Holiday Issue 2014

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Bilingual Magazine Holiday Issue Nov. 15, 2014

FASHION Must have items of this season Popular Blogger Report

Beauty Holiday hair and make up Holiday Nail Designs

LIFESTYLE Cover girl story Dream Navigation Interview Cover Girl CASSEY HO

A whole new experience of chocolate....

is coming this winter! J.sweets San Jose Store • 675 Saratoga Ave. San Jose, CA 95129 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket) 408. 725. 9263 J.sweets Torrance Store • 21515 Western Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket) 310. 328. 8333


J.sweets Irvine Store < NEW > • 14230 Culver Drive, Irvine, CA 92604 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket)


HOLYDAY 2014-2015



Cover Girl Story


Interview : Dream Navigation


Holiday Restaurant


DJ MAYUMI loves L.A.

Story behind our cover girl: Cassey Ho

Exclusive interview with the owner of FLEUR NAILS, Nana Park

Perfect restaurant for dates and events for this holiday

Mayumi’s report of her DJ life





Must Have Items


L.A. Style with Beverly Eri - Vol.21

Fashion items to check out

Eri’s must have items of this season





Holiday Beauty Items


Holiday Makeup


Holiday Hair Arrangements


Nail Designs: Holiday version

Collection of JPy’s holiday items

Makeup tutorial for this season

Useful hair arrangements for upcoming holiday events

Gorgeous Nail Designs perfect for the holiday

JPy Magazine


Wardrobe / Cover

Editor-in-Chief: Kana Miyamoto Sales & Marketing: Ami Ono Sales Assistant: Rika Shimizu Graphic Designer: Moe Notsu Graphic Designer: Keiko Yanagida Graphic Designer: Kaya Suzuki Photographer: David Lee Photographer: TJ Translator: Ami Ono Copy Editor: Yuno Imai

Model: Cassey Ho Photographer: David Lee ( Make-up & Hair: Robert Moran (Yuka Style BH) Stylist: Beverly Eri Location: Yuka Style BH

Dress: blessed are the meek Necklace & Rings: Natalie B Shop: Planet Blue (

Copyright © 2014-2015 JPy All Right Reserved. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited or contributed manuscripts, photographs, artwork, or advertisements. All information regarding editorial content or property for sale is deemed reliable.




Cassey Ho A fitness instructor who runs the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube “Blogilates.” She is an Internet personality and a YouTube star popular all over the world. She is also a blogger and the designer of BODYPOP Activewear, and the creator of the POP Pilates DVD program available at Target stores everywhere. She loves cooking healthy meals, working out and she is a total dog lover. Youtubeで人気ナンバヌのフィットネスチャンネ ル”Blogilates”を運営するフィットネスむンストラクタヌ。 ブロガヌ、BODYPOP Activewearのデザむナヌ、そしおPOP

Photography: David Lee

Pilates DVDのクリ゚むタヌなど様々な分野で掻躍䞭。健康

Jacket: bless’ed are the meek Pants: Sam and Lavi Inner: For Love and Lemons




Interview with

Cassey Ho

Q1 What made you start health/exercise videos on youtube?

I’ve been doing Pilates for 11 years and have been a Pilates Instructor for 8 years. Right after college, I was moving from LA to Boston for my first corporate job and had to leave my students at the local 24 Hour Fitness. They were devastated! So I told them I’d make a video for them to workout with me if they missed me. I uploaded that video to YouTube. Little did I know that hundreds of thousands people all over the world would be watching that video. From there, I kept listening to my fan requests for new workouts and my channel started growing like crazy!

YouTubeで゚クササむズチャンネルを立ち䞊げたきっかけは 元々ピラティスを幎間やっおいお、そのうち幎間はむンストラクタヌをやっおい たした。倧孊を卒業しお就職する時に、ロサンれルスからボストンに匕っ越すこずにな り、圓時教えおいた24Hour_Fitnessの生埒たちをもう教えられなくなっおしたったの。 圌らが私のクラスを取れなくなるこずがショックだず蚀っおくれたので、離れおも䞀緒 にワヌクアりトできるように圌らのためにビデオを䜜ったのが始たり。そのビデオを youtubeにアップしたら䞖界䞭の人たちが芳おくれるようになったわ。それからはファ ンの方々からのリク゚ストに答えお新しいワヌクアりトビデオを䜜るようになり、チャ ンネルはみるみる倧きくなっおいったのよ。

Q2 What is the most enjoyable part of being a popular youtuber?

I love knowing that because of Blogilates, millions of people all over the globe are changing their lives, getting healthier, and getting stronger for free! The most amazing thing is meeting my fans in real life, hearing their stories, and getting to do POP Pilates with them side by side. It’s amazing. YouTuberの楜しいこずはどんなこず Blogilatesを芳るようになっおから生掻を倧きく倉えたずいう人が、䞖界䞭にいるず 感じられるのが嬉しい。お金をかけずにもっず健康的に生きようっお思う人がたくさ んいるの。そしお実際にファンに䌚っお、話をしたり、䞀緒にPOP Pilatesをするこ ずが䜕よりの喜びよ

Q3 What are you doing on the weekends?

Honestly? Haha, I still work on the weekends! But work is fun. Designing, blogging, social media etc. I love what I do. I usually like to workout, go to the Farmer’s market, maybe do something outdoors if it is hot, and catch up on sleep! 週末は䜕をしお過しおいるの 実は週末もお仕事をしおいるわ笑。でも仕事はすごく楜しい。デザむン、ブロ グ、゜ヌシャルメディアずか色々。ずにかく自分のやっおいるこずが党お奜き。時間 がある時はワヌクアりトしたり、ファヌマヌズマヌケットに行ったり、倖がいい倩気 の時はアりトドアで䜕かしたりしおる。あずはゆっくり眠るこずかしら。

Q4 Do you have a favorite restaurant and/or café in LA?

I love Cafe Gratitude! It is such a deliciously creative vegan spot that’s so fun to bring my friends. My favorite things there are the macrobiotic bowls! I also love Lemonade and Urth Cafe! Their matcha green tea boba is literally the best! LAの奜きなカフェやレストランがあったら教えお䞋さい。 Cafe Gratitudeが倧奜き。矎味しくおクリ゚むティブなノィヌガンメニュヌを取り扱 っおいおよくお友達ず行くわ。ここのmacrobiotic bowlsが䞀番奜きなの。あず LemonadeずUrth Cafeもお気に入り。Urth Cafeéの抹茶グリヌンティヌボバは最高よね。

Q5 Can you give the readers a message?

I truly believe that everyone should follow their passion. If you listen to your heart, it will lead you to success, I promise. You’ve got to fight for what you want and not let ANYONE step in your way. If you want it bad enough, you will figure out a way to make it happen. You just got to believe in yourself, especially when no one else does. JPy読者にメッセヌゞをお願いしたす。 私は自分が情熱を持っおいるこずを远いかけるべきだず信じおいるわ。自分の心の声をよ く聞いおいれば必ず成功するっお確信を持っおいるの。自分が信じおいるものの為に時に は戊わなきゃならないこずもあるけど、誰にも邪魔をさせちゃだめ。本圓に䜕かを成し遂 げたいずきほど、ちゃんず道は開けるものよ。誰がなんず蚀おうず自分を信じおね



Why did you start FLEUR NAILS salon?

I was in Japan to go to a fashion business school as an exchange student from Korea, and it was around that time when I started to get interested in nail art. I still remember staring at my feet in the bathtub when I had my toenails done at a salon, because it made me so happy and it really was a special moment that I remember. At that time there were not as many nail salons around, it was very expensive and Gel nails were not even available. I started to be interested in having my own business and I heard that the owner of one of my favorite nail salon was closing down and a lot of things happened at the right timing that it made me think, “ I can do this too”. I put my words into action right away, and since I knew I wanted to have the store along the street, I opened up a store on the first floor in a building in Shinjuku. The reality was, it was so much harder than I ever imagined. It makes me wonder why I thought it was going to be easy back in the day lol. But to see my customers happy was what truly made me happy, and that was the time when Nail salons started to expand rapidly so it made me feel like I was contributing to the growth of nail art itself. Later in Tokyo I’ve experienced so many things such as the earthquake that hit Japan and I got married and many experiences I went through has led me to a big decision of moving to Los Angeles in 2012. When I was thinking about what I should do with my new life in LA, there was only one thing for me, to continue nail art. When I was looking for a good location for my salon, I was lucky to find a place where I felt destined to have my store. Everything was a brand new start in LA.

What is FLEUR NAILS like? FLEUR means flower in French. When I opened my salon in Japan, there were so many salons using English phrases already so I wanted to pick a word that was different and easy to remember. I did once open a store in Shibuya with a different name but it didn’t go as well as FLEUR NAILS, and it made me appreciate the name so much more. That

JPy supports all women who follow their dreams! Every issue we interview people living their dreams in Los Angeles. This issue we’re going to put the spotlight on Ms. Nana Park, the owner of “FLEUR NAILS” just opened this spring. She talked about her career, life and her store.

Nana Park Owner of FLEUR NAILS

is the reason why I am using the same name in Los Angeles. Our aim is to have gel nails available for anyone, and that is why we make our design prices very clear and easy to see. Just like all the go-to salons in town, we want to be the salon where you can have it all in one stop with waxing, eyelash extensions and facial services etc. We use a lot of wood as our interior and have natural lights coming in so all of our customers can relax and enjoy the calm atmosphere. We really want our customers to relax and that’s why we always want to be a friendly salon.

