Faithlink Magazine Jul 2018

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MCI(P) 073/02/2018

JULY 2018



Remember the journey and relive the sights and sounds



Highlights from the Fair that saw 1,500 visitors!



Your missions involvement at Faith

Co n t e n t s • jULY 2018 01 Editor’s Note 02 Pastor’s Letter Deeper in Christ 06 Making Disciples 08 Understanding Effective Parenting

The Magazine Of Faith Methodist Church Winning cover photo by Joash Lee

Winning photo by Yip Yeng Yoong on page 24

Anniversary Wishes 12 Wishes from LCEC, Mandarin Ministry, TackleBox Youth, SUN JAM Children, Filipino Ministry, Indonesian Ministry and church members Main Feature 18 A Facelift For Faith Heartbeat 26 Exercise Your Faith 28 Serving as ONE FAMILY 33 Book Review: Be A Better Dad Today 34 Supporting Families @ Faith 36 Trackers: Christian Bootcamp 39 Spreading God’s Love To The Community 40 Adopting A Neighbourly Approach

Editorial Pastor-in-Charge Rev Raymond Fong Editors Glynisia Yeo Audrey Mok Sub-Editor Rachel Tham Contributing Pastors Rev Raymond Fong Rev John Foo Rev Peter Koh Guest Contributor Rev Kevin Graves

Writers & Contributors Angeline Foo Edwin Koh Harry Tan Henry Auw Jimaia Wong Khoo Tse Horng Lawrence Leong Norma Novince Tagu Ong Un Soon Rachel Tham Shirley Ng Vincent Lim

Photographers Edwin de Souza Eugene Koh Glynisia Yeo Jimmy Png Joash Lee Leong Kwok Seng Manjunath Murdeshwar Matthew Woo Milton Lai Poh Haikun Rachel Tham Richard Kooi Yip Yeng Yoong

41 44 45 46

“Whom Shall I Send?” God’s Extravagant Love God’s Blueprint For A Struggling Call In His Time

People Of Faith 51 Faith Kindergarten Event Reports 52 A Partnership Of Faith SPOTTED AT FAITH 55 Palm Sunday & Maundy Thursday 56 Good Friday Combined Service 57 Resurrection Sunday 58 Baptism & Membership Reception Service 60 9AM Service Holy Communion Sunday Special Presentation 61 The TackleBox Youth Prayer Meeting 62 Language Ministries 66 Alpha Night 67 Miracle Upon Miracle Marketplace 68 Be The Salt And Light In The Marketplace

For contributions, please send them to Faithlink is published three times a year by Faith Methodist Church (Singapore) for internal circulation to the congregation of Faith Methodist Church and their friends. Views expressed in Faithlink are the contributors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the Church and the Editorial Board. Copyright © 2018 by Faith Methodist Church All right reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


GREATER HEIGHTS Putting together each issue of Faithlink is always a special experience for the team. This magazine has come a long way in presenting the life and heartbeat of this church through words and pictures. Over the years, editorial and graphic styles may change, yet one thing remains constant — the stories within these pages serve to edify and encourage our readers, and ultimately bring glory to our heavenly Father. As we celebrate our 52nd anniversary this July, I leave you with the words of Apostle Paul from Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Let us continue to look ahead as the Lord leads us into greater heights and breakthroughs! In Christ,

Glynisia Yeo Editor

email .



Pastor’s Letter

A most blessed nd


Church Anniversary!

I am truly amazed by and thankful for the faithfulness of God in seeing Faith through another year. As we move in the direction of being One Family, it is apt for us to take stock of our spiritual journey in 2018, having crossed the half-way point of the year. I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1-3 which exhorts us to run the race ahead of us with perseverance. Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV) “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.”

we find ourselves so fatigued by certain interests (e.g. World Cup) that we find ourselves having less spiritual energy to pray? Are we so busy with work and even ministry that we have actually neglected our families? Recently, I sought the Lord for wisdom for the journey ahead through a time of rest and retreat. God revealed to me that my need to hear His voice every time I seek to hear Him has become a distraction. God convicted me that He doesn’t have to speak every time I draw near to Him. He doesn’t owe it to me to speak to me.


Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we are to lay aside every sin and weight in this race. It is interesting to note that the writer of Hebrews makes a distinction between sin and weights. Weights or encumbrances are things which by themselves may not be sin but yet may weigh us down and tire us more readily so our run gets more difficult. As you and I take stock of our spiritual journey, are there weights and encumbrances in our spiritual lives? Are there certain habits which make us more likely to sin? Are there temptations which we unconsciously find ourselves battling with just because we are not careful of our boundaries? Do


He is God and He speaks whenever He wants to. I am simply to rest in His presence because that is good enough - yes, indeed. The amazing thing is that when I learnt to lay aside this weight, I found myself deeply rested in God’s love. When I am secured in that love, whether God speaks or not is immaterial, because His love is sufficient for me to press on. Let’s ask God to help us take stock of how we are really running the race ahead of us.


Let’s pray for a fresh revelation of the weights we need to lay aside, our vulnerabilities and tendencies – these aren’t always obvious but require spiritual insight. Pray for courage to lay aside these weights and any sin that entangles. Be practical in your plans to get rid of them. Be accountable to someone who can pray with and for you. Let’s look to Jesus, whose persevering example is ours to follow. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. So let’s return to an absolute need for Jesus on this run. Let’s pursue God passionately and in the fear of His name. Let’s run our race well. May God be glorified as we continue this journey of being His One Family. Running with you,

Rev Raymond Fong Pastor-in-charge


alendars c r u o y k r a M h us! and pray wit October 2018 JULY 2018 14 Jul

22 Jul 25 Jul 29 Jul

52nd Anniversary Family Conference & Service Stewardship Sunday Corporate House of Prayer Pledge Sunday

AUGUST 2018 09 Aug 18 Aug 22 Aug 25 Aug 29 Aug

Church Office Closed (National Day) Small Group Leaders’ Training Church Office Closed (Hari Raya Haji) Joint Memorial Service TRAC Healing Service

SEPTEMBER 2018 02 Sep

15 Sep 16 Sep

Family Services (No SUN JAM in view of Teachers’ Day) Prayer Walk Mandarin Mid-Autumn Evangelistic Event

07 Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 31 Oct

LCEC Dedication Laity Sunday Start of Membership Class Corporate House of Prayer

November 2018 6 Nov

Church Office Closed (Deepavali) 11 Nov TRAC Conference Sunday / Seniors’ Sunday 19–22 Nov TRAC 43rd Session 22 Nov TRAC Ordination Service 24 Nov Small Group Leaders’ Training 25 Nov TTC Sunday 28 Nov Night of Worship

December 2018 08 Dec

Start of Adopt-A-Block Christmas Distribution 21–23 Dec Faith Community Carnival & Outreach 31 Dec Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Holy Communion Service (Note: There will be no Christmas Day Service this year on 25 December 2018)

All dates are correct at time of print. For more info or event updates, please contact our church office at or 6471 9420, or browse our website at


Deeper in Christ A word from our pastors to help you grow...



Making Disciples The DISCIPLE 1 & 2 classes at Faith reap positive results. By Rev John Foo

Kymn Yee: “The DISCIPLE 1 (D1) class gave me greater insight into the Bible and who God is. And now, DISCIPLE 2 classes push me to reflect on what being a Christian really means and how to be one in the complicated world we are in. I thoroughly enjoyed D1 and am enjoying D2. No regrets!” Kymn is a returning student of the Disciple class, and she is not alone. Many have returned for subsequent classes (D2, D3 and D4) in the 19 years I’ve been involved in this Bible programme that doesn’t just inform but transforms. Designed to develop strong Christians through disciplined Bible study, the programme is the work of several Bible scholars. It draws participants into the Word through personal Bible reading and study, in tandem with dynamic group discussions. Their decision to make the time commitment is well rewarded by the relevance of God’s Word for their daily living and spiritual vision.



Staying Connected To God DISCIPLE is a programme of The Methodist Church in Singapore, brought in 1991. I have seen how DISCIPLE impacts the spiritual growth of each participating church: The result is deeper connection to God and a greater vibrancy in their communities. As Bishop Richard Wilke (main author of DISCIPLE) says, “We are a busy, mobile society using email and computers. But that hasn’t changed our need for connection to God. We still desperately need knowledge of God through Scripture, and Christian fellowship through communication.” Sharon Yeo, a working young adult, testifies, “The DISCIPLE classes have continuously pushed me out of my Bible knowledge comfort zone with simple questions that have forced me to examine familiar Bible passages with a fresh pair of eyes. We have a platform not only for the intellectual study of God’s Word but for collaborative class dialogues. All these mould my new knowledge into practical applications and disciplines in my daily life. “The class discussion approach is accommodative to Christians at every stage of their Bible study; from inquisitive Christians seeking to build Bible study and discipleship foundations, to mature Christians looking for reinvigoration in God’s Word.

As a working young adult, I’ve learnt so much from both DISCIPLE 1 and 2 classes. Committing at least 32 Fridays a year for this was not easy but has been absolutely worth it!”

Finding Life In God’s Word Catherine Ong, one of the programme facilitators and participants, added, “Not all Bible study is familiar territory. Because different folks respond to different strokes, ensuring that biblical text is interpreted in terms of their original meanings can sometimes become so strictly adhered to as to kill the move of the Holy Spirit in our search for God, through the study of His Word. “Having been involved in this programme for the past few years, I can personally vouch that if there’s a method that embraces diversity while empowering God’s Word to pierce and penetrate our personal worlds, I have found it in the DISCIPLE method of Bible study. “As its title suggests, it isn’t strictly a study method but more a habit-changing, world view-altering discipline engendered through pro-

active weekly exercises which include creating our own biblical time charts, settings and language, after we’ve been led to make vital connections between what we’re studying to other parts of Scripture, our own life situations and most importantly, to fellow participants of the course. “Even the raising of difficult theological questions has bonded rather than divided us in our class, which included a gamut from old-time pastoral staff, to newly-baptised young Christians. These are just some of the reasons why I highly recommend DISCIPLE!”

