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Italy’s new B2B digital showcase Online now @ Travel news, views, opinions and experiences Everything you need to know about Italy at your fingertips! ITB 2023 EDITION ANNO III - N 1 7-9 MARCH 2023 ALLEGATO A TRAVEL QUOTIDIANO N 8-9-10 DEL 3-8-10 MARZO 2023 POsTE ITALIANE sPA - sPED IN Abb POsT D L 353/2003 (cONV IN L 27 02 2004, N° 46), ART 1, cOMMA 1, c1-TR-0143 PREZZO PER cOPIA € 0,10
It a l i b s o l u t e l y T r a v e l T a l k , N e w s & E x p e r i e n c e s Q u o t i d i a n o w w w r a v e q u o t d a n o c o m b y Wonderful Tuscany QR code

The Marche’s undergroundcomplex of grottos and tunnels

MILAN - The Frasassi Caves in the heart of the marche region, about a forty-minute drive from the regional capital of Ancona, a r e e u r o p e ’ s l a r g e s t c a v e r n complex with grottos formed by a series of caves and connecting tunnels many of these are of unbelievable dimensions, and the first impression you get at the main entrance prepares you for what is to come, as this massive area could easily hold milan’s Cathedral For those who worry about being underground, the caves are equipped with comfortable walkways and the theatrical lighting will assuage the fears of those who are not too comfortable in dim interiors The tours last just over an hour, although for expert cavers there are also challenging speleo-adventure routes

i n 2 0 2 2 t h e F r a s a s s i C a v e s were one of the most visited and popular natural sites in italy

Itali bsolutely

& Experiences


Editore: Travel Open Day srl

Proprietà: Network & Comunication srl

The complex was discovered 1971 and was opened to th public in 1974, going on to become one of the region’s biggest attractions. Visitors will find astounding natural sculptures carved over 190 million years by water and rock with formations of stalactites and stalagmites - the former descending from the cave ceiling while the stalagmites reach up from below – and there are also lakes and wells that are 25 metres deep Very often these works of nature are not just simple columns, but much more elaborate sculptures, and for t h e i r a p p e a r a n c e t h e y h a v e been given evocative names like the Giants, the Camel, the Dromedary, the Bear, and the Sword of Damocles

Nature has outdone itself in c r e a t i n g t h i s b r e a t h - t a k i n g spectacle, but man has also made his contribution to the

Editor in Chief GIUSEPPE ALOE

g aloe@travelquotidiano com


p mccourt@italiabsolutely com

Sales Manager


g as the Giants, the Camel, the Dromedary, the Bear and the Sword of Damocles


the Frasassi Caves in 2022

church in travertine marble with a domed roof


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caves in 1828 they built the Temple of Valadier, an octagonal church in travertine marble with a domed roof And there is an even earlier work of man inside the caves, the Hermitage of Santa maria infra Saxa which is said to date back to as early as 1029

Network & Comunication Srl

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m e 2 7 0 , 0 0 0 v i s i t o r
w i t h s o
built the Temple of Valadier, an
Not just nature
Curious names in the caves
aves Frasassi

e a u t y art and nature

ride of place in the ern Marche

ects rche e BIT n of nella uide, r i s m Moto rario 21 ce of we proago munim eo t t i , eneomM a rrd

B« W i t h t h i s new guide w e a r e pr o mo ti n g

beauty as a great opportunity for the economic and social development of our region, along with fascinating archaeological itineraries that start with the Golden Bronzes of Pergola, one of the world’s most exceptional museums These golden bronzes of the Roman era are quite unique because, of a similar size, there are only the Horses of St Mark in Venice and the statue of Marcus Aurelius in Rome » The guide reveals a charming t e r r i t o r y , a n u n c o n t a m i n a t e d environment rich in art, history, culture with extraordinary food and wines, from the Adriatic Sea to the beautiful Marche hills and mountains, on a discovery of fortified villages, places of silence and faith, fortresses, historical theatres, and Roman vestiges It also tells the stories

of the peoples and great personalities who have lived here, from Rossini - the Marche is also the land of great music - to Raphael, and from Vitruvius to Bramante and Duke Federico da Montefeltro

Motorbike tourism is, with cycling, among the fastest growing forms of outdoor tourism, a journey in search of nature, traditions, culture and gastronomy, it is a direct and authentic way to experience an environment and its people. «In the new Marche guide, the first on motor tourism for our region, we present fifteen itineraries, three for each of our provinces,» says Varotti «These routes are suitable for all levels, especially for those who love beauty and want to experience it in complete freedom Le Marche is a region rich in opportunities for motorbike tourism.»

