Industry Europe – Issue 26.3

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VOLUME 26/3 – 2016

The world of European manufacturing






Paradise Lost Perhaps not quite lost. There are plenty of deals to be done.


this the region, this the soil, the clime, this the seat that we must change for heaven? Farewell happy fields where joy for ever dwells! Hail horrors!’ Shocked by the unexpected result of the UK’s referendum, many people seem to have felt much like Milton’s Satan as they surveyed the ‘mournful gloom’ that the electorate had so unaccountably preferred to the EU’s ‘celestial light’. Lord Mandelson, himself a former Prince of Darkness in British politics but, of course, long since taken up into the EU’s realms of light, spoke for many whose wisdom had been so rudely ignored when he greeted the new dawn as ‘the worst day in post-war British history’. Still, the English are a pragmatic lot and even those who were not now rejoicing in their regained freedom (‘furthest from him – i.e. Brussels – who was sovereign and could bid what shall be right’) could look to making the best of a bad job. Like Satan they too could now see that ‘our better part remains to work in close design’ although maybe not ‘by fraud or guile’. What however might be that close design? What kind of deal can actually be done with the EU? The new Prime Minister’s appointment of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary was not maybe the beginning that most had expected but at least there will be plenty of jokes to get us through the tiresome wrangling that awaits us. Some may even be Latin jokes, which should go down well in the chancelleries of the new Holy Roman Empire. But it is the appointment of David Davis as the new ‘minister for Brexit’ that suggests most clearly what the UK’s aims may be in disentangling itself from the EU’s customs union and its regulatory regime, particularly since Mr Davis set these out at some length in an article published only a couple of days before. Britain, says Mr Davis, can re-align its economy through an export-led growth

strategy that will encourage expansion of high value production and employment. It can do this now by ‘taking back control of trade’, specifically by moving quickly to negotiate trade deals with all the UK’s major trading partners, beginning, perhaps, with the US and China and going on to include Canada, Australia, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the UAE and more. He points out that as a member of the EU, the UK currently has trade deals with only two of its top ten non-EU trading partners. This is mostly because each trade deal has to meet the often conflicting requirements – and objections – of the 28 countries of the Union; consequently it takes on average six years for the EU to negotiate each deal – and the deal with the US, which would so obviously benefit the UK, is still years from being agreed. How long would all this take? Mr Davis suggests that most of the deals the UK wold pursue could be concluded within one or two years. Of course none could come into effect until the formal exit from the EU but that is anyway going to take several years and in the meantime businesses both in the UK and abroad would have a clear idea of the trading environment that awaited them.

Single market access However the central issue for the UK remains – as it was in the arguments during the referendum – how to secure continued access to the EU single market for British goods and services while regaining democratic control over market and product regulation, justice, security and, of course, over migration. There are many who think that this is an impossible ambition – that the EU is never going to allow genuine market access without continued free movement of people. But, given the importance of the UK’s own market to Germany, France and Italy in particular, there may be room for some compromise package. In exchange for free trade with the 27, Britain, might for example, agree

to a continued, although reduced, contribution to the EU budget. The loss of £12 billion per year from the UK would be a big problem for the EU. Then reducing migration from Europe might be achievable by redefining free movement as guaranteeing the right to work in the UK to any EU citizens offered employment there – more or less the rules before the Maastricht Treaty. That would uphold the spirit of the Community’s project while halting the huge flows of cheap labour that have helped to make the UK a low pay, low productivity economy and stirred up so much resentment in unskilled British workers who see themselves as priced out of employment. Such compromises might most easily be achieved through some version of EEA membership for the UK or a hybrid agreement that maintains the UK’s commercial and economic ties with Europe as well as all the current programmes in, for example, education and research. After all, what most people in Britain really wanted all along was a looser deal with the EU. That was what Mr Cameron said he wanted and what he said he would insist on in his re-negotiation. He didn’t get it and Brexit was the result. But such a solution could still be achieved if the leaders of Germany, France and Italy want it. And as Open Europe’s Stephen Booth has pointed out, any new settlement should take account not just of trade terms but also Britain’s pivotal role in the geo-politics of Europe. What we need is a new strategic European partnership that encompasses defence and security as well as trade and immigration. After all Britain is the leading European member of NATO and its defence capability could be invaluable in helping them secure the EU’s borders in the Mediterranean and beyond. And its intelligence services will continue to be vital in helping Europe combat the terrorist violence that n continues to threaten it. Industry Europe 1

CONTENTS Editor Peter Mercer

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Comment 1 4

Opinion Paradise Lost Bill Jamieson BREXIT: Just the end of the beginning?

Power Industry 5

Big batteries – big markets Exploiting the potential of

very large lithium-ion batteries


Power news The latest from the industry

News 16 18 20 21 22 23

Winning business New orders and contracts Linking up Combining strengths Moving on Relocations and expansions Industry people Appointments Technology spotlight Advances in technology Notice board New products and processes

Reports 14

24 25

The Water of Life Israel brings water technology to developing countries Focus on Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

Air & Liquid Handling 26 30

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Automation & Tooling 35 38 42

US Industry Today, Industry Europe’s sister publication, is published in the United States of America. For further information or to subscribe contact: Sue Poeton, 100 Morris Avenue, Suite 202, Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel: +1 973 218-0310 Fax: +1 973 218-0311. Email: Web site:

2 Industry Europe

Making life easy for people who use tools Grupa Topex

World-class solutions APS Laser vision Trumpf

Automotive 47 52 56 61 64

Specialist in cold moulding Brugola Stepping in front Rába Automotive Holding Driving fluid dynamics forward Cooper Standard Driving eco-performance forward Ford India New horizons Tata Motors

Consumer Goods 73 80

A Square Root Company

Circulating high-power efficiency IMP Pumps Fast, versatile and energy efficient MTA

Sustainable caring Unilever The elegance of fragrance POLLENA-AROMA

Energy & Utilities 83 86 90 95

Delivering high-power precision Universal Cables Hydraulic turbines for the future ČKD Blansko Holding

Technology, innovation and tradition Oschatz Delivering greener energy Aalborg Energie Technik

VOL 26/3

Above: GN Netcom p192

HVAC & R 100 Pure ice logic Snaige 104 Combining quality and reliability Effebi

Materials Handling 107 Clear vision Lahti Precision 110 Conveying more Vanderlande Industries

Metals & Metalworking Above: IMP Pumps p26 Below: Ford India p61

114 117 120 124 128 131 140

Simplifying production processes Dallan Historical roots, a modern mind and a cautious attitude Galdabini New technologies compounding success

Above: Hydro p128 Below: NEWAG p143


Casting new horizons Leinovalu A future proof material Hydro Empower your movement Sitem Moulding quality and reliability VDP

Rail 143 154 160 164 168

Rolling ahead NEWAG On the right track Bombardier Through the windows to Europe DAKO Measuring solutions MERMEC In the chair BORCAD

Textiles 174 Hats off TONAK 178 Global leader in nonwovens TWE

Above: TWE p178 Below: Wisconsin Engineering p204

Also in this issue…

Above: Oschatz p90 Below: Dallan p114

8 184 188 192 196 200 204 208

Travelling light Dow Recipe for life Bunge Cementing technological success FL Smidth Delivering innovative headset solutions

212 216 219

Heavy-duty customised logistics

GN Netcom

Solutions for high-precision measuring Mahr Cutting edge furniture solutions Nowy Styl Performance by design Wisconsin Engineering Top form Sonoco Alcore

GLS Foppiani Group

Improving shopping experience ITAB Shop Concept

Agrokor – A history of innovation Agrokor Industry Europe 3




Executive Editor of The Scotsman

BREXIT: Just the end of the beginning? For the UK Brexit is an historic turning. But for the EU itself it could be an existential crisis.


eldom can a single event have catalysed dramatic change as the UK’s vote to leave the EU. It has swept away the Prime Minister, sent the pound tumbling, unleashed a wrecking ball that has destroyed senior ‘Leave’ politicians, led to a ‘Remain’ supporter becoming the new Prime Minister, triggered a leadership convulsion in the Labour Party which could split it irrevocably – and catalysed central bank action to stave off a feared recession. All this was packed into just two momentous weeks: a pivotal convulsion that has not just catalysed a new relationship with the EU but changed the face of Britain irrevocably. After all this, you might think, we are surely due a respite. That, for tens of thousands of businesses trying to survive through this extraordinary turmoil, is urgently wished for. But we have seen not an end to this tumult, only the end of the beginning – and not just in the UK but across the continent. The departure of the UK would subtract 13 per cent from EU GDP and deprive it of its third largest budget contributor. The UK vote may have lit a slow burning but devastating fuse. Euroscepticism is by no means confined to the UK but is on the rise across Europe. A report from the Washington-based non-partisan Pew Research Centre earlier this summer found that only a slim majority – a median of 51 per cent – of respondents across 10 EU countries still favoured the EU. Forty-two per cent want more power returned to their national capitals. It found that a majority of people were unfavourable towards the EU in Greece (71 per cent) and France (61 per cent). That followed a steep decline in EU favourability in France (down 17 percentage points from 2015 to 2016) and Spain (down 16 points over the same period). In five of the six nations surveyed in both 2015 and 2016, it found favourability had declined. European Commission president JeanClaude Juncker may ooze confidence that 4 Industry Europe

it is business as usual; that BREXIT is a purely UK problem; that the UK will struggle with years of complex renegotiation of trade deals and that EU integration can carry on – and indeed may now be able to do so at a faster pace.

The departure of the UK would subtract 13 per cent from EU GDP and deprive it of its third largest budget contributor. The UK vote may have lit a slow burning but devastating fuse. But that would be to gloss over growing political risk in key eurozone countries – and two key flashpoints in the months ahead. Italy, with a banking system staggering under £300 billion of bad debt, faces a critical constitutional referendum in the autumn. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is fighting a rise in the polls of the Five Star protest party. In France, President Francois Hollande is trailing the Far Right Marie Le Pen in opinion polls with presidential elections due in April and May next year. Both countries face deep political as well as economic challenges.

IMF warnings Even before the UK referendum, the IMF was warning about political tensions in the region. A report on the 19-nation eurozone, written just before the UK referendum, warned that

“growing political divisions and scepticism have put the euro area at a critical juncture. “The usual approach of muddling through appears increasingly untenable, raising the risks of stagnation and further fragmentation.” Downside risks to the eurozone’s growth prospects had increased, amid “growing political divisions and Euroscepticism.” The comments came as it cut its growth forecast for the eurozone as a whole. It now expects the eurozone’s economy to grow by 1.6 per cent this year and 1.4 per cent in 2017. Before the referendum the IMF had predicted growth of 1.7 per cent for both years. Of particular concern is Italy, where the IMF believes the country will not return to the levels seen before the 2008 financial crisis until the mid-2020s, implying “two lost decades.” Unemployment is already standing at 11 per cent. Its economy is buckling under the weight of total debt (government, household and business) of 259 per cent of GDP. The flashpoint is the country’s crisisstruck banks. Some 17 per cent of bank loans are bad and the system desperately needs a bail-out. But the government is in no position to afford one. And the EU – Germany in particular – is opposed. With interest rates in the eurozone already at record lows, the IMF warned there was “very little policy space to cope with adverse shocks.” It urged more “collective actions” from governments to strengthen the currency union. Now credit ratings agency Moody’s has warned of political shockwaves from Brexit. The UK vote, it said, could even topple the whole EU project. “In the long run, the potential strengthening of nationalistic and protectionist movements could have a detrimental effect on the EU, even threatening its existence.” Little wonder there are now questions over Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU now urgently needs to ponder its direction of travel if it is to n see off this existentialist threat.


BIG MARKETS Dr Peter Harrop, the founder and chairman of IDTechEx, explains the potential of very large lithium-ion batteries.


ery large lithium-ion battery banks were largely unknown ten years ago. Now, it is tough to keep up with the variety of uses for them. On ships, where there were no such batteries, we are starting to see 1-5 MWh banks. Autonomous underwater vehicles, mining trucks and buses can sport ones of up to 350 kWh but it is in stationary applications that really big facilities have arrived. Here there is a multiplier effect with Li-ion

gaining market share in growth markets. In the case of the relatively new market for very large, ground-based lithium-ion battery packs for such things as grid peak shaving, weight is not a primary issue, volume can matter somewhat but life, cost over life, performance and reliability matter greatly. For example, Toshiba is serving this market with its titanium dioxide anodes conferring good Li-ion cycle life. The applications include

balancing and emergency power supplies for grid outage. 20MW giants. The UK is to test its first battery system to provide grid-frequency after a partnership between energy utility firm National Grid and UK based Renewable Energy Systems (RES) was announced in June 2016. The 20MW battery storage system, equivalent to up to 1000 pure electric cars’ batteries, follows six similar ones being installed in the US by REL. Industry Europe 5

It will provide a dynamic frequency response service with a second of a deviation, either higher or lower than 50Hz, being detected. The work is a testbed to National Grid’s upcoming tender for 200MW of Enhanced Frequency Response in Great Britain.

Competing technologies RES is technology agnostic when it comes to selecting energy storage systems. However, having used lithium-ion for all of its 74MW

6 Industry Europe

projects currently operating, there is a strong possibility that lithium-ion will be used for this contract, says the company. This service and the forthcoming Enhanced Frequency Response service will support the network as the UK transitions to a generation mix with greater levels of low cost renewable energy. Competition for large land-based batteries for grid-based applications comes from vanadium flow batteries. Further down the line, Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI)

India will demonstrate a zinc bromide redox flow battery for grid level storage of renewable energy in 2019. When it comes to large banks of energy storage alongside the railway track for grabbing regenerated electricity on braking, lithium-ion batteries are losing business to ‘fit and forget’ supercapacitors that better harness the huge surges involved. For example, Meidensha took a $25 million order for part of the Hong Kong Railway regeneration using supercapacitors. To a lesser extent, this is true of very fast charging of buses in transit using gantries at bus stops, whether the buses are propelled by lithium-ion batteries with supercapacitors to protect them or they simply use supercapacitors and are charged faster and more often. In both cases the land-based facility tends to use lithium-ion batteries with supercapacitors across them. Lithium-ion success is ongoing. Despite all this the penetration of large lithium-ion battery packs into grid and even microgrid applications is inexorable. There is even talk of creating microgrids in parts of cities for those having a problem with the cost and reliability of the grid and reluctant to use diesel gensets with their pollution, cost noise and reliability problems. The global base of diesel gensets is at least 600 GW and the ecological agenda calls for them all to be replaced eventually, the alternatives including solar on buildings,

in roads and in parking lot surfaces plus wind turbines and airborne wind energy in the form of autonomous kites and tethered quadcopters generating electricity.

Overcoming intermittency All options are intermittent and energy storage essential. Through multiple harvesting, each

part with different intermittency balances things somewhat, reducing the amount of storage required; storage is still needed if only because the power is not always produced at the right time of day. Batteries can store the generated electricity for a long time – supercapacitors less so. The growing intolerance of lead pollution helps lithium-ion, with lead acid

battery banks increasingly unacceptable. For example India is seeking to replace lead acid in railways and elsewhere. For more, see the new IDTechEx Research reports, Lithium-ion Batteries 2016-2026, Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Buses 20162026 and High Power Energy Harvesting: n Off-Grid 10W-100kW 2016-2026.

CHEMISTS INVENT NEW SUPERCAPACITOR MATERIALS Dr David Eisenberg and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam’s Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences have invented a new type of supercapacitor material with a host of potential applications in electronics, transportation and energy storage devices. The UvA has filed a patent application on this invention.


isenberg and Rothenberg discovered the supercapacitor material during sideline experiments as part of the Fuel Cells project of the Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry. Originally, the materials were developed as solid catalytic electrodes for fuel cells. By modifying the surface of these materials the scientists created a highly porous yet well-structured compound, with ample sites for fast redox reactions, inspiring the successful testing for super capacitance. The new material combines several practical advantages: It is light, cheap, and non-toxic, and it can be prepared easily on a large scale. This last aspect is crucial for industrial applications, according to Eisenberg: “Companies making electronic devices look for lowcost, highly reproducible materials with a low environmental impact. The literature abounds with reports of high-performance electronic materials, but these will only be applied if they can be made cheaply in large quantities.”

Energy storage Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that combine the properties of capacitors and batteries. Batteries have a high energy density (they can store large amounts of energy), but their power density is low (they charge and discharge slowly). Conversely, capacitors enjoy a high power density (they can take and deliver energy quickly) but their energy density is low. A battery uses its whole bulk for charge storage, while a capacitor uses its surface. Supercapacitors use charge separation through fast ion adsorption, and very fast redox reactions with surface-bound molecules. They have a higher energy density than regular electrolytic capacitors, and also a much higher power density than batteries. Typically, supercapacitors are used in situations requiring many rapid charge/discharge cycles. Examples include protecting electronic circuits against power surges, regenerative breaking in cars and elevators, and burst-mode power delivery in camera flashes. Industry Europe 7

TRAVELLING LIGHT Dow (NYSE) is one of the world’s most successful and iconic chemical companies with sales of nearly $50 billion and 50,000 employees worldwide. One of Dow’s many flagship products is STYROFOAM™, which was invented 75 years ago and is still used today extensively in the caravan and motorhome industry. The product’s mechanical properties and core strength are used to advantage in countless applications and it offers particular benefits for the manufacturers of caravans and motorhomes, as Erik Severien reports. Erik Severien – Sales Manager Dow Building Solutions - Core Composites - EMEAI

8 Industry IndustryEurope Europe


lthough invented over 75 years ago, STYROFOAM™ boards have been used for more than 40 years as a core material for composite panels. It allows for precision processing and is highly stable with over 20 million square metres of composite panels with their blue interior successfully installed to date. With this long-term practical experience, Dow has built up a wealth of sound technical and technological know-how, which is particularly important for the successful development of solutions for composite panel production. Environmental concerns increasingly focus attention on the need for more sustainable construction materials that offer long-term performance. The inherent properties and performance characteristics of STYROFOAM™ make it a highly efficient material for long-term use in composite panels.

Core benefits One of the most popular construction methods for today’s motorhomes and caravans is what is known as ‘composite construction’, where separate composite components, or panels are produced and then assembled in order to create a structure. These composite panels usually consist of a core material, which in the case of STYROFOAM™ is a rigid foam core. In the caravan and motorhome industry its key applications are for walls, floors, ceilings and roofs.

Because of its special rigidity, with STYROFOAM™ XPS it is possible to reduce the number of panels required and cross sections of wooden inserts used in floor panels for example, while retaining their core strength. Leading manufacturers benefit from a very high strength-to-weight ratio of composite panels with STYROFOAM™ in the production of their vehicles. With camper vans and portable cabins, the long-term thermal performance of the product plays a significant role, especially important for long-term comfort at low temperatures during winter season operations. STYROFOAM™ composite panels also provide a high mechanical strength to withstand the vibrations and stresses in camper vans, caravans and portable cabins. The panels provide good rigidity and load carrying capability and are able to optimise the absorption of dynamic forces and impacts throughout the life of the vehicle. What is more, the lightweight nature of the foam also improves fuel efficiency over the lifetime of the vehicle.

Wide range of thermal properties Dow’s STYROFOAM™ materials have been used for decades as effective thermal insulation in the construction industry where energy efficiency is necessary and in continuous demand. The wellestablished STYROFOAM™ materials offer a wide range of thermal

Industry Europe 9

conductivity properties, which means that manufacturers can tailor panels to meet specific requirements. Effectively insulating vehicles can keep caravans cool in summer and warm in winter and make life on board more comfortable. Furthermore, it can also support environmental responsibility by reducing the need for additional cooling or heating. The closed cell structure of STYROFOAM™ offers an additional benefit when it comes to the problem of moisture levels in the air. The product absorbs very little water, thereby not only offering long-term durability to the composite components, but maintaining thermal conductivity and efficient insulation performance.

Unique benefits Dow is continuing to build on its knowledge in this sector by investing in the next generation of core materials that combine the proven reliability of STYROFOAM™ with improved insulation for all industry segments and especially caravans. Erik Severien, the company’s EMEAI sales manager responsible for core composite products, said, “We are building on our heritage by continuing to improve the performance characteristics of the materials we offer and to look towards eastern Europe for example. We will continue to work closely with customers on the development of such improvements and aim to continue supporting them as consumers demand better performing solutions which meet their changing needs. Severien added, “The game-changer is when consumers start to demand caravans and motor homes with STYROFOAM™ at the core, and if we continue to raise awareness alongside our partners about the exceptional benefits the material can bring thanks to its closed cell structure, we believe they will be more inclined to select a caravan based on the material at its core. The material has such a key effect on comfort as well as performance that it really does make a difference to consumers’ enjoyment of their motorhome or caravan.” 10 Industry Europe

Zero waste Today all STYROFOAM™ products are Chlorofluorocarbon- and hydrochlorofluorocarbon- (CFC & HCFC) free and comply with the strictest EC regulations – EC Regulation No 2037/2000 (1 October 2000) on substances which deplete the ozone layer. They are also produced without ‘REACH’ substance of very high concern (SVHC), which is important for the EU market. STYROFOAM™ and XENERGY™ products are also 100 per cent recyclable meaning zero waste potential. At the end of the life of the caravans, the panels can be re-used thanks to the durability of the core STYROFOAM™ boards, or the calorific potential of the foam could be easily recovered. In addition the boards can be cut with precision, thus generating less waste, and the light weight-strength ratio of the n products can also help to improve fuel efficiency. For further details of Dow’s latest innovative products and services to the caravan and motorhome industry visit: References to ‘Dow’ or the ‘Company’ mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. More information about Dow can be found at



New developments in the Power industry

World-record electric motor makes first flight ABB inverter boosts


iemens researchers have developed a new type of electric motor that, with a weight of just 50kg, delivers a continuous output of about 260 kilowatts – five times more than comparable drive systems. This record-setting propulsion system successfully completed its first public flight at Schwarze Heide Airport near Dinslaken, Germany, where it – almost silently – powered an Extra 330LE aerobatic airplane. This advance

means that hybrid-electric aircraft with four or more seats will now be possible. “This day will change aviation,” said Frank Anton, head of eAircraft at Siemens’ central research unit Corporate Technology. “This is the first time that an electric aircraft in the quartermegawatt performance class has flown.” The company will be contributing this technology to the cooperative project that Siemens and Airbus agreed to in April 2016 for driving the development of electrically powered flight. “By 2030, we expect to see initial aircraft with up to 100 passengers and a range of around 1000km,” explained Anton. Germany’s Aeronautics Research Program (LuFo) supported development of this motor. The Extra 330LE was created in cooperation with Siemens, Extra Aircraft, MT-Propeller and Pipistrel (battery). Visit:

The Switch high-speed turbo technology becomes industry standard


inland-based Runtech Systems has placed its largest multi-million-euro order for highspeed turbo motors from The Switch for use in its turbo vacuum blower systems for paper machines. Using direct-drive technology developed jointly by both companies since the early 2000s, these turbos have now become widely accepted in the paper industry thanks to their superior advantages. Along with being a reliable, long-lasting solution, they bring customers unmatched simplicity and energy efficiency. Runtech has superior competence in analysing and designing efficient paper manufacturing processes. Together with The Switch, the company harnessed the built-in power of direct-drive, high-speed turbo technology to create a radical solution that has recently become the new industrial standard. The turbo vacuum blower is now

a key component in the optimum solution when retrofitting existing paper machines. “Now we have an optimum and proven solution that works at the natural speed of the blowers of up to 10,000 rpm,” says Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen, president and CEO of The Switch. Visit:

Three millionth DEUTZ engine from Cologne-Porz

time one of the most modern of its kind in the world. Today, Cologne-Porz is home to DEUTZ’s most important assembly plant worldwide and the company’s headquarters. A few weeks ago, production of camshafts and crankshafts got under way at DEUTZ’s new shaft centre in Cologne-Porz, representing further progress in the consolidation of the company’s German sites.


oday the three millionth engine came off the production line at DEUTZ’s main factory in Cologne-Porz. This engine represents yet another milestone in the long history of the Cologne-based engine manufacturer. DEUTZ opened the engine plant in Cologne-Porz back in June 1993 – at the

performance of solar power installations


BB’s PVS980 central inverter – an essential component in every solar installation that converts direct current (DC) produced in solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use by electrical grids – increases the amount of incoming solar power connected to a single inverter by as much as 40 percent: a dramatic improvement that completely changes the economics of a solar installation. Thanks to its increased power, the PVS980 central inverter also allows operators to use 30% fewer inverters than previously. ABB engineers have improved the compactness of the device, enabling a power density increase of more than 40%, making it possible to build large power rated inverters in the same physical size. Avoiding external air entering the critical compartments of the inverter, the inverter can operate from below freezing to extreme heat in 100% humidity without jeopardising functionality. “ABB has pushed the boundaries of development in the inverter area once again,” said Sami Atiya, president of ABB’s Discrete Automation and Motion division. “In line with our Next Level strategy, ABB is fully committed to the solar industry, strongly investing in R&D and regularly launching pioneering products to the market.” Visit: Today, DEUTZ offers a broad spectrum of liquid-cooled and air-cooled engines with capacities ranging from 25kW to 520kW that are used in construction equipment, agricultural machinery, material handling equipment, stationary equipment, commercial vehicles, rail vehicles and other applications. Visit: Industry Europe 11


New developments in the Power industry

Corvus Energy introduces next- Pierburg receives generation Orca ESS product line major orders for mechatronic products C orvus Energy, the world’s leading manufacturer of lithium-ion based energy storage systems (ESS), has announced the introduction of its next generation product line, Orca ESS. The Orca ESS product line was specifically designed to meet the needs of maritime applications at the industry’s highest levels of performance and safety. As the market leader for maritime ESS, Corvus Energy designed the Orca ESS product line

based on experience from 50+ vessels currently utilising a Corvus ESS, totaling over 35MWh installed and 1 million operating hours. “We challenged our engineering teams to design and build the industry’s safest, highest performing ESS at an extremely compelling cost of ownership,” says Andrew Morden, President & CEO of Corvus Energy. Rather than a single product approach, the Orca ESS product line delivers a range of products which are designed to meet the various needs of maritime customers. Orca Energy is ideal for applications that require large amounts of energy such as ferries and merchant vessels, while Orca Power was designed for applications that require a seamless response to dynamic power loads such as offshore supply vessels and port equipment. Visit:

New electrical connection for explosion-proof AUMA actuators


UMA is to launch a new electrical connection for its explosion-proof valve actuators. The new type, named KT, will successively replace the existing KP and KES connections. “The new KT plug/socket connector combines the compact design and the cost-effectiveness of the KP connector with the flexibility of the KES connector,” says Peter Malus, product manager at AUMA. The new KT connector and the existing KP and KES types all owe their existence to AUMA’s philosophy of modular design, which greatly simplifies the ordering, stocking, installation and maintenance of AUMA actuators. The electrical connection is implemented via AUMA plug/socket connector.

Wärtsilä to power two new Indian dredgers


ärtsilä has won an order for two new 8000m3 trailing suction hopper dredgers being built for the Adani group, India’s largest private multi-port operator. The vessels are the first of a new IHC Beagle series designed by Royal IHC (IHC) of the Netherlands. IHC will also build the dredgers.

12 Industry Europe

The KT connector is fully compatible with all of AUMA’s existing electrical connections. For KES applications, changing to a KT connector requires no modifications to the actuator. Existing KP applications simply require replacement of the actuator connector part. Visit:

The Wärtsilä scope of supply comprises two 8-cylinder Wärtsilä 32 main engines for the first vessel, and two 7-cylinder Wärtsilä 32 main engines for the second one, together with four Wärtsilä CPPs with shafts. In addition, Wärtsilä will supply a Super Trident sewage treatment plant with vacuum generation for both vessels. Delivery of this equipment will commence in September 2016. The first


ierburg GmbH, which belongs to first-tier auto-industry supplier KSPG AG (a member of the Rheinmetall Group), has been awarded major orders worth €375 million by a notable Chinese automotive group. The products to be delivered are intended for vehicle series sold in the Chinese domestic market as well as for models marketed worldwide. The acquired contracts for gasoline and diesel engines cover throttle and control valves, differential pressure flaps, electric recirculating water pumps, switchable mechanical water pumps as well as high- and low-pressure exhaust-gas recirculation valves. Production for the models concerned has already started or will do so in the course of 2016, to be successively followed for other models of this manufacturer in the period up to 2020. These mechatronic products are being manufactured at the Chinese Pierburg locations in Shanghai and Kunshan as well as at European Pierburg sites in Hartha/Germany, Abadiano/ Spain, and Ústí/Czech Republic. Visit: of the dredgers is scheduled for delivery to the customer in the end of 2017. Wärtsilä has considerable experience in providing propulsion solutions for dredgers, and works closely with IHC. The engines selected for these vessels have exactly the right output power for the ships’ operational profiles and will be tuned accordingly. Visit:

INDUSTRYNEWS Baumüller presents systems, components and services at AUTOMATICA 2016


he Baumüller Group presented its products at the Automatica in Munich in June 2016. The automation and drive specialist presented its range of efficient inverters and motors, including control technology, software kit, and services for scalable and economic complete systems. In all of its new developments and improvements, Baumüller focuses on future viability as well as Industry 4.0 and can offer components, systems and services with networking options. With the example of a welding robot at AUTOMATICA, Baumüller showed how the use of robots can achieve the highest precision with Baumüller technology. The use of Baumüller control and regulation technology has significantly improved the dynamics, precision and therefore the quality for the end customer. Visitors also found out how a solution for handling systems can make it easy to integrate optional and retrofittable systems in their facilities. The exhibited concept for 3-axis handling offers web capability, maximum flexibility and a short commissioning time with open interfaces and pre-programmed software modules. Thanks to the particularly intuitive operation provided by the Baumüller visualization, the initial training periods are very short and the probability of errors drops considerably. Visit:

Ferroamp wins EEA Award at Intersolar 2016


wedish company Ferroamp was one of three winners of the annual innovation competition for electrical energy storage systems, the EEA Award, which took place during the Intersolar trade fair in Munich. 149 entries from 24 countries were evaluated by an experienced panel of industry experts.

Vattenfall depends on Reinhausen TESSA MR fleet monitoring


he Boxberg coal power plant in Upper Lusatia (Saxony) is among Germany’s largest power plants, with a total output of 2575 MW and a power supply of approx. 20 billion kWh/ year. Comprehensive monitoring of ten power transformers with up to 1100 MVA has recently begun using the TESSA® fleet monitoring system from Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR) in order to achieve maximum reliability and efficiency with the longest service life. “We decided in favour of the TESSA® fleet monitoring system from MR because it provides an excellent platform for displaying the signals and information from the modular monitoring systems,” explains Michael Lukas, senior expert in Transformers at Vattenfall. Now there are ten transformers – primarily with tap changers – completely connected to the TESSA® monitoring system. All of the data and signals are centrally displayed via

an intelligent platform. The bushings are also integrated into the monitoring process and are monitored for partial discharge, capacity and the loss factor. Monitoring also provides important information about transient processes in the grid that have a large impact on transmission systems such as power transformers. Visit:

Do you want to learn more about II-VI Deutschland? See page 45 Ferroamp’s entry to the Innovation Award was its contribution to EnergyHub, developed with patented technology that integrates energy efficiency, self-generated solar electricity and energy storage with the help of a direct current. EnergyHub is based on energy efficiency with smart electric meters and a patented feature that lowers the main fuses and therefore the fixed charge on electricity

bills. The system produces solar electricity when the sun is shining and can store the energy produced. The jury drew special attention to the system’s high efficiency, flexibility and ability to combine the benefits of many complementary capabilities, thus improving profitability. Visit: Industry Europe 13

THE WATER OF LIFE Israel has signed a deal with the World Bank to provide water technology and expertise to developing countries.


Israel, a joke goes: “In the desert, Moses made water gush out of a rock. But he forgot to let us have the technology, so we, too, are having to perform miracles.” Today, the descendants of Moses feel proud that they have accomplished a miracle of their own: that highly productive farming can be found across the Negev Desert. Growing crops in these arid districts of southern Israel has become possible thanks to, among other things, new irrigation methods. “For 2000 years, the Jews of the Diaspora no longer practised agriculture,” explains Uri Ariel, Israel’s minister in charge of farming. 14 Industry Europe

“We have had to learn everything all over again from the beginning and, over a few decades, we have obtained excellent results.” Today, he says, Israel has achieved selfsufficiency in the production of fruit and vegetables, dairy products, poultry and eggs. “We export our know-how across the world, including to developing countries.”

Micro irrigation Innovative farming techniques were developed in the first kibbutzim. Hatzerim, a kibbutz established in 1946, in the north of the Negev Desert, is the cradle of micro-irrigation technology — a system that optimides

the watering of crops. Simcha Blass, the inventor of this technology, created a company called Netafim in the kibbutz, in 1965. Instead of intermittently flooding the fields with water, the aim is to bring the water, drop by drop, to the foot of the plants, thanks to a network of thin pipes that are pierced along their length with small holes. The plants are irrigated continuously, directly to the root, and losses of water due to evaporation are reduced. [This is known as drip irrigation.] “With micro-irrigation technology, 90 per cent to 95 per cent of the water goes to the plant, against 40 to 60 per cent with traditional irrigation techniques,” stresses Natan Barak,

Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom visits a special processing plant off the coast of Ashdod in March

sales manager at Netafim. “Thanks to this innovation, a mere 57 per cent of water that is consumed in Israel is used in agriculture, whereas the average, worldwide, is 69 per cent.” Besides, micro-irrigation technology makes it possible to double crop productivity. Netafim, today, has cornered 30 per cent of the worldwide market for micro-irrigation technology and presents itself as a bulwark against famine in the world. “For less than US$200, a family can get a micro-irrigation kit,” explains Natan Barak.

From the sea to the tap For the past 10 years or so, Israel has been betting on desalination technology in order to diversify and increase its water resources. The country has turned to desalination technology so as to better tackle a chronic shortage of freshwater. Additionally, the aim is to curb the pumping of water out of Lake Tiberias [also known as the Sea of Galilee], which has a negative impact on the flow of the River Jordan, which, in turn, feeds into the Dead Sea. Once Israel’s fifth desalination plant comes on stream, later on this year [2016], 75 per cent of drinking water in the country

An aerial view of Alicante, Spain, where a Netafim system recycles wastewater and distributes it via a drip-irrigation system, watering all public areas in the southern Spanish town.

will come from the sea. The Sorek desalination plant alone, which started operating in 2013 south of Tel Aviv, covers 20 per cent of the country’s needs. Part-financed by European funds, Sorek is the largest desalination plant in the world, with a production capacity of 150 million cubic metres of drinking water per year. “Our process of filtration through membranes is highly competitive in terms of costs and is environmentally friendly,” states Jacky Ben Yaish, operations manager at IDE Technologies, the company running the Sorek plant. “We do not use chemical products, contrary to most other desalination plants.” The country’s natural resources only cover half of Israel’s water needs. But this deficit is to a large extent offset by the desalination of sea water. The other side of the coin is that this technology, which costs up to 10 times as much as pumping water out of the water table, also uses up a lot of energy. In order to produce 1000 litres of drinking water, one needs a minimum of 3.2 kilowatt hours, which represents half of production costs. Besides, every day, the plant generates over 30 tonnes of waste – brine that is mostly dumped, with 7 per cent of the total pumped back into the sea.