What makes working so enjoyable for you? It’s very simple, when customers are happy it really makes me happy. Because of the location, there are many local customers who just walk in for simple colors, but sometimes people come in with an appointment for just nail colors but change their minds when they see our nail artists’ gel nails and they simply tell us “I want that!” Many of our customers just falls in love once they try our gel nails, and that is something that truly makes me happy. Back when I was working in Shinjuku, a customer said, “I want you to be like my counselor every month, who listens to all my updates”. At the time since I was new to the business, I didn’t quite grasp what she said but I truly understand what she meant now. Customers who have gel nails will come in for a nail change once in 3 weeks and we really talk, not only about how to take care of nails but we talk about so many things from updates of their daily lives to any worries they have. To say “I’ll see you and talk to you next month”, to have that stable relationship with a customer is very important and it makes me feel so happy. When you are doing business for a long time, there are many moments that I truly embrace. There were customers I’ve known in Tokyo who visited me here in LA and an

employee I used to train at my first salon who contacted me to let me know that she is now licensed to be an instructor. There is a staff who had children and came back to the salon again. These are only a part of many stories that makes me feel so fortunate about what I do.

What is your goal right now? I have 15 years of experience in Japan but here in the US I’m just starting up. I still have a lot to learn about, but meeting and connecting with people is most important and I want to remember to “treasure every meeting”. Gel nails in Japan are world quality. It’s not as common yet to the point where everyone knows about it so that’s why I really do want to spread it. Another goal that I have is to open up a school and have our own products for everyone to learn how easy and convenient gel nails are.

Can you give the JPy readers a message? When I first opened up my salon, I was honesty not thinking too deeply about it. I always enjoyed fashion and art and I was good at drawing so I simply thought that I can do this. But to create an art work on someone’s fingers were far different from drawing on a flat canvas, because you can’t try over again if you make a mistake. You only have one shot to do it and it was very different from what I expected. But the happiness I felt was far beyond my expectations as well, when I saw people satisfied and going home with a smile on their faces. That is what motivates me to spread the beauty of this art and that is what truly keeps me going. Sometimes, it is important to not over think and to just put something into action. If you don’t start something you’ll never know how hard or fun it could be. You can learn so much from experiences and it really does help you to grow.

“Beauty comes from within. That’s something you can earn only when you improve your balance from the inside of your body.”

Nana Park Born and raised In Korea, she flew to Japan as a student to study fashion business and languages, and her interest moved towards nail art. In 2000, she opened her Nail salon in Shinjuku and later opened her second store in Shibuya. In 2012, she moved to Los angeles and opened her first US


salon FLEUR NAILS. She is having a satisfying, happy life as

5353 Wilshire Blvd.

a proud salon owner.

Los Angeles, CA 90036 Tel. 323. 692. 0021


海倖で倢に向かっお頑匵る女性を応揎するJPyが、毎号Los Angelesで掻躍 する玠敵な先茩にむンタビュヌする人気のコヌナヌ。今号はこの春オヌプン したばかりの話題のネむルサロン 「FLEUR NAILS」 オヌナヌNanaさんにキャ リアや人生、お店䜜りに぀いおのお話を聞きたした。

Nana Park 韓囜゜りルで生たれ育ち, 孊生時代にファッション&アヌトを孊ぶために日本に留孊。専門孊 校でファッションビゞネスず語孊を孊び、 ファッションデザむナヌの道を目指す。 しかし、埌に ネむルずの出䌚いからゞェルネむルやネむルアヌトに興味を持぀ように。2000幎に新宿に ネむルサロンをオヌプンさせ、その埌枋谷にも2店目を構える。2012幎、結婚を機に米囜ロ サンゞェルスに移䜏し、米囜1号店目ずなるFleur Nailsをハリりッドにオヌプンさせた。

“時には深く考えすぎず、思い切っお行動するこずも 目暙を叶えるために必芁なこずなのかもしれたせん”

ネ むルサロンをオヌプンされたきっかけは


韓囜から日本に留孊し、 ファッションビゞネスの専門孊校に

スでは同じ名前を䜿っおいたす。 ゞェルネむルを気軜に楜し



私は日本でのサロン経営においおは15 幎近くの経隓がありた


分かりやすくしおいたす。 たた゚クステンションやフェむシャ




反省するこずも倚いですが、“䞀期䞀䌚”の粟神を忘れずに 人

はただ街にネむルサロンも少なく、サヌビスは高額で、 ゞェル





の良さは䞖界レベル。 ただただロヌカルの方々に䞀般的に知ら




ヌナヌさんが出産でお店を閉めるずいう話を聞き、 「自分にも


きたいず思っおいたす。 たた䞀般の方々にもゞェルネむルがず

できるのでは」 ず考えるようになりたした。思い぀いおからはす ぐに行動するタむプなので「ネむルサロンをするなら絶察に


おも䟿利で簡単だずいうこずを䌝えおいくために、スクヌルや ネむルサプラむを始めるこずも目暙の䞀぀です。

路面店がいい」 ず物件を探し始め、すぐに新宿埡苑の近くの











「それ䜕それにしたい」 ず初めおトラむをされ、そのたたす



っかりゞェルのファンになっお䞋さったりするず、 ずおも幞せな

トもできるだろうずいう颚に、 どちらかずいうず楜芳的に構え



気分になりたす。 たた新宿でお店をやっおいる頃、お客様に

おいたした。 しかし実際には、お客様の指にアヌトを斜すずい





るカりンセラヌのような存圚でいお欲しい」 ず蚀われたこずが

した。サロンでのネむルサヌビスは、 もちろん家で構想する時





意味がよく分かるようになりたした。 ゞェルのお客様は通垞3







FLEUR NAILSずはどんなサロンなのでしょう


が綺麗なこずでハッピヌになるず蚀っおくれたりするず、 こちら



たで嬉しくなり、 もっずもっず広げお行きたいず思うのです。倧






たず感じおいるので、時にはあたり深く考えすぎず、 たず行動を




の名前も詊しおみたのですがあたり䞊手く行かず、 この名前



に助けられおいるのかなずいう気持ちにもなり、 ロサンれル





The new season is coming to California. Let’s update your daily clothing and prepare for upcoming events and parties! Here are the must have items to add to your wardrobe! カリフォルニアにもいよいよ冬が蚪れたす。むベントも目癜抌しのこの時

Winter Fashion

期だから、急なお誘いに備えおデむリヌクロヌズだっお気を぀けたいね。 今すぐワヌドロヌブにプラスしたい厳遞アむテムたちをご玹介したす♥ 1327 Post Ave. #D, Torrance, CA 90501 | 310-533-9555 Effortless and comfortable casuals can look this fashionable by adding items. 肩肘匵らない楜ちんカゞュアルも、ポむントを抑えればこんなにおしゃれ♡



3 4 Model’s Outfit: Jumpsuit: Ellison Jumpsuit / $46 (Black) Hat: San Diego Hat / $30 (Brown) Bag: JOIA BAG / $28 1. THE CLASSIC BONJOUR BIRDS ALL OVER TEE / $22 (Multi) 2. Monoreno CROCHET LACE ZIP-UP HOODIE / $42 (Khaki / Olive) 3. San Diego Hat Womens Grosgain Band Cloche / $30 4. San Diego Hat Womens Grosgain Band Cloche Fedora / $30 5. JOIA BAG / $36 6. JOIA BAG / $28 each


5 6




びばり〜えり (ファッションゞャヌナリスト・むンタビュアヌ)


Eri is a popular fashion journalist and ­interviewer, who working for Japanese ­magazines and styling various celebrities. She brings Tokyo and L.A. closer to one another with her fashion sense and vitality. Eri shows us her favorite fashion items whch she shopped and loves. Want to get them all!!!!

WITH びばり∌えり

人気ファッション誌での連茉や、 タレント本のコヌディネむトなど、 独自のファッションセンスず持ち前のバむタリティで東京ずL.A.を 繋ぐパワフルガヌル。 今号はコスメ倧奜きえりちゃんが、 ホリデヌに 向けおゲットしたビュヌティヌグッズを倧公開♡党郚真䌌したい

Here are all the items Beverly Eri purchased this summer season! She’s already started thinking about the fall fashion! 自他共に認めるビュヌティヌオタクのERIちゃん。 倏の疲れが残った䜓をメンテナンスするお勧めアむテムの玹介です♪♬






My breakfast is a mix of the green smoothie powder from whole foods, MACA powder for more energy and Biosil for my skin, hair and nails.

Just using this with no other make up is cute! Cute Pink#9, Natural Coral #1, and my favorite is the steaming hot red #6.

朝ごはんはWHOLE FOODSスヌパヌで賌入し









NUXE oil

The bronzer for my body is NUXE. It’s not sticky and the huge plus is that you can use it on fair skin.





NUXE。サラッずしおいお、色癜の肌 でも浮かないのが◎。

7 6

Tik Tak T ik T ak


Basic pink with jewelry decorations is a must these days. CECE is my travel nail artist who comes to do her magic.


CHANEL Fall is the season when you really want to use lipsticks!

ベヌシックなピンクにゞュ゚リ ヌをデコるゞェルネむルが最






La Mer serum This serum is definitely a must have beauty item, even works on scars. I love it so much; I have two for travel and for home.



たっおいる 今䞀番は ンはこれ ã‚€ ラ ア スキンケ

Le Mieux

Tik Tak Tik Tak


I especially recommend the “EGF DNA” that repairs your skin cells and collagen sheets “Bio Cell Mask”



の”EGF DNA”ず、プルプルのコラヌゲンシヌト


マスク”Bio Cell Mask”。


HEAD ACCESSORY Got these at the Growze LA, very important beauty items too. GROWZE LAでぞッドアクセサリヌを賌入。これも りっぱなビュヌティヌアむテム

Revita Lash Formula for eyelashes! た぀毛の育毛剀☆

3 09

R EADY FOR THE PARTY! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New many important events coming up this season! The JPy editors will tell you all the secrets to polish your beauty before these events. Let’s be at our best at all the upcoming parties! 感謝祭、 クリスマスにニュヌむダヌず、倧切なむベントだらけの季節は、自分を 磚いお最高のコンディションで迎えたい♡



kang eastern medicine spa Dr.Kang a professional in oriental medicine


will help you solve all your problems. If


you go now, she has a limited time only


campaign for you. Lack of sleep, rough skin


from stress might be your daily troubles...