Gardaland’s new

JumanjiThe Labyrinth

is a natural fantasyland

be operational this Spring A newly planted Strelitzia Augusta, a very large bird of paradise flower, officially marks the beginning of the long labyrinth that will give a hard time to all the brave adventurers who enter it

Inspired by the successful cinematographic series by Sony Pictures four cosplayers, Doctor Smolder B r a v e s t o n e , R u b y R o u n d h o u s e , Professor Sheldon “Shelly” Oberon and Franklin “Mouse” Finbar posed a few days ago with the labyrinth’s first symbolic plants The

attraction will also include a game of mirrors, a snake-infested tunnel and much more, offering adventurers of all ages a new chance to immerse themselves in the fantastic wild world of Jumanji, following the dark ride The Adventure which opened last year «The most important theme park in Italy has become even more attractive thanks t o o u r l o n g - s t a n d i n g p a r t n e r s , Sony Pictures Entertainment, producers of the successful film series,» says Merlin Entertainments

CEO Scott O’Neil «Continuing to bring this world to life is a fun challenge for our award-winning creative teams »

Upon completion of the planting, more than 2,000 Mediterranean plants, belonging to more than 30 different species, will bring the labyrinth to life Along the path, created with broad-leaved trees, bushes, palms and tree ferns, courageous visitors will come across detours, forks, dead-ends and sur-

prise effects Thanks to plants such as Acanthus mollis and Bletilla striata, with their white flowers in stark contrast to the pink and red-purple shades of the other plants present, the labyrinth will also be full of colours that will enchant visitors of all ages The layout of the labyrinth will be made even more impressive thanks to the imposing heights, up to more than 50 metres, of the plants selected to bring the new multi-sensory adventure to life

Amerigo Varotti,
The most important theme park in Italy has become even more attractive thanks to our longstanding partners, Sony Pictures Entertainment
Scott O’Neil

SOS Travel

New PRoducTS, comPeTiTiVe PRiceS aNd digiTaL SuPPoRT

Properties in Sardinia

- The Janna & Sole

- The Red Sun Village

- The Le Rose

- The Piccolo Hotel

The novelty for summer 2023 is The Rocca Dorada Resort

5MILANO - Sostravel com S p A offers digital services for trave lers, operating through the so stravel and flio, and the we platforms www sostravel com a n d w w w a m a r e i t a l i a c o m develops ad hoc solutions suc as Lost Luggage Concierge fo luggage tracking and protection, and Dr Travel, a telemedic i n e s o l u t i o n f o r t r a v e l l e r s «Among the novelties of 2023 is the innovative Dr Travel serv i c e , » s a y s M a s s i m o C r i p p a COO Sostravel com Spa, «a telemedicine service for travellers which, in real time 24/7 via vid e o c a l l , p r o v i d e s a medical/specialist consultation for minor, unforeseen events that are generally not included in traditional cover »

The new www amareitalia es, designed and dedicated to the Spanish market, was inaugurated in Madrid during Fitur «Du-

Dr. Travel Service

A telemedicine service for travellers which, in real time 24/7 via video call, provides a medical/specialist consultation for minor, unforeseen events that are generally not included in traditional cover

innovative digital service will also b e i n t r o d u c e d , o f f e r i n g h o l i d a y packages for Sardinia, including the ferry with the best shipping companies and at negotiated rates, in a single online transaction Also new is the Rocca Dorada Resort, in Santa Margherita di Pula in the south of Sardinia, which joins Sostravel com Spa’s exclusive facilities.

2022 saw the merger of Digital Destination Company and Sostravel « T h e m e r g e d c o m p a n y , » C r i p p a continues, «has presented its business plan up to 2027, and the 2022 closure forecasts are better than expected, with a positive EBTDA The season, still focused on the Ita-

ea and specifically on Sar, a s w e l l a s t h e i n v ents in digital marketing, turned out as expected » properties in Sardinia are Janna & Sole the Red Sun age, the Le Rose and the ccolo Hotel while the nolty for summer 2023 is e Rocca Dorada Resort.

