YourFiveFavoriteTowns Family NewspaperDistributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & BrooklynSeptember 15, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around Communitythe PAGE 87 Local Boys Help Out at the US Open44 Bringing in the New Year 48 A New School Opens Its Doors 42

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Aliza Nugiel
– this is not my choice. I didn’t choose to do carpool. But because the District has not yet organized the busing routes and compa nies, too often, when drivers don’t show up, my children’s bus routes this year have been cut.
The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.
Nate Davis
I live in Lawrence. Every year, for the first few days of busing, we’ve had issues until the bus es and bus drivers were comfortable with their routes. But I have never experienced a situation where, more than a full week after busing was sup posed to start, we were stuck without a bus.
This morning in the car, after I dropped off my kids, I was listening to NPR talking about the re cent New York Times article on education in ye shivas. The writers of the article were on the show, and the bile rose in my throat as I heard caller after caller vilify and denigrate yeshivas. I tried
Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR
Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 6

Well, maybe I’m not really a bus driver, but I’ve been driving my kids – my son and daughters – to school in the mornings and back from school in the
Lawrence, NY 11559
Lani White
Fax | 516-734-0857
ornings in my house have become busier. because I’ve become a bus driv
calling into the show, but the lines were busy and I couldn’t get on. But I wished I would have been able to stop the defamation of a community that we all know and love.
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Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana
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Dear Readers, Shabbos Zemanim Friday, September 16 Parshas Ki Savo Candle Lighting: 6:44 pm Shabbos Ends: 7:42 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:13 pm Weekly Weather | September 16 – September 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6175°° 6572°° 80°68° 7081°° 6883°° 6882°° 80°65° CloudyPartlyMostlySunny CloudyPartlyMostlySunnySunnySunny MostlySunny M

Rachel Bergida
Gabe Solomon
Of course, the New York Times article came out mere days before the Board of Regents in New York approved a mandate that will force private schools to comply with certain academic standards. As a parent who sends her children to private schools, I never dreamed that my children’s schools would be forced to answer to a state board about what they should and shouldn’t teach. Isn’t that why we send to yeshivas? Because we don’t want our children to be influenced by certain value systems that are antithesis to ours? And what happens when that board decides that it will be mandated for children in private schools to learn about certain immoral ideas? What can we do then?
Nechama Wein Copy Editor
Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER
P.O. BOX 266
Grappling with these issues is very disconcert ing. What we thought was guaranteed at one point no longer seems very secure. And it’s frightening.
Editorial Assistant
Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM classifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comtext443-929-4003
So now, in addition to my other responsibili ties, I am now shuttling kids back and forth to school, waiting on carpool lines, and dealing with traffic on those smaller streets in Far Rockaway.
I never thought that I would have to deal with this. I always thought that putting my kids on the bus in the morning in New York, where we pay school taxes, was part and parcel of sending them to school each day.
Truthfully, though, it’s a wakeup call. It’s a re minder that nothing in life is certain and that we are never in control. And that realization cannot come at a better time, at a time when we know that our lives and all things in it are dependent on the One Above, Who will hopefully write us in for a year filled with much success and triumphs in all areas of life.
Phone | 516-734-0858
And that’s
|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 7

The Jewish Telegraphic Bombing by Rafael
Long Lived the Queen by Rabbi Aron White
Medoff 124 CLASSIFIEDS 128 10088
and Oz Should Debate Before the Voting Starts
Yonina Pfeffer
As an eighth grade teacher for many years, I can attest that teenagers don’t al ways keep the same friends in later years as they’ve had in younger years. Some times, as girls mature (and boys too!), their interests and maturity levels begin to differ from their friends’ and their cir cle of friends widen. Perhaps a new girl came into class and looks like she could be a promising friend; perhaps someone who has lived on your block but is in a different school started chatting with you at shul kiddushim – these are potential new friends for you.
The Aussie Gourmet: Tsimmes Chicken
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 8
Jewish Heroes in World War I by Avi Heiligman
Legacy is Already Coming Into Focus by David
Wishing you best of luck!
Dating Dialogue, by Jennifer Mann,
The Wandering Jew
Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom

Dear Editor,
A Sympathetic Reader, Ephraim Trunk
A Teacher in a Local Girls’ School
Continued on page 10
Did you know that this week the board in New York State voted to imple ment rules that will mandate the state to regulate secular education in private schools? Well, if you didn’t hear about it, don’t be surprised. There was no outrage on behalf of local institutions or organi zations. Yes, a few months ago, we were
Given the choice, would you prefer to work at home for 8 hours a day, five days a week, or to work from the office for 10 hours a day, four days a week? 50% 50% Home Office LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 42 What Would Jack Do? by Rabbi Boruch B. Bender 76 NEWS Global 12 National 32 That’s Odd 39
Dear Editor,
Fetterman by Marc A. Thiessen
Dear Editor,
A Sweet New Year by Aliza Beer, MS RD
I received a children’s book from a “Jewish” organization and started read ing it to my son. I wasn’t paying such at tention to the plot and didn’t realize until we were well into the story that the fam ily structure was not in accordance with Torah values. I couldn’t believe what I was reading and what my child was now exposedCivilizationto.
Quotes 112
The Trump Search Case by Marc A. Thiessen
This the reality in America, and we will only thrive by staying distinct from all the nations.
Dear Editor,
Sebrow 84
Rabbi Wein on the Parsha
How Ukraine’s by David Ignatius

Offensive Changes the Equation
Biden’s Ignatius
A Whole New World by Rav Moshe
is on the decline, espe cially considering that I received this from a Jewish organization. In Germany, Reform Jews pronounced: “Berlin is our Jerusalem; Germany is our Fatherland,” only to later end in a Holocaust. Any time the Jews assimilated in the past, it led to extinction from the land.
And so, my answer to Shira (the girl who wrote into Teen Talk last week) is that sometimes our friends get other friends and sometimes we also get other friends. This is normal.
I was heartened to read Barbara Deutsch’s article in The Jewish Home, “Creating Miracles for All Children.” Her story brought tears to my eyes. And truthfully, this story occurs in class rooms every day. Teachers and rebbeim have the power to raise up a child and create miracles for them each day. When they say a kind word, praise them for their efforts, show them that they care… these children grow inside and start be lieving in themselves. What greater mir acle can there be?
Israel News 26 World Builder 86
of Auschwitz
LCSW 96 Teen Talk 102 School of Thought 104 Parenting Pearls 106 Mind Your Business 110 Your Money 134 September Surprises by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 135
Weinberger 80
I couldn’t help but comment on the in cident that occurred to you two weeks ago with your daughter at the library, where she had to be thrown into the inappropri ate conversation of racism at such a tender age. I experienced something similar.
Agency and the
Your friend seems to have made more friends in camp – good for her! That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you any more. Give her space to spend “time” with her camp friends. As the school year settles, you are likely to resume your friendship. But also keep in mind that even though she is your “best friend,” you should allow yourself opportunities to become friends with other girls who seem to be mature, healthy young women who can understand you and whom you can enjoy spending time with.
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spective unknown and under-financed opponents with free forums to explain their positions on issues of the day. This affords under-financed and less er-known candidates a chance to com municate their views on issues of the day to voters.Whynot participate in debates spon sored by each of NYC’s daily newspapers and television stations? Let us hope that enlightened newspapers such as The Jewish Home call for an end of incum bents’ use of the infamous Rose Garden Strategy in future elections. Intelligent voters deserve frequent debates pri or to the general election as opposed to canned TV commercials.
Dear Editor, Why is Hochul hiding from Zeldin?

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 10
Akiva Herman
Continued from page 8
LarrySincerely,Penner, Great Neck, NY
Isn’t this an open door for the coun tries which hate us to send their crimi nals and terrorists into our country? For instance, Iran and al-Qaeda are likely to seek vengeance for President Trump’s killing of Iranian General Qassem Solei mani as well as President Biden’s elimi nation of al-Qaeda leader Al-Zawahri. Remember, Iranian political analyst Abshenas recently made the following remark: Iran is entitled to kill so-called terrorists Mike Pompeo, our former Sec retary of State, and John Bolton, our for mer National Security Advisor.
Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul is following the infamous Rose Garden Strategy by ignoring underdog Repub lican challenger Congressmember Lee Zeldin and refusing to schedule a series of public debates between now and Elec tion Day. With less than eight weeks to go, Hochul’s surrogates will continue to run out the clock in negotiations. They have the goal of agreeing to one or two debates.Upuntil the 1980s, candidates par ticipated in numerous television and newspaper editorial board debates. Vot ers could look beyond the 30- or 60-sec ond TV commercial sound bites to learn about real views and issues among the candidates.Thosecandidates who refused to par ticipate in these debates would be subject to critical newspaper editorials. They ended up losing any chance of newspaper endorsements and usually went down to defeat.In the 1980s, a new Rose Garden Strategy emerged. Incumbents or of ficially designated candidates of both parties refused to debate lesser-known, under-funded opponents. They had no interest in providing a free forum for challengers to get their message directly out to voters. Too many newspapers and good government groups failed to speak up and shame these incumbents into par ticipating in open forums and debates. They don’t want to provide their re
Here’s my question: why are we still voting for Democrats if they do not have our interests in mind? After this mandate passed, Democratic Governor Hochul said that this was not in her purview and that she had no hand in doing this. Talk about taking responsibility. Doesn’t she run the state? If she cared about our community, she would have used her connections to make sure this does not pass.
I think we are playing with fire!
Does anybody know how many indi vidual terrorist cells presently exist in our country? Do we have to wait for another 9/11 disaster before we take any action?
If Hochul continues to refuse to participate in series of debates with her underdog Republican challenger Zeldin, she should be subject to critical newspaper editorials. Hochul should forfeit any chance of endorsements by media outlets.
GardenMayerCity, NY
told to send in letters asking the state to not vote for this mandate. And yet, this passed with flying colors (wondering if the New York Times article had some thing to do with it…).
Certain communities still vote Dem ocrat, because they appreciate the money that Democrats throw at their commu nities. And so, they throw their values out the window. Perhaps now that their schools are going to be scrutinized by the woke powers in New York, they will wake up and learn that dollars are not worth throwing out their morals.
Dear Editor,
With the welcome mat thrown out by President Biden, millions of illegals are penetrating our country through the southern border. We don’t know who they are and what track records they have. They are continuing to be flown and bussed all over the country – for instance, to Manhattan in the sanctuary city of New York. Upon the arrival of busses coming from Texas, Mayor Eric Adams is giving individuals a welcome package that in cludes clothing, food, and money. He has also decided to temporarily house these people in fancy hotels such as The Row NYC, which provides rooms ranging in price from $414 to $435 per night.
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Overfound.the years, Charles has been outspoken about his views. But many thought that it wasn’t his role to talk about issues like alternative medicine and climate change. His mother hid her personal opinions throughout her seven decades on the throne.
Support for King Charles?

“My life will of course change as I take up my new responsibilities,” he said. “It will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I care so deeply.”Many who gathered at the ceremonies that have followed Elizabeth’s death have spoken warmly about the new monarch, with loud cries of “G-d Save the King” when he has appeared.
When King Charles ascended the throne, he didn’t ask for anyone’s opinion, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t have one. Since he succeeded his mother as Britain’s new monarch, backing for the new King has dramatically increased, in contrast to polls earlier this year. There was a similar increase in backing for his wife Camilla, the Queen Consort.
Since becoming king, Charles has re peatedly said he would follow his moth er’s example, and in his first televised ad dress to the nation, he said his role would not be the same now he was king.
Now, 63% think the 73-year-old will be a good king, a rise of 24 percentage points since March, while 15% believe he will do a bad job, compared with 31% six months ago, the poll published on Tues day
Tuesday’s YouGov poll found 62% of respondents supported the institution, with 21% opposed.
In Peru, the Old is New Again
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 12 The Week In News

Despite the support, recent surveys have shown that younger generations see the monarchy as irrelevant, with young people far less supportive or just ambiva lent about the monarchy.
Charles and Camilla were the targets of the public’s ire after the death of Prin cess Diana in 1997. As recently as five years ago, at the 20th anniversary of Di ana’s death, polls suggested the majority of people had a generally negative per ception of him.

This year, Guillermo Palmadera, the mayor of a remote area in Peru’s Andes, is tackling the water shortage in a unique way: by bringing the past to the present.
Worried that a harsh dry season could spoil his district’s crops of barley, alfalfa and local tubers in the Andes, Palmadera found a solution by turning to archaeol ogy. A scientist found that parts of a old stone wall in the district were actually part of an ancient dam.

Royal biographer Robert Lacey noted that so far Charles had successfully com bined leading the mourning for Eliza beth, while providing authority, humani ty and“Therereassurance.wasaquestion mark people have always inevitably thought about him as the deputy,” Lacey told Reuters. “I think in the sad circumstances, it’s a very good start, though of course the sad cir cumstances help – the reverence and the reflectiveness prompted by death have helped as well.”
Charles’ supporters, though, say some of his views have been visionary, calling for action on the environment and sus tainability decades before they became frontline issues for governments.
That is a reflection of how backing for the royals has declined over the last few years amid a period of turmoil for the family that included the Meghan Markle debacle in which she and Prince Harry shunned the monarchy and allegations leveled against Prince Andrew, who had to quit his royal role.
Kevin Lane, an archeologist at the
Water scarcity is nothing new in Peru. In fact, it dates back hundreds of years.
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Israel has long opposed a revival of the 2015 accord.
A major obstacle in negotiations for the new deal has been Tehran’s insistence that the UN’s International Atomic Ener gy Agency drop a probe into unaccount ed-for traces of enriched uranium at three sites in Iran, a point that the agency and the West have rebuffed out of hand.
Dutch Gov’t to Pay for Energy?
14 University of Buenos Aires, had identified 18 abandoned dams built in Pamparo mas before the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Lane proposed refurbish ing an old dam.
financial support from Germa ny’s Gerda Henkel Foundation, Lane and local farmers built a 3-meter-high dam on top of old remains at 4,600 meters above sea level using stones, clay and modern materials such as geotextile. Those are easy to replace in an area prone to earthquakes and big temperature vari ations that can crack other materials like concrete. Using these materials also kept the costs low – around $100,000 as com pared to the estimated $1 million using concrete.With the dam finished, 300 neigh bors from the Pamparomas district are waiting for the rainy season to start. They expect to collect 15,000 cubic me ters of “Wewater.arevery impatient,” a resident said. “With the water we’ll feed some cows to make cheese, and guinea pigs for
President Biden has recognized that the original deal fails to address Iran’s ballistic missile program along with its malign activities abroad. However, he maintains that the JCPOA at least keeps Tehran’s nuclear program “in a box” and that other issues are only compounded when the program remains unrestrained.
While there had been initial optimism about prospects for reviving the nuclear deal in recent weeks, it has gradually dis sipated, with world powers claiming that Iran made unreasonable demands at the lastOnminute.Sunday, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom issued a statement expressing “serious doubts” over Iran’s sincerity in seeking a nuclear agreement.
He added, “What we’ve seen over the last week or so in Iran’s response to the proposal put forward by the European Union is clearly a step backward and makes prospects for an agreement in the near-term, I would say, unlikely.”
Washington was “not about to agree to a deal that doesn’t meet our bottom-line requirements.”TheU.S.pulled out of the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in May 2018 and reimposed sanctions, prompting Iran to abandon many of its own commitments and ramping up its stockpiles of enriched uranium beyond the limits set in the pact.
The dry season usually lasts from May through September.
Iran Deal Stalls
us and hopefully to sell.”

On Saturday, Blinken warned that
Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Monday called on the U.S. and Eu rope to stop pursuing the “failed negoti ations with Iran.” A senior official, who was traveling with Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s delegation to Berlin, said in a briefing with reporters that the “Ameri cans decided to toughen up after the dia logue with the Israelis.”
If you live in the Netherlands, be pre pared for your energy bills to hit the roof. Like other European Union member countries, electricity costs are now skyhigh.
But being Dutch could spell relief for low-income families grappling with choking energy costs. According to a
Speaking on condition of anonymity, he added: “We gave information to the Europeans that proved that the Iranians

According to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, “Iran seems either unwilling or unable to do what’s necessary to reach an agreement, and they continue to try to introduce extrane ous issues to the negotiations that make an agreement less likely,”
“The problem of water scarcity is not new in Peru,” Lane noted Water scarcity is so intertwined with Andean history, he added, that he be lieves water wars were fought there in the Withpast.
For now, it seems like the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal has stalled.
are lying while talks are still happening.”
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Mexico is also suffering from wide spread crippling violence. In response, López Obrador recently transferred the National Guard to the Defense Ministry, a move which has garnered international condemnation.AtLópez
Obrador’s daily news conference on Monday, the president said he planned to submit a proposal to the U.N. aimed at ending Russia’s war in Ukraine. López Obrador, who did not join other countries by im posing economic sanctions on Russia, proposed creating a mediation com mission made up of Pope Francis, the U.N. secretary general, and India’s prime minister that would open talks between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine.
The bill is not yet approved, although that could take place next Friday in the Council of Ministers.
In an effort to help move the produc tion of semiconductors from Asia to the Americas, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is attempting to persuade offi cials from Mexico to join in the move ment.On

Monday, Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said Blinken
In addition, according to the report, energy companies would also benefit from the scheme, as they would not have to deal with customers who could not pay theirFordebts.this reason, the Dutch govern ment is considering picking up the costs,

The two countries certainly have a lot to discuss in other areas. Foremost is immigration, with U.S. border officials saying that encounters with Mexican na tionals have increased over the last year, while encounters with those originating from El Salvador, Honduras and Guate mala have decreased.
At present, people who fail to pay util ity bills end up receiving debt counseling, which also comes at a cost to the state.
A Push to the Americas
The U.S. delegation was in Mexico for a new round of the so-called High Level Economic Dialogue. The U.S. side was represented by Blinken, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jayme White, and Juan González, the National Security Council’s senior director for the Western Hemisphere.Thedialogue, which was launched by then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2013, resumed last year in Washington after stalling during the Trump administra tion.The global shortage of semiconduc tors has slashed production of autos, household appliances and other goods, fueling high inflation.
Last month, López Obrador said the
16 proposal circulated on Monday in The Hague, the Dutch government could take over the payment of electricity and gas bills for households unable to raise mon ey to pay them.
government had created the state-run lithium company that would be in charge of the exploration and extraction of the mineral. Mexico nationalized lithium production in May.
The cost of living in the Netherlands is around 6% cheaper than living in the U.S.
although it has previously stated that there is “no room for maneuver” in the budget for such assistance.
spoke to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador about recently passed legisla tion that would provide $28 billion in incentives for semiconductor produc tion, $10 billion for new manufacturing of chips, and $11 billion for research and development.LópezObrador, for his part, explained his plan to make the northern border state of Sonora a leader in lithium, elec tric vehicle, and solar energy production. Lithium is a key component of batteries for electric vehicles.
The plan under consideration would create a relief fund of several hundred million euros to protect about one mil lion households from power or gas cuts during the coming winter, according to a report by public broadcaster NOS, citing government sources.
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Crime and integration of communi ties were major issues in the campaign. Violence used to be contained to certain areas in the country. Now, it is spreading to parks and other public areas, concern ing Swedes who have enjoyed a safe and
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Magdalena Andersson’s Social Dem
ocrats have governed Sweden since 2014 and have dominated the country’s politi cal landscape since the 1930s.
Three people were killed and five injured after a Black Hawk helicopter crashed during a Taliban training exer cise in Afghanistan last week.
The results from Sweden’s election on Sunday night were too close to call, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said.At first, it was thought that the in cumbent left-wing coalition was swing ing towards victory, but surprisingly, re sults showed that the right-wing bloc was pushing through with a possible win. It could take until the middle of the week until the final tallies are counted.

Video of the crash shows the helicop
Whatever the result, the far-right Sweden Democrats have made signif icant gains, appearing to become the country’s second-largest party behind the Social However,Democrats.itsleader, Jimmie Akesson, is unlikely to become prime minister even if the right-wing bloc wins the larg est number of seats. Instead, Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson (whose par ty is set to come in third place) is likely to take that role, with the Sweden Dem ocrats hoping to become part of his gov ernment.Swedes are used to complex coalition politics but this election race has been viewed as nail-biting and at times con fusing by voters from across the spec trum.Born out of a neo-Nazi movement at the end of the 1980s, the anti-immigra tion Sweden Democrats entered parlia ment with 5.7% of the vote in 2010, in creasing to 17.5% in 2018. It looks set to win more than 20% this time. Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson orchestrated a major shift in Swedish politics in 2019 by starting talks with the Sweden Demo crats, who had long been treated as pari ahs by other political parties.
The Taliban took control of some American-made aircraft after they seized the country in mid-August last year. It remains unclear how many are opera tional.Inthe mad, chaotic rush to leave Af ghanistan as the Taliban took over the country in mere days, U.S. troops left mounds of military hardware and equip ment on the ground. Some of the hard ware and equipment, like helicopters and tanks, were deliberately damaged by U.S. troops who hoped to not let the mili tary equipment end up in Taliban hands. Some of them, though, were still opera
Enayatullah Khwarizmi, spokesman for Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense, confirmed the crash, saying, “An Amer ican Black Hawk helicopter, which was flown ... for training, crashed due to a technical problem inside the campus of the National Defense University.”
Right Gains in Sweden’s Election
Taliban Uses U.S. Helicopter for Training
The chopper crashed in Kabul due to a “technical problem,” the group’s de fense ministry said on Saturday.

peaceful country for decades.
Voter turnout in this election was ex pected to be high, with more than 80% of the country’s 7.8 million eligible voters expected to cast ballots.
ter seemingly nose-dive before it hit the ground.Other footage shared on Twitter showed a cloud of smoke billowing around the alleged crash site.
The crash comes as three civilians were injured when a bicycle bomb ex ploded in the capital city, an attack possi bly linked to Islamic State. The incidents are not believed to be connected.
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The prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda said the Caribbean country will hold a referendum on whether to become a republic and remove King Charles III as the head of state within the next few years.
“Several people have been arrested in

Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, a senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was shot dead outside his home, on a quiet street in Tehran, on May 22 by two assailants on a motorcycle.
Days after the killing, the New York Times cited an unnamed intelligence of ficial as saying Israel told U.S. officials it was behind the Khodaei assassination, which it carried out to warn Tehran against the continued operation of a co vert unit the target helped lead.
This week, Tehran said that several people had been arrested over the as sassination of a top general that officials have blamed on Israel.
as the King of Antigua and Barbuda on Saturday, Prime Minister Gaston Browne told ITV News that he planned on holding a referendum on whether the country becomes a republic in the next three years.
He explained that it would be “a final step to complete the circle of indepen dence to become a truly sovereign na tion.”Questions were raised in March about the monarchy’s continued role in the re gion after the then-Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, visited three Commonwealth realms –Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas – on a trip aimed at celebrating Queen Eliza beth’s 70 years on the throne.
the case of the assassination of martyr Khodai,” judiciary spokesman Masoud Setayeshi said. “The necessary legal or ders have been issued for them, and the case is under investigation.”
According to the Times report, Israe li officials claimed Khodaei was deputy head of the so-called Unit 840, a shadowy division within the IRGC’s expeditionary Quds Force that carries out kidnappings and assassinations of figures outside of Iran, including against Israelis. Khodaei was specifically in charge of Unit 840’s Middle East operations, but he had been involved in attempted terror attacks

The former British colony gained its independence from the United King dom in 1981 but is one of 14 countries in addition to the UK where the British monarch is head of state. It is also a part of the Commonwealth, a 56-mem ber organization of mostly former Brit ish Afterterritories.confirming King Charles III
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 24 tional when the last U.S. troops lifted off the ground.

We Don’t Want a King
self a Barbados’srepublic.
The trip was beset with issues; they were told by Jamaica’s prime minister that the country was “moving on” and will attain its “true ambition” to be “in dependent.”Lastyear, Barbados severed its final imperial links to Britain by declaring it

decision marked the first time in nearly three decades that a realm opted to remove the British monarch as head of state. The last nation to do so was the island of Mauritius in 1992. Like that country, Barbados has remained part of the AntiguaCommonwealth.andBarbuda is a sover eign island country in the West Indies in the Americas, lying between the Ca ribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It consists of two major islands, Anti gua and Barbuda, and smaller islands. Around 97,000 people call the country their home.
Arrests in Iran for Assassination
“This is a matter that has to be taken to a referendum for the people to decide,” he said, adding that it is not mean to “represent any form of disrespect to the monarch. This is not an act of hostility, or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monarchy.”
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Falah’s uncle, Eli Hasson, spoke about his “Henephew.had been sent on a posting for the army to the US, but despite the good con ditions he came back to the field to take up this position,” Hasson told the Walla news site. “He told me, ‘I’ll defend my sol diers with my body,’ and that’s what he did,” he said.
against Israeli, European, and American civilians and government officials in Co lombia, Kenya, Ethiopia, the UAE, and Cyprus in the last two years alone.
Iransaid.has never publicly acknowledged the existence of Unit 840 and maintains that Khodaei played a completely dif ferent role in the IRGC after joining as a teen, voluntarily enlisting during the Iran-Iraq War and later fighting against Islamic State in Syria on behalf of the Quds
“The prevailing feeling among our adversaries is that our historical advan tage, our national resilience, is fading,” Bar
He added that the “deep rift that is developing within Israeli society” is the “most complex” challenge it is facing.
Israelis have been dealing with pol itics for all their lives, but recently, the in-fighting has become louder. Last year, former Shin Bet chief Nadav Ar gaman warned of rising incitement and hate speech on social media as thenprime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was close to being ousted after a 12-year rule. At the time, Naftali Bennett and his fel low Yamina party members faced intense attacks for their decision to join the socalled “change government.”
Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar said on Sun day that the security agency has identi fied that Israel’s political instability and internal discord have encouraged terror ism.“From the intelligence that we have read, from the interrogations of attackers we have conducted, and also from many years of familiarity with our adversaries, wherever they are, we can say today with out a shadow of a doubt that the political instability, the growing internal strife… are an encouragement to the axis of evil, to the terror organizations and individu al attackers,” Bar said at a conference at Herzliya’s Reichman University.
Ultimately, the government fell apart, sending Israel into its fifth election since 2019, which will be held on November 1.
Falah, 30, was the deputy command er of the elite Nahal reconnaissance unit.

