Tuskan Times V11 I6

Page 52
























This piece embodies the various aspects that make each summer so unique and exquisite

The blooming flowers, the refreshing sun, and the joy that comes along with these things

The vibrancy and the elements of this piece serve as a reminder to appreciate the world around us


The back cover of this edition focuses on the recent floods that have created a great deal of wreckage in Emilia Romagna and the current state of the areas afflicted. It depicts a street in the region that has been flooded and evacuated



The Tuskan Times is back for our final edition of the school year! We would like tocongratulatetheClassof‘23ontheirgraduationandwishthemluckontheir future endeavours! We would like to thank them for their contributions to the Tuskan Times over the years. We would also like to congratulate the upcoming 6th graders and 9th graders, all of whom we look forward to working with over thenextfewyears!

This issue contains a range of different articles and creative pieces, including Georgia Dick’s Journey of Love and Jamey Snipes’ Mourning Sun. Make sure to check out our new Staff Spotlight: in this issue we are highlighting the story of Renuka Peiris, a member of the cleaning staff at ISF. We also have messages fromtheInvestingClubandStudentCouncil.

Finally, I’d like to thank all our writers, artists, designers and editors, as well as oursupervisor,Ms.Hitchcock,fortheirsupportandcontribution,withoutwhom publishingthisissuewouldn’tbepossible.































“L’acqua, come il fuoco - pulisce e devasta.”“Water is like fire, it cleanses and devastates ” The Northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna and parts of Le Marche have witnessed devastating floods over the past week. Dubbed the worst floods to affect Italy in 100 years, 15 people have been killed, thousands have been left without shelter, and the lifestyles of many workers in the region has been abruptly halted. The first floods began on May 2nd and May 3rd, with a second wave hitting on Monday, 15th of May, as a direct result of heavy downpours leading to the overflow of 23 rivers across the district This torrential rainfall deposited an average of 200 millimeters of rainwater over the flooded areas, with the heavily affected areas receiving over 500 millimeters of rainfall


Additionally, Bonaccini compared this destruction to that of the cataclysmic earthquakes that impacted the region in 2012, causing the death of 28 citizens. He states that the damage caused by the floods will be comparatively less, but it will nonetheless cost the government a few billion euro to rebuild roads, houses, and infrastructure for its residents

A statement from Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Emilia-Romagna region, states;“In 36 hours, six months’ worth of water fell onto the same ground that just two weeks ago endured another four months’ worth of water,”.

However, many are criticizing the country’s government for their lack of preventative measures that are typically established under the immense threat of having such a natural disaster occur. A 2021 study by the ‘Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale’ (ISPRA), the Italian government’s environmental agency, shows that Emilia-Romagna was the region with the highest risk of flooding, and the highest number of citizens who could be affected by such a crisis.


Therefore, complaints have been circulating that Italy has not been proactive in ensuring civilian protection against the possible consequences of the climate crisis, and have furthermore not agreed to adapt their outdated infrastructure and construction practices, as well as not improving their uncooperative bureaucracy

Additionally, citizens have chosen to use boats and inflatable rafts in an attempt to evacuate people and get rid of water and mud.

Nonetheless, it is an unarguable fact that the weight of this crisis has fallen upon the shoulders of the people of Emilia Romagna. More than 10,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes under risk of suffocating or starving to death. People with disabilities and elderly citizens have been trapped in their homes, including a couple who passed away locked in their house with rising water levels and no way out. Many chose to seek refuge on rooftops, where emergency services worked tirelessly with helicopters in the pouring rain, transporting families to shelters

In light of this tragedy, we encourage all members of the ISF community to donate and provide resources to those impacted by these floods.

"Therefore,complaints havebeencirculating thatItalyhasnotbeen proactiveinensuring civilianprotection against thepossible consequencesofthe climatecrisis"
"Morethan10,000 peoplehavebeen forcedtoevacuatetheir homesunderriskof suffocatingorstarving todeath



“L’acqua, come il fuoco - pulisce e devasta ”

La regione Emilia Romagna, nel Nord Italia, e in parte la regione Le Marche sono state colpite da devastanti alluvioni nel corso delle ultime settimane. Definita la peggiore alluvione in Italia negli ultimi 100 anni, 15 persone sono state uccise, migliaia sono rimaste senza riparo e la quotidianità di moltissimi lavoratori emiliani-romagnoli è stata bruscamente interrotta.

Le prime alluvioni sono avvenute il 2 e 3 maggio, mentre una seconda ondata ha colpito la regione il 15 maggio, come risultato diretto di pesanti acquazzoni che hanno causato lo straripamento di 23 fiumi in tutto il distretto. La pioggia torrenziale ha depositato una media di 200 millilitri di acqua piovana nelle aree alluvionate, e le zone impattate più pesantemente sono arrivate addirittura a 500 millilitri d’acqua.

Inoltre, Bonaccini ha paragonato questa distruzione a quella dei terremoti catastrofici che hanno colpito la regione nel 2012, causando la morte di 28 cittadini Egli afferma che i danni causati dalle alluvioni sono relativamente minori, ma nonostante ciò la ricostruzione di strade, case e infrastrutture per i residenti costerà al governo qualche miliardo di euro

In una dichiarazione di Stefano Bonaccini, presidente della Regione Emilia-Romagna, si legge: "In 36 ore, sei mesi di acqua sono caduti sullo stesso terreno che solo due settimane fa ne aveva subiti altri quattro".

Tuttavia, molti criticano il governo Italiano per la mancanza di misure preventive, che tipicamente vengono stabilite in situazioni con la minaccia di eventi naturali catastrofici di questo genere Uno studio condotto nel 2021 dall’Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), l’agenzia governativa per l’ambiente, dimostra che l’Emilia-Romagna è stata la regione più a rischio di alluvione, e con il numero più alto di cittadini che sarebbero stati colpiti da una tale eventualità Pertanto stanno circolando numerose lamentele sul fatto che il governo Italiano non è stato previdente nell'assicurare la protezione della popolazione civile contro le possibile conseguenze della crisi climatica, e, inoltre, si sono rifiutati di adattare le proprie infrastrutture e pratiche edilizie obsolete, oltre a non aver migliorato la burocrazia poco collaborativa.

"L’acqua,comeil fuoco-puliscee devasta."

Ciò nonostante, è un fatto indiscutibile che il peso delle alluvioni è ricaduto prevalentemente sulle spalle degli emiliani-romagnoli. Più di 10.000 persone sono state obbligate ad evacuare e abbandonare le proprie case onde evitare il rischio di morire soffocati o di fame. Persone disabili, bambini e anziani sono rimasti intrappolati nelle loro case, compresa una coppia deceduta in casa senza via d’uscita per via dell’innalzamento dei livelli dell’acqua Molti si sono rifugiati sui tetti dove sono poi stati salvati dai servizi d’emergenza che hanno lavorato instancabilmente con gli elicotteri nonostante la pioggia scrosciante per trasportare individui e famiglie al sicuro Inoltre, alcuni cittadini hanno optato per usare piccole imbarcazioni, alle volte anche gonfiabili, in un tentativo di evacuare persone dal fango e dall’acqua.

Alla luce di questa tragedia, incoraggiamo fortemente tutti i membri della comunità scolastica dell’International School of Florence (ISF) a donare e fornire risorse a tutti coloro che sono stati colpiti dalle alluvioni

"Tuttavia,molticriticano ilgovernoItalianoperla mancanzadimisure preventive,che tipicamentevengono stabiliteinsituazionicon laminacciadieventi naturalicatastroficidi questogenere."
"Piùdi10.000persone sonostateobbligatead evacuaree abbandonareleproprie caseondeevitareil rischiodimorire soffocatiodifame."


In this section of the issue, our writers explore topics related to ISF and our community as a whole


As part of our mission to better integrate the Tuskan Times in the scholastic community we have decided to de aff Spotlights’. These are brief biographies about members of facu g crew to administration. The ‘Staff Spotlights’ give everyone a n’t otherwise know about, and they aim to promote open, n between members of the ISF family Enjoy!

Renuka Peiris, commonly known as Renu, is a member of the cleaning crew here at the International School of Florence. Her full name is Renuka Malani Priyanthi Kurukulasuriya Peiris, but as she herself says, three names and two surnames are a bit too long to use on a daily basis

Renuka is Sinhalese/Sri Lankan, born in Chilaw, but she has lived in Italy for the past 22 years. She grew up in Chilaw with her parents and her 5 siblings (three sisters and two brothers).

Renuka’s mother worked around the house and sold her home-made food, while her father was a fisherman. Their family had very little money, and it was often hard for them to go to school or even put food on the table. Renuka’s school had no food, so she would have to wait to get home in order to have dinner, which, occasionally, consisted of only a slice of bread.

She liked going to school, but often lacked the opportunity due to the difficulties at home Renuka says that her past is impossible to sum up in a few words because it is ‘bitter’, and requires much time and patience to properly recount.

At about the age of twelve Renu had lost both of her parents Consequently, she was raised by her older sister; Viyani Renu says that Viyani was like a mother to her. She lived in Sri Lanka until she was 29, then moved to Italy with her husband, Suji, and first-born daughter Renu currently lives with her husband, her eldest daughter with her husband, and her second-born daughter

Renu has lived in Florence since before Villa Torri di Gattaia became ISF’s Upper School campus, and started working here shortly after the Villa became an educational facility Renuka has worked at ISF on and off, and, while liking it here, she would much rather be in Sri Lanka.

The things she most enjoys are cooking and spending quality time with her loved ones

Renu describes herself as someone who has suffered a lot in the past and, though in different ways, continues to do so now. Despite this, she has always picked herself up and taken courage thanks to her beliefs and her family Above all thanks to her husband, who, to her, has been not only a spouse but also a parent, a brother, and most importantly, a friend

"Herpastisimpossibleto sumupinafewwords becauseitis‘bitter’,and requiresmuchtimeand patiencetoproperly recount."



Nell'ambito della nostra missione di integrare meglio il Tuskan Times nella comunità scolastica, abbiamo deciso di dedicare una piccola parte di ogni edizione agli "Staff Spotlights" Si tratta di brevi biografie dei membri del corpo docente e del personale, dagli insegnanti al personale delle pulizie, fino all'amministrazione Gli "Staff Spotlights" danno a tutti la possibilità di conoscere persone che altrimenti non conoscerebbero e mirano a promuovere una comunicazione aperta e interpersonale tra i membri della famiglia ISF Buona lettura!