Join The Next Disciple Class DISCIPLE is indeed a bonding factor for the participants from all walks of life. In this season of our church’s focus on One Family, the DISCIPLE programme strongly serves to draw members unknown to one another into a discipleship journey together where they share not only in the study of God’s Word but also their lives as well. Rev John Foo oversees the Discipleship & Nurture pillar at Faith. He is married to Grace and has 5 children.

The DISCIPLE Bible study programme is endorsed by the Disciple Agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. The full programme consists of 4 levels, themed 1) Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study, 2) Into The Word Into The World, 3) Remember Who You Are, and 4) Under The Tree Of Life, with each level being held over 32 – 34 weekly sessions. DISCIPLE at Faith is spearheaded by Rev John Foo under the Discipleship & Nurture pillar. To find out more about DISCIPLE, visit, or contact Tenny Pang, Faith’s Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture at




Understanding Effective Parenting

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph. 2:10 (NIV) By Rev Peter Koh

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of our life, but it can also swing to the opposite spectrum if we are not prepared. Most first-time parents tend to take parenting lightly, thinking that they will know exactly what to do when the child comes.

1. Discipline (Birth to 5 years) 2. Training (Ages 6 to 12) 3. Coaching (Ages 13 to 17)

We forget that all we know about parenting is the way we were parented rightly or wrongly by our parents. To make matter more confusing for the child and frustrating for us, our parenting style usually differs from our spouse, hence the straining of relationships in the family begins. I believe that having a vibrant and loving family hinges on the parent’s ability to lead or parent their children rightly. To be a good parent, you need to know the various stages of parenting in relation to their developments as they age. According to Gary & Marie Ezzo, authors of Growing Kids God’s Way, there are four phases of parenting.


4. Friendship (Age 17 onwards)




Let’s begin by asking ourselves, “What is the primary goal of parenting?” The primary goal as a parent is to establish our right to lead these little lives. We need to understand that at this

age, the child’s mind is not fully developed, or unable to rationalize many things in this world. At this age, action precedes belief. They do not know what is good or bad, right or wrong, safe or dangerous. That is to say, a consistent “signal” must be sent to communicate what is right and wrong to the child, either through firm verbal or physical communication. The (parental) leadership is not oppressive but authoritative. It is the phase of tight boundaries, not unlimited freedom; boundaries that will give way to freedom as the child demonstrates responsible behaviours. The aim is to gain control of the child so parents can effectively train him or her.




The next phase as the child grows older, is training. The child is now able to comprehend or rationalize


things better. Like sports, a trainer works with an athlete each day in different settings, going through drills and exercises. He can stop the player at any time and make immediate corrections, explaining the reasons and showing him or her what to do and how to do it. Similarly, training our children in this phase follows the same concept. Our children are not yet in the real game of life; they are only in “practice sessions”. We are to intentionally disciple, teach and equip our children with values and principles to prepare them for life ahead. PHASE



At this stage, our children are more independent and are in the game of life for themselves. Like a sports coach, parents can only watch from the sidelines and huddle during time-outs. We can no longer stop the game at our whim and fancy to show them how it is played. Often they have to call the shots themselves and move forward – children now have to make decisions on their own. How well they play the game of life depends on how well we have coached them.




Finally, the relational goal of parenting is friendship with our children. Although the parentchild relationship does not cease, both parent and child enter into a new season of life. Just like it was with Jesus and His disciples, it should also be with our children – a discipleship relationship culminating in friendship.

CONCLUSION In closing, I am reminded that the heart of a godly family life is relationships – beginning with God, and then with people, which is the Great Commandment spelled out in Matthew 22:37-39. This is God’s original intention. May we be known as a church and family of Oneness because we are One Family!

Rev Peter Koh oversees several ministries at Faith, including Small Groups, Baptism & Membership, FaithWalk, and Marriage Preparation. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Jenny, and their two adult children.



Learn about serving our church, our community and the regions beyond through the ministries in Faith’s Ministries!


The session expounds the biblical and ip theological foundation of stewardsh and spiritual gifts with emphasis on l serving in ministry. Individual spiritua gift assessment will be conducted to l allow you to discover your own spiritua ies gifts and find a match in the Ministr you wish to serve. A preview of the Ministries and volunteer management of Faith will be explored to allow individuals and Small Groups to better h! understand and start serving at Fait

Target Audience • Small Groups (Adults, Young Adults and TTB) • Potential Trainers • Individuals

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to: 1. Know and articulate what the Bible says about the ministry of serving . 2. Discover and practice your spir itual gifts to serve in ministry. 3. Understand and journey through the ministry-volunteer management process of Faith.

Format • Conducted in a Small Group setting • Small Groups to sign-up together • Individual sign-ups welcome!

Duration/Frequency Two sessions (1.5 hours each) or One session (3 hours)

Contact Person Email Godiva Ysip at to sign up today!

Anniversary Wishes Birthday blessings and prayers from our congregation



Salt & Light As we celebrate our 52nd birthday as a Church, we reflect on the countless blessings that God has showered on Faith in these past years. From our humble beginnings in a shed, to our current building where we can worship in air-conditioned comfort, with great audio-visual systems, comfortable seats and meeting facilities, and have a weekly worship attendance of approximately 2,300 – we do have lots to give thanks to God for His blessings and providence. I grew up in the Tanglin Halt area and used to hear the rumbling of trains passing by a few times a day. Now the railway has gone silent and some 10-storey flats have also been demolished. In their place, new 40-storey flats have been built. In yet another few years, more 10-storey flats will be gone, only to be replaced by more new 40-storey flats. Unlike the railway track that has gone silent, these new 40-storey flats will bring a bustling new community of people to the Tanglin Halt-Commonwealth area. God has again provided for Faith by “restocking our pool with new fishes”. It is our prayer as pastors and leaders, that as we pursue holiness, we remember to stay relevant and be effective in our efforts to be the salt and light to this new community. It is exciting! We, as a community of God’s people, must press on and be ready to embark on this adventure. So are you ready to go fishing? Lee Gee Aik Chairperson (Local Conference Executive Committee)





回顾神的恩典! 回想起34年前,我从马国移民来到新加坡, 神引领我到思珍堂,这是我来到新加坡后参 加的第一间教会。当我第一次踏进这个教会 时就感受到神的同在,因此决定在这里做礼 拜,一直到今天。 在这34年里,我看见神的大能、恩典与慈爱 彰显在这个教会,神一路带领着我们,一年 复一年,来到现今的阶段。在这期间,教堂 建筑曾经历过重建和做了大规模的装修,感 谢神一路来的供应与看顾。 7年前,神感动了当时的主理牧师,高时敏 牧师在我们的教会中兴起了华语崇拜。在这 过程中,虽然屡次遇到拦阻与挑战,神无止 境的恩典与大能带领我们渡过了难关。至 今,崇拜人数大约有150 人。感谢赞美主。 愿主的荣光继续彰显在我们的教会里,禁止 跟高峰!荣耀归于主。阿门! 傅子勝 副会友领袖(华语事工)

Remembering God’s Grace Thirty-four years ago when I first came to Singapore, God brought me to Faith Methodist Church. It was the first church I attended in Singapore. When I stepped into the 5pm service at the old Sanctuary, I felt the presence of God and decided to stay. In the last 34 years, I have seen the grace and mighty work of God working in and through this church. I have also seen the hand of God leading and guiding us all the way, year by year, to where we are today. During this period, the church has gone through rebuilding, including a recent major renovation, adding an extra floor and new lifts. Praise the Lord for His abundant provision and divine guidance! Seven years ago, God impressed upon our former Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming, to start a Mandarin service. Although we faced several obstacles and challenges along the way, we experienced the unending supply of God’s grace and glory which brought us through. Today we have about 150 worshippers at the Mandarin service. May the glory of the Lord continue to manifest in our midst, bringing our church to greater heights for His honour and glory. Amen!

Allan Poh Associate Lay Leader (Mandarin Ministry)

As we celebrate God’s faithfulness for the past 52 years, my prayer for Faith Methodist Church is that we will never be old wineskins. May we be open to the move of God, however it comes. Let us not rely on the wisdom of men, but on the spirit of wisdom and revelation. My vision for the young people in particular is to see a generation rise up that is dissatisfied with a comfortable but powerless Christianity. I hope that our hearts will burn with the desire for the Lamb to receive the reward of His suffering, and that we will be willing to pay the price for that to happen. We have experienced much in the past half a century, but I know that God has more. He is the God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The question is, will we believe Him for more, and act on that faith? Derek Hum Chairperson (Tacklebox Youth) FAITHLINK . JULY 2018



WISHES FROM CHURCH MEMBERS Faith is wonderful! Keep going!

Long live Faith Methodist Church! May we continue to shine for Christ!

Happy Annive rsary and many mo re to come! Shuliang

Jessie Png

ssed y, ble s p p a H oyou and j day! nd birth 52

Blessed ! birthday Faith John Wan

ua Josh

Happy birthday Faith!

day Faith! Happy birth to ily continue m fa h rc u h unity, May our c and grow in e v lo in d n nd abou ommunity a c e th to k c giving ba leheartedly! serving who elanie Hannah & M


Faith! Happy birthday ine and Continue to sh lory to all spread God’s g the Earth!


