reviously known as Saab Bofors Dynamics AB, Saab Dynamics is a subsidiary of Saab AB, specialising in missile and antitank systems. It also has excellent industrial underwater competence. Main product areas cover torpedoes, ROVs, UUVs and Underwater Data Acquisition Platforms. Its headquarters and main operational centre is at Karlskoga, 240km west of Stockholm, and there are other important bases at Linköping and Eskilstuna. It currently employs over 1500 people. Its corporate heritage has roots in Bofors, founded in 1646 to make cannon, and
Saab’s aviation interests, which started around 1937. In 1999, Saab purchased the Celsius group, the parent group of Bofors. The company has two core businesses: complete missile solutions and short range support weapons. The company is prime contractor for the Swedish defence forces. Although relatively small when compared to the competition, Saab Dynamics is also a significant player on the international market, both as a system supplier and as a partner. Exports account for more than 80 per cent of the company’s order book.
Saab Dynamics, part of the global giant Saab AB, serves the worldwide market with missile and anti-tank systems. Industry Europe looks at the background from this division and some of its latest achievements.
Recent contract Saab Dynamics consistently wins high-profile contracts from customers all over the world. For example, in July this year (2014) it received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding design plans for a New Lightweight Torpedo (NLT). This order amounts to some MSEK 43. Speaking at the time, Görgen Johansson, senior vice-president and head of business area Saab Dynamics, said: “We are very pleased and proud to have the continued confidence to deliver torpedo weapon systems to FMV and the Swedish Navy in the commenceIndustry Europe 25