Shin Bet: Strife Can Lead to Terrorism

Speaking about Falah, Prime Minis ter Yair Lapid said, “A warrior in all his being, he fought terrorism and led his fighters until his final hour. The oper ational activity in which he was killed thwarted a major terrorist attack and saved many lives.”
Maj. Bar Falah lost his life on Wednes day morning when he attempted to arrest two suspected terrorists.
TheForce.head of Iran’s Islamic Revolu tionary Guard Corps Maj. Gen Hossein Salami publicly blamed “the Zionists” for the assassination. Khodaei’s assassi nation was the most high-profile killing inside Iran since the November 2020 killing of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
“Thiswarned.insight should trouble us more than anything else. In this matter the Shin Bet can only warn, it certainly can not deal with it,” he said. “It is in the hands of each and every one of us.”
His killing was meant to warn Iran that the group should stop its activities, the intelligence official quoted by the Times
IDF Soldier Killed by Gunmen
The two terrorists, Ahmed Abed and Abdul Rahman Abed, from the village of Kafr Dan near Jenin, were killed in a subsequent firefight. Ahmed was an offi cer in the PA security services.
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According to Beirut’s foreign minis ter, a maritime deal between Lebanon and Israel is 95 percent complete. He urged both sides to come together to sign the Abdallahagreement.Bouhabib told the An-Na har newspaper that both countries had an interest in completing the agreement
Last Thursday, police thwarted a major terror attack when they arrested a 19-year-old resident of Nablus armed with a firearm and two bombs in Jaffa. The man said that he had wanted to commit a major terror attack in Tel Aviv. He had no permit to enter Israel and

According to police commissioner Kobi Shabtai, “He was looking to commit a massacre.”Shabtaithanked
Hasson added, “He had a bag, and there was something metal poking out. The bag was heavy, really heavy. While checking the bag, we saw it was a gun. We told the guy to get on the floor, that he was under arrest.”
This is not the man’s first encoun ter with police. He had been arrested in April after attempting to bring a knife onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He was tried and sentenced to four months in prison.TheIsrael Defense Forces set up checkpoints in the West Bank near the settlement of Ariel amid a search for additional suspects who may have been involved in the planned attack. Accord ing to the Kan public broadcaster, a rel ative of the suspect was arrested in the area.
According to the IDF, soldiers oper ating surveillance cameras spotted two suspects in the so-called seam zone be tween the West Bank and Israel, near the Palestinian village of Jalamah, before dawn on Wednesday. Troops dispatched to investigate flanked the pair and initi ated arrest procedures.
The terrorists were carrying a make shift submachine gun and a semi-au tomatic weapon. It is thought that they were planning an ambush in the area.
One of the officers recounted the ar rest.“We were in Jaffa,” Sharif Hasson said. “We identified a suspicious person, stopped him and while we were checking him, he admitted that he was in Israel il legally, didn’t have any papers or ID.”
the Yasam officers who “prevented a large-scale deadly ter ror attack” by noticing the suspect and questioning him.
The tragic incident occurred near the scene of another shooting attack less than 24 hours earlier. On Tuesday morning, a Defense Ministry engineering vehicle working along the security barrier in the same area came under gunfire. There were no injuries, but the vehicle was damaged.
had aroused the suspicion of officers of the elite police reconnaissance unit Yasam near Jaffa’s clock tower, a major landmark and tourist attraction.
At that point, “the suspects opened fire at the soldiers,” the military said in a statement. “IDF troops took cover and shot at the suspects, neutralizing them.”
Terror ThwartedAttack
He was detained and found to be car rying a “Carlo” submachine gun and two pipe bombs filled with nails.
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A Maritime Deal with Lebanon?

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Shaked and Jewish Home’s current leader, Yossi Brodny, agreed to run their parties together under the Jewish Home name, although it has yet to be finalized.
“It is said that if Benjamin Netanyahu comes [into power], he may blow up the agreement. Here [in Lebanon], a presi dent with a different approach and vision may come. Therefore, the time is right for an agreement.”LebanesePresident Michel Aoun’s term in office is set to end in October.
Hendel and Shaked had separated over a disagreement over whether to join a narrow government under Benja min Netanyahu – if a unity government proved impossible – as an alternative to sending Israel to a sixth election. Zionist Spirit had also consistently been polling below the electoral threshold necessary to enter
“I support a broad government, but I will probably recommend Netanyahu. I will recommend whoever has the most seats, and whoever has the best chance
The dispute, which involves com peting claims over offshore gas fields, escalated in June after Israel moved a production vessel near the Karish off shore field, which is partly claimed by its northernEnergean,neighbor.theLondon-listed compa ny licensed by Israel to extract gas from Karish, said on Thursday that gas would begin flowing within weeks, despite the disagreement.Hochstein was in Israel on Thursday where he met with National Security Council chairman Eyal Hulata and For eign Ministry director Alon Ushpiz. This was his third visit to Israel to work on thisLebanondeal. and Israel, whose border is UN-patrolled, have no diplomatic rela tions. They resumed maritime border negotiations in 2020 but the process was stalled by Beirut’s claim that the map used by the United Nations in the talks neededLebanonmodifying.initially demanded 860 square kilometers (330 square miles) in the disputed maritime area but then asked for an additional 1,430 square ki lometers (552 square miles), including part of the Karish field.

“The problem is that there is a care taker government in Israel, and they have elections, and they throw test balloons to see the reactions and their impact on the mood,” Bouhabib said.
On Friday, U.S. mediator Amos Hoch stein noted progress in indirect talks be tween Lebanon and Israel but said more work was needed for a final agreement.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which launched drones towards the Karish gas field in July, had threatened attacks if Israel pro
In turn, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said late last month that any at tack on its gas assets could reignite war between the two sides.
ceeds with gas extraction in the disputed area.
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quickly, noting that Israeli elections in November may push off an agreement.
Yamina party leader Interior Minis ter Ayelet Shaked announced on Tuesday that she had signed an agreement with the Jewish Home party for a “joint run” in November’s elections, just days after reneging on her Zionist Spirit partner ship with Yoaz Hendel.

“I am happy that we succeeded in rebuilding a home for religious Zionism and for the responsible right in Israel,” Shaked said in a statement announcing the deal with Brodny.
Shaked is Back
UntilKnesset.shesplit with Hendel in the ear ly hours of Sunday morning, Shaked had pushed for a broad “unity” government. In the days since, Shaked has said she is “coming home” to the right, and with her Tuesday statement, completed her rhe torical shift to a right-wing government.
“We’ll work together to form a broad, right-wing and stable government,” Shaked said of her new partnership with Brodny.She had explicitly said she would likely lend her support to Netanyahu fol lowing the elections, while speaking to a convention of the Association of Mu nicipal Engineers on Monday. Brodny echoed her sentiment.
Israel says that the field lies in its wa ters and is not part of the disputed area subject to ongoing negotiations.
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That’s the forecast given by consult ing firm Deloitte for the upcoming 2022 holiday shopping season.

A Season of Not Giving
If anything is found, digital images are sent to officials with the U.S. De partment of Agriculture who determine whether the shipment can be released or returned.In2021, the inspections resulted in 25 cases where shipments had to be re turned to ImportsMexico.have grown significantly each season, with inspectors seeing a nearly 25% jump since 2016. Officials are expecting continued growth this year.
All Mexican chile imports are subject to an X-ray scan. Then comes a physical inspection by a Customs and Border Pro tection specialist who searches for pests, diseases and any contaminated soil or noxious seeds.

Shaked helped Bennett revive Jewish Home in 2013.
Despite the mounds of hot veggies coming in from the south, New Mexi can farmers aren’t hurting. They say the state’s reputation for growing what many have anointed as “the best green chile in the world” is expanding, according to Travis Day, executive director of the New Mexico Chile Association.
Operation Hot Chile
“Chile is a huge crop for farmers in New Mexico so it is important that CBP [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] agriculture specialists identify and stop any dangerous pests from making it into the state and potentially spreading,” act ing Columbus Port Director Sam Jimenez said in a statement.
The state’s chile harvest starts in late July but gets cranking in August.
People should blame inflation this year if they don’t receive a gift from their co-worker this December holiday season. That’s because rising prices – consumer prices increased by 8.5% in July over last year – have forced people to bud get how they are going to be paying for necessities over the next few months. With grocery, gas, and clothing prices soaring, there’s little room for gift giv ing.
After elections, each party submits a recommendation to the president as to who should form the next government as its prime Underminister.theagreement between Shaked and Bordny, Shaked’s Yamina party will take the first, third, fifth, sixth, and eighth spots on the Jewish Home slate. Brodny will sit in the second spot and take the fourth and seventh.
As Mexico’s green chile season heats up, agricultural inspectors are heading to theTheseborder.inspectors are there to ensure that shipments of chile coming from Mexico aren’t tainted by pests that could affect the production of chiles in New
So far this season, officials said New Mexico’s green chile harvest is more
At the port of entry in Columbus, New Mexico, inspectors process around 100 chile shipments a day during the busy season – which is generally in September and October, although it could stretch untilAsmid-December.partof“Operation Hot Chile,” Jimenez said agricultural inspectors are being assigned to Columbus from other locations to help with the increased traf fic. Last year, they handled just under
11,000 shipments of red and green pep pers from Mexico.
32 of forming a government,” Shaked said.
Mexico, where green chile is a signature crop and a cultural icon.
than 10 days ahead of schedule and ex perts are expecting between 55,000 and 60,000 tons of peppers to be harvested.

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are encouraged to seek medical care and treatment early and remain under the care of a provider during their illness,” the news release says.
Alcaraz is the youngest world No. 1

Globally in this outbreak, there have been almost 58,000 cases and 18 con firmed deaths, according to CDC data, which does not yet include the U.S. death.

Alcaraz is No. 1
Experts say that people won’t be cut ting back on toys for their children. And while they may cut some far-off cousin from their gift list, the gifts that they do give will be much more meaningful and thoughtful.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is not optimistic about decreasing gas pric es. On Sunday, Yellen said that there is a “risk” that U.S. gas prices could rise again later this year.

On Monday, it was confirmed that a Los Angeles County resident had died from monkeypox. This is first such death from the virus in the United States.
The projected sharp pullback from last year “reflects the slowdown in the economy,” Daniel Bachman, Deloitte’s U.S. economic forecaster, said in a re port. “Retail sales are likely to be further affected by declining demand for dura ble consumer goods, which had been the centerpiece of pandemic spending.”
The department and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention con firmed the link and said the person had a severely weakened immune system and had been “Personshospitalized.severely immunocompro mised who suspect they have monkeypox
since the ATP rankings began in 1973 –breaking the mark set by Lleyton Hewitt, who was 20 when he became number one in 2001 – and becomes the youngest men’s singles grand slam winner since compatriot Rafael Nadal, won the first of his major titles in June 2005.
A clay court specialist, Alcaraz has drawn comparisons to 22-time grand slam champion Nadal and is just the second player in the Open Era to make the US Open final in his teens after Pete Sampras.
Symptoms of monkeypox include rashes, bumps or blisters on the hands, feet, chest, or face, along with flu-like symptoms. It is spread through close, physical contact between individuals.
“Well, it’s a risk. And it’s a risk that we’re working on the price cap to try to address,” Yellen told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union” when asked if Americans should be worried about gas prices rising again later this year.
Separately, the firm expects online holiday spending to increase 12.8% to 14.3% in 2022, outpacing last year’s 8.4% jump.
Throughout the US Open, the Span iard enthralled crowds with his speed, athleticism, and outrageous shot-mak ing. This latest victory could be the first of many grand slam titles over the course of his career.
“We’re continuing to see a downward trend in Europe,” World Health Organi zation Director-General Tedros Adha nom Ghebreyesus said last week. “While reported cases from the Americas also declined last week, it’s harder to draw firm conclusions about the epidemic in that region. Some countries in the Amer icas continue to report increasing num ber of cases, and in some there is likely to be underreporting due to stigma and discrimination or a lack of information for those who need it most.
“I always say it’s not time to be tired in the final round of the grand slam, you have to give everything you have inside,” he said.Ruud, who was trying to become the first Norwegian to capture the top spot, said he’ll continue chasing the No. 1 spot. He will rise to second in the world from number
Carlos Alcaraz is now the youngest world No. 1 in the history of the ATP rankings after defeating Casper Ruud in the US Open Final on Sunday.
Cases are seen as dwindling around the world, although experts still say peo ple should be cautious.

Still, there are some markets that are going to be seeing increases in the next few months, including the clothing, toy, and gift card categories. Restaurant spending, entertainment, and travel should also see an increase.
First MonkeypoxU.S. Death
“This is something I’ve dreamt of since I was a kid. To be No. 1 in the world, to be a champion,” Alcaraz said.
People have been tapping into their savings and racking up credit card debt to keep up with the higher cost of living. Over the past year, credit card debt has jumped by $100 billion, or 13%, the big gest percentage increase in more than 20 years.According to Deloitte, retail sales for the key year-end gift-buying months of November, December and January (when post-holiday gift cards are redeemed) are expected to increase 4% to 6%.
Deaths from monkeypox are ex tremely rare and often affect babies, pregnant women, and people with weak ened immune systems, such as from HIV. A person in Harris County, Texas, who had monkeypox died last month, but the virus’ role in that death has not been con firmed.There have been almost 22,000 cases of probable or confirmed monkeypox re ported in the U.S. this year, as of Monday. California has the most cases: 4,300.
“A downward trend can be the most dangerous time if it opens the door to complacency,” he warned.
The 19-year-old defeated 23-year-old Ruud 6-4 2-6 7-6(7-1) 6-3 in a match that took over three hours in New York.
Alcarazseven.played three consecutive five-set matches on the way to the final, including the second-longest match in the history of the US Open when he over came Jannik Sinner at 2:50 a.m. in the quarterfinals on Thursday – the tourna ment’s latest ever finish.
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Yellen: Gas Prices Could Rise
This compares with a robust 15.1% in crease for the same timeframe last year.
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Yellen on Sunday also addressed the looming recession, highlighting her faith in the Federal Reserve to de termine how best to avoid an economic recession, but acknowledged a poten tial recession is “a risk when the Fed is tightening monetary policy to redress inflation, so it’s certainly a risk that we’re“We’remonitoring.”seeing some slowdown in growth, but that’s natural,” she said.
Every year, the group publishes a list of sustainable seafood, ranking dif ferent seafood products as “red,” “yel low,” or “green.” Last week, Seafood Watch added a number of new seafood species to the “red” ranking, which
they urge consumers to avoid. Among those species are lobsters because the fishery “poses a risk to overfished or at-risk species, including endangered North Atlantic right whales,” the rating stated. Fisheries using vertical lines can entangle the whales, posing a risk to the already-endangered species.

next batch of sanctions, which include a ban on seaborne imports of Russian oil starting in early December.
The country has also seen an increase in the number of Muslim candidates and electedMinnesotaofficials.Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) was the first Muslim elected to Congress in 2007.
Troubled Waters
Thereoffice.were 1.5 million regis tered Muslim American voters in 2020 and nearly three-quarters — 71 percent — cast a ballot. The figure was four percentage points higher than the national average of about 67 percent.
Wa’el Alzayat, CEO of Emgage, a Mus lim American civic group, explained to Changing America that Muslim Amer icans could have stayed silent in the af termath of 9/11 as a “way to defend their interests and their freedoms” because of hostile rhetoric.
In response to high inflation, the Federal Reserve has increased interest rates four times so far in 2022 and is likely to raise rates again this year.
Maine politicians and fishermen are angry about a new recommendation published by California-based Monte rey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch.
“The recent decision by Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch to ‘Red List’ Maine lobster with scant evidence of impacts on right whales is a reck less piece of activism that will inflict substantial negative real-world conse quences on an important and iconic in dustry in Maine,” wrote the Maine del egation in a release. “In a courtroom, we require evidence before convicting someone of a crime; but you are seek ing to sentence Maine’s lobstermen with conjecture, assumptions, and guesswork instead of hard facts.”
36 “This winter, the European Union will cease, for the most part, buying Rus sian oil. And, in addition, they will ban the provision of services that enable Rus sia to ship oil by tanker. And it is possible that that could cause a spike in oil pric es,” she Yellenadded.continued: “Our price cap proposal is designed to both lower Russian revenues that they use to sup port their economy and fight this ille gal war, while also maintaining Rus sian oil supplies that will help to hold down global oil prices. So I believe this is something that can be essential, and it’s something that we’re trying to put in place to avoid a future spike in oil prices.Earlier this month, finance ministers from the G7 group of countries – the U.S., Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom – said they would ban the provision of “ser vices which enable maritime transpor tation of Russian-origin crude oil and petroleum products globally” above the price cap. That could block insurance cover or finance for oil shipments.
According to the politicians, there is not enough evidence to conclude lines used to fish lobsters are specifically hurting North Atlantic right whales. They claim there has not been a con firmed whale entanglement in Maine lobster gear since 2004.
But eventually, Alzayat said, the com munity warmed to a more affirmative agenda, engaging in political discourse, and becoming an active voter block in U.S.
Byelections.2020,a record number of Muslim Americans voted and were running for elected
A Pew Research survey from 2021 found Republicans increasingly associated Muslims and Islam with violence, with 72 percent of Republicans in 2021 believing Islam was more likely than other religions to encourage
There are just over 300 North At lantic right whales left in the wild, ac cording to the North Atlantic Right Whale
in fishing gear is the leading cause of serious injury and death to North Atlantic right whales. As a result, bycatch management is rat ed ineffective for all pot and set gillnet fisheries operating within the North Atlantic right whale’s range because current management measures do not go far enough to mitigate entanglement risks and promote recovery of the spe cies.”
But politicians in Maine are not too pleased with the red ranking. Maine is known for its lobsters.
More Respect for Muslims Since 9/11
many hate attacks. But in the years since then, Muslims in the U.S. have seen their political and cultural power grow.
The maximum price would be set by “a broad coalition” of countries, they said in a joint statement. It would take effect alongside the European Union’s
A record 81 Muslim American can didates ran for office in 2020 across 28 states and Washington, D.C., according to a report by the Council on Ameri can-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
After the attacks of 9/11, Muslims in the United States were the targets of

In addition, Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) be came the first Muslim women to be elect ed to Congress. The progressive “squad” members are two of the most prominent Muslim voices in American politics, elected in the “blue wave” 2018 midterms during the Trump administration.
Despite the rise in politics, Muslims are still the targets of Islamophobia. In 2020, the Justice Department (DOJ) found there were 110 anti-Muslim inci dents in the U.S., the second highest after anti-Jewish acts.

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In this way, Democrats hope to run against far-right candidates in Novem ber, which will make Dems seem almost tame in comparison.
It’s unclear how the strategy will play out in the November elections, although
Will There Be a Railroad Strike?
At the same time, Democratic groups have aired attack ads against most centrist Re publicans they view as being harder to de feat in the November election.
It’s possible that the U.S. will suffer from a national railroad strike this week, as a contract agreement between unions and railway carriers is expected to end on Friday.Theunions represent 57,000 conduc tors and engineers.

Hoping to sail through to victory in November, Democrats are estimated to have spent more than $53 million across nine states boosting far-right candi dates in GOP primary elections.
boosting rivals they see as easier to defeat in the general election. The strategy has caused an intraparty divide, as some Democrats have embraced the practice, while others have denounced it as dangerous.Democrats are shrewd when im plementing the strategy. They allocate funding for ads that seek to paint farright candidates as “too conservative” — highlighting their stances on abortion, former President Donald Trump, or guns. The goal is to make those candidates resonate with conservative Republicans who come across the ad, influencing voters to support them in GOP primaries.
But the strategy hasn’t been over whelmingly successful thus far, with Democrats only succeeding in a handful of the races in which they’ve intervened. Overall, Democrats poured money into 13 primaries: six gubernatorial races, two Senate elections, and five House con tests.

The strategy of boosting far-right GOP candidates has caused a rift within the Democratic Party, with several House members issuing a letter in August that denounced the practice for being danger ous and risky.

“The political decisions that are made out there, are made in furtherance of our winning the election,” she said in July. “We think that the contrast between Democrats and Republicans as they are now is so drastic that we have to — we have to win.”
The party has succeeded in just four of those, with two more races left to be determined in New Hampshire on Tues day. In those four races, Democrats spent $37.8 million to boost far-right candi dates for governor in Illinois, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, as well as a House race in Michigan, according to data com piled by the Washington Post. Mean while, the party failed in seven other rac es after spending another $11.9 million.
“As members of the Democratic Party, we are dismayed by the recent practice of Democratic organizations intervening in Republican primaries to promote candi dates who deny the outcome of the last presidential election,” Democratic law makers wrote. “These destructive pri mary tactics aim to elevate Republican candidates who Democrats hope they can more easily beat in November. But it is risky and unethical to promote any candidate whose campaign is based on eroding trust in our elections.”
The strike could potentially derail

38 violence. Among Democrats, 32 percent felt the Abdullahsame. Hammoud, the first Mus lim American mayor of Dearborn, Mich., told Changing America that there was a sense of urgency among members of the Muslim American community to step up and push back against Islamophobia in a post-9/11 America.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is op timistic about the elections.
The money has gone toward a Dem ocratic strategy that elevates far-right candidates who have questioned or denied the results of the 2020 election,
Dems Support FarRight Candidates
While the unions said they have wa tered down some of their proposals, abandoning requests for paid sick days, they remain steadfast that members should be allowed to attend routine med ical appointments without jeopardizing their employment. They said they are willing to accept a contract that address es these concerns and are ready to strike if the carriers do not budge on it. As of Tuesday morning, the carriers had not made any counterproposals to this offer, the two unions said.
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Eating Up High
The highest building in South Korea towers over the country at 1,820 feet above ground. The view is spectacular – and one people can enjoy while eating
Several different rooms follow – some with opportunities for professional pho tos, others displaying the building mate rials that make up the tower – before a series of even more whale-themed spac es.
What’s In a Word?
Although there are few of us who own a dictionary, the Merriam-Web ster dictionary is still going strong. And
important issues holding up an agreement for the unions are some of the largest carriers’ points-based at tendance policies that penalize workers, up to termination, for going to routine doctor’s visits or attending family emer gencies. Union members do not receive a single sick day, paid or unpaid.
“They have refused to accept our proposals,” said Dennis Pierce, presi dent of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, one of the two unions in negotiations. “The average American would not know that we get fired for going to the doctor. This one thing has our members most enraged. We have guys who were punished for tak ing time off for a heart attack and covid. It’s inhumane.”
Stepping out, visitors are guided to sit in a dark room as a video, apparently an artistic rendering of the history of Seoul and the Lotte World Tower, plays – be fore the screen splits into two giant pan els, slowly lifting like a curtain to reveal the breathtaking view of Seoul through floor-to-ceiling windows.
Lounge sits on the top floor of the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, the fifth tallest building in the world. But the experience is not just about the view; get ting there is also exciting.

In anticipation of a strike, some freight carriers have begun limiting ser vices and parking trains in what appears to be preparations for a lockout. Amtrak, which carries passengers on freight lines, canceled some long-distance routes on
critical deliveries of chlorine to waste water treatment plants and coal to utility plants, among other potentially crippling disruptions. As such, the White House is looking into the matter and considering contingency options for protecting the nation’s drinking water and energy sup ply.President Joe Biden was personally briefed on the matter Tuesday morning after he called the carriers and unions on Monday to press them to accept a deal, a White House official said.
The observatory spans multiple floors, with giant windows that allow a sweeping 360-degree view of the me tropolis. One can spot the iconic N Seoul Tower perched on Namsan mountain, bridges stretching across the river, parks, and sports stadiums and even the rides at the nearby Lotte World theme park.
Entry tickets bring visitors into a waiting hall, awash with whales swim ming across screens on the ceiling.
Each floor offers different attractions, such as small cafes on the 119th and 122th floors. There’s the Sky Deck on the 118th floor, with a glass floor that lets you see all 1,568 feet between your shoes and the street far below. The Sky Terrace is on the 120th floor with an outdoor balcony with a perfect view of the winding Han River.Finally, guests get to the 123rd floor, where the restaurant is located. Windows make up the whole wall, so patrons can enjoy the view at every angle while eating theirAnddinner.what a view it is.
Finally, the elevator – which travels at 10 meters per second – takes patrons to the Seoul Sky observatory.
Aside from the slang that Merri am-Webster added to its pages, there are other words that made it into the reference book, including “hoglet” (a baby hedgehog), “pumpkin spice” (you know what that is), “level up” (to im prove yourself), and “metaverse” (a virtual environment where users can access multiple virtual realities).
Rachel Marie organized the event. She runs a dog care service and was con cerned that there weren’t enough dogs to go around at showtime.
“I started playing this special set of numbers in February, and I have played them every day since,” Snyder said.
sold a $25,000 a year for life prize, and he printed off the winning numbers so that I could check my ticket.”
“When I realized that I was the big winner, I tried not to get too excited at first because it didn’t seem real. I’m still having a hard time believing this is real,” he said.Snyder chose to take his winnings as a lump sum payment of $390,000. He said he plans to put his winnings toward a newTakehome.themoney and run.
“Likerelationship.alotofpeople her age, she felt left behind,” he said. At the time of their first visit to a national park, Joy was 85. She had climbed a mountain and went camping for the first time in her life.

It typically takes years for slang to find its way into reference books, but Merriam-Webster says it’s just follow ing the internet’s lead: We’re adopt ing this language online quickly, so the dictionary is learning to quickly make room for these oft-used, madeup words.Wantto

Next and last stop? National Park of American Samoa.
Brad wanted to start the trip to get away from the stress of veterinary school. But having his grandmother along for the ride has been “transformational” for their
“The first time we counted it was 103 so we were a bit concerned we wouldn’t make
we got to 117, and we were run ning out of time so that’s when we rallied around and got the extra ten. Some peo ple turned up late and we got a few dog walkers who were passing by that we grabbed and welcomed with open arms.”
“The clerk told me they had recently
Snyder’s numbers, 07-12-31-37-44, matched the five white balls in the Au gust 7 drawing.
“I’m glad he called,” Joy Ryan told “Fox and Friends.” “I wasn’t doing any thing at the time, just sitting there rest ing.”
The event raised money for charity. Despite the demise of The Queen, Rachel felt that because Her Majesty loved her dogs, the show had to go on.
And yet, “yeet” can also refer to the way you dumped that test you failed earlier in the day: I yeeted the quiz that I failed right into the trash can.

What about the fact that your co-worker called in sick on the nicest day of the year? Would you feel like that’s a bit “sus,” meaning suspicious or suspect? Totally.
Turns out, you can teach an old dog newOntricks.Sunday, more than one hundred dogs – and their owners – showed up at an outdoor cinema screening of the mov ie “101 Dalmatians” and set a new record for the canine world.
So far, the Ryans have driven more than 50,000 miles to explore “every cor ner of this beautiful country,” Brad said.
One-hundred-twenty-seven dogs showed up to Perdiswell Leisure Centre in Worcester in the UK. That’s more than the 120 mutts who had set a 2019 record in Brazil watching “Pets 2.”

“Our message is, no matter how old you are, life is still happening — and [you can] make that adventure happen for somebody in your life,” Brad says.
It’s been a great ride.
Brad Ryan is on a joyride. Actually, he’s touring all the national parks in the United States with a very fun partner: his grandmother, Joy Ryan.
We have one word for you: word.
“I was checking some tickets at the store and got a message to visit a lot tery office when I scanned one of them. I scanned it again and got the same mes sage, so I told the clerk I must have won big,” Snyder recalled.
Sounds like it was paw-sitively a great day.
As of now, the duo has gotten to 62 out of 63 parks.
“ MacGyver ” is a verb that means to fix something with whatever you have on hand, based on a TV figure from the ‘80s.Ever feel like dinner is “yeet”? Well,
40 in order to keep up with the times, the dictionary needs to add in more words, including slang words that people have been using to shoot the breeze.
know which words are now officiallyConsider“words”?“adorkable,” whose mean ing we can figure out on our own.
It pays to be consistent – literally.
Scott Snyder has been playing the same numbers for the lottery every day for the past few months. But his per sistence has paid off. Recently, he won a jackpot of $25,000 a year for life from the Michigan Lottery.

Despite the shocking prize, Snyder is overwhelmed by his big win.
Their journey began back in 2015. At the time, Brad called his grandmother to ask if she would join him.
“She was 91 last year, and she went whitewater rafting in Alaska,” Brad shared.There’s a lot to be learned, even if you are older than most people.
that just means you’re so excited for what’s being served tonight. Yeet!
It’s a Dog’s Life
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With siyata d’shmaya, there are exciting plans in store for the year ahead! Registration for the 202324 school year will be open by October 20, 2022. Stay tuned for exciting news about the upcoming open house events.
-Mrs. Bracha Wrona, Menaheles
-Mrs. Chana Neuman, Pre 1A Teacher
-Mrs. Rina Plutchok, Preschool Director
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For more information, please contact the BY5T office at 516-500-BY5T(2958) or
-Mrs. Esther Schwartz, Kindergarten Morah

Ready, Set, BY5T!
-Mrs. Adina Stroock, Nursery Morah

Sounds of music, joy and the shofar as the Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns inaugurates its opening year
The wonderful, talented, and dedicated BY5T staff include:
At orientation, the principals, morahs, and assis tants greeted the smiling faces of the adorable preschool girls who were eager and excited to be Bais Yaa kov of the Five Towns students. Each of them received a warm welcome and a beautiful BY5T monogrammed pouch to attach to their knapsacks.

