Personeel | Personnel
■ Joe DreyerDaar is nog geen antwoorde vanaf die Groter Tzaneense Munisipaliteit (GTM) oor die omvang van skade wat aan hul ingeneursdepartement gerig is ontvang nie. Dit na die onlangse reën die boonste vloer van hul gebou, waar die bouplanne en argiewe geberg word, in Agatha Straat beskadig het.
Bulletin het Februarie die munisipale gebou besoek na ons inligting ontvang het dat die splinternuwe dak wat steeds onder konstruksie is, onder die gewig van die reënwater ingetuimel het. Dit het grootskaalse water skade aan kantoormeubels en elektoniese toerusting meegebring en die moontlikheid bestaan dat daar belangrike dokumente in die argiewe ook beskadig is.

Volgens Vutivi Makhubele, woordvoerder van die GTM, konsolideer die munisipaliteit tans die omvang van die skade en sal sy terug rapporteer oor die finansiële verliese wat gely is as gevolg daarvan.
In reaksie op ‘n amptelike navraag deur Bulletin, het Makhubele gesê die kontrak om die nuwe dak op die munisipale geboue te installeer is aan Mbanga Trading Enterprises toegeken. Die kontrak het verstryk en die kontrakteur werk tans op ‘n verlenging.

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Die waarde van die kontrak was R6 473 615,42. Bulletin het berigte ontvang dat die kontrakteur ‘n aantal EPWP-werkers op die perseel in diens het en volgens Makhubele was dit standaard prosedure. Die “Expanded Public Works Programme” (EPWP) is een van die regering se sleutelprogramme wat daarop gemik is om armoede en inkomsteverligting deur tydelike werk vir werkloses te verskaf. Die EPWP is ‘n landwye program wat alle sfere van regering dek (ter verduideliking is hierdie werkers gekenmerk deur die oranje oorpakke wat aan hulle gegee word om in te werk).
Die munisipale gebou val onder wyk 15 van die munisipaliteit en word deur die DA se wyksraadslid, Chrizelle Dreyer, gediens. Volgens haar het sy ook nog geen terugvoering vanaf haar werkgewers oor die dak-kwessie ontvang nie.
“Ek het tot op hede nog geen antwoorde hieroor gekry nie. Ek kon hulle nog nie sien om dit te bespreek nie, maar hoop om volgende week Maandag of Dinsdag met die betrokke direkteure te sit en antwoorde te kry. Ek het ook die vorderingsverslag in die Infrastruktuur portefeulje aangevra.”
Kriminele slaan tydens beurtkrag toe
Nie net is daar ernstige water probleme in Tzaneen nie, maar met die daaglikse beurtkrag waaronder die inwoners en sakelui gebuk gaan, word die huidige kragprobleme deur diefstal net vererger. In die nuwe industriële gebied, in Industria Straat, is daar deur die loop van die nag ‘n mini-substasie vernietig en die transformer gesteel.

Toe die werkswinkels hul masjienerie Donderdagoggend (gister, die 9de Maart) wou aansit, was daar nie krag nie. Een van die eienaars van ‘n paneelklopper in die area het toe die munisipaliteit laat
weet dat daar nie krag was nie, ten spyte daarvan dat die area nie vir beurtkrag geskeduleer was nie.
“Die man in die beheerkamer was verbaas toe hy hoor dat ons nie krag het nie,” het Wynand de Jager van Motormaster aan Bulletin gesê. “Hy het toe ‘n span uitgestuur en ek is saam met hulle af na die mini-sub toe waar ons op die toneel afgekom het.”
Booswigte, heel moontlik agter die koper binne in die transformator aan, het vermoedelik gewag tot beurtkrag inskop en hul kans gebruik om die transformator uit die mini-substasie te sny en is vort voor die eerste daglig.
“Ons sit nou sonder krag en moet
ons kragopwekkers konstant hardloop om enigsins enige werk gedoen te kry. Dit kos ons reeds in die omgewing van R40 000 ‘n maand aan brandstof en ons het geen idee hoe lank die munisipaliteit nou gaan vat om ons krag te herstel nie, so ons gaan moontlik hierdie maand dubbel ons gemiddelde brandstof verbruik.”
Teen druktyd gistermiddag kon die munisipaliteit nie vir ons ‘n tydlyn gee vir die herstelwerk nie en was die area steeds in die donker gedompel. Besighede wat deur hierdie kriminele negatief geraak word sluit ongeveer helfte van die nuwe industriële gebied in.
Tankers find new hydrants to rape
■ Joe DreyerThe war continues in Tzaneen as the Democratic Alliance takes their fight against the illegal water tankers to the Public Protector in an effort to force the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to take action and protect the water resources of their town.

