第 18 屆 InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節
The 18th InDPanda International Film Festival
2023 年 1 至 3 月節目 Jan – March 2023 Programme
放映場地 Screening Venue:K11 Art House
為了讓自己有點動力繼續往前走,也想觀眾看戲輕鬆一些,由 2023 年開始,第 18 屆 InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節,將
會有點改變…… 每三個月,重點推介四至六個節目。
1 月份,只有兩場放映,安排在 1 月 15 日 Henry 的生日紀念日舉行。他向來希望身邊的朋友開心,所以,我選了兩部 充滿愛的長片。
Starting from 2023, the 18th InDPanda will have a small change – highlighting 4 to 6 programmes every three months. The two Opening films will be held on 15 Jan, to memorialize the co-founder Henry Chan.
開幕節目 OPENING Programme 1:
《聖筊》Wishful Syncing
15 Jan 2023 (日 Sun) 5:30pm
25 Feb 2023 (六 Sat) 5:30pm
K11 Art House
台灣 Taiwan/ 導演 Director:徐漢強 John Hsu/ 2022/ 83'/ 國語及台語對白,
In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese & English subtitles 金馬影展參展作品。《返校》、《小清新大爆炸》導演徐漢強 x 《天橋上的魔術師》聯合編劇陳虹任 x 《消失的情人節》劉冠廷 = 充滿愛,年度開心感人愛情喜劇
健身教練阿保 (劉冠廷飾)戇直簡單,是健身房業績最爛的教練。他把每個學員當國手鍛鍊,終於學員都跑掉,只剩下整 天用科技產品抵學費的兩光發明家阿山(黃迪揚飾)。阿保和雅雅 (孫可芳飾)結婚三年,竟殺出一個老婆久違的青梅竹馬 黎大仁(李國毅飾),阿保才發現自己工作和學歷都沒法跟大仁比。正當阿保感到不安之際,阿山拿出半開發中的讀心神筊 「BWEI」,在「BWEI」的加持下,阿保能否保住他的婚姻?
Being the most unsuccessful fitness trainer, the hard-working Bao trained everyone as if they were national athletes. They all ran away, except for the lousy inventor Shan, who doesn't pay Bao, and instead gives high-tech gizmos in place of his membership fees. His wifeYa-ya's old crush Li Da-ren unexpectedly butts into their almost three years of marriage. Bao works with the wacky inventor Shan. With the half-developed mind-reading divination blocks, will Bao win back his wife’s heart against her childhood sweetheart?
開幕節目 OPENING Programme 2:
《9 個貓爸爸》Cat Daddies
15 Jan 2023 (日 Sun) 7:30pm
26 Feb 2023 (日 Sun) 5:30pm
K11 Art House
美國 USA/ 導演 Director:Mye Hoang/ 2021/ 89'/ 英語對白,中文字幕 In English with Chinese subtitles
2022年Frozen River電影節評審團特別獎及最受觀眾歡迎獎
2021年Newport Beach電影節紀錄片傑出成就獎
在疫情下,人們都需要希望與陪伴,《9 個貓爸爸》帶領我們穿梭美國不同地方,看看一群來自不同背景的男子,如何因 為對貓的愛,而永遠改變他們的一生,組成了一幅溫暖而溫柔的圖畫。 這九位「貓爸爸」來自各行各業 消防員、貨車司機、荷里活特技演員、廣告主管變身貓救助者、警察、軟件工程師、 演員/Instagram 網紅、教師和住在紐約市行頭我無證殘疾移民,一人有一個引人入勝的故事,盡顯他們對心愛的貓那份 無條件的愛。
A heartwarming and tender portrait of a diverse group of men whose lives have been forever changed by their love of cats, CAT DADDIES takes us on an inspiring journey all across the United States during the challenging early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when people desperately needed hope and companionship. These nine “cat dads” come from all walks of life – a firefighter, a truck driver, a Hollywood stuntman, an ad executive turned cat rescuer, a police officer, a software engineer, an actor/Instagram influencer, a schoolteacher and an undocumented and disabled immigrant living on the streets of NewYork City. They couldn’t be any more different, but each of them has a compelling story to tell and share an unconditional love for their beloved cats.
