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Using ‘because’ to express the reason for something



Let’s listen: This American Life (TAL) Today many people say that podcasts are a modern version of old-time radio programs. In her newsletter article Heather Schwedel argues why she loves podcasts. I pretty much always have earbuds in, but it's not because I'm a music obsessive. It’s because I spend every single second I can listening to podcasts. I download news analysis, interviews with celebrities, book club discussions, comedy sketches, and more — there are shows for just about everything you could possibly be interested in. I listen to podcasts because I really love multitasking: I listen while I exercise, ride public transportation, fold laundry, cook, and even read sometimes (though that's not recommended!). If you too want to become a podcast devotee, here are five that will get you totally hooked. I enjoy This American Life (TAL) because some episodes are about everyday subjects you'll know something about — camp, amusement parks, breakups — while others take on topics you had no idea could be so interesting. Read more to find out the most popular podcasts on http://www.teenvogue.com/story/best-podcasts

Check the link and you will find out more about the most popluar podcasts

1  Because Complete the sentences. Some information is not in the text, so try to give your own reason for it. 1. She always has earbuds because ... 2. She downloads book club discussions because ... 3. She listens to podcasts because ...

2  Which is Heather’s favorite? Heather has been interviewed about her favorite podcast she’ll listen to tomorrow. Read her interview and tell your partner what will happen.

4.  She enjoys TAL because ... 5.  She loves multitasking because ... 6.  She is a podcast devotee because ... TIP

We use ‘will’ when we make a prediction based on what we know. It is used with: tomorrow, next week, in 2030.

Example:  She will listen to …. Girls in Hoodies is a delightful weekly discussion. Tomorrow they’ll talk about an indie movie they all saw. I am sure two of the girls in hoodies will disagree completely about whether it was good or not. It’s fun to hear them lay out why they agree or disagree. I know they’ll express their thoughts on the current television series, showing off their wide-ranging knowledge of all things, from reality TV to horror flicks. Hosts are friends, so listening is like eavesdropping with the added bonus that you’ll come away with tons of unusual individual recommendations for things to watch, read, and explore.


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