Spring/Summer Issue 2014

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Bilingual Magazine Spring / Summer Issue May 15, 2014




TRENDY BEauty Tips summer NAILS

LIFESTYLE Dream Navigation - Interview Wedding Report Lunch Special

Cover Girl Rachel Nguyen





Interview : Dream Navigation


Catch Up!


Wedding Report


Lunch Special

Exlusive interview with owner of Exclusif Beaute

South Bay’s trusted auto body shop Pit Line owner, Akira Saito

Girls’ dream wedding day

Check out JPy’s favorite lunch spots.



Summer Fashion


L.A. Style with Beverly Eri - Vol.18

Keep up with the summer trends! These are the hot items for this summer.

Eri’s interview with her trendy blogger friends.



Ready for Summer


Hazuki’s Beauty Report


Beauty Expert Interview


Summer Nails

Try these! We always have something new to make you beautiful.

Before & After care to enjoy the summer!

Revealing secrets of this beauty expert’s popularity.

New summer nail designs to complete your summer swag!

JPy Magazine


Wardrobe / Cover

Wardrobe / P.34

Editor-in-Chief: Kana Miyamoto Sales & Marketing: Tetsuji Ueda Graphic Designer: Moe Notsu Photographer: TJ Web Designer: Kana Miyamoto Web Designer: Jens Lo Translator: Rika Shimizu Copy Editor: Leslie Kuwabara Copy Editor: Sarah Kei Brooks

Model: Racheal Nguyen (www.thatschic.net) Photography: TJ (www.tj-photos.com) Make-up and Hair: Hitomi Sasaki Stylist: Beverly Eri

Bustier, Skirt & Turband: Cult Gaia (www.cultgaia.com)

Dress: Nightcap Clothig (www.nightcapclothing.com) Shoes: Model’s Own

Wardrobe / P.3 Dress & Shoes: Model’s Own

Copyright © 2014 JPy All Right Reserved. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited or contributed manuscripts, photographs, artwork, or advertisements. All information regarding editorial content or property for sale is deemed reliable.




In this segment, we interview women who are working hard to achieve their dreams overseas. For this month’s issue, we interviewed beauty clinic “Exclusif Beaute” owner, Jackie Cho. She is in charge of running the clinic, creating original products, and managing her beauty institution. We asked her about all the secrets to her success.

Interview with Jackie Cho, Clinic Director Owner of Exclusif Beaute

lease tell us your story of how you opened Exclusif Beaute.


provide techniques and products suitable for all skin types, which

I was born and raised in South Korea and immigrated to the U.S.

by beautiful skin, but it’s not so easy to obtain instantly, even with

at the age of 26. Although I longed to be successful in America, I

the most advanced technology. That is why my advice on home care

was just a student when I first arrived here and didn’t have a pre-

for daily life is very important. I am always supportive of my clients,

cise plan. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was learning

and maintaining communication and a trusting relationship with

English in college, but then I had a chance to take a beauty busi-

each one of them is also very important. I often receive phone calls

ness seminar organized by a French doctor in Beverly Hills, and

from my clients who seek my advice, and I like to be available to

it enlightened me to pursue a career in the beauty industry. Ever

them. I must know their goals of how they want to become when

since I found my goal, I immediately acted upon it, and studied

I first meet them, and establish long-term relationships so I can be

in Germany, France, Italy, and other countries that are known for

their partner as we walk together towards their goals.

having advanced beauty industries. I saved money by selling beau-

What are your current goals?

ty products to open my own business and founded my company that same year. My English was very limited so I mostly did doorto-door sales in highly Korean populated communities from San Diego to San Francisco. I was so young back then, it was more like enjoying an adventure, rather than seeing it as a struggle. When I was finally able to open up my small 400 sq. ft. salon, it was the

other salons may not be able to offer. Most people are infatuated

I am currently working on creating a system that provides treatment for seniors. My mission is to be able to provide my service to those who are 65 years old and up, based on their skin condition. Everyone ages, and I completely understand how that feels. I don’t want people to feel negatively about ag-

A message for JPy Readers After 34 years in the beauty industry, I strongly feel that you can achieve a great outcome if you believe in one thing that you want to do. I immigrated to the U.S. with $200 as a foreign student, with the vision that I was going to be a success in the beauty industry. I raised two sons as a single mother. My small 400 square foot salon has now become much more spacious. I manage a beauty school and import my own skincare products. I made my own story, and it is also possible for you. Regardless of your age, you should always have a goal to live for. When you do not have a goal, you feel lost and don’t know how to move forward. Once you decide where you are going, you can work towards it, even if it’s just one step at a time. I believe this is the way to a meaningful and exciting life.

Ms. Jackie Cho has beautiful skin that doesn’t show her age, and a natural, authentic smile. She has continued to satisfy her

ing, so I am putting some special effort into increasing more

clients with her peeling technique that she learned from her

beautiful ladies of this generation. Caring for seniors is some-

years of experience. She immigrated to the U.S. with only $200

What kind of salon is “Exclusif Beaute” ?

thing I’ve learned from the Japanese community. Besides run-

in her pocket, and earned money working as a door-to-door

It’s the kind of salon where you can experience ultimate skin beau-

ning my salon, I want to develop original products and export

sales person to open her own business.Such a life story is hard

tification, with customized treatments I created for various skin

them, as well as work on managing my beauty academy. I have

to believe because she gives off a very feminine and soft im-

types. We must modify treatment plans, since all of our skin is dif-

founded a school called “Exclusif Beaute Academy” last year, in

pression. Her caring ways and how she relates to people’s pain

ferent. Without doing so, we cannot improve any kind of skin condi-

order to pass on my knowledge and techniques that I’ve learned

is probably due to her own life struggles. Using customized

tions. At Exclusif Beaute, we have free consultations with clients to

from years of experience as a beauty specialist. I would like to

skin treatments for her clients, to reach their goal to a beautiful

identify their skin type and we begin working on improving their

educate as many people as I can, and pass on the appropriate

skin, Jackie’s skills are something you cannot imitate and that

skin with the plan I customize for them. I am proud to say, that I

knowledge of peeling to the next generation.

is why her fans keep coming back to her for her help.

beginning of everything.

“Everyone should have goals, regardless of their age. The key to success is to set goals, and to keep working towards them, one step at a time.”

Jackie Cho Beauty specialist from Korea, and owner of beauty clinic “Exclusif Beaute.” With 34 years of experience in the beauty industry, she moved her clinic to Torrance in September of 2012. She also puts a lot of effort into managing her beauty academy. Anti-aging care and organic peeling are some of her main services. She also offers her own beauty methods, suitable for her wide variety of clientele with various skin types.

Exclusif Beaute 1860 W. Carson St. #101, Torrance, CA 90501 310-787-0555 / 310-787-1117



絵画は長幎続けおいる趣味の䞀぀。 自身の䜜品ず。

ゞャッキヌ•チョり院長 韓囜出身のビュヌティヌスペシャリスト。Exclusif Beauteオヌナヌ院 長。34幎の矎容経隓を持぀。2012幎9月にトヌランスにサロンを移 転拡倧し、 スクヌルにも力を入れおいる。゚むゞレスケアずオヌガニ ックピヌリングを䞭心ずしたサヌビスず、様々なスキンタむプに合わ せた矎肌を䜜り出す独自のメ゜ッドで倚くのファンを抱える。

海倖で倢に向かっお頑匵る女性を応揎するJPyが、毎号 LAで掻躍する玠敵な先茩にむンタビュヌ。今号はトヌ


ランスで矎容サロンExclusif Beauteを運営するゞャッ


キヌチョり院長にお話を聞きたした。サロン運営や自 瀟プロダクトの開発、そしお教育事業にも力を入れ、倚 忙な毎日を送る先生に成功の秘蚣を聞いおみたした。

E xclusif Beauteをオヌプンされた経緯を 教えお䞋さい。

きたす。 どんな肌質にも察応できる技術ずプロダクトが䜕より



34幎ずいう矎容の経隓を経お、今思うこずは、 「䜕かひず぀の



歳の時。 「アメリカで成功したい」 ずいう䞀心で枡米したした




生掻をスタヌトさせたした。 たずはカレッゞで英語を孊びな

的、長期的なアドバむスが必芁になり、 クラむアントさんずの






こずも倚いのですが、 クラむアントさんず近い距離感でいる

し、矎容の䞖界ぞ進むこずを決めたした。 「矎容業界で成功

こずはずおも倧切なこずだず思っおいたす。 「どうなりたいか」

する」 ず決意しおからは即行動に移そうず、 たずはドむツやフ




芋お孊びたした。 アメリカに戻っおからすぐ、開業資金を貯め


るために矎容商品を販売するこずにしたのですが、圓時は英 語も未熟だったため、南はサンディ゚ゎから北はサンフラン












Exclusif Beauteはどんなサロンなのでしょう

いこずなので、シニアケアに力を入れ、矎しく歳を取る女 性を増やしたいず思っおいるのです。 たたシニアをいたわ







ば、本圓の矎肌を䜜り出すこずはできたせん。Exclusif Beaute




グに時間をかけ、 クラむアントさんのニヌズを聞き出し、䞀人




信念を持ち続ければ結果は出せる」 ずいうこずです。私は留孊 生ずしお所持金200ドルでアメリカに枡り、 「矎容業界で成功す る」 ずいうビゞョンを持っお、 シングルマザヌずしお二人の息子 を育おおきたした。400 Sqftから始たったサロンも今では䜕倍 にもなり、孊校を運営したり、矎容プロダクトの茞出入ビゞネス を手がけたりしおいたす。党おをれロから自分で䜜り䞊げた私 のストヌリヌは、誰の人生にも起こりうる話です。幎霢に関わら ず人には人生のゎヌルがあり、 たた持぀べきだず思いたす。 ã‚Ž ヌルがなければ、前進の仕方も分からず進みようもありたせ んが、䞀床決たればたずえ䞀歩ず぀でも目暙に向かうこずが できるので、そこから楜しく゚キサむティングな人生が送れる のではないでしょうか。

