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Welcome Bon Bini
Working together to provide you with the best travel experience As I mentioned in an earlier edition of INsights, the commercial aviation industry is only 100 years old and it’s still maturing. Despite its relative youth, much has changed in the past 100 years, especially in recent times.
As an airline transporting about 1.4 million passengers per year, our ambition is to provide you with the best travel experience possible. This is only possible through strong and smart collaborations and partnerships with other organizations that are involved throughout your journey and by always putting you, our customers, first.
Over the years various initiatives and developments in the industry have positively influenced the way you travel, improving your journey by: - High resolution pictures and videos give a realistic and beautiful impression of the destination which will make your choice to book a lot easier. - Implementing technology which makes it easier for you to search for the fastest route, book the best fare and accommodate any travel preference from basically any device.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
- Significantly decreasing fares as the result of new business models, improved efficiency and increased competition. - Giving you the ability to customize your trip with options such as priority boarding, special meals, limousine pick-up and much more. - Offering you preclearance that makes traveling to the US from foreign countries much smoother. - Introducing Global Entry (USA) that allows pre-approved, low-risk travelers expedited clearance upon arrival in the United States. - Providing Google Now integration via your own personal page to display your travel itinerary, meetings that day and much more in one place, so you are always up-to-date. I have great faith that your travel planning and travel experience will significantly change for the better in the next decade.
InselAir; an ambitious airline
In the Pan American Region there is still much room for improvement, but we see more and more organizations working together. For instance, Aruba Airport recently implemented ‘Happy Flow’ which uses smart technology such as facial recognition to simplify check-in and boarding procedures for our InselAir customers. We are also investing in new technologies to improve customer communications and service. Furthermore, we are establishing new partnerships with other airlines to connect the Pan American region with the world. InselAir is a leading airline in the Pan American region and we believe it is our responsibility to get people and organizations working together in order to make your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Enjoy your journey!
Contents Contenido
Quenca Cathedral Ecuador. Photography by Leeuwtje
Jan - Mar 2016
FOR INSELAIR PUBLISHED BY One Media Group Inc. PUBLISHER Margery Quast CONTRIBUTORS Anne Lebeau, Anouska Blanca, Evelia Hart, Charlysen Jansen, Fiona van Kampen, Hal Peat, Neal McNamara TRANSLATORS Karel Thijs, Hayson Nicholls ART AND PRODUCTION Simone Boots PHOTOGRAPHY Fiona van Kampen, Hal Peat, Nestor Zavarce ADVERTISING & SALES Britt Schilleman (Curaçao) NN Productions (Suriname)
EDITORIAL OFFICE Groot Davelaar 145-147 Phone (+599 9) 737 8088 INSELAIR HEAD OFFICE Dokweg 19, Maduro Plaza Phone (+599 9) 737 0444
Inside Insights Welcome
PRODUCTION BY ONE MEDIA GROUP INSIGHTS is published 4 times a year for InselAir passengers.
INSIGHTS does utmost to respect intellectual property rights. For some images, we have perhaps been unable to obtain the identity of the intellectual rights property owner. If you believe that your work has been used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please contact the publisher. The opinions expressed in the editorial content of INSIGHTS do not necessarily reflect the views of InselAir. Insights has not authenticated all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this magazine. We cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Working together to provide you with the best travel experience
In the Spotlight
12 25 32 44 52
Discover South America’s jewel Ecuador Inside Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone Coconut district Coronie St. Maarten Heineken Regatta Experience the wilder side
46 56
Melissa Bharwani Peggy Tjin
If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur. At One Media Group we offer design, print and multi-channel marketing all in one place. Our customer focus ensures that you will get the most relevant and cost-effective print and data solutions on time, every time. We have a highly talented team using the latest in digital print, data processing and image personalization technologies giving you personalized and tailor-made multi-channel marketing solutions that you may not have thought were possible. It’s also important to us that it looks great too, that’s why our design team will work hard to understand your brand and your market to make sure you stand out. Want to find out how we can help your business grow? Simply contact us to make an appointment.
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Contents Contenido
76 40
Inside Insights Lifestyle
41 42 48
For him Gadgets
34 68 70
Book review Fun Flight for Kids Fun Flight
22 36 40 50 66
Celebrating 5 years Curaรงao International Film Festival Rotterdam Meet me on the BLVD Aruba Fairy Tales
Destination Fact Files
60 61 62 64
Elements Surrender and just wait for it Move into the digital age with e-HRM
Destination Fact Files Aruba Destination Fact Files Bonaire Destination Fact Files Curaรงao Destination Fact Files Suriname
Last Insight
Unlimited vacation time: dream or nightmare?
General Information
72 InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
InselAir services
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In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Discover South America’s jewel
The colourful Santa Ana hill.
¿Te cuesta decidir si en tu próximo viaje quieres ir a bucear, caminar, comprar en tiendas de lujo o relajarte en medio de la naturaleza? ¡Hazlo todo en Ecuador! La capital de esta joya suramericana, San Francisco de Quito (o simplemente Quito), ofrece todo lo que puedas esperar de una visita a la ciudad: tiendas, una arquitectura deslumbrante, una rica historia, arte contemporáneo y tradicional y excelentes restaurantes. Quito es también un lugar central que te permite viajar con facilidad a las cuatro regiones distintas de Ecuador. A tan sólo 10 minutos fuera de la ciudad, ya tendrás la sensación de estar en otro planeta. Si buscas aire fresco y un lugar para relajarte, los picos nevados de los Andes ofrecen senderos espectaculares donde puedes montar a caballo y observar el vuelo del cóndor. O adéntrate en el Amazonas para disfrutar la magia de la selva y divertirte en el río. Para playas y exquisitas comidas, lo mejor es tomar tus vacaciones en la región costera. Y los aficionados a la naturaleza deberían tomar un avión a las Islas Galápagos, con su flora y fauna únicas.
La capital de Ecuador tiene el encanto de las grandes ciudades y, sin embargo, no se parece a ninguna otra ciudad grande del mundo. El Distrito Histórico de Quito fue uno de los primeros
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
lugares en ser declarado por la UNESCO como Sitio del Patrimonio Mundial, y es el centro urbano histórico mejor conservado y menos alterado de América Latina. Según la UNESCO, Quito fue construida por los españoles en el siglo XVI sobre las ruinas de los Incas, lo que quiere decir que hay muchas joyas arquitectónicas que admirar. La ciudad cuenta con más de 200 iglesias, y en los monasterios de San Francisco y Santo Domingo y la Iglesia y el Colegio Jesuita se puede encontrar una fusión de arte español, italiano, mudéjar, flamenco e indígena. La influencia de dos de los imperios más dominantes del mundo se puede observar no sólo en su arquitectura sino también en sus tradiciones, la diversidad étnica de su población, las lenguas que se hablan y en toda la ciudad. Sus modernos centros comerciales compiten con las tiendas de diseño contemporáneas. Si lo tuyo es el
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Can’t decide if you want to go diving, hiking, luxury shopping or relax in nature on your next trip? Do it all in Ecuador! The capital of this South American jewel, San Francisco de Quito (or just Quito), offers everything you’d want in a city trip: shopping, stunning architecture, rich history, contemporary and traditional art and fine dining.
Quito is also a convenient hub to the four distinct regions of Ecuador. Venture just 10 minutes out of the city and you’ll feel like you’re on another planet. If you’re looking for fresh air and relaxation, the snowy mountain caps in the Andes offer breathtaking horseback riding trails and soaring condors. Or head out to the Amazon for lots of greenery, fun on the river and magic. Beach vacations and foodie outings are best taken in the coastal region, while nature buffs should fly to the Galapagos Islands for its unique flora and fauna.
The capital of Ecuador has some major big city appeal, yet it is unlike any other big city in the world. Quito’s Historic District is among the first sites to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is the best preserved and least altered historic city center in Latin America. According to UNESCO, Quito was built in the 16th century on Inca ruins by the Spanish, which means there are plenty of
architectural gems to admire. The city boasts more than 200 churches and a fusion of Spanish, Italian, Moorish, Flemish and Indigenous art can be found in the monasteries of San Francisco and Santo Domingo and in the Church and Jesuit College of La Compañía. The influence of two of the world’s most dominant empires can be seen not only in Quito’s architecture, but also in its traditions,
Basilica de la Merced in Guayaquil city.
arte, no puedes dejar de visitar La Ronda, calle donde podrás admirar las obras de numerosos artistas, como el popular artista contemporáneo Oswaldo Guayasamín, y hasta podrás ver a algunos de ellos en acción. Para las personas que aguantan, cada año en diciembre se celebra un festival de toros. La cocina quiteña es una mezcla de comidas precolombinas y coloniales con fuertes influencias andinas e ibéricas. Si te gusta el ceviche, ¡Quito es tu ciudad! A una altitud de 2.850 metros y situada cerca de un volcán activo en la región andina, Quito brinda unos panoramas increíbles que se extienden por muchos kilómetros. La ciudad cuenta asimismo con numerosos parques, incluido un parque de eucaliptos, que complacerán a todos los amantes de la naturaleza. Sin embargo, el mejor lugar para tomarte un selfie es, probablemente, la línea ecuatorial. Tal vez deberías ir pensando en un hashtag ingenioso que logre describir la sensación de tener al mismo tiempo un pie en el Hemisferio Norte y el otro en el Hemisferio Sur. A lo mejor es esta mezcla tentadora entre vida urbana, atracciones y selva la que hace que personas del mundo entero se enamoren de esta ciudad. Rebecca Braak, originaria de los Países Bajos y gran aficionada a los caballos, no es ninguna excepción. Visitó la zona hace pocos años como voluntaria en una finca de caballos, se enamoró del país y de su gente (y de una persona en particular) y se mudó a Quito en el 2014. En la
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira the ethnically diverse population and the languages spoken throughout the city. Modern shopping malls are rivaled by contemporary design shops. If art is your thing, a visit to La Ronda street is a must. There you can admire the work of many artists, including the popular contemporary artist Oswaldo Guayasamín and even see some of them in action. For those who can stomach it, there’s a bull fighting festival held yearly in December. Quiteño cuisine is a mix of pre-Colombian and colonial with strong Andean and Iberian influences; ceviche lovers rejoice! At an altitude of 2,850 meters and located near an active volcano in the Andes region, Quito offers incredible views that go on for miles. There are also many parks in the city, including a eucalyptus park, to please any
nature lover. However, the best place to take a selfie is probably on the equatorial line. You might need to start thinking of a clever hashtag that can describe the sensation of having simultaneously one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in the Southern Hemisphere. It is perhaps this enticing mix of big city life, attractions and greenery that makes people from all over the world fall in love with the city of Quito. Rebecca Braak, originally from the Netherlands and a big fan of horses, is no exception. Rebecca visited the area a few years back as a volunteer on a horse ranch, fell in love with the country and its people (one local in particular) and moved to Quito in 2014. She currently runs Rebecca Adventure Travel ( Packed beach in Montatita.
offering tailor-made adventures in Ecuador. “The South American way of living really appealed to me. It’s all about family,” she says.
Four distinct regions
Ecuador is a tour operator’s dream. The country is relatively small, but has four distinct regions - the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, the coast and the Galápagos Islands- with Quito in the middle of it all. “There are so many places to visit and they all offer a different experience,” Rebecca says. “Even if you just have a few days for a city trip to Quito, you can discover many sides of Ecuador. Venture a mere ten minutes out of the city and you’ll feel like you’re in the remotest of places,” she says. Just outside of Quito at an elevation of 1,400 meters above sea level you’ll encounter rainforest creatures such as toucans and hummingbirds. Climb a few thousand meters and you’ll feel like you just landed on the moon.
actualidad es gerente de Rebecca Adventure Travel (, agencia que ofrece aventuras personalizadas en Ecuador. “Me encantó la forma de vivir de los suramericanos. En el centro está la familia,” dice.
