Jan-Feb - 2023 new titles - World Scientific

Page 7

Modernizaton of China’s Agricultural Producton Organizaton

Central China Normal University, China

Author Translated by

Zhejiang Gongshang University, China

Xue Li

Zhejiang Gongshang University, China


This book constructs a new theoretcal framework for understanding contemporary Chinese agricultural producton organizatons from the perspectve of promotng farmers’ realizaton of “substantal freedom” and “feasible ability”. he new theoretcal ramework deepens and e pands the theor o agricultural moderni aton and producton organi aton. he book discusses the mult s mbiosis pa ern o agricultural producton organi atons in contemporar China rom macro and micro economics perspectves. ased on the peasant household econom , this mult s mbiosis organi atonal structure co e ists and interweaves with various orms o economic organi atons. he book points out that this mult s mbiosis organi atonal structure is the result o ree choice o the ma orit o armers since the re orm and opening up in turn, it also provides a broader organi atonal and insttutonal space or armers urther diversifed and ree choice. he book predicts that China s agricultural producton organi aton networking will graduall move towards networking based on diversifcaton and also orm networked organi aton groups.

Author & Translators

CAO Yang is a pro essor and doctoral supervisor at the School o Economics and usiness dministraton, Central China ormal Universit . He has been a visitng scholar at the Universit o ueensland and the Universit o Cambridge. He is a member o the cademic Commi ee, Central China ormal Universit and director o the cademic Commi ee o School o Economics and usiness dministraton.

He has published fve monographs in Chinese, including he Choice o Histor he evelopment Histor o arket Econom , Stud on Contemporar Chinese ural icroeconomic rgani aton orm, etc. n additon, he has published fve English papers in internatonal ournals such as sian Economic ournal, and more than 70 papers in Chinese in domestc ournals such as Economist, Economic Perspectves and Chinese ural Econom .

DONG Ming was a pro essor o translaton at he iang Gongshang Universit be ore she retred in 2020. She graduated rom Shanghai nternatonal Studies Universit with a aster s degree in English and merican Literature in 989.

LI Xue is a translator and English teacher. Li ue graduated rom Shanghai nternatonal Studies Universit (S SU) with a aster s degree in English Language and Literature in 2006. Since then she has been teaching courses to undergraduates in he iang Gongshang Universit ( GSU).

January 2023

£150 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 226 7

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series on Chinese Economics esearch

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: China Studies; Asian usiness anagement evelopmental Economics General Economics acroeconomics icroeconomics

Keywords: Contemporar China gricultural Producton rgani aton Substantal reedom ultple S mbiosis etwork rgani aton Group

Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in the studies o agricultural organi atons in China and China s rural econom

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• nal tcal ramework reedom and rgani aton

• he Historical Conte t and nherent Logic o the ransiton o gricultural Producton rgani aton in Contemporar China

nterpretaton ased on Peasants reedom

• Pluralism and S mbiosis he asic ramework o the gricultural Producton rgani aton in Contemporar China

• rans orming Small arming he Ke to the oderni aton o gricultural Producton rgani atons in Contemporar China

• Who rgani es Peasant Cooperatve rgani atons and Whom to rgani e

• etworking in the oderni aton o gricultural Producton rgani atons in Contemporar China

• nde

• erword

• List o uthors Publicatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Human Values within China’s New-Age Benevolence


Henry Kissinger observed, “Everybody wants to be a China hawk.” China is a bull . China is a i German . China commits genocide. China disrupts the internatonal rules based order. esponding to such unin ormed generali aton on the nature o China s regime and its lack o human values, the Western Liberal emocracies have created their own China Problem b clinging to Cold War anachronism. he clash o values is not nearl as deep and e tensive as is o en claimed. urthermore, the contemporar public discourse on China needs a complete assessment o the values that have emerged in i inping s China. i is regarded as red like ao. i, however, has abandoned ao s view o class struggle and his noton o a rejuvenated China embraces traditonal core principles that ao bi erl condemned. “Ren”, or “benevolence”, or e ample, now in orms entwined domestc and oreign polic as moderate prosperity in all respects . Ren”, or benevolence is aligned with “common security” and “common development”. he ueston is whether this is a positve restoraton o traditonal values that will contribute to domestc development and internatonal peace, or restoratonist iddle Kingdom ism designed to assert Chinese values worldwide. his book s anal sis o Chinese values argues that the current interpretaton o the China hreat is predicated in a serious misunderstanding o Chinese values.

t is o en commented that China is the defning geopolitcal issues o our tme . his book is an especiall tmel contributon to the currentl limited public polic debate on China as a threat to Western values and the internatonal rules based s stem . Correcton is long overdue with re erence to speculatve assumptons that i inping s regime represents a return to ao s regime. “Socialism with Chinese characteristcs” has signifcantl moved on under i s leadership. H perbole about China has presumed the contnuaton o Chinese Cold War ideolog and has either lightl commented on, or ignored altogether the resurgence o core traditonal ideas in Chinese polic ormaton. his book provides detailed research o i inping hought and i inping iplomatc hought . t adopts a widel construed, but serious interdisciplinar , approach towards the China Problem , drawing on both the social sciences and humanites. his wide angled approach includes new sinolog in its recent review o translated China , s nthesi ing traditon and culture with the development o modern Chinese ideolog , politcs and polic ormaton. he book s signifcant topicalit is presented within an unconventonal approach and orma ed contents designed to reach out to the biggest circle o general and advanced, China interested readers in a tme o the great debate.


Ronald Colin Keith completed his Ph at the School o riental and rican Studies. He retred as Pro essor o China Studies, in 20 7, rom Gri th Universit , athan Campus, risbane. Keith has published co published and edited 6 books relatng to China and sia. E ample ttles include Zhou Enlai’s Diplomacy; China’s Struggle for the Rule of Law; Law and Justce in China’s New Marketplace; New Crime in China: Public Order and Human Rights; China’s Supreme Court, Deng Xiaoping and China’s Foreign Policy. Keith also published co published 48 artcles in leading China, internatonal relatons, and politcal studies ournals including the ollowing sample ttles Chinese Politcs and the New Theory of the “Rule of Law” Legislatng Women and Children’s “Rights and Interests” in China; The “Falungong Problem”: Politcs and the Struggle for the Rule of Law in China, SARS in Chinese Politcs and Law; The Origins and Strategic Implicatons of China’s “Independent Foreign Policy”; The Post-Cold War Politcal Symmetry of Russo-Chinese Bilateralism: Strategic Ambiguity and the New Bush Administraton’s China Threat.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series on Contemporar China

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: China Studies; Asian Politcs Societ sian Economies sian usiness anagement Social ssues

Human Securit

Keywords: Chinese alues under i inping he China hreat in nternatonal elatons East West Comparison o Human ustce and the ule o Law in China and the Western Liberal emocracies Chinese Politcs, Law, Culture and Societ Post Globali aton and Chinese esponse to oreign rade and nvestment

Comparison o the Supreme Courts o China, UK and US

Readership: cademics, polic makers, graduate and undergraduate students, pro essionals interested in China studies, Chinese politcs, Chinese governance, Chinese societ , Chinese histor , Chinese response to oreign trade and investment

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£125 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-931-9

• ntroductor ote

• List o llustratons

• agistrate a s “Justce” and the General Secretar s “Benevolence”

• a atches Concepts (Ge i) with US and UK Supreme Court udges

• Enter Centre Stage, Western Law Pro essors with “Bugles Blowing”

• he Giant Kangaroo Serves as the unning og o the US

• Part Corrupton and the “Supremacy of law”

• Sir Edward s enda raton on the “Rule of Law” vs. stopia

• he ankee mbassador e uses to “Call a Stag a Horse”

• magining China Polic that Supports Human alues

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revoluton

Volume 2: Micro Intellectual History through De-central Lenses

Chih-yu Shih Natonal Taiwan University, Taiwan

Mariko Tanigaki The University of Tokyo, Japan

Key Features

• Provides insight in contemporar China caught b the triad o the C pandemics, US China rivalr , and China rising

• Presents a pluriversal st le o anal sis to abide b neither Euro nor Sino centrism

• races the unu ered legacies in the nuanced a er streams o the Cultural evoluton without privileging an canonical narratves

• Enables mult perspectve (e.g. gender, ethnicit , diaspora, colon , personalit , intellectual growth, and cosmopolitan) and mult sited (e.g. ussia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, China, the UK, and ongolia) comparison o the impacts o evolving ideologies


How did the Great Proletarian Cultural Revoluton afect everyone’s lives? Wh did people openl give awa their identtes to adopt revolutonar roles and dutes How did people, who lived with di erent sel understandings and social relatons, inevitabl ac uire and practce revolutonar identtes, each in their own light

his book plunges into the conte ts o these concerns to seek di erent relatons that reveal the evoluton s di erent meanings. urthermore, this book shows that scholars o the Cultural evoluton encountered emotonal and intellectual challenges as the cared about the real people who owned an identt resource that could trigger an imagined thread o solidarit in their minds.

he authors believe that the evoluton s magnitude and pervasive scope alwa s resulted in individuali ed engagements that have signifcant and di ering conse uences or those struggling in their micro conte t. t has impacted a uture with unpredictable collectve implicatons in terms o ethnicit , gender, memor , scholarship, or career. he Cultural evoluton is, there ore, an evolving relaton beneath the rise o China that will neither ade awa nor sancton integratve paths.


Professor Chih-yu Shih teaches China studies, anthropolog o knowledge and internatonal relatons theor in the epartment o Politcal Science o atonal aiwan Universit in the capacit o atonal Chair and Universit Chair.

Mariko Tanigaki (Ph ) is Pro essor in the epartment o rea Studies, he Universit o ok o. Her research interests cover contemporar Hong Kong studies and southern China studies.

Tina S Clemente is a Pro essor and the ssistant to the ean or cademic airs at the sian Center, Universit o the Philippines iliman. She earned a Ph and in economics and a S in business economics at the same universit . Her research interests include China Studies, Philippines China economic relatons, development studies, and economic histor . She is editor in chie o the Chinese Studies ournal and is the lead editor o China Studies in the Philippines ntellectual Paths and the ormaton o a ield (20 8, outledge).

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: China Studies; Asian Politcs Societ sian Histor nternatonal elatons Politcal Science

Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit

Keywords: he Cultural evoluton

China Studies aoism ussian

Sinolog ongolian atonalit ritsh roadcast Compan he Philippines

Gender Studies i inping Hong Kong

Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in China studies, China s Cultural evoluton, ethnicit studies, Chinese histor , Hong Kong studies, intellectual histor , ournalism

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£70 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 089 6
Tina S Clemente University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

• rom ron Girls to Greed Girls Gender arking Stabilit and Chaos be ore and a er the Cultural evoluton

• China s inorites in the Post Cultural evoluton Scholarship Case Stud o nner ongolia

• ussian Sinolog uring the USS P C ivalr , Late Soviet and Post Soviet Periods ra ectories o Evoluton

• Cross re ecton on evelopment ecollectng China, Contemplatng the Philippines

• Hong Kong as a ase or China Watching and the Growth o ron S Weng s Scholarship

• ritsh edia Coverage o the Earl Cultural evoluton, 966 969

• Cultural evoluton and the aking o i inping

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

Key Features

• his is the onl book chronicling Singapore lion and dragon dance in English

• eatures writeups o lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never been recorded be ore in an English publicatons

• ocuments the d ing ar orm o lion and dragon dance in Singapore


Lion dance has been in Singapore since the 1930s and is closely connected with the Chinese clans that organised the frst troupes, with some of these clans hailing as far back as the 1800s. Chronicling the histor o lion dance, there ore, is akin to chronicling the pioneering ears o our naton. However, ew books document the histor o this art orm in Singapore.

his book is the frst o its kind to introduce the histor , culture, sport and per ormance art that is lion and dragon dance in English. t will cover the t pes o dances and costumes, s mbolisms and values embedded in the lion and dragon dance communites. t will tell the stories o Singaporean lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never be ore appeared in an English publicatons. t will also eature interviews with current leaders in the communit and share our hopes or the uture o the art orm in Singapore.


Pauline Loh is an award winning author with 30 ears o writng e perience. She has published 2 adult non fcton books, 6 outh books and 9 children s stor books. s a creatve writng teacher, she has 60 weekl students and conducts author visits in schools. She graduated rom Singapore Chinese Girls School, a es unior College and atonal Universit o Singapore, and was ormerl a ournalist, maga ine editor and book editor. She is happil married with three children.

Cover Available Soon

January 2023


978 98 26 098 8


978 98 26 209 8

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 60pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collecton sian Culture Literar Studies

Literature Culture Studies

Keywords: Lion ance ragon ance Chinese Culture Singapore Per orming rts Histor Chinese Pioneers Kung u artal rts Lion and ragon ance roupes Hok San Gong Chow Hui Koon hou ia uan u hou ragon Chin Woo ssociaton

Readership: Lion and dragon dance enthusiasts, historians, culture enthusiasts, Chinese people, martal arts enthusiasts verseas lion and dragon dance troupes. verseas Chinese

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• cknowledgements

• Pre ace

• History:

Lion and Dragon Lore

Advent of the Lion and the Dragon History of Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

Pioneers Remembered Current leaders Speak Being a Trainee Values

• Culture:

Lion and Dragon Species

Crafing a Lion and a Dragon

The Lion and the Dragon Play

The Lion’s and Dragon’s Companions

The Lion’s and Dragon’s Band Symbolisms in Lion and Dragon Dance

• Sport: Training

• Lion and Dragons of the Future: Lions and Dragons at Large Lions and Dragons of the Future — Call to Acton

• nde

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Immigrant Integraton in Contemporary Singapore

Solutoning Amidst Challenges

Key Features

• Structured and signposted to encompass a wide variet o perspectves vis vis the issue o immigrant integraton in Singapore

• imel publicaton or the perusal o academics and polic practtoners, given the prevailing socio politcal climate and heightened interest in immigraton and natonalit

• Provides a contemporar re resh on the topic o immigrant integraton in Singapore, incorporatng more practcal and ground oriented chapters over and above traditonal academic pieces


Singapore’s success as a global city is in no small part atributable to its stance on foreign labour and immigrants, illustrated by a largely welcoming but discerning immigraton regime to fulfl vital socio-economic needs. However, this airl liberal polic on immigraton has been met with substantal dis uiet over the last decade. enophobic tendencies have sur aced periodicall and have been compounded b the Covid 9 pandemic.

his edited volume spotlights these contemporar issues on immigrant integraton in Singapore, and adopts a unctonal approach b e plicitl bridging academic and practtoner perspectves. he chapters are organised into three sectons. he frst secton on Challenges discusses various dominant trends obstacles to immigrant integraton based on ethnicit , culture and religion, and the ear and associated emotons that characterise reactons to immigraton. he second secton ocuses on Communites, their perspectves and lived e periences in Singapore societ . he la er di er substantall depending on migrant statuses and are contngent on social capital defned in relaton to locals in the cit state. he last secton seeks to illustrate the various Solutoning endeavours in tandem with the contentous nature o immigraton. hese concrete e orts range rom ground up initatves, communit based collaboratve approaches and polic shi s all seeking to advance immigrant integraton in Singapore.


Mathew Mathews is Head, PS Social Lab and Principal esearch ellow at the nsttute o Polic Studies ( PS), atonal Universit o Singapore. He has conducted over 50 research pro ects e amining social cohesion, identt and inclusion issues. hese have spanned the substantve areas o race, religion, immigrant integraton, povert , ageing and amil .

Melvin Tay is esearch ssociate at the nsttute o Polic Studies Social Lab, atonal Universit o Singapore ( US). His research interests lie at the intersecton o politcs and societ , with a ocus on societal ault lines, their signifcance and their management via polic instruments and communit pla orms. He has scoped, managed and contributed to several public sector commissioned pro ects on race, religion, immigraton, class, se ualit , age and educaton ke ault lines in the Singapore conte t.

January 2023

£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 752 9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 350pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collecton sian Politcs Societ Social ssues

Human Securit Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Southeast sia

Keywords: mmigraton ntegraton Singapore dentt igraton igrant Cit enship ultculturalism

Readership: cademics and polic practoners in the feld o migraton, with a special ocus on migraton issues in Singapore

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• cknowledgements

• Pre ace Primer to mmigrant ntegraton in Contemporar Singapore

• Challenges:

Impact of Covid-19 on Immigrant Perceptons and Relatons (Mathew Mathews and Melvin Tay)

Viewing Ourselves and Others: Diferences, Disconnects and Divides among Locals and Immigrants in Singapore (Lai Ah Eng)

Regional Similarites and the Illusion of Unity: Asian Foreign Talent and the Lack of Integraton in Singapore (Catherine Gomes)

Fearing the Foreign: Dissectng Dicey Discourses of Local Emotonal Responses towards Immigrants (Teo Kay Key and Yap Jia Hui )

• Communites:

Integraton of Migrant Labour in Singapore (Danielle Hong)

Birthplace and Belonging: Negotatng Local-born and China-born Chinese Identtes in Immigrant Integraton (Teo Kay Key and Alicia Wang)

What do the Masses Think? Themes of Immigrant Integraton in Chinese Forum Leters (Clara Lee)

Contemporary Issues of Integratng New Indian Immigrants in Singapore (Ritu Jain and Shanthini Selvarajan)

Perspectves of High Net-Worth Indian Immigrants on Natonal Integraton (Chitra Rajaram)

Cultural Stress and Ethnic Identty: Korean Adolescents in Singapore (Chung You Jin)

• Solutoning:

The Journey to Citzenship: Civic Integraton and Multculturalism in the Singapore Citzenship Quiz (Debbie Soon)

Making Singapore Feel Like Home: The Role of Grassroots Volunteers in Facilitatng Migrant Integraton (Rebecca Grace Tan)

Migrant Workers Colabs: Convening and Empowering the Ecosystem (Gloria Arlini, Brian Theng and Melissa Kwee)

Immigrant Associatons in Singapore and their Role in Promotng Integraton (Mathew Mathews and Zhang Jiayi )

The Way Forward: Engagement, Dialogue, and Ground-up Initatves Integral to Integraton (Melvin Tay and Mathew Mathews)

• bout the Contributors

• bout the Editors

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Managing Informaton Technology Projects

Building a Body of Knowledge in IT Project Management

Srinath Perera

Western Sydney University, Australia

Robert Eadie

Ulster University, UK

Key Features

• his book aims to initate the development o the specialist od o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement , also learning rom relevant e periences rom other sectors such as constructon, aerospace and health among others, where pro ect management is well established and success ull practsed

• his book is designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management, e.g., elevatng the knowledge o novices current best practce levels, while providing pointers to e perienced practtoners on areas or potental improvement, based on a wider arra o lessons learned

• he book will also provide students, researchers and other academics with important insights into how best to appreciate and appl , as well as adapt and develop relevant principles o pro ect management in pro ect scenarios


Informaton Technology project management has changed dramatcally over recent years. rawing on the e periences o success ul pro ect management be ond the industr and s nergi ing cu ng edge research with well established practces in the industr , this book prefgures the ne t normal in pro ect management.

s a milestone publicaton, this book augments and boosts the speciali ed bod o knowledge in pro ect management b capturing and consolidatng ke elements o this knowledge base. Chapters are presented in our distnct sectons, each e amining a di erent aspect o pro ect management which includes generic pro ect management methodologies teambuilding in relaton to stakeholder management the ron riangle o ime, Cost, ualit , and isk and new and innovatve technologies and so ware or improved pro ect management. Substantated case studies and practcal guidelines are designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management rom novices to e perienced practtoners, while collectvel elevatng the bod o knowledge and skills needed. his book aims to upgrade and update the knowledge o current practce to novices o er pointers to e perienced practtoners on potental areas or improvement and provide innovatve insights to undergraduates, researchers and other academics on the development, appreciaton and applicaton o pro ect management knowledge.


Srinath Perera is the ounding irector o the Centre or Smart odern Constructon at the Western S dne Universit . He holds a Ph rom the Universit o Sal ord and is a pioneer in the feld o constructon in ormatcs b integratng technologies to constructon and pro ect management. He has over 30 ears o e perience internatonall in the constructon sector, o which 8 ears was based in the United Kingdom. He is oard member o the nternatonal Council or esearch and nnovaton in uilding and Constructon (C , www. cibworld.org).

Robert Eadie is an cademic Lead or Civil Engineering at Ulster Universit and a Sc Civil and n rastructure Engineering Course irector. He is responsible or pu ng together the frst Civil Engineering pprentceship to aster s egree Level in the United Kingdom.

January 2023

£130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 057 7

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 480pp

Type: eview olume

Series: omain Specifc odies o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: nnovaton echnolog

Knowledge n ormaton anagement S stems Engineering intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance So ware Engineering


Keywords: anaging Pro ects n ormaton echnolog Pro ect anagement nnovatve echnolog

Readership: Undergraduates, research insttutes, pro ect management practtoners and pro essional bodies in pro ect management

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• anaging Pro ects he Case or Consolidatng and eveloping an Pro ect anagement od o Knowledge

• Generic Project Management Methodologies, Their Applicability to IT Project Management and Current IT Project Management Methodologies and Practces:

Overview of Generic Project Management Methodologies, Frameworks and Standards

Partcular Context, Priorites, Constraints and Trends of Informaton Technology Projects (Projects vs IT Projects)

Comparison of Selected IT Project Management Methodologies with Generic Project Management Methodologies

Case Studies on Applicatons, Challenges, Successes, Failures of (selected) IT Project Management Methodology

• IT Project Management Teams & Stakeholders:

IT Project Stakeholders and Responsibilites in Diferent Project Management Methodologies

IT Project Teams

The Role of the Project manager in IT Projects

Case Studies and Discussion

• Critcal Managerial Elements in the Iron Triangle — to Reconcile the Triple Targets of Time, Cost, Quality/Specifcaton/ Performance:

Project Time and Cost Management

Project Quality Management

Project Risk Management

Successfully Delivering Large IT Programmes

Learning from Other Domains/Sectors in Project Management

• New and Innovatve Technologies and Sofware for Improved Project Management:

So ware or ime and Cost anagement

So ware or ualit anagement or Pro ect anagement in uture

Case Studies and iscussion


World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Governance and Financial Performance

Current Trends and Perspectves

Emilios Galariots

Audencia Business School, France

Alexandros Garefalakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Christos Lemonakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Key Features

Marios Menexiadis

Aegean Airlines, Greece

Constantn Zopounidis

Technical University of Crete, Greece

• his book proposes a novel ramework or combining the Corporate Governance ramework (CG ) with up to date corporate fnance topics

• he book will per orm a signifcant role in enhancing the understanding o the Contemporar Environment to a great e tent. oth researchers and practtoners working in the feld o Corporate Governance will highl beneft rom it

• his book will be ver use ul because there are onl a limited number o books in the market that provide a good collecton o state o the art re erences on prosperous investment decisions


This book focuses on corporate governance and proposes a novel framework for combining the Corporate Governance Framework (CGF) with current corporate fnance issues arising in the Contemporary Business Environment (CBE) and cointegratng them with today’s business needs. It consists of a good collecton of state-of-the-art approaches that will be useful for new researchers and practtoners working in this feld, helping them to quickly grasp the current state of corporate governance and corporate fnancial performance.

Good corporate governance is not onl important or companies, but also or the societ . o begin with, good corporate governance strengthens the public s aith and trust in corporate governance. Legislatve processes were developed to protect the societ rom known threats and prevent problems rom occurring or recurring. ecent corporate scandals shed light on the impact that corporatons have on social responsibilit . he new ocus on the corporate governance ramework increases the responsibilit and accountabilit o companies to their stakeholders and provides a solid ramework or enhancing corporate per ormance.


Emilios Galariots is ull Pro essor o inance at udencia usiness School (E U S, , CS ), rance and ssociate ean or research. He has occupied several high impact administratve posts at udencia as irector o research Laborator ounder and director o the insttute o inance ounder and director o the Centre or inancial and isk anagement (C ) Head o the inance epartment and Head o esearch is. Prior to serving in his present positon, r. Galariots was a Senior Lecturer at urham Universit usiness School (E U S, , CS ), UK, where he was also irector o the masters programmes in fnance.

Alexandros Garefalakis is Certfed nternal Controls uditor (C C ), Certfed Public ccountant ( ellow o CP ), anagement ccountant (C ), Certfed Controls Specialists (CCS) and usiness Consultant in numerous companies, organi atons and European programs rom 2006. lso, he is an ssistant Pro essor at the epartment o usiness dministraton and ourism at Hellenic editerranean Universit (H U) in Greece. He holds a degree in inancial pplicatons, a aster degree in ccountng and inance rom Universit o Southampton and Ph in ccountng rom Hellenic pen Universit .

January 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-957-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 290pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance General usiness nd anagement ccountng ( anagement) Corporate inance

Keywords: Corporate Governance S stem genc heor eturn on ssets Stock eturn irm Per ormance esponsible anagement and ESG

Readership: or researchers and practtoners working in the feld o corporate governance to help them to understand the current status on corporate governance and corporate fnancial per ormance

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• CG and the Performance Process:

Corporate Governance’s Characteristcs and Financial Performance in the Innovatve SMEs Ownership and Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: A Compendium of Natonal Practces

New Corporate Governance Law in Greece Key Elements and Analysis

CG and Agency Problems

Corporate Governance Gender Equality and Firm Financial Performance: The Case of Euronext 100 Index

• CG and the Corporate Debt:

A Bibliometric Overview of the State of the Art in Bankruptcy Predicton Methods and Applicatons

CG and viable Corporate Debt

Corporate Governance and Financial Fraud Detecton

• CG and Externalites:

Governance and Corporate Control around the World Event Stud ethods in Corporate Governance Studies

CG and Prosperous nvestment ecisions the Paradigm o ergers and c uisitons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Optmizaton Modeling for Supply Chain Applicatons

Key Features

• ntroducton to optmi aton modeling (data driven Prescriptve nal tcs) using e amples and applicatons in suppl chains

• ocus on modeling techni ues on model building rather than soluton algorithms, which is o en the frst step in developing industr strength optmi aton tools and decision support s stems

• Comprehensive and s stematc treatment on widel applied data driven optmi aton techni ues linear programming, integer programming, network optmi aton and constraint programming

• pplicaton modules or the prominent suppl chain applicatons network design, producton planning, suppl chain confguraton, scheduling and routng

• Using the state o the art optmi aton so ware PL CPLE Studio allows readers to uickl appl and implement optmi aton or real li e problem solving


How to design an efcient and cost-efectve logistcs network? How to plan procurement, producton, and transportaton to meet customer demand with minimum operatng costs How to se uence obs through machines or on tme order completon nd how to dispatch vehicles and schedule their routes to serve customers e cientl

nswers to these uestons are ke to e ectve and e cient suppl chain operatons. his book provides a s stematc and comprehensive coverage o data driven optmi aton modeling techni ues and their applicatons in suppl chain management. rom the methodological perspectve, it introduces various model building techni ues including mathematcal programming (linear and integer programming), network optmi aton, and constraint programming. rom the applicaton perspectve, it covers the topics o suppl chain network design, producton planning, suppl chain confguraton, machine scheduling, and vehicle routng, among others. t also introduces the state o the art optmi aton modeling so ware, the CPLE PL Studio, as a power ul and accessible tool or implementng the modeling techni ues and soluton methods in this book. Sample codes will be available upon purchase o the book.

his book is essental reading material or researchers and students in business, data anal tcs, industrial engineering, computer science and applied math who would like to learn optmi aton modeling in the conte t o suppl chains. t is also suitable or practtoners and consultants in industr who would like to understand the behind the scene techni ues in o the shel commercial optmi aton so ware. s a te tbook, it can be used or an advanced undergraduate or graduate course in suppl chain management, operatons management, data anal tcs, economics, and industrial engineering.


Haitao Li is Pro essor and Chair o the Suppl Chain nal tcs epartment, College o usiness dministraton at Universit o issouri, St Louis, US . He holds his Ph degree in peratons anagement (2005), aster o rts in Economics (2002) rom the Universit o ississippi, and achelor o Engineering in oreign rade in ndustr with a minor in eronautcal Engineering rom ei ing Universit o eronautcs and stronautcs, P China (2000). r Li has man ears o research e perience in optmi aton modeling and algorithm design, and has been actvel working with industr and research insttutes in the applicaton domains o suppl chain optmi aton, pro ect scheduling and resource allocaton. His research was sponsored b the US rm esearch ce, US epartment o ransportaton, Hewle Packard Labs, meren Corporaton, E press Scripts nc. and the ssociaton o Suppl Chain anagement. r Li has published more than thirt ournal artcles, and is currentl serving as an ssociate Editor o the ournal o the peratonal esearch Societ and an Editorial oard member o the nternatonal ournal o Pro ect anagement.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 344pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: usiness anagement

Sub-Subjects: peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement athematcal odeling peratons esearch athematcal Programming

Keywords: athematcal Programming odel uilding Suppl Chain anagement Suppl Chain ptmi aton etwork ptmi aton Constraint Programming Suppl Chain etwork esign Producton Planning esource Planning Pro ect Scheduling ehicle outng Suppl Chain inance

Readership: or advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practtoners in operatons research, suppl chain management, operatons management and industrial engineering

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 968 5

• Modelling Methodologies:

Introducton and Overview

Linear Programming

Integer Programming

Network Optmizaton

Constraint Programming

• Supply Chain Applicatons:

Supply Chain Network Design

Producton Planning

Resource Planning

Supply Chain Confguraton

Machine Scheduling

Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling

Travelling Salesman Problem and Its Variants

Vehicle Routng Problem and Its Variants

Credit Term Optmizaton

• Appendices:

CPLE PL Studio

Simple ethod or Linear Programming

E act ethods or nteger Programming

Soluton ethods or Constraint Programming

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Climate-Smart Innovaton

Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in the Environmental Economy

Key Features

• he book elaborates on the role o social entrepreneurship in the support o the sustainable development o the environmental econom and the mechanism o per orming this role through climate smart innovatons

• he book dwells on the special conte t o the C 9 pandemic, which shows climate smart innovatons o social entrepreneurship in the new light

• he book presents and discusses not onl the internatonal e perience but also the case e perience o the Eurasian Economic Union (E EU), which allows describing the applied aspects o climate smart innovatons o social


This book studies smart green innovaton through the prism of social entrepreneurship as a driver for sustainable development and the development of an environmental economy. t s stemat es and anal es the modern challenges o the environmental econom climate change and environmental polluton. he tendencies and scenarios or the environmental econom are considered in the conte t o implementng the Sustainable evelopment Goals. Globali aton and internatonal trade are also considered actors in the sustainable development o the environmental econom .

he book hones in on the internatonal e perience o ecological responsibilit and fghtng climate change through social entrepreneurship. he contributon o corporate responsibilit in the fght against climate change is determined, and state regulaton o corporate responsibilit in the resource based economies o developing countries is considered. he market mechanisms or stmulatng the fght against climate change through social entrepreneurship in countries with developed environmental economies are also considered. he advantages o digitali aton or fghtng climate change through social entrepreneurship are o ered.

he book also re ects on the possibilites or the sustainable development o the environmental econom based on climate smart innovaton in social entrepreneurship. t presents a model o climate smart enterprise and substantates its advantages or corporate responsibilit and sustainable development. he ke climate smart innovatons in social entrepreneurship or sustainable development o the environmental econom robots big data, , blockchain, and green fnance are determined. he book also develops polic recommendatons to support climate smart innovaton in social entrepreneurship.


Elena G Popkova, octor o Science (Economics), the ounder and president o the nsttute o Scientfc Communicatons ( ussia) and leading researcher o the Center or pplied esearch o the chair Economic polic and public private partnership o G Universit ( oscow, ussia).

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400pp

Type: eview olume

Series: dvances in Entrepreneurial Economics and Sustainable evelopment olume

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship

nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement Climate

Change Economics Climate Change Polic evelopmental Economics Environmental Energ Economics Environmental anagement Planning Climate Change

Keywords: Climate smart nnovaton Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable evelopment Environmental Econom Green Econom Environmental arketng

Readership: he primar market o this book is scholars who stud the environmental econom , sustainable development, and social entrepreneurship. n this book, the will fnd the results o the latest studies that re ect the ke role o social entrepreneurship in the sustainable development o the environmental econom . he secondar market o the book is practcing e perts. n this book, the will fnd a detailed descripton o the leading internatonal e perience o the sustainable development o the environmental econom based on social entrepreneurship

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 424 5

• ntroducton

• Water esource anagement or Sustainable evelopment in the South o ussia in Low Water Conditons Economic Evidence

• he ole o the Global Stock arket in the ransiton to the Green Econom in the Conte t o the Climate isks

• he Concept o Environmental arketng in Companies ctvites as a ase or the evelopment o Green Econom in Russia

• he ediatng mpact o nnovaton on Green Entrepreneurship Practces and Sustainabilit

• Social Entrepreneurship and Climate nnovaton he ediatng E ect o orms and Sel E cac

• Environmental Per ormance o Countries in namics o Economic Growth

• ssues o Energ Saving and Energ E cienc Polic oreign and ussian E perience

• Eurasian Economic Union (E EU) Under the Economic Uncertaint and Geopolitcal rans ormaton

• ssues o State egulaton o eekeeping in the Conte t o the C 9 Pandemic

• he Global Energ ransiton as the asis or the ormaton o Green Econom

• Se uestraton ndustr in the Climate nnovaton evelopment ramework Cluster pproach

• irectons and ools or mplementng the Principles o Sustainable evelopment in ussia

• Sustainable usiness evelopment in the Concept o ts ESG esponsibilit

• ew rends in the Sustainable evelopment o Logistcs S stems uring the mpact o C 9

• echanism or eveloping the ransit and E port Potental o the Southern ederal istrict Logistcs S stem

• edical Ecolog and rgani atonal arketng Soluton within the Smart Cit Concept, imed at mproving the ualit o Li e o the Populaton

• ssues nvolving the Potental o Environmental arketng in egional evelopment

• Stud o the Status and ole o Social Entrepreneurship in the Sustainable evelopment o the egional Econom

• undamental spects o Sustainabilit eportng ased on Gri Standards. Evoluton o evelopment, Substance and Content o ntegrated eportng

• Legal egime o Speciall Protected atural erritories as a actor in the evelopment o Ecological Econom heoretcal and Legal spect

• Global hreats and Challenges to the atonal inancial Securit Under the C 9 Pandemic

• Green ortgage is the Ke to Energ E cient and esource Saving eal Estate

• etamorphoses o the S stem o Sectoral and nsttutonal Principles o dministratve Law hrough the Prism o Ecological Economics Problems and Prospects o heir Soluton in the Conte t o the C 9 Pandemic

• nnovaton or Sustainable Livestock evelopment to eet ood ualit Challenges

• Peculiarites o Planning and eutrali aton o isks in Logistcs istributon S stems

• Conclusion

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Time to Rethink Risk Management

Surviving Future Global Crises

Key Features

• his book covers what organisatons should have learnt rom the C 9 crisis and previous global crises

• ased on adaptng risk management to the emergent UC environment

• Proposes a reimagining and re ormulaton o Enterprise isk anagement and provides guidance on how organisatons and governments can incorporate this

• E istng literature in the feld is e tremel limited, with most books having ver limited scope and at most addressing one specifc global crisis


The purpose of this book is to change thinking about crises and risk. isk management is toda both a great success, an impressive achievement, and a notable ailure. t works, and it doesn t work. t saves lives and propert , and it ails to save lives and propert . t helps and it hinders. Like all such management approaches, this has a lot to do with how it is emplo ed and practced, but in the case o risk management there is also a much more undamental issue. he risk management ramework, the risk management model, is wrong. an organisatons toda treat all risks as point events, when the real risks involve s stemic threats inherent in the global econom , and the uncertain nature o global societ .

he book argues that risk management has come a long wa , but that evidence o its more recent ailure is now all around us and that it needs to now change dramatcall i it is to accommodate current realites. Whilst there is a clear need or us all to manage risk through a crisis, there is a lack o understanding o the nature o crises that is impeding progress. s well as providing a conceptual basis or changing the wa risk management is undertaken, the book provides a blueprint or managing at organisatonal level through a global crisis, and, to a more limited e tent, at government and other levels how to prepare, what to do when it s happening and how and when to emerge into the post crisis world.


Professor Tony Bendell is commi ed to making organisatons less ragile and more ant ragile. his was the ratonale behind his 20 4 Gower book uilding AntFragile Organisatons and the establishment o the nt ragilit cadem in 20 2, or whom he acts as Lead Consultant rainer. uring the C 9 pandemic he has ocused more specifcall on how to make organisatons more Crisis Proo , which is the sub ect o his new book Time to Rethink Risk Management: Surviving Future Global Crises to be published b World Scientfc Publishing in 2022.

He is distnguished or, amongst other ualites, an incisive intellect that draws him to innovatve thinking and its applicaton to his feld, an in ectous passion about business improvement, and an idios ncratc sense o humour. hese are all ualites that lie behind his uest to bring nt ragilit into the practcal domain o business and entrepreneurship.

January 2023

£50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 448

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance ecision Sciences Entrepreneurship General usiness nd anagement nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement rgani atonal ehavior ndustrial rgani aton General Economics Corporate inance nternatonal inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic General nterest

Keywords: Global Crises Enterprise isk anagement E rganisatonal Survival

Readership: oard members, Chie

E ecutves and irectors, Chie isk cers, isk anagers and usiness Contnuit anagers, anagers, rganisatonal Change, rans ormaton, ualit anagement and rganisatonal E cellence specialists, usiness School students on and related courses, and readers interested in current thinking about managing risk and the conse uences and strategies or surviving through a global crisis

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Tony Bendell Services Limited, UK & The Ant-Fragility Academy, UK

• Pre ace Se ng the Scene

• odel o Global Crises a Conse uental odel or E

• Knowing the Crisis is Coming

• Seeing the Crisis is Coming

• Knowing the Crisis is Here

• rganisatonal anagement hrough the Crisis

• imel Emergence

• er the Crisis

• mplementng Sensible Enterprise isk anagement

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Solid Growth Strategies of Industrial Champions in Global Markets



Key Features

Cover Available Soon

• dvises industrial companies on how to make their o erings more digital

• E amines ke challenges that companies ace in implementng their strategies

• iscusses the role o global developments and the e tent to which the in uence solutons or global industrial companies


This book examines global strategies for industrial champions. In partcular, it highlights three categories of supply in industrial markets: premium products, lowprice products, and complex digital solutons. he authors ident opportunites or creatng s nergies between these three strategies and address the overarching ueston How can the compan o the uture be organi ed


Olaf Plötner is a pro essor at ES erlin and the director o ES s Center. His research and teaching ocus is on strategic management in global 2 markets. His work is re ected in his most recent book, Counter Strategies in Global arkets, published b Palgrave acmillan, Springer, and S Shanghai. His research has been portra ed in ournals such as ndustrial arketng anagement, the ournal o usiness and ndustrial arketng, as well as in leading internatonal media such as C , the Wall Street ournal Europe, the imes o ndia, rank urter llgemeine eitung, China ail Europe, People s ail (China), and the inancial imes.

Johannes Habel is an associate pro essor o marketng at the C auer College o usiness, Universit o Houston. His primar areas o interest are the digital trans ormaton o the sales uncton and sales ps cholog . His research has been published in some o the world s most renowned academic marketng ournals such as the ournal o arketng, the ournal o the cadem o arketng Science, and the nternatonal ournal o esearch in arketng. e ond academic research, ohannes has published case studies with Harvard usiness Publishing and he Case Centre as well as managerial artcles with ournals such as Harvard usiness anager and the European usiness eview.

Bianca Schmitz is a director o leadership development programs at ES erlin and director o knowledge trans er at the Center. Her research has been published in ournals such as ndustrial arketng anagement and the ournal o amil usiness anagement. e ond academic research, ianca has published a number o case studies and managerial artcles on hidden champions and digital trans ormaton.

January 2023

£50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 45

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: General usiness and anagement rgani atonal ehavior ndustrial rgani aton nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement Corporate Governance Entrepreneurship nternatonal rade Business

Keywords: Global 2 Strateg usiness odels Comple Service Solutons o rills dvanced Premium Goods igital nnovaton

Readership: Practtoners, researchers and graduate students in the felds o global 2 industrial markets

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• o rills Products

• Comple Service Solutons

• he igger Picture

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
• he Essence o usiness Strateg
dvanced Premium Products

China versus the US, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa

Key Features

• ers a comprehensive and holistc approach to issues that are a ectng development e orts in the region

• Wri en rom an interestng historical perspectve

• Long term une ual structural relatonships in Sub Saharan rica social, economic, and environmental are e plored


This tmely book provides a comprehensive overview of the actvites of the major foreign forces actve in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. Stmulated b the abundance o reports in the media critci ing China s presence in Sub Saharan rica, there is an anal sis o China s involvement in the region compared to the largest Western pla ers the United States, the World ank and the nternatonal onetar und. China has onl been economicall actve in Sub Saharan rica since the 990s, while the United States, the World ank and the nternatonal onetar und have been actve since the 950s. ndeed, the World ank has been the ma or lender or development during the whole period. he book e plores how these oreign interests have assisted with, or hindered progress towards, addressing the challenges acing the region. hese challenges include high rates o povert and low levels o human development, loss o politcal and economic sovereignt , periodic sluggish economic development, government indebtedness, illegal fnancial ows and corrupton, the resource curse, environmental destructon and climate change. he approach is interdisciplinar and emphasises the ke development issues social, economic and environmental sustainabilit . n audit approach is used to e plore changes within China and the West since the 950s and evaluate their impact on Sub Saharan rica.

China versus the US, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa is an important re erence or academics, researchers and students. t is also wri en in an accessible st le that is suitable or the general reader.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 312pp

Type: onograph

Series: World Scientfc Series in ultnatonal nvestment and usiness

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: nternatonal rade usiness Social ssues Human Securit acroeconomics icroeconomics

Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic evelopmental Economics

Keywords: Sub Saharan rica China evelopment eo Colonialism

Readership: cademics, researchers, students and general readers interested in the histor o contemporar Sub Saharan rica

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
978 78326 667 8

• heories o evelopment

• ercantlism and Colonialism

• he evelopment ecades

• Sub Saharan rica since 2000

• he West since 945

• China since the 950s

• the West and China in Sub Saharan rica

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Complete Guide to the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method in GAMESS

From One Atom to a Million, at your Service


“It is rather tmely to have a rigorous but user-oriented and accessible book for the fragment molecular orbital. The implementaton within GAMESS with a clear descripton of how to invoke FMO optons, practcal tps on how to apply these, and concrete examples will be of great practcal value in addressing computatonal materials problems in biology, chemistry, and physics. A comprehensive treatment of both fundamental and practcal concerns in FMO are included: the use of various levels of quantum chemical theory within FMO, PIEDA, segmentaton and fragmentaton, efectve potentals and grids, and massively scaling up the calculaton size.”

January 2023

Key Features

• irst book covering usage o in G ESS

• Uni ue up to date te tbook on rapidl developing methods

• Wri en rom a user perspectve, includes troubleshootng common problems encountered

• Point b point la man descripton o technical ke words

• eep anal sis o per ormance issues arising rom the coarse grained use o CPUs in massivel parallel calculatons

• Supplementar material containing a collecton o input and output fles or G ESS to assist readers in reading the book is provided online


The fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method is a fast linear-scaling quantum-mechanical method employed by chemists and physicists all over the world. t provides a wealth o propertes o ragments rom uantum chemical calculatons, a bo omless treasure pit or data mining and machine learning. However, there is no user riendl descripton o its usage in the widel emplo ed uantum chemical open source so ware G ESS, nor is there an book covering the usage o G ESS in general. his leaves ver man interested users to their own devices to get through a variet o problems with ver cr ptc descriptons o ke words in the program manual and no guide whatsoever as to what optons should be set or partcular scientfc tasks. his book is the panacea to man rustratons.

he main ocus o the book is to build a solid bridge connectng users to G ESS, b giving a help ul introducton o various methods as needed or partcular problems ound in computatonal chemistr , and describing in detail how to do these simulatons and understand the results rom the output o the program. he book also covers paralleli aton strategies or a aining high parallel e cienc in massivel parallel computatons, and provides means to anal e per ormance and design a soluton or overcoming per ormance bo lenecks. special secton is devoted to dealing with problems in e ecutng G ESS, arising rom computatonal environment and user errors. inall , 4 care ull selected t pes o applicatons are discussed in detail, describing the input ke words and e plaining where to fnd the main results in the te t based output.


Dr Dmitri G Fedorov is Senior esearcher at the esearch Center or Computatonal esign o dvanced unctonal aterials (C at), atonal nsttute o dvanced ndustrial Science and echnolog ( S ), apan.

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 300pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Chemistr

Sub-Subjects: Computatonal Chemistr Supercomputng Parallel Computng heoretcal Chemistr uantum Chemistr ioin ormatcs iocomputng Computatonal iolog Computatonal anoscience Ph sical Chemistr Computatonal, athematcal nd heoretcal Ph sics uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Keywords: rug esign edicinal Chemistr olecular nteractons uantum Chemistr Linear Scaling ethods High Per ormance Computng Solvent E ects Sur ace dsorpton

Readership: esearch groups in the undamental felds o computatonal chemistr , biolog , ph sics and applied felds o catal sis, drug discover , materials science, both in academia and in industr . Courses on computatonal chemistr biochemistr ph sics (can be used as re erence te tbook). evelopers o theoretcal methods and related scientfc so ware

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 362 0

• Introducton

• Getng Started:

Practcal Summary of FMO

Installaton of GAMESS

Understanding Parallel Executon

How to Run GAMESS

General Structure of GAMESS Input Files

FMO Input Files

FMO result fles (out, dat, trj, rst, and F40)

How to Begin Your Own FMO Calculatons

Parallelizaton Strategy

• Basic FMO Calculatons:

Treatng Solvent

Desolvaton Penalty in Binding (SBA)

Solvent Screening

Polarizaton, Interacton, and Binding Energies

Analyses for FMO

Periodic Boundary Conditons (PBC)

Geometry Optmizatons

Molecular Dynamics (MD)

Hessians, IR and Raman Spectra

Chemical Reactons

• Building up complexity:

Parametrized Methods

Unrestricted (UHF) and Open-Shell (ROHF) Methods

Electron Correlaton

Multconfguratonal Self-Consistent Field (MCSCF)

Electronic Excited States

Multple Layers

Frozen Domain (FD)

Molecular Orbitals and Their Energies (LCMO)

Propertes on a Grid

Struggling with Convergence


• Advanced Techniques:

How to compute polarizaton energies

Embedding types

Difuse basis sets

Dual basis sets (AP)

Restartng jobs

Using FMO for non-FMO tasks

Temperature, entropy, and free energy

Acceleraton tricks

How to calculate millions of atoms

Improving GDDI performance

• Reference Materials:

Conclusions and utlook


Collecton o Sample nput and utput iles

Processing esults

G Elish ictonar

Suggestons or urther eading

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Optons — 45 Years since the Publicaton of the Black–Scholes–Merton Model

The Gershon Fintech Center Conference

David Gershon

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Alexander Lipton

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, UAE & The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Key Features

Mathieu Rosenbaum

École Polytechnique, France

Zvi Wiener

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

• he contributors to the book are some o the most in uental researchers in fnancial engineering who shaped the feld over the recent decades

• he reader can get frst hand in ormaton about the ke milestones in fnancial engineering rom their respectve authors

• he book s content is e tensive and covers the most signifcant developments in valuaton, hedging, and trading o fnancial derivatves and corporate fnance

• he book e plains modern approaches to volatlit in detail and covers local, stochastc, local stochastc, and rough volatlit models

• he book covers in depth speciali ed derivatves markets, including commodites, rench, and Chinese markets


This book contains contributons by the best-known and consequental researchers who, over several decades, shaped the feld of fnancial engineering. t presents a comprehensive and uni ue perspectve on the historical development and the current state o derivatves research. he book covers classical and modern approaches to opton pricing, reali ed and implied volatlites, classical and rough stochastc processes, and contngent claims anal sis in corporate fnance. he book is invaluable or students, academic researchers, and practtoners working with fnancial derivatves, market regulaton, trading, risk management, and corporate decision making.


David Gershon, Pro essor avid Gershon is the ounder o the Gershon intech Center at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem. He is a 25 ears e pert in the in ech industr . n 999 he ounded Super erivatves, which o ered real tme bid and ask opton prices that re ected the interbank broker market accuratel , based on a new model he invented or opton pricing. n less than three ears, Super erivatves generated a global transparenc in opton pricing and trans ormed the optons market dramatcall . Global trading volume tripled and the bid ask spreads shrunk. Utli ing Super erivatves online s stem, man banks and corporatons opened optons trading desks.