May Faith continue in her ministry until Jesus comes again! Helen

Happy birth day Faith! I have been s blessed by o uper ur church family - than k you for always b eing welcoming! Hannah

All the be st in Christ! Jeremy


thday and Happy bir blessed year es for a best wish y we continue to a ahead - m serving Christ and in d s! stay unite around u y it n u m the com e Lorrain Celest &

Praise God for all the blessings bestowed wonderful on our ch through t urch hese years . May our continue Lord to use our pas our churc h to servin tors to lead g and shin for Him. M ing ay we as a family of G heed God od ’s call to lo ve Him an serve Him d as a family ! Angeline W ee


I’m so blessed to be part of this awesome community! Keep growing from strength to strength! Eugene

hurch hodist C e as 15 t e M h it yw s Fa God bles nd Anniversary! Ma love d 2 on her 5 grow in grace an uits d s n r e o memb and be c r e h t o ht for n for one a e, the salt and lig ions lov he reg of God’s alt and t H n li g n a Him in T beyond! Rosemary

WISHES FROM OUR SUN JAM CHIILDREN “God, I thank You that I am part of this church family. I enjoy the lessons on Sunday. I also get along well with friends and teachers. Bless the church with many God-loving uncles and aunties who step forward to help in different ministries and children will enjoy coming to church with their parents or caregiver. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. Happy Birthday Faith Methodist Church.” Hannah Chin, 10 years old

“I thank God for protecting this Church for 52 years. I was baptised here. Since I was a baby until now that I am 10 years old, I have been in the SUN JAM service. His Spirit has protected this church from any danger. FMC has always been my second home so I wish FMC a Happy Anniversary!” Isabelle Chow Kae Jyan, 10 years old

“I hope that this church remains forever! Thank You God for letting this church be at least 52 years old.”

“Dear Faith Methodist Church, happy birthday. I pray that God will be with you wherever you go.”

Goh Shueh En, 10 years old

Natalie Su, 8 years old

“Dear FMC, happy birthday! Thank you for helping me learn more about God through SUN JAM. Thank you for the Acts 1:8 initiative that I can serve as Jesus’ hands and feet in the field. May God bless Faith Methodist Church abundantly in the many years to come.” Nathaniel Tang, 12 years old




FILIPINO Ministry Mabuhay Faith! Happy 52nd Anniversary. Thank you for having a Filipino Ministry where other Filipinos and I can gather together to worship. It’s been a decade coming to this church. Here, I have come to know Jesus personally and accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I’m really thankful to be part of the Faith Family. May our Lord God continue to pour out His love, peace, joy and faithfulness on us. God bless Faith! - Elvira Rivad It’s such a joy to witness how Faith has become part of God’s Almighty plan for the spiritual growth of my fellow Filipinos here. I commend the pastors and staff for their hard work, excellence and perseverance. All for the Glory of our God! May our good Lord keep on using the church in a mighty way so that many can get the message of salvation. Happy 52 years of service, Faith Methodist Church! - Cynthia Lucban

Indonesian Ministry Bapa kami berdoa, biar diulang tahun yang ke-52 ini, Tuhan selalu memberkati pemimpin gereja maupun jemaat supaya kami saling menunjukan cinta kasihMu lewat pelayanan digereja Faith. Didalam Nama Tuhan Yesus kami berdoa, Amin. Our Heavenly Father, on our 52nd Church Anniversary, bless the leaders and congregation always so that we will continue to demonstrate Your love through our ministry at Faith Methodist Church. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. - Oranci Kesnai


May God bless all the Church leaders, Pastoral Team Members, and congregation with His peace and protection. Happy 52nd birthday to Faith Methodist Church! - Juliana Punusingon

Gracious God, we give thanks as we celebrate the 52nd Anniversary of Faith Methodist Church. May You continue to bless our leaders, as well as all members, so that both will work together to be the Light for others, and enlighten others to come to know God as their only Saviour, Amen. - Lisa Benu





A FACELIFT FOR FAITH If the walls could speak, they would tell us of how a dedicated group of leaders from Faith Methodist Church and Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church came together to discuss the expansion and redevelopment of the church building as far back as 2014. By Harry Tan

“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” Hebrews 3:4


The project had to meet the needs of both churches and their respective ministries. The inconveniences arising from the church redevelopment these past months were subtle and posed few issues, thanks to a dedicated team who had planned meticulously from the


we will realise our potential for more ministry opportunities and kingdom collaborations. I am excited to see what God has in store for us as we serve Him as One Family.”

Meeting The Needs Of A Growing Church With many aspects to consider, we thank God that deliberations between the parties ultimately led to the project’s approval in 2016. Subsequently, the Addition & Alteration (A&A) works commenced in February 2017 after the architect and main contractor had been appointed. The A&A works subcommittee* ensured that the renovation was phased in orderly fashion, and made safety at the worksite its top priority from Day One. It made plans to lessen the impact of disruptions and inconveniences on members and staff from both churches, as well as the kids from Faith Kindergarten.

start to minimise the impact. According to Faith’s Pastorin-charge, Rev Raymond Fong, “The A&A project is more than just a physical renovation, it is a fresh vision for extending God’s Kingdom. With enhanced facilities and increased capacity, I believe

“The issue of safety was uppermost in our minds,” said Frank Yee, who is the former Facilities Manager of the Joint Management Committee. “Thankfully, the A&A works ended on a clean sheet void of accidents. Also, the members’ support and understanding helped ease a load off our shoulders. Praise God!” The team also monitored the noise level on-site,

rescheduling high-decibel work to post-school hours and term holidays. While construction work went on within the premises, an alternative access was provided to church members and visitors. Allan Poh, Faith’s Property Chairman and the one who helmed the A&A works subcommittee, added, “Our task was to ensure the church continued to function with minimal disruption, on top of overseeing the project to completion. We analysed carefully all the options available to resolve problems that arose.” Thankfully and by God’s grace, the worksite was incident-free throughout the renovation.

Tackling An Onsite Challenge After receiving the goahead for the project, the sub-committee looked at options for facilitating people movement between the floors in the building. One option was the use of escalators. Though fast and efficient, that would have taken up a much larger floor area than lifts. So the team dismissed the idea and opted to install two new lifts instead. To make way for the new lifts, the church building’s aging water tank and sprinkler system was relocated to the basement. In order for

*The Church Building A&A Works Sub-Committee comprised Faith members Allan Poh (chairman), Andrew Seow, Jason Goh, Frank Yee, Richard Kooi, and QCMC members Ng Ee Kiat and Darren Lim. FAITHLINK . JULY 2018




ON 5

THE PROJECT FOCUSED ON THREE KEY AREAS: LIFT UPGRADING On top of upgrading the existing lifts, two new lifts have been installed. Together, all four lifts in the church lobby will effectively shorten waiting time for transfers between floors during peak periods, and will be especially crucial to the church’s silver population. (Due to space constraints, the two new lifts do not service the basement.)


LEVEL 4 & 5 RESTRUCTURING The restructured Level 4 opens up more ancillary rooms for the various Ministries to conduct courses and activities. Relocating the church office to the new Level 5 has freed up space for this purpose, and also houses the church staff under one roof. The church staff previously worked at two separate offices.

COVERED LINKWAY The new pedestrian linkway provides shelter and shade from the patio outside the Level 1 pantry to the church gate next to Commonwealth MRT Station. There are plans by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to extend the covered linkway from the church gate all the way to the adjacent MRT Station and bus stop.




“One of my contributions involved assigning Greek names to the new rooms at Levels 4 and 5: Agape (Unconditional love), Charis (Grace), Doulos (Servant), Dunamis (Power), Hagios (Holiness), Kairos (Opportune time), Koinonia (Christian community) and Logos (Word).”


Charis Hall & Logos (top left corner)

the new 40-cubic metre capacity tank system to sit on solid foundation, piling had to be done to the ground to reinforce it. But alas, the basement’s low ceiling would surely impede the work. Thankfully, the resourceful contractor found a quaint solution; he deployed the smallest piling machinery available and got on with the job!

~ Esther Ong, Pastoral Team Member at Faith

Edna Wong, the Administrative Manager at Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church (QCMC) recounted how the redevelopment project was a test of faith for both churches. “Understandably, we had to deal with common logistical issues and cope with the disruptions. In the end, God saved the day. With the completion of the project, we look forward to a new season of serving with Faith together as one for His glory!” Relocation of sprinkler tank at Basement 1 SCALE : 1:250

Cross beams at Charis Hall

Top view of lift shaft in construction




Compliance To Rules Is Serious Business The church premises were last renovated in 2003. Since then, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) codes and rules to the Fire Safety Act (FSA) were revised extensively. But as compliance is a must, we conformed to the new rules. The new measures in place included:

• A new Fire Command Centre has been set up to house all building supervisory and monitoring systems. • A two-way intercom for each SSL and a demarcated area for people with disabilities have been installed. For the entire building, a one-way communication is mandatory.

• Fire engine access: New regulations require the church premises to provide access for two fire engines in case of a fire. Hence, the existing driveway had to be modified. All drivers and vehicle owners must adhere strictly to the NO PARKING rule on the driveway at all times.

With the facelift, Faith heralds a new phase as she embraces the direction of One Family, One Word, One Mission, set earlier this year by our PIC, Rev Raymond Fong. Many things are in store for us as a church family and we look forward to serving God and the community for many years to come!

• Smoke-stop lobby (SSL): Each of the three staircases now has a smoke-stop lobby to facilitate fire escape exits.

Praise God! Let’s give God the glory for enabling us to see through the church A&A works in good time for Faith’s 52nd anniversary!


“God’s grace has made the project a reality. I am thankful to Rev Goh (QCMC’s PIC) and his team for raising our request with the leadership at QCMC to review the case on redeveloping the building. We should be mindful that the redevelopment of a church building is not as paramount as the constant renewal of our mind and spiritual life. Read prayerfully the verses from Hebrews 3:1-6, 12-15.” ~ Rev Edwin Wong, former PIC at Faith (2014–July 2017)

Harry and wife Grace with her sister Kwee Hong attend the 11am service Small Group. They are part of the led by Ivan Goh.


