Avanti: Spring 2020

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2020 | HONOR ROLL of Investors


We Love at St. Anthony’s Foundation—Page 6


The Value of a Lasallian Education The work begun by De La Salle is now continued by the Brothers and many lay people who live their spirituality and exercise the ministry of education. Together and by association we engage in this important work to educate the young people entrusted to our care. The dynamic association and partnership with parents, alumni, and our incredible community is where we find our greatest success.


Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

Board of Trustees Mr. Tom Durante ’93, Chair Mr. Walt Mickens, Vice Chair Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Ms. Dianne Harris Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mr. Rich Pio Roda, Esq., ’94 Mr. Larry Puck Ms. Belia Ramos Mr. Mike Soldati Br. Robert Wickman, FSC Mr. David J. Holquin President


Table of Contents From the President 2 Strategic Plan 4 We Love 6 What’s the Buzz 9

Mr. John Van Hofwegen Secretary & CFO

A venerable Museum of Lasallian History

Ms. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Recording Secretary

Faces & Places 15

Operational Administration Mr. David J. Holquin President Mr. Bob Bailey Chief Operations Officer


Better Together 16 Partnering With Parents


The Arts 22

Ms. Marisa Bartolotti Interim-Chief Academics Officer

Braves Report: Fall Season


Ms. Alma Gallegos Dean of Academic Services

Braves Report: Winter Season


Ms. Lauren Hesser Dean of Students

In Their Own Words


Mr. Brandon LaRocco ’98 Dean of Students

Class Notes 36

Publishing Credits Jeremy Tayson Admissions and Communications Associate Marsha Sanchez Graphic Design Photography Credits Simon Rebuillida, Eileen Mize, Sasha Craig, Jeremy Tayson, David Holquin, Bailee Paxson ’20, Jonas Gonzales ’20, Napa Sports News-Kyle Foster Contributors Bob Bailey, Andy Bettencourt ’02, Megan Dominici ’92, Michele Farver, Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79, Dr. Andrew Hodges, David Holquin, George Nessman, Br. Kevin Slate, FSC, Jeremy Tayson

In Memory 40 Hall of Honor 42 From the Board of Trustees


Honor Roll of Investors


AVANTI is a Justin-Siena news magazine for alumni, families, and friends Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Jeremy Tayson at jtayson@justin-siena.org. The school reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

postmasters and readers Please send address changes to Office of Advancement | 4026 Maher St. | Napa, CA 94558, or email esimmons@justin-siena.org. Avanti is also available online at www.justin-siena.org.

From the Office of the President We are ALLHeart! You can find it emblazoned on T-Shirts, school signage, and publications. These words though, are intended to be actions, and what that means, and how we live it, you will discover in this issue of Avanti. I hope you find, like I do, that this is a very special community of people, thinkers, doers, and achievers. This community gives me much pride and many things to celebrate. This issue of Avanti features some of the amazing people who make our community ALLHeart. • It celebrates you, our investors, who believe in our work and Mission so much that you give financially to support our impact. Your names can be found in our Annual Report beginning on page 46. • It honors our students and staff who cultivate and steward this special community and make a difference in the lives of those with whom they interact. • It illustrates our parent, alumni, parent of alumni, and friends in the community who regularly come together to assure we fulfill our mission to prepare students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world, and, reach for our vision to transform lives and communities. We have accomplished much as a community because we have done so together. I am always struck when reflecting on my two years as President of Justin-Siena how many people will say, “just tell me what you need,” or “how can I help?” or “I just love this place.” This is an exceptional community which I have the humbling privilege to serve. Thank you for being ALLHEART and helping us strive to be so as well.

Warmly, David J. Holquin President



Friday, May 15, 2020 Taste of Justin-Siena is a “party with a purpose” raising funds for needbased student tuition assistance. This year’s event will feature 30 breweries, wineries, restaurants, and caterers. Proceeds benefit our school’s tuition assistance program which this year topped $2.8 million to over 40% of our student body—making the remarkable education at JSHS more accessible.

Upcoming events March 6 Visual Art Show - Through April 6. 20 Disney’s High School Musical - Through March 29 April 2 New Student Welcome Night - For the Class of ‘24 6 &28 seventh grade brave for a day 27-28 Braves Give - Our first anual giving day May 1 Founder’s Day 2 Spring Concert 15 A Taste of Justin-Siena 27 Baccalaureate Mass 28 Graduation - Congratulations to the Class of 2020 July 28 All year reunion Visit www.justin-siena.org for the complete calendar and more information.

AVANTI 2020 3

Strategic Plan 2019-2024

This Plan is Your Plan, We are excited to share the official 2019—2024 Strategic Plan with our JS community. It was born out of months of process, collaboration, and prayerful discernment. This document represents the culmination of many hearts, hands, and minds who all brought forth their ALLHEART spirit to ensure that Justin-Siena boldly tackles a bright future.

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The Process



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4 AVANTI 2020


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Beginning with the Community Conversations in May and June of 2018, Justin-Siena High School began a thorough examination of its strengths and opportunities for growth. It was clear from the Community Conversations that great affection and esteem is had for Justin-Siena, along with a desire for Justin-Siena to become even stronger and more dynamic. Plans were set in motion thereafter to provide opportunities for voice and action. In March 2019, JustinSiena retained Measuring Success, a marketing consultant, to conduct focus groups on the perceived value of Justin-Siena. In May 2019, the school launched an online survey for alumni, parents, staff, students, alumni parents, and friends to rank the relative importance of various issues and initiatives as well as to share personal hopes for the school’s future. The feedback from those various opportunities coalesced into a Day of Strategic Conversations which brought together more than 50 community members to discuss various data results and share opinions about key areas of focus: mission and identity; organizational effectiveness; academic and student experience; operational vitality; and philanthropy.

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The goal was to have a plan that articulates the desires expressed in multiple listening opportunities (from the Community Conversations, accreditation processes, focus groups, the Lasallian Catholic Assessment Process, Day of Strategic Conversations, among others), as well as to push the school forward in concrete ways that enliven our Mission as a Lasallian Catholic school, strengthen our commitment to deliver academic excellence, and invigorate our faith-filled ALLHEART community.

Strategic Plan 2019-2024

This Plan is My Plan The Product

Our Strategic Plan represents months of hard work and energy poured into our future. Some plans are well underway (e.g. our JustinSiena Parents Association, faculty housing, and more), and others are still in the offing. The school is devising ways to measure our progress and to share that progress with our community on a regular basis. The plan offers great reason to be excited about our future and also to consider ways you can get involved to help make our plan come to fruition.

Rendering of the new faculty housing.

The People

The Strategic Plan has had a great deal of input in its creation. Beginning with the Community Conversations in 2018, over 50 alumni, students, staff, parents, and friends came together to discuss the school’s mission. In May 2019, over 300 community members completed an online survey about the school’s current reality and desired future. Then over 50 community members gathered together for a Day of Strategic Conversations to discuss what has been said the last two years in multiple listening sessions, as well as to give voice to the desired future we seek to chart for Justin-Siena. A Steering Committee put in countless hours preparing, deciphering, and discussing what our community desires. Thank you to our co-chair Mike Minigan AP ’10, ’12, ’15, ’18; Board of Trustees Chair Tom Durante ’93; Foundation Board Vice Chair Tim Malloy ’87 AP ’15; Interim Chief Academic Officer Marisa Bartalotti AP ’18, ’22; Religious Studies Instructor Simon Rebuillida CP ’21; Joshua Satten CP ’21, ’23; Retired Director of the Office of Education for the San Francisco New Orleans District Gery Short, AFSC, AP ’03, ’07; and Holy Spirit Catholic School Principal Julie Thompson AP ’00, ’03, ’04, ’06. Well over 400 people have offered their opinions toward making this plan what it is. Such community support and encouragement is a positive sign of the bright future for Justin-Siena. AVANTI 2020 5

MISSION matters


at St. Anthony’s

Why We Love

By Dr. Andy Hodges, Religious Studies Teacher

St. John Baptist de La Salle voiced a prayer that resonates with me in my 14th year at Justin-Siena: “God of love, set me aflame with love for you and for my neighbor.” God is love and has invited me to put that love into practice on a daily basis with students. We hope that every student will personally feel God’s love through engagement in classes, the studentteacher relationship, and active learning activities as part of their Justin-Siena experience. As a religious studies teacher, I see my role as being a vehicle to teach students content, prepare them for college, and most importantly how to generously respond to God’s love in service to their neighbor. As a Lasallian Catholic school, we love because we have been graciously loved personally and seek to love each other in response to this generosity. Over 14 years ago, Justin-Siena decided that every sophomore in the second semester would attend a day long urban plunge, serving their neighbor in various ministries at the St. Anthony’s Foundation in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. Service is one of the richest and fullest expressions of our ALLHEART motto and it uniquely distinguishes Justin-Siena from other schools.

CeCe, a guest in the dining room, said to me: ‘If you don’t have a reason to smile…find one.’ She inspired me to count on community and the things I love…and most importantly the help of God, to truly find happiness. Julia Valine ‘21 Discovering Love in the Gospels St. John Baptist de La Salle challenged the early Brothers to “Let it be your chief study to put the Gospel into practice.” Going to St. Anthony’s is one way we seek to make Jesus’ love, found in the Gospels we study in class, known in concrete and practical ways for students. My role is to help students discern the answer to the ultimate question the legal expert asks Jesus in the prelude to the Parable of the Good Samaritan

backdrop of those with the lowest socio-economic status in San Francisco. Students discover and reflect after the servicelearning experience how they found the presence of Jesus in those they met. Our academic study of the Gospels is the foundation that leads to a meaningful day in February/March of each year at St. Anthony’s.

We Love in Action

(Luke 10:25), “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

After a two-hour bus ride, the day at St. Anthony’s Foundation

Jesus’ love in the Gospel is a portrait of what it looks like

where we serve, and an introduction to the diverse groups

to live a full life focused on others. One cannot love God

of people we will serve, mainly immigrants, veterans, addicts,

without loving his or her neighbor, especially neighbors

those with mental health issues, and the working poor. The

most marginalized and outcast by society (1 John 4:20).

staff at St. Anthony’s are excellent examples of what the

Students learn in class that to follow Jesus requires a faith

founder implored, “Preach by example, and practice before

that does justice. Christ is often found in disguise, in direct

the eyes of the young what you wish them to accept.”

service to the people students meet in the environmental

begins with an hour-long orientation to the neighborhood

Continued on page 8

AVANTI 2020 7

MISSION matters Students break up into four service groups with a focus of offering dignity and respect to all they encounter. Some students break a sweat while working in the labor intensive dining room to prepare meals, bus tables, and serve food to the lunch guests. Other students walk the Tenderloin neighborhood making deliveries of warm meals and smiles to the doors of the homebound in apartment buildings. Some students bring life to senior citizens at Presentation Adult Day Center by singing, dancing, playing cards and dominoes. One group leads in the clothing store assisting clients find clean and quality clothing for themselves and families. Before going to lunch in the dining room, there is a short pause to pray in the pews of St. Boniface Catholic Church. The pews are open for the homeless to sleep on during the day. We hear the sounds of people snoring while we pray and pause in our day of service. And right next door is another Lasallian school, De Marillac Academy serving elementary aged children of the Tenderloin. Students then head out to lunch in the dining room, first waiting in line with the other guests, then sitting beside guests to converse. The conversations sometimes begin simply with “how is your day?” Interactions can be brief and at other times include a lengthier touching story of how one’s circumstances has led him or her to the dining room for a meal.

In the Words of Students

Sophomores are asked to offer a gospelinspired reflection upon their return from service at St. Anthony’s. Most students find they began their day with the intention of serving, but completed the day having been served by those they met. The following are snippets from a few students’ reflections: “I reflected on 1 John 3:1, ‘Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.’ This scripture truly stood out to me because I had only spoken one word to the little girl I served, but she completely trusted my arms to hold her. I have never felt more loved by any other child in my whole life.” Rose Figueroa ’21

“In John 6:1-15, the child gave his meal to Jesus. After praying, Jesus seemingly multiplied the bread as he broke it, creating food for all. I felt this gospel story connected to my St. Anthony’s experience of serving pizza. I felt like the boy. I only had my hands, but I willingly presented them to God, and He was able to use them and my abilities to feed hundreds. As modern disciples we were reminded that it is our job to be human catalysts for Christ, even in serving pizza.” George Khoury ’21

“I was serving the dessert portion of the meal. First there were pink and chocolate donuts, then cherry and lemon pastries, and then the masterpiece of it all, a beautiful white Safeway cake. When the people saw this cake their faces lit up with joy. I had never seen such joy for cake. And in that moment I was challenged to be grateful for all that I have.” Jaxon Levy ’21

In the sophomore year “we love” at St. Anthony’s by serving our neighbor and meeting the Christ we discover in the Gospels. I am reminded once again why I love to teach and love Justin-Siena.

8 AVANTI 2020

What’s the

Buzz on new

Braves The Class of 2023 enjoys their first football game.

So, what’s all that buzz about? Over the last few months, you might have heard an excited buzz about Justin-Siena. Those of us who know the community of people aren’t surprised by this at all because we know we have exceptional people. Even more so as an ALLHEART school, our goal is to impact lives, and we want to impact as many lives as possible. The Admissions team at Justin-Siena has ALLHEART love for JustinSiena and it is reflective in our welcoming and inclusive community. We look to bring prospective families to our campus from the three counties which we serve. Over the last few months the Admissions team has been hard at work creating different events to bring future Braves to our campus. Partner School Visits: The Admissions team has increased its outreach to the areas and schools we draw from, with a team of over 140 Student Ambassadors. They have an amazing way of telling their own stories of Justin-Siena and sharing our school’s mission. Summer Programs: Starting with the summer, we increased our offerings in our summer camps and programs which drew over 270 kids to our campus. These camps are led by our coaches, students, faculty, and staff. They included basketball, leadership, theater, volleyball, softball, tennis, and robotics. Brave For A Day: Our signature shadowing program, “Brave For A Day,” is full of energy and excitement, and along with the help of our faculty and staff, and the leadership of our ambassadors, inspires these young people and their families when visiting our campus. So far we have welcomed over 250 young people to tour our campus to experience

Student Ambassadors greeting visitors at Wellness Day.

firsthand what it would be like to be a Justin-Siena Brave.

Our son did Brave for a Day “ (as did we) and it was fantastic! The Student

Ambassadors were great role models for the wide-eyed 8th graders!

Prospective Parent from Sonoma

Campus outreach: In addition, we have welcomed students to our campus for our first annual Justin-Siena Wellness Fair, which provided an opportunity for young people and their families to learn about the many resources available to them within our community in regards to health and wellness. Hundreds of young people made their way to our campus and felt not only our JS community but also the broader community that extends outside of our campus.

a home away from home. “WeIt isenjoy every opportunity to

welcome new students and families to our campus and invite all to make Justin-Siena their home. Student Ambassador

We have several opportunities to introduce middle school students to our campus. Our Middle School Dance brought 160 students from surrounding schools. We have regular middle school nights for all of our sports and a great group of young students volunteered as the sideline crew for our football games. We introduced the Next Level Sports Program to our campus for both basketball and flag football.