Alexander Lipton is Global Head, esearch evelopment, at bu habi nvestment uthorit , Co ounder and dvisor at Sila, isitng Pro essor and ean s ellow at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem, and Connecton Science ellow at . le is an advisor board member o several fntech companies worldwide. n 2006 20 6, le was Co Head o the Global uanttatve Group and uanttatve Solutons E ecutve at ank o merica. Earlier, he was a senior manager at Citadel, Credit Suisse, eutsche ank, and ankers rust, and a pro essor at the Universit o llinois

January 2023

£140 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 586

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 630pp

Type: eview olume

Series: World Scientfc Lecture otes in inance

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Computatonal Economics inance Corporate inance athematcal Economics Game heor Econometrics athematcal uanttatve inance ccountng Corporate Governance athematcal inance Economics

Keywords: ptons Call Put Stock E uit ond ebt ividend nvestment iversifcaton olatlit lack Scholes erton odel Stochastc Swap Commodit nde Contngent Claims E otc pton

Readership: cademic researchers and practtoners working with fnancial derivatves and pro essionals involved in market regulaton, trading and research on optons, hedging and corporate decision making

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Internatonal Development Cooperaton and Aid Management Theory

and Practce

Author Translated by

Qin Lin Shanghai Normal University, China


This book studies the theory, practce and evaluaton methods of internatonal development cooperaton, aid and assistance management in detail from a global perspectve. t a empts to answer the ollowing uestons How e ectve are the current Western aid methods How should China optmi e current internatonal development cooperaton How to e ectvel design an aid management s stem in the internatonal communit How to assess the e ectveness o aid

he book contributes to studies in internatonal development cooperaton. he theoretcal part anal es the main concepts, viewpoints, theories, and disputes in current internatonal development cooperaton, primaril ocusing on the di erences in concepts between traditonal development donors and emerging donors represented b China. he practcal part studies the roles and importance o di erent sub ects in internatonal development assistance. his part also e plores the impact o di erent aid management insttutons on internatonal development cooperaton. he evaluaton part reviews the current mainstream methods o internatonal development assessment and uses non e perimental methods o impact evaluaton and randomi ed controlled trials ( C s).

Author & Translator

Jianzhi ZHAO is an ssociate Pro essor o Economics and Public Polic at the School o nternatonal elatons and Public airs o udan Universit in Shanghai, China. His current research interests are internatonal development, public polic , public economics, and development economics. He has worked at multple internatonal organi atons, including the World ank, sian evelopment ank, and nter merican evelopment ank. He was also a visitng researcher at the ank o inland. He has been invited to present his research at various government agencies, such as the Congressional udget ce (C ) and ank o inland. He has served as a re eree or man internatonal ournals and published papers in man peer reviewed ournals. He was a Shorenstein Postdoctoral ellow at Stan ord Universit and received Ph in nternatonal Economic Polic rom the Universit o ar land, College Park.

Qin LIN, Ph , is lecturer at the School o oreign Languages, Shanghai ormal Universit . Her research interests include Earl odern English literature and English poetr .

January 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-887-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 260pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: General Economics evelopmental Economics Politcal Econom

Keywords: nternatonal evelopment Cooperaton id anagement S stem heor and Practce Evaluaton o nternatonal evelopment Pro ects

Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in economics and developmental economics, internatonal development cooperaton, aid management s stem

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Theory of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Defniton of Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Latest Developments in Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Research on the Efectveness of Internatonal Development Assistance: Literature Review of Aid Efectveness

Aid Ownership and Global Governance

◊ Internatonal Development Cooperaton Models and China’s Experience: A Comparatve Study of Aid Models: Japan vs Europe and America

China’s Experience: South-South Cooperaton

• Practce of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Introducton to the Management Systems of Internatonal Development Cooperaton: The Concept of Aid Management System

Research on Aid Management System and Aid Efectveness

◊ Partcipants in Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

Governmental or Internatonal Development Agency: Latest Developments

Non-governmental Internatonal Development Organizatons: A Perspectve of Government Funding

Multlateral Development Banks: A Comparatve Perspectve

Internatonal Cooperatve Governance: A Global Governance Perspectve - Cooperaton between G20 and DWG

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Traditonal Donor Countries: The United States’ Aid Management System

Japan’s Aid Management System

The United Kingdom’s Aid Management System

France’s Aid Management System

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries: Introducton to the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries

India’s Aid Management System

Brazil’s Aid Management System

South Africa’s Aid Management System

A Comparison of Aid Management Systems between China and Other Emerging Donor Countries

China’s Aid Management System: A Path-dependence Perspectve

• Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects:

◊ Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects: Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Basic Categories of Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Impact Evaluaton and Its Importance

◊ Methods of Impact Evaluaton for Internatonal Development: on e perimental ethods o mpact Evaluaton andomi ed Controlled rials ( C s)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Legendary Justce Bao

Avenger of Justce


Once upon a tme in China, there lived a legendary magistrate who was known as Justce Bao! lso known as ao heng, ao Gong or ao ingtan, he was a wise and earless man who disliked in ustce and dishonest , and he would never stand b and do nothing while there was a wrong to right.

n this book, ou will read tales o ustce ao s amous cases. ou will also discover the origin stor o this well respected fgure who remains a household name in man parts o the world


Aloysius Yap has been a writer, editor and content creator or over 5 ears, working in the felds o entertainment, the arts, and public service. He holds a degree in communicaton studies rom the Universit o Western ustralia, with ma ors in English and Philosoph .

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 344

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 345 3

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 96pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Classics Chinese Classics Classic Literature ustce ao ao Zheng; China

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

A Visit to the Sea Kingdom

and other Korean and Japanese Tales


Read on, as adventures begin: An unusual visit to the Sea Kingdom, an injured crane repays a kindness, an abandoned puppy is saved, a ferocious tger meets its match, a gif that causes a misunderstanding, and the test of a woodcuter’s honesty. Whether the are humorous, tragic or upli ing, en o reading these Korean and apanese stories

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 379 8

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 380 4

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 20pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: apan Korea olktales

unior Chapter ook apanese Classic Korean Classic sian Classic sian alues sian Histor sian icton

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• The Brave Brothers:


Before You Read

Meetng of the Brave Brothers

A Pledge in the Peach Garden

Understanding the Story

A Villain in a Hero’s Robe

Cao Cao Tries to Trick Liu Bei

Cao Cao Captures Guan Yu

Through Thick and Thin

Understanding the Story

• Wars and Heroes:


Before You Read

The Batle of Changban

Zhao Yun’s Loyalty

Three Visits to the Cotage

Understanding the Story

Three Kinds of Kings

Forming the Sun Liu Alliance

Cao Cao Wants the River!

Understanding the Story

Jobs in the Army

The Old General

• Strategies and Ruses

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Strategies and Ruses


Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang fought many wars. hroughout, the did not have surveillance drones and binoculars to sp on the enem . adios and telephones had not been invented et, so the could not even communicate with their own soldiers. How did the even manage to organise a war, much less win it he did it with their intelligence and uick thinking n the third and fnal book o the omance o the hree Kingdoms series, learn about the strategies and ruses practced b Liu ei and huge Liang

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 508 2

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 509 9

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 04pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Keywords: omance o hree Kingdoms Liu ei Guan u Guan Gong hang ei unior Chapter ook Chinese Classic sian Classic Chinese alues sian Histor sian icton Shu Han nast Wei nast

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ

Exploring our Marine Shores in Search of a Mysterious Island


Man Jing Kong

Illustrated by


In this Special Editon comic book in the bestselling World of Science series, join Biogirl MJ, the co-founder and host of Just Keep Thinking, as she explores various types of marine shores, in search of a mysterious island! Embark on a ourne to discover the environment, make riends with the wildli e living there, and learn about the marine issues we are acing.

January 2023

£16.99 | HARDCOVER

978 98 26 665 2


978 98 26 6 0 2

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 132pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Ecolog Seashore

Li e Singapore arine iolog

Comics ust Keep hinking iolog


Readership: Children (6 2) and parents o oung children who are curious about animals and marine li e in and around seashores

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Adventures with Man-Made Marvels


Adventures with Man-Made Marvels is an immersive tour of more than 15 of the world’s outstanding monuments, architectural wonders and natonal treasures. Who made the giant stone statues on Easter sland Wh is the tower o Pisa leaning Where is the world s tallest building iscover the secrets o the Khu u p ramid. Lament the ate o prisoners in the ower o London. nd come ace to ace with the li e si ed cla arm o China s frst emperor. rom deserted ruins to cit sights, and rom underground m steries to towering sk scrapers, e perience the e e popping creatve and engineering eats o humankind as never be ore

The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.

January 2023


978 98 26 665 2


978 98 26 666 9

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 80pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Sciences

Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Adventures with Edible Plants


Adventures with Edible Plants is an immersive encounter with more than 15 plant species and parts that will tempt your tastebuds. How do cashew nuts grow Wh is sa ron such an e pensive spice Which ruit is ound in the desert ig up some tast tubers. Pick our fll o cranberries. ut watch out when ou tr wasabi rom ruit and nuts to staple starches, and rom rare ingredients to the world s avourite beverages, savour the edible gi s o the plant world as never be ore

The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 669 0

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 670 6

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 80pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Plants Edible Plants

Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Adventures with Health and the Human Body


Hot on the heels of our bestselling Adventures in the Human Body and Adventures with Germs and Your Health comes Adventures with Health and the Human Body, an immersive exploraton into the workings of the human body and the results of ill health or disease. How do our thoughts and eelings a ect the wa our bod behaves Wh would an one pa good mone or human poo ight bad breath. mprove our posture. nd learn how le handers cope in a world made or right handers. rom birthmarks to acne scars, and rom sleep secrets to the importance o saliva, discover how to help our bod thrive inside and out

The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 673 7

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 674 4

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 80pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Health Human od

Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Adventures in Earth Sciences


Adventures in Earth Sciences is an immersive encounter with more than 15 natural processes that take place on our planet and beyond. Wh are there our seasons in a ear How does the o one la er protect li e on Earth What kind o displa s light up our skies ig up ossils that take us back in tme. ravel to the edge o a whirlpool. nd ourne to the heart o the sun. rom parched deserts to the ree ing tundra, rom ocean depths to starr heights, and rom tn rocks to gas giants in space, e plore the workings o our ama ing universe as never be ore

The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 677 5

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 678 2

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 80pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Earth Sciences

Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Adventures with How More Things Work


Hot on the heels of our bestselling Adventures with How Things Work comes Adventures with How More Things Work, an immersive exploraton of at least 15 additonal scientfc concepts and applicatons that make a diference to our lives. How can mirrors help ou see around obstacles Who frst thought o using microwaves to cook ood Wh doesn t our paper hot pot bowl catch fre ravel undersea in a submarine. Watch a movie come alive in 3 . nd e perience living in a house made o ice rom the trans er o heat to the uses o sound, and rom kitchen conveniences to the science o sp cra , understand how more things work as never be ore

The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 68 2

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 682 9

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 80pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Science Comics Primar School

Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Pop! Lit for Kids (Set 4)

A Visit to the Sea Kingdom: and other Korean and Japanese Tales Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Strategies and Ruses

The Legendary Justce Bao: Avenger of Justce A Christmas Carol


Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introducton to classic tales. he most well loved stories rom around the world have been adapted into a orm that will e cite and entertain children ever where. eaders can embark on new adventures with amous beloved stor book characters.

January 2023

£33.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 5 2 9

£23.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 5 3 6

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 4 2pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: The Complete Set


In the midst of war, heroes rise up. Come and experience the loyalty and treachery, the brotherhood and rivalry of China’s legendary heroes and villains during the most tumultuous period in Chinese history.

Packed with non stop acton and humour, this retelling is the per ect introducton to the amous Chinese classic, omance o the hree Kingdoms.

he stor is complete with three volumes he rave rothers, Wars and Heroes and Strategies and uses.

aking classic stories rom sia and the West, Pop Lit or Kids reimagines them into eas to read stories that provide the per ect introducton to classic tales. he most well loved stories rom around the world have been adapted into a orm that will e cite and entertain children ever where. eaders can embark on new adventures with amous beloved stor book characters. n additon, the books come to li e with augmented realit eatures, giving readers an enhanced e perience that the ll never orget

January 2023

£30 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 5 6 7

£20 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 5 7 4

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 308pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: omance o hree Kingdoms Liu ei Guan u Guan Gong hang ei unior Chapter ook Chinese Classic sian Classic Chinese alues sian Histor sian icton Shu Han nast Wei nast

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• The Brave Brothers:


Before You Read

Meetng of the Brave Brothers

A Pledge in the Peach Garden

Understanding the Story

A Villain in a Hero’s Robe

Cao Cao Tries to Trick Liu Bei

Cao Cao Captures Guan Yu

Through Thick and Thin

Understanding the Story

• Wars and Heroes:


Before You Read

The Batle of Changban

Zhao Yun’s Loyalty

Three Visits to the Cotage

Understanding the Story

Three Kinds of Kings

Forming the Sun Liu Alliance

Cao Cao Wants the River!

Understanding the Story

Jobs in the Army

The Old General

• Strategies and Ruses

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

World of Science (Set 5)

Adventures with Man-Made Marvels Adventures with Edible Plants

Adventures with Health and the Human Body Adventures in Earth Sciences

Adventures with How More Things Work

The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ: Exploring our Marine Shores in Search of a Mysterious Island


Man Jing Kong

Raye Ng

Illustrated by

Alan Bay


The World of Science engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds. his set includes a bonus Special Editon book, The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ: Exploring our Marine Shores in Search of a Mysterious Island


Biogirl MJ and Raye Ng are the ounders o Just Keep Thinking, the onl science and wildli e educaton video channel in Singapore. t has over 00,000 ollowers on acebook and nstagram combined, and is known or its entertaining and educatonal ormat.

January 2023


978 98 26 972


978 98 26 973 8

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing

Extent: 532pp

Type: Comics

Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Adventures with Man-Made Marvels

• Adventures with Edible Plants

• Adventures with Health and the Human Body

• Adventures in Earth Sciences

• Adventures with How More Things Work

• The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ: Exploring our Marine Shores in Search of a Mysterious Island

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites

2nd Editon

Key Features

• he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretcal and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testng and applicatons o composite components and structures

• Contributng authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics and engineering related to composites

• Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms


Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites (Second Editon) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematcal methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri aton o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second editon e pands upon the success o the frst editon and has been substantall revised and updated.

Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on contnuous fber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applicatons (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni aton procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutons in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fber rein orced nonlinearl elastc solids, instabilites, buckling and postbuckling, fber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulaton o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abricaton, testng and industrial applicatons o composite components and structures.

his book is an essental re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering. E planatons and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investgate the ascinatng sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematcal methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.


Vladislav Mantč is Pro essor o Contnuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elastcit , racture echanics, Plastcit , iscoelastcit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematcal engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distncton and ector ward in 984.

January 2023

£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Europe

Extent: 708pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Computatonal and E perimental ethods in Structures

Main Subject: Engineering coustcs

Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics athematcal odeling echanical Engineering General aterials Science

Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultla er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure St ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solid andom Composite ult

Scale s mptotc Homogeni aton Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing

Process odel rder educton

Proper Generali ed ecompositon educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultph sics in Laminates amage elaminaton Cohesive nter ace Large e ormaton racture nstabilit

Readership: n essental re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotc Homogeni aton ethod ( Alexander L Kalamkarov)

• Scaling unctons in Spatall andom Composites (Martn Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan)

• Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplicatons (Chyanbin Hwu)

• Classical efned, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo)

• odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilites and elaminaton in Composite Shells ( J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez)

• i urcaton o Elastc ultla ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca)

• nstabilites ssociated with Loss o Elliptcit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solids ( J Merodio and R W Ogden)

• Propagaton o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri aton o nital Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man)

• dvanced athematcal odels and E cient umerical Simulaton in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta)

• odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone)

• elaminaton and dhesive Contacts, heir athematcal odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martn Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantč )

• nteracton o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martn)

• Computatonal Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastc ultmaterial Corners pplicatons to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantč, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


Yong Xue

China University of Mining and Technology, China

Xiran Zhou

China University of Mining and Technology, China


Sheng Zhang

China University of Mining and Technology, China

Telegeoprocessing is the integraton of remote sensing, Geographic Informaton System (GIS), Global Navigaton Satellite System (GNSS), Big Data and Telecommunicaton.

his uni ue compendium brings together most o the ke issues involved in research in novel s stems in telegeoprocessing. t elucidates a comprehensive introducton to the problems encountered in telegeoprocessing engineering and the ma or technologies and standards related to designing an integrated, ull unctonal telegeoprocessing s stem based on the latest multmedia and telecommunicaton technologies.

he use ul cross disciplinar re erence te t benefts teachers and researchers in both universites and research organi atons, and or an one keen in the impact o Earth observaton, big data, geoin ormatcs in civil communites and human societes.


Professor Dr Yong Xue, an e pert in uanttatve remote sensing and big Earth data, an cademician o the nternatonal cadem or Europe and sia, a Corresponding cademician o the nternatonal cadem o stronautcs and a Chartered Ph sicist. He received his Sc degree in Space Ph sics rom the epartment o Geoph sics, Peking Universit in 986, his Sc degree rom the nsttute o emote Sensing and Geoin ormaton, Peking Universit in 989 and his octor o Philosoph (Ph ) rom the epartment o pplied Ph sics, Universit o undee in 995.

He is currentl a Chair Pro essor in the School o Environment and Spatal n ormatcs, China Universit o ining and echnolog (CU ), the team leader o the ivision o Photogrammetr and emote Sensing at CU , the deput chair o Chinese atonal Commi ee o the nternatonal Societ or igital Earth igital Energ Commission , the deput director o iawang ield Staton or Land ehabilitaton and Ecological Succession in esource epleted ining reas, the inistr o Educaton, in iangsu, China. He is also the director o the Collaboratve Cross isciplines esearch Center o elegeoprocessing at CU , the director o the emote Sensing ig ata Center or Energ and Environment at CU and the director o the Center or ntelligent emote Sensing nal sis, nsttute o rtfcial ntelligence at CU . He has published more than 3 0 peer reviewed papers (more than 260 corresponding and frst author papers) with more than 3720 citatons and an H inde o 33. He has published two academic monographs (co author) and more than 320 invited con erence presentatons. He is currentl on the editorial board o the ournal nternatonal ournal o emote Sensing and the editor o the World Scientfc Publishing emote Sensing book series (200 ).

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 345pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series in emote Sensing Volume 5

Main Subject: Environmental Science

Sub-Subjects: Environmental Engineering Environmental anagement Planning

Communicatons Electrical Electronic Engineering

Keywords: elegeoprocessing

Geoprocessing emote Sensing G S

G SS eal ime Geoin ormatcs isaster

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in environmental engineering and environmental management planning

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 2 7 3


• emote Sensing and eal ime Processing in emote Sensing

• ntegraton o emote Sensing, Geographic n ormaton S stems and Global avigaton Satellite S stems

• Parallel Geoprocessing

• lgorithms and ata Structures

• Grid Computng and Geoin ormaton

• High Per ormance Computng or emote Sensing ig ata

• ata Communicaton

• Protot pe elegeoprecessing S stem

• elegeoprocessing pplicatons and urther evelopments

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Science in Society

Climate Change and Climate Policies

Zeppelin University, Germany

Hans von Storch

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany & Hamburg University, Germany

Key Features

• Ke discussion o climate science in societ . Governance o climate. Climate policies and climate science. Knowledge and politcs. Histor o ideas o climate. he social constructon o climate


Hans von Storch and Nico Stehr, the authors of this anthology, refect on the popular and scientfc percepton and constructon of the phenomenon climate, climate change, climate policy and the impact of climate on society. n the earl 990s, the authors encountered notable resistance especiall as the wrote about the urgenc or societal adaptaton to climate change. Something is wrong with our planet, and it is obvious that immediate acton is needed to rect the situaton the mankind actvit that has been impactng on climate changes. However, the translaton o scientfc knowledge into societ is not automatc or an autonomous orce. oving science into societ is sub ect to economic, politcal, and cultural constraints and a central issue o the book.

ico Stehr is a sociologist speciali ing in the theor o modern societ and the sociolog o knowledge Hans von Storch is a mathematcian and is also ph sical climate scientst. Since the authors inhabit rather di erent scientfc cultures, their collaboraton moreover is genuinel interdisciplinar and e emplar or transdisciplinar work. ore specifcall , the book documents the interdisciplinar path and the wide range o themes that has occupied ico Stehr and Hans von Storch during more than three decades o oint research and writng and that contnue to be o beneft to current research and re ecton on the interrelaton between nature, democrac , societ , governance, and climate.


Nico Stehr is Karl annheim Pro essor o Cultural Studies Emeritus at the eppelin Universit , riedrichsha en, German . He is a ellow o the o al Societ (Canada). He is one o the authors o the Hartwell Paper on climate polic . His recent books include he Power o Scientfc Knowledge (with einer Grundmann, 20 2) s Libert a aughter o Knowledge (20 6) Understanding ne ualit Social Costs and enefts (with manda achin, 20 6) Knowledge s Knowledge Power (with arion dol , outledge, 20 7) Societ Climate (with manda achin, 20 9) one Social heor o odernit (with ustn oss, outledge, 2020) and Knowledge Capitalism, 2022.

Prof. Hans von Storch is irector Emeritus o the nsttute o Coastal esearch o the Helmholt entrum Geesthacht (H G), Pro essor at the Universit o Hamburg and Guest Pro essor at the cean Universit o China ( ingdao). rom 987 995, he was Senior Scientst and leader o the Statstcal nal sis and odelling group at the a Planck nsttute or eteorolog , and untl 20 5, irector o the nsttute o Coastal esearch o H G. lthough a mathematcian b training, he became involved in the social science dimension o climate change in the 990s, specifcall in the ramework o postnormal science. n recogniton o this, he became a member o the acult o social science at the Universit o Hamburg in 20 8.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 232pp

Type: eprint olume

Main Subject: Environmental Science

Sub-Subjects: Climate Change Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic

Keywords: Climate Science Scientfc Knowledge Climate Change Climate Policies Governance Histor o deas Climate eterminism daptaton

Readership: n one interested in the societal conse uences o climate change. Students o modern societ . Climate scientsts. Polic makers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£75 |
978 8006 35 5

• Social Construct o Climate and Climate Change

• Histor o deas o Climate

• Cultures o Science

• Climate Policies

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Conjuring with Computaton

A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners

Key Features

• While there have been books on magic with maths, and magic with science, we believe this is the frst comprehensivel e ploring the links between magic and computer science

• oth authors are eminent researchers and award winning or their public engagement work. heir cs4 n and eaching London Computng Pro ects that the book draws rom have a huge global ollowing including o teachers. his book is an e tended version o one o the most popular aspects o their pro ects using magic tricks to introduce computer science ideas. his is a much more comprehensive version o that idea

• t will appeal to an one interested in magic or computer science novices interested in learning magic, magicians interested in the links to computaton, and also teachers, students and the general public interested in computng. t gives teachers un and novel wa s to introduce computng topics

• Computng is now compulsor in UK schools as well as man other countries so there is a lot o interest in un wa s to learn about it and teach it

• t also builds on the traditon o recreatonal maths and magic and will also be o interest to those interested in la recreatonal mathematcs science and S E public engagement


The team behind Computer Science for Fun (CS4FN), bring you Conjuring with Computaton: A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners. evelop our skills to be a magician while also learning the basics o computer science b e ploring its links to magic. Each chapter e plains how to do a simple magic trick, step b step, then uses the trick to introduce linked undamental ideas in computer science in a un wa .

reading the book ou will learn to do sel working tricks, be able to hold magic shows, create ou own versions o tricks and with creatvit even invent our own. We cover

• Sel working card tricks

• agical igsaws, bo es and other ob ects

• alse shu es and cuts

• alse choices

• agic with books and pictures

• entalism, clairvo ance and tricks with ghosts

• agic built on technolog

• ind out our riends superpowers

ou will also learn how computaton underpins con uring answering uestons like

• What is computaton

• Wh are the skills o a computatonal thinker, like decompositon, abstracton and generalisaton, so important

• Wh is data represented in di erent wa s

• How is eas to use so ware created

• How does maths underpin programming

• What are the basics o c ber securit and privac

• Wh must we all understand how computng technolog a ects societ

he book includes profles o computer scientsts, and magicians with links to technolog , through histor .

aster con uring and thinking computatonall .

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 280pp

Type: Stud Guide

Main Subject: General

Sub-Subjects: Popular Science So ware Engineering Programming General Science igital Securit nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement atabases n ormaton Sciences heoretcal Computer Science rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning obotcs nd utomated S stems eural etworks etworking achine Percepton Computer ision Popular ecreatonal athematcs

Keywords: Computaton Con uring Computatonal hinking Computer Science Programming agic Computng n ormatcs Sel Working tricks Human Computer nteracton C ber Securit and Privac Cognitve Ps cholog

Readership: General public hose interested in learning how to do magic tricks and la computng mathematcs science including those visitng science and technolog computng museums. hose learning computer science sub ects (at school or universit ) with an interest in magic

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 433 7

• ntroducton

• lgorithmic hinking

• Evaluaton Logical hinking

• aking it work or people

• ecompositon bstracton

• Procedures Procedural bstracton

• uilding igger

• bstracton ata epresentaton

• Human Computer nteracton

• Evaluaton Logical hinking

• ore dvanced Computatonal hinking

• C ber Securit and Privac

• dvanced echnolog

• cknowledgements

• urther eading

• nde o Computng erms

• nde o ricks, llusions and Con uring echni ues

• nde o People

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

Svetlana Katok

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Bassam Fayad

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Giovanni Forni

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Boris Hasselblat

Tufs University, USA

Key Features

Mariusz Lemańczyk

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Yakov Pesin

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Federico Rodriguez Hertz

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Ralf Spatzier

University of Michigan, USA

• he book presents and illuminates a large cross secton o d namics in the last hal centur b publishing the bod o work o a leading d namicist in a orm that is organi ed and discussed b leading e perts

• t includes works that are otherwise unpublished, di cult to obtain or translated into English or the frst tme


These volumes collect most of the papers of Anatole Katok, one of the founders of the modern theory of dynamical systems. Katok s work re ects hal a centur o research in mathematcs and includes ergodic theor , h perbolic, elliptc, and parabolic smooth d namics, as well as higher rank actons. Katok s papers cover an e tremel broad range o topics in d namics, and the contain man seminal contributons that had great impact on later developments and are now widel recogni ed as classical.

Katok also authored numerous historical and biographical papers, and these contain accounts o crucial developments rom the point o view o one o the main protagonists.

esides papers which have alread appeared in academic ournals, this collecton includes several previousl unpublished papers as well as some whose English translaton appears here or the frst tme.

hese collected works are organi ed b topic into si chapters, each eaturing an introducton wri en b respectve leading specialists. olume ocuses on the ollowing topics H perbolicit , Entrop , Geodesic lows, nterval E change rans ormatons, illiards, wist aps, Spectral heor , ppro imatons, Combinatorial Constructons, and Histor o namics. olume ocuses on these topics Cohomolog and Geometric igidit , and easure igidit .


Svetlana Katok is Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Bassam Fayad oins Universit o ar land (U ) as ichael and Eugenia rin Endowed Chair in athematcs.

Giovanni Forni is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ar land.

Boris Hasselblat obtained his doctorate at Caltech under the guidance o natole Katok.

Mariusz Lemańczyk obtained his doctorate at icolaus Copernicus Universit ( CU) and his habilitaton at Warsaw Universit .

Yakov Pesin is istnguished Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Federico Rodriguez Hertz received his training in mathematcs rom P , ra il. He holds the natole Katok Chair Pro essorship at he Penns lvania State Universit .

Ralf Spatzier is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ichigan, nn rbor.

January 2023

£475 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 806 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 2696pp

Type: eprint olume

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: namical S stems nd Ergodic heor athematcal Ph sics

Keywords: namical S stems

namics Ergodic heor

H perbolicit H perbolic namics

Parabolic namics Elliptc namics igidit Geometr Higher rank ctons illiards Pesin heor Histor iograph

Readership: Graduates and researchers in the felds o d namical s stems and ergodic theor

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
In 2 Volumes

• Volume I: Hyperbolicity, Entropy, Geodesic Flows Interval Exchange Transformatons, Billiards, Twist Maps Spectral Theory, Approximatons, Combinatorial Constructons History of Dynamics, Surveys, Unpublished Preprints

• Volume II: Cohomology and Geometric Rigidity Measure Rigidity

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

Svetlana Katok

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Bassam Fayad

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Giovanni Forni

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Boris Hasselblat

Tufs University, USA

Key Features

Mariusz Lemańczyk

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Yakov Pesin

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Federico Rodriguez Hertz

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Ralf Spatzier

University of Michigan, USA

• he book presents and illuminates a large cross secton o d namics in the last hal centur b publishing the bod o work o a leading d namicist in a orm that is organi ed and discussed b leading e perts

• t includes works that are otherwise unpublished, di cult to obtain or translated into English or the frst tme


These volumes collect most of the papers of Anatole Katok, one of the founders of the modern theory of dynamical systems. Katok s work re ects hal a centur o research in mathematcs and includes ergodic theor , h perbolic, elliptc, and parabolic smooth d namics, as well as higher rank actons. Katok s papers cover an e tremel broad range o topics in d namics, and the contain man seminal contributons that had great impact on later developments and are now widel recogni ed as classical.

Katok also authored numerous historical and biographical papers, and these contain accounts o crucial developments rom the point o view o one o the main protagonists.

esides papers which have alread appeared in academic ournals, this collecton includes several previousl unpublished papers as well as some whose English translaton appears here or the frst tme.

hese collected works are organi ed b topic into si chapters, each eaturing an introducton wri en b respectve leading specialists. olume ocuses on the ollowing topics H perbolicit , Entrop , Geodesic lows, nterval E change rans ormatons, illiards, wist aps, Spectral heor , ppro imatons, Combinatorial Constructons, and Histor o namics. olume ocuses on these topics Cohomolog and Geometric igidit , and easure igidit .


Svetlana Katok is Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Bassam Fayad oins Universit o ar land (U ) as ichael and Eugenia rin Endowed Chair in athematcs.

Giovanni Forni is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ar land.

Boris Hasselblat obtained his doctorate at Caltech under the guidance o natole Katok.

Mariusz Lemańczyk obtained his doctorate at icolaus Copernicus Universit ( CU) and his habilitaton at Warsaw Universit .

Yakov Pesin is istnguished Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Federico Rodriguez Hertz received his training in mathematcs rom P , ra il. He holds the natole Katok Chair Pro essorship at he Penns lvania State Universit .

Ralf Spatzier is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ichigan, nn rbor.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 384pp

Type: eprint olume

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: namical S stems nd Ergodic heor athematcal Ph sics

Keywords: namical S stems namics Ergodic heor H perbolicit H perbolic namics

Parabolic namics Elliptc namics igidit Geometr Higher rank ctons illiards Pesin heor Histor iograph

Readership: Graduates and researchers in the felds o d namical s stems and ergodic theor

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Volume I
£275 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-775-1

• Volume I: Hyperbolicity, Entropy, Geodesic Flows

Interval Exchange Transformatons, Billiards, Twist Maps Spectral Theory, Approximatons, Combinatorial Constructons History of Dynamics, Surveys, Unpublished Preprints

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

Svetlana Katok

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Bassam Fayad

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Giovanni Forni

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Boris Hasselblat

Tufs University, USA

Key Features

Mariusz Lemańczyk

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Yakov Pesin

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Federico Rodriguez Hertz

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Ralf Spatzier

University of Michigan, USA

• he book presents and illuminates a large cross secton o d namics in the last hal centur b publishing the bod o work o a leading d namicist in a orm that is organi ed and discussed b leading e perts

• t includes works that are otherwise unpublished, di cult to obtain or translated into English or the frst tme


These volumes collect most of the papers of Anatole Katok, one of the founders of the modern theory of dynamical systems. Katok s work re ects hal a centur o research in mathematcs and includes ergodic theor , h perbolic, elliptc, and parabolic smooth d namics, as well as higher rank actons. Katok s papers cover an e tremel broad range o topics in d namics, and the contain man seminal contributons that had great impact on later developments and are now widel recogni ed as classical.

Katok also authored numerous historical and biographical papers, and these contain accounts o crucial developments rom the point o view o one o the main protagonists.

esides papers which have alread appeared in academic ournals, this collecton includes several previousl unpublished papers as well as some whose English translaton appears here or the frst tme.

hese collected works are organi ed b topic into si chapters, each eaturing an introducton wri en b respectve leading specialists. olume ocuses on the ollowing topics H perbolicit , Entrop , Geodesic lows, nterval E change rans ormatons, illiards, wist aps, Spectral heor , ppro imatons, Combinatorial Constructons, and Histor o namics. olume ocuses on these topics Cohomolog and Geometric igidit , and easure igidit .


Svetlana Katok is Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Bassam Fayad oins Universit o ar land (U ) as ichael and Eugenia rin Endowed Chair in athematcs.

Giovanni Forni is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ar land.

Boris Hasselblat obtained his doctorate at Caltech under the guidance o natole Katok.

Mariusz Lemańczyk obtained his doctorate at icolaus Copernicus Universit ( CU) and his habilitaton at Warsaw Universit .

Yakov Pesin is istnguished Pro essor o athematcs at the Penns lvania State Universit .

Federico Rodriguez Hertz received his training in mathematcs rom P , ra il. He holds the natole Katok Chair Pro essorship at he Penns lvania State Universit .

Ralf Spatzier is Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o ichigan, nn rbor.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 1312pp

Type: eprint olume

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: namical S stems nd Ergodic heor athematcal Ph sics

Keywords: namical S stems namics Ergodic heor H perbolicit H perbolic namics

Parabolic namics Elliptc namics igidit Geometr Higher rank ctons illiards Pesin heor Histor iograph

Readership: Graduates and researchers in the felds o d namical s stems and ergodic theor

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Volume II
£275 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-777-5

Cohomology and Geometric Rigidity Measure Rigidity

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com • Volume II:

Perspectves in Scalar Curvature

In 2 Volumes

Key Features

• his is a wide ranging work centered on the sub ect, rom geometr , o scalar curvature. t begins with a long artcle wri en b isha Gromov with man topics and open problems. he rest o olume consists o artcles wri en about ver recent ma or advances, b people involved in these discoveries. olume 2 is a diverse and ascinatng collecton o essa s wri en b mathematcians and ph sicists about their view o scalar curvature in their own work. he were invited to write whatever the ound appealing. Some wrote large surve s and others wrote artcles that were specifcall ocused. he ensemble is e tremel interestng

• ne reason this book is needed is that it put together viewpoints on scalar curvature rom man uite di erent perspectves. t seems likel that this will engender new thinking in man areas

• Certainl the contributors are all leading researchers, and ver well known


Volume I contains a long artcle by Misha Gromov based on his many years of involvement in this subject. t came rom lectures delivered in Spring 20 9 at HES. here is some background given. an topics in the feld are presented, and man open problems are discussed. ne intriguing point here is the crucial role pla ed b two seemingl unrelated anal tc means inde theor o irac operators and geometric measure theor .

er recentl there have been some real breakthroughs in the feld. olume has several surve artcles wri en b people who were responsible or these results.

or olume , man people in areas o mathematcs and ph sics, whose work is somehow related to scalar curvature, were asked to write about this in an wa tha pleased. his gives rise to a wonder ul collecton o artcles, some with ver broad and historical views, others which discussed specifc ascinatng sub ects.

hese two books give a rich and power ul view o one o geometr s ver appealing sides.


Misha Gromov, a Gould Pro essor o athematcs at Courant nsttute, U, and emeritus pro essor at HES, rance. Ph rom Leningrad State Universit in 969. esearch interests spaces o geometric structures on mani olds and o spaces o maps between mani olds iemannian geometr , s mplectc geometr , combinatorial geometr , as mptotc geometr o infnite groups mathematcal structures underl ing living organisms and their ph siological and mental unctons including human natural languages.

H Blaine Lawson, r., istnguished Pro essor, Ston rook Universit , Ston rook, . inimal sur aces in the 3 sphere, oliatons o spheres, boundaries o comple anal tc varietes and holomorphic chains, co creator o the feld o calibrated geometries, work with Gromov on positve scalar curvature, work on algebraic c cles and homotop theor .

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 636pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: Geometr (Conve nd iscrete Geometr ) nd opolog

Global nal sis nal sis n ani olds elatvit Gravitaton

Keywords: Scalar Curvature irac perators nde o irac perators oo Genus Spin ani olds K heor Lichnerowic ormula acroscopic imension inimal H persu aces Positve ass heorems omininant Energ Conditon uasi Local ass iemannian Pol hedra and Width Enlargeable ani olds Callias perators Waist ne ualit C lgebras and K theor

Readership: Pro essional mathematcians and ph sicists, and certainl graduate students, in di erental geometr and related areas in mathematcs, and in general relatvit and related areas in ph sics. he books could easil be used or advanced graduate courses in mathematcs and ph sics

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£340 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 935 8

• Volume I:

◊ Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature

◊ Scalar Curvature and Generalized Callias Operators

◊ Convergence and Regularity of Manifolds with Scalar Curvature and Entropy Lower Bounds

◊ Level Set Methods in the Study of Scalar Curvature

◊ The Secret Hyperbolic Life of Positve Scalar Curvature

◊ On the Scalar Curvature of 4-Manifolds

• Volume II:

◊ Classical Relatons to Topology and the Dirac Operator: Some Topological Implicatons of Positve Scalar Curvature and Generalizatons Complete Manifolds with Positve Scalar Curvature

Manifolds with Boundary and Spaces of Metrics with Positve Scalar Curvature and Mean Curvature

Minimal Varietes

◊ Positve Mass and Positve Energy

◊ Positve Scalar Curvature on Generalized Spaces: Pol hedra and Positve Scalar Curvature on etric Spaces istance Estmates amilies and oliatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Spatal Dynamics Models in the Life Sciences and the Role of Feedback in Robust Developments

Key Features

• Provides a comprehensive overview o histor and politcs in China since 949

• pplies a thematc approach revoluton, recover and re uvenaton encompassing a chronological breakdown o events

• E amines the rise and re uvenaton o China not ust within an economic and militar conte t but also within ramework o increasingl dominant Chinese discourses

• ddresses topical issues such as human rights, environment and natonalism


Basic mathematcal techniques for partal diferental equatons (PDE) with applicatons to the life sciences form an integral part of the core curriculum for programs in mathematcal biology. et, students in such a program with an undergraduate training in biolog are t picall defcient in an e posure to P E. his volume starts with simple frst order P E and progresses through higher order e uatons and s stems but with interestng applicatons, even at the level o a single frst order P E with constant coe cients.

Similar to the two previous volumes b the author, another uni ue eature o the book is highlightng the scientfc theme(s) o interest or the biological phenomena being modelled and anal sed. n additon to temporal evoluton o a biological phenomenon, its limitng e uilibrium states and their stabilit , the possibilit o locatonal variatons leads to a stud o additonal themes such as (signal and wave) propagaton, spatal pa erning and robustness. he re uirement that biological developments are relatvel insensitve to sustained environmental changes provides an opportunit to e amine the issue o eedback and robustness not encountered in the previous two volumes o this series.


Frederic Wan has been a Pro essor o athematcs at the Universit o Cali ornia, rvine (UC ) since 995 where he was also ice Chancellor or esearch and ean o Graduate Studies, 995 2000. Prior to UC , Pro essor Wan received S , S and Ph in athematcs at ( 955 965) and was on the acult o the athematcs epartment ( 965 974). He was appointed Pro essor o athematcs and the ounding irector o the nsttute o pplied athematcs and Statstcs at the Universit o ritsh Columbia ( 974 983). n 983, Pro essor Wan relocated to the Universit o Washington as Pro essor ( 983 995) and the ounding Chair o epartment o pplied athematcs ( 983 988), and later the ivisional ean o atural and athematcal Sciences ( 988 992). t the re uest o the atonal Science oundaton ( S ), Pro essor Wan was re assigned b the Universit to serve as the irector o the oundaton s ivision o athematcal Sciences ( 992 994). or his research contributons (supported b both S and the atonal nsttute o Health ( H)), Pro essor Wan was elected a ellow o S E, S, S and a oreign ember o the ussian cadem o atural Sciences among others.

January 2023

£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 656

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 420pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcal iolog athematcal odeling iomathematcs issue Engineering rdinar i erental E uatons Partal i erental E uatons

Keywords: athematcal iolog Spatal namics odels in Li e Sciences obust iological evelopments Partal i erental E uatons S stems iolog eedback in iological evelopments iological issue Pa erning ultple Concurrent eedback

Readership: eginning graduate students and upper division undergraduates in mathematcal biolog . lso accessible to researchers in the li e sciences interested in spatall nonuni orm models but with li le or no background in partal di erental e uatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• enewal and Propagaton

• ethod o Characteristcs

• rownian oton and Heat Conducton

• Eigen uncton E pansions

• Well Posedness

• shore erritorial Sovereignt

• eacton i usion S stems

• raveling Waves

• raveling Waves in Higher rder onlinear odels

• n E tracellular ne i usive orphogen odel

• on receptors

• obust evelopment 29

• Earl eedback odels toward obust Signaling

• Spatall Uni orm Concurrent eedback

• Spatall onuni orm Concurrent eedback

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Introducton to Matrix Theory

with Applicatons in Economics and Engineering

2nd Editon

Corvinus University, Hungary

Sandor Molnar

Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Key Features

Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Hungary

• Practcal approach to linear algebra with demonstratve e amples and cases

• Easil digestble e amples rom economics and engineering

• Clear and concise structure

• ew theoretcal topics and applicatons rom felds other than economics

• ore di cult e ercises which re uire deep understanding o the theoretcal issues

• Some moderni ed proo s which give be er overview o the stud material


Linear algebra and matrix theory are among the most important and most frequently applied branches of mathematcs. he are especiall important in solving engineering and economic models, where either the model is assumed linear, or the nonlinear model is appro imated b a linear model, and the resultng linear model is e amined.

his book is mainl a te tbook, that covers a one semester upper division course or a two semester lower division course on the sub ect.

he second editon will be an e tended and moderni ed version o the frst editon. We added some new theoretcal topics and some new applicatons rom felds other than economics. We also added more di cult e ercises at the end o each chapter which re uire deep understanding o the theoretcal issues. We also moderni ed some proo s in the theoretcal discussions which give be er overview o the stud material. n preparing the manuscript we also corrected the t pos and errors, so the second editon will be a corrected, e tended and moderni ed new version o the frst editon.


Prof. Ferenc Szidarovszky is a mathematcian ocusing mainl on game theor , control and s stem theor , d namic s stems with applicatons to engineering and economics, numerical anal sis and computaton, optmi aton, operatons research, calculus and their applicatons in economic sciences, linear algebra.

Prof. Sandor Molnar is a mathematcian specialising in control and s stems theor with a special ocus on linear s stems and applied mathematcs in energ s stems modeling. He is currentl giving lectures as a pro essor emeritus at S ent stvan Universit . He was an invited lecturer at the Chicago Universit , the Universit o ri ona, the ok o etropolitan Universit and the arcelona echnical Universit . He gives lectures in linear algebra, applicatons o control and s stems theor , computatonal theor and energ modeling.

Dr Mark Molnar is an economist, currentl an associate pro essor at EL E E tv s L r nd Universit o Sciences, acult o Economics. Previousl he was a Head o epartment o acroeconomics and nternatonal Economics at S ent stvan Universit . He has given lectures in micro and macroeconomics, applied economics, internatonal economics, linear algebra, calculus, d namic s stems and tme series anal sis. His research encompasses energ s stems and climate change emissions modelling, artfcial neural networks and tme series anal sis.

January 2023

£120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 664 6

£70 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-125-793-3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 450pp

Type: e tbook

Series: Series on Concrete and pplicable athematcs Volume 23

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: Linear nd ultlinear lgebra atri heor athematcal inance Economics General Engineering athematcal Economics Game heor Econometrics

Keywords: atrices Special atrices ecompositons Canonical orms

Characteristc Pol nomial Eigenvalues Eigenvectors iagonali aton ordan orm Singular alue ecompositon, Linear Spaces, nner product Spaces

Splines rdinar i erental E uatons oundar alue Problems umerical i erentaton umerical ntegraton

Readership: Wri en primaril or undergraduate and graduate students stud ing engineering, economics and business can also be used in courses o ered b the mathematcs department, or b an kind o engineering and social sciences can also be used b researchers in mathematcs, economics, engineering in additon, high school special courses, and teacher training courses can emplo this te tbook

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ectors and atrices

• ector Spaces and nner Product Spaces

• S stems o Linear E uatons and nverses o atrices

• eterminants

• Linear appings and atrices

• Eigenvalues, nvariant Subspaces, Canonical orms

• Special atrices

• Elements o atri nal sis

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Analyzing Mathematcal Paterns —

Detecton & Formulaton

Inductve Approach to Recogniton, Analysis and Formulatons of Paterns

Key Features

• he book provides several repettve t pe guided e amples that navigate to deeper undamentals and to solving more challenging problems

• hese practce problems lead to ormulatng pa erns, to inductve reasoning and to proo b inducton

• he book introduces the inductve approach to grasp the concepts

• he book presents each concept graphicall and anal tcall and the connecton between the two methods

• he book also emphasi es the similarites and contrasts between assorted pa erns and widens the readers anal tcal skills and welcomes them to un old more mathematcal essences


The book’s objectves are to expose students to analyzing and formulatng various paterns such as linear, quadratc, geometric, piecewise, alternatng, summatontype, product-type, recursive and periodic paterns. he book will present various pa erns graphicall and anal tcall and show the connectons between them. Graphical presentatons include pa erns at same scale, pa erns at diminishing scale and alternatng pa erns.

he book s goals are to train and e pand students anal tcal skills b presentng numerous repettve t pe problems that will lead to ormulatng results inductvel and to the proo b inducton method. hese will start with ormulatng basic se uences and piecewise unctons and transiton to propertes o Pascal s riangle that are hori ontall and diagonall oriented and ormulatng solutons to recursive se uences. he book will start with relatvel straight orward problems and graduall transiton to more challenging problems and open ended research uestons.

he book s aims are to prepare students to establish a base o recogniton and ormulaton o pa erns that will navigate to stud urther mathematcs such as Calculus, iscrete athematcs, atri lgebra, bstract lgebra, i erence E uatons, and to potental research pro ects. he primar aims out o all are to make mathematcs accessible and multdisciplinar or students with di erent backgrounds and rom various disciplines.


Michael A Radin earned his Ph at the Universit o hode sland in 200 and is currentl an associate pro essor o mathematcs at the ochester nsttute o echnolog . ichael started his ourne anal ing di erence e uatons that portra periodic and eventuall periodic c cles as part o his Ph thesis. He has several publicatons on the boundedness and periodic nature o solutons o ratonal di erence e uatons, ma t pe di erence e uatons and piecewise di erence e uatons. uring the last 20 ears, ichael published several papers together with his undergraduate and graduate students at and has publicatons with students and colleagues rom iga echnical Universit , Universit o Latvia, Pskov State Universit and aroslavl State Universit .

January 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 04 6

£45 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 2 0 4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 290pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcs Educaton Combinatorics i erence nd unctonal E uatons General pplied athematcs General Pure athematcs eaching nd Learning

Keywords: Pa ern ecogniton nducton Geometrical Confguratons Pa erns at Same Scale Pa erns at i erent Scales lternatons Pa erns Piecewise Pa erns ecursive Pa erns Periodic Pa erns

Readership: High school and undergraduate levels in mathematcs or on S E disciplines, Pa ern ecogniton, iscrete athematcs, i erence E uatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Introducton to Paterns:

Geometrical Confguratons

Piecewise Functons

Analytcal Formulatons

Recursive Sequences

Piecewise Sequences

Periodic Cycles

• Geometrical Confguratons:

Paterns at Same Scale

Paterns at Diferent Scales

Alternatng & Piecewise Paterns

Summaton of Areas

Sequences, Products & Summatons:

Linear Sequences

Quadratc Sequences

Summaton–Type Sequences

Geometric Sequences

Product–Type Sequences

Alternatng & Piecewise Sequences

• Summatons & Proof by Inducton:

3Linear & Geometric Summatons

Proof by Inducton

Traits of Pascal’s Triangle:

Horizontal Identtes

Diagonal Identtes

Binomial Expansion

• Recursive Relatons:

Formulatng a Recursive Relaton

Obtaining an Explicit Soluton

Non-autonomous Recursive Sequences

• Periodic Traits:

utonomous ecursive Se uences

ultplicatve orm

dditve orm

ultplicatve dditve orms

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Internatonal & Multdisciplinary Pedagogy

Discoveries, Innovatons, Challenges & Successes

Key Features

• he book o ers numerous photographs as comparisons and diagrams

• he book provides several practcal e amples o developing internatonal pedagog innovatons in di erent educatonal s stems. hese include mathematcs and multdisciplinar courses

• he book presents the utli aton o primar , secondar , alternatve and limited resources

• he book also ocuses on establishing internatonal relatons, a positve internatonal and multdisciplinar teaching and learning environment and achieving the e pected learning outcomes


The book’s primary objectves are to welcome you to the abundant and meaningful internatonal and multdisciplinary educaton discovery journey. ou will grow rom e posure to other cultures and their practces and daresa , become be er teachers in our local as well as on line environments. ost ever local classroom is mult cultural as well. he students have di erent backgrounds and di erent wa s o internali ing in ormaton meaning ull .

he book will provide practcal e amples how to design, promote and teach various courses and seminars abroad. E amples are those the author e perienced with a specifc pedagogical idea that is success ul in one s stem, however, the same concept ma ace une pected challenges or ail in another s stem. ost importantl , the book will ocus on appl ing eedback as vital tools that will guide us to the designing, promotng and teaching mathematcs and multdisciplinar courses and seminars. he book s most important goal is to make internatonal and multdisciplinar educaton accessible to ever one.

he book will compare several educatonal s stems as well as their similarites and di erences. hese include di erent teaching and learning st les, students preparaton levels, and students interests and value orientatons. he goal is to inspire ou to embark on our own innovatve discover ourne , seek out mult cultural and internatonal teaching opportunites and to e ectvel reach, e ectvel communicate in ormaton and help students learn.


