Por: La Revista Binacional
“El Embajador Carlos González Gutiérrez es el Cónsul General de México en San Diego, ratificado por el Senado mexicano en abril de 2019. Como diplomático de carrera desde 1987, se ha especializado en las comunidades mexicanas dentro de Estados Unidos de América, donde han sido todas sus asignaciones fuera de México.
A finales de los años noventa, trabajó en México en el Programa de Comunidades de Mexicanos en Exterior dentro de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores y del 2003 al 2009, fue el primer director ejecutivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, agencia encargada de promover vínculos y colaboración entre México y su diáspora.
Ha tenido cuatro adscripciones en el exterior. A principio de su carrera fue Cónsul de comunidades en el Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles. Después, de 1999 al 2003, fue nombrado consejero de Asuntos Latinos en la Embajada de México en Washington D.C.
En 2009, Carlos González Gutiérrez fue nombrado por primera vez Cónsul General de México en Sacramento, donde además de sus actividades regulares, estaba encargado de monitorear las políticas públicas implementadas en el estado que pudieran afectar a México o a las comunidades mexicanas en California, dado que Sacramento es la sede de los poderes del estado.
Después de seis años en Sacramento,
el Embajador Gonzalez Gutiérrez fue transferido a la capital de Texas, como Cónsul General de México en Austin, teniendo que reportar de nuevo las políticas públicas del estado, así como ofrecer los servicios generales tradicionales de un Consulado General, tales como documentación, protección y desarrollo comunitario.
En septiembre de 2011, el presidente de la República lo promovió al rango de Embajador.
Tiene una licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales por El Colegio de México y una maestría también en Relaciones Internacionales por la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad del Sur de California (USC). Es autor de varias publicaciones sobre la población mexicana en los Estados Unidos.
El Embajador está casado con Alina y tienen dos hijas: Marina y Camila.”
(Fuente: Prensa/Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Gobierno de México)
Los Ángeles es una comunidad afortunada. El gobierno mexicano ha designado ahora al embajador Carlos González Gutiérrez como nuevo cónsul en Los Ángeles.
El Licenciado Carlos González Gutiérrez ha sido un ejemplo por seguir en materia de relaciones exteriores, las cuales supervisó a la perfección durante
su mandato como cónsul en la ciudad de San Diego.
Integrado socialmente a eventos en beneficio de la comunidad, logró unificar a todos los mexicanos que viven en el condado de San Diego.
Es partidario de la igualdad en temas fronterizos, es un apoyo incondicional a los programas altruistas de la ciudad, así como una mano amiga para todos los que han necesitado ayuda y solidaridad y sobre todo apoyo en los trámites para deberes cívicos de los mexicanos que se encuentran por acá.
Estamos seguros de que seguirá prosperando en su papel de Embajador, unificando a la comunidad mexicana que necesita mucho de una persona como él que los represente.
El equipo de La Revista Binacional les desea un próspero futuro en su nueva oficina en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. También estamos comenzando nuestra revista en esta ciudad, por lo que creemos que es una buena señal. Esperamos seguir colaborando con el Consulado de México por muchos años más. ¡Bienvenido a Los Ángeles!
cónsul y amigo:para niños de 0 a 5 años y sus cuidadores adultos
Nuestro programa de preparación para el aprendizaje temprano crea un lugar en el que los niños pequeños pueden jugar, aprender y desarrollar las destrezas que necesitarán para la escuela. Un padre o cuidador asiste a cada clase con el niño y aprende actividades para fomentar su desarrollo en el hogar.
Escanea el código QR para más informacion o visita:
para la comunidad. No se requiere membresía de la YMCA
15 de junio - 15 de agosto | Edades 12-18 años
La iniciativa “Get Summer” de la Y está diseñada para mantener a los jóvenes activos, ocupados y seguros durante las vacaciones de verano. Las Y del Condado de Los Ángeles están ofreciendo membresías gratuitas a todos los adolescentes de 12 a 18 años. Las filiales individuales les proporcionarán a los jóvenes apoyo académico, preparación para la universidad y el empleo, oportunidades para trabajar como voluntarios, reuniones sociales y programas exclusivos con socios locales.
Para más informacion, visita:
¡Obtén una membresía de adolescente GRATIS este verano!
Hola Embajador Carlos González Gutiérrez. World Meat-Free Day.
Sushi Day.
Food Los Angeles is known for.
Letter from the Editor.
Visiting LA (for the 1st time).
It’s a dad thing: Things dads say.
Advice for a 1st time dad.
Why social media advertising is crucial for small businesses.
Perks of being binational.
Celebrating Cceans.
San Diego-Ensenada Ferry. Falafel Time.
Inteligencia Artificial vs. Consciencia Artificial. How it all started at Stonewall Inn.
Weird Facts about Los Angeles.
International Rock and Roll Day.
Top 10 Vineyards in Valle de Guadalupe. Sommelier.
Elvis Day.
Woman in Engineering.
El Abogado del Pueblo. The Beatles.
Sports Journalism. Nelson Mandela.
How to vacation like a local in Mexico. Tequila and how to use it.
How Comic-Con brings out the best in people. Your plan of Airbnb investments in California. Meet DJ Luis Santamaría.
Risper Biyaki Gesabwa.
Movies to watch this 4th of July.
July: the Independence Month. Canada Day. Fun Beer facts.
The roller coaster bucketlist. Film is not dead.
An expert’s guide to Disneyland parks. Top 5 Dramas from the 90’s. One year in post graduate life.
Mia Goth and Jenna Ortega. The new scream queens.
High Calories to boost milk supply. Lefties.
Chess: it’s not a just a game. Skincare during summer.
Raise your mocktails!
aMENAcan: Using entertainment as a force for unity and equality - the revolutionary venture.
Live & Wear: summer edition.
Watching hockey as a latino. How to get past the fear of starting a business.
Did you know that by 2050 there will be 9 million more people consuming meat daily? Scientists and environmentalists agree that meat production significantly impacts our environment; therefore, the data can be alarming.
The world has been having “meatless days” due to religious or cultural traditions, and finally, June 15th was declared World Meat Free Day.
As omnivores, we consume meat daily; therefore, there is more demand for it. A drastic change in our diets and going meatless forever
• Causes deforestation (to make room for cattle ranches).
• Climate changes due to deforestation.
• Inhumane conditions in some countries where meat is massively produced.
• We are eating more meat than we can produce, causing the natural circle of life to be disturbed.
Let’s help the world together. We can start slow: one meatless day this summer. Later, we can implement “Meatless Mondays” and
Don’t worry; cattlemen won’t go out of business. We are just trying to help and keep our earth safe.
If the world goes meatless for just one day, the following things may happen:
• Carbon emission savings.
• We could save enough water for nine people.
• Eleven grams of fat (approximately) you won’t be eating.
Lee en españolIt has been over 50 years since sushi became popular with Hollywood celebrities, setting the trend for the United States and Latin American population. Sushi has been “Americanized” to the point of not being raw fish, adding avocado and even imitation crab to its varieties.
Many people think of sushi as an appetizer, while others find it can be a complete meal.
Interesting facts:
• Philadelphia Roll (salmon, avocado, and cream cheese) is an easy way to start eating sushi if you still need to prepare for more exotic raw delicacies.
• Using chopsticks is a must. Can’t work them? Tie them with a rubber band in one end, and they work like thongs.
• Sushi is eaten in ONE BITE unless you choke easily.
• Spicy mayo, soy sauce, eel sauce, siracha hot sauce, ginger, and wasabi are the most common condiments for sushi.
• Facebook, the social media platform, suggested June 18 be declared International Sushi Day.
• Wasabi, the hot green paste, is sometimes horseradish instead of the Japanese plant.
• Sushi is NOT originally from Japan but from Southeast Asia (Mekong River) and was called Narezushi.
• It is bad luck (according to Japanese culture) to waste soy sauce, so always finish it.
CEO & Co-Founder
Carlos “Flo” Flores
Director & Co-Founder
Rafael García
Editor-In-Chief & Co-Founder
Gina Dewar
Operations Manager
Lucía Delgado
Marketing & Graphic Design
Michelle Gómez
Marketing & Photography
Andrea Morales
Derrick Ramos Marketing
Web Developer
Miguel Palomares
Special thanks to our article contributors for Summer 2023.
– Psic. Ambar G Picasso
– Lic. Carlos “Payta” Sánchez
– Lic. Laura Tristan
Arnulfo Manriquez
– Edwin Casillas
– Luisa F. Andreu
– Ivanna Sanchotena
– Arq. Alexandra Uro
– Nicolás Andreu
– Dra. Michele Dewar
– Damian Angulo
– Boualem Hussaine
DISCLAIMER: Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or means, electronically or manually, without written permission from La Revista Binacional. Commercial ads are the responsibility of each client per their own agreements within their companies. La Revista Binacional is not viable for any inaccuracy or infringement.
Los Angeles, the city of Angels, is the largest in California and the second most populated in the country (after New York City). It is globally known for being the center of cinema, popular music, sports, and amusement parks. It is blessed with nature, beautiful beaches, and the best weather all year round.
Here are food items that Los Angeles is known for (and you probably did not know):
Brown Derby restaurant in 1937 threw in a plate of leftovers (chopped chicken, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, bleu cheese, and bacon) and became the famous salad known worldwide.
Taking sushi, the Japanese delicacy, and giving it a Californian twist with avocado, cucumber, and crab originated in Los Angeles.
You would never think this beef sandwich originated in Los Angeles, but it did. This delicious sandwich is dipped into hot broth in every bite.
In 1894, Al Levy combined the love of alcohol with oysters, selling them in the streets off a pushcart. It became popular amongst the high-class citizens and evolved until becoming the oyster cocktail we all know today.
Clarence Clifton Brown was the first to add hot fudge to ice cream in the early 1900s in downtown L.A.
Ptomaine Tommy Deforest drowned a beef patty in chili and served it in buns in 1913 in his restaurant at Lincoln Heights.
In the early 1920s, in Pasadena, Lionel Sternberger decided to put cheese on the patty he accidentally burned to cover it up, and it became a big hit.
Julius Freed, in 1926, combined orange juice with milk, sugar, vanilla, egg, and ice to make it easier to drink for his friend that had severe acid reflux. It soon became very popular.
When I was a young girl, I waited patiently for summer every year. It usually meant that school was over and that my family had some vacation planned with my cousins and grandparents. It meant getting up later and playing all day. I really don’t know why I wished to grow up. I had it easy!
Now, this Summer of 2023, I can say that I feel that same excitement! We are so proud to launch our first issue in the Greater Los Angeles area!
I can’t believe how time flies when you love what you are doing. This issue has been a true team effort. We had challenges and doubled the work when creating this issue, but we could not wait any longer to be part of LA, the largest city with binational communities.
In this issue, as we were putting the articles together, it reminded me of how important summer is. There are so many things to celebrate! Days are longer, and sunsets (especially here in California/ Baja California) are magical.
Los Angeles has so many things going on! If you have the time to drive to San Diego, Comic-Con will be waiting for you. We are also celebrating our Dads, Pride Month, and countries celebrating their independence during this season. Baseball season is peaking, as well as summer camps all over the country.
Thank you to all our friends, sponsors, clients, and family who have been why this magazine is becoming all we had imagined. We like Los Angeles a lot. I hope LA likes us, too!
Lots of Love, Gina
DewarCuando era una niña, esperaba pacientemente el verano todos los años. Por lo general, significaba que la escuela había terminado y que mi familia tenía planeadas unas vacaciones con mis primos y abuelos. Era levantarse más tarde y jugar todo el día. Realmente no sé por qué deseaba crecer. ¡La tenía muy fácil!
¡Ahora, este verano de 2023 puedo decir que siento esa misma emoción! ¡Estamos muy orgullosos de lanzar nuestro primer número en el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles!
No puedo creer cómo pasa el tiempo cuando amas lo que estás haciendo. Este número ha sido un verdadero esfuerzo de equipo. Tuvimos desafíos y duplicamos el trabajo al crear este número, pero no podíamos esperar más para ser parte de LA, la ciudad más grande con comunidades binacionales.
En este número, mientras juntábamos los artículos, me recordó lo importante que es el verano. ¡Hay tantas cosas que celebrar! Los días son más largos y los atardeceres (especialmente aquí en California/Baja California) son mágicos.
¡Los Ángeles tiene tantas actividades! Si tiene tiempo para conducir a San Diego, Comic-Con te estará esperando. También estamos celebrando a nuestros papás; PRIDE MONTH0 y países que celebran su independencia durante esta temporada. La temporada de béisbol está en su apogeo, así como los campamentos de verano en todo el país.
Gracias a todos nuestros amigos, patrocinadores, clientes y familiares que han sido la razón por la que esta revista se está convirtiendo en todo lo que habíamos imaginado. Nos gusta mucho Los Ángeles. ¡Espero que LA también nos quiera!
Con mucho cariño,
Gina DewarEvery time somebody mentions Los Angeles, I automatically think about this amazing city that I will never get to finish visiting. Not only because of the size of the city, but because of the numerous activities you can do when you are there.