Renukadicecheilsuo passatoèimpossibileda riassumereinpoche paroleperchéè"amaro" erichiedemoltotempoe pazienzaperessere raccontato correttamente.

Renuka Peiris, comunemente conosciuta come Renu, è un membro del personale addetto alle pulizie qui alla Scuola Internazionale di Firenze Il suo nome completo è Renuka Malani Priyanthi Kurukulasuriya Peiris, ma come dice lei stessa, tre nomi e due cognomi sono un po' troppo lunghi da usare quotidianamente

Renuka è cingalese/sri-lankese, nata a Chilaw, ma vive in Italia da 22 anni.

È cresciuta a Chilaw con i genitori e 6 fratelli (tre sorelle e due fratelli). La madre di Renuka lavorava in casa e vendeva il cibo fatto da lei stessa, mentre il padre era un pescatore La famiglia aveva pochissimi soldi e spesso era difficile andare a scuola o mettere cibo in tavola.

A scuola Renuka non aveva da mangiare, quindi doveva aspettare di tornare a casa per cenare, che a volte consisteva solo in una fetta di pane Le piaceva andare a scuola, ma spesso non ne aveva la possibilità a causa delle difficoltà a casa.

Renuka dice che il suo passato è impossibile da riassumere in poche parole perché è "amaro" e richiede molto tempo e pazienza per essere raccontato correttamente.

All'età di dodici o tredici anni Renu aveva perso entrambi i genitori. Di conseguenza, è stata cresciuta dalla sorella maggiore Viyani Renu dice che sua sorella era come una madre per lei

Renuka ha vissuto in Sri Lanka fino a 29 anni, poi si è trasferita in Italia con il marito Suji e la figlia primogenita. Attualmente Renu vive con il marito, la figlia maggiore con il marito e la secondogenita

Vive a Firenze da prima che Villa Torri di Gattaia diventasse il campus della Upper School dell'ISF e ha iniziato a lavorare qui poco dopo che la Villa è diventata una struttura educativa. Renuka ha lavorato all'ISF a periodi alterni e, pur trovandosi bene qui, preferirebbe essere in Sri Lanka

Le cose che le piacciono di più sono cucinare e passare del tempo con i suoi cari.

Renu si descrive come una persona che ha sofferto molto in passato e, anche se in modi diversi, continua a soffrire anche adesso Nonostante questo, si è sempre rialzata e si è fatta coraggio grazie alla sua fede e alla sua famiglia. Soprattutto grazie a suo marito, che per lei non è stato solo un coniuge, ma anche un genitore, un fratello e soprattutto un amico



As this year’s Vice President of the High School Student Council, I have a few comments I would like to make, regarding the past, present, and future of the Student Council:

The Student Council is the voice of the student body, and represents the student body when discussing future school events and policies. This year, we have succeeded in organizing a High School Dance, Football Tournament, fundraisers, helped push for the Grade 10 Spain/France Trips, and the Grade 10 IB informative sessions However, this representative body is lackluster compared to what it could truly accomplish The first of various problems regarding the Student Council is CAS. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the Student Council being a CAS experience, as I’ll be able to make use of that next year Although, it spurs uninspired students to join the Council, thus, causing most meetings to be led by the same select few, with various students rarely, if ever, speaking. Hence, the Student Council needs specifically more Grade 9 and 10 members, which would not only have more time to dedicate to the Student Council, but would also understand the role of the representative body to a much greater extent by the time they occupy the executive positions of the council.

Leading us to another aspect to be fixed regarding the council: this year, the council has had four Grade 10 members, all of which demonstrated clear determination, and a single Grade 9 member. The latter, although being a fantastically equipped member, isn’t an adequate representative for the entire grade, as they cannot account for the desires and needs of the large quantity of Grade 9 students This is not a personal stab at that specific grade - even though it has frequently been noticed by the Student Council to be the grade with the least community involvement and participation; I believe it necessary that the Student Council focus its attention to scouting out more younger members, which would leave the student body in good hands once the older students graduate. How this will be done is still being discussed between the executive members of the council, including the opinion of our supervisor, Ms Angeletti

As my term as Vice-President is coming to an end, I also plan on continuing my career by running for President next year, I hope to shed a little bit of light on what I want to accomplish next year: Working in collaboration with FloMUN2024, revising the school’s food policies, creating custom sport team jerseys, organizing more sports events for students, and connecting our school with international academic competitions.

On another note, elections for the various positions (President, Vice-President, Social Media Manager, Secretary, and Treasurer) will all be held at the end of September, and I hope to see some new young proactive individuals who want to advocate and lead their peers!



Within the fast-paced realm of investing, where each choice bears weight and time is of the essence, trailblazers Julius Gutbrod and Liam Barbieri identified a unique opportunity to disseminate knowledge, relay experiences, and construct a conduit for inquisitive individuals intrigued by this complex sphere of asset management Their innovative creation, the Investing Club, founded in January this year, has already become a beacon of enlightenment and enthusiasm among high school students. Despite being a nascent organization, the Investing Club commands a significant following Every Friday at lunchtime, an eager group of 18-22 students, spanning grades 10-12, gather to engage in exciting discussions and learn about investing from various perspectives This strong, consistent attendance testifies to the club's popularity and the value it brings to its members.

A key figure in the club's soaring success is Mr. Fitton, the supervisor, whose invaluable support and guidance have fostered an environment conducive to learning and growth He's been instrumental in ensuring the club maintains a positive and productive atmosphere, making investing not just attractive but exciting for the members A core part of the club's ethos is making finance education accessible and comprehensive Its curriculum is robust, spanning a range of vital topics. The club offers a comprehensive understanding of financial statements, an indispensable skill for aspiring investors This includes teaching members how to decipher balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Beyond these foundational skills, the club dives into the intricacies of stock valuation and bond investing This equips members with the ability to calculate a stock's intrinsic value and underscores the significance of portfolio diversification. In addition, students are introduced to the vibrant and volatile realm of forex trading, providing a peek into the global foreign exchange markets A further emphasis is placed on the interpretation of financial graphs - a crucial asset in the fast-paced finance arena where data visualization can substantially facilitate investment decisions

"theInvestingClub, foundedinJanuarythis year,hasalreadybecome abeaconofenlightenment andenthusiasmamong highschoolstudents."

While peer learning and discussion form the core of the Investing Club's activities, the spirit of competition is not neglected In April, the club took its ambitions to the international stage, participating in a student competition where groups were tasked with creating portfolios and investment plans The club not only participated but shone brightly, with one of its teams finishing second overall. This was no small feat— the club triumphed over more than 200 school teams from around the globe, marking a significant achievement in its young history Well done indeed! What Julius Gutbrod, Liam Barbieri, and Mr. Fitton have built with the Investing Club transcends conventional finance education. They have created a platform that fosters curiosity, nurtures talent, and inspires a competitive spirit. With its stellar performance in an international competition and an enriching curriculum, the Investing Club is not just preparing students for the world of finance it's grooming them to become the financial moguls of tomorrow. This year merely marks the inception of a grand legacy; the Investing Club stands ready to perpetuate its remarkable trajectory, launching even more students into the captivating realm of finance

"Thecluboffersa comprehensive understandingoffinancial statements,an indispensableskillfor aspiringinvestors"
"Theclubtriumphedover morethan200school teamsfromaroundthe globe,markinga significantachievementin itsyounghistory"


In September 1990 I joined the AISF community, which had a student body of just over 90 students, as the mother of three young boys. Little did I realize that day that this was going to be the start of a 33-year relationship with the International School of Florence, but 9 Heads of School later, I am retiring from ISF, which now sports a student body of over 500 students, after what has been a wonderful career

I have fond memories of my colleagues and of the many students I have taught from Kindergarten to grade 12, many of whom I am still in touch with. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for creating these special moments, and I look forward to visiting you in the years to come




Check out some of our community's creative minds through their writing!


The woman sits alone

A once filled home

The plants have grown

Covering the dark cracking stone

No love in the emptiness

Closing of her eyes give happiness

Remembering pictures of their face

The ones crossed out without a trace

A tear runs down the cheek

No one wiping it she's too weak And yet she sits believing

That one day there will be healing


I wake up and feel Thomas’s warm breath on my neck. His hair is covering his eyes but I can tell he’s still dead asleep His hair smells of vanilla bean My favorite When we were kids we would bake with the chefs in the kitchen and each time we used vanilla even if the recipe didn’t call for it because he knew how much I loved it I softly maneuver myself out from under his heavy arm, trying not to wake him My eyes drift toward his face, almost magnetically He looks so relaxed, with his eyebrows drawn down and his eyes gentle It seems as though in this moment, the horrors of the world have not yet reached him. His eyes flutter open. He gives me a soft smile I rethink why we were ever enemies in the first place

Last part of the story is in the last edition



In this section, our readers explore topics relating to politics around the world


Note: this article was last updated on May 22 2023 and the situation is likely to change by the time of publication

On April 15th fighting erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces and their Rapid Support Forces, turning the streets of Khartoum into a battlefield The Sudanese people and the world were caught unawares, shocked at the quick escalation and tremendous destruction. As of May 9th over 500 people have been killed, 334 000 civilians are internally displaced and 100 000 refugees have fled to neighboring countries But the numbers are still rising and people continue to live and die in desperate circumstances.

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces were previously allies, having seized power together in a coup d’etat in 2021 and collaborated to form a transitional government with army General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan taking over as de facto ruler and the RSF leader, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, commonly known as Hemedti, acting as second in command. While violence was not completely abated in the transitional period, Khartoum was generally spared from conflict which was ongoing in the Darfur region and other areas of the country. The military coup dismantled civilian institutions and overturned pieces of the power-sharing arrangement that had come in place after former president Omar al-Bashir’s defeat in a popular movement. However, in December 2022, military and civilian political actors signed a framework agreement to relaunch the political process for Sudan’s transition to a civilian government Unfortunately, the current events have counteracted this progress.