Michael A Radin earned his Ph at the Universit o hode sland in 200 and is currentl an associate pro essor o mathematcs at the ochester nsttute o echnolog . ichael started his ourne anal ing di erence e uatons that portra periodic and eventuall periodic c cles as part o his Ph thesis. He has several publicatons on the boundedness and periodic nature o solutons o ratonal di erence e uatons, ma t pe di erence e uatons and piecewise di erence e uatons. uring the last 20 ears, ichael published several papers together with his undergraduate and graduate students at and has publicatons with students and colleagues rom iga echnical Universit , Universit o Latvia, Pskov State Universit and aroslavl State Universit .

January 2023

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 07 7

£30 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: Stud Guide

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcs Educaton arketng nnovaton echnolog

Knowledge n ormaton anagement

Globali aton nternatonal elatons eaching nd Learning

Keywords: nternatonal Educaton ultdisciplinar Educaton nline

Educaton esources Primar esources Secondar esources

lternatve esources Educatonal S stems eedback nternatonal Hori ons nternatonal Collaboratons

Evolving our nnovatons evising our nnovatons Selling our nnovatons

E pected Learning utcomes nline

Con erences ultdisciplinar

Con erences nternatonal Con erences sking the ight uestons

Readership: he primar audience are students, acult and administrators. he book can be used or various high school courses, pedagogical courses and especiall courses that address internatonal or global educaton, leadership, innovatons, advertsing and marketng

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Internatonal Fronters:

Sources of Academic Innovatons

Positve Learning Atmosphere

Multdisciplinary Educaton

Expansion of Internatonal Horizons

Piecewise Sequences

Periodic Cycles

• Mathematcs Teaching Strategies:

Hands-on Teaching & Learning

Use of Multple Colors

Prompt Feedback

Flexibility to Students’ Feedback

• Expansion of Internatonal Fronters: Comparing Educatonal Systems

Building Internatonal Collaboratons

Promotng New Seminars and Courses

Available Resources

• New Mathematcal Horizons:

Workshop–Based Calculus at RIT

SAT Preparatory Course

Discrete Mathematcs

Introducton to Diference Equatons

Recogniton & Deciphering of Paterns

Internatonal Math Olympiad

• New Multdisciplinary Horizons:

Introducton to Photography

Internatonal Research Coalitons

Risk Management

Introducton to Business Start Up

• Resources & Feedback:

Available Resources

Alternatve Resources


Limited Resources

• Promoton of Ideas & Innovatons: Evolving your Innovatons

Revising your Innovatons

Selling your Innovatons

• Online Teaching & Learning:

Successful Online Teaching Practces

Expected Learning Outcomes & Beyond

Advantages of Online Environment

• Post Pandemic Environment: ew echnologies pplicatons ew nternatonal ronters

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Stochastc Komatu–Loewner Evolutons

Zhen-Qing Chen

University of Washington, USA

Masatoshi Fukushima Osaka University, Japan

Key Features

• his book gives a s stematc e tension o the mathematcal theor o Schramm Loewner evoluton (SLE) to multpl connected planar domains, namel , domains allowing fnitel man holes

• opics are presented in a unifed and mostl sel contained manner, accessible b interested researchers and graduate students

• rownian moton with darning ( ) and stochastc anal sis are utli ed in an essental wa in the stud o con ormal mappings and Komatu Loewner evolutons on multpl connected planar domains


The present monograph on stochastc Komatu–Loewner evolutons (SKLEs) provides the frst systematc extension of the Schramm–Loewner evoluton (SLE) theory from a simply connected planar domain to multply connected domains by using the Brownian moton with darning (BMD) that has arisen in a recent study of the boundary theory of symmetric Markov processes.

his volume is presented in an accessible manner or the interested researchers and graduate students. t also brings new insights into SLEs as special cases o SKLEs. athematcall , it can be viewed as a power ul applicaton o stochastc anal sis via s to comple anal sis.


Zhen-Qing Chen is a pro essor at the Universit o Washington, US . He is an elected ellow o the merican athematcal Societ and o the nsttute o athematcal Statstcs. He has co authored with ukushima on the book S mmetric arkov Processes, ime Changes, and oundar heor . He serves on several editorial boards o mathematcal research ournals, including Potental nal sis as the Editor in Chie .

Masatoshi Fukushima is a Pro essor Emeritus at the saka Universit , apan. He is well known or his undamental contributons in irichlet orm theor . He is an author o three books on irichlet orm theor . He received the 2003 nal sis Pri e rom the athematcal Societ o apan, and the 20 9 t Pri e (together with Chen) rom the ernoulli Societ .

Since pril 2022, Takuya Murayama is ssistant Pro essor at K ushu Universit , apan.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 252pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: Probabilit heor

Stochastc Processes unctons

Comple ariable rdinar i erental E uatons Partal i erental E uaton

Statstcal Ph sics, Comple it and onlinear namical S stems ( ncluding Heat nd hermod namics)

Keywords: bsorbed rownian oton

( ) rownian oton with arning ( ) Comple Poisson Kernel

Komatu Loewner i erental E uaton

Hulls Canonical ap Hal Plane

Capacit K L E uaton or Slit otons

Komatu Loewner Evoluton (KLE)

Stochastc Komatu Loewner Evoluton (SKLE) omain arkov Propert

Contnuousl Growing Hulls riving uncton omain Constant

Readership: esearchers and graduate students interested in the Schramm Loewner evoluton (SLE)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 278 4

• ultpl Connected Planar omain and rownian oton

• Chordal Komatu Loewner i erental E uaton and

• Komatu Loewner Evoluton (KLE)

• Stochastc Komatu Loewner Evoluton (SKLE)

• KLE and its rans ormaton

• Appendix

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Models and Methods for Quantum Condensaton

and Fluids

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore

Yongyong Cai

Beijing Normal University, China

Key Features

Université de Rouen Normandie, France

Peter A Markowich

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

• n original book with a comprehensive collecton o signifcant topics at the ronter o modeling and simulaton or ose Einstein condensaton, uantum turbulence and uantum chemistr

• Contributons rom leading researchers in the feld that touch upon di erent aspects o ph sical problems, mathematcal models, numerical methods, as mptotc and variatonal results

• aterials are based on tutorials which are accessible to students and oung researchers

• E tensive re erence lists lead to both historical developments and recent advances in the felds


The Insttute for Mathematcal Sciences at the Natonal University of Singapore hosted a thematc program on Quantum and Kinetc Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applicatons from September 2019 to March 2020. As an important part o the program, tutorials and special lectures were given b leading e perts in the felds or partcipatng graduate students and unior researchers.

his invaluable volume collects si e panded lecture notes with each sel contained tutorials. he coverage includes mathematcal models and numerical methods or multdimensional solitons in linear and nonlinear potentals ose Einstein condensaton ( EC) with dipole dipole interacton, higher order interacton and spin orbit coupling classical and uantum turbulence and molecular d namics process based on the frst principle in uantum chemistr .

his volume serves to inspire graduate students and researchers who will embark into original research work in these felds.

January 2023

£120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 604

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 364pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Lecture otes Series, nsttute or athematcal Sciences, atonal Universit o Singapore Volume 39

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: umerical nal sis athematcal Computaton tomic nd olecular Ph sics athematcal odeling Computatonal, athematcal nd heoretcal Ph sics Condensed a er Ph sics Computatonal Chemistr

Keywords: ose Einstein

Condensaton onlinear Schr dinger E uaton Gross Pitaevskii E uaton ultdimensional Soliton ipole ipole nteracton Spin rbit Coupling uantum urbulence olecular namics Process Computatonal uantum Ph sics Computatonal uantum Chemistr

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in computatonal and applied mathematcs, computatonal uantum ph sics, atomic and molecular ph sics, nonlinear optcs, and computatonal uantum chemistr

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ultdimensional Sel rapping in Linear and onlinear Potentals (Boris A Malomed)

• ipolar ose Einstein Condensates roplets and Supersolids rising rom e ond ean ield E ects (P Blair Blakie)

• athematcal heor and umerical ethods or ose Einstein Condensaton with Higher rder nteracton (Yongyong Cai and Xinran Ruan)

• S nthetc Gauge ield and Spin rbit Coupling in Ultracold tomic Condensate (Li Chen and Han Pu)

• rom Classical to uantum urbulence asic Concepts and odels (Ionut Danaila and Luminita Danaila)

• umerical ethods or Solving the ime ependent Schr dinger E uaton or a olecular namics Process (Hailin Zhao and Zhigang Sun)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Modeling and Simulaton for Collectve Dynamics

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Key Features

Benoit Perthame Sorbonne Université, France

Eitan Tadmor University of Maryland, USA

• Comprehensive and original collecton o cu ng edge topics on modeling and simulaton or collectve d namics and its emerging applicatons

• he contributors are leading researchers in the felds o mathematcal models, numerical methods, mathematcal anal sis, as mptotc results, and emerging applicatons

• ased on tutorials, these materials are accessible to graduate students and unior researchers

• E tensive re erence lists lead to both historical developments and recent advances in the felds


The thematc program Quantum and Kinetc Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applicatons was held at the Insttute for Mathematcal Sciences at the Natonal University of Singapore, from September 2019 to March 2020. Leading e perts presented tutorials and special lectures geared towards the partcipatng graduate students and unior researchers.

eaders will fnd in this signifcant volume our e panded lecture notes with sel contained tutorials on modeling and simulaton or collectve d namics including individual and populaton approaches or populaton d namics in mathematcal biolog , collectve behaviors or Lohe t pe aggregaton models, mean feld partcle swarm optmi aton, and consensus based optmi aton and ensemble Kalman inversion or global optmi aton problems with constraints.

his volume serves to inspire graduate students and researchers who will embark into original research work in kinetc models or collectve d namics and their applicatons.

January 2023

£75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 6 3 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 242pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Lecture otes Series, nsttute or athematcal Sciences, atonal Universit o Singapore Volume 40

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcal odeling umerical nal sis athematcal iolog Partal i erental E uatons Calculus ariatons nd ptmal Control ptmi aton

Keywords: Collectve namics Kinetc odel ean ield okker Planck E uaton lasov okker Planck pe E uatons Populaton eproducton acterial Cell ivision C cle Lohe ggregaton odel Partcle Swarm ptmi aton Consensus based ptmi aton Ensemble Kalman nversion

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in computatonal and applied mathematcs, mathematcal biolog , mathematcal modeling, computatonal science and engineering

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ndividual and Populaton pproaches or Calibratng ivision ates in Populaton namics pplicaton to the acterial Cell C cle (Marie Doumic and Marc Hofmann)

• Collectve namics o Lohe pe ggregaton odels (Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim)

• ean ield Partcle Swarm ptmi aton (Sara Grassi, Hui Huang, Lorenzo Pareschi and Jinniao Qiu)

• Consensus based ptmi aton and Ensemble Kalman nversion or Global ptmi aton Problems with Constraints ( Jose Antonio Carrillo, Claudia Totzeck and Urbain Vaes)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Study of Linear and Nonlinear Models with “Mathematca”

Sergii Skuratvskyi

Natonal Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ukraine

Key Features

AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

• Educatonal material or a ull two semester course has been collected. he presentaton is carried out according to the principle o transiton rom simple to comple , there ore the frst part covering one semester course is entrel based on the classical material including various aspects o nonlinear mechanics and the theor o oscillatons, while the second part, devoted to modeling ph sical felds, combines classical sectons with material re ectng modern aspects o research

• he book includes an e tensive secton devoted to linear models o mathematcal ph sics and methods or their solutons. rom the point o view o the advantages provided b the use o so ware packages such as athematca , linear models represent the most ertle feld or applicaton, because the solve, as a rule, in a ma er o seconds those problem that, being calculated manuall , take a lot o tme and re uire signifcant de terit

• he book contains various applicatons o the classical Hirota method, known rom theor o solitons, or obtaining e act solutons to a large number o nonlinear models in no wa related to soliton topics

• Progress in the wide and success ul applicaton o the Hirota method and its modifcatons was due precisel to the possibilit o using special so ware packages, as this is illustrated in the relevant sectons. he methods presented, as well as the corresponding programs, can be easil adapted to solve the problems o this kind that are o interest to a potental reader

• he authors paid special a enton to balancing the levels o ph sical and mathematcal presentaton o the material so that the book be understandable to the widest possible range o readers background

• he book combines well known acts and the recent research, which helps lecturers to present modern achievements o nonlinear science, and students to get an idea o the actual work o scientsts

• ogether with the book, computer programs are provided, which not onl visuali e the material o the book, but can also be the basis or students to develop and anal e their own models

• he e amples discussed in the book are multdisciplinar , which makes the manuscript interestng or a wide audience

• he book presents a number o new results o the authors, in partcular, the search or e act solutons o urgers t pe e uatons, the stud o the structure o non anal tcal solutons o evoluton e uatons, the constructon o e act sel similar solutons to various nonlinear models. Special a enton is paid to the stud o locali ed wave modes (solitons, compactons), their ormaton and evoluton within the models taking into account propertes o the carrier medium, such as the osenau H man K(m, n) hierarch , esterenko s e uaton and h drod namic t pe model o rela ing media. t is important that the book collects in one place the mentoned nonlinear models and describes in detail the numerical schemes, which are sca ered among the various scientfc papers


The book is devoted to the problems of modeling physical systems and felds using the tools and capabilites of the “Mathematca” sofware package. n the process o teaching classical courses in mechanics and mathematcal ph sics, one o en has to overcome signifcant di cultes associated with the cumbersomeness o the mathematcal apparatus, which more than once distracts rom the essence o the problems under consideraton. he use o the athematca package, which has a rich set o anal tcal and graphic tools, makes the presentaton o classic issues related to modeling and interpretaton o ph sical processes much more transparent. his package enables the visuali aton o both anal tcal solutons o nonlinear di erental e uatons and solutons obtained in the orm o infnite series or special unctons.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 332pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: Classical echanics echanics Partcles nd S stems namical S stems nd Ergodic heor General pplied athematcs athematcal odeling onlinear Science, Chaos namical S stems nterdisciplinar Ph sics Computatonal, athematcal nd heoretcal Ph sics So ware Engineering Programming

Keywords: ndronov Hop i urcaton uckingham s Pi heorem Cole Hop rans ormaton Hirota ethod Lagrange s ormalism Hamiltonian S stem Sturm Liouville Problem Completel ntegrable E uaton Central ani old Cascade o Period oubling i urcatons Chaotc Soluton

Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in mathematcal modeling o nonlinear s stems advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematcs, ph sics, engineering and technolog researchers in nonlinear science, engineering and technolog libraries

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 622 5

• Models Described in Terms of Ordinary Diferental Equatons and Their Discrete Analogs: Examples of Models Described in Terms of Ordinary Diferental Equatons. Lagrange’s Formalism and Its Applicatons Qualitatve Methods in the Study of Dynamical Systems Models Describing Nonlinear Oscillatons

Oscillatons in Non-Autonomous and Multdimensional Systems

• Models Described in Terms of Partal Diferental Equaton: Models Based on the Concept of Fields Methods of Solving Linear Partal Diferental Equatons Finite-Diference Methods

Some Completely Integrable Nonlinear Models

Techniques and Methods for Obtaining Exact Solutons of Nonlinear Evolutonary Equatons

Nonlinear Wave Paterns Described by Some Non-Integrable Models

• Appendices:

Elements o Calculus o unctons o Comple ariables

Certain Statements ust ing the Use o ntegral rans ormatons n ntroducton into the heor o Special unctons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Shoulder Surgery Made Easy!

The Singapore Shoulder & Elbow Society Guide to Arthroscopic and Open Shoulder Procedures

Key Features

• Well proven surgical techni ues developed over 5 ears in one o sia s busiest hospitals ll techni ues are substantated b published clinical results

• Ke acts are summari ed, techni ues wri en in succinct and simple language, presented in point orm or eas reading

• ichl illustrated with more than 280 surgical pictures, diagrams and ow charts

• Comprehensive approach to common shoulder problems, beginning with a diagnostc approach and ph sical e aminaton in chapter , ollowed b imaging o the shoulder (chapter 2) and then pre surgical preparatons in chapter 3

• 9 chapters are dedicated to describing more than 22 surgical procedures each chapter beginning with surgical indicatons, techni ues, post op care and outcomes

• frst or Singapore medicine frst shoulder surgical te tbook b members o the Singapore Shoulder Elbow Societ

• wide potental market in neighbouring countries where Singapore surgeons and members o SSES o en teach


What is causing the shoulder pain? How does one prepare or arthroscopic shoulder surger What is ade uate subacromial decompression How does one stabili e the la capsule in the sian shoulder Which o the man suture confguratons should one use or the man tear morphologies

Shoulder surger , especiall arthroscopic procedures, have seen a dramatc increase in the past 0 ears. With improved diagnostc modalites, increased awareness and rapid advances in implant technologies, the minimall invasive surgical opton has been more appealing to patents.

his shoulder arthroscopic surger guide a empts to answer the uestons above, and was wri en as a uick re erence and guide or rthopaedic residents and practcing surgeons, with proven techni ues developed b the author and contributors over the past 5 ears. Each surgical techni ue has proven published results and thus provides an assurance to the readers that these techni ues are reproducible.

he book starts with a chapter dedicated to a diagnostc approach to shoulder problems, o en a con using s mptom that is not well studied. ore than 22 surgical techni ues are described in detail, in succinct and simple point orms, each chapter beginning with an introducton to the problem, the surgical techni ue which the author(s) ound use ul, post op care and ending o with the clinical results o this techni ue. his 240 page book is illustrated with about 280 pictures and drawings.


A/Prof Denny Lie is a Senior Consultant rthopaedic surgeon, practsing at the Singapore General Hospital, in the feld o shoulder and sports surger . He has per ormed about 2000 shoulder surgeries in his 5 ears o post ellowship practce, and teaches medical students rom uke US, LL US and LKC medical schools. He has published more than 80 papers in peer reviewed ournals, and given more than 200 talks in regional and internatonal meetngs. He regularl conducts arthroscop training courses in Singapore and the region. He ounded the Singapore Shoulder Elbow Societ in 20 7 and is currentl the President o the Singapore rthopaedic ssociaton. n additon to being the atonal elegate to the sian Shoulder ssociaton, and other regional associatons, he is a member o the S K S Shoulder Commi ee.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 250pp

Type: edical Handbook

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: rthopaedics (+Plastc Surger ) iomechanics Surger mSingapore Collecton Southeast sia

Keywords: Shoulder Surgical Guide rthroscop Cu ears ual ow epairs Suture Confguratons argin Convergence Partal ears assive ears Superior Capsular econstructon endon rans er alloon nspace ankart epair Capsular Shi Glenoid one Loss on ankart Glenoid econstructon Latarget emplissage

Readership: Primar market rthopaedic residents and practcing rthopaedic surgeons in Singapore and regional countries in sia especiall ndia and China. Use ul or higher post grad rthopaedic e ams, and could serve as te t guides in shoulder arthroscop courses. Secondar markets dvanced medical undergraduate, post graduate allied healthcare sta , and researchers interested in shoulder surger . his book would also be o interest to implant industr managers in their educatonal and marketng e orts

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 983 9

• pproach to S mptomolog and Ph sical E am o the Shoulder, the iagnostc pproach

• maging o the Shoulder

• Positoning o the Patent, Portals, and ther Preparatons

• ormal Shoulder he Glenohumeral and Subacromial outne

• elease o ro en Shoulder, pproach to St Shoulder with Cu ear

• Labral epair + Capsular Shi

• inor one Loss n pproach, the emplissage Procedure

• a or one Loss ealing with the on ankart, Glenoid econstructon, the Latarget Procedure

• Posterior Labral epairs

• SL P epairs

• iceps endon Patholog , enotom and enodecis

• Subscapularis epairs

• Subacromial ecompression, cromioplast , um ord s

• Partal ears rtcular Sur ace, ursal Sur ace

• Small to edium ears ll nside, ual ow epair

• Large ears ear and ar Sutures

• argin Convergence

• assive ears Partal epairs, iceps utogra , SC , alloon Spacers, endon rans ers

• cromio Clavicular oint econstructons

• Scapula ursoscop

• Pro imal Humeral Head racture i aton

• Hemiarthroplast or ractures

• everse Shoulder rthroplast Some ips and Pearls

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 21: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Yuan Ming Di RMIT University, Australia

Lu Sun

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

• he editors o this series are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research

• rigorous scientfc approach is used to review evidence rom clinical studies including randomised controlled trials, controlled clinical trials and non controlled studies o Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture therapies and other Chinese medicine therapies, such as igong and taichi e ercise, Chinese massage and diet therap

• his book provides a comprehensive review o classical Chinese medicine literature. nal sis o the classical literature presents the concepton and treatment o diabetes using herbal medicine, acupuncture related therapies and diet therap


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic progressive disease characterised by hyperglycaemia. t a ects man people around the world and creates burden or the individual as well as the econom . Chinese medicine can be used to support the management o pe 2 diabetes mellitus s mptoms. Chapter o the book summarises the conventonal understanding o pe 2 diabetes mellitus, including aetolog , diagnosis and current available treatments.

his book uses the whole evidence approach to give an overview o the available evidence or Chinese medicine treatment or pe 2 diabetes mellitus, rom classical literature to clinical evidence. Evidence rom clinical studies are evaluated using high ualit and rigorous scientfc methodolog . Clinical trial literature o Chinese medicine treatments or pe 2 diabetes mellitus are described, with treatment modalites including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and other Chinese medicine therapies. he fndings are anal sed and potental implicatons or clinical practce and research are e plored. E perimental studies that describe the potental mechanisms o acton o ke herbs are summarised. Current evidence o Chinese medicine or pe 2 diabetes mellitus is s nthesised in the fnal chapter, and suggestons or contemporar clinical practce and uture research are also o ered.

argeted at clinicians and students o Chinese and integratve medicine, this book is a convenient re erence that provides comprehensive s nthesis o both classical and contemporar knowledge, which can support and be incorporated into their clinical practce.

Cover Available Soon

January 2023


978 98 26 033 9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 200pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese edicine Volume 21

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine | Endocrinolog

Keywords: Evidence based Chinese edicine pe 2 iabetes ellitus

Classical Chinese edicine Literature Chinese Herbal edicine cupuncture Clinical anagement

Readership: Chinese medicine practtoners and students in evidence based Chinese medicine management o t pe 2diabetes mellitus

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• ntroducton to pe 2 iabetes ellitus

• pe 2 iabetes ellitus in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o re uentl Used Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or ther Chinese edicine herapies

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 26: Rheumatoid Arthrits

RMIT University, Australia

Chuanjian Lu

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Brian H May RMIT University, Australia

Xuan Xia

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

• Uses an innovatve whole evidence approach his book combines multple t pes and sources o evidence to provide a uni ue and comprehensive assessment o the available evidence or Chinese medicine in the management o rheumatoid arthrits

• Clinicall in ormatve and relevant his book integrates the results o meta anal ses o clinical trial data with evidence rom the classical Chinese medicine literature, and the recommendatons in contemporar te tbooks and clinical guidelines or the applicaton o Chinese medicine in , using s ndrome di erentaton where appropriate

• eveloped b a skilled team he authors are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research with multple publicatons in the feld. best available evidence


This 26th volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series provides a mult-faceted “whole evidence” analysis of the management of rheumatoid arthrits (RA) using integratve Chinese medicine. eginning with an overview o how is conceptualised and managed in conventonal medicine (Chapter ), the authors summarise the s ndrome di erentaton and management o in contemporar Chinese medicine (Chapter 2), based on clinical guidelines and contemporar books. Chapter 3 provides detailed anal ses o how and related conditons were treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture in past eras based on the classical Chinese medical literature. he subse uent chapters comprehensivel review the current state o the clinical evidence or the integratve applicaton o Chinese herbal medicines (Chapter 5), acupuncture therapies (Chapter 7), other Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 8) and combinaton Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 9), as well as anal se and evaluate the results o these clinical studies rom an evidence based medicine perspectve. Chapter 6 reviews and summarises e perimental evidence or the bioactvit o commonl used Chinese herbs and their consttuent compounds. he outcomes o these anal ses are summarised and discussed in Chapter 0. mplicatons or clinical practce and uture research are identfed. his book in orms clinicians and students in the felds o integratve medicine and Chinese medicine regarding contemporar practce and the current evidence base or Chinese medicine therapies or managing . t enables clinicians in making evidence based decisions in patent care. t also provides researchers with a comprehensive surve o the state o the feld that can in orm uture directons or clinical and e perimental studies.

Cover Available Soon

January 2023

£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 036 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 440pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese edicine Volume 26

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine Endocrinolog heumatolog

Keywords: cupuncture Chinese

Herbal edicine Chinese Herbs

Evidence based Chinese edicine Complementar and lternatve herapies Herbal edicine

heumatolog Classical Chinese edicine Classical Chinese edical Literature Evidence based edicine ntegratve Chinese edicine

Readership: Clinicians and students in Chinese and integratve medicine

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• ntroducton to heumatoid rthrits

• heumatoid rthrits in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o the Common Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or ther Chinese edicine herapies including ai Chi

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 19: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Chuanjian Lu

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Shefon Parker RMIT University, Australia

Yintng Li

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

• he editors o this series are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research

• he book provides clinicall relevant in ormaton wri en b e perienced clinicians and researchers

• he book ocuses on the management o irritable bowel s ndrome with Chinese medicine using a whole evidence approach, comprising in ormaton rom various resources, including classical te ts o Chinese medicine and clinical evidence

• his book provides a comprehensive review o classical Chinese medicine literature. nal sis o the classical literature presents the concepton and treatment o irritable bowel s ndrome using herbal medicine, acupuncture related therapies and diet therap . Providing insight into Chinese medicine treatment or irritable bowel s ndrome throughout the Chinese medicine histor

• rigorous scientfc approach is used to review evidence rom clinical studies including randomised controlled trials, controlled clinical trials and non controlled studies o Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture therapies and a combinaton o Chinese medicine therapies


Irritable bowel syndrome is a type of functonal bowel disorder causing symptoms of abdominal pain and altered bowel habits such as diarrhoea (IBS-D) and constpaton (IBS-C). his book uses the whole evidence approach to give an overview o the available evidence or Chinese medicine treatment or irritable bowel s ndrome, partcularl subt pes S and S C.

he book starts b summarising the conventonal understanding o irritable bowel s ndrome, including its subt pes, aetolog , diagnosis and current available treatments. ata rom Chinese medicine classical literature and clinical studies are then discussed. Evidence rom clinical studies are evaluated using high ualit and rigorous scientfc methodolog . or S and S C, evidence rom treatment modalites including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and combinaton Chinese medicine therapies are presented. he fndings are anal sed and potental implicatons or clinical practce and research are e plored. E perimental studies that describe the potental mechanisms o acton o ke herbs are summarised. n the fnal chapter, current evidence o Chinese medicine or S and S C are s nthesised, recommendatons or contemporar clinical practce and uture research are also o ered.

he book is a help ul guide or clinicians and students o Chinese and integratve medicine, o ering a comprehensive s nthesis o both classical and contemporar knowledge that can integrated into their clinical practce or people with irritable bowel s ndrome.

Cover Available Soon

January 2023


978 98 26 50 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 50pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese edicine Volume 19

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine Gastroenterolog

Keywords: Evidence based Chinese edicine rritable owel S ndrome

S S C Classical Chinese edicine

Literature Chinese Herbal edicine cupuncture Clinical anagement

Readership: Chinese medicine practtoners and students in evidence based Chinese medicine management o irritable bowel s ndrome, partcularl irritable bowel s ndrome with predominant diarrhoea and irritable bowel s ndrome with predominant constpaton

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• ntroducton to rritable bowel s ndrome

• rritable bowel s ndrome in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o re uentl Used Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Pete’s Bogus Journey

An Autobiographical Descent through a Career in Medicine


“This is a wonderful book, light, mostly wity and humorous, but sometmes bitersweet with a sense of pathos. It is an authentc refecton of life’s unpredictable ups and downs. This remarkable book depicts Peter’s keen sense of observatons of human behavior, of being a doctor and a specialist ophthalmologist. It is a genuine account that brings us along his journey over diferent tme periods, diferent situatons and diferent countries. When we read it, we refect on our own life journey, and the opportunites and situatons our own life brings.”

Professor Tien Yin Wong Chair Professor & Founding Head, Tsinghua Medicine, Tsinghua University, China Senior Advisor & Past Medical Director, Singapore Natonal Eye Center, Singapore


There is no doubt that life is a bogus journey and it does not end well for any of us. However, oin e e surgeon Pete Cacke on his even ul pathwa through li e and career in medicine and learn rom his own un ortunate mishaps. iscover how it is possible to make our own ourne less bogus, especiall i ou ollow his advice and tps rom his Hidden Curriculum . his book is a celebraton o li e in all its glorious bogusness with plent o humour and retro pop culture re erences along the wa .

his is a medical autobiograph and is the frst one which directl addresses the medical pro ession (doctors and medical students) and other allied health pro essionals. t covers man relevant issues and topics on working as a doctor, including those which man are reluctant to talk about such as private practce. t also includes advice gleaned rom over 30 ears in medicine as part o a Hidden Curriculum . his guidance can be used b the reader to make changes to their own lives in order to create a happier and more success ul e istence.


Dr Pete Cacket is a Consultant phthalmologist and works at the Princess le andra E e Pavilion, Edinburgh, Scotland. He ualifed in edicine with an ntercalated egree in natom at Gu s and St. homas edical School in London. He trained in phthalmolog in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and completed a ellowship at the Singapore atonal E e Centre. He has over 60 scientfc peer reviewed publicatons. He leads the undergraduate phthalmolog teaching module at Edinburgh Universit edical School and a empts to teach the students his Hidden Curriculum . He has Levels in ncient Greek and Latn which will serve him well i he achieves the abilit to tme travel. He has a iniature Schnau er dog called osika who keeps him sane and a wi e called Smaranda who drives him insane.

January 2023

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 787

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: General edicine phthalmolog iograph edical Educaton

Keywords: edical utobiograph edical iograph octor Health Care Surger edical Career edicine phthalmolog E e Humour Sel Help Comed edical Student edical School Surgeon Hidden Curriculum edical Educaton

Readership: ll doctors (in partcular ophthalmologists), medical students, nurses, optcians and other allied health pro essions. t should be on the recommended reading list or an one entering into a health pro ession especiall medical students

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• octor in the House

• Goodb e Lenin

• octor b the Sea

• State o Emergenc

• octor own Under

• ainspo ng

• Lost in ranslaton

• octor at Large

• one ever Sleeps

• he pprentce

• he Good, the ad and the Ugl

• he unn one

• l ing High

• he b ss

• Lost in usic

• Game n

• ale o the Une pected

• Published and e amned

• inal estnaton

• rust o ne

• Social isaster

• phtherminator 3 ise o the achines

• ightmare on octor Street

• Good ews ad ews

• ne lew ver the Cuckoo s est

• Wh on t ou

• octor in Love

• The Plague

• he Cr stal a e

• he eaning o Li e

• cknowledgements

• Hit S uad Hill

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Reasoning of Traditonal Chinese Medicine

Key Features

• elivered rom the point o view o C reasoning, whereas most C theor books are mainl ust statements o theor without much e ploraton o the reasoning or ratonale behind them

• Easil accessible material or new students or practtoners, e istng practtoners, or those with a general interest in the sub ect

• Editng o original manuscript provided b both C and Western medical pro essionals


This book is intended as an introducton to Traditonal Chinese Medicine (TCM) for students, practtoners, or lay people with a general interest in Chinese medicine. t provides concise and compact deliver o C s histor , philosoph , theor , and treatment principles. he author has approached this rom the perspectve o the reasoning behind Chinese medicine, its philosophical oundatons, and its approach to treatment. he te t is accompanied b clear and bold graphical illustratons to allow or easier understanding.

Professor Song Xuan Ke, ounder, and principal o sant cadem o Chinese edicine has practced and taught raditonal Chinese edicine worldwide or over 30 ears. He started to learn his skills ver earl , when he was a 3 ear old bo he was apprentced to three herbal masters in his home province o Hubei, China. He was medicall ualifed in both Chinese edicine and Western edicine in Canton Universit o C in 982.

His clinical success as a leading consultant o raditonal Chinese edicine in the UK since 986 has been eatured in the bserver, ail ail, and on C, C , , Channel 4, and man other broadcastng media throughout the world. He is twice listed in London Evening Standards op 50 Health Practtoners and London s 00 est lternatve E perts, respectvel . He is simpl brilliant ( uoted rom London Evening Standard 8th a 200 ).

Pro essor Song Ke has been success ull promotng and providing cupuncture services in HS hospitals such as the o al ree, Whi ngton and orth iddlese Hospitals, working as cupuncture Consultant at the o al ree Hospital. He has also been involved in research programmes in C with various London Hospitals and was instrumental in se ng up the Sc (Hons) and Sc courses in raditonal Chinese edicine at iddlese Universit .

Pro essor Ke was one o the ma or ounders o the ssociaton o raditonal Chinese edicine, C , and the general secretar o the organi aton. He was also the president o the ritsh Societ o Chinese edicine. He is vice president o Pan European ederaton o C Societes. He is actvel involved with the UK epartment o Health in the process o Statutor egulaton o Pro essional Practce, and he was a member o its egulatng Working Group.

January 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 307 2

£30 | SOFTCOVER 978 8006 3 7

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 200pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine Chinese edicine

Keywords: raditonal Chinese edicine Chinese edicine C cupuncture Chinese Herbal edicine uina assage i in ang heor ive Element heor ongue iagnosis Pulse iagnosis ang u rgan heor cupuncture eridian heor lternatve edicine

Readership: ewl enrolled students o Chinese edicine courses including cupuncture, Herbal medicine and uina assage or recentl graduated students o C courses

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• edicaton

• cknowledgements

• Pre ace

• n ntroducton to C

• etaph sics o C

• Causes o isease

• echanisms o llness

• Diagnosis

• reatment o llness in C

• he Preventon o llness in C

• Epilogue

• Glossar

• ibliograph

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


Key Features

• he publicaton coincides with the 75th anniversar o the inventon o the transistor

• ocusing onl on the essentals, discussing all the most used transistors silicon S E S, heterostructure E s and H s, and power S E s

• er use ul book to pick up or semiconductor technologists and those intending to develop transistor technologies

• irst introductor transistor te tbook that seamlessl treats S E s rom long channel s uare law devices to short channel ballistc and uasi ballistc devices

• irst introductor te tbook to treat the topic o transistor reliabilit


Current leading-edge CMOS transistors are about as small as they will get. We now have a simple, clear, ver ph sical understanding o how these devices uncton, but it has not et entered our te tbooks. esides, C S logic transistors, power transistors are increasingl important as are heterostructure transistors or high re uenc communicaton. ransistor reliabilit is also important but rarel treated in introductor te tbooks.

s we begin a new era, in which making transistors smaller will no longer be a ma or driving orce or progress, it is tme to look back at what we have learned in transistor research. oda we see a need to conve as simpl and clearl as possible the essental ph sics o the device that makes modern electronics possible. hat is the goal o these lectures. his volume rearranges the amiliar topics and distlls the most essental among them, while adding most recent approaches which have become crucial to the discussion. o ollow the lectures, readers need onl a basic understanding o semiconductor ph sics. amiliarit with transistors and electronic circuits is help ul, but not assumed.


Mark Lundstrom is the on and Carol Sci res istnguished Pro essor o Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue Universit . He currentl also serves as nterim ean o Engineering, while spearheading the college s new microelectronics economic and work orce development initatves. He is a Senior esearch ellow or the Krach nsttute or ech iplomac , Li e ellow o the EEE, and ellow or both the PS and the S. mong his recognitons or his career contributons are the Semiconductor ndustr ssociaton s Universit esearcher ward, the Semiconductor esearch Corporaton s ristotle ward, the EEE s Cledo rune ward, and the EEE s Leon K Kirchma er Graduate eaching ward. Lundstrom was also elected to the US atonal cadem o Engineering or leadership in microelectronics and nanoelectronics through research, innovatve educaton, and uni ue applicatons o c berin rastructure . He also ounded nanoHU (h ps nanohub.org), which now serves a global communit o more than two million annuall .

January 2023

£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 726 0

£50 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 768 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 250pp

Type: Lecture otes

Series: ew Era Electronics a Lecture otes Series Volume 1

Main Subject: anotechnolog anoscience

Sub-Subjects: anoelectronics Circuits S stems Electrical Electronic Engineering pplied nd echnical Ph sics Condensed a er Ph sics

Keywords: ransistors Semiconductors ntegrated Circuits Power Electronics S E C S Heterostructure Electronics Circuits uasi allistc evices Energ and iagram

Readership: dvanced undergraduates and graduates in electronic engineering, semiconductors, microelectronics and nanoelectronics, as well as pro essional engineers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• irst Look at ransistors

• Circuits and evice etrics

• heor Energ band approach

• heor raditonal pproach

• obile Charge

• heor he allistc S E

• heor ransmission pproach

• ulk S E s

• Power S E

• ransistors and Semiconductor emor

• Heterostructure ransistors

• ransistor eliabilit

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Mesoscopic Nuclear Physics

From Nucleus to Quantum Chaos to Quantum Signal Transmission

Key Features

• here are no competng books (onl ournal artcles)

• he treatment combines nuclear ph sics, statstcal thermod namics, mathematcs o random matrices, and simple engineering schemes o possible applicatons

• he authors have signifcant e perience in practcal universit teaching and publishing te tbooks


This book summarizes the recent development of nuclear science as an important part of mesoscopic physics, the intermediate world between the macroscopic and microscopic. his ast developing area with man practcal applicatons includes comple atoms, molecules (including biological), nuclei, small scale solid state s stems, and uture uantum computers. he comple it o the problem appears due to the richness o problems, rom the necessit to stud individual uantum levels, to the undamental eatures o statstcs and thermod namics.

January 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 3 4 9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 60pp

Type: onograph ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: uclear Ph sics

Keywords: uclei sotopes Pairing Chaotc Ensembles Parit iolaton Superradiance

Readership: he book could be use ul or the reader interested in the current evoluton o science, on all levels rom a student to a practtoner working in di erent areas o ph sics and engineering

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• ucleus as a esoscopic b ect

• an od uclear Comple it

• Statstcal Ensembles

• Shell odel as a estng Ground or uantum Chaos

• ucleus as an pen S stem

• uantum Signal ransmission

• e erences

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

How Does Sunshine Become Electricity


Junhao Chu

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Bo Hai

Shanghai Media Group, China

Key Features

Chang Qin

Shanghai Media Group, China

Cover Available Soon

• n updated popular science reading or primar school students b cademician o Chinese cadem o Science


In recent decades, scientsts have done a lot of research to fnd ways to make use of solar energy. ne o the most direct wa s is to use solar cell to trans orm sunshine into electricit . So what are the current products that use solar energ nd what can humans do with solar energ in the uture

his book is a compilaton o the series o ialogues With Great Chinese Scientsts , where several great scientsts in di erent research fles were invited to share their stories and scientfc knowledge. t is meant to inspire more students to become great scientsts in the uture.


Chu Junhao, who was elected to the Chinese cadem o Sciences in 2005, is a scientst o in rared ph sics. He is China s e pert in semiconductor ph sics and instruments and also the research ellow o Shanghai nsttute o echnical Ph sics o the Chinese cadem o Sciences.

Hai Bo is a amous broadcastng host o Shanghai edia Group (S G). He is the host o ree alk Show over the Sea (Haishang Changtan) and Haibo Hotline (Haibo e ian). He has received the atonal Golden Speaker ward and Shanghai Chang iang ao en ward (natonal top award or news workers). He was awarded the Prestgious Host o Shanghai roadcastng and elevision three tmes.

Qin Chang is a amous broadcastng host o Shanghai edia Group (S G). She is the host o ree alk Show over the Sea (Haishang Changtan) and Cit ens and Societ . She has received the atonal Golden Speaker ward, Shanghai Chang iang ao en ward (natonal top award or news workers) and ward o China ews.

Xue Zhongying was born in a 976 in ibo Cit , Shandong Province. He received a bachelor s degree in ph sics rom Shandong Universit in 999, a master s degree rom Shandong Universit in 2002, and was engaged in so ware development at icheng Electronics Co. Ltd. rom 2002 to 2007. n une 20 , he received a Ph degree rom Shanghai nsttute o icros stem and n ormaton echnolog , Chinese cadem o Sciences. Since ul 20 , he has been working in the State Ke Laborator o n ormaton unctonal aterials, Shanghai nsttute o icros stem and n ormaton echnolog , Chinese cadem o Sciences, and has served as assistant researcher and associate researcher.

January 2023

£20 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 24 685 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 128pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: pplied nd echnical Ph sics General Ph sics (Popular eading)

Keywords: Solar Energ Light Electricit Ph sics

Readership: General readers and primar school students

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• n E plorer who Grew Up b Liwa iver

• r ing ur est to Use Solar Energ

• he Wonder ul World o the Sunlight

• he Secret o the rans ormaton etween Light and Electricit

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Enchantment of Urania

25 Centuries of Exploraton of the Sky

Key Features

• Scientfc stories told in a captvatng wa , connected to each other b the thread o the general histor in order to give a contnuous resco o the evoluton o science in the conte t o the evoluton o the human civili aton


Today we know much about the sky: how stars are born, how they live and die, and how the universe as a whole evolves. We have learned o the e istence o another t pe o ma er, indi erent to light and et decisive or the ormaton o gala ies, and we have a hint o a dark energ that since the last 4.5 billion ears has taken over the control o the cosmos. We postulated and then discovered and even photographed black holes and listened to the aint rustle o the space tme ripple produced when these monsters devour each other. We reached these astonishing results (recogni ed b a bunch o obel Pri es and flling ever da the media with wonders or the e es and the mind) b the marriage o ph sics and astronom that unifed the Earth with the sk and then b the leap orward o science and technolog in the wenteth Centur . his rich heritage has ancient roots. t was built b accumulatng discoveries with errors, observatons with antasies, m ths, and supersttons with ashes o genius, over a span o millennia, since Homo sapiens, turning his e es to the immutable and per ect sk , began to ask uestons.

he book is a narraton o the answers to these uestons that had evolved over tme a progressive path, inserted in the general histor , with some second thoughts and man obstacles. his is a saga o men and machines where greatness sometmes mi es with miser and passion o en borders on sacrifce and even mart rdom. Wh should we know it ecause our current knowledge is the result o these e orts and o the preconceptons that accompanied them.

he challenge has been to present this comple and intricate sub ect without resortng to an ormulas, so that it can be accessible to a wide audience o curious people, including high school and universit students and in general all those who normall keep themselves in ormed o scientfc things. rich bibliograph has also been added in the appendi or those wishing to learn more on one or more topics.


Massimo Capaccioli has served as pro essor o astronom at the Universites o Padua and then o aples ederico , where he is currentl emeritus. He has investgated the d namics and evoluton o stellar s stems and the observatonal cosmolog and published over 550 scientfc artcles in internatonal ournals (citatons 3,740, H inde 58 source S ul 202 ). s a long tme director o the Capodimonte stronomical bservator in aples, he has conceived and managed, in s nerg with the European Southern bservator (ES ), the constructon o the L Surve elescope ( S ), one o the largest re ectors ull dedicated to astronomical surve s. He has chaired the talian stronomical Societ (S t) or a decade and or a three ear turn the atonal Societ o Sciences, Le ers, and rts in aples. ournalist and passionate publicist, he has collaborated with various talian newspapers and with the natonal public broadcastng compan o tal ( ). He has authored both universit te tbooks and popular books (mostl in talian), including rminio obile and the easurement o the Sk (Springer 20 2, with S Galano), ille o e. Stories rom the other world ( editerranean 20 8), ed oon. he Soviet con uest o space (Carocci 20 9), and he Enchantment o Urania 25 centuries o e ploratons o the sk (Carocci 2020), nce upon the tme in the sk . 30 short astronomical stories (Carocci 202 ). he list o his honors includes the ttle o Commander o the talian epublic or scientfc merits (2005), the honorar pro essorship granted b the Universit o oscow Lomonosov in 20 0, the honorar doctorate b the Universites o ubna ( ussia, 20 5), Kharkiv (Ukraine, 20 7), and P atgorsk ( ussia, 20 9), and the medals Struve (20 0 ussian cadem o Sciences), acchini (20 3 S t), Kara in (20 9 Kara in Universit , Kharkiv, Ukraine), and Gamov (20 9 Universit o dessa, Ukraine). He is a member o some academies in tal , o the cademia Europaea and o the atonal cadem o Ukraine.

January 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 777 4

£40 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 24 927 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 550pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Histor Science

Keywords: Stars Sun Earth Gala ies

Universe lack Holes ark Energ ark a er ncient stronom Greek stronom Histor o stronom Cosmolog Cosmogon stronomical nstruments

Readership: his is accessible to a wide audience o curious people, including high school and universit students and in general all those who normall keep themselves in ormed o scientfc things

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• Pre ace

• ntroducton

• With the aked E e

• n ntrovert, a eactonar , and a isionar

• he Glass E e

• he Heroic ur

• he Celestal Laborator Cassini, Hu gens and radle

• irror o esires

• e ond the Pillar o Hercules

• he C clops

• Stop ime

• he Harmon o Light

• he eter and the easure

• ew World S mphon

• he undamental uilding locks

• he Eighth Wonder

• he Sun and the ther Stars

• stroph sics at the ime o the Cold War

• bserving with Closed E es

• he Last Hal Centur ad maiora

• cknowledgements

• ibliograph and otes

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Artfcial Intelligence in Radiaton Oncology

Key Features

• ridges the gap between basic didactcs and rontline research, responding to the growing amount o literature or in radiaton oncolog

• Practcal while being broad enough to provide enough overview to develop an implementaton strateg

• Presents a possible ground breaking pathwa to improve the precision and scope o radiaton oncolog , especiall in treatment planning, personal therap , natural language processing, error mitgaton and productvit improvements

• nterdisciplinar collaboraton brings a rich combinaton o contributons, with plent o cross pollinaton among di erent felds o research bringing a nuanced perspectve


The clinical use of Artfcial Intelligence (AI) in radiaton oncology is in its infancy. However, it is certain that is capable o making radiaton oncolog more precise and personali ed with improved outcomes. adiaton oncolog deplo s an arra o state o the art technologies or imaging, treatment, planning, simulaton, targetng, and ualit assurance while managing the massive amount o data involving therapists, dosimetrists, ph sicists, nurses, technologists, and managers. consists o man power ul tools which can process a huge amount o inter related data to improve accurac , productvit , and automaton in comple operatons such as radiaton oncolog .

his book o ers an arra o scientfc concepts, and technolog tools with selected e amples o current applicatons to serve as a one stop resource or the radiaton oncolog communit . he clinical adopton, be ond research, will re uire ethical consideratons and a ramework or an overall assessment o as a set o power ul tools.

30 renowned e perts contributed to si teen chapters organi ed into si sectons efne the uture, Strateg , ools, pplicatons, and ssessment and utcomes. he uture is defned rom a clinical and a technical perspectve and the strateg discusses lessons learned rom radiolog e perience in and the role o open access data to enhance the per ormance o tools. he tools include radiomics, segmentaton, knowledge representaton, and natural language processing. he applicatons discuss knowledge based treatment planning and automaton, based treatment planning, predicton o radiotherap to icit , radiomics in cancer prognostcaton and treatment response, and the use o or mitgaton o error propagaton. he si th secton elucidates two critcal issues in the clinical adopton ethical issues and the evaluaton o as a trans ormatve technolog .

