Ivormatie magazine (Aug 2022-EN)

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CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Ivormatie magazine - August 2022


For Iv, these are primarily technical challenges: how can we obtain our energy sustainably? How can we reuse materials better? How do we reduce industry emissions? These are issues for which new solutions must be devised. We love challenges like these at Iv-Groep and on which we can entirely focus: new technologies that enable us to contribute positively to the world around us. The more complex the issue, the more we can demonstrate our passion for technology. However, the challenge is not only in the technology. Another critical question is: how will we coordinate it? The amount of work to be done is colossal, while there is a great shortage of professionals to do the job; engineers, installers, welders, etc. And because of the war in Ukraine, the government intends to

It’s again time for a new edition of Ivormatie, this time with the theme ‘Challenge Accepted’. An appropriate theme for the times in which we live. We are faced with a major challenge: climate change. A Climate Agreement containing goals to limit global warming has been drawn up, with which much work is to be done if we are to achieve these goals. Furthermore, to intensify this challenge: we are dealing with sky-high inflation and war in Ukraine and have yet to find out what the future holds concerning coronavirus? These uncertainties do not make the challenge any easier, but we must find solutions for the issues presented.

speed up its plans. This challenges us to do our job as efficiently as possible; we can use our time only once. Success requires the best possible cooperation with all involved parties because only together can we achieve the utmost. In more than 70 years, Iv-Groep has developed into a unique company brimming with skilled, enthusiastic employees with many beautiful, challenging projects. Since the beginning of this year, I have had the honour of leading this magnificent company. Quite a responsibility with all the challenges that lie ahead! But fortunately, I don’t have to do it alone. When I see the enthusiasm and passion our people bring to work with them every day and apply it to solving our clients’ issues, I am confident Iv can look forward to a bright future. I am convinced we can take on any challenge. In other words: Challenge Accepted!

I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Ivormatie. Maarten van de Waal CEO Iv-Groep


Volume 36, No. 1, August 2022 Editorial Staff Iv-Groep, Corporate Development & Marketing Ivormatie A publication of Iv-Groep b.v. Editorial Office Iv-Groep b.v. P.O. Box 1155 3350 CD Papendrecht The Netherlands marketing@iv-groep.nl www.iv-groep.com Sign out Would you prefer to receive Ivormatie digitally? Or do you want to unsubscribe? Let us know via marketing@iv-groep.nl. Copyright © 2022 Iv-Groep. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part requires written permission. Cover: Department of Defence

CONTENT 6 Escher heading towards the ‘finale’ in China: mechanical completion of Crystallisers in sight 10 Iv-Consult to play a major role in the decommissioning of offshore platforms 14 Expertise in offshore hydrogen platform helps large-scale North Sea study progress 18 How Iv-Infra plays a major role in the enormous task of renovating and replacing infrastructure 24 Research into purifying water from PFAS delivers many answers 28 The race for climate-friendly office buildings has started 34 Iv-Industrie takes substantial steps towards a cleaner TATA Steel 40 Nevesbu collaborates in unique trio on main gun replacement



Escher heading towards the ‘finale’ in China: mechanical completion of Crystallisers in sight Escher Process Modules, a subsidiary of Iv-Groep, is

The extensive knowledge and experience that Escher

making its final sprint toward the finish line in China.

has accumulated over the decades are in full bloom in

In Lianyungang, to be precise. At Shenghong Refining

China. INEOS (formerly BP) in Geel, Belgium, has had five

& Chemical Corporation’s new gigantic petrochemical

of these Crystallisers for almost a quarter of a century.

complex, 24 Crystallisers will be put into operation

And these are still working effortlessly for the time

over a few months. These Crystallisers were designed,


tested and produced from A to Z by Escher. The finish line of this prestigious project is now in sight.

How does a Crystalliser work? Each tank is filled with a 250,000-litre mixture of xylenes (ortho-xylene, meta-

The Crystallisers were developed to crystallise para-

xylene and para-xylene). By way of a double wall

xylene. The chemical, a colourless liquid, is a raw

through which coolant flows, the xylene mixture is

material needed to producte PET bottles (which is easily

cooled over almost the entire length of the tank. The

recyclable and therefore more sustainable) and clothing,

cooling of the tank’s contents enables crystals to form

among other things. As a result, China will become less

on the inner wall, and due to the high crystallisation

dependent on imports: a must in one of the fastest-

temperature, the crystals formed mainly comprise

growing economies in the world.

para-xylene. The crystals are then scraped from the inner wall by a revolving scraper and discharged from the

You can compare it to a slush puppy machine, except you shouldn’t drink this.

Crystalliser via the underside. The liquid is continuously added from above to ensure the tank’s contents remain consistent. Finally, the

It was no surprise that Shenghong ended up at Escher a

crystallised para-xylene is separated from the rest of the

few years ago, given that only a few companies globally

liquid in three steps until all that remains is pure para-

have the specific knowledge and competence to

xylene. This is a continuous process. “You can compare it

make such Crystallisers. The tanks used for this purpose

to a slush puppy machine”, says Project Manager Marcel

must comply with complex and strict manufacturing

Veenendaal. “Except you shouldn’t drink this.”

requirements. More so than with other process vessels. 7

The gigantic petrochemical complex will commence

A Mechanical Engineer and an E&I Engineer (Electrical &

production fully within a few months. The 24 process

Instrumentation) from Escher will go to China to be present

vessels made by Escher form an essential part of the facility.

for the test phases. The large plant is expected to start

“The tanks are situated in the main flow of the complex. So,

production next year, with which the project will be largely

if the Crystallisers fail to work, the whole plant will come to

finished for Escher. However, this project is a milestone

a standstill,” explains Marcel. “Physically, it’s a small part of

in itself as it is by far the largest project the company has

the petrochemical plant, but it forms an essential link.”

taken on, even Iv-wide.