“We are thankful to our pastors and church leaders as they had prayerfully decided to move our church office back to 400 Commonwealth Drive. This has enabled us to work under one roof in the house of the Lord.” ~ Jason Goh, Faith’s Director of Operations and Administration



Level 5 church corporate office

Level 4 cor

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It is worthwhile noting that the blueprint of the preceding church rebuilding project in 2003 included a structural provision for an additional floor between Level 4 and the Attic, in anticipation of revisions to the current URA guidelines. This far-sighted strategic provision enabled the allocation of more space to Level 4, more to be shared by both churches for their ministry activities.




“We thank God for His divine protection on the construction workers, and for the exemplary attitude of church members in putting up with the inconveniences during the A&A period.” ~ Andrew Seow, former Operations Manager at Faith Nightview of our church building (Second winning photo by Yip Yeng Yoong)


HEART BEAT Inspiring updates on the life and ministry at Faith






Faith members exercised together at the One Family Workout! By Edwin Koh

Faith held her first-ever mass family workout session on Resurrection Sunday, 1st April this year. More than 400 members gathered at the Anglo-Chinese Junior College school field, decked out in their exercise gear and wearing relaxed smiles: they were all ready for the muchanticipated Conductorcise routine to begin, hands bearing a small wooden baton stick that would accompany the exercise programme. Led by Isaiah Chng, at the helm of a Conductorcise company in Singapore, the JULY 2018 . FAITHLINK

routine involved simulating the hand-waving and swinging actions of an orchestral conductor together with upbeat music. These hand actions were coupled with body and leg movements to create a full body workout for almost 30 minutes. What added to the fun atmosphere was the company of three bouncy mascots (the Apple, Corn and Carrot) who were leading the crowd on stage together with Albert and Alison Lim. Edwin worships at the 8am service and is part of Joy Light Small Group. He loves the written Word and gladly serves with the Faith Church Family.





On Sunday, 6 May, the Level 3 carpark at 400 Commonwealth Drive was transformed into a bustling centrepiece of activity for the Faith congregation. The Ministry Fair 2018 took off with excitement, and with close to 1,500 people attending and participating in various booth activities and events from 9am to 2pm. By Khoo Tse Horng


After a hiatus for several years, the “Return of the Ministry Fair” in 2018 brought bigger and better offerings for everyone. Apart from championing the cause of volunteerism within the church, the Ministry Fair also underscored the efforts of those who had contributed towards the day-to-day functions and growth of Faith. It reminded everyone that we should encourage appreciation for one another as much as possible.


A Place For Every Ministry

The theme of Ministry Fair 2018 was “Serving as One Family”, which was a clear call for the entire church to step up and get involved in serving as a church family, and even with their own biological families.

A total of 19 Ministries participated in the fair, with some new Ministries making their appearance for the first time. These included the Community Youth Family (CYF), and the newly-formed Family Life Ministry. Many interested visitors stopped by these booths to chat with the volunteers to find out more about their strategies and opportunities to serve. Anna Tan, Chairperson of CYF, aptly noted, “The Fair has helped raise awareness of our Ministry because we are new. We not only hope for more people to join us, but pray that the youth will come forward to serve as well.” Other new Ministries that were featured included the Language Ministries (Filipino and Indonesian), the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades, and even Faith Kindergarten.

Alpha Butaca has been attending Faith for two years and she is the current chairperson of the Filipino Ministry. She shared, “It was a great opportunity to tell church members about our Ministry, so that they can pray and serve with us. It also showed that we are One Family!”

Serving As One Family The theme of Ministry Fair 2018 was “Serving as One Family”, which was a clear call for the entire church to step up and get involved in serving as a church family, and even with their own biological families. Leading up to the Fair were several publicity efforts, including a corporate video featuring individuals, couples, and families of varying age groups from selected Ministries. The video raised awareness to the many serving opportunities at Faith,




and emphasised how serving is for everyone, irrespective of one’s age. The Ministry Fair also created excitement amongst volunteers as it offered a creative and effective platform for them to share their experiences with others. For some Ministries, it was their first time meeting other Ministry volunteers under the same pillar. For instance, the Worship and Music (W&M) Ministry oversees the Sunday worship teams and Choir, as well as the Genesis Dance Ministry and the Revelation Shofar team. Hence, the fair brought together the W&M volunteers from the various creative disciplines under one roof.

An Adventure Of Faith One important objective of the Ministry Fair was to inculcate an appreciation of what serving God is all about. Rev Raymond Fong, PIC of Faith, preached that Sunday morning about discipleship involving the sacrifice of normality, where discipleship is a faith adventure. Therefore, serving God becomes an adventure of faith. Mr Albert Lim, our Lay Leader, echoed PIC’s message when he shared that “everyone will heed the call for family to serve sacrificially, to seek the Lord on where to serve and start the journey of serving and growing”. The message definitely made some impact on the congregation. We praise God that many heeded the call to serve and there were close to 400 sign-ups by the end of the day!


Extending Christian Hospitality For most Ministries, it was not just reaching out and encouraging others to serve alongside them, but also a time of extending hospitality. One Ministry offered churros and kacang puteh, while another booth served icecream rolls. For the Indonesian Ministry, true to their hospitable culture, the team decided to bless others with their culinary


“It was a great opportunity to tell church members about our Ministry, so that they can pray and serve with us. It also showed that we are One Family!” ~ Alpha Butaca, Chairperson of Filipino Ministry




skills and introduced visitors to their cuisine. Juliana Punusingon, chairperson of the Indonesian Ministry, shared how excited and grateful she was to be part of the Ministry Fair. This was the first time she had the opportunity to share about the Indonesian Ministry as well as the chance to fellowship with the rest of the Faith church family. She added, “We were so happy that we could cook and share our food and culture from different parts of Indonesia!”

beyond. Serving God is part of discipleship, where the person who serves is being transformed into Christlikeness. The Ministry Fair may have been a one-day event but it is certainly not a one-off initiative.

Taking The First Step

Mr Lee Gee Aik, LCEC Chairman, aptly summed up the whole Ministry Fair, “Indeed we rejoice that all parts come to work for His Glory. It has been a great opportunity for our congregation to get to know more about each Ministry. Even if some didn’t sign up, the seed has been sowed.”

At Faith, we believe that our vision of ‘Transforming Lives, Changing The World’ requires the first step of serving God, the Faith family, the community and

To all the existing and new volunteers, let’s strive towards having our lives transformed through service to God and in doing so, change the world one step at a time.

Tse Horng is Chairman of the Discipleship and Nurture (D&N) Committee. He has been blessed by the ministry of Faith’s people and his Small Group Barnabus since 1982. He attends the 11am service with his wife, Bee Leng, while his daughter, Eliora joins the SUN JAM children’s programme, and his older kids, Zuriel and Karis, are part of The TackleBox Youth Ministry (TTB). Share your comments with him at

If you have yet to sign up or missed the Ministry Fair, what are you waiting for? Visit today! JULY 2018 . FAITHLINK




Be A Better Dad Today

He boldly states, “One of the most important gifts you can give your children is to love your wife.” He highlights another important tool; that fathers need Other Good Dads. We need allies. We need accountability. We need encouragement.

Contributed By Rev Kevin Graves

Despite Professor Slayton’s many successes, he writes that being a Dad is “the most important job a man will ever have.” Raised in a dysfunctional home by a father who abandoned them when he was an early teenager, Gregory was rescued by a Chinese immigrant family who took him in, taught him what a real family could be, and ultimately introduced him to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Inspired by this example, Gregory spent 25 years studying common traits of successful fathers around the world. He has compiled these nuggets into a handy 10 Tools format, based on the acronym “F-A-T-H-E-R-H-O-O-D”. It includes gems such as Family Fun, having an Optimistic, Never-Surrender Attitude, and tips on marriage (All-in Marriage), where Gregory gives multiple facts on how

a strong marriage directly impacts children in life. He boldly states, “One of the most important gifts you can give your children is to love your wife.” He highlights another important tool; that fathers need Other Good Dads. We need allies. We need accountability. We need encouragement. Full of practical suggestions and a “Put It To Work” section at the end of each chapter, one of the most outstanding chapters teaches us how to create a Noble Family Vision. While many work for companies and attend churches with clearly defined vision statements, Professor Slayton wisely beckons us: “Happy families are not built by accident”. Families need a vision too!

The book ends with some practical ways to start a Father’s Group. Get a copy of Be A Better Dad Today, and consider starting one at your church! Rev Kevin Graves has lived in Asia for 34 years and is the founder of Target Ministries. Fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, Rev Graves is also Executive Director of Family First Singapore, author, and father of seven children together with his wife, Joyce.

Be A Better Dad Today is available at the Attic Library at Faith. You can also purchase a copy at Faithworks Bookstore (11 East Coast Road, #02-22 The Odean Katong, Singapore 428722). Visit their website at for more information. For multiple copies you can also contact




Supporting Families at Faith By The Family Life Team

Sharon* had a good career. Despite not having a university degree, she was able to climb the ranks to become a Vice President at a prestigious company. With prestige, power and money, she was the envy of many. Things on the home front were not so rosy, however. While she was a success in the boardroom, her family life was severely compromised. Hard as she tried, frequent travels for work meant that she could not juggle her role as a wife and a mother. Beneath that facade of achievement, she was broken and unfulfilled within. Sharon* is one of our members at Faith Methodist Church and not the only one facing these challenges. Families today are struggling, and under tremendous pressure. On top of work-related stress and hectic lifestyles, singles face relationship issues; married couples have marital

challenges such as problems with in-laws; parents struggle in parenting their children; families have to manage care for aging parents and work out their finances. And the list goes on. Christians are not immune to these realities and they often need a shoulder to lean on in tough times, or just words of encouragement to know that they are not alone. This was the impetus for the formation of the Family Life initiative at Faith—to provide a network of spiritual and practical support within the church that members can easily have access to.

