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The Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal remains as an active part of the initiatives under the Liga Portugal brand, being associated with projects centred thereon. The Final Four of the League Cup, being a mediatic and impactful event, entirely organised by Liga Portugal, will be an event with several Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability actions that the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal will call upon.
Project description:
Integrated into the strategic plan of the Final Four of the Allianz CUP, the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal has the role of developing a Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability program. It will be responsible for organising activities of asocial nature aimed at promoting values and obtaining funds to revert to local institutions, in order to meet their needs. These activities will be developed with thelocal community where the event takes place and with other institutions with which the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal maintains partnership relations.
Promote active participation in social initiatives; Contribute to the dissemination of the beneficial values of sport; Integrate the Clubs and their Ambassadors in the activities of the Final Four; Spread awareness of Social and Environmental Sustainability.
Return to the community:
Ensure that the city hosting the competition, and consequently its community, obtains a social and environmental return from the activities developed during the Football Week. With the primary objective of leaving a mark of support and involvement of Professional Football in the common good.
Project description:
Using the notoriety of the competition and the symbolism that a football carries, we will use it as a way of raising awareness in representation of a cause and/or institution to which we want to give visibility, amplifying its message to a broad, complex and multidimensional audience. The project will have an advanced method of implementation, broadening its scope of action.
Use the notoriety of Football to raise public awareness regarding Social Responsibility; Increase awareness messages for major social causes; In the Social Responsibility programme; Support institutions and great social causes in the pursuit of their projects.
Return to the community:
The Official Ball of the Final Match project will enter its third year of implementation. Next season will be marked by a new opportunity to actively participate in the final match of the Liga Portugal Cup, for those who are not normally part of the show, and have here a unique opportunity to experience the magic of being part of the grand final that will determine the Winter Champions. FAN RUN
Project description:
The Fan Run will hold its 7th edition this season. It is already a landmark event in the Final Four of the League Cup. An event marked by its social nature, in which part of the value of the registrations is donated to a Social Charity institution of the host city.

Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal intends that the Fan Run has a strong aggregating capacity, by bringing together supporters and fans of the various teams, in a friendly and interactive environment, contributing to promoting fair play among supporters by uniting them around the same sporting culture.
Promote the aggregation of supporters of different teams, encouraging the promotion and appreciation of a sporting lifestyle; Support Local Charitable Institutions; Contribute to disseminate the beneficial values of sporting activities; Promote awareness-raising for Social Responsibility.
Return to the community:
The involvement of all stakeholders who have the responsibility of promoting the host city highlights the values upheld by the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal in its mission to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. FAN MUSIC
Project description:
The Fan Music will launch once again the Final Four of the Liga Portugal Cup with a charitable concert. A line-up that aims to mark the beginning of a unique week. Besides being just another show, the Fan Music will be the stage for the social nature of Liga Portugal that, through the Fundação do Futebol, will donate a percentage of the tickets' proceedings to a local Charity Institution of the host city.

Promote outside-football activities, reaching different target audiences; Support local Social Solidarity Institutions; Raise awareness in the community of the importance of Social Responsibility.
Return to the community:
The host city of the Final Four week of the Liga Portugal Cup will have an immediate return in its community, as projects like the Fan Music will bring media and national visibility to a major local cause. SOLIDARITY TOURNAMENT
Project description:
The Solidarity Tournament, organised by Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal, will have, as the name suggests, a solidarity nature, allowing players to show their talent while at the same time supporting a greater cause through their participation.

A tournament that is integrated into the concept of the Final Four of the Liga Portugal Cup, which will give several players the opportunity to experience the Football Week in a unique way.
The implementation of this tournament will depend on partnerships or sponsorship.
Promote outside-football activities, reaching different target audiences; Support Local Charitable Institutions; Promote awareness-raising for Social Responsibility.
Return to the community:
Bringing to the host city yet another great project that will make for greater reinforcement and implementation of values.
This project will contribute to linking the community in a perspective of joint cooperation with the various stakeholders of the Tournament.