In short: a project comprising much responsibility and complexity. It is with good reason that so many

The moment you see that it works always gives a special feeling.

checkpoints have been incorporated. For example, the socalled ‘cold commissioning’, running the tanks with water to

Next year! That sounds soon, and it is. Rob could see, from

see if the system works, is now scheduled, preceded by the

his experience, that the pace in China was finally gaining

‘mechanical completion’. In other words: the completion

momentum. “In China, they are particularly good at

of the system’s installation. This is another milestone that

building fast. With our experience and background, we find

brings us closer to the finish line. Operations Manager Rob

it vital to guarantee the quality, so we need to be there for

Emmen: “The client has asked us to be present there for

this last phase.”

this. Even though the entire engineering process has been completed, including the production and installation of the

Escher’s deep-rooted knowledge has, therefore, played a

process vessels, it’ll still be a special moment.”

crucial role in this project. Over the years, the company has built up a considerable track record which proved very

This is familiar work for Escher Process Modules. Still, now

useful for this assignment. The five Crystalliser tanks in Geel

that the final sprint is underway, Rob agrees that the

are the most concrete example; however, knowledge has

forthcoming completion is creating some healthy tension.

increased considerably in recent years.

“If these phases go well, we will move on to the so-called ‘hot commissioning’. This entails filling the tanks with

“The Crystalliser tanks for INEOS in Geel is an excellent

process liquids for the first time. It’s a thrill to be there to

reference. Since these, we have improved our product and

witness this. Only after a few minutes will it be known

optimised the process,” explains Marcel. But lessons have

whether the Crystalliser is working properly; roughly an

indeed been learned along the way.

hour later, we can measure the quality of the product via samples. The moment you see that it works always gives a

The biggest challenge was putting everything that seemed

special feeling.”

to fit together perfectly and seamlessly on paper into practice. Rob: “You have to imagine: the tank itself and the rotating scrapers were manufactured at different locations,


which means temperature differences must also be taken into account. Five degrees can make a substantial difference with, for example, the length because of shrinking or expansion. So these are the aspects that need to be kept in mind.”

We have realised a gigantic project with a relatively small team. That is very impressive. But such cases also occur in the welding process. When welding the jacket, the exterior wall of the process vessel, heat is released, through which minimal deformations can occur. These deformations should be limited as much as possible. Of course, this was considered in the design process, says Marcel. “You can’t be ahead of everything or tackle everything in the preliminary phases. But fortunately, we do have highly skilled people here who can prevent this as much as possible.” According to both gents, the Shenghong project is one of Escher’s most prestigious projects. “The ‘proof of the pudding’ will be the concluding phase in China. Fortunately, we already tested six units during manufacture, which went well without any problems, so we are confident that all will go well.” Rob hopes that this project will put Escher back on the map. “We have realised a gigantic project with a relatively small team. That is very impressive. And at the

same time, it creates expectations. So that’s nice, bring it on.”



Iv-Consult to play a major role in the decommissioning of offshore platforms We currently face a major challenge: hundreds of oil

For Iv-consult, the careful dismantling of offshore

and gas platforms in the North Sea will be reused

structures involves the safe lifting and transportation

or dismantled in the coming years. In the latter,

of the topsides or jackets to the mainland, something

better known as ‘decommissioning’, Iv-Consult

in which Luuk Blekman has become specialised in the

aspires to use its experience to take initiative and

past three years. The process begins at a much earlier

responsibility in contributing to this enormous task.

stage and involves research, offshore inspections,

Structural Engineer Luuk Blekman has been involved

weight calculations, and determining the centre of

with decommissioning projects for years and sees

gravity of the topside and jacket.

promising opportunities: “Decommissioning has only just begun and will continue in the coming

Luuk and several colleagues followed an offshore

years. So, there is potentially a substantial amount of

training to conduct physical surveys on platforms.

work for us in and around the North Sea.”

As a result, Iv-Consult can now carry out offshore inspections on behalf of clients.

First of all: what exactly is decommissioning, and why does it need to happen? Over the past decades, hundreds of offshore platforms have been placed in the North Sea around the Netherlands, the United

It’s a challenge to organise all the information and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Kingdom, Denmark and Norway to extract oil and gas and deliver it ashore. In the context of the energy

“This is a very nice part of our work,” says Luuk. “Without

transition and sustainability goals set out in the Paris

the possibility to perform offshore inspections, we

Climate Agreement, the continuing use of these

would be working only in an office environment, which

fossil fuels will be phased out further in the future.

could result in people losing touch with the actuality.

Hence, many of these platforms are therefore on the

It is therefore very special as well as useful to perform

list to be dismantled. The dismantling of a platform

these inspections. This is all part of the strategy to be

entails removing the complete infrastructure and the

fully prepared when a client requests us to go offshore

topside and jacket. The owners of these platforms

in the future.”

are responsible for the entire lifespan, including the decommissioning thereof. 11

The offshore inspections examine whether the actuality

The welding part is essential for bringing a platform ashore

corresponds to the available drawings, reports, and photos.

in one piece. The forces released when transporting such

In addition, whether structural changes have occurred

giants can be considerable. An offshore platform can easily

over the years and whether equipment has been added

weigh 5000 tonnes (which would require more than a

or removed is also checked. All of this information helps

thousand HGVs), yet it is possible to transport this giant as

us to build a complete overview (as much as possible) of

a whole with the method and structures that Luuk and his

the platform before, among other things, the weight is

colleagues devise.

determined, and the models for the lifting and transport analyses are drawn up. However, much of the information is already collected in

The idea of taking something so huge out of the sea and finding a new use for it is fantastic.

the preliminary phase at the office. This is a complicated puzzle, especially at the beginning of such a project. Luuk:

Following transportation, the topside and jacket arrive

“It’s a challenge to gather and organise all the information

at a decommissioning yard. There, Iv-Consult is often

and ensure nothing is overlooked. Of course, we have set

involved in the load-out analysis. At a decommissioning

up a system to ensure we know how the information is

yard, such a platform is then cut into separate pieces and

recorded and where we need to focus. It’s really nice to

melted down, or the existing equipment is reused. “I think

devise a solution in this way. And compared to when we

contributing to circularity is one of the best aspects of this

first began, we are already achieving this much faster. Our

work,” says Luuk. “The idea of taking something so huge

goal is to ensure that the reports we offer to clients are

out of the sea and finding a new use for it is fantastic. And

drawn up as uniformly as possible and are clear and easy

the whole puzzle of achieving this is what completes the

to read.”