The company has registeed the digital Secret Village Sardegna ®’brand,» adds Crippa, «thanks to which the customer is assured considerable savings on prices This is because the customer will receive confirman of which property will only two days before denabling hoteliers to optiupancy by reaching prey nheard of yield levels » The amareitalia com portal includes all the best products available on the global market at competitive prices Many, with direct agreem e n t , c h e c k e d , v e r i f i e d a n d i n some cases managed directly, offer m a x i m u m c u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n , but are still for a limited number of destinations «The assistance of destination managers, - Crippa concludes, - is now a certainty for customers on their second or third experience, and for the trade. The challenge is to continue to expand the product range while maintaining the quality offered to guests and the profitability for our shareholders, growing one step at a time »

The amareitalia com portal includes all the best products available on the global market at competitive prices Massimo Crippa


The Marche

marches ahead with a record 2022 and ambitious targets

The Marche definitely has what it takes It’s a great challenge, but we face it with our hearts, and above all with a smile Marco Bruschini

MILAN - Tourist arrivals and overnights in the Marche continue to grow, the 2022 season having closed with more than positive results: 2,507,756 arrivals and 11,376,381 overnights wh i ch we r e r e co r d n umb e r s compared to pre-pandemic years Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France and Belgium are the leading markets, with Poland and the UK also showing strong growth And there are great expectations for the new summer flights to Ancona from Paris and London Gatwick «Today, tourism in the Marche is 80% Italian, while only 20%

n g 2 I t a l y

The Region by numbers

Record numbers compared to pre-pandemic years

2,507,756 Tourists arrivals

11,376,381 overnights

The leading markets Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France and Belgium with Poland and the UK also showing strong growth

Great expectations

of our visitors come from the rest of the world,» said Marco Bruschini, director of the AITM

Marche Tourism Agency, speaking at the BIT travel fair in Milan «By linking tourism to the region’s manufacturing sector, which is one of the excellencies of Made in Italy, we will promote the destination on international markets With this critical mass we aim to at least double that 20%, bringing it to 40%, because Marche has all the characteristics to be a leader on the tourism scene » «We have six Michelin chefs in our region, and they will be our ambassadors in the world This

year we will be at many of the international trade fairs including the Free in Munich and the ITP in Berlin, together with the new ENIT with which we will be working closely. I had the honour of being director general of ENIT for ten years, and the new tourism minister Daniela Santanchè has realized t h e g r e a t p o t e n t i a l o f t h e agency The Marche definitely has what it takes It’s a great challenge, but we face it with our hearts, and above all with a smile »

New, high-end Italy for connoisseur travellers

MILAN - (p mcf ) The Italy of charm, of exclusive experiences, of private visits, of unprecedented and fascinating tours Going2Italy, the new division of ing which is part of the Blucanze Group, is dedicated to vel agents who cater for a gh-spending target group loog for boutique hotels and 5r facilities, luxury villas and private services

«The inbound market was the only missing piece for t h e G r o u p , w h i c h a l s o counts MSC Crociere,» says Going2Italy’s incoming director Roberto Pannozzo «We offer exclusive tailormade travel experiences in Italy We don’t have prepackaged programmes, we are consultants specialized in bespoke, private experiential travel MSC, Going and Cisalpina are rt of our network and that gis us a lot of confidence; no e has this kind of strength hind them It allows us to fos 100% on the product, and our relationship with our vel agent partners The deopment of the Going2Italy tform is very important as erything will be customized, t reliable technology allong us to craft quality procts for the end customer We

We offer exclusive tailor-made travel experiences in Italy

We don’t have pre-packaged programmes, we are consultants specialized in bespoke, private experiential travel

We get valuable support from the MSC and Cisalpina offices worldwide. Our first bookings have already come in from New York and Izmir in Turkey. North America is our number one market, but of course we are also targeting Europe and the Middle East among others

The new summer flights to Ancona from Paris and London Gatwick


Only 20% of our visitors come from the rest of the world We aim to at least double to 40%

are also working on very interes t i n g p r o p o s a l s f o r f a m i l i e s , with activities that give parents and children the chance to have fun together And we intend proposing hidden excellences, f o r e x a m p l e I t a l i a n c a v i a r , which few people know is second only to the Russian variety What we want is to offer visitors the chance to engage with little-known aspects of Italy and what it produces Actually we are discovering some of them ourselves While we pride ourselves on being experts, we are not omniscient and so every day we find exciting new angles and unexpected places that we will be bringing to our target audience » «We get valuable support from the MSC and Cisalpina offices worldwide Our first bookings have already come in from New York and Izmir in Turkey, and we are expanding our sales network globally Our debut at international trade fairs was at the BIT in Milan, then we’ll be at the ITB and at the end of March we will host a group of American luxury travel advisors for an Italian fam trip. North A m e r i c a i s o u r n u m b e r o n e market, but of course we are also targeting Europe and the Middle East among others Our enthusiasm is through the roof, there is a lot of positivity, and while we have a very ambitious target for this first year, we are confident we will hit it »