The DA in Tzaneen laid a compliant with the Public Protector against the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for their negligence to secure water outlets and their failure to provide water to communities.
The ongoing water shortages exacerbated by loadshedding has increased theft of water by syndicates operating under the guise of delivering a service to the rural communities. It has reached levels beyond the extreme, and theft of water from hydrants in the residential areas especially, occur in broad daylight.
“The DA receives multiple complaints from residents daily who are also intimidated by the syndicates,” explained DA Tzaneen Cau cus Leader, Rene Pohl. “We started our own investigations and encouraged residents to report all suspicious activities, and then re ported our findings to the municipality.”

Pohl has on numerous occasions inter vened personally by stopping next to the water tankers as they are in the process of drawing water from the hydrants. Last week alone she laid four charges of theft against the illegal tanker drivers and had their trucks impounded.

When it became apparent in May last year (2022) that the municipality was not going to act, the DA opened two criminal cases of water theft to date; CAS 195/5/2022 in Letsitele and more recently CAS 376/02/2023 in Tzaneen.

“The municipality’s refusal to act raised serious concerns and it became evident that there was no detailed plan in place nor the political will to combat crime. Instead, the municipality’s negligence created an ideal environment for corruption and criminal acts to take place.”
Pohl further reported that on the 3rd of March this year a water tanker engagement session was called by the municipality where it was admitted that the water crisis was out of control. Police assistance was requested, and two water trucks have since been im-
PR Councillor, André Moss on the project. The idea to implement the project in Tzaneen came after it achieved success in Letsitele under the guidance of the DA’s PR Councillor Chrisma Bredenkamp.
“This was not a political play by any means, it was a situation that needed to be resolved and councillors worked together to make this happen,” Dreyer explained. “The money was paid directly to the manufacturer, Sprayrite, which we sourced and who then manufactured these specialist locking mechanisms for us.”
Dreyer said that each of the locks cost R250 to manufacture and to date, more than 20 of these units were purchased with more units already ordered. In the meantime, Rene Pohl has taken over the project with André Moss and they are currently identifying more hydrants that need to be locked by the GTM’s Water Department and Law Enforcement. There was a list of specific hot spots identified and these hydrants were the first to be If any resident notices a problem with a hydrant in their neighbourhood and needs the municipality to fit a lock, they can contact their ward councillor or the water department to make the necessary arrangements,” Dreyer advised.
In conclusion Bulletin asked Councillor Dreyer whether the locking mechanisms had brought about any significant, noticeable change to the behaviour of the water tankers. According to her, the tankers have moved onto new hydrants as the locks were fitted, but the solution should not be seen as a permanent one.
“The hot spots we identified are no longer hot spots. The tankers moved to other hydrants which is causing havoc now again. We had a meeting with all stakeholders to find a way to deal with this problem we are facing. Mopani District Municipality and Greater Tzaneen Municipality need to come up with a permanent solution to supply water to the villages which don’t have piped water. That is the only way this will ever stop.”
Quick fixes lead to residential panic
“Upon inspecting this temporary fix, it appears that the electrician combined all three phases into one.“
■ Joe Dreyer
Loadshedding seems to be a cause for great concern to the electrical department at the Greater Tzaneen Municipality with outdated transformers and cables across the grid now starting to buckle under the pressure of continuous switching.
In Yamorna this week, an electrical team was summoned to a faulty transformer in area 11 which seemed to malfunction after the power was switched back on following that area’s loadshedding schedule on the morning of the 4th of March.
Residents suspected a fault at their local transformer when the power failed to return to their homes and they logged a call with the GTM’s electrical department. A team was sent to the site and upon inspection found that there was indeed a fault.
“The electrician attended to the complaint and afterwards informed us that he had temporarily fixed the problem,” said one resident. “Upon inspecting this temporary fix, it appears that the electrician combined all three phases into one (as depicted in the accompanying image) and we are not experts, but we suspect that this is
a dangerous connection which could likely lead to housefires or even loss of life.”
Bulletin spoke to a retired electrician who preferred to remain anonymous, looked at the photograph and explained that it was likely just the circuit breaker that stopped working and not the transformer. “That circuit breaker looks to be one of the old ones from years ago and it likely finally stopped working. If it was the transformer, you would get strange voltage readings and you wouldn’t have power in your house. All the GTM’s electricians would likely need to do is just change the circuit breaker and everything would be sorted. It would certainly not cause house fires and loss of life, but it would cause damage, which could damage the transformer and then the area would out of power. But if there was damage, it would on the GTM’s side, not the resident’s.”
The GTM’s electrician promised to fix the problem first thing the following morning, but allegedly after 17:00 that next day it had not yet been fixed. Appreciating the danger of this connection, and at around