challenge. When platforms were placed, it was never taken into consideration in the design that these would also

“In a later phase of the ‘removal engineering’, we determine

have to be removed. That’s evident. Much has often been

whether a platform will remain intact during lifting

added and lifting points removed. It was never a design

and transportation. For example, should lifting points

requirement to make it possible to remove the platform.

be applied? This is, of course, a question that must be

This is an element that will change from now onwards.”

answered,” Luuk continues. “We also design a structure, the


grillage, to transport the platform. The topside and jacket

Iv-Consult also focuses on decommissioning old

are welded to the grillage and transported on a vessel.

monopiles. For months, they have been working on a new

The grillage distributes the weight evenly and prevents

way to remove monopiles with minimal noise pollution

damage to the vessel.”

quickly. Iv-Consult has devised a method whereby a

CONTRIBUTING TO “ CIRCULARITY IS ONE OF THE BEST ASPECTS” crane’s grab clamps around a monopile and creates some dents, enabling the crane to achieve an optimum grip by enfolding around the monopile and clamping. The monopile is then lifted out of the water. This method works quickly, relatively quietly and effectively.

There is potentially a substantial amount of work for us in and around the North Sea. This patented method will make a significant contribution to the careful dismantling of offshore structures. With regard to the tools and in-house specialist knowledge at Iv-Consult, Luuk is confident there is much to gain, both in the conducting of offshore surveys and the patented decommissioning method. “Decommissioning has only just begun and will continue in the coming years. There is potentially a substantial amount of work for us in and around

the North Sea. We are currently building a strong track record.”



Expertise in offshore hydrogen platform helps large-scale North Sea study progress The Dutch energy grid is full, thus posing a highly

Using hydrogen as an energy carrier is currently

complicated situation should an extra Gigawatt

popular as, unlike electricity, hydrogen surpluses

need to be added somewhere on land. To meet

can be stored on a large scale and transported

future energy needs, the focus no longer lies on

more efficiently.

locations and possibilities on land but is shifting to the water. The North Sea, to be precise. TNO set up

The Dutch government also recognises the

the North Sea Energy (NSE) research programme

urgency and aims to produce much more energy

to investigate how the North Sea can become an

in the North Sea in the coming years. The North

essential source of energy. NSE is exploring an

Sea is also considered a breeding ground for

integral approach to the energy system, in which all

innovations within NSE. Niels Verkaik is optimistic

sources are considered as a whole: hydrogen, wind,

that Iv’s offshore branch can contribute to this. “For

natural gas, CO2 capture and storage and energy

me, a project like this is why I want to do this work.

storage. Iv-Offshore & Energy has been asked to

Devising innovative ideas, tackling the puzzles, and

investigate the possibilities for an offshore hydrogen

with some luck and wisdom, something useful will

platform. “This could be the basis for more,” says

come out of it. It’s really great to be at the forefront

Innovation Manager Niels Verkaik.

of new developments.”

The demand for more energy from natural sources such as sun, wind and water is more urgent than

A project like this is why I want to do this work.

ever. Geopolitical relations are under pressure, and fossil fuels will be exhausted in the short term. The

Iv-Offshore & Energy was engaged by programme

search for environmentally friendly and natural energy

leader TNO precisely because of its specific in-

sources is extensive. Iv-Offshore & Energy is helping

house expertise in platform design. In addition to

the NSE consortium in the fourth phase of the NSE

a platform design, a design for a hydrogen island is

research programme and has designed a concept for

also underway. Both concepts will then be placed

a hydrogen platform, including all related accessories.

side by side to weigh the pros and cons.


Niels is fully aware that a solid conclusion will not arise

The hydrogen platform designed by Offshore & Energy

from this. This project is, therefore, very much in a study

generates hydrogen from 500 Megawatts or 85kTA. First,

phase. Niels: “These are real studies. Purely to determine the

Niels and colleague Eric van Breukelen investigated the

possibilities and pros and cons. The costs, CO2 emissions,

necessary equipment on board the platform. Subsequently,

and the effects on ecology are examined within North Sea

a logical and efficient layout was created, and the structural

Energy. No conclusions are drawn in this phase, but we do

design was examined.

examine the extent of the outcomes.” NSE views the North Sea not only as a source of (new)

That is the core of system integration: piecing the parts together

energy but as an entire system. For example, what is the ecological composition of flora and fauna? What is

The most important factor of the design is the electrolysers,

already in place in terms of infrastructure? Is there enough

the equipment that produces hydrogen by converting

space left over for fishing, for example? In short, a broader

ultrapure water into water and oxygen using electricity.

scope is considered than only providing an answer to the question of how much (hydrogen) energy can be ‘fished

A digital 3D tour shows how impressive the platform is.

out’ of the North Sea.

In terms of system integration and use of equipment, the platform is compact and smartly compiled.

Niels. “We are used to conducting a lot of assignments

“At Iv-Offshore & Energy, we are familiar with system

related to the design of electrical substations. We’re good

integration. In fact, I dare say we are exceptionally good

in this, but we are now getting involved earlier. This study

at it,” Niels continues. “We take all the components and

helps us demonstrate what we can do and why. For that

process equipment such as compressors, water pumps,

matter, this could be a breakthrough.”

filters and all measurement and control technology and determine how these should work together. This is the core

If you ask smart things, you get smart things

of system integration: piecing the parts together. If you aim for clever things, you’ll achieve clever things. The art lies in designing as efficiently as possible.”

Using hydrogen is nothing new. In fact, hydrogen is


already widely used in industry, for example, in the port

The study into the possibilities for a hydrogen platform in

of Rotterdam. “It is needed there as a raw material for

the North Sea is almost complete. The project is currently

the petrochemical industry and plastics and fuels.” But

in the final phase, with which weight estimates and final

hydrogen can also be applied more widely, for example, for

reports are drawn up. Then, for the time being,

transport and homes.

Iv-Offshore & Energy’s work is done.

Niels hopes and expects to have aroused the interest

an investor dares to commit. But we want to show that we

of (potential) clients by participating in the research

are ready. We’re not waiting. When is it going to happen?

programme and making a crucial contribution to the

Governments worldwide, not only the Dutch government,

energy issue with which the world is faced. “Governments

are seeking innovations. It’s coming, but no one knows

and the business community are very interested in this

whether it will be next year or if we have to wait a little

topic,” he says. “So, of course, we’ll be circulating this design.

longer. In any case, the potential is enormous.”