他們的短篇作品 The Shorts They Made
2004 年 2 月 21 日,InD Blue (藍空間) 正式成立。時間過得實在太快,2023 年 2 月 21 日,InD Blue 19
第 18 屆 InDPanda 特別在這個值得紀念和慶祝的日子,選映 14 位亞洲及香港導演合共 19 部短片作 品。這些導演的短片或長片曾經在過去 17 年的 InDPanda 裡放映,其中某幾位導演更曾經是 InDPanda 的焦點導演,包括(按姓氏英文字母排列):
張耀升 Chang Yao-Sheng (《腿》導演)
陳哲藝 Anthony Chen (《熱帶雨》導演)
何爵天 Ho Cheuk-Tin (《正義迴廊》導演)
侯季然 Hou Chi-Jan (《南方小羊牧場》導演)
黃信堯 Huang Hsin-Yao (《大佛普拉斯》導演)
許誠毅 Raman Hui (《捉妖記》導演)
巫俊鋒 Boo Junfeng (《身後仕》導演)
柯貞年 Ko Chen-Nian (《無聲》導演)
林森 Lam Sum (《窄路微塵》導演)
朴贊郁 Park Chan-Wook (《分手的決心》導演)
陳子謙 Royston Tan (《24》導演)
納華普譚容格坦拿列 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit (《無痛斷捨離》導演)
尹志文 Jimmy Wan Chi Man (《媽媽的神奇小子》導演)
楊毅恆 EdmundYeo (《月影》導演)
19 部短片當中,有些曾經在歷屆的 InDPanda 重點推介,也有首次在香港大銀幕放映。
他們的短篇作品 The Shorts They Made
節目 Programme 1
21 Feb 2023 (Tue)
K11 Art House
* 尹志文導演將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。
Mr. Jimmy Wan Chi Man will attend the screening and share with the audiences.
** 香港首映 Hong Kong premiere
節目全長 Duration:106’
《大佛》The Great Buddha**
台灣 Taiwan / 導演 Director:黃信堯 Huang Hsin-Yao/ 2014/ 22’/ 黑白 B&W/ 國語及台語對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles 《大佛普拉斯》導演作品,《大佛普拉斯》的原型短片,提名金馬獎最佳短片。陳竹昇、莊益增主演。 一尊佛、三個中年男子,和一個身著豹紋衣的火辣神祕女子,交織出一段神祕不可解的懸疑故事。當今的大佛 是否依然庇護人民?或是神明也會挑人保佑?當我們只是沒有特殊背景的小人物,大佛還願意庇佑我們嗎? A Buddha statue, three middle-aged men and a mysterious woman. The unexpected encounter among them creates a story of suspense. Will the Buddha protect everyone of us? Or does He choose the right ones at His own will?
If I Know, I Shouldn't Photo**
台灣 Taiwan/ 導演 Director:黃信堯 Huang Hsin-Yao/ 2015/ 2’30/ 國語對白,中文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese subtitles
2015 年高雄電影節「愚樂世界 3×3 音樂極短篇」其中一部短片,合作樂團:三宅一生。一尊文藝復興之後出現 的雕像、一位與外星人錯身的美女、一群失去地圖的觀光客、一個吃完早餐的男子,一段刻意隱瞞的過去,卻 不經意地被提起。
A statue appears after the Renaissance, a beautiful woman walks pass by an alien, a group of tourists loses the map , and a man who finishes his breakfast. It is about a past that is covered up on purpose, but eventually brings up its attention unwittingly. In collaboration with Otaku3 band.
《全家福》A Family Portrait
新加坡 Singapore、西班牙 Spain/ 導演 Director:巫俊鋒 Boo Junfeng/ 2004/ 8’30/ 西班牙對白,英文字幕 In Spanish with English subtitles 《身後仕》導演、第 4 屆 InDPanda「焦點導演」放映 14 年後再現香港大銀幕。新加坡國際電影節最佳電影及 特別成就獎,巫俊鋒首部個人導演短片作品,
Sergio 是一名 17 歲的攝影師,他被百科全書裡的女性性器圖表所牽動。某天,當他年幼的妹妹問他 sex 是甚 麼時,他喚起了多年前的記憶。
Sergio is a 17 year-old photographer who is aroused by black and white cross-section diagrams of the female genitalia and breast in an encyclopedia. When his little sister asks him about sex one day, he revisits a memory years ago.
