best Animation, the 6th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival * The 23rd Encounters Festival

《20》 導演Dir: 江居穎Chiang Chu-Ying, 羅芯Lo Hsin/ 台灣 Taiwan / 2016/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 我們都是刺蝟,離不開情慾、朋友、家人、故鄉,想 找到一個可以跟人一起互動,又屬於自己的位置。 We are all hedgehogs who are inseparable from lust, friends, family and homeland. And we want to find a position where we can get along with others. * 2016 Young Pin Design Award * Best Taiwan Animation, Taichung International Animation Festival 2016

《探索者號》EXPLORERS 導演Dir: 周建安Chienan Chou/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 一名太空人在執行一次的太空任務中,意外發現 一艘墜毀許久的太空船,進而一看,更發現了一 個不為人知的秘密…… An astronaut to perform a space mission. He accidentally discovered a spaceship crashed a long time. Further a look, there is an undiscovered secret ... * Jury Special Prize, Taiwan Student Creative Design Competition

《長島》LONG LAND 導演Dir: 黃亮昕Huang Liang-Hsin/ 台灣Taiwan / 2016/ 6’/ 無對白No dialogue 在大陸的一角連接著一個小小島嶼,燈塔日復 一日在上面閃耀著,人們已經忘記那裏住著一 位年邁的看守人,他渴望著人群,卻不曾離開過 燈塔。 Near the land is a small island connected by a long and narrow lane. There is a light keeper living alone in a tall light house. The island and the man seem to be forgotten by the bustling coastal city. * Gold Award for Animation, Youth Film Festival 2017 * Holland Animation Film Festival 2017

《彼雀》SPARROW 導演Dir: 黃信瑋Waku Huang/ 台灣Taiwan / 2016/ 7’30/ 無對白No dialogue 渴望有寵物陪伴的小男孩,意外撿到了一隻受傷 的小麻雀,無奈在他的細心照料下,麻雀仍然傷 重不治。將小麻雀埋葬後的當晚,男孩帶著執念 入睡,他作了一個奇異的夢...... A boy picked up a wounded sparrow, however, the sparrow was dead eventually despite the boy’s good care. The night after the burial of the sparrow, the boy went to bed with obsession, and he had a strange dream... * Silver Award for Animation, Youth Film Festival 2017 * In competition, Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival 2017

特別呈獻 Special Highlight

焦點導演 Director In Focus 戀愛病發之瘋前戀後 ( 焦點導演:納華普譚容格坦拿列 ) Before And After HEART ATTACK (Director In Focus: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit) 30 September 2017 (Sat)  9:45pm MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

106’/ 包括9部短片including 9 shorts/ 導演Dir: 納華普譚容格坦拿列 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit/ 泰國Thailand/ 高清數位檔HD digital format/ 泰語對白,英文字幕In Thai with English subtitles 我們曾經為大家帶來納華普譚容格坦拿列的短片,去年更以他的 《(那些年,我們一起幫襯過的)老翻大師》作閉幕電影。今年,我 們跟導演一起挑選了九部由他出道到現在的短片作品,其中包括 《出貓特攻隊》男主角查朗桑提納托古和女主角茱蒂蒙翠莎容素欣 首部演出的作品,納華普絕對是慧眼識新星。邊看邊想著一個基本 問題—到底這位奇才腦裡想的是甚麼?怎麼可以這麼出神入化,天 馬行空?短片,應該是這樣的! We brought you the short films of Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit. Last year, we especially highlighted his documentary THE MASTER to be our CLOSING film. This year, we and Nawapol picked up 9 of his short films, showing how fascinating this talented filmmaker is. (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 納華普譚容格坦拿列Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit)

《和尚的誘惑》THE TEMPTATION (2009/ 30’) 齊齊唱《52Hz, I Love You》

Sing-a-long 52HZ, I LOVE YOU 17 September 2017 (Sun)  2:30pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

導演Dir: 魏德聖Wei Te-Sheng/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 110’/ DCP/ 國語對白, 中文卡拉OK字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese Karaoke subtitles * (台灣著名填詞人嚴云農先生曾經創作不少經典流行曲(《我要的幸福》、 《特務J》、《戀愛達人》等),也是魏德聖導演多部電影的好拍檔,包辦他 多部作品的歌詞創作。這次特別來港,跟大家分享包辦創作這電影所有17 首歌詞背後的故事呢!The well-known lyricist, Mr. Yen Yun-Nung, wrote who wrote the lyrics of all the 17 songs for the film, will share with us about the story behind.) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 嚴云農先生Mr. Yen Yun-Nung, 魏德聖導演 Mr. Wei Te-Sheng, 曙光影視Lighten Distribution, Miss Dora Ku, Miss Shelilah Lam, 果子電影ARS Film) 你有試過看音樂電影,邊看邊忍不住想跟著唱嗎? 我們排除萬難,特別為大家帶來《52Hz, I Love You》K歌版,讓大 家由頭到尾唱個夠。這個K歌版本只曾經在台灣公映時上映過,首 次來到香港大銀幕。一切都發生在情人節當天,打理花店的小心 (棉花糖主唱小球飾)對愛情步步為營,不斷為人送上祝福,自己卻 一直未找到幸福。朱古力師傅小安(宇宙人主唱小玉飾)只敢去苦 戀別人,為眾情侶製作甜蜜回憶,自己就只擁有單戀的思憶。蕾蕾 (小男孩主唱米非飾)擅長替別人把活動辦得有聲有色,自己與游大 河的婚期卻一直無聲無息。游大河(圖騰主唱舒米恩飾)創作過無 數情歌,能否以一曲打動女友蕾蕾芳心戴上戒指?年長的花店阿姨 (趙永華飾)與朱古力店老師傅(林慶台飾),不讓年輕人專利,彼此偶 爾同捷運裡遇上。《52Hz, I Love You》是孤單、暗戀、苦悶、期待、 怕受傷害的愛情經歷,由孤單開始,以幸福延續。 Come and sing-a-lone with us in cinema. We bring you the special Karaoke version of 52HZ, I LOVE YOU. On Valentine’s day, Xiao Sin ‘s job was to deliver love messages for other people, did not manage to find her own ture love. Xiao An made sweet candies for other couples, failed to show his love to the girl whom he admired for long. Lei Lei held successful events for couples, could not put her own wedding on schedule. Da He wrote a love song, won a contest, could not impress his girlfriend with music. In the movie, we will find different frequencies of people, and loads of great songs for storytelling, and we will see how they strive for a happy ending.

