A new Carbon Budget at a Glance
«The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is strongly coupled with other carbon reservoirs in the biosphere, vegetation and top-soil, which are as large or larger. It is misleading to consider only the atmosphere and ocean, as the climate models do, and ignore the other reservoirs. Fifth, the biological effects of CO 2 in the atmosphere are beneficial, both to food crops and to natural vegetation. The biological effects are better known and probably more important than the climatic effects.» Freeman Dyson From all what has been seen in this first Chapter, a very different Carbon Budget from what is proposed by IPCC can be suggested, where the various notions seen can be put together. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is a consequence of the surface temperatures of the inter-tropical zone where most of the ocean degassing takes place (Figure 10). 94% of the carbon dioxide in the air comes from the natural degassing of the oceans (Levy et al., 2013) and is the time integral of past temperatures (Figure 8, Equation 23), a consequence of these temperatures (Equations 18 and 19), and therefore cannot be the cause. Only 6% of the CO 2 in the air is what remains from fossil fuels after that a fast circulation with the oceans happens (Equations 6 and 16). A simple polytropic relationship between temperature and pressure describes the air and surface temperatures (Equations 60 and 61). Water vapor makes the Earth's atmosphere extremely opaque over the bulk of the thermal infrared spectrum (Figures 13, 15, 16), Table p. 59 after Equation 69, and Equations 70, 71: the atmosphere cannot, at these frequencies, transport heat by radiative mechanisms; the surface loses the heat received from the sun mainly by evaporation and convection. The thermal infrared radiation of the troposphere, 80% of that of the globe, is regulated and controlled by the water vapor content of the air around 300 millibar (9 km) (Figures 19, 20, 21); changes in the carbon dioxide content of the air cannot have an effect because the water vapor content of the upper troposphere is extremely dynamic and quickly adjusts the thermal infrared radiation to the solar heat absorbed under the tropopause.
Figure 28. Carbon Budget at a glance over the period 1900-2018 displayed on the graph over 1959-2018. Dark Blue = Cumulated man-made emissions Gt-C (same as Figure 5), Light Blue= Cumulated Degassing by the Oceans yr -1 of Total Gt-C in Atmosphere, Light Green = Cumulated Gt-C Budget (overall ppm atmospheric increase), Red = Anthropic Gt-C CO 2 remaining (same as Figure 5), Green = Cumulated uptake by Land, Forest, and Biological Punp yr -1 of total Gt-C in Atmosphere. Based on a non linear model where all processes are dependent on the Temperature.
The Carbon budget (CB) proposed (1900-2018) illustrated by Figure 28, takes into consideration what has just been reminded here. Let's see how it has been computed starting from the bottom of the graph, the green curve, soils and vegetation to which can be added the Biological Pump (BP) mainly relying on the marine autotrophs (Burd et al., 2010; Passow and Carlson, 2012; Herndl and Reinthaler, 2013; Le Moigne, 2019). Notice though that the amount accounted for by the meso and bathypelagic biological pump activity remains conjectural. This series, the uptake by the soils and vegetation (Usv+), is obviously proportional to the total amount in Gt-C of CO 2 in the atmosphere which as explained above is dependent on the temperature and results from it. In fact, the reason is that the Primary Productivity (PP) of