The bright and colorful newly-decorated building on Frost Lane in Lawrence brings joy and cheer and adds to the welcoming atmosphere. The state-of-the-art handson preschool classrooms give the girls a wide range of educational and social opportunities. The warmth, love, and dedication of each of the staff members makes ev ery girl feel cherished and proud to be a BY5T student.
Around Communitythe
aruch shehecheyanu v’kiymanu v’higianu lazman hazeh!
The classrooms are reverberating with music, sing ing and the sounds of the shofar as the girls learn about the upcoming yomim tovim.
-Miss Sasha Frankel, Pre 1A Morah
With overflowing gratitude to Hakadosh Ba ruch Hu, Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns opened its doors for the first time on 11 Elul/Wednesday, September 7, hitting the ground running with its mission of timeless chinuch and contemporary education.
-Mrs. Liora Grinspan, Pre1A Teacher
|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 43 HoRav Moshe Faskowitz Rosh HaYeshiva HoRav Avraham Yitzchok Menahel NOW IdealBeautifulforVariety&forAPPLICATIONSACCEPTINGPostEretzYisroelCollegeBochurimofShiurimandSchedulesAllLevelsofLearningDormitoryscheduleforthoseattending Queens College, Just 5 minutes away B E IS M E DR AS H P R O G R A M Join our Kollel of Outstanding Yungeleit $10,000/YEAR FOR 10FirstMONTHSSeder 5 Days/Week K O R O R I F A MI L Y K O L L E L

In the 7th and 8th grade division, the Giants defeated the Vikings. The Bron cos defeated the Patriots with an amaz ing touchdown by William Itzkowitz.
The Texans defeated the Eagles, and the Commanders defeated the Jets with the help of Dovi Feit’s all-star interception.
Pre-1a division under the di rection of Rabbi Jeremy Fine, the boys had an excellent day practicing drills for running, catching, and throwing.
Kickoff: 5 Towns Flag Football

pool in favor of classrooms going off the deep end, but here at TAG we call it a stroke of genius.
May this decision be the springboard for bigger and better things for TAG High School, and may this be the start of a year
inth graders in Yeshiva Uni versity High School in Mrs. Ruth Fried’s Biology class were introduced to whiteboard ing in Biology and to the technique of analyzing and communicating their science called: CERR – Claim, Evidence, Reasoning, Rebuttal. The students had a fun time getting to know each other as well as working with plants, dolls, stuffed animals, race cars, balls…and our visiting parrot Kos mo and our visiting ferret Kylo, both members of Mathematics department instructor Ms. Kim Konzack’s family.

eople walking into TAG High School this year may notice some thing different. Due to the over flow of students in the high school build ing, TAG administration met to deal with the issue. Pooling together their brain

Five Towns residents Dovi Kimmel, Yedidya Schechter, Ariel Rudansky, and Chaim Krengel were ball boys at the U.S. Open this season

star touchdowns by Chaim Siegel. The Commanders defeated the Vikings.
Science at Central
Some people might call giving up the
power to find a solution, they realized they were not up the creek without a pad dle yet and instead dove headfirst into the problem by converting the pool into three classrooms, a real lifesaver.

where everything will go swimmingly. Thanks to those special people who helped sponsor the construction. If you are interested in joining this project, please be in touch with Rabbi Lovett at TAG,

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 44 Around the Community

From Pool to School
In the 2nd grade division, the Gi ants defeated the Broncos. The Vikings defeated the Jets with a game winning touchdown by Micah Joszef, and the Pa triots tied the Eagles.
In the 3rd and 4th grade division, the Packers defeated the Steelers with an amazing interception by Max Levine. The Falcons defeated the Jets. The Raid ers defeated the Seahawks, while the Broncos tied the Panthers. The Eagles defeated the Saints with great passing and communication by Avi Mikhli. The Giants defeated the Dolphins. And the Texans defeated the Patriots with 2 all-
In the 1st grade division, the Jets de feated the Patriots with fast running and catching by Dovi Zelman, and the Giants defeated the Broncos.
his past Friday was week 1 of FM Home Loans 5 Towns Flag Foot ball. Opening day was really in credible! We had an excellent, intense, and competitive kickoff week, and we are looking forward to an amazing season with
In the 5th and 6th grade division, the Patriots and Steelers tied. The Pan thers defeated the Broncos with a TDP by Jonah Cohen. The Falcons defeated the Raiders. The Saints defeated the Se ahawks with great touchdowns by Zevi Kaplan. The Eagles defeated the Dol phins. The Packers tied with the Jets. And the Giants tied with the Vikings.
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halom Task Force (STF) is excited to announce that applications are now open for the 2022-2023 Purple Fel lowship cohort. This program is open to high school juniors and seniors interest ed in growing into leadership roles in the Jewish community. Since launching in 2020, 121 students from 30 Jewish high schools across North America have par ticipated in The Purple Fellowship Fellows attend 8-week intensive training program that cover important topics including understanding healthy and unhealthy relationships, domestic abuse and the Jewish community, and being a supportive friend, as well as advo cacy, leadership, and fundraising skills. Students develop skills to become active community leaders. One fellow shared that “the Purple Fellowship taught me so much about a topic I knew nothing about. It has inspired me to continue to spread awareness and the importance of being a leader in my community.”

Purple Fellows gain an extensive understanding of domestic abuse and healthy relationships while learning vital leadership skills. The fellowship culmi nates with the participants planning Go Purple Day, a day of awareness and edu cation for their school. Last year, Fellows
“We are thrilled to launch this new leadership opportunity for college stu dents. It truly allows our students to see the power of peer-to-peer education,” said Dr. Shana Frydman, Executive Di rector of STF.
The students at HANC Middle School enjoyed fun inflatables on Friday to start off the new school year
Game Night
We look forward to continuing to see our participants grow and aspire to reach even greater heights!
successfully planned awareness events for over 9,000 Jewish high school students.

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 48 Around the Community
Teen Leadership and Combatting Domestic Abuse
he Marion and Aaron Gural JCC will be hosting an event for Or thodox Jewish singles ages 50-65 this coming Sunday night, September 18th at 7:30 pm at their Harrison Kerr Family Campus in Lawrence, featur ing wine tasting, refreshments, Game
orah L’Kulanu (TLK) welcomed back its students last week and hit the ground running! Our students have been working diligently to strengthen their davening skills as they work towards becoming active contribu tors and participants in their community. We conducted our daily Shacharit and Mincha minyanim where we were privi leged to have Matan and Moshe serve as our shluchei tzibbur. Matan also blew the Shofar at the end of davening.
Gabriel Solomon, baal tokea at Sephardic Congregation of Hewlett and HAFTR parent, gave a shofar demonstration and lesson to the second grade HAFTR class last week

Due to the program’s growth over the past two years, STF is excited to launch Purple Fellowship Advisors, a program for college students. Following an ex tensive training, Advisors will be leading weekly discussion groups with our fel lows throughout the training.
Pre-registration is $36; $45 at the door. To register go to and click on “To Register Click Here” on the Game Night slider or call Rachayle Deutsch (516)569-6733 ext. 222.
Night with Daniel Stroock and lots of fun.
Torah L’Kulanu
For two years running, the program was awarded a Purple Ribbon Award medallion in the category of Outstanding Youth Initiative of the Year by the There sa’s Fund and STF is also grateful for the foundations who support this program: Hadassah Foun dation, Arev Fund, Neshamot Fund (UJA Westchester), The Slomo and Cindy Silvi an Foundation, and UJA-JCC Greenwich Teen Changemakers. The application for the Purple Fellow ship is now live on the Shalom Task Force website. To learn more and to ap ply, please visit purple-fellowship.
Shalom Task Force’s Purple Fellowship
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The new year at SKA is off to a bright beginning!

ness. She began by discussing the school theme this year, Speak Kindness. She used the platform to encourage all middle school faculty to stress the theme in their classrooms with lessons and units. The teachers productively used the time to rethink and grow their curriculum to in clude random acts of kindness, a kindness tree or speaking kindness in their own classrooms. It is going to be a kind year!
Elul and Tishrei are filled with op portunities for inspiration and SKA mothers, faculty members, students, and alumnae look forward to the chance to grow spiritually and creatively with the upcoming programs scheduled. SKA’s all-day event, Elul Day Of Inspiration: A Teshuva Journey-Seeing Hashem in All Places and at All Times, will be held on Sunday, September 18. Participants
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Mrs. Morey led a session about kind
Off Shulamith
students. This program is a great way to keep the connection going.
A New Year at SKA
Mrs. Steiner, Mrs. Hus, and Rabbi Dworetsky gave the faculty a great pic ture of the social, emotional, and aca demic picture of each of the students.
SKA is also keeping their graduates in mind. An exciting new program, “Come Home & Connect,” is being launched to give our alumnae the opportunity to re connect with some of their teachers and mentors at SKA. Former SKA students will be able to make appointments di rectly with their teachers during spe cific periods during the school day. Our faculty members appreciate the ongoing relationships they have with their past
Professional Development Days at HANC

to a great start at
on its many features in preparation for utilizing mobile devices to augment in struction.
will hear from Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson, be able to daven at the kever of the Ribnitzer Rebbe, be inspired by the mother of Dani Morris a”h who was niftar in Meron, and learn from Rabbi Yaakov Glasser.
sponsored a refreshing break with Rita’s ices as the girls relished the good weather in the lovely grounds of the school. Erev Shabbat, Friday, September 8, was cele brated with hot delicious kugel and spir ited dancing lichvod Shabbat.

fter enjoying entertaining picnic orientations, reuniting with fel low classmates and teachers, and for many, entering high school for the first time, students of the Stella K. Abra ham High School had a fulfilling first day of school on Wednesday, September 7. The hallways were filled once again with the hustle and bustle of the school day, but there was something different about SKA’s interior. In addition to newly painted classrooms and hallways, attrac tive tables, umbrellas and chairs were now available for SKA students to enjoy their lunch in the newly renovated out door spaces. SKA’s Student Council also
his year, the HANC Middle School faculty began the year with two days of professional de velopment. The session presenters in cluded: Rabbi Hecht, Mrs. Morey, Mrs. Steiner, Rabbi Dworetsky, Mrs. Hus, and Ms. RabbiFredman.Hecht welcomed everyone back from their summer break. He dis cussed all of the new procedures and consequences regarding but not limit ed to cell phones, Chrome books, dress code, cleanliness and timeliness. He continued by using the book, Dream Class, by Michael Linsin as a spring board to talk about the qualities that lead to a successful class. The teachers worked in pairs and groups and had a fantastic time talking through the dif ferent things they can do.
At the HANC Middle School, stu dents are given the responsibility of maintaining a mobile device. Each de vice is tied into our Google Dashboard. Go Guardian is a tool our teachers utilize to oversee student prog ress as they use their devices in class.
During our in-service day, Ms. Fredman led our Middle School faculty in a Go Guardian workshop, where they trained
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How Estate Planning Can Reduce The High Cost Of Dying — Part 2
Reducing the Time Burden for Your Family
The Cost In Lost Time
Keeping an updated inventory of all of your assets is so important, we offer this service for free to every one of our clients. Moreover, when you work with us, we will not only help you create a comprehensive as set inventory, we have systems in place to make sure your inventory stays consistently updated throughout your lifetime.
On average, the report found that families spent 420 hours over 13 months completing all the tasks needed to settle a loved one’s estate after death. However, the time commitment shot up to 20 months for estates that required the court process of probate. To give you some idea of what consumed families’ time most during these months, the report breaks down the responsibilities that respondents reported taking the longest as follows:
The Toll on the Mind & Body
Monet Binder, Esq., has her practice in Queens and Brooklyn, New York, dedicated to protecting families, their legacies and values. All halachic documents are approved by The Bais Havaad Halacha Center in Lake wood, under the direction of Rabbi Dovid Grossman and the guidance of Harav Shmuel Kaminetsky, shlita, as well as other leading halachic authorities.
The seemingly endless number of tasks and respon sibilities grieving families must deal with can be both confusing and stressful. And since most of us have nev er handled such processes before, you face a surreal learning curve that only adds to your emotional burden.
We have found repeatedly that when families are properly educated and prepared for what to expect and how to best deal with these responsibilities, things do get easier for them.
With this in mind, if you’ve been procrastinating, you could be missing out on an incredible opportunity for yourself, while leaving behind a potential nightmare for your family. If you’re ready to start truly living your life and make things as easy as possible for your family, meet with us, let us help you properly plan for yourself and the people you love. Call 718.514.7575 today for an appointment.
By working with us, you’ll discover that the estate planning process is about far more than just planning for your death and passing on your “estate” to your loved ones—it’s about planning for a life you want to experi ence in the best way, by the choices you make today.
One other unnecessary task we see families spend ing a lot of time on is simply locating all of a loved one’s assets when they die. This happens when you lose capacity or die, and your family is unable to find all of your belongings and property. This occurs be cause most people fail to properly inventory their as sets or keep that inventory updated throughout their lifetime. This is why there’s currently more than $58 billion of lost and unclaimed assets held by state and federal agencies in the U.S.
With proper estate planning, you dramatically reduce the time needed for many of these tasks. For example, by preplanning and prepaying your own fu neral, you can greatly reduce what most families re ported as the most time-consuming task.
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 52 Around the Community
For other tasks, such as dealing with probate and paying off estates with debt, you can use estate plan ning to totally eliminate the need for your family to deal with these issues. As we noted last week, you can save your family both the time and expense of probate by creating a revocable living trust.
Students in Mrs. Hyman’s and Ms. Hirth’s CAHAL 5-6 grade class at Yeshiva Darchei Torah enjoyed a hands-on STEM experiment, trying to build a tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti that can stand on its own

Most Time-Consuming Tasks
The will and probate: 45%
Scenes of the first day of Chabad Hebrew School, where children enjoyed an exciting shofar workshop

By Monet Binder, Esq.
Dealing with the house or other property: 25%
n the previous article, part one of this series, we discussed some of the Cost Of Dying’s most notable findings and explained how proactive estate plan ning can dramatically reduce many of the financial, lo gistical, and emotional challenges for your loved ones following your death. Here, in part two, we wrap up our summary of the report and outline more of the ways proactive planning can relieve the burden of your death for your family.
Paying bills, debts, and taxes: 41%
The funeral: 55%
Finding service providers: 23%
Financial matters: 47%
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Students in Lev Chana and HALB Elementary are ready to learn and grow
ith tremendous excitement, HANC’s Early Childhood Center in West Hempstead opened its doors to welcome our young est students. With balloons flying and bubbles floating, the children were greet ed by their smiling teachers and were escorted to their colorful, inviting class rooms. To mark this momentous occa sion, each child had their picture taken to have as a keepsake of their first day in Nursery Aleph or Nursery Bet.
Nonstop smiles as Shulamith Elementary School students return for the 2022-2023 school year

A Great First Week at HANC ECC
acclimate to their new surroundings, the students immediately began learning about and preparing for Rosh Hasha na. Each class began decorating a honey dish that they will proudly bring home to adorn their family’s holiday table. To prepare for Rosh Hashana, morahs had an array of different types of shofars. We even had a father visit and share with each class what a shofar looks like. He blew the shofar to familiarize the chil dren with the different sounds that they will hear in shul.

and projects in which the students par ticipated in their classrooms, it was clear from their radiant faces that the children thoroughly enjoyed all of the week’s ac tivities and can’t wait to see what their morot will have in store for them next week.

MTA students learning during their first week back at school

Once the children had a chance to
In addition to holiday preparations, the new Hebrew Immersion Program was off to a great start. Morah Hedva Sadeh will be infusing conversational Hebrew into the curricu lum to facilitate the children’s familiarity with Hebrew language. Utilizing songs, games, movement activities and stories, the children will surely be speaking in Hebrew in the near future. ECC Direc tor Trudy Rubinstein added that she is delighted to introduce such a robust pro gram to our Additionalstudents.programs also began this week, including music class with Morah Kayli and fitness with Morah Bracha. Coupled with the many exciting lessons
Around the Community
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fter many months of meticulous preparation, HANC’s Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding El ementary School in West Hempstead welcomed the students back to school on September 6. The happy expressions on the children’s faces were heartwarming as they made their way to the entrance of the school, carrying huge bags of sup plies. It has been almost three months since school ended in June, and the chil dren have been waiting so long to return to HANC, their second home.

renovations that had taken place over the summer. In a very short time, the dedicated teachers created new colorful and exciting bulletin boards and trans formed their classrooms to welcome back the students that they had missed so much during the long separation.
tinued years and years later; the little girl who didn’t have a father alive to read her a story and tuck her in, the five-year-old boy who didn’t have a father to play catch or teach him to ride a bike. The suffer ing is ongoing and has been going on for 7,765 days,” said Rabbi Friedman.
“There is such a thing as evil,” he ex plained.There was a lot to think about at the assembly, and students were given a per spective that focused on lessons to be de rived from that terrible day.
Welcoming the New Year at HANC
with big smiles from Rabbi Ouriel Haz an, Director of HANC’s West Hempstead Campuses; Barbara Deutsch, Associ ate Principal; and Mrs. Michal Wasser, Assistant Principal. As each child en tered the doors, they were personally welcomed by name and cheered by the administrators and staff that were in the lobby to welcome them back to HANC. The students were thrilled to be reunit ed with their old friends and looked for ward to getting to know the teachers and new students in their classrooms.
Rabbi Yotav Eliach, principal of Ram bam, then showed a six-minute video clip that recounted the history of that infa mous day. He followed up by remarking, “It is more appropriate to characterize the events of that day as an attack rather than a tragedy. A tragedy is when some thing happens in a manner that seems unplanned, whereas this attack was pre meditated and took years of planning.”
During the course of the program, while the group sang several songs in preparation for Shabbat, the children were rewarded with raffle tickets for listening attentively and participating enthusiastically during the singing. In addition to the prizes that several chil dren won in the raffle, Rabbi Hazan launched the Middot Tovot Program, where children will be recognized each week for exemplary acts of kindness. The children thoroughly enjoyed this Erev Shabbat celebration and are al ready looking forward to next week’s Rabbi Kelemer Shabbat assembly. RambamCommunityCommemorates
A sharp contrast was drawn between the attitude of American society then and now. Back then, people were united and applauded Mayor Rudy Giuliani for re jecting a $10 million donation from the Saudi government to help rebuild New York. Giuliani made a point of saying that he would not accept money and payoffs being that all 19 hijackers were of Saudi descent. Today, it would seem that with the prevalence of woke philosophy, many are hesitant to identify the group that per petrated this heinous act and would view their actions as being at least somewhat
Rabbi Friedman briefly summarized the horrific events of the day and made it clear to all those students who were not yet born that it is imperative to view and plan for the future through the prism of the “Wepast.have to realize that 2,977 people were murdered that day, however, the mourning for all of those families con
Both Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Eli ach spoke about the bravery of firefight ers, police, and EMT personnel, lauding
“In many cases, these heroes leave home in the morning knowing there is a chance they will never come home to see their families,” said Rabbi Friedman.
justifiable. Rabbi Eliach pointedly pro claimed that people may have different opinions but there are not different truths.
them for putting themselves at risk, run ning into a fiery building to save lives.
For the teachers, the return to school began weeks ago. As the staff returned to HANC to begin preparing their class rooms, they were pleased to see all of the
opportunities for growth and leader ship.As the first week of school concluded, the students gathered in the school au ditorium for the Rabbi Kelemer Shabbat assembly. The program began with a re sounding rendition of Shalom Aleichem, led by Rabbi Hazan, and accompanied by the magnificent music of HANC’s music teacher, Mrs. Kari Levine. Rabbi Hazan then shared a story with the chil dren about a tremendous chessed that involved Queen Elizabeth’s family.
Despite the rain that was falling, nothing could dampen the excitement as the children approached the school building. The students were greeted
As the children became acclimated to their new classes and teachers, the sixth graders were invited to a special after-school program, which was a sur prise kick off for the Sixth Grade Lead ership Program. After breaking the ice with a fun game, during which the stu dents got to know each other better, they were divided into teams and were given a Scavenger Hunt list designed to bring out leadership skills within each group. Although there was a grand prize for the winning team, the true value of the ac tivity was realized by the rich reflections from the students as they described which strategies worked and which did not.The afternoon program concluded with the creation of a time capsule. The sixth graders are looking forward to a year of life-changing experiences and
Around the

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 56
his year, for the 21st consecutive year, students assembled in a somber mood to learn about the history and implications of 9/11. Rab bi Zev Meir Friedman, Rosh Mesivta of Rambam, who spoke the day before at the commemorative program arranged by Mayor Benjamin Weinstock of the Vil lage of Cedarhurst commemoration, tai lored his remarks to the younger crowd, Rambam’s high school students.

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e have 18 different communities represented here–18 communities that send their children to Mercaz Academy,” pointed out Chairman of the Board Gary Katz. “That’s what I call a community school.” As part of the opening ceremo nies, Mr. Katz recognized the significant contribution of the late Dr. Steve Albert, z”l, the first Chairman of Mercaz Acade my’s Board of Education until his passing earlier this year.
The celebration concluded inside due to a sudden cloudburst, but the spirits of the Mercaz Academy students remained undampened.
But the serious character of the day
Talmidim enjoyed a fascinat ing shiur by Rabbi Katowitz on the
Senator Gaughran charged the stu dents to remember this time as the first students at Mercaz Academy.
The talmidim look forward to an exciting next few weeks of hands-on learning in preparation for the up coming yomim tovim.
Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim is a high
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 58
power of d’veikes Elokim in the month of Elul and a deep and incredible hands-on lesson about the mitzvah of shofar from Rabbi Akiva Oppen of Oppen Scrolls.
fter B”H an incredibly suc cessful inaugural year, Yeshi va Ateres Eitz Chaim looks to continue its success in year two, b’ez ras Hashem. The talmidim began the year helping pack and deliver nearly 250 boxes at the JCCRP for Holocaust survivors to enhance their Rosh Ha shana. Mr. Yossi Wartzberger and Mr. Eli Arshadnia spoke to the students about their professions, entrepre neurship, and the importance of emu nah and bitachon in the workplace.

ercaz Academy welcomed no tables among families, staff, and friends at their official Inauguration Day on Sunday, Septem ber 11. Hundreds of adults and children gathered at the Plainview campus to show support for the newly established school, which serves eastern Nassau and western Suffolk counties. Also attend ing were New York State Senator James Gaughran; Nassau County Legislator Steve Rhoads; and Jake Blumencranz, representing Town of Oyster Bay Super visor Joseph Saladino.
Enthusiastic children tugged on their parents’ hands as they entered the Mercaz Academy playground, eager to explore the bouncy houses and the play ground equipment. Colorful balloons brightened the soft grays of the day, and the music from DJ Azamra kept the ex citement flowing.

was not forgotten. Rabbi Kalman Fogel, principal of Mercaz Academy, began his remarks by remembering the fallen of 9/11. Copies of the first teaching of Pirkei Avot were stacked on the tables; parents and children took a few minutes to study it with their children, with the learning dedicated in memory of the lost souls of 9/11.“W
“Our young people today face so many challenges,” Senator Gaughran said. “I think it is important to give young peo ple the opportunity to understand their roots and their heritage, and make sure they’re well-grounded as citizens of this country.”
Yeshiva Eitz Chaim Begins New Zman
The Yeshiva’s Internship program has begun as well, with students working in various industries. Some include: real estate, tech, personal fit ness, and wealth management.
school that focuses on each student and educates him according to his way.Bochurim begin their day with a solid seder of davening and shiurim. In the afternoon, talmidim utilize their time by interning and gaining experience in the workplace, as well as earning their diploma or GED. Ye shiva Ateres Eitz Chaim’s goal is to imbue each talmid with a warm and caring Torahdik environment and an everlasting ahavas Torah and Yiras Shamayim, as well as establishing a strong work ethic.

Mercaz Academy Celebrates Inauguration with Family Fun Day

Around the Community
“I think we should have bouncy hous es every day from now on,” said first grader Serena Farber.
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202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 62 meat depGlatt Kosher Top Quality Meat & Poultry 1913 Cornaga Avenue • Far Rockaway • T. 718-327-4700 F. 718-327-4701 E. Sun: Fri:Thur:Wed:Tue:Mon:7-87-87-87-97-117-2hrbeforezmanHours:Store Order www.RockawayKosher.comororders@RockawayKosher.comOnline:byEmail:specialsmyweeklyfavorite לארשי בלח major deals takeoutgrocerydairy-frozencandy/noshbakeryhouseholds • Atlantic Beach • Long Beach • The Rockaways • Belle harbor We now offer deliveries to the following areas לארשי בלח fresh cut fruits take a peek at our everyday special prices produce 3ONLYDAYS Sep 14, - Sep 20, PRODUCE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY THRU FRIDAY Wednesday, Sep/14/22 thru Friday Sep/16/22 Specials Are Running From Wednesday Sep/14/22 Thru Tuesday Sep/20/22. Produce Sale Effective Sep/14/22 Thru Friday Sep/16/22 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, While Supplies Last. Not Responsible For Typographical Or Photographic Errors. No Rain Checks. BEEFFINISHEDGRAIN-RANCHTEVYA’S $0.79 Givat YogurtYogolite All Flavors 5 Oz $4.49 Lieber’s Snackers 13.70 Oz $5.49 Kedem Grape Juice Reg & Lite 50.70 Oz $15.99 Mehadrin LebenChocolate (Family Pk) 12 Pk $19.99 Haolam CheeseAmerican 108 Slice $4.99 Plus Tax & Dep Best Health Seltzers Plain Only (By The Case) Limit 2 $3.49 Hecker’s Flour $8.99 Simply Lev Canola Oil 96 Oz $5.49 Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Regular & Light 30 Oz Cheerios$4.99 18 Oz 2/$5 Gefen Solid White Tuna WaterIn 6 Oz $2.99 Brad’s Natural BlossomNatural Honey Orange & Wildflower 12.34 Oz 4/$5 Haddar Chick Peas 15 Oz 2/$3 Bulls-Eye BbqOriginalSauce 17.50 Oz $1.89 Duncan Hines Yellow&BrownieFudgeChewyClassic $6.49 Lundberg RiceSushi 2 Lbs 4/$5 Unger’s CornKernelWhole 15.25 Oz 2/$3 Lieber’s Pie Crust 6 Oz $3.49 Post Cocoa & PebblesFruity 11 Oz $3.99 Post BunchHoney Of Oats 18 Oz $2.99 Lieber’s GherkinsTiny 24 Oz $1.29 Shwartz BarleyPearled 16 Oz $2.99 Lieber’s SprinklesRainbow 10 Oz 2/$5 Hunt’s SauceTomato 29 Oz $6.99 Haddar Honey 32 Oz $2.79 Lieber’s Canola SprayCookingOil 5 Oz $8.99 Lb Pickled 2nd Cut BeefCorned $8.99 Lb 1st PastramiCut $15.99 Lb Tongue Cooked And Cleaned, Heat & Serve $8.99 Lb Dry RoastFrenchRubbed Easy InstructionsSimple $15.99 Lb Honey Mustard TongueBeef Cooked & Cleaned, Just Heat & Serve $15.99 Lb Sweet & Sour TongueBeef Cooked & Cleaned, Just Heat & Serve $16.99 LB ROSEMARY GARLIC RIB ROASTEYE $16.99 LB CRUSTEDHORSERADISH RIB ROASTEYE $16.99 LB HONEY GARLIC ROASTFLANKEN *BONELESS* $16.99 LB GARLIC STIR FRY ROASTFLANKEN *BONELESS* Signature Oven Ready Premium Marinated / Seasoned ROAST For Yom Tov • SURPRISE YOUR GUEST • ENHANCE YOUR TABLE • TREAD YOUR SELF $7.99 BroilLondonShoulderLb $7.99 Lb Silver Tip Roast $9.99 Lb SteakFlank $5.99 Lb ShoulderGround (Super Lean) $12.99 Lb *Beauttiful Marblized* Roast(Brick)French Real Tom Tov Treat $29.99 Lb Baby ChopsLamb $3.49 Paskesz Noshkes (Family Pack) 6.69Bbq/Onion/PizzaOz $2.99 Paskesz Thinny Pretzels Sea Salt & Everything 6 Oz $2.99 Carmit Wafer’s Roll White & Milk Choco 5.64 Oz $3.99 Lieber’s Chocolate Chip Cookies 13 Oz $3.69 Lieber’s Sandwich Cookies 25DuplexOz $1.39 Bisno CrackersCrunch 10 Oz $2.99 Paskesz Marshmallows Reg & Mini 8 Oz 2/$4 Paskesz Bubble Pop Candy 12 Oz Bounty$22.99 By The Case 12 Pk 93/$1X13 Foil $1.29 Perfection Plastic Cups 7 Oz $2.99 Fabuloso Multi CleanerPurpose 22 Oz $6.99 Stern’s Black & White Cookies 9 Ct $6.49 Stern’s Mini BlastBrownie 16 Oz $6.99 Pas BunsChocolate 18 Oz $5.49 Rebbe’s Choice Spicy KichelSriracha 6 Oz $3.29 Fresh & Healthy CheeseRicotta 16 Oz $2.99 Friendship CheeseCottage All Flavors 16 Oz 2/$5 Friendship CheeseFarmer 7.50 Oz $2.99 Swiss Miss Pudding 24 Oz $3.29 Haolam CheeseMuenster 6 Oz $2.89 Kineret ToppingSpray 8.80 Oz $4.49 Golden Blintzes 13 Oz $6.99 Kosherific Fish Sticks 25 Oz $3.79 Bodek SquashButternut 24 Oz $2.79 Gefen GarlicCrushed 2.80 Oz $4.99 Freund’s FilletsTilapia 16 Oz $7.49 Hoffman’s Pizza Snaps 20 Oz $3.19 Ta’amti Salads All Flavors 8 Oz $2.99 Haddar Guacamole 8 Oz $2.99 The Best Tuna Salad 7.50 Oz $3.19 Golden Taste DipMatbucha 7 Oz Avocado3/$3 $4.99 ClementinesEa Bag $2.99 Lb Fresh GrapesRed $1.29 Ea Cello Celery $.79 Lb SquashGreen $.99 Lb TomatoesPlum $.79 PotatoesSweetLb $1.29 LbApplesDeliciousRed SlicedFresh$6.49JulienneVegetables MangoFresh$7.99Sliced FruitFresh$10.99MixedPeppersMixedFresh$6.99Diced$5.50LargeGelati

Around the Community
Meanwhile, in Hockey, the boys came ready to play! The coaches held a practice
JSL is the premier local sports league for boys from Darchei, YKLI and across the community. Games are played each Sunday indoors in local gyms. The fall season is sold out. Winter Registration opens soon. Visit to see more info about the league!