一名和尚面對著一個做好和尚和當好人的困境。 The monk faces the dilemma of being a good monk and being a good man.

《Maythawee 競選記》 MAYTHAWEE (2010/ 33’30)

當Maythawee參加學生會長,有喜歡和支持她的人,但同時有很多 評論與傳聞。 When Maythawee becomes a candidate of the school president election, there are a lot of comments about this.


《Patcha 是性感的》PATCHA IS SEXY (2013/ 9’) 《出貓特攻隊》男主角查朗桑提納托古(即是「賓爺Bank」)首部演 出作品,納華普為避孕丸運動創作的短片。Patcha喜歡她的學長 Sarawuth(查朗桑提納托古飾),她最好的朋友Chonnikan告訴她, 避孕藥應該可以幫到她。 Made for birth-control pill campaign. Patcha likes Sarawuth, her senior, but she is not sexy. Chonnikan, her best friend tells her that contraceptive pill can make her successful in love.


KEYBOARD HUSTLER (2014/ 6’) STAMP APIWAT 的歌曲MV,一個網上男女愛情故事,這是他們的 首次見面。 MV of STAMP APIWAT featuring Takeshi Yokemura from YMCK. An online love story of a boy and a girl. This is the first time they meet each other.

《分手很難》THE BREAK-UP (2016/ 6’) 廣告可以拍成這樣,難怪獲獎無數。向舊情人說再見,總是很難。 Saying goodbye to old lover is always hard. * Gold Award (Branded Content & Entertainment), Silver Award (Media), Bronze Award (Digital), Adman 2016 * Best Creativity & Best Craft, B.A.D Awards 2016 * Silver Award (Entertainment) & Bronze Award (Digital), Spike Asia 2016


LET THEM SEE LOVE (2016/ 4’) 香港為甚麼拍不出這樣驚喜的紅十字會器官捐贈運動宣傳片?短短 四分鐘帶領觀眾經歷百感交集的旅程,同樣奪得多個獎項。在臨別 之前,醫護人員告訴你親人的捐贈心願,而你從來不知道有這回事。 Promo for Red Cross’s organ donation campaign. The officer informs about the patient’s registration of organ donation and the family members never know about this before. This leads to many cases of unsuccessful organ donation. * Gold Award (Film), Gold Award (Digital), Adman 2016 * Best Creativity, B.A.D Awards 2016


THANK YOU FOR SHARING (2016/ 8’) 《出貓特攻隊》女主角茱蒂蒙翠莎容素欣 (即是「超蓮Lynn」)首部 演出作品,這部關注網絡欺凌運動的宣傳片,奪得多個大獎,連帶令 女主角爆紅,再次證明納華普挑選新演員別具慧眼。分享是好事, 但分享引發網絡欺凌,當事人真的多得你唔少。 Promo for cyberbullying campaign. Sharing is good. * Silver Award (Promo Lotus: Best Use of Social Media) & Silver Award (Direct Lotus: Best Use of Film and Infomercials), Adfest 2017 * Best Creativity & Best Craft, B.A.D Awards 2016 * Gold Award (Coporate Responsibility), Silver Award (Fiction: Series or Film), Bronze Award (Best Use of Digital Media) and four other awards, Admin 2016

《39》(2016/ 5’) 賣鞋可以這樣賣,男生想送鞋給女友,可以這樣買。 Made for Rompboy handmade shoes. A boy would like to buy a pair of shoes for his girl-friend.


THIS BRINGS ME HERE (2017/ 5’) 中央大使館購物商場印刷廣告拍攝過程的幕後花絮作品,特別找來 水原希子演出。當中以紀錄片混合虛構的角色,訴說關於當天拍攝 的故事。 Behind the scene video for Central Embassy’s print ad shooting, featuring Kiko Mizuhara. The video is hybrid documentary, putting the fictional character in and telling the story of that shooting day. It turns Behind the scene video into a short film.