Identifying The Needs Of Today’s Family

The life of our church exists through Small Groups and has, over the years, become an extension of family life. Therefore, it was not surprising that members who took part in the survey ranked Small Groups as the most effective platform for delivering family life services related to marriage, parenthood, grief, career, medical, aged parents and singlehood.

So how does Family Life contribute within this framework?

Family Life Is Inclusive

With this question in mind, a survey was conducted via Faith’s Small Groups to understand the impact of

At the Ministry Fair held in May 2018, a member who visited the Family Life booth was hesitant to volunteer and

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals


these challenges on our members, and how we can strengthen family life within the church family. Our members shared candid thoughts, and amongst the myriad findings, the top four topics that emerged and were highlighted were: Marriage, Parenthood, Medical, and Financial.


besides other reasons, cited that being single, she could not identify with the work of Family Life. It dawned on us that the definition of “family” was an ambiguous one.

The Next Step

Faith’s 52nd Anniversary Family Conference & Service on 14 July is the launch of our first Family Life initiative. Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Family life is often viewed as Solomon is the keynote synonymous to married life, speaker at two plenary but it is not so. Family life sessions, examining the goes beyond marriage and biblical portraits of trends parenthood. In God’s family, from outside, tensions within, it is an all-inclusive network and truths from above that where our roles as children, families need to know in spouses, parents, grandparents, order to not just survive, spiritual parents, and fellow but thrive in today’s believers intertwine. challenging environment. Such relationships and connections coexist in a fluid dynamic, making family life multi-layered, multidimensional and complex. Therefore, the primary mission of Family Life is to, through Small Groups: • Help members understand God’s purpose for family life; • Equip families to overcome life’s challenges; and • Empower Small Groups to touch lives within their extended family

happier person than when I had the high life my career offered me.” One family empowered for His glory, and many more to come.

Counselling at Faith

6475-9433 The Family Life Team at Faith

Please join us and pray with the Family Life committee for God’s guidance and wisdom as we work to build healthy and God-fearing families at Faith. Family Life is also looking for volunteers. If you sense God’s call to serve in this area, do approach any of the committee members listed in this article to find out more! Together, we can bring families to God and let Him rewrite their stories, as He did for Sharon*:

“God spoke. I heard Him and while the struggle was real, Besides organising in-house in obedience I gave up my workshops, talks, and retreats, career and everything that the Family Life committee came with it. It has been 7 hopes to build up a library years since then. From time of training and equipping to time, I do miss the finer resources to meet the needs trappings of life. But I finally identified through the survey. learnt to distinguish between These resources will be made a need and a want. I need my available to the congregation of family. The ‘wants’ I had just Faith. More information will be weren’t good enough to meet provided in time to come. my needs. I am now a much

Pillar Pastor Rev See Swee Fang Family Life Committee Training and Equipping Leo Wee Lin

Alison Lim

Support Groups Chan Chin Kiang

Eileen Chong

Special Events Wee Chor Keong

Joseph Chong

FaithCare Representative Calvin Tay





Christian Bootcamp Our TackleBox Youth share their TRACKERS experience with Faithlink. By Rachel Tham

Cheryn (front row, extreme right) leading village children in songs during a mission trip to Cebu, Philippines

Diamonds in the rough - that’s what struck me about Cheryn, Douglas and Lois, three of our TackleBox (TTB) youths who attended the TRACKERS programme hosted at Faith from January to March 2018. With that was also a fresh perspective of how each youth is unique and loved by God, as He journeys with and delicately works in each of their hearts through their JULY 2018 . FAITHLINK

different backgrounds and personalities. Each of them – and us – is truly “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), and a testament to His wonder and goodness!

A New Intimacy Cheryn, 19, joined TTB and one of its Small Groups at 14. She recounts how, a few days into TRACKERS, she was

unsure if it was something she wanted to continue with. At the same time, she faced resistance to her being on such a high-intensity Christian programme. Unexpectedly, it was this resistance that cemented her decision to stay on with TRACKERS, during which God then brought her on a journey of growing in and making a personal connection with Him. Cheryn describes


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her TRACKERS experience as where she got to know for herself who God is and how He works, and how it helped her realize that “through her struggles in the past, God had been there for her and working through her situations all along”. She now sees God as “the one who she relies on for strength”, and hopes to continue strengthening her walk with God and deepening her relationship with Him.

A Renewed Calling Douglas, 19, from AGUPPY Small Group has been with TTB since he was 13. He shares how his walk with God had reached an all-time low by the time he had finished Junior College, and how, knowing that his upcoming years serving National Service would be exceptionally draining on his relationship with God, he

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decided to spend his three months of transition in spiritual reboot. Douglas’ TRACKERS journey not only reconnected him with God, but also renewed and gave clarity to his calling: “When I first received the call to missions, my only thought was for people from similar backgrounds as me”, he explains. “But during my TRACKERS mission trip to Laguna, Philippines, my eyes were opened to the plight of the less fortunate, and how they are not so different from us in their need for love and salvation.” Douglas shares his desire to continue his studies at a missions training school after completing his National Service, and hopes to eventually work in the missions field with the less fortunate.

A Starting Point Lois, 19, also in AGUPPY Small Group joined TTB last year when she and her younger

while on mission

trip to

brother felt their spiritual growth plateauing, prompting their family’s search for a new church. A similar desire to strengthen the foundations of her faith and make a personal connection with God led Lois to join TRACKERS. She shares how the topics discussed in the daily lectures challenged her knowledge of Christianity, deepening her understanding of and internalizing her Christian faith. Lois is currently still on her faith journey as she continues to reinforce her beliefs and grow in intimacy with God.

Another highlight for Lois during her TRACKERS experience was community – the authentic friendships formed and “willingness to be vulnerable” among the TRACKERS, as they came together despite their different backgrounds and home churches. Through their testimonies and conversations, Lois realized that she was not alone in her questioning FAITHLINK . JULY 2018



and uncertainties, and experienced the power and comfort that comes from real Christian fellowship. She also found a mentor in one of the TRACKERS leaders, and the pair has been meeting regularly to guide and keep Lois accountable as she works to deepen her understanding and faith.

Precious Seeds Sown Through my conversations with Cheryn, Douglas and Lois, I was given a glimpse

into the intensity and depth of the spirituality that exists among our youths. At the same time, I realized how crucial it is that they receive the guidance they need as they seek answers to their questions about life, God and meaning, and the TRACKERS programme goes a long way in providing a safe environment where they can unabashedly grow their faith. Praise God for making our youth a period of fertile soil for His Word! May we remember that children, are a

blessing from the Lord, and it is our privilege to train them up in His ways. Rachel is the Communications Executive at Faith.

Cheryn with the village children while on her mission trip to Cebu, Philippines

TRACKERS is a three-month discipleship programme by Truthmin, the youth ministry arm of the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC). It targets youth between 17 to 25, in transition from ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels, Polytechnic Diplomas and National Service, or those taking a gap year. The discipleship programme has three components: daily lectures by speakers including Methodist pastors and TRAC President Rev Dr Gordon Wong, a 10 to 12-day overseas mission trip to a field in East Timor, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines or Siem Reap, and local outreach where the youth partner with social service agencies to serve over a period of two to three weeks. TRACKERS gives youths a safe, set space to learn about and seek God, through the authentic community of leaders, mentors such as youth leaders from various Methodist churches, and peers. Participants are given an allowance to cover their daily expenses over the three-month period. The next run of TRACKERS will be held from January to March 2019. Programme updates and registration details will be available on the Truthmin website at




Spreading God’s Love To The Community By Henry Auw

When it comes to reaching out to the community, Faith members are no strangers to being actively involved. Each year, several Small Groups (SGs) gather with the sole purpose of being a blessing to the residents within the vicinity of the church.


We also participated in a meaningful one-year project known as “Channel of Blessings”. Through this project, we adopted a few needy families in the community, and have been journeying with them ever since.


One such SG is Jedidiah, which adopted Block 60 under the Adopt-A-Block (AAB) campaign in 2008 and have been serving the residents there ever since. Faithlink finds out more about their involvement.


Why and how did Jedidiah get involved in AAB? In response to The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-19, we took up the challenge to be a testimony of God’s love to all who need care and attention. Besides, we all felt that this was a mission which could be sustained by our SG on a long-term basis. We adopted Block 60 and we have been serving this same block ever since.

What do the members do during these outreach sessions? We visit Block 60 about two to three times a year. During these visits, we take the opportunity to befriend residents who respond positively to us, and invite them to church events.

What are some challenges you face? Some residents do not welcome our visitation, as they know that we are Christians. As most of those we befriend are pre-believers, we need to learn to wait on the Lord to open the door for us to share the Gospel at the right time.


We even keep in contact with those we have befriended outside of the formal AAB visitations, through monthly personal visits, care calling and periodic meals. In recent years, our SG has also organised festive gatherings at our church for the residents and their relatives and friends along. We take the opportunity to share our personal testimonies with them.

Share some positive testimonies and how the residents and members have been blessed. Some of these residents have come to know and accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. They have either started to attend church, or else have begun their own spiritual journey with God in regular prayer. It is very encouraging for us to witness how God works in their lives, and to be a part of a ministry that brings good news to those who have not heard. We will persist in sowing the seeds because we know the harvest will come at the Lord’s timing.




Adopting A Neighbourly Approach One of Faith’s Small Groups organized a special tour of the church premises for residents of their adopted block.


settled down, a special video was played, giving a nostalgic glimpse into the Tanglin Halt estate and its surroundings. The video also showed the physical transformation of the church building through the years. A quiz was then conducted based on the church tour and the video, with the winners each receiving Faith’s 50th Anniversary stored value EZ-Link card.