JSL Week 1 Recap
SL kicked off the 2022 fall season with an awesome week of clinics and scrimmages! JSL Opening Day, sponsored by FM Home Loans, was a blast. Each boy received JSL bags from Island Roofing, and there was a surprise visit at the junior clinics from the new JSL Jaguar mascot.
Basketball participants enjoyed eval uation drills as the coaches assessed their skills to make teams for next week’s regular season opener. In K/P soccer, Shimmy Greenspan scored the first soc cer goal of the season and earned the first Dave’s Pizza Play of the Day gift card! In 1st/2nd soccer, Nosson Rapaport amazed the crowd with a long TD catch.
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followed by a scrimmage game. Gavri el Abittan and Levi Jeger both scored 2 goals in a 4-4 tie for 5 Towns Pediatric. In 4th/5th Hockey, Alpert Financial looked strong with a 5-0 win. In middle school hockey, Rephael Klien scored a buzzer beater goal, off a face-off pass from Yaa kov Kopelowitz, to give BayRock Insur ance the 2-1 win. Goalie Akiva Wielgus of 5 Towns Orthodontics made some in credible saves. Many of the boys already look like seasoned pros.

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 64

YSZ HS For Girls Off to an Incredible Start

After opening remarks, freshmen and sophomores broke into different activities where they were challenged to think critically and creatively. Fresh men participated in a balloon challenge which enabled them to think on the spot and work as a team. They also dis cussed different hopes and aspirations they would like to work on for this year.
Student Orientation was the perfect way to begin what is sure to be a spec tacular and growth-filled year for the students at YSZ HS for Girls!
Beforeskills.the day concluded, the en tire school came together to reflect on the wonderful day that was spent to gether. With their chairs arranged in a circle, students were asked to pick one idea they learned and one aspect they were excited about for the upcoming year. Ideas such as time management, fostering an inclusive community, and working on study skills were all dis cussed. Students, of course, also men tioned how much they look forward to all the amazing learning, program ming, and trips planned for the year. Many students shared how excited they are about freshman retreat next week. Leanna Kataev and Leah Zavlyanov, both sophomores, stated how orga nized and inspiring the day was.
here’s nothing quite like the first day of school. At YSZ High School for Girls Student Orien tation on Tuesday, September 6, the excitement in the air was palpable to students and faculty alike. Mrs. Zery kier, along with the faculty, created a warm, encouraging, and inspiring en vironment.Withballoons lining the hall, col orful posters adorning the walls, and upbeat music playing throughout the school, freshmen and sophomores were greeted by faculty as they walked through the doors. There was a won derful energy in the room as sopho mores were reunited with their friends and freshmen met their classmates for the first time. Students were then led to a fun photo booth where they posed with colorful feather boas and crowns and held uplifting and positive mes sages reflecting what it means to be a YSZ HS for Girls student. With having a freshman and sophomore class this year, it allows the wonderful opportu nity for mentorship and friendship be tween both grades. The Big Sister Kick off was then introduced where students understood that the bonds formed in high school can last a lifetime.
To introduce what the day and year is truly about, Mrs. Zerykier and Rab bi Ben Haim gave opening remarks in the Student Center. Mrs. Zerykier spoke about the educational philoso phy of teaching from “Head to Heart.” She brought home the point that when students bring their heart to every as pect of their lives, growth and success can occur both academically and spir itually. Rabbi Ben Haim continued and reminded students that the YSZ HS for Girls student body and faculty are a family and the school building is their home. Wherever they go, even if they are apart, they will always have a piece of each other in their hearts.
|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 65 Around the Community

As the upperclassmen, sophomores worked on creating leadership goals and participated in a puzzle challenge that worked on building good commu nication
the incoming General Studies princi pal, Rabbi Baruch Noy. As the talmi dim approach the end of another full week of learning, they will head out to a special pre-Rosh Hashana chizuk and team-building trip.
hulamith High School celebrat ed a tremendous milestone this month, when it opened the doors to its state-of-the-art new building. Since opening in the Five Towns seven years ago, the high school has shared space with the elementary school, housed in the Cedarhurst campus. As a result of consistent growth from year to year, it became necessary for Shulamith to ex pand to another location where the high school could fit comfortably as it contin ues on its upward trajectory. Less than two years after purchasing the New York Sports Club building, SHS opened for the ‘22-’23 school year, on time, in a beauti ful facility of its own.
The school year began with an inau guration ceremony, celebrating the sig nificance of this new phase in its history. Mrs. Sara Munk, principal, expressed
hakaras hatov to Hashem for allowing the school to thrive and grow to a place where this building became a necessity, and thanked all individuals involved who helped this major undertaking come to fruition on an extremely tight deadline.

The Mesivta began with an orienta tion and introduction with the rebbeim as the talmidim set up their place in the Beis Medresh and in their respective classrooms. The excitement of the talmi dim and rebbeim of being back together
n Tuesday, August 30, Mesiv
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 66 Around the Community
in the Mesivta is a true testament to the warmth and unity that the Mesivta has worked so tirelessly on creating.
A Beautiful New Building for Shulamith
The program continued, as the stu
we look forward to welcoming the com munity to see our beautiful edifice at our Open House on November 13 and Chanu kat HaBayit on December 4.
Chritian Zylberberg, head contractor and president of Color Touch Inc, was cele brated for his professionalism, leader ship, and grace under pressure and was called up to cut the ribbon on the front door. After words of inspiration deliv ered by Rabbi Hershy Blumstein, Mr. Da vid Hercman, father of sophomore Kayla and spearheader of the entire project, was honored with affixing the mezuzah at the main entrance, in recognition of his endless mesirus nefesh in overseeing every detail, regulation, inspection, and budgetary item.
ta Netzach HaTorah welcomed back its talmidim to the start of their seventh year since inception. With the Mesivta now at over 80 talmidim, the halls were buzzing as old friends reunited after a summer away and new

dents were invited to enter the building for the first time, and walked the red carpet surrounded by their teachers who welcomed, clapped and cheered for them. As they reached the multipurpose room at the end of the main hallway, they were greeted by the blasting music from Azamra DJ, and danced the morning away with their individual grades and in school-wide circles, in true SHS family style. After completing the chagiga with a short kumzitz, the girls prepared for their first time davening in the building with an inspirational story from Princi pal Munk about connecting to a particu lar tefillah. The program concluded and the girls began their day of classes in their new home, with profound appreci ation for arriving at this moment.
Mesivta Netzach HaTorah’s Seventh Year
Later in the week, the parents of the Mesivta gathered for a parent ori entation, hearing from the Rosh Yeshi va, Rabbi Yitzchok Yurman, as well as
With tefillos for hatzlacha, nachas, simcha, and health in this new building,
Photos by Naftoli Goldgrab
Ahead of Rosh Hashana, talmidim of Yeshiva of South Shore assisted the JCCRP in packing yom tov boxes for needy families in the community

students were warmly greeted by others.

The Power of Chinuch 2
Piling on non-related issues is just as bad, if not worse. When you tell a child that he has five issues to work on rath er than sticking to the one you decided to address, you are basically telling him that you expect failure from him, be cause it would be right in line with all his other failures. And a child whose parents don’t believe in him cannot grow.
In The Power of Chinuch 2, parents (teachers, too!) will learn:
Around Community
By Rabbi Meyer Yedid
n The Power of Chinuch, Rabbi Mayer Yedid – a renowned educa tor, sought-after speaker, and rav of Brooklyn’s thriving Congregation Shaare Zion - gave us insights, perspectives, and just plain good advice on how to raise caring, responsible children. In a new and important volume in the series, he continues to share his wisdom with par ents – wisdom firmly grounded in Torah and in Rabbi Yedid’s profound under standing of both adults and children.

Don’t Open the Can of Worms A common mistake some people make when delivering rebuke is that once they decide to address a behavioral issue with their child, they open up a can of worms and allow them all to wiggle out. “It’s not just this once,” they say. “I saw you do this last week, and three weeks ago, and two months ago. In fact, you have been doing this for years. I kept quiet until now, but you should know that this is something you always do.”
If you decide to rebuke your child for getting up late today, stick to today. Don’t bring up the past, because that’s just an other way of saying, “You never get up on time.” Furthermore, it’s another way of expressing that you don’t believe that the child is capable of doing better, because if you have been tracking his infractions for the last three years, you obviously feel that this is so integral to who he is that he won’t be able to repair it.
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How to create a home that is warm, loving, and CombiningsecureTorah hashakafah and practical guidance, The Power of Chi nuch 2 is a must-read for parents seeking to successfully raise their children in an increasingly complex world.
• • • • •
Published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications
so that the little children could destroy it? And why didn’t you vacuum the car pet on the steps two weeks ago, and five weeksRebukeago?”is like surgery. When some one goes in for an appendectomy, no sur geon will say, “Hey, once we have him un der anesthesia, we might as well perform sinusEachsurgery.”surgery that a person needs has to be handled on its own.
How to create confident, self-reliant childrenHow to discipline with love and re bukeHoweffectivelytomake rules that work
Illuminating the Torah Path to Raising Great People

As if that’s not enough, they start to pile on other transgressions. “Not only did you get up late today, last week, and three weeks ago, but yesterday, when you didn’t come home on time, you didn’t bother to call me so I wouldn’t worry about you. And why did you leave the ex pensive camera out last time you used it,
The following is a brief excerpt from the new book, focusing on giving rebuke in a proper – and effective – manner.
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By Rabbi Dov Weller
The talmid returned a little while lat er having identified something he want ed to work on that was within his grasp to achieve. Rav Leib then told the talmid, “Now take your kabbalah and split it in half. Aim to achieve half the goal that you set for yourself. Through this you will grow!”
Second, even when the goal is attain able and practical, if a plan of action that will enable the successful realization of the goal is not put into place, it is likewise bound to fail. Setting attainable goals and implementing a plan of action are es sential ingredients for accomplishment.
The Eishes Chayim Yamim Noraim Treasury

“I will daven the entire tefillah with concentration three times a day.”
The Eishes Chayil Yamim Noraim Treasury is for women who want to en rich and enhance the upcoming Yamim Tovim (and take a few well-earned min utes from holiday prep!). It’s for women staying home with their children on Yom Tov and for women enjoying a few qui et minutes in shul. Indeed, it is for every Jewish woman as she looks forward to a healthy, happy, and prosperous year.

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 70
he days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur are some of the busiest in a woman’s life – and the most important. It is now that we have the best chance to do authentic teshuvah, deepen our connection to Hashem, and engage the incredible power of tefillah.
By asking ourselves these questions, we are on the way to formulating a prac tical, successful plan of action for achiev ing the spiritual gains we want.
The same idea should be put into place with regard to who we want to become and what we want to accomplish in life. We should ask ourselves: Am I living with a plan to become someone who is el evated and spiritually close to Hashem? Am I developing a path in life, a daily schedule, that is focused on what’s truly important and real? How am I effecting good in this world — in a practical, mean ingful way?
want to work on and that you feel is within your reach to accomplish. Choose something easy and then return to me.”
Designed to fit in with Jewish wom en’s busy lifestyles, The Eishes Chayil Yamim Noraim Treasury by Rabbi Dov Weller features brief and powerful in sights and stories on Chodesh Elul and the power of teshuvah, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on selected prayers and Torah readings.
Around the Community
As we approach the Yom Hadin, our
Nearly anyone who has successfully actualized a goal did so through making a detailed plan or process that enabled him to attain success and fulfill his goal. From the smallest goals to the larg est, preplanning, calculation, and fore thought are necessary to ensure success.
Someone who is traveling from Mon sey to Far Rockaway on Erev Shabbos would be wise to leave early and turn on Waze prior to setting out on his journey to determine the route with the least traffic. A person who wants to control expenses in order to maintain a healthy budget and avoid credit card debt sits down and makes a calculation of the money he earns and what his monthly expenditures should be. Every business has a goal-oriented roadmap that aligns it with the day-to-day priorities and pro vides the direction the company needs to take in order to be successful.
Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach would say, “The smaller the resolution, the greater the success.” One Rosh Ha shana, Rav Shach, accepted upon himself to look into a bentcher when he would re cite the first bracha of Bircas HaMazon One bracha from a bentcher — this was the kabbalah of the great rosh yeshivah and gaon Rav Shach (Kinyan Torah Hag gadah, p. 127).
mission is to improve ourselves. We never want our spiritual accomplishments and personal achievements to be on cruise control from year to year. For this, we need to define our goals for improvement and strategize ways to actualize them.
Living With a Plan
Small Steps
Although such goals are commend able and may even be required of us (the Rambam teaches that one should indeed avoid getting angry at all costs), aiming for such a general, overarching goal is bound to fail from the start, which only discourages future growth.
“Sugar will never pass my lips again.”
The end of a shoelace is called an aglet, which is made of brass, plastic, or copper.
Published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications
The yetzer hara wants us to set ex travagant goals, knowing that we will never be able to hold onto them in the long run. He wants nothing more than for us to stumble and quash all interest in further growth. It’s far more effective to work on something small, actualize the goal, and feel good that we accomplished what we set out to do. The positive energy born out of achieving even a small goal triggers the desire for further and more impactful growth.
A talmid went to the great mashgiach of Chevron Yeshivah, Rav Leib Chas man, during the month of Elul and asked what he could take upon himself for the new year. Rav Leib answered, “Think of one thing, and one thing only, that you
The following is one excerpt from the new book with a powerful and practical message for this time of year.
Did you know?
Psychologists document that goals fail for two reasons. First, the goal itself is unattainable:“Iwillnever get angry.”
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ship wine. It is a Bordeaux-style blend with a great depth of flavors and notes of toasted oak from the barrel-aging.

For many years, the Herzog family did not own vineyards in California. In stead, the winery would source grapes from trusted growers with whom they have agreements. A bit over ten years ago, the Herzogs decided to start pur chasingTherevineyards.aremany arguments in favor of this decision. First, it allows for abso lute control over the quality of the fruit. Which grape varieties to grow, how to tend to the vines, and when to harvest. The cost of land and grapes has been ris ing for many years. Owning a vineyard is both a real estate investment and in surance of a dependent, consistent, and reliable source of grapes.
In Mrs. Davidowitz’s third grade class, the boys ushered in the new school year with fun learning activities and cre ative ice breakers to conquer the first day jitters. Mrs. Davidowitz had a get-toknow-your-teacher true/false pop quiz that helped the students learn a little about their teacher. This led into activ ities which helped the boys learn more about their classmates and build a sense of classroom community. Every boy had the opportunity to think about the type of year they want to have in third grade.
licious, sweet dessert wine: Herzog Late Harvest Chenin Blanc 2020. More than most grapes varieties, Chenin Blanc is at the core of many remarkable wines, which range from bone-dry to sweet treats. It should be a reminder for us that whoever we are and wherever we come from, we will reach our potential if we follow the right path.
less common in new world wine regions such as Israel or California.
Estate-grown wines are most ade quate for Rosh Hashana. The Herzog Lineage Choreograph 2021 is a medi um-bodied, fruit-forward, juicy, flavor ful, affordable, and versatile red wine made of about a dozen grape varieties. However, all those grapes grow in the Herzog family’s Prince Vineyard, located in Clarksburg, CA. This vineyard is the first one that the Herzogs purchased in California.TuraWinery in Eretz Yisrael is not only one of few estate wineries there. It is also the source of grapes for many oth ers. Tura Mountain Peak 2017 is the flag

Now let’s review a classic, old-world es tate: J. de Villebois. Established less than two decades ago, this Loire Valley winery produces stellar wines from its Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir estate vineyards. The J. de Villebois Pouilly-Fumé 2021 is an aromatic, crisp, and complex Sauvi gnon Blanc with an earthy mineral char acter and refreshing acidity. The perfect combination of attentive growing practic es and winemaking skills.
From The Vineyard to the Kiddush Cup
t Yeshiva of South Shore, the first day was filled with boys happily entering the building ready to start the new school year. For teachers and students, there was both excitement and trepidation for what the year will bring. Baruch Hashem, both teachers and students were excited to learn that this year will be better than ever!
What they did learn on the first day is that anything is possible in Mrs. David owitz’s class!

By Gabriel Geller –Kedem/Royal Wine

During HALB’s first Kavod Assembly, students learned about the Queen. Students paid their respects and said a special tefillah in her honor and memory

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 72 Around the Community
ith Rosh Hashana coming around and the constant re minders about self-introspec tion, we look at the source for all that is true and good for the world and our selves: our Torah. When you know where you come from, you are better equipped to understand where to go. There is in deed a source for everything, and obvi ously, the source for wine is grapes. Some of the best wines are those that are made from estate-grown grapes. Those are grapes planted, grown, harvested, and crushed by a winery. European wines are most often estate wines. Such wines are
Last but not least, dessert is signifi cant on Rosh Hashana to give us a taste of the sweet year ahead. Also from the estate Prince Vineyard, the classic, de

Happy and sweet new year to all, Sha na Tova!
YOSS’s Room of Possibilities
Carmel winery is one of the largest and oldest wineries in Israel. Since its inception in 1882, it has reinvented itself several times while retaining the lessons from its prestigious past. While not an estate winery, Carmel has successful ly identified some of the country’s best vineyards. Those vineyards constantly produce high-quality grapes, from which Carmel crafts excellent wines. The Car mel Signature Single Vineyards Cari gnan 2019 is sourced from the Mileck Valley in the Shomron region of Israel. It is a concentrated wine with notes of ripe raspberries and cherries, with hints of oriental spices and roasted herbs.
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“What?!” shrieks the Queen. “I don’t have any enemies to the west!”
This house is very big, you know. – When asked why she carried her purse around with her at Buckingham Palace
From the Mouth of the Queen
It looks very damp. - When asked for her thoughts on Niagara Falls while visiting Canada
- After her motorcade was pelted with eggs on a visit to New Zealand

202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 74 1. *
I’ve been given two bunches this week. Perhaps they want me dead. - At the Chelsea Flower Show in 2016, when told by a gardener how lilies of the valley have poisonous traits
You can’t look down to read the speech, If you did, your neck would break. - Talking about how heavy the royal crown is
TJH Centerfold
Some of Queen Elizabeth II’s wittiest quips
“Oh,” says the knight. “Well, you do now.”

I myself prefer my New Zealand eggs for breakfast.
Have you been playing a long time? - To legendary guitar player Eric Clapton after he played for her at a Buckingham Palace reception in 2005
You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
“Queen,” replies the knight, “I have been robbing and pillaging on your behalf all day, burning the towns of your enemies in the west.”
If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am.

“How are we faring?” asks the Queen.

They sound like two cats being strangled.To her assistant, after the Everly Brothers sang a song to her
- When asked why she wears bright colors during her royal appearances
How reassuring. - When she was out taking a walk one time and a passerby commented that she looked just like the Queen
A knight and his men return to their castle after a long, hard day of fighting.
a. $500 million
c. Lilly d. Lizzy
correct: You probably are pro-Meghan Markle
d. Richard Nixon
Queen Elizabeth II Trivia
b. $2 billion
a. 40 years
5. Until she was 10, Queen
d. Her father, King George VI, wanted the monarchy to have a softer impression, so he made her Queen even though her older brother was supposed to inherit the throne
b. 50 years
b. Queen B
3. According to Forbes, what is the value of the Royal Family’s holdings?
Phillip adopted an official surname, although as part of the royal family, a surname was not necessary. What name did she take on?
a. Her grandfather King George V had a very close relationship with her and changed the line of successionb.Herolder sister passed c.awayHer uncle gave up the throne when he married an American socialite, thus the throne went to her father and eventually herself
b. Bernadotte-Agnus
d. $28 billion
b. Cook
3-5 correct: You are not exactly a crown jewel, but you have some value.0-2
c. $7 billion
7. In 1960, the Queen and Prince
c. Stenographer
a. Truck driver
c. Windsor-Mountbatten
d. Pretencious-Pretencousness
d. 80 years
2. Queen Elizabeth met 13 of the 14 U.S. presidents that were in office during her reign. Which one of those presidents did she not meet?

6-7 correct: You are so British that you even like the newly appointed King Charles III (that’s the guy who was waiting for many years to become king… good things happen to those who wait).

|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 75
Elizabeth II was not in the line of succession to the throne.
a. Donald Trump
b. Lyndon Baines Johnson
1. How long was the reign of Queen Elizabeth II?
4. When Queen Elizabeth served in the military during WWII, what job did she have?

c. Gerald Ford
a. Lilibet
d. Telegram receiver
a. Cromwell-Luxer
6. What was the Queen’s nickname?childhood
What changed that?
c. 70 years
He cared deeply for anyone who crossed into his orbit –and then he cared some more.
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 76
In Me M ory
What Would Jack Do? A Tribute to Reb Yanky Meyer, z”l
I was thankful and blessed to have both a personal and professional relationship with this amazing soul. I was thankful to look up to him, to learn from him and to be inspired by him. Yanky didn’t just care. He didn’t just do chessed. He didn’t just run Misaskim Corp. Yanky really cared. He cared deeply for anyone who crossed into his orbit – and then he cared some more.
When we see someone suffering, we need to speak up and use our voice to show that we care. When some one is struggling through a difficult time, we must not pretend not to see or look the other way. We must not feel or assume that anyone’s crisis or particular struggle is insurmountable. We must pause, breathe, and think, “What would Jack do?” And we know one thing he would never ever do. Jack would never give up. On anyone or anything.Mayhis memory be a blessing for his wife, children, grandchildren, and to all who knew and loved him.
Yanky’s mission was to ease the pain and suffering of those who had lost loved ones. From the moment that their tragedy took place until sometimes years later, these orphans, widows, widowers, and broken people be came his family. They became his mission and his focus.
here are times in life where one needs to take pause, reflect, and literally stop time for just a few moments to realize and to recognize some thing dramatic. Something extraordinary. Something heartbreaking.Thelossof Yanky (Jack) Meyer, the indefatigable leader of the Misaskim Corp organization, was all of those things. Simply a heartbreaking and shocking loss for the entire Jewish community at large and so many others. No mere words in this article can do justice, yet not writing at all just does not seem right.
I smiled back and said Jack, “It simply means you Get Stuff Done.”
a recent situation in which we worked together to help a family through a particular crisis (which start ed with a 3 AM call in which Jack said, “BB, wake up”), I turned to Jack and said, “You’re officially a ‘GSD.’”
He said back, “OK, BB, you know I don’t like gifts but that one I can take.”
One would think that in my daily life of running Achiezer Community Resource Center I would be ac customed or even hardened when dealing with death, tragedy or other forms of horrible crisis. Yes, it is true, that crisis of all forms is what consumes our daily lives at Achiezer and moving past it sometimes is the only way to survive, but with Jack’s untimely passing, I made my self a promise that this moment – this horribly difficult moment – cannot and must not be left in vain.
PM and 3 AM. He was a man on a mission, and noth ing and nobody would get in his way until he achieved the desired results; results that were always singular in focus: bringing compassion, comfort, and love to those who were suffering through the most unbearable of
In his imitable and special way, he huffed back, “BB, I don’t understand your Five Towns fancy words.”
By Rabbi Boruch Ber Bender
Jack called me at all hours. Shabbos and weekday, 2

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to see the accomplishments of others, ideally through our offspring and close relatives.Thatis the reason that family rela tions, especially parent-child relation ships, are so delicate and emotional. Even if one feels that one’s efforts in life have been successful, the verdict on our achievements is yet to be rendered and that depends upon the continuing suc cess of our future generations. There fore, the words of the tochacha are truly frightening, for they portend that future generations can undo all previous achievements of their predecessors. We are all too bitterly aware that this is true especially in our generations.
and that you will be powerless to prevent it.” The Torah refers here not only to actual enslavement and imprisonment of one’s children, but it also implies being given to a foreign, non-Jewish culture and way of life. The effects of the secularization of the youthful generations of Eastern European Jewry and of American and Israeli Jewry are so serious as to be almost catastrophic.
As we contemplate the shambles of the tochacha that surround us currently, we may take hope in the future – that the times of peace, spiritual accomplish ment and serenity of soul will also be literally fulfilled in the great and good year that is about to dawn upon us and all of Israel.