足やストレスによる肌荒れなど、 「い぀

but are you being lazy about taking care of

ものこずだから」 ず攟っおおいおはいた

your body? Maintenance for your body is


essential so don’t miss the slightest SOS


from your body and talk to Dr.Kang. For


those who never tried Chinese medicine


or acupuncture before, there is a 50%off


campaign now. Dr.Kang is going to be at


the JPy party on December 12th to give


everyone a free 5-minute counseling. Come


and see Dr.Kang!


KRACIE This season is when you worry about your


skin condition with all the eating out,


partying and your night owl lifestyle. Dry


skin and rough skin from stress cannot be


covered by just your daily care. If you feel

係なく無理しおしたったら 集䞭ケアは

any roughness especially around your eyes


and mouth, it needs special care regardless


of your age. Hadabisei’s wrinkle care can


help you moisturize your dry areas. You’ll


feel the difference the next morning and


feel your skin vitalized. The sheet mask will


fit your face perfectly with the 3D design.


You can regain smooth, baby-like skin with the wrinkle mask with intensive eye care. 10

First time patients of Kang Eastern Medicine Spa get the following treatments for HALF OFF Massage 60min: $60 Acupuncture & Massage: $90 Spa Facial 60min: $70 Kang Eastern Medicine Spaを初めお 利甚される方のみ半額になりたす。 期間12月末たで

$30 $45 $35


When you go out to a party, one of the


things you most worry about is your hair-


style. You can’t go to a hair salon every


time or some girls might not have the super


techniques to arrange your hair. For those

い 。そんなパヌティヌ倧奜きガヌル

party girls, we recommend SOHOSTYLE’s


extension and hair accessories! High qual-


ity hair extensions are so easy to use and


will make your hair absolutely gorgeous!


Great deal if you buy hair extensions you

スにしおくれ、 さらに䞀床賌入するずぞ

get a free hair set! You definitely want to


try this service this season! The accessories


with Swarovski stones will make you stand

なりたいサヌビスです♡ スワロフスキ

out more than anyone!

ヌを䜿甚したアクセサリヌも、䌚堎でキ ラキラ茝きを攟っおくれるはず。

Excellula by SATO

No matter how much makeup you put on or what fashion you choose, you can’t hide the damage on your skin. Living in California might make you worry about dry skin. Sato Pharmaceutical’s anti-aging care EXCELLULA is made from Sato’s 100 years of experience that invented a formula with their unique technology and captured the mechanism of aging from the pharmaceutical point of view. You can

Power Cream

Moisture Soap

feel your skin younger and moisturized and see the glow in your skin right away. Start using it now and see the change to celebrate new years with your beautiful skin. We’re having a sale at the beginning of December at all Mitsuwa market branches, please stop by!! お化粧やファッションに気合いを入れおも、 玠肌のコンディションは隠し切れない。特 にカリフォルニアは也燥によるお肌のダメ ヌゞが心配䜐藀補薬が玄100幎培っお来 た技術ず知芋を取り入れお開発したアンチ ゚むゞングケアEXCELLULAは、補薬の芖 点から゚むゞングのメカニズムを捉え、独 自のテクノロゞヌを駆䜿しお幎霢に負けな い肌を䜜るずいう画期的な商品。みずみず しい艶感は䜿い始めればすぐに実感でき、 䜿い続けるずお肌が若返っおいく感芚に。

Power Lotion

Power Emulsion

Delivery Essence

今すぐ始めお、新幎は矎肌で迎えたいね。 12月初旬にミツワ党店におセヌルが開催



What makes a woman beautiful? The answer


is her smile! No matter how you look, if you


don’t have that glowing smile, what’s the


point! You want everybody to be smiling at


a party! Sweets that makes everyone happy

も笑顔でいお欲しいもの。 どんな時でも

is essential to home parties! The very popu-


lar YOKUMOKU, Fugetsudo and making a


new appearance ROYCE, all the limited time


only Christmas sweets are going to make

颚月堂、そしお新登堎のROYCE’など、 ク

everyone happy. The gaufres in the Hello


Kitty cans are perfect for gifts, comes with


Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors.

でも喜ばれる、キティちゃん猶に入った ゎヌフルはバニラ、チョコ、ストロベリヌ のフレヌバヌです。 J.sweets San Jose Store 675 Saratoga Ave. San Jose, CA 95129 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket) 408. 725. 9263

J.sweets Torrance Store 21515 Western Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket) 310. 328. 8333

J.sweets Irvine Store 14230 Culver Drive, Irvine, CA 92604 (inside Mitsuwa Supermarket) *Coming soon!

y p p a H

♥ s y a d i l o H

Kang Eastern Medicine Dr.Kang, a specialist in Eastern medicine can make all women healthy and beautiful with her holiday campaign!This fall she opened Kang Eastern Med Spa with variety of services from acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massages and nail services! At the JPy 7th anniversary party on December 12th, Dr.Kang is going to be a guest giving everyone a 5-minute counseling! 東掋医孊の力で女性を矎しく健康にするKang先生がホリデヌキャンペヌンを実斜䞭。 この秋オヌプンしたばかりのKang Eastern Med Spaには鍌治療や挢方以倖に、マッサ ヌゞやネむルなどのサヌビスもありたす。さらに12月12日に行われるJPy7呚幎パヌテ ィヌでは、先生がゲストの皆様に5分のミニカりンセリングを実斜したす。お楜しみに Dr. Kang is specialized in using Oriental Medicine such as acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbs. She is known for her effective infertility and anti-aging treatments, and her slimming treatment is popular among actresses, models and celebrities. She just opened her second location (Med Spa) in Pasadena in September. 鍌や挢方など、東掋医孊の力で女性の悩みを解決する鍌灞 医垫。䞍劊やアンチ゚むゞングにも効果を発揮する鍌治療を 始め、 スリミング鍌は即効性が高く、女優やモデル、 ダンサヌ などのセレブリティを倚く患者に持぀。 この9月パサディナに 2぀目のクリニック(Med Spa)をオヌプン。

Dr. Kang D.A.O.M., L.Ac.

Kang Eastern Medicine

Kang Eastern Med Spa

50 Bellefontaine St. Ste 203, Pasadena CA, 91105

137 W. California Blvd., Pasadena CA, 91105

Only for rs JPy Reade


Facial / Body Acupuncture

Morning Sickness

Pain Management

Menstrual Irregularities / PMS




Constipation / Diarrhea



Gel Nail


矎顔 / 党身鍌



生理侍順 / 月経前症候矀




䟿秘 / äž‹ç—¢




Holiday Beauty Specials

NEW Check out the new website!



First time patients of Kang Eastern Medicine Spa get the following treatments for HALF OFF Massage 60min: $60 Acupuncture & Massage: $90 Spa Facial 60min: $70

$30 $45 $35

In commemoration of the opening, there will be free 30 minute consultations. Please contact us for more details. オヌプンを蚘念しお、30分の蚺察ず挢 方薬のアドバむスを無料で行っおいた す。詳しくはお問い合わせ䞋さい。


我們提䟛䞭文諮詢及治療. 묎료 상닎 치료도 접수합니닀.


えりちゃん いちおしアむテ ムも倧公開

Eye makeup is essential for parties! Simple, easy steps and tips ♡ The holiday season is packed with parties and events! This is the time when we put more effort into our fashion and makeup. This issue we had our reader model Eri try out a holiday makeup that changes your look dramatically. This makeup is easy for anyone, and will definitely leave an impression at a party.

パヌティヌメむクは目が呜 倱敗しない簡単テクを倧公開♡ ホリデヌシヌズンはパヌティヌやむベントが目癜抌し。 ファ ションにもメむクにも気合いが入りたす今号は読者モデル

Dolly Wink Eye Shadow 03 Smoky Brown

This smoky eye shadow can help you create a shiny beautiful look with a gradation. You can use it under your eyes too.

1 Brown gradation makeup starts from the base. Dolly wink’s smoky brown is a great color even for beginners. The tip is to spread the lighter color first to your eyelid.


囲みグラデでシャむニ ヌな立䜓感を挔出しお くれるスモヌキヌブラ りンアむシャドり。涙袋 も䜜れたす♡

ゞするホリデヌメむクを玹介したす。誰でも簡単にトラむで き、パヌティヌでも印象を残せるキラキラ瞳の完成です♡


2 ブ ラりング ラデ で た ず はたぶ た の ベ ヌス 䜜 り。Dolly Winkのスモヌ キヌブラりンを遞べば、 初心者でも簡単にグラデ 完成。薄い色から先に広 めに䜿うこずがポむント。

Eyeliner is an absolute must to change the impression of your eyes. Draw a thin but a clear line to the outer corner of your eye to emphasize your eyes at a party.

目元の印象を匕き締める アむラむンは絶察マスト。 パヌティヌでは特に目の 倧きさを匷調したいので 目尻に现くくっきりしたラ むンを入れ、スケヌル感 をアップさせたす。

Use the shiny liner under your eyes for a more gorgeous and a feminine look. Your whole face will look brighter and can emphasize the size of your eyes even more.

4 目の䞋に光沢感のある 涙袋ラむナヌを倧胆に 匕くこずで、華やかさず フェミニンさをプラス。 顔党䜓にメリハリが぀ き、目のサむズをさらに 匷調しおくれるのです。

Don’t ever forget your eyebrows! Choose a lighter color than your hair, in this case a lighter brown to make your whole face look brighter. Keep your eyebrows looking natural without putting too much on.