Valuable wastewater Israel also recycles most of its wastewater, which meets half of the needs of the country’s farming industry. “We re-use 85 per cent of the wastewater,” points out David Sapir, in charge of sourcing water supplies at Mekorot, Israel’s national water board. “We have also reduced the water losses to 10 per cent [of the total supply], against an average of 15 per cent in other developed countries.” Israel sees itself as a nation at the forefront in terms of the sustainable management of water and intends to play a leading role in this field internationally. The Mekorot Group brings 77 years of experience to solving global water problems. It has participated in major projects in Argentina, Cyprus, India and Azerbaijan as well as throughout Africa. Now its new agreement with the World Bank will focus on sharing water expertise and industry best practices with developing countries worldwide. David Sapir does not doubt that this is achievable: “We can help to solve the planet’s n water crisis,” he says. See

EU ambassador to Israel Lars-Faaborg Andersen and Israeli National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz

Industry Europe 15


New contracts and orders in industry

Kalmar delivers diesel- Stadler to build self-powered multipleelectric straddle carriers unit trains for Rhaetian Railway to Port of Tauranga tadler has been awarded the contract to can board and disembark as quickly and easily



almar, part of Cargotec, has won an order to deliver eight diesel-electric straddle carriers to the Port of Tauranga in New Zealand. The order was booked in Cargotec’s 2015 fourth quarter and 2016 first quarter order intakes, with delivery taking place during 2016. Located on New Zealand’s North Island, the Port of Tauranga is the country’s largest container terminal and premier freight gateway, with a current annual volume of 930,000 TEU. With significant land holdings, the port’s key strength lies in its ability to grow to meet customer requirements and market demands, particularly the trend towards ever-larger container vessels. The port has invested NZD 350 million over five years in order to prepare for these larger vessels. Port of Tauranga currently operates a fleet of 28 Kalmar straddle carriers. The straddle carriers are used for loading road trucks and rail wagons, as well as for transporting containers to and from the quay cranes. The Port of Tauranga has been gradually switching over to diesel-electric straddle carriers to reduce the environmental impact of its operations. Visit:

Bombardier to provide 43 TALENT 2 trains to Abellio


ombardier Transportation has won a contract to supply European rail operator Abellio Rail Sudwest GmbH with 43 BOMBARDIER TALENT 2 multiple unit trains. The order is valued at approximately €215 million ($244 million US). Starting in June 2019, the new electric multiple units will gradually

16 Industry Europe

supply Rhaetian Railway (RhB) in Switzerland with 27 new self-powered multiple-unit trains. The contract includes an option for up to 20 additional trains. The vehicles will be manufactured in Altenrhein, and the first vehicle will be handed over in summer 2019. The total order volume amounts to CHF 285 million. The air-conditioned self-powered multiple units will be equipped with 35 seats in first class, 137 seats in second class and two wheelchair spaces. The high-performance trains from Stadler are particularly attractive thanks to their low life-cycle costs and high availability and reliability. The trains are extremely robust, ensure maximum comfort for passengers and meet the requirements of the Swiss disability equality act (BehiG). The door width has been designed to ensure that guests

as possible, and the extensive low-floor area also allows for easy boarding and disembarkation. The first self-powered multiple-unit trains will go into operation in 2019, primarily in Prättigau and Engadin, in particular as two-carriage units in Prättigau and as individual units from Klosters Platz to St. Moritz and Davos. Visit:

Tiama continues partnership with Şişecam Glass Packaging


işecam Glass Packaging continues its glass packaging control cooperation with Tiama through the order of 42 ATLAS systems. The ATLAS is a non-contact check detection system using cameras and detecting all checks appearing in the finish, heel, shoulder and bottom of bottles and jars. With this new installation, all the carousel machines in the three Şişecam Glass Packaging Turkish factories will be equipped with Tiama’s ATLAS system by the end of 2016. Sişecam Glass Packaging will therefore become the world’s biggest user of ATLAS with 92 machines installed. The main benefits of the Tiama ATLAS system are attested: adjustability, reduced change-over time, reduced possibility for human errors on the quality of settings and quick payback. Şişecam Glass Packaging has already benefited from

Tiama’s after-sales international network with two local engineers available to ensure proximity and support of the Turkish customer’s needs. Now, it also takes advantage of the remote connection giving Tiama’s engineers direct access to the Turkish fleet of machines. Visit:

enter passenger operation on the Stuttgart regional network in Baden-Wurttemberg’s Neckar Valley region in Germany. Bombardier will supply all 43 trains to Abellio by June 2020. The multiple-unit trains will be built at the Bombardier site in Hennigsdorf, Germany and the bogies are to be produced at the Bombardier plant in Siegen, Germany. The TALENT 2 trains for Abellio will be con-

figured into 24 three-car and 16 five-car train sets, each with 163 or 273 seats respectively. These vehicles will be equipped with Wi-Fi and provide easy access for travellers with limited mobility as well as space for either 24 or 39 bicycles. In total, more than 350 of Bombardier’s TALENT 2 trains are already in service on Germany’s rail network. Visit:

WINNINGBUSINESS Atlas Copco wins order for autonomous mining in Australia


tlas Copco, a leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions, has won an order from BHP Billiton for autonomous upgrades of drill rigs to be used at iron ore mines in Western Australia. For the past two years, global mining company BHP Billiton has been running a trial of Atlas Copco’s autonomous technology on Pit Viper 271 rigs at the Yandi mine. The machines have operated autonomously for more than 15,000 hours and drilled more than one million metres. As a result of the successful trial, BHP Billiton has ordered autonomous upgrade packages for 18 drill rigs, in addition to couple machines already operating autonomously. The 20 autonomous rigs will initially be controlled at BHP Billiton’s five iron ore mines in Pilbara, with the longer-term aim of remote operation from Perth, more than a thousand kilometers away. “We are committed to delivering the most innovative solutions that enhance customers’ productivity, and our autonomous drill rigs are a fine example of that,” said Johan Halling, president of Atlas Copco’s Mining and Rock Excavation Technique business area. Visit:

Volvo sells electric bus system to Luxembourg V olvo has received an order for five electric hybrid buses from bus operator AVL (Autobus de la ville de Luxembourg). Electric bus chargers will be supplied by ABB. The order is a result of Luxembourg’s investment in sustainable mobility. Luxembourg was one of the first cities in Europe to implement buses with hybrid technology. In 2011, the first Volvo hybrids were delivered and today 14 Volvo 7900 Hybrids operate in the city. Luxembourg City and AVL will now take the next step in electrification of the public transport system with the purchase of five Volvo 7900 Electric

Hybrids and ABB bus chargers to be delivered towards the end of 2016. One of the bus chargers will be placed at the central station in Luxembourg. “We are very pleased to see that the City of Luxembourg is now taking the next step in electrification with our electric hybrids. Electric bus systems is a cost-efficient solution for cities to reduce the problems of poor air quality and noise. Emission-free, silent buses also open up entirely new possibilities for urban planning,” says Håkan Agnevall, president Volvo Buses. Visit:

Vard secures contract for 15 module carrier vessels V ard Holdings Limited (‘VARD’), one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of offshore and specialized vessels, has secured a contract for the design and construction of 15 Module Carrier Vessels for Topaz Energy and Marine (‘Topaz’). The vessels, of VARD 9 21 design, are specially developed by Vard Design to navigate the shallow river systems as they transport modules through the Russian waterways to oilfields in

Kazakhstan. Measuring 123 by 16.5 metres, the vessels are designed to carry high deck loads of up to 1800 tonnes. The vessels will be operated by Topaz through a consortium led by Blue Water Shipping for the end-client Tengizchevroil. Five of the vessels will be built at Vard Braila and four at Vard Tulcea in Romania, while the remaining six will be built at Vard Vung Tau in Vietnam. Delivery is scheduled between 3Q

Balfour Beatty awarded £170 million Heathrow contract

Heathrow’s eastern baggage facility. The company will utilise its technological expertise across the project including the latest Building Information Modelling techniques to define the most efficient approach to design, manage logistics and to interface with live airport operations. Leo Quinn, Balfour Beatty Group chief executive, said: “This contract award is


alfour Beatty, the international infrastructure group, has been awarded a £170 million contract to upgrade baggage screening and handling systems for Heathrow Airport Limited. The projecwill involve upgrading and installing baggage screening and handling systems at

2017 and 2Q 2018. The aggregate contract price is close to USD 300 million. Visit:

testament to the strength of the partnership we have developed with Heathrow Airport Limited over the last 17 years. The UK aviation sector is a core market for Balfour Beatty and we are delighted to play our part in helping Heathrow maintain its position as a leading travel hub and supporting local employment.” Visit: Industry Europe 17


Combining strengths

Meusburger takes over PSG Plastic Service GmbH


Inwido Finland signs agreement to acquire Klas1


nwido Finland, part of Europe’s largest supplier of windows and doors Inwido, has signed an agreement to acquire the company Klas1 Yhtiöt Oy, located in Kuusamo, northern Finland with a turnover of €1.9. million. Klas1, which was founded in 1994, specialises in the manufacture and marketing of low energy fixed windows with opening parts for demanding architectural building projects. “With this acquisition, we complement our offering to cover the needs of demanding architectural building projects. The long experience of Klas1 in the development, manufacture and deliveries for this challenging segment is a very good complement to our existing business,” states Inwido Finland managing director Timo Luhtaniemi. In April 2016, Inwido also announced the acquisition of the majority share in Värmelux Oy. Inwido Finland is the market leader in Finland, manufacturing and marketing windows and doors under the brands Pihla, Tiivi, Eskopuu and Lämpölux. Its headquarters are located in Jyväskylä and its manufacturing plants in Kannus, Ruovesi and Haapajärvi. Visit:

Kistler Group acquires Schatz Group


ith immediate effect, Kistler is taking over Schatz AG in Remscheid (Germany) and its US sales and service company, Schatz USA, Inc., Holly (MI). This acquisition gives the Kistler Group new potential applications in quality assurance in industrial manufacturing. The Schatz Group can now market its systems through Kis-

18 Industry Europe

he Austrian company Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co KG is taking over PSG Plastic Service GmbH located in Mannheim. PSG will continue to operate as an independent enterprise and all of its about 200 members of staff will be retained. Meusburger is the leading manufacturer of highprecision, high-quality standard parts and is, like PSG, a family company with a long tradition. “We are pleased to welcome the employees of PSG into the Meusburger family. With the takeover we have taken on board a strong partner with many years of experience in hot runner and control systems. We will continue to operate the company under the established PSG brand,” says Guntram Meusburger, managing director of

Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co KG. After more than 50 years of successful history, the existing shareholder of PSG is very glad to have a family company as its new owner. Visit:

EuroChem acquires Brazilian company Fertilizantes Tocantins E

uroChem Group AG, a leading global agrochemical company, has announced the acquisition of a controlling interest in Fertilizantes Tocantins, a leading fertiliser distribution company in Brazil. The acquisition is in line with EuroChem’s strategy to strengthen its presence in the fast growing Latin American fertiliser market. With Fertilizantes Tocantins’ market expertise, blending facilities and established network of

tler’s global sales network, giving it access to previously underexploited markets. Screw driving is still one of the most elementary basic processes in industrial manufacturing. The monitoring and inspection of screw connections is extremely important in quality assurance, especially in the automotive industry. By acquiring the market and technology leader, the Kistler Group is strengthen-

2000 customers, this acquisition will strengthen EuroChem’s capabilities in the region. Founded in 2003, Fertilizantes Tocantins is strategically located in Brazil’s emerging fertile farming regions in the north, northeeast and mid-west. It has delivered double digit sales growth for seven consecutive years, with fertiliser sales reaching 740,000 tonnes in 2015. Dmitry Strezhnev, EuroChem’s CEO, commented: “The acquisition of Fertilizantes Tocantins creates compelling growth opportunities for EuroChem in Brazil, allowing us to significantly expand our offering of high-quality fertilisers to local farmers.” José Eduardo Motta, Fertilizantes Tocantins’ CEO, added: “With this backing from EuroChem, such an established global fertiliser producer, we are confident in our ability to significantly increase our market share in Brazil.” Visit: ing its own position in quality assurance in industrial manufacturing. The takeover is “a logical step for Kistler in the implementation of its overall growth strategy,” says CEO Rolf Sonderegger. “We want to use our measuring technology in even more applications and increase the number of complete systems and targeted services that we offer.” Visit:


HEXPOL takes over BERWIN Group H

EXPOL has today acquired 100% of the Berwin Group Ltd from present shareholders (main shareholder Glyn Williams and his family). Berwin has more than 60 years’ experience of rubber compounding and is today a leading Rubber Compounder in the UK market. Berwin Group (Berwin Rubber Co. Ltd, Berwin Industrial Polymers Ltd and Flexi-Cell (UK) Ltd), with manufacturing facilities in Manchester, UK and in Gloucestershire, UK has an estimated annual turnover of around £40 million and has around 200 employees. The acquired business has an EBITDA margin below the HEXPOL Group but is expected to have a positive impact on earnings per share. “This is a further step in expanding and strengthening the HEXPOL Group with a further

acquisition within our core business. Berwin, with its competence and capabilities, will fit nicely into the HEXPOL Group and gives us a stronger UK presence,” says Georg Brunstam, CEO HEXPOL Group The acquisition price is estimated to approximately £25 million on a cash- and debt-free basis and has been funded by a combination of cash and existing bank facilities. Visit:

CortecCros now fully-owned by Cortec Corporation


roatian company CortecCros has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Cortec Corporation. Owned by Croatian-American entrepreneur Boris Miksic, Cortec is one of the leading manufacturers of corrosion protection inhibitors in the world market and sells its products in over 90 countries. This acquisition will further strengthen the company’s strategic position in Europe. Cortec’s central European point for manufacturing and distribution is now located in

Croatia, from where its products are exported worldwide. CorteCros will be fully incorporated into the Cortec’s new business strategy with its resources such as the Zagreb office and distribution centre in Split, Croatia. The company’s production will be controlled by the new laboratory, whose construction is planned in the near future. Split will be the main European location for the storage of Cortec products as well as the products of Cortec’s daughter company Bionetix International, which specializes in environmental biotechnology. CorteCros has been successfully selling corrosion protection products on the European market for many years and has won four Croatian ‘Gold Kuna’ awards. CorteCros will provide technical support for Cortec’s products and services, particularly in industries such as military and oil. Visit:

Ammeraal Beltech acquires Australian partner Rydell

seven additional branches across Australia. Current managing director Wayne Durdin will continue to lead the company and its existing 88 staff, reporting to Ammeraal Beltech’s Asia Pacific operations. The company will operate for the time being as Rydell Beltech Pty Ltd, a whollyowned subsidiary of Ammeraal Beltech. Jordi Crusafon, head of Sales & Service for


mmeraal Beltech, a leading worldwide developer and manufacturer of process and conveyor belting, headquartered in Alkmaar, The Netherlands, announces that it has acquired its long-standing Australian distribution partner Rydell Industrial (Belting) Co. Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Rydell has

ElringKlinger acquires tool and die specialist Maier Formenbau


erman auto parts maker ElringKlinger has announced that it has acquired German tool and die making specialist Maier Formenbau. Jens Winter, a spokesperson for ElringKlinger, said that no financial details of the acquisition were being disclosed. Jürgen Weingärtner, head of Technical Service for the ElringKlinger Group, said: “Following the acquisition of Hummel-Formen GmbH in 2011, this latest takeover is to be seen as the next logical step. It adds to our skillset in the best possible way and allows us to stand our ground as a technology leader in the field of tool- and die-making.” Maier Formenbau focuses on the manufacture and repair of technically complex injection moulding tools. It currently employs 42 people and saw sales of €6m in 2015. The ElringKlinger Group employs more than 8000 people at 45 locations around the world. Visit:

the EMEA and APAC regions at Ammeraal, strongly welcomes the move. “Rydell are solutions providers with a strong customerfocused approach, which matches perfectly the strategy of Ammeraal Beltech. We have worked together for 25 years now, so it is therefore a great pleasure to formally welcome this excellent team to our family.” Visit: Industry Europe 19



Relocations and expansions across Europe

Edscha builds new plant in Mexico

T Work starts om £140M biomass plant at UK’s Discovery Park


ork has begun on a new £140 million biomass, renewable energy plant, which will eventually produce all the power and heat requirements for Discovery Park in Kent. The project will create 300 jobs during its construction phase and 30 full time jobs once operational. Biomass fuel will be sourced from various wood types, including coppice grown locally in Kent and East Sussex, and will help to reduce the site’s carbon footprint. Paul Barber, managing director, Discovery Park, said: “Discovery Park has from the start been a place for innovation. The agreement to press ahead with the new biomass energy plant not only represents a major investment in the site, but puts the park in the unique position of being supplied with a reliable source of green energy.” Visit:

Solvay and Suzano Papel e Celulose to build first integrated hydrogen peroxide unit at pulp mill site in Brazil


olvay and its affiliate Peroxidos do Brasil have agreed with Suzano Papel e Celulose to build a small dedicated hydrogen peroxide production unit using Solvay’s myH2O2® technology, at Suzano’s pulp mill site in Imperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil. This is the first agreement that Solvay has signed for its myH2O2® peroxide technology, developed for installation at remote customer premises. This unit will use Suzano’s hydrogen feed-stock, utilities and site services and supply all of the site’s hydrogen peroxide needs for pulp bleaching. It will be controlled from Solvay’s peroxides plant in Curitiba, about 2700km south of Imperatriz. “We believe that this technology will help us to be more competitive and efficient, as it will allow us to reduce costs in the purchase of an important input that we bought from another state. The forecast volume includes our increased capacity, which will be implemented in 2017,” says Walter Schalka, CEO of Suzano Papel e Celulose. Visit:

ATR inaugurates main maintenance base at Toulouse


TR has decided to invest substantially in Toulouse-Francazal airport in order to secure high-quality facilities over the long-term. These facilities will provide employees and customers with excellent working conditions while complying with aeronautical regulations. 20 Industry Europe

he internationally operating automotive supplier Edscha, a member of the Spanish Gestamp Group since 2010, has laid the cornerstone for its new plant in Mexico. For the Gestamp Group the new plant will be the sixth in Mexico. Edscha products are slated to come off the production line in the Mexican city of San Luis PotosÌ as early as December of this year. In the new plant, Edscha will manufacture its entire product range for numerous international automakers. The first products will be door hinges, door checks, liftgate hinges and hood hinges, with and without pedestrian protection systems. Later on, the local production of Powered Systems for automatic opening and closing of rear lids and liftgates is also planned. The first machines will be installed as early as September. They include ultramodern assembly systems and, as a next step, machines and equipment for processing rolled parts and forged parts, and later on for the assembly of plastic parts. During the first construction phase, the new Edscha plant will occupy around 3800 square metres; at the end of 2016 some 60 persons will be employed at Edscha in Mexico. The plant is scheduled to grow to as much as 10,000 square meters and some 300 employees during the coming years. Visit:

Bowman announces new UK manufacturing facility L

eading manufacturer and supplier of bearings and sintered components, Bowman International, has unveiled its new UK manufacturing facility. The facility has been specifically designed to offer a faster and more efficient end-to-end service on larger, non-standard sized wrapped bearings above 75mm in diameter. Housed at Bowman’s headquarters in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, the manufacturing centre contains an array of market-leading machines capable of working a variety of materials in line with the distributor’s vast product portfolio. Paul Mitchell, managing director of Bowman International said: “The key driver behind our decision to manufacture on home soil is speed. Producing non-standard components here, instead of through one of our trusted international manufacturing partners, means we can fulfil special or urgent orders in days rather than weeks.” Visit:

The new site amalgamates ATR’s Part 145 maintenance activities for all of its customers worldwide. It will also be possible to conduct Part 147 on-the-job training activities (maintenance, servicing and repairs) for airline technicians. Qualified ATR teams based at the site will provide services to operators, either in the form of major maintenance work in coordination

with the design offices, or via secondments to the customer. “Technicians from around the world will come to train at Toulouse-Francazal airport thanks to these Part 145 and 147 certifications. For ATR, this new facility was vital for supporting our growth,” explains Patrick de Castelbajac, ATR CEO. Visit:


INDUSTRYPEOPLE Airbus Group appoints new chief technology officer

New chief sales officer for the Mosolf Group



New managing director of LKAB Wassara

Philippe Vedrenne appointed CEO of ENGIE Global Markets

irbus Group SE has appointed Paul Eremenko (36) as its chief technology officer. Eremenko is currently heading the group’s A3 Innovation Centre based in San Jose, California. He is an aeronautics and astronautics engineer and worked at Google, Motorola and DARPA, the Pentagon’s research agency. “We are operating in a fastchanging environment where speed, data, breakthrough technologies and connectivity are hugely relevant trends for the future of the aerospace industry,” said Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus Group. “Paul Eremenko has over the last year demonstrated a unique ability to stimulate through key projects the cross fertilisation between the Silicon Valley and our Group Research & Technology and innovation cultures.” Visit:


eter Söderman has been appointed managing director for LKAB Wassara effective from 1 September 2016. LKAB Wassara is a wholly owned subsidiary to LKAB that delivers the unique water powered drilling system used in LKAB’s underground mines and sold externally across the world. Peter Söderman has been employed within LKAB since 1991 in different roles. Since 2007 he has been managing director of LKAB Berg & Betong, a group of companies consisting of LKAB Berg & Betong (full service solutions for the mining and construction industries), LKAB Kimit (explosive products) and LKAB Mekaniska (mechanical engineering). “I look forward to leading LKAB Wassara, it is a high tech organisation with competent co-workers and the water powered drilling systems are strategically very important for LKAB’s production,” says Peter Söderman. Visit:

Stefan Scheiber is new CEO of Bühler


tefan Scheiber (50) is now CEO of Bühler. He succeeds Calvin Grieder, who will focus on his role as chairman of the board. The appointment stands for continuity and accelerated change at Bühler. Mr Scheiber has been with Bühler since 1988. In the course of his 25-year career, he has led various sales and production organisations

he Mosolf Group has appointed Wolfgang Göbel (52) as its chief sales officer. The newly created position of a chief sales officer is designed to ensure the long-term success of the company, which is one of the leading system service providers for the automobile industry in Europe. The appointment also acknowledges the many years of service that Göbel has given to the Mosolf Group. Göbel will be responsible for all the sales activities and the long-term sales strategy of the group. At the same time, he will continue to exercise his previous positions within the company. They include his tasks as managing director of the Mosolf subsidiaries Mosolf Automotive Railway GmbH, Mosolf Benelux B.V.B.A. and SAT Sächsische Autotransport und Service GmbH. Visit:


he board of directors of ENGIE Global Markets has appointed Philippe Vedrenne as chief executive officer. Philippe Vedrenne has been with the ENGIE Group since 1997 in various commercial positions. In the wake of the gas and power market liberalisation, he was instrumental in setting up Gaselys in 2001, the trading joint venture between Gaz de France and Société Générale, which later became GDF SUEZ Trading in 2011 and now ENGIE Global Markets since March 2016. Besides his role as CEO of ENGIE Global Markets, Philippe Vedrenne keeps his current position within ENGIE ‘Global Energy Management’ Business Unit, in charge of managing European gas midstream activities. Visit:

at all management levels in Kenya, South Africa, Germany and Switzerland. “With our portfolio of solutions and our global presence in over 140 countries, we are strongly positioned in the important growth markets of food and mobility,” says Stefan Scheiber. “The aim now is to transform this position into further profitable growth.” Visit: Industry Europe 21


TECHNOLOGYSPOTLIGHT Morgan and D3O create world’s most advanced helmet for defence sector

Advances in technology across industry

British Steel launches revolutionary new rail product


organ Advanced Materials, a world leader in the application of advanced composite material technology, has incorporated the D3O TRUST high-performance padding system into its ultra-lightweight combat helmet portfolio, the LASA AC914 and LASA AC915. The combination of Morgan’s hybrid composite ballistic helmet shell technology, with D3O’s impact pads, is believed to be the most advanced combat helmet in the global market. The D3O TRUST helmet liner system, created by the experts in real-world impact protection solutions, is engineered using patented composite materials. The seven-piece system, which exceeds required Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) protection levels by 33% at 10ft/sec, has now been used by Morgan to complement its world leading ballistic helmet shell technology. Morgan’s LASA AC914 and LASA AC915 ballistic helmets are manufactured using proprietary ultra-lightweight, composite hybrid technology, which provides structure, durability and a level of protection at weights significantly lower than previously available. The helmets are the outcome of over three years of materials and product development at Morgan’s Ballistics Centre of Excellence. Duncan Eldridge, president of Morgan Advanced Materials – Composites and Defence Systems, explains: “Morgan has been at the forefront of ballistic protective combat helmet design for more than 30 years and we are proud to partner with D3O in the creation of our most advanced combat helmet yet.” Visit:

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ritish Steel, the UK-based manufacturer of premium steel products, has launched a revolutionary new rail product which can withstand the rigours of being laid in some of the most corrosive of environments. The new product, Zinoco®, is a premium coated rail that can be installed in harsh environments where corrosion is expected to be the main cause of future rail replacement such as coastal lines, wet tunnels, level crossings, mineral lines and salt pans. Contracts have already been secured across the UK, Ireland and France. British Steel’s Rail Sector Head, Richard Bell, said the product was developed at the business’s headquarters in Scunthorpe and that extensive testing shows Zinoco® will typically outlast traditional uncoated rail by around five times in a broad range of aggressive environments. Richard said: “This is an exciting time for British Steel and Zinoco® is a great example of our innovation and development of premium products for the global market place. Our highly-skilled employees create and manufacture world class steel every day and we are proud of the response Zinoco® has already received.” Visit:

Developing 48V through-theroad hybrid vehicle technology C

ontrolled Power Technologies, a developer of vehicle driveline electrification based on state-ofthe-art switched-reluctance machines (SRMs), has partnered with Ricardo, Tata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC) and Provector to apply its low voltage electric motor technology to the rear driveline of a B-segment city car. The consortium has secured a funding award from Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, who will contribute £1.8 million of the total £3.4 million investment. The investment will help to further introduce advanced mild hybrid functionality to mainstream vehicles at significantly reduced cost to that of high voltage plug-in hybrid or pure electric vehicles (EVs). The innovative electrified rear axle technology will be an important step in enabling OEMs to further improve both regulated and real world fuel economy in modern urban city driving conditions. CPT will lead the project and will be responsible for developing the electric motor and control system, and will support their integration into the rear axle module. Provector has extensive experience in the control and management of advanced lead-carbon battery chemistry through projects such as ADEPT and its involvement with the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium. Ricardo’s key responsibilities within the project will be the design and analysis of the integrated 48V rear axle module, development of the supervisory vehicle control system, sub-system testing and project management support, building on its previous work on the ADEPT and ULTRAN projects. TMETC will supply the base vehicles, develop the suspension solution, and provide support for the application of the technology and overall vehicle integration and testing. Visit:


NOTICEBOARD MAPAL increases efficiency in machining of cast iron and steel


APAL is expanding its range of milling cutters with ISO indexable inserts to include new tools. As with the whole portfolio of milling cutters with ISO indexable inserts, the new milling cutters have high-precision insert seats. Perfectly matched cutting edge geometries and high performance coatings are further basic features of the various forms of indexable inserts used. With the new 75° face and 90° tangential shoulder milling cutters for the machining of steel and cast iron, the close pitch is responsible for the high feed rates. The 45° face and 88° tangential shoulder milling cutters for the machining of steel, stainless steel and cast iron impress with large cutting depths. They are both available with the same construction, i.e. four useful cutting edges per LTHU tangential indexable insert, and with LTHU tangential indexable inserts installed on alternate sides that are particularly cost-effective with their eight useful cutting edges. Visit:

Compact dynamic oxygen sensor delivers elevated performance IN

order to meet the demands of modern oxygen monitoring applications, SST Sensing Ltd has developed the Zirconia Miniature series of sensors. Supplied space saving 12mm diameter metal cans, these 5-pin devices possess an array of attributes to maximise their effectiveness at measuring oxygen levels in virtually any environment.

Each Zirconia Miniature sensor has a response time of as little as 4 seconds and covers an oxygen range from 0.1% to 100%. They can operate in oxygen pressures from 2mbar to 3bar with superior accuracy and linearity. Among the key target application areas for these devices are - combustion control in industrial boilers, ensuring the quality of perishable goods during transportation, controlling industrial composting processes and in both oxygen generating and inerting systems in aircraft. Through implementation of its proprietary technology, SST has placed itself at the forefront of high precision oxygen sensor development. The company’s highly sophisticated zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) based sensors are able to keep generating exact, reliable data across an extensive operational lifespan, even in the most challenging of environments. Visit:

Eisele launches first tube connection with consistent hygienic design


isele has many years of experience in the development of high-quality solid metal connectors from stainless steel. The Waiblingenbased company has now responded to the growing demand for hygienic and easy-to-clean connecting components with a world innovation: at IFFA 2016 Eisele presented the first tube connection for the food industry constructed entirely according to hygienic design criteria. The new stainless steel connector of the Eisele CLEANLINE series fulfills all important criteria for use in the food processing industry and is constructed entirely according to the regulations of the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG). On the outside and especially on the top it is completely sealed by FDA-compliant seals made of EPDM. The outer contour is rounded and micro-machined to minimal roughness (Ra <0.8 µm) to prevent any accumulation of impurities and also to facilitate cleaning of the connection. The same applies to the inside of the connection, which is manufactured from stainless steel 1.4404. It is completely free of dead zones and can be cleaned simply by flushing. Visit:

How industrial robots detect human skin


or the realisation of Industrie 4.0 (Industrial Internet of Things) concepts, mobile robots that collaborate with humans are indispensable. If complicated protective gates are to be dispensed with, however, and the principle that humans and robots must always work in separate areas is to be waived, the demands on safety technology increase. Some safety solutions for human-robot collaboration (HRC) are being presented at the Automatica trade fair by the Schmersal Group. The Schmersal safety controller is a control system that specifies a definable three-dimensional work zone for the robot and immediately detects if this area is exited. The safety controller is a trusted solution that

has already been employed in over 30,000 robots and, in particular, in the automotive industry. It facilitates a collaboration between humans and robots without a protective gate separating them. However, the movements and speed in an HRC situation can also be realised with the aid of the PSC1 safety control system from Schmersal in combination with relevant sensors. With the ‘Save Drive Monitoring’ module (SDM) of the PSC1 control system, up to 12 axes can be monitored safely by means of comprehensive functions compliant with DIN EN 61800-5-2. Visit: Industry Europe 23



Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin on the consequences of Brexit for German industry.


erman trade and industry leaders believe there will be no swift return to business as usual following the UK decision to quit the EU. Britain was the third largest export market for Germany with trade valued at 90 billion euros annually. As the dust begins to settle, the short term outlook certainly looks rosier – although not by much – from the German side of the Channel than on the UK one. Over 2500 companies from Germany have a branch in the United Kingdom. Its capital invested there: about 130 billion euros and 400,000 employees. “A no to the EU means withdrawing Britain from the European internal market and this could directly affect jobs in Germany,” said Volker Treier, deputy chief executive at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). “The reason: a possible devaluation of the British pound against the euro and higher inflation. That would increase the price of German goods in the United Kingdom and possibly reduce the sales.” According to a study of the credit insurer Euler Hermes, German exporters would suffer through a Brexit until 2019 losses in the order of €6.8 billion. Industrial giants Siemens and Bosch said it was too early to say what the fallout of Brexit might mean for trade. But experts say the German automobile industry would see a decline in exports of two billion euros:, in the chemicals sector it would be 1.1 billion and for machine makers an estimated one billion euros. German carmakers like BMW rely heavily on exports to the UK, selling every fifth vehicle produced in Germany in Britain. BMW lost approximately more than nine per cent in value after the Brexit result on the DAX in Frankfurt. German media said its Mini plants and an engine factory in Britain will “feel the chill” if free trade falls off. “The conse24 Industry Europe

quences of this decision are not yet clear. It is clear, however, that now begins a period of uncertainty,” the auto group said. “We expect however no immediate impact on our operations in the UK.” The group will not speculate on the production sites – Oxford, Hams Hall, Swindon and Goodwood. BMW has invested around 2.2 billion euros there.

Britain was the third largest export market for Germany ... As the dust begins to settle, the short term outlook certainly looks rosier – although not by much – from the German side of the Channel than on the UK one. Apart from the British themselves, Germany will probably be the biggest loser from Brexit,” said Clemens Fuest, the head of the Ifo Institute, an influential economic think tank. “The withdrawal will affect all German industry.” Holger Schmiedig, chief economist at Berenberg Bank, also expects an ‘economic setback’. “It’s difficult to calculate just how great that risk is, because it remains entirely unclear which trade agreements would be eliminated and which would be replaced by new deals.”

Start-up hopes Only in the world of start-ups is there some optimism – but for Germany, not Britain. The German Association of Start-Ups sees “Berlin as a winner, London as a loser.”

“Britain is an exporting country for IT and telecommunications products and an important trade partner for Germany, for years one of the most important,” said Bernhard Rohleder of the digital association BITKOM. Brexit, he says, changes this. And Florian Noell, chairman of the Association of German Start-Ups, added that a British retreat from the EU may well see Berlin supplant London as the main start-up centre in Europe. “The German start-up capital of Berlin is the winner of Brexit and London the loser. “At the same time, it was not a victory we’ll celebrate. We haven’t seen ourselves as German or British entrepreneurs in a long time. We are European entrepreneurs. Our startups were founded for international markets.” The German Association of the Internet Industry, eco, also say they expect that Brexit will bring a boost to Berlin as London loses its appeal as a pioneer for Europe. Still, eco also sees Brexit as a setback for Europe in terms of global competition because plans to create a digital single market will now be on a smaller scale. “A fragmented market will lose every form of competitiveness compared with countries like the USA,” warned eco’s politics and law director Oliver Süme. He also predicted financial losses over the course of the UK’s exit negotiations. “It will bring enormous insecurity in legal terms for companies in the Internet economy, and thus likely a drop in sales.” Bitkom’s Bernhard Rohleder also said he expected that the UK would distance itself from the principles of having a single market for the Internet. “We must now make sure that the consequences for the German and the European digital economy remain as small as possible. “Companies in Germany will have to deal with different rules in the UK. That is almost impossible for medium-sized companies n and startups.”



France Ian Sparks reports from Paris on the threats to France’s tourist trade.


rench tourism chiefs fear the latest shocking terrorist attack in Nice and the tumbling pound following the Brexit vote could cripple their industry for years. Up to 90 holidaymakers and locals were killed and dozens more injured when a lorry ploughed through revellers watching a Bastille Day fireworks display in the southern French port on July 14. The tragedy happened just nine months after an Islamic State gunman massacred 137 people and injured 368 more in a spate of shootings and killing in Paris on November 13 last year. The attacks combined with the falling pound, which has lost 20 per cent of its value against the euro since Britain’s decision to quit the EU last month, has now become a ‘double-edged sword’ to the struggling sector, the French travel industry umbrella group Les Entreprises du Voyage said. The group’s president Jean-Pierre Mas added: “Britain will attract more French people but it is bad news for the French economy as fewer British tourists will come to France because it will be a more expensive destination. “And when terrorists strike tourists at a hugely popular resort like Nice, not just the British but all other nationalities are likely to give France a very wide berth indeed. It could take years to recover from this.” The day before the referendum, British searches for European holidays on holiday website Kayak surged 24 per cent, with France topping the list of flight destinations being queried, he said. But by the next day, France had dropped out of the top 10 to be replaced by the Netherlands, up 161 per cent, Czech Republic, up 146 per cent, and Sweden, up 140 per cent. Meanwhile, searches for holiday flight destinations to Britain soared, Mr Mas told French news agency AFP.

The threat from Airbnb The bosses of Paris’s luxury hotels have also been demanding that the French govern-

ment clamp down on the Airbnb home letting website which they claim is now stealing their wealthiest clients. Three years ago there were just 7000 properties for rent on the property site across the whole of France. But today there are 50,000 flats and houses to let on the site in Paris alone, making the city the world’s top Airbnb destination. The site is also increasingly attracting wealthy renters, and currently offers around 400 Paris apartments at over 500 euros a night and, of those, about 40 charge over 1000 euros. In comparison, Paris’s seven most luxurious hotels have less than 2000 rooms in total, with many rooms costing up to 2000 euros a night and suites costing in excess of 10,000 euros a night. The Paris luxury sector is already worried about a surge in competition from newly opening hotels, a downturn in visits from wealthy Russians and Brazilians as their economies falter, and fears among US visitors of rising anti-semitism in France. As a result of the competition, the Bristol Hotel suffered a 20 per cent drop in revenue in the first half of this year and an occupancy rate that fell to 61.2 per cent from 69.2. The renowned Four Seasons George V saw a 5 percentage point drop in occupancy to 66 per cent in the same period. At the same time, maid and concierge services and other extras are all available on some of the most expensive Airbnb properties in Paris. One flat available was once the home of film star Brigitte Bardot, and whose ‘140-metre square terrace offers you a breathtaking 360-degree view of the capital city’ for 1400 euros a night. The same floor space at the George V Hotel would cost around 8000 euros. American actress Judith Freiha gets rave reviews for her one bedroom apartment on the Ile Saint Louis, an island in the River

Seine near the heart of the city whose buildings date back to the 17th Century. At 900 euros a night her 54 square metre penthouse – with two terraces facing south to a secluded courtyard and north onto the main street – attracts Silicon Valley professionals, supermodels and wealthy courting couples. Included in the price is a ‘meet and greet’ service from Freiha herself, who lets her flat around six weeks a year, for stays ranging mainly from two nights to a week. Didier le Calvez, managing director of the French capital’s famed Bristol Hotel, said: “Airbnb is a menace that enjoys an unfair advantage. The Paris market is going to get very difficult.” François Delahaye, managing director of the Plaza Athenee, said: “It’s a tax attack on our livelihoods. Although Airbnb landlords should declare any income for tax purposes, they do not face the other tax and social charges that a business such as a hotel has to pay.” But Airbnb has insisted that it is not in competition with the French capital’s hotels. A spokeswoman for the website said: “We offer a totally different thing. These residences are chosen for the unique experience they offer, but which remain very different from what a luxury hotel can propose.” Earlier this year, Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky also paid a visit to the capital to reassure Paris city officials that his company has only boosted tourism to the city. He said after the meeting with Deputy Mayor Bruno Julliard: “I don’t think that for us to win, anybody has to lose. Airbnb chiefly serves as an alternative for those who struggle to find low cost accommodation and who would otherwise not be able to afford visiting Paris. Mayor Julliard agreed, saying: “Airbnb has become an essential offering for accommodation in Paris, especially for younger tourists. Whatever anyone says, it has only boosted the number of visitors to Paris, and n for us that is a good thing.” Industry Europe 25


IMP Pumps is a market leader in the design and manufacture of circulating pumps and pumping systems. Philip Yorke talked to Damir Popovic, the company’s CEO, about its latest high-energy pumps and move into new markets.

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MP Pumps was founded in 1947 in Slovenia and operated as part of the IMP Group until the late 1980s. The company successfully survived the change in the country’s economic system and the very turbulent nineties and was able to maintain its leading position in the region. IMP was privatised in 1997 and again in 1999, at which time major investments were made in plant, product development, marketing and Information Technology. IMP is a leading manufacturer of advanced, high-efficiency pumps and pumping systems and is located in Komenda, Slovenia. The company designs, develops, manufactures and distributes a wide variety of state-of-the-art pumps. In addition it maintains and services pumps and pumping systems.

Fully integrated solutions With a wide range of products and customer services of its own as well as those of its strategic partners, the company is well positioned to be a key provider of integrated solutions. It offers highly specialised skills and as such, the company is able to resolve the many challenging problems relating to the transportation of liquid media. More than 95 per cent of IMP’s products are exported and sold in more than 60 countries worldwide. IMP is the true innovator in the field of wet running pumps with brushless DC motors (BLDC) and this is supported by its quality certification: ISO9001:2008.