But how did al-Burhan and Hemedti go from leaders of a country looking forward to a democratic future to the epitome of power hungry and corrupt officials with no regard for human life, bombing populated areas and using their own civilians as human shields? There is no doubt that the current conflict is a power struggle. It is the general consensus that tensions increased between the two groups after a proposed integration of the RSF into the military largely because of a lack of clarity on who would be the interim leader. But even before that Hemedti had begun allying himself with other Sudanese factions; looking to cement his position and build upon it to even greater power

"Buthowdidal-Burhan andHemedtigofrom leadersofacountry lookingforwardtoa democraticfuturetothe epitomeofpowerhungry andcorruptofficialswith noregardforhumanlife, bombingpopulatedareas andusingtheirown civiliansashuman shields?"

The RSF itself evolved from militias responsible for war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan where they had been responsible for putting down a rebellion The counterinsurgency strategy resulted in tremendous death, destruction, and displacement. Since 2003, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed and affected by conflict-induced starvation, dehydration, and disease; hundreds of villages have been destroyed; countless livelihoods have been ruined; and rape and other sexual violence against women and girls has been widespread. In 2016, Amnesty International even documented how government forces used chemical weapons against civilians in the Jebel Mara region of Darfur

The popular uprising in 2021 raised hopes that Sudan and its population of 46 million could emerge from decades of autocracy, internal conflict and economic isolation. But the current conflict has knocked the country off-kilter and hurled any hope for democracy into the far future It also threatens to further destabilize the already volatile region along the Red Sea, Horn of Africa and Sahel as well as play into the competition for influence in the area between the USA and Russia, and other regional actors Furthermore, the World Food Program has warned that, due to the conflict exacerbating an already dire situation, between 2 and 2 5 million more people are projected to face acute hunger in Sudan, bringing the levels to a record high of 40% of the population affected Despite the difficult security circumstances and the death of United Nations humanitarian workers, the World Food Program – after a short pause in operations –has managed to provide assistance to over 35,000 people and aims to support 4.9 million.The 40,000 returnees of South Sudan and 73,000 refugees arriving in Egypt will also need assistance from the cash-strapped organization

Before the crisis, Sudan already had 3.7 million internally displaced persons in the country, in addition to hosting over 1 million refugees Many more have fled as a result of the violence, but it is the civilians remaining in Khartoum and other areas of conflict that are bearing the brunt of the power struggle.

"Thepopularuprisingin 2021raisedhopesthat Sudananditspopulation of46millioncouldemerge fromdecadesof autocracy,internalconflict andeconomicisolation. Butthecurrentconflict hasknockedthecountry off-kilterandhurledany hopefordemocracyinto thefarfuture."

Attacks against journalists, international and local aid workers and human rights defenders have contributed to an information blackout, but the information trickling out is extremely disturbing Densely populated residential areas of Khartoum, Bahri, Omdurman and towns in Darfur and North Kordofan are facing electricity cuts, and a lack of healthcare, basic services, food, and water. Essential civilian infrastructure has been attacked, including 11 hospitals which have been destroyed at the time the Sudanese people need them most. Any medical facility in Khartoum has been either destroyed or occupied by armed forces, leaving civilians not only trapped in conflict zones, but trapped with no hope of essential medical care Looting has also become a pervasive problem It is clear that a ceasefire is absolutely necessary to ensure the future of Sudan and the current safety of its civilians. Negotiations are underway in Saudi Arabia, but previous efforts have thus far produced ceasefires in name only and vague declarations that do nothing to hasten real peace. There is no sign that the conflict is slowing; recently al-Burhan ordered the freeze on accounts linked to RSF, replacing Sudan’s Central Bank governor over the weekend of May 13-14

Sudan’s future is uncertain. The violence is presently contained within Khartoum and a few other conflict zones, but there are many gun holders, with arms and allegiances remaining from participation in previous conflicts, that could decide to take sides. The result? A full-blown civil war.

The conflict seems to be fracturing already, with armed gangs causing great destruction and ethnic undertones beginning to lend more chaos to violence. The devastation already seen is enough; the people of Sudan deserve a government that can provide security and prosperity, and the world must stand by them in this time of crisis. A ceasefire and resolution must be sought for the benefit of the Sudanese people, not for the necessity of shuttling foreign nationals out of the country as the accusation leveled against the United States of America reads There has been new hope for a 7 day ceasefire after an agreement brokered in Jeddah with Saudi Arabia and US involvement, but previous agreements have broken down all too quickly to provide any relief to Sudan’s suffering populace The world must do everything it can to usher in peace, but in the end it is the leaders on either side of this conflict that must stop mutilating Sudan and murdering their people for so low a prize as power.

"Attacksagainst journalists,international andlocalaidworkersand humanrightsdefenders havecontributedtoan informationblackout,but theinformationtrickling outisextremely disturbing."
"Thedevastationalready seenisenough;thepeople ofSudandeservea governmentthatcan providesecurityand prosperity,andtheworld muststandbytheminthis timeofcrisis."


Torture is a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms

This, alongside a myriad of other declarations about and against inhumane practices, is stated in the United Nations General Assembly resolution 39/46 of December 10th 1984

The United States of America signed the resolution in 1988, therefore agreeing to its terms

Then, in 2002, the USA opened Guantanamo Bay detention camp on the US Naval Base in southeastern Cuba Guantanamo Bay has gained worldwide attention due to the emergence of various atrocities that occurred there concerning the involvement of American officials in illegal, harmful, and degrading torture practices. More commonly referred to as ‘Gitmo’, the detention facility was part of the USA’s response to the threat of terrorism in the panicked aftermath of 9/11. It was, and is to this day, used to house Muslim militants or suspected terrorists, often captured during attempts of western expansion in middle eastern countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

The camp has a reputation for sparking controversy over accusations of torture by U.S. authorities, and has been accused of violating the legal rights of prisoners under the Geneva Conventions.

Since its opening, Gitmo has held roughly 780 detainees, many interned as potential members of al-Qaeda (the terrorist organisation responsible for the attacks on New York City’s ‘Twin Towers’) or the Taliban (the group of Islamic fundamentalists that ruled Afghanistan until 2001 (and then took control again in 2021)) Most of the 780 detainees were held without charge and with no possibility of having legal representation to challenge their imprisonment. The Republican president at the time, George W Bush, stated that Guantanamo Bay was not obliged to grant constitutional protection to the inmates due to the camp’s strategic positioning outside of U.S. territory. Though operated by American officials, the actual camp is, rather conveniently, in Cuba And, until very recently, this sufficed as a reason for the inhumane interrogation techniques carried out within Gitmo to continue, undisturbed and undisclosed.

"And,untilveryrecently, thissufficedasareason fortheinhumane interrogationtechniques carriedoutwithinGitmoto continue,undisturbedand undisclosed."

One of the most talked about victims of the Guantanamo Bay system is Abu Zubaydah, age 50, whose actual name is Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn.

He is a Saudi-born Palestinian who was captured in Faisalabad, Pakistan on March 28th 2002 in a raid where he was shot several times. Between 2002 and 2006, he was moved around to various CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) secret ‘black sites’ in Thailand, Poland, Lithuania and other countries. Subsequently, in 2006, he was permanently relocated to Guantanamo Bay and has been held there ever since. Zubaydah was considered one of the CIA’s “high-value” targets, seeing as, according to American Intelligence, he was behind many of al-Qaeda’s schemes and was part of the planning for their future attacks

This was later proved to be completely false; he was neither tied to nor part of al-Qaeda in any way Despite this new information that should have sufficed to ensure his release and repatriation, Abu Zubaydah was not only kept in custody indefinitely, but was also used as an experimental guinea pig for the CIA’s interrogation methods.

This technique was then tested on Abu Zubaydah to establish whether or not it could be used on detainees for the sole purpose of obtaining information The victim created a series of forty drawings to portray the cruelties he was subjected to.

The drawings reached Zubaydah’s lawyers, but only after they were partly censored by the CIA due to their incredible accuracy in depicting both torture practices and his torturers’ faces.

Upon his arrival at Gitmo, the ‘forever prisoner’ (known as such due to being offered no prospect of release despite his lack of charge) was tortured twenty-four hours a day for 19 consecutive days.

In 2002, the CIA brought in two psychologists, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, to create the program of interrogation that would be adopted in coming years They conducted experiments on dogs and ultimately developed what became known as ‘learned helplessness’, which consisted in hurting and humiliating the animals to the point where they would stop resisting.

The torture consisted of: violence; sexual and religious humiliation; verbal, physical, and sexual abuse; psychological terror; and near-total sleep deprivation. At one time Gitmo officials believed him to be dead as a result of the torture and the fear of being prosecuted by the Justice Department pushed them to change Abu Zubaydah’s status to ‘noncommunicando’ which means he hasn’t spoken to anyone other than his lawyers, jailers, and torturers in over two decades.

"Uponhisarrivalat Gitmo,the‘forever prisoner’(knownas suchduetobeing offerednoprospect ofreleasedespite hislackofcharge) wastortured twenty-fourhours adayfor19 consecutivedays."

Abu Zubaydah’s case has become famous on a global scale, but his is only one of many stories of unjustly detained individuals at Guantanamo Bay detention centre. Attempts have been made, including one by former President Barack Obama, to permanently shut down Gitmo and relocate the detainees.

Despite these efforts, the detention camp is still running and holds around 30 people, most of whom are there without having had a trial and without having been given a reason We have reached a point where the United Nations, the American people, and the world as a whole are calling for the permanent closure of the detention facility.

The USA’s ‘war on terror’ started with the intention of increasing national security and promoting peace, but twenty years later it is succeeding in doing precisely the opposite.

What is inflicted on the inmates in Guantanamo Bay is a prime example of how the hypocrisy that surrounds the American facade of ‘morally correct’ ultimately leads to prejudiced discrimination and, in this case especially, a direct and deliberate violation of fundamental human rights.

"Wehavereacheda pointwheretheUnited Nations,theAmerican people,andtheworldas awholearecallingfor thepermanentclosure ofthedetentionfacility. TheUSA’s‘waronterror’ startedwiththe intentionofincreasing nationalsecurityand promotingpeace,but twentyyearslateritis succeedingindoing preciselytheopposite."