世界短片 World Shorts

《有種東西叫「愛」》ALL ABOUT LOVE 16 September 2017 (Sat)  9:30pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

120’/ 包括5部短片including 5 shorts/ 台灣Taiwan/ 高清數位檔HD digital format * (金穗獎/短片輔導金代表胡延凱先生將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Steven Hu, the representative of the Golden Harvest Awards/ The Subsidy for Excellent Short Film will attend the screening.) (與金穗獎/短片輔導金聯合策劃Curated with Golden Harvest Awards/ The Subsidy for Excellent Short Film) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 金穗獎,胡延凱先生Mr. Steven Hu)


GENGHIS KHAN CONQUERS THE MOON 導演Dir: 楊斯茜Kerry Yang/ 美國USA、台灣Taiwan/ 2015/ 17’/ 英語對白, 中文字幕In English with Chinese subtitles 成吉思汗在遲暮之年,與巫師的一場際遇,讓大汗上了月球。正當大 汗認定他已征服了人生最偉大的領土時,他驚覺一切竟是南柯一夢。 In Genghis Khan’s last days, an encounter with a Wizard sends him to the Moon. Just as the Mediaeval anti-hero thinks he’s made his greatest conquest, he finds himself on a spiritual quest. * Best Script, the 39th Golden Harvest Awards * Best Student Film, Australia Sci Fi Film Festival * Best Actor, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival

《阿波羅十一號》APOLLO 11 導演Dir: 陳稚尹 Chen Chih-Yin/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 25’/ 國語及台語對白, 中文字幕In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese subtitles 宇欣小時候,最喜歡跟著懷抱太空夢的爸爸,開著名叫「阿波羅十 一號」的計程車遊走在城市裡,假裝在太空漫遊。父親過世後,宇欣 決定跟隨父親遺留下的線索,執行最後一次太空任務,卻發現…… Hsin’s father is a space fanaticism taxi driver, who named his car Apollo 11. In her childhood, her father told her that there is a planet called MOHE. After her father’s death, Hsin surprising discovers the secret of her father… * Outstanding Short Film, the 39th Golden Harvest Awards * Platinum Award, the 50th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival * Grand Jury Award, Taiwanese American Film Festival 2017

《男孩心事》THE CONFESSION 導演Dir: 郭玄奇Kuo Hsuan-Chi/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 25’/ 國語對白, 中、英文字幕In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles 紹安和彥銘是一起長大的好朋友,但是,對彥銘而言,紹安也是自己 喜歡的人。當他得知紹安喜歡雨萱時,便故意破壞他們兩人之間的感 情。紹安知道後,找彥銘理論,情急之下,彥銘說出自己心裡的秘密。 Shao-An and Yan-Ming are best friends since childhood. But to Yan-Ming, Shao-Ann isn’t just a brother. He have feelings towards him. When Yan-Ming found out Shao-Ann was in love with Yu-Xuan, he intentionally play a prank to destroy their relationship. When Shao-An realized the truth, he had a fight with Yan-Ming. And under this desperation, Yan-Ming confessed his feeling towards Shao-An. * 19th Thessaloniki International LGBTQ Film Festival

《我的告別式》MY FUNERAL 導演Dir: 徐瑞良 Hsu Ruei-Linag/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 29’/ 國語及台語對白, 中文字幕In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese subtitles 五十年的老葬儀社就快倒了,張老闆決定拍部介紹影片來挽救事 業。由於人手不足,他只好親自扮演死者,但在此同時,他得知自己 癌末的消息。 The fifty years funeral home was folding. To save his company, Chang, the funeral home’s owner, decided to make a commercial video. Due to the lack of crew, Chang had to play the dead himself for the video. The commercial shooting got on; however, the fatal final stage cancer came to Chang at the same time. * First Prize, Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival 2016 * First Prize, Legend Film Festival 2016

《銅板少年》COIN BOY 導演Dir: 李權洋Li Chuan-yang / 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 24’/ 國語對白, 中、英文字幕In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles 小學四年級的阿泰,家中經營娃娃機。他帶著數好的十元銅板繳交 露營費,導師卻要他換成紙鈔隔天再交,否則不准去露營。放學後, 阿泰跟爸爸一起巡娃娃機時,暗自尋覓換紙鈔的時機…… Tai is a fourth grade student whose family owns a claw machine business. Tai brings exact coins to school to pay for school camping fee. But his teacher asks him to change coins into bills before he pays. After school, when Tai start to work with his father, he is lurking to find a chance to change those coins into bills… * 2017 New York Festivals International TV & Film Student Film Silver World Medal * Certificate of Merit (Student-Produced Program), the 53rd Chicago International Television Awards


世界短片 World Shorts 《高雄拍五段奇情》

FANTASTIC KAOHSIUNG SHORTS 12 October 2017 (Thur)  9:45pm 康怡戲院 (Grand Kornhill Cinema)

103’/ 包括5部短片including 5 shorts/ 台灣Taiwan/ 高清數位檔HD digital format/ 國語對白,中、英文字幕In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles (與高雄拍聯合策劃Curated with Kaohsiung Shorts) (特別鳴謝Special thanks: 高雄拍,林妍嫻小姐Miss Lin Yen-Hsien)

《愛在世界末日》LOVE AFTER TIME 導演Dir: 蔡宗翰Tsai Tsung-Han/ 15’30 《曬棉被的好天氣》導演全新作品,李千娜和李鴻其主演。核災過 後,台灣變成了孤立的荒島,30年過去,軍政府統治了一切,物資極 度缺乏。新的命令發佈,今後只有身體健康正常的災民,才能夠領取 配給的食物。身體突變的女人,為了求生,搶了食物就跑。嫉惡如仇 的軍官,一路緊追不捨,卻被女人發現自己隱藏一輩子的祕密。 After a nuclear disaster, Taiwan has become an isolated island. In the following 30 years, under a military government, civilization collapses and resources become scarce. Only healthy citizens who pass an exam are allowed to receive food. A starving mutant woman risks her life and steals food.