AVANTI 2020 9

A Venerable Museum o A History compiled by Eileen Mize, former Director of Communications (2011-2019)

The formidable one-story square-shaped building surrounding a central courtyard and located on Maher Street on the southwest corner of the Justin-Siena campus was completed in the latter part of 1966. The building served as the primary residence for a community of Brothers serving at Justin High School, then an all-boys high school founded by the De La Salle Christian Brothers in 1966 alongside the neighboring Siena High School for girls founded by the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael. The two schools would merge soon after forming Justin-Siena High School. Five Brothers lived in the residence that first year, and they enjoyed full use of the on-site Chapel for Masses, daily prayer, and student gatherings. Father Paul Link, CPPS, offered the first Mass in the Chapel—midnight Mass on Christmas Eve 1966, and in addition to being the first Justin Principal, Brother Bede Van Duran, FSC, served as the first Director of the Brothers Community. As the years went on and the residence needs of the Brothers changed, so did the building —becoming a designated Brothers retirement community and then ultimately being closed as a residence and sold to the school. With minimal use for storage and some transitional faculty housing in the early 2000s, the building and all its amenities, including the Chapel, sat somewhat under-utilized and collecting dust until the 2009-2010 school year when there was an increasing need for space for offices and programs. So then began a renovation project to bring the building back to life. At the start of the following school year, an extensive interior renovation created what we now know today as the Christian Brothers Center (a.k.a. CBC). In an effort to physically connect it more to campus and student/faculty foot traffic, the Beckstoffer Family Grapegrowers Plaza was built and officially blessed on the first day of school in 2010. The reimagined CBC included the Main Office and Welcome Center, the Offices of the President, Business, Communications, Advancement, and Admissions; as well as a home for the student services of counseling—both college and guidance. The Brother Conrad Kearny Conference Room and smaller conference rooms kept busy, and then there was the Chapel. 10 AVANTI 2020

The Chapel of the Christian Brothers: 1966-2019 Located in the Christian Brothers Center at Justin-Siena High School—Napa, CA

f Lasallian Heritage The Chapel interior was not included in the 2010 renovation in terms of aesthetics, but with the increased use of the CBC as a whole—including the Chapel—conversations about a make-over began in earnest. Not only was there a growing need for a sacred place on campus for class use, retreats, and other gatherings driving the conversations, but the 2014 Napa Earthquake literally moved these talks to the fast lane. The earthquake caused damage by way of broken windows, cracking, and a broken altar (the marble tabletop torqued and came apart from the base into the wall behind the altar). Surprisingly (and possibly miraculously) the various sacred statues including the Founder and one of Mary and Joseph, had fallen from their perches in the quake but were not damaged. Br. Kevin Slate, FSC, Assistant to the President, working in the Advancement Office at the time, met with several key donors who expressed interest in a Chapel renovation, and so in 2016, the renovation work began. In addition to replacing outdated windows (one which had been only temporarily repaired after the quake), the concrete floor was made level so the room could be more flexible in the arrangement, not always having the altar in one, elevated location. New lighting and architectural design features modernized the space and provided an opportunity to create a proper entrance with a beautiful doorway and arched entrance into the Chapel. One of the key financial supporters had a request that the Beatitudes somehow be incorporated in the décor of the space so that these basic Christian imperatives could be in front of the students using the space. “One of our most thoughtful donors expressed a special interest in having the eight Beatitudes featured in the Chapel as a very positive, encouraging prayer from which the students and teachers of Justin-Siena might draw inspiration,” explained Brother Kevin. “The Beatitudes compel us towards positive, human acts of compassion and mercy that reinforce the essential message of the Gospel to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’’ Continued on page 12 AVANTI 2020 11

Brother Kevin was relaying this story to the Brothers at Mont La Salle at dinner one evening, and not too long after, Brother James Joost, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor for the District of San Francisco New Orleans, recalled this particular request as he was made aware of the closing and sale of another Christian Brother property—the fiftyyear old Sangre de Cristo Retreat Center in Santa Fe. It just so happened that the chapel in the main building of this 19,000 square foot spiritual renewal center set on 600 acres overlooking New Mexico’s Jemez Mountains had a gorgeous installation of stained glass windows depicting the Beatitudes. As providence would have it, Brother James and Brother Kevin worked with the District to investigate the availability and feasibility of acquiring these artistic originals before the property sold. It was quickly learned not only would the glass fit perfectly along a particular wall in the Chapel, but also that if Justin-Siena could organize and take care of the logistics of having the glass uninstalled, crated for transport, and shipped from Santa Fe—that they were available. Brother James was invaluable in these logistics, and he ultimately rented a large truck and transported the packed crates, all meticulously numbered for reassembly, safely to Justin-Siena in Napa. As an aside, it was learned that the stained glass artist, Robert A. Leader (1924-2006), was a long-time and beloved fine arts professor at University of Notre Dame and a prolific stained glass artist, whose work is largely found in Roman Catholic churches and chapels around the country, including an installation known to many Fightin’ Irish at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in South Bend. His legacy in this country extends well beyond his artistic contributions, as he served in the Marines in World War II. He was wounded during the invasion of Iwo Jima a few days after having been a member of the patrol that captured Mount Suribachi and famously planted an American flag there, forever immortalized in that iconic photo. The special delivery was joyfully received by JustinSiena Director of Facilities and general contractor on the renovation project, Mr. Brian Cassayre ’98, who set about making a custom lightbox frame to encase the special gift from the Brothers. This colorful depiction of the Beatitudes is now the centerpiece and focal point and a wonderful connection to the legacy of another Lasallian sacred place. Brian was all too happy to keep it in the family, so to speak. Simultaneously, other special artifacts were coming to roost at the Chapel that also carried special stories. An architectural feature on the north wall was incorporated to house small art pieces or the like. And in a build-itand-they-will-come sort of serendipity, a long-time friend, alum parent, and supporter of the school saw the space under construction and said he just so happened to have a set of stone carved stations of the cross in storage. He and his wife collect religious artifacts, and these pieces fit into the little lit alcoves as if the cut-outs were made for them specifically.

12 AVANTI 2020

Another furnishing of note is the beautiful foyer table that holds the holy water bowl. A Br. James Joost original, the table base was created from uprooted old vines, originally planted to supply the pioneering winemaking efforts of the late Brother Timothy Diener, FSC. Fitting for Justin-Siena’s wine country location and Lasallian heritage combined, the table rests beneath the large crucifix from the original Brothers’ Chapel, which had been spared in the 2014 earthquake despite having popped off the wall. And finally, the “crown jewel” in the Chapel renovation project—the altar. While the space was officially blessed and open for use in December of 2016, it would be nearly three years later that the final piece would come to rest in the Chapel. In 2016, during the height of the construction phase and in planning for furnishings, it was determined that the altar and tabernacle sustained too much damage in the 2014 quake and needed replacing. It was suggested by Brian that perhaps something from Mont La Salle could be acquired to further connect the space to our Lasallian heritage. Brother Kevin researched some possibilities and it came to be that the Brothers at Mont La Salle would bestow another gift to the school— one of the original mahogany chapel pews from the Mont La Salle Chapel dating from the early 1930s. For master craftsman Brian Cassayre ’98, this gift presented an awesome possibility. “This is exciting news, but it also carries a huge responsibility for me. I will be charged with giving a new life to something that has been in a very special place for longer than Brother Kevin or I have been around. It is an honor, and it needs to be something that has a lifespan beyond ours.” Passionate about the significant task before him, he continued. “The pew is not just a piece of furniture, but something that had a life and history long before us; what has it witnessed?” Brian sees that provenance perfectly joined with the present as he, an alumnus and an employee of the school, re-creates it for the ongoing use in worship, continuing the heritage of the Brothers. “It is a lasting symbol of the spirit of faith and the Lasallian mission that we will always share with the Brothers at the Mont.” So in the summer of 2016 and under the watchful eye of Brother Donald Johanson, FSC, Brother Visitor, Brian, and Brother Kevin carried the short pew from beneath a painting of the Founder in the foyer of the iconic Chapel down front steps, and shuttled it back to JustinSiena and, ultimately, to Brian’s workshop. Then in what became a nearly 3-year side project and a true labor of love, Brian meticulously dismantled the sacred gift and constructed an heirloom for the ages. Despite the demands of a young family and a 40-acre campus to maintain and manage (including several other major renovation projects including the Clark Gym, the 100 Wing, a new softball field, Braves Grove, and the returfing/branding/striping of the all-weather track and field at Dodd Stadium), Brian didn’t give up on the project. “I couldn’t let someone else build it,” he says. “It has become a spiritual journey for me to transform such Continued on page 14

AVANTI 2020 13

a special object that is older than I into a sacred object which will become a focal point of worship at my school. It is an honor that I do not take lightly; I am happy to be here and to be able to contribute.� The formidable four foot high square table of solid mahogany weighs in at about 300 pounds, but no doubt the care evident in the design and execution carries even more heft. Brian lovingly deconstructed the pew from Mont La Salle and then used those storied pieces to develop beautiful inlay work on the altar top. A cross motif is easily recognizable and is a perfect and most appropriate way to show off the sacred wood. Just as any space at a school will transform and adapt to the times, the Chapel will undoubtedly see future additions and modifications. However, the care and intention behind this first significant renovation since the Chapel’s construction in the mid-1960s will be hard to match. Thank you to the many benefactors who made this project possible and to the artists whose work lovingly reflects the deep roots and importance of our Lasallian mission. May this Chapel continue to be a lasting symbol of the spirit of faith upon which the Chapel and the whole school was built.

Before, During, and After

14 AVANTI 2020

Faces Places

VENAVER Montana Our Student Ambassadors enjoy seeing their old teachers when they visit our partner schools.

Mock Trial took home their 8th consecutive Napa County Championship.

Memory Project Artists: Three of the 25 portraits of Nigerian children created by JS students.

Being ALLHEART means “We Love. We Will. We Believe.” In the year of, “We Love” we are dedicating our efforts to spirit and service in our on and off campus communities. AVANTI WINTER 2020 15



16 AVANTI 2020

Members of the Justin-Siena community embraced an opportunity to get involved with a special event that put our Lasallian core principles into action engaging students, staff, and alumni in meaningful ways while benefiting a community in need. Arguably one of the most “ALLHeart” events of the 201819 school year, the Better Together Prom was held on Saturday, February 16, 2019, on the Justin-Siena campus, and was a huge success thanks, in large part, to an inspired team of Braves. As Justin-Siena’s Lasallian Student Life Coordinator, and one of

with Down Syndrome), and I wanted to change that. We also

the event organizer’s, Megan Alexander-Short ’07, described, “It

have a group of people from all the middle and high schools

all began over a simple conversation in a coffee shop between

who have a desire to interact with people with disabilities, and

Justin-Siena parent Dr. Erica Conway, and Justin-Siena LSL

this event allowed everyone to do just that.” To break down

coordinator Megan Dominici ’92, which created a spark.” Megan

even more barriers, special needs guests were not limited

points out, “that spark quickly turned into a wildfire!” Inspired

to high school students alone. High school age and older

by, and patterned after, Tim Tebow’s Night To Shine events, the

were all welcome. “When I got the idea to do this in Napa, I

nearest of which were held in Walnut Creek and Santa Rosa,

immediately called Megan Dominici because I know she can

this celebration allowed more immediate access to the larger

get things done. She knows so many people and participates

Napa and Solano County special needs communities. Megan

in several service groups in town. I had the connections with

added, “I have organized many events over the past few years,

people with disabilities, and she had the school connections.

and this one was by far the easiest. From the moment we set

Justin-Siena immediately said yes, when asked to be the venue

up a Facebook page, there was an incredible outpouring of

and source of volunteers. It was that simple. The space was

support. We really wanted a live band for the event, and the

perfect, and Justin-Siena was an ideal choice since they had

fundraising to make that happen was effective and quick—and

already graduated my daughter Grace Wahle ’18, and had

we booked the popular Wonder Bread 5.”

wholeheartedly opened their arms to enroll my daughter,

As a sterling example of our school’s credo, “Enter to Learn; Leave to Serve,” this exciting event was fueled and supported

Gretchen. We just knew that the school would want to be a part of this.”

by numerous Justin-Siena alums, including, Trent Stoppello ’91,

On the morning of the big event, the Dining Hall was bustling

Kim Jinks ’93, Shannon Marek ’91, Coleen Savage Giovannoni

with preparations. Nearly 250 volunteers had pitched in,

’98, and Aileen Savage ’02. Megan Dominici points out, “It also

culminating roughly four months of meetings and preparations,

brought together the entire Napa County school community.

with dozens of students showing up early to decorate. High

Guests and organizers came from neighboring Valley Oak,

schoolers and middle schoolers from all across Napa joined by

New Tech High, Napa High, Vintage, River, Redwood, and

a team of JS Braves, strung lights, hung streamers and posters,

even some students from Novato, for this exciting inaugural

and wove a balloon arch. As preparations were underway,

event held in the Justin-Siena Dining Hall.” There was a healthy

fourteen-year-old Tiffany Dreesen ’22 commented, “There

dose of Braves spirit in the form of current student and alumni

are two great things about volunteering. It makes them feel

volunteers. Rolling out the red carpet—guests were delivered

good, but it also makes you feel good.” Her friend, and fellow

to the gala with VIP treatment and escorted to the doors with

Brave, Erica Joie Sales ’22 added, “It’s a win-win situation.

cheering onlookers and fans flashing their cell phone cameras

Everybody benefits.” In a spirit of true inclusivity, all the guests

like eager paparazzi.

were treated like royalty and crowned as Kings and Queens of

As Dr. Conway pointed out, “Many people with disabilities are not included in after-school high school and extracurricular events, including my own daughter, Gretchen Wahle ’22 (born

the Prom Court. Megan Alexander-Short shared that “We sent out a Facebook message that we needed flowers, and twenty minutes later we had bouquets of roses coming through Continued on page 18

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the door.” Adding even more great examples of community

their popular dance tunes at a discounted rate, numerous kings

generosity she added, “I was able to connect with a photo

and queens were welcomed on stage to dance with the band.

booth from my friends’ wedding, and told them what we were doing. I mentioned that I wasn’t sure how much of a budget we’d have for the event, but we’re hoping that they’d be able to help. The next thing I knew they had donated the entire photo booth set free of charge. Everyone was just so willing to give to make sure that this was a success.” In fact, everything from the ticket to the event, flowers, outfits, hairdressing, makeup, and steak sandwiches from Cole’s Chop House was provided to our guests gratis. Dr. Conway added, “One of the real delights of the preparation occurred when a group of 15 to 20 students were having a blast picking out their gowns. We were having so much fun that I was even talked into trying on some dresses

Several volunteers from our graduating class agreed that they hoped this event would “begin a new annual ’ALLHEART’ tradition.” Class of 2019 Valedictorian and Student Body CoPresident Sumaia Khoury ’19 shared, “I think each participant got something from the experience. The guests took home life-long memories and friendships, and for the hosts, a new perspective and greater insight into special needs.” Sumaia went on to say, “As someone who hasn’t worked closely with those who have Down Syndrome, the Better Together prom was a learning experience. Working closely with the guests warmed my heart, and definitely taught me a lot. It’s the


type of thing you remember forever, and this opportunity has

The dance went off without a hitch. Megan Alexander-Short

asked what impressed her the most, Sumaia responded, “The

commented that “I think it is honestly the best thing I’ve ever

lightheartedness of those gathered, and the willingness of the

done...I was proud of the entire community, students and

community to support all of its members. It was a beautiful

donors alike. The evening was filled with much joy. Everyone

thing to see.” Bryce Mayo ’20 added, “I volunteered for this

was having so much fun. There was no division or alienation

event because I thought it would be a wonderful way to

between students of any ability or school.”

interact with people I normally wouldn’t.” He went on to say, “I

Between the nearly two hundred guests and all the volunteers, there were approximately 400 people in attendance. As several participants pointed out, “It was a safe place for special needs kids to cut loose and have fun—something these kids seldom get a chance to do.” With Wonder Bread 5 donating

18 AVANTI 2020

brought about a desire for similar work in the future.” When

believe it benefited both hosts and guests by bridging the gap between us and making us see that we are no different. I saw that everyone who was there was having a good time. It didn’t matter if you were a guest or a volunteer, everyone was having a good time. I saw that we are all equals! I was impressed with being able to see how much the hosts and parents and

volunteers cared about the guests—and how much the guests

involved is critical to get people to mingle.” She went on to

enjoyed it.” Witnessing that deep joy in the students who

say that this ALLHEART event, “brought an entire community

participated, Dr. Conway noted, “Some of the junior and senior

of young people together proving that we are more alike

volunteers went so far as to claim that this event was even

than different and that “Napa is Better Together.” Personally, I

more fun than their own proms.”

realized that this was more than just me wanting my daughter

When asked about future events, Dr. Conway added, “We have recently formed our own nonprofit called Napa Valley is Better Together, and we will be holding this dance every year. Our goal is to also have smaller casual events throughout the year like movies, BBQs, and bowling. We’ve decided having music

and a few people I know with disabilities to feel like they belong and to have a good time. All of Napa wants this. It feels good for everyone, special needs and volunteers alike. Young adults don’t have enough ways to interact with one another. It was so nice to see people let down their guard and just enjoy each other’s company.” This extraordinary event truly embodies the Lasallian spirit of our Founder as it opens minds





was thrilled to have played a role in such a night and to create an inclusive community. Fostering a commitment to serve and to lead is the hallmark of a Justin-Siena education, and the more we can partner with our greater community in opportunities such as these, the stronger we become. We are, indeed, Better Together. Joe Alexander-Short (Megan’s brother) lent his time and talents to capture this event on video: https://youtu.be/ho-xGc_3iAg JS alums Aileen Savage ’02, Megan Dominici ’92, Trent Stoppello ’91, Kim Jinks ’93, Shannon Marek ’91, and Coleen Giovannoni ’98, team up to support Better Together Prom at their alma mater.

