Sixth Form Options Booklet 2021

Page 28

Physical Education

EXAMINATION BOARD: AQA The course is not about playing hockey/rugby/netball for five periods a week! The practical elements of the course are closely linked with theoretical understanding and application.

coaching, teaching, sport administration, personal fitness instructor, outdoor pursuits instructor, sports events, groundsman, nutritionist, sports analyst. COURSE CONTENT: • Psychology of sport • Skill acquisition • Exercise physiology and anatomy • Biomechanics • Applied exercise physiology • Contemporary studies in PE and sport.

WOULD SUIT: Prospective candidates should appreciate the need to be able to understand their body, the way it works and responds to exercise, as well as using their own natural sporting ability. A good pass in science is a great advantage in this area of study. Pupils would benefit from an inquisitive mind to study how sports skills are learnt and developed, as well as the effects of the psychology of sport on performance. A willingness to seek out and understand socio-cultural factors that affect sport are very useful attributes. Pupils must be playing/performing a sport/activity to a high standard to achieve good marks in the practical element of the coursework.

ASSESSMENT: Paper 1 (2 hours) 35% Paper 2 (2 hours) 35% Practical coursework (written & practical performance in 1 sport) 30%

FURTHER STUDY/CAREERS: Psychologist, physiotherapy, journalism, sports marketing,

Mr C. A. Barrow 28

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