It is such a vibrant city that it never disappoints when looking for entertainment (especially for the whole family). It has beautiful weather all year round and it is a city that is full of dreamers and creative personalities. It can be a little bit overwhelming because you don’t know what to do or visit first. That is why we are giving you a list of things to do when you visit Los Angeles for the first time.
1. Amusement Parks. Disneyland Resort, Universal Studios Hollywood, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Knotts Berry Farm are all withing the Los Angeles area. These are worldwide known parks that offer the best there is when it comes to entertainment and fun times for the whole family.
2. Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive. Just like the movies, Rodeo Drive is the ‘it’ place to experience shopping in a luxurious way. Whether you do shop there, window shop or just enjoy a latte in one of the beautiful cafes, experiencing it is something a first-time visitor must do.
3. Beaches. Venice Beach is filled with outdoor activities that make you enjoy the beach life vibe. It also has the Venice canals in the neighborhood that are always nice to look at or photograph. Zuma Beach and Malibu are also nice beaches where you can relax and watch the Pacific sunsets while you say goodbye to another day.
4. Museums. Los Angeles has the best museums in the world, ranging from modern art to history and science. Not only is it fun to be in museums, but it can also be a learning experience.
5. Hollywood Walk of Fame. Walking by the famous Chinese Theater looking for your favorite actor’s star is something you must do at least once when visiting LA. Hollywood is also home to many restaurants and café bars you can enjoy with the whole family.
6. Admire the Hollywood sign. It is one of the city’s landmarks, you can see it from afar or hike near it. There are parks at the foot of the mountain where it is located, so a family picnic near it is always a good idea.
7. Grand Central Market. Exotic foods, mouth-watering snacks and drinks and vendors from all ethnicities make this
market a ‘must-visit’ place. Right in the downtown area, there is something here for the whole family. A very cool place to visit.
8. LA Dodgers Stadium. Sitting alone in the middle of Elysian Park of Los Angeles, this ballpark has its very own charm. It makes you feel you traveled back in time for a baseball game. It has a capacity of 56,000 making it the second largest stadium in the United States (with Oakland Coliseum jut beating it by 780 seats). It is a must-see park filled with the history of the king of sports.
9. Griffith Observatory. If you like stargazing, then this place is for you. You will be mesmerized with breathtaking views at nighttime.
10. Street Food. Don’t be afraid of eating food in the streets. With so many vendors from so many different countries, you are in for a culinary experience of your life. We recommend the Mexican food trucks, especially those that offer tacos al pastor.
I hope this list makes your visit a pleasant one. We are sure here in California that it won’t be your last time you come here. Just make sure you consider the traffic when planning your day. It can take hours off your planned day getting around. So, just plan with that in consideration. Other than that, Los Angeles really is the city of angels.
Griffith Observatory Lee en español Hollywood Walk of Fame Disneyland Park1. WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE: the father thinks, “This child is rebellious; I have to make them see that life is not as easy as they think.”
2. IF YOU FALL AND BREAK YOUR FACE, DON’T COME CRYING: Be careful because we don’t have good health insurance.
3. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU WIN OR LOSE, BUT HOW YOU PLAYED: When outright he doesn’t know how to comfort his kid who isn’t doing well in sports.
4. YOUR MOTHER BETTER NOT HEAR YOU SAYING THAT: In other words, the kid says bad words that they learned from him, and if the mother finds out, well, she will be mad at both!
5. DOES IT MAKE YOU LAUGH? GET THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE WHEN I’M SCOLDING YOU! There’s nothing worse for a dad than seeing his kid laugh when he’s hysterical.
6. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL: This is the most used tip with parents trying to teach their children to hit, catch a ball, etc.
7. DO YOU THINK I WAS BORN YESTERDAY? When you finally catch your kid doing something, it’s a sarcastic way of telling them, “YOU DID NOT FOOL ME.”
8. DON’T MAKE ME STOP THIS CAR: When on a tiring road trip, the children in the back seat don’t stop fighting, which is like a father’s last resort.
9. TURN THOSE LIGHTS OFF!! DO YOU THINK I AM A MILLIONAIRE OR WHAT?: It is complaining about the economy, sometimes without reason.
10. WE ARE NOT LOST NOR TO THE CASE. I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE: Dads never get lost, even if they spend 3 hours driving around without asking. Something so simple to solve.
11. WHAT DID YOUR MOTHER SAY? Although they say they are in charge, they only give permission after knowing what Mom said first.
12. DO YOU THINK I AM A BANK OR WHAT? Poor dads! How often do they put their hand in their pocket to get their wallet to give you cash?
13. YOU DIDN’T BEAT ME. I LET YOU WIN: Dads who just can’t beat their children get frustrated, especially in video games. The level of competition is enormous.
14. NOBODY SAID IT WOULD BE EASY: When their child’s suffering hurts a father, and if it were in his hands to make their life easier, he would do it without thinking about it.
15. I LOVE YOU, SON / DAUGHTER: Plain and simple, the love of a father for his children.
The list is endless...
Becoming a first-time dad is an exciting and challenging experience. There are so many new things to learn and adjust to, not to mention an overwhelming sense of responsibility I felt at times, especially when you think about the aspirations you have for your child and how your actions can contribute to them. I became more concerned with worldly events I previously didn’t notice. I also understood that I now have someone that needs my protection, and I finally felt what true unconditional love means. It’s also an incredibly rewarding experience and one that you’ll cherish forever.
Here are a few things I learned from my own experience as a first-time dad:
• Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are no perfect parents, and we all need help from time to time. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner, family, and friends for help when you need it.
• Take care of yourself. It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically and emotionally, especially in the early days of parenthood. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. And don’t forget to take some time for yourself to relax and recharge.
• Enjoy every moment. Time flies by so quickly when you have a young child. Make sure you take the time to enjoy every moment, even the tough ones. These are the days you’ll be looking back on fondly for years to come.
• Here are some additional tips for first-time dads:
• Be present. One of the most important things you can do for your child is to be present; this means putting down your phone, turning off the TV, and really being there for them. Talk to them, play with them, and just enjoy their company.
• Be patient. Kids learn and grow at their own pace. Don’t get frustrated if they’re not doing things as quickly as you think they should. Just be patient and supportive, and they’ll get there eventually.
• Be consistent. Kids thrive on consistency. Create a routine and stick to it as much as possible. This will help them feel safe and secure.
• Be loving. Show your child how much you love them every day. Tell them you love them, hug them, and give them plenty of physical affection.
Fatherhood is a wonderful journey. I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
The digital age is here: social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Millions (if not billions) of people are active on various social media platforms, so it’s no surprise that businesses are now using these platforms to reach their target audience. It’s now become an essential part of marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes, but small businesses are the ones that can benefit from social media marketing the most.
One of the most significant advantages of social media advertising is the massive audience reach. Millions of people use social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Businesses can take advantage of this and get their brand in front of a larger audience than they could ever reach through traditional advertising. This will aid in building brand awareness, increasing engagement, and ultimately driving more sales.
One of the best upsides to advertising on social media is the cost. For small businesses with small budgets or even those with no budget at all destined for marketing, social media provides a cost-effective way to reach their target audience without breaking the bank. Unlike traditional advertising methods, such as print or TV ads, social media advertising allows businesses to reach a large audience at a fraction of the cost.
Platforms like Meta (owners of Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp) offer advanced targeting options that allow small businesses to reach their target
audience based on demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.), interests (movies, economy, fitness, etc.), and behaviors (recently moved cities, someone whose birthday is coming up, married couples, etc.) This will help your ad reach the people you want to see your content.
Another of the best advantages of social media marketing is the ability to see results in real-time. Social media platforms provide robust analytics tools that allow businesses to monitor the performance of their ads, track their return on investment (ROI), and make adjustments as needed. This means that small businesses can optimize their campaigns to achieve better results over time.
Social media gives businesses creative freedom. There are many formats to choose from, like video, carousel, and interactive ads. These can help your business stand out from the competition and help you engage with your target audience.
In conclusion, social media advertising is a powerful tool to help small businesses grow and succeed in today’s digital age. With a massive audience reach, costeffectiveness, advanced targeting options, and real-time analytics, social media advertising gives small businesses a competitive advantage in the marketplace. If you’re a small business owner looking to increase your visibility and reach more customers, consider investing in social media advertising today.
If you need help with your social media advertising campaigns or want to learn more about how it can benefit your small business, feel free to contact A Digital Media & Marketing Company. As a social media marketing expert certified in Meta Business, we can help you create and implement effective advertising strategies that will help you achieve your business goals.
Lee en españolBinational refers to being of two nations. You become a binational person when you leave your birth nation and live in another country. You don’t leave completely but instead you take your birth nation with you to your new place.
In the United States especially, millions of citizens and residents are binational. Here in Southern California, where I live, being binational is not an uncommon thing. We have so many different nationalities withing our community that is that precise thing that makes the United States a wonderful country.
Being binational usually means you are probably bicultural. This is what makes you have an advantage over those who are not.
What are the perks of being binational and bicultural?
1. Creativity is often greater in a bicultural person.
2. You can think in two cultures, sometimes so different that it gives you a broader perspective when trying to solve a problem.
3. Fluent in ideas and communication
4. You understand diversity and minority issues.
5. Greater tolerance for information overload. You get used to knowing a lot of things.
6. The culture of your origins is
appreciated more when you have something to compare it with.
7. Different points of views when debating.
8. You are more likely to succeed in key positions in a corporation, especially those roles that are people oriented.
9. Your understanding of peers is broader due to your expanded diversity of origin.
10. You get the best of both worlds.
If you are binational, embrace it, live it, and enjoy it. You are a small percentage of the world’s population that has this benefit.
Being binational is a privilege that not many have. What is it exactly?
We live on a planet where water covers most of the surface, almost 70%! The Ocean supplies 80% of our world’s biodiversity and provides food for billions of people.
Even though we have to take care of the Ocean daily, we take time in June (June 8th is World Ocean Day) to celebrate and compromise to preserve and keep it clean.
In a global celebration, we celebrate and honor our blue Ocean, which connects every part of our earth.
How can we participate in World Oceans Day?
• Children and our youth need to know about the importance of the oceans
and how to take care of them. If you live near an ocean, organize a group of volunteers to go and clean up the nearest beach.
• Try to avoid buying seafood that day. Even though the Ocean is strong and healthy, the fish industry strains marine ecosystems when extracting seafood products.
• Watch movies about oceans, fiction, or real-life documentaries.
• Plan to avoid using plastic in your life. Plastic is the Ocean’s number one enemy. Put effort into reducing the amount of plastic you use.
• If you live near an ocean, take time to visit it. Breathe the air and clean your lungs and mind. Go barefoot and have it touch your toes, or dive in!
Lee en español“The
ocean solitudes are blest, for there is purity” – Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Ocean)
could avoid the drive, the tolls, and the long lines to cross back to the United States from Mexico? Well, we have good news!
There is a new project scheduled to begin this 2023: a ferry that will take you from the port of San Diego over to Ensenada.
Imagine that! A big ferry with a capacity of more than 275 people giving you a ride down south to enjoy a day at Ensenada and all it has to offer. Even though it will not be carrying vehicles at first, it will be considered for the future. The goal is to one day be able to transport 600
port of San Diego.
You will be able to purchase your tickets, (fee to still be determined. Please check Port of San Diego for pricing as well as your local tourist guides). Final details are now being taken care of by both governments, including Immigration issues going both ways.
So, 111 kilometers (around 70 miles) will take less than 2.5 hours and you can start enjoying your trip to Baja California from the moment you step in the ferry.
¡Vamos a Baja! Let’s go!
• 1 cup dried Chickpeas (soaked overnight, don’t use canned chickpeas)
• ½ cup Onion (roughly chopped)
• 1 cup Parsley (roughly chopped, about a one large bunch)
• 1 cup Cilantro (roughly chopped, about a one large bunch)
• 1 Small Green Chile Pepper (serrano
or jalapeño pepper)
• 3 Garlic Cloves
• 1 teaspoon Cumin
• 1 teaspoon Salt
• ½ teaspoon Cardamom
• ¼ teaspoon Black Pepper
• 2 tablespoons Chickpea Flour
• ½ teaspoon Baking Soda
• Avocado Oil (for frying)
1. The night before, soak the dried chickpeas in water. Make sure the water covers the chickpeas by 2-3 inches, as they’ll triple in size.
2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas and add them to your food processor, along with the onion, parsley, cilantro, pepper, everything except the oil.
3. Put at least 2 inches of oil in a large deep saucepan (the narrower the pan, the less oil you need; but the more oil, the more you can cook at one time. Turn heat to medium high and heat oil to about 350 degrees (a piece of falafel will sink halfway to the bottom and then rise)
4. Scoop mixture and shape into balls or small patties. Fry in batches until nicely browned, turning as necessary. Each batch should take less than 5 minutes. Serve room temperature with your choice of hummus dipping sauce, Toum dipping sauce, minty yogurt sauce or a creamy garlic sauce. You decide!