By Ong Un Soon

On Saturday 12 May, Heritage Small Group organized a special event for the residents of Block 44 Tanglin Halt (which they adopted as part of the Adopt-A-Block, or AAB, initiative at Faith). The highlight of the day was a guided tour of Faith Methodist Church at 400 Commonwealth Drive, to allow residents to view the premises and find out more about the church. The event was due to start at 5pm but the residents were seen streaming into the church as early as 4.45pm. When all the residents had arrived, they were divided into six groups and the tour leaders started the building tour.


During the tour of the Sanctuary and Worship Hall, the residents were told about the meaning of the Cross and its significance. Thereafter, they were shown the stained glass mural on the main façade of the building, spanning Level 2 to the Attic. Once again, the residents got to know more about the Christian faith and specifically about Jesus’ birth and ministry on earth, depicted on the stained glass. The residents also had a glimpse of Faith Kindergarten on Level 2. After the tour, everyone gathered at Charis Hall on Level 4 for a sumptuous dinner to mark the end of the day’s activities. As everyone

It was evident that the tour was a success and we praise God for the seeds that were sown. The residents left the event with grateful hearts, huge smiles, and words of appreciation, saying, “Thank you for inviting us to the church. It was good to meet our neighbours and have a good time with you all.” Ong Un Soon worships at the 8am service and belongs to the Heritage Small Group.



“Whom Shall I Send?” How Faith answers God’s call to fulfill the Great Commission. By Jimaia Wong

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7 (ESV) Other than the 9 mission fields in 6 countries under the umbrella of the Acts 1:8 mission trips and ministries, Faith also supports her own mission workers. Many of them are familiar faces amongst us and have been faithfully serving for many

years. We are thankful for their obedience to God’s call and it has been a privilege, as a church, to partner them in their endeavours. Some of those who were based overseas have since returned from the fields and

are now in a different season of their faith journey and ministry. As a church, we can continue to care for them by helping them to assimilate back into church life. As these mission workers return from the fields, new ones are sent out because the Lord’s call upon the church to send out harvesters remains unchanged. We have the joy of witnessing the Lord raise new mission workers in our midst. In this issue, we hear from three of them (see pages 44–47) as they share God’s call upon their lives and the challenges they face. The most direct way of care for our mission workers is to uphold them in prayers. Jimaia is the Pastoral Team Member for Missions. She loves her coffee “gao” and “siew dai” and enjoys hearing stories of God’s faithfulness from the mission fields and mission workers.

It is my hope that each of us at Faith will play our part in fulfilling the Great Commission when we Tell, Care, and Go: Tell others about the great things the Lord is doing, and invite them to come alongside Care for those who are called to full-time missions by praying for them and supporting them Go to the regions beyond to be a channel of blessing to the communities there FAITHLINK . JULY 2018



What We Have Now 2






Faith members who Faith members who have a sense a leading or are calling for missions and are exploring God’s calling to attending a course be a seminary student or in missions or serving missions intern a stint/internship with a missions agency

Longest serving mission worker

>30 years

Newest mission worker

< 3 months

Local food our mission workers miss most when away from home

Nasi Lemak Lor Mee Hainanese Chicken Rice

Some of the strangest food they have ever eaten or seen

Raw buffalo meat Deep-fried one-dayold chick Silkworm

Most Fulfilling Thing That Happened Recently

Fun Facts Witnessing the elderly receive Christ


Preached an impromptu sermon in Thai Chance to interact with Chinese intellectuals and scholars Seeing a shortterm mission tripper deciding to join long-term missions



based in Singapore with different missions agencies or organisations

If you sense God leading you to explore full-time mission work, contact JULY 2018 . FAITHLINK


based overseas in different countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia

“I wanted to GO on a mission trip where I could use the skills and talents that God has given me. Last year, I went to Surabaya with my Small Group and we conducted training for teachers and parents of students in a slum school.”


出 “我要把神赐给我的技能和才华用在布道的出发路 发 程上。去年,我和小组团契去了泗水一趟。我们 在一所贫民窟里的学校训练了一批老师和家长们。”

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“我和当时还在东亚的宣教士 Peng 搭档 。 我们时常沟通来往。我尽力的以祈祷,鼓励和 各方面的支持方式来关怀他。”


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“I partnered then-mission worker Peng while she was based in East Asia. We communicated regularly and I would try my best to CARE for her by praying, encouraging and supporting her in various ways.”


叙 “我邀请了教会的宣教同工曾金元来我的小组团契 叙述 他的工作范围和需要。 以实际活出使徒行传 述 第一章第八节所说的,我们也参加了圣诞布道会, 向世人叙述圣经的好消息。”



“I invited our church’s mission worker Lionel Chan to TELL of his work and areas of need in my Small Group. To live out Acts 1:8, we also participated in a Christmas outreach to TELL others about the Good News.”

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Reflections of my internship with Tamar Village. By Angeline Foo

From February to April 2018, I interned at Tamar Village (TV), whose mission is to see God’s justice and compassion revealed in Singapore's red light districts, by bringing hope, help and healing. I have been touched by how TV is a place filled with God’s love and compassion, and by the staff members’ desire to journey towards restoration with the people, no matter how long it takes. “…And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.“ Micah 6:8 (NIV) I caught a glimpse of God’s extravagant love and mercy through the way the staff members poured out their lives for others; from a place

of rest in our Heavenly Father and out of the fullness that He poured into their lives. Their goal was not results but “stopping for one”, like what Jesus did. They long for individuals to encounter God’s love deeply. I was also reminded of the importance of prayer as my foundation. Everything we do has to come from intimacy in prayer with God. John 15:5 states that apart from Jesus we can do nothing, which helps us to recognize our dependence on Him. It is His work and only God can turn hearts to Him. Only He can bring healing and touch them with His redemptive love. Currently, I am attending the Compassion Discipleship Training School (DTS) at YWAM

Singapore. It builds passion for Christ and prepares us for involvement in God’s work in the nations. What stood out for me in the first month of lectures is the sufficiency of God - to rest in the sufficiency of God, because He is good, all the time. He is the infinite, holy and eternal God, the Creator of the Universe who relentlessly pursues us with His everlasting love into an intimate relationship with Him. I have gained a deeper sense of awe and wonder of who He is. Psalm 145:3 (NIV) says, “Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” It is reassuring to know that even though we cannot fully comprehend Him with our limited minds, we can still trust Him completely no matter what, because He is sovereign and always works for the good of those who fear Him. Angeline worships at the 11am service with her family. She is Faith’s Missions intern and is now attending Discipleship Training School with YWAM Singapore.




God’s Blueprint for a Struggling Call A testimony of a journey into cross-cultural missions

Editor’s Note: The writer of this article is Faith’s newest overseas mission worker. She has chosen to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of her work in her mission field. Let us continue to uphold all our mission heroes of Faith who have chosen to step out and make a difference in the harvest fields of the world.

How It All Started Being a social worker was something I enjoyed passionately as it allowed me to directly or indirectly communicate the love of Christ with people I interacted with. In 2016 however, I was perplexed when I sensed God was calling me into full-time cross-cultural work in a particular nation. I often regarded myself as a “worm”, content to burrow in warm, moist soil underneath the surface. But God sought me beneath the layers and took me out of my comfort zone. To ascertain that I had heard God’s call correctly, I decided to explore areas where I could serve effectively in the country I felt drawn to. In Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF), we learned to view missions holistically whereby we share the love of Christ by meeting people’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. On hindsight, ministering to my host country, which is a Creative Access Nation (CAN), was not a random call in God’s

blueprint. Some 10 years prior, I had met a group of business students from this land via a cross-cultural exchange event organised by VCF. My interest and love for these people grew when one of them became a close friend of mine.

Answering The Call After I graduated from university, I went on shortterm mission trips to this country yearly. During one particular trip in March 2017, I worked with a local NGO and helped to conduct a one-day workshop on suicide assessment and intervention. I witnessed firsthand how God transformed the lives of ex-drug addicts in a rehabilitation centre. That trip became a turning point for me. God spoke to me clearly and confirmed my desire to serve Him in the area of social work with the locals. With support from Faith, family and friends, I eventually left my “safe place”, which included a nine-year career as a social worker, and started training as a full-time crosscultural worker.

His Strength Made Perfect In My Weakness Many times I find myself struggling physically, emotionally and spiritually. Not only do I have to adjust to a new “culture”, I also have to frequently grapple with basic but essential biblical truths such as “Who am I in Christ”. Many sleepless nights I beseeched God, with fear and trembling, “Lord, will I get there?” After one particularly exhausting day, I asked the Lord for a word for me. “Fruitfulness” was the word He gave. I took that as a promise of what is to come and a reminder to abide in the True Vine (John 15:1, 4). God also reminded me that He is to be the “living water” for the people in my host country, whose souls are “parched with thirst” for Him. Today, I still struggle in certain areas, but with the LORD’s hand in my life, I am safe and secure. With the LORD, even an insignificant person like me is made strong and able to “crush mountains” (Isaiah 41:15).




In His Time

Read a praise report from Vincent Lim, our missionary to Thailand, who is now based in Khon Kaen. By Vincent Lim

Hi Faith Family, It has been nine months since we were sent off by the church to Thailand to follow what God has called us to do. We completed our initial phase of Language Studies in April, and subsequently moved to the North Eastern part of Thailand (Khon Kaen). Here, we partner with a Christian foundation in their ministry and are able to learn from their years of rich experience.

My main area of ministry is in a school where I serve as its supervisor. This means I am involved in teaching, pastoral and administrative duties, and basically whatever that needs to be done!

Deuteronomy 6:4-7, the children are trained and taught to love God and His people, and the parents of these children are also heavily involved with the school to bring their children up in the ways of the Lord.

The curriculum used by the school is from School of Tomorrow, which is an American Christian curriculum. Everything that we do in the school is almost like a discipleship training school. Based on the “Shema*” in

Adjusting To A New Life Since we arrived in Thailand, our hearts have been constantly filled with thanksgiving in the way the Lord leads and provides. Here

*The Shema refers to Deuteronomy 6:4-7, that became a daily prayer in Ancient Israelite tradition. It’s the equivalent of the Lord’s Prayer in Christian tradition.