In 1972, President Richard Nixon’s staffers, working in an act of corruption, planned a break-in at the Democratic National Committee in Washington, DC. They did so in an attempt to bug the offices of the Democratic Party. The break-in took place on June 17, about four and a half months before the presidential election The plan failed as the five burglars were arrested inside the building, called the Watergate, before they could bug any offices. The Washington Post newspaper assigned two young reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, to the story, and slowly, they were able to uncover the involvement of the Nixon administration in the burglary. Their investigative reporting eventually led to an additional investigation in the US Senate in 1973 and the resignation of President Nixon in August 1974 These events were called the Watergate scandal.

Watching the film is an excellent way to develop an interest in politics, especially if you are not one who has much of an interest in reading All the President's Men is very captivating because there is outstanding acting by Robert Redford, playing Woodward, and Dustin Hoffman, acting as Bernstein, along with many other good actors The mystery of the film is also set up well We follow along with Woodward and Bernstein as they find out information about Watergate. You might also like All the President's Men because you get to understand what life was like fifty years ago When we look at the typewriters, the old televisions, and the old dial telephones, and when we see people doing research the old-fashioned way without the internet, we can see how technology worked during that era Another thing the film shows you is the importance of being honest in politics. What I found most interesting, however, is what the movie teaches about the process of reporting.

This article will be analyzing the 1976 film All the President's Men, which is the movie based on the 1974 book on how Woodward and Bernstein uncovered the scandal This film reveals the inside process of reporting on Watergate, rather than just telling you what these reporters discovered.

In one scene from All the President's Men, Bernstein is rewriting part of one of Woodward's pieces on the scandal because he thinks Woodward needed to clarify a point. Bernstein tells him, "I don't think you're saying what you mean " Bernstein wanted Woodward to put the main point in the first paragraph rather than wait until the third paragraph, as Woodward had done. This is exactly what journalism is supposed to be about: writing drafts and rewriting Newspaper reporters have to go through many drafts before they can write a piece well enough. They need to have patience since it can be very difficult to report facts clearly. Focus is also a key part of good reporting So, this scene shows that writers do not have it easy

"Theirinvestigative reportingeventuallyledto anadditional investigationintheUS Senatein1973andthe resignationofPresident NixoninAugust1974."

Another difficult job reporters have is interviewing people This is what they must do to find out information In one scene, Bernstein is talking with the bookkeeper of the Committee to Re-elect the President (also known as CRP) Bernstein keeps trying to chip away for more information by asking questions that will trace a slow path to discovering what he wants to know However, this approach still made the bookkeeper uncomfortable because she didn't want to share too much with Bernstein, since doing so could put her job in jeopardy This is another challenge of being a journalist; reporters are not going to get all the necessary information a lot of the time It could be that people just do not want to divulge all the information they know, or it could be that they think that doing so is too risky or too complicated. They might also not understand the reporter's question. The job of knocking on other people's doors to interview people is a very difficult task for the same reasons. Woodward and Bernstein were yelled at by many people in the Nixon administration whose doors they knocked on because those people were afraid to say anything negative about Nixon, even if they knew staying silent was doing the wrong thing This is how reporters can have a frustrating and discouraging time interviewing people

But Dahlberg hung up on Woodward because he was suspicious that Woodward wasn't really a Washington Post journalist So, Woodward called and started interviewing another CRP staffer instead In the meantime, Dahlberg called Woodward back on another line, and once Woodward found out, he rushed off the phone with the other person, so he could talk to Dahlberg By asking Dahlberg good questions, Woodward was able to find out that the head of finances for Nixon's re-election committee was the one who had deposited the check in the burglar's account. Furiously taking notes, Woodward then rushed off the phone so he could typewrite what he had just heard while it was fresh in his mind. This scene shows us that reporters need to be able to focus on phone calls and be able to take notes efficiently at the same time while also dealing with other distractions The fact that Woodward keeps switching between phone calls also illustrates how reporters need to contend with various tasks at the same time and the fact that in reporting everything can happen so quickly.

Reporters need to handle a lot of confusion and chaos while doing their job, too This is especially true when reporters receive information by telephone Woodward and Bernstein had to make many phone calls in the Watergate investigation

In one scene, Woodward called Kenneth Dahlberg, a staffer on Nixon's re-election committee (CRP), because Woodward had found a check for $25,000 with Dahlberg's name on it in the account of one of the Watergate burglars.

One of the most important things about journalism to take away from this film would be the effort it takes to write a newspaper article. Journalists need to get facts, confirm them, write drafts, rewrite, and check in with fellow journalists and editors before they finally get their article published These steps are especially true for journalists at the major newspapers who have to do all this under great amounts of pressure. You yourself may know to some degree what putting in this effort and being under this pressure can be like.

...peoplewereafraidto sayanythingnegative aboutNixon,evenifthey knewstayingsilentwas doingthewrongthing."
"Journalistsneedtoget facts,confirmthem,write drafts,rewrite,andcheck inwithfellowjournalists andeditorsbeforethey finallygettheirarticle published."

You may have written assignments and have experienced some difficulty and frustration in the process, no matter how easy or hard the assignment may have seemed.

The other big lesson that one can take away from the movie is about asking good questions For Woodward and Bernstein, asking good questions led them to finding out about the corruption inside the Nixon administration We always hear that asking good questions sharpens thinking, opens us up to good ideas, and leads us to find things out about the world and to expand our curiosity The film makes asking good questions seem fun and interesting and shows how good questions can make a big difference

"Wealwayshearthat askinggoodquestions sharpensthinking,opens usuptogoodideas,and leadsustofindthingsout abouttheworldandto expandourcuriosity."


Our history as a species has been filled with countless civilisations that crafted objects and left their mark on our timeline Archaeologists spend their lives trying to piece together the enormous and extensive puzzle that is our past. But when puzzle pieces are missing, it's all the more difficult, if not impossible, to build a holistic understanding.

While humans are an intelligent, advanced species that has the ability to construct, we also have the ability to destroy. War is a devastating force for a plethora of reasons, particularly in regard to the well-being, safety, and lives of those who have been exposed to it. Where conflicts lurk, areas are left demolished, unkept, and unprotected. A more subtle but consistent impact of war is the loss of history and all its riches of knowledge

Such was the case in 2003, during the invasion of Iraq by the USA. The coalition military entry came after an airstrike on the Presidential Palace, killing 1 civilian and injuring 14 others The invasion commenced in the city of Al Basra through Kuwait, as well as from the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian borders with Iraq. After 3 weeks, the battle of Baghdad had begun and it would be won 6 days later by coalition forces

Iraq is a culturally rich country, having ties to Mesopotamia as well as the advanced systems they used, such as their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics It contains records of the oldest known written language, Sumerian, that could be traced as far back as approximately 3000 BCE. Naturally, the country has museums and libraries that protect and maintain these priceless artefacts Some of the most notable include the Iraq Museum, the Awqaf Library, and the Library of Iraq and National Centre for Archives. During the 2003 invasion, American officials stated that other sites were deemed to be more essential to protect

"Whilehumansarean intelligent,advanced speciesthathasthe abilitytoconstruct,we alsohavetheabilityto destroy."
“If we are going to help the Iraqi people build a new nation, we don't do it by letting their past be destroyed."
-Keith D. Watenpaugh, Professor of Human Rights Studies at the University of California, Davis.

The invasion of Iraq forced the museum and library staff to scramble to stash away as many records and artefacts as possible Not only were the historic treasures broken, stolen, or sold, but the very records that marked their presence were also destroyed during the looting. The most reliable estimate for the number of objects lost is around 15 000, of which around 7,000 have been recovered Some substantiated theories speculated that objects were destroyed during the lootings, stolen and/or sold through illegal markets, while others may have been kept as private property Some were recovered unintentionally, whereas others were returned in exchange for a monetary reward.

The so-called Baghdad batteries were most likely broken during the invasion of Iraq. These are pieces of human history that we may never recover or have a satisfactory understanding of their purpose.

Among the ancient relics that were not recovered, is a set consisting of a ceramic pot, an iron rod and a copper cylinder. It was first discovered in 1936 with other similar jars around the vicinity in the southeastern area of Baghdad and was originally overlooked That was until closer attention was paid to the strange combination of materials These finds were entitled the “Baghdad Batteries,” after the initial hypothesis made by some archaeologists at the time. They believed that it could have functioned like a battery, however, there was not sufficient evidence from the object Others hypothesised that this could have been a device used for electroplating, though once again, this was heavily disputed due to lack of evidence in the form of electroplated items One theory that does appear to have evidence is that these jars were used to hold small slips of paper for ritualistic purposes. While some of the jars remain in other countries, namely Germany, they were not identical to those that were lost

“This story ends with a stark reminder of the cost of war not only to those who lived through it but to the memories of those who lived before and to the knowledge of those who will come after”

We often take for granted our ability to study the past. The sheer amount of fossils, artefacts, and even oral traditions that have not been preserved is unimaginable. It is all the more saddening to see pieces that have survived for centuries or millennia be lost to human greed, violence, and war When relics of the past are stolen or destroyed, we lose countless opportunities to learn more about ourselves Human civilisation, culture, and genius are ever-changing things that should not be discarded but rather cherished It is a mark of where we are now, where we have come from and where we will be in the future. Pieces of our history may withstand the test of time, but they cannot endure the atrocities of war, nor the devastating consequences of it.

"Themostreliable estimateforthenumberof objectslostisaround15 000,ofwhicharound7,000 havebeenrecovered."
"Piecesofourhistorymay withstandthetestoftime,but theycannotendurethe atrocitiesofwar,northe devastatingconsequencesof it."


Protests are a common occurrence nowadays With the freedom we have today, and with various nations lifting harsh restrictions, it is not uncommon for people to take to the streets to protest government regulations and laws that, to a degree, affect their lives

Before continuing, we must first understand the standard meaning of protest. A protest is usually an event or action where people gather with others to publicly express their opinions about something that is happening in society

There are a variety of reasons for a protest to occur, including worker’s rights and laws, civil rights, LGBTQ equality, racial justice, taxes, violence, and climate change which are the results of the bad public opinion about the government about the injustice happening in the community or nation Protests can also provide inspiration and a sense of being part of a larger movement and it takes on many forms, such as marches, speeches, holding signs, and confronting people. Other ways to engage in protests include advocacy for legislation, public awareness campaigns, raising funds, gaining support through social media etc but Overall, a protest’s purpose is to demand change.

