InnerWorld Magazine # 14 in English

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Editor’s Words By Ananda Valeeva We celebrated a year last February 21st in a wonderful party, and would like to thank everyone who participated and supported us: Alee Luik per the ever wonderful generosity and offering the Multiplace in Horizontes and its sensational stage and dance floor of the Slap Club. Thanks to the amazing DJs: Simone Peterman, SAO Tokyoska and JayDeeCamX Mimulus, who performed amazing setlists, and Evora Laminsk who was the charming and competent host of the party. By the way, welcome, Evora! She debuted this month a new column "Opinion", where cool and opinion makers people are invited to tell what they think about a

topic. Read her great text on Communication! We also thank Uriah Eulenberg by BALACLAVA!! per the incredible gift he created, so lovely scarves exclusively for our anniversary and partnership… Beauty and quality together in gifts made for our readers! By the way, Uriah will be creating exclusive monthly gifts just for you. Isn´t cool? Go to our HQ and grab yours now! Welcome to our passionate project, dear Uriah. We are very happy. The main theme of this edition is exciting because it is the essence of interactions. Communication! A reflection on the history and development of media to these days in Second Life. The Special Interview could not single out just one person, because there are so many talents in the field of communications in SL. So, I decided to honor some names and ask for their testimony about this experience. You will love the TP to Trilogy, one of the most incredibly and well built Sims of SL. Enjoy the Fashion Editorial "jackets", incredible Top 5 poses and the Zoom In is super fashion. This Issue is so beautiful, rich and super informative. Enjoy it! ★ Ananda Valeeva CEO / Senior Writer / Editor in Chief INNERWORLD MAGAZINE

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Cover´s Challenge By Thereaver Barrymore It is amazing that we already celebrated a year of the InnerWorld Magazine! I, particularly, love to put all the covers, side by side and see all the people or objects that have passed through them. The challenge of each edition is to illustrate the cover with only one image on the main theme, or to highlight some personality of that issue. The March’s issue on communication is rich in many references, and among thousands of possibilities, I chose one of the finest creations in sculpt I have ever seen in Second Life. The Antique Typewriter, created by Oriolus Oliva is pretty interesting, so I put it on the cover. I hope you enjoy this issue! ★ Hugs, Thereaver Barrymore Designer / Art Director / Photographer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE

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Special Media, communication and the Virtual Worlds


e have communicated for ages, since the planet exists. Animals always used their particular language and the evolution of the brain differentiated humans from animals. At first, sounds and body language expressed nonverbal communication through gestures and sounds for human beings. Communication was revolutionized with speech, then, written languages emerged by symbols represented by cave paintings, the oldest known symbols created to communicate. Those expressions were followed by Pictograms, Ideograms and writing, such as Egyptian writing and its unique alphabet.


he history of humanity has developed quickly and now we have amazing options and language tools, besides writing language. Human evolution led us to a technological and sociocultural progress, which make us wonder‌ what surprise is coming soon?

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e have seen major developments in the field of telecommunication and it’s transmission of signals over a distance. The fantastic progress and what we just dreamed to experience about 15 years ago, such as a video conference through a virtual world, would sound like a Sci-Fi film. We just imagined how it could be to have radio, TV, computer networking, Internet, mobile, video and satellite phones, fiber optical telecommunication and so on.

Linden´s Welcome Area


isual communication, for example, has been one of the most incredible ways to spread information presenting it through images, which we can enjoy in a virtual world such as Second Life now. The development of Graphic tools have improved a lot our way to exchange information and create world wide links.


his field is so ample and rich that I could write a book about it. Communication can be Interpersonal, Oral, Mass, Technical, Graphic/Visual, Public Relations, Broadcast Media,

Journalism and much more.


ew forms of and ideas about communication have arisen, and technology and its evolution have developed too fast. It has been a Communication Revolution in both ways: human face to face communication and in technology. Although the exchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions, or information depend on the source of knowledge


igital media represents a profound change in the way companies and entrepreneurs communicate. Digital Media Alliance Florida defines it as "the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education". It enables the interaction and exchange of communication tools, by offering a variety of social network and virtual world platforms.