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Partnering with Parents

Parents play the most important role in the academic, emotional, and spiritual growth of students. Schools and school personnel partner with parents and guardians to provide a rich and transformative high school experience.

The Executive Board meets monthly to guide the efforts of the organization and plan for the quarterly general meetings. Each member focuses on supporting an area in the school as they serve.

An outgrowth of the Community Conversations in 2018 and the recently launched Strategic Plan, Justin-Siena formed the JustinSiena Parents Association (J-SPA). As a Lasallian Catholic school, we strive to make the words “Inclusive Community” a reality with many opportunities to connect with each other and support our students and school.

Green Valley - Lori and Chris Baskerville,

The mission statement of J-SPA states “Led by an Executive Board and guided by school administration, the Justin-Siena Parents Association provides proactive, positive, and meaningful support to the curricular and co-curricular programs of the school through promotion, service, and assistance to all areas of school life.”

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Sonoma - Julie Boles (Arts) Chris is the Treasurer (Athletics) Green Valley - Eric Gonzales, Chair (Facilities) St. Helena - Kim and Dave Phinney (Advancement/Fundraising)

Napa - Rocio Ayvar, Vice Chair (Student Life)

Napa - Vicki Crist (Enrollment) St. Helena - Debra Boeschen (Academics) By working to foster communication and collaboration between parents, students, administration, and the school community, the J-SPA works to unify the gifts and talents within the school community, thus advancing our mission.

Save the Dates! J-SPA is proud to present two acclaimed academic speakers this spring. On March 18, Professor Maurice Lee of Boston University will give a talk entitled “The Fate of Literature in Our Information Age.� Professor Lee is the author of Overwhelmed: Literature, Aesthetics ,and the 19th-Century Information Revolution. All JS families are invited to attend this special gathering from 6:307:30pm in the Gasser Center. The second speaker in the series is Nicole Ardoin, Emmett Family Faculty Scholar and the director of the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources in the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. Cosupported by the Stanford in Napa Valley organization, Professor Ardoin will address what it means to be environmentally literate and how environmental education can help people of all ages grapple with and act on issues involving sustainability and the environment. Our Napa community is invited to attend this talk

with Professor Ardoin on May 4, from 6:30-7:30pm in the Gasser Center. J-SPA has also invited school president, David Holquin, to offer a State of the School presentation as we close the year. This event will be held on Monday, May 11 with more details to be published in the Braves Weekly, JS Calendar, and on our website. Think of the opportunity J-SPA presents for our community to become more connected to each other and the school in supporting the growth of our students in all aspects of their education. If you would like to contact J-SPA you can email them at jspa@justin-siena.org. J-SPA executive board from L-R Eric Gonzales (Chair), Deborah Boeschen, Julie Boles, Lori Baskerville, Chris Baskerville, Rocio Ayvar (Vice-chair), Vickie Crist, and Kim Phinney

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It’s been an exciting year in the Visual and Performing Arts at Justin-Siena! Here’s a snapshot of the exciting events we’ve produced: In October, Justin-Siena presented the premiere of Patrick William’s adaptation of Shakespeare in The Comedy of Romeo and Juliet...kinda sorta. Our music department presented two concerts in the first semester. The instrumental concert, Movies, Games & TV Themes, was an exploration of 60 years of thematic music which included audience participation. Our annual winter choral concert once again took place in the beautiful chapel at Mont LaSalle. Entitled All on a Silent Night, it featured new arrangements of holiday classics from our Choir, Advanced Choir, and section leaders. In January, our comedy improv team took to the field in The ComedySportz High School League, now in its 9th year. This year’s competition also included a hilarious match between the seniors and the faculty, with the seniors defeating their teachers. On February 8th, more than fifty students wrote, rehearsed, designed and performed The 24-Hour Plays, seven original 10-minute scripts created and performed in only 24 hours! Alumni participated as mentors.

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Upcoming Events: > Advanced Theatre students will participate in acting performance examinations with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art on February 26 & 27. >B rave Art Visual Art Show. March 6-April 6 Opening reception is Sunday March 8, 3pm5pm, open to the public. > Not from Around Here, opens March 28 at the Napa Valley Art Museum, with awards ceremony and final showing on April 26. This special visual art show is curated by JustinSiena students, and draws submissions from five counties. > Our spring musical, Disney’s High School Musical, will play at the Napa Valley Performing Arts Center at Lincoln Theater, March 20 – 29. Tickets at LincolnTheater.com > The spring music concert, Because, will play two performances on May 2 at 3:00 and 7:30pm in Siena Hall. This concert features both choral and instrumental music.

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Football- After finishing last season strong with a playoff win over Piedmont and a close loss to Del Norte, the Braves expectations were high for the 2019 season. Coach LaRocco ’98 and his team did not disappoint. Starting the season with a decisive win over that same Piedmont squad set the tone for a 4-0 start that included a win over Riordan from San Francisco. After a tough setback to Casa Grande at home, the Braves would go on to beat Petaluma decisively on the road, handle Sonoma at home in the Homecoming game, and finish the regular season on a high note with a win over American Canyon on Senior night, putting their overall record at 7-3 (3-3 VVAL) for the season. The Braves were awarded the #4 seed in the NCS playoffs and earned the first home playoff game in 5 years. Leading players for the Braves this season included junior quarterback Hudson Beers with over 2,500 yards passing and 26 touchdown passes during the regular season. Catching those passes were senior defensive end and tight end Miles Williams (28 receptions, 952 yards, 14 TD), seniors Blake Hoban (32 receptions, 583 yards, 4 TD) and Solomone Anitoni (28 receptions, 533 yards, 8 TD). Also leading the Braves on offense was junior running back Noah Young who rushed for 469 yards and 6 touchdowns, while hauling in 21 receptions. The defense of the Braves was stout and opportunistic, led by Anitoni (OLB), Williams (DE), and Hoban (DB), with strong contributions from linebackers Nolan Dunkle and Marcus Nunes, defensive linemen Grant Koehler and Christian Kappler, and defensive backs Miles Martin and Caden Parlett. Congratulations to the team on a great season!

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Volleyball- Defending a championship is never easy, especially after losing one of the best players in school history to graduation in current Santa Clara player Julia Sangiacomo ’19. However, the Braves came out and had a strong season, including wins over both VVAL co-champions, Sonoma and Vintage a year after capturing the title themselves. After a 6-6 VVAL finish that included the aforementioned wins over the co-champions, as well as a sweep of American Canyon and wins over both Napa and Petaluma, the team earned a #14 seed in the playoffs. After the game was postponed for 2 days because of the Kincade Fire, the Braves drove up to Kelseyville and defeated the #3 seeded Knights in straight sets, making it to the NCS quarterfinals. The following round the Braves traveled to Santa Rosa and fell short to Roseland University Prep, ending their season. Leading the Braves this season were outside hitters Eva Cleary and Megan Hanson, setter Mea Todd, and middle hitters Gabi Richardson, Bailee Paxson, and Eleanor Meyers. Overall the Braves had a solid season and we look forward to another strong season next year!

Girls Tennis- There is having a good season, there is having a great season, and then there is being flat out dominant. The latter is the only way you can describe the Girls Tennis team over the past 2 seasons. The girls continued their dominance this season, winning the VVAL Championship for the 2nd year in a row and in the process went undefeated in the VVAL at 12-0. The team was undefeated in the regular season as well. Individually, the Braves continued to shine on the court as #1 player and VVAL MVP Priyanka Shanker won the VVAL Singles title. Not to be outdone, Bella Rampa and Megha Jackson won the VVAL Doubles Championship, making it a clean sweep for the Braves in the VVAL. Overall, the girls won 27 matches in a row over the past 2 seasons. The Braves entered the NCS Playoffs as a #10 seed, looking to continue earning respect and carry on their winning ways. Also leading the way for the team were Ashlyn Mills, Presley Schultz, Lucia Lanzafame, Roses Newell, Julia Best, Ines Keller, and Libby Birkbeck. AVANTI 2020 25

BRAVES REPORT Girls Golf- The Justin-Siena Girls Golf continued their tradition of excellence, placing 3rd overall in the VVAL with a strong 9-3 record. The team then qualified for the NCS team championship match, and placed 4th overall. Late in the season, the team posted the lowest score of any team during a match. Leading the team were Samantha Tuite and Abbie Bain. Congratulations to these ladies for a strong season!

Girls Water Polo- Defending co-champions, the Braves set out to position themselves up for the NCS playoffs with a tougher preseason schedule that included several high-level tournaments. Storming through the VVAL once again, the Braves finished the season with an 11-1 mark in league, earning a tie for the VVAL Championship with Napa for the 2nd straight year. Earning the #3 seed in the NCS Playoffs, the Braves had a first round bye before beating Encinal 7-2 to make it to the semifinals of the NCS. The team was led by first team all league selections Meghan Hansen, Sarah Reynolds, Maddie Vanoni, and goalie Twyla Borck. Garnering 2nd team all league honors for the girls were Angelina Phinney and Elle Baskerville. Congratulations to the entire team for continuing their strong play with a championship season!

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Cross Country- It is often said that it is not how you start but rather how you finish. Using that metric, the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams have had a very successful season. Both Girls and Boys teams finished strong and showed great improvement. Towards the end of the season, a team that was finishing 5th and 6th overall started to finish 3rd in league meets, and all runners continued to improve their times from meet to meet under the direction of Coach Belinda Halloran. Leading the Braves this season were seniors Lauren Aubert and Sophia Smith, along with Audrey Halloran, Olivia Janerico, Genesis Celaya, and Mia Brown. For the boys, the team was led by Jacob Guiducci, Vishnu Vijayakumar, Casey Potrebic, Evan Smith, Devon de los Santos, and Tony Avina. As the team continues to work hard and improve, we know there are great times ahead for them.

Boys Water Polo- This team worked incredibly hard this season and improved as the season went along. Many of the players on the team were new to Water Polo, and the team is poised for a strong future. Leading the team and earning AllCounty selections were Andrew Baskerville, Casey Kleis and Tommy Crist, who showed great leadership both in and out of the pool for the young squad. We are incredibly proud of the boys for branching outside their comfort zone.

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BRAVES REPORT Winter Sports Review- February 2020


As the weather was unseasonably warm, it signaled not only the start of Spring Sports, but also the winding down of the Winter Sports season. Currently, our Braves are 4th in the VVAL Commissioner’s Cup. Points are awarded based on where teams finish in the standings so despite being a small school, the Braves have shown to be consistently competitive across all sports and seasons. Outside of league play, our teams remain consistent contenders and qualifiers for North Coast Section postseason play as well. However, the true measure of our teams is their experience, their improvement, and their commitment to each other, and by those metrics we are surely a success. We cannot wait to see what spring sports are up to!

Girls Soccer-The girls continued building this season and were led by a pair of sophomores in first team All-VVAL Tessa Salvestrin and second team All-VVAL Jillian Fischer. Also playing well for the Braves were Anjali Monteverdi and Oliv Janerico, among others. The team has found ways to stick together and improve their camaraderie with one another and have shown great improvement in the second half of the league season.

Wrestling-The Wrestle Brave movement made some big leaps this year as they continue to grow in numbers and spirit! The team took home an impressive 3rd place finish in the NCS Division 3 Team Dual Championships. In the VVAL Postseason meet, Jacob Guiducci, Cooper Cohee, and Ya-Ya Martinez all took home first place medals and senior JP Negueloua, Guiducci; sophomore Cooper Cohee, and freshmen Brandon Guiducci and Kai Hoffmann all qualified for the NCS postseason meet. Other highlights for the team included defeating St. Pat’s of Vallejo in the annual Catholic Cup 78-0; going 3-0 to win the Foundation Cup Duals beating Division 2 Jesse Bethel of Vallejo 36-34; and winning the Vine Cup over Upvalley rival St. Helena 46-28.

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Boys Soccer-The Boys Varsity Soccer team qualified for the postseason for the first time in over 10 years and has continued to be competitive against higher division schools in the league despite the final score not always reflecting that. Justin-Siena scored against Napa High (4-1 loss) and only narrowly went down to Casa Grande (2-0) after previously being beaten by them (5-0). Progress in the second half of the season in developing a new style of play is evident in this young team by being able to score on schools who previously held them scoreless at the start of the season (Napa & Vintage). A few of the team members and their accomplishments include: Most goals–Jacob Smith; MVP’s Josiah Gutierrez (also earning first team All-VVAL honors) and Kevin Sosa; ALLHEART Award–Jordon Wright; Most improved Wyatt Pitts.

Boys Basketball-The Boys Varsity Basketball team had an extremely competitive season and earned a berth in the Division IV North Coast Section Playoffs. With a roster that consists of 2 seniors and 9 new players there has been tremendous growth throughout the season. Defensively they have held their opponents to 37% shooting and only 44 points per game. Liam McDevitt led the team on both sides of floor, earning VVAL First Team, Defensive Player of the Year honors. Freshman Vincent Jackson was named as a VVAL Honorable Mention while finishing third in the team in scoring. The Braves closed out league play strong with a win over second place Petaluma. With a total of 40 kids in the program from Freshman, JV, to Varsity, the future is bright for the Braves as they continue to build and develop for years to come.

Girls Basketball-The Braves have had some good highlights this season, topped by winning a home game over the team currently in 2nd place in their league, Petaluma. They honor their seniors who have been dedicated and great leaders, Karlie Wells and Gabi Richardson. Leading the team this year in scoring and rebounding was second team AllVVAL sophomore Isabella Wright. Also leading the team were Lexi Rosenbrand, Charmaine Griffin, Alyssa Curtola, and Mary Heun. With 9 of the 11 players returning next season and continued improvement from the JV team, the future looks bright for the Braves as they head into an important off-season that will be focused on improvement.

