pressure 18 % higher than today and with Maxwell's equation (see chapter 14) results in a temperature 9.2 °C higher, assuming a cloud cover similar to today. This fits quite well. 3.5 billion years ago, in the Paleoarchaic era, the sun was about 25 % weaker than today. With today's composition of the Earth's atmosphere, the Earth would have been an ice ball, but it is known that temperatures were significantly warmer than today, by up to 30 °C. This phenomenon is also called the "paradox of the weak young sun". Geological investigations have shown that at that time there was almost no oxygen but about three times as much nitrogen in the atmosphere as today, which corresponds to an air pressure at the ground of about 2 bar (B. Charnay et al., Exploring the faint young Sun problem and the possible climates of the Archean Earth with a 3-D GCM. JGR Atmospheres, Vol. 118, Issue 18, 2013). With the convective-adiabatic model of Maxwell the result with an atmospheric pressure of 2 bar and today's cloud cover is a temperature of 41 °C, thus 26 °C higher than today. This fits well again and the paradox is solved! The convective-adiabatic theory of Maxwell can explain the phenomena of climate history. The greenhouse theory cannot.
10. How does the gardener’s greenhouse work? It is not the radiation from the infraredimpermeable window glass that increases the temperature - as was originally assumed by the greenhouse theorists - but the lack of air exchange (missing convection). The greenhouse theory was already disproved by Prof. Wood more than 100 years ago, but is still stuck in the heads of ill-informed climate alarmists at Greenpeace or the Federal Environment Agency ( Anyone can do the experiment themselves: Window glass does not work better than infrared-transmissive plastic film. The picture shows the experimental setup of Prof. Nahle ( ). The greenhouse theorists' notion of "reflective glass" as the cause of heat is wrong.
11. What are the flaws in the greenhouse model of the atmosphere?