D19S August Newsletter

Page 1

The Bunny Breeze August 2015 | Volume 1 | Issue 3

Division 19 South | Region 8

Table of Contents Letter from the LTG … 2

#staybeasty …16

New DLT Members …3

Announcements … 17

Club Reports…6

DisTrict Updates …18

Point Update …10

Contact info …20

DCM Update …11

Letter from the editor …21

July 4 5k …14 th

Member recognition …15

August 1

To the Beastiest Bunnies,

This past month we have accomplished many things. In the month of June we had our first ever joint DCM with Division 19 North. The DCM was an extremely successful one, because for the first time in quite a while, all clubs were represented at the DCM. During the DCM we pied the Division Leadership Team as well as the Club presidents. Division 19 South was able to raise over $40 for Project Eliminate on pieing alone. Already it has been a quarter into the term. Already we have accomplished so much. The only question is, are you ready to do more? Are you ready to help us raise $10,000 for PTP. Are you ready to ask your friends to join Key Club? I challenge all of you to bring just one friend to the next DCM. I challenge all of you to raise $10 for PTP. I challenge all of you to smile as you serve our home school and community. The next milestone in our path is within our reach. Let us have 100 members at a DCM. Finally, if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me. I am available at most times during the day. If you have any ideas for an event, contact me. If you want to know how you can make a difference, contact me. It’s time to raise your voices and let them be heard from all ends of the Earth. It’s time to make a difference.

Creating Change One Hop at a Time ,

Xuexing Ong d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (310) 774-6982


Yuka NoDa - EA Hello. I am (not) Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hopefully that previous statement does not land me copyright infringement fines or throw me in jail. (All rights reserved by Disney.)

Due to complicated reasons, which probably first began even before the big bang happened, (or not) I will be serving as your Executive Assistant for this term! Although there may be times where I will have my butt kicked by school, college apps, and whatever life may bring me, I will try my best to fulfill this role. So, a short self-introductory paragraph: I will be a senior at Mira Costa High School in August of this year. Thankfully, I do not drive yet, so no need to panic. I’ve been in Key Club ever since my freshman year and I’m looking forward to what this venture may bring me – new friends (hopefully, if I’m not too awkward), the opportunity to serve the Division and the Community, and some fun!

Hey, everyone! I’m Adrianne Bunye, the new PTP Funds Coordinator. I hope that this will be a great year for everyone. I got as far as to getting the position, now I wish to do it well. I look forward to a great year with you all! Remember, if anyone needs anything, just ask.

Adrianne Bunye – PTP Funds.


Hi guys! My name is Krystal Macaraeg and I am one of your Spirit Coordinators this year! I am very excited to meet each and everyone of you and I hope we can get to know each other more! I am an incoming Junior who goes to West High School alongside our PTP Funder Adrianne Bunye. I am a very loud and energetic person, and I love meeting new people! I play the ukulele and not to mention sing! I have a very creative mind and a caring heart…and not to mention a spirited attitude! I am looking forward to working with everyone. Don't be afraid to talk to me, or even sing with me! I'm always here to chat with. If you have any questions, comments, or even suggestions, just let me know.

Krystal Macaraeg – Spirit CooRD.

Good morning, noon, and night fellow reader. My name is Kayla Domingo, Bulletin Editor for Narbonne High School’s Key Club and currently one of the Spirit Chairs for Division 19 South. I am an incoming senior with an optimistic view of the world and love to help those indeed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to look me up on Facebook, email me, or politely ask any of the board members for my number. I’ll be glad to assist you with whatever you need. All you have to do is ask.

Kayla Domingo – Spirit CooRD.


Hi. My name is Dabin Oh and I am one of fresher members of D19 South's dlt and also the publicist for West High's Key Club. I always enjoy working with Key Club because it feels like one big family and it brings out my positive attitude and spirit. A little about myself...I'm the typical Asian girl that most people know. I take selfies on special occasions and wear jeans about 70% of my life. I prefer waffles over pancakes and tea over coffee. I am 5 ft 2 in and that is okay. I am 100% hungry and 0% athletic which is also okay. Many people say I am nice but many people call me "Silent but Deadly." In other words, be careful.