Additionally, protests can be divided into 2 categories: peaceful protests and violent protests Violent protests often involve protesters utilizing weapons and physical force to gain the attention of the government, which leads to protesters and outsiders to loot shops while the police respond to calm down protests through mass arrests, illegal use of force, or curfews, which lead to even more counter-violence by the protesters.

One country that is famous for its violent protests is France.

France has a long history of protests; ever since back on 14 July 1789, violence has erupted across the country because of the heavy taxes on the commoners, leading to King Louis XVI being beheaded and the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, followed by the country’s first constitution

Next came the Second French Revolution, known as the “Les Trois Glorieuses”, where the people overthrew monarchs that rose to power during the 19th century, such as King Charles X and Louis Philippe After witnessing the deaths of these important figures, politicians started to fear the guillotine, which was gaining popularity.

"Aprotestisusuallyan eventoractionwhere peoplegatherwithothers topubliclyexpresstheir opinionsaboutsomething thatishappeningin society."

The guillotine is a device that was for executing those the people disliked, especially the ones from the middle and higher classes, and was still used until 1977, whereas later on the government decided to outlaw Capital Punishment altogether. Similarly to the ones that came during the 20th century, the cause of protests was usually centralised: the uprising of the communist ideology and the lifestyle of the working class

As for the most recent protests, clashes erupted in Paris on Monday marking May 1, in the wake of hugely unpopular changes to France’s pension system that were signed into law on the 14th of April 2023, where Emmanuel Macron and France’s Constitutional Council approved the raising of the retirement age from 62 to 64. According to CNN, around 112000 people took part in the protests in the French capital (including anarchist and communist groups), demanding the resignation of Macron or the abolishment of the pension reform, and witnessed fireworks, stones torn from the sidewalks, and other projectiles being thrown at the police and who answered with tear gas and water cannons. This led to the arrest of 291 individuals across France and the addition of more than 100 police being injured, including 19 others who suffered from serious burns The reason for the recent pension reform was because France is having a shortage of money: the government says that the current system, relying on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees, is no longer fit for purpose, warning that the pensions deficit would reach more than $13 billion annually by 2027.

In 1934, a protest organized by the Commune, a union composed of the working class, gathered an extraordinary 600,000 people to trigger massive strikes across the country. The protest was so problematic for the country that the union’s demands were quickly met by the government, who signed what is known today as the Matignon agreements. This was a huge victory for the working classes as salaries were raised across the board and the working week went from 48 hours to 40, with an addition of two weeks of paid holidays More recently, protests in France started to increase dramatically, mostly being the pensions reforms, which have been a thorny issue in France. Ever since 1995, weeks-long mass protests forced the government of the day to abandon plans to reform public sector pensions In another moment, around the year of 2010, a protest with millions of volunteers took place in the streets of Paris and other cities to oppose raising the retirement age by two years to 62 and in 2014 further reforms were met with widespread demonstrations

"Similarlytotheonesthat cameduringthe20th century,thecauseof protestswasusually centralised:theuprisingof thecommunistideology andthelifestyleofthe workingclass."
"Thisangeredalargepartof thepopulation,especiallyas thepresidentenactedthe reformthatwasattemptedand abolishedintheprevious protest,inflamingtensionsas muchastheircontent,which focusedespeciallyonthe presidenthimself."

This angered a large part of the population, especially as the president enacted the reform that was attempted and abolished in the previous protest, inflaming tensions as much as their content, which focused especially on the president himself.

“I don’t think in the history of the Fifth Republic, we have seen so much rage and hatred at our president And I remember as a young student, I was in the streets of Paris in May ’68, and there was a rejection of General de Gaulle but never that personal hatred,” Moïsi, a former protestor of 1995 said And yet, despite multiple attempts from activists that took to the streets across France ever since Emmanuel Macron signed into law the pension reform bill, they all seem to not be able to have any effect towards the government’s decision According to “Le Monde” (an article that provides unbiased information about the current situation in France), around 900000 marched across the country on the Tuesday of 6th June, fewer than demonstrations in previous protests. France has always been quite famous for their multiple protests across their history, such as the price of the bread which led to the French Revolution, and with some demonstrations across the streets and some violent actions, the government will in the end listen to the public’s opinion and adjust the rules that may satisfy both parties.

It may be clear that even in the modern french society, the public’s opinion cannot be ignored forever, further enhancing the determination of the activists and volunteers to continue engaging demonstrations to one day in the future to earn what they have strived for.

This is simply how determined the people in France are to abolish the pension reform and other problems that may affect their lives, even if those laws are necessary to keep a stable society.



Since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2014, and the more recent invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, President Vladimir Putin has been the decision maker of Russia’s political and military operations, which he not only orchestrates but also proudly boasts across Russian media It's not difficult to criticise the actions of the new-era Russian dictator and his unrelenting, unethical, and criminal actions. However, one fact is often forgotten when in times of war; the death as a result of Putin's actions Citizens have fallen victims to irrational politicians' greed. In the story of this drawn-out war of attrition, the high-ranking Russian political figures adorn themselves with suits and ties and talk, while conscripted Russian soldiers are forced to buy their own body armour and medical supplies. One Russian soldier preparing to enter Ukraine anonymously relayed to the Moscow Times, “If they issue you a field uniform, you’re in luck ”

Time and time again, propaganda has been used by unjust regimes to portray their actions as honourable and necessary. The situation within Russia is no different.

Opposition to the war is condemned; silenced in favour of pro-Putin sentiments. The Kremlin's censorship of media, particularly in regard to the invasion of Ukraine and the Russo-Ukrainian war, is a well reported fact. When Putin appears in Russian media framing the invasion as a defense of Russia, a retaliation against the falsely proported genocide being committed in Ukraine, and a “special military operation," it’s not unreasonable to suggest that this could sway public opinion

Regardless, not all the blame can be taken off of Russian soldiers in Ukraine for some of the unspeakable actions committed including the following war crimes; intentional targeting of civilians, massacres of civilians, rape and torture of women and children and indiscriminate attacks committed in densely populated areas.

"Warisyoungmendying andoldmentalking"
-FranklinDelano Roosevelt,32ndpresident oftheUSA.

It has been reported that sexual violence committed by Russian soldiers is not only tolerated by their government, but is also used as a weapon of war against civilians. To make matters worse, Russian politicians and military officials simply dismiss the survivors' accounts of the crimes

It is one of the countless examples that illustrate how many of these people have been forced to fight for the beliefs of a ruthless dictator; beliefs that more often than not are not their own. The Kremlin has no regard for their lives, their families, or the sovereignty of Ukraine

It's crucial to remember that Russian soldiers are not a monolith; among them are monsters and men The war crimes committed can never and should never be excused, but the suffering of the innocent should be considered regardless of the side of the border they are from.

A recently released video emphasises the point that some Russian soldiers want to escape from the horrors in Ukraine and the oppressive regime that sent them there. In the drone footage, a Russian soldier surrenders and pleads to get away from the conflict He expresses his fear of retaliation against him by his military unit if he attempts to abandon. The drone operator drops a note to the man instructing him where he needs to go The man is then seen fleeing from the conflict while avoiding explosives till reaching the designated area in which he gets on his knees and removes his equipment.

Forced conscription violated Russian citizens in that it ripped them from the arms of their families and plunged them into some of mankind's most treacherous atrocities all for a so-called stand against “NATO aggression ” The invasion of Ukraine violated Ukrainian citizens in that it ripped them from not only their families but their homes. Forced them to seek shelter and flee the country in hopes of being taken in by the surrounding countries, including Russia

It is of the utmost importance that we remember the humanity of people and the inhumanity of war, the immorality and greed of politicians and the situations of those who are forced to fight for it It affirms that wars must be avoided because there is never a winner. One country may coerce a surrender, but the lives lost will never amount to a victory, only a void within the hearts of those who lost their loved ones

"It'scrucialtoremember thatRussiansoldiersare notamonolith;among themaremonstersand men. "
...theliveslostwillnever amounttoavictory,onlyavoid withintheheartsofthosewho losttheirlovedones."

S C I E N C E & T E C H

Our writers provide fascinating insight on all things science-related.


Since the dawn of astronomical sciences and studies, the stormy gas giant, Jupiter, and the ringed behemoth, Saturn, have competed in the ‘Moon Race’, battling for the planet with the most moons in our solar system. Head-to-head throughout time, with Jupiter most recently in first place, and Saturn trailing closely behind, the marathon has experienced a shift in positions Two international teams of astronomers are responsible for the discovery of 62 new moons of Saturn. One team is led by Edward Ashton, a postdoctoral fellow at Taiwan’s Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, while the second is led by Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington D.C. Nevertheless, the astronomical discovery has placed Saturn’s moon count at 145 moons, the first planet to have over 100 recognised moons

In an effort to recognise any smaller and fainter moons orbiting Saturn, Ashton’s team used data and images taken from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on the Hawaiian mountain Mauna Kea from 2019 to 2021 The team implemented a technique called ‘shift and stack’

The discovery of these new orbiters may also unearth important information about our solar system Orbiting between six million and eighteen million miles from Saturn, irregularly shaped like potatoes, and orbiting in clumps, the new moons found orbiting Saturn share almost no similarities to Earth’s Moon Subsequently, a debate over the true definition of a moon has sprung up For now, the size of the moon doesn’t matter, just “that it’s an object that orbits a planet,” as Dr. Sheppard said. Bonnie Buratti of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California believes the moons have “the fingerprints of events that took place in the early solar system.” The irregularly shaped moons of Saturn orbit in what are known as the Inuit, Norse, and Gallic groups. Astronomers believe objects found in these groups to be remains of larger moons that spanned up to 150 miles across It’s hypothesized that these early larger moons were destroyed due to an impact with comets, asteroids, or a collision with another moon. Dr. Sheppard says, “It shows there’s a big collision history around these planets ” The larger moons possibly date back to just a few hundred million years after Saturn’s formation 4.5 billion years ago.

"Theastronomical discoveryhasplaced Saturn’smooncountat 145moons,thefirstplanet tohaveover100 recognisedmoons."