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pplications of Social software such as MySpace and Facebook, media sites like Flickr and YouTube as well as commercial sites like and eBay became very popular and media sites like Flickr and YouTube as well as commercial sites.


he MMOGs are virtual worlds (also known as virtual environments) and Second Life is our new wonderland of communication, especially now that we have a new viewer just launched by LL

NHC Media Center is the most popular media systems in Second Life.

“the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education" and many other viewers created by residents.


egarding the technical media we can mention amazing options we got to explore and develop communication: Cell phones, Blueray, Compact disc, Digital video and television, e-book, Internet, e-Commerce, game systems, Podcast and amazing interactive media, which include our virtual worlds.


e can’t forget to mention Digital

art and how many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies. Some artists may combine traditional painting with other digital techniques.


o, this article approaches to how this fantastic revolution affects people and how they perceive, interpret, use, and respond to a new media in association with Virtual Worlds such as Second Life. Let’s try to understand the impact on individuals and groups of users and how pictures, sound, graphics, content and scripts found a new way to express art, information and entertainment.


econd Life, has developed an amazing way to spread media and one of the most successful is the ePublishing. In just 3 years, residents have seen fantastic new Magazines inworld, which show very professional examples. Online Virtual publishing is increasingly popular and they have improved a lot, by showing breathtaking design, content and creativity. Some other options we can find also in-world

are Electronic journal, newspapers, and the HQ of important agencies such as Reuters News Bureau in Second Life, which was amazing while stayed with us or Second Life Herald and iReport (CNN) promoting Journalists meetings and they have correspondents reporting on stories from Second Life. And if some people can’t take it seriously, there are media companies making time to spread the word and taking the advantages of this new media. Wired Magazine is also used to host events and lectures with writers and editors in-world.


ournalism has become a growing source of news and entertainment in Second Life. Many of them offer indepth reporting on breaking news and events in Second Life and Real Life.


here are very talented people who have created entertainment of high quality, by offering culture, information, fun and creativity for the residents of Second Life. Professional journalists, publishers and designers and artists of RL or people who just love communication and its digital new way

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to show their talents. Editors of magazines are normally passionate and usually share this passion with amazing talents to create their staff and content. Many are learning how to implement and become experts and the virtual world has provided this unusual opportunity to grow. Publishers and Editors are being taught about the need to have knowledge and skills involving print, broadcast and web. It is not a matter of “playing of making a magazine”, but an action of responsibilities, passion, honesty and commitment with information and people. Of course, it is also a way to enjoy, fulfill dreams and have fun by doing it in-world… otherwise it would be boring.

CNN iReport Island


ublicity also moves a big market of online advertising and that’s why we can see the adventure of Virtual communication is so tempting. The graphics and script displayed on each page are very seductive and make the experience of reading a magazine very pleasant. There are however attempts made to simulate more realism within existing technological limits. Some editor already understand that it is important to offer a magazine offworld, as the lag experience is terrible to load the magazine and many people

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don’t enjoy to stop their Second Life to read something with more than one page. But, the most important is the graphic quality we can get by making a magazine outside of the metaverse.


e can’t deny the transformation of our social environment to an

Frolic Mills TV Show

Magazines Kiosks

information society and a virtual world has many tools to teach us how to communicate and make real life better. There are a number of virtual magazines and TV channels in SL – they come and go – but we can find many new interesting projects and compare their improvement.


ther interactive media that have grown in SL are the TV Shows, Live transmissions, concerts and performances of musicians and DJs and Radios. It is a whole new world of

possibilities, an endless Entertainment media to explore.