A view of Urbani Beach, Sirolo, Marche
G o
Tourists in Siena

2023Tuscany’s push to verticalize and capture new markets

MILAN - Tuscany is consolidating a trend that emerged in 2022, namely the growth of international arr i v a l s « E s t i m a t e s s h o w t h a t i n 2023 we will return to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019, and probably even exceed them,» says Leonardo Marras, regional councillor for tourism «This year we will re-launch our offline and online promotional campaign and work with public and private players to guarantee efficient services, and we will be giving s u b s t a n c e t o t h e c o m m i t m e n t s made with foreign markets to help make them grow »

Tuscany’s promotional plan foresees a strong push for the verticalization of travel themes and for targeting specific countries, in particular in certain sectors such as wellness and long business stays «We a r e r e a d y w i t h n e w i d e a s f o r school, wedding and sustainable tourism, - adds Marras - and bike tourism and hospitality facilities for female travellers are also in the pipeline. In the coming months our tourist destinations will set in mo-

tion projects financed by regional funds, collaborating with public and private concerns to maximize the effectiveness of our promotions »

«We have set up horizontal governance, - continues the councillor,and this allows for the continuous exchange of information both between the individual territories, and between the territories and the Region Within a year we will make a further qualitative leap with the realization of the projects launched with the contribution of regional resources Teaming up is not always easy, despite the efforts and great strides made in recent years. And paradoxically the wealth of content and proposals can also be a limit, but it is a challenging limit that makes us always feel proud to be in

In the picture on the left Leonardo Marras, regional councillor for tourism

Tuscany and committed to doing better day after day »

Tuscany’s promotions will focus on Germany, France, Switzerland, Aus t r i a , a n d t h e U K , b u t a l s o o n Greece, Spain, and Poland, also through collaborations with countries that, like Tuscany, are part of the Necstour network «We are also looking at more distant markets,- Leonardo Marras concludes, -especially America, and we are also starting to open up to the Chinese market Currently our destinat i o n p o r t a l , v i s i t t u s c a n y c o m , i s available in five languages, Italian, E n g l i s h , G e r m a n , S p a n i s h a n d French

Wellness and business

Ready with new ideas for school, wedding and sustainable tourism bike tourism and hospitality facilities for female travellers

We will focus on Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria UK, but also on Greece Spain Poland

Estimates show that in 2023 we will return to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019, and probably even exceed them
Region’s promotion


king 2022, with more than seven million arrivals, we are looking forward to another good year for the tourism industry,» said Sardinia’s regional councill o r f o r t o u r i s m , G i o v a n n i Chessa, speaking at the BIT in Milan

«This year’s BIT marks a historic turning point for the relaunch of tourism both in Italy and internationally I believe that Sardinia’s strong attraction goes beyond a destination exclusively linked to the sea We want to go beyond the sea, and our heritage is an important tool at the disposal of our tourism product

With a deep sense of identity and pride in our roots, we must strive to ensure that popular traditions, which are still deeply rooted in our island, are examples of uniqueness that Sardinia can exploit to strengthen its position as a prime tourism destination »

Six new guidebooks dedicated

Giovanni Chessa

Six Guides

Trekking cycling, mountain biking, canoeing & kayaking, climbing & canyoning, and diving

Also featured are Sardinia’s archaeology, monuments, folk groups and religious trails

to active tourism in Sardinia were presented on the Sardinian stand Each guide contains around thirty of the most attractive and exciting routes for outdoor activities: trekking, cycling, mountain biking, canoeing & kayaking, climbing & canyoning, and diving

Also featured are Sardinia’s archaeology, monuments, folk groups and religious trails

a and seasons

Ryanair recently announced the addition of two new routes to the Sardinian capital from Gothenburg and Genoa, and it is also increasing frequencies on over ten popular routes like Bologna, Pisa, Milan and Rome

This season Italy’s number one airline will be operating over 370 weekly flights on Cagliari, offering travellers to and from the island low fares on 39 routes

our heritage is an important tool at the disposal of our tourism product

Spa towns, famous wines and culture in Tuscany’s Va ldichiana Senese

MONTEPULCIANO - Montepulciano, nestled in a bucolic setting in the Valdichiana Senese in southern Tuscany, is a true oasis of peace with vineyards as far as the eye can see, and all the charm of a classic medieval Tuscan hill town It is also the land where Nobile di Montepulciano is produced, the famous red wine with the Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG), esteemed by connoisseurs and w i n e e n t h u s i a s t s t h e w o r l d over Mayor Michele Angiolini says the town and its surrounding area draw visitors looking for tranquility and relaxation, and that they also come to stay and t a k e t h e w a t e r s i n i t s s p a