GOLDEN EYE MAKEUP FOR HOLIDAY SEASON This soft crayon type pen is a very useful eyeliner that can be used under your eyes. The elegant glitter will give you the beautiful, natural glow to your eyes. 柔らかいクレペンタむプのペン で涙袋を簡単に䜜れるアむラむ ナヌ。䞊品で繊现なグリッタヌが 目元に自然な茝きを䞎えたす。

Eri used the Dolly Wink cosmetics produced by the very popular fashion model Tsubasa Masuwaka from Japan. You can’t let go of these makeup products once you try them!

最埌に忘れがちなのが アむブロり。ヘアカラヌ に合わせ明るいブラりン をチョむスすれば、目元 党䜓が䞀気に明るい印 象に。䜜りすぎないナチ ュラル感が決め手です。

Here is what Eri used! えりちゃん䜿甚 アむテムはコチラ えりちゃんが䜿ったのは、 日本で 倧人気のモデル益若぀ばささん プロデュヌスのDolly Winkシリ ヌズ。 このお手軜さず簡単さは 手攟せないアむテムになりそう

Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner

Dolly Wink Point Lamé 02 Gold Lame

Just add this to your everyday make up to get that holiday look with the gorgeous glittery gold lamé. You can highlight the inner corner of your eyes and on your lower eyelid. This one product can do so much for your eyes! This is also a stick type product so the convenience is also a big plus.


い぀ものメむクにプラスす るだけで䞀気にホリデヌ 感を出しおくれるゎヌルド ラメ。目頭のハむラむトや 䞋たぶたにも䜿え、䞀本で 倧掻躍スティックタむプ なので䜿いやすさも◎。

This excellent eyeliner is ultra thin but can draw clear beautiful lines. This waterproof liner can survive through sweats but comes off so easily with warm water. This thin film like formula is gentle for your eyes. こしのある極现筆でくっきりず濃 厚ラむンが匕ける超優秀アむラむ ナヌ。 優れた耐氎性で汗氎に匷い のに、お湯でスルっず萜ちるフィ ルム凊方で目元にも優しい♡

Dolly Wink Eyebrow Mascara 02 Maron

Dolly Wink Eye Pencil Eyecolor Cream Lamé

This eyebrow mascara blended with fine pearls will give you the more natural 3D look to your brows. The end of the brush is thinner making it so much easier to apply the product.

埮现パヌル配合でアむブ ロりに自然な立䜓感をプ ラスしおくれるアむブロり マスカラ。毛先が现く塗り やすいブラシもGood!

*Available at Asian grocery stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアゞア系マヌケットぞ Distributed by PMAI

Available at Palace Beauty Galleria | 323. 734. 5844 | 3250 W. Olympic Blvd. #214, Los Angeles, CA 90006

t n e m e g n a r r Party Hair A Any girl wants to be at her best with a perfect dress, makeup and hair for an important party. Our reader model Eri will try the easy hair arrangements that will fit many scenes with different impressions.

Leave the front part of your hair and curl the middle and back part with your curler. Your goal is to have natural looking volume, so make your curls random with the size of your curls and the direction.

nt Poi

カヌルを぀ける時は前を残しお、残 り2぀のパヌトをコテで巻きたす。自 然なボリュヌムを出すこずが目的な ので、巻く方向やカヌルの倧きさに 関わらずランダムに。毛先を䞭心に 巻くのがポむント。

倧事なパヌティヌはドレスもメむクもヘア だっおパヌフェクトにしお、最高の自分で 行きたいよね。シヌンに合わせお印象が倉 わる簡単ヘアアレンゞに読者モデルのえり ちゃんが挑戊したす。

Hair Stylist : Mai

1 Reader model Eri

Eri has very soft and thin hair with a good volume, easy to curl but it also comes off very fast.

Hair Data


柔らかい猫っ毛なので、 カヌルがすぐに぀くがすぐ取れる。 现くお柔らかい髪質で、量は倚め。


n Poi

Section your hair into three parts to front, middle and back. Try not to skip this process, since it is important to help your curls last longer and to control the amount of hair you take in each curl. 前、真ん䞭、埌ず3぀のパヌ トにブロッキング。 この手間 を省くず、 コテで䞀床に巻く 量が倚すぎお䞊手くできな かったりカヌルの持ちが悪 かったりするので芁泚意。

Princess style half-up

プリンセス颚 ハヌフアップ

Make two braids on the side of your hair (as shown in the photo), each one towards the opposite direction. The important part is to loosen them up by lightly teasing them with your fingers. 髪のサむドから逆サむドに向 かっお䞉぀線みを線み、線んだ 䞉぀線みを指で逆毛を立おる ようなむメヌゞで厩しおいきた す。 こなれ感を出すために最も 重芁なポむントです。

This is the classic party style hair that will look great on any dress. This effortless loose style is sure to leave a great impression! If you volume up the hair on your side, you can also achieve an effect to make your face smaller. ドレスを遞ばない王道パヌティヌスタむルずいえばこれ。 頑匵りすぎないゆるいスタむルは奜感床もバッチリ♡ 無造䜜に䞋ろした毛先にボリュヌムを加えれば小顔効果 も狙えちゃいたす。

nt Poi


Stylish Braid Arrangement

Twist and pin your hair to the side and loosen up your curls with your hands to create a natural look.

残った毛もクルクルず指に 巻き付けおどんどんピンで アップしお行きたす。ピン は頭皮に沿うように差す のが厩れにくくなるコツ。 無造䜜に止めおOKです。

Point 3

This is an easy up-do when you want to keep it clean and easy! This is easy enough for you to try anytime, simply just arranging your braids. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake with this up-do, its only going to give it a different taste and personality to your hair.

ed e us w t a ムは Wh むテ たア し 䜿甚 こちら♡

665 Paularino Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714. 505. 3939

Point 2

Bring your loose braid to the middle, twist and pin it down. If you can find the right place to pin your hair, there is no need to use too many of them. 厩し目に線んだ䞉぀線みを真ん䞭に持っ お来お、ねじっおからピンで止めたす。髪が 支えられる堎所にきちんずピンを打おば、 䜕本も䜿う必芁はありたせん。

クヌル系 䞉぀線みアレンゞ

ピンでねじっお暪に流した髪を、手で厩 しながらもみほぐすず、䜜り蟌みすぎな い自然なカヌルが実珟。

Take your remaining hair and wrap it around your fingers and keep pinning them up. The tip here is to pin them along your scalp to keep your hairstyle in shape. You can pin them randomly.

Point 1

This leave-in hair treat-



ment will leave your い流さないトリヌトメント。 hair so much easier to アレンゞ 前 にヘアに 揉 み manage with. Simply massage it to your hair

Find us on facebook!

Arukas Hair Resort

スッキリたずめたい時に倧掻躍しおくれるアップ スタむル。基本的には䞉぀線みをぐるぐるたずめ ただけなので、自分でも手軜に出来る簡単さが魅 力。少しくらい倱敗しおもかえっお味が出るので あたりキッチリやりすぎなくおも倧䞈倫

before arranging, and


に。 ヘアカラヌの持ちも良く なり、髪に自然な茝きを䞎

it will give your hair a えおくれたす。 natural glow.


冬の矎肌察策 It’s officially the start of the holiday season filled with events. Now that the strong sunlight and UV rays have calmed down, it is the perfect season to treat your age spots and acnes. Make an appointment right away and talk to Dr.Ho to make your skin more vibrant and flawless for the new years! むベント目癜抌しのホリデヌシヌズンが本栌的にスタヌト。 ケアができる最高の季節䞀日も早くホヌ先生に盞談しお、 ツルツル矎肌でキラキラな新幎を迎えなくちゃ♡

HOLIDAY SKINCARE Specials Age Spot Removal シミ取りレヌザヌ

 1 time 1 session

$99 → $50



31 st

( New Patients Special )

Some treatments may be covered by insurance. Please contact Steve Takashi for more details. トリヌトメントには保険が適応されるものもありたす。詳しくはSteve Takashiにお気軜にご盞談ください。


Christopher Ho M.D. クリストファヌ・ホヌ医孊博士 Chief resident at UCLA (Doctorate of Dermatology)

Dr. Nassif

Received cosmetic laser treatment training at Harvard University. Assistant clinical professor at UCLA (Trains physicians and medical students)

UCLA医孊博士・UCLA皮膚科専門 Harvard レヌザヌ研究科・UCLA皮膚科助教授

○ニキビ、 しみ、ほくろ ○二重たぶた ○Double eyelid surgery ○セルラむト治療 ○Cellulite treatments ○フォトフェむシャル ○Foto-facials あざ、 タトゥヌ ○Removal of scars, bruises, and tattoos ○傷あず、 その他 ○Treatment of skin diseases, and more! ○皮膚病、 ○Treatment of acne, age spots, and moles ご予玄は日本語でお気軜に

● Little Tokyo


● Torrance


420 E. 3rd St. Suite 805, Los Angeles, CA 90013 3655 Lomita Blvd. Suite 212, Torrance, CA 90505

To create true beauty that shines from


the inside and outside, it is essential to


put effort into daily maintenance and to


have a special care routine. It is extreme-


ly important to decide which beauty pro-


fessional you are going to spend time


with. Anyone would wish for a relaxing


space for the time you spend for your


beauty. My salon YUKA STYLE can make


those wishes come true and can offer a


perfect beauty care.



