| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
Editor’s Words By Ananda Valeeva
confess that I loved telling you
that we had to change our way of creating the magazine. Once we set for more flexibility to publish each issue, it feels like renewing the air we breathe. Now we feel the freshness and freedom to create, and yet, we will never low the quality of what we offer.
issue covers a very
actual and fascinating theme; Role
fantasies and dreams. We can dream, choose characters and live
fantasies; since we do not lose the connection with reality. That is what I am talking about.
The “Opinion” column shows AmabileSciavo Olivieri and Kallikrates Stenvaag, who provide us with a fantastic text and their wise analysis of the roles we serve.
The “Interview” shows a couple that realized their fairy tale dream into reality and also share their love and home, Avilion. Serenity Sieyes and Malakh Giles enchant with their passion for fantasy and RPG.
Agnes Finney and her store My Precious got the “Stamp Award” for her beautiful creations.
Dream and imagine yourself as one of the characters of our gorgeous “Fashion Editorial”. The “Zoom in” is amazing and we closed this issue with the most beautiful masks in the “Top 5”.
This issue is full of art, fantasy, sensuality, thoughts and beauty. I hope you experience the same pleasure we had in creating this historic issue, while you read each page! ★ Kisses, Ananda Valeeva CEO / Editor in Chief / Senior Writer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
Cover’s Challenge By Thereaver Barrymore
It was one of the fastest themes that Ananda and I chose. Role playing within Second Life and choosing
interesting and fun, since it does not hurt who commands the other avatars with whom you relate; after all there are real people behind the 'dolls'.
I envisioned a beautiful face mask or masks that would be breaking and falling, but it is so clichĂŠ... Hence, as the main theme is about playing roles,
remembered the culture of this world in Second Life, and then I researched the matter and discovered that Gor is the largest community of RPG inside Second Life, followed by vampires and then other types of RPG.
Gor is a planet dominated by men, where this was given the gift of mastering and women to serve. The base of the main companies in Gor has been Masters Men and Women and their properties, in order to serve them in whatever they need. Some women are chosen to be trained to become Kajiras; they wear a collar and have all the care of their Master; it is a privilege and that gives them value. Source of research on the topic: http://bit.ly/9f5Hax.
This inspired me for a new idea for the cover. A half face, only to emphasize the (sexy) mouth and a very well highlighted collar. The final result was interesting. I hope you like the whole issue; it is FANTASTIC! ★ Kisses, Thereaver Barrymore Art Director / Designer / Photographer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
To be or not to be ‌
fantasies can be bad, some people
That is the question !!!
decided to deeply explore all options,
which can be mostly positive or is fascinating to find a way of
beneficial. The unconscious feelings we
interpreting social interactions either in
can share and express when playing
real and virtual lives. There are a series
characters are simply wonderful and
of "games" in which people interact
they can be played in real or virtual
through a patterned behavior since
society exists. "Human gaming" is a peculiar path of our society and the way we use this can be very positive or a
willing to play it even as a different
complete disaster. It all depends on the
script we decide to follow in life. We
childhood, it had many moments you
can choose any character, which pleases
played characters. You could play
our wishes.
doctor, cops and robbers, fireman,
It is known that our adult patterns of
house, hide-and-seek and with dolls. So
life are originated in childhood and we
continue to re-play childhood behavior on and on. People decide their story, which is not all the time a reflection of here-and-now life. We have ego states and the option of learning new choices to make our lives richer and happier. Rather
People who are used to a game are
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
many cute girls dreamed of being princess and played it in their castle. Dreaming feeds our imagination and creativity and makes life colorful. It is natural to play characters since you wakeup. Just remember that you are a son/daughter, f a t h e r / m o t h e r , husband/wife, uncle/aunt, etc at home,
just to start. Society has expectations
games were just a fiction, we had our
and many “rules”. Then, when you leave
dreams and expressed anything that
home, you need to prepare yourself to
“play another character”. Sometimes, it
daydreaming or during sleeping time.
is not possible even to be natural and
We could fly, travel instantaneity to
spontaneous, as that would not be
another country or to meet a friend. We
accepted per society. So, you wear a
could be a princess, a vampire, a
mask to protect yourself and fit to the
warrior, a fairy or even a striper and
work/school/club, etc.
You will play its role to the social unit
to which you belong primarily to be accepted. And many times, it can be frustrating, because you need to express yourself freely, but some of your wishes are unacceptable or strange. Deep inside, you built another world where you can do everything, you can be anyone and there is no judgment, limits or the concept of right and wrong, widespread especially by some religions.
While computer, Internet and 3D 26
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
make anything… Nobody would condemn us. Of course we still dream a lot, and will always do it, but since Virtual Worlds exist, this experience became a fantastic way to live fantasies and play characters in a much more realistic, interactive and pleasant way.