towns, Montepulciano Terme, San Casciano dei Bagni and Chianciano Terme «Visitors are very attracted by our nature and also by our foods and wines We have a wide range of accommodation in both hotels and non-hotel facilities PostCovid the hotels, which are mostly in Chianciano Terme, suffered somewhat while alternative facilities were in strong demand » Many of the cultural events organized in the area are concentrated in the summer months, «but our Christmas in Montepulciano draws thousands of peop l e f r o m N o v e m b e r r i g h t

through to the end of the holid a y s e a s o n , » s a i d Ma yo r A n giolini «During Covid p f o r e i g n m a r k e t the US and Rus p e d c o n s i d e r a t o o k a d v a n t a g e o f t h o s e months to work, plan and invest in promoting our region, and this proved to have been a good move as it led to a rise in domestic visitors and also boos t e d a r r i v a l s f r o m p r o x i m i t y markets »

Cultural, sea and nature holidays Iglesia s

It takes time to visit our territory, but there are many sites that are worth visiting, and so we have set out different itineraries The best way is along the Camino Minerario di Santa Barbara mining trail

IGLESIAS - (p mcf ) Iglesias, on the south-west coast of Sardinia is a handsome city with diverse cultural and natural attractions Perhaps less well known than other tourist resorts, it is perfect for many different types of holidays: seaside, cultural and trekking

The coast is dominated by rugged headlands and the hinterland beaten by paths along which one comes across evidence of the near and distant past like the mines that existed in the area from the early 1900s up to the 1960s

«We have many famous industrial ar-

chaeology sites that are unique - this was the oldest mining basin in Europe - and for some years now the municipality has been focusing a lot on their experiential enhancement not only for the beauty of the area but also because they tell story of the identity of a community,» says Mauro Usai, mayor of Iglesias «It takes time to visit our territory, but there are many sites that are worth visiting, and so we have set out different itineraries The best way is along the Camino Minerario di Santa Barbara mining trail, which is to

say the historical and mining paths that the miners used to take to go to work » This 500-kilometre loop, along pathways, mule tracks and dirt and paved roads, has been divided into 30 stages, each of about 16 kilometres

Crossing towns and villages it is suitable for walkers and also for bikers, while those who prefer to admire the landscapes from the sea can do so by boat

The city of Iglesias itself has a fascinating history that goes back thousands of years, from Roman times through

the Pisan domination and then under Spanish rule when it got the name Iglesias, the city of churches «Many of our visitors are from France, England, and Europe, Iglesias can be enjoyed at any time of year. So even when the temperatures are lower it is still possible to experience the mountains and the coasts, drawing many visitors in the low season,» adds Mayor Usai Another very popular time of year is Easter and the Holy Week to see some of the most fascinating processions in Italy. When visitors arrive in Cagliari airport - there are many flights both from Milan and Rome daily as well as from other European citiesor disembark in the post of Cagliari there is a train that brings them to Iglesias «We have a very wide range, and we have a wide choice of accommodation with many bed and breakfasts nestled in the heart of the city »

Mayor MicheleAngiolini Mauro Usai, mayor of Iglesias

Ita ly’s Veneto region

ob jec tive


Veneto’s tourism agencies are working together with local players to create Smart Tourism Destinations where the stakeholders, under the management of a DMO, facilitate access to tourism and hospitality products

MILAN - «Dealing with tourism today calls many factors into consideration, including sustainability and the ecological and digital transition These are essential elements to ensure the development of our destinations and a better redistribution of tourist flows,»- said Veneto’s tourism councillor Federico Caner - We are focusing on the new way people are choosing to travel today They tend to want to discover hidden places, d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s , a n d l o c a l products, and for this kind of slow tourism there are many itineraries on our rivers and walking and cycling trails around our region » Digitalization is a prime objective for the destination, and Ven e t o ’ s t o u r i s m a g e n c i e s a r e working together with local players to create Smart Tourism Destinations where the stakeh o l d e r s , u n d e r t h e m a n a g ement of a DMO, facilitate access to tourism and hospitality products

In focusing on slow tourism, sustainability, and the beauty of its cultural and natural heritage, the region’s innovative appro-

IS playIng The carDS Of SuSTaInabIlITy anD DIgITal TranSITIOn

The total revenues in 2019, made us Italy’s number one inbound operator

Federico Caner

ach puts the spotlight on its nine UNESCO sites - from Venice and its lagoon to Verona, and from Padua to the Prosecco Hills and the Dolomites

Numbers show that the strategy is going in the right direction as in 2022 Veneto recorded some 62 million overnights, o f w h i c h 4 2 m i l l i o n f r o m abroad, thus returning almost to pre-pandemic 2019 levels.

