M A N, G O D A N D T H E R O S I C R U C I A N I N I T I A T I O N
Mould of Form, to the Earth for the Material body : the Planets and Stars may influence man's form, stature and tendencies, but the destiny of the Thinker will depend upon the Thoughts. This is all true of man as a type of Creation,-Man as an Individual hourly makes himself-One life makes another. There may be a final Heaven, a final rest, a re-absorption into Deity, but this is not yet. The ladder of progression from earth to heaven must be climbed, before the foot can attain the summit. Some egos may go up rapidly, some may pass slowly, self exertion is the measure of success. Let us then make Man-make the Divine Man out of the Human Man. Let us create the Hermetic ideal man from the material sensual man. It is our bounden duty to rend the Veil 'Paroketh' and to let our human intellect attain to the percep tion of the Holy of Holies which shines within us from above. For now we see us in a Glass darkly, but with the Veil rended, we shall see God face to face. How have the Alchemists of old, when passing from the physical, drawn the picture of the Souls transmutation or trans lation to eternity from time,-how have they also figured this Soul Growth and Development. They wrote in beautiful allegory : The Heart of man is as the Sun, the reception organ for the Divine Ray of spiritual intuition descending unto Man. The Brain of Man is as the Moon,-the source of human intellect. The Body of Man is the Earthy vehicle. Let the sun impregnate the Moon, or let Spiritual Fire prompt the human intellect-and let the result fructify in the womb of a purified Body, and you will develop the Son of the Sun, the Quintessence, the Stone of the Wise, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.