La ensalada Caesar en uno de los platillos que Tijuana ha aportado al mundo. Una de las versiones más conocidas sobre su creación, se le atribuye a Livio Santini, refugiado de guerra quien llegó a Tijuana en 1925 , luego de un largo peregrinar. Ya establecido en esta ciudad le o ecen empleo en el Restaurante del Hotel Caesar’s.
En una ocasión, aviadores estadounidenses, llegaron de noche solicitando servicio; el chef les comentó que ya estaba cerrado, pero con gusto improvisaría un platillo para cenar.
Fue entonces que el chef Santini, eligió una vieja receta familiar que su madre preparaba en tiempos difíciles con los únicos ingredientes que tenía a su alcance: huevos de gallina, legumbres, ajo, pimienta pan duro y aceite de olivo. La receta fue un verdadero manjar para los pilotos que buscaban repetirla siempre que volvían a hospedarse.
Inicialmente, este platillo fue conocido como ensalada aviadores, y posteriormente César Cardini, propietario del hotel, cambió su nombre a ensalada Caesar. Con el tiempo, se popularizó entre empresarios, artistas ypolíticos que visitaban la ciudad.
Parte importante en la promoción desempeñaron Wallys Simpson y el Príncipe Eduardo, así como la célebre gastrónoma Julia Child, quien pidió al Chef Santini le escribiera la receta en papel para prepararla en otros lugares cuando ella viajaba; así fue dándose a conocer el platillo a nivel internacional.
Hace poco leí un artículo que hablaba sobre la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y de cómo ésta amenazaba con reemplazar actividades que hasta ahora los humanos hacemos, sobre todo actividades repetitivas y monótonas. Sinceramente el tema al igual que a muchos, me tiene fascinada, es increíble que ahora existan programas para hacer en minutos lo que antes a una persona le llevaba días, tales como presentaciones, resúmenes, ensayos, cálculos numéricos, edición de video y audio, entre muchas otras.
Lo esperanzador que el articulo mencionaba era que las actividades que se realizan artesanalmente, tales como las que involucran la creatividad o el arte, no eran reemplazables por la IA, otros ejemplos pueden ser las que involucran la empatía o el liderazgo. Esto último me hizo reflexionar acerca de que ningún tipo de inteligencia artificial o robot podrá alcanzar la consciencia, que es un atribulo del ser humano únicamente. Pero esa consciencia, a mi parecer nos ha llevado a equivocar el camino como humanidad, pensando que únicamente nuestros puntos de vista son los correctos y que nos separan de otros seres humanos, es por ello que a esa conciencia yo la llamo “Consciencia Artificial”, algunos autores la llaman Ego, pero no nos estamos refiriendo al ego comúnmente definido como el aspecto egoísta o ambicioso de las personas, sino como un aspecto de todo ser humano que nos hace percibir el mundo como un lugar
amenazador, el que nos lleva a la comparación, a sentirnos menos o mejores que otros, el que invita a la victimización, a pensar que hay algo malo con nosotros o que tenemos la obligación de controlar lo que sucede alrededor o incluso a los que nos rodean, esto último en muchas ocasiones pensando que es por “su bien”.
Cuando iniciamos un trabajo personal como en el que yo acompaño a mis clientes, empezamos por darnos cuenta de lo que es la proyección, seguro has escuchado una frase que dice “lo que te choca, te checa”, es decir que cuando algo nos incomoda, cuando se me presentan personas o situaciones molestas en mi vida, regularmente tienen información valiosa para conocernos mejor y la manera de descubrirlo es proponiéndonos observar si hay algo en esas experiencias que puedan contribuir a mi desarrollo personal.
Un ejemplo concreto que nos ayudará a comprender como funciona esta “Consciencia Artificial” de la que te hablo, es el siguiente. Tengo una clienta que me dijo, Ambar “a mí me cae muy mal la gente déspota, que trata mal a sus empleados o por ejemplo a un mesero y yo no comprendo como eso me puede “checar a mí”, también me dijo, “yo sería incapaz de tratar mal a alguien que me está brindando un servicio, al contrario, trato de ser amable con ellos, pues soy una persona de trabajo y se lo que cuesta ganarse el dinero”.
“Te entiendo perfectamente”, le contesté, “por supuesto que coincido contigo, es más, creo que moralmente la mayoría coincidiríamos con lo que me dices, pero te voy a pedir que hagamos un ejercicio, respira hondo y piensa en una persona
Todas las imágenes en este artículo fueron creadas con Inteligencia Artificial
concreta que no te agrada por ser de esa manera y cuando ya la tengas en tu mente contéstame la siguiente pregunta ¿Qué piensas acerca de esa persona que no te agrada, que crees que está mal con ella y que hay más profundo que interpretas de su conducta?”
Lo pensó un poco y me dijo: “creo que es una persona irrespetuosa y que actúa como si los otros valieran menos que ella”.
“Muy bien” le dije, “vamos por buen camino y ahora te voy a hacer otras preguntas que apelarán a tu “Verdadera Consciencia”. ¿Cuántas veces te faltas al respeto a ti misma al no cuidarte o dejando de lado lo que deseas por los demás? ¿Cuándo has permitido tú misma que quienes te rodean te falten al respeto, o cuando te has creído tu misma que eres menos que otros?.
Hizo una pausa, se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas y me dijo, “muchas veces”. “Ahí está” le dije, “tu “Consciencia Artificial” te llevaba a juzgar a esa persona en exceso, percibiéndote a ti misma como una persona más buena o moralmente mejor que ella. Con esto no quiero decir que tengas que quererla o aceptarla en tu vida, por favor no me malinterpretes, siempre podemos poner límites, pero desde un lugar de paz y no de juicio,” le dije.
Lo más importante que quería transmitirle a ella y que te comparto hoy a ti, es que lo que nos sucede puede llevarnos a descubrir algo nuevo de nosotros mismos, nuestra Consciencia Verdadera nos lleva más allá de los simples juicios, las personas y situaciones nos regalan información y nos brindan un servicio que puede ser útil para trabajar en nosotros mismos. Seguramente cuando hacemos este tipo de autoindagación esas personas ya no nos provocarán tanta incomodidad y mejor aún tal vez las encontremos con menos frecuencia, pues ya no les daremos tanta importancia, ni atención.
Te agradezco de nueva cuenta haberme acompañado en esta lectura y espero encontrarnos de nuevo en otro artículo para seguir liberando nuestras mentes.
We all wish we did not have to face discrimination, whether it is because of race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, disability, etc. The world keeps fighting to eliminate something that should not exist in the first place.
It was a warm summer night in June of 1969. Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich Village of Lower Manhattan in New York City, had to step up and fight against a violent police force aiming to shut down this and every other gay bar in the city.
These riots led to the gay community organizing and forming activist groups defending LGBTQ rights. Their demand was something simple: the community just wanted to live freely and without the fear of being arrested or condemned because of their sexuality (gays and lesbians).
Stonewall Inn is considered a National Monument. History was made there, where before 1970, being part of the LGBTQ community was illegal.
The Stonewall riots were the origin of gay liberation, a movement that caused different points of view in a society once considered entirely homophobic. It was in June of 1970 when the first Gay Pride march took place in New York. It then spread to Boston, Dallas, Milwaukee, London, Paris, West Berlin, and eventually to San Francisco, Miami, and other parts of the European continent.
What made Stonewall different? That day in 1969, the riots that took place lasted a long time, almost a week, involving thousands, making an impact on several groups of society and the government.
From that day on, Gay Pride, where people march to support the LGBTQ community, is celebrated throughout the month of June, having its official
celebration on the last Sunday of the month. It is a time to honor and celebrate that our differences make us unique, no matter what they are. We honor those incriminated and judged, incarcerated, and even killed because of their sexuality. We honor pride and the movement for equality.
In the year 2000, Stonewall Inn was self-proclaimed as a National Historic Landmark. Still, it wasn’t until 2015 when the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission officially announced it to be that.
President Obama, in the year 2016, established the park to be part of the National Park Service. The park, Christopher Park, totals over 7 acres and has been transferred to the federal government. Stonewall Inn is within the park, but it is not public. It is privately owned.
If you are ever in NYC, visit Stonewall Inn. Have a drink or two. Support the LGBTQ Community, and together we can end discrimination. We owe it to humankind. We can be better.
Los Angeles, the city of dreams. Not only is it an amazing place to live, have fun or do business, but it also has weird facts that we would like to share with you. Native to Los Angeles or not, we think you will find these facts weird or funny.
The city’s original name was: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles sobre el Rio Porciuncula. (Phew! I am glad we now call it LA)
The wealthiest art institution is the Getty Center, right in Los Angeles.
It is the only city to host the Olympics two times (1932, 1984) and will also be host for the 2028 games.
If you lick a toad in public, you can go to jail. I don’t know if this helps you at all.
There are more cars than people (but you probably guessed this)
Los Angeles has the best nicknames: La La Land, The Big Orange, and Tinseltown.
LA produces a lot of oil.
Los Angeles was once a Mexican city, so you can consider it a binational town.
It is said that it is where the internet was born.
San Francisco and LA are coming closer together due to the San Andreas Fault, which is also the cause of big earthquakes.
Home to creativity, therefore, is called THE CREATIVE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.
Beverly Hills was first a modest lima bean ranch before becoming a shopping paradise.
An extensive part of the city’s population is bi-national, coming from 140 countries and speaking over 200 different languages.
LAX is considered the second busiest airport in the United States and 4th globally.
More than 80% of the world’s film industry is in LA.
youth that began to complain about the oppression of adults and the myth of the perfect family, so songs like Great Balls of Fire, Jailhouse Rock, and Tutti Frutti were born, full of rebellion, hidden sexual connotations, and just plain fun, by laughing when singing ‘Awap bop a lup bop a wop bam boom.’ But without a doubt, this musical hybrid changed music forever!
Rock and roll, or as it’s known in Mexico, “rocanrol,” already has a celebration on July 13th. International Rock’n’roll Day was created to pay tribute to the pioneers of this movement in the 50s, which is based on a mix of American musical genres such as Doo Wop, Rhythm and Blues, Blues, and Country, among others. Among the most prominent artists were Elvis Presley; Chuck Berry; Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, Buddy Holly, Bill Haley, Sister Rosetta, and many more. The term “rock and roll” was already used in R&B lyrics in the late 30s, but it was Alan Freed, the American broadcaster, who coined the term to describe this style. But beyond these basic data is what each artist had in their heart and mind when presenting their musical proposal. So, I will take this guideline to go through the decades and see how this has evolved musically and technologically, always contributing to society in constant movement.
1950s. Its beginning establishes the generation gap between parents and children, where young people stopped listening to their parents’ music, artists like Dean Martin, Brenda Lee, or Perry Como, whose themes were calm and romantic. R’n’R arrives to support the
1960s. Rock and roll lost its innocence and began to mature in a turbulent decade, in the U.S., with the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and almost zero Civil Rights. The music expressed thoughts and ideas about the sexual revolution, civil rights, racial equality, feminism, and environmentalism. Here is the beginning of the incursion of the musicians into the world of drugs, which gives a new twist to the sonic expression of their projects. Some of the most notable bands and songs included The Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields Forever” (drugs), Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind” (protest), Aretha Franklin’s “Respect” (feminism), “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” by The Rolling Stones (Critical of the U.S.), “Say it Loud (I’m Black and I’m Proud)” by James Brown (civil rights), “A Change Is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke (civil rights) and Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Fortunate Son” (antiwar), just to name a few.
1970s. After the Summer of Love in June 1969, the 70s began with a decline in the field of fashion, society, and, obviously, music. Men’s hair grew, women became more liberal, and rock and roll evolved into rock, but disco, funk, and soul were the most popular genres. Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Queen, ABBA, Parliament Funkadelic, and The Isley Brothers were the most popular bands and artists. Incredibly, a battle between Rock vs. Disco was created, supported by the phrase “Disco Sucks,” incited by homophobia and racism, since Disco music had its peak in gay bars with Black and Latino people. Some of the songs that put their surroundings into their songs were Steel Pulse’s Ku Klux Klan (Racism), Crosby’s Ohio, Stills, Nash & Young (Kent University Shootings), Bob Marley & The
In Hammersmith Palais by The Clash (Equality), What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye (Social Conscience), among others. All this decade’s controversies were minimized with the arrival of Punk, who said, all this excess was garbage. Under the D.I.Y. (Do it yourself) aesthetic, they bought their used instruments and began playing music without knowing how to use them. This brought revolutionary bands like the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Ramones, and the New York Dolls, challenging the status quo and creating a musical revolution.