look at Second Life and think there's potential to improve many kinds of media and it is fascinating. Let’s develop our sense of togetherness and make this Virtual world become a way to bring more culture, information, joy and fun to our real life. ★

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ALL ABOUT COMMUNICATION By Evora Laminsk Picture by Thereaver Barrymore COMMUNICATION is the main goal in my life. For sure! We are born to communicate! We communicate all the time. Our movements, our speaking, listening, writing, reading, and even our silence! We also show everything we are on our body language! And in Second Life we show everything we are in the way that our avatars act! In the way we show or hide things. In the way we are transparent or not. In the way we face the challenge or not. It all depends on us! How much are you opened to the new? How much are you opened to the challenge of this new marvelous dimension? What are you looking for?

In Second Life we improve our knowledge every second. We learn different languages from all over the world. We can interact with such talented and sensitive minds! We improve our knowledge with great sharing! We smile and cry! We can overcome lot of barriers! I am a real life master in communication and I’ve seen lot of people who were so shy in real life and now, just because of Second Life, they are better and better and getting plenty of success! Isn’t it marvelous? So, no matter what you feel, no matter what you do, enjoy the best tools that this fantastic world offers you! Science, technology, fashion, globalization! Wow! Be on Twitter, Facebook, Second Life, Msn, and Skype. Share! Learn! Open your mind, your heart and soul. And all the world and dimensions will be immediately opened to you too. Cheers! ★

We can extract the best of Second Life! Don’t hesitate to dive deeper.

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TP toTrilogy By Ananda Valeeva Pictures by Thereaver Barrymore


hen you arrive there, don’t waste your time and run to your inventory to find an umbrella and raincoat.


t is raining everywhere and you can’t help it!!!


rilogy is one of the coolest and best Sims of SL. I am never tired of visiting this fantastic, elegant and very well built island. It has so many details in buildings, stores, decoration and amazing streets and alleys to be explored, that you will need much more time to complete this tour. Trilogy has some of the best stores and surprises to be visited


h Gosh… My hair, no!!! It is raining and I forgot my umbrella… I

almost can touch the softness of the cold raindrops watering stubbornly my hair.


tried to protect myself by going to the underground, which is a perfect place to a Tarantino film or maybe… a sensual date.


ut, as it is too late now and I am so wet… lets relax, take off my shoes and walk around or (why not?), lets sing in the rain!


he textures are fantastic the dark and empty streets create a noir film atmosphere and if you like English pubs, some bookshops or even an ice cream before a long walk… I dare you to this adventure and am sure you will love it.


ocation: Combeynot (208,153,602)

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SPECIAL INTERVIEW Interview by Ananda Valeeva Pictures by Thereaver Barrymore, except when credited

This month our main article talks about Communication, its history and evolution to these days in Virtual Worlds! So, it would be unfair to highlight just one of so many wonderful talents we can find in our Second Life. It is not easy to interview just some of them. But, these very talented and kind people are honoring us by sharing their opinion and testimony about their experiences. Lets know more about them and certainly enjoy a lot what they have to say. I asked them one question divided in two parts, which are connected to what they are making in SL. "What inspired you to create a magazine / TV show / TV channel? And what has to happen for journalism / magazines to be relevant in Second Life and the virtual realm?"

Frolic Mills He is charming and has built an empire of entertainment, communication and good taste in Second Life. He is the Founder and publisher of the successful magazine - The Best of SL, the Boulevard Shopping, a Model Agency, Miss and Mister Virtual World contest, a TV Show and so on.

"Thank you so much Ananda for your kind words. The inspiration to do THE FROLIC MILLS SHOW was the amount of questions people always ask in my group, as to how one makes it or becomes successful in this virtual environment. I always watched the answers from group members and, of course, they were always suppositions but really not based on any evidence.

