2 minute read
Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore
Pauline Loh
Key Features
• his is the onl book chronicling Singapore lion and dragon dance in English
• eatures writeups o lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never been recorded be ore in an English publicatons
• ocuments the d ing ar orm o lion and dragon dance in Singapore
Lion dance has been in Singapore since the 1930s and is closely connected with the Chinese clans that organised the frst troupes, with some of these clans hailing as far back as the 1800s. Chronicling the histor o lion dance, there ore, is akin to chronicling the pioneering ears o our naton. However, ew books document the histor o this art orm in Singapore.
his book is the frst o its kind to introduce the histor , culture, sport and per ormance art that is lion and dragon dance in English. t will cover the t pes o dances and costumes, s mbolisms and values embedded in the lion and dragon dance communites. t will tell the stories o Singaporean lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never be ore appeared in an English publicatons. t will also eature interviews with current leaders in the communit and share our hopes or the uture o the art orm in Singapore.
Pauline Loh is an award winning author with 30 ears o writng e perience. She has published 2 adult non fcton books, 6 outh books and 9 children s stor books. s a creatve writng teacher, she has 60 weekl students and conducts author visits in schools. She graduated rom Singapore Chinese Girls School, a es unior College and atonal Universit o Singapore, and was ormerl a ournalist, maga ine editor and book editor. She is happil married with three children.
Cover Available Soon
January 2023
978 98 26 098 8
978 98 26 209 8
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 60pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Asian Studies
Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collecton sian Culture Literar Studies
Literature Culture Studies
Keywords: Lion ance ragon ance Chinese Culture Singapore Per orming rts Histor Chinese Pioneers Kung u artal rts Lion and ragon ance roupes Hok San Gong Chow Hui Koon hou ia uan u hou ragon Chin Woo ssociaton
Readership: Lion and dragon dance enthusiasts, historians, culture enthusiasts, Chinese people, martal arts enthusiasts verseas lion and dragon dance troupes. verseas Chinese
• cknowledgements
• Pre ace
• History:
Lion and Dragon Lore
Advent of the Lion and the Dragon History of Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore
Pioneers Remembered Current leaders Speak Being a Trainee Values
• Culture:
Lion and Dragon Species
Crafing a Lion and a Dragon
The Lion and the Dragon Play
The Lion’s and Dragon’s Companions
The Lion’s and Dragon’s Band Symbolisms in Lion and Dragon Dance
• Sport: Training
• Lion and Dragons of the Future: Lions and Dragons at Large Lions and Dragons of the Future — Call to Acton
• nde