1980s. Although new musical genres such as postpunk and new wave were created, with new proposals making music that was more cerebral and tech with the use of synthesizers. But popular music kept its commercial trend with artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Billy Joel. But what was learned was applied, and social issues were heard again with songs like “Born in the U.S.A.” by Bruce Springsteen (Vietnam), “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” by U2 (Irish Guerilla), “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash (Social Conscience), F**k tha Police by N.W.A. (police abuse), and Nena’s “99 Luftballons” (cold war). A movement arose due to the explicit lyrics in the songs, from Rap, Punk, and Heavy Metal, and was led by Mary “Tipper” Gore in the U.S., who got the albums to carry a “Parent Advisory” label. for parents) to censor its content. However, the birth of MTV gave greater diffusion to music now in a visual format that also criticized this cancellation of freedom of expression, which in the U.S. is the First Amendment that guarantees our right to free expression and association in the constitution.
1990s. The music of the ‘90s was diverse, with artists taking the styles of previous decades, refining them, then adding a sonic dimension and attitude that matched the optimism and sometimes despair of the decade. While Britpop sounded in England, in the U.S., grunge replaced the Hair Rock of commercial Heavy Metal to forcefully take specialized radio with more honest and direct music from the heart. Unfortunately, excessive drug use and depression had an impact on major bands such as Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Screaming Trees, among others. But even with these losses of life, songs emerged that did not take their finger off social issues, such as Sonic Youth’s “Youth Against Fascism” (fascism), The White Stripes’ “The Big Three Killed My Baby” (against America), Sinead O’Connor’s “Black Boys on Mopeds” (police abuse), Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name” (police abuse), among others. On the other hand, the subculture of dance clubs, creating the golden age of house music, New York and London took the baton that started in Chicago (in the 80s) to create a much darker sound driven by Raves. Finally, due to the ease of access to computers and the Internet, digital music put the music industry in trouble, and they started looking for ways to avoid “Burn C.D.s;” Little did
they know the impact Napster would have on their battle, offering its royalty-free music sharing service on June 1st, 1999.
2000s. Despite hip hop’s dominance (particularly in the intervening years), rock music remained popular, particularly alternative rock, and especially genres such as post-grunge, post-Britpop, nu metal, pop punk, emo, and indie rock. Some of the songs that created social awareness were Green Day’s “American Idiot” (social dysfunction), Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” (LGBT rights), Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright” (police abuse), Immigranida (We Comin’ Rougher) by Gogol Bordello, The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song by The Flaming Lips (abuse of power), among others. And as expected, Internet users began to share copyrighted songs through peer-to-peer networks, with Napster being the main vehicle, creating a movement allying the industry and artists against their use, in addition to seeking to prevent the spread and more projects with this type of service. Although that was just beginning and the music game changed forever since in 2005, YouTube started, followed by a small company from Sweden called Spotify in 2006.
Currently, early rock and roll have changed a lot from what we can be listening to today. Unfortunately, that acceptance that gave the impetus to the global phenomenon that it is today made it a very profitable business. Still, it is in our hands that it continues to be that way. That is why we are looking for a good artist or band, not just to entertain you, who is an upright artist with his own proposal and a message that appeals to you and avoids being a marketing product. It will help you listen to new music, if necessary. Rock, even better. Then support your favorite artists by going to their concerts, and do not leave without buying some merch; it is where they make their real money. And remember to share their music; this is something anyone can do! See you next time, and Happy International Rock’n’roll Day!
I have visited at least 43 vineyards in Valle de Guadalupe and still have more to see, these are my top 10, in no particular order.
In Viña Emiliana you can find my favorite wines of Valle de Guadalupe, the Nebbiolo Reserva, and the MANCAB (Cabernet Sauvignon). The winery is not very big, but the view of the mountains is beautiful while tasting the wine.
They also have a Bed & Breakfast separate from the vineyard, which is also of outstanding value and centrally located. Miguel and Laura are very knowledgeable about their wines and the process and are always willing to sit down and talk to you about everything to do with wine.
When looking for the best Nebbiolo wines in the Valle de Guadalupe, I was referred to Magoni, where you can find a good Nebbiolo at a reasonable price. But what makes this vineyard one of my favorites, starting with the wines, is the giant tree estimated to be 400 years old, where you can enjoy the afternoon listening to live music with Ilse McCarthy on Sundays. You have the wines, the ambiance, and the tree, with about 3-4 little dogs visiting your table.
It’s always fun here. Emevé has delicious wines. My favorites are Los Nietos, Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva (which they only have in magnum), and Armonía de Tintos, a wine you can drink every day. Brenda from Emevé knows a lot about wine and can explain and tell you all about their wines.
The atmosphere is fun on Saturdays from noon onwards. You can eat some dried meats with cheese, and they even have a
very lovely Emevé t-shirt and wines from Mexico.
My favorite wine is Rafael, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Nebbiolo, their wines are named after archangels, but they have started to bottle wines with other types of names. Make a reservation to taste wines in the cellar in advance. The vineyard has a Food Truck, and they also sell craft beers. Ask them to tell you the story of how they started the vineyard. There is also a Bed & Breakfast in the vineyard.
With a beautiful view of the mountains to the north, you can start your tasting day with any of their wines here. However, the famous Nebbiolo Cru Garage is only available by the bottle but is highly recommended. The 2013 was very popular but sold out; only a few of the 2014 are left, equally recommended. The tower has lovely views, and the workers know their wines very well.
A small vineyard but with some vibrant wines, one I always buy by the bottle is the Collage Tinto (Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiolo, and Syrah), but their Leonora, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot) is also another one I like, and as I can only cross one at a time, it can always take effort to decide. You can order your cheese board and taste wines overlooking their vineyard and the center of the Valley.
This vineyard is more extensive, and they ask for reservations to enter, and it is worth it. They have all kinds of wines,
By: Arnulfo Manriquezand I recommend tasting all of them to get to know them well, as each palate is different.
There are two areas in the vineyard for tasting, and my favorite is next to their lake; in November/December, it is full of ducks from the north. My favorite wine here is the Gran Ricardo Cabernet Sauvignon; they also have several lovely whites.
I just got to know this vineyard, but I like how they experiment with their grapes. The one that caught my attention was their blend of Grenache and Cabernet Sauvignon reds, something unexpected but a flavor that I am still tasting—a very simple vineyard with a lot of character.
My favorite is the ZigZag, a blend of Nebbiolo and Syrah, a full-bodied wine. I like to taste this wine in their Emat restaurant, inside the vineyard, where you can enjoy views of the vineyard and el Valle. But what I love here is the combination of the wines, the view, and the food at the restaurant with Chef Eduardo Salgado‘s delicious dishes.
I am learning more about Viña de Garza’s wines, but I liked the ones I have tasted. They have a nice view where you can taste their wines, and there are other vineyards nearby that you can get to know. Of their wines, the ones I like the most are the Tinto del Rancho Mogorcito, a Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot blend, and the 2 km/h blend of Tempranillo and Grenache.
All of these vineyards are located throughout the entire Valle de Guadalupe.
“Sommelier” is a French word from ‘saumalier or soumalier’, a person in charge of the animals carrying supplies (wine, for example). It is still being determined how the word evolved into the term used for the person who is a trained professional in wine pairing.
It is always a pleasant experience when you go to a fine restaurant, and there is a person who specializes in pairing wine with your meal. Even though you know a lot about wines, there is always more to learn. The combinations of wines and food are endless.
The Sommelier can also suggest good wines without overspending. They understand that there are different budgets when dining out, so their expertise in wine is valuable.
On June 3rd, sommeliers are celebrated around the world. This day was first established in Mexico in 2013 by a group of sommeliers who wanted to celebrate their wine stewardship on a day commemorating the foundation of the International Sommelier Association of 1969.
So, uncork that bottle and toast to the sommeliers that we’ve met in our lives.
' ' M e d e d i c o a p r o v e e r a s i s t e n c i a e n a s u n t o s d e i n m i g r a c i ó n , q u e n o i m p l i q u e n r e p r e s e n t a c i ó n l e g a l ' ' - D a r y s A v a l o s
C o n u n a e x p e r i e n c i a d e m a s d e 2 0 a ñ o s c o m o P a r a l e g a l , e n A v a l o s
C o n s u l t i n g S e r v i c e s o f r e c e m o s l o s s i g u i e n t e s s e r v i c i o s :
SENTRI/ Global Entry
Doble Ciudadanía
Petición Familiar
Renovación de Mica
310 Third Avenue Suite C-24
Chula Vista, CA 91910
somos abogados y por esta razón, no podemos dar consejos sobre inmigración o cualquier otro asunto legal.August 16 is the King of Rock N Roll International Day, Elvis Presley. Elvis Aaron began his music career in the 1950s with producer Sam Phillips. They wanted to incorporate African American music into their audience. Elvis was inspired by the gospel music he heard in church and the R&B he grew up with as a teenager in Memphis.
He quickly became a legendary sensation amongst the youth that learned to dance to his peculiar moves. He had to overcome the barriers of social and racial issues, but his talent and charisma were more powerful and influential to a whole new generation of American music.
• He had a twin that was stillborn (therefore, Elvis was an only child).
• He served his country in the U.S. Army.
• He starred in 33 successful films.
• He made several record-breaking appearances on television.
• He held non-stop concerts in Las Vegas, back-to-back.
• Elvis has received 14 Grammy nominations with three wins.
• He is one of the most iconic figures of twentieth-century popular culture.
• Became a worldwide sensation even though he never performed outside of the U.S. (only Canada for a brief time).
• He taught himself how to play the guitar.
• His first record was for his mother.
• He bought Graceland, his iconic mansion, when he was 22.
• “Elvis the Pelvis” was his nickname because of how he moved his hips while dancing.
• Married Priscilla Presley and had one daughter Lisa Marie Presley.
• He died in his home at the age of 42. A heart attack was the cause of death, but popular opinion states that his addiction to barbiturates is what deteriorated his health.
Elvis and his music will always be with us and all future generations. He may have left the building, but his spirit and memories are very much present.
ternational Women in Engineering Day is celebrated on June 23 every year around the world to honor women in the field and spread awareness of the importance of women and their outstanding performance and achievements in engineering throughout the world.
Women in engineering have come a long way thanks to programs spreading awareness of the greatness of engineering as a career. Girls all over are introduced at a young age to the wonderful world of engineering, making sure that they know about the fantastic opportunities and careers that are available to all.
How can we promote and celebrate Women in Engineering Day?
We can start by promoting and celebrating all the women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), like:
Bessie Blount Griffin, physical therapist (1914-2009); Ada Lovelace, first ever computer programmer (1815-1852); Florence Seibert, tuberculosis researcher (1897-1991); Mary Jackson, the first black female engineer (1921-2005); Marie Curie, first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only one winning two times (1867-1934); Nettie Stevens, discovered X and Y chromosomes (1861-1912); Susan McKinney-Steward, homeopathic and childhood disease physician (18471918); Florence Nightingale, inventor of
modern nursing (1820-1910); Rosalind Franklin, DNA specialist (1920-1958) and Caroline Herschel, the first woman scientist to receive a salary (1750-1848).
Building on this list of amazing scientists and engineers, it is our honor to present to you a contemporary example of an accomplished Woman in Engineering: Martha Ventura, Vice President of Engineering and Operations at T-Mobile.
As a young girl, growing up in California with her mom and dad who immigrated to the United States from Michoacan, Mexico and Nicaragua, Martha thrived in math and science and dreamed of having a career in engineering. Overcoming a bit of discouragement from society and even her loved ones, she persisted and went after her dreams, eventually graduating from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.
Martha now has more than 30 years of telecommunications and wireless experience. Throughout her career, she worked in in various engineering disciplines and roles leading up to her engineering leadership role at T-Mobile.
T-Mobile is the leader in 5G, delivering the country’s largest, fastest and most awarded 5G network. Ookla’s Q1 2023 Speedtest Global Index Market Analysis United States report ranked T-Mobile’s network as the fastest provider in California and
in 16 of California’s most populous cities including San Diego and Los Angeles.
Martha’s leadership skills have inspired teams – ranging from 10 to 300+ employees –to achieve business goals. She is an advocate for STEM, mentoring young women interested in growing their engineering careers. T-Mobile’s mentorship opportunities, that Martha and other leaders contribute to, help women advance in all stages of their career. For example, T-Mobile’s Returnship Program provides opportunities for women who’ve taken a professional career break to care for family members, raise children and/or for other personal reasons. The program helps people with employment gaps build skills and confidence to reenter the workforce.
Martha Ventura is not just an accomplished engineer, she is also a devoted wife, mother and dog mom. She is a role model for all women including Hispanic binational women that are trying to thrive in a STEM career, while at the same time, find balance in their lives for family, friends and hobbies. Martha wants people know that finding your way for a successful life can be done with passion and a love for your career path.
La Revista Binacional is honored to know and feature Martha Ventura, Vice President of Engineering and Operations at T-Mobile. Follow her on LinkedIn to keep up with her amazing achievements.
Breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and engineering a brighter future - women in engineering, you’ve got this!
El Abogado del Pueblo, which means ‘The town’s lawyer’ is here. But who is he? This is his story:
El Abogado del Pueblo, when he was a young boy, experienced what it was like to be discriminated for being an immigrant and an orphan.