The company’s commitment to innovation and pump efficiency is underscored by the importance it places on its strong in-house research and development department, which is funded by 15 per cent of IMP’s total annual revenues. The R&D department is responsible for the development of advanced circulation pumps created by its own production programme. IMP is one of the few companies in Europe that has consistently introduced new generations of pumps over the years with BLDC motors. This ranks IMP Pumps as a market leader at the very top of European pump technology. Popovic said, “Since we were founded in 1947 we have been the pioneers of regulated pumps, which have since become the standard in Western Europe. In 1991 we developed a regulated pump with BLDC motor for global clients such as Siemens. We are an engineering company through and through and build innovation into everything we create. We develop innovative pumping solutions that benefit our customers to make them more efficient and more profitable and with IMP they know they are getting extremely good value for money. “Our latest products have been developed over the last ten years and are some of the lightest and most reliable on the market. We are a small company compared to the big players but we are faster, more flexible, and provide a more dedicated customer service. We also offer a true turnkey service from product concept right through

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to testing and distribution and work closely with our customers to always produce optimal results for them. Popovic added, “Today over 50 per cent of our products are exported to countries such as Germany, which is our largest market, as well as to Italy, Russia, Sweden and Turkey. We are exporting to more than 60 countries in total worldwide and we see our biggest opportunities for growth coming from the USA and western Europe. However, we don’t see ourselves getting involved in acquisitions or joint ventures currently as we are growing organically at over 20 per cent per year.”

High energy efficiency Customers of IMP’s pumps have come to recognise that there is a good relationship between the high quality of the products and low prices. This is summed up by the company’s well-known slogan, 28 Industry Europe

‘The honest product for the honest price’. IMP’s latest NMT MAX is a highly energy efficient circulating pump with a BLDC motor and an in-built user interface. The constant adjustment of power levels with integrated electronic controls is managed according to the system requirements or can work at constant speeds. In the last few years IMP has begun to develop new types of pumps to meet the latest EU directives and these will be showcased at the Milan Trade Fair in March this year. These will represent a true revolution in pump technology. The first new pump will be available with a 480-watt motor and will be extremely energy efficient, whilst being very small compared to its competitors. The new IMP pump

will also be a lot cheaper than similar models due to production optimisation and lean management protocols. These latest pumps from IMP have the smallest motors available in this power range in the world of circulating pumps. Efficiency is a key word for the entire company. Apart from product efficiency and communication efficiency, it has implemented a number of efficient methods in production and R&D such as Kanban, Single Piece Flow, SMED, 8D, FMEA, APQP, Kaisen and so on. This makes n IMP PUMPS a quality- and efficiency-driven company. For further details of IMP’s innovative circulating pumps and customer services visit:

Industry Europe 29


Established more than 30 years ago, Italian company manufactures industrial cooling and compressed air & gas treatment machines, as well as air conditioning equipment. While maintaining strong links to its roots, MTA operates on a global scale as Barbara Rossi finds out from Marco Motton, Operations director, and Enrico Callegarin, Compressed Air Products and Process Cooling marketing manager.

TAEevo Tech, air-cooled industrial chillers


TA stands for ‘Macchine Trattamento Aria’ (literally ‘Air Treatment Machines’). The company was set up in the Padua area of northeastern Italy in 1982 by four partners, all of whom came from an air treatment background. MTA quickly launched its first product, an innovative thermal mass dryer, thanks to which it became renowned at global level. Another milestone was reached in 1989 when the company impressed the compressed air & gas treatment market with a new environmentally-friendly silica sand thermal mass dryer. Following this, thanks to the success of its own refrigeration air dryers (of which it still produces between 6000 and 7000 a year), in 1991 MTA entered the process cooling market with TAE, an industrial liquid chiller. TAE was equipped with a tank containing an innovative water heat exchanger, suitable for a wide range of applications. Since then, the company has developed different models of TAE, of which it currently supplies about 6000 units a year. 30 Industry Europe

Innovation is key Today MTA, with its 440 employees and 50 product lines, offers a comprehensive product range spread across three main areas: process cooling; compressed air & gas treatment; and air conditioning. The process cooling range, including water cooled chillers and water cooled heat pumps from 1 kW to 1900 kW, offers an extremely high level of product reliability. When it comes to compressed air & gas treatment products, what differentiates the company from competitors is the wide range of solutions on offer, product performance and energy saving. “We do not simply offer energy-saving dryers, like some of our competitors. We go a step further. Energy saving is part of our DNA, as proven by our refrigeration air dryers able to process from 0.3 to 760m3/min. Their energy saving features have gained widespread market recognition,” said Mr Motton.

Headquarters and production facility in Conselve, Padua

A series of chillers and dry coolers MTA installed in a large industrial manufacturing plant in Germany

Two new Lean assembly lines for Cygnus Tech and TAEevo Tech ranges

“The drive towards the development of new products to meet customers’ specific needs is our main priority. We carry out continuous R&D and a team of specialists follows each phase of development, from the initial needs analysis to product design and manufacturing. We have a highly qualified technical department and in our sector a high level of technical expertise is what makes the difference. Our latest products are the new energy saving DE ETM thermal mass dryer and the high efficiency industrial application heat pump HAEevo TECH,” added Mr Callegarin. “DE ETM could be defined as the joining link between a dryer and process cooling, while HAEevo TECH is an industrial heat pump offering the energy efficiency required by the air conditioning market.” Mr Motton added, “As well as carrying out R&D internally, for special projects we collaborate with the university of Padua. In addition to this, we have co-engineering projects with some of our highly selected sup-

Rooftop installation of Aries Tech units in Germany

pliers, especially when it comes to heat exchangers and machine control management. We work with highly reputable international suppliers, 40 of which supply us with 80 per cent of what we purchase.”

Market outreach MTA operates from three sites (Conselve, Bagnoli and Tribano) all based in the Padua area, occupying a total area of 58,000m² (26,000m2 of which are taken up by covered facilities). It has a production capacity of 20,000 products a year and a yearly turnover of more than €75 million, 80 per cent of which derives from exports. Bagnoli is dedicated to the production of tanks, while Conselve, the main site, hosts assembly facilities, alongside the technical office, R&D and procurement. It is where all the machines ranging from 15kW to 1900kW are produced and assembled. Meanwhile Tribano, which was previously focused solely on logistics, was transIndustry Europe 31

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DE ETM, thermal mass cycling refrigerated air dryers

formed into a production site a year ago and is now responsible for the manufacturing of the smaller TAE and dryer models. Through its network of representatives, MTA is commercially active in more than 80 countries worldwide, as well as having direct branches in various countries (Germany, France, Spain, Romania, the USA and Australia). In this way it ensures an excellent geographical coverage for all of its customers.

Ready for further growth

HAEevo Tech, high efficiency air-cooled reversible heat pumps

“The founding partners are very involved in the company; in fact we could say it is a family company. Three years ago they decided to appoint a technical director in order to be ready for further growth. Our internal organisation and assembly lines were revolutionised, thanks to a €3 million investment in production and organisation. Lead times have been reduced and are clearly stated. We have implemented a KANBAN production system, in which some of our suppliers have been integrated, which has allowed us to increase our flexibility in responding to customer demand.” The company’s very detailed business plan for the next three years includes a 15 per cent annual growth rate. This will be entirely of an organic nature and the current facilities will be perfectly able to accommodate it. The commercial reorganisation undertaken recently was implemented in preparation for this and further changes are taking place. MTA plans to further strengthen its position in its main markets – namely Europe, Russia and the USA. In addition to this,

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it intends to establish its commercial presence in regions where sales are currently limited, including Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Mr Callegarin commented, “We have a very wide range of applications, such as plastics, packaging, automotive, wine-making, chemical,s pharmaceuticals and many more. This is a true strength, differentiating us from our competitors. We have a vast know-how at our disposal and a global vision. We are working on many important projects at the moment, developing both existing and new products. We want to be able to offer a comprehensive range, covering a wider spectrum of market levels.”

He concluded: “Our lead times have decreased by over 90 per cent and some of our suppliers have been further integrated into our processes thanks to the IUNGO software systems, which allows them to receive orders in real time. We do this because we want to offer quick and reliable deliveries. We have a chart stating delivery times for all our products according to the chosen configuration. We offer prompt deliveries for all our standard products and very quick and reliable deliveries for customised solutions. Our suppliers are carefully selected in terms of both technical and organisational quality in order to help us achieve reliability, quality, flexibility and customer satisfaction. They are n an integral part of our growth and success.”

Sales headquarters, production and storage facility in Tribano, Padua

Two new Lean assembly lines for Cygnus Tech and TAEevo Tech ranges

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MAKING LIFE EASY FOR PEOPLE WHO USE TOOLS Grupa Topex (GTX) of Poland has recently been investing heavily in the development of its brand through various media channels and the Internet, participation in trade fairs, and in the dynamic growth of its product portfolio. Today, the company offers nearly 5000 products, is present across 40 markets in Europe and beyond, and has over 4000 business partners. Piotr Potowski reports.


number of key events have taken place in the recent history of GTX which have further strengthened its operations. Firstly, the company’s restructuring and name change in 2012 was a confirmation of its transformation, and an important part of the 2011–2015 long-term development strategy implementation process. As a result of these changes, the company began to build its new business ‘identity’ based on a clearly-defined mission, vision, values and concrete strategic goals. “We have also rebranded the TOPEX, NEO and GRAPHITE brands by introducing new logotypes, new product and packaging design, new online services and new standards at points of sale,” adds company director Piotr Potowski. “It is through stable development of our own strong brands that the company is building its actual value, evolving from the position of a ‘distributor of tools’ towards that of a strong ‘marketer’.” GTX has also introduced a successful Tool Centres Project, a professional tool user supply network developed around the trading locations of the company’s key clients operating in Poland. In addition, the GTX SERVICE platform was launched, which marks yet another step in GTX’s professionalisation. Last but not least, construction of an automated warehouse has been yet another recent highlight. Today, GTX brands are present on over 40 different markets. Of course, Poland is an important one, as GTX is its leader; nevertheless, when discussing the development of the company it is vital to focus both on western and southern Europe as well as on Eastern markets. GTX has three daughter companies headquartered in Romania, Russia and the Ukraine. However, the political and economic situation in the latter two has not been particularly favourable, which provided the company with a new business challenge. For a number of years now, GTX has been focusing more strongly on its development outside Poland’s borders.

A modern logistics centre GTX owns an ultra-modern, innovative logistics centre allowing for fast and efficient servicing of both domestic and export markets. The centre, apart from a long-functioning, automated, 10-stand completion line, includes an automated pallet warehouse with a capacity for 15,000 pallets stored in a double deep system. The main function, apart from storage, is the automated loading of pallet collection points and completion of free-rotating goods on the Good to Man (GTM) station. The warehouse is serviced by four stacker cranes of 22 metres in height. There is also an automated container warehouse with a capacity for 13,000 containers stored in a double deep system. Four stacker cranes of 11 metres in height service this warehouse, and they are some of the most modern devices of this kind in the world. Overall, the centre has the capacity to process 30,000–40,000 orders in 24 hours. It operates in a two-shift system, and the rate of completion of orders to a very high standard is approximately 95 per cent.

Key brands GTX brands fall into two main product groups: hand tools and power tools. In addition, since 2015 the company has been heavily investing in the third pillar of its operations, namely the GTX SERVICE which carries out repairs, has a massive warehouse for spare parts and offers other services. The company offers three brands of hand tools. The NEO brand, dedicated to professionals, comprises an extensive assortment of products provided with a 25-year warranty and TÜV certification. The TOPEX brand is dedicated to DIY enthusiasts and it is the most recognised Polish brand of tools with a history nearly equal to the 25 years of operations of GTX. The TOP TOOLS brand is dedicated to those who, when buying tools, are Industry Europe 35

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ELROB We have been operating continuously since 1998. As one of the few companies on the Polish market with access to a full design, production and logistics centre, we are able to offer comprehensive services within the area of equipping retail points and promoting sales. Our offer includes point-ofsale solutions, exhibition systems, exhibition racks and walls, shop-inshop solutions, advertising stands, visual identification elements, light panels and banners. Our years of experience in working with clients from a wide range of industries has enabled us to develop a comprehensive system for the efficient design and processing of orders. We don’t manufacture any standard equipment for shops: everything we create is a result of our clients’ specific requirements. We are flexible in terms of scope and the type of operation. We always adjust our resources to the needs of each individual project. We learn fast and share the experience we have gained from working in many industries in order to optimise costs, deadlines and logistics. We are experts in problem-solving. We offer our customers a full service, starting from the project design and ending with the implementation of the best solutions at retail points, irrespective of the industry and location.

guided solely by price. The products are designed for light domestic work and cover all key segments of the hand tools market. Power tools are also divided into three brands. GRAPHITE PRO, the youngest brand introduced in November 2015, comprises products for professional use under heavy loads. All products come with a three-year warranty which can be extended free of charge for a further two years within the GTX SERVICE system. As the brand is young it currently comprises only six tools but new product groups will be introduced soon. The GRAPHITE brand has been dynamically developing for several years and is dedicated to semi-professionals who expect high efficiency but do not use products under heavy loads. The brand, apart from power tools, also comprises a wider range of accessories which, owing to their quality level, can be used in professional settings with the GRAPHITE PRO brand. Last but not least, VERTO is a brand which, similar to TOPEX, is designed for use at home by DIY enthusiasts. It also comprises a wide range of accessories.

Innovation and investments “We are currently introducing new sets of NEO socket wrenches with stronger packaging and new, better ratchets,” says Mr Potowski. “The sets have a 25-year warranty. We are also going to expand the line of power tools for professionals within the GRAPHITE PRO brand. It is important to remember that being innovative at any price is not part of our business model. Apart from a balanced and well-thought-out package of innovative products, we focus on innovative services, sales and after-sales, and reliable work. In order to ensure such a high level of market service, we also focus on such elements as quality control confirmed with TÜV M+T, ISO and VDE certificates, technical research, logistic excellence, team competence, and others.” While finalising investments in its logistics facilities, GTX has also been considering the next steps in its development. The company

has a number of interesting plans directly linked to distribution of tools as well as with new areas of operations, which will contribute to further strengthening its role on the technical goods and services market. The focus is on three main areas. First of all is the further development of GTX daughter companies headquartered in Romania, Russia and the Ukraine, as the potential of eastern markets is very high. The further development of GTX’s offer with respect to both products and services is another key area in which the company will be aiming to convince relevant authorities that support businesses using EU funding. Employee development is the largest ongoing investment. “We have dedicated training programmes for individual employees, and we have company-wide development programmes such as the ‘GTX Development Academy’, implemented in cooperation with the ICAN Institute,” adds Mr Potowski. In all of its investments, GTX focuses on the ongoing improvement of customer service. This applies to both partners, i.e. shops, and individual users of tools. GTX aims to set standards for sales and after-sales services. The largest recent investment into an automated distribution centre was an answer to new market demands. The investment enabled GTX to set a new standard in logistics and service in its industry. The co-financing of 30 per cent of the investment from UE sources, at a total project value of PLN 40.5 million, contributed significantly to the completion of the project. Previously, GTX was also using EU funding for the support of staff training which was linked with the level of customer service. Grupa Topex’s most recent investment in innovation is a direct answer to yet another emerging trend: the evolution of the simple role of a shop assistant into that of an adviser, offering help and value-added services. “Our investments are proceeding precisely in this direction,” says the GTX director. “We will certainly be aiming to secure EU co-financing with n respect to the innovative elements of this project.” Industry Europe 37



Polish company AUTOMATYKA-POMIARY-STEROWANIE S.A. (APS S.A.) offers comprehensive services in the field of industrial automation and power engineering. It is one of the most resilient medium-sized enterprises within its sector in Poland. Based in Białystok and employing just over 70 staff, in 2015 it created a capital group together with ELREM Ltd. Piotr Sadowski reports.

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stablished in 1993, APS S.A. has been operating on the market for 23 years. In just over two decades, APS has become one of Poland’s leaders in its field of operation. From the very beginning of its existence, the company has been placing a particular emphasis on quality, confirmed by the ISO 9001 certificate. Beginning with providing services to Elektrociepłownia Białystok S.A., which remains its biggest client today, every year the company has been able to conquer new markets and offer an increasingly wider range of services. Since its establishment the company has established its new headquarters, expanded its production hall and design office which, in turn, has enabled it to enter new and exciting areas. Today, APS S.A. offers a complete service based on the most modern design, software and technological solution tools. “We are a partner and distributor for many renowned Polish and foreign companies, offering retail and wholesale sales of subcomponents and components for industrial automation and power engineering,” says Bogusław Łącki, president of the board of APS S.A. “We were the first company from the Podlasie region of Poland to debut on the alternative trading floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, called ‘NewConnect’, focusing on dynamic, innovative companies. I can say with all certainty that today APS S.A. is a company which works according to global standards in terms of production technology, software and working conditions.”

Wealth of services and products The company offers a wide range of solutions and services in order to respond rapidly and flexibly to the needs of its customers. It is engaged in the design of electrical and electro-energy installations, industrial automation, networks and electro-energy appliances, construction automation, as well as a wide range of construction-related projects. Furthermore, APS S.A. offers

complete services in terms of software solutions, such as the programming of PLC controllers, designing SCADA visualisation systems and other cutting-edge solutions. Its wide-ranging services are related to the assembly and premanufacturing of power systems, electric installations, microprocessor-based control and monitoring systems, and other solutions. The company also starts up and launches post-assembly controls tests, calibration and checking, as well as taking electrical readings in many technological solutions. “We produce different types of switchgears, as well as test appliances in our own, specialised laboratories for measuring pressure, temperature, flow and physical-chemical properties, to mention just a few,” says Mr Łącki. “We sell appliances such as frequency converters, soft-starters, engines, gears, PLC controllers, operating panels, regulators, indicators, gauges and temperature converters convertors, as well as proximity sensors, impulse meters, software tools and lots more.” While the majority of APS’s products are sold on the Polish market, its clients do include many global companies operating in this market. Furthermore, around 5 per cent of its services and solutions are now sold abroad. Within the EU, the key export destinations last year were Lithuania, Latvia, Belgium, Denmark and Slovakia; outside of the EU, the main markets were Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. “Our export clients are usually provided with services such as pre-manufacturing of automation solutions, control and measuring appliances for pressure, flow, temperature, proximity sensors and accessories, PLC controllers and HMI panels for Siemens, low-voltage appliances and engines for ABB, and many different elements and products which are otherwise very difficult for clients to find,” explains the president of the board. “What makes us a partner of choice for foreign trading partners is the fact that we can offer expert help in Industry Europe 39

selecting appropriate solutions and products. We take care of the most difficult and challenging aspects of any project, provide help with any customs-related formalities, are able to adjust the price to the needs of a client, and also offer realistic, yet very competitive, delivery times.”

Working closely with clients The company’s organic growth is always well-planned and utilises the most favourable forms of financing; co-financing from European Union sources and funds is often an option that is considered and in the past APS S.A. already utilised this avenue of securing the necessary capital. Using the Regional Operational Programme, the company received co-financing for expanding its headquarters and production site in 2009–2010; the same fund enabled it to participate in important trade fairs in 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, using the Human Capital Operational Programme, APS S.A. secured co-financing in 2014 and 2015 for implementing a complex programme of training and consultancy. Last but not least, the company has benefited from cofinancing from the Innovative Economy Operational Programme in the implementation of its excellent B2B IT system. As Mr Łącki points out, the success of any company is not just made on the basis of its own activities, but those with whom it works can

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play a very important role in helping to achieve great results. Thus, APS S.A. cooperates with business partners who are included on the list of approved suppliers and subcontractors of APS S.A. Amongst some of the business partners that can be mentioned – thought the list is longer – are: ABB, Siemens, Phoenix Contact, Aplisens, APAR, Lumel, Simex, Limatherm, SMC, Inductronic, Endress+Hauser, Turck and Sels.

The direction for further growth There is no stagnation in the operations of APS S.A.: there is always something new and interesting happening. In 2015 the company was joined by a young, dynamic, general director, who is implementing organisational changes to take advantage of the new opportunities resulting from the capital group created with ELREM Ltd. “The company’s board is very much counting on making the most of the synergy effect from the operations of two excellent companies,” concludes Mr Łącki. “In our area of operations – industrial automation – new products and new investments are driven by technological advances. Our aim is to offer potential investors, who are looking to secure competitive market advantages, the ability to achieve the edge over their competitors by efficiently providing them n with effective industrial automation solutions.”

ABB Sp. z o. o. ABB provides effective and high performance drive solutions for APS S.A – an authorized value provider partner, who represents the defined ABB products and services. With its in-depth knowledge of local markets and expertise in selected products and services, APS S.A. can ensure speed, efficiency and consistency in daily operations. Technology is the core of our business. We developed the very first high-power AC drive in the 1970s, and today we offer the most advanced range of variable speed drives in the world. Still, the cutting edge technology is not the only thing that makes us the global leader in AC and DC drives. You can expect more from us. The ABB low voltage AC drives product range, from 0.18 to 5600 kW, is the widest selection available from any manufacturer. These drives establish the global benchmark signifying reliability, simplicity, flexibility and ingenuity throughout the entire life cycle of the drive. A drive is only a part of the solution Our attention to service matches the technological pursuits of our R&D department. This means a globally local presence, customer service, support, expertise, various tools and a technical partnership to give you added value as a customer, designer or end user.

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Trumpf is a global leader in the development and manufacture of advanced machine tools, lasers and electronic systems for industry. The multi-faceted global technology group continues to see major global expansion. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at some of the company’s latest products and the strategy behind its success.


he Trumpf Group was founded in 1923 and began as a mechanical workshop. From the outset it established a reputation for the manufacture of innovative, high quality products. Today the company remains privately owned by descendants of the same founding family and through a dedicated policy of continuous change and improvement has become a clear global market and technology leader. With over 60 subsidiaries, the group is represented in almost every European country, as well as having a major presence in North and South America and in Asia. The company’s key manufacturing facilities are located in Germany, Austria, China, the Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland and the USA. In the fiscal year 2014-2015 the company generated sales of more than €3 billion and currently employs over 11,000 people worldwide. Following on from its best year ever in 2013-2014, Trumpf has exceeded its targets to achieve even better results in the last fiscal year. The purchase of the Chinese machine tool manufacturer JFY was the largest in the company’s history and is just one of many acquisitions it made recently in line with its ambitious strategy for growth. 42 Industry Europe

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LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH LQ Mechatronik-Systeme GmbH, a medium-sized company from Besigheim, is a successful systems and product supplier of comprehensive electromechanical solutions for control and installation applications. Whether for modular control cabinets or cable drag chains – mechatronic experts focus on the reduction of complexity. LQ takes a modular principle with standardised interfaces as a basis for combining individual components to form compact functional units or installationready systems, thus supplying mechanical and plant process engineering companies with complete electromechanical units. The company employs 280 employees on three continents. Apart from its headquarters in Germany, the LQ GROUP has branches in Switzerland, the USA and China. Trumpf also secured a range of important future technologies with the takeover of Igeneric GmbH and the Italian laser producer Sisma SpA, both of which have added significantly to the company’s technological product portfolio and competences. More recently Trumpf has invested more than €30 million in new state-of-the-art facilities for its solid state laser production.

Setting the pace When it comes to medical applications, Trumpf’s advanced laser technology is setting the pace. Today the company is at the forefront of these exciting developments. Owing to its versatility and special abilities, the laser is the optimal choice as a production tool for cutting, welding and the production of complex medical technology products. “The laser is a pioneer of miniaturisation and with minimal

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focus diameters, with about 25 micrometres for marking and 10 micrometres for removal structuring and it makes entirely new product designs possible,” said Dr Alexander Knitsch, the head of the medical technology division at Trumpf. The latest development in the field of medical laser technology is Trumpf’s move into new fields of application for ultra-short pulse lasers. In May this year Trumpf launched its new TruMicro 2000 picosecond laser with flexible and versatile applications. This means that corrosion-free marking is now possible on highly reflective surfaces and the company offers complete turnkey solutions for ease of use. The new laser can be used in a broad spectrum of industrial applications ranging from high-quality metal engraving to cutting extremely thin films, as well as for the corrosion-free marking of medical instruments and chrome-plated plastics. This new laser is

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especially attractive for medical applications, particularly for reusable tools such as surgical instruments and endoscopes. Products such as these require uniform labels so they can be easily traced and the new TruMicro from Trumpf is capable of marking even highly reflective surfaces. These markings remain corrosion-free despite daily cleaning and sterilisation and exhibit a strong visual contrast. The high peak pulse power of Trumpf’s picoseconds laser creates a nanostructure on the surface of the workpiece. The special quality of the process is that the steel’s chromium oxide layer remains intact, which prevents corrosion from forming. The advantages offered by the TruMicro 2000 are also seen with chrome plated plastics used in common consumer products such as showerheads and automobile interiors. Developing smart functions in other industrial fields, trumpf leads the field with its cutting-edge innovation, whether it’s in the design of lightweight batteries or powerful punching machines, such as the world’s fastest: Trumpf’s TruPunch 5000.

Solid-state success The demand for solid-state lasers continues to see dramatic growth and Trumpf provides equal boosts for both development and production. In June this year Trumpf announced that it had committed over €30 million to construct new development and production facilities in Schramberg, Germany. This will provide over 12,000 square

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metres of additional floor space enlarging the current site to almost double its current size. “The trend towards using solid-state lasers in industrial production shows no sign of stopping,” explains Peter Leibinger, vice-chairman of the managing board of Trumpf GmbH and chairman of the Laser Technology Business Division. “Schramberg is the cradle of the laser industry in Germany and a global forerunner when it comes to solid-state lasers. Our investments will create the conditions necessary for the laser to continue along a course of successful development,” said Leibinger.

Optimising availability Trumpf’s latest TruConnect modules optimise the availability and utilisation of connected laser systems and its monitoring system makes manufacturing processes transparent. An essential prerequisite for success in industry 4.0 and connected production is the availability of a flexible production resource that can handle all manufacturing processes. Efficient and economical laser manufacturing requires stable and robust laser processes. Here a wide range of sensors work to collect condition data and process parameters. With its new Condition Based Services Trumpf provides a way to read out sensor data and further increase the technical availability of lasers. For further details of Trumpf’s innovative laser technology and other n advanced industrial technologies visit:

Since its establishment in 1926, the Italian company Brugola OEB Industriale has introduced many successful innovations that have contributed to technological, cultural and quality advancements, thus enabling it to become a leader in the sector of special screws for engines. Daniele Garavaglia reports.


rugola is able to claim an impressive technological record: one in four car engines throughout the world is assembled with the special screws produced by the company. Today it has a worldwide presence, with four plants in Lissone, a logistics centre in Desio, new US headquarters and 11 global logistics centres. Its 300 employees manufacture over 800 different types of screws, producing 7 million each day and selling 1,650,000 pieces each year.

“Brugola OEB Industriale is a symbol for Italy, thanks to its founder Egidio Brugola, my grandfather, who had the brilliant idea of patenting a unique product, the hexagon socket head bolt, known in Italy as ‘brugola’ – which today is used worldwide and was named after my grandfather who invented it. The company is a formidable expression of authentic ‘made in Italy’ and, thanks to the efforts of my father Giannantonio Brugola and the current management, has Industry Europe 47

expanded worldwide and continues to do so. Important milestones have included the 2015 opening of the plant in Michigan, United States, and the consolidation of sales, which have been steadily on the rise in recent years despite the global economic crisis,” says Egidio Jody Brugola, president and representative of the third generation of the family that founded the company in 1926 in Lissone, northern Italy. He goes on to tell us about the origins and development of an extremely successful entrepreneurial story. “Brugola OEB Industriale is the go-to supplier for the automotive industry as a producer of ‘critical’ screws – that is those subject to the highest engine stresses – right from cylinder head screws for which we are world leaders, through to connecting rod screws. Thanks to our history and strategic vision we occupy a highly specialised niche in a world of general suppliers operating in all fastener segments. We are the only real co-designers able to develop advanced solutions together with our clients – automotive giants, primarily Volkswagen, BMW,

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Mercedes Benz, Ford, Renault, Nissan and Opel – because after decades of experience in the production of these screws we know how to develop them.”

Dedicated to innovation Specialised in cold moulding, Brugola OEB Industriale only manufactures top-quality special screws and fastening components using the most cutting-edge automated assembly technologies for the most demanding applications in the mechanical and automotive industry. The company has been a pioneer in its field since the 1980s with the introduction of the ‘Single Plant Provider’ and ‘Zero Defect’ concepts, as well as the application of ‘total quality’. Its innovative spirit, always in tune with the natural changes of the market, has continued to distinguish it from its competitors. Its most widely renowned products include the famous screw with a compact cylindrical head and hexagon socket, which may be combined with a shank formed by a helical spiral which works by distribut-

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ing loads on the shank itself, thus increasing elasticity. Its peculiarity is that it can transmit considerable torque, higher than bolts with flatblade or Phillips driver, and takes up less space; it is mainly used when compactness and fastening precision are required. Another important innovation is Polydrive, the most revolutionary tightening system ever: this screw has a special dual-purpose spline-shaped drive, used for the assembly of critical parts, particularly for head installation, in the case of very compact modern engines; according to all major car manufacturers worldwide it is the best solution to successfully handle the most critical tightening conditions. “Our keys to success, witnessed by our record global supplies and sales trends, are our focus on engine technology and Brugola OEB Industriale’s ability and flexibility to adapt to changing market needs. We are establishing technological partnerships with other global players in the sector, such as Hyundai and Toyota, for which we could become the first non-Japanese hardware suppliers,” says Jody Brugola. He also emphasises the company’s major strengths: highly automated production and handling processes, lean manufacturing and continuous improvement, zero-defect philosophy, and forward-looking research and development. He concludes: “We aim to be increasingly global suppliers for a market that operates worldwide, but especially in the two key areas for industrial development and innovation: the United States and China.” A great challenge for a company that is soon to celebrate its n 100th birthday.

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STEPPING IN FRONT With over 100 years of manufacturing experience, Rába Automotive Holding Plc is one of the largest Hungarian companies operating in the automotive industry. Having achieved international success with several key developments, the company exports almost all its products to three strategic market areas: the EU, US and CIS.

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ased in Győr, western Hungary, today Rába Automotive Holding operates three business units: Rába Axle Ltd, Rába Automotive Components Ltd and Rába Vehicle Ltd. In 2015 Rába’s Axle Business Unit contributed 49 per cent to the group’s overall sales revenue of HUF 46 billion in 2015. This sector embraces a wide range of industry related services, enabling Rába to offer complex industrial solutions for even the most demanding clients. Most products manufactured in this unit are for export, and traditionally its main market has been the US. However, in recent years thanks to the high quality of its products, sales have increased considerably in the EU and CIS countries too. The company’s Components business unit has two operations: the Mor plant is the centre of up-to-date welding and pressing processes while the key technologies in the Sarvar plant are cutting and machining. This business unit primarily sells its products to international automotive companies operating in Hungary and in other EU countries.

The Vehicle business unit manufactures complete vehicles, automotive structures and chassis. It has been producing rolling bus chassis and high mobility military trucks that comply with special transportability and defence requirements as well as carrying out development and adaptation activities for these products. Its main long-term client has been the Hungarian Army. In addition to the military vehicles, the company supplies various categories of bus and earthmover chassis for its domestic and international partners. Furthermore, the strategic product portfolio of this business division is complemented by road vehicles suitable for public transport.

Export success Among other international achievements, the S91 midibus developed in an international consortium of companies led by Rába has been an outstanding success. This vehicle, which has already performed well in multiple countries, has set off on a European debut

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tour this year with its latest version. In recent years the midibus has produced excellent results in all tests, meeting the European Union’s strictest emissions guidelines. Feedback on the operating experience of this bus has all been positive: equipped with a modern passenger comfort system, the bus can cope with even the most extreme conditions. Trends show an increasing demand for such vehicles in Europe, therefore the S91 has excellent prospects on the international market.

Targeting overseas The company has already made a successful entry to the overseas market: since the end of 2015 it has been delivering axles for diesel buses and trolleys for DINA, one of Mexico’s largest bus manufacturers. During the joint technical development, Rába developed the disc brake axles that can be used in diesel as well as in trolleybuses. It has already delivered the prototype axles for its partner’s Brighter diesel type and Ridder type trolley buses, and supported DINA with on-site axle application engineering. Once the testing phase is finished, new opportunities will be created for serial deliveries under a long-term agreement. Its extensive experience in different vehicle applications, coupled with a deep understanding of customer needs, has helped Rába to establish a footprint on the promising Egyptian market. Thanks to a new agreement made in 2015, Rába manufactured complete axle sets for 145 buses for its Egyptian partner, EAMCO. The axles will serve the 12 metre-long air conditioned intercity buses developed by EAMCO and running mostly on the streets of Cairo and Alexandria.

Ongoing cooperation with Claas Last year, Rába expanded its range of products supplied to Claas, one of the world’s leading agricultural vehicle manufacturers. The five-year agreement is worth nearly €2 million. The cooperation between Rába and Claas dates back 21 years. During this time the Hungarian company has established a close partnership with Claas’s German unit, and developed a complete axle for its Xerion type engine. The new order came from the

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French unit of the agricultural vehicle manufacturer and will help to increase Rába’s presence on the market, broaden its product portfolio and strengthen its relationship with this major global player. The new product, a transfer box, is the result of a joint development with Claas.

Bright vision The Rába group wrapped up Q12016 with sales of more than HUF 9.5 billion. The company partially set off the volatility of the markets and the effects of the cyclical sales of some of its products in the expanding European truck segment, domestic component sales and export of metal structures. “Last year was a milestone in the history of Rába: having achieved the sufficient financial leeway, developments of strategic significance could be commenced earlier than planned. Improving competitiveness and efficiency, succeeding in the international markets, creating value for the stockowners – these principles guide our company in its quest to achieve our strategic goals,” emphasised István Pintér, chairman and CEO of Rába Atumotive Holding Plc. “The first important step is a large-scale modernisation investment, to which the AGM has given its consent. After the implementation of the technology and capacity development programme our market share and position in the global automotive industry will further strengthen and if everything goes as planned every second or third European heavy truck will roll off the assembly lines on Rába n manufactured front axles.”

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DRIVING FLUID DYNAMICS FORWARD 56 56 Industry Industry Europe Europe

Cooper Standard is a global leader in the supply of advanced systems and components for the automotive industry. The company continues to exceed expectations thanks to its commitment to innovative technologies and an on-going global investment programme. Philip Yorke reports.


ooper Standard was founded in 1960 and is headquartered in Novi, Michigan, USA. Today the company is a global leader in the supply of automotive components such as fluid transfer hoses, fuel and brake lines, rubber and plastic sealing, emission control systems, and anti-vibration systems. Cooper Standard is committed to ecological and environmental improvement and its continuous research programme is designed to improve the company’s overall carbon footprint. Cooper Standard’s extensive research and development department is clearly focused on research that is directed to improving its products and processes at all environmental levels. In addition, its new solutions offer advantages in ecological terms as well as in terms of better performance and more competitive pricing. Today Cooper Standard employs more than 27,000 people globally and operates in over 20 countries worldwide.

Focus on Asia In February this year, Copper Standard announced the official opening of two new state-of-the-art facilities in China – one in Huai’an, Jiangsu province and another in Chongqing – thus demonstrating Cooper

Standard’s commitment to the strategic importance of China and its vast automotive market. Focusing on China, Cooper Standard has accelerated its business development programme in the Asia Pacific area in recent years. Recently this was underscored by the establishment of a new Technical Centre in Shanghai, which includes a test Centre for FTS products. Cooper Standard also opened a new sealing facility in northeast China, as well as acquiring the majority stake in its existing joint venture with Chinese domestic supplier, Huayu Automotive. These recent achievements demonstrate the company’s confidence in the Chinese auto market and its expansion capabilities. “The opening of our Huai’an and Chongqing facilities is a further testament to Cooper Standard’s commitment to our customers and the Chinese automotive market,” said Jeffrey Edwards, chairman and CEO, Cooper Standard. “Since 2012, we have more than doubled our investment in the area and are now pleased to employ more than 5200 people in 11 manufacturing and technical facilities across the country.” This latest investment programme follows on from the company’s joint venture with INOAC, just over a year ago, which significantly expanded the reach of its Fluid Transfer Systems in the Asia Pacific area. Industry 57 Industry Europe Europe 57

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Meeting local market needs In Europe Cooper Standard supplies all the major automotive OEMs and in each country is focused on fulfilling the needs of its local market. Germany hosts three of the company’s manufacturing sites, with one in Landau and two in Mannheim. Here it specialises in the manufacture of sealing units for the leading German automotive manufacturers and operates with a high level of integration with the Cooper Standard Group. The company occupies a market leading position in Germany in terms of sealing products for European OEMs, thanks to its wide portfolio offering. Its operational excellence is firmly rooted in quality and lean initiatives, supply chain management and capacity optimisation. This operational excellence is accompanied by a real culture of innovation, which is driven by the company’s unique i3 innovation process. Recently Cooper Standard presented its advanced product strategy for its i3 innovation process at the Hose Manufacturers Conference, held in Akron Ohio, where it presented a paper on ‘harnessing the Power of Innovation and Changing the Future of Hose Technology’. During the presentation the company also detailed its process for identifying and managing ground-breaking innovations and showcased its new generation ArmorHose® technology.

Innovative vibration control systems Cooper Standard is a global leader in providing innovative antivibration systems, technologies and products to the world’s biggest automotive OEMs. The company provides advanced engineering solutions to mitigate vehicle noise vibration and harshness (NVH), and to enhance ride and handling characteristics. It is a top five global supplier of vibration control products for powertrain, chassis and suspension components. Specialising in complete powertrain and body mount systems, its reputation is backed by extensive engineering, analysis and world-class test capabilities to meet the most demanding applications for cost, mass and performance. 60 Industry Europe

All the company’s anti-vibration products are developed using a cost-effective, technology-focused approach, with a focus on providing system solutions to meet the most demanding customer requirements and vehicle specific characteristics, by linking technology to vehicle performance and cost considerations.

