Bimonthly Magazine from the Metalsa family Year 4 Number 21 January-February 2014
Meeting the great man’s life: Nelson Mandela
Follow your dreams. Enjoy your path
01 Editorial
STAFF Metalsa Coordinator Leopoldo Cedillo
Metalsa World Metalsa Global
Human Development Coordinator Juan Huerta METALSA LIFE Editorial Coordinator Samantha Martínez
Strengthening Bonds Customer News
Art Production and Design Periscopio Media
06 Acknowledgements
Nelson Mandela
Editors Edson de los Reyes Iraís Bermea Mariel Moreno Mirna Gámez
Alexandra Chapa, Amy Varton, Bianca Souza, Cecilia Rivera, Charlotte Wilson, David Sagaon, Elizabeth González, Esperanza Sugay, Guillermina Derosa, Iago Sampaio Marçal, Idalia Cruz, Isba Castañeda, Johnna Shelton, José Cruz, José Tinoco, Juan Romero, Juan Torres, Juan Triana, Kim Griffin, Laurien Schafer, Luisa Gobbo, Maria Agustina, Mario García, Martha Arista, Matt Sanders, Mayrin Perez, Murat Kirem, Rohit Sachdeva, Robin Crihfield, Rod Romero, Ronda Mays, Vera Pereira, Victor Vazquez, Yonette Martin.
Take Responsibility
Community Relations
Meeting the great man’s life: Nelson Mandela
Your Space
Bimonthly Magazine from the Metalsa family Year 4 Number 21 January-February 2014
Messages and photos
Follow your dreams. Enjoy your path
One who has no goals won’t find any roads. With each New Year, we are provided the opportunity to do things better, to rethink and reflect on things we experienced. In 2014, we invite you to feed your mind with knowledge, to free it from negative thoughts and to give a special place to embrace new challenges. If you encounter obstacles in the road, don’t despair; try to obtain new knowledge from every challenge, keep persevering and fill yourself with energy and positive thoughts. This way, you’ll achieve everything you set your mind into. We hope that 2014 will be a year of love, peace, harmony, renovation and successful projects for all.
Metalsa World Instructor Certification On November 22nd there was an event to acknowledge the 2013 certified instructors of Apodaca VL and Perfektools. They received competence certificates targeting two different standards:
• Delivery of in person group human development training courses. • Design of in person human development training courses.
The certificates were issued by the Certificación Laboral Mexicana, S.C. “CONOCER” and recognized by the Ministry of Public Education. We would like to thank our colleagues who will now be able to share their knowledge with us!
Focused on our customers Throughout the month of October, the Customer-Specific Requirements course took place. Specialists from the quality, commercial, product management and logistics areas participated in the training and were able to observe the requirements of our customers throughout each stage of the production process.
Strengthening the role of Leadership The group leaders who participated in the Strengthening the Role of Leadership program in Argentina demonstrated their work progress to the plant’s quality and human development coordinator. Congratulations for your strong and devoted work! 2
Training Innovation The training department of Saltillo Plant successfully implemented an activity using the Monopoly board game and dice, with the purpose of teaching those skills necessary for a smoother and more confident integration into teams, in addition to promoting and developing the work culture of Metalsa.
Job Fair
Ready for Emergencies
On November 6th, the Human Development department of Hopkinsville Plant participated in the job fair held at the John stadium in Louisville, Kentucky.
During November 2013, Hopkinsville employees attended the American Red Cross recertification program which included First Aid, AED, CPR and BBP training to refresh the skills they need to prepare for and respond to workplace emergencies. All courses were aligned with OSHA’s Best Practices for Workplace Emergency Response. 3
Metalsa World Recognizing Their Skills Metalsa Australia implemented a Skill Recognition Program, where employees could attain a certification based on skills they already have and use. By showing these skills and meeting all the requirements, they earned a certificate or diploma. Congratulations to our 31 colleagues from the Australia Plant who completed the Level II Engineering certificate, to the 24 who completed Level III, the 9 who reached Level IV and the 7 who completed Advanced Commerce and Engineering diplomas.