Cuatro regiones distintas
Ecuador es un sueño para los operadores turísticos. Aunque el país es relativamente pequeño, cuenta con cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas – las montañas de los Andes, la selva amazónica, la costa y las Islas Galápagos – con Quito en el puro centro. “Hay tantos lugares que visitar, y todos ofrecen una experiencia distinta,” dice Rebecca. “Aunque sólo tengas pocos días para una visita a Quito, podrás descubrir muchos aspectos de Ecuador. A tan sólo diez minutos fuera de la ciudad ya tendrás la sensación de estar en el lugar más alejado del mundo.” Nada más saliendo de Quito, a una altura de 1.400 metros sobre el nivel del mar, encontrarás animales de la selva tropical, como tucanes y colibríes. Sube unos cuantos miles de metros y tendrás la sensación de que acabas de aterrizar en la luna.
Las Islas Galápagos
Si las Islas Galápagos aún no están en tu lista de lugares por conocer antes de morir, deberías agregarlas. Estas islas se formaron por la prolongada actividad sísmica y volcánica. Ésta y
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Amazing view of the majestic Cotopaxi volcano.
“It’s perhaps this enticing mix between big city life, attractions and greenery that makes people from all all over the world fall in love with the city” su extremo aislamiento dieron lugar a una flora y fauna únicas. Cada una de las islas cuenta con sus propias especies endémicas. En San Cristóbal viven leones marinos, en Isabela puedes admirar pingüinos, y en las otras islas se encuentra la única iguana marina del mundo, junto con tortugas gigantes y otros animales y plantas poco comunes. Hecho divertido: son estos animales únicos los que inspiraron la teoría de Charles Darwin sobre la evolución por selección natural. Si te llama más la atención la vida submarina, te alegrará saber que las Islas Galápagos brindan oportunidades únicas para bucear debido a su ubicación. Gracias a que las islas se encuentran en un lugar donde confluyen tres corrientes oceánicas, según la página web de la UNESCO constituyen un crisol de especies marinas. Pingüinos, tiburones y diferentes especies de coral que sólo se dan en esta región forman parte del espectáculo de vida silvestre submarina.
Este museo vivo, único en su especie y escaparate de la evolución, también ha llamado la atención de la UNESCO. La zona fue designada sitio protegido, lo cual es una buena noticia, porque la evolución continúa hasta hoy mientras que ha aumentado el turismo. Si te dan miedo las situaciones tipo Disney World, deja de preocuparte. En las islas no se permiten más turistas que los que quepan en las avionetas que van y vienen entre el Ecuador continental y las islas.
La costa
Si lo tuyo no es montarte en una avioneta y cruzar el océano para salir en busca de animales curiosos, siempre tienes la alternativa de ir a la costa ecuatoriana. La zona costera cuenta con un sinfín de hermosas playas y encantadores pueblos pesqueros. “Puedes bañarte, bucear y probar los mariscos más frescos de Ecuador. Mi plato favorito, sin duda, es el ceviche,” dice Rebecca.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
The Galápagos Islands
If the Galápagos Islands are not on your bucket list, you might want to add them. The Galápagos were formed by ongoing seismic and volcanic activity. That and the extreme isolation led to the development of unique flora and fauna. Each of the islands has its own endemic species. San Cristobal is home to sea lions, while on Isabela you can admire penguins, while the other islands are home to the only marine iguana in the world, giant tortoises and other unusual plants and animals. Fun fact: it’s these unique animals that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. If you’re more of an underwater life enthusiast, you’ll be happy to know that the Galápagos offer unique diving opportunities due to their location. Located at the confluence of three ocean currents, the islands are a melting pot
of marine species according to the UNESCO website. This underwater wildlife spectacle features penguins, sharks and coral species unique to the area. This unique living museum and showcase of evolution has also captured UNESCO’s attention and the area is a protected site. Which is a good thing, because the evolution continues today, even while tourism has increased. If you fear Disney World type of situations, you don’t have to worry. Only as many tourists as fit in the small airplanes flying to and from the islands are allowed to roam about.
The Coast
If hopping on a small plane and crossing an ocean to wander around odd looking animals isn’t your thing, you can always Pinnacle rock landscape.
head out to the Ecuadorian coast instead. The coastal region is dotted with beautiful beaches and charming fishing towns. “You can swim, dive and taste the freshest seafood in Ecuador. Ceviche is definitely my favorite,” says Rebecca.
The Andes
According to Rebecca, a horse aficionado, the best way to explore the Andean region is on horseback. “The only way to access certain areas is by foot, by bike or on horseback. I’m a lazy person, so the choice is easy for me,” she says jokingly. But that’s not the only reason to learn how to ride a horse. “Horses are indigenous to the region. If you want to really connect with nature and be part of your surroundings, traveling by horse is your best option. The height also allows you to enjoy the views and your surroundings from a vantage point,” says Rebecca. Due to the elevation Rebecca recommends listening intently to your body. “Drink lots of water on your
Los Andes
Según Rebecca, la mejor forma de explorar la zona andina es a caballo. “Hay ciertas áreas donde sólo se puede entrar a pie, en bicicleta o a caballo. Como soy tan perezosa, no me cuesta escoger,” dice en broma. Pero ésa no es la única razón para aprender a cabalgar. “Los caballos son autóctonos de la zona. Si de verdad quieres conectarte con la naturaleza y ser parte del entorno, tu mejor opción es desplazarte a caballo. La altura también te permite disfrutar de las vistas y del ambiente desde una posición privilegiada,” dice Rebecca. Debido a la altitud, Rebecca recomienda observar atentamente las señales del cuerpo. “Cuando vengas, toma mucha agua. Si necesitas un descanso, acuéstate tranquilamente. ¿Te provoca comer papas fritas y tomar Coca Cola en la mañana? Hazlo. Asegúrate también de llevar siempre algo de comer y de beber. El Paracetamol también es maravilloso.” Las excursiones a caballo que ofrece Rebecca Adventure Travel son para todas las edades. “Eso es lo bueno de andar a caballo. Disfrutas, dominas tu respiración, y el caballo hace todo el trabajo.”
El Amazonas
Si te atrae la idea de hospedarte en cabañas tradicionales en la jungla, apúntate para una aventura en el Amazonas durante tu visita a Ecuador. Según Rebecca, las frescas horas matutinas son el mejor momento para ver la selva, y tu mejor opción para conocerla es en canoa. Aprende acerca de los usos medicinales de plantas y descubre
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira flight over. If you need a rest, go ahead and lie down. Craving chips and cola in the morning? Do it. Also make sure you always take something to eat and drink with you. Paracetamol works like a charm too,” says Rebecca to relieve altitude sickness. The horseback riding tours Rebecca Adventure Travel offer are for all ages. “That’s the great thing about traveling on horseback. You get to enjoy, control your breathing, while the horse does all the work,” she says.
The Amazon
If lodging in traditional jungle cabins sounds appealing to you, book an Amazon adventure while visiting Ecuador. According to Rebecca, the brisk morning hours are the best time to see the rainforest and the canoe is your best bet. Learn about the medicinal uses of plants and discover all the different species that live in the rainforest. On your exploration you are sure to encounter monkeys, dolphins, parrots, snakes and frogs. If you’re not scared of the dark
you can also venture out at night in search of nocturnal animals. Diehards can also try fishing for piranhas.
Tips from a pro
Through Rebecca Adventure Travels, Rebecca has had the opportunity to explore all the unique sites in Ecuador. “There are so many things to discover in Ecuador. If money and time are no object, I would recommend my 21-day luxury tour, where we visit all my favorite places.” It starts off in Quito, where you’ll visit the old town, walk along the equator line, hike up a volcano and soak in the art scene. Next you’ll head off to the smaller cities Otavalo and Cotacachi where you’ll be able to interact with the indigenous people and buy traditional arts and crafts. The tour includes horseback riding, a visit to Inca ruins, a trip to the Galápagos Islands, a luxurious cruise and some beach time. If you are pressed for time, however, Rebecca recommends starting off in Quito
and choosing either the Galápagos Islands, the coastal region or the rainforest to make your trip complete. “Quito is close to everything, so even if you have just a few days or a week, you can still see a lot of what Ecuador has to offer,” she says. Rebecca recommends heading to your local physician first and checking what type of vaccines are advised. When in the big city, she does warn tourists to mind their belongings. “Quito, for example, is like any other major city. Don’t venture out alone at night or wave around your valuables. Transportation by taxi is the safest, but make sure you hop on registered cabs. They are all equipped with reliable meters, cameras and a panic button just in case,” Rebecca says. Planning your next trip to Ecuador? Visit for inspiration. For more information on Quito, visit
Rebecca Braak
las diferentes especies que viven en la selva. Durante tu exploración, es seguro que verás monos, delfines, loros, serpientes y ranas. Si no te da miedo la oscuridad, también puedes salir de noche en busca de animales nocturnos. Los fanáticos de verdad también pueden tratar de pescar pirañas.
Consejos de una profesional
A través de Rebecca Adventure Travel, Rebecca ha tenido la oportunidad de explorar todos los sitios únicos de Ecuador. “Hay tantas cosas que descubrir en Ecuador. Si cuentas con el dinero y el tiempo, recomendaría mi tour de lujo de 21 días, durante el cual visitamos todos mis lugares favoritos.” El tour comienza en Quito, donde visitarás el centro antiguo, caminarás sobre la línea del ecuador, subirás un volcán y te sumergirás en el mundo del arte. Luego saldrás a las ciudades más pequeñas de Otavalo y Cotacachi, donde podrás interactuar con los indígenas y comprar artesanías tradicionales. El tour incluye un paseo a caballo, una visita a las ruinas incas, un viaje a las Islas Galápagos, un lujoso crucero y un poco de tiempo libre en la playa. Si, en cambio, no dispones de mucho tiempo, Rebecca recomienda que comiences en Quito y luego escojas entre las Islas Galápagos, la zona costera o la selva tropical para completar tu viaje. “Quito queda cerca de todo, así que con sólo algunos días o una semana a tu disposición, te permite ver gran parte de lo que ofrece Ecuador,” dice.
Rebecca recomienda que visites al médico de tu localidad para averiguar qué tipo de vacunas se necesitan. En la gran ciudad, sí advierte a los turistas que cuiden sus pertenencias. “Quito, por ejemplo, es como cualquier otra gran ciudad. No salgas solo por la noche ni enseñes tus cosas de valor. El transporte más seguro es el taxi, pero debes cerciorarte de hacer uso de los taxis oficiales. Todos cuentan con taxímetros confiables, cámaras, y un botón de pánico por si acaso,” dice Rebecca. ¿Piensas viajar a Ecuador? Inspírate en Para más información sobre Quito, visita
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Advertorial Publirreportaje
Committed to talent
Celebrating 5 years Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam
The festival is committed to encouraging and supporting talent. The Yellow Robin Award competition for feature films offers Caribbean and Latin American emerging filmmakers a stepping stone to reach the European market: the winning film goes on to be presented at IFFR, one of Europe’s largest film festivals. Previous winners include filmmakers from Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, and Puerto Rico. For the first time, the Short Movies Big Stories short film competition is now open to filmmakers from all islands of the former Dutch Antilles, Suriname, as well as Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Trinidad & Tobago to showcase their talent. Both amateur and professional photographers from all islands of the former Dutch Antilles and Suriname are invited to focus on the beauty of the Caribbean in the annual photography competition Capture Caribbean. Visit the Competition section on for details.
More than film
Come join us in celebrating the 5th edition of Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam from 6 April through 10 April 2016.