Second Life is dream come true…. We
can teleport to anywhere… Ohh, I wish I
could do it in real. We can fly or even jump of a skyscraper and fall slowly, enjoying the view and sensation, and just touch the ground… Imagine this in real life! – “I would not be here to write this article.” LOL
Virtual Worlds can be our wonderland
and Second Life is an amazing way to
simulate life. Dreaming and fantasying
immersion? The sensation is very real.
simulate what we can’t do or are shy to
The experience of a Virtual World
express in real life. Simulating and
immersion as the state we change our
playing characters can enrich a lot a
personality and a way of life.
surrounded in an engrossing total 3D
can be a healthy way to relax and
Just remember the Avatar film and
Second of
offers by
environment. You put a complete presence disconnect
within from
sensation the main character felt, as he
space. It is fascinating, but can be very
couldn’t walk anymore, but he did it
dangerous for some people who don’t
when became the Avatar. So many
enjoy much their real lives. A thin line
people can make their lives better this
between the healthy use of virtual
way. They can dream and live anything
environments and the loss of sense of
again, and Second Life can enable
time and space can be very subtle.
residents to act out fantasies, which roleplaying due to physical or social
When Second Life was created the
limitations. Many people find ways to
very clear is that it is a “Life Simulator”
free their minds, since they are in a
and not a game. And after a while he
hospital or can’t leave home. Brain is
decided to come back to SL and it shows
the protagonist and anything is possible
that he believes Second Life has long
inside our mind. So, imagine when you
life and will improve much more. There
they would not be able in RL through
also can watch that and make an
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
first point Philip Linden wanted to make
Second Life. There are so many options
When Second
Life was created the
first point Philip Linden wanted to make very
clear is that it is a “Life Simulator” and not a game.
and the main games are RPG (Role Playing Games), which have different approaches, such as Medieval fantasy roleplay, Vampires, Warriors, elf and fairies
represented by some Bondage groups and the biggest community of Gor. There are taboo subjects and fetishes everybody can “live and explore” in the SL environment, especially in the Gorean RPG.
are some “dreams” he has regarding the
So, the fascinating Virtual World is full
graphic and sensorial experience, which
fantasy and play characters. Some
people explore and create a different
of options for the ones whom love
gender than their RL and there are many
So, you can use the metaverse to
reasons for that. Some just want to feel
simulate fantasies, dreams, a model of
man; some can’t live this in real life and
family, to explore and literally simulate
feel this frustration and there are many
how a new business could be; you can
more reasons.
play many characters and, of course, you also can play games INSIDE the
the “other side” of being a woman or
Juria Yoshikawa, for example, is one
of the most talented artists of SL and He
only to act as Furriers, which are usually
never hide that He is a man in RL, but
very cute and look like stuffed animals.
decided to be a woman in SL, just as an
They are really so nice and a pause to a
pure fantasy.
feminine world. If some men understood should express them freely, many
Another kind of furry is the Kurii.
relationships would be wonderful. There
conquer both worlds, Earth and Gor. In
is no shame in dealing with our opposite
the Gorean language Kurii means
energy and it will never put in doubt our
"beasts”. They are furriers and act their
gender. It is one sillier “rule” that
characters in this planet Gor, as beasts.
that we all have both energies and
society created. By the way, you should behave freely always, either in real or virtual lives.
Maybe you prefer the classic plays of William
dreamed of playing the Macbeth, Romeo Second Life can be a great
and Juliet or Hamlet. This is just an
platform to experience this kind of
example of so many playwrights you can
character. People should not hide or
perform in SL. What about an Opera or
fear their choices. Avatars are not walls
ballet show? There are endless options
where we hide behind to feel safe. If
for you to play characters and be
people used it as an experience and
whoever you dream.
simulation, it would bring amazing improvement to real life.
Some residents created their avatars 30
They are an alien race, which want to
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
Second Life has many people who take
this seriously and are even professional artists in RL, who login to show their
art, but of course, anybody can play
You can be a player character and the
characters there, as the metaverse is
protagonist of the story told in the rpg
perfect to perform any dream.
also. In a Medieval RPG you can be an elegant lady or a charming knight.
It is fantastic the perfection found in
These are the fantasies you can even
some Japanese Sims, for example,
share with children and show the pink
where some residents play Kabuki
world of dreams. However, the fantasies
Theater or fight as handsome ninja
can also follow very intense and sensual
warriors. They wear amazing costumes,
paths, which some people do not feel or
act and dance to enchant the audience.
have the freedom to perform in real
The stage and arena are a door way to
their fantasies. you dreamed of being a
Maybe you always wanted to be a go-
magician or a rock star? You can act
even try some hot and secret hardcore
these characters in your second Life too.
