Eagle M.S. and the Purpose and Goal of Development The Ceremony given at the end of the Eagle M.S. is merely a carefully designed and elaborate formula for the same end as every Christian's daily acts of prayer and penance. The differ ence in degree if the former be performed with earnestness and Faith, is very great-the difference in character and intention, if the latter be genuine and not mere formal repetition-is nil. Our experience is that when a Companion of Our Order hav ing attained the Second Grade has once performed the Ceremony in the Eagle M.S. with power and effect-his daily prayers-his confessions-his penances-thereafter all bear the glow of reflec tion from that Ceremony and are immeasurably increased in faith and earnestness-in other words he becomes a more real and devout Christian. To establish closer and more personal relations with the Lord Jesus, the Master of Masters, is, and ever must be, the ultimate object of all the teachings of Our Order. Many are admitted to the First Grade who know Hirn not-and follow Hirn not. If they diligently keep our rules and follow our teachings their pre judices must break down-their ignorance is dissolved-insen sibly they are led to the Master's feet. They who know Him by the teachings of their pastors and masters-and their parents-who have never doubted-but never realised Hirn, are brought to know Him. Every bit of teach ing we give is derived from Him-the powers we teach our dis ciples to use are bestowed by Him according to His promise. Only the doubting, the hesitating, the timid, fail to realise how com pletely Our Order emanates from Him and leads to Him. Closer and personal relation with Hirn is indeed our object and there is no other. Let all disciples cast off doubt-tread boldly in the way we have trodden and we will lead them to Hirn even as Philip led Nathaniel.