B E T T E R M E … B E T T E R YO U … B E T T E R W O R L D
MIND body spirit By mixing the ingredients of attitude and action, we can change the flavor of our own lives. Learn to nur ture your body and soul to lead a more balanced life.
diamond! SHINE LIKE A
None of us can predict the future. What will happen from one day to the next, who knows? As much as we want to control our circumstances, there is a mystery to our lives. Life as we know it will be interrupted by forces beyond our influence. We will face unknown challenges and situations that leave us feeling uneasy about what comes next. Times of crisis similar to what we have experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic—or perhaps the health challenges you’re facing personally—will require us to adapt to a new way of existing. However, if we allow ourselves to be molded throughout the course of our lives, we can emerge from our experiences better than before. Plus, there is less to fear when we view our lives as a series of lessons that are leading us to our highest purpose. We rest in the assurance that our steps are unfolding in a divine order. If we are to successfully navigate the ups and downs of life, we must harness the ability to withstand, and actually thrive, under the pressures of life. The evolution of a diamond is a perfect illustration. Diamonds begin
as crystals of pure carbon. They form due to a combination of high temperatures and extreme pressure in the Earth’s mantle. Henry Kissinger said, “A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” Does intense pressure make you sparkle and shine? Perhaps that is a bit of a stretch, but it is often our most difficult challenges that have the ability to ignite the greatest evolution in ourselves. As we reach higher levels of development, the process of growing in self-awareness sharpens our intellects and makes us wiser. The many facets of our personalities are polished … the rough edges smoothed. The journey we are on expands our intrinsic qualities and shapes us into magnificent beings. If we, instead, attempt to exert control over that which we cannot control and resist the opportunity to grow, our lives become unnecessarily difficult.
We struggle to survive. The diamond does not fight the environment; it lives in harmony with it, maximizing the harsh surroundings for its benefit. As the diamond develops to full maturation, it is transformed from a piece of coal to a beautiful gem. It shines! When the dust settles, how would you like to emerge? Left unchanged like a “chunk of coal” or shining bright like a diamond? No matter how hard life may seem today, you are being presented with the conditions you need to progress to your highest self – that is a good thing for the mind, body, and spirit! w Jennifer Fischer empowers women to fully embrace their unique gifts and become active participants in their lives. For the past six years, she has been coaching women to achieve their greatest levels of success. Jennifer and her husband, Andy, offer coaching and consulting services through their company Maximize and Thrive, LLC. To connect with them, please visit www.MaximizeandThrive.com. WRITER JENNIFER FISCHER