We have laid a good foundation.”

But, although there is urgency, patience above all is needed, says Niels. “Innovations always take a long time to develop. It can take years before it becomes feasible and



Clients Rijkswaterstaat* - Movable bridges Rijkswaterstaat* - Steel bridges Rijkswaterstaat* - Other civil engineering works ProRail - Movable bridges ProRail - Other civil engineering works Municipality of Amsterdam Rijswaterstaat*: Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management


How Iv-Infra plays a major role in the enormous task of renovating and replacing infrastructure The infrastructure in the Netherlands is renowned

the actual technical condition of these objects is

worldwide. And rightly so. But much of the

often insufficiently recorded, and the availability of

infrastructure, such as bridges, roads and locks, is

information regarding the design and construction

approaching the end of its design life. And so, a major

is often limited or completely absent. A puzzle,

renovation and replacement task lies ahead, in which

therefore, with many uncertainties. “The task of

Wouter van der Wiel, Director of Iv-Infra, foresees a major

tackling this properly is colossal. Moreover, there is

role for his division. Our in-depth knowledge of asset

an obligation to ensure the safety level meets legal

management and specific domains make it possible for

requirements,” says Wouter. “That’s why we need

us to play a major role in this task. “It begins with our

to gain insight into the condition of the total area,

people in the field.”

which requires a lot of work.”

The Netherlands. The land of water and many people on

Iv-Infra has the required disciplines to solve this

a small piece of earth. Many bridges, locks and quay walls

puzzle all under one roof. From understanding a

were built before and after the Second World War. The

foundation to electrical engineering, our expertise

lifespan of such infrastructure varies from 70 to roughly 100

includes inspection, investigations, monitoring,


load testing, measuring, drilling and scanning, combined with in-depth knowledge of mechanics

We need to gain insight into the condition of the total area.

and structures. Our in-house capabilities serve as a huge benefit and require coordination, recognises Wouter. “We can deploy a wide range of expertise,

It is quite a task to map large groups of objects to

starting with people in the field and extending to

determine precisely what should be done and where

high-quality asset management: decision-making,

priority should be placed. The objects concerned include,

and everything in between.”

for example, bridges owned by the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) or the quay walls in Amsterdam’s city centre. Unfortunately,


Iv-Infra has gained a wealth of experience with this integral

But there is an obstacle: although the Directorate-General

approach and is currently conducting projects for various

for Public Works and Water Management, municipalities

clients with the same question: what is the structure’s load

and provinces acknowledge the sense of urgency and

capacity? In other words, does the structure meet the legal

insight that must be gained, money must also be available

safety requirements, and how much longer will the bridge,

to fund such work. It is financially impossible to investigate

road surface, quay wall or lock last? This question applies

and tackle all infrastructure immediately. The money

to hundreds of bridges in the municipality of Amsterdam,

just isn’t there. This is why Iv-Infra primarily concentrates

all steel, fixed and movable bridges for the Directorate-

on life-prolonging solutions that are less expensive but

General for Public Works and Water Management and civil

give organisations some breathing space. “It’s also very

engineering works for ProRail. Not only do we determine

sustainable,” says Wouter. “So, we can make a difference

how long the structure will last, but also whether it is

in that area too. Thus, preventing the production of a lot

capable of retaining its functionality. Wouter: “We map

of new material.” The load tests (an innovation of Iv-Infra)

out the risks and prepare a cost comparison of, for

conducted on various bridges and quay walls show in

example, the renovation and the desired performance of

practice that there is often an unexpectedly large residual

an object. Based on this, priorities can be set. This is asset

strength that is not seen in the theoretical calculations.

management, pur sang: knowledge applied within the infrastructure market of Iv-Groep and increasingly as a service for other markets within the group.”

The Netherlands will be busy with this task for the coming years; a golden opportunity for Iv-Infra.

We can deploy a wide range of expertise. In short, the lack of sufficient resources has negative Collecting this data is a huge task because the Netherlands

consequences and is undoubtedly an issue. Wouter

has an enormous amount of infrastructure with which the

believes (local) politics play a role in this. “Infrastructure

remaining life and required actions to achieve compliance

is not the sexiest topic for local politicians. Especially

with requirements are yet to be determined. However,

because it cannot be solved within one council term,

there is increasing urgency in obtaining a clear perspective

meaning a quick ‘score’ cannot be achieved. The budgets

of this, Wouter concludes.

are also under pressure because a government is always competing with other domains, and the budget will not

“For example, the Haringvliet bridge needs to be

grow enormously in the coming years. So, choices have to

tackled quite radically but will present many logistical

be made.”

consequences. As a result, clients are increasingly inclined to opt for a proactive approach, fortunately. And that’s where we play a big role. If you had to calculate how big this task is, we would have enough to do for the next few decades.” 20

It is, therefore, ‘five to twelve’ for some civil engineering

instead of being caught out unprepared. “Can it be fully

works. Hence some of the choices currently being made

solved? That’s a question of conscience. We don’t yet know

are drastic. For example, applying axle weight limits (no

the extent in its entirety.” Digitisation and standardisation

lorry traffic) to certain road sections or complete closures,

are essential factors to assist in obtaining an answer

such as along the Amsterdam quay walls. Iv-Infra aims to

quickly. At TU Delft, we are taught that every bridge

limit this as much as possible, despite financial restrictions

and every road is different, so there is no such thing as a

from (local) governments.

blueprint. Still, we participate in research programmes with the relevant authorities to establish how this can be done

In the coming years, Iv-Infra aspires to respond to this issue

more efficiently. The Netherlands will be busy with this task

proactively instead of reactively and with prior insight

for the coming years; a golden opportunity for Iv-Infra.”

Foundation reinforcement of an existing quay wall


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source: Sky Pictures/Izak van Maldegem


Research into purifying water from PFAS delivers many answers In recent years, Iv-Water has proven itself a

they enter the natural environment, the intake of

specialist in innovative solutions regarding water

water for preparing drinking water, and stimulating

treatment, storage, and promoting circularity.

the reuse of water flows in the industry.