This inconsonance between genera tions is emphasized further in the tocha cha when the Torah describes “that your children shall be given to another nation
By Rabbi Berel Wein Ki Savo

Our generation and times are left to pay the bill for those previous defec tions from Jewish life. And, what the

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ne of the bitterest curses that the Torah describes in the to chacha, which forms a major portion of this parsha, is that all our efforts will be for naught, all our am bitions, ideas and struggles ultimately pointless and of no lasting value, unless we build strong family ties and encour age harmony. There are relatively few ways that we can make our mark on the world and our lives, unless we are able
appeal of false ideals that overwhelmed the Jewish street then did not destroy, the Holocaust – described in minute detail in the tochacha – completed. If it were not for G-d’s promise that ends the tochacha, that Israel will survive and rejuvenate itself, we would almost be without hope or comfort. But it is the sad fact that the tochacha, in all of its awful prophecies and events, has
literally taken place before our eyes. And this paradoxically gives us the hope and promise for the better times that G-d’s promise extends to us.
Shabbat shalom.
As we contemplate the shambles of the tochacha that surround us currently, we may take hope in the future.
Torah Thought
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A second question: Rashi (on ibid. 2), quoting the Mishnah (Bikurim 3:1), explains the process for separating bik kurim . “A man descends into his field and sees a fig that has ripened. He wraps a reed around it as a sign and says, ‘Be hold, this is bikkurim.’” Why do Chazal and Rashi focus on the fig as their par adigmatic example of bikkurim? There are six other species with which Eretz Yisroel is praised. According to most opinions, the fig was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil eaten by Adam and Chava! Why would they choose that fruit specifically? Why this repeated focus on bad memories from the past at the time of the joyous mitzvah of bringing our first fruits to the Beis PerhapsHaMikdash?thereisone simple message in all of this. No matter how many diffi culties we have endured, no matter how bad the past was, no matter whether we
beyond all of the mistakes, sins, pain, and suffering of the past and start again from the beginning.
It is the same with bikkurim . That
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Chazal say that “In the beginning” –i.e., the creation of the world itself, was in the merit of the mitzvah of bikkurim (Bereishis Rabah 1:4) and in the merit of the Jewish people (Rashi on Bereishis 1:1). What is the nature of this connec tion between the Jewish people, first fruits, and the creation of the world, all of which are associated with the word “beginning”? Perhaps Hashem is try ing to show us that the Jewish nation in general, and every single Jew in par ticular, have a wondrous ability to move
have a reminder of the first sin sitting in our own field, Hashem is telling us that we still have bikkurim – first fruits. We can make today the first day of an entirely new existence. And by “entire ly new existence,” He means that today will not simply be a continuation from yesterday but with certain improve ments. It will be an entirely new exis tence.

Parshas Ki Savo
By Rav Moshe Weinberger

A Whole New World
Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf
he parsha is all about beginnings. It starts (Devarim 26:1-3, 5-6), “And it will be when you come to the land that Hashem your G-d gives you as an inheritance and you take pos session of it and dwell in it, you shall take from the first of the fruits of the ground... You shall come to the kohein... and you shall say... An Aramean [at tempted to] destroy my father, he went down to Egypt and dwelled there, few in number... And the Egyptians treated us cruelly and afflicted us...”
Why, when we bring first fruits, bikkurim , must we rehash all of these ancient bad memories? Those first mak ing this recitation after our conquest of the land would have just endured the suffering of fourteen years of the depri vation and trauma of war. After all of their recent pain and sacrifice, what is the point of reminding of them of our people’s much older suffering?
The 25 th day of Elul is the anniver sary of the creation of the world. And Rosh Hashana is “yom haras olam ,” the anniversary of the creation of man. This is the time of new creation. It is no coincidence that Rosh Hashana is also called “The Day of Remembrance.” We want to call to mind the difficulty and suffering of the past year in order to re mind ourselves that these very things will be turned around in the coming year. Hashem wants us to dip an apple in honey and say with simple faith, love, and optimism, “May it be Your will that this be a good, sweet year!” He wants us to know the exact nature of the pain and troubles which are being pushed into the past with the beginning of the brand new year.
From the Fire
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again for us in the coming year. This, along with the mitzvah of bikkurim, is the source of our ability to start again, to renew ourselves.
We know we have this power because the seforim hakedoshim (Arizal Ateres Rosh, and others) teach that every new year is a brand new reality which never existed before – with no connection to the past. Elul and Rosh Hashana are the bridge, the pathway, to this new exis tence. The Maharal (Gevuros Hashem 51) says that the word for year, shanah, is from the same root as the word for change, shinui , because every new year offers the opportunity for a complete change from what existed in the past.

is why the one who brings them recalls the first sin that began all of our trou bles, the suffering of Yaakov Avinu at the hands of Lavan, and our slavery and oppression in Egypt, as well as his own mistakes and suffering. The per formance of the mitzvah, standing in the Beis HaMikdash, and enjoying the blessings of Eretz Yisroel show the one bringing bikkurim that Hashem has giv en him the power to recreate himself. And learning this parsha reminds each of us that we all have the power to look at whatever mistakes we made before and say, “Behold this is bikkurim!” and rejoice before Hashem with the knowl edge that we are living in a whole new world unencumbered by the past.
Every new year is a brand new reality which never existed before –with no connection to the past.
And Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, zt”l , the Ramchal, says (Derech Hashem 4:8), “On this day [Rosh Hashana], He renews the entirety of reality with the changing of the month, i.e., the new year.” Our whole effort as we cry out, “The King!” on Rosh Hashana is to ask Hashem to create this new beginning
The last public address ever given by Rav Gedaliah Schorr, zt”l , the rosh yeshiva of Torah Vo’daath, was at the sheva brachos of a close student several days before the he passed on into the next world. Because Rav Schorr was
very ill, his family begged him not to attend – but he insisted. They brought him in a wheelchair and, with every bit of strength he could muster, the rosh yeshiva told the bride and groom, and everyone else present, the following: There is a custom to give the bride and groom a gift at their wedding. And

we know that Hashem observes the To rah just as we do on earth. So what is Hashem’s gift to the bride and groom? If it comes from the infinite G-d, the gift must be the most perfect gift in the world. And what is this most perfect gift? What is the most valuable thing a bride and groom and receive? This gift is forgiveness. The husband’s ability to forgive his wife and a wife’s ability to
Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the found ing Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Ko desh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.
May Hashem grant us the ability to connect to the power Hashem has given us to renew ourselves. May we merit to remember that nothing that came be fore can drag us down or hold us back because they existed only in a previous world. In the world Hashem creates this coming year, those things never happened.Maywe merit to journey together into this new world and in this new year to Yerushalayim with Moshiach, where we can physically bring bikkurim to the rebuilt Beis HaMikdash, may we see it soon in our days!
forgive her husband. No other commod ity is more precious in a marriage than forgiveness.Forgiveness comes from one’s ability to tap into the power of Rosh Hashana, the power of bikkurim. It means recog nizing that one can put the mistakes and pain of the past, whether self-inflicted or endured because of another person, and start again from scratch.
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The Gemara in Kesuvos (50a) records that when the Sanhedrin was exiled to Usha, they made numerous enactments. One such enactment is that one should not give away more than twenty percent of his money even for charity. Yet, the Gemara in close proximity records two instances where this rule was seemingly ignored.
The rabbi said, “I’m surprised to hear you say that. I indeed have many kulos! For instance, many rabbis say that one may not fast on Shabbos or Rosh Hashana. I hold that one may. Many rabbis rule that one should not learn Daf Yomi on Erev Tisha B’Av in the afternoon. I hold that one may. Many rabbis are of the opinion that one is not allowed to sleep in the sukkah on the night of Shmini Atzeres. I say that it is per mitted and encouraged. Some rabbis are of the opinion that one should not cry on Rosh Hashana. I hold that it is permitted. Finally, some rabbis are of the opinion that one should not give more than twenty per cent of his money to charity. I hold that it is permitted. Of course, I need to be machmir in other areas to counterbalance these nu merous kulos!”
intoDelvingtheDaf More Than Twenty Percent
Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hemp stead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@
able.Rav Dovid, zt”l, ruled similarly regard ing a rabbinic prohibition. A woman went into labor on the night of bedikas chometz before the commencement of a three-day yom tov. The insurance company was only willing to pay for three days of hospitaliza tion. According to her insurance compa ny, she should be discharged on Shabbos morning. The new mother did not mind staying until after Shabbos. The young couple asked Rav Dovid for guidance. He explained that taking a taxi on Shabbos that is driven by a gentile is a rabbinic pro hibition. The couple should therefore offer the hospital all the money they have to al low the mother to stay in her room until after Shabbos. (Rav Dovid said that staying in the waiting room is not an option for a new mother and her child.) This fulfilled the words of the Chofetz Chaim that even when it comes to a rabbinical prohibition, a person must use all his money to escape violation. The couple offered full payment for the use of the room until after Shabbos. The nurse in charge responded, “What do you think this is? A hotel?” The mother was discharged on Shabbos morning. She used a taxi driven by a gentile to get home.
One time, my father-in-law, Rabbi Aaron Yosef HaKohen Katz, was visiting
away more than twenty percent of his net worth. Still, others suggest that the restric tion of not giving away more than twenty percent of one’s money does not apply to a very wealthy individual such as Ben Kalba Savua. (Igros Moshe OC 5:43)
The first incident was when Rebbe Akiva returned home after 24 years. Not realizing that the great Rebbe Akiva was his son-in-law, Ben Kalba Savua went to see him. He asked Rebbe Akiva to annul his vow that he made many years earlier not to support his daughter. Rebbe Akiva annulled the vow and told Ben Kalba Savua that he was, in fact, his son-in-law. Ben Kalba Savua then gave Rebbe Akiva half of his money. (Kesuvos 63a) How was Ben Kalba Savua allowed to give away so much money, when the law is that one should not give away more than twenty percent? The Haflah offers a very simple answer. Ben Kalba Savua gave away half of his cash. Still, he had many investments and real estate holdings. Indeed, he did not give
provisions are light, and the way is far. This meager sum is insufficient for me to merit the World to Come.” He then distributed half of his remaining money to charity. The Gemara itself wonders why distributing more than twenty percent of his wealth was permitted. The Gemara then explains that the restriction does not apply to someone who is dying. This restriction on giving too much charity applies only while he is well because perhaps he will descend from his holdings and become destitute. Therefore, for his own financial security, he should never distribute more than one-fifth. That is inapplicable to a dying individual.
The Baal HaTanya suggests that some one who gives charity as part of the teshu va process can also give more than twenty percent. He reasons that people pay exor bitant sums for medical care. Why should spiritual cures be treated any different?

The Rema (OC 656) writes that the above discussion is limited to expenditures for a mitzvah. However, one must give away all of one’s money to prevent oneself from committing an aveira. The Mishna Berura says this definitely pertains to a biblical mitzvah. However, the Chofetz Chaim him self wrote in his Sefer Chofetz Chaim that this pertains to a rabbinic mitzvah as well.
By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow
The Shita Mekubetzes (Kesuvos 50a) suggests that the limitation of twenty per cent does not apply to someone who is sup porting Torah. When one supports Torah, he is in effect making a partnership with the individual studying Torah. He is pro viding sustenance, enabling the individual to immerse himself completely in his stud ies. In return, the donor receives a portion of the scholar’s reward. The Sages did not apply the twenty percent limitation to a partnership. That is not the same as giving away one’s wealth. Ben Kalba Savua was investing his funds with Rebbe Akiva and was therefore permitted to do so. (Indeed, some are of the opinion that for a true Yis sachar and Zevulun partnership, one must specifically invest half his earnings in Tal mudTheTorah.)next apparent violation of the dic tum is recorded a few pages later. (67b) The Gemara relates that when Mar Ukva was dying, he instructed others to bring him his charity records. He found that it was writ ten there that he had given seven thousand gold dinars to charity. He commented, “My
his son in Israel. At that time, it was de termined that his scheduled return flight was going to fly over a Jewish cemetery. He consulted with his Rebbe Muvhak, HaGaon Rav Dovid Feinstein, zt”l. He ruled that, as a kohen, my father-in-law was forbidden to knowingly fly over the cemetery. He fur ther ruled that since a negative precept was involved, my father-in-law was obligated to spend whatever money he had to avert this transgression. He spent over $1,000 purchasing a one-way ticket on a different airline. His original ticket was non-refund
he story is told of a man who ap proached a rabbi. He said to him, “Why are you always so machmir? Every time I ask you a question, the answer is always that it is forbidden.”
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Yehuda Neikrug and his son Sagiv had been having their own Friday night dinner together when they received the alert on their communications device and were astounded to see the name of the restaurant they were sitting in as the location of the emergency. After glanc ing around, the volunteer EMTs initially thought they had received the wrong ad dress as no one seemed to be choking in the restaurant. After making themselves known to the staff of the restaurant as United Hatzalah EMTs, they were di rected to a separate room on the first floor. They quickly made their way to the room after grabbing their medical gear from the car. In the room, Yehuda and Sagiv met the woman’s panicked rel atives, who rushed them to the entrance of the bathrooms, where they found the
Intensive care specialist and Unit ed Hatzalah volunteer doctor Dr. Dani Katzman was having Friday night din ner at his house with his family when he was alerted to the incident. A religious Jew, he did not hesitate to get into his car on Shabbat as the description of the case indicated that it was a life-threat ening emergency. Upon arriving at the scene, Dr. Katzman was told that the woman’s pulse had been restored thanks to the combined efforts of Ye huda, Sagiv, and other first responders, who had performed CPR. A doctor from an ambulance crew which was also at the scene was struggling to dislodge the piece of food that was stuck in the woman’s throat. Dr. Katzman took a
try while the ambulance crew was as signed the task of sedating the patient. Dr. Katzman moved the patient out of the small bathroom in order to get better access to her throat, and using special forceps, he was successful in pulling out three pieces of schnitzel that had been lodged there. He proceeded to intubate the woman’s throat while the ambulance crew provided a sedative through an in travenous line. The patient, now stable and able to inhale, was then transferred to the ambulance and evacuated to the hospital for further treatment.
The pair immediately started per forming the Heimlich maneuver, but after two unsuccessful applications of pressure on the woman’s abdomen, the septuage narian lost consciousness fully. Yehuda and Sagiv decided to initiate CPR.
70-year-old woman, half-conscious and not breathing. Relatives explained she had choked on a piece of chicken.
practitioner. Having him by my side while responding to an emergency is both moving as a father and reassuring as anDr.EMT.”Katzman explained what had brought him to volunteer with United Hatzalah: “I immigrated to Israel from Skokie, Illinois, in 2019, and for vari ous reasons I initially could only work remotely, treating American patients through telemedicine. But it was un imaginable for me to move to the coun try without contributing my know-how to Israel’s society and being part of the medical community in Israel. As a child growing up in New York, I was part of the local Hatzolah organization, and I have been involved with emergency medical services my whole life. Thus, it was obvious to me that volunteering with United Hatzalah was the perfect solution. After I started volunteering, it became clear to me that there is a great need for faster emergency medical ser vices in Modi’in. I am glad that, in this case, we were able to save this woman’s life.”
Yehuda Neikrug reflected after the incident: “As United Hatzalah volun teers, we never know when we’re going to need to respond to a medical emer gency, and we are always ready for it. This holds true even when we’re busy spending quality time with our families. There is actually no greater father and son bonding time than responding to emergencies together. Sagiv, in addition to volunteering with United Hatzalah, is an EMT in the army, and it is obvious to all that he is an extremely talented
World Builders An Immigrant Doctor, A Soldier, and His Father
By Raphael Poch
Dr Dani Katzman (right) attending to a Ukrainian refugee during one of United Hatzalah's emergency rescue flights to Israel

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ast weekend, a woman choked while having dinner with her fam ily in a well-known restaurant in Modi’in. Her relatives immediately alerted emergency services and were re lieved to see two United Hatzalah EMTs arrive at the scene within mere seconds.
Yehuda and Sagiv Neikrog

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Gamla Stan in Stockholm

By Hershel Lieber
compelled us to gear some of our tourism activities to fit the needs of a young child. After some research, I put together an itin erary that would cater to all our interests.

to enter free of charge. I cannot say that the afternoon was especially in the spir it of our regular Shabbos, but it kept Mechel occupied and happy. We went to shul for Mincha, ate Shalosh Seudos in our room, and returned for Maariv and Havdalah at almost 10:30 PM. Summer Shabbosim end late in Northern Europe, and this was actually an early Motzei Shabbos. We retired soon after Shabbos after making plans for our final two days in Stockholm.OnSunday and Monday, we went to see a number of famous tourist sights. The Swedish warship Vasa, which sunk on its maiden trip in 1628, was salvaged and restored in 1961, and an entire mu seum was built around its saga. The his tory of the Vasa was very interesting, and the ship was very well preserved. Near the Djurgarden an event was being held called “Meet your Navy” which al lowed visitors to go on aboard the naval vessels and explore on their own.
We arrived in Stockholm on Thurs day before noon, and after checking into a hotel with a two-room suite, we imme diately went to the Jewish Center. There was a restaurant at the Center where we enjoyed a good meal and received a list of approved kosher products that one can find in food markets. After shopping for some fruits and vegetables, we took a pleasant and informative boat tour in the lively harbor. This was followed by going to a nearby park where Mechel de lighted himself with all the playground equipment.Thenext morning after going to shul and shopping for Shabbos (we were ac tually able to buy challos and wine), we went to Gamla Stan, the Old Town. There, we watched the ceremonial changing of the guards at the Queens Palace com
I do not remember which shul we davened at during that Shabbos, but it was near our hotel. Friday night there were about twenty men and Shabbos morning there were nearly fifty mispall elim. The davening was very nice with a Yekkishe (German) nusach followed by a simple kiddush. Our seudos took place in the hotel, and we had plenty of food. Shabbos afternoon we took Mechel to a neighboring park where he entertained himself on a jungle gym. The we all watched skateboarders practicing their skills at the skatepark. We walked over to the nearby stadium which was featur ing equestrian events and were allowed

The Wandering Jew Scandinavian Journeys Sweden & Norway
plemented by music played by a military band. We also took photos of Mechel with the sailor-uniformed sentries. Then we walked for over two hours through the quaint winding streets while check ing out the shops and galleries. We took the Tube back to the hotel and prepared ourselves for Shabbos.
he first time we went to Sweden was in the summer of 1990. Pesi and I were invited to par ticipate in running the Lauder Summer Retreat for Jews in Poland. My function was mainly teaching groups, but I was involved in many other programs that enhanced the Jewish experience for the well over-two-hundred attendees. Pesi took part in many of these activities and was especially effective in reaching out to people on a one-to-one basis. This unusually lengthy trip was scheduled for twenty-three days, so we took along our seven-year-old son Mechel. The Polish portion of our trip had so many highlights that it deserves its own article, which I hope to write about one day. I am now focusing on the five days which followed our eighteen-day stay in Poland. We were intent on visiting another country before we returned home, and for whatever reason, we chose to travel to Sweden. Having Mechel along with us
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At Bergen HarborSognefjord
On Sunday, we went to Skansen, Swe den’s over-one-hundred-year-old open museum. There were about one-hun dred-and-fifty houses that were brought there from all over the country to con serve the homes and demonstrate the lifestyle that existed before the Indus trial Age. The authentic furnishings and clothing of that period are meticulously maintained lest those traditions become lost to history. I regret not taking enough photos at the time but remember how much we all enjoyed that experience. At Skansen, there was a zoo and a moun tain train ride that contributed to a per fect
Fast forward to September of 2013. We went to Warsaw for the Yomim No raim where I served as the baal tefillah at the Nozyk Shul. As in most years, we traveled out of Poland for a few days be tween Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. I did realize that this period was not the optimum time to go touring, yet the cir cumstance of already being in Europe and having some spare time beckoned us to make these journeys. Among the Scandinavian countries, there was only one that we had not visited before. That was the land of the magnificent fjords, Norway. The day after Tzom Gedalia, we took an low-cost flight to the city of Ber gen on the Atlantic coast of Norway.
Mechel and Pesi at the Royal Palace in 1990

harbor, the diverse collection of ships moored along the docks, the seafood market, the stalls selling colorful wool en sweaters, scarfs, gloves and mittens… There was even a booth with reindeer skins for sale. No, I couldn’t control my self and took nearly fifty pictures on the firstTheday!next morning, we were up at 5 AM to make our cruise boat that traveled along the forty-seven-mile Sognefjord, the longest and deepest fjord in Norway. The morning started out quite cloudy as we embarked on this five-hour journey. Thankfully, within minutes after leav ing Bergen, the sky turned a bright blue with patches of fluffy clouds. The scenes
Bergen is Norway’s second largest city, yet it retains a small town flavor. It is surrounded by seven mountains and some of world’s most significant fjords.

The picturesque harbor is a World Heri tage Site. The hardest time I had in Ber gen was controlling my yearning to take photos. The vibrant buildings facing the

Onouting.Monday, we took Mechel to Gro na Lund Tivoli, which is an amusement park with many rides and attractions. We spent four hours there while Mech el went on every single ride (except for the roller coaster). As we reflected on our flight back home the next morning, Sweden was a great choice which truly catered to all our wishes.
We eventually disembarked in Flam and continued by train to Oslo. The train traveled past towering mountains, pris tine lakes, and charming villages and was in and itself an enjoyable treat. On the way to Oslo, the train made a stop in Myrdal where we were stopped to gaze at the spectacle of rushing mountain falls to the accompaniment of its thunderous echoes.
An Oslo street scene Mechel with me at Skansen in 1990

surrounding us were absolutely magnif icent, and we were in awe of Hashem’s wonderous creation. We alternated be tween gazing at the sights from the in door panoramic window views to going up to the deck where we could feel the mild breeze and sniff the ocean waters.

Arriving at the Flam station

This short three-day trip to Norway was just the right break we needed be fore resuming the appropriate serious disposition for the upcoming day of Yom Kadosh.

The restored Vasa WarshipPesi and Mechel at the Stockholm Harbor in 1990

important buildings that we saw. Vige land’s sculpture garden was impressive, and we were taken to the Holmenkollen ski jump, which is used for training and competitions.Afterthebus tour, we went on our own to the National Gallery to see the artistic creations of Oslo’s favorite paint er Edward Munch. We actually enjoyed many of his other works more than his iconic painting called “The Scream.” An audio tour guided us through the exhib its and gave us a better understanding of the museum’s general collection. After eating lunch at the hotel, we took a long walk along the harbor before heading to the airport.
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In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Eu rope on behalf of Gateways and Aish Ha torah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interest ing places and afforded them unique ex periences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop rela tionships with a variety of people. Her shel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.
We finally arrived in Oslo in the eve ning. As much as we enjoyed the day’s activities, it still was quite a long day. We ate our cold dinner and promptly went to sleep. Seeing Oslo would have to wait until the next morning.
Since we were leaving back to Poland the next evening, we asked and were giv en an extension in checking out of our hotel room. We realized that the best way to see the city in one day would be by taking a bus tour with stops at some of the most important sights. The two-hour guided bus tour really covered every thing in and about Norway’s capital. The Royal Palace, Parliament, and the Rad huset (City Hall) were only some of the
Hershel Lieber has been involved in ki ruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spear headed a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life.
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Last Thursday, the reign of Queen Elizabeth II came to an end as she passed away in her home in Scotland. The longest reigning monarch in British history, she was one of the most recognizable faces in the world, as well as the Queen for tens of millions of subjects. Rabbi Aron White, who grew up in London and now lives in Israel, reflects on her legacy both for the world and the Jewish people.

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Long Lived the QueenReflecting on the elizabethan eR a
By Rabbi Aron White
One of the great ironies of Queen Elizabeth’s life was that although she died the longest serving mon arch in British history, when she was born in 1926, she wasn’t supposed to be Queen at all. Her uncle King Edward VIII became King in 1936, and his fu ture children would have been heir to the throne. However, once he abdicated in order to marry a di vorcee (something then not allowed for kings), his brother became King George VI and King George’s ten-year-old daughter Elizabeth became heir to the throne. King George died young at the age of 56, and thus in 1952, aged just 25, Queen Elizabeth II be came Queen of the United Kingdom.
cause you feel like doing it; you do a mitzvah because it is your duty. Her late Majesty spent her whole life doing the right thing and not just be cause she felt like it or because the mood took her. She spent her 96 years doing the right thing, day in, day out, out of a sense of duty. It was a life, if I may respectfully say, of mitzvah, of acting out of a profound sense of personal duty and under the sol emn oath to G-d which she took at her Coronation.
Additionally, in a world that speaks about individ ual rights, the Queen would always speak about re sponsibility and duty. One of the Queen’s most famous speeches was given when she was still a princess, on her 21st birthday in 1947: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be de voted to your service and the service of our great im perial family to which we all belong.”
This commitment to a life of duty, working hard to serve her people, framed her life – she saw her life as a series of obligations, and she worked tirelessly to serve her people. The Queen would receive daily updates of what was going on in Parliament that she would me ticulously read every day and would have weekly meet ings with the prime minister to hear about the latest updates in her kingdom. She was always punctual, and the prime ministers she met with all said she was al ways well prepared. She rarely took a day off work – in 2017, when she was a 91-year-old woman, she attended 292 royal engagements such as dinners and receptions. This sense of duty was seen by the Queen as a divine obligation, that this was her calling from G-d.
I believe that there was great significance to Queen Elizabeth’s reign, because it gave the British public three tremendous gifts – two of which applied to all her subjects, and one that was particularly relevant for the Jewish people.

While I cannot confirm this, I am confident that this is the first time a Gematria has been used in the House of Lords, and it holds a powerful message. In a world that celebrates entitlement and individuality, Queen Elizabeth modeled a life of divinely inspired service to others.
I have never been a royal, but in certain ways, it ac tually seems to be somewhat similar to being an Ortho dox Jew! Just like Jews, the royal family are part of an ancient tradition that goes back for generations, with each new person being a link in the chain. There are numerous laws and customs that guide the royal fam ily’s behavior, ranging from the big questions of whom one can marry to minutiae like with which hand to hold one’s knife and fork. (There are lots of rules for guests, too – when eating at the Royal table, if the Queen fin ished eating, everyone had to stop eating, too!) A core value of the Queen was living as part of a traditional community, with the lifestyle and strictures that come along with that, something we are very familiar with from our own Jewish and halachic contexts.
The Hebrew root of the word mitzvah, its basic etymology, is the word “tzav,” which means “com mandment,” “order,” or “duty.” You do a mitzvah not just because it is a good deed and not just be
The Queen and her family also serve as remark able models of tziniut and refinement. She would speak with “the Queen’s English,” not only with its distinctive accent but in a style in which each word is measured and refined. Her style of dress would always be mod est, and this is true of all of the royal family. In the age of social media, where words and pictures are shared with the world with fewer and fewer barriers, the Queen and her family are profoundly counter-culture models. “Kol kvuda bat melech pnima” is a source for the idea of tziniut, and Queen Elizabeth represented a living example of the kavod with which a bat melech conducted herself.
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The Queen’s Meaning
This was the theme of a tribute to the Queen given by Lord David Wolfson of Tredegar, a Jewish British Lord (who attended Yeshivat Hakotel), in what must be the greatest drasha ever heard in the British House of Lords:
She may have modeled a duty driven life and conducted herself with refinement, but what did she achieve as the monarch? If she doesn’t make laws or make the decisions that affect policy, what is the mean ing of seventy years of such a reign?
The Unlikely Queen
I want to analyze the reign of Queen Elizabeth in two ways: in terms of what she modeled for peo ple, and in terms of what she meant to people. Both through her actions, and through the unique role she served, she made a deep impact on the lives of mil lions of people and leaves a significant legacy both to the world and for the Jewish people.

ueen Elizabeth the Second seemed like a permanent feature of the global landscape – France has the Eiffel Tower, New York has the Statue of Liberty, and the United Kingdom has the Queen. For most of us alive today, she is the only monarch of Britain we have known of, and even though there are queens who reign in various countries, when one says the Queen, it is invariably Queen Elizabeth to whom they are refer ring. As one English journalist said, the death of a 96-year-old woman is not a surprise, but the death of the Queen is still a shock; and as a moment in his tory, it allows us to reflect on her life, the values that she modeled, and what her reign meant for British society and the Jews.
Throughout its over-one-thousand years of histo ry, the role of the monarch has evolved and changed, and by the time Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, the monarchy was a more symbolic role rather than being a ruler with the wide-ranging powers of mon archs from previous centuries.
Thus, Queen Elizabeth reigned for seven decades in what was largely a ceremonial role. If she just held a symbolic role, what did she achieve during her reign and what is the legacy she leaves behind?