In 2016, Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam will celebrate its 5th edition. From its first three-day edition in 2012, the public has wholeheartedly embraced the festival and allowed it to grow into a full five-days filled with over 50 short films, feature films, and documentaries from around the globe that can only been seen during the festival. InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Most festival activities are offered free of charge, from live concerts to community film nights (Pelíkula den Bario) and specially selected film presentations for elementary and high school students. In addition, there are workshops for professionals and for youth, talks with attending film professionals (previous guests include Jan de Bont (Turkish Delight, Speed), Sacha Gervasi (Hitchcock), and Pablo Croce (Salsa Giants)), and much more. The public is especially invited to attend the very first open air film night on Brionplein, our treat for the 5th edition celebrations. The festival takes place in and around The Cinemas at Renaissance Mall, conveniently located near the terraces and restaurants of Riffort Village, the perfect meeting place to hook up with fellow cinema-goers, the festival crew, and attending filmmakers.
Available in every supermarket in Suriname
Advertorial Publirreportaje
Since its official opening in November 2013 the Mambo Beach Boulevard (BLVD) has become one of the most popular destinations on Curaçao for both tourists and locals. We had the opportunity to speak with Thomas Roggendorf, the managing director of the BLVD, about this project.
blvd BLVD; A central meeting spot
Mr. Roggendorf: ‘Especially for the first time visitors to the island; welcome to Curaçao! You will experience the island as being different than all other Caribbean Islands. Reach out to the local inhabitants and they will greet you with a smile and a very warm ‘BON BINI’ (welcome). While enjoying the island do not forget to visit the BLVD!’
Shopping, dining, entertainment
Great diversity in shops, salons, tourist services and more
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
He describes the BLVD as a unique place on Curaçao. ‘You can effortlessly combine going to the 170 meter wide beach with great shopping, dining and entertainment possibilities. The BLVD is situated on the largest beach on Curaçao and hosts more than 50 stores, restaurants, bars and activities making it a central meeting spot and “anytime” destination. A truly unique place on Curaçao and a must-see experience.’
A place for everybody
With this great variety of things to do, it is a place for everyone. Mr. Roggendorf agrees: ‘it might sound cliché but the BLVD really is for everybody. It has one of the best beaches on Curaçao and, with 2 playgrounds, it is kids friendly and wheelchair accessible. The BLVD is visited by many cruise-tourists as well as many stay over tourists and local residents.’ Will you go for a white beach, shopping or a nice cocktail on a terrace overlooking the ocean? You do not have to choose; the Mambo Beach Boulevard offers you everything! Start your day with a fresh cup of coffee while having a view of the beach and palm trees. Go for a dive in the sea or chill on one of the lounge chairs, which you do not even have to leave for lunch. Enjoy a massage on the beach or buy that perfect gift. When the day ends, prepare for a refreshing drink while you watch the sun go down into the sea and find out where you want to have dinner tonight. Will it be Italian, Mexican, Indian or Mediterranean… And tomorrow? Have another great and relaxing day at the BLVD!
Create Memories
GALLERY ALMA BLOU Welcome to Gallery Alma Blou in Landhuis Habaai, the oldest and largest art gallery in Curaçao, featuring local and Caribbean art. Also visit our Folk Art Gift Shop for local souvenirs. Landhuis Habaai Frater Radulphusweg 4 +5999-4628896
Galler y Alma Blo
BON BINI SEASIDE RESORT The Bon Bini Seaside Resort has 28 bungalows with one or two bedrooms. These units are surrounding a big garden and on the edge of the resort there is a sundeck with a swimming pool.
Bon Bini Seaside Resort SANTA BARBARA BEACH AND GOLF RESORT Curacao’s premier luxury resort, Santa Barbara Beach and Golf Resort, offers spacious accommodations and many amenities including, Old Quarry, Pete Dye’s Caribbean masterpiece, a challenge for golfers of all skill levels. Everybody is more than welcome to play.
Bapor Kibra z/n +5999-4618000
Dolphin Academy DOLPHIN ACADEMY Enjoy a unique experience with our dolphins in our intimate and interactive programs. Have an unforgettable time in a fun, responsible and educational way in both spacious enclosures and the open sea. Bapor Kibra Z/N, Sea Aquarium Park +5999-4658900 BLUE SKY CIGAR LOUNGE With a great selection of high-quality cigars and a walk-in humidor. Blue Sky Cigar Lounge is a hip and trendy place for Cigar lovers to unwind and light up their favorite Cigar.
Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Re sort
Santa Barbara Plantation Porta Blancu, Nieuwpoort +5999-8401234
Blue Sky Cigar Lounge
Curacao Beach Boulevard Bapor Kibra z/n unit 36B +5999-7352330 Monday –Thursday: 3pm -11pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 2pm -12:30am
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Memorable interior of Alcazar de Colon. Photo by Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism.
Beautiful architecture of Fortaleza Ozama. Photo by Hal Peat.
Inside Santo Domingo’s
Colonial Zone
From the moment you first walk the cobblestoned surfaces of the Calle de las Damas, the oldest existing avenue in the Americas, you sense something extraordinary awaits within this meeting point of Old and New Worlds known as the Colonial Zone, or Zona Colonial. The distant past endures along this artery of Santo Domingo’s original heart while in the structures nearby, you encounter more of the many artefacts, architecture, and historic preservation that make this district so distinct. BY HAL PEAT InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Architecture, art and other footprints of the past
The brilliant legacy of the Dominican capital’s historic center emerges in many dimensions –from the renovated period small hotels to the restaurants, galleries and museums in the area that all reflect some aspect of past grandeur. In the eleven square blocks of this district you also come across such notable structures as the first cathedral, hospital, customs house and university in the Americas, and oldest European fortress in the Americas - all dating back to Christopher Columbus’ arrival on the island of Hispaniola in 1492. If your accommodation is central, you can easily begin exploring locally in the heart of the old city at Plaza Colón, a large tree-fringed square of shops and cafes of
graceful Spanish colonial architecture on one side, and the sixteenth-century Basilica Catedral Santa María de la Encarnación on the other. Exiting the Plaza from the pedestrian-only Calle El Conde and turning onto Calle de las Damas, constructed by the city’s first governor, Nicolas de Ovando, you pass by colonial era mansions, the tranquil Plaza Maria Toledo with its original fountain, and the neoclassical Panteón Nacional (National Pantheon) leading to the wide expanse of the Plaza España. Here you can view the sprawl of the modern city from the Fortaleza Ozama (Las Damas; 809-686-0222) where Diego Columbus and his wife lived while their grander residence was being built, before crossing the Plaza to view the interiors of the Museo de las Casas Reales (Las Damas; 809-682-4202). Formerly the official
Interior Casas del XVI Hotel. Photo by Casas del XVI Hotel.
residence of the Spanish colonial governors, its three floors present a recreation of their living and working spaces. Just a few hundred yards away sits the sprawling Alcázar de Colón and its museum (Plaza España; 809-682-4750), with more artifacts of the Columbus family in early Santo Domingo. Crossing back across the Plaza España on its southern end, make your way to the Torre de Homenaje (Tower of Tribute), an impressive stone fortress whose turret can be ascended for more spectacular vistas of both old and new Santo Domingo. For travelers with the time and interest – stop in at some of the special interest museums which provide their own insight of the Dominican legacy. In this category, consider a visit to the Museo de las Ataranzas (Calle La Atarazana; 1 809-541-5652) - this small museum displays the recovered treasure from a sunken sixteenth century galleon; coins, pottery, china, silver - all in one room.
Desde la primera vez que camines por las superficies adoquinadas de la Calle de las Damas, la avenida más antigua de las Américas que todavía existe, sentirás que te espera algo extraordinario en este punto de encuentro entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo conocido como la Zona Colonial. El pasado remoto perdura a lo largo de esta importante vía del centro original de Santo Domingo, mientras que en las estructuras aledañas encontrarás más de los muchos artefactos, la arquitectura y la conservación histórica que hacen tan distinto este distrito.
Arquitectura, arte y otros vestigios del pasado
El brillante legado del centro histórico de la capital dominicana se manifiesta en muchas dimensiones, desde los pequeños hoteles renovados de la época hasta los restaurantes, galerías y museos de la zona, todos los cuales reflejan algún aspecto del esplendor del pasado. En las once manzanas cuadradas de este distrito, también encontrarás estructuras muy notables como la primera catedral, el primer hospital, la primera aduana y la primera universidad de las Américas, así como la fortaleza europea más antigua de las Américas, cada una de las cuales se remonta al tiempo de la llegada de Cristóbal Colón a la isla Hispaniola en 1492. Si te hospedas en un lugar céntrico, podrás empezar tu exploración fácilmente en el centro de la antigua ciudad, en la inmensa Plaza Colón, con sus elegantes tiendas y cafeterías de arquitectura colo-
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira There is also the Amber World Museum (Calle Arzibispo Merino & Restauracion;; 809-6823309) – a two-story building with an ornate exterior housing an upstairs museum that details the background and history of the semi-precious stone amber, from mining to export. Showcases exhibit samples of the stone in all its range of colors and unique history; downstairs, you can browse the shop offering jewelry and decorative objects in amber. Also ideal for gem lovers and shoppers – the Museo Larimar Dominicano (Isabel La Catolica 54;; 809-689-6605) - where a small upstairs museum details the discovery some 40 years ago of this pale turquoise blue stone in the Dominican Republic’s moun-
tains. A well-stocked ground floor shop displays locally crafted personal and decorative items incorporating larimar.
Shopping and Dining
A taste of local and international
When searching for authentic and well-crafted item to purchase, explore and inquire first at the finer galleries selling arts, crafts, jewelry or other merchandise that are clearly targeted for the traveling customer. Museum shops often offer authentic and high quality crafts at the most reasonable prices. A dazzling display of Haitian painting is on display at Galeria de Arte Elin (203, Calle Arz. Meriño), where canvases of all sizes by leading Haitian artists depict vivid scenes from contemporary Haitian rural and urban life.
Beautiful Guestroom of Hostal Nicolas de Ovando. Photo by MGallery Collection.
The Calle El Conde seems to have the most convenient range of outdoor and indoor breakfast and lunch dining if you are walking about anywhere central during the day-but there are corners all over the quarter that are home to some fine dining spots. Among the most elegant and expensive, although with plenty of atmosphere, is La Briciola (Arz. Meriño 152; 805-688-5055;; and Caffé Bellini (Calle Padre Bellini corner Arz Meriño; 809-686-0424), an upscale Italian restaurant set in a romantic courtyard. Different and interesting for moderate to budget fare and excellent tapas is the Museo de Jamón (La Atarazana 17; 805688-9644), named for its fine smelling hams. Take advantage of the outdoor dining at many establishments fringing the main squares to breathe in the surrounding natural and human ambiance.
nial española de un lado y la Basílica Catedral Santa María de la Encarnación, del siglo XVI, del otro. Si sales de la plaza por la calle peatonal El Conde y sigues por la Calle de las Damas, construida por el primer gobernador de la ciudad, Nicolás de Ovando, pasarás mansiones de la era colonial, la tranquila Plaza María Toledo con su fuente original, y el neoclásico Panteón Nacional, que te llevarán a la amplia Plaza España. Aquí puedes ver la expansión de la ciudad moderna desde la Fortaleza Ozama (Las Damas; 809-686-0222), donde vivieron Diego Colón y su esposa mientras se estaba construyendo su residencia más espléndida, antes de cruzar la plaza para ver el interior del Museo de las Casas Reales (Las Damas; 809-682-4202). Las tres plantas de este museo, antigua residencia oficial de los gobernadores coloniales españoles, presentan una recreación de los espacios donde vivían y trabajaban. A unos 200 metros del museo se encuentra el extenso Alcázar de Colón y su museo (Plaza España; 809-6824750), con más artefactos de la familia Colón de los primeros tiempos de Santo Domingo.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
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Historic. Contemporary. Timeless. Cruzando nuevamente la Plaza España por el lado sur llegarás a la Torre de Homenaje, impresionante fortaleza de piedras donde puedes subir a la torrecilla para más vistas espectaculares de la antigua y nueva Santo Domingo. Si dispones de tiempo y tienes interés, deberías hacer una parada en algunos de los museos de intereses especiales, que exponen su propia visión del legado dominicano. En esta categoría deberías considerar una visita al pequeño Museo de las Atarazanas (Calle La Atarazana; 1 809-541-5652), que exhibe el tesoro recuperado de un galeón hundido del siglo XVI: monedas, cerámica, porcelana y plata en una sola sala. También está el Museo Mundo del Ámbar (Calle Arzobispo Merino & Restauración;; 809-682-3309,) un edificio de dos plantas de fachada ornamentada, con un espacio en el segundo piso donde podrás aprender todo acerca del ámbar y la historia de esta piedra semipreciosa, desde su extracción hasta su exportación. En las vitrinas del museo se exhiben muestras de la piedra en toda su gama de colores y se cuenta su historia única. Abajo puedes curiosear en la tienda, que ofrece joyería y objetos decorativos hechos de ámbar. Otro lugar ideal para los amantes y cazadores de joyería es el Museo Larimar Dominicano
(Isabela La Católica 54;; 809-689-6605), donde en un pequeño espacio de la segunda planta se cuenta en detalle el descubrimiento, hace unos 40 años, de esta piedra de turquesa pálida en las montañas de la República Dominicana. Una tienda bien surtida en la planta baja expone objetos personales y decorativos de producción local que incorporan el larimar.