experience. So, Second Life can be a
Just imagine, use your creativity and
perfect “place” to simulate these
you certainly will find the character you
untold fantasies. There are places
want to play. Maybe you want to be a
character of an animated cartoon such
“forbidden” fantasies. Some people like
as the Looney Tunes. Hum… What about
bondage and much more, but don’t feel
being Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety or
comfortable to realize this in real. So,
Taz? Or maybe you can try the
once again, a virtual simulator can be
Simpsons… It just depends on your
safe and an experience you can enjoy
and have fun, and there are roleplaying
go boy or a stripper, belly dancer and
32 |
InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
games inside SL, you can join and decide
Builders, Physicians and Warriors) and
what character you want to act. Maybe
your personality likes to be more
craftsmen, artisans, merchants, slavers,
dominant or you like to obey or fight. It
Metal Workers, Assassins, artists, etc.).
is up to you and one RPG you can
These castes are represented by colors
experience in Second Life is Gor, which
and a dress code.
includes many situations of a Medieval RPG environment, but also the sexual
There are also the free women, slaves
and outlaws who perform different roles
Gor is an alternate world. It is shown
and behavior, under certain laws. Most cities have their own laws, which must
in a series of twenty-eight novels
be respected. It is a very fascinating
written by John Norman, the pseudonym
parallel world that has grown inside
of Dr. John Lange, a professor of
Second Life as one more option for
Philosophy and a classical scholar that
residents that enjoy RPG, but with an
combine philosophy, erotica and science
addition of spicy and hot roleplay.
fiction and found a rich soil in Second Life.
You can choose your character from
subculture and a very different way of
many options of Goream Life and
life, which conquered many residents to
perform as a High caste, a Lower Caste
roleplay and choose their characters
or even as a slave (kajirae-women or
according to their “life scripts� and
fantasies. There is a rigid Gorean Castes
(Panther/Taluna) character. Maybe you
System and a social structure. There are
always dreamed of being served by a
very sensual and pretty woman. So, you
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
can be a Master and have your Kajirae
Second Life, where Goreams speak
(slave). Gor is a “men’s” world and it is
different languages, such as English,
more usual to find Masters than
Mistress, but in SL, many people mixed
Bondage with Goream Life Style and we
“Goream Language”.
also can find some kajirus (Slave men).
Spanish also
and the
wonderful clothes and environment are
So, maybe you can imagine, fantasize
really fascinating, peculiar, very well
to fulfill your untold fantasies; and who
built and difficult to resist.
could say it is not a good way to relax,
The costumes, architecture of cities,
Sometimes, some Sims and decoration remind
Scheherazade’s Tale. Some outfits are made of silk and richly embroidered;
and dream of playing a character or rpg
to have some sexy fun and have a break of the stressed and busy real life sometimes? Why not?
Playing characters can improve your
jewelry is simply amazing and even the
life somehow and bring new horizons
Free women long dresses take the
and joy. Doesn’t matter if your fantasy
breath away. The wild look of the out
is hardcore or something pure like being
laws is very sexy and this whole
a cartoon, fairy, and a furry or even if
mysterious and sensual world is an
you dream of being the prince charming
invitation for many kinds of fantasies.
in a Medieval roleplay.
Men also are very handsome and wonderfully too. Anybody can play this
Dreaming is a very important fuel for
rpg and you will find many Sims in
create new business, to change your
masculine. They are strong and dress
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
life and fantasies can inspire you to
real life, body, relationships and bring an amazing improvement and evolution to your inner dreams and soul. Fantasies are very welcome and make life colorful, give us more courage to follow some paths and next steps. Life is simply
work and relationships.
Fantasies make life better‌ There is no doubt!
However, lately, some people have
an amusement park of dreams and
claimed that many of them play
fantasies, if you use it with balance,
multiple roles and loose themselves.
respect and responsibility. Because
Compulsive behaviors can lead some
everything you do will affect your
people to live excess of fantasies and
environment, which includes, family,
even to almost forget they have a real
life to deal with. Imagine if you stay
away from real life and that too much
many hours a day or for some people,
fantasy is very dangerous. If you are
the whole day in front a computer, TV,
leaving your RL behind and staying too
video game, etc, just living these
much time in your dreaming world, it is
“colored and addictive” fantasies…
time to think and observe more what is
There is this thin subtle line we should
interactions and productive behavior
forget reality.
this article is just a call, a
will be lost and miserable. Many people
meditation on how important and
lost their jobs, families, sense of reality
beneficial is dreaming and fantasizing to
and themselves because they became
have fun, to relax and live our wishes.
addicted to live in their pink fantasy
But, it is also a call to think and use it
world, where they are kings, princess,
with balance.
masters, warriors, magnates, etc, etc, on and NEEDS their attention or who will
You have to look for guidance from
pay for the bills, bring food home and
guide; you have to awaken the idea that
your life and you are unique and deserve
relationships? If something is not good
all the best… in both, real and virtual
in real life, why don’t you solve that
lives. You certainly can perform any
situation instead of dreaming too much
character and play the games of life. If
to run away? Some people prefer the
you are clever and take the best of your
chemical drugs, but some don’t even
fantasies in both ways and worlds and
realize that there are more ways to run
don’t be a slave of some addictions,
etc. They try to forget that real life goes
not good, that you need so much to
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
deep inside; you have to find the inner
If you are clever and take the best of your fantasies in both ways and worlds and don’t be a slave of some addictions,
your life will become so radiant, more
have difficult to listen to this call, but
than you can possibly conceive.
if you pay attention to the message, this
It is almost like light for some people.