The Queen’s Values
In Hebrew, every letter also has a numerical value, and you can add up the values of individual letters to get the value of a word. In one of those coincidences which perhaps are not, the numeri cal value of the Hebrew word tzav, the root of the word mitzvah, is 96: 96 years of tzav, of duty, and also of mitzvah, of doing the right thing because that is your duty.
But for Jews, maybe the most important gift the Queen gave us was the gift of security.
So, as the Elizabethan Era ends, what does the fu ture hold for the Royal Family, Britain, and Jews in En gland? There obviously is no way of seeing the future, but I want to focus on two positives that relate to the new King of England, Charles III, and the new heir to the throne, Prince William.
possibly was the choice of the British Foreign Office, but that was nonetheless painful, the Queen never vis ited Israel. Charles III, however, does seem to be closer to the Jewish state than his mother – for one thing, he has visited Israel three times; twice for the funerals of Yitzchak Rabin and Shimon Peres, and then on an official royal visit in January 2020. Charles III was also very close to the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, giving him great honor and praise both during his life and af ter his passing. There is reason for optimism that King Charles III will be a friend of both the Jewish people and of Israel.
King Charles meeting with a Holocaust survivor whose portrait he commissioned, when he was prince

The second gift she gave to British society was iden tity. Even without holding executive power, the Queen is actually entwined into British identity and the fab ric of British society in a way that makes her part and parcel of the life of all British people. She is literally everywhere – her face is on the money and stamps, the national anthem is a prayer for her well-being, and the parliament and government are officially in service of the queen. Senior lawyers are called Queen’s Counsels (or now King’s Counsels), and the leading individuals in their field are organized in the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Academy of Music and tens of other such in stitutions, all of which are denoted as Royal. She is the official head of the armed forces, and soldiers fighting for Britain in Afghanistan and the Falkland Islands would go to battle to fight for “Crown and Country.” If a company services the Queen, the Queen can provide them a Royal Warrant, which is then displayed on their products; British people literally eat their Weetabix breakfast cereal in their morning from a box with a royal stamp printed on it, knowing that this company is one the 686 companies that has provided the Queen with the product they are receiving.
Prince William at the Kotel

With Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, zt"l
While it is true that the Queen was warm and wel coming towards the Jews, she does seem to have been more neutral when it came to Israel. In a move that

Rabbi Aron White grew up in London and now lives in Arno na, Yerushalayim. He has semicha from Yeshiva University and serves as the Associate Editor of HaMizrachi Magazine.
The first gift she provided Britain with was a sense of unity. She was the sovereign and symbolic leader of the British people and stood above the divides of party politics. She did not get involved in the issues of the day; even regarding recent issues like Brexit or Scottish Independence, she did not share her views. Her role was to be above politics, attending chari ty events, visiting the sites of national tragedies and leading national celebrations, comforting those who are suffering, and honoring national heroes.
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For the generation who arrived in Britain as im migrants in the middle of the 20th century, the royal family held a very special place. The Queen’s embrace of the Jewish community was the greatest symbol to this group of immigrants that they had found a safe haven. My grandparents were refugees from Hungary – to them, the Queen was a symbol of all that was good about Britain, and on a deep, maybe even subconscious level, it was understood that she was the one setting the tone of acceptance of Jews in the country. When the Queen would meet the chief rabbi or send a letter to the Jewish community to mark a significant milestone, the deeper message it sent was that you are welcome and Britain.
Queen Elizabeth was simply everywhere and part of everything, and in a deep way, the monarchy in Britain is part of what it means to be British. The loss of Queen Elizabeth means a loss of a part of their identity for the
British people.
In today’s polarized era, we can see how important this was. The divisions between right and left, liberal and conservative, have become so deeply entrenched that modern America can feel like two societies bat tling each other. For the UK, the Queen was always a unifying force above and apart from politics. (To some extent, in Israel’s polarized climate, President Herzog is playing a similar role.) For seventy years, Queen Eliz abeth served as a uniting force in British public life.
British Jews are also well aware that they are part of the second chapter of Anglo Jewry, which began with Jews being allowed back into England in 1656. The first chapter of Anglo Jewry, which took place starting one thousand years ago, featured kings such as Richard the Lionheart, who was an open anti-Semite who took part in the Crusades, and was a chapter that ended with being expelled in 1290 by King Edward I. In the 20th century, as centuries of Jewish life in Russia, Poland and Germany began at first to unravel and then to be engulfed in an inferno, Jews were searching for a haven and for stability. As tens of thousands of Jews arrived on British shores, nothing symbolized that they had found a new home than the Queen, heir to a one-thou sand-year tradition, who accepted the Jews as equal British subjects. The long reign of Queen Elizabeth marked a long period of stability and security for hun dreds of thousands of British Jews.
For the past seventy years, Jews in the UK prayed on Shabbat that Hashem protect the Queen and all her family. As King Charles III takes the throne, let us join in their tefillos, “May He put a spirit of wisdom and understanding into his heart and into the hearts of all his counsellors, that they may uphold the peace of the realm, advance the welfare of the nation, and deal kindly and justly with all the House of Israel. In his days and in ours, may our Heavenly Father spread the tabernacle of peace over all the dwellers on earth; and may the redeemer come to Zion; and let us say Amen.”
I would argue that Prince William has already had a majorly positive impact on British society in another realm. As mentioned above, the royal family guides the tone of many parts of British society. One trait of the royals for generations is the tendency to suppress one’s feelings and emotions, what is known in England as “keeping a stiff upper lip.” While this has a place, this could lead to being emotionally stifled and many mental health issues. The past decade has seen a major change in attitudes and awareness in the UK towards mental health, and I believe a lot of this has been led by Prince William. He has spoken openly about dealing with the death of his mother, Princess Diana, and has openly challenged the idea of always “keeping a stiff up per lip,” saying that looking after one’s mental health is more important. This is an incredibly impactful change and hopefully is a sign of more positive things to come.
The Future
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B”H, my husband and I have four kids who are married and have children of their own. We talk, however, often about the high standards put on our kids from such a young age. The moment our kids started having kids, the questions started coming. “Ma, can you guys help us with buying the ---- stroller?” Mind you, in my day, the McLaren was all the rage, but it was not unreasonably priced. The strollers the young marrieds want today are in the thousands! The shoes they want help with to buy their kids because they are “the IN shoes” are in the hundreds for one pair!
Thank you for your incredible column. My husband and I read it every week at the Shabbos table.
- Pearl & David
We want to help them but at what point are we giving into the craziness? Then, sometimes we think, since the machatanim are giving tons of money for these expensive extras, if we do not (on principle), do we become the bad guys? We don’t want to cause any shalom bayis issues. Would love to hear the panel’s take on this matter. Thanks!
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Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.
Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Dating Dialogue WouldWhat You Do If…

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Michelle Mond W
ow, what a difficult, and poignant question. I thank you for bringing it to the attention of our readership. This problem spans more than just whether or not the in-laws should help out financially for this sort of thing. I would like to talk for a minute about pressure. You sound like levelheaded, realistic par ents who want to help their married kids as much as possible. I doubt you raised them with an attitude that would nurture this spoiled and entitled mentality. And yet, it seems to have still creeped in. Your kids are pressured by society to purchase these luxury baby items, just as you’re feeling pressured by your circle to provide it.
Onenow.couple said that giving a young family a budget of their annual help and then telling them to make their own de cisions about where to spend the money doesn’t work. The children come forth with their “hands out” after they spend what their parents give them.
Standards are not put upon people, especially children. Parents develop stan dards in a home: standards of mench lichkeit and proper behavior. Material standards come from outside. Developing strong children who can make their own choices is an effort that begins when they are young and in your home. It’s rather late to begin to develop individual judgment and the ability to choose appropriately in your kids.
I read an article last night based on re search of highly successful adult entrepre neurs about what consistent message they heard from their parents when they were growing up. At least two were connected with making choices independently.
A suggestion that came up was giving the children an amount you are willing to spend on a certain item that you will be gifting them with. If they want to add to it, that’s their choice.
So what do you do now? I asked some people in your age group from this neigh borhood about this question. Why did I do this for the first time? Because people here have confided in me, middle-aged people who have been successful on their own (not those who inherited substantial means). They have said to me that they know that they are spoiling their married children who are not independent and won’t be inde pendent because of community standards.
your generosity in other ways, ways that you feel comfortable. This is even more crucial if their love language is gifts. Hatzlacha with everything!

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Dear Pearl and David, You are bringing up an important topic that confronts parents of married children. It bears discussing.
The Panel
The Shadchan
Don’t turn it into a discussion or mus sar session; simply don’t sponsor it. If mar ried couples wish to buy these items, they can splurge and get them on their own. It is very important, however, to show them

The Single
The first response of several was, it’s too late
Tzipora Grodko
It sounds like you’re struggling to distin guish the standards you want to set for your children. Are your standards catered
The Rebbetzin
Money everything,isn’t but it sure helps keep the children in touch with you.
Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.
In larger society, when a person gets married, it is when he/she is financially stable and can support him/herself. Many people have years of school and career un der their belts before they take that walk down the aisle. Many have been saving and can afford a downpayment for their marital home. In our communities, young
Because Orthodox life has become somewhat of a rich person’s club, many couples just can’t make it without the help of the older generation. We see so many grandparents paying for school. Unless a family is well-off to wealthy, paying for three, four, five (or more) yeshiva tuitions is not possible even for a two-income family.
I hope I’ve made it clear to the read ership that I’m not telling people how to spend their money. If you can and you enjoy it, buy that “in” shoe! Adorable! But when a two-year-old not having the “in” shoe or cool stroller because Bobbi and Zeidy just don’t share the same values has the power to cause shalom bayis issues, we have to take a hard look at the values of that community and potentially at the expecta tions of the young couple. But you, Pearl and David, are completely off the hook here (in my opinion.)
And, remember J. Paul Getty’s wise words: Money isn’t everything, but it sure helps keep the children in touch with you.
themselves and looking to you for an in fusion to help them keep up appearances and/or with luxury create comforts. Your children seem to be infected with a case of KUWTJ (Keeping Up With the Joneses.). And honestly, we can’t even judge them. Living in a neighborhood where everyone has that expensive shoe and you’re the only one who doesn’t is hard. In certain com munities, a person is simply not included for not having the “in” shoe, or taking the “in” vacation, or going to the “in” bungalow colony. I realize what I am saying is ugly, but it’s the truth.
I don’t know the status of your kids; whether they are generally supporting
ear Pearl and David, Thank you for writing into the panel. We appreciate you reading it and making us apart of your Shabbos table. What an honor!Incertain communities, it does seem to be the norm for well-to-do and some times not well-to-do parents to support their married children. We would need an entire scroll to simply scratch the surface of this issue. I feel I need to respond with in the context of the cultural norm, which is to support or contribute significantly to married children. I would also be remiss if I didn’t address how significant a problem this is in our communities.
If brilliant scientists have determined that over 95% of the universe consists of “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy,” why is it that they have absolutely no idea what Dark Matter and Dark Energy are?
And, thank Hashem for blessing you with children and grandchildren who you are able to help financially and who stay in touch with you.
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Dr. Jeffrey Galler
adults are en couraged to marry young; well before college or graduate school has been finished. And it is acceptable in many communities for the young couple to have no way of supporting themselves. While many times this works out beautiful ly, many, many other times it does create a lot of unhealthy dynamics between the parent couple and the adult children cou ple. It can create friction amongst couples themselves, such as the shalom bayis issue you alluded to in your email.
towards social pressure or basic financial pressure? Before having a conversation with your children, decide with your hus band what you value in respect to your chil dren’s financial/social needs and how you would like to accommodate them.
A healthy relationship is based on a foundation that isn’t simply destroyed by one’s ability (or inability) to provide the financial support requested. If you’re con cerned that financial decisions will harm your relationship, then it may be time to evaluate the security of your connection to your kids and how you have been (or can continue) to invest in healthy ways that are not dependent on materialistic factors.
To answer your question, I don’t think you become the bad guy if you say no to the fancy shoe or to the extravagant stroller. It sounds like you are very generous. Many parents can’t give and don’t become the bad guy. It seems like you have the ability to give, but don’t have the same values as your kids/community. (If you can’t give and you are in financial trouble and have been giving toward these luxuries, you need to stop now.) And you don’t have to share this value.
Let’s summarize your dilemma. You love giving gifts to your grandchildren and love being an important part of their lives, but you worry that your children will never learn the important value of being finan ciallyHere’sresponsible.howyou can accomplish multiple goals. You can continue to join the mach atanim in helping the kids but also foster moderation. Next time you’re asked, try saying, “Thanks for giving us a chance to help buy a stroller for the baby. We’re going to send you a check for $500. Please use it toward the purchase of any stroller that you choose.”
The Zaidy
Why did ancient civilizations carve monolithic human statues on the South Pacific’s Easter Island and erect massive stone monuments in England’s Stone henge, thousands of years ago?
Because Orthodox life has generation. helpitjustmanyrichsomewhatbecomeofaperson’sclub,couplescan’tmakewithouttheoftheolder
Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
Why haven’t the New York Yankees won a World Series since 2009?
hy can’t readers ask us truly import ant questions, like:
You’re allowed to have boundaries and you’re allowed to say no. You made the money, and it’s fully in your right to decide where you spend it. If you have mature, appreciative children, this conversation will go smoothly. If your kids feel entitled to your money for the luxuries (and that’s not a judgment…it just seems to be a reali ty in some communities mainly because of cultural norms and expectations), that still won’t make you a bad guy.
Instead, we get Pearl and David’s mun dane“Whyquestions:doyoung parents assume that grandparents are endless sources of cash gifts?” and “How can we teach young adults that spending money wisely is more im portant than maintaining social status?”
Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.
Pulling It All Together
The Navidaters
blood sugar as quickly. Unpasteurized honey has small amounts of local pol len, which may help combat seasonal allergies. Honey also contains antiox idants, such as flavonoids and pheno lic acids, and darker honeys tend to be higher in these.
Like honey, date syrup contains both glucose and fructose, and it contains many important vitamins and minerals.
fighting infections. The nutritional ben efits of red and green apples are similar, with only minor differences between the two. Apples are also rich in antiox idants, which help to protect cells from oxidative damage.
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Honey, Honey, Honey
Apples, both red and green, are high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. They have a high water and fiber con tent, which enables them to increase sa tiety. Apples contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, with the insoluble por tion primarily in the skin. Soluble fiber helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and insoluble fiber promotes a healthy bowel, by making stools softer and eas ier to pass. Apples are a good source of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, which plays an important role in wound healing and
An Apple a Day
Honey contains more calories than table sugar; however, regular sugar does not contain the health promoting bene fits found in honey.
While honey is the natural sweeten er used on Rosh Hashana, here is some information on other sweeteners: Agave: Agave nectar or agave syrup comes from the agave plant. The syrup is filtered from the plant’s juice through processing techniques. Both agave and honey are mainly composed of fructose
While honey, unlike other sweeten
Other Natural Sweeteners
osh Hashana, the Jewish new year, is a festival of sweetness. It is customary to consume sweet foods, such as apples and honey or honey cake, for a happy and healthy new year. Additionally, many people will enjoy “new fruit” or seasonal pro duce, to symbolize the beginning of a fresh new year and to embark on the new year with a clean slate. Many of the traditional foods are highly nutritious and contain health promoting nutrients.
By Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN

Honey is primarily composed of wa
A Sweet New Year
Health & F tness
ter and the two sugars: fructose and glu cose. It contains around 64 calories per tablespoon. Honey is higher in fructose than glucose, which is sweeter, so it may take less honey to achieve the desired sweetness. It has a lower glucose index value, which indicates it does not raise
ers, contains numerous health-promot ing benefits, it still consists primarily of sugar and if consumed too often may cause blood sugar levels to spike. Individuals with health concerns such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease should be cautious about consuming honey often. Additionally, according to the CDC guidelines, children under the age of one should not consume honey as it may contain bacterial spores that cause infant botulism.
the honey, apples are a key ingredient to numerous delicious Rosh Hashana dishes. Examples of these recipes in clude baked apples with cinnamon, ap ple crisp, and salads with apples.
In addition to dipping the apple in

Regular sugar: Sugar occurs nat urally in all foods that contain carbohy drates, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. Your body is able to slowly break down these foods without caus ing spikes in your blood sugar. However, sugar added to foods during processing or when used as a sweetener can cause your blood sugar levels to rapidly rise. This may increase your blood pressure and the likelihood of developing chron ic disease. While regular sugar has less calories – 48 calories per tablespoon –it does not have the health-promoting benefits seen in plant based alternative sweetness. Additionally, it has a high er glycemic index value than the other plant-based sweeteners discussed, so it may cause blood sugar levels to rise moreHoney,rapidly.agave, maple syrup, date syr up, and regular sugar all cause increases in your blood sugar levels so they must be consumed in moderation. When se lecting your preferred sweetener, con sidering the nutritional profile of each is important. While regular sugar is lower in calories than the plant-based sweet
Pomegranates: Pomegranate seeds are incredibly high in antioxi dants and are a rich source of anti-in flammatory compounds. They also con tain fiber and provide trace amounts of other vitamins and minerals.
eners, it does not contain any of the nutritional benefits discussed. In gen eral, sweeteners that consist primarily of fructose, as opposed to glucose, tend to achieve the desired sweetness with a smaller quantity. Additionally, fructose has a lower glycemic index than glucose and may cause blood glucose levels to rise less rapidly.
• ¼ cup brown sugar • ¼ cup monk fruit • 3-4 TBS oil
The Head of the Fish
vitamin B6, which are key to metabolic functioning. They are also high in fiber and contain antioxidants. They are great to add to salads or yogurt, and even as a snack. Fresh figs are less calorically dense and increase satiety more than dried figs. In general, because their sug ar content is more concentrated, dried fruits contain more calories and are less satiating than fresh fruits.
Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer
and contain a similar amount of calo ries. Agave is around 63 calories per ta blespoon. Agave has a lower glycemic index than many other sugars, includ ing honey, which means it raises your blood glucose less. Like honey, smaller amounts of agave may be used to pro duce the desired sweetness. Agave is also a plant-based product and contains vitamin C as well as small amounts of the B vitamins which are important for overall metabolic functioning.
This recipe was originally given to me by my neighbor Abby Gill er, but I modified it to make it a healthier, with minimal sugar and no white flour – a dish that is perfect for Rosh Hashana and all year long!
• Granny smith apples, peeled and sliced cup white whole wheat or almond flour cinnamon
Grease a large round oven-to-table dish and placed sliced apples in it. Mix dry ingredients by hand, then add in the oil and mix with your hand to make a crumble. Sprinkle on top of apples and bake at 350°F for about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes.
Lychees: Lychees are also a good source of vitamin C, copper and potas sium which are important to promote heart health. They also contain many other antioxidant plant compounds.
Consuming high volumes of agave can result in increased triglyceride lev els, and high levels may promote condi tions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Both honey and agave have a lower glycemic index than regular sug ar; however, they must be consumed with caution as overconsumption may have negative effects on your health.
Date syrup has a similar caloric val ue to agave and honey; it is around 60 calories per tablespoon. However, like with the other plant-based sweeteners, date syrup may cause blood sugar lev els to rise, so consuming it often is not advised.
Date syrup: Date syrup is pro duced from liquified dates and therefore
Wishing all of my readers a sha na tova and happy and healthy new year!
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shares many of the nutritional proper ties of dates. Like honey, date syrup contains both glucose and fructose, and it contains many important vitamins and minerals. Date syrup is higher in iron, calcium, phosphorus, and mag nesium than other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and honey. The sweetener also has a low glycemic in dex, indicating it may be a better sugar substitute for diabetics.
Figs: Figs contain trace amounts of numerous nutrients such as copper and
Rosh Hashana is the festival of sweetness, during which individuals traditionally consume foods such as honey cake and honey flavored foods. However, as Jewish people focus on the new year ahead, it is also a great time to nourish the body by incorporating many of the fresh fruits and flavors discussed above. Adding dates and figs to your Rosh Hashana breakfast will provide more fiber, and sprinkling pomegranate seeds over your salad will add delicious flavor and texture, while nourishing your body with numerous antioxidants.
The Fruits of Rosh Hashana
• ¾
Serve hot as a side or with some low-fat ice cream as a dessert!
Maple syrup contains fewer calories than both honey and agave – it contains 52 calories per tablespoon. Maple syr up contains more calcium, iron, mag nesium, potassium, and zinc than hon ey, which are all important minerals to promote optimal health. These minerals are important for cellular functioning, immune support, and the formation of red blood cells. However, like hon ey and agave, consuming maple syrup may cause your blood sugar to spike so it must be consumed with caution.
• ¾ old fashioned oats • 2 tsp
Maple syrup: Maple syrup is made from the sap or sugar of maple trees. Maple syrup is high in antioxidants and certain minerals, such as manga nese and zinc. Manganese is important for the formation of connective tissue and bones, while zinc helps to optimize immune function. Maple syrup contains less calories per gram than honey and is lower on the glycemic index.
On Rosh Hashana, it is customary to serve fish with their heads, as Rosh Hashana is the “head of the year.” Fish is a great source of protein, which is im portant for cellular growth and repair, as well as to support the functioning of your working muscles. Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and herring, are high in omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, which is integral to cellular structure and hormone pro duction. They also help to increase HDL cholesterol levels, while decreasing your LDL cholesterol.
On Rosh Hashana, “the head of the year,” nourishing your body with a grilled salmon salad or salmon patties, is a great way to kick off the start of the year!
Dates: Dates are a great source of fiber and are high in antioxidants. The three main antioxidants in dates are fla vonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acid, which help to reduce inflammation and promote heart health. Dates are also a natural sweetener as they are high in fructose, and date syrup is another alternative to white sugar. While dates are highly nutritious, they are also more calorically dense than most other fresh fruits, such as apples.
ASincerely,Student in Crisis
I am a sophomore in a girls’ yeshiva in the Five Towns and the oldest in a large family (one of seven). I would say that I am an above average student, but I work very hard because good grades do not come easily to me, but it is something I really care about.
Answered by arotating roster of teachers, rebbeim,clinicians, and peers (!), teens will behearing answers to many questionsthey had percolating in their mindsand wished they had the answers for.

My mother works part-time, but she is constantly working in the house, making sure everything runs smoothly. She truly is a “professional mom,” cleaning, shopping, cooking, and taking care of all our needs. She has devoted herself to our family. My father works long hours, comes home exhausted, and often goes out to learn. Because money is tight, we don’t have a lot of cleaning help. My mother relies on me a lot. My siblings and I help with the many household chores, but I am expected to do the most because I’m the oldest. I often feel that I am missing out on my social life. I would like to be out more with my friends.
cluding both the sense of guilt when you feel you should be helping out more (or even that you should want to help out more) and the competing feeling that you are missing out on your social life, are understandable. The fact that you are questioning your actions
Teen Talk, a new column in TJH, is intowardsgearedtheteensourcommunity.

Teen Talk
grandmother, great-grand mother and principal of a girls’ yeshiva. I understand your plight!Thefirst thing that you should realize is that all of your feelings, in
ear Student in a Crisis, I will try to help you help yourself figure out what your next step should be. I am speaking now as a mother,
Dear Teen Talk,

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By Osnat (Arlene) Klestzick
Summer vacation is almost over, and I am beginning to feel anxious because I know what awaits me when school begins. Sometimes, I lock myself in my room oblivious to all my surroundings. I study, do homework, and speak to my friends. Is it selfish of me to be this way? I feel very guilty! I am in a crisis. What should I do?
shows me you are a unique individual with very fine middos. You have a sense of what is right and wrong and that will help guide you on a goodThepath.second thing that you must realize is that you are very fortunate and blessed to be in a large family. Your important and valuable role in helping your family gives you an amazing opportunity to demonstrate selfless devotion to others, most importantly, to your parents. These selfless actions, while not always “fun,” will make you feel good and ultimately fulfilled.
If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to , subject line: Teen Talk.

concept of “I.” Not just iPod, iP hone, iPad but “What do I want? What are my needs?” The focus on “I” can take us down a very narrow slip pery road, a road of self, of entitlement, of selfishness, which will ultimately produce unhappy, unhealthy young adults. You, ob viously, do not fit into that category. You feel remorseful that you are not helping more in the house. Selflessness is always a virtue. And you, because you are the oldest, can set the tone. Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twersky, zt”l, once said, ”You don’t give to the ones you love; you love those to whom you give.” By giving of your time and energy, you create love for people around you – which, by the way, will be one of your greatest forms of happiness.

Every decision is a trade-off. We strive to focus our energies on the important tasks and duties in life and put less important ones on the “back burner.” For example, academic success and achievement, while important, pales in comparison to the re sponsibility and opportunity of caring and helping one’s family. It does not mean that you negate the other completely. It also does not mean that you take over the role of the mother. I am sure that that is not what is needed. I believe you have to balance your time and your energy, and because you have shown sensitivity and love towards your family, I am confident you will make the right
from a crisis. It is a conflict. Having the wisdom and maturity now to navigate this conflict successfully is not easy for a teenage girl. However, your question and the way you present ed it show me that you can gain the proper perspective, allevi ate your emotional stress, and point yourself in the right di rection.When parents create in their children a sense of responsi bility to the family unit, everyone benefits. It also helps when there is an understanding by all the family members that chores are divided according to age, not necessarily
Are you a teen with a question?
It is a normal, healthy reaction to be conflicted by your desire to do “good” and your desire to be with friends. This is far
It is a normal, healthy reaction to be conflicted by your desire to do “good” and your desire to be with friends.
that your fear of missing out on your social life might possibly represent a misplaced sense of importance on social life. Of course, having meaningful friendships is extreme ly important, but no meaningful friendship will suffer because you are spending time helping family. In fact, being a more devoted daughter, a more selfless person, will make you a more attractive friend.
Mrs. Osnat (Arlene) Klestzick, a resident of Far Rockaway, has been the English principal of Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva Elementary School in Brooklyn for the past forty years. She is now semi-retired and remains principal emeritus.
Growing up in today’s society, you and every other young adult have a challenge. We live in a culture that perpetuates the
gender. And certain chores must be done regardless of domestic help in the house. For example, children should make their own bed and those who are old enough, should do their own laundry. Vacuuming, sweeping, and setting the table are some of the chores that perhaps could be performed by siblings. This is something you can discuss with your mother if you haven’t already done so.
It would be interesting for you to note
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is a person who has found wisdom, a person who can derive under standing from it.” -Shlomo Hamelech’s ad vice in Mishlei.
I am not saying that you should not at tend to your own personal, social and in dividual needs. But what are your needs? What are you actually lacking?
A: OneDearof Teachers,DedicatedMillionA
I am a teacher, and I am really glad you are helping parents see the issues we deal with from the teacher’s side of the desk.
Mrs. Etti Siegel holds an MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience. She is an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenirer. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal for Jewish Day School leaders. She will be answering your education-based questions and writing articles weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at
Every day, we are faced with a class of students, and we try to do our very best to teach and reach them. I know I do! Yet parents forget that they might not know the whole story when their child comes home and voices a complaint. Many immediately “take their child’s side” and even worse than blindly agreeing with their child and putting down the teacher in front of the child, go on WhatsApp to badmouth the teacher to other parents.
Children can’t always see the whole picture. They need a parent to help them learn to model not to jump to conclusions and not to catastrophize what could be a small issue, often easily resolved.
Help your child see things from another perspective, to allow for the fact that some days are better than others, and hopefully the next day will be better.
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problem, it might be harder to fix. A seat change, extra attention, and other small changes might cause a big change for your child.
Be encouraging and positive. Help your child see things from another perspective, to allow for the fact that some days are better than others, and hopefully the next day will be better.
If something seems really wrong, of course, reach out to the teacher. Privately. Without your child in the room or within earshot. Stay neutral as you ask ques tions and share your concerns. Even if it is not the best situation, model mature conflict resolution by staying calm and dealing with the issues, without getting per sonal.Give your child every possible chance of having a positive year, by staying positive yourself.
Kesiva v’chasima tova!
Parents, when your child comes home from school, ask open-ended questions, keeping an open mind as you do. Ask, “How was school? What did you learn today? What is the most interesting thing you learned? Was there anything that surprised you today that you didn’t know and would have thought differently about before today?”Remember that you are seeing your child after a long, rigorous, and tiring day of learning, and his/her mood might simply be a reflection of that. And they might be hungry, or tired, or had an uncomfortable ride home.
Establish a way to communicate with your child’s teacher. If your child’s mood and negativity persist, reach out in a neutral way and ask if the teacher has noticed anything, and if they can look out to see what is going on. Don’t wait until PTA. By then, if there is a
By Etti Siegel
I put “take their child’s side” in quotes because there shouldn’t be sides! Parents and teachers should be on the same side! What happened to dan l’kaf zechus?