«Our seaside resort towns on the coast alone recorded 35 m i l l i o n o v e r n i g h t s i n 2 0 2 2 ,said Councillor Caner - These numbers are also thanks to the investments made in new tourism products that enhance the entire region and help govern the phenomenon of over-tourism »

The Region by numbers

Numbers show that the strategy is going in the right direction

62 millions overnights, of which 42 million from abroad

35 million overnights in Veneto’s seaside resort towns on the coast alone in 2022

NINE UNESCO sites from Venice and its lagoon to Verona, and from Padua to the Prosecco Hills and the Dolomites


There are many itineraries on rivers and walking and cycling trails around the region

12 Cities
and Regions


is so much more

Currently we are investing in upgrading many facilities like the waterfront and adding new parking areas

Daniele Tumminello

image in the world is the Cathedral that dominates the old town, which in turn is dominated by the Madonie mountains, and we have been a UNESCO site since 2015,» says Cefalu’s mayor, Daniele Tumminello «The rest is obviously done by nature, and then there is the historical beauty of the city » And also the warm welcome the townspeople reserve for visitors, which is something that dates back centuries, «but took on new meaning at the end of the 50s when the Club Med

first opened Last year we rec o r d e d 8 1 1 , 0 0 0 o v e r n i g h t s against 784,926 in 2019.»

Foreign tourism accounts for 63 7% of arrivals to Cefalù, with France and Germany in the lead and a significant presence of American, British and Swiss visitors, with Italians accounting for 36 3% per cent annually

«While many of our visitors use the city as a door to discover the surrounding area, being a port city Cefalù has a unique appeal and a wide range of accommodation of all levels, and

currently we are investing in upgrading many facilities like the waterfront and adding new parking areas »

At the ITB Cefalù will be promoted through images, typical products, and brochures that tell of the history, places, and experiences that the city offers in terms of culture, nature, food and wine The aim being, added mayor Tumminello, to consolidate the annual presence of Germans and other loyal visitors, while reaching out to conquer new international markets

e n e-td

Raffaello Travel Group

p a B2B platform specialized in tourism services and travel experiences with brands that tailor-make unforgettable experiences and adventures «We offer tours in the Marche but also in other Italian regions,» says general manager Federico Scaramucci «While we specialize in hospitality for events and conferences, we also have products that range from the sea to wine and food tours, to culture and outdoor activities We have just received the GIST Best Green Italian Accommodation award for our chalet on Monte Nerone which has been completely renovated to the highest sustainable standards It is open all year and has 25 beds in rooms for eight to four people as well as a restaurant »

With orders already arriving for the summer season Scaramucci says requests are coming from travel agent partners in Germany, Holland and other central European countries, and that there is a strong demand for holiday homes, villas and farmhouses «One of the acti-

tailor-make unforgettable experiences and adventures

vities we promote is guided bike tours for which we have designed special itineraries and which include wine and food tastings The tour I always like to mention is the one-day Raphael Tour that, like all our tours, can be done with your own bike, or we can rent out the bikes » While being a specialist in nature and eco-sustainable experiences, the Raffaello Travel Group also promotes the cultural beauty of Urbino, which is a UNESCO site with a very well-preserved historic centre «Every year at the end of July we have the Urbino Festival of Ancient Music, then the Jazz Festival in August and the Festival of Urban Theatre which moves from one small town to another, and there are also the Rossini Festial and the Arena Sferisterio opera season We also get a lot of enquiries for the region’s craft breweries, like those in the town of Apecchio, and then of course we work very closely with the Frasassi Caves, which are one of the prime attractions in the Marche »


ThThe Group’s

& Resorts and the property, the former Free Beach Resort, was owned by Giovanni Nonne, former Gestitur president

PADUA - Th Costa Rei-Free Beach Resort is the new Sardinian property of the Th Group, which now has 16 beach, eleven mountain and four urban properties in Italy The new acquisition was conducted in partnership with Iti Marina Hotels

The complex, located in one of the most picturesque areas of the south-eastern coast of Sardinia, has 400 rooms arranged in a natural amphitheatre, and is immersed in Mediterranean vegetation in front of the Costa Rei beach «This is an important m i l e s t o n e f o r u s , » s a y s T h Group President Graziano Debellini, «The Th Costa Rei-Free Beach Resort had been in our sights for some time, and further consolidates our positio-

ning and presence on the island » After the Th Chia-Parco Torre Chia, the Paduan company therefore returns to invest in Sardinia, where it also manages the Th San TeodoroLiscia Eldi, and the Tci La Maddalena in the north of the island