Accident waiting to happen in Boundary
Roads in Tzaneen seem to be on the receiving end of the municipality’s inability to prioritize maintenance of their infrastructure. Boundary Road past Ben Vorster High School and the SAVF creche, all the way down to the four-way stop at Minitzani Park has reached a state of life-threatening deterioration. The potholes in some areas along this route are deep enough to cause massive damage to even the most rugged SUV’s and residents have had to drive on the pavements to avoid not only avoiding damaging their vehicle undercarriages, but also oncoming traffic. This morning, Friday the 10th of March, two head-on collisions were narrowly avoided when the drivers swerved onto the sidewalk at the speedbump before the Vape Guy.

The state of Minitzani Street which branches off Boundary towards Tzaneen Primary School is even worse. It near impossible to pass through this narrow street without hitting a massive ditch in the ground. The recent rains have exasperated the problem.
We asked for comment on the matter from the GTM’s councillor in the area, Chrizelle Dreyer, but at the time of going to print we had not received any response. We will be following up this story in our future publications.
14:00 before the storm, the resident called January at the electrical control room who said that they were aware of the problem but it would not be fixed that day.
In the meantime, and at the time of this publication, Bulletin has learnt that the municipality arrived on site and rectified the situation after the particular resident raised his concerns over electrical groups on the WhatsApp messaging platform. We have not had any feedback from the GTM on this matter.
■ Joe DreyerGucci takes the lead ahead of race day
■ Joe Dreyer
The Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race is around the corner and the feathers are set to fly as hundreds of ducks will take to the waters of the mighty Letaba River on the 18th of March. In the run up to this event that will end all other waterborne events, businesses adopted a Duck Champion which will stand as the banner carrier for their brand during the race.

Each of the champions were dressed and decorated and stood guard at the entrances of the businesses and received votes from the public in the form of mon etary donations which were then tallied at the end of this week to determine the winning champion.

The ducks went on parade at the Lifestyle Centre on the 25th of February where the public had the chance to see al the Champions in a row and cast some more votes.

So it came about that the win ner, as voted for by the pub lic, turned out to be Gucci, the Seeff Properties Tza neen Champion. As part of their winnings, the Seeff Properties Tza neen team were treat ed to an afternoon at the Magoebaskloof Farmstall and Café where Nicola Strydom and her team en joyed a lunch and some drinks in the company of Rudi Viljoen and Tracey van den Dool of the Warriors Foundation. Seeff managed to raise more than R11 000
for the duck race, the proceeds of which will go to the Warriors Foundation to aid in a bursary for a needy student.

Come race day, Seeff will have 72 racing ducks in the water which should provide for some stiff competition downstream as Marric Service Centre will launch their Race director and chief of all things web-footed, Tracey van den Dool said that there are still racing ducks available for businesses or individuals to recruit before the race at R200 each for a Stallone or R2 000 for a Quacker of 11 ducks. Businesses are invited to bring their banners and their gazebos on the day and have a blast all in aid of changing
The race will start at 13:00 in the afternoon and will kick off from the banks of the river below the Tzaneen Dam with the finish at the showgrounds in Tzaneen.
The first prize for the winning duck racer is a two night self catering stay at a private camp in the Soutpansberg valued at R16 000 and the second placed team will win a four-day fully catered canoe trip on the Orange River.