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On THE FROLIC MILLS show I ask successful artists themselves what they were like as newbies and what route they chose to make it as a designer. It is very fun to find out some of the stories we heard and we have gotten great reviews from our listeners, telling us how much it has helped them. So, its all worth it! I also believe it answers your next question about the importance of journalism in Second Life. I firmly believe the ONLY importance of being

a journalist in Second Life is to help others, and BOSL strives for this goal in every issue, as I do in my show on metaverse tv. Congratulations on making one beautiful magazine for a year now. I wish you all many more years of publishing success. Frolic Mills.�

Rusch Raymaker She is a multitask and very interesting woman who has reached big success in SL. Founder /CEO of AVENUE Inc, Models, Academy, Studio; Publisher / Editor-in-Chief of AVENUE Magazine; Founder / Designer of Stylissimo and DJ of elektrorusch: “Well, at the time that I was thinking of starting a magazine, there wasn't one that I felt had encapsulated a holistic approach to a Second Life in the things we could enjoy and honor the many different aspects of a complete lifestyle. There were quite a few fashion magazines and specialist magazines but, not one that presented fashion, entertainment, lifestyle and the arts in an artistic or aesthetically pleasing manner. As a voracious reader and collector of magazines in real life, I wanted to marry my vision of creating a credible magazine that sought to inform intelligently and present the information with quality design. To remain or be relevant as a journalist or magazine, one has to continually evolve with the times whilst holding true to one's

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vision and positioning if you are a I believe that one should publication. I believe that one should consistently uncover new and consistently uncover new and useful useful information in a information in a professional manner professional manner that that informs, entertains and titillates informs, entertains and and, in my opinion, should not involve titillates and, in my opinion, drama, personal vendettas or agendas. should not involve drama, My vision for AVENUE Magazine is to personal vendettas continually raise the profile of the virtual world we exist in constructively or agendas. and showcase it at its greatest potential as well as the creativity that exists within it.

With the advancement of technology and design in real life, journalists and media house should also embrace new tools, media channels and advance themselves further. Last but not least, it would be my “wishlist” to see various media house from different genres to work together to help promote events, news and issues together. On our own, we are one, but together we can create greater synergy and collaborations. Best regards Rusch Raymaker".

Wil Dreadlow He is the CEO & Publisher of ICON lifestyle magazine and the ICON lifestyle sim. His ideas and vision of communication and how to make a magazine in a Virtual World are very interesting and his magazine has been growing fast in SL.

“I had kind of stumbled in the magazine world when I agreed to run a photo contest for women and the winners were displayed in a Magazine for that given month. Through some trial and error I came to the conclusion, that just displaying a bunch of pictures was not very satisfying, so I began to include other articles along with the winner’s pictures. Eventually, I found that there were really a bunch of interesting

Picture taken by Natasja Schumann Picture extracted from Issue 12 (February) of ICON Lifestyle Magazine.

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people in Second Life and I wanted to do what I could to tell the SL world about them. Out of that came ICON Lifestyle Magazine and it has become my passion. I believe journalism/magazine is relevant right now. A Year ago there were only a few magazines that were seen as "Real Publications" and now there are plenty to choose from. With all of the many different Events, Groups, Fashion and Entertainment in SL, there are never a lack of ideas. "We" (Second Life Publications) are very relevant and will continue to be even more so, as we all continue to get better at what we do and that will only make what we do more respected and sought after. Anyone can come up with an idea, be it original or not, but you have to be able to carry it out even if it is hard or difficult. There is value in what we do and I really believe people appreciate our efforts Wil Dreadlow".