The necessity for healthy and sufficient (drinking) water is ever-increasing, and the changing climate plays a significant role herein, but contaminated

These are the most interesting assignments for us.

water remains a persistent problem. A current example is the presence of PFAS in surface water.

This project in Sluiskil, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, is such

This complex collection of chemical substances

an opportunity. Process Technologist Bart van der

is by no means easy to treat or filter. At the waste

Veer is leading the research at HEROS on behalf

processing company HEROS in Sluiskil, Iv-Water

of Iv-Water. The company processes Bottom Ash

is investigating how wastewater can be optimally

(BA) from various Waste-to-Energy Plants (WtE)

purified from PFAS contaminants before it is

into a building material using various techniques,

discharged into surface water.

including a washing installation. The core question is whether and how the washing water can be

According to Paul Kloet, Deputy Director at Iv-

filtered or purified from PFAS? Of course, this can be

Water, the project in Sluiskil correlates well with

done using modern purification methods such as

Iv-Water’s knowledge and experience. “These are

reverse osmosis or ozone technology. But even more

the most interesting assignments for us. We can

desirable would be to prevent high concentrations

apply our knowledge to a practical issue that is

of PFAS from entering the wastewater in the first

linked to a current theme, which would be difficult


to investigate on our own initiative. These are wonderful opportunities to examine how we can

Iv-Water is currently in the beginning phases of

connect the entire chain more optimally.”

this research. “The licensing authority ultimately determines what is and is not permitted with regard

The latter is a greater goal within the division: to

to the discharging of PFAS,” explains Bart. “They warn

optimise the circularity of water. This begins with

of PFAS ending up in water flows, also through, for

guaranteeing the quality of wastewater flows before

example, rainwater. For HEROS, however, the quality


of the incoming waste-generated bottom ash varies

only accept it if you have the appropriate installation.”

greatly. The bottom ash is mostly relatively clean, but

Combined, there are many significant challenges and

sometimes it still contains many unburned pieces:

issues that make it difficult to determine what does

a potential source of PFAS. This unburned matter is

or doesn’t work and the cost thereof. “PFAS consists

sorted and sent back to the Waste-to-Energy Plant to

of a range of substances, but there are also many

be incinerated.”

technologies that can help. For example, an activated carbon filter is a good option,” says Bart. PFAS, for

However, this is not always sufficient. PFAS is artificial

instance, loves carbon and attaches itself to it. A proven

and has the property that it cannot be broken down

system but very expensive. “The question is whether

by natural processes. It is a collection of chemical

this is necessary and financially feasible for a waste

substances containing valuable properties for the

processing company.”

industry sectors. It repels water, grease and dirt, which is why it is often and readily used in the clothing

Then there is ozone technology. The substance ozone,

industry, the cosmetic world, but also, for example, in

composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), reacts with PFAS

the production of lubricants or food packaging.

and breaks the chemicals down into, among others,

As pure and reusable as possible, that’s what we strive to achieve.

CO2 and water (H2O). Moreover, ozone is a solution that leaves no traces in the water following the process. When ozone stops reacting with a substance, it rapidly reduces to oxygen (O2) gas. This technique is often used

In addition, PFAS is very fine: the chemical substances

by drinking water companies. There are also several

cannot be entirely removed with standard purification

separation methods with which PFAS can be separated

installations and filters. In fact, says Bart: “Some

from other non-harmful substances and thus filtered.

substances do not contain PFAS, but sometimes


this occurs following water purification, which is

Bart and his team will explore the already mentioned

extraordinarily complicated.” There is no uniform

techniques and others in the coming months. Paul

solution, but what HEROS does as much as possible

Kloet is curious about the results and hopes Iv-Water

- returning the unburned matter from the waste-

will gain substantial knowledge from this research.

generated bottom ash - is one of the options that

Paul’s goal is to retain the purity in the entire water

prevents PFAS from ending up in the environment.

chain and to intervene as early as possible in the chain

This is already the case in the Western Scheldt

to achieve the desired results. “As pure and reusable

(Westerschelde), derived from various companies.

as possible, that’s what we strive to achieve. However,

Bart: “The licensing authority is clear on this: if a waste

it cannot be avoided that when you conduct a lot of

stream contains PFAS, as a waste processor you should

testing and have a lot of knowledge, you will inevitably

come across harmful substances that need acting

further back in the chain, namely in industry. We

upon. But if you think circularly and reduce the chain

also examine specific places where PFAS ends up

- for example, at an industrial plant - you can control

in wastewater. At HEROS, we have gained greater

the quality efficiently because harmful substances

insight into which flows it enters and where it ends

are isolated more quickly.”

up in wastewater. Sometimes purifying a specific, much smaller side stream is more efficient. We are

Sometimes purifying a specific, much smaller side stream is more efficient.

helping to gain insight in this, and in doing so, we examine which approach is feasible and preferable.”

The HEROS project is, therefore, crucial for

Bart hopes and thinks he can do something for the

establishing an overview of the origin of PFAS. Bart:

world with this assignment in Sluiskil. “The fact that I

“We analyse where these substances originate and

can work with clean water and leave it clean is very

where in the process PFAS is entering a certain water

satisfying. And especially because it can be solved

flow. This is how we tackle the source in an ‘end

with technology. We can now take on this role to

of pipe’ situation. The source is sometimes much

find out.”



The race for climate-friendly office buildings has started It can rightly be referred to as a monster job. As

Michiel Flikkema, in his position as a Sustainable

of the 1 of January 2023, all office buildings in

Energy Consultant at Iv-Bouw, is actively dealing

the Netherlands must at least have an energy

with these issues. The most important question:

label C. There are thousands of premises with an

what must an office building do to retain its function

office function that have not yet obtained this

after the 1st of January 2023?


label. Iv-Bouw provides advice to organisations in this regard but takes it further where possible.

“Stakeholders are very concerned about this,” says

“We must limit the burden of fossil fuels on the

Michiel. “I assist them with customised advice about

earth as much as possible,” says Michiel Flikkema,

energy, and we conduct research into the condition

Sustainable Energy Consultant at Iv-Bouw.

of the building. But also, for the installations: how well and smartly are these used to condition the

The Netherlands must be energy neutral by 2050.