Ag stoppit net asseblief!
word nie.
■ Joe DreyerDie oënskynlik eindelose vete tussen twee van ons hoërskole moet tot ‘n einde kom. Dit is nie meer net ‘n vriendelike bietjie gespot om “hype” te skep nie. Dit het iets giftigs geword wat niemand anders as die kinders van ons dorp raak nie.
Die kinders wie inteendeel dalk die minste gepla is oor watter kleur die skooltrui is wat hulle elke oggend oor hul kop trek. Wat die leerkragte van hierdie skole, sowel as sekere alumni in ag moet neem is dat hierdie kinders hul hele laerskool loopbaan saam in dieselfde skool deurgebring het en steeds oor en weer op naweke vry.
Daar is van hierdie kinders wie se beste pêlle in die ander skool is, en dit pla hulle net wanneer die tyd kom om teen mekaar sport te speel. Ek spandeer ‘n groot porsie van my naweke langs die sportvelde en ek sien elke keer hoe leerlinge van een van die skole in hul skooldrag op die “opposisie” se gronde gaan sit en hul vriende op hul eie tuisveld ondersteun.

Dink terug na jou eie skooldae en hoe lekker dit was om jou pêlle op die sportveld aan te pak om uiteindelik te bepaal wie van julle die beste in jul groep is. In baie gevalle was jou beste vriend ook jou grootste teenstander wie jou die hardste gedruk het in enige spesifieke dissipline.
Hoe gaan ons kinders ooit hul beste kan lewer as hulle nie teen mekaar mag meeding om een of ander absurde rede nie? Daar word aantygings rond gegooi dat een skool blykbaar sportsterre “koop” en dat dit die rede is waarom daar nie teen hulle meegeding
Dit is belaglik. En dit is my gevoel dat wanneer daar sulke aantygings gemaak word, dat dit deursigtig gedoen word en al die feite en bewyse in die publiek bekend gemaak moet word. Andersins kan dit as niks anders as ongegronde spekulasie afgemaak word nie. Die populêre “BENSKY” is so te sê terug op die sport-spyskaart volgende jaar en elke atletiekliefhebber se mond het reeds begin water.
In Februarie vanjaar het die Plasies hul Groep 5 NWU-Super Interhoër atletiekbyeenkoms gewen om sodoende op te skuif na die Groep 4 liga.
Verlede week het die Vossies ‘n naelskraap tweede plek ingepalm in die Groep 4 liga van dieselfde reeks. Sou hulle gewen het, sou dit beteken het dat hulle opskuif na die Groep 3 liga.
Hierdie verwikkelinge het veroorsaak dat beide Merensky en Ben Vorster nou in dieselfde groep sal meeding van volgende jaar af. Ons as plaaslike media is in ekstase want die laaste keer wat ons as Tzaneeners die geleentheid gehad het om ons twee spogskole op dieselfde atletiekbaan te besigtig was lank genoeg terug om die indruk te skep dat daar 35mm film by die aangeleentheid gebruik was.
Dalk sal daar ook ‘n moontlikheid wees om in die nabye toekoms weer gereelde, gesonde kompetisie op eie bodem te besigtig in die plaaslike interhoër byeenkomste wat tans slegs Merensky, Frans du Toit, PHS, en Louis Trichardt insluit. Dalk sal daar ook weer wintersport oor en weer gespeel kan word.
Sport bring ‘n gemeenskap bymekaar en as daar ooit ‘n tyd was wat ‘n gemeenskap samesyn nodig gehad het, was dit nou.
Die Pioniers bedank die volgende persone:
Die inwoners van Pionierspark bedank graag die volgende persone vir hul gereelde bydrae tot die welsyn van die ouer mense van Tzaneen se gemeenskap. Henk Minnie vir die gereelde kospakkies vanaf Woolworths wat hy afgelewer het. Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die maandelikse hoenderpakkies wat Steven afgelewer het. ZZ2 vir die tamaties wat Michelle afgelewer het. Thys Steynberg en die boere vir die gereelde groente aflewerings. Lydia vir die butternuts en Ansie Opperman vir die dragon fruit. Die Here seën julle.
Mampoer werk vir allerhande kwale
■ Ben Theunissen
Alkohol is ‘n towerdrankie. Dit laat jou nie net dubbel sien nie, maar laat jou ook enkel voel. Dit maak ook jou tong los, en verbreed jou woordeskat. Dit laat jou ook vinniger dink.
Piet, nie die een met die “Woonwa zonder deur” nie, se filosofie was dat jy nooit jou drankies moet meng nie. Wanneer jy perskemampoer gedrink, moet jy dit met perskesap meng, voor gebruik.

