ing they should salute each other in the following manner 'Ave Frater'. The second shall answer 'Roseae Rubeae', whereupon the first shall conclude with 'et Aureae Cruds'. It was also the ancient custom after having thus discovered their position, for one to say to the other Benedictus Dominus Deus noster qui Dedit nobis{uncovering Cross or Seal). This latter form should also be observed on all formal occasions and especially when Fratres meet who are little acquainted with each other. Members are moreover further requested to endeavour upon all occasions when taking leave of each other to use the old formula Vale, adding 'Sub umbra alarum tuarum, Jehovah ! '2 The effect of the foregoing observance is to directly maintain the psychic link which has ever served to bind the Members of this Ancient and Honourable Order one to the other;-in this light it is something more than a mere form. The following beautiful sentences were inscribed upon the Tablet. At the head was written. 'Granum Pectaris IH SH VH insitum'A grain-or seed, sown or planted-in the heart of Jehoshua (The worn out physical body-laid aside-from whence has escaped the Spiritual entity which shall function in a spiritual body-as Paul said; until-if ever-it be again required to clothe itself with skin, and come down-again to teach and guide others) in commemoration of Frater C.R.C. our prototype. Pater dilectissimies = Most loved father ! Frater Suavissimus = Most courteous brother ! Preceptor fidelissimus = Most faithful instructor ! Amicus integerrimus = Strongest friend ! Well indeed shall your life have been spent in helping the world, and teaching others, if you can earn such an Epigraph. 2 A wand to guide you and protect you in the ascent of the ·
Mountain is the Staff of Hermes, about which the twin Serpents of Egypt twine : above the wings of Binah and Chokmah-shrouding the sacred Diamond lying on the Crown of Kether-the Supernal. Sub umbra alarum tuarum; beneath the rays of spiritual Under standing emanating from Divine Wisdom, you may indeed be safe, trusting to the protection and aid of the High and Holy Powers summed up in the great Name JHVH. (Original Note.) 110