Growth in new markets Cooper Standard continues to see strong growth within its nontraditional markets. These are markets that are adjacent to the light vehicle sector, as well as in other key areas, such as commercial vehicles, off-highway, power sports, marine, construction and other speciality segments. This growth creates an excellent opportunity for the company to leverage its technical capabilities in order to provide more solutions to customers outside the automotive OEM market. n For further details of Cooper Standard’s innovative automotive products and services visit:

DRIVING ECO-PERFORMANCE FORWARD Ford India is leading the automotive field with its latest EcoSport models and eco-friendly hybrids. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at a major player in the Indian automotive market and how it has reached significant milestones in its ambitions to meet new targets in the production of environmentally friendly vehicles.

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ord India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company in India. The company’s headquarters is located in Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai and it is currently the sixth largest car maker in India after Suzuki, Hyundai, Tata and Mahindra. Although Ford India began production as long ago as 1926, it was closed in 1954 before re-establishing its facilities in October 1995. The total investments made by the Ford Motor Company in India since it set up shop in 1995 stands at more than $2.5 billion.

New milestones Ford India reached another new milestone recently when it produced its one millionth car and one millionth engine. This remarkable achievement has been achieved over a period of 15 years. The new Fords EcoSport is the one millionth vehicle to be produced at the Chennai facility, which is a state-of-the-art plant spread over 350 acres of land, where it manufactures the Fiesta, Endeavour and Eco Sport models. Since 2008 the ultra-modern plant has also been producing engine assembly units, which build both diesel and petrol motors at the same time.

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In addition to its plant at Chennai, Ford India has invested heavily in a new manufacturing facility at Sanand, located in Gujarat province. Here the new plant mainly works on engines, as well as the production of the new Aspire Sedan and the Ford Figo. From these two plants Ford exports a large number of vehicles to over 40 different countries worldwide, including to the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the ASEAN countries. Ford India told Industry Europe: “Chennai is the first place in India from where we started our “Make in India” journey. Apart from being a global car producing hub, for the company, the plant has set new achievements in adopting processes that not only conform to the most stringent global quality standards, but also significantly reduce their carbon footprints. The one millionth vehicle and motor production milestone stand as proof of the passion and dedication of the more than 6000 hardworking employees at the company’s Chennai plant.”

Boosting sales Ford’s new EcoBoost engine was launched in 2012 by Ford’s president and CEO Alam Mulally. This ingenious 1.0 litre engine is Ford’s smallest petrol engine and is available in Ford India’s new

Figo models. “The new EcoBoost 1.0 litre and our entire family of eco-boost engines, represent breakthroughs that deliver power, fuel efficiency and low CO2 emissions through turbocharging and direct fuel injection” Mulally said. “These engines are delivering the fuel efficient vehicles that customers want and value” Ford’s latest EcoBoost engine delivers performance to rival a traditional 1.6 litre engine, with significantly improved fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions. The new one litre cylinder block can fit onto a sheet of A4 paper but delivers up to 125 PS and 170Nm peak torque giving it the highest power density of any Ford production engine to date.

Expanding production capabilities Ford India’s main manufacturing plant has a capacity to produce more than 200,000 cars per annum. After its new hatchback the Figo was launched, the company invested over $500 million to double the capacity of the plant and set up a new facility to produce a further 250,000 engines annually. In order to meet the growing domestic demand, with an eye to engine exports, the company invested a further $75 million to raise engine capacity to 330,000 units per year. Since rolling out its latest SUV, the Ford EcoSport the company has announced an additional $145 million investment to ramp up production to over 200,000 units. As part of the company’s plan to launch eight new vehicles by 2016, the global car maker has invested $1 billion in a new state-of-the-art manufacturing plant at Sanand, Gujarat Province located on a 450 acre site. The plant has a capacity to manufacture around 300,000 engines and over 250,000 vehicles per year. Alongside this facility is a supplier park spread across a further 150 acres, which has attracted over 20 world class supplier manufacturers to date. Sanand is part of the dedicated Special Investment Region of Gujarat. Located near the city of Ahmedabad, Sanand is about 70 kilometres away from a recently rebuilt international airport and is linked to the Indian state highway 17. Sanand has become one of the booming entrepreneurial centres in India. Like the industrial hubs in the developed countries and export centres in China, Sanand offers competitive incentives to companies n seeking to set up operations within the Sanand region. For further details of Ford India’s products and manufacturing capabilities visit:

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NEW HORIZONS Tata Motors is part of the USD 100 billion Tata Group founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868. Tata Motors continues to capture market share globally with its ‘Horizon Next’ strategy and advanced high-tech vehicles. It is also leading the industry in its on-going commitment to sustainability. Recently its top suppliers received awards for their dedicated services to the company. Philip Yorke reports.

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oday Tata motors Limited is a $42 billion organisation with a broad automotive portfolio that covers a wide range of cars, sports vehicles, buses, trucks and defence vehicles. These well-known marques can be found on and off road in more than 175 countries worldwide. With its pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit, the Tata Group has spawned many industries of national importance including steel, hydropower, hospitality and airlines. The same spirit, coupled with a natural flair for innovation, has given birth to Tata Motors, which produced India’s first indigenously developed car, the Tata Indici, and the small city car, the Tata Nano. Pursuit of excellence is at the heart of all the Tata Group’s activities and this is manifested in its next generation of vehicles that offer advanced terrain response, which includes infrared laser scanning to predict terrain, and ‘Wade Aid’ to predict water depth, by its Jaguar Land Rover models.

New product line-up Honouring its promise to introduce new products every year, Tata Motors showcased its future range of passenger vehicles at the Auto Expo 2016 that fall within its ‘Made of Great Promise’ undertaking to auto consumers. The new product line-up features the sporty compact saloon, that is project codenamed ‘Kite 5’; and the production-ready, lifestyle SUV, the Hexa, which is available in automatic and manual variants. This and the compact SUV Nexon are the personalised editions of the new passenger vehicles from Tata Motors. The new hatchback saloon has been showcased for the first time at the Auto Expo 2016 and while it carries the ‘Zica’ label for the duration of the event, the new name will be announced in the next few weeks. Tata Motors has partnered with Jayem Automotives for the development of performance and special vehicles. The new partnership

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will bring alive the next level of personalisation with performance enhancement kits as well as design modifications. The key models showcased at the Auto Expo 2016 include the Zica, which is making its first public appearance as the cool hatchback from Tata Motors. The new car is backed with the motto, ‘What drives us from within is what makes us great’. On the sports utility front, production-ready Hexa is a path-breaking offering in the lifestyle of the SUV segment and was first showcased at the Geneva Motor Show in 2015. It comes with a bold design and sharp cosmetic features reflecting the newly defined design language: IMPACT. The Nexon on the other hand is a bold, elegant and sporty, compact SUV which comes with dynamic, new generation, best-inclass diesel and petrol engines. In addition, Tata Motors has announced the launch of its much-awaited dynamic hatchback, the Tiago. This all new vehicle features cutting-edge design, technology and driving dynamics to create new automotive benchmarks in its segment. The Tiago offers class-defining driving dynamics with a new Revotron 1.2L engine and the debut of the Revotorq engine, plus 1.56 diesel engine for a refined on-road performance. Available in five dynamic variants and in six exciting colour options, it also boasts segment-first applications like the ‘Tum-by-tum’ Navi app and the Juke-Car app.

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Focus on excellence Addressing around 200 suppliers in Pune, Cyrus P. Mistry, chairman of the Tata Group, said at the 2016 annual vendors’ meeting: “There will be zero tolerance on non-compliance on quality.” A Tata spokesman added, “Tata Motors remains committed to the highest quality standards and this continues to be emphasised at all our forums, including various supplier forums. Various initiatives towards enhanced product and supplier quality are a key part of the company’s ‘Horizon Next’ strategy in recent years, to continue being a market leader and to gain improved market share.” Horizo Next is the articulation of Tata Motors’ mission to be passionate in anticipating customer needs and fulfilling them through better products, better services and an enriched buying experience. It drives the company’s strategic vision to be among the most admired global companies. Tata Motors, which so far has been exporting cars to neighbouring markets, such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan, will be entering new export destinations over the next two years. This makes it all the more important that high standards are maintained across all the company’s models. At a recent supplier award ceremony, Om Logistics was awarded the ‘Best Logistics Services Provider’ for the year 2015 from Tata Motors.

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Setco Automotive (Estd. In 1982) is a BSE listed company, headquartered in Mumbai, India. Setco is a vertically integrated company with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in India, the UK and the US. It produces a range of premium clutches for the Commercial Vehicle and Farm Tractor industry, all made to global quality standards to meet the demands of OEM customers in India and overseas. The company is a leader in its chosen segment thanks to timely deliveries, cost effectiveness, ability to customise according to specific demands and continuous investment in R&D. Setco has been supplying Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicle (MHCV) clutches to Tata Motors for over two decades. As Tata is an extremely trusted brand with more than 60% of the local market in India, it is Setco’s priority to meet their most exacting demands. The relationship between the companies is symbiotic: as Tata upgrades its platforms, so does Setco – thus facilitating growth in India and internationally. For more information, please visit:

This is the third time in a row that the company has received the coveted award. Om Logistics is the flagship company of the Om Group and is an Indian Multi-Modal logistics company. It offers clients a single window logistics experience by integrating services across the supply chain from transportation to warehousing. Another noticeable contributor and award winner was Inteva Products LLC, which is a leading supplier of engineered components and innovative systems for automotive products that are environmentally friendly and enhance vehicle quality, safety and performance. The company was awarded TATA’s Best Supplier Award for Quality. Inteva India consistently exceeds TATA Motors’ high quality targets and has received the award as cited by TATA Motors directors “in recognition of an extraordinary contribution that brings value to our partnership”

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Driving future growth In February this year Tata Motors announced the appointment of a new CEO and managing director. Guenter Butschek will lead all operations of Tata Motors in India as well as in its international markets. This will include South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and South Africa. Jaguar Land Rover will continue to be managed by its Chief Executive Officer and managing Director Dr Ralf Speth, who is also on the board of Tata Motors. Cyrus P. Mistry said: “Tata Motors is going through an exciting yet challenging phase and Mr Butschek’s appointment comes at an opportune moment. He brings with him rich global experience of growing organisations and developing new markets. I am confident that Mr Butschek’s ability to lead high performing teams will enable our company to achieve sustainable, profitable growth.”

New strategic defence partnership Tata Motors has announced a strategic partnership with Bharat Forge and General Dynamics Land Systems for the Indian FICV (Future Infantry Combat Vehicle) programme. Tata Motors will lead the consortium, with Bharat Forge as a partner, while General Dynamic Land Systems will bring in its much proven expertise in combat platform vehicles. Tata Motors plans to play on its strengths related to design, development and integration of mobility platforms. To be developed under the ‘Make’ category, the FIVC is a high-mobility armoured battle vehicle for infantry men to keep pace with new advancements in weaponry systems. The new FIVC needs to be compact, tracked and amphibious and no heavier than 20 tons, so it can be air-portable and transportable by other means onto combat zones. The vehicle must also be able to fire anti-tank guided missiles. Commenting on the partnership, Ravi Pisharody, executive director, commercial vehicles, Tata Motors said: “Defence particularly needs partners with long-term commitments to see products and solutions through multiple generations of evolution, and we at Tata Motors are proud to have joined hands with the Bharat Forge and General Dynamics Land Systems for a complete FICV solution for the Indian armed forces. Through this partnership we 72 Industry Europe

will be better positioned to help the country realise its ‘Make in India’ vision, for the first completely indigenised combat vehicle, at the same time catering to the opportunities available right here in India.”

Leading in energy efficiency The Tata Motors plant at Dharwad has been awarded first prize in the coveted National Energy Conservation Award for 2015 in the automobile sector. The plant achieved a 12 per cent reduction in energy consumption by adopting various initiatives to reduce high speed diesel (HSD) and power consumption. These included the installation of variable speed drives for blowers in the BIW shop and the use of portable compressors in the paint shop during colour changes. In addition, chiller units were relocated to optimise power consumption. Speaking on the occasion, K Mohan Kumar, plant head at Tata Motors Dharwad plant, said: “We at Tata Motors are extremely delighted to have received this award from BEE. This award is a testament to the on-going efforts by each and every person at the Tata Motors Dharwad plant towards making our facility greener and more energy efficient.” n For more information about Tata Motors’ latest innovative products and services visit:

SUSTAINABLE CARING Unilever is a leading global FMCG company with more than two billion consumers using its products every day. With over four hundred brands in its product portfolio the company recorded sales of over €50 billion in 2015. Today innovation and sustainability play a major role in the company’s strategy for future growth, as Philip Yorke reports.

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a truly global player, Unilever operates dedicated R&D centres throughout the world with key research facilities based in the UK, India, China, North America and the Netherlands. These sites employ more than 6000 scientists, chefs and technicians in Unilever’s quest for more advanced and sustainable solutions to meet the needs of today’s consumers. The company’s products are divided into three key business sectors: Home Care, Personal Care and Food & Drink. Instantly recognisable brands such as Dove, Knorr, Hellmans, Domestos and Lipton represent just a few of its global success stories.

Innovative sustainability The latest annual report from Unilever highlights its continuing commitment to innovation and sustainability, which features groundbreaking innovations and sustainability milestones. In addition to driving growth through core brands such as Dove and Axe, Personal Care expanded its new prestige business through acquisitions such as Dermalogica, Murad, Kate Somerville and REN. In the food sector the company also saw strong growth in savoury dressings and in its fast-food solutions business which services pro-

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fessional hotel, restaurant and catering customers. Home Care Products added to profitability through its scaled-up household cleaning business. In its refreshment sector, ice-cream delivered strong growth and strengthened its retail operations across both ice cream and tea. Ground-breaking innovations were realised with the range of dry deodorants across its Dove, Rexona and Axe ranges, satisfying the need in North America for a deodorant that goes on drier and cleaner. In addition, the consumer reception of Comfort Intense, which is a superconcentrated fabric conditioner, far exceeded expectations. Unilever also took some key steps towards its ‘Sustainable Living Plan’ targets during 2015. For example, it reached the landmark of having all tea in its Lipton teabags sourced from Rainforest Alliance certified estates following an eight-year investment programme. In March the company also announced that all palm oil bought for its European and Australian food businesses is now from traceable and certified plantations. Unilever also became the first company to produce a detailed, stand-alone human rights report. In the report’s CEO review, when asked what he saw as the biggest opportunity ahead, Paul Polman says it lies in the pace of change: “To show that we can

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continue to develop a portfolio of brands with the right blend of global and local presence, supported by organisational structure that is resilient enough to respond to rapidly emerging market trends.”

Sustainable Algal Oil In March this year Unilever announced that it had extended its supply agreement with TerraVia, the world’s largest producer of

Algal Oils. This agreement follows the initial agreement for soap bars using sustainable Algal Oils, which was signed in 2014, for the production of 10,000 metric tons of renewable Algal Oil for use in its Lux soap bars, which are made and sold in Brazil. In the new five-year deal, TerraVia will supply Unilever with Algal Oil for use in its personal care products. These special oils are produced using a unique fermentation process that is designed to ensure the highest levels of purity, and deliver improved consumer benefits such as enhanced lathering, rinsing and a better fragrance experience. The decision to use algal oils is also aligned with Unilever’s ambition to grow the business while reducing its overall environmental footprint, and its commitment to using only sustainably sourced agricultural raw materials by 2020. Algal oils offer an additional source of fully traceable sustainably sourced high-yield oil and have a lower greenhouse gas footprint than the current industry average of equivalent oils. TerraVia’s algal oils are derived from oil-producing microalgae that are cultivated sustainably and responsibly.

Suppliers recognised Unilever recognises that it would not be able to maintain its global operations across almost 200 countries without the valuable contribution of its network of 16,000 suppliers. The company said, “Our suppliers materials and services are an integral part of our commer76 Industry Europe

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cial operations, ensuring our sites and factories in more than 100 countries are capable of manufacturing, marketing and continually improving the thousands of unique items we produce today.”

Cutting edge innovation For a major global player such as Unilever, a significant part of its growth is always going to come from its development of cutting-edge innovation and bottle technology. For example, by using gas-injection to create gas bubbles in the middle layer of the bottle wall, it reduces the density of the bottle and the amount of plastic required. All packaging will remain 100 per cent recyclable and bottles will contain a minimum of 15 per cent less plastic. This advanced technology has been deployed first in Europe across Dove Body Wash range. Vaseline is another brand that really needs no introduction since the products in this range and their benefits to consumers are recognised in over 70 countries worldwide. In addition to the standard lip balms, petroleum jelly, lotions and cleansers, the latest product under the Vaseline umbrella is its new line of Spray & Go moisturisers. These moisturise deeply and absorb in seconds, allowing the user to get dressed and leave the house immediately after applying. In this way it is different from traditional spray products, since it dispenses lotion quickly and evenly and n enables all-over body coverage. For further details of Unilever’s latest innovative and sustainable products visit: Industry Europe 79

THE ELEGANCE OF FRAGRANCE POLLENA-AROMA Ltd, a staff-owned company and 100 per cent Polish enterprise, is the country’s largest manufacturer of fragrances, food flavours, essential oils for aromatherapy and natural cosmetics. Its highly skilled staff, composed of perfumers, flavourists and cosmetologists, are able to solve any technical and technological problems. Piotr Sadowski reports.

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OLLENA-AROMA’s roots date back to 1956, when the AROMA enterprise was established on the outskirts of Warsaw in the district of Białołęka. The factory was built over the next four years and production initially focused on household and cosmetic fragrances, with the later addition of food flavours. Towards the end of the 1960s AROMA joined the POLLENA group of cosmetics and household chemicals and has since been operating under its present name. The following decade was a period of dynamic growth, particularly in the area of cosmetics and the introduction of ‘Być Może’ (‘May Be’) perfumes which were subsequently exported throughout the communist bloc countries. “The decade of the 1980s was tough, but with the economic transformation towards the free market in 1989 we were able to seize the opportunity to purchase the company from the state,” explains Dr Władysław Brud, who was one of the key staff members heading this process at the time and today is the adviser to the board of POLLENA-AROMA. “To this day, the company continues as a fully staff-owned enterprise, of which there are now only three remaining in Poland, from nearly 30 of POLLENA group.”

Growth and development Following the change in ownership, POLLENA-AROMA expanded its range of food flavours and, under the guidance of Dr Brud’s wife, Dr Iwona Konopacka-Brud, began introducing natural medicine and aromatherapy products. Today, aromatherapy and natural cosmetics are the third key area of operations. For environmental reasons, at the end of the 1990s the company stopped the manufacture of synthetics and in 2010 moved its factory to Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki. “When the new factory was completed in 2012, it became the most modern aroma-producing facility in Poland, with the latest German technologies for mixing flavours and fragrances,” adds Dr Brud. “As a result of all these important developments, today we are working at full speed and are the largest manufacturer in Poland of fragrances and flavours. We have no real competitors in the country, although, of course, we do have market rivals abroad.”

Delivering outstanding products POLLENA-AROMA employs 60 people and its most recent annual turnover figure reached PLN 25 million. Fragrances for household and cosmetic chemicals account for 60 per cent of turnover, food

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flavours for 30 per cent and aromatherapy cosmetics for 10 per cent. Exports make up 10 per cent of the overall annual sales and the primary export markets are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany and Russia, as well as some more far-flung destinations, such as, recently, South Africa. “Our products are really well received wherever they are sold and used,” says Dr Brud. “The brand which really shows off the company’s outstanding quality is the Dr Beta range of aromatherapy cosmetics. In addition, one of the leading additions to the range is the “AnTicubit” preparation, recognised as outstanding by the Polish Institute of Health and used to treat skin with bedsores. Another new preparation is already being recognised as a excellent solution for protecting the hands of healthcare staff who regularly use latex gloves.” In terms of product distribution, in Poland flavours and fragrances are sold directly to clients, using a dedicated sales department. Abroad, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as other countries (apart from Ukraine, where POLLENA-AROMA has its own company), the distribution of flavours and fragrances takes place directly. For cosmetics, the enterprise cooperates with distributors who in turn supply pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers, as well as direct trade. Another very important distribution channel is the company’s Dr Beta online store (, which, as Dr Brud points out, is bringing in excellent results for the company. It is also worth noting that POLLENA-AROMA is engaged in the manufacture of private label products for various customers. By far the largest volume of private label products are preparations for protection against mosquitos, midges and other insects. Altogether, private label items make up around 10–15 per cent of the overall production.

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Going forward Working with the best possible suppliers, POLLENA-AROMA is able to serve a wide range of customers in Poland and abroad. “We have so many excellent and respected clients that I simply cannot name just a few of them, as we value the cooperation with every single one of them,” says Dr Brud. “In terms of our future development, our ethos is never to give up and to continue developing and expanding our different ranges of products, particularly aromatherapy cosmetics for which there is growing demand. We will also shortly be working to secure the Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice certification, which will strengthen our already existing quality and approval norms. We look forward to the future, as we expect it will continue to be very exciting n for the company.”


Universal Cables is a global player in the design and manufacture of power cables and high-voltage capacitors. Philip Yorke talked to Amitava Bose, the company’s chief operating officer, about its latest extra-high-voltage insulated cables and the strong growth in infrastructure projects.


niversal Cables Ltd (UCL) was founded in India in 1962 by late Mr M.P. Birla who began by building a modern plant for the manufacture of paper-insulated cables. Since then the company has achieved world-class status and is at the forefront of modern cable technology. An important milestone was reached in 1977 following collaboration with Asea Brown Boveri Kabel AB of Sweden (now known as ABB Cables), when the company brought the first XLPE cable technology to India. As a result, UCL became a leader in the Indian cable industry with the widest product range and the most advanced cable technology. The company’s comprehensive product range includes low voltage, medium voltage and extra high-voltage XLPE power cables up to 400kV. UCL also produce PVC and rubber insulated power cables up to 11kV grade, designed to contain any number of cores. In addition, the company manufactures speciality rubber cables for trailing and flexible specifications to suit individual customer requirements. UCL’s precision cables and capacitors are marketed under the well-known global brand: ‘Unistar’.

Complete solutions provider In order to meet the growing demand for ‘extra high-voltage’ cables of 220kV and above, the company has invested heavily in new technology that involves the VCV process at its flagship, Satna Plant. This technological advance was achieved with technical association from the world leader in high-voltage cable technology: Furukawa Electric Co Ltd of Japan. This technical assistance covered cable designing, manufacturing, laying, jointing, testing and installation. In addition to manufacturing a broad spectrum of high quality cables for a wide variety of applications, the company has a fully operational EPC division to facilitate turnkey contracts for utilities and government projects alike. Today UCL is able to offer a complete solution package for its customers, especially for underground power transmission projects. Bose said, “As the foremost electrical cable provider in India, we supply to a very broad customer base that includes utilities, shipyards, mining and infrastructure projects as well as many others. We are more flexible and more comprehensive in our product and service offerings than anyone Industry Industry Europe Europe 83 83

Amitava Bose, chief operating officer

else and are able to produce cables with voltages from as little as 1.1kV to over 400kV. Our VCV process for Extra high voltage cables is something that very few others can offer. “We have installed two VCV lines dedicated to extra high voltage cable manufacturing and produce speciality cables in elastomers or rubber that employ PLCV process (Pressurised Liquid Salt Bath Vulcanising). Our flagship cable is our XLPE extra high voltage cable which is now in great demand, especially since overhead conductors are no longer an option and underground is the only way forward; for this application our XLPE cables are the optimal choice.” Bose added, “We are currently in a very strong position as all the principal cities in India are expanding fast and as a result there is strong growth in the infrastructure sector. Over 60 per cent of our contracts are from government sources with around 40 per cent coming from the private sector. In the last few years there has been a lot of privatisation of government institutions & utilities. As far as our growth is concerned we plan to continue to grow organically because we are in the high-tech, high-end segment. We are not in a position to buy other companies as we are the technology leaders, therefore other companies have nothing to offer us. “Today we are a world class company with quality certifications such as ISO14001 for environmental management, ISO 9001 for

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Quality Management, SA8000 for social accountability and OHSAS certification for health and safety issues. The cable manufacturing companies of M.P. Birla group are also involved in the manufacture of optical fibre, optical fibre cables and communication cables. “Currently we are seeing a boom in infrastructure projects across the Indian sub-continent and we are able to offer a turnkey service for every conceivable contract relating to underground power transmission and distribution including testing and installation.”

Smart cable monitoring Unlike most of its competitors, UCL can provide a cable monitoring system on demand using ‘Distributed Temperature Monitoring System’. The DTS system uses Optic Fibre Cables and is recognised worldwide as the most reliable technology for monitoring the temperature profile of power transmission and distribution in power cable systems. This advanced system enables the user to monitor and record the real-time temperature profile of the entire power cable route to avoid the development of hot-spots and situations leading to possible ’thermal runaway’ of cables and their joints. UCL also produces power and control cables to international standards from 1.1kV to 400kV. Both utilities and users find them ideal for power distribution, control systems, utility networks, switching sta-

tions, chemical plants, wind turbines, heavy engineering units etc. The company’s normal PVC insulated cables are suitable for an operating conductor of 700C and HR PVC insulated cables for an operating conductor of 850C. The company has an in-house compounding n plant for producing a host of polymers used for cables. For further details of Universal Cables’ innovative range of insulated cables, turnkey solutions and customer services visit:

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ČKD Blansko Holding a.s. is the direct successor of ČKD Blansko, a traditional engineering company with a history going back to the 17th century. Romana Moares spoke to Jiří Benák, Production Director, about the company’s latest development under its recent owner, the Russian JSC TYAZHAMASH Group.

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the course of the past 100 years, ČKD Blansko has gained a strong position among suppliers of hydraulic power plant technologies throughout the world. The company also gained a worldwide reputation with its traditional second product group – large vertical lathes (up to 16 metres in turning diameter). It has a proven track record of manufacturing high quality products to meet customers’ most demanding requirements, whether it is for machine efficiency or environmental standards. A turning point in the company’s modern history came about in 2010 when ČKD Blansko was acquired by the Russian company TYAZHMASH, a major engineering group comprising large companies from a number of sectors under one umbrella. “The new owner acquired a strategic change and re-shaped the company: the vertical lathes business was divested and production of hydraulic turbines and associated equipment became the sole business,” explains Mr Benák. He adds that at the beginning, the company struggled somewhat to replace the divested business but now, after several years, capacity has been fully utilised.

Hydro player In addition to hydraulic turbines, CKD Blansko Holding, a.s. also makes hydro-mechanical equipment, such as butterfly valves, spherical valves, weir gates, radial gates, lock gates, chamber gates, quick closing gates, trash racks, trash rack rakes, sluice gates, emergency stop logs, barriers and lifting devices. Today the company employs some 500 highly skilled people. It is worthwhile noting that the production programme is related to the activities of Mr Kaplan, who in nearby Brno developed his famous Kaplan turbine. “The Kaplan turbine is a pressurised axial turbine with regulation capabilities. This is used mainly in places where it is not possible to ensure a constant flow of water or head. Its predecessor – the Francis turbine – differs primarily thanks to its smaller number of blades, the shape of the runner and the possibility to control the tilt Industry Europe 87

of the blades at the runner and the distributor. Kaplan turbines have become the most popular type of turbines used in large hydro power plants all around the world,” explained Mr Benák. The water turbine range is divided into large and small, the latter being contained in a subsidiary (ČKD Blansko Small Hydro), located within the parent company’s premises, which has also achieved international success. Just recently, for example, it has won a contract for the delivery of turbines for a hydraulic power station in the Philippines worth €4.5 million. ČKD Blansko Small Hydro will supply and install three horizontal Francis turbines with total output of 19.5 MW.

Modern technology ČKD Blansko Holding has its own testing facility, which is, according to the Production Director, a major competitive advantage. “In large turbines, efficiency is key. Our turbines are tested to ensure they meet this requirement to the maximum level,” he says. ČKD offers new turbine installations, upgrades, refurbishments and overhauls and can also make bespoke turbines according to customers’ designs. The Russian parent group has invested massively in the modernisation of the company, with the installation of new machines including a machining centre, a horizontal drilling machine, a large double column vertical lathe and many more. At the moment the company is considering building a new welding shop. “With larger machines that we introduce into our product portfolio, the current welding shop is slowly but surely reaching its limits,” says Mr Benák.

Facing the future Mr Benák confirms that no major changes to the product portfolio are planned for the near future. “The focus will be on further efficiency improvements to maintain our competitive edge. In terms of energy 88 Industry Europe

utilisation, the world is changing slowly towards pumped-storage hydroelectric power stations. I believe these represent the future of hydraulic power stations – unlike power generators using renewable resources, they are capable of balancing the fluctuations well,” he explains. ČKD Blansko Holding is a true global supplier. Of last year’s CZK 1 billion turnover, over 80 per cent was generated from projects abroad. The latest projects have included those in Scandinavia, Ecuador, India, Albania and – naturally – Russia, where ČKD has recently delivered the third unit from the total of seven machines for a power station in Siberia. “We will strive to maintain our position in all markets and plan to expand into the larger turbine sector. To this purpose we will adjust our production hall as well as machine fleet. The objective is to extend our product portfolio so that we can even better meet customers’ requirements in n global markets,” he concludes.

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Oschatz is a market leader in the fields of plant construction, energy recovery and environmental technology. Mihai Márton reports on the company’s unique technology, global presence and recent investments.


schatz is a family enterprise with a 165-year tradition, headed by Dr Jan-Christopher Schrag and Andreas Albrecht. The manufacturer’s roots go back to 1849 when it was established in Meerane, Germany. Initially specialised in steam boilers, over the years it has developed its core principle of ‘steam from waste heat’ to be applied in a growing number of industry sectors. Although today the company has a global presence, there is still a strong emphasis on interpersonal contact. Commitment and cooperation are two of the most important values within the company, with management and staff working closely together at all times.

Innovation in technology Oschatz can rightfully call itself a global market leader in several technology fields. One of them is the design and production of ammonia combustion boilers for the production of nitric acid. This technology was developed by Oschatz in the 1950s and was sold under patent law for 18 years. To this day, around 250 of these boilers have been delivered to

customers around the globe with the result that around 80 per cent of all known nitric acid facilities operate using Oschatz technology. Oschatz is also a strong international player in converter cooling stacks for steelmaking plants. Over the past 50 years the company has manufactured more than 300 cooling stacks, of which around 200 were equipped with energy recovery technology. Furthermore, the company supplies and manufactures cooling systems for non-ferrous metallurgical production facilities. These plants cool the hot gases formed through the production process and use the energy from the waste gas to generate valuable industrial steam. Since the 1980s, Oschatz has also been constructing power plants, for example for the thermal energy recovery of waste, biomass or residue from chemical manufacturing.

Customised solutions Oschatz’s facilities are not only as unique as a tailor-made suit, but can also be found on all continents, from Canada to Australia,

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Sulzer centrifugal Pumps and Equipment Sulzer specializes in pumping solutions, rotating equipment maintenance and reliable service solutions as well as in separation, reaction, and mixing technology. Sulzer designs, develops and supplies pumping solutions and related equipment worldwide. Our cutting-edge maintenance and service solutions for rotating equipment are dedicated to improving our customers’ processes and business performance. From overhaul and retrofit of existing equipment over OEM and non-OEM parts up to workshop or On-site Services, Sulzer is the right partner when pumps, turbines, compressors, generators, and motors are essential to operations. We provide technically advanced and innovative solutions to make existing equipment reliable and efficient again and even more improve existing designs to reduce downtime and minimize cost. The company creates reliable and sustainable solutions for its key markets: oil and gas, power, and water. Sulzer serves customers through a worldwide network of over 170 production and service sites. See more on

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from Kazakhstan to Zambia. Each facility is tailored to the individual requirements of each customer and process. In this way, Oschatz considers itself to be a full-service provider: it is one of the few medium-sized companies in its field worldwide with all the necessary capabilities to carry out a contract, including all related services, entirely in-house. From basic engineering to the complex construction of a plant to installation and the implementation of operations by its own personnel, Oschatz offers all services from a single provider. In addition, when the facility is in operation, the company continues to offer its clients a round-the-clock service, such as through the rapid delivery of spare parts in the event of a break-down.

Global player The Oschatz Group currently operates from three separate production plants, located in Turkey, China and the Czech Republic. The Turkish site is the most technologically advanced, having been completely rebuilt in 2010. The facility is based in a free-trade zone in the region of Kocaeli, around 120km south-east of Istanbul on a total area of 60,000m2. From here, the company serves its customers in Europe as well as throughout the entire Western Hemisphere. Furthermore, if required the Kocaeli site has the capacity to double its production surface area. 200 employees currently work here, although the assembly line has capacity for a further 200. The production plant in China was inaugurated in 2005 and just three years later it was extended to become the Oschatz

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Group’s largest assembly line at the time. It is located on an area of 50,000m2 with 600 employees serving Asia as well as Australia and Oceania. Since 2012, there has also been a third factory in Prague, operating on an area of 1650m2 and focused on the production of smaller parts for boilers, pipelines and spare parts.

A challenging future Innovation is central to Oschatz’s business philosophy. It develops individual solutions for energy recovery from waste heat as well as focusing on energy extraction from combustion synthesis (e.g. waste incineration, biomass and so on). The company is active in the iron and steel industry, the non-ferrous metal industry, the chemical industry, power plant technology and filter technology. It is therefore somewhat broadly based in comparison to many of its competitors and has a solid foundation from which to maintain its success during economically challenging times. The largest investment in recent years involved the rebuilding of the Turkish plant at a cost of €16 million entirely financed from the company’s own resources. At present Oschatz sees major growth potential in the field of power plant technology (waste-to-energy or direct fired boilers), as well as in thermal waste disposal facilities for the chemical industry. “With regard to regional expansion, the South East Asian states, including Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, are currently in the middle of an economic boom so Oschatz will certainly look to exploit this potential n in the coming years,” concludes Dr Jan-Christopher Schrag.


GREENER ENERGY Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) is a market leading, independent company that specialises in designing, supplying, operating and servicing biomass-fired boiler plants, power plants and combined heat and power installations. Philip Yorke talked to Frank Scholdann Lund, the company’s sales manager, about its recent major contracts and high-performance technology. Industry Europe 95

The 37 MW COFELY, SODC Orleans combined heat and power plant, was commissioned by AET in 2015.


ET was founded in 1996 when a group of experienced Danish engineers decided to set up a new company focusing on biomass combustion, biomass boilers and biomass turnkey projects. Today the company is a leading, independent European contracting company that supplies highly efficient biomass-fired boilers, power plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP) throughout Europe. As a technological leader in solving socially-created environmental problems through the thermal utilisation of wood, agro and industrial biomass waste, the company continuously strives to improve its technology in order to provide the best biomass-fired power and CHP plants in the world. With its technology and services to replace fossil fuels with biomass fuels, AET supports both the EU’s target for more renewable energy and COP 21’s target for the reduction of climate change. AET has seen consistent growth for 20 years and it comprises the design, engineering, delivery and service of plants combusting all forms of biomass. Biomass fuels are primarily wood chips, waste wood, sander dust, brash, bark, straw and agricultural residues. Industrial wastes like poultry litter, meat and bone meal, RDF, shea nuts, olive grains, distiller’s grain and rape seed extraction can also be burned successfully. Today AET designs and supplies turnkey plants ranging from 25 to 170 MWth, equal to 8–60 MWe. AET employs more than 100 people and recorded a turnover of over €35 million in 2015. 96 Industry Europe

High efficiency, low emissions As one of the world’s most innovative and experienced biomass boiler suppliers, the company has a well established reputation for supplying biomass boilers and combustion systems with exceptionally high efficiencies and availabilities. These also offer high fuel flexibility and low emission impact. In addition, the unique AET Biomass Boiler is characterised by very low maintenance costs. Lund said: “We are purely dedicated to biomass with a commitment to delivering optimal performance and service for biomass-fired plants, no matter whether it is a new plant or a retrofit. We focus on project management and delivering the right solution on time. As we have developed our own core components from biomass dosing, combustion grate, over-fire air system to ash re-injection system, AET can supply advanced and highly efficient biomass-fired plants. This unique capability has, for example, resulted in one of our most recent contracts: a huge turnkey project for Tilbury Green Power in the UK. This is a fine example of what can be achieved when we are involved at the beginning of such a large project.” AET’s customers include a variety of industries such as paper mills, district heating companies, pharmaceutical companies, chipboard manufacturers and utilities. Lund explained: “We focus on the value of long-term partnerships and how we can optimise the customer’s business case with better fuel flexibility, high efficiency and

high availability. Due to our technologically advanced boiler system we are able to operate with very high combustion efficiency even at 2–2.5 per cent O2, which in turn means extremely high boiler efficiency and low emissions. A secondary effect is low wear and tear, which results in low maintenance for our customers.” Lund added: “We see our growth markets as being mainly in Europe and we have our own very experienced sales force. We also attend leading trade shows to demonstrate our unique product offering and bespoke designs. We also concentrate on fuel conversions and have developed our own combi-spreader for simultaneously combusting coal and biomass. The AET Combi Spreader can provide i.e. a fuel split of 30 per cent coal / 70 per cent biomass operation. The most recent order for fuel conversion came from Østkraft in Denmark.”

The 54 MW boiler at Biolacq Energies cogeneration plant in Lacq, France, owned by Cofely (ENGIE group), was delivered by AET in 2016.

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AET performed a substantial retrofit of the Verdo CHP plant in Randers, Denmark. This enabled the plant to fire 100 per cent biomass or 100 per cent coal or any combination in between.