Additionally, some rogue moons exist within the Inuit, Norse, and Gallic groups These moons orbit retrogradely – orbiting in an opposite direction to the other moons Dr Ashton presumes the rogue moons to be remnants of a more recent collision. Dr. Sheppard commented, “These objects might be unique They might be the last remnants of what formed in the giant planet region, likely very icyrich objects.”

To add, more detailed research of these newly discovered moons may give insight into the state of the solar system during the time of the formation of the moons For example, Jupiter was thought to have migrated from closer to the sun to its current location, due to a period of constant collisions when planets had not yet cemented their position in the solar system. Interestingly, Dr. Ashton believes that these irregular moons only scratch the surface, with “potentially thousands” of moons around Saturn and Jupiter. Although unclear as to why, Dr. Ashton expects Saturn to have possibly three times the amount of irregular moons that Jupiter does, placing Jupiter in a precarious position for the Moon Race Uranus and Jupiter also show signs of having the irregularly shaped moons, however, due to their sheer distance from Earth, the faraway planets are more difficult to study and observe

To add, more detailed research of these newly discovered moons may give insight into the state of the solar system during the time of the formation of the moons For example, Jupiter was thought to have migrated from closer to the sun to its current location, due to a period of constant collisions when planets had not yet cemented their position in the solar system Interestingly, Dr Ashton believes that these irregular moons only scratch the surface, with “potentially thousands” of moons around Saturn and Jupiter. Although unclear as to why, Dr Ashton expects Saturn to have possibly three times the amount of irregular moons that Jupiter does, placing Jupiter in a precarious position for the Moon Race. Uranus and Jupiter also show signs of having the irregularly shaped moons, however, due to their sheer distance from Earth, the faraway planets are more difficult to study and observe.

Overall, the discovery of 62 moons of Saturn has provided important evidence and information about our solar system With more research and data collection to be done, only time will tell how many moons the planets of our solar system end up with.

"Thediscoveryofthese neworbitersmayalso unearthimportant informationaboutour solarsystem."
"Moredetailedresearchof thesenewlydiscovered moonsmaygiveinsight intothestateofthesolar systemduringthetimeof theformationofthe moons.


Our writers provide new takes on anything cultural.


They are known as “Hippies”, “anticonventionalists”or “the leaders of counterculture”; the youth of the 70s who rebelled against their traditionalist parents and government. They may seem like history, but at this moment, a resurgence of counterculture seems to be right around the corner. Young people who disapproved of societal conventions and mainstream American culture were part of the counterculture movement, a youth driven movement of the 70s that criticized consumerism, promoted peace, and yearned for individualism For this new generation, achieving the "American dream" was no longer a priority.

During the 1950s, consumerism reached an alltime high The Second World War had boosted manufacturing, created a multitude of jobs, and inspired people at home to support their country by purchasing goods. For the first time since the Roaring Twenties boom, the economy finally experienced some reprieve People celebrated their new prosperity by starting families, enjoying their stable employment, and purchasing homes. The top three items on consumers' wish lists to outfit their houses were TVs, vehicles, and appliances Consumer credit also became a wellliked method for customers to acquire additional items.

The majority of things that the government endorsed, like consumerism, were met with disapproval by the counterculture movement Frequently, hand-me-downs from second hand stores, yard sales, or flea markets were used to make the hippie-style clothing worn. A conscious effort was made to refrain from shopping at wellknown chain stores and supporting traditional consumerist practices.

"Youngpeoplewho disapprovedofsocietal conventionsand mainstreamAmerican culturewerepartofthe counterculturemovement, ayouthdrivenmovement ofthe70sthatcriticized consumerism,promoted peace,andyearnedfor individualism."

The majority of young people involved in the counterculture movement were from middle and upper-class families. They were opposed to all that the previous decades stood for, including work, consumerism, and support for war

The US began the Vietnam War just as civilians in America began to find relief from the Great Depression and enjoy the serenity of post-WWII. The number of drafted American men exceeded two million “The Hippie movement” revolved around rejecting the idea of an “unnecessary” war and denying the fact that lives should revolve around the so-called “American dream” and “nuclear family”.

Turning back to today, artists have been taking influence and inspiration from 70’s music. Harry Styles has embraced the psychedelic stage while Lana del Ray and Tame Impala have used music sets and retro sound Numerous musicians have been influenced by the era's independence and originality to produce some of the most recognizable music ever. Artists today are paying homage to the disco, funk, soul, and rock of the 1970s, as well as its pop culture, fashion, and political movements

The 2020s aren't very different from the 70s Though the internet may have killed a traditional form of counterculture, Generation Z has created a new, not as well known, one. Though it may not have a label, it most definitely has the defining features of a cultural movement and revolution The more widely accepted LGBTQIA+ community has dismantled the need for the nuclear family which is now much less popular than it was in the 70s Same sex partners and single parents are much more common and accepted Though we may not necessarily be in a postwar climate there has still been hardship that Generation Z has had to overcome such as the Covid-19 pandemic, frequent quarantines and growing up in the great recession With climate change and global warming on our doorstep, Generation Z are the first line of defense, constituting a majority of the protesters and change makers, led by young leaders such as Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate, who do more than experienced, adult politicians

Withclimatechangeand globalwarmingonour doorstep,GenerationZare thefirstlineofdefense, constitutingamajorityof theprotestersandchange makers,ledbyyoung leaderssuchasGreta ThunbergandVanessa Nakate,whodomorethan experienced,adult politicians.

A In some ways this resurgence of counterculture and individuality is a good thing, but in other ways it isn't We have had to return to protesting about the same things our grandmothers were fighting for such as women's rights to their own bodily autonomy This fight is ongoing globally Including in America, where Roe v Wade was overturned last year, and in Iran, where the hijab remains official law and women continue to protest across the country by going about their business with their hair uncovered Antianarchist groups in Italy are also protesting the incarceration of a prominent Italian anarchist, and an uproar of some of the biggest protests France has seen in decades occurred when Macron raised the retirement age from 62 to 64 Those protesters claimed that it wasn’t about the age raise itself, but instead the balance between work and life.

Though these protesters may not look like traditional “hippies” the definition in itself of a hippie is a person with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values. Though we may not look like our grandparents, with long hair and second hand clothing, we have kept their spirit and have kept their anti-conventionalist ideals

Thoughwemaynotlook likeourgrandparents,with longhairandsecondhand clothing,wehavekept theirspiritandhavekept theiranti-conventionalist ideals.


After McLaren unveiled its brand new car for the 2023 Formula 1 season, the MCL60, Team Principal Andrea Stella announced its goals for the new single seater series; of ending the season in the top 4 of the Constructors Championship. However, as of March 25, 2023, Mclaren is tied for fifth place in the Constructors Championship with 14 points to the team’s name, trailing 64 points behind Ferrari Team Owner Zak Brown commented on the start of the team, calling it ‘disappointing’. As a result of consistent misdirection while developing the MCL60, McLaren is lagging behind other top constructors by a significant margin

Compared to Ferrari, McLaren has been struggling significantly in terms of straight line speed, with Ferrari’s car bringing them to 1st and 3rd in Bahrain with speeds of 326 6 and 325 2 On the other hand, McLaren is significantly slower, reaching top speeds of 320.2 and 316.8, landing them in 14th and 19th.

It is important to analyze the gap between McLaren and its competitors by different types of data, such as, qualifying sector times, race pace, and race results. The average qualifying position of the McLaren cars this season has been 14.4, although it is important to note that McLaren had an excellent qualification session in Baku, a track where Lando Norris (driver No 3) and Oscar Piastri (driver No.81) started 7th and 10th respectively. If this outlier is not included the average qualifying position is 15.9. An interesting detail to take into account is that McLaren struggles in hard-braking zones and straight sections of the track

Until now, Red Bull has been dominating the 2023 season, winning every single race (as of March 25, 2023), taking advantage of the new regulations from the previous season and developing their car further. Red Bull has implemented a special type of upgrade known as a triple DRS (Drag Reduction System), that uses their rear beam wing as an advantage for higher top-speeds and faster acceleration. McLaren is little more than a second off from reaching Red Bull in qualifying times, however this gap enlarges on high-speed tracks, where downforce is not an important factor

"However,asofMarch25, 2023,McLarenistiedfor fifthplaceinthe Constructors Championshipwith14 pointstotheteam’sname"
"ComparedtoFerrari, McLarenhasbeen strugglingsignificantlyin termsofstraightline speed"

Despite the difference in top speed, Red Bull has created a better all-around car which can be said to be an all-rounder in terms of performance and McLaren simply can not compete against it

While targeting fourth place in the Constructors Championship, McLaren is considerably disappointed with its results so far However, there is a silver lining to the problem at hand, with Andrea Stella reporting that they realized that their concept was going to be affected by the 2023 regulations of raising the height of the floor by 15 mm McLaren was forced to change its design at the last minute and as a result the MCL60 was not ready for the 2023 season. Driver Lando Norris has further confirmed this, commenting that the car will not be as competitive as the team wishes for it to be, with upgrades arriving further down the line The driver also spoke about the weaknesses of the McLaren, discussing that the MCL60 was aerodynamically inefficient compared to the downforce it generates This signifies that the car has too much drag, which refers to the forces that oppose the motion of the object through the air. Second driver Oscar Piastri commented that the car has a lot of understeer, and lacks the much needed turn-in which would compensate for its deficiency of power, allowing drivers to increase power earlier.

Despite McLaren’s poor start to the 2023 season, it is completely possible that the Woking based team can salvage the season with upgrades. The team has already shown massive progress at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, by bringing new upgrades to the floor, an area which was a weakness for the team. The team has announced other upgrades focusing on aerodynamic performance, such as new rear bodywork and a new rear beam wing, in an attempt to reduce the deficit in straight line speed McLaren is striving to become best of the rest again, which it had achieved in 2021, finishing 4th in the Constructors Championship with the MCL35M, a car that was known for its extremely good top-speed As the season progresses McLaren hopes to end the season closer to the top competitors such as Mercedes and Aston Martin, through upgrades that will attempt to shrink the pace deficit

"McLarenwasforcedto changeitsdesignatthe lastminuteandasaresult theMCL60wasnotready forthe2023season."
"DespiteMcLaren’spoor starttothe2023season,it iscompletelypossiblethat theWokingbasedteam cansalvagetheseason withupgrades."