Compras y comida
Prueba los productos locales e internacionales
Para encontrar productos auténticos y bien trabajados, explora y pregunta primero en las galerías más selectas que venden artesanías, joyería y otras mercaderías dirigidas evidentemente a los clientes viajeros. Las tiendas de museo a menudo ofrecen artesanías auténticas y de alta calidad a los precios más razonables. Una colección deslumbrante de pinturas haitianas se encuentra en exhibición en la Galería de Arte Elin (203, Calle Arzobispo Meriño), donde lienzos de todos los tamaños pintados por los mejores artistas haitianos representan escenas vívidas de la vida rural y urbana contemporánea en Haití.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Reside in old world style with contemporary comfort
There are a fine array of small to midsize accommodations in the Colonial Zone that also provide their own memorable encounters with the past and present here. At the resplendent Hostal Nicolás de Ovando ( along Calle las Damas, you can make your own travel headquarters at a small hotel that once served as personal residence to Columbus’s brother, Bartolomeo. Hence the rather formal elegance of the additional residential and public quarters, reflected in such features as the high-beamed ceilings throughout, or the consistent use of large polished tile floors, enormous black wrought-iron chandeliers, and the wonderful semi-circular stone-flagged entryways and colonnades skirting the public areas on all floors. The 104 rooms blend colonial design touches with
contemporary comforts in décor and amenities at this designated UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. At the boutique hotel Casas del XVI (; (855) 849-6396), guests reside in an exclusive collection of recently renovated colonial houses dating back to the Spanish Colonial era. Maintaining the integrity of the structures’ romantic architecture, the hotel has preserved the beauty of these homes that make up the old town neighborhood. With guest quarters in seven rooms spread between two individual houses, each reminiscent of the island’s earliest European settlers, Casas del XVI features an eclectic mix of ancient artifacts, local artwork and handcrafted local and international furniture. The international style evokes a sense of seamless luxury and brings modern sophistication to the historic surroundings, complete with a butler in each home attending the guest’s every need.
Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism | T: 1-888-358-9594 | W
Nicolas de Ovando Court Yard. Photo by Hal Peat.
La calle El Conde parece tener la variedad más conveniente de restaurantes al aire libre y techados para desayunar o almorzar en cualquier parte céntrica donde camines de día, pero por todo el barrio puedes encontrar rincones con lugares finos para comer. Entre los restaurantes más elegantes y costosos, pero de mucho ambiente, está La Briciola (Arzobispo Meriño 152; 805-688-5055; y el Caffé Bellini (Calle Padre Bellini esquina Arzobispo Meriño; 809-686-0424), un exclusivo restaurante italiano situado en un patio romántico. Diferente e interesante por sus precios moderados a económicos y sus excelentes tapas es el Museo del Jamón (La Atarazana 17; 805-688-9644), así llamado por sus bienolientes jamones. Aprovecha las comidas al aire libre que ofrecen muchos establecimientos que bordean las plazas principales y absorbe el ambiente natural y humano de sus alrededores.
Hospedaje al estilo del Viejo Mundo con comodidad moderna
Hay una selección de hospedajes pequeños y medianos de alta calidad en la Zona Colonial que brindan su propio encuentro memorable con el pasado y el presente. En el resplandeciente Hostal Nicolás de Ovando ( en la Calle de las Damas, puedes instalar tu propia oficina central para tus viajes en un pequeño hotel que
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
en su día fue la residencia personal del hermano de Colón, Bartolomé. De ahí la elegancia bastante formal de las dependencias residenciales y públicas adicionales, que se refleja, por ejemplo, en los techos de vigas altas de todo el edificio o en el uso consecuente de vastos pisos de cerámica pulida, las enormes arañas de hierro forjado, las maravillosas entradas semicirculares de piedras y las columnatas que bordean las áreas públicas en todas las plantas. Las 104 habitaciones mezclan toques de diseño colonial con comodidades contemporáneas en la decoración y los servicios de este hotel, que ha sido declarado por la UNESCO como Sitio del Patrimonio Cultural Mundial. En el hotel boutique Casas del XVI (; (855) 849-6396), los huéspedes residen en una exclusiva colección de casas coloniales recién renovadas que se remontan a la era colonial española. El hotel ha mantenido la integridad de la arquitectura romántica de sus estructuras, conservando así la belleza de estas viviendas que constituyen el centro antiguo. Con sus habitaciones ubicadas en siete espacios divididos entre dos casas individuales, cada una de las cuales recuerda a los primeros colonizadores europeos de la isla, Casas del XVI cuenta con una mezcla ecléctica de artefactos antiguos, artesanías locales y muebles locales e internacionales hechos a mano. El estilo internacional evoca una sensación de perfecto lujo y le da un aire de sofisticación moderna al entorno histórico. Cada vivienda cuenta incluso con su propio mayordomo para atender todas las necesidades de los huéspedes.
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Carnival Parades February 1-9, 2016
Folkloric Harvest parade March 28, 2016
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In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Coconut district Coronie me A different side of Surina
Many elements from this period are still prominent. St-Mary Immaculate Church is a striking example, dating from 1892. For years, this large wooden Catholic church was left to fall into decay. Fortunately, the interior of the church is still intact. Opposite the church is a path to the Coronie beach. During the colonial period, Coronie was owned by the English, Scottish and Germans. You will find these influences still in the names of many towns in the district like John, Burnside, Totness and Friendship. This makes Coronie a beautiful place to visit. The sea however is a constant threat to the district. It has washed the sand away and the beach has disappeared, leaving a mud bank. A dike was recently built to hold back the rising water, and it is surely worth a visit. On the shores there are always protected bird species including the scarlet ibis, which come here to feed and brood. Note: this is a swamp area and the domain of mosquitoes. Visits in the early evening can be especially unpleasant.
Suriname is known for its diversity of cultures. To experience these cultures at their best, traveling Monuments Revolution Square lies in Totness, the main through the country is highly advised. Of its ten town of Coronie district. It is a popular districts, we will highlight the one with thousands hangout for young people on Friday and Saturday nights. Friendship town is on the of coconut trees, sweet honey and pure relaxation. west side of the Totness-Canal, where you will find the beautiful house of the District Welcome to Coronie. BY ANOUSKA BLANCA Commissioner, dating from 1860. In the tiny Each of Suriname’s ten districts have their own character and special features. An hour and a half drive along the east-west road and 160 km from the capital of Paramaribo brings you to the west side of Suriname, where you will find the little district of Coronie, bordering the district of Nickerie. There is also daily bus service to this district. On your way you will pass the districts of Wanica and Saramacca, both known for their agriculture, where you can buy fresh greens and fruits. Across the Coppename Bridge, the many coconut trees seem to greet you with their welcome dance. Coronie has processed coconuts for generations, ever since slavery. The locals are experts in making coconut oil, sweets, forage for the pig farms and
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
braided mats. Besides coconut this district is also famous for apiculture (the study of honey bees). The most delicious honey can be found here. Coronie is the ultimate place for rest and reflection. For those who like fishing, Coronie is also a sweet haven. In Suriname, you will find the kwikwi fish - a delicious delicacy. The ones from the West coast are considered to be the best. Another famous delicacy is the iguana. You will find them here in large numbers. The population is friendly, cheerful and known for their cooking. According to locals, the most delicious Creole cuisine in Suriname can only be found in Coronie.
A dierent Side
The architecture of Coronie gives a good representation of the slavery period in its history, although modernization is taking over.
village of Salem there is a cemetery with some old graves located next to the church that are worth seeing. There are many inscriptions mentioning German-Jewish names, such as Paul Otto Zschaschler who was born in 1886 in Germany and died in 1923 in the Surinamese Coronie. The brick tombs are still in very good condition.
Famous Surinamese
Coronie has every reason to be proud of the number of well-known personalities it has produced. Among them are top athletes and public figures such as Letitia Vriesde (Olympic champion), Johan Kraag (former president), Jozef Slagveer (journalist, poet and writer), Charley Marbach (football legend) and Emile Wijntuin (former President of the Parliament of Suriname) to name a few.
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Book review Reseña del Libro
The wider Caribbean has often attracted the adventurous in spirit - across time and centuries to the present. Here are fascinating new books about some of these dreamers and the outcome of their adventure. BY HAL PEAT
life and legacy that engage him most powerfully - ranging from automobiles to sports to architecture to music and more.
Embracing Cuba Byron Motley (University Press of Florida, 2015) If you have never visited Cuba nor taken much time to explore from a distance the variety of its human and cultural diversity, then Embracing Cuba will certainly provide you with a vivid kaleidoscope of images and description of what to possibly expect from your own first encounter. Author Byron Motley’s combined photographic and narrative skills create a succinct and evocative journey that transports the reader into those sides of island
Cash Landing
James Grippando (Harper, 2015) For a gripping but often dark look at Miami far from its commercial image, this fast-paced thriller provides a vivid
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Intrigued by tales of his parents’ long-ago journey to the pre-revolutionary island, award-winning photographer Byron Motley traveled to Cuba more than a decade ago and has returned in the years since with his camera to explore its vistas, its people, and its spirit. The result is this stunning visual and heart-felt narrative of Cuba in all its major dimensions, with each section of the book opening a window on both the background and present story - whether that is a game of baseball or a ballet, a musician or a chef. In categories such as music or architecture, in which Cuba has a particularly strong and diverse legacy, Motley provides enough detail and fact without ever overwhelming the reader with academic jargon. portrait of the urban underside. A recession-era city in a state of social and economic trauma provides the context for the main characters of this thriller, and author James Grippando certainly knows the gritty landscape of the back streets, nightclubs and criminal enterprises that serve as a frequent backdrop. He also understands the social and economic pressures that provide the desperate with the motives and methods to attempt a daring heist on an air shipment of a multi-million dollar transport of treasury cash at Miami’s airport.