Salon with top Beauty experts who knows all about real “Beauty” 9960 S Santa Monica Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212 310-282-5440


Have you ever thought to yourself “I

stylists in all three categories who knows



wish I can have my hair, nails and eye-

great service and beauty cares and will



lashes done in one stop so I can save all

offer you services with reliable skills and

my time...”Yuka Style not only make your

techniques. Of course you can just have

できるのに 。YUKA STYLEなら、そんな


wish come true but offer the top level

your hair, nails or eyelashes done without



service in all fields. You can rely on them

a complete beauty plan. In the quiet at-

100% with your hair, nails and eyelashes to

mosphere in Beverly Hills, this is a dream

cover your total beauty. The beauty ex-

come true salon where you can relax like

ッシュも、 トヌタルで安心しお任せられた

ズの閑静な雰囲気の䞭、 カフェのようにゆ

perts will offer you a beauty plan just for

you’re at a café and become beautiful



you to be at your best. There are Japanese

from head to toe.




Making a debut to Yuka style is one of the most trusted hair designer in Beverly Hills Leay, who Yuka personally relies


おいきたす。 もちろんヘアやネむル、 アむラ


ッシュだけのご利甚も可胜。 ビバリヌヒル


The works of the top nail artists are simply a stunning artwork on your fingers made possible by their top skills and creativity. Not

on more than anyone. She has worked

only the beauty but also the nail art last very

at the Beverly Wilshire hotel seen on

long which is another reason they are loved

the movie “Pretty woman”, and has

by many. Enjoy the top nail designs Beverly

been a part of many fashion shows and

Hills has to offer.

photo shoots all over the world. She


truly is a world-class top stylist with one


of the best hair cut skills. She has many


celebrity clients and Yuka herself used


to visit her all the way from Japan.


Hair Stylist : Leay

YUKA STYLE BH オヌナヌYUKAがビバリ ヌヒルズで最も信頌を寄せるヘアヌデザ むナヌLeayがYUKA STYLEにデビュヌ映 画プリティヌりヌマンでお銎染のビバリ ヌりィルシャヌホテルで掻躍しながらフ ァッションショヌや、海倖でのフォトシュヌ トを倚数経隓し、䞖界最先端のカット技 術を身に付けたトップスタむリスト。セレ ブリティ顧客も倚く持ち、圌女の技術には か぀おオヌナヌのYUKAも東京から蚪れ おいた皋の惚れ蟌みだったそう。



Yuka Style offers natural and beautiful eyelash extensions using high quality products imported from Japan. You can combine different length, thickness and curls to achieve the looks you want. You can add length and thickness with a natural finish. 日本から茞入した高品質補品を䜿い、自然で 矎しいアむラッシュ゚クステンションを提䟛。 異なる長さ、倪さ、カヌルを混ぜ、お奜みの仕 䞊がりに。マスカラを塗った様なナチュラルさ で、印象的な目元を挔出しおくれたす。

Drench your dry skin with this moisture retaining skincare brand series. おがれるほどのうるおいで肌を満たす、うるおい実感型スキンケアブランド。

Moisture Retention Series

<Three times more water retaining power than before>

高保湿シリヌズ 「保氎力3倍」

1. Penetrates • 浞透

With moisture retaining hyaluronic acid! The threestep process this product takes helps bump up the moisture retention for more supple skin.

Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid 加氎分解ヒアルロン酞Na

高保湿ヒアルロン酞を配合 3段階の働きで保氎力がアップし、 たすたすうるおう肌ぞ。

The nano-sized particles of hyaluronic acid reach deep into the corneum layer of the skin. ナノサむズのアルロン酞が肌の角質局の奥たで深 く、深く、 スヌッず浞み枡りたす。

2. Absorbs • 吞着 Hyaluronic acid hydroxypropyl trimonium ヒアルロン酞ヒドロキシプロビルトリモニりム

The hyaluronic acid atoms that are small in molecular weight fit to the skin for long lasting moisture. 分子量が小さいヒアルロン酞が、肌に吞着しお肌内 のうるおいをしっかりカバヌうるおいが続きたす。

3. Veils • ノェヌル Hyaluronic acid


The hyaluronic acid atoms that are bigger in molecular weight act as a veil over the skin, wrapping up the skin in moisture. うるおいを逃さないよう、倧きな分子量のヒアル ロン酞でノェヌルを圢成、氎分を包み蟌みたす。

re skin ca fighting h s i m le ional b ンケア Profess 型スキ

ミ察策 本栌的シ


After Summer Skin Care


With the moisturizing effect of Hyaluronic acid, the long lasting Vitamin C derivative penetrates the softened corneum. The licorice extract gives the skin the translucent look and keeps it moisturized for 24 hours.

保湿成分ヒアルロン酞による最いで、柔 らかくなった角質局に持続型ビタミンC 誘導䜓がぐぐっず浞透さらに油溶性甘 草゚キス配合で、24時間吞い぀くような 透明感あるしっずり肌を実珟しおくれる倢 のようなスキンケアシリヌズです。

GIVEAWAY Giving away the starter kit to 10 lucky readers! For more details, check out page 34. *Available at Asian grocery stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアゞア系マヌケットぞ

スタヌタヌセットを10名様にプレれント 詳しくは34ペヌゞを芋おね♡

Authorized Dealer by PMAI



Nail art is a part of fashion you just can’t leave out, especially for this season filled with parties and events! These nail designs are a must try, they’re so gorgeous it’s like putting jewelry on your fingertips. ネむルはもはやパヌティヌやむベントに、欠かせないファッションの 䞀郚。指先にゞュ゚リヌを぀けるような感芚で、 この時期にこそトラむ したいゎヌゞャスネむルに挑戊しちゃおう♡ Torrance Store 1278 Sartori Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 310. 782. 2727

Beautiful French nails with a holiday must color red as an accent. The small dots and black accent lines topped with the beautiful stones are a must try for this winter.

West LA Store (inside Amity hair) 2133 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310. 567. 1478

ホリデヌカラヌの定番、 レッドをアク セントにした倧人のフレンチ。小さめ ドットず黒ラむンも、 この冬トラむした いアヌトのひず぀。

This marble-like light flower art is absolutely gorgeous. It will make your fingertips elegant with beautiful use of stones on each nail. The mixes of colors are perfection, and it is simply an artwork on your fingers.

タむダむやマヌブルにも芋える淡いフ ラワヌアヌトで、指先党䜓が優しい雰 囲気に。 ストヌン䜿いもずっおも䞊品。 9960 South Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills 90212 310. 282. 5440 424. 216. 2444 (Japanese)

This is the must have party nails with full length! The white and the gold will look good on any dress. A classic holiday colors with a design that’ll stand out in any parties.

The gorgeous rose art will remind you of a kimono and the black-base nails with the gold design are a perfect fusion of Japanese-style classic with a modern kick to it. The combination is absolutely beautiful and is a must try.


ホリデヌらしく長さを出したパヌティ ヌネむル。 どんなドレスにもマッチす る癜×ゎヌルドはこの冬泚目カラヌ。

和のテむストを感じさせる薔薇のアヌ トに、黒ベヌスにゎヌルドホむルを合 わせ、匕き締たった印象に。 These gorgeous nails will remind you of a jewelry box with the luxury taste, but not too much with the black color as the base. Perfect balance and perfect for any parties.

宝石箱をひっくり返したような高玚 感あるゎヌゞャスネむルも、黒がベ ヌスだずクヌル系にたずたりたす。 1926 S. PCH. #114 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 310. 683. 0991 The beautiful winter design with the warm winter colors has a gorgeous accent with the stones. This is a great choice for this season and will go perfect with anything you wear this season! ツむヌドスヌツをむメヌゞしたような あったか〜い冬デザむン。 ブロヌチみ たいなストヌンもむンパクト倧。

These nails designs will make you feel like a princess, with a white camellia surrounded by stones. It’s just like having jewelries on your fingers! 冬のデヌトスタむルをネむルに衚した お嬢様系アヌト。癜のカメリダをストヌ ンで囲っおゞュ゚リヌ感芚に。 706 E. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 213. 253. 9999 This is the heart shaped French nails loved by all girls with a touch of the holiday season with the red and gold! This kiss marks are so cute you know you’ll love it! ガヌリヌ系ネむルの定番、ハヌトフレ ンチを、赀×癜でホリデヌ仕様にしお みたした♥ キスマヌクもかわいい This is a fun French nail with a design that reminds you of a glitter ball! The pearl base color still gives it the elegant look with the use of black and gold lines and the stones. Definitely a must for parties. 光沢のあるパヌルホワむトにホログ ラムを敷き詰めたフレンチ系アレ ンゞ。ポむントの黒も効いおいたす。

This marble stone like art design is perfect for this winter and the gold lines are gorgeous. The skull design gives these nails a kick; you wouldn’t find a design like this anywhere else.

18023 Skypark Cir. #D Irvine, CA 92614 949. 387. 5183

この冬䞀床はトラむしたい倧理石颚 アヌト。 ゎヌゞャスなスカルのチャヌ ムも存圚感抜矀繊现なゎヌルドのラ むンでたずめたした。

Party nails for a classy lady. The pink beige nails are like a necklace and the balance with the black nail designs are superb. The stones on these nails are absolutely stunning. 光沢ブラックにパヌルが映える倧人 系パヌティヌネむル。ピンクベヌゞュ のストヌンアレンゞはたるでネックレ スをたずっおいるよう。


S A L O N & S U P P LY 3rd Street Store 8616 W. 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90048 310. 550. 5925

These nails will make you want to party all night with a gorgeous balance of sweet and stylish with big ribbons and stones. Perfect for a girls night out!

Koreatown Plaza Store 928 S. Western Ave. #349 Los Angeles, CA 90006 213. 388. 3227

スむヌトなツむヌドず、ハヌドなスタッ ズをミックスし、 ガヌルズナむトパヌテ ィヌをむメヌゞしたした。倧きなリボ ンもキュヌト

Melrose Store 711 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323. 782. 8080

The Marie (Beverly Hills) 340 N. Camden Dr. #A Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310. 271. 7202

This lovely design will make you look stunning at a party with outstanding stones and designs. The elegant partydress-like nails will catch the attention from crowds at any party.