幎霢を党く感じさせない矎肌ず、食らない自然䜓なスマ むルが印象的なゞャッキヌ・チョり先生。 ピヌリングずいう、お 肌の悩みを解決しながら玠肌矎人を䜜り出す技術を習埗し、 倚くのクラむアントをハッピヌにし続けお来た先生は、肌も心 も透き通る少女のような魅力を持぀女性。 たった200ドルを 手に単身枡米し、矎容プロダクトの蚪問販売で開業資金を貯 めたずいうストヌリヌは、䞊品でおっずりずした圌女のむメヌ ゞずはすぐには結び぀かない。 しかしきっずそんな若い頃の 苊劎があったからこそ、人の痛みや悩みが分かり、人の心に歩 み寄るこずができる深みのある優しさが溢れおいるのだろう。 クラむアントず二人䞉脚でお肌のコンプレックスを解消しお行 くずいう献身的なスタむルは、誰もが簡単に真䌌できるずいうも のではない。 だからこそ「ゞャッキヌ先生でなくおはだめ」 ずい うファンが圌女の呚りに集たり続けるのだ。


MUST-HAVE ITEMS Early Summer Fashion

Summer fashion is surely the Californian taste! The season that Californian girls specialize in is coming upon us. Let’s enjoy events and fashion with a new wardrobe. 倏のファッションこそ、カリフォルニアテむストの王道カリフォルニアガ ヌルがもっずも埗意ずする季節がやっお来たす。 クロヌれットも䞀新しお、 むベントもファッションも思いっ切り楜しんじゃおう。

earthly Desires



White in the summer is fundamental to being a “popular girl.” 倏のホワむトは”モテガヌル”の基本です♡





6 Model’s Outfit: Sleeveless Maxi Dress: Blu Pepper / $56 (Ivory/Navy) Lace Short Tops: Blu Pepper / $26 (Ivory) 1. Mixed Braid Belted Cap / San Diego Hat/ $25 2. Cotton Shirt / Ellison/ $38 (White) 3. Dolmen Sleeve Shirt / miilla / $46 (Off White) 4. Sleeveless Knit Slips / Blu Peppers / $18 (Mocha) 5. Long Drape Style Tank / Lani / $26 (White) 6. High Light Sandal / havaianas / $32 (Black) 7. Slim Thematic Sandal / havaianas / $34 (Black) 8. Forever Glam Friendship Bracelet / Ettika / $40 (Pink Spritzer, Lilac Tree, Bubbles)

1327 Post Ave. #D, Torrance, CA 90501 | 310-533-9555

7 8

Gramercy York


Challenge to the simple, mature, summer casual look. シンプルだからこそ差が぀く倧人の倏カゞュアル。







7 Model’s Outfit: Allover Embroidery Top: Maison Scotch / $89 (White) Cropped Leggings: Vince/ $195 (Black) 1. Tunic with Shoulder Details / Maison Scotch / $99 (Navy Blue) 2. Popover Dress / VINCE / $295 (Beige) 3. Big Dot Sock / Happy Socks / $18 (Pink / Black) 4. Wallet Clutch / Clare Vivier / $125 (Black Croco) 5. Alpaga Flat / repetto / $200 (Noir) 6. Ballerina Cendrillon / repetto / $200 (Patent Leather Black) 7. Pier Tote / Herschel / $70 (Bone / Synchro Red)

8568 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 | 310-280-1102

Threads & Needles


Bring up your mood with energy-filled items. 元気いっぱいなアむテムが気持ちもアゲおくれそう♡






6 7


Rag & Bone/Jean, New Balance, APC, Minnetonka Moccasins, Tory Burch, Marc by Marc Jacobs, DVF, Kate Spade and Many More!


1305 Sartori Ave. #A, Torrance, CA 90501 T.: 310-320-0101 E.: threadsneedles@gmail.com

Model’s Outfit: Mini Stripe Raglan Pullover: JAMES PERSE / $135 (Heather Grey Stripe) Mila Short: rag & bone / $154 (Huntington) Matilde Tote: CLARE VIVIER / $198 (Blue Engineer)) 1. Relaxed V-Neck / JAMES PERSE / $50 (White) 2. Polo Shirt / MONCLER / $177 (White) 3. Fleurette / DVF / $485 (Batik Land Large) 4. Paris / DVF / $385 (Straight Sparkle) 5. Jupe mi-longue / A.P.C. / $120 (Indigo) 6. Matilde Tote / CLARE VIVIER / $198 (Mexican Print) 7. Catherine Street Mini Pippa / kate spade / $348 (Black)

1305 Sartori Ave. #A, Torrance, CA 90501 | 310-320-0101



びばり〜えり (ファッションゞャヌナリスト・むンタビュアヌ)


Eri is a popular fashion journalist and ­interviewer, who working for Japanese ­magazines and styling various celebrities. She brings Tokyo and L.A. closer to one another with her fashion sense and vitality. Eri helped us interview popular Asian bloggers about their styles. Let’s see what they have to say.

WITH びばり∌えり It’s warming up and starting to feel like the typical LA weather. We see more girls walking the streets with colorful and adventurous styles. Put on some fashion that is unique to you and enjoy the summer! 暖かくなっお、LAらしい季節が到来♡ストリヌトにもカラフルでアドベンチャラスな装いをした ガヌルズがたくさん。個性溢れる自由なファッションを楜しんでキラキラな倏を゚ンゞョむしおね Hat: Giyongchy All in One: Yen Geo Shoes: YRU Cuff: Patricia Fields Bag: Clumsycat

人気ファッション誌での連茉や、 タレント本のコヌディネむトなど、 独自のファッションセンスず持ち前のバむタリティで東京ずL.A.を 繋ぐパワフルガヌル。 今号もえりちゃんが、 L.A.のファッショニスタ を特別取材この倏真䌌しおみたいナニヌクなコヌデがたくさん♡ http://ameblo.jp/beverly-eri http://ellegirl.jp/blogs/beverly-eri

Brawdway / Singer Brawdway specializes in original and unique fashion. Knowing yourself and enjoying your individuality is her style.

独創的でナニヌクな装いが埗意なBrawdway! 自分を知り、そしお自分らしさを楜しむのが圌女流♡

Lindsay / Model & Shop Staff Being authentic is what makes Lindsay attractive. Street hippie style is an everyday look that you can try right away. ナチュラルさが魅力のLundsay。ストリヌトなヒッピ ヌスタむルはすぐに真䌌できるEveryday Look!

Jumpsuit: Rehab Top: Vintage Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Sunglass: Vintage Purse: Clumsycat

Hat: Nasty Gal Others: Vintage

Rochelle / Designer While looking sexy with mesh & showing some skin, look playful with a pineapple purse. メッシュ×肌芋せでセクシヌさを出し぀぀、むンパクト のあるパむナップルパヌスでPlayfulに。

Eva / Actress Summer-like excellent coordination. The use of neutral colors gives the style a mature look. Summerらしさ抜矀のコヌデ。色をニュヌトラ ルにたずめお倧人っぜくしおいるずころが◎

Hat: Bofresco Shirt: Vintage Shorts: SLY

Top: Mink Pink Shorts: Levi’s Bag: H&M Shoes:Urban Outfitters

Andrea / Make-up Artist Amy / Yoga Instructor

Color choice that makes you look mature is the key to be on

Vans custom shoes are next on

point for the summer-like look.

my shopping list! Casual style

It’s trendy to have your shoes

Miharu / Dancer

Ring: Clumsy cat Socks: HUF Shoes: NIKE

is the key for this summer!

an accent color like Andrea. 倏らしい露出床MAXな装いは、配色 をオトナめにするのが倱敗しないコ

The fresh sporty look is cute!




Swimwear: H&M Overall: American Apparel Shoes and Bag: Iron First Jewelry: Vida Kush / Honey B

Top: Buffalo Exchange Purse: Karma Living Pants: Vintage Necklace: Crystal Quartz Shoes: H&M

今欲しいのは、Vansのカスタ ムシュヌズ






Use Masks & Mists to give your face and body the finest relaxation time!

The happy event filled summer has arrived! Planning vacations are important, but you cannot forget about beauty counter plans! This season brings strong UV rays and aridity from AC use, a time where the enemy against beauty hides. Let’s enjoy and this time by making sure we have counter plans! ハッピヌなむベントが目癜抌しの倏が到来バケヌションの予定も倧切だけど、 矎容察策だっお忘れちゃだめ。 この季節は匷い日差しやACによる也燥など、矎 の倧敵が朜む時でもあるのです。 しっかり察策しお、楜しく矎しく過したしょ♡

マスクミストでフェむスずボディ に極䞊癒しタむムをプレれント♥

For faces that have been damaged with sunburns,


use the Hadabisei moisture penetrating mask series


“Shinsou Bihaku” with whitening and moisture care.


The serum is packed with collagen and vitamins,

コラヌゲンやビタミンが配合され、 メラニンの生

control melanin generation, and prevent freckles

成を抑え、 しみ・そばかすを防いでくれたす。そ

and blemishes. And we don’t want to forget about


our hands and feet that are easily neglected in this


season! Foot masks & Hand masks can be used easily


by “wearing” them. The moist feeling after taking

たたりたせん。 さらにスペシャルケアずしお、角質

it off is irresistible. For extra special care, use the


corneum care foot mask to make your hardened


soles smooth. Put the mask on, leave it on for about


60~90 minutes, and rinse afterwards. This addicting


corneum care doesn’t require scraping and the old


corneum will start peeling off in about two weeks.


For the finishing touches, you should use the relaxa-

のボディミストがおすすめ。 うるおいミストず、や

tion Aroma Resort series body mist all of your body.


With a moisturizing mist and delicate aroma, it is a

くれる、 ミストタむプのボディロヌション。也燥が

mist type body lotion that will moisturize your body

気になる肌や髪を最しおくれたす。 ドリヌミヌブ

and soul. It can add moisture to dry skin and hair.

ルヌムロヌズ、ハッピヌスりィヌトピヌチ、 クリア

You can choose from Dreamy Bloom Rose, Happy

レモンミントの3぀の銙りが遞べお、 リゟヌト

Sweet Pea, and Clear Lemon & Mint, and feel like


you are at a resort

PMAI | www.pmaiusa.com/english

2B Bio Peeling can solve the roots of your skin troubles!

ボトバむオピヌリングで お肌の悩みを根こそぎ解決

From blemishes to dullness, if you feel you’re having

シミやくすみ、 たるみなど、お肌のトラブルを感じ

trouble with your skin, first consult Exclusif Beaute!

たらたずはExclusif Beauteに盞談“メスの芁ら

Having a nickname of “Cosmetic Surgery without the


scalpel”, 2B Bio Peeling can help reconstruct your skin

リングなら、 レヌザヌやケミカルを䞀切䜿わず、

using nature’s power for a blemish, wrinkle and acne


free skin without lasers or chemicals. The treatment is


safe for those with sensitive skin since they use 100%


organic nutrient compositions that the skin originally


needs to penetrate the dermis. It gently helps the skin


that is weak from sebum, UV rays, impurities, and


stress, leading to beautiful skin. If the skins radiance


is different, your expression may even seem brighter.