At that time, he could not understand why. Nobody prepares you for that, especially when you are a child trying to figure out life, single-handedly. It was there when he realized that life is sometimes not fair. Injustice and tough situations were always present in his young life. People would take advantage of his situation. He thought of ways to fight back, defending himself in sometimes situations that took him the wrong way.
Being unheard and struggling to be seen gave him the courage to change his life completely. His second chance was here,
and he took it. He began to believe in himself and his potential. He wanted to be better, he wanted to be much more in life. He started to fight for his own rights.
He stood up for himself with passion, integrity, and perseverance. He became the person qualified to advise people about the law and represent them in court or other legal matters. He became a lawyer.
Jose Orozco, a.k.a. El Abogado del Pueblo, has been impacted in every single practice. He learned to separate his emotions from the professional side of his personality.
“Criminal law is more serious and chaotic than what people think. I consider it a life changing path. Every decision can impact and affect my client’s life. That is where the pressure of being an attorney is stronger. The responsibility of my client’s well-being is what makes me do my best”
For El Abogado del Pueblo, he finds Family Law to be a very emotional part of his career. It is heartbreaking seeing families being destroyed, especially since minors are involved. He is a father, so he understands and takes minors’ lives very seriously. He wants them to be less affected. Instead of fighting those cases, he strategically comes up with a plan, a solution, and an agreement where everyone is less affected.
El Abogado del Pueblo has a purpose: to impact and show people that if he could do it in life, everyone can do it too. It takes courage and the ability to believe in yourself. He wants you to know that you are not alone.
His main practices are Personal Injury, Criminal Defense and Domestic Violence.
Where can you find El Abogado del Pueblo?
Visit his Facebook and Instagram @elabogadodelpueblo
His website is: He is just a phone call away.
He and his team will get you through the problems or issues you or your loved ones might face in life.
I believe that everyone, no matter who you are, your status, race, past or where you come from, you deserve to have rights, and I will be the lawyer to help you to fight for it.
When I was a little girl, I had a small blue record player. My mom used to lend me her records, the little ones with only two songs, one on each side. My favorite was one of The Beatles. On one side, “Day Tripper” was playing and on the other, and my favorite to this day, “We Can Work It Out.”
When my mom could not wake me up for school, she would go and put that record on and immediately everything would change. Since then, those 4 people on the cover of that record have been part of my life. I think I learned their names first than the days of the week!
The Beatles have been in every moment that life has given or taken something from me. They are in the colors yellow and white. They are on the smiles of many celebrated birthdays.
Paul still amazes me, George comes along when I am looking for peace of mind, John gives me love that I can feel and touch, and Ringo makes me look for his carefree rhythm when I want to change places.
They continue to surprise me with images from
other times, with black suits and long hair or wearing crazy colors and sounds.
There are days when a song comes out of nowhere and it transports me in a yellow submarine to a strawberry field or from a street in Liverpool to the rooftop of a building in London.
Their music envelops me and makes me close my eyes for just a few seconds and a determined LET IT BE comes out of my heart!
Writing is not for everyone. It requires not only imagination but a talent to make the letters make up words that make up sentences that flow into a thought you wish to express.
Writing about sports is a whole different scenario. It is not only reporting scores or who is doing what in a game. It is about engaging the public with the sport, the fans with the athlete, and the rules with the statistics.
Jorge Carlos Mercader. Host of Fox DeportesMedia is an extremely important part of sports. Nowadays, with online streaming and social media, sports journalists have everything to provide better coverage and analysis of game, coaches and players and the teams.
Therefore, everyone expects more from sports journalism than back in the 1800s when reporters started to write about horse racing and boxing, especially for the elite society and the newspapers. In the 1920s, with baseball being the
national pastime, college football became a thing and the massive increase in interest for sports overall, sports journalism was in high demand. Radio was the most popular source of sports news.
In the 1950s, Sports Illustrated magazine was born and with this, a whole new way of writing about sports. Journalists focused not only on the athletes but also conducted personal interviews to highlight them on another level.
Tim Donaghy the ref that affected bets, The attack on Nancy Kerrigan, Maradona’s hand of gold in soccer, The deflated footballs of the NE Patriots, Kobe Bryant’s death and Mexico’s “it was not a penalty” cry in the World Cup, to name a few, are all part of our history.
No matter where you are, who you are or what you do, you have heard about at least one of the stories above.
On July 2nd, we internationally celebrate Sports Journalism. La Revista Binacional and Fox Deportes are proud to feature Jorge Carlos Mercader. This is his story: After 15 years at ESPN, including becoming the youngest host of Sportscenter in network history, Jorge Carlos Mercader joined FOX Deportes this past September as one of the network’s lead voices from its new Mexico City-based studios.
The native of Mexico City currently serves as host of TOTAL SPORTS, the network’s daily sports highlight show, as well as PUNTO FINAL, a colorful debate show with a focus on Mexican soccer. PUNTO FINAL also features a rotating cast of former players including Daniel “Ruso” Brailovsky, Paco Palencia, Cesilio Dos Santos, Beto Valdes, Mariano Trujillo and more.
Mercader also recently joined the ranks of network’s play-by-play announcers as the voice behind the USFL, the upstart football league, alongside Rodolfo Landeros.
Throughout his career, Mercader has been part of the globe’s biggest sporting events, including the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics. He also won three Emmys.
He was the first black president of South Africa, serving from 19941999.
It is still being determined how he got the name MADIBA. Still, a professor at Michigan State University, Peter Alegi, who specializes in South African history, said, “Using Madiba’s name is to reclaim his Africanness and downplay the Nelson part, a colonial legacy that unfortunately shacked much of the African continent.”
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is best known for being an advocate for democracy as well as considered the father of Modern South Africa. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for fighting against the oppressive government and destroying the Apartheid regime. For opposing the system, he was incarcerated for 27 years in harsh and inhuman conditions, but he never gave up. He was released in 1990 after the Free Nelson Mandela campaign was launched in 1980 by Oliver Tambo.
Nelson Mandela passed away when he was 95 in Johannesburg in 2013.
Nelson Mandela Day is celebrated worldwide every July 18 by making a difference in our community. We can all participate by taking action and being the change the world expects.
It is in your hands to make a better world for all who live in it.
As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.
Yousuf Karsh
Well, the first rule of thumb is to embrace every opportunity to try new things! Instead of staying in a traditional hotel, why not opt for a cozy Airbnb or vacation rental in a residential area? This allows you to get a genuine feel for the local culture and interact with friendly locals.
When it comes to food, skip the chain restaurants. Embrace the street food scene. From crispy tacos to savory tamales, Mexico is a foodie’s paradise - and who better to guide you than the locals themselves? Be bold and try that hole-in-the-wall spot you’ve been eyeing or ask a vendor for their personal recommendations. This always works!
Take public transportation. Instead of renting a car or taking an uber everywhere, take local buses to get around. This is a cheaper and more authentic way to travel like a local.
Shop at local markets. Visit local markets to shop for souvenirs, fresh produce, and handmade crafts. This is a great way to support local businesses and interact with the community.
Finally, don’t be afraid to brush up on your Spanish skills and engage in conversations with locals. You’ll be surprised at how welcoming and helpful they can be in guiding you to the must-see hidden gems.
So don’t be a tourist, be a local, and experience all Mexico has to offer.
If you’re heading to Mexico for a much-needed vacation, you might be wondering how to go beyond the typical touristy hotspots and take in the country like a local.How to vacation like a local in
Yes. Tequila, the Mexican distilled alcoholic blue agave product, is not only for Margaritas or neat shots. This amazing beverage is not only for drinking but has been discovered to have many more uses!
• It is a great cleaner. The chemistry in tequila helps clean up built-up dirt or sticky messes, especially in bathrooms. Grab a rag and tequila, and wipe away.
• The agave fibers are used to manufacture sponges, like the ones you use to clean your dishes in your kitchen.
• This drink can work as a jewelry polisher, like copper and silver. It makes your jewelry sparkle.
• Tequila helps eliminate mold that can build up in dark and shady places. Dilute half a cup of tequila with 3 cups of water in a spray bottle and watch the mildew disappear.
• Disinfectant. There is no better disinfectant than alcohol, so the higher the proof, the
more it can disinfect surfaces.
• Tequila is known to be used in spa treatments like facials and exfoliations. The alcohol works as an astringent, aiding in skin care.
• Cooking with tequila is an ancient custom for Mexican cooks. Tequila in marinades, sauces, and flambe desserts make it an ingredient that can make any recipe extra flavorful.
Tequila not only has all of those uses, but it also has health benefits like aiding in weight loss and cleaning your digestive tract. Some old folks swear by it when it is a cold you want to get rid of!
For whatever reason you have tequila in your house, remember that we recommend moderation.
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila… FLOOR!
Comic-Con is a hub of creativity, imagination, and pure geeky goodness. Every year, people from all walks of life gather together under one roof to celebrate their favorite comics, movies, TV shows, and video games. And what do you get when you mix thousands of passionate fans together in one place? Pure magic. Comic-Con brings out the best in people. Strangers become friends, costumes become works of art, and any judgments or prejudices are left at the door. It’s a place where people can be themselves and embrace their inner nerd. And that’s why Comic-Con isn’t just an event, it’s a community.
Furthermore, Comic-Con often hosts panels and events that promote diversity, equality, and social justice issues, which can inspire attendees to take action and make a positive impact in their communities. The event also encourages creativity and self-expression, as attendees often dress up as their favorite characters or showcase their own artwork, writing, or other creative endeavors.
Overall, Comic-Con brings people together and provides a platform for celebrating the things we love while also promoting positive values and social awareness.
So put on your cape, grab your lightsaber, and join the fun at the next Comic-Con in San Diego!
California is a popular location for Airbnb investments due to its many tourist attractions and warm climate. However, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the state’s short term rental laws before buying a vacation rental property. California has strict regulations for vacation rentals and leaves it up to local authorities to determine their own laws and restrictions. Each city in the state has its own laws and regulations, so it’s important to research the specific regulations in the city where you plan to invest.
If you’re interested in turning your property into a short-term rental, but you’re not sure if it’s legal under Airbnb regulations we can help.
California’s Definition of a Short-Term Rental:
The State of California defines a short-term rental as a residential dwelling or a portion of a residential dwelling that is rented out for 30 consecutive days. A residential dwelling, in turn, refers to a private structure that has been designed and is available for use and occupancy as a residence by one or more individuals. This definition excludes commercially operated hotels, motels, bed and breakfast inns, and timeshare properties.
Starting any business, including a vacation rental, in California is handled by the Office of the California Secretary of State (SOS).
According to the SOS website, you need to go through a few steps to form a business. The 5 steps to start a short-term rental business in California are:
1. Develop a Business Plan
You cannot start a business without a plan. When thinking about an Airbnb business, especially in California, there are certain things that need to be defined: location, structure, marketing, advertising, on your own or with the help of a professional marketing agency.
2. Choose a Location for Your Business
Where do you want your business to be located? It does not have to be where you live. It can be anywhere in the world, for that matter.
3. Select a Business Structure
In California, you need to know what type of business structure best suits your purpose. Whether it is a sole proprietor, LLC (Limited Liability) or a corporation, you must understand what each one is and study the pros and cons of them. It is highly recommended that your accountant or business lawyer advises you on what is best.
4. File Tax and Employer Identification Documents
You are expected to pay taxes, therefore your Employer ID Number (EIN) must be obtained. There are many ways to pay taxes, including platforms that have the rental listing set up to aid hosts in complying with IRS. If you are paying taxes as a foreign national, there are certain tax issues that you need to be aware of, so we strongly advise you to contact tax attorneys that specialize in FIRPTA and foreign investors obligations.
5. Obtain Licenses and Permits
It is better to have licenses and permits to start your Airbnb business. California cities are now requiring it, but every city might have different regulations.
It is very important to understand that not every neighborhood in the city you want to invest in will allow Airbnb.
You need the help of a real estate agent that can assist you in finding out the regulations per zone. Homeowners’ associations can be very strict with Airbnb regulations and can be a problem if ignored.
So, before you invest, visit us at New Journey Real Estate, where we can certainly help you with every step towards your AIRBNB business, whether you want to invest in the United States or Mexico. We are your binational, bicultural, and professional brokerage that is ready to help you create investments that will be part of your passive income and retirement plan.
Originally from the city of Tijuana, Baja California, at the age of 2, he was introduced to music on acetate records. In fact, the first record that he put on an RCA Victor console was the song “Venus” from The Shocking Blue, a song that came out in 1969, and from there began his passion for playing records and listening to music that at that time was the “Disco 70s” trend Music.
From there, in his adolescence, he got into OH Laser Club 1984, where he fulfilled his dream of being a professional DJ.
The music, lights, and laser show, which was the hottest thing in the city, led him to be recognized by all of Tijuana society.
In 1987 he was the resident DJ at the famous CLUB A on Avenida Revolución in Tijuana. He spent 13 years with a unique, authentic, and original concept, playing the best music of those times, New Wave, Pop Music, and some eighties freestyle and all, and what was trending at that time like The Cure, Erasure, Depeche Mode, New Order, etc. Duran Duran is Luis’s favorite group to date.