Your room is dark; you are this room, so
beam of light and joy will take you exactly where you need to go.
will do, and the whole darkness
disappears. The truth of your own
Living is a gift and the best way to enjoy
deepest being is real. So, have fun, play,
it is flying through thousands of dreams,
run, dance, love, make love, laugh and
fantasies and desires we can bring also
always trust the inner guidance you are
from the virtual to reality. ★
just bring light in. Even a small candle
being given.
It speaks in whispers, and some people
is perfectly natural and very
pleasant to lose yourself sometimes.
OPINION - Roles By AmabileSciavo Olivieri and Kallikrates Stenvaag
e have been impressed by
analyzing and reflecting on the "roles" that some users of the virtual world Second Life are proposed to "stage".
s Second Life offers so much
freedom, restrictions
limitations caused by various commitments and responsibilities of real life do not exist, some more experienced users, suffering from certain deficiencies or lack of references in their daily lives, who used to express reasonably and balanced behavior, "lost" themselves amid the charms of the virtual world through their
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
experiences. They became "avatars"
the human need to live other roles. We
long ago, whether they are connected
see every day in our experience in the
or not. They no longer have clear
virtual world, people who assume roles
benchmarks of what separates the
that will drive until the end of their
virtual universe from their experiences
existence. Yes, until the end, because
outside the grid in the real world. They
death is certain in both lives. If it is an
are lured by the chance to regain lost
organic inevitable occurrence in RL, at
youth, or acting in a daring context, and
disdain toward the conventions and
frustrations directly related to the
rules of conduct that crush them in their
choices and experiences of certain roles
are equally lethal in SL.
and their deviations will bring more
productive experience as builders,
questions than answers. Anyway, the
content creators, owners or managers of
innovators and entrepreneurs of cultural
evidenced. Observe and try to discern in
projects, other will live opposite and
harmful experiences to their "real self".
motivation to decide to live a “bold”
Many experience the role of sex slaves
and unconventional virtual life. Perhaps
oddly proud of having been "collared";
many believe that there is no serious
they are people in search of endless
reason for this rise, or at least not as
designed. Even if they can not identify
consumed in conflicts, frictions and
clearly the reasons to create an avatar,
humiliation in various formats; and
we see, and don’t need many lenses,
molesters, mischief and other aberrant
robably these reflections on behavior
defined the
hile some will live rich and
creatures looking to indulge vices and deficiencies that clearly call for treatment.
egarding the experiences related to sexuality within the metaverse, it is worth
noting that to explore the sensuality of the grid in a "bold" way is obviously a valid possibility, since it does not impose suffering, disrespect or commit any embarrassment to the other person.
e all live roles, and the properly and even therapeutic way of experiencing
them in the simulator, is necessarily linked to cognitive, social, affective and emotional development. Happiness within the virtual world seems to be a state that can be achieved through processes of creation and learning, the greatest potential of the metaverse. The creation act masks the human face and it exposes the holy face. The choice of a role must be motivated by the need to experience something new and bring development. If in real life we can not risk it, then‌ welcome to paradise, where we can’t miss anything. It seems that the path to a worthwhile productive and happy experience in Second Life will be shorter and less rugged to the spontaneous people, who can dare to reveal their true identities within the virtual world. In general, the spontaneity is the key feature of seeking individual to be better. The concept of being spontaneous meets characteristic of flexibility, lightness and ease of modifying itself according to the needs of each moment. Being spontaneous means using personal choices to favor you. A spontaneous person is mature and tends to grow more by the consciousness of itself. There is no prejudice to the spontaneous and their illusions are diminished by the emotional balance; so their level of pain is lower and lasts shorter than to the person in the opposite
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
situation. It is an adult able to discern
virtual or real ★
and work towards its needs. Kallikrates Stenvaag – Joined SL in
June/2007; he offers exchange in the
ay we all reach this state of
metaverse. In RL he is an expert in Intel
greater balance and, aware of whom we
products and x86 platform and serves as
are and what we are looking for, we can
a lecturer and instructor by teaching
make something happier of our life
training throughout Brazil.