Unique combustion technology AET and a consortium partner are currently delivering one of their biggest contracts in recent years with an order value of more than €270 million. The new 40 MWe biomass power plant will be located at Tilbury, London (UK) and will utilise AET’s highly efficient and proven combustion technology. The consortium supplies Tilbury Green Power biomass power plant to the owners Green Investment Bank (GIB) and the Irish Electricity Supply Board (ESB). The scope of the contract includes design, supply, construction, operation and maintenance of the biomass power plant over a period of 20 years. The advanced Tilbury Green Energy Plant is currently under construction and expected to commence operation in early 2017. The AET Biomass Boiler for Tilbury Green Power will consume approximately 35 tonnes of waste wood per hour and have a boiler efficiency of 92 per cent. AET’s part of the EPC contract is to supply the biomass boiler, flue gas cleaning system, feed water system, PLC control system and SCADA for the entire power plant. Lund said: “We look forward to delivering the 125 MWth AET Biomass Boiler and AET Combustion System for the Tilbury Green Power Plant and to providing the operation and maintenance of the plant in the coming 20 years together with our partners. We intend, as always, to deliver the best possible solution and technology available in the market and to ensure the long-term profitability of the plant.” The highly efficient AET Combustion System, which includes the unique AET Dosing Bin, AET Spreader Stoker, AET Bio-Grate and the AET Biomass Boiler, have all been developed in-house and offer

proven reliability and efficiency gained through numerous biomassfired plants throughout Europe. A good example of this is the large French energy company ENGIE-Cofely Services (former GDF SUEZ), to which AET recently provided one more boiler plant, following the success of the previous three biomass boiler plants it supplied. n For further details of AET’s innovative biomass-fired plant technology and services visit:

AET will be rebuilding Østkraft’s about 20 year old boiler. The CHP plant will be converted from coal to biomass. The rebuilding, installation and commissioning will take place from 2016.

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PURE ICE LOGIC Snaige AB is a European market leader in the design and manufacture of refrigerators for consumer and commercial markets. The company continues to invest in new technology and to innovate. Its latest ‘Ice Logic’ range won it the refrigerator product of the year in its category, as Philip Yorke reports.


naige AB was founded in Lithuania in 1963 and has been manufacturing refrigerators since 1966. Today Snaige has a production capacity of 550,000 units per year and produces refrigerators, freezers and vertical coolers. The company has been awarded the coveted Lithuanian innovation prize several times and is recognised as is one of the most successful and innovative companies in Lithuania.

Innovation and diversity Snaige’s product lines are recognised for their consistently high quality in the mid-price range segment. Currently, the company manufactures over 30 models with 300 different variations of design led household refrigerators, coolers freezers and commercial refrigeration equipment. All the company’s products boast a range of features including antibacterial protection, low noise levels, air active systems and fast-freeze functions, among many others. In addition, all Snaige refrigerators are highly energy efficient and are constantly being improved and upgraded by the company’s strong product development team, which is located in-house and implements innovations with regard to product design and advanced technological features. Currently the company produces three distinct product ranges in three design lines. These are the ‘Snaige Glassy’, which is a 100 Industry Europe

premium line and the flagship of the company and is based on its popular ‘Ice Logic’ line with added cosmetics such as glass doors and fully electronic control systems. This particular product is able to compete successfully with ‘high-end’ refrigerators produced by the leading international brands and is therefore very popular in Western markets. The ‘Snaige Ice Logic Quality’ line is the company’s core product range with mid-market positioning and is recognised by both customers and the Lithuanian Government, which granted Snaige the Product of the Year Innovation award for the model. Special features include internal innovations such as a non-freeze zone and improved efficiency compressor units. The company’s economy line is known as ‘Active Soft’ and is positioned as a value-for-money brand, which includes all the necessary features at a competitive price. As a result, this range of refrigerators is very popular with the Central Asian Markets.

Flexible processes Snaige’s main production facility is located at Alytus, Lithuania and covers an area of more than 50,000 square metres, of which more than 12,000 square metres is dedicated to its state-of-theart warehousing facilities. The annual capacity of this modern

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plant is over 550,000 refrigerators and it has been designed to be as flexible as possible and highly efficient in order to be able to accommodate market changes and fluctuating order levels for different models. Snaige also has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Almecha, which is located at the same site and produces a variety of components for Snaige as well as being contracted by external international customers. The company’s general manager Mr Gediminas Ceika said, “We are proud of the fact that we can offer our high quality products at such competitive prices. In addition, the size of our plant allows us to be very flexible and supply our customers with what they want in the shortest possible time. In addition, we offer some exclusive opportunities to customise their products, such as colouring their refrigerators in any colour they choose from the RAL pallet selection and adding special artwork effects and glass doors etc.”

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Expanding markets The company’s customer base is diverse and includes major retailers and wholesalers, as well as other manufacturers of home appliances. In addition to these active clients, Snaige has a large client database of private label clients, which are also major retailers and several large electric appliance manufacturers in Europe. The company believes it has achieved a good balance between its more profitable high-end products and the more stable but lower profit margin private label sales, which it says is one of the key factors in its success. Today Snaige exports its products to over 30 countries worldwide and in 2015 its largest markets were France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic countries. The biggest growth markets for Snaige are likely to be the emerging Asian markets and eastern Europe. Ceika added, “In order to remain competitive we will further improve our product ranges. Mainly we will focus on increasing

energy efficiency and our no-frost technologies. Secondly, we are going to focus on strengthening our brands in our branded markets. There are also some new markets that we are targeting, which will be operational in the near future. In addition, we are considering a new extension to our current product range.” In keeping with its strict quality control parameters, Snaige purchases its raw materials from carefully selected suppliers and from leading manufacturers in Asia and Europe. The biggest categories are refrigerator components such as compressors and evaporators and raw materials used for product manufacturing, such as PU n systems, CR Steel and plastic components.

For further information about Snaige’s innovative refrigerators and freezers visit:

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From brass ball valves and fittings for residential plumbing systems up to special steel products for advanced industrial sectors: this is the evolution of Effebi, a company based in Brescia and now in its 45th year of operations. Daniele Garavaglia reports.


stablished in 1971 by original president Fausto Bonomi and since then entrusted to family governance, Effebi has carved out a significant market share in a highly competitive sector. With a turnover of €67 million in 2015 and 100 employees, the company has reached its present position by focusing on three key areas: customer satisfaction; strong attention to investments in research and technological innovation; and attention to the quality and reliability of its products. “We were one of the first companies in Italy to manufacture ball valves for domestic plumbing systems: today we are among the leaders in the design and production of brass and steel valves for industrial and especially plumbing purposes,” explains sales director Roberto Bonomi. “After strengthening our technical know-how in the field of brass valves and fittings, products mainly intended for traditional plumbing and heating systems (distribution of water, gas, compressed air and non-aggressive fluids) in residential contexts, we began to expand in the main fields of industrial plant engineering. We have set up a technical sales department dedicated to the steel market which has enabled us to launch a wide range of increasingly innovative and reliable shut-off and control valves,” he adds.

Continuous growth The industrial valve division has experienced gradual and steady development in recent years, based on the know-how and manufacturing excellence of Binox, Effebi’s sister company which produces steel valves for the most diverse applications. These are commissioned by the manufacturers of systems for production sectors such as: oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical, marine, pharmaceutical and so on. One of Effebi’s key strengths is its fully integrated supply chain, which is based on long-lasting partnerships with trusted suppliers and the careful choice of raw materials and components. The brass it uses is entirely produced in Italy and processed by the other sister company Pressytal. Components such as levers and gaskets are also supplied by historical and tested producers, based in northern Italy, where a high-quality and highly specialised manufacturing sector has long flourished. Relying on strict quality control and certifications, Effebi has been able to make a name for itself in the Italian and international markets as a reliable supplier and as an industry benchmark. 104 Industry Europe

Major markets “Our target is still the domestic market, because we sell 40 per cent of our production in Italy. But we have a significant presence in all major European markets, Russia and the United States, where we work mainly with a network of trusted wholesalers. In the years to come, our target is to strengthen our presence in mature markets and open new commercial horizons in emerging markets, where innovation plays a major role,” emphasises Bonomi. “In addition to upgrading our entire management software, Effebi continues to invest in cutting-edge technological solutions, with the introduction of new machines every year. For us it is vital to foster

Stainless steel ball valve, special application

Effebi main production plant

Effebi stock at logistics centre Industry Europe 105

Effebi logistic centre

an environment of constant innovation of processes and products, which enhances security and reliability for the end user.” In order to ensure excellent product performance, Effebi has an internal specialised laboratory that carries out tests such as cyclic stress tests with controlled pressure, temperature and humidity in climatic chambers, cyclic endurance or burst testing, pneumatic or hydraulic tests up to 300 bar and several other measurements. Additional tests like the corrosion proof in salt spray are carried out in external labs. The upgrade of the production system goes hand in hand with product innovation. At the recent Mostra Convegno Expocomfort in Milan, the company presented some novelties for the plumbing and plant engineering industries: a patented ball valve, integrated with a high-KV full bore check valve, with the advantage of a small footprint and quick installation; new vertical manual and automatic three-way valves; an innovative insulating control device for insulated heating and air conditioning systems; and a series of rapid joint fittings for n iron pipes (and PE) with patented system.

Hot stamping and Production plant for steel valves

1 PLUMBING AND HEATING SYSTEMS Effebi offers a vast range of valves for use in heating systems and sanitary and drinking water supply systems. Full-bore valves ensure that the fluid does not come into contact with nickel, in accordance with the latest European regulations on water supply systems. The company has obtained numerous certifications for the use of its products in contact with drinking water, both in Italy and abroad. 2 GAS FOR CIVIL AND INDUSTRIAL USE The range of applications in the supply of gas covers household appliances, with brass valves and fittings for pipes and gas meters, more technical applications with flanged or threaded couplings made of carbon steel and 304 and 316 stainless steels. Available in sizes DN 10 to DN 200, with pressure ranging from vacuum up to 210 bar. 3 FITTINGS Complete series of fittings for use with iron, stainless steel, copper, PE and PEX pipes are available with threaded, press, compression or push-in fittings. Patented solutions have been developed for quick, secure connections that facilitate the job of plumbers. 4 INDUSTRIAL VALVES The range is complete and has obtained international certifications. The component parts are entirely Made in Italy, which is a guarantee of superior quality and flexibility of service. They are mainly used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, marine, food and the medical industry and in water and gas distribution systems. 5 BUTTERFLY VALVES Mainly used in large water supply installations, and in the crude oil and gas sectors, these valves are available with a control lever, manual gear box or motor. Sizes range from DN40 to DN 600. The valve body, locking discs and gasket seats are made from different materials. 6 ACTUATED VALVES All our industrial valves, butterfly valves and brass valves for electric or pneumatic actuation can be provided with open/close remote control. A wide selection of accessories and spare parts is also available. 7 SPECIAL VALVES New technical solutions are designed and developed on request, in collaboration with our customers, the aim being to meet specific requirements and applications.

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Lahti Precision is a market leader and a specialist in the development and manufacture of bulk handling systems for a broad range of industries. Philip Yorke talked to Roberto Quintero, the company’s deputy managing director and head of the Project Business, about its increasing focus on the hollow glass industry and move into new markets.

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ahti Precision was founded in Finland in 1914 when it established a workshop to manufacture scales. Over the last 100 years Lahti Precision has grown into a leading global expert in the bulk handling and processing of powder-based products, as well as many other materials. Today the core products developed and manufactured by Lahti Precision include dosing and weighing equipment, as well as systems and plants designed and manufactured for a broad range of customers across the process industry.

Unrivalled accuracy Since its foundation, accuracy has been key to Lahti Precision’s success and it continues to upgrade and innovate so that customers can be sure they are always receiving the best possible dosing, weighing and mixing. The company offers strong mixing technology and automation and electrification to ensure that the whole supply chain adds value for its customers. Its industrial weighing division is focused on providing highly accurate, tailored weighing and dosing solutions for a multitude of industries including materials handling, mining, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals and pulp and paper.

Broad product offering Lahti Precision operates two major business units: Project Business and Service & Industrial weighing. The Project Business is dedicated to service distinct industries and customer segments as it relates to bulk materials handling, industrial dosing and weighing and all other industry-specific processes. Lahti’s core expertise also lies in its industry-specific process knowledge and design, plant design and automation, as well as in engineering and project management.

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The industries that Lahti serves include the glass industry where it provides batch house solutions for projects of all types and sizes, and for all glass sectors. This includes float, container, fibre, wool, pharmaceutical, electronic and other glass types. In dry mix operations the company provides complete factories for producing all types of dry mortars. In addition, it provides services for developing dry mortar product technology, which can involve diverse recipes for clients worldwide. A third important business sector for Lahti is its OEM business, where it provides exclusively tailor-made products in the field of autoclaved, aerated concrete production plants and metal smelting. When it comes to service and industrial weighing, Lahti offers dedicated sales services to all industries including consultancy and technical services, parts sales and modernisations.

Focus on glass Lahti Precision has been involved in the glass industry for more than 30 years and today is clearly focused on the hollow glass market. Quintero said, “We are increasingly focused on the hollow glass market and have traditionally been mainly involved with the float and fibre glass segments, where we have achieved a strong market position and brand recognition in a relatively short period of time. Over the years Lahti has served the hollow glass market having numerous references with widely recognised global companies. Given our widely proven technical expertise, we consider the hollow glass segment to be an attractive opportunity for the continued growth of our Project Business.” Quintero added, “We serve a multitude of industrial sectors; however, if we consider specifically the glass industry, our cus-

tomer base includes most leading global companies as well as regional and local companies. In the recent past our key markets have been North America, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Asia.” In relation to the glass industry and Glasstec, Lahti is a leading batch house supplier to all glass sectors, having executed over 200 projects globally. The company has been traditionally focused on the float and fibre segments and certain niche sectors, where quality and performance requirements are of the highest level. However, today the company is placing increased emphasis on serving the growing hollow glass market.

Global expansion As one of the world’s leading suppliers of glass batch and dry mortar plants, and the market leader in the weighing business in Finland, Lahti Precision is globally active. It is expanding worldwide wherever its core markets of glass, dry mix and other industries are demanding accurate weighing and dosing. The company sees a great many opportunities for growth ahead and continues to invest in R&D and new technology. With its long-term strategic partnerships with well-known companies the n company is justifiably confident about its future. For further details of Lahti Precision’s innovative products and technical services visit:

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Vanderlande Industries is a global market leader in the design and manufacture of handling systems for airports, warehouses and government distribution centres. The company has been setting new standards with its latest innovative, high-tech handling systems. Philip Yorke looks at a company that continues to outperform its competitors and extend its global footprint. 110 Industry Europe


anderlande Industries was founded in Veghel, the Netherlands in 1947 and began by manufacturing conveyer systems for the loading of agricultural produce onto ships, which were moored in the nearby canal. Following a period of consistent growth, the company today is a global operator and one of the largest and most technically advanced in the world. Its core businesses provide a wide range of fully automated material handling systems for baggage handling at airports, as well as for automation systems for warehouses and government postal services. Vanderlande designs and installs material handling systems of all sizes, from local sorting depots to some of the world’s largest and most sophisticated distribution centres. All the company’s bespoke systems and services are designed to improve customers’ logistics processes, from the initial concept stage right through to total life-cycle support. Vanderlande’s services range from logistics concept and design, through engineering, software development, supply chain management and manufacturing. This is in addition to project management, system integration and a wide range of customer services. In recent years Vanderlande has enhanced its reputation by extending its service concepts to customers. This is a growth area for the company as traditionally the focus has been on mechanical maintenance and spare parts and this has now been extended to include pro-active maintenance, remote monitoring and diagnostics with a clear focus on end-to-end process performance.

Transferable expertise Vanderlande’s advanced postal sorting systems provide up-to-theminute solutions for postal hubs and depots of all sizes. With more than 500 systems installed, the company focuses on providing real- time process and systems intelligence using advanced IT solutions. These enable its customers to maximise the efficiency of their sorting processes and

to continuously improve their operations. The company’s systems cover the entire door-to-door process, from arrival and unloading through sortation, right up to loading and departure. Vanderlande is also able to transfer its diverse technologies and thus make it possible to overcome the challenges presented by the three main areas of its business. These are baggage handling, warehouse automation and postal sorting automation. For example, the logistics flow in airport baggage systems is very different from that of big warehouses, where very large numbers of individual units may need to be stored, picked and despatched. Warehouses for supermarkets for example may handle more than 20,000 different products and sorting and picking on this scale is a big software challenge, which is where the company’s transferable technology plays a major part. The wholly-owned company Vanderlande Warehouse Automation is one of the world’s foremost suppliers of automated logistics systems for warehouses and distribution centres, with a track record of providing advanced automation systems to more than 1000 facilities worldwide.

World’s first 3D shuttle concept Increasing labour costs, limited space and many small orders with short delivery times are just a few of the challenges facing today’s warehousing and distribution centres. This means that there is a continuous search for solutions to reduce operating costs, increase productivity, maximise space and offer an elevated level of service. As a result of these evolving demands, Vanderlande has launched its innovative and unique 3D shuttle concept called ‘Adapto’. Adapto is the next logical step in flexible warehouse automation. It is a storage, retrieval and transport concept that offers unique flexibility and availability, enabling warehouses to optimise their service levels.

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The Smart Way of Data Capture Camera-based reading systems automatically acquire data of conveyable items such as parcels and envelopes. Not only does this include the capturing of barcodes - the integrated solution DWS also precisely determines volume and weight in real time. Comprehensive and reliable data capture is becoming increasingly important for courier, express and parcel services to improve both operational efficiency and service quality. The same applies for the logistics and warehousing industry sectors, which are also endeavoring to further reduce their processing times required for data capturing and inspection of incoming goods. For efficiently identifying conveyable goods the Wiesbaden-based machine vision specialist VITRONIC has developed a smart solution – the Auto-ID system VIPAC DWS (Dimensioning, Weighing and Scanning). As an integrated solution, the certified DWS system automatically reads barcodes and 2D codes on up to five package sides while simultaneously determining the package volume and weight. This ensures a fully reliable and repeatable process of data acquisition, enabling internationally operating companies to establish consistent standards across their network. The data is transmitted to a sorter control system or a higher-level host system and stored in an alibi storage. This transparent and continually traceable data enables full process control and optimization. Even at high conveying speeds, the system prevents bottlenecks and there is no need for manual intervention. As the data capturing process is automated rather than manual, costs can be reduced and potential errors avoided. For customers, the DWS system offers three major benefits – they can rely on a complete solution that generates a comprehensive database which can be seamlessly integrated into their existing processes. For more information visit VITRONIC at CeMAT Hanover World leading trade fair for intralogistics & supply chain management May 31 - June 3, 2016, Hanover Hall 27, Booth C53

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VITRONIC DWS system automatically captures barcodes and determines package volume and weight

Adapto is also offered in combination with Vanderlande’s highly successful and ergonomic ‘Pick@Ease’ workstations. The introduction of this new technology to the market a few years ago is further evidence of Vanderlande’s pioneering research and development programme and its leadership position within the industry. Airtrax is another innovative and reliable product concept by Vanderlande for transporting, sorting and storing hanging goods. It delivers benefits throughout any operation, allowing significant volumes of goods to be moved over long distances while coping with changing elevations and complex pathways. It is ideal for highfrequency environments, including for example, goods on hangers that are specifically designed for the fashion industry. This latest pocket-sorter solution is also perfect for handling nonhanging items and returns and is the optimal carton-carrier solution for efficient and user-friendly transportation. Airtrax contains just one base on to which all types of carrier modules can be fitted in order to facilitate various functions and enable 3D movements so that existing warehouse capacity can be optimised.

Advanced baggage handling system In January 2016, Vanderlande was awarded a major contract when it was commissioned to supply a state-of-the-art baggage-handling system for Bahrain International Airport (BIA). The contract is for the design, manufacture and installation of an advanced baggage handling system that is capable of processing over 4700 bags per hour. The announcement was issued by the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (MTT), and is part of a major airport overhaul. The project is expected to revitalise much of the potential in Bahrain and the Northern Gulf region’s aviation industry. The Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Airport Company, Mr Mohamed Yousif Al-Binfalah said, “We look forward to working hand-in-hand with Vandelande to deliver a state-of-the-art system which should fulfil our vision to create an n exceptional passenger experience.” For further details of Vanderlande’s innovative handling systems visit:

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In-house developed software, top class components, continuous research and strong partnership with customers and suppliers are the ingredients of Italian company Dallan’s success, as C.E.O. Andrea Dallan explained to Barbara Rossi.


allan is a continuously evolving company. Since 1978, when engineer Sergio Dallan set it up as a roll forming equipment design firm, Dallan has increasingly specialised in precision roll forming machines for thin gauge profiles and pre-painted materials, and then in packaging and assembly systems for the same profiles. Today, Dallan technologies are the benchmark for rolling shutter, plasterboard profile, metal ceiling and venetian blind production. In 1988, Dallan introduced the Dalcos-branded coil fed punching machines to provide customers with additional flexibility and speed, and obtain a finished product at the end of the process. In 2014, at the Euroblech fair, the group presented its new DALCOS ELXN COMBO, the world’s first in-line punching and laser cutting system. Now, in 2016, this product has been developed further, thanks to the use of integrated high-definition vision systems. DALCOS ELXN is the only processing line that offers simultaneous punching and laser cutting features, thereby increasing productivity by up to 200 per cent in comparison with traditional sheet fed systems. Dallan has two production sites in Castelfranco Veneto, in northeast Italy. Its main headquarters are in Via dell’Economia, where its roll forming machines and largest systems are engineered, assembled and tested before shipping. The Dalcos facility, where all the punching machines and lasers are assembled and tested, is only

two kilometres away. Today Dallan employs 150 people and has additional sites that are used at peak production times and are also designated for future production capacity development.

Investing in innovation The majority of investments made by Dallan are in R&D and human resources. In particular, the development of the Punch/ Laser project has taken more than four years of preparation, design, research and prototyping to reach the level of product maturity and ease of use expected for industrial machinery today. For the past five years, Dallan has registered between three and ten patents every year, many of which have then been extended to European and international level. One of the main sectors served by Dallan is sun protection, particularly rolling shutters and venetian blinds, for which the company has developed innovative coil-to-window technologies. In fact, from the painted coil, these systems produce wholly assembled rolling shutters and venetian blind curtains complete with accessories such as head pins, hooks and plastic caps. In this way, all raw materials are used, with zero wastage. Another very important sector is interior finishing, in which Dallan has developed fully integrated systems called ‘coil-to-package’.

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For plasterboard and T-bar profiles, the Dallan range allows profile production and packaging, either with strapping machines or using paper boxes. The third main sector is punching machines and laser cutting systems employed worldwide in several sectors, including metal furniture, logistics, HVAC, electrical cabinets, road signs, industrial kitchens, painting lines, tooling, energy and many more. Regarding geographical markets, Mr Dallan said, “This information can vary from year to year. In recent years, Dallan has worked 20 per cent in Italy, 40 per cent in Europe and 40 per cent outside of Europe. In terms of expansion in new geographical markets, I would say that the United States is an area of interest – as this is one of the markets where Dallan’s technologies are increasingly appreciated – as well as the Middle East.” Thinking of Dallan’s future, he added: “We believe that the organic development of products and markets, responding to the needs put forward by our clients and partners, is the best way to guarantee the continuous growth of our group.” “The global market is showing a growing interest in Dallan’s integrated processes, which help companies introduce the key Lean production concepts in an easy and natural way, optimising the processing stations, reducing waste and implementing just-in-time production and continuous processes. The Dallan technologies are firmly aligned with this production philosophy, which today is demanded by all market leaders, and they certainly represent a solid basis for our growth in years to come.”

Working as a team “We have strategic suppliers that have been working with us for over 25 years. At Dallan we work to build solid and long lasting partnerships with our customers and suppliers, whom we value as being part of the team. In order to respond rapidly and effectively to market and customer demands, Dallan expects the highest level of quality and service from its suppliers.” 116 Industry Europe

In fact, the quality of its products depends on the quality of the machines and tools used, as well as on the operator’s skills and the raw materials employed. All the mechanical, electrical and electronic components are supplied by leading companies, which are renowned for their product quality and reliability. SKF, Emerson, Pilz, Siemens, Beckhoff, SMC and Parker are some of the names featuring as suppliers of the Dallan system standard components. “Over the years, we have integrated essential and strategic features, such as electric panel, mould, roll forming equipment and mechanical precision process design and production. Today all our software is developed in-house. In this way, we can offer our customers cutting edge solutions, customise interfaces and make our n systems as simple and easy to use as possible.”


Through her conversation with Mr Luigi Galdabini, MD of the company bearing the same name, Barbara Rossi learns about the innovative products offered by this organisation of great tradition, as well as discussing the importance of caution.

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aldabini has really historical roots, having been established in 1890, and is based near Varese, northern Italy. The company is still owned and managed by direct descendants of the original founders, even bearing the same surname (currently the company is led by the fourth generation of the founding family). Since its beginnings Galdabini has always been known for its ingeniousness and will to take on new challenges. Mr Galdabini presents his company to Industry Europe by saying, “Our range is organised into three areas: straightening systems, material testing machines and metal forming systems. More than 60% of our straightening systems are supplied to the automotive sector, but they are also used in the bearing, steel and general mechanics industries, and are even being employed in aeronautics. Metal forming systems are supplied to the kitchenware and household appliances sectors, as well as to the stainless steel and cylinder industries, among others. Material testing machines find an outlet in the whole industrial sector, mainly to test materials, but also for finished products, albeit in smaller volumes. In addition to the industrial sector, our testing machines are also purchased by research centres, schools and universities. To complete our offer, we also provide calibration certification services complying with European requirements. We started this activity to certify our own machines, but over the years it extended to certifying other types of devices produced by other companies.” The company has been engaged in the development of environmentally friendly products, in particular with regard to energy savings, sub118 Industry Europe

scribing to the ‘blue philosophy’ of the tool machine trade association to which it belongs. In fact, thanks to both photovoltaic solutions and the attention paid to saving energy, the company is self-sufficient with regard to energy consumption. The systems manufactured by Galdabini are also increasingly designed so as to be very virtuous from an energy point of view. In 2011 an energy saving (ES) press machine (part of the Galdabini ES range) offering a 50 per cent reduction in terms of energy consumption was introduced on the market. As the rest of the products belonging to the same ES category, this machine was designed on the basis of a patent developed by the company years ago. The same concept has been used and adapted for the development of other presses and straightening machinery. This year new innovative straightening machines for very long bars and tubes have been launched, while in terms of material testing a recent addition has been a new 2000 kN test machine. This very large machine, which in consideration of its size and power could be expected to be very demanding in terms of energy usage, is actually very quiet and offers low power consumption. This is possible especially because it is an electromechanical rather than a hydraulic machine, a choice taken to guarantee precision levels. All research & development is conducted internally. Galdabini has a technology centre, opened in 2007, which just in terms of set up cost €500,000, where clients are shown the company’s solutions and product development takes place. Here trials and tests are carried out for customers, as all machines are tailored to their needs. Galdabini operates from two sites, respectively based in Italy and Switzerland. The latter site is mainly dedicate to service assistance,

although production of profile straightening machines also takes place here. Its main function is that of providing the machines and service required by customers based in German speaking countries. With regard to the Italian site, as well as having installed photovoltaic panels two years ago, last year Galdabini developed a new 2000sqm assembly area. The main geographical markets served are Germany and China, followed by India, South America and Scandinavia. Ranking in third position are a few of the other European countries, including Italy. Overall export accounts for 85 per cent of turnover and are still growing, due to the economic crisis currently affecting Italy. “In future we intend to expand our presence in North America, where we already offer our products, but are currently penalised by the exchange rate; in addition to this we also plan to increase our market position in Thailand and Indonesia. I expect some growth, or at least a consolidation, in most of our non-European markets. In Europe it is a different story, even an excellent market such as Germany has started to delocalise production. We will carry on serving our German customers, even if some of them will no longer manufacture in Germany in future.”

important. Maybe there will be a little less growth and development, but in this way we will take fewer risks. I am not talking about immobility, but about proceeding at the right pace. Maybe this concept is not appreciated by the financial world. I have this very pragmatic and concrete attitude, which means avoiding setting the wrong aim for my company. As a company we are currently in a solid and flourishing situation, and I would be pleased if we could be in the same state in ten years’ time.” Galdabini’s health is proven by the fact that clients include names such as Bosch, Mercedes, Mannesmann and Ferrari. In fact the Italian racing car manufacturer has been a client of Galdabini for 30 years. Suppliers are also deemed to be very important. “Suppliers are fundamental, as to carry on being competitive we need good n ideas, solid people and competent and capable suppliers.”

Caution and good suppliers “Acquisitions cannot be excluded, should an opportunity arise, but it is not something which we are planning to do. This is a very hard time for European companies. Remaining competitive is essential and in order to do this it is vital to be solid from a financial point of view and offer good products – which we do. I think that caution is an undervalued concept, which is very much needed at present. Like the three generations of the family which have preceded me in leading this company, which I have now managed for twenty three years, I value caution when it is the right time for it. I think that now maintaining financial solidity and staying close to customers is Industry Europe 119

NEW TECHNOLOGIES COMPOUNDING SUCCESS The Euro-Group is a privately owned Italian industrial conglomerate that is focused on the supply of steel laminations for electric motors and generators. Philip Yorke reports on a company that continues to add to its product portfolio through innovation and acquisition.

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he Euro-Group was founded in the Lombardy region of Italy by the current president’s father-in-law Mr Arduini Sergio Iori, who began by producing blanking laminations under the trading name Eurotranciatura. Italy’s blossoming economy during that decade added impetus to the success of the company, resulting in its diversification and a more extensive product range. The year 1980 saw the establishment of a second company, Alcast, which was dedicated to aluminium die-casting products. Further growth followed in 1988 with the acquisition of a leading tool manufacturing company known as Carrada. With this unique combination of engineering competences the Euro-Group began to operate as a strategic alliance that was able to offer markets a complete turnkey service. Further acquisitions followed in 2000 and in 2001 the company established ‘Euroslot’ which specialised in single-notched magnetic laminations. To further enhance its global aspirations, Euro-Group became an industrial holding company. Since 2008 it has also been involved in a wide range of activities and services that include purchasing, sales and marketing, as well as IT and human resources. As a result of its broad product portfolio and diverse range of customer services, the Euro-Group is able to offer a truly comprehensive package to both its existing and prospective customers.

Expanding markets Today more than 70 per cent of the company’s production output is for export markets. In Europe Germany is one of its key markets, with France, Spain, the UK, eastern Europe and the Nordic countries all making major contributions to its global sales. A leading company spokesman said, “In the future we will grow in North America due to its huge potential and in addition we cannot underestimate the emerging markets of China and Brazil.” The company said that it is working step-by-step to achieve its plans for international growth. The continuing expansion by Euro-Group into new world markets is enhanced by its presence at many international trade shows and exhibitions in Europe and North America that relate to the electrical machinery industry.

New US presence The Euro-Group recently announced that it has bought the Tecumseh Products company of Tenessee and plans to use this new acquisition as its American base of operations. The name of the company will subsequently change to Euro-Tanciatura USA, or ETU. The managing director of ETU, Matteo Fassio, speaking from Paris said, “The winding and assembly will stay with Tecumseh for the time being. We have an option to buy everything, including the building.”

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Fassio also confirmed that all 68 workers in the division are currently employees of ETU and the company plans to grow this workforce to one hundred and eighty people within the next five years. Today the company has operations on four continents and serves over 500 customers including global brands such as Bosch, Siemens and Cummins. The Euro-Group has identified almost one hundred new customers and through its new centre in Paris and plans to target customers in industries like hemetic compressors, automotive, industrial pumps, traction motors and oil & gas. During

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the next five years the new US company plans to triple its existing volume to achieve a $60 million annual turnover. A company spokesman added: “The Euro-Group is a traditional company story which is now in its second generation. Although a big market leader, it is a family run company which operates with passion and commitment, even during unsettled economic times and this represents a major part of our identity. Our growth will be driven by the continuous expansion of our current ventures and from new, innovative products.”

Broad-based group The companies that make up the Euro-Group are market leaders in their own field. Founded in 1967 and the original manufacturing facility, Eurotranciatura is the largest production unit in Europe for electrical steel laminations. It specialises in the production of loose blanked laminations up to an external diameter of 800mm, or interlocked laminations for rotating electrical machinery designed for a wide range of industrial applications from white goods to power tools and generators. With its technologically advanced, state-of-the-art facilities it has the highest capacity in Europe for the annealing and bluing of the blanked laminations. It is one of the world’s leading manufacturers with its Slinky System of alternator stator cores for the automotive industry. Euroslot is also a market leader with a worldwide reputation for the single notching of laminations, and the Alcast company specialises in the casting of rotors and components for electric motors of all kinds. Another Euro-Group company, Carrada was founded in 1933 and is a global leader in the design and manufacture of carbide and speciality steel products. SAF is a company that dates back to 1963 and is actively involved in the manufacture of dies and components for the electronics industry. Euroslot

Tools and the three Eurotranciatura companies based in the USA, Tunisia and Mexico, make up the other companies in the broadn based Euro-Group family of companies. For further information about Euro-Group’s innovative products and services, visit:

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Leinovalu is Finland’s foremost iron and steel foundry and in keeping with its future international ambitions, the company recently changed its name to LeinoCast Oy and extended its product offering. Philip Yorke spoke to the company’s CEO, Liisa Leino, about its drive to expand its export sales and the unique product packages that the company is able to offer today. 124 Industry Europe



einocast was founded in 1898 in Finland and, like many new innovative companies in its day, was focused on providing equipment for the growing agricultural market. Today it is a highly specialised and modern iron and steel foundry that serves a broad industrial customer base. The company has been owned by the same family from the very beginning, and with its strong financial standing enjoys a prominent place in the list of Finland’s most successful, privately owned companies. The secret of the company’s success is based not only upon the excellence of its products but also on its dedicated customer focus and flexibility. Working in close cooperation with its customers Leinocast provides unique solutions that optimise both the functionality and productivity of its clients’ products. To its many international customers Leinocast is much more than simply a modern iron and steel foundry. It is a dedicated business partner that provides a complete customised service and delivery chain, rather than offering just a standard range of castings. The high quality of the products from Leinocast are well recognised

and in addition to precision machining the company has its own engineering shop and finishing facilities for painting and machining. As a result of its broad capabilities, its customers receive the best possible solutions for their assemblies to the exact degree of readiness that they require. Leinocast’s highly skilled in-house R&D personnel continuously develop innovative products in close cooperation with its customers to meet the diverse and complex challenges facing manufacturing industries today, many of which, involve the latest technologies relating to recycling and sustainability.

Complete turnkey services From initial concept to product testing, and from design to delivery of ready-to-install components, Leinocast offers a complete turnkey service for its customers. The company’s customer base is diverse, and includes companies that are involved in areas such as forestry, energy, marine and environmental technology.

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Ms Leino said, “We are taking steps to increase our international appeal and image and are in the middle of changing our company structure. Therefore, our foundry business is changed to LeinoCast Oy to support our growing international business. As a company, LeinoCast Oy belongs to the Leino Group Oy. At the same time we are expanding our offer to our customers trading in Europe. LeinoCast will in turn be the most preferred supplier who can offer the total solution for customers, either from delivering castings from our foundries from Salo Finland or through our European foundry network.” She added, “In addition, we will be having special customer events in June where modern speed and new offerings will be launched. This will all be supported by new logos and home pages on our website. Today we operate four strategic business sectors and these are the forest and wood industry, environmental technology, marine and energy. We don’t have our own branded products as such, however we do have our own unique customised service and delivery chain

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supported with complete production processes which result in highquality, tailor-made finished products for our customers. “We are flexible, we listen closely to our customers in order to meet their challenging and changing needs, especially in terms of delivery times. We are dedicated to providing the competences that our customers require and understand the need to get it precisely right every time. Around 90 per cent of our products are exported worldwide, with our biggest markets being in Europe. “We have the competitive advantage that very few foundries have iron and steel foundries as well as machine and assembly shops all located under one roof and in-house. We are also looking for sound partners with whom we can move forward and build upon the opportunities that we have already created.” As a highly professional turnkey solutions provider, Leinocast has a strong reputation for delivering particularly complex and demanding castings. This is possible because of the unique combination of facili-

ties available at Leinocast and its engineering expertise and knowhow. The company’s employees are highly skilled and are all experts in their chosen field. Its ability to offer ready-machined iron and steel including design at the top level is what sets it apart from its competitors. This is why Leinocast is not a high volume producer, but rather a reliable, high-quality components partner to its customers.

diesel, gas and electric engines, as well as for generators and gas turbines. Once again, the company has a long heritage of supplying n high-quality components to this industry. For further details of Leinocast’s innovative finished foundry products and services visit:

Advanced solutions Leinocast provides advanced solutions across its broad range of industrial product applications. In its various forestry related sectors, such as paper making machinery, forestry equipment and cranes, the company has developed products to meet the high standards set by the extreme conditions encountered by this sector. In environmental technology where the company has many years of experience, it supplies components for a number of uses, such as for pumps and valves, mixers, filters, crushers and cranes. Leinocast has also been recognised as a valued partner in the marine industry for many decades, where safety regulations and production controls in this field are extremely stringent. Many of the components the company manufactures for this sector require classification, which the company itself is able to organise. Leinocast also manufactures precision components for the energy industry for


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A FUTURE PROOF MATERIAL As a global aluminium company, Hydro’s production, sales and trading activities stretch throughout the value chain, from bauxite, alumina and energy generation to the production of primary aluminium and rolled products as well as recycling. Elisabeth Skoda spoke to Hydro’s communication manager Michael Peter Steffen to find out more about the company’s vast product range and recent innovations in the packaging industry.


total, the Norway-based company has 13,000 employees involved in activities in more than 50 countries on all continents. In 2015, a turnover of NOK 87 billion was achieved. Hydro has changed and developed a lot over the 110 years from its roots as a manufacturer of nitrogen-based fertilisers, evolving into an international industrial conglomerate. Since 2007, Hydro is a focused global, integrated aluminium and hydroelectric power company.