《活血》ARTERIA 導演Dir: 馬森Olivier Marceny/ 30’30 鄭人碩主演作品,身處社會邊緣的年輕女子被逼上絕路,只能賣血 求生,但當政府高官覬覦她的鮮血,一場貓捉老鼠的遊戲,便在女 子、買家、以及黑市勢力之間展開,為了取得她珍貴的活血,黑市的 人馬甚至不惜犧牲她的性命。 A’neo-noir’ thriller explores a young woman on the margins of society is desperate to sell her blood. But her rare blood type becomes a game of cat and mouse after being purchased by a politician.

《梅雨季》RAINY SEASON 導演Dir: 鄭如娟 Sebrina Zheng/ 15’ 許瑋甯與傅孟柏主演,每年濕黏的梅雨季,提醒著房子租約即將到 期,而這次,男孩女孩的愛情似乎也到期了,無味無息。七天後,不 知是刻意或者默契,兩人都在今天回到這裡打包,他們這房子似乎 也隨著他們的意志漸漸活了過來,用著它全知者的視角來提醒男孩 和女孩,屬於他們過往的各種樣貌。 A relationship between a boy and a girl comes to an end with the arrival of the rainy season. As if an unspoken understanding, both returned to the flat 7 days later.


YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE 導演Dir: 黃駿傑J Huang/ 16’30 林書宇監製,《賽德克‧巴萊》助導黃駿傑首部作品。受託照顧緯傑 七年的褓母阿玉媽媽健康每況愈下,緯傑終於要和親生媽媽阿英一 起生活了。剛重逢沒多久,緯傑便撞見阿英抽菸的樣子,初見面埋下 這個印象,讓緯傑疑惑糾結,加上多年未見的陌生頻頻造成彼此摩 擦,母子兩人是否能經過考驗,順利瓦解彼此之間的圍牆? 7-year-old J finally returns to live with his birth mother, Mother Ying, after spending years apart living with Nanny Yu…

《小孩不在家》100TH BIRTHDAY WISH 導演Dir: 練建宏Lien Chien-Hung/ 20’ 《毛毛雨》導演新作,奶奶的100歲大壽,家族決定辦一場隆重的生 日派對,封街辦桌、舞獅獻瑞,好不熱鬧。但奶奶的生日願望,卻和 大家想的不一樣。奶奶只想偷偷了結生命作仙去。天曉得,想死卻怎 麼也死不了…… Today is the 100th of Granny, so the family decides to hold a grand birthday party for her. But all Granny wants is to end her life…


世界短片 World Shorts 《求生者五部曲》

THE SURVIVOR MANUAL 6 October 2017 (Fri)  9:45pm* STAR Cinema

103’/ 包括5部短片including 5 shorts/ DCP, 高清數位檔HD digital format * (《盡頭的微光》導演林景俊先生和《何敏登陸》導演黃淦先生將出席放 映,與觀眾交流。Mr. Lam King Chun, the filmmaker of GLIMMER OF HOPE and Mr. Wong Kam/ the filmmaker of LANDING will attend the screening.)

《迷路的杜鵑鳥》SALARY 曬導演Dir: 程添健Cheng Thim Kian/ 馬來西亞Malaysia/ 2015/ 10’/ 粵語 對白,中、英文字幕In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles 魔豆短片比賽首獎作品,Mon是一個在馬來西亞出生及長大的羅興 辛人,在咖啡館工作了兩個月零十日,正打算領取薪金,但老闆不單 止不發薪給她,更開始根據她所犯的錯,扣她薪金。 Mon, a native Rohingya born and grew up in Malaysia, is about to get her first salary after worked for the café for 2 months and 10 days. The Boss, however, not giving her the amount she should have it. Instead of it, he start deduce the money based on the mistakes that Mon have done. * 1st Runner Up, Magic Bean Short Film Competition 2016

《米娜的憧憬與回憶》HERE AND HERE 導演Dir: 神保慶政Yoshimasa Jimbo/ 南韓South Korea / 2017/ 20’/ 韓語對白,英文字幕In Korean with English subtitles 《我十歲,快將十一歲》日本導演神保慶政首部南韓短片,福崗獨立 電影節參展作品。米娜懷孕七個月,為了雜誌的文章訪問和收集人 們對於釜山人的第一印象。她還沒有感覺到胎兒作動,對產子會是 怎麼樣的感覺既焦慮卻又滿有憧憬。 The first Korean short film by Yoshimasa Jimbo, the Japanese filmmaker of I’M TEN, THEN I’LL CATCH ELEVEN. A sevenmonth pregnant woman Mina (age 28) interviews and collecting people’s first memories of the people in Busan, for her magazine-writer work. She hasn’t felt fetal movement yet and is anxious about what giving birth feels like... * The 27th Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival * The 1st Unesco Busan Inter-city Film Festival

