Intellect. It is made up of the five Sephiroth (Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach and Hod) that lie above Yesod. Ruach is a set of five intermeshing intellectual principles, 'divided for love's sake, on the chance of union', concentrated upon their central core, the Sun of Tiphareth, the human consciousness and will, of which the other four Sephiroth are, after a certain fashion, ex tensions. The Neschamah is subdivided into three; the Jechidah, or Divine Spark, the Chiah, or Will, and the Neschamah proper. The Jechidah is the Divine Spark, 'that in me which is more than me myself', the deepest layer of consciousness. It is at the same time that which all men have in common and that which differentiates one man from another. On the Tree of Life it cor responds with the topmost Sephirah, Kether, the Crown. The Chiah, or essential will, is the creative impulse of the Jechidah, through which the latter obtains its self-realisation. On the Tree of Life it equates with Chokmah, Wisdom. The Neschamah itself corresponds with the Great Mother Binah, or Understanding, the third Sephirah of the Tree. It is the Jechidah's own understanding of itself. It must be realised that Jechidah, Chiah, and Neschamah form a trinity-it is impossible to conceive of one of them without the other two.