新加坡 Singapore/ 導演 Director:巫俊鋒 Boo Junfeng/ 2015/ 13’/ 英語及馬拉語對白,英文字幕 In English & Malay with English subtitles
紀念新加坡獨立 50 週年 Omnibus 電影《七封信》的其中一部短片.一位馬來老人乘坐 KTM 快車,到新加坡
One of the seven short films in 7 Letters, an anthology commissioned in 2015 to commemorate Singapore’s 50th year of independence. An elderly man travels to Singapore via the KTM express to look for an old flame whom he has lost contact with.
《談情作愛趣知識》Fun Facts**
泰國 Thailand/導演 Director:納華普譚容格坦拿列 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit/ 2016/ 9’/ 泰語對白,英文字幕
In Thai with English subtitles
《無痛斷捨離》導演、第 13 屆 InDPanda「焦點導演」作品。 無所不知的 Kim Wiki 與一無所知的 Sarawut 之間的愛情故事。為「young love」運動而創作,倡導少年人使用 藥物前仔細閱讀藥物標籤。
The love story between Kim Wiki who knows everything and Sarawut who knows nothing. For the ‘young love’ campaign, campaigning for children to read drug labels carefully before using.
日本 Japan/ 導演 Director:楊毅恆 EdmundYeo/ 2009/ 24’30/ 日語對白,英文字幕
In Japanese with English subtitles 《月影》導演作品,威尼斯影展參展作品。
一位大學教授決定去秋葉原旅遊,由一位打扮得像法國女僕的年輕女子作導遊。 當他們走在現代東京的街道 上時,這對男人和這對年輕女人逐漸談到了他們共同的過去。導演以幾乎完全分屏幕的方式,對愛情、回憶與 失落來個詩意的反思。
A university professor decides to go for a tour in Akihabara, guided by a young woman dressed up like a French maid. As they both walk through the streets of modern Tokyo, the man and the young woman gradually speak of a past they both share. A poetic rumination in love, memories and loss told almost entirely with split screens.
香港 Hong Kong/ 導演 Director:尹志文 Jimmy Wan Chi Man/ 2004/ 27’/
中文文本,英文字幕 With Chinese text with English subtitles
《媽媽的神奇小子》導演及編劇作品,曾國祥監製,香港國際電影節參展作品,第 1 屆 InDPanda 放映 17 年後 再現香港大銀幕。精神失常的畫家(張滿源飾)回到熟悉的房子裡,回憶起自己與戀人昔日的時光,徘徊於記 憶與現實之間,他最後選擇回到舊日的懷抱。尹志文借畫家梵谷之書信,化為懾人之影像;加上曾國祥擔任監 製及剪接、林志堅的攝影,成為了這部驚喜之作。
A painter returns from an insane asylum to the house where he and his lover spent happy times before. Drifting between the past and the present, he chooses to return to the dead. In associate with Derek Tsang as producer and editor, Charlie Lam as director of photography, Jimmy Wan inspired by the letters of Van Gogh and brings us such a fascinating image.
他們的短篇作品 The Shorts They Made
節目 Programme 2
3 March 2023 (Fri)
K11 Art House
* 陳哲藝導演將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。
Mr. Anthony Chen will attend the screening and share with the audiences.