Let’s protect our skin and be prepared for the summer


when your skin can be easily damaged.


EXCLUSIF BEAUTE | www.exclusifbeaute.com 2B BIO BEAUTY | www.2bbiobeautyusa.com

Achieve beautiful skin with 2B Bio Beauty Peel! Bボトバむオピヌルで究極の玠肌矎人に 2B Bio peel is an innovative treatment that delivers 2 kinds of minerals and 5 kinds

100%Organic 0%Acid

of natural botanical ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin to improve blood flow and the flow of lymph. Each cell becomes more active and the skin builds more immunity. It creates skin with elasticity, more bounce, and less trouble. Expected Results: Minimizes Acne, Scars, Skin Dullness, Wrinkles, UV Dark Spots, and Cellulite. Improves the metabolism of your skin, moisturizes, and fights against the aging process. 2Bボトバむオピヌルは、2皮類のミネラル、5皮類の倩然怍物成分を皮膚内に浞透させ るこずにより、血行ずリンパの流れを促進する画期的なトリヌトメント。现胞䞀぀䞀぀ がむキむキず掻発に掻動を始め、肌に免疫力を぀けおくれるので、ハリず匟力のあるト ラブル知らずの肌に導いおくれるのです。 効果ニキビ、ニキビ跡、 くすみ、シワ、玫倖線によるダメヌゞ、掻性力、保湿力を高め る、セルラむト、 アンチ゚むゞングなど


Mother’s Day Special

2 Peels & 4 Treatment * $1500.00


*We will customize the treatment to best suit your skin conditions. *お肌のコンディションによっおカスタマむズトリヌトメントを臎したす

Micro N Finally, say goodbye to all of your

sunspots, moles, warts, skin tags, cholesterol deposit, fibromas, and broken capillaries with Micro N! It is a very safe procedure using advanced laser technology, without the worry of creating any scars. Exclusif Beaute also offers aftercare once the procedure is finished.

マむクロ゚ヌ マむクロ゚ヌで、ずっず気になっおいた シミ・ホクロ・

むボ・赀ら顔ずお別れ最新技術による安心・安党 レヌザヌで痕が残らないように取り陀きたす。 斜術埌のアフタヌケアもExclusif Beauteなら安心。

Recruiting Receptionists and Beauty Consultants!!

Exclusif Beaute Dr. Jackie With Dr. Jackie’s 30 years of experience as a peeling specialist, she founded Exclusif Beaute Academy in May 2013. She teaches courses on skin virus and 2B BIO peeling. ゞャッキヌ院長 30幎以䞊のピヌリングスペシャリストずしおの経隓を生 かし、昚幎5月にスキンケアアナリストずしお゚クスクルヌ シブビュテ矎容孊院を蚭立。スキンりィルス、ボトバむオ ピヌルのコヌスを教授しおいる。


1860 W. Carson St. #101 Torrance, CA 90501 310-787-0555 / 310-787-1117 Monday - Friday : 10:00 - 6:00PM Saturday : 10:00 - 3:00PM Please contact Kumiko for free consultations & inquiries. 無料カりンセリング・お問い合わせは、Kumikoたでどうぞ。

www.exclusifbeaute.com www.2BBIOBEAUTYUSA.com


vol. 18

Palace Beauty Owner Hazuki Miya


Owner and beauty advisor of one of the largest beauty ­supply stores in Koreatown, Palace Beauty Galleria. With her e ­ xpertise and a­ ttentive c­ ounseling, she has helped many women become more beautiful from the inside out. コリアンタりンの倧型ビュヌティヌサプラむスト ア、Palace Beauty Galleria オヌナヌ兌ビュヌティヌ アドバむザヌ。豊富な知識ず経隓で、倚くの女性を 倖からも䞭からも茝かせおくれる。的確なアドバむ スず䞁寧なカりンセリングで人皮や䞖代を問わず 倚くのファンを抱える。

We love summer time, but it’s also the season when we have to be thorough with our UV care! Prevention and aftercare is very important when dealing with sun damage caused by UV rays. Here are some prevention and aftercare items to maintain your beautiful skin all throughout the summer!

Palace Beauty Galleria 3250 W. Olympic Blvd. #214, Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323. 734. 5844 Hazuki is off on Wednesdays and Thurthdays Hazuki’s Blog : http://ameblo.jp/veryhaz Online Shop Available!!

倧スキな倏の到来は嬉しいけれど、UV察策を真剣に考えなくおは倧倉な こずになる季節 UVは日焌け前も、そしお盎埌のケアもずっおも倧切。倏も


矎肌をキヌプしおくれるBefore After Careアむテムをご玹介したす 


Before SPF 50

+ SU


How to protect your skin from sun damage






Beauty serum sunscreen, that blocks out UV rays. Doesn’t feel sticky, tough on the rays, and feels great on your skin.

We don’t want to get a tan while driving! Let’s get into the habit of spraying our body every morning. A 1-min. habit can make all the difference.




For GO


This summer’s must buy item! An innovative sun block that whitens your skin while protecting your skin from UV rays.

A new item great for girls who love golfing! Now, you can focus on the game without the fear of getting sunburnt!







しおくれるずいう新 発 想













できるなんお最高 





Great value!

The TONYMOLY massaging mask comes in a super cute tomato package. It contains tomato extract, which has a cleansing effect. It even cleans out blackheads, and brightens up your skin instantly.



This sheet type mask is another emergency solution for when you get sunburnt unexpectedly. Each sheet contains enough nutrition to moisturize your skin and tackle sunspots!

玫倖線を济びおしたったお肌を緊急 リセットしおくれる代衚遞手ず蚀えば シヌトマスク保湿成分ず栄逊がたっ ぷり入った高機胜マスクで、 シミ察策

トマトのパッケヌゞがキュヌトす ぎるTONYMOLYのマッサヌゞパッ ク。トマトの浄化成分で毛穎の 黒ずみたで陀去しおくれ肌が 速攻で明るく

OHUI Celllightening prism cream special set / $109 Great news! Here is an emergency treatment for those times when you thought you were prepared for blocking out the UV rays
but you weren’t. OHUI’s power beauty care box not only moisturizes your skin after being out in the sun, but also treats wrinkles and has a whitening effect. Includes all these features in this great price! Give your damaged skin a spa treatment at home.


察策をしおいおも、 うっかり日焌 けしちゃった ずいう時には緊 急ケアOHUIの最匷セット、セ ルラむトニングスペシャルセッ トなら、日焌け埌に欠かせない 氎分補絊はもちろんのこず、リ ンクルケアや矎癜ケアも党お揃 っおこのお倀段。自宅゚ステの ようなスペシャルケアで痛んだ TONYMOLY TOMATOX お肌をいたわっおあげたしょう。 MAGIC MASSAGE PACK 80g / $18

The king of moisturizing facemasks, the AHC sheet masks rehydrates your dry skin after being out in the sun.

A futuristic whitening facial mask, created by Korea’s famous plastic surgery clinic, REGEN. Great for the jaw line!

A go-to sheet type facial mask, that is packed with all the necessary nutrients that treat skin after being in the sun. Great to use on special occasions!

氎分補絊パックの王様 AHCのシヌトマスクなら日 焌けで也いたお肌もぷる んぷるんに。

韓囜で有名な矎容敎圢 医院REGENが開発した未 来型矎癜マスク。顎のV ラむンケアにも◎。

日焌け埌のお肌をいたわ る栄逊成分がぎゅっず぀ たったシヌトマスク。ここぞ ずいう時に

A.H.C. HYDRATION GEN $12 / Sheet

REGEN 2 Step Synergy Effect Mask $9 / Sheet


Not only do we have to worry about stronger UV rays in the summer, sweat, facial oils, and fatigue are all major enemies. Why not have a beauty professional on our side to help us protect our beautiful skin? Preventing summer skin damage and fixing it quickly are the keys to trouble-free skin! Consult Dr. Ho, and enjoy the summer with flawless skin. 倏は、玫倖線だけでなく汗や皮脂、疲れなど矎肌䜜りの倧敵 がたくさん。そんな季節だからこそ、プロの力を借りお絶察 矎肌を守らなきゃ。お肌のトラブルも予防ず早期解決が倧 切たずはホヌ先生に盞談しお、倏も楜しく矎しく過したしょ。

SUMMER Special PackageS


Silk Peelin

Tackle your skin problems with these special treatments!

1 session


Premium Recovery Package

Rapid Clean Package



Vitamin C + LED

1 session 3 sessions

$99 $249

3 sessions

Silk Peeling has arrived!

$99 $249

話題のシルクピヌリングが新登堎   Upgrade / アップグレヌド :

Some treatments may be covered by insurance. Please contact Steve Takashi for more details. トリヌトメントには保険が適応されるものもありたす。詳しくはSteve Takashiにお気軜にご盞談ください。

Chief resident at UCLA (Doctorate of Dermatology)

Dr. Nassif

Received cosmetic laser treatment training at Harvard (Trains physicians and medical students)

UCLA医孊博士・UCLA皮膚科専門 Harvard レヌザヌ研究科・UCLA皮膚科助教授


★ Mention “JPy” and get 20% off ALL COSMETIC PRODUCTS!



Christopher Ho M.D. クリストファヌ・ホヌ医孊博士

University. Assistant clinical professor at UCLA


ne 30 th

(Little Tokyo Only)

Peel + LED

1 session


Until Ju

○ニキビ、 しみ、ほくろ ○二重たぶた ○Double eyelid surgery ○セルラむト治療 ○Cellulite treatments ○フォトフェむシャル ○Foto-facials あざ、 タトゥヌ ○Removal of scars, bruises, and tattoos ○傷あず、 その他 ○Treatment of skin diseases, and more! ○皮膚病、 ○Treatment of acne, age spots, and moles

www.doctor-ho.com ご予玄は日本語でお気軜に

● Little Tokyo


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420 E. 3rd St. Suite 805, Los Angeles, CA 90013 3655 Lomita Blvd. Suite 212, Torrance, CA 90505

Beauty Item Trial Report


NEW 新商品

Don’t we all want to be beautiful without spending too much? The JPy models have tried some of the LA girls’ favorite and affordable, new cosmetic items. Please give them a try if you see something catch your eye, as they are available at Japanese or Asian supermarkets near you. あたりお金をかけすぎず、少しの工倫でキレむになりたいそんなLAガヌルズたちに 倧人気な新商品のプチプラコスメをJPy人気読者モデルの3人が詊しおみたした♡ど れも気になる新商品アゞア系スヌパヌマヌケットでゲットしお是非トラむしおみおね。





elash Dolly Wink Ey

A necessary item for those special days! Feels natural on your skin but has a nice volume to it! 特別な日甚メむクの必需 品自然な付け心地なの に、しっかりずボリュヌムが 出るのがすごい

Introducing the Dolly Wink false eye lashes!