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400pp

Type: e erence ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics pplied nd echnical Ph sics rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning ncolog Cancer esearch

Keywords: rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning edical Ph sics adiaton ncolog atural Language Processing reatment Planning edical maging mage Segmentaton

Readership: edical ph sicists, biomedical engineers, developers and engineers, radiaton oncologists, hospital managers in radiaton oncolog departments, medical technolog enthusiasts

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£120 |
978 98 26 353 8

• Defne the Future:

Clinical Radiaton Oncology in 2040 — Vision for Future RO from Clinical Perspectve

A Vision for Radiaton Therapy in 2030

• Strategy:

Lessons from the Artfcial Intelligence in Radiology for Radiaton Oncology

Open Access Data to Enable AI Applicatons in Radiaton Therapy

• AI Tools:

Science and Tools of Radiomics for Radiaton Oncology

Artfcial Intelligence for Image Segmentaton in Radiaton Oncology

Knowledge Representaton for Radiaton Oncology

Natural Language Processing for Radiaton Oncology

• AI Applicatons:

Knowledge-Based Treatment Planning: An Efcient and Reliable Planning Technique towards Treatment Planning


Artfcial Intelligence in Radiaton Therapy Treatment Planning

Clinical Applicaton of AI for Radiaton Therapy Treatment Planning

Using AI to Predict Radiotherapy Toxicity Risk Based on Patent Germline Genotyping: Opportunites and Obstacles

Utlizaton of Radiomics in Cancer Prognostcaton and Treatment Response

How AI Can Help Us Understand and Mitgate Error Propagaton in Radiaton Oncology

• Assessment and Outcomes:

Ethics and rtfcial ntelligence in adiaton ncolog

Evaluaton o rtfcial ntelligence in adiaton ncolog

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Principles of Astrophotonics

Simon Ellis Macquarie University, Australia

Joss Bland-Hawthorn

The University of Sydney, Australia

Key Features

Sergio Leon-Saval

The University of Sydney, Australia

• t is wri en at appro imatel fnal ear undergraduate level, and provides a sound introducton to the feld suitable or both students and researchers coming to the feld or the frst tme. t bridges the gap between standards te tbooks on traditonal astronomical instruments and more advanced treatses on photonics • n additon, it describes the state o the art in the feld, describing current instruments, those under development, and directons or uture research


Astrophotonics is the applicaton of photonics to astronomical instrumentaton. This rapidl developing feld is a new approach to instrumentaton in which the bulk optcs o traditonal instruments, such as lenses, mirrors, and di racton gratngs are replaced with devices embedded within waveguides. his enables instruments that are smaller, modular, more stable, and most e citngl , with optcal capabilites not possible with traditonal instruments.

strophotonics has reached a stage o development where man protot pe devices are now being tested on sk , and the frst ull edged instruments incorporatng photonic devices are now being used or observatons. he feld is thus transitoning rom one o instrumental research and development to mainstream observatonal astroph sics.

his is the frst book ocussed on astrophotonics, wri en b three e perts in the feld. eginning with a sound introducton to the basic principles o astrophotonics, it is intended to communicate the current status, potental, and uture possibilites o astrophotonics to the wider astronomical, optcs and photonics communites.


Simon Ellis is an ssociate Pro essor at ac uarie Universit where he is the head o the nstrument Science Group, which is responsible or research and development in astronomical instrumentaton and technologies. He has over 20 ears e perience o research in astronom and astroph sics, including instrumentaton research and development, the evoluton o gala ies and clusters o gala ies, and the astroph sics o positronium. He has pla ed a leading role in the development o astrophotonics, most notabl in the feld o H suppression. He was the commissioning scientst or the world s frst two instruments to use fbre ragg gratngs or H suppression. He is currentl leading the development o this technolog or use on the European Southern bservator s er Large elescope. He has published oundatonal papers in the use o silicon photonics or astronom .

Joss Bland-Hawthorn is a Laureate Pro essor o Ph sics, and irector o the S dne nsttute or stronom , he Universit o S dne . He has more than 30 ears e perience in astroph sics and astronomical instrumentaton. n 2000, he ounded the feld o astrophotonics, now a ma or subfeld o photonics. With irks imoth irks and Sergio Leon Saval he developed (and named) the photonic lantern, a device that is fnding wider use in science and industr .

Sergio Leon-Saval is an ssociate Pro essor at the School o Ph sics in he Universit o S dne where he is now irector o the S dne strophotonics nstrumentaton Laborator (S L), and eput irector o the nsttute o Photonics and ptcal Science ( P S). He has more than 6 ears o e perience in the research area o photonics, and made breakthrough contributons in the felds o specialt optcal fbres and astrophotonics, including the co inventon and pioneering the development o the photonic lantern technolog , a corner stone o astrophotonics. He has published over 85 internatonal re ereed ournal papers and more than 90 con erence proceedings papers since 2004 with over 7400 citatons, and an h inde o 42. Pro Leon Saval has been a member o technical program and management commi ees on more than 0 internatonal con erences.

January 2023

£70 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 325 6

£40 | SOFTCOVER 978 8006 335 5

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 286pp

Type: e tbook

Series: dvanced e tbooks in Ph sics

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) | ptcs nd Laser Ph sics

Keywords: strophotonics stronom stroph sics Photonics ptcs

stronomical instrumentaton

nstrumentaton elescopes

Waveguides ibre ptcs Spectroscop nter erometr H Suppression ibre ragg gratngs Photonic Lanterns

Readership: inal ear undergraduate, or graduate students, researchers and practtoners in the felds o astronom , astroph sics, astronomical instrumentaton, and photonics

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Concepts of Astronomical Instrumentaton and Photonics: Introducton

Astronomical Optcs

Astronomical Instruments

Propagaton of Light in Waveguides

Waveguides in Practce

Coupling Light into Waveguides

• Astrophotonic Devices: Interferometry

OH Suppression

Photonic Spectrographs

Wavelength Calibraton

• Future Astrophotonics:

Une ploited Photonics

he uture o strophotonics

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Feminism Undaunted

50 Years as a Muslim Feminist

Key Features

• uni ue approach to eminism as the power o womanhood a guide to mentoring students on the importance o individualism in academic achievement in depth observatons o ala sian slam rom a eminist perspectve the emergence o politcal orms o oppression towards minorit women and groups and wh the are targeted b politcians ahan s own colour ul career as a eminist in an oppressive academic insttuton which saw eminism as a challenge to the status uo o maleness in a tertar educaton


Wazir Jahan engages the reader in absorbing stories from her childhood to retrement against a backdrop of events in Malaysia — cultural, academic and politcal — which elucidates the complexites of being a Muslim feminist, in a divisive Asian society. Her narratve demonstrates that each woman can success ull negotate the boundaries between patriarch , amil and modernit i the believe that being a woman is s non mous with being a eminist that insttutons which obstruct women s path to reedom can be challenged through recognising the power o individualism. ahan believes that once a woman understands what can work well or her, within the limitatons o her own achievements and resources, she could be able to rise above these intmidatons o li e and actvel engage in pursuing her dreams. or ahan, emininit and eminism are complementar orms o actvism which enabled her to gain acceptance and legitmac or her work with disadvantaged and minorit women. Her rank and re reshing con essions o success and ailures in her work on women and gender demonstrates confdence, individualit and charisma a catharsis in the ourne to discovering the power o womanhood.

Wazir Jahan obtained her Ph rom the London School o Economics and Politcal Sciences in economic anthropolog . She is the co ounder o Gender Studies in ala sia (K , US 978 200 ) and ounding director o the Centre or esearch on Women and Gender (200 2004). She is also ounder and the ounding President o the Southeast sian ssociaton or Gender Studies (S ), 992 996) President o the amil Health evelopment ssociaton, Penang ( H ) Permanent Chairman o he awi Peranakan Heritage Societ and Permanent rustee o the Pan Pacifc SE sian Woman ssociaton, ala sia (PPSE W ). Wa ir is a Li e ember o Clare Hall, Universit o Cambridge. She is the frst anthropologist to conduct feldwork on the a etse and to live in the mangrove enclave o Care sland, ala sia ( 974 978).

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 250pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social ssues Human Securit Southeast sia sian Politcs Societ

Keywords: uslim eminism emoirs o a uslim eminist Gender Studies Gender Empowerment ertar eminism sian alues uslim Girls in issionar Schools Women s nsttute K Centre or Women and evelopment Gender Studies in ala sia he Communist einsurgenc Colonialism in ala a issionar

Educaton in ala a atonal Universit o Singapore, Euso College Universit Sains ala sia inorit Women rang sli a etse on Care sland Lahore and igraton to ala a Haf Ghulam Sarwar ismillah egum unawar r Karim awab in aurice loch

Readership: Undergraduates, graduates and researchers interested in the intersectonalit between eminism, race, religion and societ

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£45 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 200 5


• ala a, 955

• Earl eginnings, Lahore, 873

• he Women s nsttute

• he Convent

• Secret eadings

• Euso College

• he Social Sciences

• he LSE

• emme atal

• o ot orget Us

• eminist ields

• K

• Passions o aith and Love

• Cambridge Conversatons

• Epilogue

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Crisis Leadership and Public Governance during the COVID–19 Pandemic Internatonal Comparisons

Anthony B L Cheung

Educaton University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Sandra Van Thiel

Erasmus University Roterdam, The Netherlands & Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Key Features

• With 2 di erent countr region chapters, the book presents a airl representatve picture o crisis response in (essentall ) developed economies across East sia, the ceania, Europe and orth merica

• mong various issues and challenges posed b C 9, it ocuses on crisis leadership and public governance, to provide relevant lessons to governments and leaders

• While it avoids umping to an uick appraisal and ranking o internatonal C 9 per ormance, some meaning ul internatonal comparisons are made which relate to crisis response strategies and e ectveness in leadership, governance capacites, insttutonal characteristcs and even cultural legacies

• n additon, all chapter contributors are those highl conversant with their natonal regional s stems and pandemic situatons

• he two co editors are e perienced public administraton and management scholars, one rom sia and the other rom Europe, both with broad internatonal outlook and networks, who have been able to bring about a strong writng team or this book


This book explores various issues and challenges emanatng from the COVID-19 pandemic. t e amines how governments worldwide have dealt with the pandemic. Post C 9 and its disruptve impact on social and economic li e as well as public and politcal a tudes, the world is not the same. new normal has dawned in public management and public services, with immense implicatons. his volume collects the lessons drawn rom the pandemic, notabl how crisis leadership and public governance were used to combat the crisis, as well as which aspects were help ul in that regard.

his book covers a total o 7 countries and regions, namel apan, South Korea, Singapore, China ( ainland), Hong Kong, aiwan, ustralia, ew ealand, tal , he etherlands, the ordic Countries ( enmark, orwa , Sweden, inland and celand), the UK and US. Special a enton is drawn to China ( ainland) in partcular, where the pandemic frst broke out. ts subse uent e orts in suppressing the epidemic have been uite stunning. he range enables good internatonal comparisons to be made in crisis leadership, response strategies and e ectveness across contnents, s stems, and cultures (East sia, ceania, Europe and orth merica). While the pandemic is stll ongoing b the tme the book is fnali ed, the e perience gained over more than two ears has provided good ground or lesson drawing.


Anthony B L Cheung is esearch Chair Pro essor o Public dministraton and ormer President (2008 2), Educaton Universit o Hong Kong. rom ul 20 2 to une 20 7, he was Secretar or ransport and Housing o the Hong Kong Government and Chairman o the Hong Kong Housing uthorit .

Sandra Van Thiel is Pro essor o Public anagement, epartment o Public dministraton and Sociolog at Erasmus Universit o erdam and epartment o Public dministraton at adboud Universit i megen, the etherlands.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 400pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Critcal Perspectves and ssues in Governance and Public anagement

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit Public Health (+Epidemiolog )

Keywords: Crisis Leadership Crisis

Governance Public dministraton

Public anagement Crisis anagement

Public Polic State Capacit C 9

Readership: Universit and college libraries academics, graduate students and post doctoral researchers in the felds o governance, public administraton, government and politcs, public management, public polic and crisis management public sector managers (especial those who have a role to pla in crisis management and ant epidemic work) asters students in Public dministraton, Public Polic and Public anagement and even programmes those who are generall interested in understanding government work and per ormance, including politcians, politcal part researchers, think tank anal sts and media ournalists

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£110 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 284 5


• Introducton: he World is ot the Same er C 9 ( nthon L Cheung and Sandra van hiel)

• China (Mainland): Strong Crisis Leadership and namic ero Clearing Strateg Challenges and pi alls (Liang a)

• Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Experience: Controlling the Pandemic mid a Politcal Crisis ( nthon L Cheung and le ingwei He)

• Japan: Japan Atemptng to Control the Pandemic: ramework and Polic making ssessments rom Governance and Leadership Perspectves ( kira akamura, omoki i uka and atsu a ogami)

• South Korea: South Korean E perience o ightng gainst C 9 nsttutonal n rastructure, Polic esponses, and Collaboratve Governance (Pan Suk Kim)

• Singapore: Singapore and C 9 rom Containment to uilding Pandemic esilience ( Woo and un Wu)

• aiwan Crisis Leadership and esponse ode during i erent Stages o C 9 he Case o aiwan (Chun Chieh a)

• Australia and New Zealand: he Politcs and Polic o C 9 in ustralia and ew ealand ( lan enna and Shaun Goldfnch)

• Italy: he talian Polic esponse to C 9 id Politcal Leadership a er (Giliberto Capano and Anna Malandrino)

• The Netherlands: Contested ntelligent pproach Crisis anagement and Societal esponse to the C 9 Pandemic in he etherlands (Kees Boersma, Yiannis Kyratsis and Jeroen Wolbers)

• The Nordic Countries: Crisis anagement o the C 9 Pandemic he ordic Wa and Swedish E ceptonalism (Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid )

• The United Kingdom: he Sick an o Europe he United Kingdom s C 9 esponse (Charlote Boin, Martn Lodge and Henry Shields)

• The United States: Leadership and Crisis anagement in C 9 he US E perience hrough anuar 202 (Zachary Cox, Paolo Cavaliere and James Kendra)

• Conclusions: Lessons rom an ngoing Crisis (Sandra van Thiel and Anthony B L Cheung)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


Key Features

• ocuses on economic, politcal and health issues related to Covid 9 in China and SE

• Contributed b writers who are e perienced pro essionals and specialists with in depth knowledge and understanding o issues arising rom Covid 9


This book seeks to understand the New Normal in a post-Covid-19 world, amid the ongoing batle against the pandemic. With emerging variants like micron, it is likel that the fght against Covid 9 would be a protracted one. t is thus tmel to review how we have coped since its frst outbreak in ecember 20 9 and what the uture holds rom the economic, politcal and health perspectves.

What is the ew ormal in the internatonalisaton o the renminbi and in retail What about China s crisis management and SE China relatons in a post Covid 9 world What is the current scenario and uture outlook o the Covid 9 fght in SE Looking orward, how do we live with the windemic o Covid 9 and the n uen a pandemic hese uestons and more are addressed in this book.

Linda LOW is an ssociate Pro essor in the School o usiness at Singapore Universit o Social Sciences. She holds a Ph in Economics rom Universit o Singapore, 984, with books published including a Primer in Economics, Spore GLCs, Spore CP and others co authored in intech, Belt-Road Initatve, Covid-19, Economies in Asia Pacifc (like China, Japan), Associaton of Southeast Asian Natons (ASEAN) and Gulf Cooperaton Council (GCC), etc.

LEE Yew Haur is an ssociate Pro essor and eput irector in the usiness ntelligence nal tcs unit at the Singapore Universit o Social Sciences. He holds a Ph in Statstcs rom the irginia Pol technic nsttute and State Universit , US . His research interest is in the applicaton o te t mining and data mining in educaton.

February 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-514-4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 50pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: Asian Economies; Asian Politcs Societ Politcal Econom n ectous iseases Southeast sia China Studies nternatonal elatons

Keywords: Covid 9 China SE

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers ocusing on the politcal, economic and health impacts o Covid 9 in China and SE

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Covid-19 New Normal

• ntroducton

• nternatonalisaton

• ew etail in a Post Covid World

• Evoluton o China s Crisis anagement Comparison o Covid 9 and S S

• SE China elatons in ew ormal with Covid 9

• Covid 9 in Southeast sia eview o the Current Scenario and utlook or the uture

• wo iral Pandemics, a Centur part and a Potental windemic on Collision Course in Southeast sia

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Beyond the Handshake

Singapore’s Foreign Service

Key Features

• he book contains a rich collecton o essa s and re ectons wri en b two generatons o Singapore s senior diplomats who worked trelessl to protect Singapore s interests and establish its place in the world

• ased on their vast e periences in oreign a airs, the contributors tell ascinatng, candid, frst hand accounts o how the witnessed important historical moments, navigated comple diplomatc issues, their successes and at tmes missed opportunites, while representng Singapore on the internatonal stage

• Wri en in a highl engaging and readable manner, the book is also accessible or the general reader, or an one who is interested in Singapore

• he book will appeal especiall to the ne t generaton o polic makers, researchers, and students learning about Singapore s diplomatc histor and oreign polic , and the art o diplomac


From independence in 1965, Singapore has experienced a meteoric rise to a modern developed city-state. What is less known is the part pla ed b its oreign polic or b the men and women who contributed to its implementaton and success. Here, several o Singapore s senior diplomats and mbassadors tell in their own words, how the did their work, their e periences, their achievements and the challenges that the aced in promotng and sa eguarding Singapore s strategic securit and economic interests.

n a 37 ear career in the oreign Service since 984, Lawrence Anderson served at the Singapore Permanent ission to the U in ew ork and Singapore Embassies in the US and hailand. He was appointed mbassador to Cambodia (2004 07), as well as mbassador to Saudi rabia and concurrentl mbassador to ahrain (20 3 9).

ack home at the inistr o oreign airs, Lawrence at various tmes held appointments covering Singapore s bilateral relatons with its Southeast sian neighbours, regional polic and strategic securit issues involving SE and its relatons with the ialogue Partners, overseeing Singapore s technical assistance cooperaton programmes, as well as managed Singapore s relatons with ustralia, ew ealand, the South Pacifc slands, the European Union (EU) and other European countries. He retred rom the oreign Service in late 202 and is currentl a Senior ellow at the S. a aratnam School o nternatonal Studies ( S S). He is also Singapore s epresentatve to the dvisor oard o the SE nsttute or Peace and econciliaton ( SE P ).

February 2023

£45 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 860 2

£25 | S C E 978 98 26 0 6 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 2 2pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collecton sian Politcs Societ nternatonal elatons Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic

Keywords: oreign Polic nternatonal elatons Histor iplomac oreign Service Singapore SE

Readership: General readers interested in Singapore s oreign service rom the perspectve o senior diplomats and ambassadors

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• oreword

• cknowledgements

• Pre ace

• List o Contributors

• The Early Years:

dvancing Singapore s Securit and Strategic nterests (V K Rajan)

Sei ing Strategic pportunites or Singapore he uick, he Slow and he issed (T Jasudasen)

What o iplomats o (Bilahari Kausikan) or Whom the mbassadors oil (Lee Chiong Giam)

• Baptsm of Fire:

Li etme Serving Singapore (Seetoh Hoy Cheng)

Promotng Singapore s Politcal, Economic, Securit and Strategic nterests in ts elatons with hailand and ustralia (Tan Seng Chye)

bserving Strategic and Securit ssues iplomat on the rontline (Mushahid Ali )

• ASEAN and Singapore:

Working at the SE Level (Ong Keng Yong)

• Our Global Reach: apan and Singapore Growing ies (Tan Chin Tiong) iplomatc Crisis (R Raj Kumar) e ectons on Career in the oreign Service (Robert Chua)

oing ue iligence or Singapore s E cellence (Tan York Chor)

Working or Singapore s Strategic and Securit nterests broad (Christopher Cheang) he Kingdom and the Crown in the 2 st Centur (Lawrence Anderson) uilding ridges to ra il (Tan Lian Choo) wanda utual Cooperaton rom the Singapore odel (Yatman Yusof )

• The Foreign Service in the 21st Century: hree Pro ects in ndia avigatng the Lab rinth ( Ajit Singh) Singapore ew ealand ir alks to a l ing Start (Bernard Baker) e E amining the Human ights ssue in SE (Barry Desker) ourne as a Peacemaker (Tommy Koh)

• Postscript: What Makes Foreign Policy Work Beyond the Handshake: Career in iplomac ( A Selverajah)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

China Change and Confucian “Benevolence”

Human Values, Truth and Policy


Henry Kissinger observed, “Everybody wants to be a China hawk.” China is a bull . China is a i German . China commits genocide. China disrupts the internatonal rules based order. esponding to such unin ormed generali aton on the nature o China s regime and its lack o human values, the Western Liberal emocracies have created their own China Problem b clinging to Cold War anachronism. he clash o values is not nearl as deep and e tensive as is o en claimed. urthermore, the contemporar public discourse on China needs a complete assessment o the values that have emerged in i inping s China. i is regarded as red like ao. i, however, has abandoned ao s view o class struggle and his noton o a re uvenated China embraces traditonal core principles that ao bi erl condemned. en , or benevolence , or e ample, now in orms entwined domestc and oreign polic as moderate prosperit in all respects . en , or benevolence is aligned with common securit and common development . he ueston is whether this is a positve restoraton o traditonal values that will contribute to domestc development and internatonal peace, or restoratonist iddle Kingdom ism designed to assert Chinese values worldwide. his book s anal sis o Chinese values argues that the current interpretaton o the China hreat is predicated in a serious misunderstanding o Chinese values.

t is o en commented that China is the defning geopolitcal issues o our tme . his book is an especiall tmel contributon to the currentl limited public polic debate on China as a threat to Western values and the internatonal rules based s stem . Correcton is long overdue with re erence to speculatve assumptons that i inping s regime represents a return to ao s regime. Socialism with Chinese characteristcs has signifcantl moved on under i s leadership. H perbole about China has presumed the contnuaton o Chinese Cold War ideolog and has either lightl commented on, or ignored altogether the resurgence o core traditonal ideas in Chinese polic ormaton. his book provides detailed research o i inping hought and i inping iplomatc hought . t adopts a widel construed, but serious interdisciplinar , approach towards the China Problem , drawing on both the social sciences and humanites. his wide angled approach includes new sinolog in its recent review o translated China , s nthesi ing traditon and culture with the development o modern Chinese ideolog , politcs and polic ormaton. he book s signifcant topicalit is presented within an unconventonal approach and orma ed contents designed to reach out to the biggest circle o general and advanced, China interested readers in the tme o great debate.


Ronald Colin Keith completed his Ph at the School o riental and rican Studies. He retred as Pro essor o China Studies, in 20 7, rom Gri th Universit , athan Campus, risbane.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series on Contemporar China

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Politcs Societ sian Economies sian usiness anagement Social ssues

Human Securit

Keywords: Chinese alues under i inping he China hreat in nternatonal elatons East West

Comparison o Human ustce and the ule o Law in China and the Western Liberal emocracies Chinese Politcs, Law, Culture and Societ Post

Globali aton and Chinese esponse to oreign rade and nvestment

Comparison o the Supreme Courts o China, UK and US

Readership: cademics, polic makers, graduate and undergraduate students, pro essionals interested in China studies, Chinese politcs, Chinese governance, Chinese societ , Chinese histor , Chinese response to oreign trade and investment

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£125 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-931-9 Ronald

• ntroductor ote

• List o llustratons

• agistrate a s “Justce” and the General Secretar s “Benevolence”

• a atches Concepts (Ge i) with US and UK Supreme Court udges

• Enter Centre Stage, Western Law Pro essors with “Bugles Blowing”

• he Giant Kangaroo Serves as the unning og o the US

• Part Corrupton and the “Supremacy of law”

• Sir Edward s enda raton on the “Rule of Law” vs. stopia

• he ankee mbassador e uses to “Call a Stag a Horse”

• magining China Polic that Supports Human alues

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

Key Features

• his is the onl book chronicling Singapore lion and dragon dance in English

• eatures writeups o lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never been recorded be ore in an English publicatons

• ocuments the d ing ar orm o lion and dragon dance in Singapore


Lion dance has been in Singapore since the 1930s and is closely connected with the Chinese clans that organised the frst troupes, with some of these clans hailing as far back as the 1800s. Chronicling the histor o lion dance, there ore, is akin to chronicling the pioneering ears o our naton. However, ew books document the histor o this art orm in Singapore.

his book is the frst o its kind to introduce the histor , culture, sport and per ormance art that is lion and dragon dance in English. t will cover the t pes o dances and costumes, s mbolisms and values embedded in the lion and dragon dance communites. t will tell the stories o Singaporean lion and dragon dance pioneers which have never be ore appeared in an English publicatons. t will also eature interviews with current leaders in the communit and share our hopes or the uture o the art orm in Singapore.


Pauline Loh is an award winning author with 30 ears o writng e perience. She has published 2 adult non fcton books, 6 outh books and 9 children s stor books. s a creatve writng teacher, she has 60 weekl students and conducts author visits in schools. She graduated rom Singapore Chinese Girls School, a es unior College and atonal Universit o Singapore, and was ormerl a ournalist, maga ine editor and book editor. She is happil married with three children.

February 2023


978 98 26 098 8

£30 | S C E

978 98 26 209 8

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 60pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collecton sian Culture Literar Studies

Literature Culture Studies

Keywords: Lion ance ragon ance Chinese Culture Singapore Per orming rts Histor Chinese Pioneers Kung u artal rts Lion and ragon ance roupes Hok San Gong Chow Hui Koon hou ia uan u hou ragon Chin Woo ssociaton

Readership: Lion and dragon dance enthusiasts, historians, culture enthusiasts, Chinese people, martal arts enthusiasts verseas lion and dragon dance troupes. verseas Chinese

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• cknowledgements

• Pre ace

• History:

Lion and Dragon Lore

Advent of the Lion and the Dragon History of Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

Pioneers Remembered Current leaders Speak Being a Trainee Values

• Culture:

Lion and Dragon Species

Crafing a Lion and a Dragon

The Lion and the Dragon Play

The Lion’s and Dragon’s Companions

The Lion’s and Dragon’s Band Symbolisms in Lion and Dragon Dance

• Sport: Training

• Lion and Dragons of the Future: Lions and Dragons at Large Lions and Dragons of the Future — Call to Acton

• nde

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Future? China!

How the New Superpower is Changing the West


“For centuries, it was taken for granted that the West determined the rules of the global game. In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, it was the Europeans. In the 20th century, it was the Americans. Now we fnd ourselves at the dawn of an epochal, worldwide transformaton. For the frst tme, the global center of power is shifing towards Asia.”

Key Features

• E plains how China is changing the western dominated world order to a mult polar world order rom the perspectve o a European who has been living in China or almost three decades


Future? China! is the frst book that comprehensively examines the infuence of a new superpower on all contnents and aspects of life. he book e plains how China is changing the western dominated world order to a mult polar world order rom the perspectve o a European who has been living in China or almost three decades. he book argues that the tmes in which the West sets the standards are over. or the frst tme in centuries, an sian countr is assuming the positon o being a world power. he Chinese are alread uestoning values that we consider to be universal.

China, the new superpower, alread contributes to well over 30 percent o the global economic growth. he author believes China is onl at the beginning o its ascent. He e plains how the iddle Kingdom is e panding its in uence throughout the world whether in the automobile industr , which China is revolutoni ing thanks to electric mobilit and autonomous driving or in the feld o digitali aton and artfcial intelligence, where China is on a level pegging with the US whether in rica, where China has long since been investng in mineral deposits, in rastructure but also in light industr and creatng trillions o obs or on the scale o the new Silk oad, a one trillion dollar pro ect, which reaches up to uisburg and or which China has won the support o numerous Eastern European states.


Frank Sieren is regarded as one o the leading German China e perts. ( E E ). He is a documentar flmmaker and columnist and has wri en several bestsellers about China (China Code, China Shock, and In Fear of China). o other German ournalist has penned more books about China. Sieren has been living in ei ing or a uarter o a centur . His most recent book published is Shenzhen: Future Made in China (202 ) with Penguin.

February 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-423-8

£25 | S C E 978-981-126-467-2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 368pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Economies Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic nternatonal elatons nternatonal Economics

Keywords: rtfcial ntelligence igitali aton ntuitve nnovaton sia s Crisis China s eighbors US rica Global E ualit sia utomotve Car ndustr utonomous riving Electric Cars obilit Silk oad elt and oad nitatve E ualit Econom Superpower echnolog uture

Readership: General public interested in China s development and its impact on the West

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• oreword

• Pre ace

• China, ussia and Europe Pesk eighbors

• rtfcial ntelligence and ther uture echnologies ramatc igitali aton

• he ew Car utonomous i erent hinking

• China s e ormers adical etread

• nventveness ntuitve nnovaton

• he ew Silk oad Skill ul elt

• sia s Crisis China s eighbors Special argin

• China and the US aseless rade epresentatves

• rica eparture without lternatves

• he Centur o Global E ualit

• cknowledgements

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Decoding the Rise of Made-In-China

Why the Contnuity of Catch-up Ladder Ultmately Maters

Key Features

• his book provides a novel theoretcal ramework or e plaining the real source o compettve advantage o Chinese manu acturing

• ich and interestng details in the book made it more a ractve to both academic pro essionals, managers and general readers


This book provides a novel theoretcal framework to explain the real source of compettve advantage of Chinese manufacturing. ore importantl , such a ramework can be generali ed to anal e the potental o catch up or large emerging economies in the globali aton era. he book also provides insights or polic makers to rethink their design o policies.

he rise o ade in China products has been widel a ributed to low labour cost advantage and imitaton advantage. However, as these two advantages are nearl innate to all late developing countries, the cannot be regarded as the ke actors that drive the rapid growth o China s manu acturing industr , or China s econom , over the past ew decades. n this book, the author proposed a theor the catch up ladders theor , to e plain the rise o China s manu acturing industr . he manu acturing advancement o an countr is in essence a process o catching up in both market and technolog , during which enterprises will orm a ladder like holistc structure due to their di erences in capabilites, technolog and market positoning. n light o this, the contnuit o the catch up ladder will greatl determine the catch up e cienc o an industr and even a countr at large. Such a perspectve is more applicable to large emerging economies, especiall those with over one hundred million populaton and thus huge potental domestc market demand.


Bin Guo is a Pro essor o nnovaton anagement Strateg at the School o anagement, he iang Universit . He is also the head o the epartment o nnovaton, Entrepreneurship and Strateg . He received his Ph in anagement rom he iang Universit ( 998), China.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 260pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series on nnovaton and peratons anagement or Chinese Enterprises Volume 8

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian usiness anagement sian Politcs Societ General usiness nd anagement nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement Asian Economies

Keywords: ade n China Compettve dvantage Catch Up Ladder Contnuit

Readership: or students, researchers and pro essionals who are interested to understand the real sources o compettve advantage o Chinese manu acturing and the Chinese econom

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-521-1

• Miracle of China’s Economic Growth: The Birth of a Growth Miracle

The Rise of China’s Manufacturing Industry: A Historical Perspectve

How to Interpret the Source of Advantages of Made in China?

Catching-up Ladder: A Brand New Way of Interpretaton

Understanding the Nature of Catching-up

The Home Market Has Always Been Important

A Unique Market

“Cold Start” in Early Catching-up

Are Chinese Enterprises Facing Globalizaton or Localizaton?

• The Market Ladder:

A Market Ladder with Diversity

An “Easy Mode” of Catching-up

How was the Market Ladder Formed?

The Dynamics of the Market Ladder

Contnuity: the key to the Catch-up Ladder

Underlying Competence for Competng in the Chinese Market

• The Technology Ladder:

Why does the Technology Ladder Mater?

How is the Contnuous Technology Ladder Formed? Contnuity, Contnuity, Contnuity!

Another “Invisible” Technology Ladder

An Indispensable Instrument in Global Industry Gaming

• Decompositon and Recombinaton in Technological


The Cold Start Paradox in Technological Catching Up Learning in Technological Catch-up: Decompositon and Recombinaton

Strengthen Decompositon and Recombinaton

Capabilites via Purposive Business Strategies

The Role of Universites and Academic Insttutons in Decomposing Technology

Innovaton Generated from Imitaton

Never Underestmate the Signifcance of Manufacturing Ability in the Transformaton from Imitaton to Innovaton

Never Ignore the Value of Invisible Innovaton

Seize the Time Window of Catching Up

• Competng in a Good-enough Market:

A Good enough Market is Becoming More Important Than Ever Before

Two Types of Good-enough Markets

How to Survive in a Good-enough Market

The Blank-flling Market Positoning Strategy

An Ultmate Balance between Low Cost and Reasonable Quality

Give Full Play to the Market Ladder: Encircling the Cites from the Rural Areas

Product Development Strategy in Good-enough Market

A Good enough Market is Diferent from the Botom of a Pyramid Market

The Shanzhai Phenomenon: Symbiosis of Positve and Negatve Factors

Dynamic Shif in a Good-enough Market

• China’s Advantages in the Fields of Complex Product System:

What is a “Complex Product System”?

Technology Decompositon Under Complex Product System

Technology Recombinaton under Complex Product System

Resortng to External Competence to Accelerate Decompositon and Recombinaton

China’s Catching-Up Experience in the Field of Complex Product Systems

• The Rise of Internet Companies in China:

What is Behind the Rise of Chinese Internet Companies?

Advantages of Network Efect Brought by Market Size

The Shif of Market Ladder and the Release of Opportunity

Country-specifc Cost Advantage of Internet Business

“Waterloo” of Western Internet Companies in the Chinese Market

The Rise of Industrial Internet

• Multnatonal Corporatons: From “Teacher” to “Peer”: Challenge Launched by “Students” to “Teachers”

Glocalizaton of Multnatonal Corporatons: Experience from Philips

What is Behind the Chinese Market Strategy

Challenges that Must Be Faced

• Rules of Survival in the Chinese Market: Capturing the Unmet Market Needs

Building Strength on Low-Cost Manufacturing Capabilites

Integratng Localized Innovatons

Seeking a Delicate Balance Between Low Cost and Reasonable Quality

Harnessing the Power of Business Model Innovaton

Maintaining Fast Market Response

Exploring Game-Changing Business Opportunites

Leveraging Glocalizaton Advantages

Never Stop Running

• The Future of Made in China:

History is a Pathway to The Future

Awakening of Individualism Amid Consumpton Upgrade

The Ongoing “Downward Market Penetraton”

Can the Labor Cost Advantage Sustain?

The Development of Technological Dominance

Back to the Ivory Tower

The Great Age of Discovery of China

More Inclusive Integraton into Globalizaton Symbol of the True Rise of Made-in-China

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving

Asia-Based Insights from Asia Philanthropy Circle

Key Features

• ost e istng philanthrop handbooks are wri en with a Western target audience. his book is uni ue or its ocus on sia where the conte t or philanthrop is markedl di erent. While it draws in ormaton and rameworks rom across the world, it details how these appl in sia through sia specifc e amples and case studies

• his book contains case studies o philanthropists in sia, providing real li e e amples rom noteworth philanthropists in the region


A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving is a handbook for philanthropists and foundatons with the desire to practce strategic, impactul philanthropy in Asia. ew resources e ist in the sia region that can serve as re erences along the ull ourne o philanthrop . his guide touches on all relevant points at the various stages o this ourne rom designing a philanthrop strateg or involving amil members in giving, to evaluatng the impact o philanthrop or pursuing collaboraton while giving.

ou are embarking on a philanthrop ourne oursel , this guide is intended to serve as a go to resource or our path orward. t aims to answer our most important uestons b introducing di erent rameworks and highlightng ke consideratons. t will not prescribe a single best wa or philanthrop , but instead enable ou to be more confdent and in ormed in cra ing our own approach.

otabl , this guide is tailored or the sian e perience, based on the learnings rom the sia Philanthrop Circle ( PC) and its members. he book has distlled ke lessons rom seven ears o in depth engagement with PC members it eatures 29 case studies o sia based philanthropists, bringing the realit o giving on the ground in sia to ou.

presentng di erent approaches to philanthrop , best in class models and e amples, as well as practcal insights rom PC members and learnings rom PC pro ects, ou will be well e uipped to e plore and e pand our giving in sia.

Author & Editor

BRADLEY WO is sia Philanthrop Circle s ormer Knowledge esources anager. n this role, radle oversaw the organisaton s thought leadership and research pieces, which included the authoring and development o the Philanthropist s Guide to Giving and the uture o sian Philanthrop .

LAURENCE LIEN is Co ounder and ounding CE o the sia Philanthrop Circle.

Laurence is also the Chairman o Lien oundaton, a amil oundaton established in 980, that has become well regarded or its orward thinking and radical approach in the felds o educaton, eldercare and the environment, as well as the Chairman o Lien , the oundaton s humanitarian arm.

February 2023

£50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 820 5

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 260pp

Type: rade Pro essional

Main Subject: Asian Studies

Sub-Subjects: sian Politcs Societ Social ssues Human Securit Southeast sia Singapore Collecton

Keywords: Philanthrop Philanthropis oundaton on Proft Charit Giving Social mpac sia sia Philanthrop Circle

Readership: Philanthropists, oundaton and non proft pro essionals, and other pro essional advisors and individuals interested in the feld o philanthrop

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• Strategising Cra ing Pathwa s towards Goals

• Structuring Se ng Up a Success ul S stem

• amil rans orming Giving into a amil Legac

• E ecutng ranslatng Plans into Practce

• Evaluatng ncorporatng Evidence or E ectveness

• Collaboratng a imising mpact through Collectve cton

• Conclusion

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Managing Informaton Technology Projects

Building a Body of Knowledge in IT Project Management

Srinath Perera

Western Sydney University, Australia

Robert Eadie

Ulster University, UK

Key Features

• his book aims to initate the development o the specialist od o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement , also learning rom relevant e periences rom other sectors such as constructon, aerospace and health among others, where pro ect management is well established and success ull practsed

• his book is designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management, e.g., elevatng the knowledge o novices current best practce levels, while providing pointers to e perienced practtoners on areas or potental improvement, based on a wider arra o lessons learned

• he book will also provide students, researchers and other academics with important insights into how best to appreciate and appl , as well as adapt and develop relevant principles o pro ect management in pro ect scenarios


Informaton Technology project management has changed dramatcally over recent years. rawing on the e periences o success ul pro ect management be ond the industr and s nergi ing cu ng edge research with well established practces in the industr , this book prefgures the ne t normal in pro ect management.

s a milestone publicaton, this book augments and boosts the speciali ed bod o knowledge in pro ect management b capturing and consolidatng ke elements o this knowledge base. Chapters are presented in our distnct sectons, each e amining a di erent aspect o pro ect management which includes generic pro ect management methodologies teambuilding in relaton to stakeholder management the ron riangle o ime, Cost, ualit , and isk and new and innovatve technologies and so ware or improved pro ect management. Substantated case studies and practcal guidelines are designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management rom novices to e perienced practtoners, while collectvel elevatng the bod o knowledge and skills needed. his book aims to upgrade and update the knowledge o current practce to novices o er pointers to e perienced practtoners on potental areas or improvement and provide innovatve insights to undergraduates, researchers and other academics on the development, appreciaton and applicaton o pro ect management knowledge.


Srinath Perera is the ounding irector o the Centre or Smart odern Constructon at the Western S dne Universit . He holds a Ph rom the Universit o Sal ord and is a pioneer in the feld o constructon in ormatcs b integratng technologies to constructon and pro ect management. He has over 30 ears o e perience internatonall in the constructon sector, o which 8 ears was based in the United Kingdom. He is oard member o the nternatonal Council or esearch and nnovaton in uilding and Constructon (C , www. cibworld.org).

Robert Eadie is an cademic Lead or Civil Engineering at Ulster Universit and a Sc Civil and n rastructure Engineering Course irector. He is responsible or pu ng together the frst Civil Engineering pprentceship to aster s egree Level in the United Kingdom.

February 2023

£130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 057 7

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 480pp

Type: eview olume

Series: omain Specifc odies o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: nnovaton echnolog

Knowledge n ormaton anagement S stems Engineering intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance So ware Engineering


Keywords: anaging Pro ects n ormaton echnolog Pro ect anagement nnovatve echnolog

Readership: Undergraduates, research insttutes, pro ect management practtoners and pro essional bodies in pro ect management

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• anaging Pro ects he Case or Consolidatng and eveloping an Pro ect anagement od o Knowledge

• Generic Project Management Methodologies, Their Applicability to IT Project Management and Current IT Project Management Methodologies and Practces:

Overview of Generic Project Management Methodologies, Frameworks and Standards

Partcular Context, Priorites, Constraints and Trends of Informaton Technology Projects (Projects vs IT Projects)

Comparison of Selected IT Project Management Methodologies with Generic Project Management Methodologies

Case Studies on Applicatons, Challenges, Successes, Failures of (selected) IT Project Management Methodology

• IT Project Management Teams & Stakeholders:

IT Project Stakeholders and Responsibilites in Diferent Project Management Methodologies

IT Project Teams

The Role of the Project manager in IT Projects

Case Studies and Discussion

• Critcal Managerial Elements in the Iron Triangle — to Reconcile the Triple Targets of Time, Cost, Quality/Specifcaton/ Performance:

Project Time and Cost Management

Project Quality Management

Project Risk Management

Successfully Delivering Large IT Programmes

Learning from Other Domains/Sectors in Project Management

• New and Innovatve Technologies and Sofware for Improved Project Management:

So ware or ime and Cost anagement

So ware or ualit anagement or Pro ect anagement in uture

Case Studies and Discussion


World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Governance and Financial Performance

Current Trends and Perspectves

Emilios Galariots

Audencia Business School, France

Alexandros Garefalakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Christos Lemonakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Key Features

Marios Menexiadis

Aegean Airlines, Greece

Constantn Zopounidis

Technical University of Crete, Greece

• his book proposes a novel ramework or combining the Corporate Governance ramework (CG ) with up to date corporate fnance topics

• he book will per orm a signifcant role in enhancing the understanding o the Contemporar Environment to a great e tent. oth researchers and practtoners working in the feld o Corporate Governance will highl beneft rom it

• his book will be ver use ul because there are onl a limited number o books in the market that provide a good collecton o state o the art re erences on prosperous investment decisions


This book focuses on corporate governance and proposes a novel framework for combining the Corporate Governance Framework (CGF) with current corporate fnance issues arising in the Contemporary Business Environment (CBE) and cointegratng them with today’s business needs. t consists o a good collecton o state o the art approaches that will be use ul or new researchers and practtoners working in this feld, helping them to uickl grasp the current state o corporate governance and corporate fnancial per ormance.

Good corporate governance is not onl important or companies, but also or the societ . o begin with, good corporate governance strengthens the public s aith and trust in corporate governance. Legislatve processes were developed to protect the societ rom known threats and prevent problems rom occurring or recurring. ecent corporate scandals shed light on the impact that corporatons have on social responsibilit . he new ocus on the corporate governance ramework increases the responsibilit and accountabilit o companies to their stakeholders and provides a solid ramework or enhancing corporate per ormance.


Emilios Galariots is ull Pro essor o inance at udencia usiness School (E U S, , CS ), rance and ssociate ean or research. He has occupied several high impact administratve posts at udencia as irector o research Laborator ounder and director o the insttute o inance ounder and director o the Centre or inancial and isk anagement (C ) Head o the inance epartment and Head o esearch is. Prior to serving in his present positon, r. Galariots was a Senior Lecturer at urham Universit usiness School (E U S, , CS ), UK, where he was also irector o the masters programmes in fnance.

Alexandros Garefalakis is Certfed nternal Controls uditor (C C ), Certfed Public ccountant ( ellow o CP ), anagement ccountant (C ), Certfed Controls Specialists (CCS) and usiness Consultant in numerous companies, organi atons and European programs rom 2006. lso, he is an ssistant Pro essor at the epartment o usiness dministraton and ourism at Hellenic editerranean Universit (H U) in Greece. He holds a degree in inancial pplicatons, a aster degree in ccountng and inance rom Universit o Southampton and Ph in ccountng rom Hellenic pen Universit .

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-957-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 290pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance General usiness nd anagement ccountng ( anagement) Corporate inance

Keywords: Corporate Governance

S stem genc heor eturn on ssets Stock eturn irm Per ormance esponsible anagement and ESG

Readership: or researchers and practtoners working in the feld o corporate governance to help them to understand the current status on corporate governance and corporate fnancial per ormance

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• CG and the Performance Process:

Corporate Governance’s Characteristcs and Financial Performance in the Innovatve SMEs

Ownership and Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: A Compendium of Natonal Practces

New Corporate Governance Law in Greece Key Elements and Analysis

CG and Agency Problems

Corporate Governance Gender Equality and Firm Financial Performance: The Case of Euronext 100 Index

• CG and the Corporate Debt:

A Bibliometric Overview of the State of the Art in Bankruptcy Predicton Methods and Applicatons

CG and viable Corporate Debt

Corporate Governance and Financial Fraud Detecton

• CG and Externalites:

Governance and Corporate Control around the World Event Stud ethods in Corporate Governance Studies

CG and Prosperous nvestment ecisions the Paradigm o ergers and c uisitons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Climate-Smart Innovaton

Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in the Environmental Economy

Key Features

• he book elaborates on the role o social entrepreneurship in the support o the sustainable development o the environmental econom and the mechanism o per orming this role through climate smart innovatons

• he book dwells on the special conte t o the C 9 pandemic, which shows climate smart innovatons o social entrepreneurship in the new light

• he book presents and discusses not onl the internatonal e perience but also the case e perience o the Eurasian Economic Union (E EU), which allows describing the applied aspects o climate smart innovatons o social entrepreneurship


This book studies smart green innovaton through the prism of social entrepreneurship as a driver for sustainable development and the development of an environmental economy. t s stemat es and anal es the modern challenges o the environmental econom climate change and environmental polluton. he tendencies and scenarios or the environmental econom are considered in the conte t o implementng the Sustainable evelopment Goals. Globali aton and internatonal trade are also considered actors in the sustainable development o the environmental econom .

he book hones in on the internatonal e perience o ecological responsibilit and fghtng climate change through social entrepreneurship. he contributon o corporate responsibilit in the fght against climate change is determined, and state regulaton o corporate responsibilit in the resource based economies o developing countries is considered. he market mechanisms or stmulatng the fght against climate change through social entrepreneurship in countries with developed environmental economies are also considered. he advantages o digitali aton or fghtng climate change through social entrepreneurship are o ered.

he book also re ects on the possibilites or the sustainable development o the environmental econom based on climate smart innovaton in social entrepreneurship. t presents a model o climate smart enterprise and substantates its advantages or corporate responsibilit and sustainable development. he ke climate smart innovatons in social entrepreneurship or sustainable development o the environmental econom robots big data, , blockchain, and green fnance are determined. he book also develops polic recommendatons to support climate smart innovaton in social entrepreneurship.


Elena G Popkova, octor o Science (Economics), the ounder and president o the nsttute o Scientfc Communicatons ( ussia) and leading researcher o the Center or pplied esearch o the chair Economic polic and public private partnership o G Universit ( oscow, ussia).

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400pp

Type: eview olume

Series: dvances in Entrepreneurial Economics and Sustainable evelopment olume

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic evelopmental Economics Environmental Energ Economics Environmental anagement Planning Climate Change

Keywords: Climate smart nnovaton Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable evelopment Environmental Econom Green Econom Environmental arketng

Readership: he primar market o this book is scholars who stud the environmental econom , sustainable development, and social entrepreneurship. n this book, the will fnd the results o the latest studies that re ect the ke role o social entrepreneurship in the sustainable development o the environmental econom . he secondar market o the book is practcing e perts. n this book, the will fnd a detailed descripton o the leading internatonal e perience o the sustainable development o the environmental econom based on social entrepreneurship

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£130 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-424-5

• ntroducton

• Water esource anagement or Sustainable evelopment in the South o ussia in Low Water Conditons Economic Evidence

• he ole o the Global Stock arket in the ransiton to the Green Econom in the Conte t o the Climate isks

• he Concept o Environmental arketng in Companies ctvites as a ase or the evelopment o Green Econom in Russia

• he ediatng mpact o nnovaton on Green Entrepreneurship Practces and Sustainabilit

• Social Entrepreneurship and Climate nnovaton he ediatng E ect o orms and Sel E cac

• Environmental Per ormance o Countries in namics o Economic Growth

• ssues o Energ Saving and Energ E cienc Polic oreign and ussian E perience

• Eurasian Economic Union (E EU) Under the Economic Uncertaint and Geopolitcal rans ormaton

• ssues o State egulaton o eekeeping in the Conte t o the C 9 Pandemic

• he Global Energ ransiton as the asis or the ormaton o Green Econom

• Se uestraton ndustr in the Climate nnovaton evelopment ramework Cluster pproach

• irectons and ools or mplementng the Principles o Sustainable evelopment in ussia

• Sustainable usiness evelopment in the Concept o ts ESG esponsibilit

• ew rends in the Sustainable evelopment o Logistcs S stems uring the mpact o C 9

• echanism or eveloping the ransit and E port Potental o the Southern ederal istrict Logistcs S stem

• edical Ecolog and rgani atonal arketng Soluton within the Smart Cit Concept, imed at mproving the ualit o Li e o the Populaton

• ssues nvolving the Potental o Environmental arketng in egional evelopment

• Stud o the Status and ole o Social Entrepreneurship in the Sustainable evelopment o the egional Econom

• undamental spects o Sustainabilit eportng ased on Gri Standards. Evoluton o evelopment, Substance and Content o ntegrated eportng

• Legal egime o Speciall Protected atural erritories as a actor in the evelopment o Ecological Econom heoretcal and Legal spect

• Global hreats and Challenges to the atonal inancial Securit Under the C 9 Pandemic

• Green ortgage is the Ke to Energ E cient and esource Saving eal Estate

• etamorphoses o the S stem o Sectoral and nsttutonal Principles o dministratve Law hrough the Prism o Ecological Economics Problems and Prospects o heir Soluton in the Conte t o the C 9 Pandemic

• nnovaton or Sustainable Livestock evelopment to eet ood ualit Challenges

• Peculiarites o Planning and eutrali aton o isks in Logistcs istributon S stems

• Conclusion

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Time to Rethink Risk Management

Surviving Future Global Crises

Key Features

• his book covers what organisatons should have learnt rom the C 9 crisis and previous global crises

• ased on adaptng risk management to the emergent UC environment

• Proposes a reimagining and re ormulaton o Enterprise isk anagement and provides guidance on how organisatons and governments can incorporate this

• E istng literature in the feld is e tremel limited, with most books having ver limited scope and at most addressing one specifc global crisis


The purpose of this book is to change thinking about crises and risk. isk management is toda both a great success, an impressive achievement, and a notable ailure. t works, and it doesn t work. t saves lives and propert , and it ails to save lives and propert . t helps and it hinders. Like all such management approaches, this has a lot to do with how it is emplo ed and practced, but in the case o risk management there is also a much more undamental issue. he risk management ramework, the risk management model, is wrong. an organisatons toda treat all risks as point events, when the real risks involve s stemic threats inherent in the global econom , and the uncertain nature o global societ .

he book argues that risk management has come a long wa , but that evidence o its more recent ailure is now all around us and that it needs to now change dramatcall i it is to accommodate current realites. Whilst there is a clear need or us all to manage risk through a crisis, there is a lack o understanding o the nature o crises that is impeding progress. s well as providing a conceptual basis or changing the wa risk management is undertaken, the book provides a blueprint or managing at organisatonal level through a global crisis, and, to a more limited e tent, at government and other levels how to prepare, what to do when it s happening and how and when to emerge into the post crisis world.