This means that all energy used will be derived from renewable sources and therefore CO2 neutral. The

Ventilation systems, solar panels, and whether or not

deadline of the 1 of January 2023 to provide all

a Heat and Cold Storage (ATES) installation is present

office buildings with an energy label C is an initial

are all factors that make an enormous difference in

step, but certainly not a small one.

the path to achieving an energy-neutral building.


But Michiel also includes more minor elements in his

As a government, you can impose sanctions if office spaces do not satisfy the requirements.

advice, such as LED lighting and insulation. The current conclusion is that there are plenty of buildings that already have an energy label C pinned

Iv-Bouw currently provides advice for (semi)

on the front door. But this number is not yet in the

government buildings such as those belonging to

thousands, even though it will be a top requirement

the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water

to be permitted to remain open if it is up to the

Management, various water boards and provinces

Dutch government.

currently in this transition. However, many buildings do not yet meet the conditions of the energy label C, so there is intense pressure for these organisations to act promptly. 29

Michiel does not dare to predict the extent to which

consultant,” Michiel continues. “What is the true state

this will become a reality, nor does he foresee a

of a building? Assumptions are not enough to provide

definitive closure of all business premises that fail

an answer; you need to compile a file with photos and

to meet this deadline. “That would have too many

verifiable evidence.”

consequences. But as a government, you can impose sanctions if office spaces do not satisfy the

An essential bar against which the energy performance


of an (office) building is measured is the so-called ‘Trias Energetica’: a three-step strategy for creating energy-

The race for more climate-friendly office buildings

efficient designs.

already received an extra push from the government in 2014, a year before the Paris Climate Agreement was signed. Government supervision of the assessment of energy performance has been considerably tightened. Only certified organisations with qualified,

We no longer look to the ground for solutions, but instead, upwards; to our most important source of energy: the sun.

skilled energy consultants may conduct these energy assessments. Michiel Flikkema may do this on behalf of

The national determination method NTA 8800: the


new bible for the energy performance calculations, is applied in the energy assessments and is necessary to

According to Michiel, this tightening up of the

course this part of the energy transition.

requirements is a good development, and not only for Iv-Bouw. “Over time, everyone was calling themselves

First, we examine the situation for counteracting

an energy consultant. The government discovered this

and limiting energy consumption through compact

was getting out of hand and was leading to unsound

building shapes and insulation of the building’s exterior

advice. It is, therefore, a positive development that a

envelope, such as facades, roofs, and floors.

stop has been put to that. In addition, our calculations are quality tested by an external certifying body (CI).

The second step is to use (fossil) energy sources as

And there are mandatory national exams with which

efficiently as possible to meet the remaining energy

you can demonstrate your professional competence.”

needs. This includes the use of heat pumps or low-

In other words: the stricter guidelines for assessments

temperature heating. Finally, the maximum use of

should ultimately result in high-quality energy

sustainable energy sources, such as wind, water and

performance calculations and the appropriate actions

solar energy.

to arrive at the desired energy label. “Buildings and premises are required to be assessed by an energy





Within these types of projects, Iv-Bouw takes it much

energy carry limitations. The wind does not always blow

further than just checking whether a building can meet

hard enough, nor does the sun shine 365 days a year.

energy label C and the necessary adjustments to achieve

And currently, it is hardly possible to store such energy,

this. In 2030, these same buildings will no longer be

except in a car and on a bicycle. The result is that we are

required to satisfy energy label C but energy label A. In

always left with surpluses and shortages.

short: the work is far from over after the 1st of January next year. “This is perhaps the most interesting thing about these types of projects,” says Michiel. “Especially because every

Sustainability in itself is not a goal, but it supports a healthier habitat for generations to come. We are fully aware of this.

building is unique. Where possible, we provide advice to improve the label, which is something from which

Hydrogen has the property that it is also transportable

everyone will benefit.”

and can be stored. If it is up to Michiel, the transformation of office buildings to energy label A will

As far as Michiel is concerned, it is not just a ‘must’

also depend on this. “Relatively small interventions are

for organisations and companies to comply with an

often sufficient to obtain energy label C. However, the

energy label because it is suddenly necessary due to the

greater challenge is how we achieve energy label A.

Climate Agreement and government policy from The

The conversion efficiency of hydrogen with electricity

Hague. But instead, there is an urgent message lurking

is still low, but the technology is improving rapidly. So

in the shadows. The raw materials are running out and

where oil tankers currently sail the seas, we will also

it is nothing short of an absolute must to have energy-

increasingly see hydrogen tankers in the coming years.”

efficient buildings. In short: the migration to low-energy or even energy“Since the industrial revolution, we have long believed

neutral buildings is a good development. “But the

that everything can be extracted from the earth,” he

transition involves so much more. And I have the feeling

continues. “Minerals that the earth has taken billions

that we, also within the whole of the Iv-Groep, are fully

of years to form. However, we no longer look to the

aware of this. Sustainability in itself is not a goal, but it

ground for solutions, but instead, upwards; to our most

supports a healthier habitat for generations to come.

important source of energy: the sun.”

The wonderful thing about these projects is that we can really contribute to the greater goal.”

Natural energy sources will become even more critical

in the coming years, Michiel is convinced. Hydrogen will play a crucial role, especially because wind and solar



Iv-Industrie takes substantial steps towards a cleaner TATA Steel There is much to do for the Netherlands’ most

Rick de Jong is the Programme Director on behalf

important steel producer. TATA Steel in IJmuiden

of Iv-Industrie & Consult. Rick is responsible for

aims to produce steel responsibly and thus make

finding a solution with, among others, Project

a positive impact on the immediate environment.

Manager Don de Jong and Paul van der Werf

Roadmap Plus is an accelerated route to achieving

(Senior Lead Engineer - Piping & Mechanical). In

this goal, and Iv-Industrie is delivering a vital

the PEFA, iron ore is pre-processed into round

contribution to this process. The Pellet Factory, also

balls (pellets), which are then introduced into

called PEFA, will be equipped with a dedusting

the production process in the Blast Furnace. The

installation (part of the DeNOx and dedusting

pellets form an important raw material for the

installation) and will reduce lead emissions by

production of pig iron.

approximately 70 percent by 2023. As a result, emissions of heavy metals will also be reduced by more than 55 percent and of particulates by roughly

We want to play a greater role for TATA in the future.