experiences, whether that plan is,
AmabileSciavo Olivieri - Joined SL in January/2009; she is a stylist and, along Kallikrates Stenvaag, she is the owner of the brand name "Magnifique" in the metaverse. In RL she is a Psychologist and works in the education area. Both write regularly on the Blog http://multiversovirtual.wordpress.com
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| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
SL STORIES: When are you going to tell her? By Betwixt Epsilon I smiled into her eyes, my body stretched on hers, and reached for the scarves that bound her wrists to the bed. "Maybe I should not release you," I whispered into her ears, and kissed the strands of hair clinging to the sweat on her face. "Maybe I should keep you bound until you confess your love for me." She laughed giddily, "and what if I never fall in love with you?" "Oh you will love me," I said as I undid the scarves and released her from under me, "you will love me more than you have ever loved anyone." She stood and dressed quietly before turning back and sitting next to me on the edge of the bed. "Is this what you told her too? Does she love you more than she ever loved anyone?" I took her hand in mine and looked into her eyes. "Babe, you know that I don't love her. That you are the one for me." She turned her face away avoiding looking at my eyes and my naked body and murmured, "but, when are you going to tell her that?" I reached out and with a hand under her chin gently forced her to look back at me. "She will be hurt love, and I am
trying to break from her as gently as I
will hurt. Hurt for a long long time." She
can. You know this."
rested her head on my shoulder, "and yet this isn't right. Your making an alt to
"Yes, I do know this, and if she feels for
see me. It isn't what the man I would
you half as much as I do, I know that she
love would do."
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
We sat at the edge of the bed, my hands caressing her hair. "I don't know how it is so different from what you are doing. You have a lover too. What about him? You and he have been together for even longer than I with her." She sighed and sat up straight. "It is different. We have an open relationship." I laughed softly, shaking my head. "And yet he does not know about us. You meet me in secret too." "I never loved him. You loved her. That is the difference." She leaned forward to kiss me quickly and got up from the bed. "I know the real person behind this alt and the avie I met first is one and the same, but somehow it feels dirty for you to be using an alt." *********** "Sorry I am so late love. The wireless connection is so flaky", she said laughing apologetically, "and you know there is no one I can complain to since I am stealing it from a neighbor." She sat down next to him on the couch, leaning into him to embrace him, kissing his face. "It is good that you are going through a busy phase at work. I don't feel so guilty about being online so little." He sits quietly while she kisses him. "What is the matter love? You are quiet." "There is something difficult I have to tell you," he said, turning towards her. ★
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
STAMP AWARD Agnes Finney- "My Precious”
She is very creative and interesting and has amazing good taste, which we can see in her Store "My Precious". A whole world of elegance, dream and fantasy is waiting for you and, if you are a dreamer or not, it doesn’t matter, as you certainly will love her creations. Check this interview and know better one more amazing designer of our Second Life. Agnes Finney believes that SL is a dream station for her ideas and creativity and that it’s allowed dreaming and daring a lot there. "People can look as they want and live the way they pursue. It enhances interaction among people and allows a lot of learning experience here. It's a great spiritual complement of RL, honestly." Regarding her skills on design, she said - "I don’t have a design background in rl. (Smiles). Instead, I work in an educational institute in Hong Kong, where I am from." She talks about her unique and elegant fashion - "Many of my designs come out of imagination. I loved watching animations when I was still in school and used to feel amazed by those outfits, which can only be worn in a fantasy world. This is why I have been so addicted to SL, which gives me the chance to make something
imaginative. I do get inspirations from RL designers sometimes. Their senses of beauty and fashion have been great inputs of my works. SL offers a great deal of space for us to work on the graphic creation, which could inspire RL designer with their RL work." Agnes would like her Second Life experience could be better and easier regarding some editing tools - "I wish I could paint and edit directly on the avatars, which could optimize the quality of the designs." Thank you for your attention and creations, dear Agnes.
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| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
2005 to see what it was all about.
Serenity Sieyes and Malakh Giles
Someone I knew was spending a lot of
Avilion Estates
time here and spoke highly of it. What attracted me to SL was the idea that
They live a complete fantasy. This
you can build a world that you wanted.
couple is simply the best example of
You were given the tools and you only
how we can explore fantasy and magic
had to have an imagination.
moments in a virtual world, how to build a dreamland and not think in money;
I first got my free lot, then bought an
how generous they are by offering their
addition on the mainland, and before
home for us to enjoy that. They show
you knew it I had outgrown what I had.
how we can play wonderful characters
I needed more room to build. I moved
and make it balanced between both
to Dreamland and stated to build there.
lives. They live a REAL and beautiful fairytale.
I knew Malakh from WoW where we were Guildmates and we often talked
The gift they offer to the residents for
about what I was doing, and he came to
free is priceless and we all thank
see me. I was glad because he was such
Serenity and Malakh per their Avilion
a nice person. He never left.
Estates. Malakh Giles: In November of 2005 InnerWorld: You both have lived this
Serenity introduced me to Second Life
Second Life for long time. What
as a place where we could both be
attracted you to a virtual world?
Second Life was a place
where we could create our own place to Serenity Sieyes: I came to SL in October
spend time together and has been that
way ever since.
when I say no, they are very rude. That makes me think that the spirit of the old
InnerWorld: What are the differences
SL is long gone.
you find in-world now days that you can’t find anymore?