《費洛蒙》LIQUID LOVE 導演Dir: 莊之維 Chuang Chin-Wei/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 25’/ 國語及台語對 白,中、英文字幕In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese & English subtitles 怡溪不僅著迷於花花草草的小故事,更研究如何調製出自己的香 水,改變人與人之間的關係。她透過自己特調的香水,設法讓心上 人瑋翔愛上她。未料,隨著感情升溫,怡溪卻發現兩人之間出現許 多阻礙。 Yee not only fascinated by the stories of flowers and plants. She also studies how to make her own perfume, to change the relationship with others. She makes use of her special perfume, trying to let Wai fell in love with her. * Best Actress, the 39th Golden Harvest Awards * In competition, Kaohsiung Film Festival International Short Film Competition

《盡頭的微光》GLIMMER OF HOPE 導演Dir: 林景俊Lam King Chun/ 香港Hong Kong/ 2017/ 19’30/ 粵語對白,中、英文字幕In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles 2017年,東莞的化學事故釀成了一場毒霧災害,破壞席捲大半數的 人類。兄弟家行及家進跟隨倖存者逃入戰前防空洞,防空洞內幽暗 及狹窄,觸發家進的幽閉恐懼症。面對毒霧的侵襲及內心的恐懼, 他們可否戰勝一切? In 2017, human civilization is eradicating from an unprecedented poisonous mist, a disaster caused by a severe chemical accident. Brothers Ka Chun and Ka Heng follow a small group of people sneaking into the provisional refugee which originally is an air-raid. Facing the impending cataclysm, Ka Chun has nowhere to go but the unforeseeable darkness.

《何敏登陸》LANDING 導演Dir: 黃淦Wong Kam/ 香港Hong Kong/ 2017/ 28’/ 粵語對白, 中、英文字幕In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles 母親突然過身,令一直被照顧著的何敏需要面對過往所逃避的現 實。無家可歸的敏走到老人院當夜更護理員,與行動不便的惡婆 婆—利婆的相遇令她反省,更找到了著陸的方法。 Man Ho, is being forced to face the reality which she tried to escape from, at the time of the sudden death of her reflects herself after the encounter with an grumpy granny, Li, and eventually finds her way of landing…


粉紅電影 Pink Films 《樂淫淫奇情今晚夜》

A HOT HORNY HAPPY NIGHT 8 September 2017 (Fri)  9:30pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

142’/ 包括2部長片including 2 features/ 高清數位檔HD digital format/ 導演Dir: 城定秀夫Hideo Jojo/ 日本Japan/ 2016/ 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles * (Okura Pictures 常務取締役田中信先生和製片人鍋島宇宙先生將出席放 映,跟觀眾交流。Mr. Nobu Tanaka, Executive Vice President and Mr. Tak Nabeshima, Producer of Okura Pictures will attend the screening.) Okura Pictures 是日本最大的粉紅(軟性情色)電影公司,他們除了 製作,更有自家影院,放映他們拍攝的作品。這兩部男女情色電影極 度性感奇情,盡顯男女愛慾眾生相。 Okura Pictures is the largest pink (soft porn) film company in Japan. They have their own productions and having their own cinemas. These two pink films are sexy, funny and full of mystery. (特別鳴謝Special thanks: Okura Pictures, 田中信先生Mr. Nobu Tanaka, 鍋島宇宙先生Mr. Tak Nabeshima)


THE SECRET GAME OF THE IMMORAL WIFE (71’) 日本 Pink Film 電影大賞優秀作品和新人女優,被多位日本 pink film 重要影評人選為年度十大作品。 交通量調查員春夫在市中心的交叉路口遇上真琴 (古川いおり飾), 他跟蹤真琴窺探她的私生活。春夫得知真琴是人妻,卻仍然對她著 迷。某天,他得知真琴的丈夫在外偷食,決定出手要得到真琴,但他 不知道,真琴其實一直知道他的一舉一動。 Haruo, a part time worker working on counting traffic, met Makoto in the street. Haruo stalked Makoto and found out she was married. However, he didn’t want to give up on her. One day, he found out her husband was cheating on her. So he took an action to get her on his own, without knowing she had her double life.


THE SWEAT COLLECTOR (71’) 去年日本Pink Film電影大賞最佳電影和最佳導演。 Kaoru(七海なな飾)有一個性怪癖,每凡聞到男性的汗氣就會異常 興奮。偏偏她的丈夫卻是一個潔癖男。令她感到很沮喪。某天,她趁 丈夫上班去,在家中自慰,紙巾卻令廁所淤塞。正當她著急之際,來 了一個大汗通渠佬。 Kaoru is extremely sexual aroused when she smells sweat of men. However, her husband is extremely devoting himself to keep cleanliness, which makes Kaoru frustrated. She always collects sweat soaked clothes and masturbates with it, and ends up the toilet clogged with tissue paper. She was in a rush, it comes a sweaty sexy plumber.