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In Their Own Words At Justin-Siena we are commited to teaching more than just the game. Hear from these Braves what it means to them to be a student-athlete at the Home of the Braves.

Karlie Wells ’20

Basketball and Lacrosse Being a student-athlete at Justin-Siena has let me be a part of something bigger than myself. With the help of my coaches, I learned to not just be a better teammate, but to be a better person in general; more patient, inclusive, and understanding. I am grateful for the guidance and inspiration my coaches have given me on and off the field. Athletic involvement has taught me very important life skills which I know I will use and practice for the rest of my life. In addition, playing sports forced me to be more organized, to be more responsible, to put the team above all, and to own my performance on the field, no matter the circumstances. My best memory was when I scored 5 goals in lacrosse against Novato, one of the top teams in the nation, and when I made the Varsity Lax team as a freshman. I want to work hard and enjoy every minute with my teammates, inspiring them to become better by the end of every practice and game. I am a part of the Spirit Club and I very much enjoyed Leadership during my junior year. I will go to a four year college or university to double major in nursing and psychology and will minor in Russian. My biggest influences on and off the field are my brother and my mother. My brother is a very good athlete himself and inspired me to start playing sports when we were little. My family is always very supportive of me and gives me constructive feedback to make me a better player. After JS I plan on playing club lacrosse in college. 30 AVANTI 2020

Liam McDevitt ’20

Basketball and Track and Field Representing my school in competition gives me an unmatched sense of pride. From sports I’ve learned how to be a leader. Thanks to my experiences on the court, I am prepared to lead by example and perform when others depend on me in the future. Winning the VVAL High Jump Championship and hitting the game winning shot against Marin Catholic are my most memorable athletic moments. I want to win an NCS playoff game in basketball and repeat as champion of the High Jump this year. I plan on studying biochemistry as an undergraduate on the path to becoming a physician. My mom has been my biggest influence in all aspects of life. She has taught me to stay disciplined and put forth my best effort at all times which has helped me on and off the court. After JS I plan on playing intramurals in college while focusing primarily on academics.

Marianne Fernandez ’20 Volleyball

Being a student-athlete at JSHS has given me the opportunity to make some amazing memories with a group of people I could call my team, my family. Participating in volleyball has taught me what it truly means to cooperate with other people. Naturally, the team sometimes has conflicts because we are simply human; we have different personalities, beliefs, and goals. By playing on the court with my team I have really learned my own weaknesses and my own limits. I have learned how to lead and how to support my girls. Most of the moments playing volleyball have been a memorable part of my time here at Justin. In my last year, I simply want to make great memories with my friends. I hope to spend the next four years of my life in college with amazing friends studying something I am passionate about. I do not plan on playing on an actual college team but do hope to continue playing perhaps for a club or at the intramural level. My biggest influence in my life has been my mom. I aim to care and love the people who surround me the way she does.

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Miles Williams ’20 Football and Lacrosse

To be a Braves student-athlete is to be a well-rounded person. It has prepared me for life outside of Justin-Siena by teaching me values and how to keep on top of everything as we prepare to improve and win. My most memorable athletic moment at Justin-Siena is the Napa High game last year when I blocked a punt and ran it in for a game-winning touchdown. In my final year at JS, I would like to simply improve overall in both sports as a player and as a team and keep getting better on and off the field. Off the field, when I am not in season for a sport, I am a part of Senior Service Leadership. When I go to college I would like to study Geology or Biology. My biggest influence on the field are all the coaches and off the field is my family. After JS I do plan on playing sports, either football or lacrosse, at the next level.

Meghan Hansen ’20 Water Polo

It has meant a lot to me to be a student-athlete at JS. I joined the team freshman year and started on varsity which was a challenge, but I have loved playing at JS and my teammates and all the memories that have come out of it. Being a student-athlete can be a little bit challenging at times when you have to balance school and your sport, but it has taught me how to manage my time better, and stay on task. This has prepared me for life after JS because in college you have a different class schedule than we have been used to in high school. It will be really helpful to have good time management skills and be able to balance academics and athletics. My most memorable athletic moment at JS is when our team beat Napa last year to win the league and I had to guard their best player. It was a hard game, but we all worked together as a team and it was a really fun win for me, and the team. In my final year at Justin, I want to accomplish staying on top of my schoolwork and training, and having a fun last year with my friends. I am involved in student life by being in the Senior Servant Leadership class. In Leadership we get to plan big events and dances and really try to make the student life at Justin as fun as it can be. After I graduate from Justin, I plan on going to a college in California and studying psychology, and then get a masters degree in speech pathology while also continuing my water polo career. My biggest influence in water polo is probably my older sister. We started playing at around the same time and have played on all the same club teams so I had to be around her constantly. Even though she could sometimes get on my nerves, she has always been really supportive of me and helped me a lot in terms of my growth in and out of the pool. Now she is in college playing water polo for UC San Diego and has been offering support throughout my recruiting process which has been really helpful and has made me more confident. 32 AVANTI 2020

Sophia Smith ’20

Cross Country, Soccer, and Lacrosse To be a student-athlete at Justin-Siena is very humbling because I feel so blessed to have the ability to balance my studies at JS as well as be a part of such special co-curricular programs: varsity cross country, soccer, and lacrosse. It has been so impactful in my four years at JS to have had the opportunity to become a skilled athlete while also being a diligent student. Because I challenged myself in sports, I have been able to perform better in the classroom, and vice versa. This has prepared me for life after JS by teaching me how to manage my time effectively. Being a student-athlete at JS has taught me how to prioritize and make time for two aspects of my life that both matter to me a lot. My most memorable athletic moment at JS was being JV lacrosse captain my sophomore year because I was so grateful to have the opportunity to be a strong leader, a good role model, and an approachable, accountable friend for my teammates. Through this role, I learned the impact being an effective leader can have on a team. That year our team was very successful and had a strong bond, which made my experience in the lacrosse program very memorable. In my final year at JS, I hope to be a great leader, teammate, friend, and student, and to continue to balance my studies with my academics and future. I also especially strive to be a great teammate on all of my sports teams and make the programs better by putting in my best effort to help the teams and by having fun and enjoying my last seasons of high school sports. At school I participate in campus ministry by helping plan and being a part of school gatherings, liturgies, and masses. I also am a member of the Friday Night Live club whose mission is to target issues in the local and broader community that teenagers face such as vaping, drinking, and bullying. After I graduate from JS I will attend college and am currently planning to major in cognitive science. I want to either study on the east coast or in California. My biggest influence on the field has been my teammates who push me to be my best self and to perform to the best of my abilities. I have always been motivated by their inspirational and positive attitudes, their ability to work hard while also having fun, and their endless support for me even when I am down on myself some days. Off the field my biggest influence has been my parents because they work so hard for me to have the chance to go to JS and they have spent countless hours driving, cheering, and staying by my side in all my endeavors inside and outside of school. They are my role models in life and I will always look up to them and appreciate how much they do for me and how much they love me. In college I plan on participating in intramural or club sports teams for either cross country, soccer, or lacrosse.

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Lauren Aubert ’20

Cross Country, Track and Field To me, being a student-athlete means being a wellrounded person. It means that I should not only focus on running, but I should find other things that I am interested in so I can apply those skills to my athletic performance. Being a cross country and track athlete at Justin-Siena has additionally taught me to balance sports with a rigorous academic course load so I can excel academically in addition to physically. I am also a competitive horseback rider, so organizing my schedule properly is imperative. Effectively coordinating my studies and athletics has prepared me for the challenges of college as I have learned the proper time management skills required to have success. As a four-year varsity Cross Country athlete, qualifying for the CIF State Finals with the girls team in my 2016 freshman year, was an amazing experience. To see our hard work throughout the summer and fall pay off so greatly was rewarding to me as a first-year athlete, and to make Justin-Siena history as a two-time state qualifier was amazing as well. I hope to stay consistent in my athletic performance this year and avoid injury. This track season, I hope to qualify for NCS in the 3200M. I participate in Mock Trial as a defense expert witness, I am a student tutor, and Student Ambassador. Although I do not know yet where I will go to college, I hope to double major in English and Communications. My biggest influence has been my Cross Country coach, Belinda Halloran. She has encouraged me to have more confidence in races, and helped me trust the process of training and understand that my hard work will eventually pay off in league championships. I would love to ride in NCAA Division I, but I would also be interested in riding at the IHSA level, or just recreationally. Horses have been such an influential part of my life for so long that any activity with horses is something that I want to participate in. As for running, I do not wish to compete at the NCAA level, as I want to start running longer distances and train for a halfmarathon while in college.

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Nolan Dunkle ’20 Football and Baseball

For me, being a student-athlete at Justin has changed my high school experience in many positive ways. Being a part of a team sport helped me learn leadership skills and how to be a good teammate. Furthermore, it allowed me to express my competitive side and was a great deal of fun. Being a student-athlete at Justin has prepared me for life because it has taught me how to keep a good balance of my responsibilities. It has also contributed to my work ethic, forcing me to develop a good one. My most memorable athletic moment at Justin was upsetting Cardinal Newman in round one of the NCS Division playoffs my sophomore year on varsity. Another equally memorable experience was beating American Canyon in football on Senior Night. In my final year at JS, I want to finish strong academically and win section championships for Varsity Football and Varsity Baseball. I consider being a student-athlete a full time job. Playing two sports takes up, essentially, the entire school year, along with summer as well. I like to think that I am involved in student life by participating in JS athletics. After I graduate, I plan on attending either a UC or Cal Poly and having a major that focuses on business. My biggest influence has been my family, specifically my five older brothers who also attended Justin-Siena. They have influenced me through encouraging my love of baseball and helping me to create a strong work ethic. Any time I need guidance, I have plenty of resources to look to and I will always be grateful to have such a large family. After JS I plan to continue playing baseball at the next level. I am undecided as to where, but it has always been my dream to play in college.

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Class Notes We love hearing from you and know that your classmates do too­­—so keep the information coming! You may submit updates and information to Andrew Bettencourt ’02 at abettencourt@justin-siena.org. Be sure to include a photograph too!


1 Lynn Adamo ’75 has been recognized for her art work as a freelance artist, with her work popping up in several different places. She has a website (lynnadamo.com) with much of her artwork featured. Brandon LaRocco ’98 and Miranda (Welsh) LaRocco ’01 welcomed their 3rd child into the world in August of this year. Anthony Michael LaRocco was 8 pounds, 7 ounces, and joins his older sisters Payton and Jordyn as future Braves. Brandon, the Head Football Coach of the Braves, still managed to lead the football team to their best record in 5 years and into the North Coast Section semifinals. 1 Mary Arbuthnot ’00 is a Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy, serving as a general and critical care surgeon at Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune,

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3 NC. She will be starting a pediatric surgery fellowship in the summer of 2020 at UT Houston. Jason Anthony ’01 won the 38th annual Northern California Golf Association Mid-Amateur Championship. Anthony, a resident of Fairfield and the NCGA Player of the Year in 2017, shot 67 in Saturday’s first round and had a 67 in the final round on Sunday for an 8-under-par 134 total at Poppy Hills Golf Course at Pebble Beach. Daniel DeSimoni ’02 married Jaime Del Zompo on October 5, 2019. 2

John Brumley ’04 recently graduated from the University of Tsukuba in Japan with a Doctorate in Philosophy, Empowerment Informatics. John previously graduated with his undergrad degree from UC Davis in Music Theory and Composition, and received a Masters from UCLA in Media Arts. Reid Francis ’09 married Jessica Smith on September 7, 2019, at COPIA in Napa. Reid is Software Product Manager for Text IQ, Inc and Jessica is Marketing Manager for The New York Times. Following the wedding, the couple honeymooned in Cabo and are planning an extended honeymoon in South East Asia this fall. Jessica and Reid make their home in Brooklyn, NY. 3

Elliot Stratton ’10 - After graduating from JSHS, Elliot attended Arizona State University, where he graduated in 2014 with a BA in Business Law and an International Business Certificate. Thereafter, he attended Southern Illinois University School of Law and graduated in 2017 with a dual JD/MBA degree, and sat for the Arizona Bar Exam that year. After passing the bar exam, Elliot moved to Miami, Florida, where he is currently a law clerk for the Honorable Vance Salter at the Third District Court of Appeals. Eric Dugoni ’12 works at Hall Wines as a Wine Educator. He started at Hall Wines just after receiving his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Chico State University in 2017. 4



Sarah Roscoe ’14 is currently at University of Nebraska in Lincoln working on a PhD in Computer Science. She has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from SMC. Sarah teaches second level computer science this summer at UNL as part of her PhD program. She recently received the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Morgan Malloy ’15 is in graduate school at St. Mary’s College and is helping the coaches on the Women’s Basketball team with in-game stat tracking. Morgan played on the team for the past 3 seasons after walking on her sophomore year. Maria Davis ’16 is currently competing in her Senior season of Women’s Golf at Long Beach State University. Maria is coming off of a Junior season where she





was first team All Conference, as well as All-Academic team honoree. Maria recently finished 11th overall, helping her team to a 3rd place (out of 18) finish at the Las Vegas Collegiate Showdown. 5

team. Her major is hospitality management with a concentration in meeting and event planning and she is currently on the dean’s list! She will be graduating in the spring, and her last football game ever was November 23. 7

Nik Dodson ’16 is playing his first season of baseball at Waldorf College. Nik is a pitcher and was able to get into his first game for a 2 inning appearance. Nik was previously at Solano City College.

Cameron Michael ’16 is starting his first season as a member of the University of Pacific baseball team. After a very successful career at Justin-Siena, Cameron played at Solano Community College before transferring to Pacific. Good luck this season Cameron! 8

Jordan Dunkley ’16 is in the beginning stages of his Junior year of college baseball at Point University. Previously, Jordan, who is a pitcher, was at Canada College. 6 Bailey Jameson ’16 recently finished her senior season at UNLV as a captain of the Pom team in her 4th year on the

Isabella Leonardi ’17 is starting her Junior year season of Women’s Lacrosse at the University of Redlands. Isabella had 6 goals as a freshman for the Bulldogs. 9


Donna Roscoe ’17 is at Amherst College in Massachusetts, working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Biochem, Biophysics, and Psychology, with sites on a Masters in Engineering. She will be a junior next year and is currently working in a biophysics lab. Aidan Willard ’17 is heading into his senior year at Oregon State, and his Redshirt Junior year of eligibility as a Quarterback for the Beavers. 10 Cole Cummings ’18 is currently playing basketball in his sophomore year for San Diego Miramar College. Cole has had some injury trouble this season, but did start all 12 games he played in and averaged 6 points and 5 rebounds per game for the Jets. 11

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Vianca Dagnino ’18 appeared in 31 games for the Oberlin College Yeowomen, making 30 starts in her freshman campaign last season. She saw 89 at-bats and recorded 30 hits for a team fifth-best .337 batting average. Vianca Finished third on the team in hits and in RBI with 19. She registered a team fifth best .416 slugging percentage and walked a team best 15 times. Vianca also recorded 81 put-outs at catcher. The team opens up the 2020 season on March 15. 12 Catherine Flaherty ’18 was featured in an article in the alumni section of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

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website earlier this school year. The article profiled Catherine for being a 3rd generation Gaucho and her experience at the school so far as she follows in her parents’ (Sean and Kirsten) footsteps. Catherine is working towards a major in Political Science, with a minor in Professional Writing. 13 Lizzie Hansen ’18 is currently in her sophomore season for the University of California San Diego Women’s Water Polo team. Lizzie played in 20 games as a freshman, scoring 3 goals, and has 2 assists so far this season in 6 games. 14




Ally Jackson ’18 and Steven Silva ’18 are both taking classes and working internships for Disney World in Florida. Steven works at the Cantina in Galaxy’s Edge and Ally works Peter Pan’s Flight and “It’s a Small World.” 15

Rebecca Reynolds ’18 is currently participating for the UC Davis Women’s Water Polo team this season. She has scored her first collegiate goal this season and has helped the Aggies to a 6-5 record so far. 17

Kendall Martin ’18 is beginning her sophomore year throwing the Javelin for University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Track and Field team. Kendall had a strong freshman campaign, and took second at the Cal Poly/UC Riverside Tri Meet in the javelin with a monster throw of 41.35m (135’ 8”), a four meter personal best that would propel her all the way to fifth on the UCSB All Time List for that event. 16

Luigi Albano-Dito ’19 is redshirting this year for College of Marin baseball. Luigi will play first base and pitch for College of Marin. Maxx Castellucci ’19 is pitching for the Mission College baseball team as a freshman. Through 7 games Maxx has made 2 appearances for the Saints. 18




Caroline Chatagnier ’19 completed her first solo flight in the fall. Caroline is currently enrolled at Utah State University and is majoring in Aviation. Keep making us proud Caroline! 19 Allison Clark ’19 is in her freshman year playing for the Sonoma State Women’s Lacrosse team. Allison scored 3 goals to lead the Seawolves in her first game of the season.