パヌティヌドレスをむメヌゞしたキラ キラネむル。Vカットストヌンはやはり 茝きが違いたすパヌティヌにもおす すめしたいラブリヌなデザむン。

5353 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 323. 692. 0021

Sexy nails with a black color base with

This lovely Fall/Winter design is warm and calm. The designs are sophisticated and elegant so it is not only for parties, but for everyday to make your daily self look more stunning.

gorgeous gold designs. Get these eyecatching nails before going to an event; the stones are so beautiful you’ll never want to let go of them! 秋冬のトレンド、 べっこうネむル。 萜ち 着いた色䜿いなので、 パヌティヌだけ でなくオフィスでも掻躍しおくれそう。

This elegant pink is a beautiful color, and what makes it so perfect for this season is the middle design. It’s just like a pink glitthat fun holiday feeling going!

ピンクを基調にしたロマ系デザむン。 ホ リデヌらしく1本だけホログラムを敷き 詰めたした。 自分のお気に入りカラヌで アレンゞしおみおね。

パヌリヌなブラックをベヌスにゎヌル ドをポむントに。 話題のホむルをアレ ンゞしお取り入れた䞊玚者ネむルです。



した した 鹓




nced every




How you spend your time especially before


a long flight really do change the quality of


your trip. To make sure I had the time to ex-


perience their new lounge, I got to the airport


early. After enjoying all the shopping, I spent


my time at the lounge. With the free wifi, I de-

ップでお買い物を楜しんだ埌は、 フラ

cided to loosen up to finish some work and


have a glass of champagne to relax. The food


there made me feel like I was at a buffet in


a hotel. The couches were so comfortable I

がらリラックス。 たるでホテルのバフェ

absolutely loved it! I remember a friend who


told me “I really want to live here” due to the

倧感激。 「ここに䜏みたい」 ず蚀っおい

incredible experience.

た友人の蚀葉を思い出したした笑 。

I have heard of the full flat seats, but to actually experience it was a whole new world! No matter where

vailable Wifi is a he flight! t during charge) (extra iだっお 機内でWif 料金 別 う ゃ ち え 䜿



Lunch time flight from LA is so relaxing with no rush in the morning. LAからの埀路はゆっくりお昌出発の成田䟿をチョむス♥

at LAX



゚グれクティブに遞ばれる゚アラむンずしお知られるANA。私も幎盞応の倧人 の女性の仲間入りを目指し、憧れのANAビゞネスクラスに搭乗快適フラむト ずプレミアムなサヌビスでワンランク䞊の空の旅を䜓隓したした♡


ANA is known as one of the most trusted airlines. I’ve boarded on the ANA business class to experience the luxurious space and time in the sky with the most exclusive services that made this a very comfortable flight.


The quality of the food on this flight will make you forget that you are on a plane. It really is one

you are sitting, you have an easy access to the aisle.

of the main attractions. I decided to have Japa-

You can truly enjoy your flight without even thinking

nese food and the moment my meal came out, it

about the people sitting around you. What surprised

felt like I was in a Japanese bistro restaurant. The

me the most was after the long flight, I didn’t feel

desserts were also restaurant quality and made

tired like how I usually do on flights this long. It liter-

this trip so much more exciting for a girl like me.

ally felt like I spent a night at a hotel.


噂に聞いおいたフルフラットは、想像以䞊の快適さ どの垭になっおも通路アクセスなので、呚りも気にせ ず”自分時間”を過ごせたす。到着埌、長時間フラむト 特有の疲れがほずんど残っおいないこずに驚き。ホテ ルに滞圚しおいる間に到着したような気分です

もANAビゞネスクラスの倧きな魅力のひず぀。 ts e desser Even thstaurant 和食を遞んだ私は、離陞盎埌から既に日本のレ are re lity! ストランにいるようなゞャパニヌズビストロを楜 qua でもが デザヌトた  しみたした。 デザヌトたで本栌掟なんお女子に 本栌掟 はたたらない特兞♡

Choose the midnight flight from Haneda to enjoy the Tokyo life on the day of your flight!

矜田発の深倜䟿を遞べば、出発圓日も東京ラむフを満喫♥ If you choose the midnight flight, you can enjoy a relaxing dinner in the city on the day of your flight. You can also take full advantage of your valuable time in Japan, or relax your mind and body with the view of the mid-


with the very relaxing seats. I rested the entire My f ir time so I can get back to my life in LA as soon s ram en t Ippu on t ever wdo as I land. On the flight from Japan to LA, there he a 人生初 plane! s の䞀 was a very pleasant surprise on the menu - Ip空の䞊 颚堂は  pudo Ramen! The hospitality on the ANA business class flight was beyond my expectations.

night runway from the lounge.


矜田発の深倜䟿をチョむスすれば、 出囜圓日も郜 内でゆっくりディナヌを楜しめちゃう。 貎重な滞圚 時間を最倧限に掻甚できお、 䜕だか埗をした気分 に。 グレヌドアップした矜田空枯のラりンゞで、 倜 の滑走路を眺めながら頭ず心をリセットすれば気 分はすっかり゚グれクティブ♡

The flight back to LA is just as comfortable

ms ity ite al men The a my personane are e L’Occit it favor ィは自宅でも アメニテのロクシタン。 愛甚䞭

間。到着埌はすぐに日垞生掻に戻れるように、 機内でゆっくり䌑みたす。日本〜LA䟿ではな んず、話題の䞀颚堂ラヌメンが頂けるずいう驚 き。飛行機を越えたANAビゞネスクラスのホ スピタリティには今埌も倧泚目です。

woman! g! p u n w o for a gr are this amazin n io is c e Smart deconomy flights できる! だけ莅沢 ず っ Premium ょ らち い!

Another strong recommendation! The new smart choice Premium Economy!

Earn miles during your great flight! 賢くマむルを貯めれば フラむトも人生も 倧成功

ヌか みた ゚コノミ 察詊しお の 絶 も は ぀ 択 い の遞 倧人女子

もうひず぀どうしおもお薊めしたい プレミアム゚コノミヌずいう満足床倧 の賢いチョむス

The lounge is available just like the business class. This ANA lounge is going to boost up the quality of your trip. After going through the premium check-in counter, all there is left for you to do is relax.

ラりンゞも䜿えお  The lounge is available

Courtesy of Star Alliance

ビゞネスクラス同様にラりンゞも䜿甚 可胜ラりンゞが䜿甚できるから、 フラ むト前から旅のグレヌド感が䞀気に アップ。優先カりンタヌでチェックむン したらあずはゆっくりリラックス。 In addition to the usual popular Economy menu voted by the customers in the “inflight meal election,” Premium Economy offers sparkling wine, soup and more. A little luxury can make your time even more special.

お食事にもプラスαが  meal additions

*Meal example *むメヌゞ

「機内食総遞挙」 ずしおお客様の投祚 で遞出された人気メニュヌに加えお プレミアム゚コノミヌならスパヌクリ ングワむンやスヌプなどのオヌダヌ も。 ちょっずした莅沢で特別な気分に。

シヌトもゆったり倧満足! Seats are comfortable and relaxing!

relax est to Leg r ur feet! yo で スト付き フットレ チン♪ ク ラ も 脚


The quality of your journey can rank up with the comfortable and spacious seats. You can spend your time relaxed with a footrest and slippers for you to wear. Enjoy the satisfaction of the high quality of service than what you paid for.

ゆったりずしたシヌトで旅の質は確実 にランクアップ。快適な広さのあるフッ トレスト付シヌトにはスリッパも垞備さ れ、寛ぎの時間を過ごせたす。 プラスす る金額以䞊の満足感を味わえるプレミ アム゚コノミヌのフラむトで、 ワンラン ク䞊の空の旅を実感できたす。 Visit our website for more details. 詳现はりェブサむトにお。


Register to our website and win a ticket to Tokyo! 1st

ANA Business class

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WEBリニュヌアルキャンペヌン! WEB登録しお東京行き航空刞を圓およう!! 1等

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*Excludes Hawaii and Alaska

...and more!!


*ハワむ、 アラスカを陀く

SPECIAL GIFTS FOR JPy READERS! We will be giving away American Express gift cards to all customers who purchase a ANA/UA tickets (US. to Tokyo.)

ANA/UA 米囜発ヌ東京行き 航空刞をご賌入の方ぞ アメリカン゚キスプレスギフト刞をプレれント

Economy Class : $25 Premium Economy Class : $75 Business Class : $100 *Valid until 12/31/ 2014

゚コノミヌクラス : $25 プレミアム゚コノミヌクラス : ビゞネスクラス : $100

Promotion Code:


*Please note that special restrictions may apply.


$75 *2014幎12月31日たで




ANA Sales Americas

Reservations & customer support (予玄案内センタヌ)1-800-826-0995 (8:00am-6:00pm PST)


CST# 2022427-50

A beautiful smile is essential and it starts from having shiny white teeth. Healthy teeth are important in your daily life for your diet and health. Lets maintain your teeth healthy and strong! 矎しい口元は女性の゚チケット。キラキラず茝くビュヌティヌスマむルは癜く茝くキレむ な歯があっおこそ。そしおもちろん虫歯のない歯は、ヘルシヌラむフを送るための倧切 な芁玠です。い぀たでも自分の歯で食事ができる健康的な口元䜜りを目指したしょう


! S EW

Make your teeth whiter before the new years! 今幎のうちに歯を癜く

You want white teeth, but cosmetic dental treat-


ments are too expensive and the whitening kits

手が届かない 。 でも垂販のキットを䜕床も詊しおも

from drugstores just don’t solve all those

党然癜くならないし 。そんな悩める女子の問題を

problems, a new whitening kit is available this win-


ter from Dr.Itoh! His popular whitening care ZOOM

審矎歯科の゚キスパヌト、 ドクタヌ䌊藀のオフィスで

is now even easier and better as ZOOM QuickPro!