Professor Tony Bendell is commi ed to making organisatons less ragile and more ant ragile. his was the ratonale behind his 20 4 Gower book uilding AntFragile Organisatons and the establishment o the nt ragilit cadem in 20 2, or whom he acts as Lead Consultant rainer. uring the C 9 pandemic he has ocused more specifcall on how to make organisatons more Crisis Proo , which is the sub ect o his new book Time to Rethink Risk Management: Surviving Future Global Crises to be published b World Scientfc Publishing in 2022.

He is distnguished or, amongst other ualites, an incisive intellect that draws him to innovatve thinking and its applicaton to his feld, an in ectous passion about business improvement, and an idios ncratc sense o humour. hese are all ualites that lie behind his uest to bring nt ragilit into the practcal domain o business and entrepreneurship.

February 2023

£50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-448-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance ecision Sciences Entrepreneurship General usiness nd anagement nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement rgani atonal ehavior ndustrial rgani aton General Economics Corporate inance nternatonal inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic General nterest

Keywords: Global Crises Enterprise isk anagement E rganisatonal Survival

Readership: oard members, Chie

E ecutves and irectors, Chie isk cers, isk anagers and usiness Contnuit anagers, anagers, rganisatonal Change, rans ormaton, ualit anagement and rganisatonal E cellence specialists, usiness School students on and related courses, and readers interested in current thinking about managing risk and the conse uences and strategies or surviving through a global crisis

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Tony Bendell Services Limited, UK & The Ant-Fragility Academy, UK

• Pre ace Se ng the Scene

• odel o Global Crises a Conse uental odel or E

• Knowing the Crisis is Coming

• Seeing the Crisis is Coming

• Knowing the Crisis is Here

• rganisatonal anagement hrough the Crisis

• imel Emergence

• er the Crisis

• mplementng Sensible Enterprise isk anagement

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


How Mathematcs, Physics, and Chemistry Constrain Society


“Following Alex Scheeline’s excitng cruise among the wonders of modern science that starts with measurements and ends with politcs, business, research, and freedom will surprise an open mind not only by consequences of the logical constructons, but also by the miracles of self-consistent scientfc journeys and beauty of amazing discoveries. I absolutely recommend this book for amateur science enthusiasts with a keen interest in metrology.”

Key Features

• iscusses how limitatons in science a ect human behavior and societ . or instance, electrical engineering, statstcal mechanics, and number theor are shown to have politcal and personal applicaton. Links among thermod namics, sociolog , and environmentalism are also drawn

• ncludes e uatons to e uip readers to see or themselves how various ph sical limitatons orce certain societal behaviors, and how behavioral changes might a ect societ and over what tme rame

• Shows how to ident hard limits vs. unconstrained choices


The physical sciences and mathematcs are extraordinarily useful in explaining the material world. People and societ are constrained b ph sical realit , but we are o en unclear on what constraints are absolute, which ma be relatve, and those that are simpl a ma er o taste. andwidth e plains how limitatons in the movement and percepton o in ormaton constrain human behavior, cogniton, interacton, and perspectve. How ast can we learn How much Wh are habits and biases unavoidable Wh is the common statement an naton that can land people on the moon surel can ... re uentl wrong Using e uatons and ph sical models, andwidth describes constraints which, in part, e plain politcal, economic, religious, and personal rictons. spects considered include how much in ormaton can one human absorb in a li etme How ar does a process o perturbaton propagate How do speciali aton or generali aton, critcal thinking or belie , in uence what people accomplish hroughout, e uatons are used to compactl e press ideas, illustratng wh mathematcal econom o e pression accelerates communicaton and deeper understanding. he critcal impacts o uncertaint , uctuatons, or noise, and their implicatons or law and societ , are emphasi ed.


Dr Alexander Scheeline is Pro essor Emeritus o Chemistr at Universit o llinois at Urbana Champaign, US . He is an elected ellow and Honorar ember o the Societ or pplied Spectroscop , as well as ounder and President o SpectroClick nc., a frm developing hand held spectrometers, and ounder and ice President o nchor Science LLC, a materials development partnership. He has published over 30 artcles in internatonal peer reviewed ournals, and is known or his work in optcal spectrometr , instrument design, sensors, ultrasonicall levitated drops, o idatve stress, chemical kinetcs, oscillator chemical reactons, and the d namics o nonlinear s stems. His numerous awards include the istnguished Service ward, Special Publicatons ward and (twice) W eggers ward (Societ or pplied Spectroscop ), istnguished Service ward and nnovaton ward ( ederaton o nal tcal Chemistr and Spectroscop Societes), E50 ward ( merican Societ o gricultural and iological Engineers), and the CS ewsmaker ward ( merican Chemical Societ ). He holds a Ph in Chemistr rom the Universit o Wisconsin adison, US .

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-787-4

£35 | S C E 978-981-123-854-3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Chemistr

Sub-Subjects: nal tcal Chemistr

Popular Science Statstcs General Ph sics (Popular eading) Spectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues Communicatons eural etworks etworking Comple

S stems Politcal Science Polic Studies

Public Polic n ormaton heor uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Probabilit heor Stochastc Processes

Statstcal Ph sics, Comple it nd onlinear namical S stems ( ncluding Heat nd hermod namics) General pplied athematcs General Science uantum heor Social ssues Human Securit Statstcal echanics General nterest

Keywords: Science and Societ

Readership: his book is aimed at general readers and scientsts with an interest in how limitatons o the ph sical sciences a ect societ and human behavior. t could be used or undergraduate courses in anal tcal chemistr , communicatons engineering, statstcal mechanics and nonlinear ph sics, and is also appropriate or seminars in sociolog , theolog , politcs, economics and law

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• easurement

• Correlaton vs. Causaton

• oise

• Signal

• Uncertaint , uantum and Classical

• Sampling

• andwidth

• etecton Limit

• namic ange

• Potental Wells

• onlinearit , Comple it , and Chaos

• arkov Processes

• eural etworks

• ualitatve, uanttatve, riage

• oug Ho stadter Got t ight the G del heorem

• ental oom Lens

• heolog

• Politcs, usiness, and Law in Light o athematcal Concepts

• esearch and reedom in Light o athematcal Concepts

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Complete Guide to the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method in GAMESS

From One Atom to a Million, at your Service


“It is rather tmely to have a rigorous but user-oriented and accessible book for the fragment molecular orbital. The implementaton within GAMESS with a clear descripton of how to invoke FMO optons, practcal tps on how to apply these, and concrete examples will be of great practcal value in addressing computatonal materials problems in biology, chemistry, and physics. A comprehensive treatment of both fundamental and practcal concerns in FMO are included: the use of various levels of quantum chemical theory within FMO, PIEDA, segmentaton and fragmentaton, efectve potentals and grids, and massively scaling up the calculaton size.”

Key Features

• irst book covering usage o in G ESS

• Uni ue up to date te tbook on rapidl developing methods

• Wri en rom a user perspectve, includes troubleshootng common problems encountered

• Point b point la man descripton o technical ke words

• eep anal sis o per ormance issues arising rom the coarse grained use o CPUs in massivel parallel calculatons

• Supplementar material containing a collecton o input and output fles or G ESS to assist readers in reading the book is provided online


The fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method is a fast linear-scaling quantum-mechanical method employed by chemists and physicists all over the world. t provides a wealth o propertes o ragments rom uantum chemical calculatons, a bo omless treasure pit or data mining and machine learning. However, there is no user riendl descripton o its usage in the widel emplo ed uantum chemical open source so ware G ESS, nor is there an book covering the usage o G ESS in general. his leaves ver man interested users to their own devices to get through a variet o problems with ver cr ptc descriptons o ke words in the program manual and no guide whatsoever as to what optons should be set or partcular scientfc tasks. his book is the panacea to man rustratons.

he main ocus o the book is to build a solid bridge connectng users to G ESS, b giving a help ul introducton o various methods as needed or partcular problems ound in computatonal chemistr , and describing in detail how to do these simulatons and understand the results rom the output o the program. he book also covers paralleli aton strategies or a aining high parallel e cienc in massivel parallel computatons, and provides means to anal e per ormance and design a soluton or overcoming per ormance bo lenecks. special secton is devoted to dealing with problems in e ecutng G ESS, arising rom computatonal environment and user errors. inall , 4 care ull selected t pes o applicatons are discussed in detail, describing the input ke words and e plaining where to fnd the main results in the te t based output.


Dr Dmitri G Fedorov is Senior esearcher at the esearch Center or Computatonal esign o dvanced unctonal aterials (C at), atonal nsttute o dvanced ndustrial Science and echnolog ( S ), apan.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 300pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Chemistr

Sub-Subjects: Computatonal Chemistr Supercomputng Parallel Computng heoretcal Chemistr uantum Chemistr ioin ormatcs iocomputng Computatonal iolog Computatonal anoscience Ph sical Chemistr Computatonal, athematcal nd heoretcal Ph sics uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Keywords: rug esign edicinal Chemistr olecular nteractons uantum Chemistr Linear Scaling ethods High Per ormance Computng Solvent E ects Sur ace dsorpton

Readership: esearch groups in the undamental felds o computatonal chemistr , biolog , ph sics and applied felds o catal sis, drug discover , materials science, both in academia and in industr . Courses on computatonal chemistr biochemistr ph sics (can be used as re erence te tbook). evelopers o theoretcal methods and related scientfc so ware

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 362 0

• Introducton

• Getng Started:

Practcal Summary of FMO

Installaton of GAMESS

Understanding Parallel Executon

How to Run GAMESS

General Structure of GAMESS Input Files

FMO Input Files

FMO result fles (out, dat, trj, rst, and F40)

How to Begin Your Own FMO Calculatons

Parallelizaton Strategy

• Basic FMO Calculatons:

Treatng Solvent

Desolvaton Penalty in Binding (SBA)

Solvent Screening

Polarizaton, Interacton, and Binding Energies

Analyses for FMO

Periodic Boundary Conditons (PBC)

Geometry Optmizatons

Molecular Dynamics (MD)

Hessians, IR and Raman Spectra

Chemical Reactons

• Building up complexity:

Parametrized Methods

Unrestricted (UHF) and Open-Shell (ROHF) Methods

Electron Correlaton

Multconfguratonal Self-Consistent Field (MCSCF)

Electronic Excited States

Multple Layers

Frozen Domain (FD)

Molecular Orbitals and Their Energies (LCMO)

Propertes on a Grid

Struggling with Convergence


• Advanced Techniques:

How to compute polarizaton energies

Embedding types

Difuse basis sets

Dual basis sets (AP)

Restartng jobs

Using FMO for non-FMO tasks

Temperature, entropy, and free energy

Acceleraton tricks

How to calculate millions of atoms

Improving GDDI performance

• Reference Materials:

Conclusions and utlook


Collecton o Sample nput and utput iles

Processing esults

G Elish ictonar

Suggestons or urther eading

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Applicatons of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Catalytc Studies

From Routne Analysis to Cutng Edge Surface Characterizaton

Spyridon Zafeiratos CNRS, France & Université de Strasbourg, France

Key Features

• his book is the frst that is entrel dedicated to the applicatons o PS in catal sis research. n important eature o this book is that contains chapters dedicated to in situ operando studies in electrocatal sis and photocatal sis based on recent technological advancements, which is a relatvel novel feld o PS applicaton

• he book contains also classical applicatons o PS in heterogeneous catal st studies, like or e ample studies o model catal sts

• nother uni ue eature o this book is the descripton o the practcal aspects o the method. lthough this topic has been alread part o several books related to PS, the originalit here is that the book is addressed primaril to catal tc studies, and it is wri en b PS e perts with background in catal sis

• his book provides the essental in ormaton, without complicatng the reader with elaborate theoretcal and e perimental details which are not directl relevant or catal tc oriented studies


XPS has become a mature technique and automated XPS facilites can be found in industry and in universites all over the world. his trans ormed PS rom an advanced characteri aton method or dedicated research, to a rather standard anal sis techni ue o sur ace anal sis. he catal st s sur ace state is probabl the most prominent actor that in uences the catal tc per ormance. t is there ore no surprise that PS has become an indispensable tool in studies o solid catal sts. t has been directl used to investgate issues such as the sur ace compositon o the actve catal st and the reacton and deactvaton mechanisms. Several e cellent essa s describe in detail the theoretcal and practcal aspects o ra photoelectron spectroscop .

he ob ectve o the book is to provide a comprehensive overview o the current status and uture perspectves o ra photoelectron spectroscop dedicated to catal tc applicatons, including thermal catal sis, electrocatal sis, and photo(electro)catal sis. he book contains 3 chapters, startng with the necessar introducton o the techni ue background, including basic phenomena and instrumentaton aspects. he second part o the book ocuses on the presentaton o long established applicatons o the techni ue such as PS studies o model catal sts. n the last part, the book describes relatvel recent developments o this method or cu ng edge sur ace characteri aton mainl using s nchrotron ra radiaton.


Spyridon Zafeiratos received his Ph rom the Universit o Patras (Greece). n 2004, he was awarded a post doctoral ellowship rom the a Planck Societ and oined the norganic Chemistr epartment o the rit Haber nsttute in erlin, to work on the applicaton o ambient pressure PS to heterogeneous catal sis. n 2007 he was appointed C S associated researcher (C ) at the PCEES insttute in Strasbourg and in 20 8 was promoted to research director ( ) at the same insttute.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 486pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Catal tc Science Series

Main Subject: Chemistr

Sub-Subjects: Catal st Chemistr

Electrochemistr Ph sical Chemistr Sur ace nter ace Chemistr mSpectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues Sur ace Science

Spectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues

Keywords: XPS; ESCA; PES;

Photoemission Photoelectron Spectroscop a Photoemission Chemical State nal sis uger

Parameter Powder Catal st odel Catal st anocatal st anomaterials PS uantfcaton Electrostatc

Charging PS nal sis o Electricall nsulatng aterials Casa PS PS

Peak i ng PS Peak ackground


Readership: he primar market o the book are researchers and graduate students, working in the feld o catal sis and materials science. lso o use to catal sis industr pro essionals who are looking or a concrete and simplifed resource dedicated to the recent advances o the techni ue in their feld

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£140 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 328 7


• a Photoelectron Spectroscop in Catal sis mpact and Historical ackground

• Practcal spects o PS rom Sample Preparaton to Spectra nterpretaton

• ntroducton to Chemical State nal sis b PS

• he os and on ts o using PS to uali and uant Powder Catal sts

• PS nal sis o Electricall nsulatng Catal tc aterials

• ssigning PS Peaks to Chemical Environments using irst Principle Calculatons

• pplicaton o PS in Studies o odel Catal sts rom Single Cr stals to Supported anopartcles

• pplicaton o Photoelectron Spectroscop to lign the Energ Levels o Photocatal sts

• ime esolved a Photoelectron Spectroscop to Stud Photocatal tc eactons

• Stud Catal sts at Work b ear mbient Pressure a Photoelectron Spectroscop

• Characteri aton o Catal tc aterials with Scanning Photoelectron icroscop

• ppl ing PS to Stud Electrode Electrol te nter aces

• P PS Studies o i ed Conductng Electrodes uring High emperature Electrochemical eactons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Artfcial Intelligence for Science

A Deep Learning Revoluton

Alok Choudhary

Northwestern University, USA

Geofrey Fox

University of Virginia, USA


This unique collecton introduces AI, Machine Learning (ML), and deep neural network technologies leading to scientfc discovery from the datasets generated both by supercomputer simulaton and by modern experimental facilites.

Huge uanttes o e perimental data come rom man sources telescopes, satellites, gene se uencers, accelerators, and electron microscopes, including internatonal acilites such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CE in Geneva and the E okamak in rance. hese sources generate man petab tes moving to e ab tes o data per ear. E tractng scientfc insights rom these data is a ma or challenge or scientsts, or whom the latest developments will be essental.

he tmel handbook benefts pro essionals, researchers, academics, and students in all felds o science and engineering as well as , L, and neural networks. urther, the vision evident in this book inspires all those who in uence or are in uenced b scientfc progress.


Dr Alok Choudhary is a pro essor, researcher and an entrepreneur. He is the Henr and sabel ever chaired Pro essor o Electrical and Computer Engineering, pro essor o Computer Science and also teaches at Kellogg School o anagement at orthwestern Universit . r lok Choudhar is also the ounder, chairman and chie scientst o 4C insights, a data science so ware compan . 4C was ac uired b edia cean in 2020.

Geofrey Fox received a Ph in heoretcal Ph sics rom Cambridge Universit , where he was Senior Wrangler. He is now a Pro essor in the iocomple it nsttute nitatve and Computer Science epartment at the Universit o irginia. He previousl held positons at Caltech, S racuse Universit , lorida State Universit , and ndiana Universit . a er being a postdoc at the nsttute or dvanced Stud at Princeton, Lawrence erkele Laborator , and Peterhouse College Cambridge. He has supervised the Ph o 75 students. He has an hinde o 85 with over 4 ,000 citatons. He received the High Per ormance Parallel and istributed Computng (HP C) chievement ward and the C EEE CS Ken Kenned ward or oundatonal contributons to parallel computng in 20 9. He is a ellow o PS (Ph sics) and C (Computng) and works on the interdisciplinar inter ace between computng and applicatons. He is currentl actve in the ndustr consortum LCommons LPer .

Tony Hey is a ellow o the o al cadem o Engineering, the ssociaton or Computng achiner , and the merican ssociaton or the dvancement o Science. t the Universit o Southampton in the UK, his parallel computng research group designed and built one o the frst distributed memor message passing computers using innovatve nmos transputers. He was later Head o the Electronics and Computer Science epartment at Southampton and also ean o Engineering. n 2005 he was awarded a C E or Services to Science a er leading the UK s eScience initatve.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Computer Science

Sub-Subjects: rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning eural etworks etworking

Keywords: L eep ig eural etworks ig ata Scientfc pplicatons or Science

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in machine learning, neural networks and environmental science

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£140 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-566-2

• Contributng Authors:

AI for Science (Alok Choudhary, Geofrey Fox, and Tony Hey)

Overview of the Book

• Setng the Scene:

Data Driven Science in the Era of AI: From Paterns to Practce ( Alex Szalay)

AI in the Broader Context of Data Science (Rafael Alvarado and Philip Bourne)

AlphaFold — The End of the Protein Folding Problem or the Start of Something Bigger? (David T Jones and Janet M Thornton)

Applicatons of AI in Astronomy (S G Djorgovski, A A Mahabal, M J Graham, K Polsterer, and A Krone-Martns)

Machine Learning for Complex Instrument Design and Optmizaton (Barry C Barish, Jonathan Richardson, Evangelos Papalexakis, and Rutuja Gurav)

Artfcial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) at Experimental Facilites ( JA Sethian, JJ Donatelli, A Hexemer, MM Noack, DM Pelt, DM Ushizima, and PH Zwart)

The First Exascale Supercomputer: Acceleratng AI-for-Science and Beyond (Satoshi Matsuoka, Mohamed Wahib, Aleksandr Drozd, and Kento Sato)

Benchmarking for AI for Science (Jeyan Thiyagalingam, Mallikarjun Shankar, Geofrey Fox, and Tony He y)

• Exploring Applicaton Domains:

◊ Astronomy and Cosmology:

Radio Astronomy and the Square Kilometre Array ( Anna Scaife)

AI for Astronomy: The Rise of the Machines (Andy Connolly)

◊ Climate Change:

AI and Net Zero ( Alberto Arribas, Karin Strauss, Sharon Gillet, Amy Luers, Trevor Dhu, Lucas Joppa, Roy Zimmermann, and Vanessa Miller)

AI for Climate Science (Philip Ster)

◊ Energy:

Acceleratng Fusion Energy with AI (Steve Cowley, Dan Boyer, and Michael Churchill )

Artfcial Intelligence for a Resilient and Flexible Power Grid (Olufemi A Omitaomu, Jin Dong, and Teja Kurugant )

◊ Environmental Science:

AI and Machine Learning in Observing Earth from Space ( Jef Dozier)

Artfcial Intelligence in Plant and Agricultural Research (Sabina Leonelli and Hugh F Williamson)

◊ Health:

AI and Pathology: Steering Treatment and Predictng Outcomes (Rajarsi Gupta, Jakub Kaczmarzyk, Soma Kobayashi, Tahsin Kurc, and Joel Saltz)

The Role of Artfcial Intelligence in Epidemiological Modeling (Madhav V Marathe et al.)

◊ Life Sciences:

Big AI: Blending Big Data With Big Theory to Build Virtual Humans (Peter Coveney and Roger Highfeld )

A Roadmap for Defning Machine Learning Standards in the Life Sciences (Fots Psomopoulos, Carole Goble, Leyla Jael Castro, Jennifer Harrow, and Silvio C E Tosato)

◊ Materials Science and Engineering:

Artfcial Intelligence for Materials (Debra J Audus, Kamal Choudhary, Brian L DeCost, A Gilad Kusne, Francesca Tavazza, and James A Warren)

Artfcial Intelligence for Acceleratng Materials Discovery (Ankit Agrawal and Alok Choudhary)

◊ Partcle Physics:

Experimental Partcle Physics and Artfcial Intelligence (David Rousseau)

AI and Theoretcal Partcle Physics (Rajan Gupta, Tanmoy Bhatacharya, and Boram Yoon)

◊ The Ecosystem of AI for Science:

Schemaorg for Scientfc Data (Alasdair Gray, Leyla Castro, Nick Juty and Carole Goble)

AI-enabled HPC Workfows (Shantenu Jha, Vincent Pascuzzi, and Mateo Turilli )

AI for Scientfc Visualizaton (Han-Wei Shen and Chris Johnson)

Uncertainty Quantfcaton in AI for Science (Tanmoy Bhatacharya, Christna Garcia Cardona, and Jamal Mohd-Yusof )

AI for Next Generaton Global Network-Integrated Systems and Testbeds (Mariam Kiran and Harvey Newman)

AI for Optmal Experimental Design and Decision Making (Francis J Alexander, Kristofer-Roy Reyes, Lav R Varshney, and Byung-Jun Yoon)

FAIR: Making Data AI-Ready (Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Lee Harland, Philippe Rocca-Serra, and Mark Wilkinson)

• Perspectves on AI for Science:

Large Language Models for Science ( Austn Clyde, Arvind Ramanathan, and Rick Stevens)

AI for Autonomous Vehicles (Tom St John and Vijay Janapa Reddi )

The Automated AI-Drive Future of Scientfc Discovery (Ross King and Hector Zenil )

Towards Refecton Competencies in Intelligent Systems for Science (Yolanda Gil )

The Interface of Machine Learning and Causal Inference (Mohammad Taha Bahadori and David Heckerman)

• Endpiece: AI Tools and Concepts: Surve o eep Learning ethods ethods iscussed in Chapters

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Internatonal Development Cooperaton and Aid Management Theory

and Practce

Author Translated by

Qin Lin

Shanghai Normal University, China


This book studies the theory, practce and evaluaton methods of internatonal development cooperaton, aid and assistance management in detail from a global perspectve. t a empts to answer the ollowing uestons How e ectve are the current Western aid methods How should China optmi e current internatonal development cooperaton How to e ectvel design an aid management s stem in the internatonal communit How to assess the e ectveness o aid

he book contributes to studies in internatonal development cooperaton. he theoretcal part anal es the main concepts, viewpoints, theories, and disputes in current internatonal development cooperaton, primaril ocusing on the di erences in concepts between traditonal development donors and emerging donors represented b China. he practcal part studies the roles and importance o di erent sub ects in internatonal development assistance. his part also e plores the impact o di erent aid management insttutons on internatonal development cooperaton. he evaluaton part reviews the current mainstream methods o internatonal development assessment and uses non e perimental methods o impact evaluaton and randomi ed controlled trials ( C s).

Author & Translator

Jianzhi ZHAO is an ssociate Pro essor o Economics and Public Polic at the School o nternatonal elatons and Public airs o udan Universit in Shanghai, China. His current research interests are internatonal development, public polic , public economics, and development economics. He has worked at multple internatonal organi atons, including the World ank, sian evelopment ank, and nter merican evelopment ank. He was also a visitng researcher at the ank o inland. He has been invited to present his research at various government agencies, such as the Congressional udget ce (C ) and ank o inland. He has served as a re eree or man internatonal ournals and published papers in man peer reviewed ournals. He was a Shorenstein Postdoctoral ellow at Stan ord Universit and received Ph in nternatonal Economic Polic rom the Universit o ar land, College Park.

Qin LIN, Ph , is lecturer at the School o oreign Languages, Shanghai ormal Universit . Her research interests include Earl odern English literature and English poetr .

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-887-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 260pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: General Economics evelopmental Economics Politcal Econom

Keywords: nternatonal evelopment Cooperaton id anagement S stem heor and Practce Evaluaton o nternatonal evelopment Pro ects

Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in economics and developmental economics, internatonal development cooperaton, aid management s stem

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Theory of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Defniton of Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Latest Developments in Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Research on the Efectveness of Internatonal Development Assistance: Literature Review of Aid Efectveness

Aid Ownership and Global Governance

◊ Internatonal Development Cooperaton Models and China’s Experience: A Comparatve Study of Aid Models: Japan vs Europe and America

China’s Experience: South-South Cooperaton

• Practce of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Introducton to the Management Systems of Internatonal Development Cooperaton: The Concept of Aid Management System

Research on Aid Management System and Aid Efectveness

◊ Partcipants in Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

Governmental or Internatonal Development Agency: Latest Developments

Non-governmental Internatonal Development Organizatons: A Perspectve of Government Funding

Multlateral Development Banks: A Comparatve Perspectve

Internatonal Cooperatve Governance: A Global Governance Perspectve - Cooperaton between G20 and DWG

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Traditonal Donor Countries: The United States’ Aid Management System

Japan’s Aid Management System

The United Kingdom’s Aid Management System

France’s Aid Management System

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries: Introducton to the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries

India’s Aid Management System

Brazil’s Aid Management System

South Africa’s Aid Management System

A Comparison of Aid Management Systems between China and Other Emerging Donor Countries

China’s Aid Management System: A Path-dependence Perspectve

• Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects:

◊ Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects: Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Basic Categories of Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Impact Evaluaton and Its Importance

◊ Methods of Impact Evaluaton for Internatonal Development: on e perimental ethods o mpact Evaluaton andomi ed Controlled rials ( C s)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Financial Derivatves Markets and Applicatons 5th Editon

Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha INCEIF University, Malaysia

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Key Features

• he book has alread been well accepted now in its 4th editon

• Wri en in an eas manner e plaining the intuiton logic rather than the heav reliance on athematcs Calculus as is the case with most books in the area

• E tensive use o illustratons to show the applicaton o derivatves in hedging, arbitrage, and speculatve trades

• aterial adapted or local developing market ecos stem

• ncludes a chapter on slamic derivatves, i.e., shariah compliant derivatves. his is a uni ue eature o this book


This book is designed for beginners who possess no previous knowledge or familiarity with derivatves. Wri en in an eas to read st le, it guides readers through the challenging and comple world o orwards, utures, optons, and swaps. he emphasis on sian markets and contracts enables easier understanding. inancial derivatve contracts rom ala sia and select contracts rom hailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong derivatve markets are covered. or each derivatve contract, their three common applicatons hedging, arbitrage, and speculatng are shown with ull worked out e amples. E tensive use o illustratons, graphics, and vigne es provide or eas comprehension o the underl ing logic o derivatves.


Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha is currentl Pro essor o inance at CE Universit in Kuala Lumpur, ala sia. past president o the ala sian inance ssociaton, Pro bi athulla has been a trainer and consultant or several ala sian insttutons. He has sat on the oard o ank ak at ala sia, been an advisor to Great Eastern Li e ssurance ala sia, member o the shariah commi ees o HS C manah, Sabana E , Pacifc utual und, and has undertaken consultng research assignments or the World ank, U ESC P, and . He has also co authored an internatonall adopted te tbook on slamic Capital arkets.

February 2023


Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 560pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Corporate inance

Keywords: erivatves inancial erivatves erivatve arkets orwards utures ptons Shariah Compliant erivatves slamic erivatves

Readership: Universit students stud ing fnance and or fnancial derivatves and practtoners seeking an in depth understanding o fnancial derivatves

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£140 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-147-3 | S C E 978-981-126-216-6

• erivatves ntroducton and verview

• erivatve arkets and rading

• orward and utures arkets Pricing and nal sis

• Stock nde utures Contracts nal sis and pplicatons

• nterest ate utures Contracts and Currenc utures Contracts

• ntroducton to ptons

• E uit , E uit nde , and Currenc ptons

• pton Strategies and Pa o s

• pton Pricing

• eplicaton, S nthetcs, and rbitrage

• ptons in Corporate inance and eal ptons

• nterest ate Swaps, Credit, and ther erivatves

• erivatve nstruments and slamic inance

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Advanced Statstcs for Health Research

Brigham Young University, USA & Southwestern University of Finance and

Key Features

• Simple geometric fgures make causal in erence techni ues more intuitve

• Eas to understand empirical e amples are drawn rom a broad collecton o the health research literature

• S S, Stata, and codes make implementng regression models straigh orward


Advanced Statstcs for Health Research provides a rigorous geometric understanding of models used in the analysis of health data, including linear and non-linear regression models, and supervised machine learning models. Models drawn rom the health literature include ordinar least s uares, two stage least s uares, probits, logits, Co regressions, duraton modeling, uantle regression and random orest regression. Causal in erence techni ues rom the health literature are presented including randomi aton, matching and propensit score matching, di erences in di erences, instrumental variables, regression discontnuit , and f ed e ects anal sis. Codes or the respectve statstcal techni ues presented are given or S , S S and .


Mathew J Butler, Economic Ph rom the Universit o Cali ornia erkele , has taught as a visitng and ad unct instructor or the righam oung Universit Economics epartment since 2007. He has also worked as a health economist or Universit o Utah Health. Currentl he works in the isk anagement ivision in he Church o esus Christ o La er da Saints. Prior to his positon in isk anagement, he worked in the Correlaton esearch ivision.

Richard J Butler, Economic Ph rom the Universit o Chicago, has taught at Cornell Universit , the Universit o innesota (C rthur Williams Pro essor o nsurance), and righam oung Universit ( artha ane Knowlton Cora Pro essor o Economics), and at Southwestern Universit o inance and Economics (China). His has received numerous awards or his research, including the Kulp Wright twice (200 or his solo authored te tbook in insurance, and again or contributng to another best book in insurance awarded in 20 5), the Kemper (best artcle in isk anagement eview), and the ehr (twice or best artcle standing the test o tme) awards. He was co editor o the ournal o isk and nsurance.

Barbara L Wilson, ursing Ph , Universit o ri ona, has spent man ears in the acute care se ng where she assumed various clinical and administratve roles, primaril in women s and newborn services. r Wilson s research interests are ocused on healthcare services, evaluatng the in uence o providers, hospitals, and the care deliver s stem on patent outcomes and on the use o Human actors Engineering (H E) in reducing clinical errors and promotng patent sa et .

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 230 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: Health Economics

iostatstcs General Li e Sciences

Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Statstcs athematcal inance Economics

Keywords: ursing Ph sician

Healthcare Public Health egression rthogonal Pro ecton Geometric iew o Causal n erence 2SLS wo Stage Least S uares nstrumental ariables Probits Logits Proportonal Ha ards Co egressions uantle egression andom orest egression andomi aton atching Propensit Score i erences in i erences egression iscontnuit i ed E ects S S S esearch E amples

Empirical ule pplied Statstcs

Confdence ntervals

Readership: or health pro essionals, advanced undergraduate and graduate students who stud regressions, causal in erence, or supervised machine learning

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Getng Started with the Data: Introducton, Statstcs, Empirical Rule, and Histograms

Characterizing The Data: Scaterplots and Regressions

Multple Regression Contnued: Standardized Beta Coefcients, Picturing Regressions, Variance Infaton Factor

The Data Generatng Process (DGP) That Makes Regressions Important, and How to Do Regressions Badly Causal Estmates: Randomizaton, Matching, Instrumental Variables and Their Cousins

• Randomizaton and Causal Frameworks with Regressions: Studies with Randomized Treatments

Studies From Data Involving Matching and Propensity Score Matching

Studies with Instrumental Variable Estmaton (Two Stage Least Squares) Studies with Regression Discontnuity

Studies using Diference-In-Diferences with Propensity Score Matching

Studies with Panel Data Sets with Inital Randomizaton

Studies with Panel Data Sets with Fixed Efects and Lags

Studies with Panel Data Techniques using GMM Estmaton

• Beyond the Contnuous, Uncensored Regression Model: Discrete Outcomes, Duraton Modeling, Quantle and Random Forest Regressions:

iscrete utcomes and a imum Likelihood Probits, Logits, ultnomial and rdered Logits

C Curves and the UC etrics, Count odels

Co egressions

Parametric uraton odels and iscrete uraton odels

uantle egression

Selecton n Linear odels, L SS , and andom orest egression andom orest egression esidual nal sis and the egression Gini nde

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Great Depression

Its Origins in Acceleraton and Electric Unit Drive

Key Features

• his book provides a gestalt view o the Great epression era, ratonali ing the various events, both be ore and a er, as part o a greater whole • etaphoricall , it connects the dots, and in so doing, provides a comprehensive, convincing account o the events o the 920s and 930s • his book marks the beginning o a new generaton o work, one that seeks to establish links between seemingl unrelated events


This book is part of a new generaton of work on the events of the 1920s and 1930s, one that provides a gestalt view of this period. s such, the man events that have untl now been viewed as unrelated, are viewed as parts o a greater whole, namel the introducton o a new power drive technolog in the orm o electric unit drive and its e ects. he oaring wentes, the spectacular growth o the 920s, the Smoot Hawle ari ct, the Stock arket oom and Crash, the decline in investment e penditure, the ensuing depression and the atonal ndustrial ecover ct are all shown to be related.

Bernard C Beaudreau is pro essor o economics at Universit Laval in uebec Cit , Canada. His interests range rom basic economic theor to economic histor , the histor o economic thought, internatonal trade, and consilient science. He has published in Energy Economics, the Canadian Economic Journal, the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Atlantc Economic Journal, and the Internatonal Economic Journal.

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-427-6

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 284pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: Histor Economic hought Economic Histor General Economics acroeconomics

icroeconomics olitcal Econom

ndustrial Engineering

Keywords: Great epression Electric Unit rive cceleraton ailed ransiton Stock arket oom and Crash Smoot Hawle ari ct atonal ndustrial ecover ct

Readership: cademics, researchers undergraduate and graduate students general public, specifcall those with an interest in economic histor and histor in general

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• Literature eview

• Electric Unit rive and nterconnected Power Grids

• ssessing the mpact o Electric Unit rive ased cceleraton on U.S. Productvit and Capacit he Case o the 920s and 930s

• he Smoot Hawle ari ill he epublican Part esponds to Growing E cess Capacit

• Wall Street esponds to the Proposed Higher ari s

• he Stock arket Crash and the Subse uent ecline in nvestment he epression Sets n

• he atonal ndustrial ecover ct s old empt at Closing the Gap

• Wh So Slow he ole o n Going cceleraton in ela ing the ecover

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Akbar and Birbal

Funnier Stories

Wonder House Books


Birbal, an advisor in the court of King Akbar, handles various tricky situatons faced by his ruler using his sharp intellect and humour. ead ook to discover these wi stories rom ndia

February 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 905 9

£6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-681-3

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Pub with Wonder House ooks

Extent: 92pp

Type: Children s Picture ook

Series: kbar and irbal Volume 1

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: kbar and irbal ughal Empire unn ndia Stories ndia

Readership: Children rom 6 to 2 ears

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Akbar and Birbal

Funnier Stories

Wonder House Books


Birbal, an advisor in the court of King Akbar, handles various tricky situatons faced by his ruler using his sharp intellect and humour. ead ook 2 to discover these wi stories rom ndia

February 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 908 0

£6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 682 0

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Pub with Wonder House ooks

Extent: 04pp

Type: Children s Picture ook

Series: kbar and irbal Volume 2

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: kbar and irbal ughal Empire unn ndia Stories ndia

Readership: Children rom 6 to 2 ears

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Akbar and Birbal

Funnier Stories

Wonder House Books


Birbal, an advisor in the court of King Akbar, handles various tricky situatons faced by his ruler using his sharp intellect and humour. ead ook 3 to discover these wi stories rom ndia

February 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 9 0

£6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-683-7

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Pub with Wonder House ooks

Extent: 84pp

Type: Children s Picture ook

Series: kbar and irbal Volume 3

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: kbar and irbal ughal Empire unn ndia Stories ndia

Readership: Children rom 6 to 2 ears

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Screen Smart

Growing Up in the Digital Age

May O Lwin

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Wonsun Shin

University of Melbourne, Australia


Alan Bay

“Screen Smart is a tmely book to educate children, teenagers and parents about screen etquete, individual social responsibility and the perils of navigatng through the complex networks of cyberspace and social media. Ending each sub-theme with parent guides and practcal tps, even adults would fnd this book helpful and enjoyable to read!”

Ong Say How

Department of Departmental Psychiatry, Insttute of Mental Health, Singapore


Join the Screen Smart gang as they recall their extraordinary childhood adventures in the virtual world.

Learn about the potental traps and dangers posed b the web and how to sta alert to the dangers that come rom traversing an online world. Plus, un actvites contribute to the learning e perience


Wonsun Shin is an ssociate Pro essor in edia and Communicatons at the School o Culture and Communicaton, the Universit o elbourne, ustralia. She has e tensive research e perience in outh, digital media, parental mediaton, and marketng communicatons.

May O Lwin is a Pro essor at Wee Kim Wee School o Communicaton and n ormaton and a Pro essor ( oint) with the Lee Kong Chian School o edicine, an ang echnological Universit ( U), Singapore. She has also authored several books, book chapters and won numerous, including the utstanding C pplied Public Polic esearch ward, gilv .

Alan is a comic artst and illustrator that en o s spreading happiness through his drawings. His latest works include Guss Guts dventures and reasure Seekers

February 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-493-1

£6.99 | S C E 978-981-126-611-9

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 92pp

Type: Comics

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: igital literac igital Screen edia ultmedia Children dolescents Content E posure Parents

Parental Control Sociali aton edia

Consumpton dvertsing C ber

Wellness Child nline Sa et nline Sa et

Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Akbar and Birbal Funny Stories Set

Akbar and Birbal: Funny Stories

Akbar and Birbal: Funnier Stories

Akbar and Birbal: Super Funny Stories

Wonder House Books


Birbal, an advisor in the court of King Akbar, handles various tricky situatons faced by his ruler using his sharp intellect and humour. ead all three books to discover these wi stories rom ndia

ncludes 3 ttles

kbar and irbal unn Stories

kbar and irbal unnier Stories

kbar and irbal Super unn Stories

February 2023

£24.99 | H C E SE 978-981-126-961-5

£17.99 | S C E SE 978-981-126-962-2

Imprint: WS Educaton Co Pub with Wonder House ooks

Extent: 276pp

Type: Children s Picture ook

Series: kbar and irbal

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: kbar and irbal ughal Empire unn ndia Stories ndia

Readership: Children rom 6 to 2 ears

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com • kbar and irbal unn Stories • kbar and irbal unnier Stories • kbar and irbal Super unn Stories Contents

Graph Theory and Mobile Communicatons


This comprehensive compendium discusses the basics of graph theory to its applicaton, focusing on the applicaton of graph theory to mobile communicatons. mobile communicaton connects a mobile terminal and a base staton wirelessl , and the base staton enables communicatons all over the world via a wired and satellite communicaton s stem. his means that the mobile communicaton s stem includes wire and wireless technologies, and also hardware such as analog electric circuits, digital circuits and a so ware part such as computer algorithms.

his use ul re erence te t deepl studies how the network structure in uences the per ormance o the corresponding s stem.


Masakazu SENGOKU received Ph rom Hokkaido Universit in 972. n 972, he oined as a esearch ssociate, Hokkaido Universit . n 978, he was an ssociate Pro essor, iigata Universit and he was promoted to a Pro essor at iigata Universit in 989. He was ean o acult o Engineering, iigata Universit during 2003 2007. He was an E ecutve ice President o iigata Universit during 2008 20 4. Since 20 4, he has been President o Graduate nsttute or Entrepreneurial Studies.

His research interests include network theor , graph theor , transmission o in ormaton and mobile communicatons. He received est Paper wards rom E CE ( E CE he nsttute o Electronics, n ormaton and Communicaton Engineers) our tmes and EEE con erence est Paper ward. He received the chievement ward o E CE in 2005 and istnguished chievement and Contributons ward o E CE in 2009. He was a member o Editorial oard, ACM, URSI, Wireless Networks, Kluwer Academic Pub., an editor o the Journal of Communicatons and Networks and a regional editor o Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientfc. He was the President o Engineering Science Societ , E CE in 2003 2004. He is a Li e ellow member o EEE, a ellow member and a Honorar member o E CE, a ellow member o SS .

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 350pp

Type: onograph

Series: dvanced Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering Volume 23

Main Subject: Engineering coustcs

Sub-Subjects: Circuits S stems

Communicatons Electrical Electronic Engineering

Keywords: Graph heor obile Communicatons etwork heor nalog Circuits igita Circuits Cellular S stems 5G 6G H PS Satellite

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in circuits s stems, communicatons and electrical and electronic engineering

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£100 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-529-8

• asic Concept o Graphs

• rees, Cotrees and H brid rees

• atri and pplicaton o rees

• Graphical iews o Electrical and Electronic etworks

• perators in Signal low Graphs

• Locaton Problems on Graphs and etworks

• Cellular S stems in obile Communicaton S stems

• Channel ssignment Problems

• obilit and Communicaton ra c

• ult Hop Communicato

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Modeling and Parameter Extracton Techniques of Silicon-Based Radio Frequency Devices

Ao Zhang

Nantong University, China

Jianjun Gao

East China Normal University, China


This comprehensive compendium describes the basic modeling techniques for silicon-based semiconductor devices, introduces the basic concepts of siliconbased passive and actve devices, and provides its state-of-the-art modeling and equivalent circuit parameter extracton methods.

he uni ue re erence te t benefts practcing engineers, technicians, senior undergraduate and frst ear graduate students working in the areas o , microwave and solid state device, and integrated circuit design.


Ao Zhang was born in an ing, iangsu province, China, in 995. She received the S degree in Electrical engineering rom an ing Universit o Posts and elecommunicatons, an ing, China, in 20 7 and the Ph degree in icrowave engineering at East China ormal Universit , Shanghai, China, in 202 . n 20 9, she visited Carleton Universit , awa, , Canada, as a research associate working on H modeling using artfcial neural network techni ues. rom 2022, she oined antong Universit , antong, iangsu province, China. Her research ocuses on modeling and on wa er millimeter wave measurements o actve and passive devices.

Jianjun Gao was born in Hebei province, China, in 968. He received the Eng and Ph degrees rom the singhua Universit , ei ing, China, in 99 and 999, respectvel , and the Eng degree rom the Hebei Semiconductor esearch nsttute, Hebei, China,in 994. rom 999 to 200 , he was a Post octoral esearcher in developing PHE optcal modulator driver at the icroelectronics Center, Chinese cadem o Sciences. n 200 , he oined the school o Electrical and Electronic Engineering, an ang echnological Universit ( U), Singapore, as a esearcher in semiconductor device modeling and on wa er measurement.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 350pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Engineering coustcs

Sub-Subjects: Electrical Electronic Engineering

Keywords: evice odeling Silicon ased Parameter E tracton E uivalent Circuit odel

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, graduate and undergraduate students in electrical and electronic engineerin

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£100 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-535-9

• ntroducton

• odel and Parameter E tracton o n Chip Spiral nductance

• n Chip Spiral rans ormer

• Small Signal odeling and Parameter E tracton o S E

• Large Signal E uivalent Circuit odeling o S E

• oise odeling and parameter e tracton techni ue or S E

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Smart City 2.0 Strategies and Innovatons for City Development

Deog-Seong Oh

Woosong University, South Korea

Fred Young Phillips

University of New Mexico, USA & Tongji University, China

Key Features

Avvari V Mohan University of Notngham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia

• his book o ers leading edge, internatonal perspectves on Smart Cit 2.0

• he tension between e cienc driven smart cites and creatve, inventve technopoleis (which b the nature o innovaton must be ine cient) have not been e plored be ore the present book

• Chapters are contributed b prominent, leading thinkers and practtoners rom a do en countries, representng both the developed and the developing worlds


Almost a century since the idea of creatng more humane — more human-centric — cites was brought to the fore, how far has mankind progressed towards creatng a true “city with a heart”? How ar o are we, and what can we do to close the gap

he frst generaton o smart cites showed the limits o top down planning, in which cites contracted out design and implementaton to providers. s residents resented pa ing high ta es or smart urban eatures that the did not want or use, it became plain that smart cites were not sustainable, and needed to be re thought. Smart Cit 2.0 starts the design process with understanding the needs o human residents. Li le has et been wri en about smart cites second wind.

his book o ers leading edge, internatonal perspectves on Smart Cit 2.0. t o ers an overview o the sustainable smart cit concept, presents leading e perts latest thinking on strategies or a new generaton o smart cites, and showcases eight implementaton case studies rom seven countries. ll chapters are contributed b prominent, leading thinkers and practtoners rom a do en countries, representng both the developed and the developing worlds.


Deog-Seong Oh is President o Woosong Universit and ormer President o Chungnam atonal Universit , both in ae eon, South Korea. r h is e pert in public and urban polic , economic development, and technolog commerciali aton. r h is a member o the U ESC High Panel on Science or evelopment, and rgani ing Commi ee Chair or U ESC s Global nnovaton orum.

Fred Phillips is currentl on acult at the Universit o ew e ico, US , and ong i Universit in Shanghai, China. He is the 20 7 winner o the Kondrate edal, awarded b the ussian cadem o Sciences.

Avvari V Mohan is an ssociate Pro essor o Strateg nnovaton, irector o esearch and ala sia Lead or the nternatonal Centre or Corporate Social esponsibilit in the o ngham Universit usiness School ( U S) at the Universit o o ngham ala sia (U ).

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 350pp

Type: eview olume

Series: World Scientfc Series in anagement Volume 8

Main Subject: Engineering coustcs

Sub-Subjects: Civil Engineering Urban Planning nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit Environmental Energ Economics esign uilding anagement

Keywords: Smart Cit Urban n rastructure Urban utures Urban echnologies Cit Planning Services utomaton

Readership: Cit planners and cit o cials, students and researchers in the felds o urban planning and in ormaton technolog , n ormaton in rastructure consultants and providers and internatonal banks and aid agencies

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-717-9

• Smart Cites ntroducton to the olume

• Overviews:

Policies and Rules of Engagement in Traditonal and Smart Cites

The Conceptual Framework and Key Strategies of Smart City Planning for Sustainable Urban Development

• Strategies of Smart City Innovaton:

How to Prepare for the Wicked Problems of the Postnormal Era — Introducing an Evaluaton Model for Vucability Improvement

Understanding G.A.R.L.I.C.s. — An Innopreneurship Platorm for Smart Cites

Human-centric Smart City Development Strategy in Taiwan

Did Users Co-create Innovaton in Smart City Initatves? A Case in Japan

STP Development in the Context of Smart City

Korea Technopark: Evolving Integrated Business Platorm

Impacts of the First to Second Generaton of Smart City Initatves in Japan

The Bright and Dark Sides of Open Innovaton in Public Organizatons: Evidence from Smart City Projects

Why Don’t Regional Innovaton Systems Have Comprehensive Informaton Support?