** 香港首映 Hong Kong premiere
節目全長 Duration:108’
南韓 South Korea/ 導演 Director:朴贊郁 Park Chan-Wook/ 1999/ 26’/ 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles
《分手的決心》導演早期作品,釜山國際電影節參展作品,第 4 屆 InDPanda 放映 14 年後再現香港大銀幕。在 醫院的殮房裡,放了一具因為地震而死亡的女子屍體,一對夫婦表示死去的是他們的女兒。殯儀負責人、保險 調查員還有一名記者,齊齊做證人,確定女子的身份為何。
A corpse of a young woman is lying at the hospital morgue, just having arrived from a major catastrophe. Two couples claiming the corpses their daughter and a mortician, as well we an insurance agent and a reporter all become witness in determining the girl's identity
《阿嬤》Ah Ma
新加坡 Singapore/ 導演 Director:陳哲藝 Anthony Chen/ 2006/ 15’/ 國語、福建語及英語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin, Hokkien & Eng with Eng subtitles 《熱帶雨》導演作品,康城影展國際短片競賽特別表揚,第 3 屆 InDPanda 放映 15 年後再現香港大銀幕。嬤嬤 臥在病床上,快要走了,家人齊集醫院送她最後一程;在悲傷中,他們各自為不想發生的事實作準備。 Special Mention (Short Films Competition) of Cannes Film Festival 2007. Ah Ma is lying in the hospital, her life hanging by a thread. Her family gathers by her deathbed to send her off. Overwhelmed by sadness, they struggle to find their own way of coming to terms with the impending end.
英國 UK/ 導演 Director:陳哲藝 Anthony Chen/ 2010/ 23’/ 英語對白,無字幕 In English without subtitles 柯達電影學院競賽全國冠軍(英國)、KarlovyVary 國際電影節及 Encounters 短片節參展作品。單親媽媽帶著三 個子女來到垃圾場,打算處置前夫的物件,希望重新開始。她決定帶他們去看燈塔,一路上,她發現自己無法 應對現實的情況。
A single mother brings her three children to the junkyard to dispose of her ex-husband’s belongings, hoping to start anew. She decides to bring them on a trip to see a lighthouse. Along the way, she finds herself unable to cope with the reality of the situation.
台灣 Taiwan/ 導演 Director:張耀升 Chang Yao-Sheng/ 2014/ 18‘30/ 國語對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles
《腿》導演首部個人動畫作品,第 11 屆 InDPanda 放映 7 年後再現香港大銀幕。在一間西服店裡,父親為了阻 止奶奶繼續干擾他做生意,把通往閣樓的木梯搬走了,奶奶就等同被軟禁在閣樓上。孫子時常偷爬上閣樓陪伴 奶奶,使她不覺得寂寞。某次,奶奶執意下樓,摔落一樓傷重身亡。到了守靈的夜
In a tailor shop, father removes the wooden attic ladder. He desperately wants to extricate himself from his mother’s interference. His son sneaks into the attic to accompany his grandma. One day, grandma tries to get down from the attic and died.
香港 Hong Kong/ 導演 Director:林森 Lam Sum/ 2011/ 25’/ 粵語及烏都語對白,中、英文字幕 In Cantonese & Udu with Chinese & English subtitles
《窄路微塵》導演作品,第 7 屆 InDPanda 放映 11 年後再現香港大銀幕。
十歲新移民暉仔與母親成功申請來港,與繼父一家三口在深水埗一間狹隘的獨立套房裡居住。一次街上的偶遇, 暉仔認識了在香港的第一個朋友 巴基斯坦裔的簡志文,兩人迅成為好友。可是,剛萌芽的友誼卻受到舊區 重建的影響,面臨考驗
Fai, a ten years old boy who’s a new immigrant from mainland China, he lives in a narrow suite with his mother and his step-father. One day, he met a Pakistani boy Khan, who was born and raised in Hong Kong. Khan, as a local, shown Fai of his new home and brought him to family dinners. However, while the friendship is building up, Khan’s family has to move out of the community.
他們的短篇作品 The Shorts They Made
節目 Programme 3
4 March 2023 (Fri)
K11 Art House
* 許誠毅導演及何爵天導演將出席放映,跟觀眾交流。
Mr. Raman Hui & Mr. Ho Cheuk-Tin will attend the screening and share with the audiences.
** 香港首映 Hong Kong premiere
節目全長 Duration:101’
《星塵 15749001》Stardust 15749001
台灣 Taiwan/ 導演 Director:侯季然 Hou Chi-Jan/ 2003/ 11’30/ 無對白,中文文本 No dialogue with Chinese text
《南方小羊牧場》導演首部個人導演作品,第 8 屆 InDPanda「焦點導演」放映 10 年後再現香港大銀幕。台北 電影節大獎,侯季然首部個人導演作品,
人不在的時候,空房間裡到底發生了甚麼事?就像一則寓言:在遙遠的森林中,沒有任何人的見證下,有一棵 樹默默地倒下了,那它算不算倒了呢?在人類的經驗之外,時間與空間是否仍然存在?仍然持續?如果是,那 是一種甚麼狀態?