益若぀ばささんプロデュヌス、 ドヌリヌりむン

Produced by Tsubasa Masuwaka, a popular


Japanese magazine model, it is good for eve-

も䜿える、 こだわりのアむラッシュラむン。自然

ryday use as well as special occasions. The new


item creates a sweet and feminie look with its


improved volume while keeping it lightweight


and natural looking. Partial extensions are


also available to for the outer end of your eyes.


Lower eyelashes add natural volume and create


soft, dolly eyes. The value pack comes with 2


pairs of lashes!

に。ペア入りのバリュヌパックは絶察お埗 

Nameraka Honpo improved their Soy Milk whiten-


ing products formula to moisturize and make your



in Care Whitening Sk

These products give a whitening result while maintaining your skin elasticity. It’s nice to know you can use plenty at a time since they are so affordable. もちもちの肌を保ち぀぀矎 癜効果が。プチプラなの で、たっぷり䜿えるのも嬉 しいポむントです。

skin translucent. From cleansing wash to moistur-

保 湿クリヌムたで、豆 乳む゜フラボンの 矎

izing cream, let’s achieve beautiful, soft, and whiter


skin with the Soy Isoflavone whitening line! After


washing your face with the rich foam to wash away

の 埌 は、独自のナノ浞 透 凊 方で、肌 の 奥た

the dead skin containing melanin, moisturize your


skin with their skin toner. The nano absorption for-


mula penetrates the skin to give it a brighter trans-

しい 莅 沢ゞェルクリヌムで、矎癜化 粧 品 に

lucent tone. Finish off with a luxurious gel cream to


moisturize and protect your skin from dryness that


occurs often with whitening products.


Mask Hand & Foot

Have an effortless 20 minute treatment for your

Treat your neglected and dried hands and feet. You’ll see an instant result and we guarantee you’ll love it! ケアを忘れおカサカサにな っおしたった手足が䜿った 瞬間、プルプルにこの効 果はリピヌト間違いなし。


easily neglected hands and feet with HAND MASK


and FOOT CARE. Just stick your hands and feet


in the respective bags filled with beauty serum for


20 minutes and have them moisturized instantly.


The masks are made of vinyl so housework can be

にせずに仕事や家事ができちゃいたす。 アルガ

done while wearing them without worrying about


leaking. Argon oil and 7 other natural ingredients


are combined to soften your hands and feet. Use


the Corneum Care Foot Mask along with the Food


Care for smoother feet. You’ll love the relaxing flo-


ral and fruity scent too!

*Available at Asian grocery stores near you


Distributed by PMAI

The Secret to Beautiful Skin was Soymilk Isoflavones


We heard that a lot of girls who have beautiful skin are using Soymilk Isoflavone products. In this issue, we covered Moe’s moisturizing skin care routine. It’s a skin care regimen we can all begin today. 矎肌ガヌルがこぞっお䜿っおいるず噂の豆乳む゜フラボン。今号は保湿ラむンを愛甚䞭 のMoeちゃんに密着取材。今日からできるスキンケアのポむントを玹介しおもらいたした。

Point 1 I massage my face as I and remove all of my makeup with the makeup cleansing cream. Makeup that isn’t properly removed seeps into your pores and can cause skin pigmentation, so I pay extra special attention when removing my eye makeup. メむク萜ずしクリヌムずクレンゞングでマッサヌゞをしな がら、 しっかりず日の汚れをオフ。メむクが残るず肌の 色玠沈着にも繋がるので、特に目元を泚意しお掗いたす。

Point 2 Applying skin lotion after washing your face is the most important part of creating beautiful skin. Use plenty; almost to the point where you feel like you’re wasting it a bit. It makes a huge difference in the moisture of your skin. 掗顔埌の化粧氎が矎肌䜜りのポむント。”もったいないく らいたっぷりず”化粧氎を莅沢に䜿うのが鉄則たったこ れだけで肌の最い感が党く違っおくるのです。

Point 3 I have dry skin, so it’s very important for me to use a cream after applying my skin lotion and the moisture lotion. It has a facemask type of effect while sleeping. My skin comes out soft and moisturized in the morning, and my make up goes on smoothly. 也燥肌なので、化粧氎ず乳液の埌に䜿うクリヌムも重芁






*Available at Asian grocery stores near you



1. CLEANSING CREAM This cream is very light and cleans pores well. It’s my favorite because it isn’t sticky, and feels gentle. I use this regularly as a massage cream as well.

さらりずした感觊のクリヌムが、毛穎の汚れもすっきりな めらかに萜ずしおくれるのが特城。べた぀かず、肌に優し いので、マッサヌゞクリヌムずしおも愛甚䞭♡


2. クレンゞング掗顔

Fluffy foam washes away makeup well. Contains Isoflavones that are necessary for creating beautiful skin that adds elasticity and moisture.

ふわふわの泡立ちでしっかり掗え、メむクも萜ずせる掗顔 料。矎肌䜜りに欠かせないむ゜フラボン含有の豆乳発酵


3. 化粧氎

Moisturizing but not sticky, it gives elasticity from the deeper layers of the skin. Isoflavones work well to create soft and beautiful skin. No wonder it’s a best seller.

肌の内偎からうるおいず匟力を䞎えおくれる化粧氎。さら っずしおいながら、む゜フラボンの力でもちもちの矎肌に


4. 乳液

This non-sticky, creamy lotion feels very light on your skin but is super moisturizing. Notice the easy to use convenient bottle!

べた぀かず、 ずろ〜りお肌になじみ、 さらっずした仕䞊がり の乳液は、保湿力だけでなく、䜿いやすい容噚にも泚目

5. CREAM The thick facial mask effect gives elasticity and locks in the moisture. Leave it on overnight, and the nutrition from the isoflavone cream is absorbed into your skin.

5. クリヌム


1. メむク萜ずしクリヌム



濃厚なパック効果で、匟力ずうるおいを䞎えお逃さない 塗っお寝るだけで、寝おいる間に豆乳む゜フラボンのク リヌムに含たれる栄逊成分がお肌にじっくり浞透したす。

なめらか本舗垞盀薬品工業 www.nameraka.jp Distributed by PMAI


Do you have a“Resort Time”in your day? あなたの䞀日に、リゟヌトタむムはありたすか Let’s get those beautiful legs that you’ve always wanted with a lymphatic massage, using “Aroma Resort’s Body Milk.”

たっぷり 200g


銙りにうっずり『アロマリゟヌト』 ボディミルクのリンパマッサヌゞで 憧れの矎脚を手に入れよう


! at I used This is wh ♪ のはコレ 私が䜿った


Massage the tops of your feet 足の甲のマッサヌゞ



Calf massage ふくらはぎのマッサヌゞ


Thigh massage 倪もものマッサヌゞ

Starting from the area between the toes and where the top of the feet meet, use your fingers and slowly massage in a circular motion, while moving up towards the ankle.

Staring at the ankles, gently massage up towards the knees. It improves the circulation and reduces swelling in the calves. 足銖からひざに向かっお、䞋から䞊ぞ優しくマ

Lightly rub and tap the outer thighs, from the knees to where the top of the thigh and hip meet. Then, message the same area in the same direction with your palm, as you improve the flow of the lymph.






er bathing. e yourself a massage aft It’s more effective to giv

が効果的♪ マッサヌゞはお颚呂䞊がり

足の付け根に向かっおやや匷めにリンパを流す ようにマッサヌゞ。

Health benefits and relaxing effects that come from lymphatic massages 〜リンパマッサヌゞによる健康癒し効果〜 Strengthens the immune system

Get rid of shoulder stiffness

Fatigue recovery

Relief stress





Lymphatic fluids protect your body from

For those who are suffering from shoul-

Massage your fatigue away when you

Lymphatic massages smoothen lymph

sickness by fighting off bacteria. Massag-

der stiffness, improving lymph flow and

feel like it’s coming on! Just regulating

flow and calms stressed nerves. Mas-

es improve lymph flow and strengthens

releasing the lactic acid from the lymph

the lymph flow can help remove the

sages done by hand can make you feel

the immune system that helps maintain a

will improve the pain that comes from

dullness from your muscles and keep

comfortable and relaxed.

body that won’t get sick easily.

shoulder and neck stiffness.

them from feeling tired.





















Distributed by PMAI お求めはお近くの販売店にお。

Kracie Home Products, Ltd.





a Beauty Specialist Being in the beauty business for more than 20 years, Acqua Hair Studio’s Owner, Martha Padilla-Bruni is a beauty professional who is renowned not only for her cut, coloring, and styling techniques, but also for her genuine personality. For the past 10 years she has attended hair shows and taken advanced courses all across the world, such as Mexico, Paris, Barcelona, and also at Vidal Sassoon. The salon’s rep-

だけでなくその人柄にも定評がある矎の達 人。10幎皋前からはヘアショヌにも積極的に 参加し、 メキシコやパリ、バルセロナなど䞖界 各囜で講習を受けおおり、 ノィダルサスヌンな どの有名サロンでの講習経隓もある。口コミで むアントがリピヌタヌずしお戻っお来おくれる

regulars is because she carefully listens to each


client’s requests; Martha listens to not only

く」 こず。”どんなヘアスタむルになりたいのか”

about their hair, but also their life visions and

だけでなく、 どんな人になりたいのか、 どんな

the type of person they want to become. She is


able to offer her outstanding service from gath-


only that they’ve had a special experience but that their hair looks amazing day to day. She also gives pointers on how to style their hair


Hair StudioオヌナヌのMartha Padilla-Bruni

but the reason for the visitors quickly becoming

wants her clients to leave her salon feeling not

ヘアサロン”Acqua Hair Studio”のオヌナヌMarthaさんに、倚くのお客様に愛さ



regards to beauty. Martha’s motto is that she



utation spread quickly through word of mouth,

ering information of clients’ needs and ideas in

JPy interviews various local beauty professionals. In this issue, we introduce Martha, the owner of Santa Monica’s popular hair salon “Acqua Hair Studio,” and the secrets to her beloved service.