Thank you for your very important letter! When a child has a negative relation ship with his/her teacher, the fallout can be trouble some. It can affect a child’s academic performance but also can make being in school every day an uncomfortable place to be.
School of Thought
The best gift a parent can give to their child is for the child to hear compliments and praise about the teacher, and for all complaints to be saved for times the child is not around, to be dealt with directly with the teacher.
What happened to understanding that a child had a hard day and might have acted out of line? What hap pened to understanding that even if a teacher might have had a hard day, you are only getting a slice of the story, and the story is not exactly as reported?
Thank you.
Work on building a strong relationship with the teacher. Send a note complimenting the project, the d’var Torah, the way your child knew the material. Send in a small gift before Yom Tov. Before Rosh Hashana, my sister makes honey cakes for her teachers; my friend gives a small honey bear and a note. This lets the teach er know that you recognize and appreciate their hard work. It also sends a strong message to your child that you support the teacher and gives them a framework in which they can learn to appreciate the teacher as well.
-One of a Million Dedicated Teachers
Obviously, parents want what is best for their child. Sometimes, it might seem like sticking up for them in any disagreement is a good idea. But the teacher means well and wants the same thing parents do: to help chil dren succeed and have a productive year.

Dear Etti,
There is a growing issue that I would be grateful if you brought to the attention of your readers.
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I know time is in short supply, but we can make those moments count and keep our children connected to us all year long.
can still maintain a close connection with our children despite the limited quantity of time. Especially when time is limited in quantity, we need to make it even richer with quality.
We need to be mindful of our own needs. Adults, too, are unique, and we have our sensitivities and preferences. Your child may love playing card games for hours, wet kisses or wrestling but you may enjoy none of the above. Don’t force yourself to do something that will make you miserable and detract from your time together.Some kids may need more time before they begin to connect. Go at your child’s pace. Don’t push past their comfort zone or be turned off if your first attempts fail to hit their mark.
It’s important to make sure we do have a significant quantity of time with our chil dren. A nice hug in passing is wonderful, but we can’t connect to someone we never see. Children need to have their parents be a meaningful presence in their life.
It would be simple for me to say you should dedicate hours of one-on-one time with your child weekly. That would be wonderful, yet impractical, for most fami lies. Between work, carpooling and home work, I’m guessing that most families have limited time together. With such hectic schedules, it’s reassuring to know that we
Not all kids are comfortable with the traditional methods of physical contact. We see this especially with teenagers, but it can happen at any age. There are ways to connect with even the more touch-adverse youth. An arm over their shoulder can be less overwhelming than a full hug. Highfives and fist bumps may feel awkward to an adult but can meet the needs of a variety of kids.Grandparents will often tell you that kids grow up faster than you think. Chil dren have so many needs that it can be easy to lose track of their need for connection. Let’s use the time we have when they’re young to make each moment we can into a special one.
Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in gen eral and special education. She has been home schooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at RayvychHomeschool@
Parenting Pearls ConnectedKeeping as the World Spins
our child hates. We want to choose what works for each child to best meet their in dividual needs.
abor Day has come and gone. Sum mer break is over, and all of our com munity’s students should be back in school, daycare or wherever they plan on spending the next ten months. Most fam ilies will find their schedules have gotten a little busier, and we’re all a bit more dis tracted.Asour days get more hectic, we can eas ily get overwhelmed and neglect to connect to our children each day. Even when we do speak to our progeny, it may be not much more than “are you ready for school?” and “do you have any more homework?”.
Obviously, we need to make time for our children; you can’t have something from nothing. The amount of time we spend together is the quantity of time. What we make of that moment is the quality of our time. We need both, but understanding the role of each can be helpful in making the time to connect with our child.
Conversation: The obvious way to con nect with someone is to talk to them. Con versations can be serious, but they can also be silly or fun. We can discuss their day at school, favorite joke or ideal chol hamoed trip; all are valid ways to verbally connect with our Open-endedyoungsters.questions will usually get a more helpful response than a “yes or no” question. The famous “how was school?” may not get more than a grunt, but “what was your favorite part of the day?” may start a Conversionsconversation.don’t need to be long to connect. “Hey, I missed you” when said with a smile can let your child know you were thinking of them. Just passing each other in the hallway or meeting in the kitchen is a potential opportunity that can be utilized to show we care.
By Sara Rayvych, MSEd
Parents are very busy, and too often we can’t easily stop what we’re doing to recog nize our child’s presence. When that door is being opened, we have the perfect oppor tunity to say “welcome home” or “have a wonderful time.” A gentle hug or high-five is a bonus.
Activities: Shared activities are an easy way to connect for many people. Not ev eryone is comfortable staring at someone and talking. Sharing an activity togeth
Meet and Greet
Children are unique, and we want to connect to them in a way that will be ef fective. One child may love being hugged, while another will reject anything “too mushy.” Some kids enjoy playing board games with an adult, while others get too competitive to enjoy the time together. It’s counterproductive to interact in a way that
Quantity vs. Quality
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Creating Quality
er is a natural and fun way to connect to your child. It can be anything, including a board game, sports, coloring or cooking. If you both enjoy doing it, then you’ve found a winner.Evenchildren who avoid long talks will often open up over a shared activity. Pedi atric therapists will often play games, color, or do other tasks during sessions to help their young clients converse more freely.
Physical connection: Children – partic ularly the youngest ones – connect through physical contact. Babies are held often, and toddlers need lots of hugs when being re assured. Kids need to be held, hugged, and kept close. As they grow older, the need changes but doesn’t go away.
We want to make our time count. Choosing to connect when our children are relaxed is usually more productive than do ing so when they’re stressed. For example, a story at bedtime, as your child is feeling warm under their covers, is a wonderful time to bond. A child who is overwhelmed, angry or distracted will be less receptive to their parents’ gestures of love.
Any time of day is an opportunity to connect but some moments are extra mean ingful. We can make an increased effort to acknowledge our children as they enter or exit our home. It’s these times – when our children are first arriving or beginning to leave – that we want to make sure we have greeted them in a meaningful way.

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2 medium onions, sliced into ½ moon rings
Chicken Spices
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8 pieces chicken leg quarters
1 ½ cups dried dates pitted and quartered
1/3 cup honey
Smoked paprika
2 cups white wine
Garlic powder
Sautee the carrots and onions for several minutes on low until carrots are soft. Add in the dates, wine and honey. Mix well and cover and let simmer on low for 10 minutes. This process will plump up the dates and release their flavor.
By Naomi Nachman
Add 1 teaspoon kosher salt followed by the carrots.
After 40 minutes, baste the chicken and finish cooking for another 30 minutes uncovered.
In The K tchen
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

1 teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons canola oil
3 10 oz. bags shredded carrots
2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
Olive oil
Place 4 pieces of chicken per pan and season with spices.Rub with small amount of oil and drizzle with honey, smearing all over each piece of chicken. Cover each pan with foil and bake for 40 minutes.
Carrot mixture
For the first evening meal of Rosh Hashana, I am serving a variety of dishes – each featuring one of the simanim (i.e., symbolic foods that one eats on Rosh Hashana which we hope will bring about a prosperous and healthy new year). This chicken recipe is a combo of the traditional tzimmus, which includes chicken, carrots, honey and dates (all of which are simanim), making it a perfect simanim dish to serve on Rosh Hashana.

Kosher salt
Simanim Chicken
Preheat oven to 400°F. Prepare two 9x13 pans and set Inasideasauté pan on medium heat, add oil until it gets hot, then add onions and cook until they are translucent.
After 10 minutes, divide the carrot mixture into the 2 prepared pans.
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Perhaps you could talk about the biggest deal you’ve ever been in volved in?
the interesting thing about M&A in my role is that you work with a client, you get to know their busi
Then, we take the financial infor mation, we take the qualitative infor mation, and we have proprietary data bases at our disposal for that specific industry. We can target potential buyers that would have an interest in acquiring this business. We approach them on a no-names basis first, tell them about the company, and if they think, “Hey, this is something that I’m interested in,” they would sign a nondisclosure agree ment. We’d share the information, have management meetings with them, and then ultimately, what would come out of the process is, potential buyers would shower our buyers with Letters of Intent (LOIs). Then, my client would have to choose among a couple of Letters of In tent, and say, “Hey, we’re gonna go with them,” and sign an exclusive Letter of Intent.The potential buyer does due dil
So, obviously, when I was working for AIG, those transactions were as tronomical. We made an acquisition north of $18 billion in the insurance and wealth management space. But, focusing more on Rockshore, since I’ve been on my own, the largest deal we did was north of $200 million. It was actually something in the healthcare space, that’s quite hot now. But we’ve done deals as small as $2-3 million, lot of deals in the $40 million space.
Memorandum). A CIM is a PowerPoint presentation that gives the history of the company. It shows both qualitative and quantitative, what the company is, talks about the owners, talks about their product, etc.
ness, you find a buyer for them, you get a deal done, and then it’s off to the next transaction. And it’s just different industries, different transactions, dif ferent people…I find that to be very self-fulfilling.
igence at the same time they are ne gotiating a purchase agreement, and hopefully 60 days out, the transaction is consummated, and everybody’s happy.
SB: Well, in the simplest way, some one owns a company, let’s say Coca Cola. If Coca Cola’s owners decided one day, “Hey, we want to sell,” then they would engage investment bankers, like myself, to sort of get them ready for a sale. What does that mean? They would put together a dynamic financial mod el that shows the historical financial performance, current financial perfor mance, and projected financial perfor mance, as well as put together what’s called a CIM (Confidential Information
To go to work every day, you really have to like what you do. From early in life, I always enjoyed finance. I knew when I started in college, and even when I came out of college, I wanted to do something in finance. What that was, I didn’t really know. But I figured, G-d put me on the path. And starting in public accounting and being exposed to those things, then going to work for Japanese investment company and be ing exposed to some of the investment world, was a really good foundation for then joining AIG and doing Mergers and Acquisitions.Youknow,
his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show – broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.
Sheldon Brickman on Mergers and Acquisitions

n a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with guest Sheldon Brickman (SB), president of Rockshore Advisors, on the topic of Mergers and Acquisitions.***
YS: For those out there that are not familiar with M&A, what’s the simple definition of Mergers and Acquisi tions?
Can you walk us through the process of an actual deal and even potential ly, some of the surprises that hap
One thing that I’ve definitely picked up is that you love M&A. How im portant is it for someone to be pas sionate about what they do?
Mind Y ur Business
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Now, let’s swing back to the other direction. What is the smallest deal that makes sense for someone who built a company to entertain selling or being acquired by another com pany?
Whether it be locations, whether it be warehouses, etc. We identify these ex penses and go out to the strategic buyer and say, “This company has $10 million of sales, and is making $1 million right now. But if you own this thing, you have excess capacity. You have these different things, so ultimately you can make this go from $1 million of profit to $4 million
How does a seller know when it’s the right time to sell?
What you’re touching upon is what we call “expense synergies” to strategic buyers more so than financial buyers. So, for strategic buyers that have oth er locations, we try to identify poten tial expense savings that a strategic buyer would look at and say, “Hey, we don’t need those expenses anymore.”
It’s a very broad question. What I’ve found is, owners have a tremendous
Second, and just as important, is very often they have employees that have been working for them for 20-30 years, and they want to make sure that the new buyer is going to be a place where they’ll be comfortable. So, there’s a lot of emotion that goes into deciding, “Okay, it’s time.” What I would say, is that the very first thing is, mentally, an owner of a business needs to make a de cision that it’s time, because you can’t be half pregnant and going into a sale. It’s a time-consuming process. We make it as easy as we can, but nonetheless, it’s very much an intense process.
“To go to work every day, you really have to like what you do.”
emotional attachment to a business. So, it’s not just about getting top dol lar in selling their business. They want to make sure that, first, their baby, the company that they’ve built over all these years, is in the right hands.
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of profit with the snap of a finger.” So, we do that on their behalf.
firm to acquire an American firm or vice versa?
Sheldon, you’ve worked in M&A around the world. Perhaps you could talk about some differences in approach. What interests a Japanese
When we’re engaged by a seller to represent them, the first thing that we’re going to do is work with them in a very confidential way. Confidentiali ty is very important to sellers, because A) they don’t want their customers to know what’s going on; and B) they don’t want their competition to know what’s going on. If the competition finds out, they go to the customers and say, “Hey, you don’t want to be a customer for this guy.”Once potential buyers get involved, they sign a very tight nondisclosure agreement. And people can say, “But do people really honor them?” Yeah, peo ple really do. History has shown that if someone signs a nondisclosure, they know they’re liable if they leak it.
Very often also, we will be engaged by companies to help them, because they know that we’ve looked at the com pany from an M&A standpoint. They’ll want to engage and say, “Can you help us specifically identify additional syn ergies?” So that happens as well, where we’re representing the sellers, but the buyers will engage us because they like the work that we’ve done, and they know that we have insight that we can provide them.
pen during a Merger and Acquisition deal?
Let’s take it first from dealing with equity in acquisition outside the Unit ed States. There’s this specific challenge, because the beauty of our financial companies in the U.S. is that they’re governed by accounting rules. When a company is audited, a buyer has a cer tain comfort that the numbers are what the company is saying they are. When you go outside the United States and start dealing with companies in some of the Eastern European countries, when a company that’s for sale presents you with their financial statements, you really have to do your due diligence to understand and get a good feel. Are they really showing us reality? And it’s not necessarily because someone’s being dishonest. It’s just that they don’t nec essarily know how to account for certain things and things aren’t done right. So, it’s really desirable to do deals in the U.S. because if the company has a rep utable accounting firm, what you see is usually what you get.
The first thing, from a financial in formation standpoint, is we either get with their CFO or their outside accoun tant to get a significant amount of fi nancial related information; historicals, revenues, expenses. We focus on getting a really good understanding of the busi ness from a financial statement stand point. What is driving revenue growth? What is driving profit margins? How do they compare to their competitors? We’re getting a handle over the financial information to be able to tell the story quantitatively, to show the company’s strengths from a financial standpoint. Every company has a unique story in terms of “how we got to where we are,” in terms of its unique products or ser vices. So, we’re crafting the confiden tial information memorandum to be able to really tell the owner’s story the right way. And also, to be able to show that the financial performance of the of the company is something that’s desir able. We prepare the information, they review it, give us comments, and once things are done, we’re ready to go out to market.Then,we’re also preparing a list of potential buyers who would be a good fit. There are two types of buyers: fi nancial buyers and strategic buyers. Fi nancial buyers are private equity firms that want to make an acquisition. They have a lot of money to put to work, and they want to buy companies. What we have found is your strategic buyers can pay even more because they can unlock synergies. It can be in introducing the seller’s products through their sales rep resentatives. There are so many ways a true strategic acquirer can unlock value. So, we focus both on financial and stra
brokerages are an extremely hot market. If there was an insurance broker, even with a million and a half of revenue, you would have 10 potential buyers within a week of going out to market. But, gener ally speaking, things need to be bigger.
You’ve said that a company looking to acquire another company should look for ways that the new acquisi tion could help them in a greater ca pacity out in the marketplace. Is that something that Rockshore works on when you pair companies, to make sure that there isn’t duplicity?
Approaching retirement is a popular reason for selling in this day and age. There are a lot of buyers out there con stantly calling companies and saying, “We want to buy you.” And that gets them thinking, “Hey, maybe I should consider selling.” So, it’s ultimate ly going to be a combination of being mentally prepared that “I want to do a transaction,” but also that the company is ready. Obviously, if a company is on downtrend and they’re not very profit able, it’s not going to be a good time to sell.If someone has a company with healthy growth, healthy margins, and they’re ready to retire, they should defi nitely consider a transaction.
Something that’s at least $5 million in revenue is something that would get the buyer interested. A buyer wants to acquire something that’s going to make a meaningful impact to their business. Obviously, there are definite industries that even make acquisitions with com panies with $1 million in revenue; for example, we’ve done a lot of transac tions with insurance brokers. Insurance
tegic buyers, but we really prefer to find the right strategic buyers.
Notable Quotes
The Queen dies at 96 — that’s a pretty good run. I feel like if you die anywhere on the FM radio dial, it’s — you know? My goal is to make it to Hot 97 — or maybe even Power 106, who knows? Jimmy Kimmel
This is someone supposedly working to make the world better? I don’t think so. Wow.
- Uju Anya, associate professor of second language acquisition at Carnegie Mellon University
The Queen of England is one of the greatest criminals in the history of mankind… She should be included in the same list with Hitler.
When we went to France to see my dad, my cousins would tell me how kids would pull their kippot off, call them names and steal their bikes because they were Jewish. I would go around Paris and hunt the bullies down, and strike back.
I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.
– Iranian Professor at Tehran University on Iranian TV
Every Jew in the world should learn the art of self-defense. Be proud of who you are. It’s a dangerous world out there. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do.
If you really think about what the monarchy, um, was built on, it was built on the backs of black and brown people… She wore a crown with pillaged stones from India and Africa.

- Jeff Bezos responding to Uju Anya’s tweet
- Ibid.
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-Natan Levy, the only Israeli competing in the Ultimate Fighting Championship martial arts competition, in an interview with the UK Jewish Chronicle
According to a new poll, Bernie Sanders had the highest favorability rating among 23 potential 2024 presidential contenders, which is kind of like winning first place at an ugly baby contest… So why is Bernie still popular? … I have a theory. I call it the old man theory… Remember when you were growing up, everyone’s grandparents were magical. But they can’t be all that great, some had to be jerks, right? At least 10% of those adorable silver haired sweethearts were probably creeps 30 years ago. But age makes people seem more benign. It’s why whenever you see an old inmate on death row, you think, “Oh, he can’t be that bad. He’s got close cropped white hair and librarian glasses, perfect for the parole board. Because how could this 78-year-old possibly hurt anyone? He could barely lift a chainsaw now.”
- Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
- “The View” co-host Sunny Hostin talking about deceased Queen Elizabeth II
“Say What?!”
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I do agree with them… There is a domestic threat to our democracy. It is a very serious one. But it is not in the hands of a few powerless Americans who are [upset] and frustrated that our government is failing us. It is the threat coming from some of the most powerful people in our government, some of the people that I have talked about in the Biden administration, the national security state apparatus that’s being weaponized against our fellow Americans again because they voted against the president or because they disagree with his policies.
- Ibid.
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Just look at the current condition of New York City and New York State: There’s mayhem in our streets, in our courts, in our jails. We’re headed in the wrong direction. The handwriting is on the wall. Lee Zeldin is the best option for voters.
- Ibid.
This just shows how far they are willing to go. Pushing our country to the brink of civil war. Demonizing, targeting our fellow Americans as worse than al-Qaeda terrorists. All to hold on to their power. That’s all they care about.

- DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
The threat landscape has evolved considerably over the last twenty years… We were very focused on the foreign terrorist… Now we are seeing an emerging threat, of course over the last several years, of the domestic violent extremists. The individual here in the United States is radicalized by a foreign ideology but also by an ideology of hate. Anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms.
- Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, on Fox News
I, like some of my fellow service members, I enlisted because of those jihadist attacks on 9/11, to support and defend our Constitution to protect our fellow Americans and to go after and kill those who attacked us on that day. And it is despicable and outrageous to hear these people, to hear these people say the things that they are saying, comparing our fellow Americans to terrorists. Actually worse. They literally said they are worse than al-Qaeda terrorists.
- Democrat Queens Councilman Robert Holden endorsing Lee Zeldin for governor
All our action has been aimed at helping people living in the Donbas. It’s our duty and we will fulfill it until the end. In the longer run, it will help strengthen our country both domestically and internationally.
- Vice President Kamala Harris on “Meet the Press,” even though 2 million people entered the U.S. from the southern border so far this year
It wasn’t us who started the military action; we are trying to put an end to it.
– Ibid.
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We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration.

– Russian President Vladimir Putin at an annual conference in Russia, blaming Ukraine for the war
During the last 70 years tens of thousands of students have graduated from our #Satmar School System not a single student ever murdered a human being (unlike the “substantially equivalent” Public School system). We are proud of our success and will continue without State control!
- Tweet by Satmar responding to the “substantial equivalency” push in New York targeting yeshivas
The Biden administration has con sistently stressed three points about this war. It is committed to support Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defend itself; it doesn’t want a war with Russia; and it believes that, eventually, this conflict must be settled by diplomacy. All three goals should come into sharper focus af ter Ukraine’s successful offensive.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel ensky is the sublime if unlikely hero. He is the ex-television star whose stage presence and guts merged as he stood his ground against Moscow. He listened to his generals as they teased and en trapped the invaders; he rallied his fel low citizens to extraordinary bravery; he cajoled and shamed the West into solid militaryZelensky’ planned its offensive brilliantly. The initial assault toward Kherson in the south wasn’t a feint. It was a major strategic thrust that might yet push Russian troops back from the western bank of the Dnieper River. But deftly, the Ukrainians also moved in the Kharkiv region in the northeast while the Russians were asleep there. They didn’t rush the advance; they softened up Russian lines and then, last week, burst through in a devastating assault that put Russia in pell-mell retreat and regained more than 1,100 square miles of territory.
Or Putin could respond angrily, by escalating his attacks against Ukraine and even its Western allies. Putin has drawn a series of red lines that have been breached. He warned against supplying Kyiv with deadly weapons, and the Biden administration did it anyway. He implic itly warned against providing precision weapons such as HIMARS missiles that could strike Russian command nodes, but President Joe Biden did it anyway.
So what does the perennial winner do when he is losing?
lose. What was Putin doing as his troops fled the Kharkiv battle in panic this past weekend? He was opening a new Ferris wheel at a celebration of the anniversary of Moscow.
Zelensky has refused to negotiate from weakness. Now, after seven punish ing months, he’s in a position of strength. Talking to his exuberant country, he speaks of liberating all of Ukraine’s ter ritory. But he must know that is unreal istic for now. And the moment might be approaching when Zelensky, from his newly dominant position, opens a door to diplomacy. Even if the Russians scorned his gesture, it would reinforce the image that Zelensky has the upper hand.
But what now? That’s one reason Zelensky would be wise to avoid strate gic overreach. As reckless and destruc tive as Putin has been, there is worse he could deliver. That might be one reason Ukraine’s chief of staff, Gen. Valery Zalu zhny, warned last week that Russia might escalate the conflict to a “limited” nuclear war. He was front-running, and perhaps disrupting, the Russian leader’s options. Zaluzhny also spoke of the decisive battles ahead in 2023. His message seemed to be that Ukraine is preparing for a long war.
By David Ignatius

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But not yet for Putin, and probably not ever. That’s the beauty of the system he has created. There is no one to succeed him, almost literally. If he keeled over to morrow, Russia’s interim leader would be Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, a for mer head of the Russian Taxation Service. Have you ever heard of him? Of course not. That’s the point.
Let’s try now to put ourselves in the mind of Russian President Vladimir Pu tin. He is the loser in this latest round, but he is also the man who cannot be seen to
Political Crossfire
How Ukraine’s Offensive Changes the Equation for Putin and Zelensky

Putin’s problem now is that all those television watchers in Moscow and St. Pe tersburg can see that the Russian lead er’s non-war is a total mess. His strongest backers on the Telegram channel, and even some commentators on state televi sion, are saying that Russian forces have suffered a severe defeat. The finger-point ing has begun in earnest, and the daggers are out for Gen. Valery Gerasimov, Rus sia’s chief of staff, and Sergei Shoigu, the defense minister.
With its courage in battle, Ukraine is rewriting the history of the 21st century. In stopping a dictator’s brazen invasion, it has become a symbol of the values that the West cherishes. We can only salute Ukraine’s heroism and hope for more victories and, when the time is right, an honorable end to this dreadful war.
s Ukraine celebrates its biggest breakthrough in its war against Russian invaders, let’s try to imagine how this conflict must look in the minds of the two leaders – one who has just won a stunning victory, the other who has suffered a startling defeat.
Putin expected a walkover in Kyiv in the war’s first week and had to retreat. He assumed that his fearsome tanks and artillery would crush Ukraine in the Don bas region, and he got a standstill. And now, the Ukrainians have taught Russia a lesson in maneuver warfare in Kherson and Kharkiv. How does Putin respond? That’s the question that will keep people up late this week at the CIA and the Na tional Security Council.
Putin could define victory downward. He could say that his special military operation was never about Kherson and Kharkiv. It was about protecting Donetsk and Luhansk, the two Russian-speaking
Putin has always wanted to make Ukraine a living-room war, something Russians could watch on television while Chechens and Dagestanis did the fighting. It wasn’t even a real war, it was a “special military operation” against a country that Putin claimed didn’t really exist. Most Russians seemed to cheer the war because they shared Putin’s grievance that it was all the fault of NATO and the Americans.
cities in the east that Putin captured in 2014. Certainly, he could say that it’s about Crimea, a sentimental prize for which Pu tin might actually risk all-out war.
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That supposed division of labor –drawing a neat distinction between “investigative” purposes and a “nation al security” assessment – might make
The Trump Search Case Judge Doesn’t Get the National Security Stakes
sense to Cannon. But some experienced national security lawyers are puzzled, to put it “Itmildly.isimpossible to square these two rulings,” says Jamie Gorelick, a former deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. Jeff Smith, a former CIA gen eral counsel, explains: “It’s not clear from Cannon’s opinion that she understands what’s entailed in a damage assessment. I think she must believe that all they have to do is look at the documents and decide what harm would result if they were leaked or given to someone without authority.”
Robert Litt, a former ODNI general counsel, observes: “Typically, when you do a damage assessment . . . you know who has access to the information: Ed ward Snowden released information to the world; Aldrich Ames to the Rus sians. I don’t remember ever seeing one during my time where we knew that in
Huh? That sounds like saying you can pound a nail, but you can’t use a hammer. Yet Cannon, a Trump appointee, insists that “a temporary injunction on the Gov ernment’s use of the seized materials for investigative purposes – but not [the Office of the Director of National Intelli gence’s] national security assessment – is appropriate and equitable to uphold the value of the special master review.”
By Marc A. Thiessen
ments that Trump retained even after his representatives said they had delivered everything.Iagreewith