End of the Standard work K-400
Ready for Emergencies
After three months, the Standard work K-400 finally came to an end at the Apodaca Plant for the first time in ENN 1 performed by the workers. It was performed at the Stamping department in the K-400 press. Previously they had a SU of 17 minutes and we have currently achieved a SU of 7.5 min, nevertheless the current average is 13 minutes.
During November 2013, Hopkinsville employees attended the American Red Cross recertification program which included First Aid, AED, CPR and BBP training to refresh the skills they need to prepare for and respond to workplace emergencies. All courses were aligned with OSHA’s Best Practices for Workplace Emergency Response. 4
Getting Stronger FortaleciĂŠndonos Acknowledging Quality During the month of November, Roanoke Plant received the Silver Supplier Quality Award from Thomas Built Bus (TBB). This is the 4th year in a row that Roanoke Plant received this special recognition. Congratulations to our Roanoke colleagues!
Moving Forward With successful completion of the S-10 program in 2003 and the Corvette program in 2013, Hopkinsville is looking to the future for this piece of real-estate and the launch of the 31xxN program. Hopkinsville has been supplying General Motors for over 20 years and looks forward to celebrating their 25th anniversary producing the next generation light truck for GM. Several of the employees at Hopkinsville involved in the launch of this new line actually started their careers working on the original S-10 program and are glad to see the next generation frame come home.
MAZE Help Chaz to find the right path so he can reach his destination.
Take Responsibility {apodaca} Make Christmas Matter Last December, Apodaca Plant launched the “Make Christmas Matter” campaign. Everyone was invited to participate and sponsor one of the 100 kids enrolled at the “Lazaro Cardenas” school, located at the Las Escobas village, who achieved excellent grades and demonstrated academic and extracurricular achievement. The closing event for the campaign was held on December 15th at the sports facilities of Metalsa. Both sponsor and child enjoyed games, bouncy houses, a clown show and lots of food. At the end, each kid received the present they had asked for in a letter which had been previously sent to their sponsors. Thanks to all of the “godparents” for making this wonderful experience possible!
{hopkinsville} Reading Day On November 15th, Hopkinsville participated, once again, in the celebration of the 22nd Community Reader Day, where employees helped share their love of reading with kids from Pre-K to 5, as well as convey to them the numerous positive features and opportunities available in the Hopkinsville area. The book that was featured this year was “H is for Hopkinsville�, an alphabet and art book about Hopkinsville by the Pennyroyal Arts Council, Inc. Thanksgiving Baskets
Adopt A Child
For many years, Hopkinsville has provided Thanksgiving baskets to families in need with charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army across Hopkinsville and Clarksville; and this year was no exception. We thank all of our employee volunteers who worked hard behind the scenes delivering ham/turkey baskets filled with delicious dinner treats.
For many years, Hopkinsville has given the less fortunate children of surrounding counties gifts for Christmas; the families also receive a turkey/ham certificate thanks to donations from Hopkinsville employees. Again we appreciate and thank all of our employee volunteers who have donated and worked hard shopping for these families.
{elizabethtown} Koats for Kids In the Month of October the Elizabethtown Facility, Cares Team and several employees in conjunction with the Criminal Justice Training Cadets, collected new or gently used coats for the Marine Corps League KOATS FOR KIDS program. Their efforts will hopefully keep a less fortunate child warm this coming winter.
{argentina} Help-a-thon On December 8th, colleagues from Metalsa Argentina participated in the second ADM marathon. This activity took place at the same time as the 30th anniversary of the association and its purpose was to raise funds for the support of assistance programs targeting low income patients. These funds are also intended for research and investigation. ADM is a nonprofit organization which was organized 30 years ago by patients diagnosed with Neuromuscular Diseases together with a team of health professionals. Most of the neuromuscular diseases are of a genetic origin; they cause muscular weakness and may affect both children and adults. Most cases are progressive and create disabilities. Although some of them are not curable, all may and should be treated. There are more than 400 neuromuscular diseases which affect 1 out of every 1,000 people. Early detection and proper care will result in a better way of life. 15
Events Runners Apodaca • On November 24th, eight Metalsa runners participated in the thirteenth edition of the 21k Nuevo León (half marathon) made possible by the Athletics Association of Nuevo Leon. • Powerade held its traditional 42K marathon on December 8th. 5 runners from Metalsa participated in this marathon. • Members of the Metalsa runners’ team participated in the 10th Corredores del Sur race, which took place on Sunday December 1st in the Contry circuit.