He was also on More FM 98.9 and Radio Latina 104.5 and currently collaborates with Univisión Radio San Diego covering events as a professional DJ. His memory of his DJ career is seeing his satisfied clients and continuing to meet new clients from new generations.
The secret that his fans follow him is, apart from his charisma, the simplicity, and the blessing of having friends and clients
of decades who have followed the retro music concept wherever DJ LUIS performs.
What makes him different from others is his connection with the people and making his events a success. 38 years of experience have taught him to be a successful DJ for all kinds of social events.
He has met so many celebrities from different genres of music throughout his history.
You can find him on Thursdays and Fridays at Romesco Tapas BAR, where he has been there for 11 years with the best retro music video in San Diego, starting at 7 pm.
And on Wednesdays at La Central Urban Grill with the Retro 80s concept.
Soon he will be at the Santo Placer restaurant bringing the best retro music one day a week, but to find out exactly, follow DJ LUIS on social media.
Risper Biyaki Gesabwa is a Mexico-based athlete who was born in Kenya. She made history by earning her first medal for Mexico at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru. Risper is a long-distance runner who has been running for over 11 years and has competed in marathons.
Risper Biyaki Gesabwa was born in Kisumu, Kenya on February 10, 1989. Although she was born in Kenya, she became a naturalized Mexican in September 2018, and has represented Mexico in international competitions.
When Biyaki first visited Mexico in 2011, she competed in a few races, trained for a while, and fell in love with the nation, its people, and its climate. “I considered nationalizing myself in order to represent Mexico on an international scale, but the process was everything but simple”, claimed Biyaki. Risper Biyaki Gesabwa rented a little house in a housing complex in Guadalupe, Zacatecas. Since then, as part of her training, she runs daily distances of around 20 kilometers; the route includes traveling across Zacatecas’ main thoroughfare while using cars and public transportation trucks. And despite having plans to settle in the State of Mexico, she chose to continue living in Zacatecas.
Some of Risper Biyaki Gesabwa’s notable achievement in athletics is winning a silver medal in the women’s 10,000-meter race at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru. She finished with a time of 31:59:00, surpassing her personal record. Risper has been running for over 11 years and has competed in marathons. She has also represented Mexico in national competitions.
Truly, Risper is a force to be reckoned with in the athletics world.
“I considered nationalizing myself in order to represent Mexico on an international scale, but the process was everything but simple”.- Biyaki
All the President’s Men, yup, another Watergate movie but this one celebrates freedom of press.
Saving Private Ryan, a true story about looking for a soldier and pulling him out of the war in World War II, ordered by upper command, due to the fact his other brothers were killed in the same war.
Jaws, where a shark attacks tourists during a 4th of July weekend.
Forrest Gump, we travel through the life of an innocent Alabama boy and all the interesting things he accomplished (mostly without trying).
National Treasure, Imagine having to steal the Declaration of Independence to protect it? An Indiana Jones type of movie that makes you feel proud of being an American.
Fireworks and a barbecue are usually how Americans celebrate their Independence on 4th of July. Families and friends gather and throw a red, white, and blue party with music, a cookout, apple pie and (if legal) fireworks.
Cities have special places where you can go and watch fireworks, especially parks or near a body of water.
Other families prefer to stay chill and enjoy the day by just watching a good old movie in their homes. We have come up with some great films that the whole family can enjoy. This day is not about eating or partying hard, but it is to celebrate being a citizen of this country.
Our favorite movies to watch as a family are:
A League of their Own. Women take over the American sport when their men are away fighting wars. Great comedy with an amazing cast.
The Sandlot, because playing baseball with the kids in your neighborhood is as American as can be.
Born on the Fourth of July, a true story about the autobiography of Ron Kovic, a Vietnam War veteran, and his transition post-war.
Spain ruled Colombia and Venezuela (the Republic of Colombia, which also included Ecuador and Panama). La Junta de Santa Fe was unified in Bogotá, the viceroyalty’s capital, and sparked the independence movement from the Spanish government. Simón Bolivar led many armed forces rebelling against Spain, fighting for the freedom of New Granada (Colombia and Panama), the general Captaincy of Venezuela, and the Hearing of Quito. Bolívar was known as The Liberator, a Venezuelan aristocrat of Spanish descent. Colombia celebrated its Independence on July 20, 1810, and Venezuela on July 5, 1811. Even though Colombia and Venezuela started as one territory (the Republic of Colombia) fighting for Independence from Spain, they separated in the 1930s.
By: Gina DewarJuly is known for being the month when the United States became independent from England, but it is also the month when Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela celebrate their Independence from Spain.
Argentina decided to become independent around 1806 when the British attacked Buenos Aires, and there was seldom help from Spain. Afterward, Argentinian citizens’ middle and upper class went against the Spanish-controlled government Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros. Finally, it established a selfgoverning administration on May 25, 1810 (now considered Revolution Day). This proved that Spain was losing its power in Argentina and was the beginning of the Argentine War of Independence. The formal Declaration of Independence was made on July 9, 1816.
All three countries celebrate their Independence by dressing up in traditional costumes of their country, holding parades and cooking up feasts. Let’s join them this July by learning more about their history and place in the modern world.
Every July 1st, Canadians across the world celebrate their country, heritage, and history. It is not really a day to celebrate the independence of Canada (like the United States celebrates it on July 4th or Mexico on September 16th) since it never fought in a war against the British but was an ally during World War I.
Canada is a country that was proclaimed on July 1st, 1867, when the British Parliament passed the British North America Act, therefore being that day known worldwide as CANADA DAY.
• Canada’s two official languages are French and English.
• Canada comes from the indigenous (Iroquois) word KANATA, which means village.
• It is a monarchy that shares the now King with the UK.
• It wasn’t until 1982 that Canada became fully independent.
• It is so large that it has six time zones.
• There are ten provinces and three territories.
• It is the country that has the longest coastline (151,600 miles).
• Canada holds 20% of the world’s freshwater supply.
• Only six cities in Canada have a population of over 1 million.
• Winnipeg is the coldest and windiest city in Canada.
• Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Kiefer Sutherland, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Reynolds, Mike Myers, and Keanu Reeves are among the famous actors and musicians that come from Canada.
• It hosts the second largest Oktoberfest (after Germany, of course)
• In Souris, Prince Edward Island, building a snowman taller than 30 inches is illegal.
Famous food that comes from Canada (to name a few):
• Maple syrup
• Lobster
• Poutine
• Butter tarts
• Ketchup chips
• Salmon
• Tourtiere
• Lake fish
• Canadian Bacon (of course!)
So let’s celebrate with our Canadian friends their day this July, “From Sea to Sea.”
• It was invented by the Sumerians, a group of WOMEN brewers who were priestesses in Mesopotamia.
• San Diego is known as the craft beer capital of the world.
• Wisconsin is known for beer, even though the state that drinks more beer in the United States is California, followed by Texas.
• Mexico is the Latin American country that drinks more beer. Northern states of Mexico consume and sell the most beer, even though Guadalajara claims to be the birth city of beer in Mexico.
• After water and tea, beer is the third most consumed beverage in the world.
• Germany organizes the biggest beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest.
• Barack Obama was the first president to brew beer in the White House.
• Snake Venom, brewed in Scotland, is the strongest beer, with 67.75% alcohol.
• Beer can be chilled in just two minutes by putting it in ice, salt, and water in a bowl and stirring.
• In Austria, you can swim in a beer pool in Schloss Starkenberger.
• Japan celebrates beer on different days during the summer because the government does not want the country to drink beer on the same day.
• There are more than 100 styles of beers: Lager, Stout, IPA, Pilsner, American Pale Ale, Wheat, Porter, Brown Ale, and Sour, to be the most popular ones.
• Beer pong has been around since the 1950s.
• Whoever built the Great Pyramids was paid in beer.
• Zythology is the study of beer and beer brewing methods.
• Sumerians, the inventors of beer, also invented the straw (which was initially meant for drinking beer)
• The monks of Bavaria and Bohemia, who made a living brewing beer, were the ones to introduce hops as a preservative of the drink.
• Beers require to be consumed at different temperatures, depending on the style. That is why in countries like Germany, it is not uncommon to be served warm beer.
• Homebrewing became legal in all 50 states of the United States in 2013. In Mexico, it became popular in the mid-1990s if it was for personal consumption.
• Ninkasi is the beer goddess.
• The oldest brewery is in Weihenstephan, Germany.
• George Washington was a beer lover and legendary homebrewer with his own beer recipe.
How many facts did you already know?
Have you ever heard the saying “It’s been quite a roller coaster ride?”
Up, down, upwards, turns and spins.
Roller coasters, those attractions that shake you to your core, make you scream and feel alive with the adrenaline skyrocketing inside of you. Yes, it sounds horrible, yet they bring out the most pleasurable feelings.
These addicting mind-blowing full speed rides were invented by a child named LaMarcus Thompson in 1884, even though Russians had already begun creating gravity defying rides in the 1600s.
People of all ages, races, cultures, and nationalities can agree that roller coasters are either the best experience you can have in an amusement park or the worst.
We did our homework and we’ve put together a ROLLER COASTER BUCKELIST:
• X2 (Six Flags Magic Mountain, VALENCIA, CALIFORNIA, USA), a 4-D mind-bending experience.
• STEEL DRAGON 2000 (Nagashima Resort, JAPAN), the longest roller coaster ride in the world.
• THE SMILER (Alton Towers, UNITED KINGDOM), several type of loops, rolls, corkscrew turns.
• FØNIX (FÅRUP SOMMERLAND, DENMARK), the only ride with a “stall loop”, weightlessness feeling.
• YUKON STRIKER (Wonderland, CANADA), the tallest dive coaster in the world.
• TOWER OF TERROR (Gold Reef City, SOUTH AFRICA), with a gravitational force twice as strong as a rocket launch, with a 49-foot drop, enough to make people pass out (and they have!).
• EXPEDITION GEFORCE (Holiday Park Haßloch, Rhineland-
Palatinate, GERMANY), it promises 7 moments of weightlessness where you just float, along with your stomach.
• INSANITY (Stratosphere Hotel/Casino in LAS VEGAS, USA), this ride is not for everyone. You dangle 900 feet above the ground, spinning and angled at 70 degrees. Say your goodbyes, just in case!
• T EXPRESS (Everland Resort, SOUTH KOREA), wooden old-school extreme ride, if you like to be dropped at 65mph on a 77-degree angle!
• FORMULA ROSSA (Ferrari World, DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES), and just as a Ferrari, speed is what this makes this ride a ‘must’ in your lifetime. From zero to 150 miles per hour in only 5 seconds, make sure you hold on to your glasses, hats, purses, and your soul!
More and more young people are leaving digital photography to the side and focusing on film photography. Why is that? In typical Gen-Z fashion, I asked my Instagram followers. Some said a family member introduced them to film, and others said they simply liked how it looked. Whatever their reason may be, film photography is officially back.
There are way more steps involved in taking a film photograph than with a digital camera. First, you need to choose your film stock. There are the popular color ones like Portra 400 or Cinestill 800T, or you can also choose to shoot black and white with a roll of Ilford HP5 or Kodak TMax 400. After choosing the perfect roll, you now need to see which camera you’ll shoot with. Do you need an SLR for more control, or will you select a point-andshoot camera and make your life easier? Next thing you know, you’ve shot your entire roll, and it’s time to develop. Will you scan your pictures, or will you also print them? The possibilities are endless with film. Even when your film has already been processed, you can pull out the negatives and rescan or print as many times as you want.
One of the things I love the most about film photography is the anticipation. Not knowing exactly how your pictures will turn out until the minute they’re developed and scanned (or printed) makes me feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.
The limited quantity of pictures also makes one think twice about what to photograph. With the rise in film prices, this has become more notable among those who enjoy this hobby. There’s something about only having 24 or 36 chances of a perfect photo that makes every single frame more special. On average, one roll will last me at least a month on any of my cameras, and the same goes for my followers who answered my questions.
Be surprised with film, try something new. If you’re already a photographer, try film photography, there’s a lot to learn from it that translates into digital photography.
And as many of us film photographers say, film is not dead.
Lee en españolThe Happiest Place on Earth has its secrets! Edwin, our expert source, has been visiting Disneyland Parks in Anaheim, CA, almost every weekend of the year, so let’s just say he’s become a connoisseur. Here are some of his recommendations for firsttimers and returning visitors alike:
• Get there early: The park opens at 8:00 am; I recommend you arrive about 20 minutes earlier because there is a strategy called “Rope Drop,” which means getting there early or at opening hours. This strategy is beneficial when you want to avoid long lines. This way, you’ll find 5–15-minute lines throughout the parks.
• If you’re there celebrating your birthday, anniversary, graduation, or your first time visiting the parks, don’t forget to ask for your celebration pin at any of the park’s stores for free.
• If you have a Hopper ticket for visiting both parks on the same day, I recommend you go to Disney California Adventure first since it’s smaller and faster to walk. It’s important to mention that you can switch parks after 11:00 am.