Dabin Oh – Task CooRD.

My name is Evan Lam. I am 16 and the current publicity for Bishop Montgomery high school Key Club. I joined Key Club in my sophomore year and I have loved every moment so far. I will be entering my junior year for the 2015-2016 term. Now describing myself is something I find to be a bit difficult, mainly because what I see of myself might not be true in other people eyes. However, I would say that I tend to be quiet until you get to know me. I enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities. I enjoy playing both console and computer gaming. Dogs are the animals I tend to adore the most, but I like other animals too, as long as they aren’t vicious. While my taste in music varies from my mood, but I dislike country and metal very much.

Evan Lam – Task CooRD.



Club Reports

North High Redondo Beach Triathlon was a big ev ent on Sunday, June 14, 2015. There were many v olunteers from different organizations and schools who arriv ed at 5 in the morning and stayed until noon. Members of North High Key Club were spread throughout the beach helping to prepare for the beginning and the end of the triathlon. Sev eral members v olunteered as runners along the beach to set up flags and stakes to mark the swimming portion of this race. Another group built up the refreshment booths. They helped carry the food and drinks from the manager’s car to the booth and passed out water to participants and v olunteers. We had the opportunity to meet other key clubbers from Div ision 19 North of Lawndale High School. Together, we were able to efficiently pass out burritos and water to those who completed the triathlon. We stayed till the end to cleanup and dismantle remaining booths and trash. At the Redondo Beach Triathlon we witnessed how much time and effort the young and elderly put into finishing a strenuous race. The indiv iduals and families who participated in this ev ent left us feeling inspired at the end of the day . – Jacqueline Fuentes


Maryson HTBonnedro The volunteer work at Madrona Marsh was our chance to enjoy and give back to nature. We were told to leave our electronics behind so we didn’t have any distractions. We cleaned up parts of the marsh by pulling unnecessary weeds out. There were plenty of people assigned to our group so we got a lot done in the short amount of time. Also, our guide took us around to show and talk about parts of the preserve. – Samantha Angeles


"It was an interesting event. I enjoyed being outside and trying something I haven't done before. I would go again." -Isabel Arredondo (Carson)

"Although the Madrona Marsh volunteering event is offered weekly, the atmosphere of it was very different during the joint event on June 27. Because there were many more key-clubbers at the marsh that Saturday, I enjoyed volunteering even more. Key club members from various schools came together to weed the marsh and push wheelbarrows full of the weeds through the routes. The sun was blazing, but I enjoyed serving the community nonetheless! We were allowed to look at cute (beasty) bunnies afterwards, so that was a bonus!" -SeoYeon "Rachel" Kwak (HTPA)

“The Madrona marsh cleanup was an excellent way of learning about the environment. The leader was very welcoming and knowledgeable about nature. Going to the cleanup helped me understand more about caring for the planet and wildlife itself.” - Saya French (Mary Star)

"The day was an amazing experience. The whole scenery of the preserve was very enticing and it was great to help out nature by gardening and removing some of the weeds. The removal of the weeds was tough at times but I was helped by my other group members. Ultimately, it was a fun time and great experience." -Jaime Gudino (Carson)

“The Madrona Marsh event was a success as we all worked as a team to tend to the earth. It was truly a memorable experience as I entered the marsh for the first time. I didn’t know what to expect, but I felt the cheerful energy throughout everyone who came out that day.” -Jhared Ballestar (Narbonne)


Club PoiTeams nts Update Team Banana Cake Bishop Montgomery - 0 Mira Costa - 0

North - 5 Torrance Community - 2 Total: 7

Team Bayside Story PV Penn. - 2 Redondo - 0 West - 3 Total: 5

Team MaRyson HTBonnedro Carson - 3 HTPA - 1 Mary Star - 3 Narbonne - 1 San Pedro - 0 Total: 8