So ook met druiwemampoer, met druiwesap en appelmampoer met appelsap. Hierdie Piet was ‘n kenner van die dop met skop. Hy het 82 jaar oud geword. Naas mampoer was Naas Botha die beste skopper in ons tyd.
Weyers vertel dat een van sy vriende vertel het dat mampoer stukkende en seer plekke op jou lyf gesond maak indien ‘n druppel daarvan aan die wond gesmeer word.
Rugbyspelers het dit gereeld na wedstryde gebruik om van die skrape en skete ontslae te raak. By gebrek aan tyd en ‘n fisioterapeut om dit aan te smeer, het hulle dit toe maar begin drink, wat baie moeite uitgeskakel het, en as ‘n verdowingsmiddel gedien het.
Die einste vriend van Weyers vertel ook dat dit jou uit verknorsingsituasies kan red. Hulle was met ‘n geleentheid op pad see toe om vir ‘n week of wat te gaan uitspan (eintlik net
‘n week), aangesien die wat langer kuier, baie armer tuis arriveer.

Padblokkades en slaggate was volop en dit was nie hoeka nie of ‘n dienaar van die gereg wat beheer uitoefen oor die aantal slaggate, spring voor hulle in en roep hom tot stilstand. Dié wou toe so ewe weet of sy vriend al begin vakansie hou het deur dit te vier.
Hy wou nie sy vriend glo nie toe dié “nee” antwoord. Toe blaas sy vriend en die pypie se “te veel”.
Sy vriend stry toe en beweer dat die pypie foutief is.

“Laat my vrou blaas en jy sal sien dit is foutief.”

Die metroman laat sy vrou blaas en siedaar, ‘n te hoë lesing word geregistreer. Almal is verbaas, maar steeds wil die beampte nie aan die situasie byt nie. Hy vra vir sy vriend of hy sal omgee as die kinders ook blaas.
Sy vriend was in daardie stadium heel rustig en laat dit toe. Die lesings van die twee kinders word geneem en so by sy kool...die kinders registreer ook ‘n te hoë lesing. Die verkeersbeampte sê toe:
“Jammer meneer. Die pypie is foutief, julle kan maar gaan.”
Na hulle ‘n paar kilometer gevorder het, met die padblokkade buite sig, kyk sy vriend vir sy vrou en sê: “Skink vir ons en die kinders elkeen nog ‘n sopie.”

Ebenezer not an ordinary dam mile
The popular Ebenezer Mile event will be held on Saturday (tomorrow) the 11th of March at the Ebenezer Dam. The organizers of this annual open water swimming event, the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg, are hoping for clear skies to welcome the host of swimmers expected to take part in the year’s installment of the annual race.

The option for online entries already expired on Wednesday the 8th of March. But don’t despair, there is still an opportunity to enter on race day with registration opening from 08:00 at the Old Smokey Clubhouse.
The organizers advised participants to reg-
ister at least 60 to 90 minutes before the start of their preferred event. The first race will start at 11:00 which is only for female open swim entries with two categories, namely 13 years and younger and 31 years and older.
The second event will commence at 12:00 and is for male open swim entries only. The two categories will also be for swimmers 13 years and younger and for 31 years and older.
The third race will begin at 13:00 and all male and female open mile swim entries will take part in this race. This race is for men and women swimmers aged between 14 to 30 years old.
At 14:00 the fourth event on the pro-

Legals & Notices
NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT / KENNISGEWING VAN BESLAGLEGGING SHERIFF OF LETABA (TZANEEN) 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen. PO Box 1405, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 079 403 7617. Email: balju@terson.co.za
Deputy: T Robertson
Case no: LP/12M/RC05 /22
In the matter between:
On 12/12/2022 at 12H55 I, Sense Selepe served the Warrant of Execution against property by affixing a copy of the Warrant of Execution against property to the principal door at 13 PESULA STREET TZANEEN which is kept locked and thus prevents alternative
service. Rule 9(5). As hereafter no person could be found at 13 PESULA STREET TZANEEN after a diligent search, I attached the movable property at the abovementioned address as described in the inventory contained in the attached notice of attachment. Thus the movable property were judicially attached.
1 x BCE Fan R50.00