When we first arrived, we didn’t have many friends. But thank God, we came to know a community of God-fearing missionaries who are also here to serve the Lord. We have been very blessed by these new friends. are just some examples of how the Lord provided for us: • The initial phase of moving here was not easy. As our bodies were adjusting to the weather here, we fell sick twice in a month. However the Lord is merciful and gracious and we managed to recover quickly. • Another area was in the area of friendships. When we first arrived, we didn’t have many friends. But thank God, we came to know a community of God-fearing missionaries who are also here to serve the Lord. We have been very blessed by these new friends.

He Makes All Things Beautiful As we look back, the Lord’s timing and His plans are truly impeccable. The training I received from my years of teaching in Singapore, the School of Tomorrow curriculum we use for our children’s homeschool education, the season we are called into Khon Kaen at this time, and even the comfortable house that the Lord provided for us, has simply left us with this assurance: The LORD knows and He provides!

P lease continue to pray unceasingly that the Lord will Transform Lives and Change The World for His glory! Vincent is a former Pastoral Team Member at Faith. In 2017, he answered the call of God and relocated to Thailand with his wife, Phyllis, and two young daughters, Grace and Faith.

• Thirdly, the Lord has provided us with an affordable and beautiful house where we can rest peacefully when we are home. These are just some areas that we give thanks for. But what is more precious to us is the myriad of opportunities for us to learn about Thai culture through work and the network of friends we have. FAITHLINK . JULY 2018



For more information on other Acts 1:8 mission trips, or if you are keen to explore other fields and can form a group of at least 7 people, please contact Jimaia Wong, Pastoral Team Member for Missions at







Timing for the Pre N/N & K1 classes


1st Session: 8:30 am – 11:30 am & 2nd Session: 11:45 am – 2:45 pm

• A copy of your child’s Immunisation / Vaccination Record

• A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate / Dependent’s Pass etc • Registration Fee of $50 for Singapore Citizens / PRs

Kindergarten Two - children born in 2013

• Registration Fee of $100 for Non-Citizens • A Down-Payment of $450 per child for all levels We will off-set this amount against the school fees to be paid

PLEASE NOTE the timing for our K2 classes: 1st Session: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm & 2nd Session: 10:45 am – 2:45 pm

in January 2019. All our fees paid are inclusive of GST.

Vacancies are available only in the 2nd session for all levels. The 1st session for Year 2019 has been taken up by our existing children. Any request for the 1st session will have to depend on vacancies available.

• School Fees to be paid per term are: Pre-Nursery

- $1200


- $1050


- $1050


- $1200

REGISTRATION TIME 9:00 am to 11:00 am OR 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.





FOR MORE DETAILS: 6479-5409 / 6471-3141

faith kindergarten



Faith KINDERGARTEN Family Day 12 May 2018

It was definitely a day of fun and bonding for the parents, children and staff of Faith Kindergarten. We had an encouraging turnout of 220 adults and children participating in the various hands-on activities arranged by the staff of Kok Fah Technology Farm. This was also a great opportunity for parents of Faith K to connect with one another. Parents too had a great time of bonding with their children, working together to make their own salad sandwiches with fresh juicy vegetables from the farm, potting plants,

creating their own terrariums, exploring the various patterns of vegetables by creating their own handkerchiefs and of course, with the children having a great time feeding the koi fish. The tour around the Greenhouse was an eyeopener for the children as they discovered how vegetables are grown and then sold at the weekend market located within the premises. The Family Day event was indeed a great success. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who gave their time and energy to ensure everything ran smoothly!

Methodist Preschools Connection (MPC) Day 25 May 2018

The Methodist Preschools Connection Day is an annual event organised to recognise staff from all the Methodist Kindergartens and Child Care Centres and thank them for their years of service. It is also a day set aside for staff development and training. This year, the Chairman of Faith Kindergarten, Liaw Chun Huan, shared about “Moving Forward Together” for the Early Childhood landscape within the Methodist Churches. We also welcomed Guest of Honour Kwok Wan Yee, Education Secretary of the Methodist Church in Singapore. She attended the event in place of Bishop Chong Chin Chung who was overseas at the time. FAITHLINK . JULY 2018



A Partnership Of Faith Joining Hands Together to Provide Better Care for our Community. By Shirley Ng

Faith Methodist Church, in collaboration with FaithActs, has been reaching out to the community, primarily through the Adopt-A-Block initiative which comes under Faith’s Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry for: Several Small Groups from Faith “adopt” a block of flats within the church’s vicinity and frequently conduct events and visitations to share the love of God to its residents. This partnership has benefited the residents


at Tanglin Halt and Commonwealth as church members and volunteers work together with FaithActs in helping needy residents. More importantly, the interaction we have allows us to build bridges between the church and the community, enabling us to be channels of God’s love. One particularly moving account demonstrates how this partnership between Faith and FaithActs has effectively touched and transformed

the life of one precious lady, Aunty Koh. Aunty Koh was a frail and sickly woman living alone at Tanglin Halt. Volunteers started to engage her in meaningful ways and, she gradually opened up to the warmth and love from the Small Group and also received social support from FaithActs. As Aunty Koh’s health deteriorated, the volunteers visited her more frequently and assisted her in her daily


routines. Through these acts of kindness, God’s love touched her. She subsequently prayed to receive Christ and was baptised on 1 April 2018. Aunty Koh eventually passed on a few days later. Even though it was only for a short period, we believe that Aunty Koh experienced the fellowship of God and His people, and we are thankful to

God for allowing us to be part of her journey. There are many more out there like Mdm Koh needing social support and God’s divine touch. Will you come alongside them? Shirley Ng belongs to Dreamers Small Group at Faith. She is a Team Leader, and serves in the Prayer Ministry and Genesis Dance team. She is also the Executive Director of FaithActs.

FaithActs renders social support to needy residents in practical ways, including basic health checks and haircuts, as seen here in Aunty Koh’s case.


FaithActs started in 2004 as a Youth Hub to provide a healthy hangout for the latchkey and the youth-at-risk. We attracted 127 youth in our initial set up and today, have worked with more than 1000 children and youth. These young lives join our tuition, The Learning Hub, Junior Chef, Workshops, Outings and other various ad hoc activities. When we work with children and youth, families are involved. We started providing Casework and Counselling services, which today, have seen 456 cases from the community. With Singapore’s aging population, FaithActs started its Seniors Services in 2009. Our iconic workshop programme for different levels of mobility attracted more than 500 seniors. Subsequently, other activities such as craftwork, talks, games, dance and music classes were included to give seniors opportunities to learn new skills, socialise, and overall giving them a new purpose in life. The provision of such services would not have been possible without the help of individuals like you. Do call us for more information on donation, volunteering, sponsoring, or collaboration opportunities. 6339 7611 (Jean or Pat)

Aunty Koh’s water baptism was witnessed by members from River Of Life SG and FaithActs



Spotted at Faith Memorable events in church caught on camera




Palm Sunday & Maundy Thursday 25 & 29 March 2018

Palm Sunday: Members of our congregation were given palm leaves at our Palm Sunday worship services

Maundy Thursday: CAC President Rev Dr Gregory Goh (left) was guest speaker at Faith’s Joint Maundy Thursday Service with QCMC

Maundy Thursday: Rev Raymond Fong presided over the Holy Communion at the Worship Hall

Maundy Thursday: The Service ended with the ceremonial Stripping of the Altar

Maundy Thursday: Faith’s choir presented the choral offering at the Worship Hall



SPOTTED AT FAITH : good friday combined service

good friday Combined service 30 MARCH 2018 Good Friday is when we honour Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the Cross to reconcile us to God. This year, Rev Peter Koh preached on “The Message Of The Cross” from 1 Cor. 1:18-25. The Faith Choristers presented the anthem in the Sanctuary, with the Fidelis Chorale in the Worship Hall.




Resurrection Sunday 1 april 2018 “He is Risen!” On Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death and the resurrection power we have in Him. This year, Faith organized a One Family Workout & Breakfast (see page 26 to read more about our One Family Workout) followed by a Combined Service at our ACJC premises.



SPOTTED AT FAITH : baptism & membership reception service

Baptism & Membership Reception Service 26 MAY 2018 Sixty-one candidates were baptized and/or received into Faith’s membership on 26 May 2018. Faith’s pastors presided over the baptism and membership reception, followed by the presentation of certificates by LCEC members Lee Gee Aik, Albert Lim, Allan Poh and Cindy Koh. May the candidates continue to walk closely with the Lord and find authentic community with our Faith church family!






SPOTTED AT FAITH : 9am service holy communion sunday special presentation

9AM SERVICE HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY SPECIAL PRESENTATION 6 MAY 2018 Faith’s 9am Service features a special presentation every Holy Communion Sunday (first Sunday of each month). On 6 May, the creative team came together to put up a gameshow skit illustrating God’s redemptive grace. Our Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Raymond Fong was also involved!


SPOTTED AT FAITH : the tacklebox youth prayer meeting


The TackleBox Youth Prayer Meeting 25 MAY 2018 Faith’s TackleBox Youth Ministry held a prayer meeting on 25 May at which Jason Chua from Burning Hearts was guest speaker. The Youths were ministered to at the evening of worship, sharing of the Word, prayer and testimonies. Let’s pray for our Youth to keep God their cornerstone and seek Him tirelessly!