Barrett Donohoe ’19 and Michael Fitzgerald ’19 completed their first season playing for the Monterey Peninsula College Football team. Barrett was the backup QB for the team, while Michael played Defensive Back. Julia Lokey ’19 continues her successful professional dance career. Highlighted by recently placing in the finals of the Ohio Star Ball DanceSport Championship, Julia is making us very proud as a well-rounded, and well-prepared, student! 20


Landon Mispagel ’19 is just beginning his freshman year on the UCSB Track and Field team. Landon will be competing in the 110m hurdles for the Gauchos. 21 Will Natuzzi ’19 is a redshirt player this year for the Cabrillo College baseball team.

Julia Sangiacomo ’19 completed a very successful season for the Santa Clara Volleyball team last Fall. Julia was named Second Team All West Coast Conference (WCC) as well as to the All Freshman team. She led the team with 411 kills and was an integral part of a team that finished 21-12. 22 Shelby Thomason ’19 completed her freshman season playing for Dominican College of California as a member of the Volleyball team. 23

Keep in touch

Let other alumns know what is happening in your life. Send your news to: abettencourt@justin-siena.org AVANTI 2020 39

In Memory

Our thoughts and prayers are with these members of our Braves family.

Beth Kowalkowski passed away in the fall of 2018. Beth is survived by Jeanie Fidler ’77 and Nancy Cooke ’79. Malinda Murray Lowney ’77 passed away on November 5, 2018. Malinda is the wife of John Lowney ’77. Margaret Reat, mother of Cathy Reat Khan, and Maryanne Reat ’76, passed away on November 9, 2018. Steve LInder, father of Everest ’10, Calvin ’12, Trevor ’14, and Stevenson, passed away unexpectedly in the winter of 2018. Joseph Burke “Hank” Gerlach passed away peacefully on February 11, 2019, in Napa. Hank is the husband of Sally and father of Molly LeMaster ’74, Tom, Ted, Todd, Jane and Leigh. He was predeceased by his daughter Nancy ’77 and his son Tim. Albert (Al) Louis Nuccion, passed away peacefully on February 19, 2019, at the age of 83. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Joyce, son Stephen ’87, and daughter Stacey ’90. Lezlie Collins-Carter ’76 passed away February 25, 2019, unexpectedly, of a heart attack. Lezlie was the daughter of David and Joan Collins, and sister of Sheryl Collins and Susan Hamilton of Napa. Marion Moir Ault, passed away peacefully at home in Healdsburg, on February 20, 2019. Marion is the mother of former JS faculty member, Richard Ault ’72 and Jo Ann Ault Bursick ’74. Catherine Barragan Schimmer ’71 lost her battle to cancer on March 10, 2019, surrounded by family. Among many other family and friends, Catherine is survived by her husband John; daughters Mari, Julie, and Heather, and son, Eric as well as siblings Randy ’70, Brenda ’74, and Christina McCarty ’90.

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Greg Calvelo ’89, beloved alum, passed away on March 11, 2019, in American Canyon, CA. Greg was a multisport athlete, playing football, basketball, and tennis, and always the most enthusiastic team player. He coached Powderpuff, was Student Body President, Yearbook Sports Editor, and Salutatorian of his graduating class. He was a people magnet and made friends everywhere he went. Greg’s senior class voted him Most Likely to Succeed. Greg’s greatest pride was his wife, Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89, and their two wonderful children Faith ’23 and Jackson. Greg is the brother of Tina Minster-Magee ’87, brother-in-law of Alfreda Bettinelli Hawkins ’88, and brotherin-law of Dominic Bettinelli. Betty Brown Torassa, grandmother of George Torassa ’12 and Lauren Torassa ’07, died April 29, 2019, in Napa, California. John “Jack” Frederick Harris ’88 passed away this past April. He is survived by his wife Danielle, his mother Isabel Harris, siblings Donnie ’76, Jeanne Collins ’77, Tim ’80, Jerry ’81, and Mary Beth Woulfe ’86, and many other relatives and friends. William H. Haase, father of Bill Haase ’80, passed away on May 13, 2019, of natural causes, two months before his 90th birthday. Steve Marceau ’70, beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away at home on May 16th, 2019, at the age of 66 after a year-long battle with bladder cancer.

Janet Schiefferly, grandmother of Curtis Paul ’08 (who is married to Renee ’08), Ryan Paul ’11, Natalie Schiefferly ’20, Jack Schiefferly ’22 and Sean Ryan, passed away on May 25, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. Dan Healy, father of Erin ’77, Tim ’81, Kristen ’85, Carolyn ’87, and grandfather of Ryan ’08 and Matt ’10, passed away this past June. Dan was an active member of his church and the greater Napa community. Adelbert “Del” John Ianziti, father of Barbara ’71, Susan ’72 and her husband Michael Shifflett ’71, Joanne ’74, Jonathan ’77, and Janet ’80, passed away peacefully at the age of 91 on June 25, 2019, surrounded by his loving wife and family. Lorna Schmitt, grandmother of Lindsay Schmitt ’10, passed away at her home on July 4th, 2019, three days shy of her 97th birthday. Brother Stanislaus Sobczyk, FSC, passed away peacefully on July 22, 2019, at Holy Family Community. Br. Stan was a Trustee at Justin-Siena from 2009-2015. Joseph Mark Croxdale ’79 passed away unexpectedly at his home on September 1, 2019. Many of Joe’s classmates were able to spend time with him this past July, at their 40th class reunion. Joe is the brother of John ’73+, Jeanne ’75, Jim ’76, and Jerry ’82.

David Ladley Swanson ’84, died on September 2, 2019, while hiking Roan Mountain. David was preceded in death by his mother, Lois, and is survived by his father, Bill, his wife and two children, as well as many other family and friends. Diane Donohoe Williamson ’80 passed away unexpectedly on September 7, 2019. Dianne is the sister of Tom Donohoe ’79 and Margaret Donohoe ’81. Adeline Mae Dominici, the youngest daughter of Justin-Siena’s Director of Outreach, Megan Savage Dominic ’92, passed away on September 21, 2019, due to injuries from an accident. Addie touched the lives of many. “Very little could slow Addie down. She was an avid BMX rider, fierce soccer & basketball player, quite the fortnight dancer, as well as an artist, and a cook. There was nothing she couldn’t do. Addie loved her family, her classmates, her teammates, and so many others. She had a special ability to connect with everyone she met. Addie knew what she wanted and had a strong desire to be both a police officer and a you-tuber someday!” Addie will be forever missed and remembered by all who knew her. Gloria Nolan, mother of Margaret ’77 and Beth ’84, passed away on September 27, 2019, at the age of 96.

Richard Patrick Janese, Jr., father of Richard J. Janese ’02+, passed away on October 10, 2019, at home surrounded by his family. Barbara Zepponi, mother of Daniel ’82, Peter ’84, Linda Zepponi-Hervey, Lia Zepponi, Michael, and David, passed away on October 21, 2019. Alice Faye Des Roches, 83, died on November 18, 2019. Alice is the mother of Vincent ’75, Victor ’77, and Paul ’80, and Lisa Des Roches Fletcher ’83. David Rea Chambless, father of Veronica Chambless ’79, Paula Chambless Mahlandt ’81, and Trina Chambless, passed away peacefully at his home in Meridian, Idaho, on December 15, 2019. Richard Kevin Donohoe died peacefully at home in Napa, December 26, 2019. Kevin is survived by his son, Tom ’79 and daughter Margaret ’81. He was predeceased, in September of 2019, by his daughter Diane Donohoe Williamson ’80. Osvaldo Particelli passed peacefully in his home, at the age of 95, surrounded by family. Along with many other family and friends, he is survived by his wife Ferruccia, son Ray’79, and daughter-in-law, Annetta ’79, daughter Leonora Hanna ’86 and husband, Michael, grandchildren Stefano ’05, Giuliano ’07, Dante, Adriana, Gino, Gemma, and Michele.

Jim Salius, father of Debi, Denise ’82, Melissa ’86, Kim ’89, and Nikki ’91 passed peacefully on January 1, 2020, in Napa, California, after a long battle with vascular dementia. Joy Atchley Wood ’80 passed away on New Years Day, 2020. Along with many other friends and family, Joy is survived by her husband Rick Wood, and siblings, Kim, Kip ’78, Kal ’87, Ken, Jan ’72, Jil ’74, and Jen ’83. James Maggetti passed away peacefully with his family by his side, on January 5, 2020, in Napa at the age of 95. He is survived by his three children, Martha Gabrielli ’72, Marianne Elam ’73, and David Maggetti ’75, as well as many other family and friends. John Charles Adamo, 84, a resident of Vacaville, passed away on December 23, 2019, at Vaca Valley Hospital in Vacaville after a long illness. Among many family and friends, John is survived by his wife of 63 years, Jean, his daughter Lynn Adamo ’75, and son Chris Adamo ’78. + – Deceased

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Hall of Honor Tim Aboudara, Sr. ’73

Timothy Aboudara, Sr. graduated from Justin-Siena in 1973 and was a member of the class that made JustinSiena a “full” school. While a student, he was involved in athletics, student government and drama. His selection, as a Junior, to represent Justin-Siena at The American Legion California Boys State in 1972 was a life changing event. Upon graduation, Tim attended California State University, Sacramento for 2 ½ years. In late 1975, Tim left Sac State to begin a career in the local family business. After the sale of the business in 1991, Tim started a new career in the telecommunications industry. He worked for Pacific Telesis, CellularONE/AT&T and for the last 4 ½ years worked as the Director of Sales for a Satellite Network Operator. He retired in the fall of 2018. In 1995, Tim, while working full-time, enrolled in the St. Mary’s College Extended Education Program, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Management in 1997. In 1999, again while working full-time, he returned to St. Mary’s in the Masters in Business Administration program. He graduated with his MBA in 2001. During his business career he served on the International Board of Directors of the Independent Cash Register Dealers Association (now the R.S.P.A.) and as President of the Micros Dealers Association. In 1975, Tim was invited to return to the California Boys State Program, as a Junior Counselor. He became very involved with this exceptional youth program. In June 2019, he completed his 45th year of service. He was selected to be Chief Counselor 12 years ago and continues in that role. In his 45 years of service he has crossed paths with nearly 45,000 young men who have gone on to leadership positions in government and business all over the country. In 2010, he was selected to join the staff of The American Legion Boys Nation, which brings the top 2 delegates from the 50 Boys State Programs to teach them how our federal government functions. Both programs emphasize “learning by doing.” Tim’s Lasallian education at Justin-Siena and St. Mary’s instilled a strong sense of community and service. In addition to his working career and involvement with Boys State and Boys Nation, Tim served as a Reserve Police Officer from 1973-1995. From 19731996, Tim worked at the City of Davis Police Department. Tim is a member of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 338 where he serves as Squadron Adjutant. He is also the Sons of the American Legion 5th District Commander and is the Chairman of the State Children and Youth Commission. Tim was inducted into The American Legion California Boys State Hall of Fame in 2014 and The Sons of the American Legion Hall of Fame in 2016. Tim and his wife Leslie live in Rohnert Park and have two sons and four grandchildren.

Tom Carey ’86

Tom Carey was born in Napa and attended public schools in Napa and Sonoma before entering Justin-Siena High School as a freshman in 1982. He learned from legendary educators such as Bob Morrish, Brother Conrad Kearney, F.S.C., and Phil Amormino, played football, and graduated in 1986. Tom then received a BA in Human Biology from Stanford University in 1990. He worked at the Advisory Board Company in Washington, D.C. and obtained a JD from Duke University Law School in 1995. He joined the Napa law firm of Dickenson Peatman & Fogarty, where he practiced for 17 years, serving as managing director from 2008 to 2010. He was a member of the JSHS Board of Trustees from 1998 to 2004 and served as chair from 2001 to 2003. From 2001-2003, he assisted Jonathan Dyer in coaching the JSHS Mock Trial team to consecutive state competitions representing Napa County. He was a member of the Justin-Siena Foundation from 2004 to 2012 and served as its chair from 2005 to 2011. He and his wife Kristi met and were married in Washington D.C. and have five children: Rachel ’17, Brett ’19, Jack ’23, Samantha, and Troy. He has a solo practice in Napa specializing in land use and local government, alcohol beverage, and real property law. As a current Justin-Siena parent, I enjoy seeing my children experience the culture of Justin-Siena, which persists and grows through the presence of things that have endured since my time here: a creative and dedicated faculty and staff, a curious and diverse group of classmates, and a mission centered on Christian values, human relationships, and academic excellence.

Elizabeth “Beth” Nolan Conners ’84

Beth attended Justin-Siena from 198084 and some of her happiest childhood memories are from these years where she made many lifelong friends. Her years at Justin-Siena not only solidified her lifelong love of learning, but also resulted in a recognition that service to others is an expression of faith. Upon graduation, Beth attended UC Davis, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education and Human Development. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa and then attended the Harvard Graduate School of Education for a Masters in Reading, Language, and Learning Disabilities. Always having known that she would like to work with children, Beth found her passion in remediating learning challenges, especially dyslexia. She has worked for the past thirty years

42 AVANTI 2020

The Justin-Siena Hall of Honor is comprised of members from our alumni community who exemplify faith, scholarship, and service and embody our Lasallian Catholic ideals. The following are our honored class of 2020.

with students in Kindergarten through 8th grade to help them overcome learning challenges. During this time she taught graduate school classes and she has spoken and published about learning difficulties both nationally and internationally. She had the opportunity to do brain and genetic research under Dr. Albert Galaburda in Boston, as his team studied the differences in brain organization for dyslexic individuals and worked to locate a genetic marker for dyslexia. Beth received her Ph.D. in Developmental and Educational Psychology from Boston College where her dissertation focused on building girls’ self-esteem prior to middle school. Since 2015, Beth has worked at a private elementary school where she has built support services for struggling students, including creating a curriculum for middle school students with reading challenges that has become a model for private schools in the Boston area. In her spare time, Beth enjoys reading, writing, traveling, singing, acting in community theater, and volunteering at Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House in Concord (in her hoop skirt!). She has served on several Boards over the years for theater organizations and currently is involved in serving an opera group, a local agricultural fair, and the Catholic Schools Board for the Diocese of Worcester. Beth also serves as cantor, choir member, and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at her parish in Sudbury, Massachusetts. Her greatest joy is found in her family: her husband Jim and her high school-aged children, Anne and Jack.