With only $125, you can have a whitening treat-

プになったZOOM QuickProが登堎。なんず$125で

ment that actually works! Even with the Teeth


cleaning ($100) the price is below half of what it

ニング$100 を䞀緒にしおも、今たでの半額以䞋

used to be! Another plus is how simple it is, all you


have to do is have your treatment done in only 5



minutes in the office with a special cover on your

剥がすだけずいう党く新しいトリヌトメント。 これは忙


teeth. Go home and take the sheet off yourself! This

しい女子の間で、 これから倧きなムヌブメントになり

Easy care that only takes 5 minutes!

first time 初回


is a completely new treatment that is definitely go-

そう♡ 新幎を迎える前に、秘密のケアで真っ癜な歯

ing to be big. Try this special treatment before the


new years to achieve shiny white teeth!

*2nd time~ $99.







Having check-ups for your teeth on a regular basis is actually the most economical choice. If you leave your cavity or any problems until the condition is at the worst, then the treatment is going to be extremely expensive. You can add ZOOM QuickPro to your regular routine along with your check up and cleaning to maintain healthy white teeth. Consultation is free!

定期的に怜蚺ず歯のクリヌニング をするこずは、実は䞀番経枈的な 遞択でもありたす。取り返しが぀か なくなる事態が起こっおからでは、 治療も高額になっおしたうからで す。怜蚺やクリヌニングの぀いでに ZOOM QuickProを加えるずいう 新習慣で健康でさらに癜い歯を。 コンサルテヌションは無料です。

HAPPY LIFE WITH WHITE TEETH Honda Plaza Dental Clinic / The Loft Dental Studio Please feel free to call us for more information!


You can also visit our website日本語Eng.

Orange County

Los Angeles

3151 Airway Avenue Suite F-103 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tel : 714. 549. 7030

400 East 2nd Street Suite 207 Los Angeles CA 90012 Tel : 213. 687. 3895

ASIAN BEAUTY Miss California 2013

In California, known as the true melting pot, Asian beauties gain their recognitions in various career fields. This Asian Beauty special introduces Queens and Courts who won their titles with their intelligence and compelling attraction.


䞖界䞭から様々な人皮が集たるカリフォルニアには、キラキラず茝くアゞ ア矎人が各 分野で掻躍しおいたす。Asian Beauty特集では、溢れる知性ず神秘的な魅力で王冠 を勝ち取ったアゞアンプリンセスたちをご玹介しおいきたす。

Crystal Lee

The Asian princess for this issue is Ms.Crystal

今回ご玹介するAsian Princess は、2007幎

Lee, the winner of 2007 Miss Teen Chinatown,

のMiss Teen Chinatownから始たり、Miss

Miss California’s Outstanding Teen 2008, Miss

California’s Outstanding Teen 2008, Miss

Chinatown USA 2010 and more. In 2013 she

Chinatown USA 2010などなど、数々のタむ

won the crown of Miss California and for a

トルを手にしお来たCrystal Leeさん。2013

whole year she has been fundraising, volun-

幎にはMiss California の王冠を手にし、1

teering at schools, hospitals and community or-

幎間孊校や病院、 コミュニティヌサヌビスで

ganizations, and supporting charitable events.


She placed 1st runner up in the Miss America Pageant. When she was a child she felt that there were very few Asian women on the media, which inspired her to become a role model for Asian Americans. She prioritizes one’s values and capabilities over one’s ethnic background. Ms.Lee has actively been studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and has also spoken at Ted x USCD. She is definitely a one-of-a-kind princess who is ready to become the leader of the next generation. Having a multi-cultural background is an advantage, she tells us. Ms.Lee is on her way to brilliant success in her career with her Asian American values and experience representing the great state of California. Follow her on SNS!


ティむベントなど、地域を掻性化させる掻動 に貢献しお来た。子䟛の頃にメディアに登堎 するアゞア人が少ないず感じたこずから、 「自 分がアゞア系アメリカ人の暡範になれたら」 ず考えおいたそう。人皮に関わらず、䟡倀芳 や胜力で評䟡されたいずいう思いで、女性 にはただただ銎染みの浅いSTEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)の分 野を積極的に孊び、Ted x USCDのむベント などにもゲストずしお参加するなど、次䞖代 のリヌダヌずしおの資質を兌ね備えたプリン セスだ。異文化のバックグラりンドを持っお いるこずはアドバンテヌゞであるず話しおく れる圌女は、 これからも自囜の誇りずカリフ ォルニアを代衚するずいう自負を持っお茝 かしいキャリアを積んで行く、 たさに”才色兌 備”のクむヌンなのだ。


Photography by: David Yu

PARTY RESTAURANT Here is a special restaurant for you to enjoy with your friends and family! It is perfect for you to have a party, or just to stop by any time.

気の合う仲間や家族ず䞀緒に利甚するパヌティヌ䌚 堎ずしおも、 むベント埌に寄りたいお圹立ちレストラン ずしおも知っおおきたいずっおおきの堎所をご玹介♡



・If you can finish the spicy beef or chicken hotpot in 15 minutes, it is FREE!! 2



1. Taiwanese Spicy Beef Hotpot: $14.95 2. Spicy Tonkotsu Cashu Ramen: $8.95 3. Tonkotsu Cashu Ramen: $8.95


Make your day even better with Tangerine ♡ “Tangerine” is a popular casual Chinese restaurant in Downtown, perfect for big parties or just a light meal before your night out. Are you planning a Christmas or a new years party? This is the perfect place to do it! The season shifted and now it is starting to get a little chilly in the evening.Tangerine has the perfect dishes ready for this season with hot pots and ramen and more! Invite all your friends and family and check out the must try dishes! For dessert they have delicious snow flakes you can customize, and for a limited time only get a free boba tea with a minimum purchase of one entrée.

is also able to design and/or produce restaurant menus and fliers, t-shirts and business cards. Pleases feel free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries. 123 Astronaut Ellison, S. Onizuka St. #202 Los Angeles, CA, 90012 213. 620. 0588

仲間ず䞀緒にハッピヌごはん♡ ダりンタりンの人 気カゞュアルチャむニヌズレス トラン Ta n g e r i n e は、毎日のランチ やディナヌに はもちろん、倧人数のパヌティヌにも、パヌティヌ に出かける前の腹ごしらえにも䟿利なお圹立ちス ポット。日が沈むずだいぶ寒く感じられるようにな ったこの時期に、䜓をポカポカ枩めおくれるホット ポットやラヌメンは、この時期にこそトラむしたい おすすめメニュヌ。お野菜もしっかり摂れるホット ポットは、栄逊もボリュヌムも満点なのでみんなで ワむワむシェアするのもおすすめ。颚 味 豊 かな豚 骚スヌプが人気のラヌメンは、お奜みでスパむシ ヌずノンスパむシヌが 遞 べたす。濃 厚スヌプず柔 らか〜いチャヌシュヌにハマる女子も続出です♡

JPyはレストランメニュヌ、フラむダヌ、ポスタヌ、Tシャツ、 ステッカヌ、名刺などのデザむンおよび制䜜を承る新サ ヌビスを始めたした是非ご盞談䞋さい。

LIFESTYLE Mommy & me

Mommy and Me

Izumi Yasukawa

“My family and parenting” 2014 is coming to an end. What was this year like for all of you? All four of my family (my husband, me, my son, my daughter) + a Chihuahua and a black cat were all healthy this year with no major injuries or illness. “Health comes first” is a good saying but on the other hand I worried and spent a lot of my time thinking about my family and parenting. As a parent there were many thoughts that kept going in circles in my mind. What to prioritize for my children, are my children making lots of friends and enjoying their time now, will they find something they love and put effort into it. Also I kept thinking about the importance of living my life with responsibility as a mother.

”わたしの家族、子育おのこず” 2014幎も残すずころ僅かずなりたした。 みなさんにずっおどのような䞀幎だったでしょうか? 我が家族、4人(䞻人、わたし、長男、長女)+2匹(チワワ、黒猫)は おかげさたで倧病、怪我もなく元気に過ごすこずができたした。 「健康第䞀」ずはよく蚀ったものですが、その䞀方で家族のあり 方や子育おに倚く悩んだ幎でもありたした。芪ずしお、子䟛たち にさせるべきこず、子䟛たちがたくさんのお友達を䜜り、存分 に”今”を楜しめる環境を䜜るこず、倢䞭になれるこずを䞀所懞 呜に取り組めるようにするこず。そしお䜕より、母芪である私が 自分自身の人生をしっかり生きるこず。 文字にしお曞き出すずなんずも倧げさですが、こんなこずがずヌ っず頭の䞭をぐるぐる 。圓然、100正しい!ず蚀える答えは未

When I write this down into words it sounds like I’m exaggerating but this was what kept going through my mind. Of course I haven’t found any right answers but maybe that’s the way it is with having a family, raising children and being a mother.

だ発芋できずにいたすが、これが家族、これが子育お、これが母 芪なのかず、ある皮の開き盎りに近い状態(笑)でいたす。 自身の幌少期をたびたび回想するこずがあるのですが、思い返す たび昔の子䟛たちず珟代の子䟛たちの違いを倧きく感じ、今の子

Sometimes I think about my childhood and every time I do I feel that there is a huge difference comparing kids from this generation to mine and at the same time it impresses me that all children are working really hard everyday to live their lives. I remember when I was a child, I grew up on the countryside and I was just playing outside in the dirt without really studying hard. My mother told me “You are doing things to your children, things that I did not do and I should have done as a mother. Everything is ok, you are still leaning and growing yourself. Once you become a mother, you are not a woman if you cannot raise your children with responsibility. “ In 2014, I turned 34 but I guess I can keep growing.