• Best Practces:

Smart Cit Strateg or uilding an nnovaton Pla orm aedeok nnopolis

Smart Cit Energ nclusion, owards ecoming a e er Place to Live pplicatons o Smart Cit or Sustainable Urban egeneraton he Smart Cit in eveloping Countries E periences rom ra il or isaster anagement ecover

Smart Sustainable Cites Entrepreneurship Proposal o a on aggregatve pproach

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites

2nd Editon

Key Features

• he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretcal and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testng and applicatons o composite components and structures

• Contributng authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics and engineering related to composites

• Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms


Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites (Second Editon) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematcal methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri aton o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second editon e pands upon the success o the frst editon and has been substantall revised and updated.

Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on contnuous fber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applicatons (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni aton procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutons in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fber rein orced nonlinearl elastc solids, instabilites, buckling and postbuckling, fber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulaton o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abricaton, testng and industrial applicatons o composite components and structures.

his book is an essental re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering. E planatons and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investgate the ascinatng sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematcal methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.


Vladislav Mantč is Pro essor o Contnuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elastcit , racture echanics, Plastcit , iscoelastcit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematcal engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distncton and ector ward in 984.

February 2023

£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Europe

Extent: 708pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Computatonal and E perimental ethods in Structures

Main Subject: Engineering coustcs

Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics athematcal odeling echanical Engineering General aterials Science

Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultla er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure St ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solid andom Composite ult

Scale s mptotc Homogeni aton Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing

Process odel rder educton

Proper Generali ed ecompositon educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultph sics in Laminates amage elaminaton Cohesive nter ace Large e ormaton racture nstabilit

Readership: n essental re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotc Homogeni aton ethod ( Alexander L Kalamkarov)

• Scaling unctons in Spatall andom Composites (Martn Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan)

• Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplicatons (Chyanbin Hwu)

• Classical efned, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo)

• odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilites and elaminaton in Composite Shells ( J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez)

• i urcaton o Elastc ultla ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca)

• nstabilites ssociated with Loss o Elliptcit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solids ( J Merodio and R W Ogden)

• Propagaton o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri aton o nital Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man)

• dvanced athematcal odels and E cient umerical Simulaton in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta)

• odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone)

• elaminaton and dhesive Contacts, heir athematcal odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martn Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantč )

• nteracton o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martn)

• Computatonal Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastc ultmaterial Corners pplicatons to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantč, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


Yong Xue

China University of Mining and Technology, China

Xiran Zhou

China University of Mining and Technology, China


Sheng Zhang

China University of Mining and Technology, China

Telegeoprocessing is the integraton of remote sensing, Geographic Informaton System (GIS), Global Navigaton Satellite System (GNSS), Big Data and Telecommunicaton.

his uni ue compendium brings together most o the ke issues involved in research in novel s stems in telegeoprocessing. t elucidates a comprehensive introducton to the problems encountered in telegeoprocessing engineering and the ma or technologies and standards related to designing an integrated, ull unctonal telegeoprocessing s stem based on the latest multmedia and telecommunicaton technologies.

he use ul cross disciplinar re erence te t benefts teachers and researchers in both universites and research organi atons, and or an one keen in the impact o Earth observaton, big data, geoin ormatcs in civil communites and human societes.


Professor Dr Yong Xue, an e pert in uanttatve remote sensing and big Earth data, an cademician o the nternatonal cadem or Europe and sia, a Corresponding cademician o the nternatonal cadem o stronautcs and a Chartered Ph sicist. He received his Sc degree in Space Ph sics rom the epartment o Geoph sics, Peking Universit in 986, his Sc degree rom the nsttute o emote Sensing and Geoin ormaton, Peking Universit in 989 and his octor o Philosoph (Ph ) rom the epartment o pplied Ph sics, Universit o undee in 995.

He is currentl a Chair Pro essor in the School o Environment and Spatal n ormatcs, China Universit o ining and echnolog (CU ), the team leader o the ivision o Photogrammetr and emote Sensing at CU , the deput chair o Chinese atonal Commi ee o the nternatonal Societ or igital Earth igital Energ Commission , the deput director o iawang ield Staton or Land ehabilitaton and Ecological Succession in esource epleted ining reas, the inistr o Educaton, in iangsu, China. He is also the director o the Collaboratve Cross isciplines esearch Center o elegeoprocessing at CU , the director o the emote Sensing ig ata Center or Energ and Environment at CU and the director o the Center or ntelligent emote Sensing nal sis, nsttute o rtfcial ntelligence at CU . He has published more than 3 0 peer reviewed papers (more than 260 corresponding and frst author papers) with more than 3720 citatons and an H inde o 33. He has published two academic monographs (co author) and more than 320 invited con erence presentatons. He is currentl on the editorial board o the ournal nternatonal ournal o emote Sensing and the editor o the World Scientfc Publishing emote Sensing book series (200 ).

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 345pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series in emote Sensing Volume 5

Main Subject: Environmental Science

Sub-Subjects: Environmental Engineering Environmental anagement Planning

Communicatons Electrical Electronic Engineering

Keywords: elegeoprocessing

Geoprocessing emote Sensing G S

G SS eal ime Geoin ormatcs isaster

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in environmental engineering and environmental management planning

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£100 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-217-3


• emote Sensing and eal ime Processing in emote Sensing

• ntegraton o emote Sensing, Geographic n ormaton S stems and Global avigaton Satellite S stems

• Parallel Geoprocessing

• lgorithms and ata Structures

• Grid Computng and Geoin ormaton

• High Per ormance Computng or emote Sensing ig ata

• ata Communicaton

• Protot pe elegeoprecessing S stem

• elegeoprocessing pplicatons and urther evelopments

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Nourishing Tomorrow

Clean Engineering and Nature-friendly Living

Key Features

• Contributors include engineers, scientsts, economists, architects, academics, and public servants rom around the world

• esigning, building and maintaining ecologicall sustainable habitates and environments is a comple issue and this volume provides a broad e aminaton o man di erent aspects


Human beings require nourishment for the body, mind, and soul. o nourish tomorrow demands sustainable, clean and health ood, water, air, healthcare, energ , living uarters, communites, and governance or ever one. his volume brings together twent our e perts comprising engineers, scientsts, economists, architects, academics, and public servants rom around the world to share their views on how we could sustainabl nourish people and the planet.

n this book, the theme o building environments in which li e human and non human can co e ist, grow, and thrive in, is e plored rom multple aspects. rom agriculture and ood securit to drinking water, energ generaton, energ storage, waste management and treatment, to building or and encouraging biodiversit in marinas, to establishing resilient communites that can recover uickl rom both manmade and natural disasters.

his book is a valuable resource or readers in the felds o biological science, agriculture, and sustainabilit . t is also a thought provoking volume or those who simpl want to know more about the comple issue o nourishing the world.


David S-K Ting is the ounder o the urbulence Energ Laborator at the Universit o Windsor, Canada. Pro essor ing supervises students primaril in the felds o energ and ow turbulence. o date, he has co supervised over 80 graduate students, co authored more than 60 ournal papers, authored 5 te tbooks and co edited over 20 volumes.

Jacqueline A Stagner is the Undergraduate Programs Coordinator in the acult o Engineering at the Universit o Windsor, Canada. She is also an ad unct graduate acult member in the epartment o echanical, utomotve and aterials Engineering. She co advises students in the areas o sustainabilit and renewable energ , in the urbulence Energ Laborator . She has co edited ten volumes.

February 2023

£95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-436-8

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Environmental Science

Sub-Subjects: Environmental Engineering Environmental anagement Planning Energ

Studies esearch Waste anagement Waste anagement Polluton iological Conservaton Preservaton ish arine iolog Crop Science

Keywords: ourishing omorrow

United atons Energ Water ood griculture iodiversit arinas

Environmental esilient Communit rchitectural S stems

Readership: esearch (post)graduate students research scientsts, engineers, and architects who are passionate about nourishing tomorrow

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Preparing oda or ourishing omorrow

• E ploring the Link between rrigated griculture and ood Securit

• Evidence rom the Case o Spain

• easuring the Sustainabilit o Water, Energ , and ood esources in the Conte t o the WE e us

• Green Compressed ir Energ Storage echnolog

• arinas can Co uncton as iodiversit Sanctuaries

• iomaterials or Water Purifcaton

• ntegratng Chlorella vulgaris and Monoraphidium contortum in rchitectural S stems or the iodegradaton o Sul ametho a ole rom Wastewater

• ssessing Environmental Skincare Products

• Proposed ramework using SW , S, and C P S ethods

• Stepwise Weight ppraisal ato nal sis in the ssessment o iosur actant

• Conceptuali atons o a esilient Communit or Social eatures

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Wisdom of Solomon

The Genius and Legacy of Solomon Golomb


Solomon Wolf Golomb lef an unparalleled legacy of accomplishment and recogniton for his work in the applicatons of mathematcs to coding and communicaton theory. His legac also includes a host o individuals whose lives and careers were immeasurabl enriched b their interactons with him. he co editors have a empted to collect man artcles essa s in this volume, o a not too technical sort, b a representatve collecton o such individuals. mong their motvatons is the wish to convince the reader o the incredibl prescient choice o his given name.

he frst secton consists o three artcles which have alread appeared elsewhere, b noted e perts in the felds where the ma orit o Sol s contributons lie mathematcs, computer science and electrical engineering. he second secton consists o three artcles b the co editors in memor o and tribute to Sol. he third secton contains 25 30 artcles b Sol s amil , riends, students, colleagues, etc. he cover a great range o topics and var widel in length, technicalit and other aspects. n the last secton are contributons b Sol himsel , covering various aspects o his career and interests, as well as other related material.

February 2023

£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-436-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: General

Sub-Subjects: Popular Science Electrical Electronic Engineering General pplied athematcs Histor Science

Keywords: Solomon Golomb Golomb ickman Constant Coding and Communicaton heor Shi egister Se uences

Readership: General

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• II:

Introducton to Solomon W Golomb (Elwyn Berlekamp)

Solomon Wolf Golomb 1932–2016 (Andrew J Viterbi )

Solomon Golomb (1932–2016) (Stephen Wolfram)

A Career in Engineering (Beatrice A Golomb and Solomon W Golomb)

Golomb’s Shif Register Sequences — Work with a Great Mind (Guang G Gong)

Memories of Sol (Alfred W Hales)

• III:

The Most Interestng Man in the World (Daniel Arovas)

The Issue of Shif Register Sequences (Richard Blahut)

Solomon Golomb — Some Personal Refectons (G S Bloom)

Golomb’s Norske Forbindelser (Tor Bu)

Sol Golomb, My Friend (Leo Buxbaum)

Ode to Sol ( John Dillon)

Puzzles and Tilings (Tuvi Etzion)

Solomon Wolf Golomb, May 30, 1932 – May 1, 2016 ( Jeremiah and Karen Farrell )

Teaching Research and — Teaching (Aviezri Fraenkel )

My Life with Sol (Harold Fredricksen)

Focus and Contrast ( Jonathan Hall and Tingyao Xiong)

Taped Conversaton re Sol and JPL ( Jon Hamkins)

Board Game to Board Room (Robert Hanisee)

The Wisdom of Solomon (Larry Harper)

The Norwegian Connectons of Solomon W Golomb (Tor Helleseth)

Sol Golomb and a Twice-in-a-lifetme Celestal Event ( Jonathan Jedwab)

Solomon W Golomb: A Man of Humility, Integrity and Compassion (Rochelle Kronzek)

Sol Golomb — My Hero and my Idol (Abraham Lempel )

Golomb and Radar Transforms (Nadav Levanon)

Funeral Oraton (C L Max Nikias)

From Professor Solomon Golomb’s Math PhD Advisee to his Stock Market Guru (Stephen Schloss)

Bob Scholtz’s Memories of Sol (Robert Scholtz)

Solomon Golomb: Wise Man, Biblical Scholar, and Father-in-law (Terrence J Sejnowski )

Professor S W Golomb was my Advisor and Mentor (Hong Song)

Sol Golomb in the Fay Zloc Era (Robert Tausworthe)

Early Days with Sol Golomb (Lloyd Welch)

Consummate Gentleman and Scholar ( Alan Willner)

A Tribute to Sol Golomb, the Genius who Transformed USC (Yannis Yortsos)

Meetng Young Sol (Neal Zierler)

• IV:

Eight JPL Lab Oratory Issues

Shif Register Coders and The Golomb Algorithm

Sol’s Trip Report re Marshall Hall Visit

Hadamard Matrix Discovery

Comma Free Codes: Two Papers

Radar Measurements of the Planet Venus (L R Malling and S W Golomb)

“Spelling the States”, etc., from Golomb’s Gambits

“Word Ways” Excerpts

USC Engineer “From JPL to USC and Beyond”

Forty Years afer Sputnik

Golomb’s Reminiscences

Periodic Binary Sequences: Solved and Unsolved Problems

USC Viterbi “Super Sol”

USC Trojan “Busy Signals”: Natonal Medal of Science

Leter to Granville; Erdos Number “Minus One”

The “Golomb-Dickman Constant” — Leter re Lagarias Artcle

LA Jewish Journal Obituary

Shizef Raphaeli Obituary Translaton by Edna Sharoni

Puzzles in Memory of Solomon Golomb ( Joe Buhler et al.)

Final Oral Exam

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com •

Conjuring with Computaton

A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners

Key Features

• While there have been books on magic with maths, and magic with science, we believe this is the frst comprehensivel e ploring the links between magic and computer science

• oth authors are eminent researchers and award winning or their public engagement work. heir cs4 n and eaching London Computng Pro ects that the book draws rom have a huge global ollowing including o teachers. his book is an e tended version o one o the most popular aspects o their pro ects using magic tricks to introduce computer science ideas. his is a much more comprehensive version o that idea

• t will appeal to an one interested in magic or computer science novices interested in learning magic, magicians interested in the links to computaton, and also teachers, students and the general public interested in computng. t gives teachers un and novel wa s to introduce computng topics

• Computng is now compulsor in UK schools as well as man other countries so there is a lot o interest in un wa s to learn about it and teach it

• t also builds on the traditon o recreatonal maths and magic and will also be o interest to those interested in la recreatonal mathematcs science and S E public engagement


The team behind Computer Science for Fun (CS4FN), bring you Conjuring with Computaton: A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners. evelop our skills to be a magician while also learning the basics o computer science b e ploring its links to magic. Each chapter e plains how to do a simple magic trick, step b step, then uses the trick to introduce linked undamental ideas in computer science in a un wa .

reading the book ou will learn to do sel working tricks, be able to hold magic shows, create ou own versions o tricks and with creatvit even invent our own. We cover

• Sel working card tricks

• agical igsaws, bo es and other ob ects

• alse shu es and cuts

• alse choices

• agic with books and pictures

• entalism, clairvo ance and tricks with ghosts

• agic built on technolog

• ind out our riends superpowers

ou will also learn how computaton underpins con uring answering uestons like

• What is computaton

• Wh are the skills o a computatonal thinker, like decompositon, abstracton and generalisaton, so important

• Wh is data represented in di erent wa s

• How is eas to use so ware created

• How does maths underpin programming

• What are the basics o c ber securit and privac

• Wh must we all understand how computng technolog a ects societ

he book includes profles o computer scientsts, and magicians with links to technolog , through histor .

aster con uring and thinking computatonall .

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 280pp

Type: Stud Guide

Main Subject: General

Sub-Subjects: Popular Science So ware Engineering Programming General Science igital Securit nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement atabases n ormaton Sciences heoretcal Computer Science rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning obotcs nd utomated S stems eural etworks etworking achine Percepton Computer ision Popular ecreatonal athematcs

Keywords: Computaton Con uring Computatonal hinking Computer Science Programming agic Computng n ormatcs Sel Working tricks Human Computer nteracton C ber Securit and Privac Cognitve Ps cholog

Readership: General public hose interested in learning how to do magic tricks and la computng mathematcs science including those visitng science and technolog computng museums. hose learning computer science sub ects (at school or universit ) with an interest in magic

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£60 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-433-7

• ntroducton

• lgorithmic hinking

• Evaluaton Logical hinking

• aking it work or people

• ecompositon bstracton

• Procedures Procedural bstracton

• uilding igger

• bstracton ata epresentaton

• Human Computer nteracton

• Evaluaton Logical hinking

• ore dvanced Computatonal hinking

• C ber Securit and Privac

• dvanced echnolog

• cknowledgements

• urther eading

• nde o Computng erms

• nde o ricks, llusions and Con uring echni ues

• nde o People

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Ultmate Guide to Doing a PhD

Key Features

• he Ph process is an inherentl untransparent, ascinatng, et undere plored topic. he demand or more in ormaton regarding the Ph process is huge, and the target audience or this book is broad as a result o this. his book can be a helping hand or those actvel considering doing a Ph , those who are alread in a Ph , as well as those ma have onl ever given doing a Ph the smallest o thoughts

• his topic has millions o ollowers across di erent social pla orms. nd these are onl the pla orms that am aware o . lthough the language used in academic se ngs ma be considered comple , he Ultmate Guide to oing a Ph will be wri en in a wa which assumes no prior knowledge o academia, nor will it target a specifc feld o stud (e.g. marketng, ph sics, philosoph ) making it accessible to an reader regardless o background, interest or educaton level


Have you ever considered doing a PhD, but have no idea where to start? r are ou doing a Ph and startng to eel like ou re losing the plot

Each ear the number o applicants to postgraduate research and Ph programs increases, et the in ormaton on how to success ull navigate the ourne remains obscure. his is where this book comes in e plore ever aspect o doing a Ph .

oing a Ph starts rom the ver the idea o wantng to do one itsel . What motvatons work well and which don t when making it through the Ph he book also includes several chapters on appl ing to a Ph , universit selecton, supervisor selecton and document preparaton. We then move onto what goes on during the Ph , which is where the ma orit o uestons o en arise. uestons around workload, tme management, mental health, social comparison, (peer) pressure, supervisor (mis)communicatons, all the wa up to publishing, teaching, networking, con erence a endance, presentng work and preparing or the ne t step are addressed. nd es, the ne t step ma ers are ou planning to contnue to work in academia, or not he book addresses both career pathwa s, sta ing in or leaving academia, e uall .

here has been increased pushback against the idea that those with a Ph should automatcall remain in academia, especiall as the academic ob market has become increasingl saturated. here has been an increased interest in transitoning rom academia to industr , but again, the in ormaton on how to properl approach this remains sca ered. his book aims to take a (prospectve) Ph student b the hand and outline the entre process, answering ever ueston the could possibl have along the wa .


Merle van den Akker is a behavioural science manager at a bank. She decided to leave academia a er completng her Ph in behavioural science. uring her Ph she blogged about the applicaton o behavioural science to personal fnance on her blog one on the ind, as well as the Ph ourne . t s the la er that garnered her a lo al ollowing and made her reali e that there was a dire need or a guide to help out Ph students, through each and ever stage o the Ph .

February 2023

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 345 4

£35 | S C E 978 8006 364 5

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 270pp

Type: Stud Guide

Main Subject: General

Sub-Subjects: Popular Science eaching nd Learning

Keywords: Ph cademia oing a Ph Surviving a Ph Ph Guide Post graduate Post Graduate Guide esearch octoral raining How to Ph Ph or ummies Ph ental Health cademic dvice cademic wi er cademic Cha er

Readership: ounger (undergraduate, Sc) students considering doing a Ph . n one (older students, practtoners and pro essionals) considering doing a Ph , or those who are engaged in educaton research or understanding the current struggles in the Ph process

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Introducton

• Thinking About Doing a PhD:

Reasons to Not Do a PhD

A Critcal Evaluaton of Reasons to Do a PhD

The 5W’s and 1H of Doing a PhD

Biggest Misconceptons About Doing a PhD

Concluding Remarks (So Should You?)

• Applying to a PhD:

How to Find Topic (Open vs Closed Projects)

How to Find a University (Home, Abroad, Intercontnental)

How to Find a Supervisor

How to Find Funding (Home, Abroad, Intercontnental) (Company, University, Country, Excellence)

Getng Documents in Order

How to Survive an Interview

Weighing Multple Ofers vs Dealing with Rejecton

Concluding Remarks

• Startng the PhD:

Setling In


Planning The Research Supervisor Communicaton

First Year PhD Review

Concluding Remarks

• In the PhD:

Structure Amidst Chaos



Writng It All Down

The Publicaton Journey

Time Management & Mult-Tasking

Taking Breaks

Mental Health


Talking Supervisor (Again!)

What Do You Want from the PhD?


Knowing When to Quit

Doing “Just” the PhD Isn’t Enough

PhD Review, Year 2

PhD Review, Year 3

Concluding Remarks

• Finishing the PhD:

Balancing Writng and Job Searching (CV Writng)

Leveraging Contacts

Mental Health Revisited (Surviving Yet Another Existental Crisis)

A Good PhD is a Finished PhD


Final Year PhD Review

Things I Would Have Done Diferently

Concluding Remarks

• PhDone! What now?:

The Ant-Climax of Submitng


The Viva

Concluding Remarks: The Afermath

• Final Words

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


What Happened and Why

Key Features

• C Chaos was wri en b two in ectous disease ph sicians, who each have over 35 ears o e perience caring or patents with a large variet o in ectous diseases. dditonall , both did research in understanding the pathogenesis o in ectous diseases, and collectvel have man ears o e perience handling outbreaks at the local level, have been involved with guideline documents making recommendatons or reducing in ectons at the natonal level, and have global e perience managing internatonal in ectous diseases

• he book begins with three frst person accounts rom ph sicians involved in C 9 care during the earl pandemic, when it was overwhelming hospitals

• t then tracks its course rom Wuhan, China, to other parts o the world, while comparing and contrastng public health interventons, both at the hospital and local communit level, , all the wa up to countr level

• t a empts to understand the broad spectrum o C 9 disease, both clinicall and pathoph siologicall , as well as its global collateral damage

• t e plores in depth S S Co 2 vaccine development, testng and the geopolitcal problems with vaccine deplo ment

• t a empts to understand the origin o S S Co 2 and its place in the pantheon o other organisms causing pandemics

• t identfes unanswered uestons related to C 9 and looks at possible solutons

• t concludes with some late breaking pandemic events at the end o 202 ( micron variant, etc) and a global photo essa about the pandemic


COVID Chaos is a book about the 2019 SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic that was writen real tme, spanning the tme from March 31, 2020 through December 31, 2021, by two Emeritus Professors of Infectous Diseases (Adult – RJS, Pediatrics – JSA). S s and S s careers began with the H pandemic, involved collaboraton with the 2009 n uen a pandemic, and now are fnishing up with the Coronavirus pandemic. he authors have broad e perience with outbreaks, rom the local level ( S had career long responsibilites or controlling outbreaks at medical school hospitals and worked taking care o C 9 patents during the pandemic), all the wa up to the pandemic level ( S wrote a book about the 2009 n uen a pandemic and has worked with the WH or the past 0 ears.

he aim o the book is to give the reader some insight into the global impact o the S S Co 2 outbreak during the frst two ears, rom multple perspectves (patent, healthcare provider, global cit en, public health, economic, geopolitcal). n a empt was also made to understand how S S Co 2 caused disease, both its pathogenesis at the individual patent level, and globall , as to how it was so success ul at causing a pandemic and how it compares with other organisms capable o causing outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. t is wri en to be o interest to an one who likes to read and wants to know more about what happened during the C 9 pandemic and wh .

C Chaos was wri en b two in ectous disease ph sicians, who each have over 35 ears o e perience caring or patents with a large variet o in ectous diseases. dditonall , both did research in understanding the pathogenesis o in ectous diseases, and collectvel have man ears o e perience handling outbreaks at the local level, have been involved with guideline documents making recommendatons or reducing in ectons at the natonal level, and have global e perience managing internatonal in ectous diseases.

he book begins with three frst person accounts rom ph sicians involved in C 9 care during the earl pandemic, when it was overwhelming hospitals.

t then tracks its course rom Wuhan, China, to other parts o the world, while comparing and contrastng public health interventons, both at the hospital and local communit level, all the wa up to countr level.

he book a empts to understand the broad spectrum o C 9 disease, both clinicall and pathoph siologicall , as well as its global collateral damage. t e plores in depth S S Co 2 vaccine development, testng and the geopolitcal problems with vaccine deplo ment, and a empts to understand the origin o S S Co 2 and its place in the pantheon o other organisms causing pandemics.

February 2023

£115 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-457-3

£40 | S C E 978 98 26 560 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 480pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Li e Sciences iolog

Sub-Subjects: icrobiolog irolog esearch General Li e Sciences

n ectous iseases icrobiolog irolog Public Health (+Epidemiolog )

Keywords: COVID-19; Pneumonia; hrombosis Stroke ocardial in arcton entlators ial sis ults stem n ammator isease in Children Preganc Long C Long Haulers ortalit isk actors mmuncompromised iagnosis

PC ntgen ests ntbod ests

Chest a C Scan ransmission

Personal Protectve E uipment asks Superspreaders ndoors utdoors ein ecton verwhelmed Hospitals

S S Co 2 utaton Pandemic

n ectous isease Coronavirus

Readership: cademia medicine, in ectous disease, microbiologists, virologists, epidemiologists, public health, nursing industr vaccines, drugs, diagnostc testng, healthcare workers, general public, nonfcton readers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Prologue verwhelmed Hospitals

• aking o a Pandemic

• Path o estructon

• isorgani ed Global esponse

• irborne ssassin

• accine Salvaton

• Collateral amage

• rigin Stor

• Pantheon o Plagues

• re here Geopolitcal Solutons

• he Human Side

• cknowledgements

• Epilogue

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Metal Halide Perovskites

University of California Santa Cruz, USA

South China University of Technology, China


Metal halide perovskites are the hotest materials currently.

his uni ue compendium covers s stematcall the undamental aspects o s nthesis, propertes, and applicatons o metal halide perovskites that e hibit uni ue propertes and use ul unctonalites.

Wri en or beginners and practtoners, this use ul re erence te t provides a good balance between undamental concepts principles and related recent researches with man highlighted e amples.

his volume benefts researchers, practtoners, graduate students in materials chemistr nanochemistr , ph sical chemistr and semiconductors.

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-741-4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: aterials Science

Sub-Subjects: ew aterials General aterials Science Semiconductors elated reas aterials Chemistr anochemistr Ph sical Chemistr

Condensed a er Ph sics

Keywords: etal Halide Perovskites

Solar aterials H brid Perovskites

Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in materials chemistr , ph sical chemistr and semiconductors

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Energy Materials

M Eswaramoorthy

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientfc Research (JNCASR), India

Subi J George

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientfc Research (JNCASR), India


A Sundaresan

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientfc Research (JNCASR), India

C N R Rao

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientfc Research (JNCASR), India

The world is in short supply of energy. long with environmental actors, it has become crucial or science to provide solutons. Energ aterials is a signifcant area o research in material science.

he various aspects o energ include electrical power, comprising ba eries, supercapacitors, thermoelectric energ conversion, photovoltaics, etc. H drogen is available in abundance, but catal sts are needed or the catal sis, so catal sts or porous solids have universal appeal in usage and applicatons. hen there are nuclear energ materials.

verall, energ materials have now captured the most a enton worldwide in research and investment. his book covers various sectons that are currentl e ploring energ solutons through materials.

Cover Available Soon

February 2023

£130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 27 094 9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 450pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: aterials Science

Sub-Subjects: ew aterials

Superconductvit agnetc aterials Condensed a er Ph sics pplied nd echnical Ph sics

Keywords: Photovoltaics Electrode aterials hermoelectric aterials

Perovskites Plasmonics Porous aterials Pie o and riboelectric Energ evices uclear Energ

Supramolecular Energ

Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in energ materials

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Soluton Processed Photovoltaics ( Abdul Azeez and K S Narayan)

• owards the Post lithium echnologies dvances in Electrode aterials or a ion and K ion a eries (Vinita Ahuja, Arindam Ghosh and Premkumar Sengutuvan)

• High Per ormance hermoelectric aterials (Subarna Das, Animesh Bhui and Kanishka Biswas)

• wo dimensional aterials or Supercapacitor pplicatons (Bhaskar Kakoty, Premkumar Sengutuvan and C N R Rao)

• Lead Halide Perovskites (K V Saurav and Pratap Vishnoi)

• Plasmon and Phonon Polaritons in e ractor ransiton etal itrides (Krishna Chand Maurya and Bivas Saha)

• Electrochemical and Photochemical H drogen Evoluton (Mohd Monis Ayyub and C N R Rao)

• hermochemical C Conversion to High Energ ense uels (Sathyapal R Churipard and Sebastan C Peter)

• Porous aterials or Energ pplicatons (M Eswaramoorthy and Tapas K Maji )

• Pie o and riboelectric Energ aterials and evices (Indrajit Mondal and Giridhar U Kulkarni )

• uclear Energ aterials (Dheeraj Jain and A K Tyagi )

• Supramolecular Energ aterials (Saikat Ghosh, Shaguf Ansari, Subi J George)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Perspectves in Scalar Curvature

In 2 Volumes

Key Features

• his is a wide ranging work centered on the sub ect, rom geometr , o scalar curvature. t begins with a long artcle wri en b isha Gromov with man topics and open problems. he rest o olume consists o artcles wri en about ver recent ma or advances, b people involved in these discoveries. olume 2 is a diverse and ascinatng collecton o essa s wri en b mathematcians and ph sicists about their view o scalar curvature in their own work. he were invited to write whatever the ound appealing. Some wrote large surve s and others wrote artcles that were specifcall ocused. he ensemble is e tremel interestng • ne reason this book is needed is that it put together viewpoints on scalar curvature rom man uite di erent perspectves. t seems likel that this will engender new thinking in man areas

• Certainl the contributors are all leading researchers, and ver well known


Volume I contains a long artcle by Misha Gromov based on his many years of involvement in this subject. t came rom lectures delivered in Spring 20 9 at HES. here is some background given. an topics in the feld are presented, and man open problems are discussed. ne intriguing point here is the crucial role pla ed b two seemingl unrelated anal tc means inde theor o irac operators and geometric measure theor .

er recentl there have been some real breakthroughs in the feld. olume has several surve artcles wri en b people who were responsible or these results.

or olume , man people in areas o mathematcs and ph sics, whose work is somehow related to scalar curvature, were asked to write about this in an wa tha pleased. his gives rise to a wonder ul collecton o artcles, some with ver broad and historical views, others which discussed specifc ascinatng sub ects.

hese two books give a rich and power ul view o one o geometr s ver appealing sides.


Misha Gromov, a Gould Pro essor o athematcs at Courant nsttute, U, and emeritus pro essor at HES, rance. Ph rom Leningrad State Universit in 969. esearch interests spaces o geometric structures on mani olds and o spaces o maps between mani olds iemannian geometr , s mplectc geometr , combinatorial geometr , as mptotc geometr o infnite groups mathematcal structures underl ing living organisms and their ph siological and mental unctons including human natural languages.

H Blaine Lawson, r., istnguished Pro essor, Ston rook Universit , Ston rook, . inimal sur aces in the 3 sphere, oliatons o spheres, boundaries o comple anal tc varietes and holomorphic chains, co creator o the feld o calibrated geometries, work with Gromov on positve scalar curvature, work on algebraic c cles and homotop theor .

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 636pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: Geometr (Conve nd iscrete Geometr ) nd opolog

Global nal sis nal sis n ani olds elatvit Gravitaton

Keywords: Scalar Curvature irac perators nde o irac perators oo Genus Spin ani olds K heor Lichnerowic ormula acroscopic imension inimal H persu aces Positve ass heorems omininant Energ Conditon uasi Local ass iemannian Pol hedra and Width Enlargeable ani olds Callias perators Waist ne ualit C lgebras and K theor

Readership: Pro essional mathematcians and ph sicists, and certainl graduate students, in di erental geometr and related areas in mathematcs, and in general relatvit and related areas in ph sics. he books could easil be used or advanced graduate courses in mathematcs and ph sics

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£340 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-935-8

• Volume I:

◊ Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature

◊ Scalar Curvature and Generalized Callias Operators

◊ Convergence and Regularity of Manifolds with Scalar Curvature and Entropy Lower Bounds

◊ Level Set Methods in the Study of Scalar Curvature

◊ The Secret Hyperbolic Life of Positve Scalar Curvature

◊ On the Scalar Curvature of 4-Manifolds

• Volume II:

◊ Classical Relatons to Topology and the Dirac Operator: Some Topological Implicatons of Positve Scalar Curvature and Generalizatons Complete Manifolds with Positve Scalar Curvature

Manifolds with Boundary and Spaces of Metrics with Positve Scalar Curvature and Mean Curvature

Minimal Varietes

◊ Positve Mass and Positve Energy

◊ Positve Scalar Curvature on Generalized Spaces: Pol hedra and Positve Scalar Curvature on etric Spaces istance Estmates amilies and oliatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Fractonal Diferental Equatons and Inclusions

Classical and Advanced Topics

Saïd Abbas

Tahar Moulay University of Saida, Algeria

Moufak Benchohra

Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria

Jamal Eddine Lazreg

Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria

Key Features

Juan J Nieto (Universidade de Santago de Compostela, Spain

Yong Zhou Xiangtan University, China & Macau University of Science and Technology, China

• his monograph is devoted to the e istence and stabilit or various classes o unctonal di erental e uatons or inclusions involving the Hadamard or Hil er ractonal derivatve. here are onl a ew s stematc discussions on these contents in published books

• an new results are presented and this represents the main di erence between this book and compettve ttles

• good supplement to the e istng literature on ractonal di erental e uatons


This monograph is devoted to the existence and stability (Ulam–Hyers–Rassias stability and asymptotc stability) of solutons for various classes of functonal diferental equatons or inclusions involving the Hadamard or Hilfer fractonal derivatve. Some e uatons present dela which ma be fnite, infnite, or state dependent. thers are sub ect to impulsive e ect which ma be f ed or non instantaneous.

eaders will fnd the book sel contained and unifed in presentaton. t provides the necessar background material re uired to go urther into the sub ect and e plores the rich research literature in detail. Each chapter concludes with a secton devoted to notes and bibliographical remarks and all abstract results are illustrated b e amples. he tools used include man classical and modern nonlinear anal sis methods such as f ed point theorems, as well as some notons o Ulam stabilit , a ractvit and the measure o non compactness as well as the measure o weak noncompactness. t is use ul or researchers and graduate students or research, seminars, and advanced graduate courses, in pure and applied mathematcs, ph sics, mechanics, engineering, biolog , and all other applied sciences.


Dr Saïd Abbas is a ull Pro essor at the department o mathematcs at ahar oula Universit o Saida since ctober 2006. bbas received the master s degree in unctonal nal sis rom ostaganem Universit , lgeria, 2006, and the doctorate s degree in i erental E uatons rom illali Liabes Universit o Sidi el bbes, lgeria, 20 .

Dr Moufak Benchohra is a ull Pro essor at the department o mathematcs, illali Liabes Universit o Sidi el bbes since ctober 994. enchohra received the master s degree in onlinear nal sis rom lemcen Universit , lgeria, 994 and Ph. . degree in athematcs rom illali Liabes Universit , Sidi el bbes, lgeria.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 270pp

Type: onograph

Series: Series on nal sis, pplicatons and Computaton Volume 10

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: rdinar i erental

E uatons ntegral E uatons

Keywords: ractonal Calculus

Hadamard and Hil er ractonal i erental E uatons Caputo

Hadamard ractonal i erental

E uatons Hil er ractonal i erental

E uatons Hil er Hadamard ractonal i erental E uatons Hil er Hadamard ractonal i erental nclusions

Hil er ractonal i erental nclusions

Hil er Pe s ractonal i erental

E uatons mplicit Hil er Pe s ractonal i erental E uatons mplicit

Hadamard Pe s ractonal i erental

E uatons Hadamard Pe s ractonal

ntegral E uatons ractvit Stabilit s mptotc Stabilit E istence Global

Stabilit Ulam Stabilit

Readership: esearchers and graduate students or research, seminars, and advanced graduate courses, in pure and applied mathematcs, ph sics, mechanics, engineering, biolog , and other applied sciences

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-125-1

• Preliminar ackground

• Hadamard and Hil er ractonal i erental E uatons and nclusions

• ractvit esults or Hil er ractonal i erental E uatons

• Ulam Stabilit esults or Hil er ractonal i erental E uatons and nclusions

• andom Hil er ractonal i erental E uatons and nclusions

• onlinear Hadamard Pe s ractonal ntegral E uatons

• onlinear mplicit Hadamard Pe s ractonal i erental E uatons

• Hil er Pe s ractonal i erental E uatons and nclusions

• mplicit Hil er Pe s ractonal i erental E uatons

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Dissipatve Latce Dynamical Systems

Xiaoying Han Auburn University, USA

Key Features

• eadable introducton leading to actuall research results

• nl book specifcall on the topic

• n area o considerable current research actvit

• E perienced authors


There is an extensive literature in the form of papers (but no books) on latce dynamical systems. he book ocuses on dissipatve la ce d namical s stems and their a ractors o various orms such as autonomous, nonautonomous and random. he e istence o such a ractors is established b showing that the corresponding d namical s stem has an appropriate kind o absorbing set and is as mptotcall compact in some wa .

here is now a ver large literature on la ce d namical s stems, especiall on a ractors o all kinds in such s stems. We cannot hope to do ustce to all o them here. nstead, we have ocused on ke areas o representatve t pes o la ce s stems and various t pes o a ractors. ur selecton is biased b our own interests, in partcular to those dealing with biological applicatons. ne o the important results is the appro imaton o Heaviside switching unctons in L S b sigmoidal unctons.

evertheless, we believe that this book will provide the reader with a solid introducton to the feld, its main results and the methods that are used to obtain them.


Professor Xiaoying Han is Pro essor o athematcs at uburn Universit . Her main research interests are in random and nonautonomous d namical s stems and their applicatons. n additon to mathematcal anal sis o d namical s stems, she is also interested in modeling and simulaton o applied d namical s stems in biolog , chemical engineering, ecolog , material sciences, etc. She is the coauthor o the books, Applied Nonautonomous and Random Dynamical Systems (with Caraballo) and Atractors under Discretsaton (with P E Kloeden), both published b Springer rie s, as well as Random Ordinary Diferental Equatons and their Numerical Soluton (with P E Kloeden) published b Springer in 20 7.

Professor Peter E Kloeden has wide interests in the applicatons o mathematcal anal sis, numerical anal sis, stochastc anal sis and d namical s stems. He is the coauthor o several in uental books on nonautonomous d namical s stems, metric spaces o u sets, and in partcular Numerical Soluton of Stochastc Diferental Equatons (with E Platen) published b Springer in 992 and An Introducton to the Numerical Simulaton of Stochastc Diferental Equatons (with es Higham) published b S in 202 .

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 380pp

Type: onograph

Series: nterdisciplinar athematcal Sciences - Volume 22

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: rdinar i erental E uatons Partal i erental E uatons

Probabilit heor Stochastc Processes umerical nal sis namical S stems nd Ergodic heor General pplied athematcs athematcal iolog

Keywords: La ce namical S stems Hilbert Space alued rdinar i erental E uatons eural etwork

La ce odels utonomous namical S stems onautonomous namical S stems andom namical S stems

Set alued namical S stems S stems with ela s Pullback ractors andom ractors onautonomous mega limit Sets inite dimensional ppro imatons Upper Semi Contnuous Convergence eural etworks

Readership: esearchers ranging rom doctoral students to pro essors in mathematcs and related areas. Can also be used in lecture or a graduate course

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£120 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-775-8

• Background:

Latce Dynamical Systems: A Preview

Dynamical Systems

• Laplacian LDS:

Laplacian Latce Models

Approximaton of Atractors LDS

Non-Autonomous Laplacian Latce Systems in Weighted Sequence Spaces

• A Selecton of Latce Models:

Latce Dynamical Systems with Delays

Set-Valued Latce Models

Second Order Latce Dynamical Systems

Discrete-Time Latce Systems

Three Topics in Brief

• Stochastc and Random LDS:

Random Dynamical Systems

Stochastc LDS with Additve Noise

Stochastc LDS with Multplicatve Noise

Stochastc Latce Models with Fractonal Brownian Motons

• Hopfeld Latce Models:

Hopfeld Neural Network Latce Model

Hopfeld Latce Model in Weighted Spaces

A Random Hopfeld Latce Model

• LDS in Biology:

it hugh agumo La ce odel

he mari La ce eural ield odel

Stochastc eural ield odels with onlinear oise

La ce S stems with Switching E ects and ela ed ecover

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Modern Mathematcal Methods for Scientsts and Engineers

A Street-Smart Introducton


Modern Mathematcal Methods for Scientsts and Engineers is a modern introducton to basic topics in mathematcs at the undergraduate level, with emphasis on explanatons and applicatons to real-life problems. here is also an pplicaton secton at the end o each chapter, with topics drawn rom a variet o areas, including neural networks, uid d namics, and the behavior o put and call optons in fnancial markets. he book presents several modern important and computatonall e cient topics, including eed orward neural networks, wavelets, generali ed unctons, stochastc optmi aton methods, and numerical methods.

uni ue and novel eature o the book is the introducton o a recentl developed method or solving partal di erental e uatons (P Es), called the unifed trans orm. P Es are the mathematcal cornerstone or describing an astonishingl wide range o phenomena, rom uantum mechanics to ocean waves, to the di usion o heat in ma er and the behavior o fnancial markets. espite the e orts o man amous mathematcians, ph sicists and engineers, the soluton o partal di erental e uatons remains a challenge.

he unifed trans orm greatl acilitates this task. or e ample, two and a hal centuries a er ean d lembert ormulated the wave e uaton and presented a soluton or solving a simple problem or this e uaton, the unifed trans orm derives in a simple manner a generali aton o the d lembert soluton, valid or general boundar value problems. oreover, two centuries a er oseph ourier introduced the classical tool o the ourier series or solving the heat e uaton, the unifed trans orm constructs a new soluton to this ubi uitous P E, with important anal tcal and numerical advantages in comparison to the classical solutons. he authors present the unifed trans orm pedagogicall , building all the necessar background, including unctons o real and o comple variables and the ourier trans orm, illustratng the method with numerous e amples.

road in scope, but pedagogical in st le and content, the book is an introducton to power ul mathematcal concepts and modern tools or students in science and engineering.


Since 2002, Professor Athanassios Fokas has held the newl inaugurated Chair o onlinear athematcal Sciences at the Universit o Cambridge, UK (prior to this appointment he was Chair o pplied athematcs at mperial College London, UK). n additon, since 20 5 he has been d unct Pro essor at the departments o Civil and Environmental Engineering, and o iomedical Engineering at the Universit o Southern Cali ornia, US .

Professor Efhimios Kaxiras was educated at the assachuse s nsttute o echnolog where he received a Ph in theoretcal condensed ma er ph sics. He oined the acult o Harvard Universit in 99 , where currentl holds the ttle o ohn Hasbrouck an leck Pro essor o Pure and pplied Ph sics in the epartment o Ph sics and Pro essor o pplied athematcs in the School o Engineering and pplied Sciences (SE S

February 2023

£220 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 80

£105 | S C E 978 8006 83 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Europe

Extent: 568pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: unctons Comple ariable General pplied athematcs Probabilit heor Stochastc Processes eal unctons Se uences Series

Summabilit athematcal Ph sics

Keywords: eal unctons Comple nal sis ourier rans orm Partal i erental E uatons Unifed rans orm okas ethod Probabilit heor Stochastc ptmi aton ethods umerical ethods

Readership: dvanced undergraduate students and graduate students in ph sical science and engineering departments researchers and practtoners (both in industr and academia) in the same felds. Can be used as te tbook or courses in pplied athematcs, athematcs or Ph sicists, athematcs or Engineers, at both the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Can also be adopted or felds that use mathematcal tools or modeling, such as fnance

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Athanassios University of Cambridge, UK & University of Southern California, USA

• Functons of Real Variables: Functons of a Single Variable Functons of Many Variables

Series Expansions

• Complex Analysis and the Fourier Transform: Functons of Complex Variables

Singularites, Residues, Contour Integraton Mappings Produced by Complex Functons

The Fourier Transform

• Applicatons to Partal Diferental Equatons: Partal Diferental Equatons: Introducton

Unifed Transform I: Evoluton PDEs on the Half-line

Unifed Transform II: Evoluton PDEs on a Finite Interval

Unifed Transform III: The Wave Equaton

Unifed Transform IV: Laplace, Poisson, and Helmholtz Equatons

• Probabilites, Numerical and Stochastc Methods: Probabilit heor umerical ethods

Stochastc ethods

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

A First Course in Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Varietes


“The readers are taken by the hand and shown introductory and fundamental notons of Algebraic Geometry. The problems at the end of each chapter are helpful for ensuring a beter understanding and for further practce of the concepts dealt with in the textbook. The clarity of presentaton makes the book suitable and versatle in diferent contexts, not only — as one might assume at frst sight — for the courses of the three-year degree in Mathematcs.”


This book provides a gentle introducton to the foundatons of Algebraic Geometry, startng from computatonal topics (ideals and homogeneous ideals, zero loci of ideals) up to increasingly intrinsic and abstract arguments, like “Algebraic Varietes”, whose natural contnuaton is a more advanced course on the theory of schemes, vector bundles and sheaf-cohomology.

aluable to students stud ing lgebraic Geometr and Geometr , A First Course in Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Varietes contains around 60 solved e ercises to help students thoroughl understand the theories introduced in the book. Proo s o the results are carried out in ull details.

an e amples are discussed which rein orces the understanding o both the theoretcal elements and their conse uences as well as the possible applicatons o the material.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 300pp

Type: e tbook

Series: Essental e tbooks in athematcs

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: lgebraic Geometr lgebraic opolog

Keywords: ne arietes

Pro ectve arietes lgebraic arietes orphisms o lgebraic arietes atonal and iratonal aps o lgebraic arietes low ups o lgebraic arietes eronese orphisms Segre orphisms lgebraic nvariants o lgebraic arietes

Readership: dvanced undergraduate students (specifcall in their 3rd ear o undergraduate stud or their st ear o postgraduate stud ) in the feld o lgebraic Geometr advanced achelor courses in Geometr or frst courses Geometr during postgraduate stud

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£80 |
978 8006 265 5 £45 | S
978 8006 274 7


• Pre ace

• asics on Commutatve lgebra

• lgebraic ne Sets

• lgebraic Pro ectve Sets

• opological Propertes. lgebraic arietes

• egular and atonal unctons on lgebraic arietes

• orphisms o lgebraic arietes

• Products o lgebraic arietes

• atonal maps o lgebraic arietes

• Completeness o Pro ectve arietes

• imension o lgebraic arietes

• iber imension. Semicontnuit

• angent Spaces. Smoothness o lgebraic arietes

• Solutons to E ercises

• ibliograph

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Climate, Chaos and COVID

How Mathematcal Models Describe the Universe

Key Features

• he current high profle use o mathematcal models to make decisions on C 9 and climate and be ond has created both a concern in the public, and also a desire to learn much more about how and wh the work. his book aims to do e actl this. t also aims to provide motvaton or wh we learn mathematcs at school, showing the huge power that mathematcs has when it is used in the real world

• he topics covered, which include C 9, Climate change and saving the whales could not be more topical

• he level o mathematcs varies between none, and that learned b the end o high school. he reader can there ore choose to either get involved in the mathematcs and learn e actl how it is applied, or the can ollow the stor o how it is used in the di erent case studies


Mathematcal models are very much in the news now, as they are used to make decisions about our response to such vital areas as COVID-19 and climate change. re uentl , the are blamed or a series o dubious decisions, creatng much concern amongst the general public. However, without mathematcal models, we would have none o the modern technolog that we take or granted, nor would we have modern health care, be able to orecast the climate, cook a potato, have electricit to power our home, or go into space.

e plaining technical mathematcal concepts in a wa that ever one can understand and appreciate, Climate, Chaos and COVID: How Mathematcal Models Describe the Universe sets the record straight and li s the lid o the m ster o mathematcal models. t shows wh the work, how good the can be, the advantages and disadvantages o using them and how the make the modern world possible. he readers will be able to see the impact that the use o these models has on their lives, and will be able to appreciate both their power and their limitatons.

he book includes a ver large number o both short and long case studies, man o which are taken directl rom the author s own e periences o working as a mathematcal modeller in academia, in industr , and between the two. hese include C 9 and climate and how maths saves the whales, powers our home, gives us the material we need to live, and takes us into space.