We’ve lost so many great builds because of this. Great builders, great places for
Serenity Sieyes: When I first came to SL
people to spend time on, to escape. I
there weren’t a whole lot of private
wish that someone would have taken
sims with grand builds, and the builds
the opportunity to save those builds,
archived them at least.
different, and their own ideas. Back
Malakh Giles: There have been so many
then it was more of a “What can I build
changes to Second Life since we first
that someone hasn’t built yet”… I don’t
started that; it’s hard to elaborate upon
feel like that spirit exists in SL anymore.
them all.
However, there are a few
which really stand out. One major
SL has become more of a cutthroat “Oh
difference I have noticed has been in
look, they made something that brings
the way people approach and play
in a lot of people. People = $$$ so lets
within Second Life. People joining and
make the same thing” mentality. It’s
playing in Second Life, when we started,
I get IM’d constantly from people
did so with the majority being builders
who state “Money is no object can you
and creators first and players second.
build me what you have here on my sim”
Many (or I should say most) of the
not realizing that what I built on my
“social areas/structures” that exist in
sims is from my heart, not for sale. Not
Second Life today (such as role play
everyone does this for the money. Then,
areas/systems, dance clubs/ballrooms,
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
scenic SIMs for exploration, etc.) were
than when Serenity and I first started.
just being built and developed. These
There are so many special places filled
social areas/structures were really in
with exciting and wonderful creations
their infancy, and very few existed. As
just waiting to be explored, and there
a result, many people set forth to
are also many, many more people
learning how to create in Second Life in
order to both further develop and build
Unfortunately, simply due to the size of
the social elements we see today
SL, it has become more and more
(Serenity and myself are an example).
difficult to find these special places.
However, this has changed over the
Many of the places we once visited have
years we have been here in Second Life.
also unfortunately closed over the years
or have been changed so drastically that While there are still many people who
they really aren’t the same.
come to Second Life to build and create,
there are many new exciting places,
they are no longer in what I would
they cannot replace those that once
consider to be the majority. Most of the
social structures in Second Life have become well established over the years,
Overall Second Life “feels” much
and, as a result, we see more people
different than it once was. This can be
shifting their focus to being a player
attributed to policies changes from the
first and creator/builder second. It is
Lab, the changing ways people choose
much easier to simply jump into Second
to play in Second Life, and SL´s
Life and find something you want to do,
expansion in size.
or be involved with, today than it was
which is the largest difference I find in-
when Serenity and I joined. The sheer
size of Second Life is dramatically larger
It is this feeling,
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
InnerWorld: Your love is real and not
Love with this man way before we met
something of avatars only. How it feels
face to face, and finally seeing his
to live a real fairytale?
wonderful smile with my own eye… There are no words to describe the
Serenity Sieyes: Malakh and my story is
a real life fairytale. I have been very
We were lucky, we were able to get to
lucky to have found such a wonderful,
know, and fall in love with each other,
loving, caring man. But, to have found
in a different way, before meeting each
him in the fashion that I did? No one
other face to face. How can 2 people
would believe.
get to know, and fall in love with each other without any physical contact?
Malakh and I met in a MMORPG (WoW),
Really fall in love? It’s magic, what else
we were Guildmates, nothing more.
can it be? A Fairytale come true. I think
When I started to log into SL I shared
what makes us different than any other
what I was doing there, and Malakh
couple in SL, we never EXPECTED
seemed interested, and came to visit
anything, we were grateful for what we
me there. From that day until now, we
had. We are always honest with each
have been together ever night either
other, and respect each other. And most
Real Life or Online. Now one may seem
of all, we are together because we both
to think that’s not much of a big deal
want to be.
until you know… this wonderful journey started almost 5 years ago. He came to
Malakh Giles: It is hard to explain in
Visit me in November 2005, the first
words how I feel about Serenity. We’ve
time we met face to face was January
been through so much together, done so
We are physically 1000 miles
many things, and throughout all of that
apart. I know I have been hopeless in
time we have really lived a fairytale
together. But, it is more than that, it
everybody can enjoy dreams and
isn’t just a fairytale, it is real. I believe
wonderful fantasy. How did this idea
it is difficult for people to understand,
of a so beautiful State start?
but my feelings for Serenity are beyond that of what I would call the physical
Serenity Sieyes: Oh my gosh! I just
world. Yes, we have met together in
started building and that’s what it
real life many times over the past
ended up! Actually… how it started is
couple years, but in the first years of
that Malakh and I were always looking
our relationship we were separated by
for a romantic place to dance. All we
hundreds of miles. We were not
could ever find is over crowded clubs,
physically together, had never seen each
and strip clubs, places just trying to
other’s face through our own eyes, yet I
make some money. There were very
believe the love we shared was greater
few classy romantic spots. So we always
than what most people will experience
ended up going home and just dancing
in their life time. How can this be?
around our own little place. I have always been a fan of Medieval
I fell in love with who she was inside,
her soul.