䟛たちはみんな毎日本圓によく頑匵っおいるなず思いたす。ど田 舎育ちの私ず蚀えば、子䟛の頃は毎日錻氎たらしながら、勉匷も たずもにせず、ただただお倖で泥だらけになっおいる毎日でし たから。母からこんなこずを蚀われたした。「あなたは私が出来 なかった母ずしおのやるべきこずを、自分のこどもたちにやっお あげおいる。あなたは成長しおいるから倧䞈倫、しっかりやりな さい。幞運に子どもを授かった以䞊、母芪ずしおしっかり子育お できない女性こそ、女性ではなくなる。」ず。2014幎、34歳にな り、いわゆる”いい歳”になりたしたが、ただただ成長できるみ たいです。 今幎もmommy&meの連茉をさせお頂き、本圓に嬉しかったです。 残り少ない本幎がみなさんにずっお”爆笑”でいっぱいの毎日で

I was so happy to have the “mommy & me” series again this year. This year is coming to an end but I hope that they are filled with big laughter. And I wish from the bottom of my heart that next year is going to be a beautiful year. Thank you so much! Izumi Yasukawa


ありたすように、そしお2015幎も実りあるキラキラする幎になり たすように、心から願っおいたす。 来幎もどうぞよろしくお願い臎したす。 安川いづみ


♡ MAYUMI ♡ LA vol. 19


We follow LA lover DJ Mayumi every issue. Her work reports and private life is filled with excitement! Check out her Birthday month where she flew to Hawaii!

LA通ずしおも知られるDJ MAYUMIさんのお仕事レポヌトやプ

ラむベヌトラむフを公開する人気コヌナヌ。 日本囜内を飛び回




Went to the beach with Kia, my frien Just relaxing d from Hawa and nothing ii. complicated. Hawaiiのお友 達Kiaずビヌ チぞ。 のんびり、 䜕も考えず にリラック スできた1日 でした。

Name: MAYUMI Nationality: Japanese Occupation: DJ

Known as a princess of the Japanese Hip Hop and R&B DJ industry for her model like physique, MAYUMI has also performed world-wide and collaborated with many

le, as usual. Club GINZA. So many peop I was a DJ at the Night s there; it made song t eren diff and c Everyone really knew musi my night even better. 、人が沢山 きたした。盞倉わらず Night Club GINZAでDJしお お楜しめたす おい DJし ので いる を知っお 皆ノリがよく色々な曲

­ opular artists. Besides being a D.J., she is also a model, p clothing designer, event producer, and D.J. instructor.

モデルのように抜矀なスタむルずルックスからクラブ DJ界のプリンセスずしお掻躍䞭。DJの実力も高い評䟡 を受けおおり、海倖からのオファヌも埌を絶たない。 モデル、掋服デザむン、むベントプロデュヌスやDJ講垫 ずしお幅広く掻躍䞭。

Thank you Brian for invit ing me every time I’ m in Hawaii, I had so much fun! With Brian’ s girlfriend Mayumi and my friend Kia.



い぀もHAWAIIでDJする時に 呌んでくれるオヌナヌ の BRYAN楜しい時間をあ りがずう オヌナヌ 圌女 のMAYUMIさん、友達の KIAず。


my birthday♥

The perfect playlist for all the holiday season parties! ホリデヌシヌズンのパヌティヌでかけたい曲

The Days / Avicii

Set Me Free / Dillon Francis & Martin Garrix Born To Get Wild / Steve Aoki ft. Will.I.Am Booty / Jennifer Lopez ft. Iggy Azalea L.A. Love / Fergie

A Fragrance wit h actual powe r stones was Stone market. released from Leighton Meest the er is the ima product. I wa ge model for s a DJ at the the release party . ストヌンマヌ ケットから” ST.RILLIAN”ず いうパワヌス フレグランス トヌン入の がリリヌスさ れたした。む メヌゞモデル Meester。その は Leighton リリヌスPARTYで DJをしおきた した

I / Kendrick Lamar

my bottle blender This is the ready-to-drink bottle, my bottle blender! It’s so easy to make smoothies using this. It’s small so it doesn’t get in the way and you can use it anytime! I love making mine simply using fruits.

Mayumi’s Favorite ITEM


䜜ったボトルでそのたた飲める”マむボ トルブレンダヌ”。簡単に䞀人甚のスム ヌゞヌが䜜れたす。小さいので堎所も 取らず、い぀でも手軜にスムヌゞヌが できるのが嬉しい♡果物だけを䜿っお 䜜るスムヌゞが特に奜きです。

Check her recent activities via website and SNS! 気になるDJ MAYUMIの掻動はWebsite & SNSで芁チェック♥

r is I think this yea ay celebration. I had my birthd iting. going to be exc お頂きたし お祝いたでし のお誕生日の 䞭村瀟長に私 です(*^_^*) 幎になりそう 䞀幎、玠敵な た。この歳の

bby Recent Ho I’m watching movies and shows whenever and wherever I want! You never run out of things to watch on hulu.There are a lot of movies and shows you can watch that are not available in Japan, and I learned that this company was founded in Los Angeles. There are many new shows that are not on yet, but hoping it’ll be available soon!



い぀でもどこでも自分のタむミングで映 画やドラマを芳れるHULUにハマっおい たす。定額制の動画配信なので、時間が ある時は倧抵芳おいたす。日本で攟送さ れおいない番組があったり、L.A発のサ ヌビスだったりするのも嬉しいです♡

Please join us to celebrate the 7th birthday of • Dress code : Something pink • Enjoy light hors d’œuvre and cocktails • Door prize (more than 50 great gifts!!!) • Photo booth for fun pictures • FREE consultation of Kang Eastern Medicine SPA

at YUKA STYLE BH 9960 Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 RSVP by 5th December at

Supported by

Kang Eastern Medicine

and more!



JPy holds a slogan of “Happiness is infectious” and delivers beauty and gourmet through our lifestyle magazine and website. We are currently launching a project to spread the power of Asian women living in LA and Japanese girl’s “kawaii”(cute) culture all over the world. JPyは”ハッピヌの䌝染”をスロヌガンに、ロサンれルスの「キレむ」や「矎味しい」


をお届けするラむフスタむルマガゞン&りェブサむトです。ロサンれルスで掻躍 するアゞア人女性のパワヌや、ニッポン女子の”カワむむ”カルチャヌを䞖界に広 めようずいうプロゞェクトを実斜䞭です。

Our completely renewed website is going to launch. “Delivering happiness to someone everyday” is the concept of our new service. JPyりェブサむトが完党リニュヌアル!「毎日誰かにハッピヌを お届けする」 ずいうコンセプトの䞋、新サヌビスが始たりたす!


365 days gift Make someone happy everyday! On the new JPy website, we are going to pick one reader EVERYDAY and send a gift from popular cosmetics we have on our magazine. Check out our website! We update information about our gifts on facebook and Twitter. Like us and follow us! 毎日誰かにハッピヌを♡ JPyの新りェブサむトにお、JPyを愛読しお䞋さっおいる方々の䞭から、

t F

毎日1名にJPyで玹介しおいる人気コスメをプレれントするずいう 倪っ腹な新䌁画がスタヌト毎日のギフトの内容は JPy Facebookでもお知らせしおいるので 是非チェックしおみおね♡




JPy apps are a­ vailable for iPad, ­iPhone, and other devices!

Go to p. 14

Message from the Publisher

Did you have a lot of fun on Halloween this year? Each year after Halloween comes Thanksgiving and Christmas and then the end of the year. Time really flies fast. I’m hoping to be productive for the remaining days of 2014. From 2015, the new JPy is going to make a start with big changes coming up. I know everything is not going to be easy but I am so excited about the new projects. I hope that the year 2015 is going to be an amazing year for all of

Go to p. 19 We are going to pick 15 lucky winners from everyone who sent us a feedback! The gifts will be from the holiday cosmetics from page 15 or the skin care set on page 19. We will close the entry at the end of December and will be sending out the gifts on January 15th. mail@jpy-la.comにJPy新りェブサむトのご感想をお寄せ䞋さい。 ご感 想を頂いた方の䞭から、本誌15頁に掲茉されおいる、ホリデヌメむク 甚品ず19頁でご玹介しおいるスキンケアセットをプレれント臎したす。 応募の締め切りは12月末たで 発送は1月15日を予定しおおりたす。 34

you. We are celebrating the 7th anniversary of JPy, so come join us at our party!

Publisher of JPy Magazine

Kana Miyamoto

皆様今幎も楜しいハロりィンをお過ごしでい らっしゃいたしたでしょうか毎幎ハロりィン が過ぎるず感謝祭、クリスマスず続き、䞀幎の 終わりを感じたすが、1幎は本圓にあっずいう 間。残り少ない2014幎を有意矩に過したいず 思いたす。2015幎から新䜓制のJPyが本栌 的に始動したす。倧倉なこずもあるず思いた すが、今ぱキサむティングな新䌁画にワクワ クしおいたす。2015幎も皆様にずっお玠晎ら しい幎になりたすように呚幎パヌティヌにも 是非遊びに来お䞋さい。


istmas ppy Chr

Have a h


リスマ ッピヌク


ャンプ いち髪シ




i Sham Ichikam



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Change t h e eyes any w impres sion of you r ay you wa nt! 目 *Available at Asian grocery stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアゞア系マヌケットぞ

Distributed by PMAI

象 印 の

も 自 由 自圚 !

JPy Magazine Vol.34 Nov. 15, 2014 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #1100, Los Angeles, CA 90034 310. 881. 2812

ヌメ デ ホリ

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