June DCM


This month's DCM combined Divisions 19 North and South and was held at La Romeria Park. It started with an ice breaker called "Baby, I love you". The members divided themselves into two separate groups based on their division to hold separate DCM's. They then proceeded with regular activities which were reviews of school events in the past month. The two divisions reunited and proceeded with more ice breakers. Presidents and DLT members were eligible for pieing, costing $1 per pie, in which the money made would be donated to PTP. It was Division 19's way of raising money for babies and children in need. The members made a total of $42 for PTP. The members from both divisions enjoyed their day bonding and most importantly had fun. Article by Jenine Lazaro




D19S @ The July 4 5k On July 4th, Volunteers headed out to the beach to help out with a 5k. Volunteers were needed to help with registration, crowd control, water stations, and more. The event was held by The Village Runner. Interestingly enough, the Village Runner people told us that every time they do an event, Kiwanis is always helping out. Funny thing is I think that they were referring to us, as we always have a few volunteers at most of their events. It is interesting to see just how Kiwanis has helped out so wide and far. But the most inspiring thing at the event was a disabled man. He had a crutch and couldn’t walk straight. But he persevered and completed the 5k. The dedication he showed is something to truly admire, and I hope that we will all be able to continue to dedicate our time to service. Article by Xuexing Ong


Officer of the Month James Cordova President, San Pedro

Member of the Month Adrianne Bunye West




Tag your Instagram or Twitter photos with #staybeasty to be featured in next month’s newsletter! 16

Announcements August 5th – MRFs Due

August 5th – Visuals/ Articles Due

July 25th- July DCM Location: Hermosa Beach Pier (Pier Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254) Time: 12 PM - 3 PM • Bury your LTG for $1

• Bring snacks to share •Bring a medical release form • Don’t forget sunscreen and pails



Hello CNH Bees! My name is Joshua Nuesca, and I serve as your 2015-2016 District Governor. This year, I aim to focus on every member's individual journey through Key Club, by encouraging additional opportunities for leadership through service, and promoting the wonderful feeling of ohana that the Kiwanis family provides.


Aloha CNH Bees! My name is Mary Kim Delemos, and I am incredibly humbled to serve as your District Treasurer for the 20152016 term. I live in South San Francisco, CA. My hobbies are cheerleading, exploring the streets of San Francisco, streaming netflix, and stargazing. I am a Starbucks gold star member, but I am also a fan of boba milk tea. As District Treasurer, I want to ensure that the dues you submit annually expand and bett er your Key Club experience by encouraging everyone to utilize all resources available to them. I want to emphasize the importance of paying membership dues and provide an education that you can be a part of, as well as, to support every single one of you by striving to be a part of your ohana. Don't forget to pay your dues, and I hope to see you soon!

Hello CNH Bees! I am ecstatic to hav e the opportunity to serv e you as your district secretary this term. I hav e been a member of the Kiwanis Family for 6 years and I look forward to making my final year of Key Club with each of you absolutely magical! Through communication, education, and innov ation, I hope we can take strides to improv e our district as we spread SMILEs through our serv ant-leadership in our homes, schools, and communities. Nev er hesitate to contact me if you hav e any questions, comments, or concerns. I look forward to an unforgettable year with my fellow Guardians of Serv ice!

Contact Info. Lt. G : Xuexing Ong d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com // (310)774-6982

EA: Yuna Tae d19s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com // (310)713-4771

EA: Mary Amontos d19s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com // (310)951-3688

EA: Yuka Noda d19s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com //

DNE: Jenyfel Gorre d19s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com // (310)912-5723


Editor’s Message Hello everyone! I hope that you’ve all had lovely summers so far. As we start to slowly approach the beginning of a new school year, the term will only grow busier. Of course, there will be plenty of events over the course of the summer so I hope you decide to join your D19S ohana and have a blast! As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this month’s publication. I can’t wait to share the success of our division as we continue into this term. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. See you next month!

Jenyfel Gorre Division News Editor


Thank you for reading!

Please BEE green and do not print out this newsletter.

CNH CyberKey : http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ Key Club International: http://www.keyclub.org/

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