Willoughbyland England’s Lost Colony Matthew Parker (Hutchinson, 2015)
If North America had its legendary Wild West, then South America certainly had its own Wild Coast (or “de Wilde Kust” as the Dutch called it) where adventurers arrived in search of gold and wealth. That dream often led to tragedy, and the extraordinary tale of what happened at an outpost called Willoughbyland near the South American coast forms the central account of author Matthew Parker’s new book. The second half of the seventeenth century is the period of this tale of early colonization in the landscape between the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. A group of exiled royalist Englishmen headed by Lord Willoughby establish a new settlement, named after its founder. Their subsequent interaction with a challenging environment of indigenous peoples and natural hardships, and internal conflicts and tragedies, all form a microcosmic episode in the wider history of early European imperial ambitions. Unique and unforgettable are such central characters as Francis Willoughby and Aphra Behn, later renowned dramatist of the Restoration stage, and their complex encounter. Grippando’s cast of characters both major and minor and the environment they struggle within also create a real-time portrait of the recent past, and the narrative is delivered in a cynical tough guy tone but with an insightful awareness of both character and environment. The author does not lack for empathy or insight into the predicaments or flaws of both his law enforcement and law-breaking characters, but on the whole it is action and consequences that remain front and center in Cash Landing as the family-related gang of robbers and friends descend into war with each other as well as with the forces of the law.
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The staff of Aruba Fairy Tales understands that prospective brides and grooms are contemplating one of the most joyous milestone moments of their lives; an event that you wish to be as perfect and memorable as possible. Deciding on a destination wedding has enormous financial advantages, as well as providing beautiful backgrounds for the occasion, and a delightful getaway for family and friends.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Welcome to our World!
Aruba is outstanding as a wedding destination for many reasons. Not only does it have some of the most stunning beaches in the region, but a wealth of dramatic and unique landscapes contributing to amazing wedding albums and videos. Island wedding providers are experienced and efficient. The
locale also offers a complete roster of services providing spectacular peripheral events, such as a Day Spa Bachelorette or Golfing Bachelor Party. Imagine the rehearsal dinner while all the family enjoys cruising the coastline on an elegant sailboat at sunset!
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Aside from the reliable weather all year long, the island has a diversity of recreational activities and nightlife that will insure your guests experience a fun-filled mini-vacation beyond the wedding events. Many of our clients are seasoned travelers to the region and tell us that when deciding on a destination for their nuptials, Aruba was first on their list. They inform us that they know when they ask their guests, particularly those equally acquainted with the region, to “save the date,” their attendance is a certainty, as their invitees know a wedding on Aruba ensures a marvelous retreat enjoyed by all.
Aruba Fairy Tales was founded by Indira Maduro over 14 years ago, and we are proud of the vast experience we have gained by arranging events for a clientele that spans the globe. Weddings for couples and their families from Israel, Ukraine, India, Germany, Italy, Brazil and Vietnam, as well as the U.S., have provided us with an education and insight into their unique cultures and traditional marriage rituals, which we have developed into a specialty. Even among the regional nations of Trinidad, Surinam, and Venezuela we have discovered their particular requirements contribute to singular and stunning ceremonies.
No nuptials are too small or too large for our complete attention to detail and efficient arrangements, whether for 2 or 200. Expansive events, intimate second marriages or renewal of vows, all deserve and receive our full attention. We do our utmost to guarantee a stress free, delightful affair you will joyfully recollect for years after. Aruba Fairy Tales staff are here for you, ready to provide everything from the legal paperwork for the civil ceremony at Aruba’s beautiful Stadhuis, or town hall, a picturesque landmark, through the spiritual ceremony and reception, to follow up photo shoots with the bride and groom to provide a distinctly Aruban flavored wedding album. Let us inspire you with our ideas and expertise, while easing your concerns and smoothing arrangements to see that your destination wedding fantasies come true!
Aruba Fairy Tales Weddings Costa Linda Beach Resort Eagle Beach, Aruba +297 583-8000 ext. 8115 +297 593-0045
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
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GL Weddings the premiere source for arranging gay weddings on Aruba. It was established out of understanding that love and commitment between two people knows no bounds; same sex wedding ceremonies deserve equal respect and consideration. We welcome the opportunity to create a beautiful and perfect event when same sex couples confirm their love and partnership before family and friends. Our LGBTQ specialist is Gay Wedding Institute Certified and a member of the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGTLA). We have attended the annual LGBT Tourism & Hospitality conventions to receive input first hand and better serve our clients.
We understand your special wishes We applaud recognition by the Netherlands of LGBTQ marriages and are actively involved in seeing the same process established on Aruba. For those wishing to marry in Bonaire or Saba, which have been fully integrated into Dutch administration since 2010, we have our passports in hand and an extensive entourage of ceremony providers to ensure you a poignant event. We know how to create loving memories that will last a lifetime!
Indira Maduro loves a great wedding, and seeing her clients truly enjoy this special event. She founded Aruba Fairy Tales in 2001 to indulge this passion, and it has been an infinitely rewarding undertaking. When not overseeing a fabulous affair she enjoys time with family, swimming, and practices yoga, savoring the peace and spiritual blessing these pastimes provide. NAMASTE!
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
This year we celebrate the 5th edition of Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam and we do so in style! Be sure not to miss this event!
In addition to a large selection of international, high quality art-house films, the festival offers a wide range of film-related entertainment: concerts, workshops and lectures, community film screenings, an open air film presentation on Brionplein and much more.
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Our story
My husband, an Italian and I, a SouthAfrican came to live on Bonaire in February 2011. We discovered Bonaire while working on cruise ships and immediately fell in love with the island. Four years later we now have a baby girl who is keeping us extremely busy. She is our brightest gem and we are totally in love with her. I started my little dichroic glass business selling my jewelry at the market stand where the cruise ships would dock. I found myself working day and night to keep up with the demand... and so we decided to expand our team.
Elements Dichroic Glass Jewellery - Handmade in Bonaire
Since then we have recruited our family, Sergio & Marilena, my brother and sister-inlaw from Italy and my Mum, who was the one that taught me this form of art. We all work happily together in our little studio at our home, along with the 3 dogs and 2 cats who visit us from time to time. We have since opened two stores in St. Maarten and we are now opening our newest store in Dominican Republic in October 2015. It is a very exciting time for us as we continue to grow.
Our product
Each piece is truly unique and one of a kind! Even if we tried to make two pieces the same it would be impossible.
Maxi cotton dress, H&M
Dichroic glass consists of multiple layers of metals which are vaporized in a vacuum chamber and electro beamed onto the glass. The glass is then cut into various shapes, layered together and then fused at almost 1500˚F for around 9-12 hours.
“Each piece is truly unique and one of a kind!” We offer a high quality product as we only use stainless steel which is hypoallergenic and does not tarnish. Our jewelry is affordable, ranging in price from $15-$55. As we make everything ourselves, we are also able to take custom orders, or if you have any special requests we are happy to help. Stop by and check out one of our boutiques, and be enchanted by a world of color. InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Lifestyle Estilo de Vida
Lifestyle Estilo de Vida
Vernis Diorific in Pasion Dior
Sequinted cotton shorts Ashish
Shine Party! But what to wear? With these party hits you’re ready to hit the dance floor. Go for it and steal the spotlight, party girl.
Drew nano metallic leather shoulder bag, Chloë
Sequined cotton and modal-blend top Michael by Michael Kors
Gold pyramid earrings H&M
Maxi cotton dress H&M
Popcorn and coke glitter ballerinas Chiara Ferragni
Embellished python sandals Dolce & Gabbana
My Burberry Festive edition
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Lifestyle Estilo de Vida
Cotton-blend socks Polo Ralph Lauren White slim-fit collar-bar cotton shirt Tom Ford
For him
Navy wool tuxedo jacket Saint Laurent
For the +1; make sure you match the party girl on the danceoor... Skull brass and Swarovski crystal cufflinks Alexander McQueen
Printed silk-twill pocket square ETRO
Watch with leather band Daniel Wellington
Silk-jacquard bow tie Marwood
Rabbit-felt fedora Borsalino
Navy burnished-leather belt Paul Smith
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Perfume Gucci Made to Measure
Glitter loafers Jimmy Choo
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In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
St. Maarten Heineken Regatta March 3-6, 2016
Everyone can participate in the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta and races are held in many categories, including monohull, multihull and competitive cruising. Some 70 boats are normally chartered by individuals to participate in the bareboat division. Many skippers are happy to take on board an extra pair of helping hands to help claim victory in one of the many races.
Not just for sailors
Courses take participants on coastal races and around the island, showcasing the beautiful beaches, rock formations and other scenery St. Maarten has to offer. But this event is not just for sailors. Both participants and visitors are guaranteed to have a great time during the numerous events, music festivals and culinary delights that can be found on both the Dutch and the French sides of the island.
Serious Fun St. Maarten will be the place to be for sailing enthusiasts and party people during the 36th edition of the St. Maarten Regatta to be held on March 3-6, 2016. Last year 32 nationalities were represented in what is known as one of the world’s leading sailing events. 2,500 sailors and 1,000 supporters were joined by many visitors to enjoy one of the island’s annual highlights. BY FIONA VAN KAMPEN InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
The organisers of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta have become well known for attracting world class music artists to perform at the various concerts and parties during the event. Headliners in the past have included Kool and the Gang, Wyclef Jean and the Commodores. Parties and concerts held on locations all over the island offer free admission to all, and for this year’s event, organisers promise to once again live up to the event’s motto “Serious Fun.” The St. Maarten Yacht Club Regatta Foundation, which organises the annual event, works year round to deliver another edition of serious fun to St. Maarten. Closer to the start of the regatta and during the event itself, the foundation brings in some 150 volunteers of all ages and nationalities to help ensure that everything runs smoothly.
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
BeneďŹ tting island communities
Heineken is the main sponsor of the event, and indeed beer flows freely after the boats come in from racing and sailors and visitors relax at one of the many parties. But the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is more than a flagship event sponsored by a leading beer company. The organising foundation is involved in a number of initiatives that benefit the island communities. These range from art competitions for children to beach cleanups and sailing classes for local youths. With more than 30 years of experience on the island, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta has grown into a world class event, promoting the natural beauty, culture and friendly inhabitants of St. Maarten through the sport of sailing. Sailor or non-sailor, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is an event that is worthy of a place on anyone’s bucket list.
Interview Entrevista
Original souvenirs
Having successfully sold her first paintings at her parent’s souvenir shop, it was obvious that she needed to follow her calling. “Painting has always been my passion, I am a very creative person and I feel like with painting I can express my creativity to the fullest”, Melissa says. One thing Melissa noticed was that there were almost no original souvenirs to be found on Curaçao. Therefore she decided to paint her own designs and placed them on mugs, stuffed animals, shot glasses and various other merchandise. “People are buying a piece of art on a porcelain mug”, according to Melissa. She continued: “There are a lot of souvenirs to be found on the island, but most of them you can find on other islands as well, just with a different (country) name on it”. Her line of merchandise is growing steadily and so is the popularity of the Dhan Arts products.
Melissa Bharwani started painting a few years ago out of boredom. What seemed to be a pastime for lonely and boring days quickly became a fulltime job. When she turned 18 she had her first exhibition. BY HAYSON NICHOLLS
Arts Inspiration
Her inspiration comes from different sceneries in Curaçao and from other popular paintings. For instance she combines famous Curaçao sceneries like the Handelskade with a starry night (Vincent van Gogh). “We are living on an island with major Dutch influences, so why not combine the best of both worlds?” Melissa continues. On a lot of her paintings a cat named Skadey can be found, Curaçao’s official cat. Instead of having prints, Skadey has the Handelskade on her back. “My ultimate dream is to have people from all over the world come and buy either my paintings or other merchandise, not because it is mine, but because they want to take a piece of Curaçao home with them.” “Curaçao has so much to offer, we are a melting pot of so many cultures and we are so diverse, more people in the world should know about Curaçao.”