«These years have been a difficult challenge that we feel we have overcome with great sacrifice, flexibility, trust and a strong team spirit, which has always characterized the Th family,» adds the group’s administrator, Giuliano Gaiba «The addition to our Sardinian port-

folio of this important and historic holiday village, which is much appreciated internationally, is part of our growth and expansion project, which includes the acquisition of another r e s o r t o v e r t h e n e x t f e w months

«Having worked for 45 years in this area, to have the historic Free Beach Resort among our 35 properties is, for me and my family, a source of great pride and heartfelt professional, as well as personal, satisfaction,» concluded Piero Loi, General Manager Iti Marina Hotels & Resorts

The addition to our Sardinian portfolio of this important holiday village is part of our growth
Giuliano Gaiba 16 Hospitality t NEWS t TOURISM INDUSTRY t INSPIRATIONS
erty is the Costa Rei-Free Beach Resort

Omnia Hotels: ops N e x t

not pausing its development projects and, with eight hotels, all in Rome, is already looking elsewhere «We are currently working on operations both in the Eternal City and in other Italian destinations such as Milan, Venice and Cortina d’Ampezzo,» explains CEO Francesco Lazzarini

3 seems to be following a ar trajectory: «In January bruary in terms of both ncy and average price, v e a l r e a d y p e r f o r m e d han in 2019 - adds LazAnd so we can reasoelieve that we will once xceed the set targets, or this year are +20% 2.»

MILAN - For now the focus is undoubtedly on the restyling of the new Rome entry, the Rose Garden Palace, as well as the Shangri La But Omnia Hotels is

The company, born in 2019 from a spin-off of the Loan Group, at the behest of the two Lazzarini brothers (in addition to Francesco there is also Ric-

cardo Ed ), immediately aimed to boost its initial portfolio of six properties «Covid obviously slowed down our initial plans a bit, but we still managed to add the St Martin in addition to the Rose Garden Since last April demand has picked up, even exceeding 2019 levels So we were able to recover the turnov e r l o s t i n t h e f i r s t t h r e e m o n t h s , a n d c l o s e t h e y e a r above the pre-Covid year, with a total turnover 30 percentage points higher than the initial growth forecasts »

T h e c o m p e t i t i o n t h a t c o u l d come from the wave of new Rome openings by international chains does not seem to be a deterrent «On the contrary, I believe this is a great opportunity for the destination Having m a j o r i n v e s t o r s c o n f i d e n t l y bankroll the capital undoubtedly brings additional competition, but at the same time it makes the city increasingly appealing as a destination for international congresses, sporting and artistic events And this generates the possibility of attracting additional demand from higher spending travellers Stealing the scene from other European capitals for this t y p e o f e v e n t s u p p o r t s t h e growth of the average rate, making it possible to close that price gap with competitors that we suffered in pre-Covid years And it contributes to the seasonal adjustment of the market, often covering those periods when there is a drop in leisure travellers »

We are currently working on operations both in the Eternal City and in other Italian destinations
Francesco Lazzarini
Francesco and Riccardo Lazzarini

Croatia the new entry, and excellent load factors S N A V

NAPLES - The guarantee of a reliable and punctual service, but also great attention to safety in terms of both navigation a n d b o o k i n g T h e s e a r e t h e 2023 objectives of SNAV, a leading Mediterranean ferry services company, which for next summer is offering the possibility of booking well in advance, with cancellations possible up to 30 days before departures and with 100% refunds

Throughout the year SNAV will be present at the main trade fairs and industry events to meet its travel agency partners

All our lines recorded excellent load factors, particularly on the IschiaCasamicciola and Procida routes in the Gulf of Naples

Giuseppe Langella

The trade is, in fact, a privileged s a l e s c h a n n e l t o w h i c h t h e Group has dedicated a series of incentives and ad hoc commission schemes It is also focusing on Croatia which, with the arrival of the euro, «becomes a more usable destination for Italian tourists The adoption of the single currency has not led to any changes in the fares applied by our company,» explains S N A V ’ s a d m i n i s t r a t o r , G i u -

T h e s u m m e r c o m e s o n t h e wave of the 2022 season which

was one of great recovery with numbers that came close to those of 2019, which had been a record year «All our lines recorded excellent load factors,» Langella adds, «particularly on t h e I s c h i a - C a s a m i c c i o l a a n d Procida routes in the Gulf of Naples, where the sailings to Capri also confirmed their trad i t i o n a l p o p u l a r i t y A n d t h e same can be said for the Aeolian and Pontine islands and for sales to Croatia: a destination that responded well to late departures in October »