35 percent. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO₂), the entire TATA Steel, therefore, faces a significant and

production process also releases a considerable

necessary sustainability challenge. Not only in terms

amount of nitrogen (N2). Therefore, nitrogen

of CO₂ emissions and other substances but also

emissions (NOx) must also be significantly

the environment and nuisance to the (immediate)

reduced. The solution: a cleaning installation

surroundings. Introducing a dedusting installation

connected to the PEFA. “It’s a kind of dust &

is a significant step towards cleaner production

gas scrubber”, explains Rick de Jong. “In the

and limiting nuisance for local residents and the

preliminary phase, we examined workable

environment. In addition, it will also positively affect

solutions. This is one of them. There needs to be a

flora and fauna in the area.

‘system’ in the middle that removes the pollution. This can be achieved in various ways. This new cleaning installation is a filter and a washing installation in one. A washer, also known as a scrubber, is like a water shower.”



Roadmap Plus: The Roadmap Plus was launched in 2019 to accelerate the realisation of Tata Steel’s (climate) goals and is the company’s roadmap to reduce emissions and nuisance for local residents. The introduction of the dedusting installation and the DeNOx installation forms part of this roadmap. The aim is to complete all projects within the Roadmap Plus by 2023, not in 2030. Only the DeNOx installation will be operational in 2025. In addition to sustainability projects around the Pellet Factory, greening and nuisance-limiting measures are also taking place at the Blast Furnace, the coke plant, the cold rolling mill, the steel factory, and the scrap yard and the sinter plant. Many of the dozens of projects within the roadmap are already underway. The Roadmap Plus is expected to be fully completed in 2025.


The ‘cleaning installation’, a so-called DeNOx installation,

The interventions surrounding the PEFA are an essential

delivers a considerable impact. Until now, substances such

part of TATA’s Roadmap Plus. If all goes according to plan,

as sulphur, metals and lead were directly expelled via the

the DeNOx installation will be ready by the end of 2024 or

chimney, causing elevated pollution levels. A filter and a

early 2025.

scrubber will now be placed between the chimney and the PEFA to capture much of these emissions.

In the context of Roadmap Plus, this project has certainly inspired us to do more of this work. The basic and detailed

It works as follows: the first step is installing the dedusting

engineering of the dedusting and DeNOx installation

installation, for which Iv provided the engineering and

provides an excellent basis to help TATA achieve more

design, including the preparatory studies. This installation

in the field of sustainability and responsible production,

is connected directly to the PEFA and must do exactly

says Rick de Jong. “In the future, we want to play a

what the name suggests: dust removal, thus reducing

greater role in this for TATA. Also, in other project phases.

emissions of heavy metals, dust and lead. The flue gases

For example, Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and

are transported to the dedusting installation via a special

feasibility studies. That would be the crowning glory of our

pipe. The dedusting installation will be operational

collaboration with TATA.”

in 2023, and TATA expects the emissions of all these substances to be reduced by no less than 80 percent.

How can we make them last another five years?


Expected results:

fewer than 6,000 filter bags that filter all substances. The

-80% lead emissions -80% heavy metal emissions -80% dust emissions

pipeline from the PEFA to the dedusting installation is 140

No increase in noise

The size of the installation is impressive, both inside and out. It is 80 metres long and 35 metres tall and contains no

metres long with a diameter of 6 metres: comparable to a tunnel tube of the North-South metro line in Amsterdam. This is followed by the DeNOx installation, which should reduce nitrogen dioxide emissions by the same amount and is linked to the dedusting installation. Here the flue gases are washed from the PEFA by the aforementioned ‘water shower’. The water from the DeNOx installation is then forwarded to a water treatment system.


Pellet factory Processes ore for the production of liquid pig iron

Dedusting and DeNOx installation

Dedusting installation Cleans flue gases of heavy metal compounds and dust

Work has already begun on that front. Iv is working

factories would be shut down for months, which is

on a study for the company’s future hydrogen plant.

not feasible. So how can we make them last another

This plant is needed for, among other things, the

five years? These studies will help us to provide

production of ‘green steel’ in the new DRI Installation:

answers to all these questions.”

Direct Reduced Iron. In short: the necessary and greener way of producing steel. A big step for TATA,

In the coming years, Iv aims to play a key role in the

the Netherlands, and European iron production.

enormous sustainability challenge that awaits TATA. Both in terms of studies and engineering. Rick: “We

“We are mainly involved with the entire logistical

do many projects here, both large and small. All are

part of the project”, explains Rick. “A location has

important. TATA wants to innovate and become

already been designated for the new DRI but is

greener, and we’re helping them achieve that. This

not currently available. For this, a crucial main road

challenge for TATA is huge. I’m not somebody who

needs to be diverted, and several kilometres of new

easily sees a problem in something. I mostly see

rail tracks will have to be constructed and diverted.

opportunities. If you know how to fix mistakes, you’ll

Furthermore, there are also existing installations

get there. For us, the most important thing is staying

approaching their end-of-life phase. These will be

sharp and continuing to make choices that enable

rebuilt elsewhere in the preparatory phase. The

others to continue.”

repair phase costs a lot of time and would mean


Expected results:

DeNOx- installation

-80% nitrogen oxides emissions No increase in noise

Pellet factory Processes ore for the production of liquid pig iron

Dedusting installation Cleans flue gases of heavy metal compounds and dust

Gas scrubber Cleans the flue gases of salts and nitrogen oxides

Water treatment Cleans the washing water


Source: Department of Defense


Nevesbu collaborates in unique trio on main gun replacement The fourth Air Defence and Command Frigate

In other words: detailed and specialised system

(LCF) of the Ministry of Defence, the HNLMS

integration. Jorn: “We adapted the platform so that

Evertsen, is to be equipped with a brand new

all new systems can be connected and continue

and modern main gun. The main gun (127mm)

to meet strict military requirements. Including, for

supplied by Italian manufacturer Leonardo

instance, rigidity during firing, shock resistance in the

will soon be capable of firing diverse types

event of explosions and the overall strength of the

of ammunition. However, this renewal also


requires the subsystems to be replaced and a significant adaption of the platform integration. In addition, a major redesign is needed. Nevesbu has been commissioned by the Defence Materiel

We have to devise the simplest solutions. But keeping it simple makes it complex.