It’s a film about the status without a single soul, and all materials selected are images of empty houses. As each empty house in different style drifting by, besides all the human elements such as function, area measure, price and location, what else do we see?
《記憶三部曲》Memory Bank Trilogy**
新加坡 Singapore/ 導演 Director:陳子謙 Royston Tan/ 2014
第 6 屆 InDPanda「焦點導演」、《24》導演作品。
「我想製作三部關於『記憶』概念的短片,以最少的工作人員 只有一名錄音師和一名攝影指導,沒有打燈 回到我學生時代的簡單電影製作方式。」陳子謙
“I wanted to create 3 short films on the concept of "memory bank", minimum crew, just a sound man and a DP, no lights… Going back to the simplicity of filmmaking in my school days.” Royston Tan
5’/ 國語及英語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin & English with English subtitles
Two brothers go in search of their dead hamster in their childhood playground. This film is a tribute to one of the oldest playgrounds in Singapore.
4’/ 國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
How long does it take to forget a person? A question we always ask ourselves...
The Wedding Portrait
11’/ 國語及福建話對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin & Hokkien with English subtitles
A middle-aged woman takes her elderly father to an old Malaysian photo studio to recreate his wedding portrait.
《翅膀》Wings Of The Mind
香港 Hong Kong/ 導演 Director:許誠毅 Raman Hui/ 1984/ 3’30/ 無對白 No dialogue
《捉妖記》導演、「史力加之父」首部個人動畫作品,香港獨立短片節最佳動畫,第 3 屆 InDPanda 閉幕放映 15 年後再現香港大銀幕。
「這是一個實驗計劃的成果。某男子睡著了並掉進了一個旅程,帶領我們經歷不同的情感。一雙翅膀也就是你 的心,讓你參與這個抽象卻又教人心曠神怡的歷險。」許誠毅
“This is the result of an experimental project. A man falls asleep and sinks into a journey that takes you through different emotions. A pair of wings that represents your mind will let you participate in this abstract and soothing adventure.” Raman Hui
《無名馬》A Horse With No Name
台灣 Taiwan/ 導演 Director:柯貞年 Ko Chen-Nian/ 2010/ 39’30/ 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles
《無聲》導演首部導演作品,第 7 屆 InDPanda 閉幕放映 11 年後再現大銀幕。南方影展新人獎,金馬影展參展 作品。十七歲少年昇(張書豪飾)熱衷於攝影,透過 DV 記錄他的「日常生活」。現實生活中,他其實遭受校園 霸凌,口頭或身體的暴力如雨傾落,直到新同學毅(張乃元飾)出現,人際關係秩序重新排列,這一回,他能 在真實人生中,重組他的日常生活嗎?暴亂青春,誰來拯救?
17-year-old Sheng is fascinated by photography. He not only takes photos but makes his own films. In fact, Sheng has been bullied by his schoolmates. When facing the humiliation and enduring the violence, he seeks refugee in the dark room going through the “reality” he captures until one day,Yi, a new student arrives…
香港 Hong Kong/ 導演 Director:何爵天 Ho Cheuk-Tin/ 2012/ 26’30/ 粵語對白,中、英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
《正義迴廊》導演作品,游學修首部演出作品,第 8 屆 InDPanda 開幕放映
10 年後再現香港大銀幕。中學籃球
隊隊長馬永仁(游學修飾)表現卓越,助球隊贏得不少比賽。學業雖未如理想,但深受教練重用,並因而獲得 保送中六的機會。於一次校園欺凌事件中,阿仁正義出言制止,卻被報復陷害,蒙受不白之冤。
Yan is a basketball fanatic who barely makes it to Form 6, not by studying hard but by his skill on the court. One day he pulls a classmate from being bullied but gets revenged by being framed up for a theft and is suspended from the school basketball team….