Greg Calvelo ’89

(Honored Posthumously) Greg lived his life by the principles of the Lasallian way. He had faith in the presence of God, respect for all persons, and made sure he formed an inclusive community wherever he went. He walked the talk, he led by example, and he did it all with enthusiasm and a smile. Greg naturally was the class of 1989’s leader. He took the class President role and then became the Student Body President. He was involved in many clubs, including the Key Club, Chess Club, Leadership, Yearbook, and Spanish to name a few. He was the Yearbook Sports Editor. He was chosen to be the Salutatorian for his class. Greg was a multi-sport athlete throughout his high school career. He played 4 years of football, including 3 on the Varsity. He played basketball for all 4 years. He also played on the tennis team all four years. Of course, he was always the most enthusiastic team player. He also coached Powderpuff for the class of ’90 girls football team. Greg was a people magnet and made friends everywhere he went, it was only natural that his senior class voted him, “Most Likely to Succeed.” His leadership ability would surface again and again throughout his life, whether it would be returning to JSHS for Founders Day and teaching kids about his career in the Financial Industry, planning class reunions, taking a role on the Justin-Siena Continued on page 44

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Alumni Council, or coaching youth sports for multiple seasons. He successfully nominated fellow classmate Mark Cassayre for the Hall of Honor. By his initial greeting and when departing ways, he always made sure people knew how he felt about them. He enjoyed reconnecting with fellow alumni. He would often refer fellow alums for job positions he thought they would be great at. He enjoyed returning to his old stomping grounds whenever he got the chance. He would often take his kids to the football games to get them familiar with the lay of the land. Today you will find his daughter Faith, graciously following in her parents’ footsteps at Justin-Siena, class of 2023. Greg married Therese (Bettinelli) Calvelo in 1999. They met at the Justin-Siena basketball tournament when they were in 8th grade. They graduated from Justin-Siena together in 1989. He was a dedicated father and husband. Their daughter Faith Leilani Bettinelli Calvelo was born in 2004 and their son Jackson Koa Bettinelli Calvelo was born in 2007. Greg was all in, nothing was done halfway. He would be so excited to start his day, and loved having family time. He would walk into the house and in his loudest voice say,“FAMILY!” He was always the loudest voice in the stands cheering for all of the kids at their sporting events, whether it was basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming, or taekwondo. Up until his last day, he was at Faith’s championship basketball game in the Dan Clark Tournament at Justin-Siena. There he was cheering for his daughter and her team, and also for the girls on the other team who he knew and had played with Faith in the past. It just shows how much love he had in his heart to give. He was a highly respected mentor and youth basketball coach. He began his coaching career in 2007 when Faith joined the Napa Rec Mini Hoops program. He continued to coach her through this program, as well as his son Jackson up until 2014. He then began coaching Jackson’s youth basketball team, and a year for Faith’s team with the St. Apollinaris CYO program up until 2019. He was known to impress TEAMWORK as the most important part of a winning team. He encouraged the kids to be good teammates to all their future sports teams. He was the Vice President of the AHI Swim Team in American Canyon, where Faith swam for four years. Again, he cheered for all swimmers who entered the pool. He

would take song requests from swimmers and play their songs at the meets to get them pumped up. He enjoyed volunteering and participating in field trips and fundraisers at his children’s school, Stone Bridge School. Gregory John Calvelo was born in Detroit, MI, on April 4, 1971, and passed March 11, 2019, in American Canyon, CA, from a cardiac arrest.

Marsha Niemann

(Honorary Alumna: 1980-2009) Marsha Niemann was hired in November of 1980, to coach Girls Varsity Basketball and teach Physical Education at Justin-Siena High School. Before that, she worked for the Napa Recreation Department running their summer playground program. Marsha also started the first girls’ recreation basketball and volleyball leagues in Napa. Just before being hired at Justin-Siena, she helped coach the volleyball and basketball teams at Napa High School. Marsha attended Fresno State University for two years where she played intercollegiate basketball. She then took a two year break from school to become a flight attendant for United Airlines. Traveling and learning about other cultures was a lifelong dream. With her husband Rich, she traveled to six continents. This experience was very important for their understanding of different cultures. When Marsha returned to school, she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Physical Education and a teaching credential from Sonoma State University where she also played intercollegiate volleyball and basketball. After retiring from coaching, Marsha went back to school and received a masters degree in counseling from Sonoma State. Marsha’s lifelong love of sports inspired her to coach basketball and volleyball. During her nine year tenure coaching girls’ varsity basketball, the team qualified for the section playoffs eight times and advanced to the state championship in 1985 (ultimately losing in over-time).

Hall of Honor

You are invited to consider nominating a Brave who has gone above and beyond for his or her community. Help us honor graduates who make Justin-Siena proud. Contact Andy Bettencourt ’02 at abettencourt@justin-siena.org to find out how. Nominations for 2021 are accepted from students, staff, community members, and alumni. 44 AVANTI 2020

Board of Trustees (Back l–r) Mr. Rich Pio Roda, Esq., ’94 Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mr. Larry Puck Mr. Tom Durante ’93, Chair Mike Soldati Mr. Walt Mickens, Vice Chair Br. Robert Wickman, FSC (Front l–r) Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Ms. Dianne Harris Ms. Belia Ramos

Letter from the Chair of the Trustees Tom Durante ’93 On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank our many benefactors, alumni, parents, students, and staff who make Justin-Siena what it is. It is a great honor to serve as the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and I am proud of my alma mater’s work. The transformational education Justin-Siena provides for nearly 550 students is even better today than I received. We Trustees govern on behalf of the De La Salle Christian Brothers. Potential board members undergo training on the Lasallian charism and Policy Governance—the model of school governance used by all Lasallian schools throughout the District of San Francisco New Orleans. The Board seeks to answer three important questions: Whom do we serve? What do we provide? At what cost? We meet near monthly to monitor the operation of the school through the position of the President—the Board’s sole employee. Policy Governance separates the issues of organizational purpose (the Board’s role) from organizational activities (the President’s role) to allow the school maximum flexibility in achieving its goals and our stated Ends Policies—which answer the three questions above. Our work as volunteers is something we take seriously and are honored to take part. As we look toward our future it is indeed bright. Our Strategic Plan will push our school forward and ensure that we continue making Justin-Siena stronger each day. What follows is the Honor Roll of Investors and reflects the good work of this community’s support of our mission. The diligence and energy from this community who supports the mission of Justin-Siena “to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world” helps us thrive. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the De La Salle Christian Brothers, please accept my sincerest appreciation for your support and enthusiasm in making Justin-Siena a vibrant Lasallian Catholic learning community. AVANTI 2020 45

2018 — 2019

Honor Roll of INVESTORS

We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who contributed financial support to JustinSiena between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019. Each donor made a gift for which no goods or services were received in return for their donation to Justin-Siena. These gifts make a significant difference, enriching the programs and experiences available to each student. We appreciate all who are included in this Honor Roll of Investors and are grateful each has chosen to support the students and mission of Justin-Siena.

Founder’s Society $25,000 + De La Salle Institute First American Title Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera The Justin-Siena Foundation The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Trustee Society $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Mi Sueno Winery Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. Thomas P. Kenefick Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name

Leadership Society $5,000 - $9,999 Dillon Charity Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Grieve Family Trust Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Margaret D. Reat Survivor’s Trust Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Mr. and Mrs. Erich Bradley Mr. and Mrs. George Minardos Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arcneaux Favreau ’88

46 AVANTI 2020

Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. Patrick Gaul Ms. Jo Savage PG&E Company/Employee Giving Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. The Patrick Savage Memorial Corporation

1966 Society $1,966 - $4,999 A & F Electric, Inc. Benevity Community Impact Fund Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Dr. Artoteles Tandinco and Dr. Imelda Tandinco Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Dr. Deborah Geary Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Dr. John Ziegler and Dr. Rue Ziegler Dr. Matthew Bonzani F. J. Zimmerman, Inc. Housley’s Ranch Market, Inc. Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC Marin Physical Therapy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wesson Mr. and Mrs. Antonio R. Chopitea Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Samson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alarcon Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Groth Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 646 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Laski Mr. and Mrs. Grant Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dombrowski, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ingram Mr. and Ms. Christopher M. Thompson Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. Andrew Ryan ’84 and Mrs. Hillary Leonhard-O’Connell Ryan ’94 Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. Timothy P. Malloy ’87 and Mrs. Christine Malloy Mrs. Christine Herrera Rampa ’95 Mrs. Jill M. Levy Ms. Antoinette Roberts Ms. Diane McMinds Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Ms. Teresa Bonzani, MD Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Silverado Resort The Albertsons Companies Foundation The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation The Payroll Factory Napa Grocery Outlet

President’s Circle $1,000 - $1,965 Amine George Khoury, DDS, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cain Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Dr. Daniel G. Huber and Dr. Mary Rose Huber Dr. John W. Daw ’99 and Mrs. Katherine Candland Daw Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. Aaron J. McAlister ’91 and Mrs. Kimberly McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. and Mrs. Hitan Patel Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardiner

Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. DeMartini Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. Aron J. Quinlan ’93 and Mrs. Suzanne Quinlan Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Mr. Daniel Priest Mr. Darren Maloney ’87 Mr. David Miner Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Eric Steffen and Mrs. Ruihua Han Mr. James Vasser Mr. Jeff Yung Mr. John B. Moore, Jr. ’03 Mr. Jose Cornejo and Dr. Catherine Cornejo Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Mr. Matt Schiefferly and Mrs. Shannon O’Shaughnessy Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Mr. Richard J. Salvestrin ’82 and Mrs. Shannon Salvestrin Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Ms. Susanna Springer Napa County Bar Association Napa Parlor No. 62 Native Sons of the Golden West Napa Valley Joe DiMaggio Youth Baseball Reynolds Family Winery Rotary Club of Napa Savage and Cooke Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Sister Susan Allbritton, OP The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS

BRAVEs Circle $500 - $999 Amazon Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann Dr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson

Dr. Lynette Mendoza Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Morgan Stanley Gift Fund Mr. Adan Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Alain Negueloua Mr. and Mrs. Brian Printz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Mr. and Mrs. Clark K. Hallam Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villasenor Mr. and Mrs. David Schuemann Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kawashiri Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tapia Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gundling Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Thweatt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trainor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Mr. and Mrs. Luis Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Mark Magel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chatagnier Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bowman-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Robin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hayer Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Gouveia Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Sales, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood Mr. and Mrs. Robb Herrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reber Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanier Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Scher Mr. and Mrs. Steven Booska Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kappler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lee Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zeiter Mr. and Mrs. Wei Tang Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Mr. Christopher Somers ’11 Mr. Ennio Depianto Mr. Glenn A. McIntyre and Mrs. Julie McKenna Mr. Helge Glotz Mr. Jeffrey Bundschu ’86 and Mrs. Elizabeth Nagel Bundschu ’85 Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79

Mr. John La Voie ’90 and Mrs. Caroline La Voie Mr. Jonathan Sebastiani ’88 and Mrs. Carol Sebastiani Mr. Jorge Dominguez and Mrs. Regina Maldonado Mr. Joseph Devine and Mrs. Tracy Desrociers Devine ’78 Mr. Joseph Tichy ’84 and Mrs. Jennifer Smith Tichy Mr. Lawrence Puck Mr. Marcus Carr Mr. Michael Cox ’86 and Mrs. Tina Cox Mr. Patrick Kellaher Mr. Patrick Kiser ’84 Mr. Rick Van Duzer and Dr. Jodi Nunnari Mr. Sean Capiaux and Dr. Gina Capiaux Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Thomas V. Cadloni and Mrs. Jill Cadloni Mr. Ward Smith Mrs. Blenda S. Soto-Yung Ms. Dania Atanassova-Een Ms. Donnabel Uson Ms. Gabriela Ruiz-Glotz Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Ms. Kim Harrington Ms. Marie L. McIntyre Ms. Michelle Hearne Ms. Molly Gyetvan Ms. Ruma Poulsen Ms. Stephanie V. Beaurain Ms. Susan Merab Ms. Virginia Romero Napa Electric Pink Elephant Concessions Rev. Antonio Valdivia

Red and Blue Club $1 - $499 American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 Athletic Feat, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Busters Southern Barbecue Captain Christopher L. Stathos ’73 and Mrs. Marylee McGee Stathos Cardiology Consultants of Napa Valley Christian Brothers Charitable Trust Dr. A. William Meyer and Mrs. Lynne Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Dugoni Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hiddleson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cushing Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon

AVANTI 2020 47

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Dr. Christy Kling Dr. David Carlson and Dr. Jacqueline Williams Carlson Dr. Henry McNeely ’72 Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Dr. Thomas Zanardi ’86 and Mrs. Karen Zanardi Eagle Crest, Inc. Electronic Script Donor Heun Consulting Services Joseph Phelps Vineyards Knights of Columbus Mr. Aaron Keefer Mr. Allyn Gilbert ’75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Crist Mr. and Mrs. Adam Green Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chavarria Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Alvarado Padilla Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lely Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neidhoefer Mr. and Mrs. Chris Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wing Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. and Mrs. Daryl K. Halls Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. David Dreesen Mr. and Mrs. David Elias Mr. and Mrs. David Figueroa Mr. and Mrs. David L. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. and Mrs. David Zurowski Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios V. Bouzos Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Huffman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mazzucco Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Manansala Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robles Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oathout Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Huber Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Say

48 AVANTI 2020

Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Olen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Galyen Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ward Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Spears Mr. and Mrs. James Kamahele Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Richied Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ceccatti Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adriance Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adamo Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cervantes Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Corona Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Palla Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Berg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hagberg Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Navarro Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eggan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keller Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shaffner Mr. and Mrs. Mars Charifa Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Atchison Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zheng Mr. and Mrs. Ned Roscoe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Day Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herriott Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyna Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Mendoza-Axle Mr. and Mrs. Randy St. Jean Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dalen Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeo Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Irucuta Mr. and Mrs. Romano Gerardo De Guzman

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ventura Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Esperanza Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo P. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ricetti Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Scott Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parker Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Terry Curtola, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Todd Eckblad Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Caravantes Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Blakley Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kastner Mr. and Ms. Peter Borck Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Mr. Benjamin Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ’77 Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Mr. Brian R. Dodd ’02 and Mrs. Olivia Everett Dodd ’04 Mr. Brian T. Sheekey and Mrs. Sally Sheekey Mr. Bruce Callanan and Mrs. Jennifer Bailey Callanan ’78 Mr. Christian Platt ’10 Mr. Curt Brashear and Mrs. Kathleen Chermack Brashear ’87 Mr. David G. Carner ’74 Mr. David Granucci Mr. David Travers ’95 Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ’72 Mr. Eric Undercoffler ’95 and Mrs. Christie Campbell Undercoffler ’94 Mr. Ernest A. Rota Mr. Ezra Pucci and Ms. Kelly Amormino Mr. Faustino Edora and Dr. Eden Edora Mr. Gary Egkan and Mrs. Diana Stohsner Egkan ’74 Mr. Gary J. Menegon ’73 and Mrs. Roberta Menegon Mr. Gregory Durbin ’75 Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ’89 Mr. Heath Morrison and Mrs. Kathleen Dick Morrison ’87 Mr. Huy Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen Tran ’89 Mr. James Day ’72 Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ’84 Mr. James T. Bailey

Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. Joel Miroglio ’78 and Mrs. Naomi Okun Miroglio Mr. John Mitchell and Mrs. Christine Heide Mitchell ’83 Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Mr. Joseph N. Silva Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. Kelso G. Barnett ’98 Mr. Kevin J. Towey ’70 and Mrs. Cindi Towey Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ’95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ’96 Mr. Kyle Lely ’02 and Mrs. Kristine Lely Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ’88 Mr. Logan Showley ’15 Mr. Louis F. Pierotti ’72 Mr. Luigi Dagnino and Mrs. Franccesca Farfan Mr. Lyle Sherburne Mr. Mark Aldax and Mrs. Alison Rowley Aldax ’83 Mr. Mark Petersen ’71 Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz Mr. Matthew T. Miller ’95 and Mrs. Jami Miller Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ’75 Mr. Michael Laukert Mr. Michael P. Fletcher Mr. Miguel Ramos Mr. Nathan Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri ’87 Mr. Naufahu Anitoni ’15 Mr. Neil F. Murphy Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. Paul Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ’83 Mr. Peter B. Bowman Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 Mr. Rich Johnson and Mrs. Shannon Johnson Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. Rob Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Mr. Robert C. Curtis ’01 and Mrs. Aimee Christensen Curtis ’01 Mr. Robert F. Roche Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ’75 Mr. Ronald Enos and Mrs. Lyndell Enos

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. Ryan Lazarus and Ms. Natalia Lely Lazarus ’00 Mr. Scott Meyer ’95 Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. Steven McCann ’79 Mr. Ted Schoenfeld and Mrs. Sharon Box Schoenfeld ’77 Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ’78 Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Mrs. Cassandra Lely Bost ’03 and Mr. Chris Bost Mrs. Christina Von Reitzenstein ’82 Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Ms. Alison Bretches ’95 Ms. Alma A. Fernandez Ms. Amanda Guerrero Ms. Amy Geiger

Ms. and Mrs. Barry Shotts Ms. Anita Perrin Ms. Anita Webb Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Ms. Barbara Decius Ms. Berenice Garvan Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Ms. Catherine Breneisen Ms. Catherine Stephens Ms. Charlotte Addington Ms. Christina Rossi ’90 Ms. Colleen Boretto ’79 Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Ms. Daria Hosseinian Ms. Darla Viau Ms. Edyth Williams Ms. Eileen M. Mize Ms. Eileen Simmons Ms. Ernestina D. Strode Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Ms. Glenda Kowalski Ms. Janet Llana Ms. Jean Bernier Ms. Jennifer Coggburn

Ms. Jennifer Fernandez Ms. Joanna L. Nunes Ms. Kate Reilley Ms. Katherine Reilley Ms. Kathy Sparlin Ms. Lisa A. Walter Ms. Lorena Ledesma Vasquez Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Ms. Luisa Jojola ’10 Ms. Margaret Doherty Ms. Marion M. Ault Ms. Mary Jane Cristobal Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Ms. Maya Mancuso ’09 Ms. Megan Alexander-Short ’07 Ms. Molly P. Towey-Donohoe Ms. Mychele D. Riddick Ms. Nancy J. Gilliland Ms. Nathaly Ruiz Ms. Norma Beltrami Ms. Sonia Gee Ms. Susan Mooney Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Ms. Tobi Upson

Ms. Tricia Vela Ms. Vijay Norfleet Ms. Vilma Igno Ms. Yolanda Gella Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Robert Baumann & Associates, Inc. Robert H. Zeller, Attorney at Law Schwab Charitable Fund SE Strong, Inc. Sister Brigid Noonan, OP The Presentation School von Strasser Winery Yary Sports Photography

AVANTI 2020 49


Event Sponsors and Patrons Thank you to those in our community who support our events (Crab Fest, Access 707, Taste of Justin-Siena) by attending, bidding on live and silent auctions, or being an underwriting sponsor. Event underwriting sponsors are highlighted in bold. Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Brother Mark Murphy, FSC Deacon Construction, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hiddleson Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Dr. Daniel Birkbeck and Mrs. Mandy Birkbeck Dr. Daniel G. Huber and Dr. Mary Rose Huber Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Dr. Henry McNeely ’72 Dr. John Ziegler and Dr. Rue Ziegler Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Epic Brokers, Dalton Brown Kerrie McHugh ’84

50 AVANTI 2020

Mr. Aaron J. McAlister ’91 and Mrs. Kimberly McAlister Mr. Adam Danko ’98 Mr. Alex Yankee and Mrs. Madeline Wood Yankee ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Green Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hooey Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. and Mrs. Alain Negueloua Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baldini Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Giorgano Mr. and Mrs. Chad Briskovich Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Bates Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David Dreesen Mr. and Mrs. David J. Francke Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. David Wright Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Buurma ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Steggall ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oathout Mr. and Mrs. Gary Horne Mr. and Mrs. George Gulbengay Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Silva Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Hitan Patel Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Spears Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Politz, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Scially Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendonsa Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hatch ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Williams

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mendonca Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Mora, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Kenzia L. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherburne Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dombrowski, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. McCarroll Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Young Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chatagnier Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brown ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rupprecht Mr. and Mrs. Mitch L. Wippern Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wells Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Resch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brudney Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeend Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Greger Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Granko Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tilley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanier Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moore Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Scher Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kappler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Troy R. Heathcote Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thompson ’70 Mr. and Ms. Paul B. Kelly, III Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. Aron J. Quinlan ’93 and Mrs. Suzanne Quinlan Mr. Benjamin Sessions ’88 Mr. Blake Barron and Mrs. Janet Vanbrocklin Barron ’88 Mr. Bradley Saunders and Mrs. Lisa Saunders Mr. Brandon Smith and Mrs. Julie Cullinane Smith ’89

Mr. Brandt Keown ’08 Mr. Brent Schmeling and Mrs. Alisa Clark Schmeling ’84 Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ’98 and Mrs. Brittany Cassayre Mr. Chadwick T. Meyer ’93 and Mrs. Aimee Meyer Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. Chris Nantz and Mrs. Linda Leveque Nantz ’84 Mr. Chris Patton Mr. Chris Scaduto and Mrs. Michelle Scaduto Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Mr. Christopher Colloca Mr. Christopher E. White ’89 and Mrs. Leah White Mr. Christopher S. Fidler ’02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ’97 Mr. Christopher Somers ’11 Mr. Clayton Goodwin ’98 Mr. Colin Marchesini ’08 Mr. Dane Simms and Mrs. Bianca DeSimoni Simms ’98 Mr. Daniel Cacho ’08 Mr. Daniel Gaynor ’08 Mr. Daniel Giovannoni ’88 Mr. Daniel M. Frank ’89 and Mrs. Sarah Silber Frank Mr. Darryl Fuimaono and Mrs. Maria Solis Fuimaono ’08 Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ’72 Mr. Douglas Hengehold ’88 Mr. Douglas M. Thompson ’89 and Mrs. Jennifer Gray-Thompson Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Eric Knight ’79 Mr. Eric Sweigert ’08 and Mrs. Jamie Hodgkin Sweigert Mr. Eric Undercoffler ’95 and Mrs. Christie Campbell Undercoffler ’94 Mr. Farshad Karimian ’79 Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. Glenn A. McIntyre and Mrs. Julie McKenna Mr. Greg A. Miller and Mrs. Lauren Dunn Miller ’99 Mr. Gregory Chouinard ’08 Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ’89 Mr. Gregory Nickle ’88 Mr. Guy Carl ’88 Mr. James B. Fox ’84 and Mrs. Betina Fox Mr. James Day ’72 Mr. James Ellis and Mrs. Simi Ellis Mr. James Fidler Mr. James Leli ’07 Mr. James Norris ’98

Mr. James R. Thompson ’08 and Mrs. Vicky Thompson Mr. Jared Andersen and Mrs. Rachel Peter Andersen ’98 Mr. Jason Stoddard and Mrs. Gabrielle McCamy Mr. Jason Yeager Mr. Jeff Kaufman and Ms. Angela Fontana Kaufman ’89 Mr. Jeff Stricklin and Mrs. Tina Stricklin Mr. Jeffery Dolinar Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. Jessy Quezada and Mrs. Jennifer Borchelt Quezada ’93 Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Mr. John A. Scholl ’79 and Mrs. Barbara Scholl Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. John Risso ’08 Mr. Joseph Cherry and Mrs. Kristen Cherry Mr. Joseph Devine and Mrs. Tracy Desrociers Devine ’78 Mr. Joseph Ring ’98 Mr. Joseph Roldan ’08 Mr. Joshua C. Farrell ’89 and Mrs. Kirsten Farrell Mr. Joshua DeBonis ’98 and Mrs. Elizabeth Pecha DeBonis ’03 Mr. Joshua E. Bianda ’98 and Mrs. Elissa Bianda Mr. Joshua Stanley ’08 Mr. Julio Rodriguez ’08 Mr. Kelso G. Barnett ’98 Mr. Kenneth Brewer ’08 Mr. Kenneth Frank Mr. Kevin E. Maher ’89 and Mrs. Jean Maher Mr. Kim Blackseth and Mrs. Audrey Borges Blackseth ’72 Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Mr. Kirmet D. Burke Mr. Lee Reinsimar and Ms. Jackie Brace Reinsimar ’88 Mr. Lewis Broschard and Mrs. Alyce Broschard Mr. Lincoln Brook and Mrs. Jeanne Edwards Mr. Louis Scaruffi ’84 Mr. Marc Anderson ’88 Mr. Mark A. Rappaport ’72 and Mrs. Jean Rappaport Mr. Marty Miller and Mrs. Rebecca Miller Mr. Matthew C. Sunseri ’86 and Mrs. Jennifer Sunseri Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Mr. Matthew T. Miller ’95 and Mrs. Jami Miller

Mr. Matthew Wilkinson and Mrs. Kristin Kelley Wilkinson ’83 Mr. Michael Dale and Mrs. Sarah Dale Mr. Michael Jennaro Mr. Michael Laukert Mr. Michael P. Fletcher Mr. Michael Petersen ’90 Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Mr. Mike McCutchin and Mrs. Andrea McCutchin Mr. Nathan Bassignani ’08 Mr. Nathan L. George ’72 and Mrs. Katherine George Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. Peter A. Zepponi ’84 and Mrs. Natalie Krelle-Zepponi Mr. Peter Aubuchon ’98 Mr. Peter Campbell Mr. Phil Tayco Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ’95 Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. Raymondo Particelli ’79 and Mrs. Annetta Cervone Particelli ’79 Mr. Ricardo Herrera Mr. Richard Bremer ’89 Mr. Richard J. Salvestrin ’82 and Mrs. Shannon Salvestrin Mr. Richard Pio Roda ’94 and Mrs. Jessie Ho Mr. Rick Van Duzer and Dr. Jodi Nunnari Mr. Rob Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Mr. Rob Howell and Mrs. Judith Dick Howell ’84 Mr. Robert J. Cunha ’88 and Mrs. Jennifer Cunha Mr. Robert Kleis and Mrs. Wendy Hill Mr. Ryan Andre ’08 Mr. Scott Fischer and Ms. Gillian Decker Fischer ’88 Mr. Scott Phillips Mr. Sean Capiaux and Dr. Gina Capiaux Mr. Sean Hanna ’08 Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. Sean P. Norman ’89 and Mrs. Becky Norman Mr. Sean Riebli ’88 Mr. Servio Jimenez and Mrs. Ody Ortiz Jimenez ’08 Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel

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HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. Steve Sabillo and Mrs. Mary Romero Sabillo ’84 Mr. Steve Zwetsloot and Mrs. Tara Zwetsloot Mr. Steven Giovannoni ’89 and Mrs. Coleen Savage Giovannoni ’98 Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. Steven McCann ’79 Mr. Stuart Henry Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Thomas I. Gill ’98 and Mrs. Carly Gill Mr. Timothy J. Wahle ’88 Mr. Todd Norton Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Mr. William A. Branco ’98 and Mrs. Makayla Branco Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Mrs. Alfreda Hawkins ’88 Mrs. Allyson Etherington ’84 Mrs. Andrea Trejo and Mr. Gerardo Trejo Mrs. Angela Slade ’88 Mrs. Britt M. Rockseth Sullivan ’08 Mrs. Christina Von Reitzenstein ’82 Mrs. Christine Gomez ’98 Mrs. Claudia Tomlinson Fidler ’79 Mrs. Colette Slate

52 AVANTI 2020

Mrs. Danielle DeValle Doremus ’08 Mrs. Deanna Dykema ’88 Mrs. Donna Marcinkowski Tavenner ’84 and Mr. Kevin Tavenner Mrs. Erin Mulligan Przybylinski Mrs. Jeni Jensen ’89 Mrs. Jennifer Timmer Hansen ’84 and Mr. Thor Hansen Mrs. Jill M. Levy Mrs. Julie Heaton-Jackson ’79 Mrs. Kristen Seefeldt ’89 Mrs. Laura Szanyi ’84 Mrs. Lisa F. Williams Ryan ’08 Mrs. Melissa MacRhodes ’89 Mrs. Millisa Chelini Gott ’89 and Mr. Duncan Gott Mrs. Nancy Bowman McGann ’72 and Mr. John McGann Mrs. Renee Fannin and Mrs. Lisa Fannin Mrs. Rian Salvatierra ’96 Mrs. Sherri Buvick ’79 Mrs. Wendy Mardison ’88 Ms. Aileen Heidkamp Ms. Alicia Fischer ’08 Ms. Alison Bretches ’95 Ms. Allison Adams ’88 Ms. Amalia Dobbins ’98 Ms. Andrea Bernard ’08 Ms. Andrea Rawlins ’98 Ms. Andrina M. Broussard Ms. Anita Ford Ms. Anne-Christine Romer ’98 Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Ms. Beth Sandefur Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ’08 Ms. Bridget Smith Ms. Britney Hyatt ’08

Ms. Bronwyn Carlson ’98 Ms. Carla Gyetvan Ms. Caroline DeVincenzi ’08 Ms. Charlene Godden Ping Ms. Christiane Brinkerhoff ’84 Ms. Christina Rossi ’90 Ms. Christine Deamer ’83 Ms. Colleen Boretto ’79 Ms. Courtney Pardini ’08 Ms. Dania Atanassova-Een Ms. Deidre H. Bell Ms. Eileen M. Mize Ms. Elizabeth Brazil ’18 Ms. Ellen Toscano ’01 Ms. Erica Conway, DDS Ms. Erica Riddle Ms. Estella C. Huijon Ms. Geena Paniagua ’08 Ms. Genevieve Say ’14 Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Ms. Gina Freskan ’89 Ms. Glenda Cummings-Feece ’84 and Mr. Ron Cummings-Feece Ms. Jenna Lawson ’08 Ms. Joanna L. Nunes Ms. Julie Montgomery ’88 Ms. Kate Reilley Ms. Katherine Reilley Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Ms. Kathleen O’Connell Ms. Kathryn E. Paul ’08 Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Ms. Kay Gracey Ms. Kelly Lann ’84 Ms. Kendall Howell ’14 Ms. Kristen Brotemarkle ’08 Ms. Kristen Gallegos ’98 Ms. Kristen McAlister ’01 Ms. Kristin M. Bria ’88

Ms. Kristin Martin Ms. Kyleigh McAhren ’08 Ms. Leslie Lambro-O’Connor ’79 Ms. Lindsay Biggar ’08 Ms. Lisa Bruni ’84 and Mr. Matt Franck Ms. Lisa Wunderlich ’98 Ms. Lorraine Narlock Duarte ’79 and Mr. Kip Duarte Ms. Luisa Jojola ’10 Ms. Madison Bath ’08 Ms. Marilyn Lopez ’08 Ms. Maura K. Eggan Ms. Megan Alexander-Short ’07 Ms. Mia Pucci ’89 Ms. Michele Parr ’89 Ms. Michelle Hearne Ms. Mikayla Weiner ’13 Ms. Molly Gyetvan Ms. Morgan Fowler ’08 Ms. Mychele D. Riddick Ms. Natascha Bruckner ’88 Ms. Nicole Wood ’98 Ms. Pamela J. Anderson Ms. Rebekah Kramer ’08 Ms. Roberta Stephenson Ms. Sarah Kellebrew ’08 Ms. Susan Weeks ’79 Ms. Teresa Bonzani, MD Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Ms. Toni Kendall ’79 Ms. Traci Falati Provincialate Community Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Sister Susan Allbritton, OP Umpqua Bank


Years of Consecutive Giving Loyal donors create a strong foundation of financial support for each academic year by including Justin-Siena in their annual philanthropy. The commitment of these donors helps Justin-Siena carry forth is its mission of educating students in the Lasallian tradition, preparing them to lead and serve in an ever-changing world. These donors, through their years of giving, demonstrate unwavering commitment to this mission, the traditions upon which Justin-Siena was built, and enrich the education of each student attending Justin-Siena today.