Throughout history, books have been banned to prevent the spread of ideas because ideas are dangerous Ideas can overthrow governments and transform societies Ideas are the frontrunners of change. Maybe that is why those who prefer the unjust status quo try to block their flow. Banning books is censorship and it shouldn’t be happening in a country with freedom of press But it is In the United States of America, books are being banned from schools. From July 2021 to June 2022, PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans lists 2,532 instances of individual books being banned, affecting 1,648 unique book titles The 1,648 titles are by 1,261 different authors, 290 illustrators, and 18 translators, impacting the literary, scholarly, and creative work of 1,553 people altogether. These statistics are an underestimation; some bannings go unreported The most banned authors include winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature, the Booker Prize, the Newbery Award, the Caldecott Medal, the Eisner Award, the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, the NAACP Image Award, the GLAAD Award for Media Representation, the Stonewall Award, and more.

These ideas are essential for readers young and old to address, acknowledge, and understand. In banning books, so much potential for connection, learning, and understanding is lost – that moment of finding oneself in a book or understanding a differing perspective is gone. And by stripping identities off an approved page, people are being deprived of the understanding that they are not alone

The vast majority of books banned in the US have protagonists or secondary characters either of color or identifying within the LGBTQ+ community Many banned books address racism in the US, gender, sexuality and sexual education.

Books that express unethical, immoral or truly inappropriate content should be banned, but the books that are being banned in the US right now are being banned not because they could influence people to condone the holocaust or expose young children to overtly sexual content, they are being banned because they could encourage people to embrace the existence of a wide array of sexual and gender identities or expose the atrocities of systemic racism and injustice in the US

"Ideascanoverthrow governmentsand transformsocieties.Ideas arethefrontrunnersof change."
"Andbystripping identitiesoffanapproved page,peoplearebeing deprivedofthe understandingthatthey arenotalone."

These books are being banned because they don’t run with the narrative that a conservative, cisgender, heterosexual, white person has built and because that person is frightened of that narrative being revealed for its flimsy, narrow minded and false self The vast majority of book bannings take place in conservative, republican (or red) states. Texas is the state with the largest quantity of banned books, along with Florida and Pennsylvania. The movement to ban books is intertwined with political movements that grew throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, including fights against mask mandates and virtual school, as well as disputes over critical race theory.

It is definitely a recommended read for anyone, especially those interested in realistic fiction and memoir!

Furthermore, banning books is deeply undemocratic because it often seeks to impose restrictions on all students and families based on the preferences of those calling for the bans and notwithstanding polls that consistently show that Americans of all political persuasions oppose book bans There have been efforts to combat book banning, including a lawsuit filed by Pen America and Penguin Random House against a Florida School District. The following are reviews by ISF students of books that have been banned in school libraries in the US Join the fight against injustice simply by picking one up and reading it

Gender Queer

Gender Queer, written by Maia Kobabe, was the most frequently banned book in the US. It is a graphic memoir with a beautiful art style and a fascinating story of self-acceptance and growth told with the perfect balance of humor and insight It is probably not an appropriate book for middle school students due to mature content, but it should be perfectly fine for high schoolers and could be enlightening for older students struggling with questions of identity


This One Summer, a graphic novel written by Mariko Takami and illustrated by Jillian Takami, was banned for profanity, sexual references and “certain illustrations” It follows the story of 13 year-old Rose who spends the summer at a cottage with her childhood friend Windy as they witness the degradation of Rose’s parents' relationship and older teenagers making bad decisions It is a narrative of children growing up and facing the harsher sides of the world, a story of reality, imperfection and enduring friendship. It received awards for its moving story and beautiful illustrations, any fan of bildungsroman should check it out



Heartstopper by Alice Oseman is a beautifully crafted, joyful graphic novel It tackles many difficult issues tactfully but without censorship. It really is so so good, and I cannot imagine why someone would ban this based only on the fact that it is spreading diversity! We need more books like this in the world!


The Kite Runner is an eye-opening novel of the former beauty and current horrors of Afghanistan, which takes the reader through the streets and kite-filled skies of Kabul to truly observe the decay of an entire nation at the hands of extremists and foreign powers, and the stark differences between western ideologies and Afghanistan 10/10 read, but not recommended to people under the age of 14.

To conclude, banning books is undemocratic and unjust. It demonstrates the way the spirit of what America should be has warped into an unrecognizable monster. Children can not read freely because in a country so polarized, knowledge is too dangerous Influence is too important to allow people to form their own opinions, guided by the diverse array of themes presented by authors who embarked on that career path in order to help readers find themselves, find truth and find hope Authors strive to change the world or at least someone’s world with their writing. How can a book change the world if the world isn’t allowed to see it? The upper school library is offering students the opportunity to challenge censorship by reading a book. Next year those books may no longer be on display, but they will be in the library and students will have the power to access knowledge that others are denied So access that knowledge for yourselves, and for the students who can’t.

For more information and statistics on banned books in the US visit




The Eurovision Song Contest, also known as Eurovision, can certainly qualify as one of the most important events of the year with many counting down the days until they will be able to witness the performances and songs of artists from around Europe. There are many allures to this contest, from outlandish and zany costumes to avantgarde staging; however, it can be argued that seeing the accumulation of the most original and artistic talents perform on one stage and represent unique cultures is of its most attractive features. This year's Eurovision took place on the 13th of May in the United Kingdom, Eurovision 2022's runner-up, inside the indoor Liverpool Arena with 26 countries that competed for first place and around 162 million viewers. Moreover, the four primary hosts, Graham Norton, Alesha Dixon, Hannah Waddingham, and Juliana Sanina, provided their expert opinions and commentary throughout the two semi-finals and the grand final.

Many aspects of this Eurovision contest were designed to pay tribute to Ukraine, last year's winner who was unable to host the event due to the ongoing war. The blue and yellow dresses of the host Alesha Dixon and Ukrainian singer Julia Sanina, the waving of the nation's flag by performers and audience members, and even the design of the stage to symbolise an embrace, are all examples of the ways in which the organisers, namely the European Broadcasting Union, showed solidarity The two main frustrations amongst many Ukrainians was the rejection of President Zelenskiy's speech despite the contest turning out to be an anti-war protest as well as the attack on Ternopil, the city of origin of the Tvorchi group who sang for Ukraine. Indeed, to quote Zoe Williams, "This year’s Eurovision was a political statement –whatever the organisers may have wanted."

Eurovision has been known to not only be a stage in the literal sense for singers to showcase their vocals but also in the metaphorical sense as over the years many have purposefully curated their performance to raise awareness about global issues Surprising or not, the contest has often turned political due to the issues addressed by the performers, such as Armenia's 2015 song that confronted the Ottoman empire massacre of 1.5 million Armenians or the selection of the drag queen Conchita Wurst to represent Austria

"Manyaspectsofthis Eurovisioncontestwere designedtopaytributeto Ukraine,lastyear'swinner whowasunabletohost theeventduetothe ongoingwar."
"Seeingtheaccumulation ofthemostoriginaland artistictalentsperformon onestageandrepresent uniqueculturesisofits mostattractivefeatures."

Looking on the bright side, there were several acts that undoubtedly stood out. Besides the Swedish singer's winning song Tattoo that featured a floating platform and theatrical fog to create an ethereal aura, there were some others such as the Finnish song Cha Cha Cha of Käärijä, the German Lord of the Lost's song Blood & Glitter, Luke Black's Samo Mi Se Spava, and Mama ŠČ! sung by Let 3 that have left a lasting impression on the minds of the audience for their unconventional and out of the ordinary stage set-ups starting with the neon green and pink human caterpillar composed of Käärijä and his dancers, ending with the bizarre choreography and eventual clothestripping of Let 3.

It is strange that the latter group did not earn a spot in the top five as it quite literally brought out its 'big guns' But on a more serious note, although there were many noteworthy performances, the first place went to Sweden, with Finland, Israel, Italy and Norway coming in at second, third, fourth, and fifth places respectively All in all, it was a festive unison of eccentricity, culture, and alacrity that brought many smiles to many faces in a time of worldwide uncertainty.

"Allinall,itwasafestive unisonofeccentricity, culture,andalacritythat broughtmanysmilesto manyfacesinatimeof worldwideuncertainty."


Our writers provide fresh insight on any aspect of culture, politics, or trends!


When it comes to honesty, is there such a thing as “too much”? We all have that one friend who overshares, (spoiler alert - that’s me), but beyond that, how much of a “good” thing is too much?

Growing up in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, I was born and raised Catholic with fairly traditional values. There was a strong emphasis on being a good “salt of the earth” person and being humble and selfless. I was raised to tell the truth at all costs, to treat everyone how I would want to be treated (if not better), to love my neighbor as myself, to leave places better than I found them, and so on At a young age, I learned the horrible impact of guilt on my psyche when I told one of the few lies of my life. While it wasn’t even a terrible lie or an impressive situation, to child Amanda it seemed like the world was ending My “BIG LIE” ate me up from the inside out until I finally broke down and confessed everything to my mom like verbal diarrhea, tears pouring down my face. After explaining the situation, my mother talked it through with me and asked me why I felt I needed to lie Having no legitimate answer, she soundly advised me that perhaps a better approach in the future would be simply to tell the truth, and then not be wracked with guilt My mother is wise!

Therefore, I continued with her advice and told the truth all the time, no matter how harsh or inconsequential I had no method to my madness, I simply dropped truth bombs on everyone all the time. It wouldn’t be until years later that I would learn to discern between blunt honesty, tactful honesty, and lies of omission. I now know the difference, and when and how to employ them, although any mistruth still doesn’t sit well with me A remnant from my upbringing, naturally, is the omnipresent “GUILT” of having told something half-true, even when the situation at hand calls for it

As Dr. House from the TV show “House, M.D.” famously said, “Everybody lies.” And, in my experience thus far, having caught people time and again in white lies, half truths, and even flagrant tall tales, I can confirm that the prognosis for honesty does not look very good.