February 2023

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 304

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcal odeling

Popular ecreatonal athematcs ioin ormatcs iocomputng

Computatonal iolog iomathematcs eaching nd Learning

Keywords: athematcal odelling i erental E uatons C 9

S odels Chaos heor Climate odels Saving the Whales Electricit Generaton aterials rigami Space

Readership: Keen high school students, teachers, S E undergraduates and postgraduates interested in the feld o applied mathematcs and mathematcal modelling polic makers and decision makers in relevant industries such as Educaton, Environment, Health and Social Care, and Energ members o the general public who want to understand more o the mathematcs behind the models used in ever da li e

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• Pre ace

• How athematcs odels eal Li e

• Wh id the athematcian Cross the oad

• aths Saves the Whales

• How aths Helped in the ight gainst C 9

• Can aths Predict the uture

• he athematcs o Climate Change

• Energetc aths

• How uch aths Can ou Eat

• aterial athematcs

• aths Goes into Space

• e erences

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Associatve Algebraic Geometry

Arvid Siqveland

University of South-Eastern, Norway

Key Features

• Gives e plicit computatonal methods and includes the most necessar prere uisites

• ocuses on the meaning and the place o de ormaton theor , resultng in a complete theor applicable to moduli theor

• nswers the ueston wh moduli theor and it give e amples in mathematcal ph sics b looking at the universe o a moduli o molecules

• Gives a meaning to most noncommutatve theories

• Contains the frst e plicit defniton o a noncommutatve scheme, covered b not necessaril commutatve rings. his defniton does not contradict an o the previous abstract defnitons o noncommutatve algebraic geometr , but rather gives interestng relatons to other theories which is le or urther investgaton


Classical Deformaton Theory is used for determining the completons of the local rings of an eventual moduli space. When a moduli variet e ists, a main result in the book is that the local ring in a closed point can be e plicitl computed as an algebrai aton o the pro representng hull (there ore, called the local ormal moduli) o the de ormaton unctor or the corresponding closed point.

he book gives e plicit computatonal methods and includes the most necessar prere uisites. t ocuses on the meaning and the place o de ormaton theor , resultng in a complete theor applicable to moduli theor . t answers the ueston wh moduli theor and it give e amples in mathematcal ph sics b looking at the universe as a moduli o molecules. hereb giving a meaning to most noncommutatve theories.

he book contains the frst e plicit defniton o a noncommutatve scheme, covered b not necessaril commutatve rings. his defniton does not contradict an o the previous abstract defnitons o noncommutatve algebraic geometr , but rather gives interestng relatons to other theories which is le or urther investgaton.


Arvid Siqveland, Cand. Scient. ( aster) at Universit o slo 990 under the supervision o rnfnn Laudal, r Scient. (Ph ) at Universit o slo 996 under the supervision o rnfnn Laudal. Si veland has published a series o artcles on de ormaton theor , hal o them on noncommutatve de ormaton theor . He has been on the editorial board o several East European mathematcal ournals and was ver actve in the ordic altc lgebraic Geometr and athematcal Ph sics cooperaton ( G P) during his period as a ean or the acult o Engineering and atural Sciences at US rom 2006 20 4. He was one o the authors o the book oncommutatve e ormaton heor published in 20 7, and in 202 , rnfnn Laudal published the book athematcal odels in Science which Si veland helped in editng. his was when he understood that there was a missing link between de ormaton theor and mathematcal models, and that this link was a noncommutatve algebraic geometr .

February 2023

£120 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 354 6

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 358pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: lgebraic Geometr lgebraic opolog ssociatve onassociatve ings nd lgebra

Categor heor Homological lgebra

Geometr (Conve nd iscrete

Geometr ) nd opolog Linear and ultlinear lgebra atri heor athematcal Ph sics

Keywords: oncommutatve lgebraic

Geometr ssociatve lgebraic

Geometr ne ssociatve ariet

Simp Spec e ormaton heor

oduli Geometric nvariant heor

ult Local ings Simple odules

Closed Points

Readership: he target readership is graduate mathematcians, and it can be used as a te tbook or graduate courses in algebra algebraic geometr . he e amples are good oundatons or master and Ph theses. Can also be adopted to di erental geometr and algebraic topolog K theor and can be adopted to the recommended reading lists in such courses

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• asic ntroducton to ssociatve odul

• ssociatve lgebra

• ssociatve arietes

• oncommutatve e ormaton heor

• ssociatve arietes

• Computatonal E amples o ssociatve arietes

• lgebraic nvariant heor

• Pre d namic G

• namical lgebraic Structures

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Necrotzing Enterocolits Insights into Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

Key Features

• his book is the frst o its kind to date, there is no comprehensive te tbook that ocuses on the treatment o children with necrot ing enterocolits

• he authors o each chapter are rom the top pediatric insttutons around the world, and are all leaders in the feld. hus, this book o ers a state o the art compendium devoted to the care o children with EC

• he market or this book is ver large healthcare sta who services newborn nurser will need to be able to diagnose and treat EC. his book is wri en in such a wa that it appeals to students, nurses, ph sicians, as well as scientsts in the feld


Necrotzing enterocolits (NEC), described over 30 years ago, remains the leading cause of death in premature infants from gastrointestnal disease. It is a iomatc that EC is both a devastatngl serious disease and one in which its ver underpinnings remain a m ster .

he disease develops uickl and without warning. Ever clinician who takes care o neonates will a est to the t pical scenario o a premature in ant who is at frst clinicall stable, then subtl begins to mani est a series o s mptoms which progress o en uite rapidl rom eeding intolerance, abdominal distenton and blood stools, to outright sepsis and hemod namic instabilit . Ever surgeon who operates on these ragile patents will have e perienced the scenario where laparotom reveals the presence o patch necrosis o the intestne with a distributon and severit which ma or ma not match the clinical impression that was present preoperatvel . large number o studies have revealed that neither the t pe o surger that is per ormed on patents with EC, nor its tming, can signifcantl alter outcomes in patents with this disease. hese clinical impressions reveal the highl variable nature o patents with EC, and also underscore the act that i we are to improve the outcome o these oung children, then a clearer understanding o the pathogenesis o EC at the molecular level is re uired.

his te tbook will ocus on all ma or schools o thought regarding the actors that lead to the development o EC, and will address the current scientfc approach to the development o appropriate treatments. n additon, this book will address the comple social, ethical, nursing and rehabilitatve issues that clinicians ace when caring or patents with EC. inall , a signifcant ocus o the book will be devoted to the scientfc underpinnings o this disease, and the successes so ar in the development o novel therapeutc approaches based upon these scientfc discoveries.

Cover Available Soon

February 2023

£98 | HARDCOVER 978-981-4725-94-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: eview olume ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: Paediatrics Surger ursing edical Educaton

Keywords: ecrot ing Enterocolits ewborn Surger Pediatrics Pediatric Surger

Readership: Surgeons, pediatricians, neonatologists, nutritonists, neurodevelopmental clinicians, and pediatric nurses

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Clinical Consideratons: Epidemiology, Defnitons, Diagnosis and Management: Necrotzing Enterocolits: Historical Perspectves and Defnitons

Nursing Consideratons For the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits: Stomas, Stools and Lines

An Updated Overview of the Medical Management of Necrotzing Enterocolits

Clinical Clues, Biochemical Indices and Biomarkers: Diagnostc Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits

Is It NEC Or Is It SIP

The Role of Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis and Management of Necrotzing Enterocolits

Feeding Strategies in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits

An Overview of the Surgical Care of Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits

Innate Intestnal Defense and Necrotzing Enterocolits

Probiotcs in the Preventon of Necrotzing Enterocolits

Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Consideratons in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits

Neurodevelopmental Consideratons in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits

Lung Disease and Ventlatory Strategies in the Infant with Necrotzing Enterocolits

Clinical Trials in NEC Research: Advances, Perils and Pitalls

Management of Short Bowel Syndrome in Patents with Necrotzing Enterocolits

Necrotzing Enterocolits in Unusual Cases: Term Infants, Congenital Anomalies, Comorbidites

Intestnal Transplantaton Strategies For Children with NEC

New Imaging Strategies For the Detecton of Necrotzing Enterocolits

Pain Issues in Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits: Assessment, Management and Treatment

Brain Imaging in Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits

• Societal and Community Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits:

Hospital Delivery Systems and Health Economics in Necrotzing Enterocolits

Quality and Safety Consideraton Consideratons and Necrotzing Enterocolits

Clinical Outcomes in Children with NEC

Disparity Issues and Necrotzing Enterocolits

Ethical Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits

• Biochemical and Molecular Consideratons in the Pathogenesis of Necrotzing Enterocolits:

he ole o L Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

he ole o Growth actor Signaling in the evelopment and reatment o ecrot ing Enterocolits

he ole o Platelet erived Growth actor in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

he ole o ascular evelopment in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

ile cids in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

he ole o the acterial Communites in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

ntestnal daptaton and ecrot ing Enterocolits. asic and Clinical Consideratons

he ole o itric ide Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

ntestnal Epithelial arrier uncton and EC

nnate and daptve mmune s uncton and ecrot ing Enterocolits

ntestnal mmune daptaton and ecrot ing Enterocolits

Large nimal odels or the Stud o ecrot ing Enterocolits

Small nimal odels or the Stud o ecrot ing Enterocolits

C tokine Signaling and ecrot ing Enterocolits

Proli eratve Signaling and ecrot ing Enterocolits

Summar , uture irectons, ovel herapies

utritve ormulatons in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

utritonal Consideratons e ond the Gut in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

ucosal Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits

Paneth Cells and EC

he Electronic ose iagnosis o EC

rganic Compounds and EC

Human onor ilk and EC

Growth actors and EC

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology

Key Features

• ncludes the biolog , chemistr , mathematcs, and ph sics that orm the oundatons o radiaton biolog

• ncludes state o the art research results and current h potheses

• Presents an engaging narratve that enhances the accessibilit o di cult sub ect ma er


Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology presents a contemporary, comprehensive review of the interactons between ionizing radiatons and biological materials, tracking the consequences to three inevitable endpoints: cell resttuton, cell death, or cell transformaton.

he introductor narratve is ollowed b e aminaton o larger scale phenomena including tssue responses to radiaton in ur , organ ailure modes, and resultant human illness including cancer. Ultmatel , Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology considers circumstantal radiaton incidents impactng biological s stems including radiological terrorism and radiaton polluton remediaton. Chapters presentng an overview o carcinogenesis and radiaton therap techni ues based in radiobiolog discuss two signifcant e pansions central to the concerns o the te t.

his book takes an unprecedented narratve approach to radiobiolog each chapter e pands on the undamentals surve ed previousl to lead the reader steadil to a panorama o radiaton biocomple it . o biological event happens in isolaton. ctons evoke reactons that alter structures and cause living s stems to adapt. t also e amines the components consttutng mammalian radiaton response machiner and correlates them with resultant ph siological behaviors.

February 2023

£125 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 765 0

£80 | S C E 978-981-125-891-6

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400p

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: uclear edicine adiolog edical maging ioph sics ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics ncolog uclear Chemistr Cancer esearch

Keywords: adiaton iolog adiaton ioph sics Cancer adiotherap Health Ph sics adiaton

Readership: edical students, radiologic technolog students, cancer oncolog researchers, medical ph sics residents, Ph sicists

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• he rigins o adiaton

• nteractons etween adiaton and bsorbing aterials

• adiaton Chemistr

• he iochemistr o epair

• Higher rder iolog and adiaton amage

• odeling adiaton iolog

• pplicatons o ose esponse odels

• n ivo adiaton esponse

• adiaton and Cancer iolog

• adiaton herap

• adiaton Sa et

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 21: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Yuan Ming Di RMIT University, Australia

Lu Sun

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

• he editors o this series are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research

• rigorous scientfc approach is used to review evidence rom clinical studies including randomised controlled trials, controlled clinical trials and non controlled studies o Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture therapies and other Chinese medicine therapies, such as igong and taichi e ercise, Chinese massage and diet therap

• his book provides a comprehensive review o classical Chinese medicine literature. nal sis o the classical literature presents the concepton and treatment o diabetes using herbal medicine, acupuncture related therapies and diet therap


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic progressive disease characterised by hyperglycaemia. t a ects man people around the world and creates burden or the individual as well as the econom . Chinese medicine can be used to support the management o pe 2 diabetes mellitus s mptoms. Chapter o the book summarises the conventonal understanding o pe 2 diabetes mellitus, including aetolog , diagnosis and current available treatments.

his book uses the whole evidence approach to give an overview o the available evidence or Chinese medicine treatment or pe 2 diabetes mellitus, rom classical literature to clinical evidence. Evidence rom clinical studies are evaluated using high ualit and rigorous scientfc methodolog . Clinical trial literature o Chinese medicine treatments or pe 2 diabetes mellitus are described, with treatment modalites including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and other Chinese medicine therapies. he fndings are anal sed and potental implicatons or clinical practce and research are e plored. E perimental studies that describe the potental mechanisms o acton o ke herbs are summarised. Current evidence o Chinese medicine or pe 2 diabetes mellitus is s nthesised in the fnal chapter, and suggestons or contemporar clinical practce and uture research are also o ered.

argeted at clinicians and students o Chinese and integratve medicine, this book is a convenient re erence that provides comprehensive s nthesis o both classical and contemporar knowledge, which can support and be incorporated into their clinical practce.

Cover Available Soon

February 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 033 9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 21

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine | Endocrinolog

Keywords: Evidence based Chinese edicine pe 2 iabetes ellitus

Classical Chinese edicine Literature Chinese Herbal edicine cupuncture Clinical anagement

Readership: Chinese medicine practtoners and students in evidence based Chinese medicine management o t pe 2diabetes mellitus

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• ntroducton to pe 2 iabetes ellitus

• pe 2 iabetes ellitus in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o re uentl Used Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or ther Chinese edicine herapies

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 26: Rheumatoid Arthrits

RMIT University, Australia

Chuanjian Lu

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Brian H May

RMIT University, Australia

Xuan Xia

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Cover Available Soon

• Uses an innovatve whole evidence approach his book combines multple t pes and sources o evidence to provide a uni ue and comprehensive assessment o the available evidence or Chinese medicine in the management o rheumatoid arthrits

• Clinicall in ormatve and relevant his book integrates the results o meta anal ses o clinical trial data with evidence rom the classical Chinese medicine literature, and the recommendatons in contemporar te tbooks and clinical guidelines or the applicaton o Chinese medicine in , using s ndrome di erentaton where appropriate

• eveloped b a skilled team he authors are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research with multple publicatons in the feld. best available evidence


This 26th volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series provides a mult-faceted “whole evidence” analysis of the management of rheumatoid arthrits (RA) using integratve Chinese medicine. eginning with an overview o how is conceptualised and managed in conventonal medicine (Chapter ), the authors summarise the s ndrome di erentaton and management o in contemporar Chinese medicine (Chapter 2), based on clinical guidelines and contemporar books. Chapter 3 provides detailed anal ses o how and related conditons were treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture in past eras based on the classical Chinese medical literature. he subse uent chapters comprehensivel review the current state o the clinical evidence or the integratve applicaton o Chinese herbal medicines (Chapter 5), acupuncture therapies (Chapter 7), other Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 8) and combinaton Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 9), as well as anal se and evaluate the results o these clinical studies rom an evidence based medicine perspectve. Chapter 6 reviews and summarises e perimental evidence or the bioactvit o commonl used Chinese herbs and their consttuent compounds. he outcomes o these anal ses are summarised and discussed in Chapter 0. mplicatons or clinical practce and uture research are identfed. his book in orms clinicians and students in the felds o integratve medicine and Chinese medicine regarding contemporar practce and the current evidence base or Chinese medicine therapies or managing . t enables clinicians in making evidence based decisions in patent care. t also provides researchers with a comprehensive surve o the state o the feld that can in orm uture directons or clinical and e perimental studies.

February 2023

£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 036 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 440pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 26

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine Endocrinolog heumatolog

Keywords: cupuncture Chinese Herbal edicine Chinese Herbs Evidence based Chinese edicine Complementar and lternatve herapies Herbal edicine

heumatolog Classical Chinese edicine Classical Chinese edical Literature Evidence based edicine ntegratve Chinese edicine

Readership: Clinicians and students in Chinese and integratve medicine

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• ntroducton to heumatoid rthrits

• heumatoid rthrits in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o the Common Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or ther Chinese edicine herapies including ai Chi

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Aiming at Medicine?

Human Biology, Health Sciences and Medicine Futures

Key Features

• his book uestons those man oung people thinking o careers in medicine, health and medical science. oung people, girls as well as bo s, are o en worried that the ma not be good enough, or clever enough • et oung people have worked so diligentl , ge ng good grades in high schools, doing well as undergraduates, memori ing acts as medical students, working hard and long as oung doctors, and then into practce (and or man , also, teaching and research)

• t all seems so obvious, and to some, so o pu ng. ut it s reall so much more

• n this book are m answers to the ueston the are or ou, students o all ages or our parents (especiall doctor and science parents the wonder should ou ollow them ) or our grandparents ( orever proud o ou, their grandchildren, whatever ou come to do ) or all our other supporters, interested in where ou are going or an one else, wondering about the realites o learning, discover , practce and service or ever one, worried about the wa s that medicine and medical educaton are changing

• Parents (especiall mothers) are orever proud o their sons (and their daughters) child, the doctor s this part o the wa credita o eio Listen to the ld an Edson rantes do ascimento (Pel )


Though frst a doctor who treated patents, the author became a professor, questoning facts (researching), excitng students (teaching), borrowing ideas (from the breadth of science, statstcs, technology, engineering and medicine), and challenging ‘how it all works’. hough beginning gentl , the ueston in the book eventuall leads fercel into how research, teaching, practce and service reall occur, and to erocious challenges both inside academia and out in societ .

t is hoped that this double erocit will be use ul to students wondering about their utures to ph sician and scientst parents looking at the possibilit o their children ollowing them to all parents and grandparents worr ing about the careers o all o spring to an one interested in the processes o discover , teaching, and service and or ever one, concerned about the wider implicatons or educaton and or societ .


Charles Oxnard, ( Sc, , Ch , Ph , Sc, degrees in iolog , edicine, Science and Engineering), has had a research, teaching, and administratve career on three contnents, in our universites, and during more than si t ears. He was ean o the Undergraduate College (Universit o Chicago), the Graduate School (Universit o Southern Cali ornia), and the acult o Science and griculture (Universit o Western ustralia). He has been irector o combined Ph , programmes twice in the US .

Cover Available Soon

February 2023


978 98 26 333 0

£30 | S C E 978-981-126-419-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: General edicine edical Educaton General nterest General Science oung dults or 3 nd bove eaching nd Learning

Secondar nd High School

Keywords: eaching esearch Practce riad natom Surger Ph sicians edical Communicaton, Heredit evelopment Growth uncton

Evoluton edical School pplicaton steoporosis ones erves Spinal Cord and rain itamin 2 efcienc odine efcienc Cretnism orensics

Readership: High school students, undergraduate students, medical students, research students, teachers and educators, student mentors, parents, and all interested in the careers o the oung

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• You, Our Students, Must Be Centre-Stage: First: Three Students

• How it Happened to Me: A Road Less Travelled: A Passion for Science and Medicine

First Discovery: A Very Small Finding

First Teaching: The Teaching/Research Nexus

First Practce: The Research/Teaching/Practce Triad

• Research Wrinkles: How Research is Really Done: “Just Sheer Dumb Luck” (Professor McGonagall, Hogwarts) Borrowed, Gifed, Shared, Even Invented, (But Not Stolen?!)

Three Heresies and Thrice a Heretc!

Guessing Human Pasts! ‘Guestmatng’ Human Futures?

Gold Standards, Accepted Wisdoms, Best Practces: (Are They Crippling Straight-Jackets?)

‘O-Metrics’: Revealing What Is Hidden! Change, Challenge and China!

• Challenging Inside the Ivory Tower: Students Efectng Change. Is It Possible?

Professors Efectng Change. It is Impossible!

Deans and Change. The Poisoned Chalice: Is It Ever Possible? The Conscience of The University!

Military Interludes

• Challenging Beyond the Drawbridge: rom es and rrows to Pandemics and C ber emics o We Have a Science echnolog edicine Problem Hal wa ut Climbing Up, Sliding own re eaching and esearch Careers ow oribund he World Sphere Should We be Worried

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Baby Bear Book

A Practcal Guide on Paediatrics 4th Editon

Kok Wee Chong

KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore

Yi Hua Tan

KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore


For the past two decades, The Baby Bear Book has been the “go-to” text for healthcare professionals caring for sick children in Singapore. With an emphasis on the clinical aspects o paediatric care, the 4th editon includes important revisions and new chapters b e perienced clinicians to enhance its use ulness in toda s practce. The Baby Bear Book is a practcal guide which provides the latest evidence based in ormaton that is relevant to the care o children rom newborn through adolescence.

his book provides ke messages rom the relevant literature and practcal solutons to real problems aced b those who work with sick children, presented b e perienced, e pert paediatricians. t is a read re erence or paediatricians and amil ph sicians at ever stage o their training, and long a er.


Dr Chong Kok Wee is Head o the Paediatric llerg Service and a Consultant Paediatrician at the epartment o Paediatrics, KK Women s and Children s Hospital (KKH), Singapore. He received his medical degree rom the atonal Universit o Singapore in 2007 and obtained his post graduate Paediatric edicine specialist ualifcatons in 20 2. n 20 9, he completed his ellowship in paediatric allerg at St ar s Hospital, mperial College, London. His research interests include ood and drug allergies in children, as well as ood oral immunotherap . He has presented his research work in multple internatonal and regional con erences and actvel publishes in peer reviewed ournals. He serves as an d unct ssistant Pro essor in uke US edical School and ong Loo Lin School o edicine in Singapore. He also serves in the oard o irectors o sia Pacifc ssociaton o Pediatric llerg , espirolog and mmunolog ( P P ).

Dr Tan Yi Hua is a Consultant in espirator edicine and Sleep Service at the epartment o Paediatrics, KK Women s and Children s Hospital (KKH), Singapore. He received his medical degree rom atonal Universit o Singapore ( US) in 2006, and obtained his Graduate iploma in amil edicine in 2009 rom US as well as aster o edicine in Paediatric edicine rom US and embership to the o al College o Paediatrics and Child Health in 20 3. He obtained his specialist accreditatons and went on to subspecialise in Paediatric Pulmonolog , ormall oining espirator edicine Service in 20 7. His clinical research interests are in paediatric pulmonolog and sleep related disorders. He serves as an d unct ssistant Pro essor in uke US edical School, Lee Kong Chian School o edicine and ong Loo Lin School o edicine in Singapore.

February 2023

£165| HARDCOVER 978-981-126-628-7

£70 | S C E 978-981-126-715-4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 872pp

Type: edical Handbook

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: Paediatrics ermatolog Haematolog mmunolog ephrolog enal edicine ursing

Keywords: ab ear ook Paediatric edicine KKH

Readership: edical and nursing students, paediatric and amil medicine trainees, practsing ph sicians, nursing and allied health practtoners

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• oreword

• Pre ace

• Medical Emergencies:

Recognising the Critcally Ill Child (Loi V-Ter, Mervin; Lim Kian Boon, Joel )

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitaton (Loi V-Ter, Mervin; Lim Kian Boon, Joel )

Drug Overdose and Poisoning (Tan Shi Rui, Victoria; Lim Kae Shin; Ong Yong-Kwang, Gene)

• Surgical Emergencies:

Neurosurgical Emergencies (Low Yin Yee, Sharon)

Acute Abdomen (Ong Choo Phaik, Caroline)

Major Trauma ( Junaidah Binte Badron)

• Procedures:

Urinary Catheterisaton (Chow Wen Hann; Chang Su Ying, Serena; Chan Meng Fai, Joel )

Lumbar Puncture (Chow Wen Hann; Chang Su Ying, Serena; Chan Meng Fai, Joel )

Central Venous Line Inserton (Cher Yuqin; Ng Si Min, Pamela; Lim Kian Boon, Joel )

Chest Tube Inserton (Ng Si Min, Pamela; Cher Yuqin; Chan Meng Fai, Joel; Lee York Tien)

Bone Marrow Aspiraton and Trephine (Cher Yuqin; Ng Si Min, Pamela; Lee Ming Wei )

Exchange Transfusion (Chow Wen Hann; Eleah Nolasco Vidal; Shrenik Vora)

Umbilical Artery and Vein Catheterisaton (Huang Peiqi; Kong Juin Yee)

Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Inserton (Huang Peiqi; Kong Juin Yee)

• Sedaton and Analgesia:

Sedaton and Analgesia (Wong Ju Ming, Judith; Lim Kian Boon, Joel; Yeo Siok Hoong, Angela)

• Adolescent Health:

The Adolescent Interview (HEADSS Assessment) (Kumudhini Rajasegaran; Courtney Davis; Chew Chu Shan, Elaine; Tan Sher Kit, Juliet; Oh Jean Yin)

Eatng Disorders (Oh Jean Yin; Chew Chu Shan, Elaine; Courtney Davis; Kumudhini Rajasegaran; Tan Sher Kit, Juliet)

Adolescent Sexual Health (Tan Sher Kit, Juliet; Karen Donceras Nadua; Seet Meei Jiun; Lee Hwee Chyen; Courtney Davis; Chew Chu Shan, Elaine; Kumudhini Rajasegaran)

• Allergy & Immunology:

Anaphylaxis (Goh Si Hui; Goh Eng Neo, Anne)

Food Allergy (Chong Kok Wee; Goh Eng Neo, Anne)

Drug Allergy (Tan Liling, Lynete; Loh Wenyin)

Urtcaria (Lee May Ping, Samantha; Ong Lin Xin)

Primary Immunodefciencies (Inborn Errors of Immunity) (Chan SuWan, Bianca; Liew Woei Kang)

• Cardiology:

Chest Pain (Tan Teng Hong)

Syncope (Chan Jiahui, Charmaine; Tan Teng Hong)

Cardiac Arrhythmias (Chan Jiahui, Charmaine; Tan Teng Hong)

Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure (Zhang Zhewei, Dyan; Sreekanthan Sundararaghavan)

Infectve Endocardits (Tan Teng Hong)

Kawasaki Disease (Kotecha Monika Kantlal; Choo Tze Liang, Jonathan)

• Child Development:

Normal Development (Tan Hui Yin, Jessica; Rachana Koura)

Developmental Disorders (Lourdes Mary Daniel; Wong Chui Mae)

• Child Protecton:

Child Abuse and Neglect (Wong Choong Yi, Peter)

• Dermatology:

Rashes (Ho Pui Yoong, Valerie; Koh Jean Aan, Mark)

Atopic Dermatts (Ho Pui Yoong, Valerie; Koh Jean Aan, Mark)

• Endocrinology:

Adrenal Insufciency ( Aravind Venkatesh; Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Hypoglycaemia (Chin Xinyi; Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Aravind Venkatesh; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Hyperglycaemia ( Aravind Venkatesh; Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Normal Puberty and Disorders of Puberty ( Aravind Venkatesh; Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Obesity (Chin Xinyi; Chew Chu Shan, Elaine; Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Aravind Venkatesh; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Thyroid Disorders (Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Aravind Venkatesh; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Disorders of Calcium Metabolism (Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Aravind Venkatesh; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

Diabetes Insipidus (Chan Wei Keong, Daniel; Chin Xinyi; Aravind Venkatesh; Lek Ngee; Rashida Farhad Vasanwala; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian)

• Fluids & Electrolytes:

Management of Fluids and Electrolytes (Chan Meng Fai, Joel; Leow Hui Min, Esther; Mok Yee Hui; Ng Yong Hong)

Sodium Disorders (Chan Meng Fai, Joel; Leow Hui Min, Esther; Mok Yee Hui; Ng Yong Hong)

Potassium Disorders(Chan Meng Fai, Joel; Leow Hui Min, Esther; Mok Yee Hui; Ng Yong Hong)

Acid-base Disorders (Chan Meng Fai, Joel; Leow Hui Min, Esther; Mok Yee Hui; Ng Yong Hong)

• Gastroenterology:

Failure to Thrive (Charanya Rajan; Veena Logarajah)

Recurrent Abdominal Pain (Charanya Rajan; Veena Logarajah)

Vomitng (Ho Wen Wei, Christopher; Veena Logarajah)

Constpaton (Goh Suk-Hui, Lynete; Phua Kong Boo)

Acute Gastroenterits (Ho Wen Wei, Christopher; Phua Kong Boo)

Chronic Diarrhoea (Ng Lay Queen; Phua Kong Boo)

Prolonged Jaundice (Goh Suk-Hui, Lynete; Chiou Fang Kuan)

Gastrointestnal Haemorrhage (Ho Wen Wei, Christopher; Chiou Fang Kuan)

Acute Liver Failure (Sit Nur Hanim Buang; Goh Suk-Hui, Lynete; Tan Wei Wei; Mok Yee Hui; Chiou Fang Kuan)

Infant Formula (Ng Lay Queen; Phua Kar Yin; Chiou Fang Kuan)

• Genetcs and Metabolic:

Suspected Genetc S ndrome (Koh Ai Ling; Saumya Shekhar Jamuar; Lai Hwei Meeng, Angeline)

Common Genetc S ndromes (Koh Ai Ling; Lai Hwei Meeng, Angeline)

nborn Errors o etabolism (Koh Ai Ling; Ting Teck Wah; Tan Ee Shien; Teo Siak Hong)

• Haematology:

naemia (Lee Ming Wei; Rajat Bhatacharyya; Lam Ching Mei, Joyce) leeding isorders (Lee Ming Wei; Rajat Bhatacharyya; Lam Ching Mei, Joyce)

hrombosis and hrombophilia (Rajat Bhatacharyya; Lam Ching Mei, Joyce)

rans usion herap (Lam Ching Mei, Joyce)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Infectous Diseases:

The Febrile Child (Karen Donceras Nadua)

Common Viral Infectons (Tan Woon Hui, Natalie; Chong Chia Yin; Thoon Koh Cheng)

Common Bacterial Infectons (Tan Woon Hui, Natalie; Chong Chia Yin; Thoon Koh Cheng)

Tuberculosis (Tan Woon Hui, Natalie; Karen Donceras Nadua; Chong Chia Yin; Thoon Koh Cheng)

Incubaton and isolaton Periods for Infectous Diseases (Tan Woon Hui, Natalie; Chong Chia Yin; Thoon Koh Cheng)

Immunisatons (Thoon Koh Cheng; Tan Woon Hui, Natalie; Karen Donceras Nadua)

• Neonatology:

Classifcatons of Newborn Babies (Tan Pih Lin; Khoo Poh Choo)

Newborn Resuscitaton (Quek Bin Huey; Abdul Haium Abdul Alim)

Breasteeding (Chua Mei Chien; Pooja Agarwal Jayagobi; Tong Wing Yee)

Neonatal Dermatoses (Odatl Geetha; Koh Jean Aan, Mark)

Birth Trauma (Tan Pih Lin)

Neonatal Jaundice ( Abdul Haium Abdul Alim)

Respiratory Distress (Kong Juin Yee)

Neonatal Sepsis (Yeo Kee Thai )

Necrotsing Enterocolits ( Amudha Jayanthi Anand )

Polycythaemia (Shrenik Vora)

Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia (Suresh Chandran; Yap Kok Peng, Fabian; Victor Samuel Rajadurai)

Neonatal Seizures (Nirmal Kavalloor Visruthan)

• Nephrology:

Haematuria (Leow Hui Min, Esther; Ng Yong Hong)

Acute Nephritc Syndrome (Leow Hui Min, Esther; Ng Yong Hong)

Nephrotc Syndrome (Chao Sing Ming; Yap Jia Ying, Celeste)

Hypertension (Leow Hui Min, Esther; Ng Yong Hong)

Urinary Tract Infectons & Vesicoureteric Refux (Chong Siew Le; Chao Sing Ming)

Acute Kidney Injury (Indra Ganesan)

Nocturnal Enuresis (Chao Sing Ming)

Renal Reference Limits (Chong Siew Le)

• Neurology:

Headaches and Migraines (Lim Yi Xiu, Jocelyn; Yeo Tong Hong)

Seizures and Epilepsy (Ngoh Seow Fen, Adeline; Lim Yi Xiu, Jocelyn; Chan Wei Shih, Derrick)

Encephalopathy & Stroke (Lim Yi Xiu, Jocelyn; Terrence Thomas)

Acute Flaccid Paralysis (Lim Yi Xiu, Jocelyn; Simon Ling)

Cerebral Palsy (Ng Zhi Min; Yeo Tong Hong; Arjandas Mahadev; Choong Chew Thye)

Movement Disorders (Yeo Tong Hong)

Bell’s Palsy (Lim Yi Xiu, Jocelyn; Terrence Thomas)

• Oncology:

Oncological Emergencies

Infectve Prophylaxis in Immunocompromised Patents

Lymphadenopathy (Prasad Ramanakrishnan Iyer; Chan Mei Yoke)

Palliatve Care (Chan Mei Yoke; Wyn Yi Yi)

• Psychiatry:

Agitated and Violent Patents (Radha Srikanth, Ong Say How)

Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviours (Ong Say How)

Mental Health (Vicknesan Jeyan Marimutu; Loh Hong Yan, Abigail; Hong Ling Feng; Roselyne Shirley Pat Fong; Poon Ngar Yee)

• Respiratory:

Chronic Cough (Biju Thomas)

Asthma (Teoh Oon Hoe; Chay Oh Moh)

Common Respiratory Conditons ( Arun Pugalenthi; Teoh Oon Hoe)

Pneumonia, Parapneumonic Efusion and Empyema (Biju Thomas; Teoh Oon Hoe)

• Rheumatology:

oint Pain (Teh Kai Liang; Thaschawee Arkachaisri )

Common heumatological Conditons (Teh Kai Liang; Thaschawee Arkachaisri )

rugs in heumatolog (Teh Kai Liang; Thaschawee Arkachaisri )

heumatological nvestgatons (Teh Kai Liang; Thaschawee Arkachaisri )

• Sleep Medicine:

Health Sleep (Ting Chun Yi; Cheng Zai Ru)

bstructve Sleep pnoea (Tan Yi Hua; Teoh Oon Hoe)

• Appendices:

◊ Growth Charts

◊ Drugs:

nt in ectves ( ntbiotcs, nt ungals, ntvirals, nthelmintcs, ntmalarials) (Ong Yue Ling, Rina; Seah Xue Fen, Valerie)

Gastrointestnal S stem ( ntacids, ntre u agents ntulcerants, nt spasmodics, La atves, rugs or n ammator owel isease) (Nurashyura Binte Ishak; Mai Xiangrui )

Cardiovascular S stem ( nt arrh thmics, nt h pertensives, iuretcs, ther Cardiovascular gents, ntcoagulants and ntplatelets) (Poh Bao Hui; Wang Lay Nee)

espirator S stem ( nt asthma edicatons, Cold edicatons, asal Preparatons) (Tan Wei Wei; Cedric Poh Wei Ming)

Central ervous S stem ( nt convulsants, uscle ela ants, euromuscular rugs, nt p retcs and nalgesics, rugs or enton defcit h peractvit disorder) (Zhang Yifan; Eng Jing Jia; Lim Guo Yong)

Endocrine S stem (Tan Xin Yi; Christne Choo)

ermatolog ( ral anthistamines, rugs or cne, Scabies and Head Lice, n antle Haemangioma, topic ermatts, Complicated ascular nomalites, Severe Cutaneous dverse eactons, itligo) (Chen Mee Kuan; Nicholas Teo) itamins inerals (Lim Kae Shin; Jamie Stephanie)

◊ Useful Formulae

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Fundamentals of Electronic Materials and Devices

A Gentle Introducton to the Quantum-Classical World


“... contains well-crafed and advanced problems that help solidify understanding of the subjects.”

Key Features

• he book contains core material or two popular and well regarded universit courses (won the U s highest teaching award or the author)

• he book contains research which earned a place in the 20 6 Ph sics World op 0 esearch reakthrough in Ph sics

• ogether with the homework, the book can easil be adopted or comparable courses across multple learning insttutons

• Soluton manual to the e cellent homework uestons inside is available or instructors

• he book and courses are uni ue or combining top down device ph sics with bo om up uantum ph sics towards the same technological goal, namel emerging hardware or the uture o computng


The Romans built enduring bridges well before Newton came along, armed simply with a working knowledge of mechanics and materials. n contrast, toda s bridge building is an elaborate enterprise involving C tools, composite materials and acoustc imaging. When technolog is pushed to its limits, a working knowledge proves inade uate, and an in depth understanding o core ph sical principles, both macroscopic and microscopic, top down vs bo om up, becomes essental.

We fnd ourselves toda at a similar crossroad in semiconductor device technolog , where a working knowledge o solid state electronics is no longer enough. aced with the prohibitve cost o computng and the slowdown o chip manu acturing, device scaling and the global suppl chain, the semiconductor industr is orced to e plore alternate pla orms such as 2 materials, spintronics, analog processing and uantum engineering.

his book combines top down classical device ph sics with bo om up uantum transport in a single venue to provide the basis or such a scientfc e ploraton. t is essental, eas reading or beginning undergraduate and practcing graduate students, ph sicists un amiliar with device engineering and engineers untrained in uantum ph sics. With ust a modest pre re uisite o reshman maths, the book works uickl through ke concepts in uantum ph sics, atlab e ercises and original homeworks, to cover a wide range o topics rom chemical bonding to Ho stader bu er ies, domain walls to Chern insulators, solar cells to photodiodes, in E s to a orana ermions. or the practcing device engineer, it provides new concepts such as the uantum o resistance, while or the practcing uantum ph sicist, it provides new conte ts such as the tunnel transistor.


Avik Ghosh is Pro essor at the Charles rown epartment o Electrical and Computng Engineering and the epartment o Ph sics at the Universit o irginia. He holds a Ph in theoretcal condensed ma er ph sics rom the hio State Universit and a postdoctoral ellowship in Electrical Engineering rom Purdue Universit . He is also the U site director o the S ndustr Universit Cooperatve Center on ult unctonal ntegrated S stems echnolog ( S ).

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-595-2

£50 | S C E 978-981-126-657-7

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: e tbook

Series: Lessons rom anoscience a Lecture otes Series Volume 8

Main Subject: anotechnolog


Sub-Subjects: anoelectronics

Condensed a er Ph sics

anomaterials and anostructures

icroelectronics Semiconductors elated reas heoretcal Chemistr uantum Chemistr Circuits S stems

Computer Engineering Electrical

Electronic Engineering agnetc

Propertes anostructure uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Keywords: anomaterials

anoelectronics uantum Electron ransport Semiconductors

Semiconductor evices agnetsm opolog opological aterials 2 aterials Spintronics

Readership: dvanced undergraduates, graduates, researchers, and industr pro essionals in the ollowing felds condensed ma er ph sics, nanoelectronics, semiconductor devices, nanomaterials, materials science, device ph sics, digital electronics

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
Philip Kim Professor, Harvard University Winner, Oliver E Buckley Prize (2014)

• Equilibrium Physics and Chemistry:

Fundamentals of Informaton Processing

Quantum Physics: A Whole New World

Interpretng Quantum Probabilites

Bumps Along the Quantum Path: Steps, Wells and Barriers

Numerical Methods and Approximatons

Angular Momentum and the Hydrogen Atom

Atomic and Molecular Structure

Solids: From Bonds to Bands

Spins and Magnetsm

How Do Spins Interact with Their Surroundings?

Countng States

Filling the States — Statstcal Physics

• Top Down: Classical Transport:


Physics of Mobility: Fermi’s Golden Rule

Physics of Recombinaton-Generaton

Engineering Barriers — The PN Juncton Diode

A Simple Switch: The Bipolar Juncton Transistor (BJT)

Voltage Gatng: The Field Efect Transistor (FET)

• Botom-Up: Quantum Transport:

Landauer heor o uantum transport uantum ransport with Sca ering on E uilibrium Green s uncton ( EG ) or Charge on E uilibrium Green s uncton ( EG ) or Current ime ependent E ects

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

How Does Sunshine Become Electricity


Junhao Chu

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Bo Hai

Shanghai Media Group, China

Chang Qin

Shanghai Media Group, China

Cover Available Soon

of Sciences, China

Key Features

• n updated popular science reading or primar school students b cademician o Chinese cadem o Science


In recent decades, scientsts have done a lot of research to fnd ways to make use of solar energy. ne o the most direct wa s is to use solar cell to trans orm sunshine into electricit . So what are the current products that use solar energ nd what can humans do with solar energ in the uture

his book is a compilaton o the series o ialogues With Great Chinese Scientsts , where several great scientsts in di erent research fles were invited to share their stories and scientfc knowledge. t is meant to inspire more students to become great scientsts in the uture.


Chu Junhao, who was elected to the Chinese cadem o Sciences in 2005, is a scientst o in rared ph sics. He is China s e pert in semiconductor ph sics and instruments and also the research ellow o Shanghai nsttute o echnical Ph sics o the Chinese cadem o Sciences.

Hai Bo is a amous broadcastng host o Shanghai edia Group (S G). He is the host o ree alk Show over the Sea (Haishang Changtan) and Haibo Hotline (Haibo e ian). He has received the atonal Golden Speaker ward and Shanghai Chang iang ao en ward (natonal top award or news workers). He was awarded the Prestgious Host o Shanghai roadcastng and elevision three tmes.

Qin Chang is a amous broadcastng host o Shanghai edia Group (S G). She is the host o ree alk Show over the Sea (Haishang Changtan) and Cit ens and Societ . She has received the atonal Golden Speaker ward, Shanghai Chang iang ao en ward (natonal top award or news workers) and ward o China ews.

Xue Zhongying was born in a 976 in ibo Cit , Shandong Province. He received a bachelor s degree in ph sics rom Shandong Universit in 999, a master s degree rom Shandong Universit in 2002, and was engaged in so ware development at icheng Electronics Co. Ltd. rom 2002 to 2007. n une 20 , he received a Ph degree rom Shanghai nsttute o icros stem and n ormaton echnolog , Chinese cadem o Sciences. Since ul 20 , he has been working in the State Ke Laborator o n ormaton unctonal aterials, Shanghai nsttute o icros stem and n ormaton echnolog , Chinese cadem o Sciences, and has served as assistant researcher and associate researcher.

February 2023

£20 | S C E 978-981-124-685-2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 28pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: pplied nd echnical Ph sics General Ph sics (Popular eading)

Keywords: Solar Energ Light Electricit Ph sics

Readership: General readers and primar school students

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• n E plorer who Grew Up b Liwa iver

• r ing ur est to Use Solar Energ

• he Wonder ul World o the Sunlight

• he Secret o the rans ormaton etween Light and Electricit

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Enchantment of Urania

25 Centuries of Exploraton of the Sky

Key Features

• Scientfc stories told in a captvatng wa , connected to each other b the thread o the general histor in order to give a contnuous resco o the evoluton o science in the conte t o the evoluton o the human civili aton


Today we know much about the sky: how stars are born, how they live and die, and how the universe as a whole evolves. We have learned o the e istence o another t pe o ma er, indi erent to light and et decisive or the ormaton o gala ies, and we have a hint o a dark energ that since the last 4.5 billion ears has taken over the control o the cosmos. We postulated and then discovered and even photographed black holes and listened to the aint rustle o the space tme ripple produced when these monsters devour each other. We reached these astonishing results (recogni ed b a bunch o obel Pri es and flling ever da the media with wonders or the e es and the mind) b the marriage o ph sics and astronom that unifed the Earth with the sk and then b the leap orward o science and technolog in the wenteth Centur . his rich heritage has ancient roots. t was built b accumulatng discoveries with errors, observatons with antasies, m ths, and supersttons with ashes o genius, over a span o millennia, since Homo sapiens, turning his e es to the immutable and per ect sk , began to ask uestons.

he book is a narraton o the answers to these uestons that had evolved over tme a progressive path, inserted in the general histor , with some second thoughts and man obstacles. his is a saga o men and machines where greatness sometmes mi es with miser and passion o en borders on sacrifce and even mart rdom. Wh should we know it ecause our current knowledge is the result o these e orts and o the preconceptons that accompanied them.

he challenge has been to present this comple and intricate sub ect without resortng to an ormulas, so that it can be accessible to a wide audience o curious people, including high school and universit students and in general all those who normall keep themselves in ormed o scientfc things. rich bibliograph has also been added in the appendi or those wishing to learn more on one or more topics.


Massimo Capaccioli has served as pro essor o astronom at the Universites o Padua and then o aples ederico , where he is currentl emeritus. He has investgated the d namics and evoluton o stellar s stems and the observatonal cosmolog and published over 550 scientfc artcles in internatonal ournals (citatons 3,740, H inde 58 source S ul 202 ). s a long tme director o the Capodimonte stronomical bservator in aples, he has conceived and managed, in s nerg with the European Southern bservator (ES ), the constructon o the L Surve elescope ( S ), one o the largest re ectors ull dedicated to astronomical surve s. He has chaired the talian stronomical Societ (S t) or a decade and or a three ear turn the atonal Societ o Sciences, Le ers, and rts in aples. ournalist and passionate publicist, he has collaborated with various talian newspapers and with the natonal public broadcastng compan o tal ( ). He has authored both universit te tbooks and popular books (mostl in talian), including rminio obile and the easurement o the Sk (Springer 20 2, with S Galano), ille o e. Stories rom the other world ( editerranean 20 8), ed oon. he Soviet con uest o space (Carocci 20 9), and he Enchantment o Urania 25 centuries o e ploratons o the sk (Carocci 2020), nce upon the tme in the sk . 30 short astronomical stories (Carocci 202 ). he list o his honors includes the ttle o Commander o the talian epublic or scientfc merits (2005), the honorar pro essorship granted b the Universit o oscow Lomonosov in 20 0, the honorar doctorate b the Universites o ubna ( ussia, 20 5), Kharkiv (Ukraine, 20 7), and P atgorsk ( ussia, 20 9), and the medals Struve (20 0 ussian cadem o Sciences), acchini (20 3 S t), Kara in (20 9 Kara in Universit , Kharkiv, Ukraine), and Gamov (20 9 Universit o dessa, Ukraine). He is a member o some academies in tal , o the cademia Europaea and o the atonal cadem o Ukraine.

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-777-4

£40 | S C E 978-981-124-927-3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 550pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Histor Science

Keywords: Stars Sun Earth Gala ies

Universe lack Holes ark Energ ark a er ncient stronom Greek stronom Histor o stronom Cosmolog Cosmogon stronomical nstruments

Readership: his is accessible to a wide audience o curious people, including high school and universit students and in general all those who normall keep themselves in ormed o scientfc things

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• Pre ace

• ntroducton

• With the aked E e

• n ntrovert, a eactonar , and a isionar

• he Glass E e

• he Heroic ur

• he Celestal Laborator Cassini, Hu gens and radle

• irror o esires

• e ond the Pillar o Hercules

• he C clops

• Stop ime

• he Harmon o Light

• he eter and the easure

• ew World S mphon

• he undamental uilding locks

• he Eighth Wonder

• he Sun and the ther Stars

• stroph sics at the ime o the Cold War

• bserving with Closed E es

• he Last Hal Centur ad maiora

• cknowledgements

• ibliograph and otes

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Mesoscopic Nuclear Physics

From Nucleus to Quantum Chaos to Quantum Signal Transmission

Key Features

• here are no competng books (onl ournal artcles)

• he treatment combines nuclear ph sics, statstcal thermod namics, mathematcs o random matrices, and simple engineering schemes o possible applicatons

• he authors have signifcant e perience in practcal universit teaching and publishing te tbooks


This book summarizes the recent development of nuclear science as an important part of mesoscopic physics, the intermediate world between the macroscopic and microscopic. his ast developing area with man practcal applicatons includes comple atoms, molecules (including biological), nuclei, small scale solid state s stems, and uture uantum computers. he comple it o the problem appears due to the richness o problems, rom the necessit to stud individual uantum levels, to the undamental eatures o statstcs and thermod namics.

February 2023

£55 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-314-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 60pp

Type: onograph ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: uclear Ph sics

Keywords: uclei sotopes Pairing Chaotc Ensembles Parit iolaton Superradiance

Readership: he book could be use ul or the reader interested in the current evoluton o science, on all levels rom a student to a practtoner working in di erent areas o ph sics and engineering

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• ucleus as a esoscopic b ect

• an od uclear Comple it

• Statstcal Ensembles

• Shell odel as a estng Ground or uantum Chaos

• ucleus as an pen S stem

• uantum Signal ransmission

• e erences

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Kaleidoscope of Physics

From Soap Bubbles to Quantum Technologies


University of Pavia, Italy

Andrey Varlamov SPIN-CNR, Italy

Key Features

Jacques Villain

Academy of Sciences of France, France

• his book talks about ph sics and its role in the world around us • n 20 4, the publishing house elin published Le Kaleidoscope de la Ph si ue , which was awarded the main pri e or the best popular science book o the ear in rench the internatonal oberval pri e, a ear a er its publicaton. ts ussian language version, published in 2020, was recogni ed among the best scientfc popular books and awarded the iploma o ussian cadem o Sciences


Physics manifests itself in our life, like the metamorphoses of a kaleidoscope. his book is wri en b pro essional scientsts who have devoted their entre lives to fnding answers to the riddles posed b nature. he authors investgate this rom the ver frst chapter the curious reader will fnd out wh the sk and the sea are blue, wh the rivers are meandering, how natural waveguides work, wh the climate changes and so on ...

urther, the path o knowledge leads rom the beautes and uncovered m steries o nature to the ph sics o ever da li e. rom the train in the galler , to the secrets o a glass harmonica and a good violin. ver an aperit , the authors ask uestons about the secrets o bubbles o champagne and wine tears on the walls o the glass, knowing the answers to which will help ou to be known as an e perienced sommelier. hen ou enter the kitchen the ph sical phenomena around ovens and stoves are endless, rom microwaves to cooking, with corresponding phase trans ormatons. aking pi a re uires deep thought, not to menton pasta, where talian and German philosophies collide. he ph sics behind making good (or bad) co ee is ver interestng, and ou can t go wrong.

er an e cursion to the kitchen, the authors invite us to a strange uantum world, believing that the themes o the last part ma be on the verge o understanding or the uninitated. ndeed, the ualit o the te t and the splendor o the illustratons conve the aesthetcs o the ph sics o the atomic and subatomic world. he chapter enttled Ph sics, Geometr and eaut deals with ullerenes, Leonardo, Piero della rancesca and Luca Pacioli. Even though our senses are alread heightened b wine, cooking and good co ee, perhaps it is in the feld o uantum ph sics that two cultures, once united, and then separated b ristotelian constructons, again merge into world harmon .


