INformed People Magazine

Page 4


Copyright Angelika Christie


A first- time father sits in the waiting room, anxiously waiting to see his newborn son for the first time. The door opens, and the nurse

hat is the image that comes to your mind when you

envision a happy couple?

carries a bundle of joy into the room. Before she shows him the baby, she asked him: “What did you want? A boy or a girl? The man says spontaneously: “A Boy!!” The nurse looks at him with a

For me, it is a young couple who is expecting a baby.

sad face and says: “Sorry, but it is a Girl”. Without hesitation, the

Then it’s the exuberant couple beholding their first child with awe.

man replied: “Oh that’s wonderful! A girl was my second preference!”

Then there is quite a gap…time travels forward to the older couple who hold each other’s’ hand while walking the streets together.

Second Attribute:

Then there is my favorite inner vision; the couple that still travels

Drop the Drama

together while exploring life with zest. My heart also warms at the sight of an old couple sitting on a bench in a park; just being

You can see and feel when drama approaches in your relationship.


Become clear that you will notice it and choose not to engage in drama with your partner. Of course it is totally up to you to

How did they manage to not only stay together, but still love each

participate, even become the star of your own drama; but only for a

other? We don’t know, yet I have found that the following 5

short time…never close the day with remnants of anger.

Attributes and Attitudes can make any relationship better. My father gave me this great advice just before I married. He said: First Attribute:

“Angelika when you and your partner are upset, even want to

No Requirements, Only Preferences,

fight, do it in the bathtub with bubbles and soft sponges.” I never forgot it. You should try it; it is a sure way to loosen the

Do not require anything from your partner for your happiness, but

tension and may even lead to an erotic make-up session.

only have preferences. What will happen when you drop your requirements? A big load is lifted; you are free to enjoy what

Be very aware and clear that only you are the master of your body;

happens in the moment.

what you think, say and feel is up to you alone. Practice your power to choose what to say, what to think and the feeling will take care of

I have a little story to illustrate this:


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