On Angels’ Wings
Inspiring Stories of Divine Intervention
This feature has inspired many, and we ask you to send us a short story about something that happened in your life that inspired you. A situation in your life that changed you and that you believe happened with divine intervention – an angelic experience or simply a profound feeling you had that changed your path of direction. We will publish articles, as we receive them.. You do not need to put your whole name and please give a phone number in case we need to reach you if we have a question. The phone number will not be published. Email to jphil@sednamarketing.net
Hummingbird Passage It will be one year next month when my Mom crossed over, I still cannot believe she is gone. Not a day goes by that I do not think about her, but I know her spirit is close by. I remember standing in her kitchen that she loved so much, I was faced with the daunting task of gathering her personal belongings she left behind, it seemed very sad to me to look at the things that she treasured, and one of the things she admired were hummingbirds, when I opened some of her cupboards I found what seemed like dozens of hummingbird feeders. I knew of her love of watching these tiny birds in awe as she would have her tea and look out her window. The feeders seem to be everywhere, some new, old, big, small and even tiny. As I walked through the house, I started noticing hummingbird wind chimes, vases, glass hummingbirds and ceramic statues of these precious birds. The memory of this stayed with me and I took a few feeders home intending to use them but have not yet. As days turned into months, I have thought of my Mom quite often and at times I would think of her while sitting at my computer. One day quite to my surprise, I looked out of the window, a hummingbird showed up and flew to the middle of my window suspended in flight looking right in at my family and I. We were
delighted and could not believe how long this tiny creature stayed in the same place just staring into our room! We all froze as this bird brought great joy to all of us in the short precious time it stayed in front of the window and then flew off. Of course I did not think about it again until it happened a second time and a third! I did not even make the connection until something else happened that was extraordinary one day. My brother called and I stepped outside with my cell phone as we started talking about Mom and how we missed her, speaking of her house and getting it ready to sell. As I was talking a hummingbird flew within inches to my face, and stayed in flight until I was so excited and became too loud that it flew over to a nearby shrub. I described to my brother what was happening and we both concluded that it was our Mom’s spirit letting us know she is with us! Never had I experienced anything quite so amazing as a hummingbird getting up to my face so close that I finally realized it was a sign. I just cannot believe it took me so long to figure it out. All of us do indeed get caught up in every day stress and daily routines that when something happens so out of the blue and a loved one that has passed is trying to send us a sign or reach us we can overlook it easily until it is truly so obvious it cannot be ignored. Some could say, it was just a coincidence, that’s okay, everyone has the right to their opinions, but I know in my heart that my Mom has found a way to let me know she is near and her spirit lives on. I miss her every single day and I am grateful that now I am aware and I am paying closer attention of the gifts she is sending my way. It touches my heart and helps guide me through the healing process of grief. There is a special closeness I feel now with my Mom and a sense of peace, which to me is one of the most precious things on earth. –J.P.