ィアをヒアリングするこずで、満足の行くサヌビ スを実珟しおいるのだそう。 「サロンのお客様 が垰る時は、通りすがる人たちも気が぀くくら いにハッピヌで矎しく茝いおいお欲しい」 ずい うのが圌女のモットヌであり、次のアポむント

and when to pre-book their next to keep their


hair looking healthy. Her consistent efforts at


providing service on the personal level to each


client, and her attitude towards exploring beau-

し続けおいるのだろう。 たた新技術や新商品、

ty helps to multiply her fans. She is consistent


with the latest trends and techniques and is


eager to convey her ever expanding knowledge


reflect her professionalism. We found a salon that makes you smile from the heart, while giving you beautiful hairstyles.


Acqua Special Color - High light - Cut Deep conditioning & Style


Hair cut & Style Mask Treatment & Style Keratin Treatmen Blow Dry *For prices and promotions visit

www.acquahairstudio.com Acqua Hair Studio 729 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-393-7054 www.acquahairstudio.com 18

Trade Secrets Revealed!! Check out the professional beauticians’favorite items

噂の達人アむテムはこれ 矎容のプロが愛甚する噂のアむテムをご玹介♡

Martha Padilia-BRUMI Owner of “Acqua Hair Studio,” Santa Monica’s popular salon. Beauty specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the beauty industry.

Available for all hair and skin types! 髪質・肌質に合わせお党5皮類ありたす



Treats brittle hair due to

Treats heat damage caused by

damage and aging.

every-day hairstyling.





サンタモニカの人気ヘアサ ロン ”Acqua Hair Studio”オ ヌナヌ。20幎以䞊の矎容業 界経隓を持぀ビュヌティヌス ペシャリストでもある。

Use them for a week after you color your hair. You’ll be surprised how it sustains the color and keeps your hair healthy.


Makes your hair tangle-free and soft.. ふんわりやわらかく掗い䞊げ 髪の指通りをケア。

カラヌ埌䞀週間䜿うだけで、おどろくほど色が 長持ちし、髪をヘルシヌに保ちたす

hoyu’s popular products treat


colored hair. 5 different color-


care items are available to match

カヌ、 hoyuの人気商品。 カラヌの色

your hair. These reflect the pro-


fessionals’ wishes to “find the


color that best fits each person


and enjoy it on a daily basis.”

もおすすめ。 髪質や肌質によっお遞

These versatile products are also


recommended for guys and those


who have sensitive skin.




Freshen up your scalp free

Gentle formula to treat

of wax, oil, and sweat.

scalp problems like


dandruff and itchiness.


頭皮にやさしい䜎刺激な 凊方でフケやかゆみなどの トラブルをケア。


♡ MAYUMI ♡ LA vol. 16 DJ Mayumi has just released her long-awaited remix CD, and her schedule is as hectic as usual. Let’s see how she’s doing, with some snap shots from her work and private life.

at J-wave Silent disco スコ レントディ


この春埅望のリミックスCDをリリヌスしたばかりのDJ MAYUMIさん。 たすたす倧掻 躍のお仕事レポヌトず、 プラむベヌトラむフも少しだけ公開しちゃいたす♡

o ding studi LE’s Recor EL N E’ オ CH ã‚ž タ At ィングス


デ Eのレコヌ CH E’NELL

Name: MAYUMI Nationality: Japanese Occupation: DJ

o for a radio show experiencing silent disc . It was my first time and it was really fun nt inme erta s a new type of ent project! It’ 隓 初䜓 コを で、サむレントディス J-waveのRADIO局の受付 ったヌ♫。 たが、新感芚で楜しか でし 䌁画 組の IO番 RAD

Known as a princess of the Japanese Hip Hop and R&B DJ industry for her model like physique, MAYUMI has also performed world-wide and collaborated with many ­popular artists. Besides being a D.J., she is also a model, clothing designer, event producer, and D.J. instructor.


モデルのように抜矀なスタむルずルックスからクラブ DJ界のプリンセスずしお掻躍䞭。DJの実力も高い評䟡 を受けおおり、海倖からのオファヌも埌を絶たない。 モデル、掋服デザむン、むベントプロデュヌスやDJ講垫 ずしお幅広く掻躍䞭。


Songs that Mayumi wants to put on at beach parties. DJ MAYUMIがビヌチパヌティヌでかけたい曲

wide FAMOUS展瀺䌚

is on recording studio. One of her songs This is when I went to CHE’NELLE’s her thank and by stop to wanted I just my mixed CD that I released, and g!! amazin so is voice Her for it. た 行っおきたした。私のリリヌスし CHE’NELLEのレコヌディングスタゞオに ね ですよ は最高 女の声 お。圌 MIX CDにも入っおいたのでお瀌も兌ね


Fire / Jason Derulo ft. Pitbull

Tower Record

er and hat! Love this sweat that I wanted! ms ite い ny ma わ Found ナヌもか い 発芋トレヌ ムをたくさん 欲しいアむテ  がかっおたす 垜子の圢、神

Recess / Skrillex ft. Kill The Noise, Fatman Scoop, Michael Angelakos Summer / Calvin Harris

Selfie / The Chainsmokers Give Life Back To Music / Daft Punk

They always make prom otional space for my CD in the Japanese music section. Thank you so much! 日本のCDコヌナヌで、 私のリリヌスした曲を 展開しおく れおたす。い぀もあり がずうございたす!

gladiator boots


MAYUMI’s ROOM Good luck shaped coffee cup set she uses at home. It looks like a four-leaf clover when coffee is in it, then a heart shape is revealed as you drink up. A great cup that let’s you enjoy two happy shapes in one. It’s nice that they are Imari porcelain, which makes them very durable.

Boot sandals that I will definitely be wearing a lot this spring and summer! I bought them online (BUYMA) from Los Angeles. I’ll be super tall with these heels on since I am tall to begin with. Lol

Mayumi’s Favorite ITEM


今幎の春倏に倧掻躍しそうなブヌツサ ンダルオンラむンショップ(BUYMA)を 通しおL.A.から賌入したした。ヒヌルが 高めなので、私が履くずかなり背の高い 人になりたすw。

Check her recent activities via website and SNS! 気になるDJ MAYUMIの掻動はWebsite & SNSで芁チェック♥

自宅で䜿っおいるお気に入りのコヌヒヌカ ップ。最初は四぀葉のクロヌバヌですが、 飲んでいくうちに、ハヌトのシェむプにな るずいう二぀の幞せな圢を䞀぀のカップ で楜しめるカップです♡有田焌なので、 しっかりしおいお壊れにくいのも嬉しい。




Achieve total beauty coordination in one stop! Introducing a dream salon where you can pamper yourself from head to toe in just one visit

Photo by Madoka Hamlin



Accentuate the chic large marble base with gold and black. シックな倧理石ベヌスにゎヌルド ずブラックがアクセント。

Butterfly art stands out on the yellow and dots base. む゚ロヌ×ドットに、芞術的な蝶の アヌトがむンパクト倧。

Japanese taste is great with a red base and tie-dye design. 赀ベヌスのタむダむ颚デザむン。 ちょこっず和のテむストも。 Nail by MARIKO

Get refreshing and clean nails with a cool blue marble 涌しげなブルヌのマヌブルで枅楚 な指先に。

Profile MIYABI


Emmy award winner, Kaori Nara Tuner’s favorite student. Miyabi is a rising hair and makeup artist who is recognized and working in the Hollywood and Beverly Hills areas. She does hair and makeup for Sony, Samsung, and other big corporate TV commercials, as well as Hollywood actors’ hair/makeup such as Tiesto. She is also a licensed Kimono dresser and works on weddings, Shichi-Go-San, and other events. ゚ミヌ賞を受賞したカオリナラタヌナヌの愛匟子で、ハ リりッドやビバリヌヒルズで掻躍䞭の若手ヘアヌメむク アップアヌティスト。SonyやSamsungずいった倧手䌁業 CMを始め、Tiestoなど数倚くのハリりッドセレブのヘア メむクを担圓。着物の着付け資栌を有しおおり、 りェディ ングや䞃五䞉など、 むベント甚ヘアヌメむクも手がける。


Beauty & Lifestyle

What I always keep in mind is to “create translucent skin


as if you were just born.” I focus on the base and founda-


tion of the makeup. The model this time had slightly rough


skin, so I applied the base to create the baby-like skin and


supplemented her lashes with false lashes as fillers for areas


that had less lashes. I mixed a few lip colors and created

いずころを䞭心にアむラッシュを぀けたした。 リップは圌

peachy color to match her skin complexion. There are dif-


ferent makeup styles for each person, and I try to suggest the


makeup to help bring out their each and individual charm.


Nails 9960 South Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills 90212 Hair Beauty & Lifestyle 310-282-5440 / 424-216-2444 (Japanese) Facial Waxing info@yukisharoni.com Massage Eyelash Extension Lash + Brow Tint



Summer is jam packed with fun events! Check out these nails that are perfect for the beach and hiking. We gathered all kinds that you might want to try. You can simply order as they are at the salons. 楜しい予定がもりだくさんな倏到来海にも山にも連れお行きたい キュヌトすぎるネむルをご玹介♡この倏したいデザむンをぜヌん ぶ集めおみたした♡ そのたたサロンでオヌダヌしおね


www.es-nail.jp/us Melrose Store 8384 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90069 323. 655. 5800

Chic marine color, stone accents, and baby shells brighten up the summer mood. 倧人テむストのマリンカラヌずストヌ ンに混じったミニ貝殌が、いっきに倏 気分を盛り䞊げおくれそう。

Beverly Hills Store (inside JOSÉ EBER Salon) 360 N. Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

A water color tie-dye design depicting marble-like candles with shell motifs. Popular elegant beach nails! マヌブルキャンドルのような氎圩颚タ むダむにも貝殌のモチヌフが♥ 䞊品 ビヌチネむルの王道です

White is a must for summer party nails! Colorful stones give a vibrant look to the complete design. ホワむトベヌスは倏のパヌティヌネむ ルの鉄則カラヌストヌンがメリハリ になっお、指先がスッキリした印象に。

Yuka Nail at Yuki Sharoni

www.yukisharoni.com 9960 South Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills 90212 310. 282. 5440 424. 216. 2444 (Japanese) The elegant red flower nails are an eye catcher. The gold stones and hand drawn roses are recommended. 䞊品な赀がむンパクトのあるフラワヌ ネむル。 ゎヌルドのストヌン×手描き の薔薇は倧人の女性にもおすすめ。

Black x silver triangles on reddish stone marble. This cool design goes well with any party scene. ストヌン柄をベヌスに、 ブラック×シ ルバヌを効かせた倧人デザむン。 クヌ ルな印象でパヌティヌシヌンにも◎。

High level design with hand drawn flowers on clear base nail. Choose summer colors for the stripes and enjoy the summer! クリアベヌスに手描きフラワヌアヌト を乗せた䞊玚アヌト。 ストラむプもサ マヌカラヌを遞べばいっきに倏気分

Myu Beauty

www.myubeauty.com www.myubeauty.blog84.fc2.com 18023 Skypark Cir. #D Irvine, CA 92614 949. 387. 5183

Diamond-shaped stripes over a white base, with one blue nail. A must try design for this summer.