Acknowledging Loyalty Hopkinsville hosted its 2nd annual loyalty awards ceremony on Saturday, September 28th at the James E. Bruce Convention Center where employees were recognized for having reached their 20th and 40th year milestones with Metalsa. Employees who reached their 15th year milestone were recognized during the plant communication meetings. Congratulations again to all Honorees!
Gotcha Saltillo. The first gotcha tournament took place last November 7th. The Seiketsu team obtained first place. Congratulations to all of the teams.
Apodaca. Metalsa, together with other nine companies from Apodaca, participated in the Whirlpool Basketball Tournament held from August 20th to December 5th. Metalsa was crowned champion after winning the final match against the Takata team. ANSPAC’s Posada Apodaca. Anspac held its traditional posada in which everybody enjoyed Christmas carols, battering the piñata and delicious tamales.
Delivering Christmas Kits
Apodaca. Metalsa’s traditional peregrination took place on November 24th. 200 people displayed their devotion towards the Guadalupe Virgin with a journey that began at the Proeza building and ended at the Virgin’s Sanctuary.
Mexico. The Christmas Kits were handed out in all of Metalsa Mexico’s localities. The kit included a 4-6 kilogram turkey, two Sabrosita sauces and a set of Citrofrut juices. 17
Christmas Events 2013
Australia. Metalsa Australia threw their annual Christmas party and family day celebrations on December 8th at the Luna Park in Melbourne. The Luna Park is a historical amusement park located near Port Philip Bay. Around 300 colleagues and their families had tons of fun on the rides offered by the park. Everybody enjoyed great food and kids under the age of 12 received a present from Santa Claus. At the end, the prize awarding ceremony for the “Coloring the spirit of Christmas� contest took place.
Elizabethtown. On December 15th, Metalsa Elizabethtown with the United Automobile Workers (UAW) held the third edition of the Children’s Children, where those who showed up received a gift from Santa, had a chance to enjoy the bouncy houses, as well as build a bear, handicrafts and eat hot dogs, nachos and cake. Children were also treated to a magic show staring Dinky Gowen the Master of Illusion.
Novi. On December 1st, Novi Plant Christmas party took place. Around 90 people, including colleagues and their families, joined in the celebration and enjoyed food, bowling and gifts for the children.
Events Hopkinsville. Hopkinsville celebrated their annual Christmas party and year-end employee recognition during the December plant communication meeting. It was an opportunity for employees to share fellowship and kickoff the Christmas and holiday season. In observance of Veterans Day, all veterans were recognized during the communication meeting for their sacrifices while having served in the military.
Apodaca. Apodaca’s posada was held on December 1st at the Nave Lewis located in the Fundidora Park. 7,300 people attended a children’s mass and afterwards enjoyed the La Payasita Rayita y Tiempo Mágico show followed by the remarkable performance of two musical bands. People also enjoyed mechanical rides, face painting and bouncy houses. At the end of the event the prize awarding ceremony for the “Coloring the spirit of Christmas” contest took place. Congratulations to the winners!
Saltillo. Saltillo Plant held its Christmas Posada at the CANACINTRA convention center on December 14th. With the participation of 1,500 people, a children’s mass was held which was followed by a children’s show performed by the Payasita Rayita, el Chavo del Ocho and Tiempo Mágico. In addition, the prize awarding ceremony for the “Coloring Christmas” contest took place and everybody enjoyed mechanical rides, baby play zones, bouncy houses, lottery and a youth play zone.