Where to buy
Melissa’s paintings and other souvenirs can be bought at Copperstone in Hanchi Snoa (Punda) and at the World Trade Center Curaçao. You can also check out her artwork on her Facebook and Instagram page: @ dhanarts. Whenever you are in Curaçao and are looking for original souvenirs, be sure to check out Dhan Arts.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
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Gadgets Artilugios
If you’re on a cycling trip through the vineyards or hiking through an urban jungle, these could be the headphones you’re looking for. Plantronics have taken one of the best models of sporting headphones and made them even better this year. The Backbeat Fit are now waterproof, so you don’t need to stress if you’re caught in a downpour. They allow you to hear background noise, so you won’t get surprised by a car as you cross the road, and they come with a handy reversible carry pouch that doubles as an armband for your phone. $159 -
2. TYLT ENERGI Smart Charger
Wall charger with built-in battery. With the ENERGI Smart Charger, you have the best of both worlds. Plug in the wall when convenient, charge on the go when it’s not. $39.99 -
3. KNOMAD Portable Organizer
Organization for digital and travel essentials. Fits an iPad mini or 8” tablet along with a smartphone, pen, credit cards, passport, etc. Space is provided for our slim battery pack. $59.95 -
4. ZAGG Pocket Keyboard
Your smartphone is a computer that fits in your pocket but one of the limitations is that, unlike a real computer, it doesn’t have a full-sized keyboard. For most travellers, all they want to be able to do on the go is send email and messages home, log on to book their accommodation, or update their travel blog. This ultraportable keyboard folds up to just 5.4cm wide and 1.4cm thick and pairs wirelessly to your phone whenever you need it. Forget about lugging a laptop for just those few times you need it - pop this in your carry-on bag instead. $99 - Items not available on InselAir flights / Artículos no obtenibles en los vuelos de InselAir InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
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Powered by Orco Bank N.V.
Surrender and just wait for it!
Even at the crack of dawn, when most of them leave the house, the anticipation is what drives them. They’ve done all the prep work and left everything in place for the early departure. They’ve discussed and strategized the perfect approach considering all of nature’s uncontrollable elements. The theories, the methods, the tactics and the superstition; check and double check! And for the occasion, why not? Let’s have custom shirts made… we are a team of fishermen after all! As it began
In 1966, 50 years ago, the Curaçao Yacht Club organized the first blue marlin fishing tournament and has continued to do so every year since. Similar tournaments in Venezuela inspired the boat owners at the yacht club, but little did they know it would become the second longest running tournament in the region.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
The team of fishermen arrives at the Curaçao Yacht Club. First thing’s first; breakfast! The complimentary breakfast is a tradition and while everyone is still scratching their tired eyes over breakfast, some start making their way to the vessels. It’s about to begin and tournament control takes its place. “Good morning, bon dia! Welcome to the first day of fishing here at the Curaçao Yacht Club!”
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In the first decades of the tournament fish were not released, so at the end of each day, there would be a display of all these magnificent creatures at the weigh-in station. The tournament got a lot of attention with participants from the neighboring islands, as well as from the United States and Venezuela, flying in every year for the festivities! The first one out towards open water doesn’t look back. Little does he or she know that this is unequivocally the most breathtaking sight most people get to see in their lifetime! Yachts, and even larger power boats majestically gliding over the waves with force and presence, coming at you like a three dimensional wall with a backdrop of a perfect tropical sunrise that forms a kaleidoscope of colors. This is truly big game fishing in paradise. In 2016, the Curaçao Yacht Clubs hosts the 50th edition of the Annual International Blue Marlin Release Tournament, proudly sponsored by Orco Bank. Orco Bank has been the platinum sponsor of the tournament for 5 years, going on 6. The 50th edition will take place from March 18th to March 20th, 2016. Prior to and during the tournament weekend the Curaçao Yacht Club will organize several events, including the traditional annual warm-up tournament and the welcoming party hosted by Orco Bank.
International rules and regulations
In 1994, the Curaçao Yacht Club with a commitment to sea life conservation, formed alliances with the International Game Fishing Association (IGFA) and the TBF (The Billfish Foundation). The tournament now complies with the international rules and regulations pertaining to catch and release. The release of a blue marlin weighing 500lbs or less during a competition is mandatory. Tournament control gives the go-ahead for lines to go into the water. This is complete surrender and all you can do now is wait for it. They’ll drink, they’ll laugh, and some will
even try to get a nap in waiting on that first bite, waiting on that sound that drives the fishermen wild. With the first snap the team is in place, instantaneously followed by instructions, predictions and even frustration, until the stunning blue marlin soars out of the water. You’ve seen it before, but you can’t help but to catch your breath again.
Do you have what it takes? As the vessels check in with tournament control to indicate their arrival back to the Curaçao Yacht Club, the fishermen get to cleaning. They each have the best strategy for the next day all figured out. Tired and salty, but still craving it even more, they are ready to go out again tomorrow. There’s something about going up against such a spectacular fish, but it’s the marlin that decides if and when… only then will you know if you have what it takes.
The Curaçao Yacht Club promotes and supports the next generation of fishermen by organizing a mini angler off-the-pier tournament, as well as special prizes to junior anglers participating in the official tournament. Even going against superstition, the tournament organization aggressively promotes female anglers and has had several all-female teams participating and putting up a tremendous fight with the guys.
The fishermen grab a quick shower and head down to the clubhouse, where there has been fun and entertainment for land lovers all day. They check out the schedule to see what buffet options the night will offer and which band will soon be going on stage. So much ambiente and so many familiar faces! This fishing tournament truly is quite an event, so make sure you can say ‘you were there’ when people talk about the big 50! For more info visit or mail to
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
In the Spotlight En el Punto de Mira
Experience the
Curaçao is one of those Caribbean islands that is not completely covered with resorts, shops and high-rise buildings. There is a great hidden part of the island that can only be discovered off-road. The best way to go off-road is with ATV & Buggy Tours Curaçao. InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
About ATV & Buggy Tours Curaçao
Founded 8 years ago by Arnaldo Alves, ATV & Buggy Tours Curaçao is currently the best in providing off-road tours on the island. They provide 3 and 6 hour trips around the East and West coast. Enthusiastic and professional guides lead the tours and make sure all the participants’ wishes are met. The guides have great knowledge about Curaçao’s nature and history, and they are eager to ensure you have a great time on the “wild side” of the island.
Family friendly
There are several quad and buggy tours available on the island, each catering to different clientele, which makes the experience accessible to everyone. If you are a fearless adventurist, the solo Grizzly quad will make your adrenaline pump. You want to go on a ride with your lover? Then the two-person Can-am quad is for you. Groups and families with children will not be left behind, as you
can take the buggy that carries 4/6 people! ATV & Buggy Tours’ first priority is safety, therefore all buggies come with seatbelts.
The tour
During the tour you will visit a few tourist spots such as the Aloe Vera Plantation, the Ostrich Farm and Landhuis Ascencion where you get to see turtles. The off-road part is where it gets interesting. We speed up through the “desert” of Curaçao. The trees, cactuses and sea views will make this an incredible experience. Such an excursion can only be called a tour if it also provides interesting facts and history about Curaçao. On our tours, you will visit caves which used to serve as home to the Indians. This will give you more insight into how ancient life used to be on the island. Above the caves, you will have wonderful views. In the far distance you might even spot Curaçao’s neighbouring island, Bonaire.
It is always hot in Curaçao, that’s why the tours also include a stop at one of the many natural beaches, where you will be able to cool off in the water, have a drink/bite and unwind. ATV & Buggy Tours Curaçao is the only tour operator on the island that lets you swim in the “Cavern of Doom”. This is a natural pool with water that is clean, pure, and full of minerals. What makes this natural pool so special is that it lies beneath the rocks. How cool is that?
TripAdvisor Award of Excellence
ATV & Buggy Tours Curaçao is proud to be the winner of the 2015 TripAdvisor Award of Excellence. Ranked number three on the list of Outdoor Activities in Willemstad, they have proven to leave a very positive impression on their customers. Their success has led to several additional awards and the company is currently nominated for this year’s International Diamond prize for Excellence ESQR in Vienna.
Are you ready yet?
If you really want to experience the beauty of Curaçao in a different way, this tour is the perfect way to do so. It is adventurous, instructive and most of all, FUN. Don’t forget your sunscreen though, the sun will be shining on you while your hair blows freely through the wind. You can lay on the beach wherever you go, but the ATV & Buggy Tours of Curaçao is not to be missed… Have fun!
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
SFT has created a new online banking system. With beautiful, clean design. With an extra secure new token. With a range of fresh features to answer your individual needs. Because every one of our clients is unique. Banking is our canvas and you are the inspiration.
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Interview Entrevista
Peggy Tjin’s 10-10 airs twice daily on TeleAruba (Aruba) and Nos Pais Television (Curaçao). For more information about Peggy Tjin and the show, please visit
If there’s one thing we’re all pressed for it’s time. But according to former model, life stylist and cooking show host, Peggy Tjin, that shouldn’t hamper us from cooking and eating healthy. In her new cooking show “Peggy Tjin’s 10-10” she shows us how to whip up a healthy, tasty meal within 10 minutes for under $10 using only organic products. And you don’t have to spend an hour watching and learning either. It’s a fast-edited 5-minute cooking show. InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Peggy Tjin’s 10-10:
An instant hit
The daughter of parents of Indian, Chinese and Creole descent, Tjin was introduced to different cultures and cuisines at an early age. As a young model the Suriname native indulged in haute cuisine all over the world. After she settled in Amsterdam, she started experimenting with cooking and mimicking the fancy dishes she sampled during her modeling days and her days as a global food critic. The plan for Peggy Tjin’s 10-10 was hatched in New York where she currently lives. “It was during the financial crisis that I noticed that people were dining out less.
So was I. I started cooking more at home and blogging about it on It was an instant hit!”, Tjin says. Peggy Tjin 10-10 is broadcast in Suriname, Aruba and Curaçao. Tjin has a special bond with all the countries, with Suriname at the top as she was born there. “But Aruba also holds a special place in my heart. My husband and I got married in Aruba and we visit the island very often. I noticed a lot of obesity among the youth and I wanted to do something about it. We receive so much love from the people and the show is just my way of giving back,” Tjin says.
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Aruba
Shopping in
Moomba Beach Bar & Restaurant Hosting a gigantic palapa on the white sand beach, overlooking the Caribbean Sea. A laid back beach bar featuring a myriad of tropical cocktails, cold drinks, beer and wine. An open-air seaside restaurant offering an array of tempting choices for breakfast, lunch or dinner and the best view of the island. Moomba tiene una palapa gigantesca en las hermosas playas de arena blanca, combinada con una de las mejores vistas al mar de Aruba. Un bar de playa para relajarse donde se puede dizfrutar de una gran variedad de cocteles tropicales, cervezas, vinos y toda clase de bebidas frias. El restaurante tambien es al aire libre donde se ofrece una gran variedad de platos para el desayuno, almuerzo y cena mientras los clientes se deleitan con la mejor vista de la isla. T (+297) 586-5365
If you are looking for a shopping island, Aruba is the place to be. The best shopping deals can be found on this island. Next to that, the shopping districts are well known for their diverse selections, from jewelry to electronics and from Cuban cigars to Dutch Delft. Yes, Aruba has it all. For people who do not like to leave their resort, there is a big chance you can still do some shopping. Almost every hotel in Aruba has gift shops and specialty stores on site. If you are willing to see more of the shopping districts, you could go to Aruba’s capital, Oranjestad. Shopping in this city is definitely top notch.
If you don’t find what you are looking for at your hotel or in Oranjestad, there are other shopping areas throughout Aruba. Many stores are located on Caya G.F. (Betico) Croes or in nearby streets. Others can be found in the Renaissance Mall, Renaissance Market Place, the Royal Plaza, Port of Call Market Place, Aventura Mall, the Holland Aruba Mall, the Sun Plaza and the Atrium Mall.
