Going to university isn’t just about the studying, there are also many opportunities available to try new things, meet new people and make the most of your time at RGU. RGU:Union is your Students’ Union. It is an independent charity run by students, for students, focused on making your experience the best it can be. You automatically become a member of RGU:Union when you enrol as a student at the University, which gives you the opportunity to try exciting new activities, from being part of a sports club, taking part in charity fundraising, student media or volunteering in the community. There are over 40 student societies to get involved in, from course related to social societies including gaming, film, music or photography. There are also political and faith-based groups. If you can’t find a group that covers your interests, why not start up a society of your own?
RGU:Union also has over 30 sports clubs for you to get involved in, including badminton, water polo, basketball, indoor hockey and rock climbing.
www.rguunion.co.uk/sport If you’re looking for a fun way to boost your CV and gain invaluable experience, why not try volunteering! From skydiving and sports coaching to youth work and fundraising, the Union can help find the right opportunity for you. There are lots of different ways to get involved, either in a voluntary role as part of the Union’s representative team, in the community with one of our local charity partners, or if you would rather not commit regularly you could try your hand at a one-off volunteering project.
www.rguunion.co.uk/ volunteering
RGU:RAG is the charity fundraising arm of RGU:Union. Their team organise a number of exciting charitable events throughout the year, with all proceeds going to local, national and international charities. Students at RGU have raised well over £100,000 for countless different charities over the past few years through various different methods including bake sales, street collections, fashion shows, and they have even sent students to climb Mount Kilimanjaro! www.rguunion.co.uk/rgurag RGU:Union also supports a
student-led media group. The group produces content around all aspects of student life, published in a range of formats including videos, written news and regular podcasts.