San Antonio. Workers and family members of Metalsa San Antonio enjoyed a Christmas get together on December 8th. They all spent a wonderful day at Incredible Pizza enjoying an awesome buffet and the attractions offered by this amazing place. In addition, the prize awarding ceremony for the “Coloring the spirit of Christmas” contest took place.
Events El Talar. During Sunday, December 15th, El Talar Plant held the Christmas celebration, which in Argentina is best known as “Family Day”, where Metalsa employees and their families shared crafts workshops, inflatable games, raffles and kids shows. We thank everyone who attended and enjoyed the event.
San Luis Potosi. The traditional Christmas posada of San Luis Potosi Plant took place on December 8th at the facilities of the Feria Nacional Potosina (FENAPO). A total of 3,000 people attended the event, which began at 10:00 a.m. with a mass, followed by a delicious breakfast. During the event all of the children were able to enjoy five hours of different activities, such as raffles, a clown show, mariachi, bouncy houses, play centers and the prize awarding ceremony of the “Coloring the spirit of Christmas” Contest.
Mexicali. Mexicali had its Christmas Posada on December 20th at the Las Pampas restaurant. They played several interactive games and mingled while enjoying a delicious buffet. 22
Your Space Tadeo is the son of our colleague Pepe C ruz from Apodaca Plant. He had a great time at the posada.
bo rn qu ez A lv ar ez wa s M ar in a S of ia V az , 2 01 3 . S he is th e on S ep te m be r 14 th r ti llo co lle ag ue V ic to da ug ht er of ou r S al qu al it y de pa rt m en t. V az qu ez fr om th e th e wh ole fa m ily ! C on gr at ula ti on s to
O u r c o ll e a g ue from the Safety departmen t in A p o d a c a , Fr a n c is c Rocha, sha o r e d t r a in in g and best p r a c t ic e s w it h C h r is L enhard, So A f r ic a ’s s a uth f e t y s p e c ia li s t .
as a H op k in s v ill e w ill b r oo k e s p on s or a t M c ho ol ’s E le m e n t a r y S on C hi li F e s t iv a l h, 2 0 13 , O c t ob e r 2 5 t -away d on a t in g g iv e a uc t io n p r iz e s f or t he og r a m . a n d r a f f le p r
Colleagu es from Hopkins particip ville Pla ating in nt t h e Organiz Climate a tional Survey which to o k Septem place on ber 20t h, 2013 . 23
en L e m on - G in g e r D it e C hi c k ia By Rohit Sachdeva from Ind For 3-4 People Ingredients: d washed) · 1 kg. chicken with Bone (cleaned an · ¼ table spoon Red chili powder h · 50 grams Ginger- chopped in lengt · 4-5 Green Chili (chopped inclined) · 1 table spoon olive oil pieces) · 4-5 black pepper (crunch in small ing) · 2-3 coriander leafs ( for garnish · Salt as per your taste · One menu spoon fresh lemon juice d) · 2-3 Red fresh chili ( chopped incline
Directions: Pan having an Air Tight 1. Place the Pressure Cooker/ Lid on Gas Stove. oker/Pan. 2. Put olive oil in Pressure Co Chili. 3. Once oil is hot add Green er e light green, drop black pepp 4. Once the green chili becom pressure cooker. and red chili together in the PC/Pan 5. Add chopped Ginger in the ir ed chicken in the Pan and st 6. Add all cleaned and wash e 7. Mix salt as per your tast the Pan and close the Lid 8. Add fresh Lemon juice in s sure Cooker take off the Ga 9. After one whistle of Pres eam normalize stove and wait till all the st fs, don’t wait jump on the 10. Garnish with coriander lea dish and finish.
We want to thank everyone who participated in the 2013 Organizational Environment Survey. 7,611 Metalsa colleagues from different regions shared their opinion with the goal of identifying opportunity areas and working together to achieve a better work environment aligned with our Cultural Model. Thank you for your participation and let’s hope even more people support this in 2014!
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.