Atlio Rigamont (born 937) is e perimental ph sicist, pro essor, member o the Lombard nsttute cadem o Science and Le ers ( tal ), o the G Cardano nsttute, and o the editerranean nsttute o undamental Ph sics.

Andrey Varlamov (born in 954) is theoretcal ph sicist, pro essor, corresponding member o the Lombard nsttute cadem o Science and Le ers ( tal ), o the editerranean nsttute o undamental Ph sics, populari er o science.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 260pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: General Ph sics (Popular eading) Popular Science Secondar nd High School

Keywords: eanders atural Waveguides Colours o Sk and Sea oucault s Pendulum Coriolis orce ides ubbles and rops Climate morphous Compounds erod namics ernoulli Law Energ Sources ibratons and coustcs Ph sics n Kitchen Heat rans er Ph sics o Pi a Spaghe and Ph sics Ph sics o Co ee Science in Cuisine Li uid itrogen ce Cream Uncertaint Principle uantum Ph sics Superconductvit Persistent Currents Li uid Helium agnetc esonance maging

Readership: Students in high school, college and universit . General readership interested in ph sics. Courses o general ph sics, thermod namics, electromagnetsm, histor o ph sics, condensed ma er ph sics, nanoph sics, low temperature ph sics, molecular culinar

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£40 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-524-2

• Open-air Physics:

Rivers, Meanders, and Lakes

Artfcial and Natural Waveguides

Colours of Sky and Sea

Foucault’s Pendulum and the Coriolis Force


Bubbles and Drops

Climate: Why the Summers Become Hoter Tracks on the Beach

From the Crystal Snowfakes to the Amorphous Glass

• Everyday Physics:

Conversaton During a Train Trip

Stradivarius’s Legacy

Singing and Silent Glasses

Energy: Obedient Maid or Oppressive Mistress?

Nunc Est Bibendum

• The Sapiens Cooker:

Waitng for a Cup of Tea

When Physics Invades the Kitchen

Ab Ovo

Thinking About Baking Pizza

Knots, Spaghet and Physics

Physics of Good or Bad Cofees

Science, Cuisine and Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

• The Strange World of the Quanta:

Uncertaint , the eal ase o the uantum Ph sics

Ph sics, Geometr and eaut

Eternal oton in Superconductors

Propertes and pplicatons o Superconductors

Snowballs in Li uid Helium

Looks nside the Human od

Semiconductors and anoscience

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Fundamentals of Laser Physics

Key Features

• Considering the rapid development in laser related felds, this te tbook covers not onl the basic materials but also the latest advances in laser ph sics with discussions on e perimental results on various laser related phenomena based on a coherent theoretcal ramework

• his te tbook covers enough amount o essentals but is concise enough to be covered in one semester

• his book provides a coherent theoretcal ramework rom the beginning to the end so that students can move on to the ne t sub ects with ease once having mastered the preceding materials


This book is intended as a textbook on laser physics for advanced undergraduates and frst-year graduate students in physics and engineering who need to use lasers in their labs and want to understand the physical processes involved with the laser techniques in their felds of study. his book aims to provide a coherent theoretcal ramework on the light ma er interacton involved with lasers in such a wa that students can easil understand the essental topics related to lasers and their applicatons and get accustomed to the latest cu ng edge research developments. ost o all, the content o this book is concise to be covered in a semester.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 360pp

Type: onograph ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: ptcs nd Laser Ph sics tomic nd olecular Ph sics

Keywords: Laser ate E uaton

Spectral Line roadening Saturaton

Spectroscop Laser Linewidth ptcal loch E uaton abi scillaton

Pulse rea heorem Laser hreshold re uenc Pulling ressed State ode Locking switching re uenc

Comb Cavit E Superradiance

Superabsorpton E ceptonal Point P S mmetr on Hermitan S stem

Readership: dvanced undergraduates and frst ear graduate students in ph sics and engineering who need to use lasers in their labs

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-527-3 Kyungwon An Seoul Natonal University, South Korea

• Classical heor o Emission and bsorpton

• Einstein s heor o a er ield nteracton

• Semiclassical heor o tom ield nteracton

• Spectral Line roadening

• Lamb ip Spectroscop

• ptcal loch E uaton

• ore pplicatons o loch E uaton

• ate E uaton ppro imaton

• Coherent Pulse Propagaton

• uantum heor o Laser

• Strong Coupling egime o Cavit E

• Surve o arious Lasers

• Pulsed Lasers and re uenc Combs

• ther Laser elated opics

• Single Photon Sources and ovel Lasers

• on Hermitan Laser

• E ceptonal Point Lasers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meetng

On Recent Developments in Theoretcal and Experimental General Relatvity, Astrophysics, and Relatvistc Field Theories (In 4 Volumes)

Proceedings of the MG16 Meetng on General Relatvity Online, 5 – 10 July 2021

Key Features

• Contributons b e perts in the feld

• Covers a wide range o topics


The proceedings of MG16 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitatonal physics and astrophysics, from mathematcal issues to recent observatons and experiments. he scientfc program o the meetng included 46 plenar presentatons, 3 public lectures, 5 round tables and 8 parallel sessions arranged during the intense si da online meetng. ll talks were recorded and are available on the C et ou ube channel at the ollowing link h p www.icranet.org video mg 6.

hese proceedings are a representatve sample o the ver man contributons made at the meetng. he contain 383 papers, among which 4 come rom the plenar sessions.

he material represented in these proceedings cover the ollowing topics accreton, actve galactc nuclei, alternatve theories o gravit , black holes (theor , observatons and e periments), binaries, boson stars, cosmic microwave background, cosmic strings, dark energ and large scale structure, dark ma er, educaton, e act solutons, earl universe, undamental interactons and stellar evoluton, ast transients, gravitatonal waves, high energ ph sics, histor o relatvit , neutron stars, precision tests, uantum gravit , strong felds, and white dwar all o them represented b a large number o contributons.

he online e proceedings are published in an open access ormat.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 4876pp

Type: Proceedings

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics elatvit nd Gravitaton Computatonal, athematcal and heoretcal Ph sics

Keywords: General elatvit stroph sics Cosmolog a er ccreton ctve Galactc uclei lternatve heorieso Gravit lack Holes inar Stars oson Stars Cosmic icrowave ackground Cosmic Strings ark Energ Large Scale Structure in the Universe ark a er Educaton E act Solutons Earl Universe undamental nteractons and Stellar Evoluton ast ransients Gravitatonal Waves High Energ Ph sics Histor o elatvit eutron Stars Precision estso General elatvit uantum Gravit Strong Gravitatonal ields White war

Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in general relatvit , astroph sics, and cosmolog

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£955 | H C E SE 978-981-126-976-9 Remo University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy & Internatonal Center for Relatvistc Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy Gregory Vereshchagin Internatonal Center for Relatvistc Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy


• Part A:

◊ Plenary Sessions:

New Results from Testng Relatvistc Gravity with Radio Pulsars (Michael Kramer)

Dragging of Inertal Frames by Mater and Waves ( Jiří Bičák and Tomáš Ledvinka)

Probes of the Progenitors, Engines and Physics Behind Stellar Collapse (Chris L Fryer)

The Observaton of High-Energy Neutrinos from the Cosmos: Lessons Learned for Multmessenger Astronomy (Francis Halzen)

The First Results of PandaX-4T ( Jianglai Liu on behalf of the PandaX Collaboraton)

XRISM: X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (Makoto S Tashiro and the XRISM Team)

The SVOM Mission ( J-L Ateia, B Cordier and J Wei on behalf of the SVOM Collaboraton)

Quantum Field Theory with Boundary Conditons at the Horizons (Gerard ‘t Hoof)

The Development of General Relatvity and the Cosmological Constant ( Asghar Qadir)

The Irreducible Mass of Christodoulou-Rufni-Hawking Mass Formula (Yuan K Ha)

Reshaping Our Understanding on Structure Formaton with the Quantum Nature of the Dark Mater (C R Argüelles, E A Becerra-Vergara, A Krut et al.)

First Results of LHAASO (Ruo-Yu Liu for the LHAASO Collaboraton)

On the MG16 Awards 2021 (Remo Rufni)

The White Dwarf Binary Merger Model of GRB 170817A ( J A Rueda, R Rufni, Liang Li et al.)

• Parallel Sessions:

◊ Accreton

MHD Processes Near Compact Objects (Sergey Moiseenko)

Accreton Discs and Jets ( Audrey Trova and Shokoufe Faraji)

◊ Actve Galactc Nuclei

The Black Hole in M87 (Brian Punsly and Jorge Rueda)

Machine Learning in Astronomy: AGN, Transient Events, Cosmology and Others (Rahim Moradi and Yu Wang)

Multwavelength and Mult-Messenger Observatons of Actve Galactc Nuclei (Paolo Giommi and Narek Sahakyan)

◊ Alternatve Theories

Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (Yi-Fu Cai and Wentao Luo)

Mathematcal Problems of Relatvistc Physics: Classical and Quantum ( A Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh and Michael Kiessling)

Wormholes, Energy Conditons and Time Machines (Francisco Lobo and Diego Rubiera-Garcia)

Theories of Gravity: Alternatves to the Cosmological and Partcle Standard Models (Stefano Bellucci and Orlando Luongo)

Conformal Dilaton Gravity and Related Issues (Reinoud Jan Slagter)

Horava-Lifshitz Gravity ( Anzhong Wang)

Ghost-Free Models of Modifed Gravity: Massive Gravity, Horndeski and DHOST Theories, Other Related Models; Their Propertes and Solutons (Dmitry Gal’tsov and Michael Volkov)

• Part B:

◊ Black Holes: Theory and Observatons/Experiments:

Theoretcal and Observatonal Studies of Astrophysical Black Holes ( Alexander Zakharov)

Black Hole Thermodynamics (Hernando Quevedo)

• Black Holes in Alternatve Theories of Gravity ( Juta Kunz and Kamal Hajian)

• Binaries:

◊ Explosive Events Associated with Compact-Object Binary Mergers (Chris Belczynski and Jorge Rueda)

◊ Post-Newtonian and Post-Minkowskian Correctons for Binary Gravitatng Systems ( Johannes Bluemlein)

◊ Multchannel Studies of Nonstatonary Relatvistc Stars (Vladimir Lipunov)

• Boson Stars:

◊ Scalar Fields in Cosmology (Carlos Herdeiro and Alfredo Macias)

• Cosmic Microwave Background:

◊ Cosmic Backgrounds from Radio to Far-IR (Carlo Burigana)

◊ New Horizons in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortons ( Jens Chluba and Andrea Ravenni )

◊ Status of the H₀ and σ₈ Tensions: Theoretcal Models and Model-Independent Constraints ( Joan Solà Peracaula and Adrià Gómez-Valent)

◊ Efects of Primordial Perturbatons Enhancement: From Black Holes Formaton to CMB Anomalies ( Antonio Enea Romano and Krzysztof Turzynski )

• Cosmic Strings:

◊ Cosmic Strings (Reinoud Jan Slagter and Batool Imtaz)

◊ From Cosmic Strings to Superstrings (Carlos Martns and Ivan Rybak)

• Dark Energy and Large Scale Structure:

◊ Dark Energy and the Acceleratng Universe ( Alexei Starobinky and David Polarski )

◊ Cosmography with Gravitatonal Lensing (Claudio Grillo and Mimoza Hafzi )

• Dark Mater:

◊ Interactng Dark Mater (Nikolaos Mavromatos)

◊ Dark Mater Searches with Liquid Xenon and Argon Detectors and Self Gravitatng Systems and Dark Mater (Marco Merafna and Soroush Shakeri and She-Sheng Xue)

◊ Dark Mater: Beyond ΛCDM (Carlos Argüelles and Andreas Krut)

◊ Dark Mater and Rare Processes (Carlos Rita Bernabei and Zurab Berezhiani )

◊ The Nature of Galactc Halos (Francesco De Paolis and Asghar Qadir)

• Part C:

◊ Educaton:

Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School Students (David Blair and Mateo Luca Ruggiero)

◊ Exact Solutons:

Exact Solutons in Four and Higher Dimensions (David Blair and Mateo Luca Ruggiero)

Exact Solutons (Including Higher Dimensions) (Susan Scot)

◊ Early Universe:

Quantum Fields ( Andrei Lebed )

Topological Methods, Global Existence Problems, and Spacetme Singularites (Spiros Cotsakis)

The Early Universe (Stefano Ansoldi)

◊ Fundamental Interactons and Stellar Evoluton: Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: The Borexino Experiment (Giampaolo Bellini, Dmitry Naumov, Gioacchino Ranucci, Gemma Testera)

Rotaton in Stellar Evoluton (Georges Meynet)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


◊ Fast Transients:

What Can We Learn from a Growing Sample of Fast Radio Bursts? (Duncan Lorimer, Victoria Kaspi and Bing Zhang)

Non Standard Cosmological Probes (Duncan Lorimer, Victoria Kaspi and Bing Zhang)

Photospheric Emission in GRBs (Gregory Vereshchagin and Damien Bégué)

High and Very High Energy Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (Francesco Longo and Fabian Schüssler)

Electromagnetc Counterparts of Compact Binary Mergers ( Jonathan Granot and Paz Beniamini )

Unusual and New Types of Gamma-Ray Bursts (Binbin Zhang)

Gamma-Ray Burst Correlatons: Observatonal Challenges and Theoretcal Interpretaton (Maria Giovanna Dainot and Liang Li )

GRB 170817A and Binary Models (Marica Branchesi and Giulia Strata)

Binary-Driven Hypernovae of Type 1, 2 and 3 (Carlo Luciano Bianco, Christan Cherubini and Simoneta Filippi )

◊ Gravitatonal Waves:

Sources of Gravitatonal Waves (Andrew Melatos)

Mid-frequency GravitatonalWaves (0.1–10 Hz):

Sources and Detecton Methods (Wei-Tou Ni )

Numerical Relatvity and Gravitatonal Wave

Observatons (Nigel Bishop)

◊ High Energy:

Very High Energy Gamma Rays (Razmik Mirzoyan and Alessandro De Angelis)

Future Missions for High-Energy Astrophysics (Filippo Frontera and Shaolin Xiong)

The SRG Mission: First Results from eROSITA and ARTXC (Andrea Merloni )

eXTP — Enhanced X-Ray Timing and Polarimetry

Mission (Marco Feroci and Fangjun Lu)

Observatons of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays (Ivan De Mitri and Fabio Gargano)

• Part D:

◊ History of Relatvity:

The “Fall and Rise” of Betelgeuse (Costantno Sigismondi )

History of Relatvity, Gravitaton and Cosmology (Luis Crispino)

Time and Philosophy in Physics (Shokoufe Faraji )

◊ Neutron Stars:

Dense Mater in Compact Stars (Alessandro Drago and Jorge Rueda)

Compact Stars as Laboratories for Testng Strong

Gravity (Aurora Perez Martnez and César Augusto Zen Vasconcellos)

Pulsar Power in Physics and Astrophysics and Pulsars and Pulsar Systems at High Energies (Andrea Possent and Pak-Hin Tam)

◊ Precision Tests:

Gravitatonal Lensing and Shadows (Perlick Volker and Oleg Tsupko)

Experimental Gravitaton (Angela di Virgilio and Claus Lammerzahl )

Variaton of the Fundamental Constants, Tests of the Fundamental Symmetries and Probes of the Dark Sector (Angela Victor Flambaum and Yevgeny Stadnik)

Dragging is Never Draggy: MAss and CHarge Flows in GR (Oldrich Semerak)

◊ Quantum Gravity:

Loop Quantum Gravity (Marcin Kisielowski and Jerzy Lewandowski )

Quantum Gravity Phenomenology (Giovanni AmelinoCamelia and Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman)

Loop Quantum Gravity: Cosmology and Black Holes ( Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh)

◊ Strong Field:

Strong Electromagnetc and Gravitatonal Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe (Sang Pyo Kim and She-Sheng Xue)

The Efects of (Non)Linear Electrodynamics on the Propertes of Astrophysical/Gravitatonal Compact Objects (Seyed Hossein Hendi )

◊ White Dwarfs: White Dwarf Explosions (Robert Fisher and María Pilar Ruiz Lapuente)

White Dwarfs, Magnetc Compact Stars and Nuclear Astrophysics (Manuel Malheiro and Jaziel Goulart Coelho)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering

3rd Editon


“This book is an outstanding collecton of essental informaton about accelerator physics and design. For those working with accelerators, it would be a very handy source of essental practcal informaton on the design and operaton of linear and circular accelerators for high-energy physics and synchrotron radiaton.”

IEEE Electrical Insulaton Magazine


Edited by internatonally recognized authorites in the feld, this expanded and updated new editon of the bestselling Handbook, containing many new artcles, is aimed at the design and operaton of modern partcle accelerators. t is intended as a vade mecum or pro essional engineers and ph sicists engaged in these sub ects. With a collecton o more than 2000 e uatons, 300 illustratons and 500 graphs and tables, here one will fnd, in additon to common ormulae o previous compilatons, hard to fnd, speciali ed ormulae, recipes and material data pooled rom the li etme e perience o man o the world s most able practoners o the art and science o accelerators.

he seven chapters include both theoretcal and practcal ma ers as well as an e tensive glossar o accelerator t pes. Chapters on beam d namics and electromagnetc and nuclear interactons deal with linear and nonlinear single partcle and collectve e ects including spin moton, beam environment, beam beam, beam electron, beam ion and intrabeam interactons. he impedance concept and related calculatons are dealt with at length as are the instabilites due to the various interactons mentoned. chapter on operatonal consideratons including discussions on the assessment and correcton o orbit and optcs errors, realtme eedbacks, generaton o short photon pulses, bunch compression, phase space e change, tuning o normal and superconductng linacs, energ recover linacs, ree electron lasers, cr ogenic vacuum s stems, stead state microbuching, cooling, space charge compensaton, brightness o light sources, collider luminosit optmi aton and collision schemes, machine learning, multple re uenc r s stems, EL seeding, ultra ast electron di racton, and Gamma actor . Chapters on mechanical and electrical consideratons present material data and important aspects o component design including heat trans er and re rigeraton. Hardware s stems or partcle sources, eedback s stems, confnement, including undulators, and acceleraton (both normal and superconductng) receive detailed treatment in a sub s stems chapter, beam measurement and apparatus being treated therein as well.

detailed name and sub ect inde is provided together with reliable re erences to the literature where the most detailed in ormaton available on all sub ects treated can be ound.

February 2023

£165 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-917-2

£75 | S C E 978 98 27 0 5 4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 950pp

Type: Handbook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: Partcle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields

Electrical Electronic Engineering

Keywords: Partcle ccelerators

ccelerator Engineering Colliders

S nchrotrons etatron C clotrons

Readership: Ph sicists, engineers and practtoners in accelerator science

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• eam namics

• Electromagnetc and uclear nteractons

• peratonal and esign Consideratons

• echanical Consideratons

• Electrical Consideratons

• Subs stems

• uthor nde

• Sub ect nde

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Discontnuous Phase Transitons in Condensed Mater

Symmetry Breaking in Bulk Martensite, Quasiperiodic and LowDimensional Nanostructures

Key Features

• espite a long histor and considerable progress in the feld, no new ttles have recentl appeared on the corresponding topic o this ttle

• mportantl , this book will be the frst publicaton which presents the current status o the phenomenological theor o phase transitons in its entre but compact orm, making this a uni ue te tbook on the sub ect

• he book will prove help ul to a wide audience o students, researchers, and lecturing pro essors

• he book o ers not onl new domains o applicabilit (such as martensitc trans ormatons, cr stalli aton o the cr stalline and aperiodic bulk materials, comple uids or viruses) where the theor demonstrates its e cienc , but it also e uips the investgator with the necessar methods and theoretcal tools to control and manage their e periments


Discontnuous (frst-order) phase transitons consttute the most fundamental and widespread type of structural transitons existng in Nature, forming a large majority of the transitons found in elemental crystals, alloys, inorganic compounds, minerals and complex fuids. Nevertheless, only a small part of them, namely, weakly discontnuous transformatons, were considered by phenomenological theories, leaving aside the most interestng from a theoretcal point of view and the most important for applicaton cases. Discontnuous Phase

Transitons in Condensed Mater introduces a densit wave approach to phase transitons which results in a unifed, s mmetr based, model ree theor o the weak cr stalli aton o molecular mi tures to li uid cr stalline mesophases, strongl discontnuous cr stalli aton rom molten metals and allo s to conventonal, ull segregated cr stals, to aperiodic, uasi cr stalline structures. ssembl o aperiodic closed virus capsids with non cr stallographic s mmetr also alls into the domain o applicabilit o the densit wave approach.

he book also considers the applicabilit domains o the s mmetr based approach in ph sics o low dimensional s stems. t includes comparisons o stabilit o di erent sur ace superstructures and metal monoatomic coverage structures on the sur ace o single cr stalline substrates. he e ample o the twisted graphene bila er demonstrates how parametri aton in the spirit o an advanced phenomenological approach can establish s mmetr controlled, and there ore model ree, links between geometrical parameters o the twisted bila er structure and reconstructon o its rillouin one and energ bands.

February 2023

£125 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 29 4

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 438pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: Condensed a er Ph sics General aterials Science anomaterials nd anostructures

Keywords: Phase ransiton

Phenomenological heor Condensed a er Structural rans ormaton

S mmetr Group heor ransiton rder Parameter econstructve Phase ransiton artensitc rans ormaton

Pol t pism rder isorder rans ormaton ensit Waves rder

Parameter Space hermod namics isplacive rans ormaton

Cr stalli aton Li uid Solid ransiton periodic Structure uasicr stal irus

Capsid onoatomic La er Sur ace econstructon ila er Graphene oire Pa ern

Readership: Suitable or both undergraduate and advanced courses o condense ma er ph sics, and academic researchers in the feld o materials science. lso suitable or researchers and engineers working in metal ph sics and metallurg

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com


• Phenomenological heor o Weakl iscontnuous Phase ransitons

• S mmetr Predicted iscontnuous Phase ransitons

• Phase ransitons in Cr stals Classes and pes

• dvanced Phenomenological heor o iscontnuous Phase ransitons

• isplacive econstructve Phase ransitons

• rdering pe econstructve Phase ransitons

• Phase ransitons rom sotropic State Cr stalli aton

• Phase ransitons in Low imensional Structures

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Confrontng the Enigma of Time

Key Features

• he book shows that man o the issues which arise in understanding tme occur when tme is treated as i it is the same ph sical uantt in ever applicaton

• he reader will gain an increased awareness o tme and its place in our understanding o nature


Time played the role of a monotonically increasing evoluton parameter in classical Newtonian mechanics. Einstein re ected the ewtonian concept and identfed tme as the ourth coordinate o a space tme our vector. oda , scientsts are considering di erent concepts o tme as a means o resolving incompatbilites between relatvit and uantum mechanics. or e ample, some view tme as an emergent propert o a s stem rather than a undamental propert . lternatvel , others are considering two temporal variables. he purpose o this book is to e amine the role o tme in modern ph sics.


John R Fanchi has a Ph in ph sics rom the Universit o Houston and is the author o a variet o books in the areas o ph sics, earth science, mathematcs, and engineering. He was co ounder and frst President o the nternatonal ssociaton or elatvistc namics. He has worked in the energ industr , and has taught courses in energ , engineering, and ph sics at e as Christan Universit ( CU), Colorado School o ines (CS ), and the Universit o ulsa. His books include Parametri ed elatvistc uantum heor ( 993, Kluwer), Shared Earth odeling (2002, u erworth Heinemann), Energ echnolog and irectons or the uture (2004, Elsevier cademic), ath e resher or Scientsts and Engineers (2006, 3rd editon), Energ in the 2 st Centur (4th editon, 20 7, World Scientfc), Principles o pplied eservoir Simulaton (20 8, 4th editon, Elsevier), he Goldilocks Polic he asis or a Grand Energ argain (20 9, World Scientfc), and eason, aith, and Purpose he Ultmate Gamble (202 , World Scientfc).

February 2023

£45 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 3 8 8

£20 | S C E 978 8006 334

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 2 0pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: General Ph sics (Popular eading) General Science Histor Science Popular Science stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Partcle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields elatvit nd Gravitaton uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Keywords: ime Enigma o ime

Classical Ph sics Special elatvit Parado es General elatvit Gravit cton at a istance uantum heor Standard odel o Partcle Ph sics

Cosmolog E panding Universe n aton n atonar Cosmolog

uantum Gravit ime s rrow elatvistc namics ewtonian ime

Einsteinian ime inkowski ime

Historical ime

Readership: General public. lso suitable or undergraduate students, graduate students, acult and researchers in the felds o histor o science, philosoph o science, general ph sics etc

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• ntroducton

• Introducton to the Enigma of Time:

Time from Prehistory to the Ancient Greeks

Time from Ptolemy to Kepler

Newton and Maxwell

• Einsteinian Time:

Einstein’s Special Relatvity

Paradoxes of Special Relatvity

Gravity and Acton at a Distance

General Relatvity

• Cosmology and the Infatonary Universe: Introducton to Modern Cosmology

Evidence for the Expanding Universe

Physics of the Subatomic Scale

Prelude to the Big Bang

The Infatonary Universe

• The Future of Time:

Time’s Arrow

Time: Death or Rebirth?

Historical Time

Epilogue — Resolving the Enigma of Time

• End otes

• Dates

• e erences

• nde

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Politcs of Climate Change

Crises, Conventons and Cooperaton

Swaran Singh

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Reena Marwah

University of Delhi, India

Key Features

• Presents a uni ue blend o theor , polic and initatves or mitgatng the impacts o climate change

• Crit ues e istng literature and discourses on climate change

• Cr stallises ideas about the in uence and impact o human actons on natural catastrophes

• Elucidates the narratves in developed and developing countries where people are startng to accept that their actons can contribute to a collectve result on a global scale

• irrors the s nergies re uired or climate related acton and climate governance and their critcal anal ses


The year 2020 was a watershed event in the history of climate change politcs. t marked the end o the second commitment period o the K oto Protocol and the beginning o the ambitous Paris greement. t was also the ear o the pandemic, where the disrupton caused severe implicatons on a global scale. he pandemic also brought be ore the world the severit and scale o the transboundar challenges in a globall interconnected world. t e posed the weaknesses o the global insttutons and governance structures in tackling the comple and imminent threat o climate change.

s states prepare or the uture o global climate change negotatons post the C P26 event o 202 , there has been a signifcant shi in the politcs o climate change at all levels. he negotatons took place in the shadows o the pandemic, which has challenged the politcal letharg and non commi al a tudes o states on the climate change ueston.

Unlike in the past, climate change is now a hot issue on the politcal high tables. t has also spilled outside these negotatng spaces and into the public sphere. Whether it is the school strikes led b children or the indigenous struggles o marginali ed populatons, the politcs o climate change toda is ar more diverse, representatve, and actve. t the same tme, we can witness the shi s in the state s understanding o the problem, which is actvel in uiring about its securit and geopolitcal dimensions. he boundaries between traditonal and non traditonal threats to securit are ge ng blurred as climate change, and its m riad impacts wreak havoc on ecos stem resilience, the state s wel are capacit , and people s ever da lives.

Hence, this volume seeks to decipher the nature o global climate change politcs in the post pandemic and climate insecure world. Who will be its main actors, main stakeholders, and losers How will uestons o e uit , sustainabilit , and fnance interpla at the C P26 event and therea er How will developing and poor countries engage with the issue in the ne t phase o climate politcs inall , how will the ambiton o the Paris greement, which is re ected in the language o net ero targets and the two degrees Celsius temperature goals, be brought into acton


Dr Swaran Singh is Chairman and Pro essor, Centre or nternatonal Politcs, rganisaton and isarmament (C P ), School o nternatonal Studies, awaharlal ehru Universit ( ew elhi), President o ssociaton o sia Scholars ( ew elhi), ember, Governing od , Societ o ndian cean Studies ( ew elhi).

Reena Marwah ( .Phil, elhi Universit Ph , ndia, nternatonal usiness) is Pro essor, esus and ar College, elhi Universit .

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Climate Change Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic nternatonal elatons

Keywords: nthropocene Climate Change Governance Climate cton U CC isasters Ha ards, Human Securit igraton Politcs

Environmental egradaton Sustainable obilit Carbon Emissions Carbon Leakage Clean Energ Green Energ

Carbon ootprint C P26 shore enewable Energ Strateg Common ut i erentated esponsibilites

Environmental Polic

Readership: Academics and students interested in environmental studies, climate change, climate securit and societ , sian Studies, governance, and polic studies

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-374-3

• Politcs o Climate Change ccords and iscord (Swaran Singh and Reena Marwah)

• Issues:

All Ships Are Not Raised: The Politcs of Climate Disasters in the Anthropocene (Saurabh Thakur)

Climatc Politcs of Non-state Actors in the Post-pandemic Era: Insights from Eco-cinema of the Global South (Anand Sreekumar)

Climate Change as a New Area of Sino — Quad Competton: Pacifc Islands Perspectves (Artyom A Garin)

Politcal Economy of River Ecocide in Bangladesh: A Study in the Context of Dhaleshwari River (Rabby Us Suny, Oliver Tirtho Sarkar, and Md Abid Hasan)

Challenges of Space Debris and Space Drag: Building an Internatonal Climate Change Regime (Swast Rao & Kunwar

Alkendra Pratap Singh)

• Insttutons and Initatves:

Climate Acton by the European Union: Making the European Green Deal a Reality (Kakoli Sengupta)

Internatonal Solar Alliance: Testng a New Framework to Approach Energy Shortage (Claudia Astarita and Julius Hulshof )

Multlateralism Eforts in Asia: What’s the Way Forward? (Prathit Singh, Namit Mahajan, Ritvick Khanna)

• Climate Change Narratves with a Focus on India:

nternatonal Climate Governance ndian Perspectves (Chaitra C )

Policies as nstruments in Promotng Sustainable evelopment Limitng the Climate Change ssues in ndia (Sheeraz Ahmad Alaie)

he mpact o rida s or uture ovement in ndian Politcs (Sonia Roy)

Emerging ndian Partnerships in Climate Change with Special e erence to Covid 9 Era ( Adit Basu)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Singapore Ageing Issues and Challenges Ahead

S Vasoo

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore

Bilveer Singh

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore

Key Features

Srinivasan Chokkanathan

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore

• Caters to the rising interest on the issues o ageing in Singapore, in light o the naton s gre ing populaton

• aises the socio economic implicatons arising rom an ageing demograph

• ddresses the more comple viewpoints and artculaton b seniors and other interest groups or social and healthcare services

• Contributed b e perienced pro essionals dealing with ageing issues


Ageing is a part of life that all Singaporeans must face and, in fact, all families will have their next of kins undergoing that life stage. Singapore geing assembles a team o researchers, administrators, practtoners, advocates and academics rom varied social service and care sectors, to share their thoughts, concerns and uture challenges aced b an ageing Singapore in di erent arenas.

With the Singapore demograph showing a gre ing trend, it is increasingl vital or the government and the social, health and economic sectors to meet the needs o an ageing naton. he appropriate services and support have to be in place to respond to the issues aced b seniors. his edited volume serves as a use ul resource or those who are working or researching in the feld o ageing.


Editor, Dr S Vasoo is Emeritus Pro essor o atonal Universit o Singapore. He obtained his octorate and aster o Social Work rom the Universit o Hong Kong and holds a iploma in Social Studies with distncton rom the Universit o Singapore. He authored several monographs on social issues and has published various artcles both internatonall and locall . He was awarded the Honorar Li e ember o the Singapore ssociaton o Social Workers or his outstanding contributons to social work in Singapore. He was the ember o Parliament rom 984 to 200 and served as Chairman o Government Parliamentar Commi ee or Communit evelopment. He is dvisor to a number o voluntar wel are organisatons in Singapore and actvel involved in communit development work and actvites.

Co Editor, Associate Professor Bilveer Singh who teaches and is eput Head in the epartment o Politcal Science, atonal Universit o Singapore and an d unct Senior ellow at the Centre o E cellence or atonal Securit , S a aratnam School o nternatonal Studies, an ang echnological Universit , presents chapter 2 on Singapore and the Politcs o geing n verview.

Co Editor, ssociate Professor Srinivasan Chokkanathan is currentl undertaking research work in elderl wel are, elder abuse and management, service deliver and polic issues or care o elderl . r Srinivasan graduated with Ph rom atonal Universit o Singapore and completed his postgraduate Phil stud in Ps chiatric Social Work rom atonal ndian nsttute o ental Health.

February 2023

£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-518-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 350pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit Politcal Science Polic Studies

Public Polic Singapore Collecton sian Politcs Societ Southeast sia

Keywords: Singapore geing Populaton geing geing ssues geing

Heathcare Critcal Care ged Policies

Elderl Care

Readership: Undergraduates and researchers stud ing ageing issues and those working in social service, healthcare and communit development sectors

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Social and Healthcare ssues o Singapore geing Some mplicatons and Challenges (S Vasoo)

• Singapore and the Politcs o geing n verview (Bilveer Singh)

• amil Policies, amil elatonships and lder dults (Kalyani K Metha)

• rganisaton and eliver o Long term Care in Singapore Present ssues and uture Challenges (Kalyani K Metha and S Vasoo)

• uilding Social etwork or lder dults aton wide nitatve b the Singapore Silver Generaton ce (Corrine Ghoh and Andrew Sim)

• ssues and Challenges o igitsaton in geing Singapore (Tan Tai Kiat)

• eaching ut to Elderl Living lone ightening the odes (R Jai Prakash)

• n ormaton echnolog s ole in geing and Communit Service ( Jedi Pan Zhengxiang)

• Productve geing E amining Conceptual and Empirical ssues (Peter Sun and Nancy Morrow-Howell )

• ata anagement and nal sis in the Social Service Sectors (Leong Chang Hoon and Angelica Ang Ting Yi)

• geing in Singapore and the sian Conte t (Srinivasan Chokkanathan)

• Ever End e uires a Planning End o Li e ssues mong lder dults (Lee Geok Ling and Chee Wai Yee)

• Conclusion (S Vasoo and Bilveer Singh)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Cyber Laundering

Internatonal Policies and Practces

Key Features

• his book is a compilaton o artcles rom worldwide academics and pro essionals speciali ing in and Law as well as inancial crimes


This book illustrates current cyber laundering practces and the underlying risks associated with them, such as cross-border crimes and terrorism fnancing. espite the e istence o internatonal regulatons and strong worldwide cooperaton, countermeasures and internatonal response e orts are o en hindered b en orcement and urisdictonal issues, as well as online asset recover comple it .

his work investgates the blockages to the accomplishment o c ber laundering regulaton and en orcement at the internatonal level. t provides strong legal recommendatons or ostering the constructon o more e cient means o implementaton.


Dr Nathalie Rébé holds a octorate in usiness dministraton ( ) rom Paris School o usiness, and a octorate in uridical Science ( S ) on inancial Crimes rom homas e erson School o Law (US ). She has partcipated in various internatonal con erences as an academic author, and taught both nternatonal Criminal Law, and usiness dministraton universit level courses. With a postgraduate iploma in C ber Law rom the Universit o ontpellier, r b s research and publicatons ocus on ew echnologies, Securit , Privac , and egulator a ers.

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 282 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 278pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit igital Securit General Economics nternatonal inance

Keywords: one Laundering C ber Laundering irtual Currencies irtual sset itcoin e nline Casinos ark Web Gaming errorism sset ecover urisdicton egulatons Cooperaton En orcement Gambling rtfcial ntelligence ew echnologies nternet C ber Crime ata

Readership: ntended or inance, and Law postgraduate students. lso use ul or researchers, law ers and polic makers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• Editorial ote

• ntroducton (Nathalie Rébé)

• Virtual Laundering Practces: Turning Cash to Cryptocurrency (Eric Fulton)

Combatng Blockchain-Enabled Crime (Mansoor Ahmed-Rengers)

Online Casinos: Artfcial Intelligence and Money Laundering (Fausto Martn De Sancts)

Not A Game: The Need to Harmonize a Global Regulatory Approach to Combat Money Laundering via Virtual Assets in Massively Multplayer Online games (Mikhail Reider-Gordon)

Malicious Financial Actvites in the Dark web — the Extent of the Informaton and the Knowledge (Tal Pavel)

Cyber Terrorism and Organized Crime (Georg Thomas)

• Countermeasures and Internatonal Response: Evoluton o Legal and egulator esponses to one laundering isks elated to s EU and US E amples (Tanya Gibbs)

Worldwide Cooperaton and En orcement ssues (Benjamin Musau)

nt C berlaundering he nclusion o irtual sset Service Providers ( SPs) ( Jennifer Palpacuer, Benjamin Aouizerat)

Cr ptocurrencies sset ecover ultdimensional pproach (Stavros Katsios & Ioannis Blatsos)

Prosecutng ransnatonal C bercrimes rom erritorial Sovereignt to ew urisdictons, the Swiss E perience (Ludovic Tirell i)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com •

Towards a Sustainable Arctc

Internatonal Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping

Key Features

• Global viewpoints

• he book is State o the art with the most recent anal sis on shipping, securit , and natural resources available with an interdisciplinar approach connectng economic, securit , environment and engineering with a number o chapters including impacts o the ussian invasion o Ukraine to their sub ect ma er

• he maps which depict various scenarios re ect state o the art research

• Contributors are well established as well as newer scholars with respect to studies in the rctc

• Uni ue maps and fgures rom the authors


The Arctc is changing quickly: environmentally, economically, and politcally, without sustainable politcal and military cooperaton because of the conficts of interest among the stakeholders. ussia, Canada, the United States, the ordic states, and non rctc states such as China, apan, and others see the economic benefts rom the region but struggle with addressing the securit challenges and the potental environmental impact o actvites conducted there. his book provides a snapshot o the areas connectng transport, environmental securit , resource development, and militar securit with contributons wri en in 202 and others wri en a er ussia s second invasion o Ukraine.


Michael Goodsite is Pro essor o Civil and Environmental Engineering and the inaugural irector o he nsttute or Sustainabilit , Energ and esources ( SE ) at the Universit o delaide. He is a on esident Senior esearch ellow at nsttute or Securit evelopment Polic , where he led its rctc China research theme. He is an e perienced e pediton leader to the rctc with circumpolar feld e perience. He directed the ordic Centre o E cellence or Strategic daptaton esearch ( CoE S ) and conducted environmental studies at rctc bases. ormal ualifcatons include ScCE, ScEnvE, , Ph E ust, CPEng (Civil Environmental anagement Leadership), EngE ec, E , PEC Engineer, ntPE( us), UP C, us , C . Pro essor Goodsite is a ormer US and militar o cer.

Niklas Swanström is irector o the nsttute or Securit and evelopment Polic , and one o its co ounders. He is a ellow at the oreign Polic nsttute o the Paul H it e School o dvanced nternatonal Studies (S S), Senior ssociate ellow at the talian nsttute or nternatonal Politcal Studies and a guest lecturer at Universit o Pavia. His main areas o e pertse are con ict preventon, con ict management and regional cooperaton Chinese oreign polic and securit in ortheast sia he Korean Peninsula, the elt and oad nitatve, traditonal and non traditonal securit threats and its e ect on regional and natonal securit as well as negotatons. His ocus is mainl on ortheast sia, Central sia and Southeast sia.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 2 4pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: nternatonal elatons

nternatonal rade usiness General General nterest aritme Studies

Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Securit Studies errorism Social ssues Human Securit

Keywords: rctc Shipping Securit Sustainable Growth Climate Change aritme outes ining esource evelopment rms ace rade

ilitar ases ilitari aton inorites

n rastructure Search nd escue aps eltng o ce eceding

ce Environmental egradaton

Environmental daptaton Climate Change daptaton ransport ce reakers Competton esearch

Cooperaton Stalemate Polit aton

Polar egion Geopolitcal ension

China ussia ordic States rctc Council US

Readership: rctc scholars and scholars o regional securit and climate change global polic . lso use ul or sian scholars interested in the rctc

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com
£70 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 32 8

• Securit namics n, hrough, and ver the rctc egion

• Comprehensive Securit Prere uisite or Sustainable evelopment

• ncreased aritme outes in the rctc and heir Securit mpact

• ussia in the ew rctc

• ordic States, rctc Council and sian Powers Polar, Powers and Politcs

• rctc Shipping Economic and Environmental ssessments

• Shipping in the rctc is Climate Change a Game Changer

• enefts and pportunites o ero Emission Shipping in the rctc

• Structured nal sis o Sustainabilit in rctc ransport Studies

• nal sis o Supplier evelopment Strategies or Climate Change itgaton and daptaton

• he uture o Shipping inerals rom the rctc

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

Regulatng Cyber Technologies

Privacy vs Security

Key Features

• his book is a compilaton o artcles rom worldwide academics and pro essionals speciali ing in and Law as well as inancial crimes


Regulatng cyber maters is a complex task, as cyberspace is an intricate world full of new threats related to a person’s identty, fnance, and private informaton. lgorithm manipulaton, hate crimes, c ber laundering, and data the are strong menaces in the c ber world. ew technologies are generatng both privac and securit issues involving anon mit , cross border transactons, virtual communicatons and assets, among others.

his book is a collecton o works b e perts on c ber ma ers and legal consideratons that need addressing in a tmel manner. t comprises cross disciplinar knowledge that is pooled to this end. isk mitgaton tools, including c ber risk management, data protecton regulatons, as well as ethical practce guidelines are reviewed in detail.

he regulator issues associated with new technologies along with emergent challenges in the feld o c bersecurit that re uire improved regulator rameworks are considered. We probe ethical, material, and en orcement threats, thus revealing the inade uac o current legal practces. o address these shortcomings, we propose new regulator privac and securit guidelines that can be implemented to deal with the new technologies and c ber ma ers.


Dr Nathalie Rébé holds a octorate in usiness dministraton ( ) rom Paris School o usiness, and a octorate in uridical Science ( S ) on inancial Crimes rom homas e erson School o Law (US ). She has partcipated in various internatonal con erences as an academic author, and taught both nternatonal Criminal Law, and usiness dministraton universit level courses. With a postgraduate iploma in C ber Law rom the Universit o ontpellier, r b s research and publicatons ocus on ew echnologies, Securit , Privac , and egulator a ers.

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 285 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 252pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic igital Securit nternatonal inance

Keywords: ew echnologies C ber Privac Securit egulaton lgorithm C ber Laundering Hate Crimes ata he dentt isk anagement non mit ata Protecton Ethical Hacking C bersecurit ark Web Polic C 9

Readership: ntended or postgraduate students in and Law. lso use ul or academics, researchers and polic makers

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

• bstract

• Editorial ote

• List o Contributors

• cron ms

• List o igures

• ntroducton

• he Latest Challenges in the C bersecurit ield (Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Costel Ciuchi, Gabriel Petrică)

• Governance o C berspace El orado o States and Private ctors (Dragos Nicolae Costescu)

• efning C ber isk anagement b ectves (Sérgio Nunes)

• ata Protecton Concerns in Emerging echnologies ( Jorge Alan García Bazán)

• iometric echnolog and User dentt (Steven Furnell )

• atonal C ber Policies tude towards igital Privac (Tal Pavel )

• oo uch n ormaton S in Criminal nvestgatons and the Erosion o Privac (Mikhail Reider-Gordon)

• he alance o pinion in Social edia egulaton egime Stabilit and isk in emocratc and on democratc aton States (Vignesh Ram)

• Children, ata Collecton and Privac s the Sa eguarding allac a ustfcaton or E cessive egulaton and an Erosion o Human ights ( Andy Phippen)

• Privac and Securit o Health ata What s at Stake (Elena Lazar)

• Hate Speech Comparatve nal sis o the United States and Europe (M Margaret McKeown, Dan Shefet)

• C ber isks, ark Web and one Laundering (Fausto Martn De Sancts)

• iscussing egulaton or Ethical Hackers (Georg Thomas)

World Scientfc Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientfc.com

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Articles inside

Regulatng Cyber Technologies

page 243

Cyber Laundering

pages 239-242

Confrontng the Enigma of Time

pages 233-238

Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering

pages 229-232

The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meetng

pages 226-228

Fundamentals of Laser Physics

pages 224-225

The Kaleidoscope of Physics

pages 222-223

The Enchantment of Urania

pages 218-221

How Does Sunshine Become Electricity

pages 216-217

Fundamentals of Electronic Materials and Devices

pages 214-215

The Baby Bear Book

pages 211-213

Aiming at Medicine?

pages 209-210

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

pages 207-208

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

pages 205-206

Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology

pages 203-204

Associatve Algebraic Geometry

pages 199-202

Climate, Chaos and COVID

pages 197-198

A First Course in Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Varietes

pages 195-196

Modern Mathematcal Methods for Scientsts and Engineers

pages 193-194

Dissipatve Latce Dynamical Systems

pages 191-192

Perspectves in Scalar Curvature

pages 187-190

Energy Materials

pages 185-186

The Ultmate Guide to Doing a PhD

pages 179-183

The Wisdom of Solomon

pages 175-178

Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites

pages 169-174

Modeling and Parameter Extracton Techniques of Silicon-Based Radio Frequency Devices

pages 165-168

Graph Theory and Mobile Communicatons

pages 163-164

Screen Smart

pages 159, 161

The Great Depression

pages 151-153, 155, 157

Advanced Statstcs for Health Research

pages 149-150

Internatonal Development Cooperaton and Aid Management Theory

pages 145-148

Artfcial Intelligence for Science

pages 143-144

Applicatons of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Catalytc Studies

pages 141-142

Complete Guide to the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method in GAMESS

pages 139-140

Time to Rethink Risk Management

pages 135-138

Climate-Smart Innovaton

pages 133-134

Governance and Financial Performance

pages 131-132

Managing Informaton Technology Projects

pages 129-130

A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving

pages 127-128

Decoding the Rise of Made-In-China

pages 125-126

Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

pages 121-124

China Change and Confucian “Benevolence”

pages 119-120

Beyond the Handshake

pages 117-118

Crisis Leadership and Public Governance during the COVID–19 Pandemic Internatonal Comparisons

pages 113-116

Principles of Astrophotonics

pages 109-112

Artfcial Intelligence in Radiaton Oncology

pages 107-108

The Enchantment of Urania

pages 105-106

How Does Sunshine Become Electricity

pages 103-104


pages 99-102

The Reasoning of Traditonal Chinese Medicine

pages 97-98

Pete’s Bogus Journey

pages 95-96

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

pages 93-94

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

pages 91-92

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

pages 89-90

Study of Linear and Nonlinear Models with “Mathematca”

pages 85-88

Modeling and Simulaton for Collectve Dynamics

pages 83-84

Models and Methods for Quantum Condensaton

pages 81-82

Stochastc Komatu–Loewner Evolutons

pages 79-80

Internatonal & Multdisciplinary Pedagogy

pages 77-78

Analyzing Mathematcal Paterns —

pages 75-76

Introducton to Matrix Theory

pages 73-74

Spatal Dynamics Models in the Life Sciences and the Role of Feedback in Robust Developments

pages 71-72

Perspectves in Scalar Curvature

pages 69-70

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

pages 67-68

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

pages 65-66

The Collected Works of Anatole Katok

pages 63-64

Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites

pages 55-62

Adventures with How More Things Work

pages 47, 49

Adventures in Earth Sciences

page 45

Adventures with Health and the Human Body

page 43

The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ

pages 37, 39, 41

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

page 35

The Legendary Justce Bao

page 31

Internatonal Development Cooperaton and Aid Management Theory

pages 29-30

Optons — 45 Years since the Publicaton of the Black–Scholes–Merton Model

page 27

Complete Guide to the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method in GAMESS

pages 25-26

China versus the US, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa

pages 23-24

Time to Rethink Risk Management

pages 19-22

Climate-Smart Innovaton

pages 17-18

Optmizaton Modeling for Supply Chain Applicatons

pages 15-16

Governance and Financial Performance

pages 13-14

Managing Informaton Technology Projects

pages 11-12

Immigrant Integraton in Contemporary Singapore

pages 9-10

Lion and Dragon Dance in Singapore

pages 7-8

Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revoluton

pages 5-6

Human Values within China’s New-Age Benevolence

pages 3-4

Modernizaton of China’s Agricultural Producton Organizaton

pages 1-2
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