この倏䞀床はトラむしたい癜ベヌス に、 ダむダ柄でストラむプを入れたス ッキリデザむン。ポむントに乗せたブ ルヌもキレむ♡

A simple French with check patterns. It’s a fresh summer nail with studs and silver lines. シンプルなフレンチに爜やかなチェ ク柄を組み合わせた涌しげなサマヌ ネむル。 スタッズずシルバヌラむンも ポむントに。

Cync Nail Salon

www.cyncnail.com Torrance Store 1278 Sartori Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 310. 782. 2727

West LA Store (inside Amity hair) 2133 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310. 567. 1478

Chic summer nails with toned down marine colors. Add some Moroccan taste for elegant look. 倧人テむストのマリンカラヌを䜿甚 したシックな倏ネむル。モッロコテむ ストもプラスされ、䞊品で萜ち぀い た雰囲気に。

Aren’t these great for the 4th of July? We totally recommend this cute summer design. French design with large holograms and large stones, everything is so cute! July 4thにもおすすめしたいハッピヌ でキュヌトなサマヌデザむン。倧きめ ホログラムを䜿ったフレンチもカラフ ルストヌンも党郚かわいい 


www.gellipop.com 1926 S. PCH. #114 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 310. 683. 0991 The hand drawn pudgy hearts arranged on the pointy nails make a translucent, cute summer nail. Neon colors are this year’s trend. ポむンティシェむプにぜっおりずした 手描きのハヌトデザむンをあしらっ た、透け感が可愛いサマヌネむル。ネ オンカラヌで今幎らしさをプラス♡

Refreshing marine blue is perfect for the summer. Just looking at the ocean wave influenced stripes and shell motifs will get you into vacation mode. 倏らしいマリンブルヌの爜やかネむ ル。波をむメヌゞしたようなストラむ プず、貝殌のモチヌフは眺めおいるだ けでバケヌション気分に。

Marie NAILS 3rd Street Store 8616 W. 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90048 310. 550. 5925

Koreatown Plaza Store 928 S. Western Ave. #349 Los Angeles, CA 90006 213. 388. 3227

www.marienails.com Melrose Store 711 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323. 782. 8080

KC Beauty Academy Salon

www.kcstylist.jp 706 E. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 213. 253. 9999

The Marie (Beverly Hills) 340 N. Camden Dr. #A Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310. 271. 7202

Neon and turquoise blue are a must try for this summer! Gold sparkles and holograms make them gorgeous.

この倏絶察にトラむしたいネオンカ ラヌ×タヌコむズブルヌゎヌルドラ メずホログラムでゎヌゞャス感をプラ スしたした。

Super eye catchy white line designs over neon tie-dye nails. The accent chains don’t get overpowered by the colors, bringing it to a whole new level.

ネオンカラヌのタむダむに癜ラむンを 入れた掟手ネむル。 カラヌに負けな いチェヌンのアクセントを加えおより ゎヌゞャスに。

Betty Boop & banana Pop art matches perfectly. This happy nail remind us that “nail = art”.

ポップなベッティヌのむラストずバナ ナがベストマッチなハッピヌネむル。 たさに「ネむルはアヌト」 ず感じられ るデザむン。

Stone marble based nail that is reminiscent of stained glass. Elegant nails fit for royalty.

倧理石のようなストヌンをベヌスに、 ステンドグラスを思わせる斬新なデザ むン。王宀をむメヌゞしたような品の あるネむル。

Early Summer Nails 党おこ のたた オヌダ ヌでき たす

The hand drawn pastel hearts are brimming with love. You can choose to add words on how you feel at that time.

パステルカラヌに手描きハヌトで愛に溢 れたラブリヌネむル。 メッセヌゞは気分に 合わせお色々遞べちゃいたす♡

Achieve cool, summer-style nails with a dynamic watercolour painting design and vivid marine colours!

ビビッドなマリンカラヌに、 ダむナミック な氎圩颚デザむンで、 クヌル系倏ネむル。 むンパクトもあっおかっこいい

A cute design based on a summer stroll. The navy with yellow flowers is like a dress you would wear at a resort.

倏のお散歩をむメヌゞしたようなキュヌト で元気なデザむン。 ネむビヌにむ゚ロヌの フラワヌ柄はリゟヌトで着るドレスのよう。

Top your summer nails with fruits for an energetic vibe. The marine color accents on the white base are the key point.

フルヌツをいっぱい乗せたポップなサ マヌネむル。 癜ベヌスに、 マリンカラヌ をプラスしたアクセントがポむント♡

These summer nails with dot gradation on vivid marine bases are very artistic. It’s a bright design that will match any beach or resort outing!

ビビットなマリンカラヌに、 ドットのグラ デヌションずいうアヌトセンスの高い倏 ネむル。海やリゟヌトにも映えるハッピヌ デザむンに仕䞊がりたした。

Wardrobe: GROWZE Producer of esNAIL : AIKO Owner and producer of esNAIL. There are eight esNAIL salons in Japan, and are all extremely ­popular among the younger crowd. Their ­clientele includes famous ­actresses, singers, models, and Hollywood c ­ elebrities. In March 2012, they opened their first salon in the U.S., located on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. 若者から圧倒的な支持を受け、 日本に8店舗のサロンを展開す るesNAILプロデュヌサヌ/ロサンれルス店オヌナヌ。高床なデ ザむン力は各メディアでも玹介され、顧客リストには女優や歌 手、モデルなどの著名人や、ハリりッドセレブリティたでが名を 連ねる。2012幎3月、米囜第䞀店舗目をメルロヌズにオヌプン。

Eyelash Extension & Perm

8384 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-655-5800


360 N. Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Menu & Prices

With esNAIL’s highly-developed Japanese technology, your eyelashes will look so ­ natural! Customize the length, thickness, ­ number of lashes, and type of curl.

HAND nail healthy gel one color $60 monthly special $90 esNAIL Special $120

日本の高床な技術を掻かしお人工た぀毛を䞀本䞀 本増毛。自分のた぀毛ず芋分けが぀かない皋ナチュ ラルか぀ボリュヌミヌに仕䞊がりたす。長さも倪さも 本数もカヌブだっお、党お自分のお奜みで♡

esNAIL New Menu !!! gel polish - 1color $30 - add color glitter $5 each - gelpolish design $1 each

FOOT one color simple art esNAIL Special

$60 $75 $90



A beautiful mouth is a woman’s etiquette. Dazzling smiles are born from sparkling white teeth. Along with the normal oral care, solve any oral problems and let’s aim for our perfect smile this summer! 矎しい口元は女性の゚チケット。キラキラず茝くビュヌティヌスマむルは癜く茝くキレむ な歯から生たれたす。毎日のオヌラルケアはもちろんのこず、気になる歯列の悩みも党 郚解決しお、 この倏こそパヌフェクトな笑顔を目指したしょ。

Invisalign Straighten your teeth with an invisible mouthpiece!



hen you hear the word “orthodontics,” the first thing that comes to mind is the silver wires. Having unaligned teeth or the time consuming wire braces are hurdles that many girls have a difficult time overcoming. Invisalign is here to straighten teeth and blow the worries away! Even if you work with many customers or if you were planning to attend a wedding, the ground-breaking system features a clear mouthpiece to straighten teeth, allowing anyone to start anytime without anyone noticing a difference. It is less painful than the wire braces and what’s best is that you can enjoy meals normally and thoroughly brush your teeth. For those who had braces when they were young, the difficulty to talk and the dull pain of restraint is something hard to forget. Invisalign can also serve as a retainer for those who are starting to see misalignment in their teeth even after having it fixed as a child. Also, right now, there will be a $500 OFF special campaign offer!! There is no way you can let it pass by!! Consultations are free.

What’s different in Invisalign!


列矯正ずいう蚀葉を聞くず、 たずは銀色の ワむダヌ矯正を思い浮かべる人も少なく

ない。歯䞊びが悪いこずに悩んでいおも、時間もお 金もかかり、 さらに芋た目も気になるワむダヌ矯正 は、倚くの女子にずっおなかなかハヌドルが高いも の。そんな悩める女子たちの救䞖䞻ずなるような歯 列矯正がむンビザラむン透明のマりスピヌスを装 着し、誰にも気づかれずに歯䞊びを矯正できるずい

う画期的なシステムは、人前に出るこずの倚い職業 の方や、結婚匏など倧切な予定を控えた方でも人に 知られずい぀でも始められるのが特城。䞀床でもワ むダヌ矯正をしたこずがあるずいう方にずっお、矯 正噚具を装着しおいる時の喋りづらさや、締め付け られるような嫌〜な痛みは忘れ難いものなはず。 むンビザラむンなら、 ワむダヌよりも痛みが少なく、 取り倖しが可胜なので、食事も普段通り楜しめ、歯 磚きだっおきちんずできるのが嬉しいたた、子䟛 の頃に盎したはずなのに最近たたズレが気になる ずいう方のリテむナヌずしおもおすすめ。そんな倢 のような歯列矯正が、今ならなんず$500オフのキ ャンペヌン䞭これは今すぐ䌊藀先生に盞談しな くちゃコンサルテヌションは無料です。


Straighten teeth without anyone noticing


Enjoy meals like you normally would!


Achieve beautiful, straight teeth stress-free


Valid until end of June 2014 *Ask for more details. *詳现はオフィスたでご連絡を。 2014幎6月末たで有効です。

Free consultations are now available.


HAPPY LIFE WITH WHITE TEETH Honda Plaza Dental Clinic / The Loft Dental Studio Please feel free to phone us for more information!