25 + Years

Mr. Robert Faber and Mrs. Lynn Adamo ’75 Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Neil F. Murphy Ms. Lorraine M. Negri The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

20 – 24 Years

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Bank of America Foundation Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Mr. Benjamin Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ’77 Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen

15-19 Years

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr.

10-14 Years

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Mr. and Mrs. Dionisios V. Bouzos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cepeda Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari De La Salle Institute Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Huffman Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jordan Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Musgrave Napa County Bar Association Napa Parlor No. 62 - Native Sons of the Golden West Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pires Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robles Mr. and Mrs. Ned Roscoe Mr. Ernest A. Rota Rotary Club of Napa Mr. Gregory Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Ms. Darla Viau

5-9 Years

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Alvarado Padilla Amazon Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit #113 Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. Rob Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Atchison Athletic Feat, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Agnes Bailey Balletto Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Ms. Stephanie V. Beaurain Ms. Deidre H. Bell Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Dr. Teresa Bonzani Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose

AVANTI 2020 53

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bremer Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Buster’s Southern Barbecue Cakebread Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. Sean Capiaux and Dr. Gina Capiaux Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ’98 and Mrs. Brittany Cassayre Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ceccatti Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ’75 Colgin Cellars Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. Luigi Dagnino and Mrs. Franccesca Farfan Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Electronic Script Donor Far Niente Winery Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arcneaux Favreau ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos

Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. Allyn Gilbert ’75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ’76 Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Grieve Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Guttersen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hagberg Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Clark K. Hallam Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herriott Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Dr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Joseph Phelps Vineyards Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. Patrick Kiser ’84 Ms. Kelly Lann ’84 Mr. Brandon LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mrs. Jill M. Levy Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Ms. Janet Llana Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Lowe Mr. Darren Maloney ’87 Mary’s Pizza Shack

Mr. Thomas McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mi Sueno Winery Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mr. Joel Miroglio ’78 and Mrs. Naomi Okun Miroglio Ms. Eileen M. Mize Mr. John B. Moore, Jr. ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Col. Justin Nast, MD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neidhoefer Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Nina McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Palla Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Paradigm Winery Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pedisich Mr. Paul Quinones and Mrs. Piper Murray Quinones ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ricetti Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Richied Mr. Robert F. Roche Ms. Nathaly Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Mr. Bradley Saunders and Mrs. Lisa Saunders Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund

Mr. Brian T. Sheekey and Mrs. Sally Sheekey Ms. Eileen Simmons Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Ms. Kathy Sparlin Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Captain Christopher L. Stathos ’73 and Mrs. Marylee McGee Stathos Sun House Flowers Mr. Eric Sweigert ’08 and Mrs. Jamie Hodgkin Sweigert Dr. Artoteles Tandinco and Dr. Imelda Tandinco Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tapia The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation The Presentation School Mr. Huy Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen Tran ’89 Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Armando Velasco Villa Corona Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villasenor Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vlaming von Strasser Winery Mr. Timothy J. Wahle ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Walsh Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Whitehall Lane Winery Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wing Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Wright Yary Sports Photography ZD Wines Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zheng

in kind gift donations The following individuals and businesses provide support for special events and gatherings that fund capital improvements, student programs, and foster community engagement on and off the Justin-Siena campus. We are grateful for the incredible in-kind donations received during the 2018-19 school year. 3 Badge Beverage Corporation A & F Electric, Inc. Alpha Omega Winery Ms. Pamela J. Anderson Antica Napa Valley Artesa Vineyards and Winery Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Aubert Wines Baldacci Family Vineyards Balletto Vineyards Balloons Above the Valley Barnett Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Bell Wine Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton

54 AVANTI 2020

Benessere Vineyards Black Stallion Estate Winery Blackbird Vineyards Blanchard’s Fried Chicken Blue Note Napa Boeschen Vineyards Broman Cellars Cakebread Cellars Mr. Sean Capiaux and Dr. Gina Capiaux Cartelligent Castello di Amorosa Caymus Vineyards Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Colgin Cellars

Corison Winery Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Darioush Don Sebastiani & Sons Duckhorn Wine Company Far Niente Winery Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Floradanica Foodshed Take Away Frog’s Leap Winery Ms. Berenice Garvan Gorin Tennis Gott’s Roadside Grgich Hills Estate

Groth Vineyards and Winery Harlan Estate Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Heitz Wine Cellars he-li-an-thus wine Mr. Michael J. Hengehold ’88 and Mrs. Rebecca Nagel Hengehold ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Inglenook Vineyard Jack Winery Jackson Family Wines Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Jacuzzi Family Vineyards and The Olive Press

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Dr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Kopra Ladera Vineyards Laird Family Estate Las Alcobas, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Napa Valley Lede Family Wines Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Levy & McClellan Lloyd Cellars Madonna Estate Markham Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Michael Mondavi Family Estate Mr. David Miner

Miner Family Winery Miracle Hill Vineyards Ms. Eileen M. Mize Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Morlet Family Vineyards Napa Valley Cooking School Napa Valley Savings Book Napa Valley Wine Train Nina McLemore Olivewood Ranch Olive Oil Opus One Winery Orin Swift Cellars O’Shaughnessy Estate Winery Palmaz Vineyards Panevino Food for Wine Pangloss Cellars Paradigm Winery Pavi Wines Peju Province Winery

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Pride Mountain Vineyards Mr. Mark A. Rappaport ’72 and Mrs. Jean Rappaport Repris Wines Reynolds Family Winery Salvestrin Winery Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Savage and Cooke An American Distillery Schramsberg Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. August D. Sebastiani ’98 and Mrs. Allison Sebastiani Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Shafer Vineyards Silver Oak Cellars Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC

Sojourn Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Jesus G. Solis Spring Mountain Vineyard St. Michael’s High School Staglin Family Vineyard Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars Sun House Flowers The Westin Verasa Napa Tom Eddy Winery Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Torkelson Trefethen Family Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates Villa Corona Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Whitehall Lane Winery ZD Wines Ms. Fanna Zhang

AVANTI 2020 55


justin-siena endowed scholarships Gifts to Endowed Scholarship Funds of Justin-Siena offer a unique opportunity for our benefactors to assist in fulfilling our mission. Benefactors can establish, in perpetuity, an endowed scholarship fund in their own name, a family name, or in memory or in honor of a loved one. On behalf of the students supported by the named Endowed Scholarship Funds in the 2018-19 fiscal year, we thank these donors. Brother Conrad Kearney Scholarship Mr. Gregory Durbin ’75 Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Frederick & Victoria Carlson Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Richard Janese Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan John Korte III Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Doherty Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Ms. Susan Mooney PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. Daniel Priest Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Jess Romero Scholarship Ms. Virginia Romero Rev. Antonio Valdivia Enaid Jones/Dominican Sisters of San Rafael Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name Alex H. Urban Memorial Scholarship Ms. Alison Bretches ’95 Damian Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship Benevity Community Impact Fund Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. and Mrs. Todd Eckblad Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Ms. Tricia Vela Veronica Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Ms. Amy Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. John P. Zimmermann

56 AVANTI 2020


Community scholarships Members of the Class of 2019 were awarded the following community scholarships recognizing outstanding student achievement in academics, service, the arts, and athletics. We are grateful for such community support. American Legion Auxiliary Napa Unit 113 Scholarship August Sebastiani Scholarship Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship California Scholarship Federation Justin-Siena Chapter (5) Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship in Memory of Mary Ellen Wahle (3) Ed Weber Memorial Scholarship John Biale Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Brent Gularte Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship (4) Napa County 4-H Sponsoring Committee Scholarship Napa County Bar Association Scholarship Napa County Bar Association Scholarship in Memory of Damian Maldonado Napa County Hispanic Network Scholarship (2) Napa Parlor No. 62, Native Sons of the Golden West Scholarship (2) Napa Valley College—Burrell Wilson Mathematics Scholarship Napa Valley College—Elks Larison Scholarship (2) Napa Valley College Foundation Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation— Fruit of the Vine Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation— Julian Weidler Business Scholarship Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship (2) National Honor Society Scholarship (2) Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship Paul Sheffer Memorial Scholarship Paulette Cormack Memorial Scholarship PFLAG Napa Award Richard Janese Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa Scholarship (Napa Noontime Rotary) Shannon Lemieux Memorial Arts Scholarship (2) Shannon Nicole Lemieux Aquatic Scholarship (2) Sons of Italy Napa Lodge 2043 Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship Yountville FOCUS Scholarship

AVANTI 2020 57


Honor & memorial gift program A gift to the Honor-Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The recipient of an Honor-Memorial gift will be remembered in the prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses and Prayer Services throughout the school year.

In Honor of Thomas McDermott Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Cardiology Consultants of Napa Valley

In Memory of Greg Cavelo ’89 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Fred & Victoria Carlson (Frederick & Victoria Carlson Memorial Scholarship) Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Sister Jeremy Carmody, OP Robert H. Zeller, Attorney at Law Collin Chadwick ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Robert Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Brenda Frommelt Cross Country Teams of 1979 and 1980 Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Joseph Burke Gerlach Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Rafael Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Paul Hoff Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Adelbert John Ianziti Mrs. Cassandra Lely Bost ’03 and Mr. Chris Bost Mr. Ryan Lazarus and Ms. Natalia Lely Lazarus ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lely Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Mark John Ianziti Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Richard J. Janese (Richard J. Janese Scholarship) Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janese, Jr. Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Rochelle “Shelley” Jovick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott

58 AVANTI 2020

Brother Conrad Kearney Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Shannon Lemieux ’06 (Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship) Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Ms. Susan Mooney Mr. Daniel Priest PG&E Company/Employee Giving Peter McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Robert Morrish (Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship) Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Brother Patrick J. O’Brien Ms. and Mrs. Barry Shotts Ben Parker (Berghout) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Patrick Savage ’00 (Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship) Dr. John W. Daw ’99 and Mrs. Katherine Candland Daw The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Mr. David Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Sinclair ’99 Kathleen Springer ’02 (Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship) Ms. Susanna Springer Justin Tolbert ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Br. Bede Van Duren Ms. and Mrs. Barry Shotts Damian Vela (Damian Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship) Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Ms. Tricia Vela Benevity Community Impact Fund Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Veronica Zimmerman ’09 (Veronica Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship) Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Ms. Amy Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Schwab Charitable Fund


Fund a Need Gifts 2019 (400-Wing Air Conditioning) We are most grateful to the following donors to the 2019 Fund-A-Need. Much needed air conditioning was installed in the spring of 2019 over Easter Break! Mr. Naufahu Anitoni ’15 Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Ms. Jean Bernier Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Dr. Teresa Bonzani Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. Joseph Devine and Mrs. Tracy Desrociers Devine ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. Michael P. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gardner Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Ginn Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and

Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Adam Green Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Ms. Molly Gyetvan Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Ms. Daria Hosseinian Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mr. Rich Johnson and Mrs. Shannon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Michael Laukert Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mrs. Jill M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley

AVANTI 2020 59

Ways to give | supporting justin-siena Justin-Siena High School investors know that their donations reaps incredible dividends. Our young people go out into the community stronger servant leaders, and formed in an exceptionally loving, challenging, and spiritual environment. There are a number of ways you can support Justin-Siena.

Individual Philanthropy

Business Community Support

>J ustin-Siena Fund W hether you are a parent, alumni, past parent, or friend, your

> Braves Alliance

support of the Justin-Siena Fund on an annual basis assures that Justin-Siena can continue to transform lives who serve and lead in an ever changing world. Justin- Siena relies on the continued involvement, and generosity of our alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, and friends to guarantee that our programs foster growth and provide opportunities for student growth in each academic year. All gifts can be made throughout the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) and are reflected in the Annual Report published on a yearly basis. The Justin-Siena Fund annually supports the school’s greatest needs from tuition assistance, cocurricular programming, faculty professional development, and much more.

> Alumni Generations Fund Every year, children of Justin-Siena alumni join the freshman class, which strengthens the community and builds lasting legacies. To ensure that alumni families will always be a part of the school’s great legacy, and regardless of their ability to afford tuition, annual gifts to the Alumni Generations Fund will provide support for tuition assistance for alumni children. Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org/support.

Endowed Scholarship Funds

Named Endowed Scholarship Funds offer a unique opportunity to our benefactors to assist in fulfilling our mission and to establish a lasting memory for future generations. For more information about creating a named endowed fund, contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 641.

Matching Gifts

Many employers participate in a matching gift program. This is a tremendous benefit that can double or even triple your gift to Justin-Siena. Check with your human resources department for matching gift forms.

60 AVANTI 2020

The Braves Alliance is a special way for businesses to support all Justin-Siena co-curricular programs all the while receiving the benefits of being a sponsor. A Braves Alliance sponsor has their business read at major games, publication of the business name on our website and other publications, as well as a banner with the company logo. The Braves Alliance is a great way to use a company’s marketing dollars to support our students.

Signature Events

Every year the school needs the support of businesses and families to put on our signature events. Gifts in kind are always welcome to ensure our events are successful, as well as sponsors who make sure each event is wildly successful.

> Access 707 For five decades Justin-Siena has played a vital role in shaping the Valley. Generations of wine industry professionals from grape growers to tasting room proprietors from Napa, Sonoma, and beyond make up the fabric of Justin-Siena. ACCESS 707 is an exclusive collection of wines from wineries directly or from the private collections of those in our community. All proceeds benefit the students of Justin-Siena, and especially tuition assistance.

> Crab FesT Annually held in late January or the early days of February, the Justin-Siena Crab Fest is a great time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones, and have some awesome crab. The largest event of the year, the Crab Fest enters its 36th year in 2021 and you won’t want to miss out. Plus every year the silent and live auction, and fund a need, proceeds benefit every program and student on campus.

> Taste of Justin-Siena A party with a purpose, the Taste of Justin-Siena will be as the name implies. The wineries, breweries, restaurants, distilleries, and more of our Justin-Siena community (past and present) will come together all in the name of tuition assistance. Come join the fun on May 15, 2020!

shape the future and make a gift today!

Your investment transforms lives Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders You play a vital role in ensuring access to a Lasallian Catholic educational experience that prepares young people to serve and to lead in our ever-changing world.

Our Lasallian Catholic mission transforms lives and impacts communities, and your investment of support makes that possible. As evidenced in this issue of Avanti, Justin-Siena takes seriously our call to develop servant leaders who understand their education has a purpose beyond the important knowledge and experiences we provide.

Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org/support or use the enclosed, addressed envelope.


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4026 MAHER STREET, NAPA, CA 94558 T: 707.255.0950 | F: 707.255.0334 www.justin-siena.org

parents of alumni: If your son or daughter no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of their new mailing address at 707.255.0950 ext. 645 or alumni@justin-siena.org.


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