I share a connection with
thought to what I wanted to build. As
Serenity on a level that can’t be
our store started to become more
described in just words. The love I feel
popular, we were able to afford to
for her exists in all worlds, physical and
support a sim, so we moved. And on this
everything else.
I had wanted to make this Medieval
There was never a second
“Cinderella” ballroom for Mal and I to
InnerWorld: You have your magic
dance in and a romantic garden where
home of Avilion, which is a medieval
we can walk and spend time together in.
It was supposed to be our home. It took
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
me 3+ months to build this place, and
Where do we get our Ideas? Honestly I
when I got it done with the first version,
don’t know. When we decide to build
we invited some friends to come dance
something we just start, and it just
in it.One thing led to another and we
comes to us.
ended up opening up Avilion Grove to
shapes, with some Ideas… then, before
the public.
Avilion Grove is really
you know it we have half the sim done.
Malakh and My home. I think people
Sometimes it takes us 3 days to build a
who visit it forget, or don’t realize.
sim, sometimes it takes us 24 hours.
While building Avilion Grove, someone
Malakh Giles: It’s all Serenity’s fault
we knew needed to sell their sim, so we
<laughs>! In seriousness, it began as a
bought it and decided to build a RP
place where Serenity and I could create
area. We had some Elf Clan friends who
our perfect place to spend time
had told us they needed a place to go.
together. It did not begin as a role play
It took us almost 3.5 years, but we
SIM but, rather as Serenity and my
finally have the build that we originally
We start playing with
wanted on that sim, Avilion Heart, The Tree of Life (to match the Avilion Logo).
For the first six or so months we were together in Second Life, we had a
Avilion Nexus is Malakh’s Masterpiece.
modest home on a rental SIM. It was a
We needed a way to make a battle sim
place filled with magic and fantasy,
that was not only beautiful, but allowed
nearly entirely created by Serenity, as a
our community to fight (as a sport) with
dream where we could both spend time
low lag. Avilion Nexus is one of the most
together. This place was the original
beautiful Fantasy modeled sims in SL, in
Avilion Grove.
my honest Opinion.
majority of our time there, we also
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
While we spent the
explored many places in Second Life.
doing so in Second Life certainly was.
More specifically, to find a place where
Our favorite role play genre was
we could dance and have a romantic
medieval fantasy. Due to the creativity
evening together.
freedom in Second Life, we were quite excited to see what we could find.
Each night we would go exploring, trying
There were very little medieval/fantasy
to find a special place to spend
places or communities within Second
together. While we did find a handful of
Life at the time, so we decided to try
places to go, none of them were really
our hand at role playing within Gor. We
what we were looking for, and we
did this for a number of months, but
usually would end back at home and
what we really wanted was to find a
spend our evening together there. It
seemed that almost everywhere we
community where we could role play.
went the places would be dance clubs,
So, we decided to leave Gor and join
and typically we would only show up to
the most popular medieval fantasy
medieval/fantasy or formal occasions.
community at the time; Elf Clan. We
We couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find a place where we could
were members of Elf Clan for almost
go anytime we liked.
half a year, but again, it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exactly
what we were looking for. We also decided to try out role playing. Both Serenity and myself had previously
So once again we found ourselves back
come from playing other role playing
home. Our home was a nice size, but we
games (such as World of WarCraft) as
were very limited to what we could do.
well as traditional table-top games like
Since we spent the majority of our time
Dungeons & Dragons. Role playing was
there, we wanted to continue making it
not something new to both of us, but
a special place for the both of us. But,
the simple capacity of our lot prevented us from doing much more. During the summer of 2006 our business, Avilion Mist, was also becoming quite popular, and we found ourselves in need of expanding it as well. So, we decided to see if we could find a SIM for sale. Not many people had full private estates, but we were able to find one and decided to buy it. We could now further expand our dream, and had much more freedom to do so. The Avilion Grove was reborn upon this sim, and the ballroom was created and the areas surrounding it. It was our home, our place to spend our romantic nights together. Also, we decided to dedicate the surrounding areas to being a role play area. However, not long before we were going to open the SIM to the public, a friend of ours offered to sell us another SIM. We decided to take it and built the role play community on it, and leave the original SIM for the ballroom and a romantic place people could visit. But, in the end, we wanted to create a place where we could dance, have wonderful romantic nights, and call home. That is what Avilion is and how it came to be. InnerWorld: As Avilion is so big and offers amazing options of fantasy, romance, a Castle Grand Ballroom, where couples enjoy lovely music, etc... How do you manage such amazing Estate and dream? Serenity Sieyes: We have amazing people… Friends… helping us. If you come to Avilion you will see AV’s with “Ancients of the Mist” over their heads. They are our Friends, our Administrators. Without them Malakh and I would have given up long
| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