So what is the point of this? Should we always spill our guts to everyone all of the time? Obviously not Going back to the concept of tact, it is prudent to exercise caution with the things we say and to gauge our audience, particularly with sensitive information Similarly, telling an unnecessary truth merely to hurt someone is not only cruel, but also pointless If someone worked hard on cooking a dinner for you that they have never prepared before and you rip them to shreds honestly dissecting every negative aspect of the meal, not only will the person be dejected and lose confidence, but you may have just burned a bridge with that friend for no reason at all. In these moments, naturally, it would be better to employ a little “white lie” that shows your appreciation for their effort without destroying their self-esteem What harm has been done in this?

"Itwouldn’tbeuntilyears laterthatIwouldlearnto discernbetweenblunt honesty,tactfulhonesty, andliesofomission."

When I was studying at Loyola University Chicago for my undergraduate degree, I prided myself on being blunt and direct, ever-truthful, and having “no filter ” It wasn’t until I entered New England Conservatory in Boston that I realized how detrimental this approach could be, as I quickly became alienated. While being direct often serves a valid purpose, bluntness often hurts feelings and a balanced, tactful approach is undoubtedly preferred. My voice teacher at the time, Bill Cotten, told me I needed to learn a “softer approach.” At first, infuriated and feeling unvoiced, I wanted to rebel and have even less of a filter But, as I matured, I saw that he was right My assertiveness did not work with everyone and as far as the Dale Carnegie book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” was concerned, I just wasn’t cutting it. So, I changed tactics I worked on improving my emotional intelligence and learned how to read people and gauge my listeners. When speaking with one of my professors, coaches, or superiors, for example, I took away the “know-it-all” attitude of my early twenties, and began listening more to their feedback with engaged interest Instead of conversations where I waited for my turn to talk or point out flaws and issues, I sat back and began to feel myself present in the moment, absorbing the conversation as a true dialogue rather than a pompous monologue

And yet, there seems to be space in this world for dishonesty. As mentioned previously, white lies and half truths can prevent awkward or painful situations, and maybe should even be encouraged. Doctors take the Hippocratic oath and swear to “Do no harm” and maybe this is more of the motto to guide my life these days rather than “say all the things all the time to all the people,” which we have seen is not a balanced or thoughtful method

I am still an honest person, and I refuse to tell outright lies or speak untruths that might hurt someone. I do not like to gossip, I do not spread rumors, and I would rather remain silent than share something that makes me uncomfortable or is situationally inappropriate

I do have a piece of advice going forward When someone asks you a question and there is no harm in answering truthfully, do so Be an honest person Be someone others can trust Live your life bravely and boldly and kindly and wholeheartedly, but don’t live your life hiding behind a constant veil of dishonesty and manipulation When you need to omit a fact to prevent a negative situation from escalating, be the person who knows how to make that good judgment Only you can know how to weigh these decisions in your own life, but, if it were me, I would err on the side of the truth with a little dash of caution and always, always tactfulness.

"Whilebeingdirectoften servesavalidpurpose, bluntnessoftenhurts feelingsandabalanced, tactfulapproachis undoubtedlypreferred."
"Liveyourlifebravelyand boldlyandkindlyand wholeheartedly,butdon’t liveyourlifehidingbehind aconstantveilof dishonestyand manipulation."


Owning exotic or wild animals has become increasingly popular, a trend that has been fuelled by social media and is not often addressed. In most countries this kind of ownership is banned but still legal in countless others, in which it is not carefully regulated Each year millions of exotic animals are sold around the world, a variety coming from a background of poaching. It is a problem that tremendously little is being done to stop; partly because people do not take it as a serious enough issue According to National Geographic, more exotic animals live in American households than in American zoos; much of the trade is illegal, and has increased through the social media trends and websites which encourage the mentality that people can own such animals Exotic animals belong in the wild, and not in the hands of individuals, forced to act as pets and to be exploited for social media purposes; leading to their keeping in unsuitable environments, in which they are often neglected or mistreated because of the people’s inexperience. Illegal trade is threatening the populations of many species, meaning they must be rescued from their unsuitable environments or from their illegal suppliers

Wild animals belong in the wild, since their needs are not met when kept in homes or in captivity They have very intricate needs and require very specific habitats for those needs to be met. In the wild, they lead intricate social lives that are impossible to replicate in a captive environment Animals kept in unsuitable environments (such as cramped cages or in poor conditions) can suffer greatly, often displaying visible signs of distress such as pacing or self-harming, simply because they are not in the right environment Many animals purchased from these illegal dealers can also be maltreated by those who have no experience with such animals. Parrots are rarely alone in the wild, whereas in homes, they are frequently kept alone in small cages, which is no life for that kind of animal. Other examples include monkeys and chimpanzees who need this vital social complex that they are denied when kept as pets Animals belong in the wild where they reside in complex ecosystems; they cannot be properly sustained in unsuitable captive environments.

"AccordingtoNational Geographic,moreexotic animalsliveinAmerican householdsthanin Americanzoos."

Many animals are ripped away from their homes to become pets, and their numbers, therefore, also suffer. Each year millions of animals are taken from the wild, mostly illegally, to be sold around the world. Some animals are bred in captivity but many are taken from the wild, which can greatly diminish their numbers in their natural habitat Many species of animals have been made endangered because of the demand for exotic pets, especially animals such as primates or apes. Baby apes are becoming increasingly popular; some are naturally taken to zoos, but many are bought as pets with people who have no experience, and keep them to show off on social media platforms for the unjust reason of gaining views. There have been videos of abused monkeys being fed bottles of milk or getting dressed up in costumes Many abuse these animals because of their wild natural tendencies, preferring to beat them into submission, even mutilating them by removing their claws or teeth. The processes used to poach baby chimpanzees to supply this demand cause so much damage because they result in the deaths of several other adult chimps. Moreover, many animals die being transported to other places, either from maltreatment, illness, or injuries This is simply unacceptable, people must be educated to reduce this demand, and proper laws must be put in place to limit this kind of animal trafficking.

In conclusion, social media has fuelled the demand for exotic animals and decreased many species’ populations in the wild. Animals must be protected and not kept captive in small, unsuitable environments for the entertainment of humans This is an issue that is becoming ever more serious, and that more people should be made aware of. It is important that not only do we need to protect these animals' habitats, but also think twice about the “cute traps” we see on social media and attempt to protect these animals from poachers The suffering of the animals in the hands of unqualified and inexperienced buyers appears to be of no concern in the lucrative exotic pet trade. Therefore, it is important to discourage any individuals from supporting this business and to work toward decreasing the amount of animal smuggling and selling. If you wish to help this cause you can take action by supporting organisations such as World Animal Protection, or Born Free USA Other more direct approaches include educating friends and family, and reporting any instances of an exotic animal being abused or maltreated.

"Wildanimalsbelongin thewild,sincetheirneeds arenotmetwhenkeptin homesorincaptivity."
"Animalsmustbe protectedandnotkept captiveinsmall, unsuitableenvironments fortheentertainmentof humans."



“It's been sixty four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty three since the scientists perfected a cure ” This is the opening line of the book Delirium Delirium was written by Lauren Oliver in 2011 and is the first book in a trilogy. Not only has Delirium been translated into around 30 different languages, but it is also a New York Times bestseller The book is a fast paced mix of fantasy, dystopia, and romance and as said by The New York Journal of Books, “Oliver’s deeply emotional and incredibly well honed prose commands the reader's attention and captures their hearts ”

Lauren Oliver is an American author, known for writing several young adult books such as Replica, Vanishing Girls, Panic, the Delirium trilogy, and Before I Fall, which later became a major motion picture Before I Fall was shown at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017, and was released by Open Road Films in the same year. Oliver was born in Queens, New York and currently lives in Brooklyn. She went to New York University and got her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing there Currently, Lauren Oliver is a narrative consultant for Illumination Entertainment where she writes TV shows and features for various production companies.

Delirium is set in the future and begins with a bit of history about the United States, where many things have changed The government has decided that love, or Amor Deliria Nervosa, is a disease and must be controlled and gotten rid of. So, on the citizen’s 18th birthday, they must receive ‘the cure’ to prevent them from having the disease (it is implied that ‘the cure’ is a brain surgery procedure done by the scientists of the government). The protagonist, Lena, is 17, and can’t wait to get ‘the cure’ because her mom killed herself 12 years prior after the cure didn’t work on her However, one day she meets a boy, Alex, and soon falls in love with him. She discovers that he doesn’t live in the boundaries of the US; instead, he lives outside of the electric fence and is a part of a rebellion against the government and their ideals He tells her that he and many other people faked the mark of the cure but stayed in society to cause small acts of rebellion. As Lena learns more about what ‘the cure’ really is and what actually happened to her mom, she begins to question everything that she’s been told

“It'sbeensixtyfouryears sincethepresidentand theConsortiumidentified loveasadisease,and fortythreesincethe scientistsperfecteda cure. ”

Through Delirium, Oliver is able to touch upon the different types of love, not just romantic, but also between family and friends She makes it clear that love is actually what keeps us going daily, and without it, there would be no passion in life. Love is everywhere and we honestly don’t realize it as much as we should The book also brings up the fact that while love causes us happiness, it can also cause pain. Oliver highlights that those dark emotions are a part of everyday life and that, while they would disappear if we couldn’t love, so would the positive emotions I believe that the message is that in order to experience true happiness that comes from love, we must also be able to deal with the pain and struggle.

Delirium is appropriate for middle school readers and older readers as well, but it is definitely not a stimulating read due to how it’s written The story itself was engaging but the simplistic way in which it was written became predictable after a while, pulling me out of the story. Because of this, I did not like it enough to buy the other books in the series

I recommend this book for people who like the dystopian genre but also a lot of romance. It was easy to be pulled into Lena’s world and I really liked the book’s message It was interesting to see how much the characters (especially Lena) developed from naive and obedient to aware and rebellious by the end of the novel. There were a ton of plot twists which is always great and the first book ends on a cliffhanger (why do authors do this to us?!).

Delirium is an easy novel that serves its purpose as a fun, engaging, and good airplane read I would give it three out of five stars and would recommend it to those seeking a simple dystopian/romance novel.

"Shemakesitclearthat loveisactuallywhat keepsusgoingdaily,and withoutit,therewouldbe nopassioninlife."

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