同志短片 Gay Shorts


LUST & DESIRE GAY SHORTS 15 September 2017 (Fri)  9:30pm* MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

116’/ 包括7部短片including 7 shorts/ DCP,高清數位檔HD digital format * (《索多瑪的貓》導演黃鼎鈞先生,男主角吳秩多先生和李憲衡先生; 《蒸氣》和《洗澡》導演吳星翔先生將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。Mr. Huang Ting-Chun, the director of SODOM’S CAT and the main actors, Mr. Wu Chih-To and Mr. Lee Hsien-Heng; Mr. Starr Wu, the director of STEAM & SHOWER will attend the screening.)

《索多瑪的貓》SODOM’S CAT 導演Dir: 黃鼎鈞Huang Ting-Chun/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2017/ 30’/ 國語對白, 中、英文字幕In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles 稚嫩臉龐的晴天(吳秩多飾)參加一場由交友軟體舉辦的多人性愛活 動,在如城堡般的社區大樓裡,晴天與其他四個男人羅得、小鐵(李 憲衡飾)、DUKE(周賢忠飾)和L開展了浸淫於肉體歡愉的旅程,但晴 天卻無法投入其中。於是,主辦人羅得開始說起情慾的故事…… Make love first, then we talk about love. Sun, a young boy attends a group sex orgy held by a dating app. He has sex with other four guys, but it seems not turn him up. The host finds out and begins to talk some fantastic sex illusion. When the Sodom’s gate opens, to be or not to be, that is a “fucking hard” question. * Shanghai Queer Film Festival 2017 * Toronto Queer Film Festival 2017 * Taiwan International Queer Film Festival 2016 當大家熱切期待男生版《紅樓夢》,先帶來吳星翔導演的兩部短片 作品: When we are expecting the boy version of THE STORY OF THE STONE, we bring you two gay shorts by the filmmaker Starr Wu. 導演Dir: 吳星翔Starr Wu/ 台灣Taiwan/ 2016/ 國語對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles

《蒸氣》STEAM (6‘30) 三名警察正在臨檢同志三溫暖,警察全副武裝,客人幾乎全裸。突然 有人昏倒,警察請求支援,連局長都趕來了。原來其中一位客人是律 師,他揚言要告警察,除非,所有警察把身上衣服脫光…… Three police are searching a gay sauna. The police are heavily armed, but the customers are almost naked. Suddenly someone faints in the steam room and the police request support. Even the police chief rushes to the scene. One of the customers is a lawyer. He threatens to sue the police unless they take their clothes off.

《多糟糕的糟糕》THE MESS HE MADE 導演Dir: Matthew Puccini/ 美國USA/ 2016/ 10‘30/ 英語對白,無字幕 In English without subtitles 一名男子在一個小鎮商場裡,等待愛滋病快速測試結果,有些事情, 做之前沒有想過會那麼糟糕。 A man reassesses everything as he waits for the results of a Rapid HIV test in a mall of a small American town. * Palm Springs International ShortFest 2017 * Frameline LGBT Film Festival 2017 * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017

《離了線》POZ 導演Dir: Helle Rossing and Christian Edvard Halberg/ 丹麥Denmark/ 2016/ 24’/ 丹麥語對白,英文字幕In Danish with English subtitles 關於性與自毀的故事,困擾中的Oliver試圖維繫跟姐姐的關係,卻 選取了一個自毀的方式——他渴望自己病了。 A short film about self-destructive behavior and sexuality. Oliver, a troubled young man heads down a path of self-destruction as a way to ensure his sister’s continued support. He seeks to save the only place he believes to find it - in sickness. * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017 * MIX Copenhagen LGBTQ Film Festival 2016

《老友的同志男友》WHAT ABOUT SHELLEY 導演Dir: Kyle Reaume/ 加拿大Canada/ 2016/ 13‘30/ 英語對白,無字幕 In English without subtitles 《入迷》導演全新作品,Billy和Shelley是非常要好的朋友,但友情 備受考驗,因為Shelley的男友突然秘密向Billy出櫃。 From the filmmaker of ECSTASY, Billy and Shelley are best friends, but their friendship is greatly tested when Shelley’s boyfriend, Adam, secretly comes out to Billy - the only other gay man he knows. * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017 * Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival 2017


台北的同志三溫暖因為常常被警察臨檢對客人造成很大的困擾,大 眾對同志三溫暖有甚麼看法? Taipei gay saunas are often searched by the police and customers feel really harassed. What do people think about gay saunas?

導演Dir: Reynier Cepero/ 古巴Cuba/ 2016/ 20’/ 西班牙語對白,英文字幕 In Spanish with English subtitles Ana和Paco是多年伴侶,某天,他們二人的同學David建議Ana來 個開放式關係,而她不知道,其實是Paco想David加入他們的關係 之中。 Ana and Paco have been a couple for years. One day, Ana goes to bed with David, a classmate of both, willing to punish Paco for asking her to open the couple. She does not know that his boyfriend intention was to include David in the relationship.

