Everyday English
3 The school uniform Erik tells you about the school uniform. Do you like the style of this school? Why? Why not? Boys school uniform Long grey or black trousers (shorts may be worn in summer). White shirt. School tie (optional in most primary schools). Jumper or sweater with the school logo on. The colour is the choice of the schools. Black shoes.
Girls Girls may wear uniform as boys. Girls may wear skirts during the summer term. Girls often wear summer school dresses.
4 Why wear a uniform? a) Erik likes his uniform. He thinks that wearing a uniform has more pluses than minuses. What’s your opinion? Why wear a uniform? + When we go on a school trip we all look the same and so can’t get lost. + Stops kids worrying about what to wear each day. + Everyone is equal. + Parents don’t have to shop for expensive and varied wardrobes for their children to keep up with or show-off to other children. + Wearing a uniform instills a sense of pride and discipline in students.
Why not to wear a uniform: – Uniforms make students look alike. It’s impossible to express yourself or have your personal identity. – Your opinion.
b) Can you think of other reasons for and against wearing a school uniform?
5 Mediation and communication: Types of British schools a) Artem doesn’t understand what type of school will be better for him. Look at the information in Vocabulary section and answer your friend’s questions about the types of school.
Private school
State school
b) Which school would you like to choose? Give your pros and cons? The benefits of state schools • Public schools get their financing from local, state, and federal government funds, so they cannot charge tuition.
The benefits of independent (private or public ) schools • Private schools must generate their own funding from a variety of sources: tuition, private grants, and fundraising from parents. See Vocabulary section for more information
6 For my folder: Types of schools Write an essay about your school and the school you would like to study at.