A letter from Michael Rowe, Director General, Water and Environmental Regulation Dear Mr De Bruin, As you would be aware, the container deposit scheme, Containers for Change, commenced on 1 October 2020, delivering an election commitment of the McGowan Government. More than 21 million containers were returned in the first four weeks of the scheme. Early container returns have exceeded expectations as well as the container return benchmarks set in New South Wales and Queensland. The encouraging early success of the Western Australian scheme has been due to the participation of all stakeholders working through the Advisory Group and the supporting technical working groups. With the commencement of Containers for Change, the role of the technical working groups is now complete. Thank you for your commitment, expertise and support to achieving the best possible outcomes and congratulations on the part you have played in the successful launch of Containers for Change. I am very grateful for the significant work and support provided by the technical working groups. Yours sincerely Mike Rowe DIRECTOR GENERAL 16 November 2020
MGA (Ross Anile & Jos de Bruin) have been a WA Container Deposit Scheme Task Force members representing WA members from inception. WA Environment Minister, Stephen Dawson wanted to make sure the WA container deposit scheme was the most cost-efficient and least disruptive scheme for communities and businesses in Australia!