Packaging prowess “Our constant strive to become better, bigger and greener is benefiting all our stakeholders, ultimately everyone´s lives, everyday. Think of your smart phone; of your mobility; of the packaging that protects your food … and Hydro is a leading provider of aluminium-based solutions, also for the packaging industry,” Mr Steffen explains. “Since 2002 we have been able to maintain and even strengthen our leading position in the packaging industry, notably in the market segments of ultrathin high performance foil for aseptic packaging, mainly used in compound cartons such as tetra packs.” Mr Steffen is keen to highlight a key innovation in this area. “We managed to reduce the thickness of our foil for sterilised beverage cartons by 16 per cent, allowing us to stretch the boundaries and reduce the industry standard of 6 micron to an impressive 5 micron. This innovative high-quality foil is manufactured with even less material than before, but still ensures barrier protection of foodstuff against spoilage.” This foil is manufactured at the rolling mill in Grevenbroich in Germany, the largest and most technically advanced production site in the world for high strength foil. Hydro’s aluminium packaging range consists not just of foil, but the company also is a leading supplier for can stock, tab and body stock, i.e. all the material needed for aluminium beverage cans. Packaging is of major importance both for companies and typical home users of today and tomorrow. Aluminium in packaging is on the up, and Mr Steffen sees good potential going forward. “Lifestyle changes have created an increased demand for ready meals, and aluminium trays are convenient. It is also an attractive packaging format at the point of sale. Aluminium is an ideal packaging materials, and products such as aluminium household foil are playing a crucial role in the storage of food remains. As long as consumers take note of advice to not store very sour or salty foods in it for any length of time, it is a useful and safe material. Aluminium foil routinely scores as good or better than other food storage methods such as plastic compounds or plastic boxes with regards to their carbon footprint.” Another growing use for aluminium packaging is in the area of wine closures, not just for everyday wines, but also premium wines. “Wine can be destroyed by cork effect. About 3 per cent of all the annual wine harvest is spoilt due to a corked bottle, and of course

this doesn’t happen with aluminium closures. In addition, there is the convenience of being able to open and reclose the wine as often as is wished. With our rolling mills, we have a European wide network with a strong base in Germany and Norway. Our rolling mill in Holmestrand works as a major supplier of food can material,” Mr Steffen adds.

Water power Hydro is proud of its long history. In 2015, the company celebrated its Høyanger aluminium plant’s 100th anniversary, the oldest still active smelter which has been available and in service all the time, and which is still a major plant, powered by water from Norwegian waterfalls. Today, Høyanger also works with recycled metals. “One major USP for Hydro, distinguishing us from other aluminium producers, is that the majority of our aluminium production is based on hydro power,” Mr Steffen points out. Hydro runs several hydroelectric power plants in Norway, harnessing the power of Norwegian waterfalls, making it the second largest private producer of hydroelectric power in the country. The company is proud to hold a leading market position across the entire value chain of the aluminium industry, from mining to refining and processing it into a range of products, and values its sound process chain and secure raw material base. “This reflects the depth of competence in this material. Thanks to our R&D, laboratories and detailed material analysis, we are on top of any industry developments.” As the boldest step going forward, Hydro will build a 70,000-tonnes-per-year test plant for the world´s most efficient primary aluminium production.

A varied range Hydro´s aluminium solutions help make cars lighter and safer; turn buildings into more efficient homes and work places; open up for progress in electronics and renewable energy technologies – and help protect food, medicine or other valuables to preserve their usability and nutritional benefits, freshness and taste.. Mr Steffen sees the biggest future potential in the automotive industry. “The use of aluminium in cars has been booming. This development started in the USA with the Ford F150, and we have observed similar trends in Germany and all over Europe. To cater for this trend, we are investing € 130 million into a finishing plant for car body sheet in Grevenbroich, Germany, an application with demanding requirements on purity, surface looks and formability. With recent developments on alloys we have been able to serve the industry very well and are looking forward to be able to quadruple capacities with our investment into a new finishing line by the end of 2016. This line will be the most energy efficient processing line in this field.” Another use for aluminium Mr Steffen is keen to highlight is the printing industry. “Aluminium is the base for a chemical layer in many Industry Europe 129

printing plates for offset printing – every third newspaper is printed on plates that have aluminium sheet manufactured by Hydro.” A further common application of aluminium is in the heat exchange industry, where the storage of heat or cold is required. “Aluminium is a good conductor of temperatures and currents, making it the ideal material for electronic devices, long distance power cables and smartphones. It also comes into its own in the area of renewable energy, for battery foils with distinguished purity and surfaces. This enables renewable energy to be stored, which is important as of course the wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine, necessitating storage systems,” Mr Steffen points out.

Reusable material Germany is already a leader in aluminium recycling within Europe, and Hydro supports a closed material loop, by further expanding its network of recycling capacity .- to keep .aluminium, the strongest growing metal on earth, in use, again and again. This May, Hydro commissioned a €45 million facility to recycle up to 50,000 tonnes of used beverage cans per year at its Neuss plant in Germany. While countries collect cans in various systems, where bulk often contains impurities and other materials, Hydro is the first to adopt a patented, advanced sorting technology for used beverage cans, able to process collected aluminium material with up to 20 percent impurities. “It makes the new recycling line the best place to be for any used beverage can,” said Hydro President and CEO Svein Richard Brandtzæg. The new used beverage can line helps optimize Hydro´s sourcing of metal for subsequent fabrication. Thus it will save 350,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year, compared to use of primary aluminium. “Recycling only requires 5 per cent of primary energy, this is like a payback into an energy bank, each time we conclude and start a new life cycle. This is of particular importance for fast moving products such as beverage cans: when collected, it can be recycled, processed and back as a filled can in just 60 days. In contrast cars or buildings with aluminium last for many years, so around 75 per cent of all aluminium ever produced is still in use today,” Mr Steffen says.

R&D facilities Hydro values research and development and has several competence centres, where even better aluminium alloys are developed. Activities are strongly focused on core products and production 130 Industry Europe

processes, but also cover broader topics, such as understanding the societal, technological and environmental requirements for sustainable development. “We have our own technical customer service teams in each market segment and business unit, in order to be in close contact with customers and manufacturers, and also with developers, to help them n make the best use of aluminium,” Mr Steffen concludes.

EMPOWER YOUR MOVEMENT With over 40 years of experience in the production of magnetic sheets for electric motors, Sitem is strengthening its position by diversifying into markets such as home appliances and innovative automotive sectors, such as hybrid cars. Daniele Garavaglia reports.

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ith a strategic vision focused on continuous growth and facing the technological challenges of the future, Sitem has weathered the economic storms of recent years to emerge stronger than ever. Founded in 1974 in Trevi, in the heart of Umbria, the company has celebrated 42 successful years in the production of magnetic laminations for electric motors. “We provide a kind of industrial service for our clients who are divided into two main categories: the first consists of manufacturers of electric power systems, to which we supply components to complete the construction of motors and transformers; the second consists of large OEMs, such as Bosch and Electrolux, that use our motors as components in their production of household appliances – also our main market,” says CEO Giovanni Bartoloni, who leads the company together with its chairman Fabrizio Scarca. Although the company mainly produces components for electrical appliances, it has diversified its offering over the years to include

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products and solutions for other industries such as automotive, hydraulics, lifting equipment and energy. In fact, magnetic laminations can be used for the production of fans, industrial pumps, burners, industrial generators, wind turbines, lifting equipment, elevator, reducers, air compressors, refrigerators, brushless motors and transformers. Automotive parts such as alternators, electric windows, power steering and fans are also produced by Sitem. In addition to magnetic steel, purchased from major European steel producers such as ThyssenKrupp and Voestalpine, Sitem is a leader manufacturing in aluminium diecasted parts for housings and other components, handling about 5000 tonnes per year of raw material.

Strong in Europe Today Sitem operates at pan-European level, with five production units in three countries employing 400 people and recording a consolidated turnover of around €90 million. “Following an internation-

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alisation process that was put in train about a decade ago, and our strategic decision to launch a direct acquisition plan, the company currently has three factories in Italy (one in Trevi and two in the Milan area), one in France and one in Slovakia,” says Mr Bartoloni. The French plant, acquired in 2006, produces magnetic steel laminations for single-phase and triple-phase transformers and AC cores and toroidals, largely intended for the central and northern European markets. The unit in Slovakia has been serving the domestic appliance sector since 2005, particularly in eastern European markets such as Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine and Romania where many multinational corporations are active. The most important acquisition, which gave new impetus to Sitem when the economic crisis was reaching its peak, took place in 2009: “We took over an insolvent company in Cane-

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grate, saving 50 employees and a historic business with a great deal of know-how, especially with regards to the German market – the largest in Europe for domestic appliance production and consumption,” says Mr Bartoloni. Massive investments – totalling about €12 million in five years – in a new 18,000m2 industrial plant, new employees and several technological improvements have turned a failure into a success story. Since 2010 Canegrate plant employed about 150 workers, turned from zero to €30 milion its turnover and it is already making profits, with very positive prospects for the coming years. “Sitem has overcome the economic crisis because we have reinvested our profits in the company’s assets. Now we are larger, better equipped and updated, able to rebound in the strongest sectors and develop new growth momentum.”

New directions Moving forward, Sitem will be focusing on the industries of the future, such as the production of hybrid vehicles: “Today, approximately 100 million cars are produced worldwide and analysts predict that by 2020 as much as 25 per cent of this market will be made up of hybrid cars. That’s why we are trying to focus our attention on this sector, which now accounts for 6–7 per cent of our turnover,” says Marco Bartoloni, sales director for Italy. Despite its strong presence in foreign markets, especially Europe but also China, Mexico and South Africa, Italy still accounts for 45 per cent of total revenues. In order to support its growth in the automotive industry, Sitem has obtained all the necessary certifications, including ISO 9001-14001, BS OHSAS 18001 and more recently the technical specification ISO/ TS 16949. “We have also started a continuous improvement process by adopting the Kaizen method: we will extend this to all our plants in order to rationalise production and improve quality, the only two factors that can make us competitive in the market. We are also conducting in-depth research into the development of innovative systems and dies for the manufacture of new products, collaborating directly with the customer. Technology and customisation will remain the drivers of our future expansion, which will include new acquisitions, both n in Italy and abroad,” concludes the CEO.

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Energy, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering are the main areas of application for VDP, one of the most important Italian foundries. Its wide product range, high quality standards and customer service are its main assets, says Daniele Garavaglia.


ith over €10 million invested during the last three years in new technologies for cast iron melting, and another €20 million investment to be apportioned, by 2020, for the construction of new facilities and the hiring of 40 new employees, VDP is on a path of dynamic growth. Active for more than three generations in the development of casting processes and cast iron jets, VDP Fonderia SpA is a force to be reckoned with. “We have 200 employees and collaborators, and believe our company to be the second largest European fusion iron foundry, specialised in small-medium series up to a few hundred pieces, with numerous

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environmental work safety systems,” explains sales director Carlo Felici. VPD was founded in 1992 by the union of two families coming from the melting tradition: Vicentini (which today is responsible for the global management of the company) and De Pretto. Together, they oversee skills, capital and production facilities.

A major player in foundry applications With a consolidated turnover of approximately € 60 million, the company, based in Schio (Vicenza) is now a major player in foundry applications in the energy, shipbuilding, agro-mechanical, earth-moving and other

“Our main market is Europe, where the required quality standard for cast iron industrial products is quite high and where we can sell directly.”

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primary industries, with clients such as Siemens, General Electric and CNH Industrial. There has been a big surge in the production of castings for energy applications, particularly with regard to renewable sources, registering a 30 per cent sales increase. “Our three main melting plants, differentiated by volumes to be treated and by two casting systems, manual and automatic, allow us to create moulds of any size and shape, with weights ranging from 2kg to 100 tons and a very broad range of products for mechanical applications,” says Mr Felici. This production versatility makes VDP almost unique among Italian foundries.

Hand and automatic casting systems The hand moulding plants are used for the production of: permanent magnets and multipliers for wind power plants; gas and steam turbines; compressors and pumps for medium and large systems; bases for diesel and gas engines, gearbox housings for the marine sector, propulsion components; racks for diesel and gas engines; presses for the moulding of iron products; tools, and a series of enormous jets. The jets produced by the automatic casting system, working on components up to 150 kg, include air compressors and refrigeration equipment, engine shafts, water pumps, components for earth-moving machines and oil-pressure systems.

Ensuring maximum safety The melting department is the ‘core’ of the company: five electric furnaces, with variable capacity of between 17 and 60 tonnes per hour, produce melting power of 140 tonnes per hour. Always keen on technological innovation and structures that ensure maximum safety in the workplace, VDP uses a fully automatic system for handling the smallest ladles. A powerful robot on rails works on the furnace line, perfectly performing and completing the casting preparation cycles, and managing the preparation of different alloys through a computerised system. The furnaces department also supplies the hand and moulds handling line: some ladles with exceptional collection capacity are used for large casting production. A perfect knowledge of the processes that transform a liquid metal into a permanent solid metal mould enables the company’s R&D department to plan and simulate, using appropriate software, the solidification of a new product before the construction of the equipment. The castings are subject to stringent tests to ensure their structural integrity. Qualified technicians perform several tests ranging from examination with durometers up to the examinations carried out through ultrasonic inspection tools, magnetic particle and thickness measurement. The metallurgical laboratory performs tests on temperature, quantometer analysis, microscopic 142 Industry Europe

examination with dedicated software for graphite and matrix measurements, tensile testing with machines up to 60 tonnes and resilience tests through pendulum up to a temperature of - 50 °.

Famous for quality and reliability VDP is famous throughout Europe for its quality and reliability: “Our main market is Europe, where the required quality standard for cast iron industrial products is quite high and where we can sell directly. We believe it is more difficult for a company like ours to take on distant markets by using melting as the only product: the logistical costs are significant, and the competition relies on a less sophisticated demand. In any event, we are not competing on price with manufacturers in low-cost countries simply because the choice of a supplier is based on other benchmarks in the most developed markets,” concludes Mr Felici. It is the company’s high level of service, focus on customer needs, and attention to detail right from the design stage that have ensured n its success in this competitive market.


The Polish company NEWAG SA specialises in the manufacture and repair of electric locomotives, electric multiple units and components for rail vehicles. With a long tradition in rolling stock going back over a century, the company is able to apply that know-how to today’s market, as Victoria Hattersley finds out.


EWAG’s history goes back to the year 1876 when it was formed as the Imperial Royal Railway Workshops. At this time, and for many decades the company focused solely on the heavy maintenance of locomotives from its headquarters in Nowy Sacz. It was in the early 21st century that NEWAG began the process of transformation into the leading rolling stock manufacturer we recognise today. In 2003 the company was privatised but perhaps the most significant year was 2008 when it manufactured its first rail car in-house, the electric multiple unit 19WE. Since then its activity ratio has shifted radically until today the majority of its income is derived from manufacturing. The company now designs and builds many kinds of vehicles, of which more presently. The company’s production facilities are more than enough to help it maintain its steady growth trajectory. Its main plant in Nowy Sacz employs approx.1500 people and is responsible for 90 per cent of production, focused on EMUs, DMUs and diesel locomotives. It also

has another plant in Gliwice in southern Poland, responsible for maintenance and some electrical locomotive manufacturing; and finally there is a smaller facility in Warsaw that is mainly for the production of smaller components. A spokesperson for the company tells us: “For the past 10 years we have been investing a significant amount in infrastructure and machinery to ensure our plants are state-of-the-art. The result is that our new, modernised workshop is the equal of any of our competitors’ sites throughout Europe. It shows that Polish rail manufacturers can produce to the same high standards as anywhere else. Our clients have all expressed appreciation of our quality and reliability.”

Production profile NEWAG specialises in the development and manufacture of electric locomotives, electric multiple units and related components for rail vehicles. Its electric multiple units (EMUs) include the latest generaIndustry Europe 143

Limatherm Sensor Sp. z o.o. Limatherm Sensor Sp.z o.o. is a leading manufacturer of control and measurement equipment, mainly temperature sensors. Long term activity in the field of automation and modernization of the production process allows the placing on the market of innovative and unique designs. It will contribute to the improvement of measurement applications of our contractors. Since 1969, we offer solutions in the range of applications and we realize projects related to industrial automation. Limatherm Sensor company adjusts own products to railway industry. Over the last few years the railway industry led to the development of special production technologies adapted to requirements. Today, Limatherm Sensor became one of the main suppliers of specialty components for use in the rail vehicles:

- Electric heaters - Heaters of the horns with pneumatics sound generation devices - Heating elements - Industrial temperature sensors - Self-regulating heating tapes - Air flow heaters - Pressure transmitters - Level probes - Pressure gauges The main components recipient is one of the largest producers in Poland, the company NEWAG from Nowy Sącz. Newag location is a major advantage in the cooperation. It allows for analysis current demand, design and implementation of new constructions in constant communication between manufacturer and recipient.


We are engaged in import, export, distribution of gastronomic, ventilation and air-conditioning appliances and accessories, along with assembly and training of staff in the service of appliances and their utilisation. In the wide assortment offered by our company we offer products from stainless steel for arranging the internal areas of a train, such as: luggage shelves, washbasins, railings, bistro bar constructions in diverse configurations, together with heating, cooling and washing appliances. We have 10 years of experience, a solid market position and satisfied customers, which is confirmed by the references, as well as completed contracts. 144 Industry Europe


The cooperation with the company Newag S.A. began in 2011, when our factory started completing orders for small components for railway trains. As years went by, the cooperation made Newag S.A. the key client of our company. Today we produce for our partner subcomponents and elements for new railway vehicles. The company is very well perceived both on the domestic, as well as foreign, markets. It is a resilient, strong and stable partner for cooperation. We are delighted that a company such as Newag S.A. has trusted us and appreciated our competences and knowledge, entrusting us with numerous orders, thereby cementing our longterm cooperation. We hope that the many successes of Newag S.A. will translate into continued fruitful cooperation and our development on the international arena.

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Growag GFWW “GROWAG” Sp. z o.o. has been operating on the market since 1972. We are the leading supplier of passenger seats and hydraulic shock absorbers for railway car bogies, which meet the highest quality standards and are based on the latest technology. We are experts in the production of railway passenger seats for new and upgraded rail cars, for electric/internal combustion multiple units, as well as for subway cars. We also specialize in the production of hydraulic shock absorbers. Our strategy is based on rapid identification of the customer needs and the customer-oriented approach. This is achieved by meeting high standards of quality and technology and by the continuous improvement of technology and enriching the product offer. We create a new quality in the railway industry in terms of technology, ergonomics and design. In 2015, our company received the title of the “Quality of the Year 2015” in the “Product” category, The certificate was granted for the XEON seats line. XEON is an innovative line of products characterized by its modular design, low weight and excellent ergonomics, and the ability to adapt to individual customer’s needs, while providing maximum comfort and safety. Our products can be found in railway vehicles of the leading manufacturers of rolling stock from Poland and other European countries.

tion IMPULS model, which can be used in many different conditions. All units are designed to ensure comfortable travel conditions through the use of modern construction solutions. Another important part of the company’s product offering is diesel multiple units (DMUs) built from scratch at the Nowy Sacz plant using the latest technologies and trends. The portfolio is completed with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives as well as a range of wagons and trams. According to the company spokesperson, NEWAG has been making some significant technological advances in electrical solutions. “We are achieving excellent results with our electrical solutions – more than 99 per cent reliability ratios in some cases (in one case up to 99.5 per cent). We are currently working on some new varieties of multi-system locomotives, the first of which have already been tested in the Czech Republic. By the beginning of next year we 146 Industry Europe

may be in a position to introduce these officially to the market. This is a significant step forward, because working in this area gives us important experience in 25 and 15kV vehicles.”

Major projects and key markets Whilst the Polish market still accounts for the largest percentage of NEWAG’s turnover, this is set to change in the coming years as it wins more and more contracts beyond the domestic borders. Its first international contract was signed in December 2013 with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the production and supply of four modern EMUs with a diesel engine and electric transmission. “The first completed trainset for this contract was exported last week and by the end of 2015 we will have developed and shipped all four trainsets. This order is particularly significant for us, and

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Barrier Free Access To Trains Different models of the MBB TRAINLIFT for wheelchair users can be adapted to the new generation of railway vehicles as well as for refitting to an existing fleet. MBB PALFINGER offers suitable solutions combined with high safety equipment for people with reduced mobility. The TRAINLIFT, MEDILIFT and MEDIRAMPE help to remove barriers. Whereas in the past wheelchair user took the slightly unpopular platform-based equipment to enter the train, nowadays they can access via the TRAINLIFT based in the vehicle, which is much more comfortable and less time consuming. Of course, all MBB TRAINLIFT models meet the requirements of European norm TSI PRM for example in respect to the size of the platform, capacity and safety. The demand for lifts for wheelchair user in Europe is constantly increasing. MBB developed and supplied a special TRAINLIFT to the Newag/Stadler consortium for its latest long distance Flirt 3 EMUs of PKP intercity and the new TRAINLIFT project with Newag has started for FERROVIE DEL SUD EST E SERVIZI AUTOMOBILISTICI Srl (FSE). For many years PALFINGER has been one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative lifting solutions for use on commercial vehicles and in the maritime field. As a multinational group headquartered in Salzburg, the Company, which has approx. 8,995 employees, generated total sales of approx. EUR 1,230 million in 2015. The Group has production and assembly facilities in Europe, in North and South America, as well as in Asia. The pillars of corporate strategy comprise innovation and the further internationalization as well as the growing flexibility of products, services and processes. PALFINGER is regarded not only as the market leader, but also the technology leader, in the global market for hydraulic loader cranes. PALFINGER is always in proximity to its customers due to its over 5,000 sales and services centers located in over 130 countries across all continents.

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ENERIA The history of Caterpillar Inc. dates back to the 1920s. Today it is the largest producer of construction machines, combustion engines and transmissions in the world, with an annual turnover around USD 50 billion. The distribution and servicing of Caterpillar combustion engines in Poland is carried out by Eneria Sp. z o. o., which, for nearly 20 years, has been operating on the market. Modernisations of locomotives and other rail vehicles equipped with Caterpillar engines have a long-standing history in our country. Together with Newag, located in Nowy Sącz, Eneria Sp. z o. o. has equipped close to 250 locomotives with modern and economical combustion engines which meet all European directives relating to exhaust emissions. Today, Caterpillar engines are the most popular units for locomotives designed after the year 2000. CAT products are characterised by their high standard of reliability which, coupled with the knowledge and experience of Eneria’s engineers and guarantees long-term success.

Air conditioners from Konvekta present in NEWAG’s rail vehicles DRABPOL is a company with more than thirty years of experience. Since 1993 it has been Poland’s general representative of KONVEKTA, a German manufacturer of air conditioners for vehicles. DRABPOL provides the air conditioning units for NEWAG’s locomotives and diesel multiple units, installed both in the driver’s cab and the passenger compartments. The air conditioners’ compact design allows to their quick assembly. They take up a very little space on the roof. The control is via the controller or CAN. Air conditioners are highly efficient. Robust and stable aluminum construction, as well as brushless blowers and fans provide long-term operation. Air conditioners comply with rail standards (including fire protection according to DIN 5510). As Value Added Reseller, DRABPOL provides the assembly, service, technical support, after-sales care and training, and help in the technical and technological implementation.

ENTE Ltd Railway and tramway rolling stock manufacturers and companies involved in its modernization are welcome to cooperate with ENTE in the field of on-board systems and devices. In our offer customers will find: -

On-board computers HMI 10.4” terminals LCD panels: 15”, 22”, 24”, 38” Monochromatic and RGB LED boards Devices for voice announcements (IP and analogue) Devices for internal communications (IP and analogue intercom) Cameras and recorders for video surveillance Devices for counting passengers Server applications for collecting and managing data

If you are looking for a solid and reliable supplier, check our offer, which you will find on our website: Our on-board systems are used in over 200 railway vehicles in Poland and abroad. We offer products in compliance with norms: EN 50155, EN 50121-3-2. We have the “WE” and “TSI” certificates and are awaiting the “IRIS” certificate. Would you like to be satisfied as NEWAG with cooperation with ENTE? Get in touch with us! The team of ENTE Ltd company.

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Radionika The so-called “cabin radio” – an on-board appliance for radio communication between the driver and traffic controller – is a required fitting for every locomotive or train. Radionika Ltd, with headquarters in Kraków, is the Polish leader in the field of production of train radio-telephones. The Koliber GSM-R/VHF train radio-telephone, the best known cabin radio amongst train drivers in Poland, is a very universal solution. It is capable of operating in several radio standards – analogue (VHF or UHF UIC) or digital (GSM-R or GSM). This rich functionality of Koliber GSM-R/VHF radiotelephone is essential and required by railway operators who work in railway networks which utilise different radio systems. At a time of migration of analogue to digital GSM-R systems, this solution is the most awaited for, even expected, by the users. The company has in its offer a number of variants of the product construction (modular – flexible, keenly utilised in modernised vehicles; or the variant in the rack 19” casing, installed in new vehicles), which allows to adjust the most optimum configuration of the radio-telephone to the needs and requirements of the operator. Since 2008, Radionika has been supplying its solutions to the company Newag. It has since then installed several hundreds of Koliber train radio-telephones in the vehicles of practically every single railway operator in Poland. The radio appliances of Radionika have been installed in, amongst others, internal combustion vehicles of the 6DG and 15D type for PKP Cargo, electric vehicles in IMPULS series for regional railways, electric locomotives of the DRAGON type used by cargo operators. Since last year, the majority of vehicles manufactured by Newag are already equipped with the dual system Koliber GSM-R/VHF radio-telephones, ready for use with the GSM-R system, currently being implemented in Poland. The excellent cooperation between Newag and Radionika companies in the field of preparing projects and manufacturing allows for a smooth running of production processes, They as well as problem-free use of vehicles with the Koliber radio-telephones installed on-board. Everyone benefits from this, customers of both of the companies. Radionika, apart from radio-telephones, also manufactures essential accessories, supplied together with the appliance like the GSM-R/GSM/GPS train antenna type AT2S or the micro-telephone set type KMT-01 for the cabin radio. In addition, the company has in its offer a wide ranging assortment of mechanical elements which simplify the installation of radio-telephones in vehicles.

UNI-TECH UNI-TECH has been cooperating with NEWAG since 2007. The cooperation has been steadily increasing. NEWAG uses products of the highest quality from reliable producers. UNI-TECH company supplies such products manufactured by the French company FORGES DE BELLES ONDES (FBO). They are VEBEO fitting compliant with UIC803.35 norm, which are predominantly used for joining pipes that supply air in the break system of railway vehicles. The fittings, which have been designed mainly for the needs of the railway market, are used by many important manufacturers of railway vehicles in Europe and worldwide. 150 Industry Europe

Tekniska Polska and Westermo Tekniska Polska is a brand present on the Polish market for over 15 years. For the rail market we deliver uncompromising quality products from the area of robust data communication confirmed by reliable European certificates. Based on the solid foundation of 40 years of Westermo experience and hundreds of implemented railway applications throughout the world we understand the importance of the terms: reliability, security, stability and credibility. The qualitative approach without compromise in a natural way has created and selected cooperation with the most ambitious and challenging manufacturers such as rolling stock and rail automation systems positioning the brand Westermo in the number of absolute leaders transmission in railway applications. Started in 2010 cooperation with NEWAG S.A. brought implementa­ tion of the first on-board network project for passenger information system in 6 vehicles. Since then, NEWAG installed close to 2 000 Ethernet switches in his applications. Exemplary model of cooperation has created not only the flow of technologically advanced products but also created a platform for direct exchange of knowledge between rolling stock R&D engineers and networking equipment manufacturer. Such cooperation brings the best functionality of devices related to expected needs level.

for the Polish locomotive industry in general, because it is the first electrical mobility unit to be manufactured in Poland and delivered abroad. Looking ahead, we are bidding for a further two contracts in Italy and we are very confident of our success.” In December 2015, NEWAG signed a contract with FERROVIE DEL SUD EST E SERVIZI AUTOMOBILISTICI Srl (FSE) with a registered office in Bari, Italy, to deliver five three-unit IMPULS II EMUs within 12 months. For contracts related to innovative traction systems, NEWAG has benefitted greatly from the expertise of the Warsaw-based company MEDCOM, which has designed, produced and implemented a complete propulsion system, auxiliary supply and Train Control Monitoring System TCMS for NEWAG’s entire IMPULS vehicle family. NEWAG is a reliable partner for many international concerns such as General Electric, Siemens AG, Stadler AG and Bombardier. In a joint Industry Europe 151

TECH-CAST TECH-CAST company is the leading manufacturer of suspension sub-components, elements of turn units, running wheels and elements of frames designed for railway vehicles, ranging from trams, through electric traction units, to electric and internal diesel locomotives. TECH-CAST offers to manufacture every type of product that can be created through the process of casting or forging. We perform mechanical tooling using CNC machine tools and other processes of surface tooling and thermal treatment. The main groups of products offered by TECH-CAST: • Axlebox housing • Yokes • Pintles • Guide rails • Frame elements

• Hoods • Fork brackets • Spring suspensions • Wheel centres

• Control arm mounts • Bearing brackets • Coupling guide rails • Spoked wheels

Optimisation of the production process, using modern simulation programmes, the team of experienced and highly skilled engineers and the modern model of implementing projects allowed us to achieve the leading position amongst manufacturers of sub-components for railway vehicles, which meet high technical specifications and norm requirements. The implemented and certified Quality Management System PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 as well as approval certificates of a Quality Manufacturer of Products for the Railway Industry confirm high quality of our products and services. The quality of our products, the prompt completion of rorders and full service support allow us to satisfy high expectations of our customers, and contribute to their successes.

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project with Siemens AG, NEWAG implemented a contract for the delivery of subway trains for Warsaw Metro and together with Stadler AG it implemented a contract for the delivery and maintenance of 20 EMUs for PKP Intercity. NEWAG’s earlier collaboration with General Electric resulted in the modernisation of several dozen ST44 locomotives. Elsewhere, a consortium comprising Siemens and NEWAG has recently won a contract with Sofia Metro to supply 20 three-car trains for the initial phase of the Bulgarian capital’s metro Line 3. The new subway trains will be based on the INSPIRO platform – the trains delivered by the two companies to the Warsaw Metro. For NEWAG, the scope of the work comprises the design and installation of train interiors, train start-up at the Nowy Sacz plant as well as essential maintenance services during the guarantee period. The company is also preparing to play a key role in modernising Ukrainian locomotives. Together with Skinest Ukraine and Daugavpils – Rolling Stock Repair Plant (Latvia) it has designed an entirely new locomotive to increase reliability rates and reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.

On track for growth NEWAG’s growing recognition on the international stage continues to be verified by a number of important industry awards. To give just one example, in November this year (2015) it was the winner of the first edition of the ERCI Innovation Awards international contest organised by the European Railway Clusters as the most innovative rail company in Europe (beating off such stiff competition as Alstom and Ansaldo Breda). The company was awarded specifically for its project ‘The first in Europe Polish six-axle multi-system locomotive for heavy freight transport compliant with TSI’, implemented with support from the NCBR (Polish National Centre for Research and Development). As to the future, we are told that NEWAG has very clear aims for the next few years: “We are looking to achieve a 50:50 ratio between domestic and export sales. Initially we will focus our efforts on the European market but in the future it is probable that we will be looking further afield.” Industry Europe will follow the development of NEWAG with great interest as it continues to fly the flag for highn quality Polish trains and locomotives abroad.

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ON THE RIGHT TRACK Hungary’s division of Bombardier, the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains, is enjoying strong growth thanks to its innovative products and the broadest portfolio in the industry, not to mention a highly committed workforce and a dedication to ‘the evolution of mobility’. Industry Europe’s EmmaJane Batey reports.


ombardier is the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, it posted revenues of $20.1bn for the year ending 31st December 2014. With over 74,000 employees worldwide, Bombardier is proud of its ‘winning mobility solutions’ that create its extensive and diverse portfolio. Divided into Aerospace and Transportation divisions, Bombardier Transportation has 63 production and engineering sites in 26 countries and an additional 16 service centres worldwide. Industry Europe spoke to Maciej Kaczanowski, senior manager of communications and public relations for the Eastern European and CIS locations for Bombardier Transport Hungary. A global leader in the rail industry, Bombardier Transportation employs nearly 40,000 people and has installed over 100,000 154 Industry Europe

rail cars and locomotives. With a proud tradition of ‘ingenious rail solutions’, the company’s portfolio includes rail vehicles, transport systems, complete ‘design-build-operate-maintain’ solutions and vehicle refurbishment and maintenance.

Raising the profile Mr Kaczanowski explained how the company’s profile has risen significantly in recent years. “Bombardier Transportation has grown steadily over the last few years,” he said. “We have proven our ability to continuously adapt to the changing market needs and have successfully increased our order intake and revenue. Recent milestones include a recent order to supply and maintain up to 156 trams for Wiener Linien in Vienna, Austria and the latest very high speed train we’ve built in partnership with Ansaldo Breda in Italy. We have also

made significant progress recently in the field of e-mobility with our PRIMOVE technology for wireless charging, with this already in operation in Germany on buses in Berlin, Braunschweig and Mannheim as well as in Bruges in Belgium.” In order to maintain and enhance its globally leading position, Bombardier Transportation is committed to continuous investment, both in its people and its offer. Mr Kaczanowski continued, “As a technology leader

we are always investing, not only on a project basis in our production and engineering sites but also increasingly investing in R&D and innovation. One of our latest investment projects in eastern Europe includes the implementation of new technologies not currently used in the railway industry in Poland, which incorporates 3D laser welding and construction of a new production hall. This particular project in Wroclaw will result in the scope of production being extended with new passenger trains.”

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Breaking ground Thanks to its famously broad portfolio of transportation solutions, Bombardier ‘continuously breaks new ground in sustainable mobility’. These integrated solutions ‘push the envelope’ in terms of performance as well as environmental responsibility and include such projects as the V300ZEFIRO high speed train in Italy, known as the Frecciarossa 1000, which is leading the way with developments in aerodynamics, aesthetics, functionality and interior comfort. Bombardier Transportation has also recently developed the new MOVIA metro in Stockholm. Mr Kaczanowski explained, “In this project we have truly differentiated ourselves from the competition by focusing not only on the price of the vehicle but, most importantly, on the ongoing

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operational costs. The MOVIA also has very high environmental standards through low energy consumption and, although there are no plans to use the trains in driverless mode, they do have that exciting feature.”

Always moving The latest projects to be undertaken by Bombardier Transportation’s R&D department are focused on the two ‘value domains’ of passenger experience and life cycle cost. For passenger experience, it is working on distinguishing itself through focusing on the end customer – the passenger – by ensuring its products and services provide a ‘greater passenger experience’. For the life cycle cost, Bombardier knows that, in an increasingly competitive environment,

• Inner and Outer GRP-systems and load-bearing composite structures for mass-transportation vehicles • Service from design, mould-making, production to preassembly • Most strict standards as UIC 564-2 A, DIN 5510-2 S4 SR2 ST2 and EN 45545 HL2

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it’s not just about delivering a vehicle at the best price. Mr Kaczanowksi noted, “A typical train have a life time of over 30 years and the operational costs are what truly make the difference. Our key areas here are preventative maintenance to increase fleet availability, optimum use of infrastructure through intelligent signalling solutions and the reduction of energy consumption.” With Bombardier Transportation expecting to see continued growth in the coming years, not only is the company in tune with the changing demands of both its customers and end users, so too does it understand that the market trends of more sustainable solu-

tions and an increased demand for urban mobility solutions perfectly suit its core skills. Mr Kaczanowski concluded: “Our R&D team are focused on these issues at the moment and will continue to develop refreshing transportation solutions for our customers. We are always looking at creating and providing market-driven solutions that accelerate the integration of new and advanced technologies into our rail product solutions. We expect significant improvements in the fields of passenger experience, passenger convenience, reliability, availability, capacity increase, safety, energy n consumption and life cycle costs.”

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THROUGH THE WINDOWS TO EUROPE DAKO Windows Factory, a company from Nowy Sacz, Poland, has a long history of innovation. In just over 20 years it has sold millions of windows to more than 20 countries. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.

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AKO is one of Poland’s leading producers of vertical windows (PVC, wooden and aluminium windows), doors, roller blinds and garage doors. Its history goes back to 1994 when it was founded by two brothers, Jerzy and Janusz Studzinski. Initially DAKO focused on PVC windows and door joinery in its 600m2 production hall. However, its commercial offer was soon extended to include interior and exterior window sills, textile roller blinds and mosquito nets.

This was followed by the launch of DAKO’s specialised line for the production of roller blinds and aluminium constructions. The following years saw an increasing number of customers which encouraged the company to enlarge its offer with wooden joinery. The significant growth rate and constant expansion of its distribution chain resulted in the decision to build a new 6000m2 production hall in May 2002. After just one year the first windows were coming off the production line. In 2004, the offer was extended yet again to include garage doors and fire-fighting doors. Four years later, owing to increasing production demands, a new office building with huge production halls equipped with the latest generation technological park for the production of PVC, wooden, aluminium, wooden-aluminium and steel joinery was set up on the outskirts of Nowy Sacz. The new head office, covering a total surface area of 13500m2, was opened in July 2008. The factory included a new, well-equipped powder paint shop for the production of aluminium profiles and steel construction elements in both black and galvanised steel.