Hosted by:
Jim SammonS
fishing adventure 2015 Jim Sammons on Curacao
A number of local entrepreneurs brought the, well-known around the world, ‘kayak-fisher’ Jim Sammons from the USA to Curacao last October. Jim has various fishing shows on US networks. Jim and his team had, besides fantastic fishing adventures, an unforgettable time on Curacao as the local sponsors provided the team cultural and culinary trips around the island. Jim has been fishing and filming his show at Schottegat Harbor, at Klein Curacao, at Boca St. Michiel and at Santa Cruz. Curacao has so much more to offer than only idyllic beaches, for instance fishing and that’s why the local companies teamed up and invited Jim to come explore the Curacao waters. This event is a great example of local people and companies working together to create extra PR and exposure for Curacao abroad.
With thanks to:
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Bonaire
It Rains Fishes
Spice Beach Club
Welcome to It Rains Fishes. This completely restyled restaurant offers the best in waterfront dining experiences. With a flair for showcasing this gorgeous island in the Dutch Caribbean they are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Closed on Sunday. Fresh Fish Market Choose your fresh fish and seafood before it is prepared on your plate. Real fish lovers will feel like a fish in the water and can have a photo taken holding up their catch. Want more?... Be sure to purchase a few filets for tomorrow’s lunch to cook yourself, please check out the Fish Market. And guests who don’t want to eat fish, yes, It Rains Fishes serves more than only fish! Kaya J.N.E. Craane 24 | Kralendijk, Bonaire T (+599) 717-8780 / 717-2205 W
Nestled next to the Eden Beach Resort, a few minutes north of town the beach rules! The sand, the sun, the bar, restaurant and lounge area all part of the Spice Beach Club! There is even a pool for those on salt free diets. Enjoy their contemporary, relaxed environment where one can unwind and spend the entire day from sun up starting with a coffee or cappuccino till way after sunset enjoying an after dinner digestif. Keep cool with smoothies soft drinks and of course cold beer. Spice Beach Club is open daily from 07:00 am to 10:00 am for breakfast, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm for lunch and 6:00 pm to 10.00 pm for dinner. Visit during Happy Hours every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm. Watch for great artists, bands, comedians and DJ’s performing on our main stage. Check out our website for more information.
Bonaire Tours We Cover All Your Vacation Needs with the largest variety of activities and services on the island. Explore the island with us, discovering its history and culture. Go sailing, snorkeling, diving, kayaking or fishing... There is something for everyone! Need an accommodation? Let us help you choose what best suits you and your budget. We’ll make it happen at the best price! Combine a romantic wedding and honeymoon, or a vow renewal and our wedding planners will arrange everything. All you need is love! T (+599) 717-8778 | E W
Bulevar Gobernador N. Debrot | Bonaire T (+599) 717-8060 | W
Come to Bonaire and enjoy one of the most well attended single day events of the year! The streets will be filled with local music, dancing and people dressed in the traditional outfits. Taste the traditional “Krioyo” food and drinks.
~ Save the date April 30th, 2016 ~ For more information visit: or send us an email at: InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Curaçao
Baoase Culinary Beach Restaurant
Delicious seafood in a cozy restaurant. We serve a wide variety of excellent seafood, delivered daily from local fishermen and flown in from Europe. Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we serve fresh lobster and oysters. For the menu see our website. Open from Monday till Saturday from 6 pm till 10 pm. Mariscos deliciosos en un acogedor restaurante. Servimos variedad de excelentes pescados y mariscos, se entrega todos los días de los pescadores locales y viajó desde Europa. Todos los miércoles, jueves y viernes de langosta y ostras frescas. Para el menú, consulte nuestro sitio web. Horario: lunes a sábado, 6 a 10 pm.
Baoase Culinary Beach Restaurant is a unique finedining restaurant, where guests can experience a delicious culinary journey in romantic settings on the beach or in a private gazebo. Visitors call it: “a must visit” when in Curaçao!” and “the ideal location to celebrate“ Surrounded by a fusion of Caribbean beauty with Asian elegance, Baoase is the perfect choice for your special evening or pampered day on the beach. Reservations required. For more info visit Open daily for the beach package, breakfast, lunch, bar, and dinner. Live music on Tuesdays. Romantic Gazebo setup and private picnic available upon request.
Loostraat 1 | Curaçao T (+5999) 461-8844 W
Baoase Luxury Resort, Winterwijkstraat 2 Willemstad, Curaçao | T (+5999) 461-1799 E | W
Bounty Adventures Curaçao
Pirate Bay Any pirate worth his salt will tell you the friendliest and most tranquil place on Curaçao is at the picturesque Piscadera Bay, where you will find all the right ingredients that an authentic Caribbean Beach Bar & Restaurant ought to have. Pirate Bay is where people meet people and where the island’s friendly staff serves up smiles with your ice cold drinks and delicious food. Cualquier Pirata que valga la pena te diría que el lugar más amigable y tranquilo en Curaçao está situado en la pintoresca Bahía de Piscadera, donde podrás encontrar los ingredientes perfectos que un auténtico bar y restaurante de playa en el Caribe deben tener. En Pirate Bay conocerás mucha gente y encontraras el personal más amigable, quienes te sirven con sonrisas las bebidas más refrescantes y la comida más deliciosa. Piscadera Bay | Curaçao T (+5999) 461-0183
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Plein Café Wilhelmina This is the place to be in Punda’s beating heart of Willemstad, Curaçao. Plein Café Wilhelmina is a great place to do some people watching (and to be watched yourself), to read the extensive assortment of newspapers and magazines, free wireless internet and, of course, to enjoy an excellent breakfast, lunch or dinner, 7 days a week! Next to the extensive menu there is a different special every night for only $7,50! Note the rich assortment of specialty beers. The service here is attentive and courteous, as should be expected from an establishment named after Dutch royalty. Plein Café Wilhelmina is a typical Dutch style terrace under the Caribbean Sun. Wilhelminaplein 19-23 | Punda, Willemstad, Curaçao T (+5999) 461-9666 | W
Craving Sushi
Klein Curaçao (Every Day) Sunset Sail, Luncheon Snorkel Sail. All our trips include our fabulous cuisine and our fully stocked open bar, including alcoholic drinks! Bounty Adventures’ trips are just out of this world! A Klein Curaçao (Todos los días) Paseos a la puesta del sol, Paseos de esnórquel al mediodía. ¡Todos nuestros paseos incluyen comida de nuestra fabulosa cocina y bebidas de nuestro bien abastecido bar abierto, incluso bebidas alcohólicas! ¡Los paseos con Bounty Adventures son algo verdaderamente de otro mundo!
Established in 1994, Cravings is Curaçao’s favourite spot for steaks, fish, and sushi. Known for its quality Black Angus steaks and a mouth-watering grilled salmon, accompanied by an impressive and creative assortment of Japanese cuisine including sushi, sashimi, tempura, seafood, and lots more. Craving Sushi is open six days a week for lunch and dinner, closed on Sundays. Not visiting Cravings while in Curaçao is like not going to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris. AAA Diamond Award Location!
Jan Thiel Beach (Office) | Curaçao T (+5999) 767-9998 W
Promenade Shopping Center, Unit 1 | Curaçao T (+5999) 736-7611 W www.curaç
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Curaçao
Scuba Lodge Boutique hotel Scuba Lodge & Suites is located in 5 historic buildings in trendy Pietermaai District right at the ocean front! We offer 22 unique rooms and 8 luxury apartments, lush tropical gardens, 2 outdoor pools, a restaurant overlooking the sea and an onsite dive center. Our enthusiastic staff is there to make you feel right at home! Boutique hotel Scuba Lodge & Suites está situado en 5 edificios monumentales en el moderno barrio de Pietermaai justo en frente del mar! Ofrecemos 22 habitaciones y 8 apartamentos lujosos, exuberantes jardines tropicales, 2 piscinas al aire libre, un restaurante con vista al mar y un centro de buceo. Nuestro personal entusiasta está ahí para hacerle sentir como en casa! Pietermaai 104 | Curaçao T (+5999) 465-2575 | E W
Restaurant & Cafe de Gouverneur Situated directly at the harbor entrance, with a beautiful view over the Handelskade or dining outside in the distinct courtyard garden under the Caribbean night sky, De Gouverneur (The Governor) quickly became a “must visit” on Curaçao. The colorful and colonial atmosphere combined with an internationally oriented menu with a good twist of local ingredients and local cuisine, make this restaurant very popular amongst locals too. Situado directamente en la entrada del puerto, con una hermosa vista sobre el Handelskade o poder cenar fuera en el jardín del patio distinto bajo el cielo de la noche caribeña, De Gouverneur (el gobernador) se convirtió rápidamente en una “visita obligada” en Curazao. El ambiente colorido y colonial combinados con un menú internacional orientado con un buen toque de ingredientes locales y gastronomía local, este restaurante es muy popular entre los locales también. Daily from 5.30-6.30 pm Otrobanda Waterfront, de Rouvilleweg 9 | Curaçao T (+5999) 462-5999 | W
Eetcafé de Buren Right in front of the popular DUSHI CURACAO sign situated at the Wilhelminapark in the middle of Willemstad, Punda you’ll find this great in- and outdoor restaurant. Open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner you will be welcomed with a smile and a great Caribbean atmosphere. With a daily Happy Hour from 4pm till 6pm and different specialties every evening. Eetcafé de Buren is the place you cannot skip when visiting Curaçao. Come by for our famous pizza night on Tuesday, “all you can eat” spareribs on Thursday or our Fajita night on Friday. Take a break while shopping during the day and enjoy the great atmosphere Punda has to offer! Columbusstraat hoek Wilhelminaplein z/n Punda, Willemstad, Curaçao T (+5999) 465-0941 | W
$ 55,per da
Hemingway Beach Hemingway Beach at Lions Dive & Beach Resort offers four seaside areas - covered and open-air - and is open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch, dinner and more! An American breakfast buffet is served on the beach till 10.30am. Night time is perfect for a romantic dining experience under the stars. The internationally oriented menu offers great choices for everyone. Hemingway’s cozy bar is open non-stop from 9.00am till midnight. Craving a refreshing drink while working on your tan? Feel like spoiling your kids with a delicious smoothie? Enjoying a nice glass of wine or an exciting cocktail? One thing is for sure: the bartenders will serve it in the best and friendliest Caribbean style! Bapor Kibra z/n (Lions Dive & Beach Resort) | Curaçao T (+5999) 465-0740 | E W
Pietermaai Boutique Hotel When you choose Pietermaai Boutique Hotel, you choose location and authenticity. Our 36 boutique style rooms including kitchenettes are all situated in different historic urban villas and their accompanying attached houses, where history and modern facilities meet each other perfectly. Right in the middle of daily city life. The center of Willemstad is only 500 meters away. Al elegir Pietermaai Boutique Hotel usted elige ubicación y autenticidad. Nuestros 36 habitaciones de estilo boutique incluyendo cocina, están situados en diferentes villas urbanas históricas acompañado por sus casas unidas, donde la historia y modernas instalaciones se encuentran perfectamente justo en el centro de la vida cotidiana de la ciudad. El centro de Willemstad está a 500 metros de distancia.
Apartments fully airco. We can accomodate groups. Kichenette in each unit. Call us for availibility. Spacy parking. Special rates for long stay. LOCATED AT JUST 10 MIN. FROM AIRPORT 5 MIN. FROM DOWNTOWN 2 MIN FROM SHOPPING AREA.
TEL. +5999 - 6616969 / 8890250 Bring this ad along and get $5,- discount per day!