• If you want to save on food, Disneyland allows visitors to enter the parks with any type of food, like burritos, sandwiches, candy, chips, sodas, water bottles, juice boxes, etc., as long as they aren’t packaged in glass.
• If you’re a photographer, you can bring your professional camera if you leave your tripod or selfie stick home.
• If you’re traveling with children that aren’t tall enough to ride, you can talk
to any cast member and tell them you want to “switch,” this means that one person can ride while the other takes care of the child, and then when the ride is finished, the other person can enjoy the ride as well.
• If you want to save time in long lines and don’t mind riding alone, try the infamous “Single Rider” and save so much time. It’s important to mention that not all rides have this benefit.
• Disney just implemented this new modality called “Genie+,” which has “Lightning Lane,” formerly known as “FastPass.” Genie+ will set you back $30 per person, but you’ll save plenty of time on lines!
• There are two things that will always be free at Disneyland: drinking water and celebration pins.
• If you’re planning on seeing the World of Color Show at Disney California Adventure, don’t forget to make a reservation through the app, you’ll sign in and enter a virtual line for your tickets; that way, you’ll be able to secure a better view.
• Also, through the app, you can purchase your entrance tickets and even buy food, drinks, and souvenirs.
• If you’re visiting with small children, I recommend visiting Fantasyland; there are plenty of rides for the little ones.
• The best times to visit the parks are in the summer and Christmas.
heartfelt, and often tear jerking, dramas are what you watch to get all the feels. The 90’s was a particularly great time for drama films. Years before superhero movies and CGI-heavy spectacles dominated the big screens, drama movies - often starring Hollywood’s A-lists - were the mainstream. Those were the days when films drew in audiences solely on really great scripts and top notch acting. Here are the Top 5 drama films of the 90’s.
Initially a box office bomb when it debuted in 1994, the feature film adaptation of Stephen King’s novella has since achieved cult classic status. At one point, it was even IMDB’s highest rated film in history.
Set in 1947, Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) is a long-term inmate at the Shawshank State Prison who’s established himself as the procurer of whatever goods the inmates need. Having resigned himself to prison life, his outlook in life is upended with the arrival of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a convicted murderer who insists that he’s innocent and never stops dreaming of freedom. The story unfolds over decades as they undergo the highs and lows of serving time.
An epic story of conviction, friendship, and well, redemption, the film is exceptionally written and wonderfully acted. Forgoing the traditional three-act structure, Shawshank played more like a novel, with loosely interconnected chapters that built up to a revelatory culmination. It had top notch visual, writing, and performance, truly a masterclass in storytelling for the ages.
In his first Oscar-winning performance, Tom Hanks played Forrest Gump, an intellectuallychallenged man who changes the lives of everyone around him, except the one girl who continues to elude him. Autobiographicallike though purely fictional, the movie saw Forrest traverse through important moments in America’s 20th century history.
The movie was director Robert Zemeckis. In typical 90’s fashion, it’s earnest to a fault, even when covering glum topics like sexual abuse, the tolls of war, and HIVAIDS. And never forget that luminous score by Alan Silvestri.
This film had you at hello. From the moment Tom Cruise sauntered to the screen, frantically writing a manifesto in the middle of the night, you know this is something special.
Jerry Maguire might be most famous for its romantic lines today, but it’s a solid second coming-ofage drama for the central character, who learns the value of loyalty and belonging over the course of the movie. Endlessly quotable and pretty funny too, this was writerdirector Cameron Crowe at the peak of his game.
Roberto Benigni wrote, directed and starred in this Italian World War II comedy drama about a Jewish man attempting to shield his son from the bleakness of their internment at a Nazi concentration camp.
Roberto Benigni is ever energetic in his role as a father and a husband who never wavers from sunny optimism during the darkest of time. His chemistry with Giorgio Cantarini, the boy playing his son in the film is so endearing and a big part of the movie’s charm.
Above all, the story is a bittersweet tale about hope against all odds.
This is arguably the most memorable film of the 90’s as well as the highest grossing film in history for the longest time. James Cameron never makes a film you can ignore, that’s for sure. Titanic boasted fantastic costumes, memorable scores, sumptuous production design, not to mention intricate craftsmanship that went into creating an immersive experience of being at sea, be it practical or visual effect.
The chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet is electric, despite what many consider to be a rather milquetoast love story.
One year ago, I found myself graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It was a warm, sunny morning in June of 2022 when I walked across that stage and received that diploma that I had worked so hard for, made up by many cups of coffee and walking down the infamous UCLA hills listening to music on my earphones.
Reflecting on that important moment in my life, I don’t think I was prepared to transition from a life as a student to finding my way as a graduate, planning, and understanding what is next in my career.
After being a student for most of my life, the reality of not being surrounded in academia was incredibly difficult to adapt to. I missed living on campus, engaging in intellectual debates in my political science classes, and, perhaps what I missed the most, studying at the library for hours.
I believe that I have never been good with change. The unknown can be terrifying, and it is always easier to stay in one’s comfort zone to feel safe and protected. I have always envied those that are able to transition from different life stages without overthinking their past decisions and experiencing a sense of deep nostalgia for what used to be.
As difficult as it has been, I have tried to accept that we cannot avoid the life transitions that we encounter. These periods of transitions are not only normal but should be celebrated as they indicate that we are about to embark on new experiences. Change truly is inevitable.
As I continue to live my early 20s, I know that I will continue to feel lost and confused. Perhaps these feelings with stay with me for a lifetime but I will try to take it one day at a time. I am trying to remind myself that there is something quite exciting about not knowing what is next. The best is yet to come, it always is.
Over the storied history of cinema there has been a genre that exists within it. One that has been around since cameras first started rolling on moving pictures. That is the genre of horror, and within that genre, also since the beginning, there has been the trope of the “Scream Queen”. Since the start of horror movies a great many ladies have proudly worn that crown. From Fay Wray in ‘King Kong’ to Janet Leigh in ‘Psycho’ and all the way up to Jamie Lee Curtis in ‘Halloween’ and Neve Campbell in ‘Scream’. In today’s era of horror cinema there are two women who have proudly planted themselves atop the mountain of horror. Those two women happen to be the indelible and incomparable Mia Goth and Jenna Ortega.
These two incredibly gifted women have carved out distinct niches for themselves in the history of horror, and they are doing it at the exact same time. While historically there has usually only been space for one to sit alone atop of the throne at a time such as Jamie Lee in the 70’s and 80’s or Neve Campbell in the 90’s and 2000’s, this is a special time in horror as both of this woman have shown they have the acting chops and charisma to transform the title of “Scream Queen” into their own. While historically speaking “Scream Queens” generally were just pretty faces who could scream loud and play the damsel in distress part. As the decades rolled on and new actresses began finding themselves adorned with the title, they started changing what makes a “Scream Queen” into something more multi-dimensional. Look at the change from Jamie Lee’s performance in the first ‘Halloween’ to ‘H20’ or the new ‘Halloween’ trilogy. She went from the damsel in distress to the tough as nails bad**s we all love. Or look at Neve Campbell in the ‘Scream’ franchise. She exudes toughness and resiliency throughout. It’s the constant evolution of what it means to be a “Scream Queen”.
In this current era of Mia Goth and Jenna Ortega dominating the genre, you have these two distinctive women who bring a boatload of uniqueness and charisma to the table. In terms of Mia Goth, you have a woman who can easily slide into the role of a supporting character (Suspiria) or take the reins as the lead (X Franchise). This woman is so talented that Ti West, who started with a one and done in ‘X’, saw the gold he had dug up within Mia Goth’s performance that he fashioned an entire franchise out of her character. Then look at Jenna Ortega, a young woman who burst onto the scene at arguably the same exact time as Mia Goth and has proven herself to be a powerhouse in the horror genre. While she is part of a new ensemble cast in the current ‘Scream’ franchise, she has clearly taken the lead away from the great Neve Campbell. Her performance in the last two ‘Scream’ movies has been mesmerizing to say the least. She embodies all the traits of both a “Scream Queen” and a “Final Girl”. Also, we can’t mention these two generational talents without focusing on their other contributions to this genre of film that we love.
Mia Goth, aside from the ‘X’ franchise, has gifted us with remarkable performances in ‘A Cure For Wellness’, ‘Suspiria’ and ‘Infinity Pool’. She is leaving a lasting mark in the horror genre that will long be remembered by horror fans for generations to come. With Jenna Ortega, looking past the aforementioned ‘Scream’ franchise, she also gave standout performances in ‘X’ as well, ‘The Babysitter: Killer Queen’ and ‘American Carnage’. Plus, one cannot discuss her impact on the horror genre without mentioning her titular role in ‘Wednesday’. While not technically horror, it still exists within the spooky realm. She has taken that role and not only thrived in it but made it 100% her own. Assuredly these two women have within them talents that will take them far outside the horror genre, but presently speaking they are both existing comfortably in it and redefining what it means to be a “Scream Queen”.
When you are fully breastfeeding, you are burning 200 – 500 calories (about 40 minutes of running) daily. Your body needs extra calories at this time to produce milk and keep up with the demand. If you are noticing an increase in hunger lately, that is totally normal! Listen to your body and make sure you are eating an extra 200 – 500 calories daily. Here are 3 quick and easy high calorie snack recipes.
• ½ cups of your favorite plain mixed nuts (low in sodium)
• ½ cup of your favorite dried fruit
• ½ cup hemp seeds (for extra protein, iron, and omega 3)
• 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
• ¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
In a bowl or bag mix everything together and store at room temperature.
Greek Yogurt
PeaNut Butter Dip
• 1 container whole milk
Greek yogurt (5.3oz)
• 2 tbsps. peanut butter
• Honey
• Side of your favorite fruit
In a bowl mix together yogurt, peanut butter, and a drizzle of honey. Dip your favorite fruit and enjoy!
• 2/3 cup peanut butter
• ½ cup dark chocolate chips
• 1 cup old fashioned oats
• ½ cup ground flax seeds
• 2 tbsp maple syrup
1. Combine all 5 ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate for 15 – 30 mins so that it is easier to roll in balls.
2. After it has been refrigerated, roll the mixture into 12 balls and store in fridge for up to 1 week.
August 13th is when lefthanders are internationally recognized. To celebrate them, let us look at subtle everyday things Left-Handed people must deal with. As a lefty myself, I have dealt with all of these and most of them daily.
• Desks in school have the armrest on the right side.
• Can openers are for right-handed people.
• The design of coffee mugs seems to be just for right-handed people to enjoy.
• Scissors are always a struggle.
• Notebook spirals and Binders.
• Constantly having to sit at the corner of tables in restaurants to avoid nudging others.
• Pens in banks are attached on the right side.
• Writing on whiteboards (leaving streaks of markers).
• Using pencils with dark lead will leave you with a mark on your hand.
• Guitars are never built for Left-Handers.
• Measuring cups are on the right side.
Left-Handed people make up around 10% of the world’s population and tend to be more creative than right-handed people.
Famous people that are lefties include:
Leonardo da Vinci, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Prince William, Babe Ruth, Ricky Martin, Paul McCartney, Aristotle, Napoleon, and countless other influential people in history that live or have lived in this predominantly right-handed world.
Chess is a board game where two opponents (black and white) move key pieces to checkmate the KING (the King is placed in check and cornered so that it has no more legal moves to escape).
The board “chessboard” has 64 squares (8x8 grid). Each player has 16 pieces: One King, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. White has the first move and Black second.
Each piece has its individual move: King (one square in any direction); Rook (any number of squares within the same rank or file); Bishop (moves any number of squares diagonally without leaping over pieces); Queen (can move like the bishop or rook without leaping over pieces); Knight (moves in an L shape, two squares horizontally plus one vertical or two vertical plus one horizontal. The Knight can leap over pieces); Pawn (can move one or two spaces withing same file).
The game’s objective is to use pieces strategically to eliminate all the opponent’s pieces until the King is captured.
Chess is one of the oldest board games. It is known and played all around the world. It is not only a game but also an activity that connects mathematics, psychology, and strategy.
Chess is so much more than a game. Chess is metaphorically the game of your life. You need to identify your ‘King’ and protect it. The King is not necessarily a person. It can be whatever you think is the most important thing in your life.
As your life continues, you will ‘sacrifice’ your other valuable pieces to protect what matters most. You will move them horizontally and diagonally, eliminating obstacles your opponents will put in your way but always protecting your King.
On July 20th, we celebrate International Chess Day. Learn to play it. Understand the pieces. Use your strategies. Play it online or with a friend. Embrace it and always protect your King.
Lee en españolWith the upcoming arrival of summer, we are already thinking about changing our wardrobe, buying suitable clothes for the change in climate, and even planning vacations that often include sunbathing on the beach. After many months of cold and wearing clothes covering most of the body, we must prepare our skin in the same way.
Elevated temperatures can induce dehydration of the body and, therefore, also of the skin. On the other hand, the body responds to heat with perspiration, and this excess moisture favors infections and dermatitis, especially in areas where there are folds. So, it is essential to be prepared for this rise in temperature.