SPOTTED AT FAITH : language ministries

Language Ministries APRIL TO MAY 2018

About 30 members and visitors attended the Filipino Ministry Easter Outreach Movie Event

Faith’s Indonesian Ministry celebrated its 14th Anniversary with an outing to Kent Ridge Park

About 40 members and visitors attended the Indonesian Ministry Easter Outreach Movie Event




Language Ministries APRIL TO MAY 2018 Faith’s Indonesian & Filipino Ministries jointly put up a booth at Ministry Fair 2018

Members of Faith’s Indonesian & Filipino Ministries served as ushers at the English services on 29 April 2018



SPOTTED AT FAITH : language ministries

Norma (bottom row, middle lady in red) with her friends at Faith’s Indonesian Fellowship

Keluarga Saat Berada JAUh Dari Keluarga Sendiri Oleh Norma Novince Tagu

Nama saya Norma, seorang gadis remaja yang punya impian, ingin membahagiakan keluarga dari segi keuangan. Keluarga saya ada 7 bersaudara – 2 cowok dan 5 cewek. Saya cewek yang pertama. Ayah saya seorang nelayan sedangkan ibu saya seorang ibu rumah tangga. Harapan mereka hanya menginginkan kami tetap giat belajar dan menyelesaikan pendidikan sampai SMA. Puji Tuhan kakak sulung dan saya telah lulus SMA. Kakak sulung merantau di luar daerah dan akhirnya saya juga ikut merantau ke Malaysia karena ingin memperoleh gaji yang besar untuk membiayai pendidikan 5 adik-adik saya. Di Malaysia saya bekerja di pabrik kayu dan walaupun orang disekeliling menjengkelkan karena seks


bebas dan sebagainya, saya bersyukur penyertaan Tuhan bantu saya menjaga diri. Puji Tuhan yang memelihara saya selama 4 tahun dalam kesehatan dan perkerjaan sampai 3 adik saya telah lulus dari pendidikan SMA, walaupun kadang kala saya penuh kesedihan, kelelahan dan kemarahan. Tahun 2011 saya berkerja di Singapura karena ingin membangun rumah yang masih terbuat dari kayu dan membiayai pendidikan 2 adik lagi. Syukur kepada Tuhan karena anugerah dan kebaikanNya, saya mendapat majikan yang baik, penyayang, peduli dan memperlakukan saya seperti keluarga. Hampir 8 tahun kemudian keluarga majikan tetap baik dan tidak berubah. Awal tahun 2013 saya mengikuti kelas Inggris di gereja Methodist Faith


dan kemudian saya diajak beribadah persekutuan Indonesia. Dari situ saya dipimpin dan dilatih mejadi seorang pemimpin pujian, back-up singer, gitaris, powerpoint dan penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia. Dengan talenta yang berbeda, kami saling melengkapi di dalam persekutuan. Ini adalah gambar keluarga yang indah. Kami juga saling berbagi cerita dan pergumulan kami di dalam kelompok kecil sehingga kami dapat bertumbuh dalam iman kami. Dengan saling memberi motifasi dan menguatkan lewat perkataan dan doa bersama, kami dapat merasa kasih Tuhan di dalam persekutuan kami. Ayat-ayat yang memotifasikan pribadi saya adalah dari Amsal 3:5-7 dan Roma 12:12. Percayalah kepada TUHAN dengan segenap hatimu, dan janganlah bersandar kepada pengertianmu sendiri. Akuilah Dia dalam segala lakumu, maka Ia akan meluruskan jalanmu. Janganlah engkau menganggap dirimu sendiri bijak, takutlah akan TUHAN dan jauhilah kejahatan. Bersukacitalah dalam pengharapan, sabarlah dalam kesesakan, dan bertekunlah dalam doa!


A Family in Singapore By Norma Novince Tagu My name is Norma and I have a desire to ease my family’s financial burden. I am the eldest girl in my family of 9 (I have 6 siblings). My father is a fisherman and my mother is a housewife, and both of them hope for us to study hard and finish secondary education. Praise God that my older brother and I have finished our secondary education. My eldest brother went overseas to work and I managed to find work at a logging factory in Malaysia. The salary was enough for me to support the education of my 5 younger siblings and I stayed at this place for 4 years despite being surrounded by a lot of vice and immoral activities. There were times I felt overwhelmed by sadness, fatigue and anger, but I am thankful for God’s presence and protection so that 3 of my siblings were able to complete their secondary education. In 2011, I moved to Singapore to work as a domestic helper in order to support my 2 remaining siblings. I am grateful to God for giving me a good employer who is loving, caring and treats me as part of the family. In early 2013, I attended English classes at Faith Methodist Church and was invited to the Indonesian Fellowship. From here I was led and trained to become a worship leader, back-up singer, guitarist, projectionist and interpreter from English to Indonesian language. With our different talents, we complete one another in the fellowship. This is a beautiful picture of family! We also share our stories and struggles in our Small Groups so that we can grow in our faith. By motivating and strengthening each other through words and prayers, we can feel God’s love in our fellowship. Some Bible verses that have motivated me personally are from Proverbs and Romans and I want to share them with you. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. (Proverbs 3:5-7) Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)



SPOTTED AT FAITH : alpha night

Alpha Night 31 MAY 2018 The February-May 2018 run of Faith’s Alpha Course concluded with a celebratory programme and fellowship dinner! Participants enjoyed an evening of games and testimonysharing. This Alpha run saw one salvation and another rededication to the Lord. We thank God for every person that comes to know Him, and pray that He will continue to use our church mightily for His work!




Miracle Upon Miracle: W&E Evangelistic Event 23 JUNE 2018 Faith’s ministry for Witness & Evangelism held an evangelistic event at which guest speaker, Judith Halim, shared her testimony of God’s hand in her and her husband’s lives. God rescued her from the lowest point of her life and led her to become the successful speaker and businesswoman she is today. Praise God for the lives touched by her testimony and ministry time!




There is increasing awareness amongst believers that we are powerful agents of His redemptive love in our place of work. Jesus Himself taught us to be the Salt and Light of the earth (Matt. 5:13-16).





Allow me to start with a bold assumption that the biggest mission field is not determined by countries within geographical boundaries; where churches fervently mount regular mission trips to share the good news, to equip and teach the saints and to show acts of love. I believe that the biggest mission field is at our respective workplaces, where we have numerous opportunities to impact lives. Our workplaces provide us with social engagement with colleagues, business contacts, stakeholders, vendors, contractors and customers.

Those in the education and health care industry, will connect with many more on a single day. If we pay attention to everyone we interact with at work, including the cleaning crew, the maintenance folks, the machine operators, the delivery persons, then we will appreciate how large and significant the marketplace ministry can be. Our jobs are platforms for us to be godly stewards and to connect and work with others. Through work, we interact with others and we can potentially impact lives. I know that when I am focused only on meeting KPIs, work objectives and annual targets, I miss out on the opportunities to build relations and strengthen my fellow workers. It is easy to be caught up with our career and climbing the corporate ladder.

To be the salt and light, let me suggest a few ideas with you: BE GOOD IN YOUR JOB (Col. 3:23, 24). Demonstrating excellence consistently in our work is a powerful example to others. We work heartily for Him and in the process, become model workers. Be punctual, be efficient, be engaged, be accountable and avoid gossiping at work. BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO FELLOW WORKERS. We can be totally immersed in our jobs that we do not notice the people around us with needs. With multi-tasking as the norm, many are overworked. Look out for moments where we can offer encouragement (Col. 4:6) and assistance. Pausing to listen helped me to better understand my co-workers and their needs. Be ready to help colleagues who may need a stand-in, or assistance at work. By taking the initiative to help our colleagues, we demonstrate care and empathy. BE OPTIMISTIC. Romans 8:37 and Philippians 4:8 are good reminders that even in difficult situations at work, we can depend on Him. Whilst leading the inaugural Formula One Night Race project, I learned that maintaining optimism in challenging situations had a powerful calming effect on my colleagues. My ex-boss once said: “If the boss is not worried, you don’t need to panic”. Two helpful books that deepen my spiritual orientation to the marketplace are Workship by Kara Martin and Effective Christian Leaders in the Global Workplace by Peter Shaw. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you serve as Salt and Light in the marketplace! Lawrence has retired from the public service after 40 years. He has been serving the LCEC since 1984. He and his wife, Grace, worship at the 10.30am service at ACJC. JULY 2018 . FAITHLINK

Join us for our

Sunday Celebration Services! @ 400 Commonwealth Drive 8am 9am* 11am*

Traditional Contemporary Contemporary

Sanctuary (Level 1) Worship Hall (Level 4) Worship Hall (Level 4)

@ Anglo-Chinese Junior College (25 Dover Close East) 10.15am


Main Building LT1 (Level 2)

10.30am 10.30am*

TackleBox Youth Contemporary

Main Building LT4 (Level 3) Faith Centre for Performing Arts (CPA)

*Children’s programme is available at these services. Find faith at



400 Commonwealth Drive Singapore 149604 T: 6471 9420 | |

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Articles inside

alpha night

page 68

Miracle upon Miracle

page 69

Language Ministries

pages 64-67

9aM service holy Communion sunday

page 62

The TackleBox Youth Prayer Meeting

page 63

Resurrection Sunday

page 59

Palm sunday & Maundy thursday

page 57

good friday Combined service

page 58

Baptism & Membership Reception Service

pages 60-61

a Partnership of faith

pages 54-56

faith Kindergarten event reports

page 53

god’s extravagant Love

page 46

god’s Blueprint for a struggling Call

page 47

Supporting Families @ Faith

pages 36-37

Trackers: Christian Bootcamp

pages 38-40

Adopting A Neighbourly Approach

page 42

spreading god’s Love to the Community

page 41

Book review: Be A Better Dad Today

page 35

A Facelift For Faith

pages 20-27

serving as one faMiLY

pages 30-34

exercise Your faith

pages 28-29

Editor’s Note

page 3

Pastor’s Letter

pages 4-7

Making disciples

pages 8-9

Wishes from LCEC, Mandarin Ministry TackleBox Youth, SUN JAM Children, Filipino Ministry, Indonesian Ministry

pages 14-19

Understanding Effective Parenting

pages 10-13
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