213. 687. 3895

You can also visit our website


Orange County

Los Angeles

3151 Airway Avenue Suite F-103 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel : 714. 549. 7030

400 East 2nd Street Suite 207 Los Angeles CA 90012 Tel : 213. 687. 3895




Interview with Akira Saito

--- あの人に䌚いたい---

It’s almost impossible to get by without a car in California. It’s great to have a go-to mechanic who you can really trust, but many of us have trouble finding one. We interviewed Akira Saito, the owner of “PIT LINE,” a highly trusted auto-body shop in Southern California. We reveal what’s behind this business that is loved by so many. カリフォルニア生掻には絶察に欠かせない車。䜕かトラブルがあった時に信頌できる駆け蟌み寺があったら安 心ですが、なかなか芋぀からないずいう人も倚いはず。 「南カリフォルニアで車に困ったらここ」 ず定評のある噂 の車屋さんPIT LINEオヌナヌの斉藀朗さんにむンタビュヌ。みんなに愛されるサヌビスの裏偎に迫りたす。


PIT LINEのお仕事を始められたご経緯は

It was 12 years ago when I first visited Los Angeles. I originally came here to surf, but I decided to work at PIT LINE as a mechanic when I met the previous owner. I took over the business when the owner decided to move back to Japan 6 years ago. Since it was my first time owning a business, the first 3 years were very hard and hectic, working as a mechanic while running the business. Around 3 years ago, things started to stabilize, and I started branching out into other businesses such as exporting cars and auto parts, and started to have more of a vision towards the future.


ake us down the path of you becoming the owner of Pitline.

Many talk of you as “the autobody shop everyone trusts.” We’ve always tried to provide services to our customers that are free of worry, ever since I started working here as a mechanic. Most problems occur from places that aren’t visible, so we try to show our customers the old parts we replaced and thoroughly explain what the problem was so they aren’t left in the dark. This is a part of our normal service because I feel like it’s something that you are suppose to do, but I guess not a lot of other places do this. Our customers appreciate and trust us for this. I also play baseball for a local league, and I feel that teamwork is what’s always important for both business and sports. PIT LINE is able to offer these services because of the great members I have, and I am looking forward to continuously providing the quality service we are proud of to all of our customers.

Message for JPy Reraders. Car is an almost necessary transportation to go anywhere in California. Of course, problems come with it at times, but I would be appreciative if you remember “PIT LINE,” when any trouble you come across. We are always here to support you, able to assist you with the explanation and the service you need, so you can enjoy everyday with the car you love.


最初にLAに来たのは12幎前。元々はサヌフィンが目的で来 LINEでメカニックの仕事をするこずになりたした。圓時は䞀ス タッフずしお楜しく働いおいたしたが、6幎前にオヌナヌが垰 囜するこずになり、 メカニックを担圓しおいた自分が、その郚 分のビゞネスをテむクオヌバヌするこずになったのがこのビ ゞネスを始めたきっかけです。最初の3幎間は、初めお“経営 者”ずいう立堎で仕事をするこずに戞惑いもあり、ただただが むしゃらに前に進んでいたずいう感芚ですが、3幎皋前からは だいぶ䜙裕も出おきお、新しく車やパヌツの茞出の仕事を始

Akira Saito Owner of PIT LINE, auto body shop in Torrance known for providing high quality technique


and the trusted service. Solving people’s auto


troubles as a professional mechanic, also a businessperson who deals with export cars and

”愛される車屋さん”ず蚀われおいたすが 自分が埓業員ずしお働いおいる時から倉わっおいないこずで すが、垞に「お客様に安心しおもらえるサヌビス」を心がけおい

auto parts. He is a great role model of California life who has a nice balance of running the own business along with enjoying leisure like baseball, golf, and surfing.

たす。車のトラブルは目に芋えない郚分も倚く、お客様が䞍安 になっおしたうこずもありたすが、少しでも䞍安を取り陀けるよ うに気を配っおいたす。䟋えばどこかのパヌツが故障したり叀 くなっおいたりしおいたため新しいものず亀換したら、代えたパ ヌツをお客様にお芋せしお、 どの郚分がどのように悪かったの か、なぜ亀換したのかをなるべく分かりやすく説明するように しおいたす。 自分では圓然のこずず思っおやっおいたしたが、 あたり他ではやっおいないサヌビスだったようで、奜評を頂い おいたす。 たた趣味で草野球をやっおいるのですが、仕事でも スポヌツでも倧切なのはチヌムワヌク。PIT LINEは今、 ずおも 良いメンバヌで最高の仕事ができおいるので、 これを匷みにこ れからもやっお行きたいなず思っおいたす。

JPy読者にメッセヌゞを。 カリフォルニアではどこぞ行くにも車は必芁䞍可欠です。 倚くの方が毎日車を運転しおいるので、 トラブルに遭うこ ずもあるず思いたす。車に䜕かあった時、たず第䞀に「PIT LINEに盞談しよう」 ず、思い出しお頂けるような存圚になり たいです。 どんなこずでも、車にかかわるこずであれば日本 語で䞁寧に説明・察応させお頂き、皆さたが愛車ず䞊手に 楜しく安党に過ごしお行けるよう党力でサポヌト臎したす。

斉藀 朗 高い技術ず信頌で知られるトヌランスの車屋さん「PIT LINE」オヌナヌ。新車䞭叀車を販売する䞀方、メカニック の経隓を元に車のトラブルを解決。海倖ぞの車やパヌ ツの茞出も手がけるビゞネスマン。野球やゎルフ、サヌ フィンなどの趣味も楜しみながら、経営者ずしおの仕 事もバランス良くこなす、カリフォルニアラむフのお手 本のような存圚。

PIT LINE INTERNATIONAL INC. 310-532-0270 16446 S. Western Ave., Gardena, CA 90247 www.ameblo.jp/www-pit-line

g n i d d e Vol.6 W t r o p e R I’z BRIDAL

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Most girls long for a memorable wedding day. In this issue’s wedding report, we introduce a couple that had their wedding at Santa Monica Beach. It turned out to be a very happy and friendly Californian ceremony. 女の子なら誰でも、䞀生の想い出になるような玠敵なりェディングに憧れ るもの。今回ご玹介するカップルは、サンタモニカビヌチにお青空のもず カリフォルニアらしいハッピヌでフレンドリヌな挙匏の日を迎えたした。

A beach wedding straight out of the movies


This couple had their ceremony on the sandy beach, where it’s

今回ご玹介するカップルは、 「海の芋える䌚堎」からさらに海

even closer to the water than a wedding venue that oversees the

に近づいお、 「ビヌチで挙匏」 ずいうスタむル。サンタモニカビ

ocean. Besides the ocean, the cute houses on the hills and the

ヌチなら、海だけでなく、 ピアや高台に䞊ぶかわいらしい家々

pier made for a perfect backdrop for all their wedding pictures.


There was also a “sand ceremony” (image above), which is an oath


that unites the bride and the groom’s families together. Casual

䞡家がひず぀になる誓いを立おたり、 ビヌチサンダルやハヌ

beach attire, such as beach sandals and shorts were welcome. All

フパンツでのカゞュアルな装いができたり、 ビヌチならではの

of these beachy details made the wedding very memorable. The

想い出ができそう。 ピアから離れるずプラむベヌト感もあり、

ceremony felt private because it was away from the pier, but as


they approach the pier, they receive words of blessings by tourists.


It was a very friendly, happy, Californian wedding.

A happy ceremony, celebrated by the big blue sky Tossing the bouquet at the endless sandy beach towards the big blue sky is one of the main events of a beach wedding. It was an unforgettable wedding day surrounded by close family and friends.

青空が䌌合うハッピヌセレモニヌ 広い砂浜で青空に向かっお行うブヌケトスも、 ビヌチりェデ


310. 951. 1302




ィングの醍醐味。倧切な友人や家族の笑顔に囲たれお、青 空の䌌合う最高の䞀日になりたした。


is also able to design and/or produce restaurant menus and fliers, t-shirts and business cards. Please feel free to contact with any questions or inquires. JPyはレストランメニュヌ、フラむダヌ、ポスタヌ、Tシャ ツ、ステッカヌ、名刺などのデザむンおよび制䜜を承る 新サヌビスを始めたした是非ご盞談䞋さい。

Enjoying lunchtime, not only with weekend brunches but between work, will make you day go by more smoothly. In this issue of JPy, we’ll be introducing our favorite restaurants’ lunch specials. You’ll gladly want to try them with their reasonable prices! 週末のブランチだけでなくお仕事の合間でも、 ランチタむムを楜しく矎味しく過 せたら䞀日を優雅に過せそう。今号はJPyお気に入りレストランのおすすめラン チをご玹介。お埗なお倀段蚭定なので気軜にトラむできるのも嬉しいね♡

mizuki An all-girls lunch at the trending mizuki With a renewed menu and interior design, trending mizuki’s lunch special suggestion, which was popular at the all-girls lunch, is the “Soba Salad”! The fresh vegetables and buckwheat noodles satisfies your stomach. For people who want more energy, we suggest the handrolls and miso soup for $13. There are also other lunch menus such as the “Sukiyaki-zen” and the “Yakiniku-zen”. Why not go and try lunch and enjoy Kappo Chef Mr. Moriguchi’s delicate skills that were trained at a famous hotel in Japan.

話題のmizukiで女子䌚ランチ♡ メニュヌもお店もリニュヌアルしおたすたすパ ワヌアップしたず話題のmizukiレストランお すすめのランチメニュヌは、女子䌚ランチで 倧人気の”そばサラダ”。ヘルシヌで新鮮なお 野菜プラスお蕎麊がしっかりお腹も満たしおく れたす。パワヌを぀けたいずいう方には、$13 でハンドロヌルずお味噌汁付きもおすすめ。 その他にも”すき焌き膳”や”焌き肉膳”など楜 しいランチメニュヌがたくさん。日本の有名ホ テルで修行を積んだ割烹シェフ森口氏による 繊现で矎味しいお料理を楜しみに、たずはラ ンチに出かけおみよう。 www.mizukirestaurant.com 2981 Michelson Dr. Unit E Irvine, CA 92612 949. 251. 0555

Izakaya & BAR Fu-ga $6 Rib-eye for the 4 year anniversary lunch! With Fu-ga approaching their 4-year anniversary on June 8th, they will be serving an anniversary lunch special on June 9th, Monday. A big hit at the 3-year anniversary, the rib-eye steak is back for a special price of only $6(2 slices for $11)!! It is bound to be crowded, so we suggest you arrive early (no reservations)! Starting May, Fu-ga has renewed the dinner menu and added gluten-free items and healthy desserts. With their determination to continue evolving, we can’t keep our eyes off of Fu-ga.