Growth in western Europe “Now, the production takes place in our innovative 20,000m2 technological park, equipped with modern saws and welding machines for PVC profiles, precision saws, milling machines and woodworking machines, a fully automated, unique SAC line and

the latest generation machining centre for aluminium,” says Kamil Sokolowski, Marketing Strategy Manager at DAKO. “Furthermore, the electronic document circulation and numerical machine control ensures the precise fulfillment of orders. The quality of aluminium profiles is guaranteed by the powder paint shop with two chambers designed for painting the profiles, a profile edge banding machine working on the basis of hot melt adhesive technology and a professional testing laboratory.” DAKO employs more than 600 people. “It is worth mentioning that there are people who started 20 years ago with the company, as this shows how stable our employee base is. On the other hand, in the past three years our staff has increased by 250 people, including 100 in 2015 alone,” adds Mr Sokolowski. Exports make up 50 per cent of the company’s sales, mostly accounted for by western European markets such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the UK and Scandinavia. DAKO products are also sold to such distant markets as Canada, Japan and Israel. The company’s activity in foreign markets over the years 2012–2015 has been supported by funds from the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. “Our great advantage is our ability to adapt our offer to the specific needs and conditions of each market,” says Mr Sokolowski. “We take into account that each market is unique, so we have to be

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SIMONSWERK GmbH SIMONSWERK, headquartered in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, is a leading manufacturer of sophisticated hinges and hinge systems for more than 125 years. Today with some 530 em-ployees, SIMONSWERK currently ranks amongst the leading suppliers of hinges and hinge systems in Europe. With the strategic focus as a full-service provider, SIMONSWERK offers a wide product range of hinges and hinge systems for residential, commercial and entrance doors. For the various designs of doors in timber, steel, aluminum, PVC and glass, over 1,700 models are used in nearly 5,000 versions. All products are invariably “Made in Germany”. With this range SIMON-SWERK is the absolute market leader in Germany. At present the company is active in over 70 international markets, 35 of those are served con-sistently by independent subsidiaries, by representatives or own staff members. Guidelines For more than 125 years SIMONSWERK stands for high-quality requirements, a constant inno-vative spirit and active customer retention. SIMONSWERK combines technological innovation with impressive aesthetics and a contemporary view of hinge systems and movement. The company ensures that doors open and close properly – with a holistic concept incorporating dynamics, balance, stability and aesthetic.

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flexible. DAKO owns a fleet of yellow and blue trucks that operate regularly around Europe, using an innovative system of transport monitoring which guarantees full and efficient information flow.”

Innovative systems DAKO is not only a manufacturer of windows, doors and gates: its offer also includes innovative, complex home systems. The DAKO HarmonyLine is a unique, aesthetically integrated composition of windows, doors, garage doors and roller shutters in harmonious colours and patterns, emphasising the nature and class of the facade. A customer may select one of the 12 unique HarmonyLine compositions available in five n colour variations to achieve their dream of a beautiful home. Visit:

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SOLUTIONS MERMEC is a world leader and innovator specialising in the supply of integrated solutions for diagnostics, signalling and asset management to railways and rapid transit worldwide. MERMEC has its headquarters in Monopoli (Bari) and employs more than 450 highly skilled professionals across its 16 facilities throughout the world. Barbara Rossi spoke to Luciano Marton, Industrial Business Unit director, to find out more.


ermec was established in 1988. Its activity has evolved from the design and production of mechanical solutions for agriculture into leading technologies for diagnostics, mainly for the railway sector. Thanks to a series of acquisitions completed in Italy, France and the USA in 2008, the group is now an international organisation with a permanent presence and sites in 14 countries, while also serving customers in another 55 countries thanks to partnerships and collaborations. It operates in very well-identified niche sectors, offering a unique product portfolio of measuring systems and vehicles, as well as decision support tools and automatic train protection technology. It operates through five business units: Measuring Trains & Systems, Asset Maintenance Systems, Measuring Services, Railway Signalling, Steel & Industrial Applications. It holds several certifications, including the ISO 14001 environmental standard, invests 12 per cent of its turnover in R&D on an annual basis and has a track record of more than 700 installed measuring systems all over the world. One of its divisions, the Morgano-Treviso site, is mainly focused on the industrial sector, supplying optoelectronic measuring technology to the steel sector (rolling mills and forges), as well as to some new industrial business segments.

Italian market leader All production takes place at the Italian sites, while the foreign subsidiaries offer a range of commercial and support services, including project management, installation, maintenance and after-sales support. All the solutions for the Industrial business unit are produced at the Treviso site, in north-eastern Italy, where Mermec SpA – which is specialised in the Industrial division range – is based. The group acquired this activity in 2008, when it took over Tecnogamma, subsequently renamed Mermec SpA. While the Industrial unit traditionally supplied industrial diagnostic systems for the steel sector, today it has broadened its boundaries to include other market segments

Luciano Marton provvisorio

Mr Marton explains, “We do not manufacture metals. Traditionally, we take care of the dimensional control needs of the steel sector (including those related to products for railways). Our competitive advantage derives from our capacity to provide suitably accurate measuring solutions (including sensors, cameras and optical systems supplying real time information) for steel industry applications. Specifically, these are hot and cold inspection systems for the comprehensive dimensional measurement of hot rolled long products with complex profiles, seamless rolled rings and mono-block wheels, open die forgings such as forged bars and large forgings, hot long-rolled parts, rolled rings, mono-bloc wheels and open die forgings. The production processes for these steel applications take place in hostile environments, with significant temperature fluctuations, high levels of dust and vibrations. All these factors can present issues for the optical and electronic solutions employed in measuring systems, but we have the expertise to supply effective solutions which provide accurate measuring with an accuracy of a hundredth of a millimetre. They include our own proprietary optoelectronic architectures equipped with special laser cameras. While these are traditionally suitable for the railway and steel sectors, in recent years we have also acquired clients in the biomedical and we are going to provide new solutions to lean logistics segments.” He goes on: “We have an industrial culture and if we identify a market segment which can benefit from our range in significant volumes, we develop a customised version of our solutions to fulfil its needs. We tailor our solutions according to segments, not individual customers, because we do not want to lose our focus. A few years ago we surveyed different markets to identify potential opportunities and, as a result, have widened our client segment boundaries.” Mr Marton has a positive outlook on the future of the Industrial business unit, which he sees linked to a world mega-trend towards more efficient production processes, fewer errors and lower costs. All of these factors, which in turn are also connected to environmenIndustry Europe 165

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tal sustainability, are empowered by the company’s measuring solutions, thanks to which it is possible to achieve lower waste, reduce energy consumption, use fewer materials and decrease the amount of reprocessing necessary to fix mistakes, as well as increase product quality and customer satisfaction. Mermec has experienced a positive growth trend for a number of years and its production sites could easily accommodate higher volumes. In terms of geographic expansion, the company sets no boundaries. “Making a distinction between mature and emerging markets is too difficult. Both might experience lack of growth or feature expansion in some specific sectors to increase the efficiency of production processes. We are continuously engaged in researching new possible markets, both at geographical and segment levels. Last year our business unit did particularly well in Kazakhstan, thanks to local partnerships. Currently, as well as operating strongly in Europe, the US and China, we keep a watchful eye on East Asia, Russia and the rest of eastern Europe.”

keep on succeeding we need to have skilled, knowledgeable and intelligent staff, equipped with a true team spirit.” A strong drive towards growth and innovation comes from working in synergy with clients who have high expectations, as these partnerships stimulate Mermec to find new solutions. “We have customers with whom we have been working for years, but who present ever-evolving needs.” The Mermec Group is part of the Angelo Investment Group – – which operates in a number of hi-tech sectors all over the world and comprises companies such as Blackshape (aviation) and Sitael (aerospace). While the Industrial business unit expects to grow organically, future acquisitions cannot be ruled n out at group level.

Synergy with customers and suppliers “For us the reliability of our solutions and their delivery times is a must. Our suppliers, which owing to the complexity of our work provide us with both components and services, contribute to allowing us to offer such a high service level to our customers, by delivering the same to us. We have key partnerships with some of them, especially those who are relatively near, in terms of innovation and developing new solutions. We are always working on improving measuring precision and accuracy in order to fulfil the needs of an ever evolving market.” As mentioned, Mermec has always been strongly committed to R&D and works in collaboration with its main clients and some of the major European universities. Major investments are made in this area, especially in terms of human resources. “We have a focus on human resources to achieve innovation. We believe that in order to Industry Europe 167


Czech company BORCAD is a leading European producer of railway and medical seating technologies. The company exports to more than 80 countries worldwide and, with its unique design and original construction solutions, is one of the most innovative companies in this field. Romana Moares reports.


ORCAD cz was founded in 1990 as a design and development studio by its present co-owner and managing director Ivan Boruta. The management soon established that in order to survive and grow, the company needed to offer its own products. It began to focus on the development and production of state-of-the-art seating technologies in two business lines – medical solutions and railway solutions. Michal Števula, the company’s marketing manager, explains that in recent years the company has grown rapidly to its current 250 employees and has successfully expanded into new markets, including China. “This year we have started to offer customers our capacities in the area of testing, including the services of our testing laboratory, which is becoming our third line of business,” he explains. BORCAD’s key strength is its high quality R&D and design competence. All products boast unique technical solutions and exquisite 168 Industry Europe

design. In 2011 the company received the prestigious Red Dot Design Award for its gynaecology chair GRACIE and a year later for the design of the luxury train seat COMFORT.

Three pillars The railway line offers a full range of products for carriage interiors, from the standards seats for regional trains to the luxury, fully electrically operated seats for long-distance trains. The company supplies seats for regional trains servicing all key airports in Moscow and was one of the suppliers for the 2014 winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Borcad seats are even fitted in the Pendolino trains. Its customer portfolio includes such renowned names as Siemens, Stadler and Deutsche Bahn. In the medical sector, BORCAD focuses on the development, design and production of birthing beds, gynaecological, dialysis,

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oncology and transport chairs. In these segments the company ranks among the world’s top brands. “The medical sector demands a high degree of functionality of these products: they must be easy to use, safe and hygienic. This trend is likely to intensify in the near future. There is also a strong emphasis on state-of-the-art electronic equipment,” Michal Števula says. He further explains that in the area of testing, customers want quick and high quality solutions to meet their needs. In the future BORCAD plans to offer also additional services, such as offering proposals and recommendations based on completed tests.

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Innovative trend-setter The company has two production plants, each focused on one of the main business lines. Last year it completed brand new production premises to house the railway line, ensuring sufficient development potential for expected growth. This has been the biggest investment project in the company’s history. Now BORCAD is finishing the construction of new testing laboratories in order to have sufficient capacity to meet customers’ demands. “Our key competitive advantage in the medical sector, or gynaecology to be more specific, is the fact that no other company has

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such a unique specification. Most of our competitors offer only standard hospital beds or birthing chairs. In the gynaecological sector we are the global trend-setter in the latest technology integration. For example, we were the first company in the world to integrate optical video colposcops in gynaecological chairs. This gave us a huge head start ahead of competitors and still keeps us in the lead,” says the market-ing manager. Regarding the railway sector, he explains that in line with current trends for smaller seats the company uses lighter materials. BORCAD also integrates USB ports, electrical sockets and other non-standard features into its passenger seats. “The trends play into our hands – we are a highly innovative company and are able to meet new requirements and demand extremely fast,” he claims. In this context he mentions the importance of reliable suppliers which contribute to BORCAD’s reputation worldwide, such as Linak, a long-term, trusted partner which supplies first class electrical motors – a key to the success of the company’s products in global markets. 172 Industry Europe

Global leader BORCAD exports 85 per cent of its output to around 80 countries in Europe, Central America, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. “In the past few years, we have completed a number of very important projects. We developed and delivered seats for the Canadian Rocky Mountaineer, and became a supplier to major companies such as OBB, DB, Talgo, Aeroexpress and many others, becoming a global player in the train seat sector,” says Mr Števula. “In the medical sector, we have penetrated the Chinese market and achieved significant product improvements, such as

the integration of optical technology as well as cordless technology in gynaecological chairs and beds.” BORCAD has ambitious plans for the future: “By 2019, we want to become a global leader in innovative technologies in the railway sector, and a world number one in the sector of gynaecological and obstetrical chairs and beds. For the next year we have set ourselves another challenging task: to penetrate the most demanding of markets in terms of medical equipment, the United States.” Given BORCAD’s dynamic development and worldwide success so far, n these goals may not be so unrealistic.

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HATS OFF TONAK, based in Novy Jicin, Czech Republic, is one of the world’s major manufacturers of headwear. A 200-year tradition, coupled with extensive knowhow and unique skills, has made the company a trusted partner for customers in more that 50 countries worldwide. Romana Moares reports.


he history of textile manufacturing in the Novy Jicin region stretches back over 500 years. The beginning of the actual millinery manufacture in this area dates back to 1630, while the first millinery shop in Novy Jicin was opened in 1799. TONAK is one of the few Czech companies which has managed to continue this tradition throughout various historical upheavals, political regimes and economic changes. Today, TONAK is an important producer of headwear with two manufacturing plants. The factory in Novy Jicin specialises in manufacturing woollen and fur felt hat bodies and hats. The exacting production of felt is characterised by a large number of production steps, technological variability and perfect handicraft. “Even today, each hat is made using traditional technologies containing a high percentage of manual processing, of which we are very proud,” says Lenka Urbánková Jarešová, CEO and chairman of the board. The production of knitted headwear – i.e. berets, fezzes, hoods and woollen hats – is located in the manufacturing facility in Strakonice, which was acquired in 2001. 174 Industry Europe

Despite continuing recession in the Eastern markets, the company achieved a turnover of over 440 million CZK in 2015. The Novy Jicin plant made almost 410,000 felt hats and semi-finished products, while the output of the Strakonice factory exceeded an impressive 1.7 million pieces of knitted headwear.

150 steps The millinery range in Novy Jicin includes, as described above, ladies’ and men’s hats made of rabbit fur and wool in various shapes and forms. Semi-finished products in a wide range of shades and colours and with a variety of surface treatments are also offered. The company’s offering is complemented by knitted headwear made in the other plant in Strakonice. In addition to the classical made-to-order production delivered to customers around the globe, TONAK also prepares its own exclusive collections each year, reflecting fashion trends set by leading world designers.

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“From time immemorial, the key raw material for the production of felt hats has been rabbit fur,” says Mrs Urbánková Jarešová. “Each year, TONAK consumes over three million rabbit pelts. Hats and semi-finished products of fine pastel colours can be made only from white fur,” she explains, and adds that each and every hat requires a high degree of skill and experience and about 100 to 150 individual processing operations.

Heading up Hats are currently undergoing a major fashion comeback. TONAK’s key competitive advantage is the unique set of skills and know-how needed for the production of not only top quality final products, but also semi-finished products that are shipped to customers in many

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countries. “Our objective is to further increase TONAK’s market share – in many countries our brand is hidden under various private brands, including the most prestigious names,” says the CEO. She further stresses that as the company honours its century-long tradition, classic hat models are continuously being included in current collections. “Each new collection retains the brand’s characteristic attributes, supplemented with elements of new fashion trends. We employ leading current fashion designers to create limited collections for TONAK, such as the young and talented Klára Nademlýnská and Petra Ptáčková, who have gained international recognition. TONAK is one of the very few producers whose 2016 collection includes children’s felt and knitted headwear,” she says.

TONAK exports over 90 per cent of its output to 50 countries, not only under the TONAK brands but also under the traditional brands of Hückel (felt hats) and FEZKO (knitted headwear). Jewish hats are sold to the United States and Izrael, and fezzes to Africa, while the felt hats and semi-finished products are in demand around the world. In the Czech Republic, TONAK supplies uniform headwear for the army and police forces, prison guards as well as fire fighters.

“To support further growth, we now wish to focus on the development of our retail network in the Czech Republic. The first step has been made – our Flagship Store TONAK in the centre of Prague was opened last year,” says Mrs Urbánková Jarešová, adding that, in the next two years, the company wants to open shops in every large n Czech district city.

Designed for royalty The downside of hat production is the relatively large amount of waste. To address this issue TONAK, in partnership with Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, has developed a special, ‘waste free’ technology for rabbit pelt waste processing. “Pelts are an important source of much-valued natural collagen. We have invented a bio-technological process in which they are turned into fertiliser for organic agriculture. Its effect is comparable with commercial industrial fertilisers and it has an added benefit of improving the plants’ health and fertility,” the CEO claims. The fertiliser is sold to farmers and winemakers throughout Europe. The company has an impressive customer base including famous names such as Stetson (for which TONAK makes complete collections) and Borsalino (semi-finished products) and, last but not least, the renowned designer Philip Treacy, the court designer of the British Royal family.

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Floor covering material for temporary protection


For German nonwovens specialist TWE, a series of acquisitions and new product launches have resulted in its most successful year to date. Victoria Hattersley talks to CCO and Member of the Executive Board Ralf Berens to find out how this highly innovative company continues to dominate the market and win new clients. CCO of TWE Group Mr. Ralf Berens 178 Industry Europe

Production line at TWE Dierdorf


hen Industry Europe spoke to the TWE Group a year ago, it had recently acquired the US company Vita Nonwovens and thus taken an important step further in its plans for international expansion. Move forward to the present day, and the company has made two more acquisitions: the first, in July 2015, was of the German company Isowood, a producer of nonwovens for application in the automotive industry, amongst others; the second was another German nonwovens producer focused on the building & construction market, Höschele Nonwoven GmbH. And this is a strategy that is clearly paying off: last year was TWE’s most successful so far, both in terms of turnover and result. It succeeded in increasing its top line by more than 20 per cent, achieving a turnover of more than USD 420 million. Mr Berens explains the significance of this continued acquisition strategy, both for TWE’s geographical expansion and the extension of its product range: “The acquisition of Vita Nonwovens meant we were able to acquire significant customers in the US, so acquisitions are an important part of our future growth. Global customers need global partners. When it comes to suppliers, we work with some of the world’s leading raw material suppliers to ensure we meet the needs of our clients wherever they are. The Isowood acquisition means we now have 14 production plants in total.”

Three pillars of growth The applications for TWE’s products fall into seven core divisions: Medical, Filtration, Mobiltech, Hygiene, Building & Construction, Wipes and Comfort. However, the Isowood and Höschele acquisitions fit into the group’s plans to grow its business in three areas in particular: Mobiltech but also Hygiene and Building & Construction. “Although we want to grow our business in all

seven divisions, it is in these three that we expect to see the most dynamic growth,” says Mr Berens. He goes on: “Isowood provides mainly nonwovens of natural fibre as well as of glass fibre for the automotive industry. Before this, we didn’t have such a strong presence in this sector but we feel it has strong potential for the future so it’s something we want to expand in. This acquisition means we can provide, among other things, door panel insulation materials that offer many advantages to automotive OEMs, such as lighter weight, better sound absorption and so on.” One product developed by TWE in recent years for its automotive clients is Quiet Web, a lightweight, sound-absorbing material made from 100 per cent polyester fibres for use in engine compartments. To give just some of the many advantages of this product, it is easily mouldable and weldable, is totally recyclable, odour-free and does not support bacterial growth. Furthermore, it is self-extinguishing and thus meets the strict fire safety standards of the automotive industry. When it comes to Hygiene, another of the three main growth areas, the focus for TWE is on ultra-thin absorbent products. For example, the recently introduced Amphibia concept utilises the ADL (Acquisition Distribution Layer) technology, in which TWE is an undisputed world market leader. An ADL has three core functions: liquid acquisition, liquid distribution and surface dryness, and the make-up of the layers can come in several different ratios depending on the requirements of the individual product. Amphibia can be used for femcare, baby and adult incontinence products and is available in two main variations: a completely fluff-free concept using ADL as a technical SAP carrier; and an enhanced version with additional ADL combined. It is able to function in both wet and dry environments, offers an alternative to a fluff pulp/SAP core and is, essentially, an ‘all-in-one’ solution for super thin products.

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Entrance area TWE headquarter in Emsdetten, Germany

According to Mr Berens, this product is already proving a hit with clients: “Amphibia has multiple layers for quick absorption. It is a concept which allows us to offer customers a lower overall cost coupled with higher performance. We are seeing very strong interest and growth rates for this product since its launch on the market.” More generally, TWE’s R&D team is working on the creation of nonwovens for top-sheet applications to increase softness levels. The reason for this, says Mr Berens, is that “Today’s spunbond technologies do not reach the softness targets demanded by customers so we are working on our innovative air-through bonding materials. These could be used, for example, for baby diapers or adult incontinence products.” As for Building & Construction, Mr Berens is keen to highlight another new product, Home-Iso, that offers exciting prospects for growth in this market. “This is an internal insulation product for the Building & Construction unit. There are many benefits of this, one of which is ultra-low pollution to meet the high demand for more sustainable building products. Absolutely no toxic bonding agents are used in this material.” Home-Iso consists of several layers of polyester fibres that are thermally bonded at 170°C – the result of 100 per cent polyester nonwoven fabric. It was developed specifically for the thermal and acoustic insulation of pitched roofs, attics, well hung ceilings and partitions in interior design. With this product, TWE is able to provide solutions for effective thermal and acoustic insulation as ‘the basis for a healthy and ecological home’.

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Other key product areas However, as mentioned earlier, TWE will not be neglecting its other four divisions in this increased drive to take advantage of the three growing market areas. In the area of Medical nonwovens, for instance, it will continue to lead the way in OCP (Orthopaedic Cast Padding) bandages, wound care products and disposable gloves for hospital use. The Filtration division offers customised solutions for air filtration and wet filtration using high quality nonwovens in many applications areas, including spray booths, and vacuum cleaner bags and filters. Meanwhile the products from the Wipes division offer everything customers require when it comes to antibacterial properties with many coating and refining processes available. Finally, the products from the Comfort division fall into three main areas – furniture, bedding and apparel – with a broad spectrum of durable and sustainable insulation and a high performance in areas such as weight, coating, layer structure and fibre strength. With each of these key divisions, the focus will of course continue to be solely on nonwoven materials, mainly using the drylaid web formation method, as Mr Berens explains.

Looking ahead Aside from continuing to grow all its divisions, TWE will be looking to expand its presence in both existing and newer markets. According to Mr Berens: “In terms of future growth markets, Europe still is and will remain the most important for us in terms of sales. However, we are also growing faster outside Europe with an increasing presence

TWE is market leader for ADLs in hygiene products e.g. baby diapers

Nonwovens used as door panel in cars

in Asia and the US. In the future we will expect to see more of a balance between Europe and the rest of the world.” Sustainability will also play a key role. Last year we reported that the group was rolling out the 50001 Energy Management Certificate across all its plants and this is still ongoing. When it comes to any further acquisitions, there is nothing in the pipeline as yet but Mr Berens is not ruling this out: “In the coming years we will continue to expand both organically and through acquisitions. From a business perspective, it’s the three areas I’ve already mentioned – Automotive, Hygiene and Building & Construction – in which future acquisitions n are likely to fall.” For further information on TWE’s products and services visit:

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RECIPE FOR LIFE Bunge Zrt is a large cooking oil and – via its subsidiary – margarine producing company which produces Vénusz, one of the oldest and most well-known brands in Hungary. In the past decade the company’s strong foundation has been supported by the biggest oilseed producer in the world, enabling the Hungarian firm to focus on health conscious innovations while enlarging its agribusiness line. Edina Beale reports.


énusz is a renowned brand name in Hungary since Vénusz sunflower cooking oil has been on the Hungarian market since 1952. The high quality of the product led the brand to live through many generations; most young housewives used to learn recipes and family tips for cooking and baking using Vénusz oil.

Long history The predecessor of Bunge Zrt, Cereol Rt, was established in 1992 when it acquired the oil seed processing branch of the state owned Vegetable Oil and Detergent Manufacturing company. In 2003 the global Bunge Limited acquired Cereol and the Hungarian firm has continued its operations under the name of Bunge Zrt. In 2008 Bunge

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made a significant investment to improve the Martfű factory, where current processing capacity is one of the largest in Central Europe. Vénusz sunflower cooking oil has been known by Hungarian consumers for over 60 years, but it is a well recognised brand in the neighbouring countries too. While the product has a continuously changing outlook, its decades of market experience guarantees its consistent high quality. As everything needs to change, in the past three years Venusz is renewing its business with the launch of new, innovative products. These initiatives are the answer to the consumers’ needs: they are a healthier choice or give a better frying solution. The first of these new products to launch was the Vénusz Frying oil. Owing to its unique compounds the Vénusz Frying Oil is a perfect partner to create tasty, crunchy and golden chips and breaded products. It is a product to use with FritoptiTM oil, rich in monounsaturated omega-9; Vénusz Frying Oil combines all values of the conventional sunflower oil and the effectiveness of the FritoptiTM. 2015 was another milestone in the history of Vénusz oils. That year four edible oil products were launched on the Hungarian market. Vénusz Omega 3&6 – as its name already suggests – contains a favourable quantity of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, thus contributing to a healthy lifestyle aimed at maintaining normal cholesterol levels. The vitamin D content of another new Vénusz product contributes to the promotion of healthy bones and teeth. The frying oils product line was widened with the launch of a 1-litre variant. Vénusz Frying Oil 1L is suitable for deep-frying and breaded food frying. Owing to the antioxidant content the oil remains hot for longer, and therefore it it is suitable for frying up to 10 times without changing the oil. Last but not least, Vénusz launched a product for those who’d like to spice up their muffins and cakes or make pancakes and doughnuts with a sweet-flavoured edible oil. Vénusz Butter Taste Edible Oil combines the taste and smell of butter with the well-known heatability of edible oil. While most products are sold in 1-litre plastic bottles, in order to please gastro users Vénusz cooking and frying oil is also available in 10-litre variants.

Health-related innovations Besides maintaining great quality, Bunge Zrt is committed to creating healthy and natural solutions to meet consumer demands. Since its launch in 1993, the Floriol brand has always emphasised the importance of a varied and balanced diet and promoted a healthy lifestyle. As its slogan ‘A recipe for life’ suggests, Floriol cooking oil is produced by a gentle manufacturing process and is based on the recommendations of the most modern food science research. Industry Europe 185

HF Press+LipidTech An outstanding partnership is characterised by reliability and trust in quality and service. Bunge has been operating with HF machinery and oilseed processing equipment since 1980. Currently, presses are being relocated to different Bunge locations, which emphasises the long life-cycle expectations and the most effective pressing performances of HF’s screw presses. HF is the global market leader for screw presses (formerly known as Krupp presses, a synonym for high performance and high quality equipment), but is also considered and is acknowledged internationally as a competent technology provider in other fields of oilseed processing, for crude oil refining and animal waste processing (rendering). HF’s business relationship with Bunge has lasted for more than 35 years now. Today, Bunge operates more than 40 HF screw presses & components at its locations worldwide. We are looking forward to continuing this relationship and to serving our customers with high performance equipment, allowing them to get the best possible results out of their seeds.

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One tablespoon of Floriol Sunflower Oil with vitamin E – a key fat soluble vitamin – could cover up to 66 per cent of the recommended daily vitamin E intake of an adult. This product is not only advised to be used for cooking and frying, but it is also excellent for making salads and dressings. The Floriol Omega 3&6 is a mix of sunflower and rapeseed oil. It contains natural alpha-linolenic acid which – as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle – can help to maintain the normal blood cholesterol level and is therefore good for the cardiovascular system. Floriol Mediteran is a mixture of refined sunflower cooking oil and olive oil with a delicate fruity taste. Floriol extra virgin oil is processed by mechanical tools only from first class olives, while the Floriol Olive oil is a mix of virgin and refined olive oil, which is perfectly suitable for creating Mediterranean food including meat, vegetables and salad.

Products are made from quality-checked raw materials and are under constant supervision to guarantee their high quality. In recent times the company’s agribusiness activities have seen dynamic growth. Its purchase and sale of agricultural products, including oil seeds and grain products, has increased significantly owing to the strong performance of its trade centres and direct selling. Partners include end users and producers as well as trading partners. Besides trading activities, Bunge Zrt offers support in all segments of the supply chain including logistics and storage. From the above, it is clear that Bunge Zrt has it all: strong foundations, famous brands and financial support from its international parent company. However, the company’s drive to satisfy consumer demands in quality and innovation is in fact the real recipe for continuing its success for life. n

Margarine processing In 2010 Bunge Zrt acquired the factory and brands of Royal Brinkers Hungary Kft and renamed the new company Natura Margarin Kft. Founded in 1878, margarine producer Royal Brinkers entered the Hungarian market in 1996 but only started production in the country in 2000. Today the factory, located in Tatabánya, holds all important food safety and quality assurance systems and reaches the highest European standards. At present Natura Margarin is a key supplier of private label margarine in Hungary and serves most food chain retailers. While producing low price margarine such as the Dana and Waja brands, the company has also achieved considerable success with the Vénusz and Bords Eve premium brands.

Dynamic agribusiness In addition to its core business of food processing, Bunge Zrt in Hungary has been trading agricultural products for many decades. Industry Europe 187




FLSmidth is a global leader in the supply of equipment and services to the international cement and minerals industries. The company continues to maintain strong growth thanks to its world-class products, advanced technologies and tailored consultancy and support services. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at an innovative company that sets the standards for the industry. 188 Industry Europe


LSmidth was founded in 1882 and today is a global supplier of equipment and services to the cement and minerals industries. It supplies everything from single machines to complete cement plants and minerals processing facilities, as well as providing complete processing plant maintenance, support services and the operation of facilities. Today the company employs more than 13,000 people worldwide in offices located in over 50 countries.

improvement in the cost of crusher relocation, the fact remains that these crushing stations can only be used in conjunction with a fixed conveyer system. FLSmidth’s IPCC technologies and solutions have been uniquely engineered to offer many advantages over loading and driving out of the pit to the crusher. By crushing the ore early with IPCC, many hurdles and processes can be overcome that would normally increase costs.

Unique solutions

Flexible project modules

As mines continue to expand and fuel prices climb, mining companies are increasingly looking to control costs and improve ways of getting the ore out of the mine and into the processing plant. Traditionally shovels and trucks have always been used to transport the extracted rock to the crushing stations. Now today with ‘In-Pit Crushing & Conveying’ (IPCC) from FLSmidth, the ore can be taken directly into the crusher and then fed to conveyers to be carried to the next section of processing equipment. Thus bypassing the need for so many trucks to haul the material over large distances to a crushing station. Conventional mobile and semi-mobile truck dump stations require massive geotechnical preparation and expensive retaining walls to allow trucks to drive to an elevation sufficient to dump material into the receiving hopper. In spite of new developments in current semi-mobile station design that have yielded some

The company offers a wide range of flexible project modules for projects worldwide and handles the engineering and procurement (EP) where it manages the whole range of plant equipment or can deliver segments, such as pyro or major upgrades. FLSmidth also offers its customers a unique 360-degree solution for the lifecycle of a plant, covering everything from initial raw material investigation to engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) through to ongoing operation and maintenance services. Today the company can offer a full turnkey service to the owner of a cement plant, including FLSmidth staff to run the plant and to guarantee output levels for an agreed price per tonne. The company’s EPC and O&M contracts are run by some of the most experienced engineers in the business alongside locally recruited staff who are fully trained and integrated into the company’s expert project teams. Industry Europe 189

Whether it’s an EP or EPC project, safety is always addressed very early in the project by FLSmidth. With an EPC project the company is fully responsible. With the EP projects, safety becomes the customer’s and the contractor’s obligation.

Leading by example Research and development have always been given a high priority at FLSmidth and it forms an integrated part of its diverse range of activities. The company’s R&D efforts are focused on the development of technical solutions with high reliability and availability with minimum environmental impact and the lowest possible lifecycle costs. The company’s R&D activities take place globally in various centres of excellence, its Dania test centre in Denmark for example

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is the industry’s largest with laboratories and pilot testing facilities for new and existing plants. The company is also working in cooperation with universities and leading institutions throughout Denmark. FLSmidth has an established record of product and technology innovation, and has pioneered developments in the cement industry for more than a century. The company constantly pursues innovative solutions to meet the global challenges faced by customers which includes CO2 emissions, energy efficiency and water use and conservation.

Single source FLSmidth offers its customers everything from a single source, from process design and project management to equipment supply and plant commissioning. In addition, the company also provides the training for the operators who will eventually run the plants. FLSmidth has a wellproven process and track record to ensure successful project execution with a tried and tested series of procedures. Throughout the project, a dedicated project manager oversees and tracks the progress of every step and holds regular meetings with the customer. Safety is a key word at FLSmidth and the company strives to ensure that work on project sites and its manufacturing units is always done safely. The company never leaves the site before all the equipment works in accordance with specifications and is also able to provide a comprehensive range of support services long after the plant is completed. n For further details of FLSmidth’s range of engineering equipment and support services visit:

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GN Netcom is a global audio solutions company and through its brand ‘Jabra’ has become a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative, hands-free audio devices. The company continues to extend its product portfolio and its global influence as Philip Yorke reports.


Netcom was founded in Denmark in 1984 and in the year 2000 acquired the Jabra Corporation, a leading manufacturer of hands-free devices for mobile phones in the US and subsequently launched the world’s first mobile Bluetooth headset. Jabra is a global producer of high-tech headset and speakerphone solutions with more than 1,000 employees and sales offices worldwide. Today GM Netcom is a leading developer and supplier of headsets for contact call centres and offices, as well as headsets and speaker phones for mobile phones. GN Netcom markets all its headsets under the Jabra brand. The company is also an OEM supplier to a number of global customers including mobile phone, PC and PDA manufacturers.

award, the IF product design award, the Red Dot mobile best accessory award, and the T3 Gold award, to name but a few. “At Jabra our responsibility is to provide products of exceptional quality that work in any technological environment. We realise that our products are not used in isolation, which is why our strategic alliances are so vital to our business. By applying our unrivalled expertise and working in close partnership with the leaders of the telecommunications industry, we ensure that our products are relevant to our customer’s businesses. We also ensure that they actually improve their way of working, by enabling seamless connectivity with their other systems.”

Unrivalled technical expertise

Following the recent Jabra Velocity Partner Event held in the UK, Jabra revealed the winners of the Jabra UK&I Velocity 2015 Partner Event. Distributer of the year was ‘Nimans’ and overall partner of the year was ‘Computercentre’ with the growth partner of the year award going to Corpteluk. Finally the outstanding commitment partner of the year was named as ‘Insight’. Nigel Dunn, managing director, Jabra UK and Ireland said, “We’ve had another successful year where Jabra and our partners have worked together to achieve category growth in the UK and Ireland. Recognising

Jabra’s products harness the latest technology to enable its users to work, live and play on their own terms. A leading Jabra spokesman said, “At Jabra we are fortunate enough to be able to build upon the legacy of our parent company GN Store Nord, with over 100 years of experience in designing state-of-the-art communications solutions. “Our head set range has repeatedly been recognised as setting the gold stand for innovation and design. We have received numerous product and design awards, including the CES Innovation

Partner’s commitment recognised

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these successes over the last twelve months is important and highlights the value that we place on our channel relationships.” The Jabra Velocity 2015 Partner Event was a one-day conference held to outline Jabra’s vision, strategy and support to the channel for the coming year. The one-day event included presentations from both UK and Global Jabra executives, including Joel Hamon, Jabra EMEA President and Holger Reisinger, Jabra Senior VP, CC&OP Product Management, Global Accounts & Alliances.

Anti-counterfeiting programme As with many leading global brands, Jabra is experiencing high levels of activity in terms of the counterfeiting of Jabra products in many regions and markets. As a result, the company has established an anti-counterfeiting programme against producers, importers and distributors of counterfeit Jabra products. The primary products affected are Jabra’s award-winning headset models like Jabra Stone, Jabra BT3030 and Jabra EasyGo, as well as many more. The programme is part of the company’s efforts to maintain Jabra’s status as a leading global manufacturer and its reputation for creating and supplying high quality, hands-free products. This is in addition to protecting consumers from counterfeit products that could be dangerous. The counterfeit products have usually not been through official qualification processes, are violating trademarking standards and often have overall poor quality with respect to performance as well as com-

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ponent construction. They also present potential safety issues that may cause harm to consumers. The counterfeit products often fail to offer the same level of interoperability and support as legitimate Jabra products, thus resulting in high return rates and customer dissatisfaction. Trafficking, producing, selling and distributing counterfeit goods and their labels and packaging is a criminal offence in most countries, where convictions for counterfeiting carry substantial fines and imprisonment. The law in most countries provides for the seizure and destruction of counterfeit goods, whether or not criminal convictions are obtained or civil damages awarded. n For further information about Jabra’s range of high-tech products and innovative audio solutions visit:

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SOLUTIONS FOR HIGHPRECISION MEASURING Mahr is a global leader in dimensional metrology equipment, highly accurate rotary stroke bearings, high precision metering gear pumps and meter mix technology. Industry Europe spoke with VP Marketing Jochen Seidler, who has been responsible for Strategic Marketing since 2011.

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1861 Carl Mahr started his company in Esslingen, Germany, where he developed the first length measurement technology. In 1994 the Carl Mahr Holding GmbH was founded in Göttingen, where the company has its headquarters today. Several acquisitions have taken place since, and Mahr now has production facilities in Europe, the USA and Asia. Its main locations are in Germany, the Czech Republic, the USA and China. In 2015, Mahr employed around 1900 people, whose efforts generated a €236 million turnover. Jochen Seidler says: “Like many family run businesses, we prefer to grow organically, even though we don’t shy away from acquisitions such as the ones we have made in the past.” Mahr GmbH has three business units: System Metrology, Precision Gages and Metering Systems.

Mahr Metering Systems In 1947, Mahr developed, under the name ‘Feinpruef’, its first gear pump (the so-called ‘spinning pump’) with the support of Prof. Schlack (the inventor of Polyamid 6). The gear pumps were based on master gears, which were made by Mahr in Esslingen. Since then, ‘Feinpruef’ pumps or ‘Mahr’ pumps have become renowned throughout the world for their accuracy and reliability.