* Shanghai Queer Film Festival 2017

* Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 201

《洗澡》SHOWER (12’)


同志短片 Gay Shorts

《愛恨男生》LOVE & HATE GAY SHORTS 7 October 2017 (Sat)  9:30pm

MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

119’/ 包括6部短片including 6 shorts/ DCP,高清數位檔HD digital format

《色慾少年》PEDRO 導演Dir: André Santos, Marco Leão/ 葡萄牙Portugal/ 2016/ 21‘/ 葡萄牙語對白,英文字幕In Portuguese with English subtitles Pedro玩到黎明才回家,以為可以睡個夠,卻被他寂寞的媽媽喚醒, 要他陪她到海邊等艷遇。 Pedro gets home at dawn. Before the young boy falls asleep, his lonely mother drags him to the beach. * Sundance Film Festival 2017 * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017 * BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival

《情迷美少年》CAS 導演Dir: Joris van den Berg/ 荷蘭The Netherlands/ 2016/ 48‘/ 荷蘭語對白,英文字幕In Dutch with English subtitles Pepijn和Sjors邀請年輕性感的學生Cas暫住,直到他找到居住的地 方,令到他們七年關係遇上危機。Pepijn和Sjors都愛上Cas的迷人 魅力,迫使他們重新考慮未來應該怎麼樣。 The seven-year relationship between Pepijn and Sjors is put in jeopardy when they invite Cas, a young and sexy student, to sleep on their couch until he finds a place of his own. As Pepijn and Sjors both fall head over heels in love with Cas’ laconic charms, they are forced to reconsider all of their shared future plans. * Best International Feature Award, FilmOut San Diego * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017


《受人景仰的男生》GOLDEN BOYS 導演Dir: Jill Riley/ 加拿大Canada/ 2016/ 8‘/ 英語對白,無字幕 In English without subtitles 一個大唔透的王老五和他兩個事業有成的好朋友闖進他們的母校, 重尋他們少年時代的頑皮事,卻喚起了困擾他的記憶。 A failure-to-launch and his two successful buddies break into their old private school to recapture their adolescence, but are soon haunted by troubling memories. * OutFest LGBT Film Festival 2017 * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017

《是基不是基》TAPETTE (FAGGOT) 導演Dir: Olivier Perrier/ 加拿大Canada/ 2016/ 10‘/ 法語對白,英文字幕 In French with English subtitles 16歲的Alexis是一名曲棍球運動員,他正面對成長中的困境:告訴 他的恐同朋友自己是同志,還是放棄自己喜愛的男生,繼續躲於衣 櫃裡? Alexis, a 16-year-old hockey player, faces a heartbreaking dilemma: come out to his homophobic friends or stay in the closet and abandon the one person who believes in him. * Emerging Canadian Artist, Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017 * Jury Special Mention, Merlinka Film Festival

同志電影 Gay Film 《賣買男生:新宿二丁目慾望傳奇》 BOYS FOR SALE

8 October 2017 (Sun)  9:45pm MCL德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema)

導演Dir: Itako/ 日本Japan/ 2017/ 98’/ 高清數位檔HD digital format/ 日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles 人氣大熱話題作,男生在日本出賣肉體。是誰在買呢? 在東京新宿二丁目,有專門從事「Urisen」的酒吧,年輕男生會與男 性發生性關係。透過率直的訪問配上動畫,詳細揭露這些年輕性工 作者尷尬,甜蜜,有時甚至可怕的經歷。《賣買男生:新宿二丁目慾 望傳奇》大膽披露他們在東京不為人知的故事,帶領大家進入罕見 的地下世界,看盡性工作赤裸裸的人性。 Boys are selling sex in Japan. Who is buying? In the Tokyo district of Shinjuku 2-chome there are bars that specialize in “Urisen”, young guys who have sex with men. Featuring candid interviews and interspersed with animation detailing the awkward, sweet, and sometimes horrific situations these young sex workers experience, the boys for sale boldly tell their stories of life in the Tokyo underground. This documentary is an illuminating look into a rarely seen world that tantalizingly shows the humanity of sex work. * Fox Inclusion Award, Outfest Film Festival 2017

《暴怒三部曲》RAGE TRILOGY 導演Dir: Etamar Kadusheviz/ 以色列Israel/ 2016/ 19‘/ 希伯來語對白, 英文字幕In Hebrew with English subtitles 三個可能發生在每個人身邊的故事。一名士兵跟一個學生在海灘約 會,卻突然受到一名男子的襲擊。一名少年人在一個以色列的集體 農場畫了一個具冒犯性的塗鴉,他最好的朋友試圖阻止他。一對情 侶剛參加完同志遊行回到家中,遊行發生刺傷人事件,他們決定要 好好幹一場。 Three stories of gay rage and resistance. A date by the beach of a solider and a student turns into a violent night after a man try to attack them. A teenager goes around his kibbutz and make offensive graffiti. His best friend trying to stop him. A couple returns home after the stabbing in the pride parade, one of them decide that they need to fuck. * Audience Award (Best Short Film), Wicked Queer, Boston LGBT Film Festival 2016 * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017

《息息相關新聞報導》THE NEWS TODAY 導演Dir: Lisa Donato/ 美國 USA/ 2016/ 12‘30/ 英語對白,無字幕 In English without subtitles 靈感來自奧蘭多 Pulse Nightclub 槍擊事件,兩個相愛的人下班後 的平常時刻,他們沒想那可能是他們最後共處的時光。 Inspired by the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, The News Today highlights the last ordinary moments between two guys in love. * Best LGBT Short, Austin Revolution Film Festival 2017 * Inside Out LGBT Film Festival 2017