If Cannon wants to review the Justice Department’s judgments about what’s personal and privileged in Trump’s mess of presidential materials, okay. But, in the name of George Smiley and all the lamp lighters, headhunters and pavement art ists of the spy world, don’t suspend the FBI counterintelligence investigation of the documents recovered on Aug. 8 while the lawyers continue their paper blizzard of motions and briefs.
formation had been mishandled but we don’t have any idea whether anyone had access or who.”
As former CIA director Richard Helms liked to say: “Let’s get on with it.”
Cannon doesn’t seem to fully recog nize the national security stakes here. We’ve all seen the cryptic notations on these documents about special compart ments and code word protections for hu man and signals intelligence. These very high classifications are imposed when the lives of CIA agents are potentially at risk; or the NSA’s most sensitive techniques of intercepting and decrypting foreign communications might be compromised. These are the kinds of secrets for which spies risk their lives, and for which trai tors are executed.
kay, Judge Aileen Cannon, you’ve got me stumped: How can the U.S. government conduct a na tional-security damage assessment about possibly leaked classified documents if FBI criminal investigators can’t look at the documents or interview witnesses to figure out who might have had access to the Thematerial?Justice Department should ask Cannon, a federal district court judge in Florida, to clarify her order issued last Monday in the Mar-a-Lago search case – and pronto. Because, as written, it is pulling in two directions at once, on a matter of potentially grave danger to na tionalThesecurity.contradictions are screamingly obvious in the final pages of her order: “The Government is TEMPORARILY EN JOINED from further review and use of any of the materials seized from [former President Donald Trump’s] residence . . . pending resolution of the special mas ter’s review process determined by this Court.” However, the judge added, “The Government may continue to review and use the materials seized for purposes of intelligence classification and nation al-security assessments.”
Cannon that there is some benefit in appointing a special master to double-check the Justice Department’s assessment of whether some Trump doc uments are privileged. But she is wrong in arguing for this review because, as she put it, the stigma of document seizure for a former president is “in a league of its own.” Nonsense. All reputations are cre ated equal. The benefit of a special master is for the rule of law, assuring a divided nation that the process is fair.
This isn’t as bad as it could have been. Fortunately, Cannon’s order only covers the documents that were seized by the FBI on Aug. 8, which includ ed 15 sets of classified documents. It doesn’t involve the 15 boxes of records that Trump delivered in January, which included 184 classified documents, 25 marked top secret. And it doesn’t reach the documents turned over to the FBI on June 3 in response to a subpoena, which included 38 classified documents, 17 marked top secret.
So the criminal counterintelligence investigation into how and why Trump retained those documents – and whether they might have been obtained by a third party – can continue, as I read the order. The stop-work order applies only to the more than 100 additional classified docu
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Political Crossfire
For all his ups and downs, Biden has been consistent in framing that goal. When he entered the 2020 presidential race in April 2019, he said bluntly: “We are in the battle for the soul of this na tion.” If Trump won another term, he warned, “He will forever and fundamen tally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”
Biden at first hoped that Trump would accept defeat and go away. He avoided mentioning him by name for most of his first 18 months, referring to him as “the former president.” He must have hoped that Trump, starved of pub licity to feed his ego, would shrivel to normal ex-presidential size. But Trump
By David Ignatius

Biden’s sharp warnings about the threat to democracy might seem out of
After a ragged 12 months, Biden seemed to rediscover the art of politics this summer, breaking the political im passe (within his own party as well as with Republicans) to pass significant legislation on climate change, technolo gy investment and gun control. He con vinced progressive House Democrats that half a loaf was better than none. It helped that he looked like a commander in chief in supporting Ukraine and the killing of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Za wahri. And his wise decision to make Merrick Garland his attorney general has been validated by Garland’s slow and steady – but unyielding – pursuit of possible criminal actions by Trump and his supporters.
Biden’s Legacy is Already Coming Into Focus
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
character for a career politician whose genial, back-slapping style was refined by decades in the Senate. But as Sen. Christopher Coons, the president’s close friend and fellow Delaware Dem ocrat, told me, Biden got his start try ing to dampen the politics of rage. His first elected office was as a member of the city council in a Wilmington, Del., torn by racial violence and occupied by the National Guard. “He has seen this moment,” explains Coons.
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vember 2020 was a hinge moment in U.S. history. Trump, as we now realize with shocking clarity, was willing to do anything to cling to office. But he failed, thanks partly to principled Republi cans who refused to join a coup – and thanks even more to Biden, who ran a disciplined campaign as a centrist who would restore normal order.
hether Joe Biden decides to run for reelection in 2024 or not, the central achievement of his presidency is already clear. He is the person who moved decisively to stop Donald Trump – first at the ballot box and now through his administration’s steady, unblinking application of the rule of law.
Some presidents struggle in office to frame their legacy. But for Biden, it’s easy. His core mission from the begin ning was to prevent Trump from de stroying American democracy.
Biden has found a better groove, politically, in recent weeks. His approv al ratings are up, and Democrats are hoping they can retain control of the Senate in the midterms, though an allbut-assured Republican takeover of the House will shift the balance of power in Washington.
Biden was right, and he set his course to stop Trump. He recognized that only a centrist Democrat could win enough in dependent votes to displace the incum bent, and he held fast to that position despite withering fire from the left. The political class often echoed Trump’s line that Biden was too old and inarticulate to be president. Biden’s wry retort, way back in December 2018: “I am a gaffe machine, but, my G-d, what a wonder ful thing compared to a guy who can’t tell the Biden’struth.”victory at the polls in No
Biden might have difficulty governing after the midterm elections, and 2024 re mains a mystery. But as Trump’s political death spiral accelerates, Biden’s presi dential legacy is nearly complete.

Biden’s inaugural speech on Jan. 20, 2021, focused on this basic mission. “Democracy has prevailed,” he said. He used the word “unity” eight times in the speech. And he seemed to understand his place in the American story, replac ing Trump’s “carnage” with something decent. “We answered the call of histo ry,” he said toward the end of the speech. “We met the moment.”
couldn’t adjust to reality. His stationary bore the presidential seal, he treated su per-secret government documents as his personal property, and he insisted that he had never lost the election at all.
If Biden and his team can succeed in that mission over the next two years, I would bet that he will do what any chief executive around his age does, which is to think carefully about finding a suc cessor who can carry on his policies and preserve his accomplishments.
Ignoring Trump wasn’t going to work. It only made him clamber for attention more loudly and recklessly. And Trump’s supporters amplified the danger. So during a Sept. 1 speech in Philadelphia, Biden changed tone. He stated bluntly the idea that brought him into the presidential campaign back in 2019: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of ourBiden’srepublic.”language was tougher, but the message was the same one he delivered in his inauguration speech. If Trump’s extremism could be stopped, he said, “then ages still to come will say . . . we kept the faith. We preserved democracy. . . . We heeded not our worst instincts but our better angels.”
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en. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., suffered a massive stroke in 2012. He had to relearn how to walk, write and speak. It took him nearly a year before he was able to return to the Senate. He suffered permanent paralysis on his left side and used a cane and wheelchair. The stroke left him with halting speech – and in 2016, USA Today reported that he “blurted out a series of gaffes last year that he later walked back, leading some to question if his stroke was to blame.”
Health is not the only thing Fetterman would have to explain on the debate stage. He was asked in an interview last year, “If you had a magic wand and you could wave it and fix one thing, what would it be?” He answered: “Life without parole in Pennsylvania.”IfyouaskPennsylvania voters what they would fix if they could wave a mag ic wand, I suspect inflation, gas prices, crime, and deaths from deadly fentanyl coming across our unsecured southern border rank higher on their lists than releasing convicted murderers. Fetter man has advocated releasing one-third of Pennsylvania’s prison population. He
with voters about his medical condition.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Fetterman is undoubtedly reluctant to appear in more than one debate because he is leading in all the polls – in some by double digits. That lead could evaporate if many Pennsylvania voters were to decide he is not healthy enough to serve in the Senate. Oz needs to be careful and treat Fetterman with dignity if he stumbles. Because voters are compassionate – and for many the only thing worse than a potentially impaired Senate candidate would be someone who makes fun of an impaired Senate candidate.
In one recent appearance, Fetterman at times spoke haltingly and dropped words mid-sentence: “What is wrong with demanding . . . for . . . an easy, safe . . . kind of . . . their income . . . a path to a safe place for them to win . . . excuse me, to work,” he said. It was painful to watch and raised legitimate concerns about whether his campaign has been upfront
But that’s no excuse for Fetterman to duck debates before voters begin cast ing mail-in ballots on Sept. 19. Oz has agreed to five debates. Two – one hosted by Pittsburgh’s KDKA-TV, and another by WFMZ-TV and the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce – already had to be canceled because Fetterman said he would not attend. After weeks of rebuffing Oz’s debate challenge, this week Fetterman finally agreed to one – but not, he said, until “sometime in the middle to end of October.”
Debating is part of a senator’s job. It is true many senators have suffered cognitive decline in office and still been reelected. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., was reelected long past his prime at the age of 93 (but promised not to run again at 99). His Democratic colleague, Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (S.C.), famously said, “The best nursing home is the U.S. Sen ate.” But Thurmond was already a legend ary figure in South Carolina politics, and voters were fully aware of his mental and physical state before reelecting him.
But Fetterman’s campaign insists he is healthy and up to the job he is seeking. Pennsylvania voters deserve the chance to judge for themselves before they start casting ballots in less than two weeks. If Kirk could hold more than one debate, so can Fetterman.
This history is worth recalling as Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, D, runs for the U.S. Senate after suffer ing a stroke right before the Democratic primary in May. Fetterman’s stroke does not seem to have been as serious as Kirk’s, though his campaign has not released his medical records and waited two days be fore informing the public he was in the hospital. He disappeared for months, and since his return he has occasionally struggled on the campaign trail.
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Yet during his 2016 reelection cam paign, Kirk participated in two debates with his Democratic opponent, then-Rep. Tammy Duckworth. In the first, the Chi cago Tribune reported, Kirk “delivered short answers . . . and sometimes offered non sequiturs in response to questions.” In the second, he mocked Duckworth’s ethnicity and family history of military service.Kirk lost his reelection. But he ap peared on the debate stage nonetheless.
His Republican opponent, Mehmet Oz, has not handled the situation well.
After Fetterman ridiculed Oz for referring to a vegetable platter as “crudité,” Oz’s campaign responded by declaring that “if John Fetterman had ever eaten a veg etable in his life, then maybe he wouldn’t have had a major stroke.” It was unseem ly for Oz – a cardiothoracic surgeon – to mock the health of a stroke victim.

gins. At a time when Democrats are championing early voting – and label ing those who oppose it as advocates of “Jim Crow 2.0” – that’s not good enough. Fetterman and Oz should debate before the start of the election – Sept. 19 – so that voters can have a chance to judge the candidates for themselves before they are allowed to cast a ballot.
That is long after mail-in voting be
Political Crossfire

Fetterman and Oz Should Debate Before the Voting Starts
needs to explain and defend this, as well as other controversial left-wing positions he has taken.
By Marc A. Thiessen
It is perfectly legitimate to make reasonable debate accommodations for Fetterman, should he need them. His campaign says he would struggle with “auditory processing” in a noisy debate hall. Kirk, for example, was allowed to debate sitting down.
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The JTA’s mention of “the bridge at Cop” is significant because some contem porary pundits have argued that the Ger mans were capable of quickly repairing damaged railways. But bridges that were bombed could take days, even weeks, to repair – which is why the Allies frequently bombed bridges throughout Europe.
In memoranda and policy meetings in early February 1944, senior officials of the War Department (today the Defense Department) decided that as a matter of principle, the U.S. would not use military resources “for rescuing victims of enemy oppression.” The officials claimed, “The most effective relief which can be given victims of enemy persecution is to insure the speedy defeat of the Axis.”
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the Bombing of Auschwitz

Jewish History
by Rafael Medoff
Some other Jewish publications picked up the cry. Editorials or columns calling for bombing Auschwitz or the railways and bridges appeared in the National Jewish Ledger (in Washington, D.C.), the nation al Jewish magazine Opinion , the New York City Yiddish-language daily Morgen Zhurnal, the Independent Jewish Press Service, and Jewish Frontier, the monthly published by the Labor Zionists of America. Unbeknownst to the American Jewish community, however, the Roosevelt ad ministration had already made the fateful decision that would shape U.S. policy on bombing Auschwitz.
hile most of the American news media looked away, the Jew ish Telegraphic Agency – the leading Jewish news service – repeatedly publicized appeals to the Allies to bomb Auschwitz and the railways leading to it in 1944.The Roosevelt administration’s refusal to strike Auschwitz was among the issues raised in Wolf Blitzer’s recent CNN special about the Holocaust and will be discussed in Ken Burns’s upcoming documentary film on America’s response to the Holocaust.
Nahum Goldmann, head of the World Jewish Congress, and Rabbi Jacob Rosen heim, president of the Orthodox advocacy group Agudath Israel, were particularly active in pressing the Roosevelt adminis tration on the bombing proposals.
Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish his tory and the Holocaust. His latest is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History, published by the Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press.
On July 20, 1944, the JTA raised the bombing issue again. This time, it report ed that “liberal circles [in London] are de manding that Britain and the United States act to save the Jews of Hungary by, first, bombing the extermination camps of Os wiecim and Birkenau in Poland…”
Despite the efforts of the JTA and others to publicize the issue, despite the behind-the-scenes pleas by Jewish lead ers, and despite the fervent prayers of Elie Wiesel, David Blitzer, and other pris oners, the die had been cast long before. The Roosevelt administration had decided it would not bomb Auschwitz or the rail ways, and it never wavered from that trag ic decision.
Four days later, the JTA again high lighted the issue of the railways leading to Auschwitz. It reported that in a radio broadcast to Europe, a leader of the Inter national Federation of Transport Workers had urged railway workers in Hungary, Po land, and Czechoslovakia “to prevent the deportation of Hungarian Jews to [Nazi] death camps [in Poland] by sabotaging rail equipment being used to transport the WolfJews.”Blitzer’s late father David, who was a prisoner in Auschwitz, remarked on the railways issue in excerpts from his 1983 oral history interview, which were aired in CNN’s August 26 program. “Ev ery day, thousands of people were burned and gassed in the camps, only because [the Germans] had the possibility to bring those trainloads of people,” the elder Blitzer re called. “If those rails had been bombarded, they couldn’t have done it so perfectly.”
On July 10, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) published a dispatch from London, reporting that recent escapees from Auschwitz were urging: “The cre matoria in Oswiecim [Auschwitz] and Birkenau, easily recognisable [sic] by their chimneys and watch-towers, as well as the main railway lines connection Slovakia and Carpatho-Ruthenia with Poland, especially the bridge at Cop, should be bombed.”
Four months later, when Jewish lead ers first began urging the administration to bomb the railways to Auschwitz, Assis tant Secretary of War John J. McCloy used language directly from the February deci sion. “The most effective relief to victims of enemy persecution is the early defat of the Axis,” McCloy wrote. Bombing the rail ways to Auschwitz was “impracticable,” he claimed, because it would require “diver sion of considerable air support essential to the success of our forces now engaged in decisive operations.”
The truth, however, was that no “diver sion” would have been necessary, because American bombers were already preparing to strike German oil factories located in the Auschwitz industrial zone. On July 8 – two days before the first of the three JTA arti cles was published – Allied planes carried out their fourth reconnaissance mission over the oil factories.
Usually, such pleas were made behind closed doors. On occasion, however, the bombing idea spilled out into public view.
In his book Night, Elie Wiesel described how he and other Jewish slave laborers in the oil factories were “filled with joy” when U.S. bombers struck on August 20, 1944. Even though the prisoners’ lives were en dangered, they were ecstatic at the possibil ity that the mass-murder machinery nearby would be destroyed.
deportations of Jews to Auschwitz from other countries continued.
During the spring and summer of 1944, as hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being deported to Auschwitz, at least thirty officials of Jewish organiza tions or institutions urged the Roosevelt administration to carry out air strikes on the railways and bridges over which the de portations were taking place, or to under take precision strikes on the gas chambers and crematoria themselves.
On the day the JTA article appeared, and during the several days before and after that date, eight trainloads of Jew ish deportees from Hungary arrived in Auschwitz. More than 30,000 Jews were gassed in that four-day span. Those were the last trains to come from Hungary, but
|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 125

Many soldiers were awarded med als for bravery on the battlefield during World War I. It was a testament to the tough and bitter fighting that these men fought until they had won. Their names may not be in most history books, but their heroism on the battlefield makes them Forgotten Heroes.
oth sides of the conflict had been preparing for war in the months and years leading up to World War I. The assassination of the arch duke of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian national was the spark that ignited the powder keg and caused a domino effect all over Europe and soon had many countries around the war declaring war. Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia, which was backed by its Russian allies. Germany, who wanted to use war as a context to gain more trade routes among other reasons, joined Austria-Hungry and invaded Luxembourg. France, Belgium, Italy, Japan and soon Great Britain and Canada joined the Great War on the side of the Allies; Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire joined Germany and the Central Powers.The one noticeable world power ab sent from the war was the United States, which publicly stated its neutrality. How ever, in 1917, German submarines began attacking American ships bound for Great Britain. In April 1917, President Woodrow Wilson requested Congress to declare war on Germany, and four days later, they vot ed to join the war.
Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at
By Avi Heiligman
Born to Russian immigrants, Silver man grew up in Chelsea, Massachusetts, and entered the army in November 1917. Less than a year later, on October 27, 1918, he was on the front near Verdun, France, during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive when German fire ignited an ammunition dump. Shells were bursting all around, but Silverman sprang into action and be gan removing ammunition away from the fire. He was hit by exploding shells but that didn’t stop him from moving most of the explosives away from the fire. Silver man then ran to help wounded soldiers and moved them to safety. It was only once the danger had passed that he went for treatment for his own wounds. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the French Croix de Guerre for his bravery on the battlefield.
Sydney Gumpertz Colonel Abel Davis
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 126
Offensive. Also called the Grand Offen sive, it was to include troops across the entire line that up to that point had be entrenched on the Hindenburg Line. The battle went until November 11, when the Germans were forced to surrender. Casu alties were high, including 117 wounded, gassed or killed in Company E of the 60th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division. One of those wounded soldiers was Pri vate Hyman Silverman.
Sydney Gumpertz was one of four Jewish soldiers to have been the recipi ent of the Medal of Honor during World War I. Gumpertz enlisted in 1917 in his hometown of Chicago and was assigned to Company E of the 132 nd Infantry Regiment, 33 rd Infantry Division. The Regiment was made up of soldiers from Illinois and was under the command of Jewish Colonel Abel Davis. Davis him self was decorated for actions occurring on October 9, 1918. The French did not properly clear an area of France after a
Exploding shells cut down the other two men, leaving Gumpertz alone to face a third machine gun.
On October 24, 1918, First Sergeant Gumpertz was leading two other men ahead of the rest of the advancing line of

Americans in the area of Bois-de-Forg es, France. They had captured two ma chine gun nests along with dozens of Ger man soldiers. Exploding shells cut down the other two men, leaving Gumpertz alone to face a third machine gun. He jumped into the machine gun nest, si lenced the gun, and captured nine Ger man soldiers. For his heroic actions that day he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Forgotten Her es Jewish Heroes During World War I
The United States began mobilizing troops and weapons of war to send to the fighting overseas. An estimated 225,000 of the 4.7 million American servicemen and women were Jewish. There were many who fought and served heroically, and here are a few of their stories.
French attack, and when the Illinois reg iment got there, they were met by heavy German artillery fire. Davis received the Distinguished Service Cross for “disre garding the heavy shell and machine-gun fire. Colonel Davis personally assumed command, and by his fearless leadership and courage, the enemy was driven back.”

The Allied (mainly French and Amer ican units) offensive had started in Sep tember 1918 called the Meuse-Argonne
Private Hyman Silverman, second from right Soldiers during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 127

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Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R.
Call Dov Herman
Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457
HOUSES FOR SALE TJH Classifieds Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Miscellaneous Ads here. Weekly Classifieds Up to 5 lines and/or 25 words 1 week ................$20 2 weeks .............. $35 4 weeks .............. $60 6 weeks .............. $90 Email ads Includeclassifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comto:Thereisa25wordlimit.validcreditcardinfoandzipcode Deadline Monday 5:00pm
Bright and sunny 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms split level home. Features central air conditioning, gas heat, solar panels, eat in kitchen with stainless steel appliances, formal dining room and living room, den, finished bsmt with playroom and 2 additional rooms, master bedroom –fbath and 2 walk in closets, custom window treatments, new garage door, alarm, IGS, hardwood floors, 200 AMP service, gasline BBQ, new insulation, close to schools, shopping and so much more. $929K OPEN HOUSE
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House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457HOLLYWOOD,FLORIDA
MagnificentCEDARHURSTBright&Sunny furnished
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 130
6 Bedroom, 5 Bath Home Prime location in Cedarhurst Features
House Rental Magnificent 6 Bedroom Home. Formal Dining Room, New Gourmet Kitchen W/High End Appliances & Cabinets, Large Living Rm & Den, 3 Car Attached Garage, Hardwood Floors, Sd#14. 5 Bedrooms On One Level, Fabulous MBR Suite W/ New Bathroom. gas heat. central air conditioning, long driveway, parklaike property,& So Much More. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457
Dream Kitchen With Granite Countertops, Two Sinks, Two Ovens, Two Microwaves, Formal Dining Room With Washing Station, Formal Living Room. Smart Home, Radiant Heat, Speaker System, Timers, Cameras Inside + Outside, Master Bedroom Suite With Jacuzzi Tub + Shower. Two Large Walk-in Closets, Central Air Conditioning, Gas Heat, Two Car Garage, Great Corner Property, Large Side + Backyard, Finished Basement, Close To All. A Must See. Close To Shopping And Houses Of Worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457
This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all. Price Reduced $899k. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 • 12:00-2PM 918 EILEEN TERRACE
Spectacular custom home, totally rebuilt, 5 bedrooms, 5 full bathrooms, custom door super thick, walk in to the foyer, laser cut acrylic tile, steel columns exposed vents and duct work, steel bolder separates the formal living room and formal dining room, dining room has custom china closet and bar with Swarovski sink, Scavallini kitchen with Ceaser stone countertops, top of the line appliances, wolf oven with six burners, plus 2 Miele ovens, Miele dishwasher plus 2 Fisher Paykel dishwashers, Thermador refrigerator, double sinks plus a vegetable sink, walls are painted Venetian plaster, master bedroom suite with a spa bathroom, Missoni tiles, Pella doors and windows, office with high ceilings overlooking saltwater heated in-ground pool, custom closets throughout, cameras, IGS, alarm and so much more. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International hats,conditioning,eatWellsplitSpaciousWOODMEREmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457JUSTLISTED5bedroom4bathroomlevelinSaddleRidgeEstatesmaintainedhome,renovated–in-kitchen,formallivingroomanddiningroom,den,centralairhardwoodfloors,highmasterbedroomwithacustombathroomandJacuzzitub,closetoall$
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|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 133

and expect to generate 40 € million/ year. They’ll use the system to search for other taxable improvements like sunrooms. At the same time, they’ll watch the algorithm teach itself to avoid false-positives from solar panels, dog houses, and children’s playhouses. Every lesson brings us a step closer to braving the red pill or settling for blue.
covering the cost of maintaining them during the country’s increasingly hot summers.Lastyear, the Directorate hired a consulting firm to put AI to work fight ing back. They developed a program to scan open-source satellite images to look for telltale signs of pools – blue or white rectangles or ovals. When the program finds one, it cross-checks the proper
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 134
ty against the government database to make sure it’s registered. If it’s not, the robot sends Inspector Clouseau out to peek over the hedge.
employee unions are worried about ro bots taking their jobs. French citizens are irate, too, although not because they’re paying more. It turns out that CapGemini, the company that built the poolbot, outsourced cloud storage for the project to Google – and Google has a well-documented history of dodg ing French corporate tax. In 2019, the company paid €965 million to settle the dispute and avoid criminal charges. It’s hard to imagine anything more French than meekly swallowing a new tax while resenting the robot for trying to pay less. Back here in the States, the same ar tificial intelligence that helps French tax collectors find bootleg pools is changing how we do business, too. Advancing tech nology has always helped us do our work more efficiently. But now it’s on the verge of doing our work for us. That’s going to make routine tax prep a commodity and place a premium on proactive planning. So we say to the robots, “Game on!” Call us and see how much pool you can buy with the savings!
It’s hard to imagine anything more French than meekly swallowing a new tax while resenting the robot for trying to pay less.
Your Money I, Robot
By Allan Rolnick, CPA
Naturally, France’s powerful public
Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
with property tax assessors. The aver age pool adds about €200/year to the owner’s tax bill. But France doesn’t have enough bureaucrats to inspect all 37 million houses. (Maybe they’re all eating pain au chocolate , drinking espresso, and smoking Gauloises at the café?) That makes it easy for les citoy ens to conveniently “forget” to register new pools, then put the 200 € towards
So far, the le piscine-bot test has spotted 20,356 pools in nine of France’s 96 administrative departments and uncovered 10€ million in cool refreshing revenue. Tax collectors are excited to roll it out to the rest of the country
t’s just a matter of time before arti ficial intelligence surpasses human kind. (Scientists working to find signs of intelligent life in space might do well to try scaring it up here, first.) What happens when Skynet becomes self-aware? Will it trigger a global nu clear war to eradicate mankind? Will our robot overlords treat us brutally like HAL in 2001: A Space Oddysey? Or will they protect us like in Transformers? Who would win a fight between the Ter minator and RoboCop? If you’re looking for answers, don’t ask scientists – they’re the ones causing the problem! Just turn on Netflix.But.. . what if the robots don’t want to kill us? What if they just want to taxHereus?in the United States, griping about taxes is a national pastime, rank ing somewhere between baseball and reality TV. That’s fair, considering Un cle Sam takes nearly a quarter out of ev ery dollar of gross domestic product. In France, though, the General Directorate of Public Finance swallows over 45% of the economy, and they’re still looking for more. So now French officials are turn ing to AI to collect more taxes. French homeowners who install backyard pools have to register them

their trip to Israel? No cooking or building at all. Are you feeling left behind? September can get you thinking. How about the school buses blocking streets?The homework keeping kids too busy to relax like they did in August.
Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-7052004 or at
Or even the weather possibly chang ing, and next summer seeming to feel far
right up to Simchas Torah?
After all, what else are they doing while everybody else is preparing and shopping other than creating their guest lists?
Another month. Another set of issues – but we’ve got this! It’s not always easy. But there is a lot of good stuff, too. Even with funny tan lines, too much work, and
And you’re still deciding your menu! Or deliberating whether to stay home for the holidays all together or go to your mom, in-laws, friends, etc.
id you wish you had taken your watch off? Maybe even remem bered to put lotion all over your face so that you don’t have to now look like a raccoon? Or taking off your sunglasses?
But, how about the fact that we are alive and can embrace every day even with its stresses and challenges?
The Becauseend!I’ve got to go and make some more friends, because I haven’t figured out what to do about putting up a suk kah!
Life C ach SurprisesSeptember

Those people who are so organized and have everything cooked and frozen already are honestly not the people you want to resent. You actually want good
Yup, September brings with it some funHowsurprises!doesit feel to know your neighbor is ready with her meals – literally done
off in the distance.
funny surprises in different areas of life – we still have a lot of blessings if we just stop, look and focus.
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Did you think you’d be getting back to school, work or shul and be looking like you’ve got some unwanted stripes instead that gorgeous tan?
friends like that. Because, then they’ll invite you for meals and cut down your need for prep. After all, what else are they doing while everybody else is preparing and shopping other than creating their guestDoeslists?your neighbor have their sukkah up already? Does that make you want to scream? Seriously, is she doing all this be cause she needs it done or just to drive you a littleWhatcrazy?about those people who have their tickets and hotel reservations for
|202215,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 135
202215,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 136