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Horizontes (128, 119, 22)

Essential Soul Studios

Essential Soul Studio (134, 153, 36)

Heart & Sole

Heart and Sole (66, 133, 30)


Art Body Store

Brasil Curitiba (179, 174, 23)

Second Nights

DJ JayDeeCamX Mimulus

ARTISFACTA (139, 183, 39)

By Kay

Chalk Hearts (176, 156, 22)

Relay for Life

Kayrose (153, 91, 54)


Thisbe (150, 97, 21)

Artisfacta B Club

ARTISFACTA (139, 183, 39)

Live 2 Life

Kal Rau

La Fortuna 2 (88, 156, 23)

Sex Machine

Sex Machine (226, 15, 450)


Horizontes (33, 34, 23)


Lost Sailor (95, 130, 25)


Horizontes (38, 78, 23)


LeLutka (250, 108, 23)

InnerWorld Magazine HQ

Horizontes (68, 26, 22)


Horizontes (128, 119, 22)


{ Special } Oriolus Oliva´s The Golden Oriole { Special } Welcome Area { Special } CNN { Special } Frolic Mills TV Show { Special } Trilogy { Inspect } Argrace { Inspect } Vive 9 { Inspect } Emery { Inspect } Creamshop { Inspect } Riddle { Inspect } Elixir { Inspect } Gliteratti { Inspect } Trilogy { Fashion } Friday { Fashion } Riddle

Verdigris (56, 68, 70) Morris (74, 240, 46) CNN iReport Island (98, 95, 23) Combeynot (208,153,602) shin zushi (150, 162, 25) Vive (129, 172, 43) Heart Of Glass (220, 162, 24) CREAMSHOP (148, 131, 24) Riddle (151, 123, 22) Nelson Bay (196, 71, 45) Glitterati (128, 174, 22) Combeynot (208,153,602) Friday (154, 127, 32) Riddle (151, 123, 22)

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{ Fashion } Dutch Touch

DUTCH TOUCH (250, 111, 22)

{ Fashion } Art Body Store

Brasil Curitiba (179, 174, 23)

{ Fashion } Mandala

TEMPURA SOBA (97, 112, 23)

{ Fashion } Cynful

Ooot Ooot (56, 72, 24) Scribble (220, 220, 21)

{ Fashion } This is a Fawn { Fashion } Argrace { Fashion } Heart and Sole

shin zushi (150, 162, 25) Heart and Sole (66, 133, 30)

{ Fashion } Aden

Harold (73, 40, 32)

{ Fashion } Zaara

Zaara (193, 131, 26)

{ Fashion } Emery { Fashion } Muism

Heart Of Glass (220, 162, 24) Muism (61, 112, 23)

{ Fashion } ByKay

Chalk Hearts (199, 176, 23)

{ Fashion } Lelutka

LeLutka (250, 108, 23)

{ Fashion } Coco

COCO DESIGNS (85, 117, 520)

{ Fashion } Laqroki

Laqroki (155, 51, 29)

{ Fashion } Redgrave

REDGRAVE Mens Fashion (96, 116, 21)

{ Fashion } FNKY! { Fashion } MaDesigns

FNKY Cake (125, 70, 23) Kmadd Enterprise (122, 101, 23)

{ Fashion } Poetic Colors

Strata (79, 211, 902)

{ Fashion } Form { Fashion } Akeyo

Varado (148, 161, 31) AKEYO (146, 117, 50)

{ Fashion } Kal Rau

La Fortuna 2 (88, 156, 23)

{ Fashion } AOHARU

AOHARU (112, 124, 23)

{ Fashion } Zero Number

Drowsy (220, 163, 23)

{ Fashion } Cheerno

CheerNo (97, 173, 26)

{ Fashion } Gisaci

Armidi (128, 140, 25) JT World VI (119, 39, 23)

{ Fashion } Hoorenbeek { Fashion } Aitui { Top 5 } Essential Studios

AITUI (127, 127, 40) Essential Soul Studio (134, 153, 36)

{ Top 5 } Diesel Works

Brooklyn (131, 178, 502)

{ Top 5 } Gliteratti

Glitterati (128, 174, 22)

{ Top 5 } Semotion

SEmotion (50, 55, 33)

{ Top 5 } CnS -emotion

Ooot Ooot (194, 123, 27)

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