第13屆InDPanda (熊貓) 國際電影節 13th InDPanda International Film Festival 購票須知 Ticketing Information

放映時間表 Screening Schedule * 設放映後討論with after-screening discussion

放映地點 Screening Venue: 九龍九龍塘達之路80號又一城UG層 (港鐵九龍塘站C出口) Level UG, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon (Kowloon Tong MTR Station Exit C)


Festival Grand Cinema



9:30pm* 樂淫淫奇情今晚夜 TF A Hot Horny Happy Night


9:30pm* 情慾男生 TF Lust & Desire Gay Shorts


9:30pm* 有種東西叫「愛」 TF All About Love

新界將軍澳唐賢街9號PopCorn 1樓 (港鐵將軍澳站C出口) 1/F, PopCorn, 9 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Exit C)


2:30pm* 齊齊唱《52Hz, I Love You》 TF Sing-a-long 52HZ, I LOVE YOU

MCL德福戲院 MCL Telford Cinema


9:45pm FG

康怡戲院 Grand Kornhill Cinema


香港鰂魚涌康山道2號康怡廣場南座4樓 (港鐵太古站C出口) 4/F, Kornhill Plaza South, 2 Kornhill Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Station Exit C)

STAR Cinema



九龍灣偉業街33號德福花園平台 (港鐵九龍灣站A出口) Telford Gardens, No. 33 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay (Kowloon Bay MTR Station Exit A)



購票辦法 Ticketing:

票價 Ticket Price: Festival Grand Cinema


康怡戲院 Grand Kornhill Cinema


STAR Cinema MCL德福戲院 MCL Telford Cinema




MCL CLUB PLUS 購買正價戲票可享8折優惠 (不適用於與片主有特別協議之電影) 20% off on the purchase of regular priced tickets (Not applicable to movies with special agreements with the film distributors) MCL CLUB 購買正價戲票可享9折優惠 (不適用於與片主有特別協議之電影) 10% off on the purchase of regular priced tickets (Not applicable to movies with special agreements with the film distributors) Terms and Conditions: • 會員於票房每次交易最多可購買4張優惠戲票,於網上或手機程式每 次交易最多可購買10張優惠戲票 • A limitation of maximum 4 tickets can be purchased per transaction for ticket discount on regular-priced tickets via box office and maximum 10 tickets can be purchased per transaction for ticket discount on regular-priced tickets via website or mobile app 其他購票優惠請向戲院職員查詢 Please contact cinema staff for other ticket discount details

門票即日公開發售 Tickets Available Now

9:45pm* 開幕節目OPENING Programme 2 FG 城中小故事 Little Stories Of Our City 9:45pm TF

焦點導演:納華普譚容格坦拿列 戀愛病發之瘋前戀後 Director In Focus: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit Before And After HEART ATTACK


9:45pm* 求生者五部曲 STAR The Survivor Manual


9:30pm TF

愛恨男生 Love & Hate Gay Shorts


9:45pm TF

賣買男生:新宿二丁目慾望傳奇 BOYS FOR SALE


9:45pm KH

高雄拍五段奇情 Fantastic Kaohsiung Shorts




優惠 Discounts: MCL會員可獲InDPanda國際電影節戲票折扣優惠,詳情如下 MCL members can enjoy ticketing discount offer for the programmes of InDPanda International Film Festival, please see details below (優惠適用於票房、網上及手機程式購買正價戲票;優惠須受有關條款及 細則約束。Applies to tickets purchased on regular-priced ticket at cinema box office, online and mobile apps only. Terms and Conditions apply.)

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1) 親臨有關放映場地售票處購買有關場地的節目 Tickets for specific programmes available at the box office of specific cinemas 2) 網上購票 Online Ticketing: 3) 手機程式 Mobile Apps: MCL Cinemas 備註 Remark: 網上及手機程式購票均會收取每張$9手續費 $9 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online and mobile apps ticketing







9:45pm* 閉幕節目CLOSING Programme 1 FG 搖搖晃晃的人間 STILL TOMORROW 2:30pm* 閉幕節目CLOSING Programme 2 TF 柏林interfilm動畫突襲 Best Animations Of interfilm 4:45pm* 閉幕節目CLOSING Programme 3 TF 世界奇妙動畫 World Amazing Animations

FG - Festival Grand Cinema TF - MCL 德福戲院 (MCL Telford Cinema) KH - 康怡戲院 (Grand Kornhill Cinema) STAR – STAR CINEMA 影片級數 Film Categories: 此宣傳單張印刷時,節目內之部份影片尚未獲電檢處評列等級。當接獲 級別通知後,主辦單位將於戲院內張貼通告。如有未滿十八歲之觀眾在 檢定影片為三級之前購買了該節目戲票,可於該節目放映前三天到票房 親自辦理退票手續。 The film categories of some films in the programme are not known at the time of press. They will be posted at the cinema as soon as they become available. If audiences under 18 years old have already purchased tickets of category III films before classification, please come to the box office 3 days before the screening of that programme for refund.

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