1. Watch your diet: Even if you have maintained a healthy and balanced diet throughout the year, it is time to make a few slight changes if your goal is to take care of your skin and prepare it for prolonged exposure to the sun. For this, you must increase the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants -containing beta-carotene and vitamin C-such as strawberries, kiwis, and melon, or carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes. But we cannot fail to include olive oil and green leafy vegetables on the list. Both have skin-healthy properties that you can now take advantage of.
2. Skincare: Exfoliating the body is essential for good skin health. This treatment removes impurities and dead cells on the skin’s surface throughout the winter. In this way, you will renew the epidermis and favor its tanning. Exfoliating the skin should be a habit for everyone. Ideally, do it once or twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, doing it once every two weeks is better. By exfoliating, you will get rid of dead cells and other substances that can better penetrate the skin.
3. Vitamin C: Is essential; it must be inside and outside your body. For the outside, there are many anti-aging creams rich in vitamin C. It would help if you took advantage of them since they nourish the outer layer of the skin, which is the most affected by the sun. Inside, fill your diet with foods rich in vitamin C. Kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, and citrus. There are many to choose from, and all are effective. But why is vitamin C so important for your skin? The reason is that it combats cell aging. In addition, it provides elasticity to prevent wrinkles. Finally, it also heals the small damage that the skin may have. For all this, it has vitamin C as a great ally.
4. Moisturize the body and skin: In addition to drinking between one and two liters a day, it is also recommended to moisturize the skin every day, more so if the heat is extreme, to keep the percentage of water in the body in order. With the change in temperature, it is best to change the products we use, so switch to a moisturizer with a light texture. You must use moisturizers, yes or yes. Dry skin is brittle, prone to wrinkles, and very weak in the sun. Choose good moisturizers that are free of artificial products. Also, if you can, it is always ideal that they have FPS to go out with protection, even in winter.
5. Prepare the skin for the sun: The use of sunscreen is essential in the summer season (even all year round). No matter the time of year, protecting yourself from the sun is one of the basic rules for skin care. Although in summer, you must reinforce this step and not only use it when you are at the beach or in the pool. In our day to day, we also suffer from the sun’s attacks, so use a fluid protective cream that does not leave residue on the skin. Use a good sunscreen with a filter above 50 (SPS), and remember that it is not enough to apply daily in the morning. It must be applied continuously during the day after prolonged exposure to the sun, after submerging in swimming pools or water, or after perspiration or sweating during the day.
Remember that caring for your skin and enjoying the summer go hand in hand.
For those times when you can’t drink or simply don’t feel like drinking, there’s Mocktails! We’ve come up with two delicious recipes for delicious mocktails, made especially for these upcoming hot summer months. These citrusy and refreshing drinks can be enjoyed by anyone, and are super easy to make. Salud!
Using a lemon, moisten the rim of your glass and dip into Tajín or salt. This step is optional but it can make your glass look prettier and can even make your mocktail taste better. Add ice and grapefruit and lemon slices into your cup. Pour 2 oz of grapefruit juice and 1 oz of lime juice. If you want a touch of sweetness, mix some honey with the juice and add to your glass. Top with sparkling water and garnish with a grapefruit slice and rosemary.
Slice and juice one blood orange and add to a shaker, along with 2 oz of jamaica and 1 or 2 tsp of honey. Shake with ice and pour into your favorite glass and top with sparkling water. Decorate with rosemary and a blood orange slice.
Boualem Hassaine is a visionary entrepreneur whose passion and determination has led him to create aMENAcan, a movement that seeks to promote equality and accurate representation of Islam, the Middle East, and North Africa (MENA) region in the film industry. His journey began in 2013 when he noticed the disparity between Hollywood and the MENA region. With his goal set at breaking down the barriers between the two regions and bringing the value of MENA filmmaking to mainstream audiences around the world, Hassaine has taken the first leap that promises success.
From a young age, Hassaine’s entrepreneurial spirit and love for film led him on a mission to create a more united world. He arrived in the United States at just 15 years old with no knowledge of the English language, but he didn’t let that stop him from pursuing his dreams. After launching his first business at the age of 22 Hassaine has been devoted to advancing equality and building connections between people. He has been committed to fulfilling his mission through the entertainment industry. Boualem’s drive to promote equality and foster connections has resulted in multiple accolades, including awards at the Accolade Competition and the Best Shorts Competition. In 2015, he received an independent Global Humanitarian Award for his film work. Boualem’s journey continued in 2020 when he collaborated with the Algerian Ministry of Culture to build the infrastructure needed for their film industry.
His journey to aMENAcan started when he realized the lack of representation for the MENA region in Hollywood is staggering, with only 1% of speaking characters on TV shows and movies being Muslims from the MENA region, despite Muslims being one quarter of the world population. Boualem’s mission is clear - to work towards changing that statistic and bringing better representation to Muslims and the MENA region. In 2021 Boualem completed his book, American Muslim, in hope to shed a positive light on Islam and Muslims in America, and across the world. The book was the first of its kind featuring an Arab Muslim hero as the protagonist, and it was the world’s introduction to his passion for storytelling. However, when he tried to develop his book into a TV show, he faced resistance from production companies in Hollywood. They told him that mainstream audiences were not ready for something like that, a story that would be seen as positive representation for every Arab Muslim in the
world. To this end, he has collaborated with top studios and producers in Hollywood and the MENA region, creating impactful content that promotes equality and fosters understanding. But this is only the beginning for Boualem, who admires activists like Riz Ahmed and his production firm, Left Handed Films, for their work in Muslim storytelling and inclusivity, “Out of most people in Hollywood, I would say Riz Ahmed has made great strive in lifting the representation of Muslims in the United state and around the world through his film work, and there needs to be more people like that” said Hassaine.
aMENAcan, was founded as a movement designed to promote accurate representation of the MENA region in the film industry. Joining forces with Hassaine are Hollywood’s top leading marketing and strategy executive Mike Tankel and Sr analyst Aicha-Hanna Agrane. Tankel’s approach to thinking fosters measurable results and durable partnerships, drawing on his experience as a Fortune 10 brand marketer who has worked on some of the biggest entertainment franchises in history. On the other hand, Agrane brings expertise in transnational security, MENA geopolitics, and countering disinformation, and has been responsible for promoting Algeria’s motion picture selection at the 93rd and 94th Academy Awards. Together, the team offers film production, promotion, and distribution services, as well as consulting services for businesses seeking to expand into and from the MENA region. Their mission is to use positive storytelling to build bridges across borders and unite humanity.
Through aMENAcan, Boualem hopes to use the entertainment industry as a vehicle to create a bridge between the MENA region and Hollywood. His goal is to promote collaborations between MENA filmmakers and production firms to generate global stories that can easily be seen in North America and Europe. To achieve this, aMENAcan provides a team of religion scholars, global affairs specialists, and diversity experts to analyze scripts, provide input, and advise on improving stories and production value.
The team at aMENAcan believes in the power of entertainment to bring people together and create positive change. They aim to showcase the beauty and potential of the MENA region and bring people from different cultures and backgrounds closer together. “To achieve the
beautiful mosaic of this land, connection and a common goal are essential. Through sharing stories and experiences, we can learn to respect, love, and honor our similarities instead of focusing on our differences,” said Boualem. Boualem’s story is an emotional and inspiring one. He faced countless obstacles and setbacks, but his passion for storytelling and his determination to promote equality, and accurate representation of the MENA region in the film industry never wavered. He knew that it was time to bring people together from different races and religions to share powerful stories from different regions of the world. Boualem’s work will undoubtedly change the film industry and bring a new wave of storytelling that will touch the hearts of many.
“We believe in the power of entertainment to bring people together and create positive change,” said Hassaine. “Through aMENAcan, we want to showcase the beauty and potential of the MENA region and bring people from different cultures and backgrounds closer together.”
Ice Hockey is a very popular sport in Canada and on the northern part of the US. Here, near the border (California/ Baja California), it is not as popular as other sports like Baseball or Football. But that does not mean that the sport is nonexistent in this area. As a Latino myself, I did not know what I was getting into at first, but with time and with the topics written next, I have realized that hockey is for everyone, and we could grow the game in our community. Maybe you can become a hockey fan, too!
First of all, hockey is one of the most fun, intense, and exciting sports out there. See it this way. You get a style of play similar to soccer where goals are the method of scoring. Do you like American Football? Well, you will get big and intense hits watching Hockey as well. And also, hockey is a fastpaced sport just like basketball, so there’s always action on the ice. So, if you are a fan of those sports and you have never watched hockey, I am sure you could find it fun, too.
Since hockey is not a popular sport in Latin America, there are not a lot of Latin players in the best Hockey league in
the world, the National Hockey League (NHL). But one player with Mexican heritage finds himself among the top hockey players in the world. Auston Matthews is a forward with the Toronto Maple Leafs. He was born in California and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. His mother Ema is from Hermosillo, Sonora in Mexico. Matthews says he feels proud of his Mexican roots, and he is happy to know he is helping grow the game of hockey in Latin America. Auston is now one of the icons in one of the league’s most important teams. In 2022 he won the Hart Memorial Trophy, the NHL’s MVP, after a remarkable 60-goal season.
When we think about SoCal sports, the Dodgers, Lakers, Padres, and Rams all come to mind. But the LA Kings prove that Hockey belongs in California. I had the chance to see the Kings play their divisional rival the Edmonton Oilers. It was a sold-out crowd on a Tuesday night at Crypto Arena in downtown Los Angeles.
There were fans completely dressed in the Kings’ gear even before the puck drop outside of the arena. The hockey atmosphere live is unbelievable. You get
By: Damián Anguloto see every play and every detail way better than watching it on TV. The Kings do a fantastic job with fan experience having games and activities, live music during intermissions, and icons like Will Ferrell and South Park’s Eric Cartman are shown on the jumbotron hyping up the crowd with their classic “Go Kings Go” chant.
Since LA has a large number of Hispanic residents, the Kings are one the teams trying to grow hockey in the Latino community not only in LA, but also in Mexico City. The Mexico City Jr. Kings is a youth hockey program created by the Kings to grow the game in the country trying to develop young players.
Hockey in Latin America is taking baby steps now, but if we expose the game to the Hispanic households, I could see it becoming a bigger sport than what it is today. So, to all Latinos and people that have not given this sport a chance, try it. Hockey is fun, and I am sure you will find it fun too.
There are many good reasons for you not to start a business, but fear should not be one of them. Fear was a natural mechanism for self-preservation, it was embedded in us by nature. Thousands of years ago when humans were not on top of the food chain, one of the things that kept us alive was fear, fear of the dark, fear of heights, fear of the unknown. But now that we don’t have those problems, our natural wiring of fear is still with us. Fear of the unknown, which is what drives many people not to take the risk into entrepreneurship. Since we don’t know the outcome of our decision, the risk of failure seems too great. Sometimes is the fear of letting people down is what keeps us from moving forward. I have even seen the fear of making a decision is what keeps people paralyzed. Trust me, I know the list of what people fear can be a mile long, but we don’t have enough pages to list them all. Rather let’s focus on four things we can do to get past those fears (in no particular order).
1. Get informed, do your research. The more you know about the industry you’re entering, the less fear you’ll have. Make sure you understand the market, the competition, and the industry landscape. Create a business plan. A business plan will help you map out your goals, strategies, and financial projections. It will also give you a roadmap to follow as you start and grow your business.
2. Create a support group around yourself, you don’t have to do it alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Find a mentor or business coach. Someone who has been through the process of starting and growing a business can offer you valuable advice and support. They can help you overcome your fears and stay on track. There are many resources available to help you start and grow your business.
3. Build your self-esteem and learn to trust yourself. Focus on the positive. Instead of dwelling on the potential challenges and obstacles, focus on the positive aspects of starting a business. Think about the freedom and satisfaction you’ll get from being your own boss. Think about the impact you can make on the world with your business.
4. Take small steps. Don’t try to do everything at once. Break down your goals into small, manageable steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more achievable. Set realistic expectations. Don’t expect to become an overnight success. It takes time, hard work, and dedication to build a successful business. Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t get discouraged if you don’t achieve them overnight. Don’t forget to celebrate your successes. As you achieve your goals, take the time to celebrate your successes. This will help you stay motivated and on track.
Remember, starting a business is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs along the way, but if you’re passionate about your business and you’re willing to work hard, you can overcome your fears and achieve your goals.
Here are a few reasons: Targeted Audience, Cross-Cultural Exposure, Community Engagement, Amplified Reach, Niche Expertise, Networking Opportunities, and Increased Brand Credibility. We provide a platform to bridge cultures and promote cross-cultural understanding.
We specialize in helping businesses create professional and captivating online experiences.
We create engaging and impactful content. Whether you need blog posts, articles, website copy, or social media content, our team is here to assist you.
La Revista Binacional is an urban binational magazine with headquarters in USA and Mexico, highlighting binational culture, art, gastronomy, economy, real estate, immigration, and sports. Our aim is to keep our audience informed of current events and provide information that is beneficial to them.
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