Mahr Metering Systems is the world’s third largest manufacturer of metering gear pumps. Its product range in this area covers, amongst other things, melt (spinning) pumps, spin finish pumps, extrusion pumps, vacuum discharge pumps and pressure increasing pumps. Mahr’s measuring instruments are used in the Automotive Industry, Machine & Tool Industry, Optic Industry and in calibration laboratories. An example is its latest horizontal length measuring instrument, the Precimar PLM 600-E, offering both relative and absolute measurement of precision products and testing instruments. The Precimar PLM 600-E is a high-end measuring system characterised by a low length measuring uncertainty of (0.085 + L/1500) µm, and a position deviation of (0.07 + L/2000) µm. The machine executes automated measuring sequences which lead to more efficient measurements. Jochen Seidler adds: “Mahr has been building horizontal length measuring instruments since 1897. The instrument is able to measure thin-walled elastic items. Because of the detection of the test item’s elastic characteristics, the machine is capable of calculating the actual length in the uncontaminated, measuring-force-free status.”

Investments As a family owned business, Mahr strives to grow organically, as it has done since 1861. Earlier in 2015, Mahr acquired MWF Roland

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Friedrich GmbH, a Germany based company that offers custom measurement and testing solutions for automotive and other industry applications. Solutions range from simple hand-held measuring stations to fully automatic measuring units. In June 2015, Mahr acquired the US company Engineering Synthesis Design, Inc., ESDI, Tucson, Arizona. ESDI’s representatives, together with Mahr’s wide network of 17 subsidiaries and representatives, will sell, install and service metrology instrumentation. Applications include measuring surface contour and surface roughness on a wide array of parts including flats, spheres, aspheres and freeform optics. Jochen Seidler says: “For several years, Mahr has been involved in the measurement of optical components, with the measurement of lenses being a special focus. As a complete provider of dimensional production metrology, Mahr offers manufacturers of lens pro198 Industry Europe

cessing machines and lens manufacturers customised solutions that range from hand measuring tools to the MarSurf LD 130 Aspheric – a complete production accompanying measuring system. With this company joining our group, we can further develop products for the optic industry, where our instruments will be used to measure aspherical and free form objects.”

Tailor-made applications The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is the collective term embracing a number of contemporary automation, data exchange

and manufacturing technologies. Over the Internet of Things, cyberphysical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time, and via the Internet of Services, both internal and cross-organisational services are offered and utilised throughout the value chain. Jochen Seidler concludes: “Mahr has been adapting to changing industry practices for over 150 years, and we intend to continue to do so for the next couple of generations. An example of a Mahr product that is fully Industry 4.0 is our mobile measuring instrument n MarSurf PS 10 that can be handled like a smartphone.”

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The successful Polish company Nowy Styl had always been focused in the past on exports. However, four years ago, it decided to expand through acquisitions and this has been an important driver for growth. Piotr Sadowski reports.

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2011 Nowy Styl took over its first German company, thus incorporating a well-established brand, Grammer Office, into its portfolio. Grammer is a manufacturer of advanced, ergonomic office chairs with patented mechanisms. In 2013 it completed the acquisition of another Germany company, Rohde & Grahl, which has significant shares on the German and Dutch markets. This particular takeover enabled the Nowy Styl Group to significantly strengthen its position on the German market, which itself became the biggest single market for the group, as well as to establish itself on the difficult Benelux market. Then, in June 2014, the company completed the purchase of 50 per cent of shares in the manufacturing and distributing company TCC – The Chair Company – with a very strong position on the massive and very dynamic Turkish market. “In August this year the group added, through acquisition, another company to its portfolio, SITAG AG, actively operating on the Swiss market,” says company spokesperson Alina Szastok. “In order to cope with the growth of sales, at the same time we invested in production infrastructure and at the beginning of this year we opened a brand new Factory of Office Furniture in Jasło, one of the most modern factories of its type in Europe.” The purchase of SITAG AG was particularly important for the Nowy Styl Group as it enabled it to enter the Swiss market, which, together with Germany and Austria, is one of the strongest in western Europe. The headquarters of numerous corporations are located there, as are their purchasing departments and R&D centres. Through the takeover of SITAG the group acquired a distribution network on a market where previously its sales had been minimal. “We chose SITAG because, on the professional market, it is a renowned brand of products with high ergonomic qualities and strong, clear design templates,” adds Ms Szastok.

Robust operations and brands Nowy Styl Group is the third largest manufacturer of office furniture in Europe, according to the JSA League Table of European Office Furniture Companies (data from 31 July 2015). It exports its products to over 100 countries on six continents and has its own operations in

16 countries. The group has its own showrooms in 19 cities, including London, Paris, Munich, Warsaw and Prague. Its manufacturing facilities are located in Poland, Germany and Switzerland, as well as in Turkey, Ukraine and Russia through joint-ventures. It is also investing significantly in South America and Africa, although the key region for development remains western Europe. Here, Germany is the most important market, with approximately 30 per cent of all group sales ending up here. The percentage of sales to other markets are as follows: Poland 19 per cent, Switzerland 12 per cent, Benelux 7 per cent, France 7 per cent, other European markets 20 per cent and the rest of the world 5 per cent. The Nowy Styl Group has seven product brands, offering a wide range of solutions for all office spaces and public use locations. Part of the products have been created to meet the needs of individual clients, who are supplied through a network of distributors. The majority of brands, however, are offered to professional customers, such as: companies fitting out their offices, investors in public buildings such as schools, auditoria, recreational and sports facilities. The ‘Nowy Styl’ brand is the oldest, and includes the largest collection in Europe of office and café-style chairs for any type of interior, both private as well as public. ‘BN Office Solution’ is a comprehensive brand, consisting of office and workspace furniture conceived by the best designers. ‘Grammer Office’, in turn, is a collection of office chairs with globally patented mechanisms created by the German experts GLIDE-TEC. ‘Rohde & Grahl’ offers a wide range of technologically-advanced German office furniture and office chairs with Duo Back. ‘SITAG’ is the newest brand in the group’s portfolio, consisting of a comprehensive offer of office chairs and furniture, sofas and reception counters. ‘Forum Seating’ is a collection of auditorium, cinema and stadium chairs, as well as telescopic arena seating; and, last but not least, ‘Baltic Wood’ is a stylish brand of excellent quality triple-layer and solid wooden floors.

Innovative solutions Product development is a vital component of the Nowy Styl Group’s activities and its office furniture factory in Jasło enables it to easily introduce new products; it is also effective in short-series manufactur-

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BEPOLPLAST I Sp.J. One of the winners of the ‘Supplier of the Year’ title, awarded each year by Nowy Styl Group, BEPOLPLAST I Sp.J has been delivering precise, aesthetically pleasing and high quality components for 20 years. The company specialises in the serial production of plastic technical components and the design and production of injection moulds. Its many years of experience, individual approach to clients and ability to respond to challenges has resulted in long-term cooperations with companies from many sectors, including furniture production, automotive, construction and sporting equipment. Its wide product portfolio includes, amongst other things: closing elements and masking metal profiles, tire nests, dinghies, bricks, bumpers, supports, sleeves, handles, inserts, hooks, plugs and stoppers. A large percentage of production is made up of screws and knobs for chairs in various shapes and colours, made by over-moulding metal elements with plastic. The company is currently in the process of implementing technology for the production of dual-component plastics. Thanks to its modern machine park, qualified staff and state-of-the-art IT system, BEPOLPLAST I Sp.J. offers the highest quality products with rapid delivery times.

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ing, allowing it to adjust in accordance with individual orders. A recent result of this has been an introduction of two new furniture lines: the first one, SOHO – small office, home office – is a line of professional and ergonomic products, designed for home office spaces; the second, Play&Work, is a system of furniture created for modern offices, with a light and clear design template. “We are also in the process of patenting a solution for auditoria which will have a differentiated use,” explains Ms Szastok. “Alongside our work with the Jordanki Cultural and Congress Centre in Toruń, we have designed a mobile module arena. This solution allows any layout of the arena to be arranged, as well as its complete disassembly. The system is simple to install and can be easily stored.”

Working with excellent suppliers The Nowy Styl Group cooperates with over 1000 suppliers and the best of these are awarded every year with the ‘Supplier of the Year’ title. “We choose those who are characterised by a high level of engagement, the highest quality of services and a professional approach to solving problems,” explains Ms Szastok. Winners of the title include the company Brado SA, which has cooperated with the Nowy Styl Group for over 20 years. It offers the group comprehensive module solutions alongside a wide-ranging assortment, such as bases, elbow supports, plastic components for seats and backs, as well as various plastic and metal accessories essential for manufacturing the company’s chairs. Another vital supplier is Model Opakowania Ltd, which for 16 years has been supplying high quality, innovative packaging solutions made from solid and corrugated cardboard, essential for transporting products. Furthermore, Donati SPA is an important producer of mechanisms, bases and components of chairs. Mentor SA is an insurance broker, while Pfleiderer is a manufacturer of wood-derivative products and a supplier of furniture boards, HPL laminates and artificial veneers.

looking out for subsequent acquisitions which will allow it to strengthen its position on the map of Europe. “We also want to use our newest production infrastructure to the best,” adds Ms Szastok. “The group is currently preparing for a number of R&D projects, which we plan to carry out with the support of EU funding.” The most recent project supported by EU funding was completed earlier this year, in the framework of the ‘Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007–2013. It focused on innovative technologies in the furniture industry, namely the construction of the new manufacturing facility Nowy Styl Ltd and introduction of innovative products on the European market. The project was worth PLN 119 million – with the European Fund for Regional Development contributing PLN 34 million – and saw the construction of one of the most modern factories for office furniture in Europe, as well as the introduction of the SOHO furniture system. The project was awarded with the title of the ‘Innovative Project of the Year’ from the Polish Agency for Entrepreneurial Development and won the main prize at the ‘Polish Project Excellent Award’ for its management. “The new projects will be important to our organic growth and we expect to achieve stable, double-digit sales growth every year,” concludes Ms Szastok. “In addition, through ongoing acquisitions, we can n improve this result even further.”

Ongoing expansion The group is actively pursuing the possibility of expansion through the acquisition of other brands and companies. Of course, the priority is on markets where it has its own distribution, such as Germany, France or the UK. It is currently engaged in many talks, researching the market and

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The Czech company Wisconsin Engineering CZ, s.r.o., is an independent, family owned manufacturer of premium quality, high performance tractors, mowers and outdoor power equipment. Delivering superior value through advanced design and technology is a key factor of its success in today’s highly competitive global market. Romana Moares reports.


he core business of Wisconsin Engineering is the production of lawn tractors, utility tractors, snow blowers and, last but not least, a wide range of accessories. Warranty and after-warranty maintenance as well as the delivery of spare parts are an integral part of the company’s services. Wisconsin Engineering did not follow the path of purchasing and importing products from foreign manufacturers. The decision to develop a top quality, fully competitive Czech product contributed (amongst other things) to supporting employment in the region and utilising the skills and experience of local engineering staff and experts. One of the reasons behind the company’s dynamic growth has been its product development capability. Its R&D team has worked intensively throughout the years to continuously introduce new garden and utility machines, thus keeping abreast of large local and international competitors. “The company’s portfolio can be roughly divided into two groups: utility machines which include universal allyear garden and ground maintenance machinery, in line with current trends; and agricultural products, i.e. specialised machines for agricultural gardening, orchard management, vineyards and forestry,” explains managing director Jaroslav Olmr.

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English name, Czech tradition Do not be fooled by the American-sounding company name: Today’s company follows the tradition of agricultural machine production in Prostejov started in 1878 as a purely Czech business. Members of the older generation remember well the symbol of man standing astride holding a hammer and the Wikov brand; younger people are familiar with its successor, Agrostroj. In the 1990s, the current owner decided to combine this more than 100-year tradition with American technology and know-how. The current company name is the result of a partnership with the US-based Wisconsin Engineering which began in 1998. “In 2000 the Americans finished their involvement in Prostejov; however, we kept the business running and continued to produce some of their machines,” explains Mr Olmr. The double ‘W’ included in the names of various products thus symbolises the century-long engineering tradition in the United States. Just like any other engineering business, Wisconsin was hit by the recession in the latter half of the last decade. “We had to reduce staff numbers but the recession made us analyse market needs in detail and identify new opportunities,” says Mr Olmr.

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The company succeeded very well – which is demonstrated by its current position and a 30 per cent increase in demand in 2015, partly from the local market but primarily from global customers.

Meeting the needs of modern society Roughly 50 per cent of the company’s activities today are made up of sub-contracting, with the other 50 per cent represented by its own products. From the first, Wisconsin has profiled itself as a highly reliable and flexible sub-contractor able to provide both the production of parts as well as final products for garden machinery and grounds maintenance. “Global companies make use of sub-contracting options to obtain the best possible quality of manufactured parts, a competitive price and the use of the latest

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technology. Rolls-Royce is the name that comes first to mind,” says Mr Olmr. From its own production the company offers machines and equipment in line with the needs of modern society, emphasising automatic controls, comfortable and safe handling, quiet and money-saving operations, as well as environmentally friendly design. “Machines with electric and hybrid motors are gaining in popularity, and this is the direction that our own development efforts are taking,” says Mr Olmr. The success of any company is underpinned by its important relationship with its sub-contractors. In this context Mr Olmr mentions Kubota (a supplier of motors) as well as Hydro Gear, Kawakasi and Kohler. “But we must not forget all the other companies with whom we have worked for years, and who are indispensable to our work,” he adds.

Recent innovations What is a typical product from Wisconsin? The current number one in the communal gardening tractor sector is the W3651 PIRANHA model. A robust tractor with a four-stroke three cylinder Kubota 20.2 HP engine, it has been designed for an all-day performance in even the most demanding of terrains. With a wide range of accessories, the machine can be used all year round. It is also available in a petrol version, with a Kawasaki engine – the BULLDOG W3676. This model was only introduced a few years ago and this year it became the company’s best-seller not just in the domestic market but also abroad. The latest introduction in 2016, for which the company’s man¬agement has high hopes, is the diesel lawnmower W 2954 OCELOT, equipped with a 14HP Kubota engine. The machine has just com¬pleted its two-year trial operation with end users.

Promising future The major sums the company has recently invested in development are beginning to bear fruit. Wisconsin machines and equipment have made their mark in the demanding markets of western Europe, including Germany, Austria, Spain and Britain. Demand is also rising in those countries where the firm is yet to gain a commercial presence, such as Saudi Arabia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Currently Wisconsin is actively engaged in preparing new projects, the outcomes of which are to be launched during the 2017 season. Preparations are also in hand for an increase in production volume, in order to meet the enormous interest generated by the new products. “We definitely have the capacity to meet this rising demand; we are capable of increasing turnover by 40 per cent and for the future we are expecting an increase in staff numbers,” says Mr Olmr. “In the long run we want to reduce our dependence on key customers so that no individual customer exceeds 15 per cent of our output. But we want to achieve this not through restrictions on deliveries, but rather through an n increase in turnover.” Everything points to that goal being met.

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Sonoco Alcore is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of tube and core solutions to a broad range of manufacturing industries. Philip Yorke talked to Frederic Piau, the company’s sales and marketing manager for construction products, about its patented technologies and core solutions.


onoco Alcore is part of Sonoco, a global provider of consumer packaging, industrial products, protective packaging and supply-chain solutions. Sonoco Alcore is the acknowledged leader in the manufacture of high-quality, innovative and value-creating tube and core solutions for the construction industry.

Delivering concrete form solutions Sonoco is a brand leader in this sector and offers a full range of cardboard forms for all types of products with specialised shapes of all diameters and lengths. Sonotube concrete forms come in a variety of finish levels, including the well-known Sonotube Premium Finish-Free® concrete forms with ‘Duraglas® coating for a smooth and seamless core finish. All the company’s forms use its patented

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RainGuard® technology, which allows customers to use Sonoco forms on building sites in the harshest weather conditions without in any way affecting the finished quality.

Core values Sonoco Alcore offers a broad range of products that are designed to meet specific applications in the construction industry. All Sonotubes are spirally wound with recycled paperboard and feature a visible spiral mark as a Sonotube Standard. Sonotube Plus tubes offer a smooth surface with one or two zippers depending upon the form diameter and have one or two vertical markers. Both these Sonotubes have no length limits when it comes to finishing. Sonotube Premium forms are coated on the inside with the company’s patented Duraglas technology, thus creating concrete columns with a very smooth finish-free surface. These special finishes are available in a maximum length of six metres. Sonotube Polygonal is a very different kind of tube made from a highdensity polystyrene insert in a cardboard tube, however, like the Sonotube Premium product it provides perfect columns with ultra-smooth surfaces. Sonotube polygonal exists with chamfered or sharp angles. Piau said, “Our products are market leaders in France and we enjoy good market penetration in other EU countries such as Ger-

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many, Belgium, Netherland, Switzerland, Poland and Greece. We are also exporting more of our products outside of the European theatre. In fact recently we made our first product deliveries to India. “Our recycled products are produced from recycled paper and we have a strong network of distributors that promote our wide selection of products which range in diameter from as little as 150mm to 1.2 metres. We are able to produce tubes in special lengths and are happy to make bespoke products if required. We are brand leaders because we can offer tailor-made services and special designs that can also have outside printing and be delivered directly on-site. “We plan to continue to grow organically but would consider acquisitions and joint ventures if the right opportunities presented themselves. We pride ourselves on our sustainability and environmental protection record and we conserve water and energy wherever possible. We attend a number of trade fairs every year, with the most important one for us being the annual ‘World of Concrete’ in Las Vegas, USA.” Sonoco Alcore also offers a number of supplementary products for use with its Sonotube forms, such as its Sonaplon ‘Shorting System’ which is used to hold the form straight and secure during the construction progress. In addition, the company’s ‘honeycomb board solution’ allows customers to create a void between concrete

walls or underneath a concrete slab and its Concrete Reservation Box is used to make passage ways within concrete slabs and walls for wiring and access purposes. With a thickness of 3.5mm, it’s lightweight, easy to modify on site, does not adhere to concrete and is 100 per cent recyclable.

Sustainable progress Sonoco Alcore’s cores are 100 per cent recyclable and are made out of recycle OCC (Old Corrugated Containers). The company has established metrics to measure progress towards reduction of energy consumption, greenhouse gases and other types of air emissions, water usage and waste products. In addition, Sonoco Alcore maintains an on-going commitment to social responsibility and its economic goals. Sonoco is a proud member of the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and was awarded both gold class and sector leader status for its global environmental operations. Furthermore, Newsweek Magazine named Sonoco one of its 500 greenest large n American companies for a fourth consecutive year. For further details about Sonoco Alcore’s innovative tube products for the construction industry visit: or

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HEAVY-DUTY CUSTOMISED LOGISTICS The GLS Foppiani Group is one of Europe’s most successful third party logistics providers and transportation companies.Its strategy of continuous improvement and dedicated added-value customer services has ensured that the company continues to see strong growth and expansion beyond its domestic market borders. Philip Yorke reports.

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he GLS Fioppani Group is made up of five transportation companies each with its own specialist expertise, which cover the full range of transportation requirements in the industrial marketplace. The group’s services include consultancy, integrated logistics, packing services, warehouse handling and industrial moving. This is in addition to other key services such as domestic transportation and heavy haulage on both national and international levels by road, rail or air. GLS Services acts as a key logistics partner for large companies with complex logistics processes that call for close integration and fully customised services that range from operational functions to reporting and

invoicing. The company is able to meet the diverse needs of companies in various sectors through its efficient and flexible computerised systems and experienced, highly professional staff. In this respect, GLS is not a transport company but a full service company that is able to handle any volume of traffic by identifying critical issues and operational priorities, while respecting an individual company’s commercial constraints. The infinite variety of shipping companies with which GLS maintains close contact guarantee punctual, safe and economical transportation in line with competitive market prices. Management of the entire volume of inbound and outbound air and ocean and ground traffic, means that the company can provide a global vision leading to the benefits of synergies, costsavings and optimisation of lead times. Delegating logistics to a partner such as GLS that is competent in all sectors of the supply chain and that acts as an extension to the customer’s company is the right move for maximising productivity and reducing operating costs.

Exceptional transportation Although many of the services offered are spread across all the various companies of the group, the main entities dealing with ‘exceptional’ transportation, such as heavy equipment for the energy industry, are Foppiani Transport and STE. Combining their equipment, they have become leaders in the provision of customised transportation for every conceivable type of merchandise. The client list of GLS Fioppani includes some of the biggest players in the energy business, such as ABB, General Electric, Ansaldo and ENI. The company operates mainly in the industrial plant, oil and gas sectors offering its customers customised services that range from transportation, storage and mobile cranes, to packaging and the painting of industrial products. Today the group has one of the largest fleets of road haulage units, specialised trailers and heavy mobile cranes, as well as over 35,000 square metres of covered storage facilities. Working frequently with major energy multinationals, the group is adept at moving heavy, bulky equipment such as completed plants, and transformers, as well as being able to cover the more traditional transportation of goods and providing storage facilities and packing services.

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Adding value With its diverse range of logistics services, the company strives to provide added value across the board. A company spokesman told Industry Europe, “The aim is to add value to our everyday services through a programme of continuous improvement, which is a strategy that we share with our customers in order to optimise all the relevant processes and enhance our contribution to their day-today activities and fiscal results.” With the continuing success of the group, the company is expected to incorporate both major exclusive contracts and tailor-made connections with domestic partners and is investing considerable funds into specialised equipment, skills and infrastructure. One recent investment involved the purchase of specialised trailers for the transportation of wind turbines and another for the purchase of advanced IT software for client-specific bar-coding for advanced track and trace capabilities. With investments and strategic market development already paying dividends the company is set to continue to meet its ambitious targets for growth. A company spokesman added, “What the global economic changes in the past few years have proved is that you cannot accurately predict what will happen in business, so we are fully committed to taking as much control as possible over the logistics chain, so that both our customers and ourselves will be able to realise the most effective channels. We support our customers in every way we can and this long-term contribution is reflected in our n consistent and positive results.” For further details of GLS Fioppani Group’s extensive logistics products and services visit: www.

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EXPERIENCE ITAB Shop Concept is the market leader at checkout to retailers in Europe, and one of Europe’s largest suppliers of shop fitting concepts and lighting systems. Its Czech subsidiary was established 12 years ago. Since then, the Czech company has significantly contributed to further improving the group’s position in Europe. Romana Moares reports.


he Swedish Group ITAB Shop Concept sells, develops, manufactures and installs complete shop fitting concepts for retail chain stores. The all-inclusive offer includes custom-made fitting concepts, innovative solutions for checkout arena and professional lighting systems. Customers include major players throughout most parts of Europe. ITAB has organisations in 22 countries and 17 production facilities. It is the market leader in the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and the UK and one of the largest in central Europe and the Benelux countries. The group has 2850 employees and a turnover of SEK 5.193 million in 2015. 216 Industry Europe

European expansion The beginning of the 21st century was marked by rapid expansion for ITAB through organic growth and strategic business acquisitions. One such acquisition was of a Czech company based in Letovice in the Czech Republic. In the mid-1990s, the production of shelf systems and checkout boxes, particularly for chain stores, was launched in APOS Blansko. After optimising the products with regard to quality, technological procedures and compatibility with other already used shelf systems, production was significantly extended both in terms

of volume and the variety of components manufactured. Therefore, in 2000 a completely new plant was opened in Letovice under the ABL company, specialising in the development and production of shelf systems complying with the highest quality requirements. “In 2004, the ABL plant – along with APOS Blansko – was bought by Swedish ITAB Shop Concept and successfully incorporated in the group,” explains ITAB Shop Concept CZ’s managing director Aleš Zouhar.

Key elements ITAB achieved its leading position by incorporating various key retail elements to increase sales. A well-designed entrance system, for example, will guide customers correctly into the store, capturing their attention and creating a recognisable look for the store entrance. “The entrance is the customers’ first meeting with the store so it must be inviting and welcoming. A well thought-out entrance system also means that customers naturally go to the checkout area on their way out,” says Mr Zouhar. ITAB’s versatile and flexible entrance systems can be designed to meet the needs of both large and small stores, from Hypermarkets and DIY stores to small local convenience outlets, and are offered in a wide range of types from manual and automatic gates with right- and left-handed designs, to one or more gate entrances. The checkout area is another key point for any retailer. With an annual output of 22,000 units, ITAB is Europe’s market leader in the checkout sector. More than 90 per cent of its counters are custommade for clients. There are more than 1500 individual counter types in the company’s database. “We also offer a comprehensive line of automated self-checkouts and a wide range of lighting solutions including design and installation,” says the managing director.

He further explains that lighting retail space is an important part of any modern business with a concept and brand image; it must be visually interesting, it must increase sales and conserve energy. Several years ago, ITAB acquired a leading company in the Nordic region, Nordic Light, which offers illumination solutions for retail space. “They develop and manufacture innovative and energy efficient lighting, including the latest LED technology, and their product range has significantly enhanced and complemented our offering,” he confirms. “Our aim is to provide excellent design and outstanding functionality of products. To our customers we offer comprehensive illumination systems, including replacing their existing systems with energy efficient LED technology.”

Innovative approach In the past few years, the company has invested about CZK 60 million in new technologies to be able to extend the product portfolio and increase production efficiency. “Currently, we are working on four new projects,” says the managing director. “We have installed a new technology for metal surface treatment, lowering the proportion of epoxy-polyester ingredients by 15 per cent, which has significantly improved emission levels. Similarly, we have now started testing new substances used for the de-greasing of metal based on nanotechnologies, which should reduce energy consumption as well as the amount of sediments in the production process, again improving the environmental aspects. The third project focuses on introducing heat recuperation technologies, with a view to reducing energy consumption. And, last but not least, we are changing our current lighting system to LED technology and optimising illumination diagrams.”

217 Industry Europe

In line with latest trends In today’s globalised world, retailers put an emphasis on increasing their individuality and distinctive features to attract customers by means of new sale concepts and a wider range of services. It is now not the huge shopping centres and hypermarkets that stand at the forefront – we are seeing increasing customer preference for smaller shops offering fresh produce or everyday consumption products, closer to residential areas and physically closer to customers. ITAB strives to reflect this new preference in designing new concepts for retail space, including checkout positioning and lighting systems to influence shoppers’ movements and their impulse buying behaviours.

218 Industry Europe

This approach has proven very successful: the company recently entered the French market, opened a new subsidiary in Hungary and intensifying sales in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. “Our objective is to further increase our activities in the central European region, with an emphasis on widening the range of services provided to our existing customers. We also want to continue to innovate our product range to increase our market share in the Czech and Slovak markets as well as in the countries of southern Europe. I believe retailers in all these countries will soon start investing in the latest technologies to keep pace with their counterparts in England, Germany and Scandinavia. We will be n ready to meet their needs,” concludes Mr Zouhar.


The Agrokor Group is the largest privately owned company in Croatia and one of the leading regional companies with almost 60,000 employees and reported consolidated total revenues reaching HRK 49 billion.


he Agrokor Group’s core businesses are the production and distribution of food and beverages and retail. Corporate members include Jamnica d.d., Croatia’s largest producer of mineral water, Ledo d.d., Croatia’s leading ice cream company, Zvijezda d.d., the biggest domestic producer of oil, margarine and mayonnaise, the largest Croatian meat industry PIK Vrbovec d.d., Croatia’s leading agricultural and industrial company, and leading largest retail chains Konzum d.d. and Poslovni sistemi Mercator d.d.

The leading positions of Agrokor’s companies are reflected in their dominant market shares. Ledo dominates Croatia’s ice cream market. Zvijezda enjoys the biggest share of the margarine and edible oils market, while Jamnica fronts Croatia’s bottled water market. Konzum is Croatia’s biggest retail chain and PIK Vrbovec is the leading meat company in the region. Since it was established 30 years ago, due to a clear business vision, a consistently applied company-wide strategy and well-planned investment projects, Agrokor has grown from a small family-owned

Industry Europe 219

company for the production and sale of flowers into the leading food industry and retail group in the region today. Having achieved and strengthened its indisputable leadership in the domestic marketplace by staying ahead of changing market demands, Agrokor is now focused on making a step further in an attempt to realise its long-term strategic goal – becoming a major player throughout the region. In addition to its Croatia-based companies, in recent years Agrokor has acquired companies based in several neighbouring countries, including Ledo Čitluk, Sarajevski kiseljak, Velpro Sarajevo, Frikom, Dijamant, Idea, Mercator, Ledo Hungary and Fonyodi.

Innovation in the Agrokor Group Innovation is a very important category in the companies of the Agrokor Group. It is recognised on all levels, same as the contribution of innovations to business results in today’s dynamic and challenging business environment. Agrokor Group continually strengthens R&D activities by developing new and improving existing products and processes. Focusing on innovation as an important part of business strategy brings a comparative advantage to its companies in an increasingly demanding, highly competitive marketplace. R&D activities within Agrokor Group are realised through research and development centres within individual companies, according to specialised fields. This way the development of expertise within the teams is enabled, and its expert teams can quickly and effectively respond to the challenges and proactively offer new solutions in line with consumer trends and new technology developments. New product development strategies are based on the recognition of benefits important to its customers and are offering solutions through improved ingredients and flavours, their health and functionality, as well as improved packaging for the purpose of extending product freshness, shelf life and convenience. 220 Industry Europe

Open innovation The past decade saw business conditions in Croatia and the region changing significantly. Even to a greater extent, similar trends could be expected in the forthcoming times in the highly competitive open European market. Not too long ago, it was enough to rely on one’s own strength in developing innovative products and technology solutions to ensure the required growth. Despite considerable investments in own R&D and human resources, today it is clear that the current ‘invent by yourself’ model is no longer sufficient. Market cycles are getting shorter, innovative companies are getting increasingly important and it is becoming a key good to be networked with external partners and customers. This makes it possible for ideas, knowledge, technology and skills that go beyond one’s own capacity, as well as a knowledge base branched across different industries and technical disciplines, to become available, which is the only possible way to quickly and effectively respond to the needs of an ever more demanding market. In accordance with the world’s leading trend, within the Agrokor Group an initiative for getting closer to the new concept of innovation - open innovation has been launched. The initiative assumes to connect internal and external resources in order to innovate faster and more efficiently. By investing in the development and adoption of this model, Agrokor Group aims to ensure greater efficiency of innovation processes, better flow of knowledge and utilisation of internal and external resources, to implement new ideas in the areas of innovative product development, solve technology demands, increase the efficiency of processes, create conditions for cost reductions and optimise internal processes, as well as to address the challenges of corporate social responsibility in the companies of the Group. Therefore, in early 2013 Agrokor signed a cooperation agreement with the Company NineSigma, one of the world’s leading companies

Industry Europe 221

in implementing the open innovation concept. By investing in the cooperation with NineSigma, Agrokor Group has gained access to the largest worldwide network of innovators and a knowledge base branched across different industries and technical disciplines. With this investment the adoption of a new innovation strategy started - open innovation, which will be continuously strengthened and applied across all of its business processes, with the aim of strengthening its own R&D capacity to integrate new knowledge, expand the product portfolio and implement innovative solutions to successfully meet the challenges of competition. NineSigma works with Agrokor Group companies on the precise definition of specific issues or requests to the global innovation network. It also actively participates in choosing the best innovative solutions offered and in defining optimal ways of cooperation between innovators and Agrokor - whether the potential cooperation involves the purchase of license, consulting, research project or some other form of cooperation. Readers with an idea or a recommendation for a new product, flavour, ingredient or packaging, are encouraged to contact Agrikor at

Innovation areas At corporate level, strong communication as well as sharing of knowledge and best practices and research results is ensured. The leading market position in key product categories is achieved through capitalising on several important market trends, such as health and wellbeing, naturalness, authenticity and superior flavour. Through the concept of vertical, field-to-table integration, its customers are provided with a wide range of fresh and authentic products of superior quality. Products with low-fat and improved fat composition Fats are an important part of a healthy diet, necessary for normal functioning of the body. However, it is necessary to take into account the composition and type of fat that we consume and the total energy value of the meal. Therefore, Zvijezda and Agrolaguna offer a range of top quality olive oils rich in unsaturated fats, the ones recommended for healthy eating. Furthermore, Zvijezda and Dijamant offer 222 Industry Europe

a wide range of light products with reduced calories, as illustrated by lowering the fat content in the entire category of Zvijezda margarine spreads by about 12 per cent, started back in 2008. It is important to emphasise that all margarines and margarine spreads from Zvijezda and Dijamant do not contain any trans fatty acids since 2007. Also, 80 per cent of the frozen puff pastry assortment from Ledo switched to margarine without trans-fat, while the amount of margarine with trans fats used has decreased by 382T a year. Meat products are an important source of protein in the diet, but can also contribute to the intake of saturated fat in the body. Therefore, PIK Vrbovec meat industry is dedicated to improve this aspect of nutritional quality. Examples of reducing the amount of fat in meat products are numerous, to name but a few: in the PIK Vrbovec salami range, fat content has been reduced by five per cent since 2007, while increasing the share of meat. In part of the assortment, fat has been reduced at the level of about 15 - 20 per cent. In bologna and hot dogs, saturated fats have been reduced by about 30 per cent since 2009, as well as the energy value of the products.

Products with reduced salt and sugar Reducing salt is an important aspect of improving the nutritional composition of industrial products, which is the most effective way to reduce excessive dietary salt. However, the role of salt in products is manifold - salt significantly affects the taste and is important for its technological role in maintaining the quality of products. Therefore, salt reduction is a very complex development task. Examples of reducing salt in our products are PIK Vrbovec salami, where salt is gradually decreasing since 2006 and has achieved significant progress in the range from eight to 16 per cent in some product categories. In 2014 the PIK Vrbovec R&D team started with the project of salt reduction in the entire PIK brand product portfolio. In the diet of modern people sugar is often present in excess and it is therefore necessary to control the sugar intake. An example of products offering ultimate pleasure while simultaneously helping to maintain a healthy diet is a product line of beverages from Jamnica: flavoured spring and mineral waters, juices, teas and sports isotonic drinks.

Products with functional ingredients Omega-3 fatty acids are examples of healthy fats, they are nutrients with beneficial effects on the heart and the circulatory system and are beneficial to a large number of physiological functions. Omegol from Zvijezda is a functional product line rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with the recommended ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 and the addition of vitamin E and plant sterols. Their effectiveness in preserving blood vessels was confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Croatia. From the Dijamant product portfolio, examples of products with functional ingredients are Junior mayonnaise with vitamins E, A, D3, folic acid, B12 and B6, Junior ketchup with vitamin C, Dobro jutro Fit margarine spread with vitamins E, A and D3 and calcium. An important example are also spreadable margarines from Zvijezda, enriched with vitamins A, D and E. An example of a functional natural product is the Mivela mineral water, whose function in the body is multiple, and the amount of 1L Mivela contains the recommended daily dose of magnesium. In the assortment of Jamnica there are a number of products with increased amount of vitamins in quantities of at least 15 per cent of the recommended daily dose. In this group are some of the juices and nectars and isotonic sports drinks.

Consumer information Today’s consumers are confronted with a truly rich and varied range of products; the products are changing very often, with frequent new product launches, and industry strives to be dynamic and innovative. In such circumstances, it is extremely important to enable simple navigation through easily accessible, clear and comprehensive product information. Improving consumer information about nutritional features of the products is high on the list of priorities of Agrokor Group companies. One aspect of the optional labelling of products is the content of certain nutrients in the recommended amount to be consumed in order to achieve a balanced diet. Thus, the entire range of ice cream from Frikom bears a GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) label of the calo-

rific value in the recommended portion for consumption. Expanded nutritional value tables with calorific value data are also added to the whole range of frozen fruit, fish and the most part of the vegetables assortment from Frikom. In the assortment of Ledo, 20 per cent of the products are GDA-labelled, and 10 per cent of the products also have a nutritional statement, such as ‘Rich in omega-3’ in part of the Fish product portfolio. Data on the calorific value are also communicated in the portfolio of flavoured water Jana by Jamnica. With its products Agrokor is trying to reach out to specific groups of consumers, e.g. consumer groups which select specific products for health reasons. This applies especially to consumers allergic to certain ingredients or having problems with intolerance to some food ingredients. For this purpose, many products from different companies carry information such as ‘no soy’, ‘gluten-free’, etc. Additionally, it communicates a variety of other information valuable to consumers, such as ‘no preservatives’, ‘natural flavourings’, ‘without artificial colours’, ‘no added sugar’, etc.

Agrokor’s values The success of Agrokor’s corporate members is closely related to fruitful partnerships with suppliers and customers. Its common goal is to increase added value in a sustainable manner. The Agrokor Group comprises members whose activities are governed by the same values and principles that have been driving Agrokor’s growth and development since its beginning. The company is aware that its business progress is equally dependent on the wellbeing and development of the community in which it operates as it is on the conservation of the environment. The sustainability of its business model is based on the values and principles presented in its Corporate Principles of Social Responsibility, and Agrokor has additionally confirmed its commitment by joining the community of companies in the Republic of Croatia that have accepted corporate responsibility as their guiding principle. The vision of The Agrokor Group is to be an internationally relevant company setting new standards of excellence in all areas of activity. n Industry Europe 223

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Articles inside

Agrokor – A history of innovation Agrokor

pages 221-228

Improving shopping experience

pages 218-220

Top form Sonoco Alcore

pages 210-213

Performance by design Wisconsin Engineering

pages 206-209

Delivering innovative headset solutions

pages 194-197

Cutting edge furniture solutions Nowy Styl

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Solutions for high-precision measuring Mahr

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Heavy-duty customised logistics

pages 214-217

Cementing technological success FL Smidth

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Recipe for life Bunge

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Global leader in nonwovens TWE

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Hats off TONAK

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In the chair BORCAD

pages 170-175

Through the windows to Europe DAKO

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On the right track Bombardier

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Measuring solutions MERMEC

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Rolling ahead NEWAG

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Moulding quality and reliability VDP

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A future proof material Hydro

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Empower your movement Sitem

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Casting new horizons Leinovalu

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Historical roots, a modern mind and a cautious attitude Galdabini

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Simplifying production processes Dallan

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New technologies compounding success

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Clear vision Lahti Precision

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Conveying more Vanderlande Industries

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Combining quality and reliability Effebi

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Pure ice logic Snaige

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Technology, innovation and tradition Oschatz

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Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

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Technology spotlight Advances in technology

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