Pietermaai 51 | Willemstad, Curaçao T (+5999) 465-0478 | E W
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Suriname
Tourtonne taxi
Garage D. A. Ashruf
Tourtonne’s Taxi has been operating in Suriname for over 25 years and is dedicated to providing the most comfortable and convenient way to travel, either by taxi or airport service. Our wide selection of 200 vehicles is sure to fit any travel needs. Need a taxi at any time? We’re open 24/7! Tourtonne Taxi ha estado operando en Surinam por más de 25 años y se dedica a brindar la forma más cómoda y conveniente para viajar, ya sea por taxi o servicio de aeropuerto. Nuestra amplia selección de 200 vehículos es segura para adaptarse a cualquier necesidad de viaje. ¿Necesita un taxi en cualquier momento? Estamos abiertos 24/7! Tourtonnelaan 142 | Paramaribo, Suriname Airportservice: T (+597) 422-429 Taxi: T (+597) 1690 E W
Hotel Krasnapolsky
Garage D.A. Ashruf’s Airport Service provides over 40 years of safe and reliable transportation to the airport with practical air-conditioned busses and luxurious taxis. We are also the best address for reasonably priced rental cars. Reservations can be made through our website or by phone, 24/7. Desde hace más de 34 años, el Servicio Aeroportuario de Garage D.A. Ashruf brinda transporte seguro y confiable hacia el aeropuerto mediante sus autobuses prácticos con aire acondicionado y sus taxis de lujo. También somos el mejor lugar para encontrar carros de alquiler a precios razonables. Usted puede hacer sus reservaciones a través de nuestra oficina, en nuestra página web o por teléfono las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana. Aidastraat 19 | Paramaribo, Suriname Airportservice: T (+597) 450-102 / 454-451 Car Sales & Car Rental: T (+597) 458-485 Parts Sales: T (+597) 455-624 E | W
Bergendal River Resort
Hotel Krasnapolsky is located in the middle of the dazzling city center of Paramaribo. This reputable hotel, with 84 rooms, 3 international fast food chains, a pool terrace and a lounge café, is the ideal location for tourists and business travelers who appreciate quality in combination with the famous Suriname hospitality. Due to the attractive surroundings of the hotel, one immediately feels at home upon arrival. Hotel Krasnapolsky se encuentra en medio de la deslumbrante ciudad de Paramaribo. Este hotel de buena reputación, con 84 habitaciones, 3 cadenas internacionales de comida rápida, una terraza y un salón cafetería, es el lugar ideal para turistas y viajeros de negocios que aprecian la calidad en combinación con la famosa hospitalidad de Surinam. Debido al atractivo entorno del hotel, uno inmediatamente se siente en casa a su llegada. W
Guests at the Bergendal River Resort will be delighted by the blend of tranquility, relaxation, adventure, nature, culture, history and wellness which make this resort a one of a kind, vacation destination. Whether it’s adventure you’re looking for or simply peace and relaxation in a comfortable surrounding, Bergendal River Resort is the perfect choice for a unique Amazonian-Caribbean experience in the heart of the Rainforest, only a 0.5 hour drive from the JAP International Airport. Los huéspedes del BERGENDAL River Resort estarán encantados por la mezcla de tranquilidad, relajamiento, aventura, naturaleza, cultura, historia y bienestar que hacen de este resort uno de un clase, destino de vacaciones. Si se trata de aventura simplemente buscas tranquilidad y relajación en un entorno confortable, Bergendal River Resort es la opción perfecta para una experiencia única amazónica Caribeña en el corazón de la selva sólo 0,5 hora en coche desde el aeropuerto internacional de la JAP. W
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Jamila’s Dry Cleaning Specialists in the treatment of all kinds of textiles. Jamila’s Dry Cleaning has been providing quality laundry and dry cleaning services for over 15 years to hotels, apartment rentals, individuals and tourists. The service includes: all kind of clothing, bed and bath linen, duvets, wedding dresses, men’s and women’s suits, delicate fabrics, curtains and stainremoval. Same day service, pick-up and delivery service available. Special prices per kilogram for regular laundry. Open every day from 8.30am till 17.00pm (Sat till 1.00pm). Especialistas en el tratamiento profesional de todo tipo de textiles. Jamila’s Dry Cleaning lleva ya más de 15 años brindando sus servicios a hoteles, alquiladores de apartamentos, personas individuales y turistas para todo tipo de ropa y demás textiles. Somos su solución en toda clase de ropa, ropa de cama, edredones, vestidos de novia, disfraces, telas delicadas y remoción de manchas. Servicio de recogida previa cita. Posibilidad de servicio el mismo día. Precios especiales por kilogramo para lavado normal. Mauriciusstraat 17 | T (+597) 421-778 / 421-767 Kernkampweg 4-6 unit 4 | T (+597) 441-363
Bergendal Adventure Center At Bergendal Adventure Center guests can enjoy a range of nature oriented activities. Experience challenging and interactive adventures in a fun, safe and ecologically responsible way. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature and marvel at its ability to reduce the stresses of your everyday lifestyle. Soar through the treetops of the jungle on our exhilarating canopy zipline or try one of our other activities. En Bergendal Adventure Center los huéspedes pueden disfrutar de una variedad de actividades concentradas alrededor de la naturaleza. Experiencia aventuras interactivos y desafiantes de una manera divertida, segura y ecológicamente responsable. Sumérgete en las vistas y sonidos de la naturaleza y asómbrese de su capacidad para reducir el estrés de su vida cotidiana. Elevase a través de las copas de los árboles de la selva en nuestra emocionante canopy zipline o intente una de nuestras otras actividades. W
Destination Fact Files Hoja de Datos Suriname
METS Tours & Travel Your travel specialist with a range of unique and authentic tours through Suriname, completely carefree! Experience Suriname with the locals in its origin! We offer you the unique opportunity to discover Suriname at its best. Enjoy Suriname’s culture and nature with one of our tours. Choose from day tours or multi-day tours. Discover the untouched! Su especialista de viajes con una amplia gama de excursiones únicos y auténticos a través de Surinam, totalmente despreocupado! Experiencia Suriname con los locales en su origen! Le ofrecemos la oportunidad única de descubrir Surinam en su mejor momento. Disfruta de la cultura y naturaleza con uno de nuestros excursiones de Surinam. Elige entre excursiones de 1 dia o excursiones de varios días. Descubre la intacta! Dr. J.F. Nassylaan 2 | Suriname T (+597) 477-088 / 472-621 E | W
Residence Inn Residence Inn Paramaribo is located in a rustic, residential area, close to the historic town center. With excellent service, a beautiful tropical garden, swimming pool, children’s playground, tennis court, restaurant and conference room, Residence Inn Paramaribo is the perfect destination during your stay in Suriname. Residence Inn Nickerie is renowned for providing exceptional hospitality and comfort in the western part of Suriname. Residence Inn Paramaribo: Anton Dragtenweg 7 T (+597) 521-414 | E Residence Inn Nickerie: R.P. Bharosstraat 84 T (+597) 210-950 | E W |
Advertorial Publirreportaje
AFAS Software Caribbean // Handelskade 24 - Punda, Willemstad - Curaçao - t +5999 461 0089 // Rumbastraat 27 - Oranjestad - Aruba - t +297 583 8919
Move into the digital age with e-HRM Is your human resource department busy filling out paperwork and failing to recruit the biggest and brightest talents out there? Transform your HR department from paper pushers to keen talent managers with e-HRM today! More than a time saving tool e-HRM allows your company to integrate a range of HR functions in a single talent management platform with robust analytic and reporting capabilities. It’s an essential tool for any company looking to
win the war on talent. By automating the human resources process, you eliminate any unnecessary steps and free up valuable department time. e-HRM allows your HR department to focus on the key functions of recruiting and staffing,
Want to know more about how your company can implement e-HRM? Visit or contact AFAS Software Caribbean today!
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
compensation and benefits, learning, organizational development, performance and succession planning. However, e-HRM is more than just a time saving tool. It integrates stand-alone HR functions into one comprehensive system, giving your employees access to information they need while allowing your HR department to focus more on insights and actions, instead of data collection.
“Adopting e-HRM shouldn’t be a goal in itself, but a tool to free up valuable time so you can focus on winning the war on talent”
Stay ahead of the game
e-HRM is also a prerequisite for any company looking to stay ahead of the game. The impact of technology on our daily lives remains unprecedented. We not only rely on technology to communicate with each other, but to manage our personal and professional lives as well. The new generation of talents will assess a company based on the technology it uses and the flexibility it allows its employees in the workspace. Successful companies realize that they need to be able to offer their employees the same convenience at work that they enjoy at home.
Fun Flight for Kids Vuelo Divertida para Ni単os
Spot the differences Busca las diferencias
Connect the dots Conectar los puntos
Sudoku for nki単idoss Sudoku para
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
Fun Flight Vuelo Divertido
Rules: to solve these Sudoku puzzles, place a number into each box so that each row across, each column down, and each small 9-box square within the larger diagram (there are 9 of these) will contain every number from 1 through 9. In other words, no number will appear more than once in any row, column, or smaller 9-box square. By working with the numbers already given as a guide, complete each diagram with the missing numbers that will lead you to the correct solution.
3 8 1
6 7
2 5
2 6
5 7
9 3
9 2
2 6
6 5
3 7
5 5
1 9
InselAir Reaching Higher
4 2
2 3
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
5 8
1 7
2 6
9 3
2 8
4 8
1 4
4 3
2 1
1 4
4 2
3 2
1 9
9 8
9 3
1 4
8 1
4 3
3 6
3 1
9 2
Reglas: para poder resolver estos puzles Sudoku, hay que poner un numero en cada casilla para que cada fila, cada columna, y cada región (cuadrícula de 9 casillas) dentro de la cuadricula de 9x9 contenga los números del 1 al 9. En otras palabras, ningún número aparecerá másde una vez en cada fila, columna o región. Usando los números ya rellenados en algunas casillas, complete cada región con los números que faltan para resolver estos sudokus.
5 6
2 6 9
9 6
Last Insights
Unlimited vacation time: dream or nightmare?
Over the last few years, a raft of influential companies - General Electric, Netflix, Virgin (and the company I work for, TINYpulse) - have eliminated standard vacation policies in favor of utopiansounding “unlimited” paid time off policies. BY NEAL MCNAMARA In an unlimited PTO scheme, companies allow workers to take off as much time as they want, whether it’s a weeklong trip to the Bahamas or a day off to move into a new house. The employees just have to be responsible for their time off and make sure it doesn’t burden anyone. Depending on who you talk to, these policies are either a dream or a nightmare. But the reality is much more down the middle.
Nasty competition
Critics say unlimited PTO causes workers to use less vacation time because there’s no deadline to use the time. Worse, unlimited PTO policies might encourage nasty competition between workers. Taking vacation might be seen as a weakness among upwardly mobile professionals. Some theorize that these policies cause a race to, essentially, zero vacation time.
InselAir Reaching Higher
No: 28 | Jan - Mar 2016
The biggest beneficiaries of these policies, however, might be accounting departments, which are free of the burden of dealing with the liability of scraps of sick, personal, and vacation time left over at the end of each fiscal year.
“In reality, no one is going to take three months off to tour the Mediterranean” Free from stress
At TINYpulse, most of us use the time to do errands. Recently, one of my coworkers had to use a lot of time to fix a painful tooth infection. Under a standard policy,
he would’ve eaten up all his sick time, leaving nothing for future ailments. Our unlimited PTO plan freed him from the stress of worrying about a limited bank of personal time. On the contrary, not many people at TINYpulse take long vacations, giving credence to the theory that you won’t use time off without a definite expiration date. To that end, managers here actively encourage employees to take vacations. The reality is, unlimited PTO policies are not perfect. They help when workers need to go to the dentist or run some other errand, but, in reality, no one is going to take three months off to tour the Mediterranean. Still, I’d rather an unlimited bank of time off than, say, end the year with a balance of 5.67 hours – whatever that means.