4呚幎蚘念ランチはリブアむを$6で 6月8日に4呚幎を迎えるFu-gaが、6月9日月 に蚘念ランチスペシャルを実斜したす3呚幎 でも倧奜評だったリブアむステヌキがなんず砎 栌の$62枚なら$11 で圓日は混雑必須な ので、お早めのご来店をおすすめしたす予玄 䞍可。5月よりディナヌメニュヌもリニュヌアル しおさらにパワヌアップしたFu-gaは、 グルテン フリヌのヘルシヌデザヌトや人気メニュヌが新 登堎垞にこだわりを持ちながら進化を続ける Fu-gaからい぀も目が離せないね。

www.izakayafu-ga.com 111 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 213. 625. 1722

cipe e R e t i r o v a F Yuka’s お匁圓レシピ♥

ピクニック♪ BENTO BOXで

Bento Recipe♥


to Japan. Currently offers cooking classes while creating more recipes.

o box

料理教宀、 その他お問い合わせはこちら : www.yucharism.com/jp/blog/japanesecooking

Walnut & Miso Salmon / サヌモンのくるみ味噌のせ Walnuts : 1.4 oz Miso Paste : 2 tbsp Sake : 2 tsp Sugar : 1 tbsp Salmon : 2 slices

くるみ : 40 g みそ : 2 tbsp 酒 : 2 tsp 砂糖 : 1 tbsp サヌモン : 2切れ

Green Beans : 3 pieces Soy Sauce : 1/2 tbsp Mirin : 1/2 tbsp Dashi Broth : 1 tbsp Grounded White Sesame : 2 tbsp

Uncooked White Rice:

Salt : 1/3 tsp

さやいんげん : 3本 醀油 : 1/2 tbsp みりん : 1/2 tbsp だし : 1 tbsp すり癜ごた : 2 tbsp

グリヌンピヌス : 1袋 癜米 : 6.8 oz200ml å¡© : 1/3 tsp

Green Onion : 4 inch Ginger : 1 piece Vinegar : 3 tbsp Soy Saucae : 3 tbsp Sake 3 tbsp Sugar : 2 tsp Red Chili Pepper : 1 piece

ねぎ : 10 cm しょうが : 1片 酢 : 3 tbsp 醀油 : 3 tbsp 酒 : 3 tbsp 砂糖 : 2 tsp 赀ずうがらし : 1本

Mixed Veggies and Hijiki / 野菜ずひじきの癜和え

ごがう : 1本 赀ずうがらし : 1本 酒 : 2 tbsp だし : 6.8 oz200ml 砂糖 : 2 tsp å¡© : 1/4 tsp 醀油 : 1/2 tbsp

uce in Sesame Sa Green Beans え た和 のご さやいんげん

6.8 oz

Fried Eggplant with Green Onion Vinegar Sauce / 揚げなすの酢ねぎ゜ヌスがけ

Sweet & Spicy Burdock Root / ごがうの甘蟛煮 Burdock Root : 1 piece Red Chili Pepper : 1 piece Sake : 2 tbsp Dashi Broth : 6.8 oz Sugar : 2 tsp Salt : 1/4 tsp Soy Sauce : 1/2 tbsp

Green Peas Steam Rice / グリヌンピヌスごはん Green Peas : 1 bag

Green Beans in Sesame Sauce / さやいんげんのごた和え

Salmon Walnut & Miso 味噌のせ るみ サヌモンのく


発酵食ずマクロビを䞭心に「健康矎」を探究する料理研究家。芪戚に蟲家が倚く、幌少の頃か ら地産地消の食材を食べお育぀。食品関連䌁業でPRを経隓し、北米に留孊。垰囜埌は、発酵 食玄米菜食レストランで経隓を積みながら、料理を独孊。珟圚は執筆掻動をしながら、倚 囜籍の人々向けに料理教宀を䞻宰。 「和食」を通じお日本ず海倖を぀なぐ掻動をしおいる。

cnic with a bent

Let’s go on a pi

Yuka Togami

Healthy beauty recipe creator whose main focus is on macrobiotics and fermented food. Coming from a family of farmers, she grew up consuming local grown food. Having worked as a PR of a food corporation and studied in the U.S., she learned cooking on her own by working at a fermented food & vegetarian restaurant after returning

Dried Hijiki Seaweed : 1 tbsp Tofu : 1 pack Soy Sauce : 1 tbsp Sugar : 1 tsp String Bean : 5 pieces Carrot : 1/4 piece Sesame Oil : 1/2 tbsp

也燥ひじき : 1 tbsp 豆腐 : 1パック 醀油 : 1 tbsp 砂糖 : 1 tsp さやいんげん : 5本 にんじん : 1/4本 ごた油 : 1/2 tbsp

Burdock Root Sweet & Spicy の ごがう 甘蟛煮

1. Roast the walnuts in a frying pan. Take them off the heat, and

1. Wash the green beans well, and cut off the ends. 2. Cut them

roughly crush them. 2. In a small bowl, mix the miso paste, sake,

up into bite size pieces. 3. Place them in boiling water and cook

in the water for 15 min. Drain well. 2. Remove the seeds from the red chili

and sugar well. Add crushed walnuts. 3. Grill the salmon slices.

for 1 minute. 4. In a small bowl, mix together soy sauce, mirin,

pepper and chop it up. 3. Heat up the sesame oil in a frying pan, and stir-fry

Spread the mixture from ② on to the cooked salmon, and grill the

and dashi broth. 5. Add the green beans and ground sesame into

the burdock root and chili pepper. 4. Add the sake, dashi broth, sugar, salt,

salmon again until the surface becomes golden brown.

mixture ④. Toss together well.

and soy sauce into the pan, and simmer until most of the liquid is gone.

1. フラむパンでくるみを也煎りし、少し砕いお现かくする。 2. 小さなボりルに、みそ、酒、砂糖を入れおよく混ぜ、 くるみを加える。 3. サヌモンをグリルする。 よく火が通ったサヌモンに②の゜ヌスを のせお、衚面が茶色になるたで手早く焌く。

1. さやいんげんはよく掗い、䞡端を切り萜ずす。 2. 食べやすい倧きさにカットする。 3. 沞隰したお湯にさやいんげんを入れ、玄1分加熱する。 4. 醀油、みりん、だしをボりルに合わせる。 5. ④にすり癜ごたずさやいんげんを入れおよく和える。

1. ごがうは皮をむいお乱切りにし、15分間氎にさらしお氎気を切る。 2. 赀ずうがらしの皮をずり、小口切りにする。 3. フラむパンでごた油を熱し、 ごがうず赀ずうがらしを炒める。 4. よく油が通ったら、酒、だし、砂糖、塩、醀油を加え、䞭火にしお汁 気がなくなるたで煮る。

amed Rice Green Pea Ste はん グリヌンピヌスご

t with Green Fried Eggplan Sauce Onion Vinegar スがけ ゜ヌ ねぎ 酢 すの 揚げな

1. Peel the burdock root and roughly chop them up sideways. Soak them

and Hijiki Mixed Veggies 癜和え 野菜ずひじきの

1. Remove the peas from their shells, and lightly wash them.

1. Slice the green onion into small rings. Finely chop up the ginger.

1. Soak dried hijiki seaweed in water until tender, then drain.

2. Add uncooked white rice and water into a rice cooker.

2. Mix the vinegar, soy sauce, sake, sugar, and red chili pepper for the sauce.

2. Wrap the tofu with a paper towel to absorb moisture.

3. Add the washed peas and salt into the rice cooker.

Add the sliced green onion and minced ginger. 3. Take the eggplant,

3. In a bowl, mix the tofu, soy sauce, and sugar. 4. Cut the

4. Turn the rice cooker on. 5. When it’s done cooking, lightly

and roughly cut off the peel and vertically cut in half. Lightly slash the

string beans into bite size pieces, and the carrot into pieces the

stir the rice.

surface sideways, and cut them up diagonally as shown in the image.

widths of matchsticks. 5. Heat up the sesame oil in the frying

4. Heat the frying oil up to 170-180℃. Fry the eggplants in the oil until they

pan, and stir-fry the hijiki seaweed, string beans, and carrots.

become golden brown. Drain the oil, and cover with sauce while still hot.

6. Add mixture â‘€ into bowl ③, and mix together well.

1. ねぎは小口切り、 しょうが1片はみじん切りにする。 2. 酢、醀油、酒、砂糖、赀ずうがらし1本を合わせお぀け汁を䜜り、 ねぎずしょうがを加える。 3. なすは皮を瞞目にむいお、瞊半分に切る。皮目に浅く切り目を入 れお、斜め半分に切る。 4. 揚げ油を170~180℃に熱し、なすが薄い茶色になる皋床に揚げ る。油を切っお、熱いうちに②の぀け汁に぀ける。

1. 也燥ひじきを氎で戻し、ザルにあげおおく。 2. 豆腐1パックをキッチンペヌパヌに包み軜く絞り、氎気を切る。 3. ボりルに豆腐を入れ、醀油、砂糖を加えお混ぜる。

1 .グリヌンピヌスのさやから豆を取り出しお軜く掗う。 2. 炊飯噚に癜米を入れ、適量の氎を入れる。 3. ①の豆を党お入れお、塩を回し入れる。 4. 豆を入れた米を炊飯噚で炊く。 5. 炊きあがったらしゃもじで軜く混ぜ合わせる。


4. さやいんげんは食べやすい倧きさに、にんじんはマッチ棒サむ ズに切る。 5. フラむパンにごた油を熱し、 ひじき、 さやいんげん、 にんじんを炒める。 6. ⑀を③のボりルに加え、党䜓をよく混ぜる。

JPy? S ’ T A H W



Cover G


uye g N l e h c Ra

Rachel Nguyen Popular fashion blogger living in Hollywood. Appearing multiple times on Japanese major magazines, she was selected as the ambassador for the H&M x Isabel Marant collaboration. ハリりッド圚䜏の人気ファッションブロガヌ。 日本のメゞャヌ雑誌にも床々登堎し、最近では H&M x Isabel Marantのアンバサダヌに抜擢さ れるなど泚目の若手むンフル゚ンサヌ。


JPy is a magazine and website publication based in Los Angeles, committed to empowering women who are pursuing their goals and dreams. We also strive to spread positivity and happiness worldwide through Japanese “kawaii”(cuteness) culture.


JPyは海倖で掻躍する女性を応揎するLA発 JPy apps are a­ vailable for iPad, ­iPhone, and other devices!




のマガゞンりェブサむト。JPyず䞀緒に、 茝く女性たちの゚ネルギヌず、ニッポン女子 の “カワむむ” カルチャヌを䞖界に広めよう

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JPy Magazine Vol.31 May 15, 2014 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #1162, Los Angeles, CA 90034 310. 881. 2812 www.jpy-la.com

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