D19S April Newsletter

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The Bunny Breeze April 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 11

Table of Contents - April Letter from the LTG 2 Club Reports 3 March DCM Recap 6 2015-2016 Recap 10 District Updates 13

Contact Info 16 Letter from the Editor 17


Hello Beastie Bunnies,

The very last letter of the term. Shocking. I would like to keep this short so that I won’t cry. We have 2 events coming up. First off is our D19S Banquet. It’ll be on April 2nd. You may RSVP with your presidents. The admission fee is $10 RSVP and $15 at the door. So please RSVP. It will be at Hermosa Beach Kiwanis Hall and the attire is semi-formal. We will be eating food, having fun, and recognizing all the service that has been completed. So please come out and join us for a night of fun. Our second event is DCON. DCON is truly the end of the term. On April 10th, I will be officially retired. And I will cry. So tell your friends to bring cameras if you would like to record the moment. That is all my beautiful bunnies. See you all soon. Creating Change One Hop at a Time,

Xuexing Ong d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (310) 774-6982


Club Updates 3

North High North High Key Club was given the honor to oversee a takeover at a Kiwanis meeting at Sizzler’s. Fellow Key Club members and board had created Valentine themed gift baskets to auction off to the adults in Kiwanis. We had shown a PowerPoint full of pictures and videos of past adventures. Lieutenant Governor Xuexing Ong, President John Ly, and Vice President John Baik had all prepared speeches summarizing this year’s journey. To precede them, part of our upcoming board, Kim Ramos and Shendey Casas, had also given speeches regarding their future goals that they want North to achieve next year. Once everyone had spoken, Kiwanis members were entertained by John Ly and John Baik, who performed a special dance, and Shendey Casas, who sang. After auctioning and raffling off gift baskets, North plans to use these funds towards an anticipated DCON trip this year. – Katie Son


Carson Carson helped out at SRLA doing various things. A few volunteers helped pass out sweaters to runners, giving them correct sizes and making sure every runner got one. The rest of the Carson volunteers helped direct families and runners back to the high school. They tied balloons to make a path and made sure they were going the right way. Volunteers also cheered runners on and congratulated them back at the high school. – Samantha Angeles

PV Directory Division 19 South participated in the Palos Verdes Directory. Members woke up at early hours to attend the annual event and spend a day serving one of the communities within the division. Throughout the event, members loaded into volunteer cars and were dropped off throughout the Palos Verdes community while dropping off directory books to houses. This took a lot of hard work but the end result was worth it as the members were treated to food.


March DCM


DCM Recap Lieutenant Governor Xuexing Ong and Lieutenant Governor Elect Domo Soriano hosted the final division council meeting of the 2015-2016 administrative term. The division spent the last DCM playing icebreakers and reminisced about all of the memories that were made throughout the year. Details about the banquet and District Convention 2016 were also announced. The members began to look forward to the final event of the term and end the year at DCON. All in all, the final DCM was a success despite it being very bittersweet for everyone. 7



2015-2016 Term

Division 19 South, As our term is finally coming to a close, and Xuexing will no longer serve as our Lieutenant Governor, I just wanted to say thank you. Without you guys, we wouldn't be where we are today. Being your Spirit Coordinator was a whole lot of fun. From the countless days of getting cheers approved, to teaching the cheers in 2-3 days, it was all worth it. Even though we didn't win the Spirit Stick this year, we still got next year. (Domo, we got you) We've grown so much as a division, as an individual, and as well as a family. I'm excited to see how everything goes next year, and I know that Domo won't let us down. Thank you to Xuexing for giving me this opportunity to be a part of your Division Leadership Team and serving as the Spirit Coordinator. I honestly never expected this to happen. I wish you the best of luck in college and we all remember you as the LTG who loves potatoes. I'm sure Domo will follow your footsteps and make our division as great as you did.

Krystal Anne Macaraeg


Evan Lam and Yuna Lily Tae Dear Beastie Bunnies, As we draw closer to the end of the term, we just wanted to say thank you. We've learned so much and came to where we are today. We have no doubt that we will continue to prosper even as you go to college. We became closer as a family and friend. Xuexing, thank you, being apart of the Division Leadership Team was an experience of a life time and a pleasure. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to apart of the Team. We wish you the best of luck in college and will always be glad to have you come back do our DCMs.

19N & 19S Joint June DCM (6/20/15)


Hello Division 19 South,

It's your funds coordinator, Adrianne Bunye. I'm sure we've all had a great year this time around. Between picking up trash at the beach, burying Xuexing, and all the fun projects, it's been fun. Even though it may seem like we didn't do much, a lot of members really got more involved in Key Club and that's where it really starts. Thank you for an amazing year, and here's to the next!

Adrianne Bunye


Visit Cnhkeyclub.org!




Contact Info. Lt. G : Xuexing Ong d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com // (310)774-6982

EA: Yuna Tae d19s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com // (310)713-4771

EA: Yuka Noda d19s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com //

DNE: Jenyfel Gorre d19s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com // (310)912-5723


Editor’s Message

We made it! The end of the term is quickly approaching I words cannot express how proud I am of this division. From bringing over 400 members to Fall Rally, serving thousands of hours, welcoming the newest member of the division, Mary Star, and becoming closer as a whole, Division 19 South you should be proud. It has been an absolute honor serving a division with so much spirit for service and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings in. All those late nights, early mornings, and stress from serving as your Division News Editor was honestly worth it. You all have accomplished so much throughout the term and I know you all will do even greater things. Thank you so much to our current Lieutenant Governor for inspiring us all to thrive and thank you, Division 19 South, for reading. See you soon!

Jenyfel Gorre

Division News Editor


Thank you for reading!

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