1 x Office Desk with drawers R500.00
1 x pantum printer
1 x 4 office chairs
1 x Telefunken Computer
1 x couch R500.00
1 x wooden shelve
1 x office table with drawer R600.00
1 x mecer screen
1 x office table with drawer R600.00
1 x 5 chairs R150.00
1 x wooden file shelve
1 x Lenovo Laptop
1 x HP printer R300.00
1 x 2 office chairs
1 x wooden file shelve
1 x 2 office tables
1 x 2 HP laptops
1 x Konica Minolta Printer
1 x Samsung Printer
1 x Lenovo Laptop
1 x Konica Printer
1 x 2 office tables
1 x wooden file with drawer R300.00
1 x Epsom Printer
1 x Konica Minolta Printer
R10 000.00
R23 700.00
Approximate value: R23 700.00
gram is the 3 000m open swim competition for men and women open water swimmers. The next race to follow, event five, will take place at 14:05 and is earmarked for open male and female swimmers. Entries from all ages are allowed to enter for this race.
The cost for ‘on the day’ entries is R250 to compete in the Mile and R120 for the 3000m races. The entry fee for the 500m race is R120. The organizers promised that the participants and all other people in attendance are in a for a treat with delicious pancakes, Chip n Dip, boerewors rolls as well as coffee, cold drinks, beer, wine and cider for sale.
Tough, tougher, Tuffy awaits tomorrow!
The annual SPAR Tuffy Marathon this coming Saturday, (tomorrow) will determine which athletes were the most committed in their training sessions. This road race is not called the Tuffy for nothing.
11 March
11 March
12 March
■ Roelof de Jonge
With its course leading the athletes over rolling hills with some steep climbs and tiring downhill sections that will test their stamina to the ultimate levels, the SPAR Tuffy 4-in-1 Marathon has become renown as one of the toughest road races in Limpopo, if not the country.

This event is organised by Tzaneen Marathon Club in partnership with SPAR Tzaneen, Aida Properties and Aquelle Mineral Water. The race will start at Lombard Avocado situated at Farm AB 34 on the Old Coach House Road outside Tzaneen.
Athletes will either run the majestic 42.2km race or the 21.2km half marathon. There is also a 10km race and a 5km fun run for the less serious athletes. The 42.2km starts at 06:00 and all the other distances an hour later.
“The amazing atmosphere and the scenic route of this event will be complimented by various food stalls, music and a beer garden”, said Tertius Erasmus, chairperson of Tzaneen Marathon Club. Photos of the entire race day will be available online courtesy of the keen eye of local photographer, Joe Dreyer.
Online entries closed on the 19th of February and all entrants will receive a free Tuffy moisture management T-shirt. All participants will also receive a goody bag, buff, foam peak and uniquely designed Tuffy medal.
The race numbers and T-shirts for all online entries can be collected today (Friday the 11th of March) at Aida Properties, 38 Boundary Street in Tzaneen from 14:00 until 18:00, or at the start of the event from 05:00 to 05:45.
Organisers of the SPAR Tuffy 4-in-1 Marathon advised participants to ensure they arrive as early as possible given that approximately 1 000 athletes are anticipated to compete. For any inquiries people can contact Tertius Erasmus on 071 363 5124 or Wicus van Vuuren on 083 391 0172.
18 March
25 March
Day Festival will be held on 25 March 2023 at Blueberry Heights from 09:00 until 18:00.
Tickets available at Quicket For more information contact 079 845 0707 or email magoebasmarket@gmail.com
My name is Ruel Ramaila. I am looking for a position in Agricultural science. I have a diploma in Agricultural Science. I have experience in Microsoft Word and Excell and experience in fruit, vegetables and Agronomic crops. Form management, nursery, packhouse or logistics administrator. Contact me on 078 436 9953
House Keeping/Cook

My name is Tinny Mokgalabone. I am looking for full time house keeping and cooking work. I can start immediately. I have references.
My name is Gloria Mankgela. I am looking for full or part time work. I can start immediately. Contact me on 072 176 46
My name is Rodney Maake. I am looking for full time driving, security or assistant work. I have references and can start immediately. Contact 079 865 9740 or 083 926 1166
My name is Solomo Sitoe. I am looking for full or part time security work. I can start immediately.