- The guarantee of a reliable and punctual service

- Great attention to safety in terms of both navigation and booking

Seasonal connections

Ancona - Split by ferry from May to October

Naples - Aeolian Islands by fast ferry from May to September

Naples - Ventone/Ponza by fast ship from June to September

All year daily high-speed connections in the Bay of Naples

Naples - Capri

Naples - Ischia


Naples - Procida

CastellammareCapri Sorrento – Capri

T h e r o u t e s

celebratesGrandi navi Veloci

In May 2023 we will launch a new reservation system that will revolutionize booking

MILAN - Grandi Navi Veloci, an MSC Group division, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year It was in 1993 that GNV’s owner Aldo Grimaldi created the cruise ferry: a combination of car and cargo transport with passenger comfort on a par with a cruise ship, while at the same time speeding up sailings For its 30th anniversary celebrations the company is planning a series of B2B and B2C programmes, and at the end of 2024 it will take delivery of the first unit of the planned new builds

«In May 2023 we will launch a new reservation system - says Matteo Della Valle, GNV’s passenger sales & marketing staff director - This will revolutionize booking It took us three years, and it will be a major change, simplifying the entire sector » ADVs, who are fundamental partners for the company, will come in for s o m e

even more complete support with dedicated teams for the Italian and f o r e i g n m a r k e t s « T h e E l i t e p r ogramme, with a series of pluses and services, currently counts some 100 travel agents and is a highly soughtafter cluster We are thinking of launching a TOP Elite to reward our best partners »

In 2022 GNV carried over 2,200,000 passengers

H a v i n g c l o s e d 2 0 2 2 w i t h o v e r 2,200,000 passengers, this year the aim is consolidation «Despite the two years of crisis, capacity has increased by 50% Shipowner Gianl u i g i

years of success

2023 GNV Italian and foreign Routes

Aponte believes in the company and we have strengthened our routes All t h e i n d i c a t o r s , i n c l u d i n g a d v a n c e bookings, are positive and are pointing to a very strong demand Foreign markets were back again in 2022, with the German market recording double-digit growth » Guests can now choose to pay in instalments, and safety on board remains a key factor «The large areas available on board represent an added value There is a high focus on clusters such as families with children and those travelling with pets In both cases,- explains De la Valle - there are ad hoc areas, dedicated routes and activities, and we are constantly renewing the food & beverage facilities in line with the tastes and requests of customers »

In Italy this year, on the Civitavecchia-Olbia route there will be six sailings a week from both ports, in addition to four ships on the Genoa-Olbia and Genoa-Torres routes, with two daily departures for both lines. In Sicily GNV will operate daily sailings to and from Palermo with Genoa and Naples, Civitavecchia-Palermo and Termini Imerese, and Naples-Termini Imerese On foreign markets GNV will be present in the Balearic Islands with four daily departures to and from the ports of Barcelona and Valencia for Menorca, Palma de Mallorca and Ibiza, guaranteeing daily connections to all the islands, but also operating in Morocco where it will be present with six routes to and from Italy, Spain and France. This complete network to all the major Mediterranean ports will consistsof the bi-weekly and tri-weekly Genoa-Tangier, Civitavecchia-Tangier, Barcelona-Tangier and Barcelona-Nador, Sète-Tangier and Sète-Nador, in addition to the Almeria-Nador which was inaugurated last summer GNV will continue to operate daily Bari-Durrës sailings to Albania while departures from the ports of Genoa, Civitavecchia and Palermo to Tunis are also confirmed for 2023

Trenitalia’s regional network

Sustainable Italy

MILAN - «For Trenitalia’s Regional Division this post-Covid year promises to be a turning point,» said Regional Business Director Sabrina De Filippis at the BIT travel fair in Milan «With the recovery of international markets, and the increase in demand for proximity travel, we are looking to surpass the volumes of 2019.»

M o r e t h a n 6 , 2 0 0 R e g i o n a l e trains operate daily on the network from the north to the south of Italy, and the aim is to focus on shared and integrated modes of transport including buses to continue journeys to the more remote parts of the country

With the recovery of international markets, and the increase in demand for proximity travel, we are looking to surpass the volumes of 2019

«This allows our passengers to discover many b e a u t i f u l a n d l e s s e rknown parts of Italy Due t o t h e s u c c e s s o f o u r train + bus LINK services we are now also integrat i n g o u r t r a i n c o n n e ctions with ferry services to many of the most evo-

cative islands in the Mediterranean »

With the emphasis on s u s t a i n a b i l i t y t h e n e w Regionale trains, like the h y b r i d B l u e s , c o n s u m e 30% less energy than the previous generation, and both in terms of techno-

logy and on-board services they are able to meet the needs of an increasingly wide and diverse range of travellers, from families, to bikers, including those who travel by e-bike, thanks to the onboard charging stations

«We have 100 travel agents in our Elite programme»

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