Sixth Form Options Booklet 2021

Page 13


EXAMINATION BOARD: AQA The A Level Chemistry course is designed to introduce pupils to how Chemistry fits into every aspect of their lives and help them to make sense of the world around them. The course involves substantial practical work to consolidate the theoretical content needed and enable pupils to appreciate the wider application of Chemistry.

COURSE CONTENT: Year 1 Atomic Structure, Amount of Substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Equilibria, Redox Reactions, Periodicity, Group 2 and Group 7 Elements, Nomenclature and Isomerism in Organic Chemistry, Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and Organic Analysis. Year 2 Acids and Bases, Compounds Containing the Carbonyl Group, Aromatics, Amines, Amino Acids, Polymers, Organic Synthesis, Structure Determination, Thermodynamics, Transition Metals and Reactions of Inorganic Compounds in Aqueous Solution.

WOULD SUIT: Pupils who have good comprehension, scientific communication and problem-solving skills. A solid grasp of Mathematics would be helpful, but this can be developed throughout the course. Pupils should have a commitment to the subject, be competent in using different techniques to make and record observations, and have an enquiring mind.

ASSESSMENT: Teacher assessed Practical Endorsement throughout the course. The practical skills form a component of the three externally assessed written examinations, sat at the end of the second year of study which assess both years' work.

FURTHER STUDY/CAREERS: A Level Chemistry offers a wide range of transferable skills and is fundamental for many higher education courses, such as Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering, Forensics, Material Sciences, Medicine, Medical Technology and Veterinary Sciences.

Miss H. Townsend 13

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Sixth Form Options Booklet 2021 by King's Bruton - Issuu