Anke vat Kaapland vas
Op die 4de Maart het Merensky Landbou Akademie se voorste bergfietsryer, Anke Rood, aan die Wes-Kaaplanders gewys dat sy ook met van die beste in die land kan kers vashou.
Dit was tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Bergfiets Kampioenskap Marathon. Hierdie prestige wedren wat oor 62km beslis was, het by die Rhebokskloof Wynlandgoed net buite die Pêrel plaasgevind.

Die gepaardgaande hoë bergpasse met ‘n klim van 1700m, tesame met al vier seisoene een dag, het haar nie van stryk gebring nie. Rood het nieteenstaande met ‘n tyd van 03:56.00 in die vyfdeplek oor die wenstreep gejaag.
Anke ding tans mee in die junior afdeling vir vroue en is tans vierde gerank in Suid-Afrika.
Dubbel krone vir Venter

Die Limpopo Baobab Mini Tennis Toernooi het vanaf die 17de tot die 19de Februarie in Polokwane afgespeel. Merensky Landbou Akademie se O.16-speler, Zoë Venter, het ook aan hierdie toernooi deelgeneem en het keer op keer haar teenstanders oppad na die eindrondtes uitgeknikker. Venter het welverdiend die enkelspel se eindrondte met redelike gemak gewen. Maar dit is nie waar hierdie kranige tennisspeler se triomftog geëindig het nie. Sy het verder in die O.16 dubbelspel vir meisies ook koning gekraai.

Brons vir Rooiskool hekkievraat
Roelof de Jonge
‘n Aantal atlete van die Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord het Vrydag die 3de Maart ook hul opwagting by die jaarlikse Limpopo Skole Kampioenskappe in Polokwane gemaak. Een van die Phalaborwa-Noord, oftewel Rooiskool soos dit in hierdie dorp bekend staan, se voorste meisies hekkie-atlete het veral goeie rekening van haar vermoëns gegee.
Rooiskool se hekkievraat, Micheala Francisco, het in die O/12 ouderdomsgroep deelgeneem. Dit was veral in die hekkieswedloop oor 75m wat sy gedreig het om die boonste trap van die podium te beklee.
‘n Oorwinning was haar dalk nie die keer beskore nie, maar sy het nieteenstaande ‘n puik derdeplek behaal. Sy het ook so hittete ‘n podiumplek vir haar deelname aan die 150m hekkies-item behaal en het uiteindelik in die vierdeplek geëindig.
Khikhi Sehlako het in die gewigstoot-item vir meisies O/11 kragte gemeet. Sy het ‘n vierdeplek in hierdie fel stryd vermag. Spanmaat Lentso Selepe was nog een
Record number of 8 graders enters at Lowveld

Lowveld Academy in Hoedspruit welcomed a record number of 78 new grade 8 learners for 2023.
It took some determination and patience however from Lowveld’s leaders and its dedicated team of teachers, Suné Müller, Simoné Roux and Clarika Strydom to get the newcomers settled, and formally introduced to the establishment.

The orientation concert was given the theme of Cartoon Network. The stage was set for outstanding humour and characters like SpongeBob SquarePants, the Power Puff Girls, Power Rangers, Scooby and the Gang.
The storyline was about the characters who combined their forces against the well-known enemy of South Africa, namely loadshedding.
The new grade 8 learners have since
settled well and don’t need much help from the establishment to show them around.
van die Rooiskool se hekkiesspesialiste en hy het aan die 150m hekkies in die afdeling vir seuns O/12 deelgeneem.
Selepe, soos in die kwalifiseringsrondtes tot aanloop na die kampioenskappe, het alles in die stryd gewerp vir die voorste plek op die podium. Hy moes egter met die vyfdeplek in hierdie kompeterende wedloop tevrede wees.
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■ Roelof de Jonge
Julene Jacobs en Adolph van Rooyen is ‘n fiksheidspaartjie wat hulle deesdae op Crossfitt oefeninge en uitdagings toespits. Hulle neem tans aan dié oefenprogram se Open Games kompetisie.