ago. We have over 30 Administrator that are from all over the globe. They are the wonderful giving people. Next would be the Community… those of the Avilion Order. They are the ones that have found their home in Avilion and with that the pride of being a community member. Malakh Giles: Avilion wouldn’t be the place it is today without the people who call it home. We have a wonderful community called the Avilion Order, filled with people from around the world, who have joined and have made Avilion into such an incredible place. We also have an outstanding administration team, which handles every aspect of both the role play community as well as the Avilion Grove ballroom. Everyone works together in harmony because we all call each other family. InnerWorld: Your Magical World and Medieval Fantasy is an invitation to dream. I’ve met fairies, elf, knights, ladies, magicians and much more there. What is the secret to maintain your success and the people enjoying Avilion for so long time? Serenity Sieyes: Malakh and I only built the set, the people are the players in this world. The secret of Avilion is the people; people who truly understand the heart of Avilion. Avilion is not about titles, or power, or food chains to climb… Avilion has no self proclaimed royalty. Avilion is about friendship, family, belonging to something. It’s about escaping the stresses and drama of Real life for a short time of your day, and play. It’s about finding your “sister”, your “brother” living in another part of the real world. It’s about learning that, though we’re all different, we’re all the same. Avilion … is summed up in my mind by the John Lennon song “Imagine”: Imagine no possessions / I wonder if you can / No need for greed or hunger / A
brotherhood of man / Imagine all the
the activities and events being run in
people / Sharing all the world ... / You
Avilion are done so by people in the
may say I'm a dreamer / But I'm not the
community. They enjoy this place so
only one / I hope someday you'll join us
much, that they have decided to use
/ And the world will live as one.
some of their free time to run these events. I cannot stress more the success
Avilion is just that, a world for
of Avilion is due to the work, dedication,
and love of those within the Avilion community.
Malakh Giles: The secret is in the people here in Avilion. Everyone who
InnerWorld: What do you think about
visits here (whether they role play or
playing characters? Tell us how good it
not) adds something to it, and it is the
can be to perform like in a Theater?
souls and dreams of those here which give Avilion life. Avilion is successful not
Serenity Sieyes: I think we learn to play
because of one person, nor the work of
characters when we are very young.
Serenity or myself, it is successful
How well we do and how long we do it
because of the people here. One thing
we (as a community) have taught people
encouragement. You have to make your
is that how much enjoyment and fun
character you, it has to feel comfortable
they get from Avilion depends on them.
and natural. And the best way to do
What a person decides to put into the
that is to write a story about your
community will directly relate to their
character, make the character real for
enjoyment. As a result we have many
people running events and being very
character. Where did your character
active in the community. In fact, all of
come from, what did you character go
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InnerWorld Magazine â&#x20AC;˘ Issue 17
through in his/her life. What obstacles
Role playing allows people to fully take
did your character have to go through to
advantage of their imagination. While a
get where they are now. The more you
can tell about your character, the more
character is like performing on a stage,
you can put into your character as for
it is much different. When you are role
Role Play.
playing, there is no set stage. The stage
is everywhere around you. There is no Malakh
set script for you to follow, as there are
important aspects of role play is the
so many different possible things you
development of your “character” or
can do. How you “act” or play your
persona. I have been role playing for
character is up to you and your
many, many years and in many different
places and mediums (such as games other than Second Life). I have always
Some people take years to finally
enjoyed creating back stories for
develop a character they wish to role
characters and then playing them out. I
play, others spend mere moments and
find the most exciting part about role
develop their character as they go.
playing is what happens to your
developing and/or creating a character
character will meet others, and you will
you wish to role play. However, the two
experience many things. What happens
main “rules” to follow are making sure
to your character over time is up to you
your character fits the place you are
and the journeys you make with them.
role playing and to have fun doing so.
The evolution of your character is the most exciting and memorable part of
InnerWorld: Do you feel some people
the role playing experience.
loose themselves in the path between
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InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
reality and dream? Does the reality of
InnerWorld: Resume in one sentence
some make them flee to the fantasy
your second life.
and RP? Serenity Serenity Sieyes: I have met many
people who loose themselves in their Role Play, but those people needed it to
Malakh Giles: A place where I have
escape unhappiness in their real life. If
learned that dreams can come true.
this makes them happy is it a bad thing? Is it any different than loosing oneself in
Thank you so much for your
a book, or a movie?
lovely interview and Avilion. ★
Malakh Giles: Throughout the years I’ve met many people who have had hardships in their real life. Some have even told me that Second Life is their “escape” from reality. However, I do not believe this to be a bad thing. We all need the ability to relax and allow our imagination to run free. Also, I do not believe any of them have “lost” themselves here, but rather are here by choice
difference between fantasy (Second Life) and reality.
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| InnerWorld Magazine â&#x20AC;˘ Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine â&#x20AC;˘ Issue 17
| InnerWorld Magazine â&#x20AC;˘ Issue 17
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| InnerWorld Magazine • Issue 17
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