Organisation (DMO) and Leonardo to ensure this is achieved.

It was not entirely unexpected that Nevesbu was asked to take on this challenge by the Ministry

For the successful realisation of this unique project,

of Defence. Nevesbu was already involved in the

not one but two project managers from Nevesbu are

feasibility studies at the preliminary stage, in which

responsible for the final result: Frank Schmedding

the pros and cons of potential suppliers were

and Jorn Houtsma. Frank’s role is to focus on the

mapped out. Factors considered in this phase

system design, as subcontractor of Leonardo.

included the ease of integration, the extent of the

“In short: ensuring the system and all subsystems

necessary platform adaptions and whether the

on board work as intended,” Frank adds. “This was

designs satisfied the set (military) requirements such

quite a puzzle. We solved part of it by developing

as shock resistance during firing.

subsystems from scratch and ensuring the integration thereof.’’

When Leonardo emerged as the winner, it was no surprise that the Italian company, as weapons

The other fundamental part of the puzzle was

manufacturer, turned to Nevesbu for platform

handed to Jorn (Nevesbu/DMO). “The systems

knowledge and customized solutions.

supplied by Leonardo and Frank’s expertise, must be fit on the platform.” 41

According to both project managers, the ‘client support and

All the knowledge is right here under one roof. Also, for the

aftercare’, in addition to the broad and specific maritime

interface, which we can realise efficiently.”

knowledge, makes this way of working one of Nevesbu’s

The biggest challenge? The limited physical space on the

strong points. “We have now reached the stage in which the

vessel. The various rooms for storing ammunition, the lift that

primary technical approach should best not be altered”, Jorn

brings it to the main gun, and all the control systems that

continues. “Should that be considered after all, it would be

have to fit seamlessly and function. And all in a room that

best to check with us first.”

is already fully fitted and where much has to be adapted. Furthermore, compliance with the stricter occupational

This type of collaboration ensures any major issues and

health and safety legislation and health and safety during

challenges on board are tackled in advance, thus relieving

the integration of all systems must also be taken into

the Ministry of Defence of additional work thereafter. To cut

consideration. For example, crew members on the HNLMS

a long story short: the complex puzzle on board a platform

Evertsen will soon be permitted to lift only 15 kilograms,

with limited integration space is 99 percent solved, which

while the ammunition weights 32 and 18 kilograms,

means the conditions for the LCF to immediately begin its

respectively. Nevesbu has developed auxiliary systems

work upon departure have been created.

specifically for this task to avoid adjusting the capacity: a requirement of the Ministry of Defence.

I would like to work together in this way again.

Leonardo’s 127mm main gun will replace the old artillery on the HNLMS Evertsen. The Ministry of Defence will soon be

In the previous phase, the system design, Frank (Nevesbu/ Leonardo) also set to work with that in mind. “We always had the same train of thought. How are the crew going to transport the ammunition, starting at intake while dockside, to storage on board to finally loading the main gun? Then, from here, and considering the health and safety regulations, you further deliberate the system requirements and (partial) solutions.” In short: this is a two-sided assignment. As far as Jorn and Frank are concerned, it requires a distinction between the various tasks and disciplines within Nevesbu. “In both cases, it works well to get us involved,” says Jorn, who is engaged in the integration for DMO. “This way, we can easily communicate and align with each other. 42

able to fire Vulcano ammunition from its LCF: much more

ground for Nevesbu, Jorn continues. “We are used to dealing

advanced than its predecessor. Vulcano guided ammunition

with demanding packages. It also depends on the space the

can be adjusted just before travelling towards the target.

vessel offers. We are fully aware that specific requirements will always apply. These are the very first things into which

Jorn: “The storage is split into two parts. Part is for the old

Frank and I immediately dig deep. By doing this, we already

ammunition for which Nevesbu has devised a new system.

cover 95 percent of all risks in the initial phase.”

The supplier (Leonardo) devised the other part to load and transport new smart Vulcano ammunition to the lift

The most unique thing about this project is that Nevesbu


has split itself into two parties. Jorn and his team of engineers on behalf of DMO, Frank on behalf of Leonardo.

Another factor to keep in mind is that explosives an

Never before has Nevesbu worked in this type of formation.

electricity in the vicinity of explosives can present a hazard.

“We have never done this before, but I would like to work

Frank: “The use of electricity would entail many and complex

together in this way again’’, Frank reveals.

requirements, which is why we use air pressure. We have to

“This is a project in which you try to sharpen the edges’’,

devise the simplest solutions. But keeping it simple makes it

Jorn continues. “Particularly in the interfaces, where the


responsibilities of one directly affect the other. This is where the greatest risks lie and is why we were keen to represent

This Naval sector follows strict safety requirements for the

both interests as Nevesbu.”

integration of the main gun. And indeed, this is familiar Frank agrees: “You have to keep each other sharp, sharper than usual, especially because communication has to be continual. I think we have succeeded well in this. In any case, we received positive feedback.” In addition to the HNLMS Evertsen, the Ministry of Defence has another three LCFs. There may also be opportunities for Nevesbu to do the same with these. Frank: “The vessels are 95 percent the same, so we would have to identify that 5 percent difference. We examined this class generically and applied the system design to the first vessel. Jorn subsequently crafted the integration of all systems to make it specific. With this project, we have demonstrated our

competence and proven that this form of collaboration really pays off.”


Engineers with Passion for Technology Iv-Groep is a globally operating multidisciplinary engineering company. Since 1949, Iv has been devising technical solutions for projects of any size and complexity within the following sectors: Industry, Infrastructure & Traffic, Buidings & Installations, Handling, Maritime, Offshore & Energy and Water. No challenge is too complicated for us. We are a team of specialists with a genuine passion for our specialisms: with our knowledge of technology, we can achieve the most for our customer.

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