LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY IN ADVERSITY Copyright Tony DeMaio Looking for opportunity in adversity is a skill that can be honed.
you can fight it and prolong change or embrace change and put it
Learning to look away from the problem and explore other out of
to work for you now.
the box solutions is key. As an ex-football coach, I spent many years in the press box calling
I founded Big Media USA Inc in 2006 there was no real social me-
plays. One of the hardest things to discipline yourself to do is to
dia, not many internet users and many people thought the internet
look away from where the ball is going and look to see how players
was a fad. I never changed my mission of giving people an inex-
on the backside of the play are reacting and what opportunities
pensive platform to promote their business. I have adjusted the
they give you to run other plays.
plan many times to keep overcoming challenges. Today Podcasting
Adversity in business can become a catalyst to make you look at
has become mainstream and we have prevailed by producing over
other options and maybe develop a different
17,000 quality podcasts.
approach to accelerate your progress.
Embrace adversity don’t get sucked into following the problem.
One day as I walked into the office my assistant stood in doorway
Learn to look away from where the ball is going and see what op-
and gasped, we have a huge problem it’s raining so hard the water
portunities are in the other direction. -Tony DeMaio
is coming through the roof into your office. The opportunity “free rent” yes there was a problem that presented 2 choices. One let it take me out of my game plan for the day and get absorbed into the
Tony DeMaio
Tony DeMaio
Tony DeMaio
problem. Two stay focused on what I had planned and see the benefit of free rent. Be careful of owning the problem don’t focus so much on what won’t work that you can’t see what would work. There are people that can tell you in length why things won’t work. They are experts
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of what won’t work. They have spent so much time examining what
won’t work that they can’t see the solutions. Put in a difficult situation, one is likely to be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. Necessity is the mother of invention. Change will always happen;
Tony DeMaio
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