Hulle het beide die afgelope naweek met rasse skrede hul plekke op die kompetisie se rangleer verbeter. Bulletin het met die twee fikshede gesels oor wat presies hul prestasies behels en wat dit vir hulle beteken.
Van Rooyen bekleë tans die vierdeplek in Afrika en is tweede geplaas in Suid-Afrika in sy ouderdomsgroep. Jacobs is tans in die tweedeplek onder Afrika deelnemers en is die voorste Open Games deelnemer vir Suid-Afrikaanse vroue in haar ouderdomsgroep.
Hulle het sowat ‘n jaar en half terug begin om aan Crossfit deel te neem omrede hulle ‘n middeljarige ouderdom bereik en om na ‘n gimnasium toe te gaan was net nie meer voldoende vir hulle nie.
Hulle het nie juis veel verwag van Crossfit se oefenprogramme nie toe hulle aanvanglik aangesluit het, met slegs die wete dat die ouderdom hul begin jaag en dat hulle daadwerkliks ‘n oefenprogram wil aanpak om hul fiksheid te verbeter.
Crossfit het ‘n kompetisie waar mense
van regoor die wêreld mekaar die stryd kan aansê om te bepaal wie die fikste Crossfit atleet is. ‘n Oefenprogram van die Nubull Crossfit Open Games organiseerders word aan die deelnemers verskaf.
Die deelnemers het dan slegs ‘n beperkte tyd om ‘n aantal oefeninge te voltooi en terug te stuur om beoordeel te word. Elke oefening soos ondermeer om gewigte ‘n aantal kere op te lig en soos aangedui deur die aanbieders van die Open Games, moet so vinnig moontlik voltooi word.
Daarna word die tye van al die verskillende soort oefeninge saamgestel om ‘n algehele tyd vas te stel. Die deelnemers se verslae word dan terug na die beoordeelaars gestuur en punte word dan aan die deelnemers toegeken.
Die beoordeelde verslae word dan op Crossfit se aanlyn webtuiste wêreldwyd geplaas. Sodoende kan deelnemers hulle vordering en verrigting met die beste in die wêreld vergelyk.
“Toe ek weer sien, tot my groot verbasing, was ek eerste op die ranglys onder Suid-Afrikaanse vroue deelnemers. Ek het dit voorwaar nie verwag nie. Ek het nog nooit ‘n eersteplek in my lewe vir enige sportsoort behaal nie, ek kon dit nie glo nie”, vertel Jacobs.
Op die algehele punteleer vir deelnemers van alle ouderdomme is Jacobs tans 11de geplaas onder Suid-Afrikaanse vroue en van Rooyen bevind hom tans vierde algeheel in Suid-Afrika.
Die verskillende oefenprogramme word vir drie agtereenvolgende weke aan die deelnemers verskaf. Die eerste program handel oor fiksheid, die tweede program oor krag en die laaste een op die agenda bevat ‘n samestelling van beide die vorige programme se oefeninge.
Jacobs en van Rooyen is sedertdien baie meer gemotiveerd as ooit te vore en sien uit om hul volgende Crossfit uitdaging in Polokwane aan te pak wat vanaf die 24ste en 25ste Maart aangebied gaan word.

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Pearly whiTes and iron lungs
■Roelof de Jonge
Aside from having a passion to provide Tzaneen’s residents with bright new smiles, local dentist Ruan Rademeyer also makes time for physical challenges. The past weekend, Sunday the 5th of March, he competed in the Nelson Mandela leg of the Ironman 70,3 Championship. He was accompanied by his wife, Lizélle, and joining them on this adventure for the first time was their baby boy, Ewan.

Rademeyer finished this grueling event in an excellent fifth place in his age group for men aged between 40 and 44 years old.
He was the 20th male athlete out of 766 entries to cross the finish line and was also classed 20th out of the 1 125 part participants. He completed the race in a time of four hours, 26 minutes and two seconds (04:26.02)

“I really like all three sections of the race, but I think that I can spend more training time on the cycling part,” he said. “It was bliss to be accompanied by my wife, Lizélle, and our eight months old son, Ewan, who experienced his first flight on a plane and a visit to the sea. Their attendance and support definitely made a difference in my performance on the day, and I would most probably not have been able to achieve such an outstanding result.”
Regarding his preparation for the Ironman Championship, Rademeyer said he followed his training program religiously and was committed not to skip any of his sessions.

Rademeyer said thunder and possible lightning forced the organizers to shorten the swimming course and during the cycling section the riders experienced quite strong winds along with rain. By the time he took on the mini-marathon section, the skies had cleared.
The event started with the swim section from the beach and back whereafter Rademeyer had to jump on his bicycle to complete a 90,1 km course. The cycle route led the competitors all the way back to the starting point at the beach. To finish the event off, the athletes then had to run a half marathon over a distance of 21,1km.